#nor did he make a comment before the fight that indicated a reluctance to fight
bowlcutprotag · 9 months
Playing Hades at work and just killed Asterius at the end of Elysium and he quietly said “thank…you…”
It was so quiet I wouldn’t have noticed it if not for the subtitles. I’ve done approximately 300 runs of this game and never heard that before :(
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blackmaylovesfries · 3 years
‘95line - No one is alone anymore
Words: 1731
Sinopse: Seventeen Hybrid AU - Because Seungcheol passed so much time far from civilization, he was bound to be sick at some point. Fortunately, now he had you and two cat hybrids that wouldn’t let him heal alone.
Notices: Mention of sickness. Not so good English. I’m BAAAACK!! Read the end, please!
Solo stories’ destiny // Buy me a Coffee
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Seungcheol was feeling his nose a little congested. His head was a little light and his body seemed a little heavy. He didn’t think much about it and got up to help with the morning routine of the big house. He woke up before his roommates, used the bathroom and soon was downstairs with some of the younger hybrids that would go to the center with you that day.
After a month with all 13 of them plus you living together, everyone was pretty used to some sort of routine. They would take turns of who was going with you to the center during the day and who would stay to take care of the house. On your free days, you all would just lazy around the house, which means a lot of cuddles and fights.
That day, Sheungcheol wasn’t scheduled to go to the center but he still got up early to help the ones who would go. You were finishing your breakfast when he arrived at the kitchen, all the other boys were searching for their things and preparing to leave. He smiled at you but something felt off about it… His face was a little red, actually, really red, like he was super hot at the moment.
“Coups?” The nickname was given by Hoshi, on the first day the bear hybrid went with him to the center. “Are you feeling okay?” You got up from the chair, still with a toast in one hand, and got closer to him. You acted before he answered and put your hand on his forehead. “Oh, heavens! You’re burning, Cheol!”
Jeonghan and Joshua took their time to wake up. They had a lazy day as they liked to call the days at home, so no need to wake up super early or anything like that. The feline hybrids were almost ready to start the day when Jun invaded the room.
“Good morning to you too, Junhui.” Jeonghan’s voice wasn’t acid as it was when he first arrived but it wasn’t all that comfortable. “What’s the rush?” Although the older feline wanted to tease the younger, as soon as he saw Jun catching Cheol’s blanket and his neatly folded pajamas, both lazy hybrids became alert.
“Y/n asked me to grab Coups-hyung’s things, it seems that he’s not feeling good today.” The younger one paused just to say that and went running down the stairs again. Frowning, the 95’twins quickly followed. They arrived at the living room on the first floor at the same time a car could be heard near the entrance of the house.
“Vernon, get Moonbyul here asap. Seungkwan, make sure he changes and stays seated. Jun, get those two off the kitchen and calm them down, we don’t need more noise. Woozi, please, get everyone that should be ready to leave today, I want them ready to go with Moon when she’s done here.”
The hybrids named by the tiny human soon were in movement. The 96’line that were called moved as they were used to the military tone on the girl’s voice, while the 98’ just hesitated for a second before running to do what she said. Joshua and Jeonghan were momentarily lost but the girl didn’t give them time to daze.
“Sorry, guys, did Jun wake you two up?” Her tone was warmer and softer while looking at them. After the duo denied with their heads, she explained the situation. “Coups seems to have caught a cold. He’s burning up so I called a doctor from the center to do a check up on him. I’ll have to ask you guys to have patience today, okay?”
“Sure, sure…” Joshua’s voice was small as he examined the roommate changing shirts near the huge sofa. “We… Is there anything we can do to help him?” Both felines were fronwing a little. The girl smiled and responded with a sweet voice.
“Let’s wait for the doctor’s verdict.”
Moonbyul was fast to exame Seungcheol. It was a reaction resulting from the change of environment… Well, you couldn’t say that it surprised you but it sure did to the boys. To provide a good rest to the oldest, you decided to send everyone to the center with Moonbyul, having her promise to come back at night to both bring them back and check Cheol’s condition.
Joshua and Jeonghan insisted on staying with you to take care of the oldest. You could see that they were really worried and didn’t refute them. You and the two healthy hybrids made Seungcheol lay at his bed and the hybrids decided to cook some porridge for him. You laughed discreetly and showed them where the recipes were.
“Okay, how about I tell you a story now? To help you sleep?” You smiled as you changed the wet towel from Cheol’s forehead. The hybrid had been complaining about disrupting everyone’s routine since the doctor said it was better for the others not to have too much contact with him until he’s feeling a little better.
“I’m fine, (Y/n). You don’t need to watch over me, I’ll be okay. You can do your job, I know you have a lot of work even not going to the center… I’m sorry…” His voice was raspy and your heart ached for him. You reached your hand and brushed his hair back.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Coups. When I took you in, we had an agreement that I would take care of you and you of me until the end.” You smiled as your hand caressed his hair. “You know? My mother used to sing to me when I was sick… After she passed, my father didn’t know how to sing so he started to tell me stories about his missions, sugarcoating it, of course, so I could sleep.”
“You… I’m sorry, (Y/n)...” You let out a laugh.
“Don’t worry. After he also passed, JayB and the others took good care of me. Their storytelling skills aren’t that good, the singing is amazing though. Also, I’m not sad about it anymore.” You stopped to think. “Hm… How about I tell you the time me and the team went to our first mission in Japan?”
As you noticed that the bear hybrid had already gone to the dream realm, you got up and left the room. You went directly to the kitchen, where the other two were and hadn’t come out for a long time. When you got there, the scene you saw made you laugh, but just a little so you didn’t scare them back to their combative shell.
“What are you two doing?” Your voice made both felines who were staring at the stove turn their eyes to you. There was no action happening in the kitchen, no ingredients nor anything that indicate that they were cooking. Looking embarrassed for a change, Joshua nugged at Jeonghan, indicating you with his head. The other sighed.
“We were never allowed to cook before… We don’t know how to do it.” His voice was low, almost as he was reluctant to tell you about this. As it was a weakness.
“Oh, you guys should have told me ealy. I’ll teach you. A simple porridge even I can do it.” You smiled as you started to take things out to do the meal. “Come, let’s do it together, Cheol’ll be really happy when he sees it.” You turned to the boys and shove a pan in their hands.
“You’re doing it differently from the recipe.” Joshua approached you at the stove and looked between what you’re cooking and the book in his hand. You laughed.
“I’m doing my father’s recipe. He would do it all the time when our hybrids got sick. We would do it together every single time while they lived with us.” You paused a little. “You know how to read?”
“Well, that was rude.” Jeonghan commented from his seat at the counter.
“No, that’s not what I mean…”
“Don’t worry, I’m not offended.” Joshua made a hand gesture. “I learned with the older hybrids… The owner doesn't know. Anyway, where did the hybrids go then? And your father?”
“Oh, we had three or four living with us at the moment. My father went on a mission and it didn’t go well, you can imagine what happened. I was 16, almost 17 at the time. Whatever, when my father passed, the hybrids at home asked to be transferred to centers and protected villages since they didn’t want to stay at this house without my parents anymore.”
“And they just abandoned you like this?” Jeonghan was frowning.
“They couldn’t help, could they? When a hybrid bonds with a human like that, they can’t forget the link even after the human died… I couldn’t force them to stay and make them suffer just so I could not be alone, right?” You smiled at him. “I was already almost an adult, there was no need to cry over loneliness. It doesn’t matter anymore, both parts are happy enough now.”
“You’re right. It doesn’t matter anymore because we’re here now and you’re not alone in this big house.” The matter of fact tone on Jeonghan’s voice made you freeze for a moment before letting out a laugh.
“Hm, that sounds just right.” Joshua nodded.
When Seungcheol woke up again, his head and nose were feeling much better, just as his fever seemed to have decreased. But… For some strange reason… His arms seemed to be heavier than the rest of his body. He then opened his eyes and saw his two roommates… Laying on his arms, one in each side.
“They were waiting for you to wake up and taste the porridge we made together for you.” A girl was near the door, with a huge plate on her hands. She smiled as she tip-toed inside the room and to the table in front of his bed.
“It seems that I took too long to wake… I’m sor…”
“You really should stop saying sorry, Cheol, you’re almost worse than Mingyu sometimes.” The bear hybrid wanted to refute or say something but before he could, the front door was opened with such a force that you two could hear from the room. Soon shouts calling you and Coups disturbed the two sleeping hybrids. You smiled. “We’re not alone, Coups, not anymore.”
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Hello everyone! How are you?? I hope everyone is okay and healthy! 
First of all I would like to say thank you for sticking with me and my story! I hope you all like the directio I’m taking and I promise to not stop posting anymore. The schedule for this story will be twice a week starting today. Again, thank you so much for not giving up on me!
Tag: @mimisxs​ ; @moonmin-miya​ ; @naminalati​ ; @woohoney​ ; @littleheartsays ; @amber-thumbs​ ; @skylions-den​ ; @snowballbear​ ; @restless_nights_thoughts - I tried to tag everyone, but there are two that didn’t work, sorry!!
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Trope meme for Steggy 48. Fake dating and 60. Poorly timed confession
This is...whatever my brain came up with.
“Are you alone?”
Steve looked up from where he was sketching in the notebook, running a hand through his hair. He knew her - the bright-eyed woman above him. She looked stunning with her hair perfectly pinned to mimic Victorian Curls and bright red lips. Her hazel eyes looked to be searching his, almost frantic and nervous. He could see how she struggled not to look behind her.
He did for her, seeing a bunch of frat boys from their classes clambering around the front entrance to the diner. A nasty feeling in his gut told him they were also around back.
She spoke without moving her lips too much, holding onto her jacket like she might take a seat and Steve could easily put the two and two together. They thought she was meeting him here and on the off chance she wasn’t, they were going to pounce.
They were waiting for her to exit and while Peggy was amazing in the classroom with her snappy comebacks and sass and putting the sexist pigs in their place, there was no way she could fight off the five, if not more, boys waiting for her.
And he knew she could throw a punch after watching her sock Hodge, the leader of this group, in the face after a nasty comment and accidentally caught an elbow in his gut when he was behind her in the library.
She was still waiting for an answer, her face carefully poised.
“I-no, I mean…” He flinched at his own words and Peggy gave a small laugh. “I mean, yes I am. I’m here alone. Here.”
He helped her sit down, feeling how shaken she was under his fingertips and waving to the waitress. Angie instantly came by, putting down a few drinks and a basket of fries and winking at Steve as she left.
“I-didn’t, I wouldn’t ever order for you, I mean…” Peggy’s brow rose and Steve swallowed slightly. “I just...she just did that.”
Peggy laughed again, sounding more relieved this time as she picked up a fry and bit into it. “Angie is just like that. Always insisting she’s miss matchmaker. You’re Steve, right? From my history and French class?”
“Yeah, and just about any other time I’m in the library. Are you alright? What the hell are those guys doing outside?”
They were still waiting, passing a bottle back and forth, still glaring at the window. He got an icky, nasty feeling as he looked out at them.
“Being douchebags,” she huffed. “Hodge, it seems doesn’t like that I scored higher than him in our last test in History nor does he like it that I socked him in the face after that nasty comment about my brother. I’m surprised I didn’t get expelled for that one.”
She seemed to eye the way Steve’s ears turned a shade of pink but didn’t say anything as he picked up a fry and twirled it around his fingers.
“I’ve been hearing them talk all week about it. He’s in my biology class too, unfortunately. Dumb as a sack of rocks, that one. He has some pretty transphobic views too.”
She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Unsurprisingly. I wonder how the hell he even got into the university in the first place.”
“Oh, his dad donates a hell of a lot to the college and bribed the board members.” Realizing how sure of himself he sounded, Steve cleared his throat. “Or so I’ve heard. So, Hodge is pissed about that so he decided to what? Track you down?”
“So to speak, yes. He wanted to show me a lesson. In what a sexist asshole he is, then that’s already done. I ran to the first public place I saw and saw you sitting here, I hope that’s okay. I’m not ruining anything am I?”
She sounded generally concerned and Steve had to force himself to put down his drink to meet her eyes. Under his yellow light, he could make out the hints of gold reflecting in them. “No, no. I was just wasting time. I didn’t feel like being by myself in the dorm while Sam and Bucky are on their date. Plus, Angie is good company. Sometimes.”
“I heard that!”
Steve and Peggy both laughed at the shout from the kitchen.
It was close to two in the morning by the time the pair had decided to leave. Steve hadn’t even noticed how their hands were joined together, having reached for the same salt shaker. They’d never pulled them apart.
They had talked about everything from classes, to how Professor Coulson was heard to be the worst and best teacher, their families, even if Steve was reluctant on his.
And the guys still waited, growing increasingly impatient and nasty in their looks.
It didn’t surprise Steve when the door kicked open and a very drunk Hodge stood there. Peggy stood up instantly, half shoving Steve behind her.
“Carte-r-r-r-” He stumbled a few steps and stood face-to-face with her and Steve had to give Peggy props, she didn’t even flinch as he burped. “I got a b-bone to pick with you!”
The second he went to touch her, Steve jumped to his feet and shoved Hodge back, sending him tumbling back. Somehow the broad bastard kept his balance.
“You lil’ scrimp!” The man was yelling now, charging after Steve until he sidestepped the idiot and it sent him hitting the table head-first.
Steve snorted.
“What? You two datin’ now?” He glared between Peggy and Steve like they were nothing but dog shit under his boot. “Always knew you liked wimpy guys, that why you never went out with me, Carter?”
Peggy huffed. “I never went out with you, Hodge because you’re an arrogant, sexist pig who can’t count down from ten without being confused. Or answer a basic question. How you tie your shoes together, I’m unsure. And for your information yes we are.”
She pulled Steve in by his shoulders, laying a swift kiss on his temple.
“You ain’t gonna get high grades that way, Carter! Suckin’ the dick of the dean of the college’s kid!”
“You’re the dean’s kid?” Peggy had spun around to look at Steve, ignoring Hodge when he stumbled back to them.
Steve could feel his face heating up and nod. “Yeah, uh, Chester Phillips is my step-dad and he hates this son of a bitch here.”
“Only bitch I see is you!” Hodge went to snarl at Steve, any advancements he made were blocked off by Peggy’s fist to his throat. It dropped him down fast.
The guy was wheezing and Steve couldn’t even feel bad, even as flashing blue lights indicated Angie must’ve called the police. “Next time,” Angie told them as she handed Peggy a stun gun. “Use this on the bastard. He runs his mouth too much.”
Steve was exhausted. It was near four in the morning by the time they’d got back on campus. Hodge had been promptly for a combination of things, including assault and underage drinking, not to mention most of his crew taken with him.
They’d stayed late to help clean up the mess and give their statements, but still, Peggy hadn’t said a word about Dean Phillips being his step-dad. Even as they were walking up to her dorm.
“So,” Steve sighed as they stopped outside of her room. “I guess you don’t want to see me anymore?”
Even with the bags under her eyes, she looked beautiful, if not confused. “And why wouldn’t I, Steve? Because your step-dad is the dean of the college? Or because I told Hodge we were dating?”
