#nostalgia asks
starrybluez · 1 year
for the nostalgia asks ✨: homesick, memory lane, mother's kiss, grin, laughing, park benches, juicebox, memory lane no. 2, dandelion 🩷
Thank you dear! 💙 Finally finished these now!
Homesick: What is "home"?
That's a tough question! "Can't Find My Way Home" is a song that often pops up in my head when I hear the word "home". I think it can be different places. There's my own apartment of course, but nothing compares to my childhood home that I grew up in. It wasn't the most attractive looking place with it's outdated decor, 70's wall paneling and wallpaper and funky mismatched furniture...but that would be where I really consider home. 🏡
Memory Lane: Best Childhood Memory
I have a number of great childhood memories, so I don't know if I could choose a "best". One would be creating and drawing in the dining room and in my room upstairs, both at my old house. Another would be visiting my nana - the smells of her home, eating her delicious baked macaroni and sitting in her cozy living room that always had a dish filled with Andes mints. Then there's some of our vacations, which include going to Amish County, visiting the lake and the beach. ⛱️
Mother's Kiss: Comfort item.
Well, now it would probably be my recliner, which must surely make me sound about 90 years old. 😂 Also hot chocolate or most kinds of chocolate really! 🍫 When I was younger, I think it was the cat pillow at my nana's home. 🐈
Oh, also these:
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Grin: What was the last thing that made you smile - really smile?
I don't normally say this about baby pictures, but yes, someone just sent a group text with their baby smiling and it was the cutest thing 💕
Laughing: Best joke?
I'm not sure if I have any jokes of my own. But here's a favorite dad joke (maybe not quite knee-slappers, but I like 'em): "It's inappropriate to make a dad joke if you’re not a dad. It’s a faux-pa." 🤓
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And here's a picture of some dads laughing...
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And then there's this one:
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(Original source)
Park Benches: Favorite hobby to do w/friends?
Visiting cool sculpture gardens - I like that art & nature combo. Another would be doing karaoke, but none of my friends seem to jump at this opportunity 😅
Jukebox or Juicebox? 🤔:
Well, if someone holds the jukebox for me and there's some good old tunes on there, I'd probably be happy to drink it. Juiceboxes might taste better though. 🥸
Memory Lane #2: One thing you hope to accomplish that you'd be proud of in the future?
I've been wanting to publish a book of my photos and blog posts for years (not my Tumblr blog posts lol - different blog!) ✍️
Dandelion: Two colors you like best together?
Blue and purple 🌌
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dysphorie · 2 years
Tree climbing 🧗🏼‍♀️ 🌲
tree climbing: do you call them bandaids or plasters? or something else?
Either plasters or elastoplasts :)
Send me nostalgia asks!
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llovelymoonn · 2 months
do you have or could you make a webweave about nostalgia? specifically of the yearning and grieving variety. it's killing me that all of it is gone forever, that all that remains is an echo, and that it will only keep fading. big yikes.
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@robertszombie \\ jordanna kalman \\ jordanna kalman \\ @wearemadeofstardust0 \\ david foster wallace \\ jordanna kalman \\ okechukwu nzelu here again now \\ jordanna kalman \\ jordanna kalman \\ jordanna kalman
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butchyy · 2 months
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vemonb1tez · 2 months
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lethalzay · 16 days
nothing matters
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Are you more of FNAF or Jojo? (Ofc you will then say, I can be both-)
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Why pick when they are so similar/hj
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hal1uzinogene · 4 months
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ukgk · 8 months
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【Title】 Popuko&Pinky 【Craftsman】 Shimizu Marimo 【System requirements】 any environment in which "Nanika" (Ukagaka) operates 【Product type】 freeware 【Version】 1.01 【Last update】 2002/04/05
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Ok but imagine yuu seeing ace with his hair all styled and looking unbelievably attractive and ace notices yuu staring at him and teases, "What? Are you in love with me or something?"
(`ω´) masterlist
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Highschool movies always have a scene where the main girl gets a make over and is suddenly declared "beautiful" by the love interest, but you never really thought those sorts of things worked.
Nor did you ever think Ace was ugly, but you aren't exactly in the best position to be admitting that, not when you've been cast in the role of pining best friend who everyone knows is never going to win the main girl over. It's pointless, how many times has Ace told you now that he's not interested in dating or made a mockery of you ever being his type? Enough that you should be over this stupid shit feeling that chokes the air out of you when he catches you staring and smiles that annoying smile that screams he has something to mock someone about.
"What?" Don't say it. "Are you in love with me or something?" You have to collect yourself before you snort.
"You wish Trappola." He does. "I'm just making you don't get impatient and screw this up somehow." It's an excuse he can accept, it's a joke you can pass off as friendly teasing, but only to yourselves. You can see the glances, the disappointed sighs of your seniors as they watch you both stand on the edge of something you are both ruining by being too patient. Ace barely feels the judgement, he's done this dance for longer than the audience has ever cared to watch, and he's going to keep it up until something breaks; and he has no intention of breaking in front of them.
"C'mon you can at least say I look good."
"You look good." For a brief moment he swears time stops, and he savors your honesty just long enough to brace for the jab he knows is coming. "Good for nothing." You stick out your tongue and he fakes offense, and the audience turns away towards less stressful programming.
"Whatever just make sure you keep watching me," he doesn't have to tell you, you both know your attention won't be anywhere else, "you won't regret it!"
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genderkoolaid · 2 months
Your professor reminds me of the prof I had for a Queer Theory class where we only talked about lesbians and gay people and I was told that "if you want to talk about transgender people, you need to take a different class." And then I took an LGBT Studies class and trans men were never mentioned even once. I asked that professor if we would or could talk about trans men and she (a trans woman) said "No, I didn't put them in the syllabus. We're not talking about trans men here" and like the implication in the conversation was that trans women were the only ones who matter and trans men don't even deserve to be part of the conversation. In the Transgender Studies Unit.
cis liberals when a trans person asks them to do slightly more than the bare minimum to discuss trans people's existence:
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dailynintendogs · 2 years
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Today's Nintendog is: Shortcake! She is a player-owned white Pomeranian in Nintendogs + Cats.
CREDIT: Pixelys
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dysphorie · 2 years
atari: favourite video game?
Sonic 2!
Send me nostalgic asks!
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llovelymoonn · 2 months
i don't know if this might be too specific, but could you do a webweaving on missing people who hurt you?
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alex dimitrov \\ leith ross i'd have to think about it \\ leila chatti i dreamed i forgot \\ charles avery (2013) \\ okechukwu nzelu here again now \\ french religious card \\ andrea gibson
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solovivesenmimente2 · 9 months
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vemonb1tez · 2 months
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