His shoulders shrugged. “Both, I guess. I just…” He made a noise in the back of his throat.
“What you did tonight, standing up for me, to an idiot like Hodge was very brave and I thank you.” She smiled as she bends down to barely brush her lips over his. “As for who your step-dad is… I don’t care. I know you got in on your marks, on your smarts, as did I. Even if we were to date, it would be because I like you, not for Phillips.”
The kiss had all but frazzled his brain, catching odd ends of her sentence. “Wait - like me…? You-you, like me?”
Peggy couldn’t help the small laugh. “I have since our first group assignment together.”
Right. That was…news to him, but it made sense with the knowledge that Peggy always seemed ready to ask him something before changing the topic.
“I...I uh...would you want to...go out sometime then? A proper date.”
“Only after this gal has had some sleep. Thank you for everything, Steve. Shall we say...noon tomorrow?”
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puddygeeks · 4 years
Wᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 45: Mᴀʀᴋɪɴɢ Tᴇʀʀɪᴛᴏʀʏ
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A/N: We’re back baby! It’s taken me a little while but I’ve worked through my crap and I honestly have too much love for this story to let it go. I have so many plans and I’m still committed to developing Bellamy and Indigo’s relationship and journey. I’ll be continuing to use GIF’s because I actually still have not seen the entire show so it’s impossible for me to recast at this point. I’m in process of watching season 3 now as I like to go into things as blind as Indie does. If you’re not able to return to this story, that’s okay and thank you for all of your support so far. For everyone still here, your love for this story means the world to me <3
Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Chapter Forty-Five
My shift finally drew to a close, leaving me exhausted and I felt that I had worked off enough of my earlier anger to only be left with a simmering bitterness. I wandered toward Bellamy’s quarters with a knot in my stomach as I expected an argument and for a moment I considered whether to simply hide in dorms for the night. I took a steadying breath before stepping inside and found Bellamy in the middle of undressing for bed. He turned at the sound of the door and a tired smile spread across his overworked face as he noticed me.
“You’re back.” He breathed with a tone of relief and I wondered if he hadn’t expected me to return.
“I am.” I replied awkwardly as I waited in the doorway for any indication of his mood.
There wasn’t any visible anger in his demeanour, or I was stunned to find that he didn’t seem to be interested in causing a fight between us. Instead, he simply continued to prepare for bed and I slid my jacket off casually as I strolled further into the room to place it on a chair. I considered removing my trousers and simply climbing into bed, as the desperately tired part of my brain demanded that I sleep immediately, but I was still unsure if I were welcome here following his earlier remarks. I turned toward the bed to confront Bellamy, but was immediately cut off as he stepped into my space to draw me into a heated kiss. My breath hitched at the sudden contact as his hands squeezed my hips and I had to lean against the dresser to brace myself against his enthusiasm.
My mind was reeling at his unexpected energy and I realised that my expectations of this evening were completely incorrect. He gathered me against his chest and my entire body thrummed with excitement, despite the concerned thoughts still buzzing around in the back of my mind. For once, I was annoyed with the intoxication of his touch and knew that the tension of this morning still lingered in the back of both of our minds. I tore myself away from his lips with an overpowering reluctance and attempted a stern expression, but he simply moved to peppering kisses along my neck as he threaded a hand into my hair.
“Bel.” I hoped to be authoritative and although it was clear from my tone that I wanted his attention, his name fell from my lips in a far more breathy manner than I had intended. He groaned against my skin and as he dragged himself up to meet my eyes, I acknowledged that he didn’t appreciate the interruption.
“I don’t want to talk.” He clarified and despite how direct his words were, I couldn’t detect an ounce of malice in his voice, nor any indication of the attitude that he’d addressed me with this morning. Instead, there was something vulnerable in his eyes that made me wonder if his overnight adventures had affected him more than he was currently willing to admit.
“Then, what do you want?” I asked with a frown and I knew that he understood that I was referring to more than just in this moment. The way that he’d spoken as if there was a deep hurt earlier had left me doubtful if he’d even want me here and if we weren’t going to discuss it, I would at least give him the option to tell me if he wanted me to leave after this.
“You. I want you.” He asserted as he stared into my eyes and I was relieved that we understood each other so well. When he next pressed his lips to mine, there was an urgency that spurred me forward. Before I could think twice about talking, he had twisted us around to lower me to the bed. I knew from the desperation of his actions that he craved the distraction and he barely paused enough to allow me to gather my thoughts. Okay, we can talk about this later. 
My new routine of training in the morning and working shifts in mechanical in the afternoon allowed a week to fly past without my notice. Monty remained adamant that I didn’t shoulder too much of the strain and so on days that I had an afternoon available, I found myself assisting with preparing food for the camp whilst Bellamy was busy in meetings or training sessions. There had been no mention of the conversation by the gates and although Bellamy behaved awkwardly every time that he caught me on route to a shift, he hadn’t mentioned Knox at all since. I hadn’t decided how to bring this up in a way that would allow for a conversation rather than a confrontation. Things between us were still fresh and I was nervous that addressing this might trigger a conversation about what the nature of our relationship was. I’d already grown comfortable in our warm routine and I didn’t want to jeopardise it by asking for more. For the time being, I had decided to simply enjoy every moment for what it was and to not obsess over the longevity of it.
Now that I was beginning to regain my strength, my lessons with Octavia and Lincoln had intensified and although I’d given the stipulation that they couldn’t cover me in bruises, they’d mastered getting as close as possible without leaving marks. I felt confident in my progression and discovered that it was a helpful method of both burning off the anger that I buried inside and leaving me too exhausted to spend the entire night filled with nightmares. I considered it an achievement to have simply reduced the number of painful visions that haunted my sleep and I embraced any progress that I could gain. 
After a particularly intense morning, I settled in the courtyard of camp to wind down. Monty had taken the shift in mechanical and I hadn’t yet volunteered for kitchen duty, which allowed me the chance to savour the cool midday air. 
“Hey Indigo, enjoying some time off?” A nervous voice drew my attention and I glanced up to find Knox smiling at me bashfully.
“Hey bud.” I cheered as I leaned back in a relaxed manner and smiled encouragingly at my insecure companion. “Yeah, Monty wouldn’t let me have the shift so I’ll probably just hit the kitchen again.” I commented lightly and he nodded.
“That explains it.” He muttered and I tilted my head quizzically at him. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not working somewhere, or training. I didn’t realise you knew how to take a break.” He added with a sly smile and I gasped in surprise.
“And I didn’t realise you were a smartass!” I remarked as I jabbed at him playfully and he chuckled. “Did Wick give you any more crazy assignments yet?” I enquired with interest and he detailed the latest impossible task that he’d been given to share with Raven’s equally talented science friend. Knox had filled me in on some camp rumours that there was some kind of romance going on between her and Wick, and I retained this information to investigate when I had the opportunity to catch Raven alone. I glanced to my side to notice one of the kitchen staffers crossing the courtyard. “Hold that thought Knox, I’ll be right back.” I chirped as I rushed over to meet them and arranged to assist with preparing meals later on. Once she left, I turned to find Bellamy standing silently beside me and jolted so hard that I actually felt my soul leave my body for a moment.
“Jesus, don’t do that!” I gasped as I held a hand to my chest and he shook his head as he smiled in amusement. “Seriously, it’s creepy! Couldn’t you...I don’t know, stomp your feet or make a noise or something when you approach to give me a warning? You’re so damn stealthy.” I blurted and he couldn’t contain a snort of laughter at my comments.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He chuckled as he placed his hands in his pockets in a relaxed posture. “Good workout?” He asked with a hint of a smirk and I pursed my lips at him before breaking into a playful smile.
“Oh yeah, I beat the crap out of both of them.” I joked as I mimicked some speedy punches and he smiled warmly at my childish display. It didn’t last long as I quickly realised that I didn’t have enough energy remaining and sighed in exhaustion.
“Easy Xena, you’ll put me out of a job soon. We won’t need guards at this rate.” He teased with a bemused expression and I found my mouth dropping open in surprise.
“See, this is why I keep you around! You get my dorky references.” I crooned with an overly enthusiastic tone and he rolled his eyes in disappointment. He glanced over my shoulder for a split second and his smile faded as he focused on something. I peeked in the direction that he was staring and easily calculated that it was Knox’s awkwardly waiting form that he was watching. Bellamy returned his attention to me and the playful glitter had faded from his eyes as he tried to force a casual tone.
“So, that’s Knox, huh?” He enquired and although he strained to mask the tension in his voice, it was still crystal clear to me. I had to wonder if he had been investigating in camp to acquire a description of him, or whether he simply assumed since Knox was the only unfamiliar face that I had spoken to.
“Yes, that’s Knox.” I stated matter of factly and determinedly declined to add any further comment. If he wanted to know something in particular, he was going to have to ask.
“He seemed interested in you. What did he want?” Bellamy quizzed as the tension between the two of us only grew with every word and I cocked a brow at him in confusion.
“He didn’t want anything, we just chatted. He’s not used to seeing me relax so I think he was confused.” I explained with an amused tone to clarify that this was an insignificant conversation but this only seemed to rile Bellamy further. I witnessed his gaze drift back over my shoulder and when he next viewed me, he shuffled on the spot with a certain stressed energy about him.
“I don’t like him chatting to you. He’s practically hanging off you, it’s weird.” He stated firmly and I felt my brows shoot up in surprise. Knox had been consistently friendly since the moment we met and I could tell that he simply looked up to the entire group that had survived here before they arrived. I suspected he probably admired Bellamy as a leader more than the others, if he would only take the time to notice.
“What are you even talking about?” I breathed as I viewed him with disbelief and I caught his stern face as he returned his gaze to Knox. The intensity of his stare would make even the toughest of our camp members bolt and I could see poor Knox squirming out of the corner of my eye. “Stop glaring at him.” I hissed but his scowl remained focused as if I hadn’t even spoken.
“I’m not.” He stated in a distracted tone without even attempting to cover his blatant ignorance and I crossed my arms in annoyance.
“Bellamy!” I growled and the sharpness of my tone finally seemed to pull him from his intimidation mission. I gave him an unimpressed gesture and he shifted awkwardly as he met my eyes. I scanned between him and Knox, and my mind finally pieced together the information that I was presented. I could hardly believe what I was about to ask, but I couldn’t theorise any other logical explanation for his bizarre behaviour. “Are you jealous?” I interrogated and his eyes widened at my accusation.
“What?” He breathed and I held my expectant gaze as I awaited an answer. “No!” He spat defensively and fidgeted nervously on the spot in an effort to conceal his aggravation. I felt a lurch in my gut at his reaction and kicked myself for not realising what I was dealing with sooner. Bellamy always seemed so full of confidence that I had never imagined he would be jealous. A memory stirred in the back of my mind of his reaction when I tended to Murphy in the dropship after his torture and I realised that it was absolutely a weakness of his. “What do I have to be jealous of? He’s just a kid.” He scoffed and I struggled to contain a laugh, until I caught him sneaking a brief glare at Knox again.
“Exactly, he’s just a kid. So why are you giving him the death stare?” I investigated and he turned back to me as if he hadn’t done anything. I couldn’t think how I was going to deal with this situation if he wouldn’t even admit to his part in it and I pitied Knox for drawing the ire of someone so intimidating for no good reason. I thought Bellamy understood how impossible it was for anyone to lure me away from him and considered voicing these reassurances, but I was still too nervous to put my feelings into words in case it scared him off.
“I just don’t trust him, he wasn’t part of our camp.” He excused and I rolled my eyes at his blatant omission of the truth. I knew that the fact that Knox wasn’t here before was likely the foundation of the issue, but I suspected that it was specifically because he hadn’t witnessed the development of the bond between Bellamy and I. Everyone from our old camp knew that I was off limits, without him having to label us as anything. I calculated that Bellamy was uncomfortable with the fact that I hadn’t been marked as unavailable to this particular male. Whilst lost in thought, I didn’t notice Bellamy stepping closer until he carefully brushed my hair behind my ear with a flirtatious expression. 
“Did I mention that you look pretty today?” He drawled and I couldn’t contain a snort of laughter at his new tactic.
“Don’t change the topic.” I warned with a blatant lilt of amusement. He brought his hands to rest on my hips as he closed into my space and bit his lip in a way that he knew drove me wild. I willed myself not to be distracted by his sly methods and held my ground for as long as I could.
“I’m not. I just can’t help being distracted by you.” He crooned as he leaned in to place a lingering kiss on my cheek and I fixed him with a suspicious look when he met my eyes again.
“I know what you’re doing Bel.” I groaned as I caught him glancing over to check that Knox was watching and I sighed in exasperation at his ridiculous, testosterone fuelled competition.
“Ditch work. I have a couple hours free.” He whispered, before busying himself with trailing kisses from my cheek down my neck and I struggled to concentrate despite my best efforts as he pulled me flush to him. I glanced over at Knox who was awkwardly trying to figure out what to do with himself as he tried to act as if he hadn’t seen anything and knew that Bellamy had already accomplished his goal. At this point, convincing me into bed was just an additional prize and he was doing frustratingly well at earning it. He straightened up to meet my eyes with a keen smile and although I battled to retain my stern expression, I could feel that it didn’t reach my eyes. 
“I thought you didn’t like rules, Love.” He teased as he gradually tilted his head to press his lips to mine and I felt my eyes involuntarily drift closed. It was impossible to reason with him when he resorted to these kinds of tactics and underneath the swirling attraction of my body, I was fuming with myself for giving in to him. I felt myself resting on his chest and as he wound his fingers into my hair, I knew that I had already lost the battle. As we parted for air, I glazed up at him with an arousal obvious in my eyes and he smiled smugly in return.
“You’re a terrible influence.” I stated in a breathy voice as he led me inside the Ark in a victorious strut.
The following day Bellamy was gone before I woke again. I couldn’t deny the feeling that he was avoiding discussing his behaviour and my mind obsessed over my recent actions constantly for any error on my part. As a result of my lack of focus, Octavia hammered me with attacks during our session and she eventually ended it early out of frustration. I found myself wandering camp aimlessly as I was completely lost in thought and felt too awkward at the idea of seeing Knox to volunteer for a shift in mechanical. 
Instead, I sought out a quiet spot on camp to reflect where I hoped that I wouldn’t be easily found. Despite all of my internal analysis, I couldn't think of any interactions between Knox and I that could be interpreted as inappropriate and was therefore stuck at the same dead end as before on what I could do to fix this issue with Bellamy. There was a set of footsteps that I was vaguely aware of in my vicinity but I paid it little attention until they approached me and someone cleared their throat as they dropped into a seat opposite.
“You look like you have a lot on your mind.” I glanced up to find Harper examining me with a fond expression and was immediately relieved.
“Pretty sure that’s just my default expression. I honestly can’t remember a time where I didn’t have much to think about.” I stated with an amused smile and she shrugged in response. “Sorry I haven’t checked in with you since we got back. How are you managing?” I enquired with a genuine interest as I leaned forward to examine her. Although our conversations had been limited, Harper had always been kind to me, especially in our time in captivity and it left an enduring fondness for her.
“It’s okay, we’ve all had a lot on our plates, especially with reunions.” She sighed before fixing me with a knowing look that wasn’t filled with mischief or teasing like Octavia or Raven, but simply appreciation for my happiness. “It’s an adjustment, being outside again and with our own people. It’s different to before and there’s something bizarre about living back inside the Ark of all things. I think it’ll take some time to get used to for all of us.” She explained thoughtfully and I hummed in agreement. It was a comfort to discover that I wasn’t the only person here who found this transition challenging and I found that she quickly minimised the anxiety that I was feeling with just her calm company. “I’m glad to have other people around who understand what we went through in there, it makes it easier to deal with the after effects and nightmares.” She muttered as my brows furrowed in concern.
“You’re having them too, huh?” I revealed and her face contorted into a mixture of pity and relief. “Everything heals with time, right?” I added with a supportive smile. “If you ever need to talk about it, I’ve always got time for you Harp. You were there for me at my worst, I want you to know that I’m grateful and I won’t ever forget it.” I divulged as I fidgeted awkwardly on the spot and she smiled thankfully. It was difficult for me to discuss my feelings with new people and although I felt it was important to say, I still felt uncomfortable.
“Thanks. I know I’ll get there eventually, it’s just a process. Monty had been a godsend.” She commented idly and I felt the corners of my lips twitch up toward a smile as she peaked my interest.
“Monty, huh?” I repeated with a forced casual tone and as she avoided meeting my eyes, she cleared her throat uncomfortably. “Yeah, he’s a great guy, easily the most dependable person I’ve met. He’s also kind and wise, and probably the best person you could lean on for support right now. He’ll steer you right, he always has me.” I detailed honestly and when she next met my eyes, I could tell that she already knew all of these things.
“You know, if I didn’t already know about you and Bellamy, I’d think you had a thing for Monty.” She remarked in a way that tried to sound careless, but I knew these kinds of false offhand comments too well to be fooled. I’d used this method many times before when denying my feelings for Bellamy and I was inwardly thrilled to find her speaking of Monty in such a way. I scoffed at her words as genuine laughter escaped me at this idea. 
“Monty is like my little brother, Harp. Jasper too. I absolutely treasure them, but from day one there has never been a question of anything else between us.” I informed her with an overwhelming delight and it was obvious that she was pleased to hear this. “And if it weren’t for Monty’s tendency to gossip like a teenage girl, you wouldn’t know about my lovelife either.” I added with a quirked brow and she snorted in disbelief.
“Right, cause that’s a total secret.” She drawled and I shook my head at her with entertainment. I didn’t mind Harper’s comments as I knew that they were harmless and tried not to allow her words to take root in my mind. “So, Monty’s not involved with you?” She specified and I knew immediately from my own experiences exactly what she truly meant to ask.
“Monty’s not involved with anyone and yes, I’m sure because that boy can’t keep a secret to save his life.” I chuckled and she quickly relaxed at my confirmation. “And as far as I’m aware, if you were to express an interest, it would be well received.” I crooned with a playful wink and her cheeks rapidly flushed.
“I didn’t - I wasn’t - I mean-” She rapidly stuttered as she waved her hands in panic and I smiled smugly at her. I considered taunting the admission from her as my other girlfriends had so often done to me, but as I was in her shoes not so long ago, I decided to cut her some slack.
“Hmm, of course.” I commented finally as I decided not to pursue the topic any further. The seed had been sewn in her mind, now I just had to be patient and allow it to grow. She cleared her throat and seemed to be struggling to think of something else to discuss. My unique understanding of her situation would not allow me to leave her to flounder any longer and so I offered a new line of conversation for her to escape through. “How are you finding guard duty? I didn’t expect you to be so quick to throw yourself back into the fire.” I enquired with genuine interest and she shrugged casually.
“Why not? I was trained in the original group at our old camp; it felt like a waste to not use those skills again.” She explained and I nodded in understanding. I had already forgotten that she was originally part of Bellamy’s militia and found myself hoping that her new post would help to rebuild her confidence following the especially exaggerated trauma that she had from her experiences in Mount Weather. “It’s going well, obviously the first patrol didn’t exactly go to plan, but since when does anything on Earth.” She commented and I sniggered at her point. I couldn’t think of a single plan that had gone ahead without issue since we arrived. “It’s nice to have a purpose, I think that’s why most of us joined. There’s a few people who weren’t at the original camp who are there for not so great reasons, but maybe the experience will help to toughen them up.” She stated with a maturity that demonstrated the hardships she had survived and I tilted my head at her quizzically.
“How do you mean?” I questioned and she shuffled awkwardly as if she had said something that she didn’t mean to.
“Well, prime example. There’s this girl called Mel, she’s the sole survivor from factory station. She volunteered for a guard post and she’s done the training, but it just feels totally hollow. I’m pretty sure she only joined because Bellamy is teaching and she seems more like she’s checking him out than actually paying attention to what he’s saying. She was gushing to some of the others about how he saved her from a cliffside when we were in Mount Weather and how she thinks he’s so selfless and dedicated. I’m just getting sick of watching her flirt with him when she should be concentrating on staying alive. Then there’s Ray, who’s only focus is on killing anything that threatens us because she’s terrified and Max who’s just there to show off.” She ranted in a way that I’d never seen her speak before and it was clear that she needed to get these thoughts off her mind. I listened quietly and tried not to be aggravated by her description of this girl’s behaviour around Bellamy. 
“I don’t know, I don’t want to sound jaded but it’s just kinda frustrating having them there. I know it’s not their fault but they’re so unaware. It feels like they’re at the point we were when we first landed and we already went through those growing pains to become smarter. We constantly have to watch out for them so they don’t get themselves killed and I just don’t have the patience to babysit a bunch of kids who aren’t taking this seriously. Does that make me a bad person?” She slowed as she came to this question and met my eyes with a regretful vulnerability. 
“No, it just makes you human.” I breathed with an understanding smile. “It’s okay to feel frustrated, like you said, we already did this. We just have to try to be patient with them and give them a chance to grow. Hopefully they won’t have it as hard as we did.” I advised as I thought back to Knox’s conversation about the change in Monty and Jasper. It was only natural for our two groups to be at odds at the moment, we were vastly different and our life experiences had shaped us to be cold and distrusting. I hoped that with time we might be able to learn from each other and meet somewhere in the middle. As I reflected on this, Harper sighed in relief as if a weight had been lifted from her and observed me closely.
“You don’t have to worry about Mel, I’m honestly sorry that I even brought her up.” She stated sheepishly and my eyes shot up to meet hers in surprise. “When Bellamy was out on that patrol, it was obvious that all he could think about was getting safely back to you.” She revealed and I found myself smiling despite my best efforts to conceal my emotions. “I’m glad to see you together, you balance each other out well, you know. He has brought back the personality in you and you bring out the best in him.” She added thoughtfully and I chuckled lightly at her analysis. “You’re a cute couple.” She teased with a wink and I rolled my eyes at her.
“We’re not a couple. And Bellamy can flirt with whoever he wants.” I stated adamantly as I crossed my arms and she stared back at me with disbelief.
“Whatever you say.” She crooned and I knew that she was exacting vengeance for my earlier taunting. “Well, I’ll keep you updated on the Mel situation, just in case you decide you care.” She winked and I rolled my eyes at her.
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callme--starchild · 4 years
You and Me Against the World
If someone managed to put Donald Duck and Paperinik on the same stage, they probably wouldn't know it was the same duck.  Especially because of the impossibility of putting Donald Duck and Paperinik on the same stage.
Not surprisingly, Donald has been wearing the cape and mask for so long that he already knew how to get his way to keep his identity secret, being mostly Gyro's voice modulator which kept his speech impediment hidden. And if someone was sharp enough to decipher it or, in the worst case, remove the mask, he could easily choose to use his always faithful Car-Cans.
It wasn't easy work, and he recognized it. Now that he had earned his degree online and Della had returned from her boarding school, Scrooge had focused more on adventures, which kept him busier. He used to say that he wanted to go back to the old days and be them three against the world, and Donald could see how much his sister craved it.
But the truth was that he could perceive that it was Scrooge McDuck and Della Duck against the world, who were already an invaluable team while he was the miserable cannon fodder, always being the one who received the blows and the scapegoat when something went wrong.
And being Paperinik... wow, the duck didn't know where to start. Outside of polishing coins in the money bin, starting work in the Tower part time since he came of age, despite being a janitor, made him feel that he was part of something.
The pleasant talks with Lyla and Angus' comments against the local hero, coupled with his peculiar laugh, had become his second home. That was his second biggest secret, though.
Of course, his time has been reduced since the return of Della, who has insisted on recovering lost time. And while he could not blame her, between that and the adventures Donald has not had the time to visit it.
To visit him.
"Is everything okay, Old Cape?"
Donald stopped walking around the 151st floor, being invaded again by a deafening silence that, honestly, was driving him crazy.
He sighed heavily before pluming himself in the chair that the intelligence had previously prepared for him to massage his temple.
"Yes, yes, it's just..." Donald chattered, not knowing how to justify himself because not even he knew why he saw it as a life threatening problem.
And now that he thought about it, it was perhaps ridiculous.
"My sensors do not indicate any physical damage that deserves to be treated after your last adventure, and Evronians have not been seen in days…"
"'m sorry."
However, he spoke so suddenly that Uno did not know what to say, stopping his metal arms to focus on the sailor-dressed duck.
"Why, Hero? You haven't done anything that warrants an apology."
"But, I've set you aside lately.  I've been venturing so much with Scrooge and Della that I presented less and less in the Tower unless Paperinik has to save someone helpless, imprison some evildoer or fight some Evronian." Don moved in his seat, raising his hand when he perceived that the AI would speak, "I know I don't show it much or I don't say it very often, but you are one of my best friends, Uno, and I don't want you to think that now that Della has returned, she will take your place or our relationship will become merely formal and..."
However, Uno began to laugh, and Donald took advantage of the moment of confusion to regain the breath he had lost and loosen his bowtie.
"Do you love me so much, Donald?" He made the gesture of withdrawing a tear, making a table appear with a glass of water so that the duck could cool and ignoring his blush, "is fine, it really doesn't matter."
"Re... Really?"  Normalizing his breathing, he observed the sly smile on his partner's face.
"I mean, as long as you don't get hurt or your identity is at risk, I know you also have your life, Hero," that he missed him when he was going to venture? Yes, too much. But he couldn't be selfish and hook his friend to the tower even if he had the ability. "Besides, I am irreplaceable, your family does not know the wonders of artificial intelligence."
As if the smirk didn't say much, using the metal arms he pointed to himself, and Donald couldn't help laughing.
"Yes, you're probably right." In fact, the duck couldn't help feeling bad, it hurt to leave his friend on his own and he didn't know why; maybe because he was kinda chained to the Ducklair Tower—?
"I always have it, Old Cape." Very modestly, Uno appeared in a smaller orb in front of Donald, trying not to change color when he hugged him and attached him to his body. ”Let's watch Anxieties, okay? It's about to start and I don't want to miss this episode."
The sailor laughed fondly and rested his chin on the warm orb, listening and feeling its buzzing as the soap opera began.
On the other hand, Uno could not concentrate over the warm and finally relaxed face of his partner, staying curled up against his body.
As long as Donald doesn't get hurt during an adventure, or if a happenstance occurs that puts Paperinik's identity on the tightrope, it would be fine.  He always had multiple satellite cameras to make sure of that, and somehow feel accompanied by him.
(And yes, he had finally managed to learn the expression of the tightrope, as well as others that his companion had taught him. After all, he learned fast, and had a large database with him.)
Hiding his 313 in a large bush next to the ruins of the mansion, Paperinik took his X-Transformer out of the trunk before stepping away from Villa Rosa, listening to the thump of his boots against the concrete.
"Where did the attack was, Uno?" universally, the hero cursed himself for having been distracted again by reading Fantomius' diary while adjusting the shield on his wrist.
"In the central park, fifteen minutes from your current position." Showing his point of view, the hero could see the coordinates on the shield, and paused abruptly at the entrance to the city to press a button.
He knew that his little car had an anti-gravity button, or that he could turn to the springs of his boots if he wanted a safer ride, but none of those objects were quiet at close range and, in addition, the Evronians were not as stupid as other petty criminals he faced on a daily basis.
He could simply go for the 313 once he defeated the aliens and go home once everything was resolved.
"You're about to arrive, PK."
Donald smiled sideways. 12 minutes apart thanks to the incredible technology of his X-Transformer.
"Roger, thanks!"
Uno's next comment, however, was overshadowed by one of the classic monologues of a nearby Evronian who pointed a gun at a young pair of ducks.
This would be easy.
"Your sister?"
The superhero nodded, removing his mask and growling under his breath. He sat in the chair that the artificial intelligence always prepared for him when he returned from a mission.
"Yep, she apparently had a problem with her boyfriend, her emotions were full of skin and that must have attracted them. They're fine, but it was difficult for me to leave them on the porch of the mansion" sighing, the duck let out an ''m upset' without bothering to remove the voice modulator.
"And you don't care if she wants, I don't know, an advice, let off steam and see you're not there?" Donald looked up, his partner's gaze focused on him as he began to stretch his body.
"I told her I would go out and see the houses for sale. But you're right, I should go. It's getting late, and I still have to pick up 313, and there I left my clothes" at that moment, the duck put on the mask again before getting up, wavering, from the chair.
"Do you need me to take you? I'm sure Master Everett didn't mind if we use one of his electric cars" a small orb appeared next to the hero, who smiled in thanks.
If both felt an accelerated blood pressure, neither of them said anything.
"Thanks Uno, but I could use this route to patrol the city, and I wouldn't feel bad about some technological help."
But Donald did not know what invaded him at that moment when he did something that never went through his thoughts and placed a small kiss on the orb.
The duck's cheeks were painted pink under the mask, as if the fact that Uno's orb will change color was no more embarrassing because, if he didn't know his friend's features and gestures, he would have thought of Due.
"I knew you loved me, Hero, but I didn't know how much." Trying to lighten the mood, the artificial intelligence laughed, nervousness lacking in not having it in his system.
"I, er, I'm sorry," he said, concentrating on the squeak of his boots against the ground until he found himself in the elevator, silent as he made his way to the secret entrance.
"You know I couldn't get mad at you even if I wanted to, Old Cape."
It was Uno's last words before Paperinik taken the grappling hook from his suit's belt and point it to a nearby ceiling.
It should be noted that this little accidental kiss had been recorded in the intelligence's database, and he doubted being able to get rid of it easily.
Nor is it that he will need to do it. Paperinik, Donald Duck, was his friend and partner, the person next to whom he defended the planet.
While they were against the world, the other would be fine.
Until Della Duck's pregnancy was discovered and things began to change.
The sailor was reluctant when he handed the X-Transformer to Uno, holding a duffel bag on the other arm.
"What do you mean, will you stop being a hero?"
If he was already confused by the fact that Donald was so attached to him,
(more than usual since the incident of the kiss, which was not unpleasant for anyone after speaking.)
he knew it was a bad omen when he considered that the duck was not exactly the affectionate type.
However, Uno was not sure how much when the visits to the tower were reduced and PK less monopolized the news during the last months.
"It will be the best," the sailor spoke, a raspy voice making his speech more difficult, "my sister was sent on a mission to space, but she has not returned and her kids have already hatched. One of them took 48 minutes to be born... I have to stop seeing for myself and start seeing for them."
"I could take care of them in the Tower. I could expand my database with the care they need, alter the Tower and make it hatchlings-proof" on the face of the AI was a crooked smile, trying to ignore the unknown fail in his system.
Possible was not.
"Thanks, Uno, but I want them to grow safe, my house may be small but it has what it takes. The last thing they'll need 's to lose their uncle because a Paperinik mission went wrong. I mean, Evronians were already defeated, so..."
He yawned, openly showing his tiredness. As if showing himself demonically calm and not showing signs of anger was bad enough.
Uno fought against the willpower that he did not knew he possess when the image of Scrooge McDuck was presented.
Though he did not quite like his friend's uncle for the accidents that caused him in the adventures (as if PK's injuries were not enough before Donald's gradual clumsiness), having hacked the mansion's cameras when they both argued for him sponsoring Della's mission during the ducklings hatching week had not been a good idea.
And that Donald was emotionally weakened didn't mean he could be triggered off.
"But you're tough, smart and sharp, you'll be fine—"
"Look at me, Uno," the duck pointed to himself, and the aforementioned was able to see how old and exhausted he looked, his eyes swollen and reddish through the hyperspectral cameras and his askew feathers, "I'm not as young as I was eight years ago, and my nephews need my full attention, I'm sorry."
Literally the intelligence did not perceive the moment when his smile was erased. The failure in his system was getting bigger and less possible to ignore.
Donald's voice had broken.
"I understand, but... could I meet them one day?" His metal arms didn't stop his friend when he ran and hugged the orb tightly, rubbing his feathered cheek against the glass.
"One day." Smiling sadly, he said nothing when the non-biological hands rubbed his back. "Thank you for always being there, mate."
"Whatever for you, Old Cape..."
The adult sighed heavily and reluctantly moved away from the artificial intelligence, holding the duffel bag tightly.
"I'd like to stay longer, but I have to go with Gyro and hand him the gizmos, and I promised Panchito and José that I wouldn't be out for long."
As he spoke, the speed with which he approached the elevator decreased, especially when he opened it for him.
"See you later, PK."
The sailor's sad smile expanded, and said goodbye with a slow wave.
"Goodbye, Uno..."
That night, he and Lyla Lay were the only entities aware of the Paperinik's retirement by the official source, but Uno did not want to know if it was made public to observe the new episode of Anxieties and the Donald's recordings present in his database.
He was fully aware of his failure when he perceived an unrecognized moisture in his orb, unable to clean it with the metal arms and the electricity of the Tower began to fail.
He was not a fool to recognize feelings, but he had never expected to possess them. It still was the two against the world, yes, but now they would do it each way.
That didn't mean he liked it.
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kaialone · 4 years
Spirit Tracks Translation Comparison: Asking Alfonzo
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This will be a comparison of the original Japanese version and the US English localized version.
Specifically, this will cover the cutscene of Princess Zelda asking Alfonzo to accompany her and Link.
You can also watch this cutscene for yourself in English and Japanese. If you want, you can check out the EU English version, too.
For the comparison, the usual points apply:
Bolded is the original Japanese text, for the reference.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
Italicized is the official NOA translation.
A (number) indicates that I have a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
As you read this, please keep in mind that with translations like these, it’s important not to focus on the exact literal wordings, since there is no single “correct answer” when it comes to translations.
Rather than that, consider the actual information that is being conveyed, in which way, and why.
Character in this part who had their name changed between versions:
Cirokuni = Alfonzo
Asking Alfonzo for Help:
リンク! やりましたね!! お城を抜けられました!!
Link! We did it!! We made it out of the castle!!
We did it! We made it out of the castle!
さあ 汽車に乗って 神の塔に 向かいましょう!!
Now, let us board the train and head for the Tower of God!!
Now, let's board the train and head for the Tower of Spirits!
なんだ リンク... やけに 遅かったな!
Link, what the heck... You sure took your sweet time!
What took you so long, Link?
おい! おまえなんで そんな格好してるんだ...??
Hey! What’s with that getup...??
Did you keep me waiting just so you could change clothes?
ひ! 姫さま!! なぜ 姫さまがここに...!
Y-Your Highness!! What are you doing here...?!
Oh! Hello, Your Highness! What are you doing here?
こんにちは シロクニ 元気にしていましたか?
Hello, Cirokuni. Have you been well?
Hello, Alfonzo! Have you been well?
貴方が城の兵士をやめてから 大きな掛け声が聞けなくなった ので さみしく 思ってましたよ
I have been feeling lonely ever since you quit being a soldier at the castle, and I do not get to hear your loud shouting anymore.
I'm so sorry we haven't spoken since you left the castle guard.
I must admit, I miss hearing you bellowing orders in the courtyard.
いやはや めんぼくない 大声だけが とりえでしたので .....
Goodness, how embarrassing that my loud voice was all I was good for...
You're too kind to me. I'm sure hearing me yell all day was far from pleasant.
…って そんな事を 言ってる場合じゃありません!!
...But this is neither the time nor the place to be talking about that!!
But you shouldn't distract me with talk about the old days!
警護もつけずに なぜ このようなところに!
What are you doing out here, and without an escort, no less?
I'll just come out and ask. What are you doing here without a proper escort?
リンク! おまえ! まさか…
Link! Don't tell me you...!
Are you responsible for this somehow, Link?
リンクには 私からお願いしたのです
I was the one who asked Link for help.
I asked for his assistance. And I hope I can count on your help too, Alfonzo.
シロクニ! 貴方も神の塔に 一緒に来てください!
貴方がいれば 私も安心です
Cirokuni! Please, accompany us to the Tower of God!
I would feel safer if you were there.
I would feel much safer with you at my side.
Please come with us to the Tower of Spirits!
神の塔に? また どうしてですか?
To the Tower of God? I must ask again, why?
To the Tower of Spirits? Whatever for?
今は ゆっくりお話し してる 時間はありません!
We do not have the time to properly discuss this right now!
We don't have time to discuss it right now!
汽車の中で 説明いたします!
I shall explain it to you aboard the train!
I'll tell you all about it when we’re aboard.
しかし… 万が一 何かあれば…
But... If something were to happen...
But what if something happens?
その 万が一 のために 貴方が必要なのです
That "something" is exactly why I need you.
"If something happens" is exactly why I need you!
かつて ハイラル国 随一の 剣士と呼ばれた 貴方の力が…
You were once known as the greatest swordsman in the kingdom of Hyrule. Your power is...
You were once the greatest swordsman in the whole kingdom.
そんな 昔の話は おやめください!
Please stop bringing up these things from the past!
Yes, but that was a long time ago.
今は 片田舎で暮らしてる ただの機関士であります!
Now I am just a simple train engineer, living in the countryside!
Now I'm just a simple train engineer, living in the countryside.
それよりも 気は進みませんが 姫さまのたっての希望とあらば 私もお供します!
But more importantly, while I am reluctant, if Your Highness wishes for it, I shall accompany you as well!
I can't be more than that, but I'll come along with you if you wish.
ありがとう シロクニ!
Thank you, Cirokuni!
Thank you, Alfonzo.
よし リンク! 神の塔に……
Alright, Link! To the--
OK, Link! To the Tower of Spirits!
神の塔にむけて 出発進行!!
To the Tower of God! All aboard!!
Aaaaall aboooard!
それは 私のセリフですって…
That's my line...
That's my line...
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This is a shorter cutscene, but we do get a closer look at Alfonzo’s character here.
Like I mentioned before, in the Japanese version, Alfonzo typically talks in a rather informal and rough manner, especially with Link, but he will speak much more formally and politely when talking to someone of authority.
So in this cutscene we see him completely change his way of speaking when he addresses Zelda.
Considering how harsh he can be with Link especially, this underlines how highly he regards the princess.
In the English version he doesn’t really seem to change his style of speaking, though of course he still is respectful when addressing Zelda.
Again, getting such differences across in English can be difficult, but it’s still something I wanted to explain.
In the Japanese version, Alfonzo seems a lot more shocked when he sees Zelda, which makes sense if she’s not allowed outside without an escort.
In the English version he comes across as fairly calm by comparison.
In the English version, Zelda says she misses Alfonzo “bellowing orders”, which is more specific than the Japanese version, where she misses his “loud shouting”.
I bring this up because the ending where Link chooses to become a swordsman features Zelda hearing Link’s typical regular fighting shouts from the courtyard, which is probably a callback to this scene here.
Alfonzo giving orders would also imply him being someone in a leading position back then, which isn’t specified in Japanese, but it’s probably not a stretch.
When Alfonzo agrees to help, in the Japanese version he says “But more importantly, while I am reluctant“, while in the English version he says “I can’t be more than that“.
I think this might have been a translation error?
And finally, the joke at the very end of the Japanese version is slightly lost in the English one.
In Japanese, Alfonzo is about to say “To the Tower of God! All aboard!!”, but Zelda interrupts him and says it herself, which prompts his “That’s my line...” response.
In English she just says the “Aaaaall aboooard!“ part, and she does not interrupt him mid-sentence.
Alfonzo’s slight characterization difference aside, this is a scene without many changes in English, with the localization following the original almost beat for beat.
So, this is the end of this part already, but feel free to check out the next one!
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efrmellifer · 4 years
Etien had felt like a creature outside herself all night. It wasn’t a bad thing, nor a good thing. Just… something.
There was something amusing about how Estinien and Aymeric talked when she wasn’t around, what she got to hear of their conversations afterward (it was usually quite a bit, when they were all so close, but still).
And it was even more amusing when those little chats between them seemed to pique Estinien’s curiosity about things Aymeric mentioned.
And that was how Etien and Estinien ended up like this, her legs draped over his lap as she tried to coax information out of him.
“I can’t sate your curiosity if you’re reluctant to ask questions,” she said with a click of her tongue. “What did Aymeric tell you, and what did it make you want to know?”
“He said it was calming. I thought that beggared belief—who gets calm from being bound?”
Etien’s eyebrows lifted. “Aymeric, clearly. But what he’s told me is that it’s more about the trust. The giving up responsibility. I guess some people would call it control,” she said, scratching at her cheek, “but he’s still in control. I don’t tie him tight.” Now she giggled, shifting onto her hip slightly. “But he can sit back, and let me handle everything. A fitting reward, for a man who’s always responsible for handling everything in multiple arenas.”
“And he calms because of that?” Estinien asked, almost sounded like he still didn’t believe it.
“To my knowledge,” Etien replied with a shrug. “I personally think if I could get him to lie still long enough without tying him down, we would get the same results. But he needs an excuse.”
Estinien snorted. “Good old Aymeric.”
She agreed, murmuring the same just above a whisper.
Then she turned to Estinien again. “So do you want to try it? No is a perfectly sufficient answer.”
“Why not?” He mused.
She laughed a little as she pulled the slack of the rope a little tighter. “You keep squirming,” she noted, looking up at Estinien only briefly. “I don’t want to cut off your circulation. Please, stay still.”
It was a mix of ribbon and rope adorning him, so that Estinien looked more like an oversized parcel than a man undergoing an experiment regarding his pleasure.
But he liked the look on Etien’s face as she studied him.
“Thoughts?” he asked as she tipped her head this way and that.
“I was looking at the scars,” she admitted. “You have so many more than I do.”
“I have a few years on you,” he said, attempting to shrug, but finally appropriately incapacitated. “And from what I’ve always heard, you don’t scar because the healers are so busy bringing you back from the Fury’s grasp that they patch you up completely as a side effect.”
“Maybe so,” Etien mused, letting her fingers trail across her stomach, and then over a scar on Estinien’s shoulder.
“You have a scar on your nose,” he noted.
“Oh, that,” she sighed. “I thought it would have gone away by now.”
“A lot of them are supposed to fade, and then don’t,” Estinien commented.
“Are we talking about physical wounds now or emotional ones?” Etien asked him, coming to her knees in front of him, close enough that her words made his hair flutter.
“At end of the day, where does the difference lie?”
Etien had worried the whole time that the pressure and stillness of being bound would have gotten to Estinien, broken him down or riled him up until physical sensations, least of all pleasure, were the last thing on his mind.
But she had been wrong, luckily.
After, however, when she was unwrapping the ribbon and kissing over the grooves left by the rope—even when she’d tried to leave plenty of room, slipping her fingers next to his skin beforehand and all—that was when the breaking point was hit.
“You did so well, Estinien,” she’d cooed, kissing his shoulder as the rope left his bicep, stroking her fingers over his forearm as the ribbon fell away, “thank you for not squirming and for being patient.”
She’d taken the risk of kissing him on the lips after that, and she felt the emotion roll through him before she could hear it or see it.
He near to crumpled, almost sobbing as she pulled back.
“Estinien?” Etien asked, barely hitting the consonants, soft as down as she called to him.
“I am all right,” he replied.
“You don’t have to be,” she soothed, pulling him closer and stroking his hair. “If you aren’t sure that everything is completely well, you need not say so.”
She made more comforting noises—a shush that was almost a whistle for how airy and tonal it was, a humming coo that transformed into soothing words.
Sometimes, people commented—in jest or completely seriously—that Etien had magic in her voice, when she sang on the battlefield. But now, Estinien was inclined to believe it.
They lay there for a long time, her fingers trailing through his hair, her heart beating in his ear. He must have fallen asleep, because he didn’t know how long it was before Aymeric came in and Etien stirred as she woke, which made Estinien hazily aware of the world around him again.
He’d seen Aymeric bend, kissing Etien, then been slightly surprised by also receiving a brief kiss.
Aymeric slipped into bed, and the three of them went to sleep.
...for a time.
All three of them were plagued with nightmares in one form or another—possession, torture passing for interrogation, and just about everything that had happened to Etien since she left home, especially in the last year—did that, taking their toll on the mind, the pain nestling into a corner and every so often sticking a paw out to swipe at anything that passed by.
Estinien knew they happened, even to Etien. But he’d never seen it.
Not until he was thrown from her chest, which heaved with her every breath now as she tried to calm down.
“What was that?” he asked when he finally got his bearings.
“I thought I had left thoughts of the First behind,” she intoned, halfway between a groan and a wail, hands covering her eyes.
If the slight dipping and rising of her shoulders was any indication, she was crying now, now that the adrenaline was beginning to filter out.
She was home, in bed. But even as whatever pain or fear was starting to ebb away, it had still existed.
The sounds of her sniffling woke Aymeric, who immediately slipped a hand into hers, gently tugging it away from her eyes. “Etien, dearest,” he sighed into the dark. “Another nightmare?”
She nodded, a soft “mm-hmm” her reply.
Silently, Estinien watched the two of them start going through the routine. He wanted to reach out, to help, but didn’t know where or how to insert himself without getting underfoot. So he watched.
Aymeric sat up, gathering Etien into his arms. It was made abundantly clear how small she was when she was enveloped like this, tail limp and ears flat, curled up knees to chest in his lap.
It only made her victories more impressive. And her fears more understandable.
“Do you… would it help to talk about it?” Estinien asked. “Or should I leave for that?”
“What’s one more intimacy between us?” she asked, smiling, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Stay. Please.”
He scooted a little closer to the pair, watching Aymeric start to slightly rock, Etien’s eyelids sinking lower from the motion.
“Tell us, if you can,” Aymeric requested, voice low, smooth and comforting.
Etien nodded, swallowing. “I was dreaming about when Elidibus was testing me.”
“Testing you?”
“Yes. He said he wanted to assess my capabilities, and—well, he did just that. He certainly pushed me to the very limit of what I could handle.”
“In the dream?” Estinien asked.
“No,” this came out of her just a little raspy. “On the First. The dream was just the feelings washing over me again, little slices of the memories.” She sighed. “I might as well tell you about what actually happened, considering that was what had me shaken enough to dream myself into this state. The way it started was I… I saw Mother Miounne. That is, one of the Amaurotines was made to look like her. It took me by surprise to see, when hers was really the first friendly face I saw in Gridania. The first to meet me as Etien Mellifer, rather than… the identity I cast off, I suppose.”
The two men were silent, letting Etien work through the words she wanted at her own pace. Already, her eyes were welling, her pupils wide as if in fear, ringed in a teary, glassy green.
“And it grew worse from there. Seeing people who have been lost to us was one thing, as was fighting old foes. When it was the Scions, I could ignore it. But that ability was quickly spent. Especially when, as if he had reached in and pulled the fear directly out of the darkest part of my heart, you two were suddenly on the other side of my bow.”
Aymeric gasped.
“I couldn’t bear it, fighting you,” she told him, tears overflowing the banks of her eyelids, fresh streams hot on the tail of the first rivulets. “I remember now, the pain in my chest as I sobbed, nocking another arrow. It didn’t matter that they were cubii, I looked and it was you and I almost couldn’t do it. But what was I going to do, fail? Die?”
“Absolutely not,” Aymeric muttered, pulling her close again.
“And then there was the issue of reliving the end of the war,” Etien said with a heavy sigh.
“Well you cannot be afraid of Nidhogg,” Estinien commented, scooting closer again.
“I’m not afraid of Nidhogg,”she replied, gaze lifting to meet his.
“Oh. Aye, I see.”
“For whatever it’s worth, the cubii put up a valiant fight. I had no tears left to cry, heaving by the time I was finished with the test.”
Aymeric sucked his lower lip into his mouth, then let it go, the way he’d watched Etien do many a time. Estinien just looked between the two of them.
Aymeric positioned her so she was straddling his lap, laying her head against his chest, rubbing near the tip of her ear as he hummed softly. “Fret not, my dearest. Estinien and I yet live, thrilled to have you here with us, and prouder of you than ever, which is saying something. That must have taken an inhuman amount of courage.”
She sniffled, tears falling faster and still unbidden, as she pressed her face just below Aymeric’s shoulder.
“Shh, I have you, Etien. Nothing can hurt you, not while I’m here. And the same goes for Estinien. Isn’t that right?” he asked, with a flick of his eyes and a subtle tilt of his head, beckoning Estinien over wordlessly.
“It is,” he agreed, settling into a more comfortable seated position next to Aymeric and laying a hand on Etien’s back.
“Listen to my heartbeat, to my breathing,” Aymeric soothed a little more. She repositioned herself, sighing again. “Not to sound too much my father, but you have suffered too many indignities at the hands of Ascian influence,” he murmured. “But no more. Not now.”
He lay down, bringing her down with him, and beckoned for Estinien to join him with a quick gesture.
“Does Etien want--?”
“You could ask her,” Aymeric replied.
“May I join you?” Estinien asked.
Aymeric swept back Etien’s hair, searching her eyes, pupils wide and irises starkly green as a side effect of being bloodshot, for an answer.
She nodded, then turned to Estinien. “Please.”
Nodding, willing to do as she asked, he lay down beside the pair, trying to entangle himself with both of them, legs crossing with Aymeric’s, an arm thrown over Etien’s back.
He couldn’t think of anything to say. There was nothing to say, no way to make such a traumatic event fade from her mind. He sighed a little at the knowledge that even with all she had told him and Aymeric, it couldn’t have come close to living it.
And as she was the one with the Echo, they would never see what she had seen.
Maybe it was better that way.
All they could do was comfort one other after the dreams and pray—alongside the actions they took—that nothing like this, any of it, ever happened again.
And for now, sleep, secure in this loose embrace for three.
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darthrena · 4 years
I Should Tell You
Part II:  I'd Die For One More Day
Part I here
He comes to her in dreams.
Solid beneath her touch. Breath warm against her skin.
She swallows his exhales and whispered declarations and takes him inside her.
"Are you here? Is this real?" she cries after pleasure crashes over her.
Exhilaration bleeds into fear into loneliness into pleasure all over again.
"As real as you need me to be."
50 days after Exolgor, Rey digs out the ancient moisture vaporators.
She finds them buried deep in the sand, corroded by the elements, damaged, some in pieces and others long scavenged for parts. The Force aids her, divulges their locations with the memory of moisture and wind, drags them through the earth and into the light.
The power which had flooded her on Exolgor, imbued with the voices and the wisdom of generations of Jedi, has left her.
It is only Rey that remains.
But that, at least, is nothing new.
There is little to make her smile these days, but it is with fierce satisfaction that she lines them in the courtyard, and buffs them into, if not pristineness, at least presentability. Readying them to this point was a task of two daycycles' hard effort, however the true testament of her hard scrabble skills is to follow.
"This isn't going to work, Rey."
The familiar, gruff tone is both a delight and an irritant. Glowing blue in the guise of a Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker hovers beside her, arms crossed and a look of obvious skepticism as he glances over her scavenging.
"It will." Rey rises to her feet slowly, stretching out kinks and wearied limbs, and pointedly not meeting the Jedi Master's gaze. It is easy to recall the frustrating grump from Ach-to, in moments such as this.
"Rey, the circuits are degraded beyond repair. Even a mechanic as skilled, and resourceful, as you won't be able to get these running. You'd be better off scrapping them for parts, and trading for newer units. Better yet," and now Luke's chiding tone softens somewhat, "go back to your friends. Make a life with the family you chose."
Ignoring Force Ghosts with unhelpful comments and unwanted suggestions, Rey grunts as she pulls open the side paneling of one unit to reveal the inner circuitry. The sight isn't pretty, but she is reluctant to give voice to any dismay before her almost-Master. Still, despite his apparent reservations, Rey remains optimistic. Luke's family had operated several vaporators suitable for moisture farmers. Rey's ambitions are more modest. Two to three working units would provide much needed water reserves and allow her to carve out a kitchen garden from the commercial hydroponics garden she found in the homestead.
After muttering, "Stubborn girl," Luke leaves her alone.
The rest of the day passes in industrious silence as Rey works on the vaporators into the evening.
"Whatcha doing?"
This time she greets the interruption with an upturned mouth. "What does it look like?"
Ben dangles his long legs over a crate of dated provisions, an amused air as he studies her efforts. This time, Ben wears sand colored robes tied with a brown belt, dark hair cropped slightly but for a narrow braid by his ear. They peak out slightly, round and adorably large. Pink colors cheeks as if the thought transferred to him. And maybe it did. If the garb does not warn her, Ben's face would--high cheekbones and pale, smooth, unblemished skin. No faint scar to bisect soft, warm, vulnerable eyes.
"Looks like your scavenging days aren't behind you."
And Rey is grinning now. Why is it only now that those years of hardship and anguish fill her with a fierce pride? She survived, not for any powerful bloodline or great purpose, but through her own determination to live. "Your Uncle was very unhelpful. It would have been nice to have some practical advice from someone who maintained them. But it was not to be."
"I'm afraid I won't be much better help." Ben hops down from the crate, or perhaps more accurately, floats into a standing position, and then materializes at her side to peer into the decrepit vaporator upon which she currently worked. "Is that the power cell?"
Rey glances to where he indicated, then nods. "Backup power cell. Runs primarily on solar energy."
"Well that's about all I know. Learned enough to build my saber, and what not to do from watching my Dad tinker with the Falcon."
Tatooine’s double suns threaten to bleed across the horizon, and take the needed daylight in their passing. Although Rey has already managed to salvage some workable solar panels and rig up the existing lighting grid, her power reserves remain conservative and she has taken to stopping work after the suns have set.
Letting her tools rest on their makeshift tool box, Rey studies her ghostly former nemesis and almost lover as she ponders the sum of her knowledge against the seemingly endless mysteries of the Force. “You look younger. Than I remember you. Or since the other times I’ve seen you.”
“Death becomes me, you mean.” The words come at a deadpan, barely a flicker to ruffle his normally intemperate expression. At last a smirk peaks out.
"No--" Rey aims a smack through a translucent arm that sends a wave of static up her wrist. "That's not funny." But soon she is laughing anyway. If a bit of tears glimmer upon her lashes, Ben is kind enough not to comment. "Can you change your form?"
He glances down over his own body, taking in the robes and the back of his hands. "I'm wearing my padawan robes. I must be a teenager." Incredibly his ears, visible with the shorter cut, flush a darker blue-purple.
Rey gives him a lingering once over, before drawling, "I like it. Very pure." As Ben's blush only intensifies, Rey chuckles and heads toward the 'fresher, Ben trailing her. Although knowing Ben would hear her anyway, while shucking clothes on the fresher floor, Rey calls over her shoulder, "Do you have any control over your appearance?"
"Uh-h, sort of."
At the odd tone, Rey glances up to see Ben pointedly averting his gaze. Reminded suddenly of her own flustered state after glimpsing Ben shirtless in the Force bond, Rey smiles fondly. In a low voice, she calls, "You can look, if you want."
Very slowly, as if afraid she would retract the offer, Ben turns to face her.
And the breath stutters in her chest.
Lust and longing, love and agony. They are written in the depths of soulful eyes and the taut planes of his face. For what could have been theirs. For what should have been theirs. He drinks her in like a man starved of love and denied his greatest desire. The intensity of his longing drives away any levity, and drags the clawed feet of desperation through her chest cavity. Wet trails tracking down her cheeks are reflected in the tears glimmering in Ben's eyes.
"Will I see you?" Later. In my dreams. The longing in her own voice is palpable.
"Yes," he promises with the resolution of his former persona. Then his voice breaks. "I'll try."
She is buffeted by waves.
That day, on Kef Bir, she had jumped into the tempest without hesitation. Kylo on her heels.
She, for whom the water trough in Niima Outpost had once been the most water she had ever seen.
Fear, and a fierce determination, had kept her moving, kept her fighting.
Something is out there. Beyond the waves. She follows it like a siren call, helpless to the instinct for survival.
This time it is not a watery graveyard that awaits her, nor a convergence of Darkness.
The waves part to a grassy plane with a red sun on the horizon. It is here she finds him. It is here he waits.
A hand trembles as she presses it against the soft black shirt to feel the steady beat of his heart. In disbelief, a soft sound escapes her. “Is it really you?”
“It’s me. I’m here.” Ben speaks the same wonder, the same longing for touch and connection. “Rey,” he pleads, reaching forward to cradle her jaw in his large hands, the same which had gripped her with determination to transfer his lifeforce into her own.
“You’re not alone.” The familiar promise slips her lips earnestly before she brings them in wordless devotions.
Ben leans into her kiss eagerly, sliding his hands from her jaw to cup the back of head, carrying her forward.
The kiss on Exolgor had been sweet, but brief, joyous and awoken to shared passion. To remember those seconds of wholeness was to be reminded of the agony of separation which followed.
Rey pushes those thoughts aside and gives herself to the warm, smooth press of Ben's mouth, his hard, powerful body against her own. She opens to the tentative probe of his tongue, and chases his shy retreat with her own.
In the real world, beyond this reprieve of breathy sighs and intimate pleasures, Rey has never known a lover, and neither, she suspects, has Ben. Perhaps there, noses would have bumped in awkward kisses and fumbling touches would have them laughing as often as sighing.
Minds intertwined in this dreamscape, more so even than the connection of their Force bond, thought translates into feeling. Ben's love, Ben's longing echoes seamlessly with her desire for closeness and answering reassurance.
There is no pain when he enters her. Only ecstasy.
The teasing glimpses of skin and perfect harmony of their bodies in combat were a prelude to this rightness.
There is a wave that is Rey, building to a momentum both frightening and exhilarating, and the shoreline that is Ben, bringing her to greater heights and steadily drawing her in.
"Ben, please--". Don't leave me. Be with me.
The exhale in her ear, the sharp pistoning of Ben's solid thighs, the hot drip of tears upon her shoulder, and his voice breaking a rough command, "Let go, Rey," break and remake her. I'm here. You're not alone.
Be with me.
Be with me.
Be with me.
Passion bleeds into serenity, and Rey loses herself.
Rey is Ben, and Ben is Rey.
Have they always been one? Two broken shapes finding meaning in a whole, that nothing, not even death, could divide.
In this moment of grace, they are together.
Also posted on AO3
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ladywordsworth · 5 years
When Dr. Jefferson joined an archeological expedition in search of ancient artifacts for the local museum, she didn’t expect to dig into a creature that been sleeping for centuries. Nor did she expect the drastic changes it would bring to her life.
“It took centuries before they realized the mine was digging into the flesh of a petrified creature.” Shout out to @thependragonwritersguild for the prompt!
Dr. Jefferson stood hesitantly in the doorway, high strung and chewing her lip as she tightly gripped the green notebook clutched to her chest. She stood with one foot over the threshold, while the other hanged idly in the hallway as if to anchor her back to a reality that she knew would disappear the moment she walked in the hospital room.
And with the foreboding sensation that rumbled within her gut, she was reminded that she had no choice in the matter. She would cross, or they would make her cross.
Unwilling to let them react should she waste more time, Dr. Jefferson stepped into the hospital room with a ‘click-clack’ of her heels, announcing her presence with an additional clearing of her throat. The patient gave very little indication that he’d heard her though, as his attention seemed to be given completely to the scene outside of the window.
Aside from his auburn hair, which seemed to gleam like embers in the sunlight pouring through the window, the strands catching like fires, he seemed still as a statue. Which wasn’t surprising considering how she and the team of archeologist had found him.
Even her chair, skidding across the waxed floor seemed to do little to disturb him.
Another uncomfortable rumble of her throat as she adjusted herself in the plastic chair, moving back just a bit to put a comfortable distance between her and the patient still did nothing to alert him.
“Hello…um” she drew, “I’m Dr. Jefferson, and--”
“The one who found me?” What attention he’d given to the sun and sky, he’d seemingly given to her, as his unsettling, green eyes seemed to fall on her hazel ones.
“Yes, well no--” She clarified, “I was only the one who recognized the...scales. But you’d been found centuries ago.”
No response. Only those green, unsettling eyes. Dr. Jefferson chewed on her tongue
“Do you know where you are?” She decided it was best to skip the formalities and go straight to the questioning, “When you...changed...you looked at me and told me you didn’t know you were in Africa?”
“It was you,” he replied as his eyes ghosted over her appearance, “your skin...is so...dark, and your hair…perhaps we're in London?”
Quite accustomed to the locals here already making a point to question her about her skin or culture, she prepared her memorized rebutle.
“um...no,” she laughed, nervously, “I'm from the United States, I'm just here for a program. We’re in Ireland now, though”
“The United States?” His immaculately serene expression seemed to contort into a series of different expressions all at once. And Dr. Jefferson stilled herself as she prepared for whatever was to come out of his seemingly animated emotional state.
Until finally, he settled for an unreadable expression.
“What year am in?”
Oh boy, she thought to herself, the plot thickens.
“2015.” Those dark pupils seemed to elongate into the reptilian slits that they were just hours ago, and he seemed to grow glossy sheen about his skin. With her eyes, Dr. Jefferson could make out the vaguest outline of scales.
“Please don’t do that,” she reached over the bed without thinking, and placed a comforting arm on his skin, “you did it earlier...tried to turn...and almost fell out of the sky.” Plus, your real form is so big you’d destroy this building and me along with it, she thought.
It seemed as if his inability to escape sent him into a panic. He looked around frantically, chest rising and falling as he his heart rammed against his ribcage. He seemed nervous, scared almost. And all at once began showing the typical signs of an anxiety attack.
“Hey, let’s calm down.” Immediately, Dr. Jefferson jumped into the role of a therapist, shedding the anxiety and uncertainty she’d had earlier, “take a deep breath, breath with me.”  She squeezed his arm repeatedly, noticing how it fluctuated between soft human-like skin and thick scaly skin. It seemed as if he was fighting the urge to turn his body and fly away, fly away to some time he’d just realized he’d lost, or to a home, he’d realized was gone.
“I’m fine.” He sounded anything but certain, and not even the steady tone in his voice seemed convincing. However, he did seem more collected than he had before and managed to breathe easier.
“How did you find me?”
“I didn’t find you,” she repeated, honestly, “I only came here with a digging group and happened to wake you up. But the locals were technically the ones who found you, years ago though. They just didn’t know what you were.”
“It was just now we saw the scales, and realized not even diamond drills could cut into you. Everything else must've been shedded skin--at least that’s what the reptile people said--
And then there was that sword that came out of nowhere. And--
“You pulled it out?” He asked, with a curious tilt of his head.
Dr. Jefferson nodded, remembering the surge of power that erupted throughout her body as she grabbed the silver hilt. At the time it seemed like the sword at been beckoning her to pull it.
“Yes. And it seemed to wake you up because the ground just started moving, and suddenly there was half a dragon trying to come out of the crater. But then....you turned into a man not seconds later?”
“It’s our disguise.” responded the man, as he threw the cover off of his legs and swung his body over the bed, “We use it to blend in with the humans.”
We?” She scribbled in her notebook, “There are more of you--wait, where are you going?”
She stood just as he placed a foot on the windowsill as if preparing to jump. He gave a push to the glass, furrowing his brows when it refused to open.
“Those won’t open. Hospital regulation won’t allow the staff to unlock them,” explained Dr. Jefferson, as she walked around the bed so that she stood beside the dragon.
“Interesting,” he commented, tilting his head in wonder at the glass, “I figured this was a hospital. Though last I remember, we were allowed to open the windows.”
Last I remember, she thought, just how old is this guy?
He then quickly muttered a sentence under his breath, the language foreign to Jefferson’s ears. Though she could pick up the distinct sound of hissing and growling, almost as if she were listening to a snake. She jotted a quick note down in her book, not having time to write much of anything else, as the window swung open, letting a cool breeze of summer air into the room.
“Wait, sir!? I can’t let you leave, the--”
“I have things to do doctor, and I can’t do them trapped here in your prison of a hospital.”  Then he turned away from her, with both feet on the edge of the window, and his hands on the frames as if holding himself before he jumped. He looked at the woman, those green of his eyes amused and delighted, and continued to stare very hard at her. Now the doctor felt nervous all over again, and the reluctance she’d felt as she debated on crossing the threshold came back again.
“Thank you, doctor, for waking me. Our paths will cross again, as it should be for the human who woke me from my slumber.” And with that, he let himself fall, “for I am a member of the dragon race, and we do not tell lies.”
Jefferson ran towards the ledge, looking down in horror, half expecting to see a man splattered across the pavement. But she saw no such thing, and any trace of the dragon had disappeared completely.
Then, it happened. A collum of very hot air the size of a large building blue upward with such a force that knocked her off her feet. With it, a  sinister laugh filled the air, followed by a deep, booming voice.
“Keep your knowledge amongst you and those close to you, for many will seek what little you know for great power.” It said, fading with the wind, “and remember; we will see one another again, very, very soon.”
Dr. Jefferson allowed herself to collapse on the bed, her mind attempting to process everything that had just happened in the span of two minutes. The spell, the freefall, the air...and the two ominous warnings.
Not surprisingly, she could piece together very little of it, but never the less began scribbling her observations. Though hesitated just slightly, perhaps it was best to write as little as possible.
She laughed, shaking her head in disbelief.
Truly, she’d lost the little tether to reality she’d had the moment she’d stepped over that threshold.
22 notes · View notes
2187nomore · 4 years
Finn’s Rules & Verses:
I got a request from someone who can’t see my pages while on mobile, so for anyone else having trouble here they are! Note that while I don’t change my rules much (or basically ever lol) the VERSES information here is definitely not going to be up-to-date because I am forever making new aus...but here’s a start, at least, to give you something to explore until you get back to your computers!
Mun is named Nicky and is well over 21. Muse’s age will vary. Multi-ship and multi-verse.
Following and Mututals:
This is a sideblog of nickyrp and as such cannot follow back.
We do not need to be mutuals to send memes or starters. Feel free to throw things like that at me at any time even if we’ve never played or plotted before. If I’m not interested or just too busy etc I promise I will let you know politely and not just leave you hanging!
If you want to play please send me a message or toss me a starter; I’m bad at paying attention to my follower count and probably didn’t notice your subtle arrival! Or thought you wanted to lurk idk. Say hi!
If you are a multimuse with a lot of characters or a lot of fandoms all on one url, I may not follow you because that tends to be overwhelming for me. It’s nothing personal nor a comment on your writing style; it’s just more than I can easily keep track of, myself. (That’s why mine are all on their own sideblogs.)
If I can’t read your blog (small text, low-contrast colors, etc) I will not interact with your character. I don’t have the best eyes and straining to read sucks all the fun out of rp. If you need any of my formatting or color choices adjusted for your own ease of accessibility please let me know! I will do so happily.
You can reblog any of my shit (headcanons, graphics, verses, meta, whatever) even if you’re a personal blog, I don’t care; it’s all one fandom imo. That said please don’t reblog my interaction threads with other people because most rp-ers do not like their things reblogged and I want to respect that. If I reblog anything of yours you do not want reblogged just let me know and I will delete it; I promise it’s just because I thought the thing was cool and got excited!
I am always up for trying new things so if you have a crazy idea, please hit me up! I promise I rarely disintegrate anyone.
I am happily open to interacting with Original Characters! I need to know who your character is though, so if you don’t have a bio or background I can find on your blog I’m not going to be interested.
I will not write smut with anyone under the age of eighteen.
If I ever do something that upsets or confuses or offends you, please let me know. It probably wasn’t intentional and I always want to be called out on problematic behavior because how else can I learn to do better? I promise to react apologetically, not defensively.
I’m a visual person so I like icons and gifs and will almost always incorporate them. If you don’t want to use images that’s cool with me, but I majored in comic book art so I enjoy the marriage of words with images. I should further admit that interactions with visuals do tend to keep me more excited than plain ones – I’m shallow!
I’m not a big fan of fancy formatting. I don’t mind if you use it but I don’t. Feel free to adjust my formatting to suit your aesthetic if that makes you more comfortable, but I’ll likely keep mine simple.
If you need any triggers tagged message me and I’ll do so gladly.
I am extremely uncomfortable with reylo due to the fact that I interpreted Rey as being analogous to Jaina Solo within the opening minutes of TFA. If you play either Kylo Ren or Rey and enjoy that ship, I ask that you not reference it in any interactions with my Finn, and furthermore that you tag it so that I can blacklist. Thank you!
Canon & AUs:
I have as of yet read very little of the expanded universe materials for the New Canon (a few comics, the Thrawn novel, etc). As such, my portrayal of Finn may at times be lacking in regards to supplemental canon information. Please never hesitate to inform me of any details relevant to your character or any ongoing/burgeoning threads. I appreciate that assistance!
As far as the Legends EU goes, I have read most of the old novels (excepting NJO period) and many of the Dark Horse comics but that is a lot of material and I do not promise to remember everything. Please let me know if I make a mistake or assumption you do not agree with; I promise I will not be offended!
I will generally default to putting Finn into the canon of the Sequel Trilogy because that is where he comes from, but I am happy to play him in Legends Canon too – just let me know! If you don’t indicate verse/time on a meme or starter, I might pick another verse (or make a new one) so please indicate where you want to play if you have a preference!
I also love making AUs whether canon-divergence or totally off-the-wall so please don’t hesitate to throw new verses my way! I love both plotting and winging-it when building new worlds, so don’t be shy!
Characters Relationships & Shipping:
Platonic Ships: For my interpretation of Finn, friendship takes precedence as the most important thing in his life right now. He never had a chance for much of that in his life before leaving the First Order, and he’s still getting used to the idea of caring about people and being loved in return. So please, bring me all the platonic ships – pals, mentors, comrades, buddies, frenemies – you can think of!
OTPs: My favorite ship would be Finn/Rey/Poe and I would be thrilled to play out some polyshipping. I also like the idea of Finn/Poe and Finn/Rey on their own, and while I don’t think TLJ gave us enough to build a Finn/Rose ship from I would be thrilled to explore that option properly in rp as well. Likewise Finn/Jannah although to be frank I like the idea of Ex-Stormtrooper BFFS even more than Ex-Stormtrooper Lovers, but really anything’s good there! Honestly provided that there is chemistry and a basis in friendship to build the ship from (whether that be formed via interaction or plotted ahead of time), I’m probably down. Interspecies ships with non-human characters are also welcome!
NOTPs: No teacher/student, adult/minor, or incestuous ships, please. Given Finn’s history, I am very unlikely to ship him with any First Order muses in anything outside a massively different AU but I’m not listing them as strict notps because let’s face it: I love AUs.
One-Way Ships: I will never force a ship on you. I expect the same courtesy in return. That said, you are more than welcome to have your character express unrequited romantic feelings toward mine. If it ends up crossing the edges of my comfort zone I’ll let you know!
Main Faceclaim: John Boyega
While I will readily play in canon verses, I am also a big fan of AUs and canon-divergent verses. If you don’t see something here that looks like your cup of caf know that I am always happy to plot out a new one! (Note that while I will always write Finn as being Force Sensitive, he will not always know he is and thus his connection with the Force will vary from verse to verse. Any questions, ask!)
Pulled the Trigger (alt-TFA): FN-2187 did not enjoy the battle – the slaughter – on Jakku, but he did what he was trained for. It didn’t matter that it made him sick. He obediently returned to Jakku to search for a droid and found more than he’d bargained for: a girl who thrashed half his unit with nothing but a stick. 2187 eventually got the drop on her but Kylo Ren’s impatience sent an airstrike, and in the ensuing chaos 2187 had no option but to pretend the reason he hadn’t shot Rey was because he was a Resistance sympathizer. They fled together and returned to the Finalizer to rescue the droid’s master. 2187 figured he would tag along and turn them in as soon as he got a chance…but they succeeded in their mission, and the longer he spent with the Resistance, the more he began to think he didn’t want to leave. Too bad he’s already reported their destination to the First Order…
The Newest Hope (alt-TFA): Finnick Peckhum has always been able to hear the voice of the Force. For years, he tried to ignore it – but eventually the call was too loud. Finn followed it Ahch-To, to Luke Skywalker. The self-exiled Jedi Master was reluctant to train a new student after Kylo Ren, but even he could not deny the will of the Force itself and gave-in, teaching Finn the Jedi arts – but another call summoned him back. The young Jedi Knight arrived on Jakku just in time to help a scavenger escape a First Order patrol. Finn heard the Force in Rey too, and knew he had to train her in the ways of the Force – and to find the Resistance led by Luke’s sister, Leia. With a Jedi Knight and his Padawan on their side, the Resistance finally stands a real chance. Together he and Rey will take the fight to Kylo Ren, intending to right the balance he upset with his turn to the Dark…one way or the other.
Another Kriffing Farmboy (alt-TFA): growing-up with a loving, hard-working family on a planet so far from galactic civilization it might as well not even be on the charts, Finn Peckhum never gave much thought to politics – until the First Order bombed Ennth and destroyed everything he ever loved. Frightened of their overwhelming might, Finn gave no thought to revenge until yet another low-paying freighter job took him to Jakku where he crossed paths with a droid and a scavenger desperate for a ride off-world. Agreeing to smuggle them in the ship he worked on in exchange for a hefty reward seemed like a chance to safely tweak the First Order’s nose until they blew up that ship, too, leaving Finn and his new allies to flee in the first wreck they could get their hands on. As things got more and more dangerous, Finn kept meaning to leave – but somehow, he never got around to it, and the next thing he knew General Organa was handing him a blaster and welcoming him to the fight…
There Is Another (alt post-TFA): while the lightsaber never called to him the way it did Rey, something helped him retain his humanity through the First Order’s brainwashing; something helped him hold his own against Kylo Ren with a weapon he barely understood…and that something was the Force. While Rey was off seeking Master Skywalker, General Organa helped tutor Finn in his own Force skills while his body knitted itself back together under the tender ministrations of Resistance medtechs. He might never be able to able to best a true master of the Force, not without more thorough training anyway, but Kylo Ren was no Darth Vader. And with the new lightsaber he’s just completed, Finn can’t wait for a rematch with the monster who almost severed his spine and broke his teacher’s heart…
Trusted Leadership (alt-TLJ): most of the Resistance’s leadership was lost in the explosion that wounded General Organa, but General Antilles had always been a cockpit warrior himself and hadn’t been anywhere near the ship’s bridge. When Poe took the plan he, Finn, and Rose had concocted to him, Wedge was happy to put his own resources behind the scheme and with a reliable slicer in tow, they infiltrated the Supremacy and shut down the tracking program, allowing the Resistance to escape. Holdo was furious with Antilles but he had the rank to whether her temper, and thanks to the timely arrival of Rey and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, the infiltration crew made it back to the fleet only a little the worse for wear. The Resistance went to ground to lick its wounds and plan its next strike against the First Order, and Finn was officially inducted into the fight by a recovered Organa.
The First Pebble (alt post-TLJ): no one ever gave much thought to stormtroopers as people, not the First Order or the Resistance either. They were just there, anonymous and disposable shock troopers…but they weren’t. And Finn proved that both to the galaxy and to his former comrades. Within the stormtrooper ranks, his choice started a revolution. When word got around that he had even bested the mighty Phasma, not once but twice, well…it made all but the most strident diehards take notice. Now Finn wasn’t just some ordinary defector; he was a rallying cry. The first time a stormtrooper unit got in touch with a request for help defecting, Finn thought it was a fluke – but Poe Dameron knew better. He knew this was the start of an avalanche that might bring the First Order down from the inside…if Finn is brave enough to make himself the face of this new revolution.
Matched Lightsabers (alt TROS): in the wake of the Resistance’s near-obliteration on Crait, the survivors have to work harder than ever – which in Finn’s case means more than just running missions and pitching revolt to stormtroopers. It means training with Rey and Leia in the use of the Force. He was an uncertain, reluctant apprentice – but Leia was adamant that he learn, and Finn could no more say no to the General than to the Force itself. Confidence was his biggest hurdle. What business did a former stormtrooper have learning to master the Jedi arts? It wasn’t until he and Rey walked onto Exogol that Finn finally admitted to himself that he was a Jedi – a declaration that nearly killed him. Together, they managed to defeat the half-resurrected Palpatine and restore peace to the galaxy. Now Finn faces his biggest challenge: how to teach as well as learn.
The Next Jedi (post TROS): Finn never expected to become the first apprentice of the New Jedi Order – never really wanted it, if he’s honest. But the Force had been whispering in his ear for years and eventually, that whisper became a shout he could not ignore. Even with the First Order crushed to ash and dust, there is plenty to be done patching the galaxy back into shape and building a new government to keep people both safe and free; plenty of things for Finn to focus on instead of his training, working with Poe and Rose and Kaydel and Chewbacca…but Rey is stubborn, and so is the Force. Even if it scares him as much as it entices him, Finn is going to have to learn…and alongside his friend and teacher, someday construct a lightsaber of his own.
Stormtrooper Advocate (post TROS): Finn knows that Rey wants him to focus on his Jedi training while Poe and Rose want his help with their diplomatic efforts – but Finn knows who really needs him now: all the lost stormtroopers recruits who need to dig their way out of the First Order’s brainwashing and learn to be people. It’s a lot of trauma to recover from; a lot of indoctrination to unlearn. Alongside Jannah and her crew of defectors, Finn is spearheading the reclamation effort. Whether that means designing programs for prisoners, negotiating cease-fires with stranded units, taking whole bases down with stun-blasts for forceful deprogramming, or just giving broken kids someone to talk to, Finn won’t give up on these people. They're his people and it’s his responsibility to save them. If he doesn’t, who else is going to care?
Running All His Life (alt post-TROS): as long as Finn could remember, he’s been running away from something…but it wasn’t until facing Kylo Ren in battle that he realized that something was the Force – and that realization terrified him. Watching Rey struggle to master Leia’s teachings and learning more about how Ben Solo had become the monster in his nightmares only cemented that fear, and Finn did everything he could to deny what he’d long known was true: he could feel the Force, too. He knew he was being a coward, letting Rey face that burden alone; lashed-out at Poe for keeping secrets about his past out of guilt for his own silence…but he couldn’t, daren’t, admit the truth to anyone. When Rey tried to tell him she could sense the Force in him, he denied it; when she started searching for Force Sensitives to train, he threw himself into his work rebuilding a galactic government alongside Poe, Rose, and Jannah instead. But every day the voice of the Force in his head is getting louder; how long can he keep running?
A Knight Of Ren (alt Trilogy): the First Order tests all their stolen “recruits” for Force potential, and they found it in the one designated FN-2187. Trained alongside the next generation of the Knights of Ren – mostly taken from the First Order’s youthful conscripts, some gathered along the way – to wield the Dark Side and serve Snoke and Kylo Ren, Finn was loyal and devoted…and troubled. While he was a strong Force user, he could never fully commit to the power of the Dark Side; never completely embrace it. Knowing that his doubts made him weak, he did his best to push them away…but then he met the girl from Jakku, and his whole world went sideways.
Rebel Defector: just because snubfighter jockeys and ranking officers made the splashiest exits when they left Imperial service didn’t mean they were the only ones. For stormtrooper conscript FN-2187, the Empire was the only option – until stunts like the Rand Ecliptic and monstrosities like Alderaan changed his mind. Getting away from the Empire alive wasn’t easy, but when Finn was assigned guard duty for a Rebel prisoner he knew his chance had come. Talking half his unit into coming with him and dosing the other half in stun blasts, he marched the prisoner onto a Lambda-shuttle for transfer to the Lusankya…and then the rebellious stormtroopers overpowered the Imperial pilots, opened the Rebel’s binders, and jumped to freedom. Adjusting to service in the Rebellion’s infantry was difficult, but not as difficult as carrying-out Imperial orders. And maybe someday, he’ll make up for what he did for the Empire and can go on to have a normal life at last. (for Rebellion and New Republic-era interactions)
More Coming Soon! like literally as soon as soon as someone asks for or suggests one, I love AUs. Don’t be shy!
0 notes
keywestlou · 4 years
Many nations world wide are feeling the coronavirus plague. Most still in tough shape. In varying degrees. The U.S. one of the worst. Greece on the other hand is coming through this disaster in relatively good shape.
Numbers first. Numbers an effective way of telling the story. I acknowledge the U.S. is larger citizen wise than Greece. Considerably. Never the less, the contrast is revealing.
As of this morning, the U.S. has 1,270,000 confirmed cases, deaths 75,000 plus. Greece, 2,663 confirmed cases, 147 dead.
Theo Markis and Jim Brown are 2 Greek friends. I have commented about them in the past. I mentioned 2 weeks ago how both were shocked that people in the U.S. were going into the streets protesting stay-at-home rules, etc. They thought those doing so in the U.S. were crazy. Lives were at stake!
Yesterday, I came across a photo on the internet. Showed 3 Greeks at a table in a restaurant. Table rectangular. The 3 seated awkwardly. Obviously paying attention to the 6 foot rule still in effect.
A police officer was measuring the distance between them with a tape measure.
That is how serious Greece is about the virus!
The Greek government and people were up front with each other and in unison from the beginning. The government told the people what to do. They did it.
The level of commitment and action were without deviation. Everyone wanted to live. They conducted themselves in such fashion that demonstrated an awareness of the severity of the problem.
The people understood from day one that what they had to do was not a drill, not a time to give up, nor a time for excuses. It was time to pull out all stops in the fight to defeat the virus.
Success in Greece’s instance can also be measured in another fashion. Acropolis and Parthenon. Too bad it is not possible for all to see Athen’s Acropolis hill.
The ruins sitting on top say it all. History preserved to this day.
Many climb the hill daily. Primarily tourists. Greece as part of its attack on the virus, closed Acropolis, Parthenon, etc. on March 13.
I am pleased to share that Acropolis and the magnificence still standing on top will reopen to visitors May 18. A mere 9 week shut down.
Why, because the government  and people of Greece took the bull by the horns and did the necessary. Something we in the U.S. do not always do. It is the nature of our laws and the way we have been brought up.
We are like children. How many have to die before we learn we cannot have it our way all the time?
A better President from day one would have helped also.
I mentioned sewage testing a few days ago as a method to determine levels and locations of coronavirus. Could be a help to the U.S. since we are not testing effectively.
I have since learned the Netherlands is successfully following cononavirus via the sewage method.
Pakistan has been successfully using sewage testing for a different problem. To monitor the polio virus. To identify hot spots for attacks.
I used to think Pence was smarter than Trump. Though screwy from a religious perspective.
Pence it turns out either lies as Trump or has Trump’s mental deficiencies or both. Two weeks ago, Pence said, “By Memorial Day Weekend we will largely have this coronavirus behind us.”
This past week, Pence said disbanding of the Task Force was possible because of  “the tremendous progress we’ve made” against the virus.
How? In less than 2 months, we have seen more Americans die than in Vietnam, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan,  and Iraq Wars combined.
Nicholas Kristof in a recent Opinion Piece in the New York Times wrote, “The virus is winning.”
A UN official recently said, “None one is safe until everybody’s safe.”
True. The virus spreads everywhere. Knows no boundaries. The nations of the world must join together in fighting it.
More than 80 nations afflicted with coronavirus joined together last week via the internet to discuss working together and raising money for the projected effort. Just under $8 billion was pledged.
Trump failed to participate nor would he give permission to anyone to represent him.
Birds of a feather. Putin did not participate nor have anyone represent Russia. Russia is getting killed big time at the moment by the virus.
Russia is reluctant to share their number of dead.
Recently, 3 Russian doctors involved with the virus fell out of windows. Two died, one injured. Foul play is suspected. One thought is that the government was sending a message to people working with the coronavirus problem: Speak not of Russia’s failure!
Some Key West.
Understand first that I share little information about Key West because there is nothing to report. Key West has been under a strict shut down. Began opening monday a bit. Nothing news worthy at the moment, except for the Duval Loop Bus.
Another problem is I am not out on the road evenings as previously. Today is my 57th one in self quarantine. Eight weeks! Can you imagine! I envision at least 1 more month. Perhaps 2.
I am not complaining.
However being home all the time makes it difficult to see if anything is going on. Even the Chart Room remains closed.
This morning’s Citizen reported the Duval Loop Bus will no longer be free. It has been since its opening 3 years ago. Effective immediately, a charge of $1. Except for residents who will still be able to ride free.
The reason for the charge is the lack of tourist revenue during the virus crisis has left the City with insufficient monies. It’s revenue from any source time.
Gluttony is part of Key West’s life. All areas blamed. Public as well as private. My fear is Key West is going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Prices the past several years for everything have gone through the roof. Even tourists will only take so much.
The City Commission I suspect recognizes this $1 charge might not be a smart move. Recall that it was a straw that broke the camel’s back. The Commission agreed to look at the matter again in 6 months.
May Johnson. Her diary clearly indicates life was different in 1896. Socialization was primarily visiting people. Going from house to house.
La Brisa at the end of Simonton Street was a place the upper class frequented to dance and party. It was not for the poor.
On this day it appears May was better. She had been sick in bed for 2 weeks with the “chills.” She dressed, though did not go to work.
She did go to La Brisa in the evening where she “had a very pleasant time.”
Cocktails at 7 scheduled for last night cancelled. Seven o’clock my time in Key West is 4 in the afternoon in Seattle. Cathy had to work late.
We are rescheduled for 7 tonight.
She asked what my booze situation was. Nothing. I have not been out of the house. I will drink Diet Pepsi while you imbibe. No problem.
One hour later a knock on my door. She had ordered a quart of Beefeaters and it was being delivered.
Nice lady!
Enjoy your day!
    GREECE PAID ATTENTION…..U.S. DID NOT was originally published on Key West Lou
0 notes
nezzfiction · 5 years
ENMY Chapter 83 - Life’s A Gamble
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Chapter Synopsis:  Salem’s war on Vacuo continues, while Team ENMY tackle some issues of their own within the city. 
Series Synopsis: Team RWBY is disbanded, and Yang must find herself new allies. For her, that might very well be yesterday’s enemies. Joining up with the likes of Emerald, Mercury, and Neo, the four will comprise Team Enemy(ENMY).
Links to read the series: Ao3 or FF.net
Or hit the jump below
Life’s a Gamble
Alea Iacta Est.
Yang’s body spasmed uncontrollably.
The bedrest her arm was tied to, threatened to break off from the violent bucking of her body.
“Neo…! Neo…!” she grunted repeatedly.
Her pleasure senses dialed higher with the blindfold on. Every little touch, every little run of Neo’s fingers across her skin, amplified over what felt like a hundredfold. Yang twisted and squirmed with ecstasy. Her toes curled into their bedsheets.
She would have leapt off the mattress, if Neo hadn’t been holding her down so firmly.
“I’m close…!” she moaned, breathless.
In response, her wife dug deeper between her thighs.
Neo’s irises blared red.  Their Auras, as well as their souls, infused—becoming more entwined with each passing peak. The surge of gratification granted Yang a greater and greater high until…
“NEO! I’M CU—!!!”
Just then, the sound of a door being kicked open interrupted everything.
“Okay, you kinky lovebirds. Emergency meeting. We gotta hoof it to Temujin’s ASAP.”
Yang felt one side of her blindfold lift up, and saw Emerald grinning down with a sadistic smirk.
“Did you finish?”
*Sigh* “…You totally timed that on purpose,” Yang accused.
“Nah. It’s not like I could hear you through the walls or anything. Now, up and at ‘em!”
The green-haired girl then, picked up a few of the trace underwear littering the floor and tossed them on Yang and Neo’s heads.
“Just two more minutes?”
Emerald whipped her gun out and pulled the trigger once. The shot cut the rope holding up Yang’s hand.
Without another word, Emerald left the room.
Although Yang was clearly annoyed, Neo on the other hand, looked delighted at the little bit of torture. The petite girl playfully leaned next to her wife’s ear and gnawed on it sharply, before whispering with sweet seduction—
“tiL ToNighT.”
Neo then, got off and began to change. With extreme reluctance, Yang followed suit. When they were dressed, the two joined Emerald and Mercury outside.
“…? What’s eating you?” Mercury asked, while they started to walk.
“Not Neo,” Yang answered with an unsatisfied grunt. “So, what’s going on? Salem done getting ready to kill us?
“Nope. It’s actually good news for once,” Emerald answered. “Temujin’s finally in the last round of negotiations with Cinder and the ice queen. They put a rush order on the treaty when we told them the world was ending. Now, we just gotta be there for some formalities.”
“Do we really have to be there?
“Yeah, as if-boredom-could-kill-we’d-all-be-pushing-daisies as it is, we do. Once we’re done, you two can go back to having your kinky little S&M sesh. But for now, work.”
“Y’know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were a little bit jealous, Em.”
“Yes. Everything you guys are doing, I want to do a million times over with Cinder,” Emerald let out a frustrated growl. “But the only way I even get to see her, is through some stupid ass meeting about some political mumbo garbo.”
“Did not mean to step on that landmine…”
“Like, can the world just take a hint? Just let us wrap this shit up, so we can head back to Atlas, so me and Cinder can FUCK! GOD!”
Our leader’s mind finally snapped like a popsicle stick.
“Right?” Yang side-mouthed to Neo.
“I mean, am I right? Merc! Back me up on this!”
Emerald turned to her partner expectantly to find him walking along with a complicated sway.
“…Yeah. We needa fuck Cinder,” he mumbled absentmindedly.
“What’s with you? I don’t expect you to be happy-go-lucky or anything, but we did finally get to ice the last of your asshole family. You’re not gonna tell me you don’t feel satisfied with that?”
“That’s not it. Of course, I’m glad Jupiter probably has maggots treating his scrambled entrails like a smorgasbord.”
“I just,” he paused. “With the stuff that’s happened, and the wedding, I think…”
“I think I’m ready to talk about my dad.”
A hushed silence fell over them, as the other three stopped walking.
“Well, can’t say I saw that coming,” Emerald said, before pulling out a diary from her back pocket. “I was planning on giving this to you later, but now’s a good as time as any.”
Mercury took it and flipped through some of the pages.
“This is…”
“Your dad’s diary. We’re ready to talk whenever, Merc. Glad I didn’t have to be the one to push the issue.”
“Did you read it?”
“’Course, I read it.”
“Right. Don’t know why I expected you to lie about that.”
Emerald ruffled Mercury’s quaff.
“Silly butt face. You don’t have secrets.”
Following her lead, Yang gave him a friendly shoulder bump, while Neo booped his nose.
Mercury spent a few seconds fixing his hair and trying to stifle the happiness he felt.
After a few quiet breaths, the young man moved to join the rest of his team.
X  X X  X  X
“I see. It seems despite word we’ve received on our end, Salem appears to have complete control of the situation,” Argent commented.
At the private keep, where the highest authorities of Vale once gathered, only a few choice officers of the Mistral-Vale Alliance now met. They were Prime Minister Argent, King Straw, and General Saru of the Armada. A sparse three occupied the circular conference room intended to hold at least a hundred.
And in the middle, a projection of a young girl and a short boy finished conveying the current events of Salem’s war with Vacuo.
“The Witch and I continue to add more Grimm to our cause,” Bean explained. “Host has tripled in size since initial battle. Time of next significant siege attempt, approaching.”
“Hm,” Argent scratched his silver beard in thought. “And I am correct to assume Salem’s position on our deployment has remained unchanged?”
“Affirmative. Currently, the Witch would like the Alliance to remain on standby. Building resources towards second campaign against Atlas would be my suspected intentions.”
“Or Salem simply wishes us mere mortals to stay out of her way.”
“That is…”
“No, it is fine, Bean. Let Blake know that our forces stay at the ready.”
“…I will, Prime Minister.”
“Take great care, Bean.”
The small boy paused. “I do not understand your meaning.”
“My apprehensions of our sinister overlord are no secret. Which is why, if you ever have need for our assistance, no matter how small, do not hesitate to ask.”
“Inna,” Argent addressed the hologram next to Bean. “I will trust your judgment. If you perceive the slightest hint the Witch is about to make either of you a sacrificial pawn—”
“I’ll get ma’ self and this little rascal off this rock, and back to Vale.”
“Repercussions be damned. We fight for the peace of Remnant, not Salem.”
“I hear that, Prime Minister. Copied loud and clear.”
“Good. Please keep us posted of the situation.”
“Roger. Inna and Bean, signing off.”
With a two-fingered salute, the holographic image of the two cut out, leaving the officers of the Alliance to themselves.
“So!” Straw clapped his hands, and rubbed them in business-like fashion. “I suppose we can count our blessings Salem has failed to call on our participation for this battle. The plan continues to proceed smoothly, albeit; not without its minor hiccups. It is just as Raven foretold.”
“Our part in this war is over,” General Saru added. “Salem will soon accumulate enough Grimm to make the Alliance obsolete. And when that moment passes…”
“Endgame,” Argent muttered with a finality. “Have we received word from Raven, yet?”
“You mean, since her impromptu departure for Vacuo?” Straw needled. “None.”
“That may pose a problem.”
“Not everything can go perfectly according to plan, Minister. This ‘Alliance’ was a desperate gamble from the very outset. We can only act as true gamblers do, and commit to our bet, as it were.”
“Indeed,” Argent nodded solemnly.
The older man’s callused fingers tapped the wood of his armrest.
Straw is right in more ways than one.
All that is left for us to do is to collect the remaining chips we can before the table is set—and the final die is cast.
Argent took out his scroll to check for messages again. The screen indicated no communications from Raven for the hundredth time.
What are you doing, Raven?
Is Temujin such a rogue element that you personally had to go to Vacuo?
Or is there something else?
Another secret you’re keeping from everyone?
Argent sank deeper into his chair.
A gamble.
Straw’s description felt too true and too simple for Argent’s liking.
I suppose that is our nature.
No matter what precautions we take, nor the measures we can spend years putting into place,
For us Children of Remnant,
Life may amount to nothing more than a simple gamble in the end.
X  X X  X  X
“Hoh hoh, quite the predicament we find ourselves in,” Temujin gave a low chuckle.
With the sealings of an alliance between Atlas and Vacuo finalized, the two nations discuss the imminent threat approaching their world. This discussion included an overview of Remnant’s origins, the immortals, and the emergency restart mechanism already set mid-motion by the Tree of Balance.
“You don’t sound very worried,” Cinder’s hologram crackled.
“The world is always one step away from imminent self-destruction. If it isn’t this Tree thing, it’s the Grimm, or another war, or the other Kingdoms. This is simply the next problem. If I worried over every single time Remnant tried to off itself, I’d die of stress! Hahaha!”
“Is that so?”
Cinder didn’t believe Temujin for a second.
No, the old woman had some premature idea. It must be related to the Rakis siblings. What else is this woman hiding?
“Are there any more subjects which need addressing?” the Black Queen carried on, despite her misgivings.
“None that I can think of. When can we expect Atlas to honor their word?”
“The Atlesian Fleet has been undergoing deployment arrangements the second the treaty was signed,” Weiss spoke at Cinder’s side. “Atlas reinforcements will arrive as soon as possible.”
“How soon is soon, White Queen?”
“Very soon.”
“How can I be so sure this is no empty-handed promise? I can picture my people dying, and Atlas waiting until the last second to save them. And then, with our strength diminished, simply take the Kingdom the S.D.C. has coveted for so long.”
“Wha-?! Of course, not! Firstly, the S.D.C. no longer operates in such a—!”
Cinder raised her hand to interrupt her fellow regent.
“The thought crossed my mind, but the Kingdom of Atlas stands to benefit more from a relationship of mutual partnership than subservience. After all,” the Black Queen grinned. “Trust is a more important commodity now more than ever for us Children of Remnant.”
“Hmph. Cinder Fall,” Temujin spat, and spared a glance towards Team ENMY. More specifically, Emerald. “It seems your reputation matches the truth. Here’s hoping your tin cans at least make decent cannon fodder for our Kingdom!”
Weiss gasped again, but Cinder only let out a polite laugh.
“Well, then. If that concludes matters, my fellow Queen and I have the rest of our army to ready.”
“Your fleet has four days to get here, or Vacuo will sever this alliance.”
“Eight is the earliest they can arrive, and eight will be how long you will have to wait.”
“Six, it is.”
Even though the two communicated from separate continents, over the expanse of a whole body of ocean, the tenuous storm kicked up between them was no lesser had they been in the same room.
After a prolonged staring contest, Cinder gracefully diverted her attention to Team ENMY.
“I expect my ambassadors to carry on with their duties as previously instructed. They will remain at Vacuo’s honorary disposal, at least until our Fleet arrives.”
“If,” they heard Temujin scoff.
“If and when, they arrive. Do you understand?”
“We understand,” Emerald answered for her team.
“Be at ease. It is only an estimation, but our Fleet should arrive on the 25th at 17:00 hours.”
Cinder bade Team ENMY a subtle nod, before turning to Temujin once more.
“I think this will be the beginning of a supremely beneficial friendship.”
“Time will tell. The Queens should visit Vacuo one day. I can promise a warm welcome.”
“I can only pray such a time will arrive sooner than we expect.”
And with that, the transmission ended.
Team ENMY was making their way from the throne room, when Emerald established a hallucinated link with her teammates.
“You guys got that, right?” her voice resounded in their heads.
“Ease. 25. 17,” Yang replied. “Emergency channel: EZ 25-17.”
Neo didn’t show any signs, but she was quickly identifying the spies stalking them.
Two on the right.
She watched two figures trailing along what were supposed to be their team’s blindspots.
“I’ve got two more on our left,” Yang added. A slight pink reflected in her irises.
“How do you wanna ditch the escort detail? I doubt we can outrun them,” Mercury advised.
Emerald gave a mental shake of her head.
“They also know about my Semblance, so I can’t hallucinate them that easy. Besides, I need some quality time. We’ll run Plan H.”
“Wait, I don’t think I telepathically heard you right,” Yang’s voice chimed in. “Did you just say, ‘Plan H’?”
“Soft H. Like, lowercase h. Plan h.”
“Right. Well, you do remember the h in Plan h stands for hostile, right?”
Emerald telepathically shrugged.
“We got an official alliance with Vacuo and a favor Temujin owes us. I’d say we’ve earned some good grace that she’ll let this little bit slide.”
“How sure are you?”
“If all else fails, just play the ’newly-wedded goddaughter’ card.”
“Geez. It’s not even a minute after the treaty was signed.”
“Which makes it the perfect time to take advantage.”
Yang, Neo, and Mercury stopped walking and dropped back, while Emerald made a sudden dash towards one of the hall’s windows. Another second later, and she was gone.
“You sure you can do this?” Mercury asked Yang, paying careful attention to the empty sleeve of her right arm. “You can go ahead and join Em.”
“Nah, I got this,” she waved with a relaxed confidence. “’Sides, I got a new thing I wanna try out.”
As soon as Temujin’s spies made to chase Emerald, the remaining teammates of ENMY moved to cover their leader’s escape. A triple concert of simultaneous kicks rang out against the attempting pursuers, knocking them into the afternoon light.
“Is there a reason Team ENMY is showing sudden hostilities against palace guards?” a deep voice loomed from just around the corner.
A large, muscle-bound man strode into view with a strong purposed gait. The blue rings blemishing his skin pulsed with Aura. A thick air of intimidation leaked immediately from his simple entrance.
“Well, if it isn’t General Nai,” Yang snickered. “You know, my dad told me you’re the best martial artist in Remnant. Maybe, possibly, ever in history.”
“And yet, you show no signs of backing down.”
“Are you kidding? Why would I ever pass up an opportunity to fight someone so fun?”
“’Fun’, you say?”
“Oh, yeah. General Nai: one of only four to ever earn a Khan’s title during Vacuo’s war for independence.”
With a playful wink, one of Yang’s irises went from red to fiery pink. She extended her left arm, and beckoned him forward.
“C’mon. Show me what the ‘Fist of Vacuo’ is all about.”
X  X X  X  X
Emerald made her rounds, making sure there was no tail.
One jump, ahead of the hitman~
One hit, ahead of the flock~♪
I think, I’ll take a stroll around the block~
She sung to herself quietly, while stealthily navigating through the streets.
Eventually, the girl reached her destination. It was one of the few places within the city she could find any real measure of privacy.
“Hey, Brig,” she greeted the blacksmith. “Any of Temujin’s goons hiding in the back?”
Brigid let out a sigh, before pointing the wrench she was holding to the inventory room. Emerald dropped a number of high-quality Dust crystals on the workbench nearby as a bribe.
Once she shut the door behind her, she then, immediately barricaded it with whatever furniture and tools were available.
Won’t hold for long.
Emerald worked her scroll, punching in the code to the emergency channel. Once connected, the images of Weiss and Cinder appeared. Apparently, they had been waiting since the meeting was adjourned.
“Are you alone?” Cinder asked.
“As alone as can be.”
“The others?” Weiss asked.
“Buying me time. Don’t worry, the scene won’t be big.”
“Won’t be big. Is this thing on?”
“Hah-hah,” Weiss huffed.
“On to the subject at hand,” Cinder called them to order. “I require an impartial assessment. Temujin is an unknown variable to say the least.”
“Emphasis on ‘least’,” Emerald snarked.
“How much can we trust her?”
“Not at all,” the answer came immediately.
“……That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.”
“But I think we can trust she hates Salem. And nothing’s more trust inspiring that a common enemy—or common hate for some crazy bitch that wants to bring about the apocalypse and rule the world.”
“That much is true.”
“She’s got her secrets and her own motives. Wouldn’t surprise me if she had half a dozen schemes cooking backstage. But I don’t think she’ll try to screw us over.” She paused. “For now.”
“I see.” Cinder glanced briefly to Weiss, who nodded. “That will do for the moment. On to other matters of concern.”
Emerald gulped.
“The utilization of the Bridge Project. Explain yourself.”
Cinder was referring to the ability Yang activated in order to bring herself and Emerald back to Vacuo through the traversal of the Never Realm.
“Mercury and Neo were in trouble. I take full responsibility for ordering Yang to use it.”
“Hmph. As if we would believe such an obvious lie. You and Yang share equal parts of the blame, but punishments can wait until later. What possible fallout can we expect?”
“Honestly, Temujin probably thinks Yang learned that trick from Raven. She’s smart, but she won’t think it’s anything more than that. And I doubt the Rakis siblings know the full story of what it can do either.”
“And the more pressing point?”
“Yeah,” Emerald bowed her head slightly. “Yang activated it in front of Blake, which basically means she did it in front of Salem.”
“That’s a concern,” Weiss weighed in. “I doubt she understands the significance behind what Yang did either, however…”
“It does not change the fact an integral part of our strategy has been exposed,” Cinder finished the thought. “We cannot discount the chance Salem will look more deeply into the matter. Hopefully her war with Vacuo will occupy most of her attention.”
“From this point forward, you must do everything to keep Project Bridge a secret. Even if another similar situation arises, you should avoid using the ability again, or Salem might get suspicious.”
“Sure thing, ice queen,” Emerald muttered.
“This is serious.”
The tone of Cinder’s warning made the green-haired girl stiffen.
“I understand. It won’t happen again.”
“……I miss you terribly.”
Emerald blinked a few times, before registering the words Cinder just said.
“Really?” she couldn’t help but question.
“Of course. Do you think I meant it as a light remark?”
“No, no. Just… I miss you too.”
Emerald’s chest tightened so hard, she thought her blood might stop circulating. She would be the first to admit their relationship had its complications—especially with Raven involved. But hearing Cinder not only confirm her affections, but admit she felt the same way, brought a strange, unbridled happiness to Emerald.
“I want to see you so bad,” she choked.
“How soon?”
“Very soon, I promise.”
Emerald held the scroll close and kissed the screen.
“Um,” Weiss’s voice crackled awkwardly. “Should I go?”
Just then, something heavy slammed against the door of the room.
“Take care,” Cinder said with a tender tone. “Try not to get into too much trouble.”
“I’ll try, but I don’t know. Someone might have to bail me out,” Emerald chuckled.
“If such a time comes, I suppose it will be one more reason to make my visit to Vacuo that much earlier.”
“I love you.”
“And I you.”
The door burst open, and at the same time, the communication cut out.
After the dust settled, and there were no longer flying pieces of debris, Emerald’s pursuers stepped into the backroom. One in particular, scowled with crossed arms.
“Done with your phone call?”
“No! You guys ruined a perfectly good moment! Now I know how Yang felt earlier.”
“’Scuse me?” Ilia offset her brow.
“Nothing. So, what happens now?”
“We execute you……is what I want to say, but Temujin said to just arrest you.”
X  X X  X  X
Nai’s Semblance was Poison.
It coated every inch of his skin and was fatal on contact, if he so choosed. One single touch, one slight brush, and it would’ve been over for any opponent. Not the strongest of warriors or the most talented of healers would be able to undo its lethality if Nai concentrated the dose.
Still, as if to spit in the face of the threat it presented, Yang ducked and weaved between Nai’s blows without flinching.
Her unblinking eyes fixated on his. A pink reflection of himself danced in the irises of the girl that was only shoulder high. An unnerving nature lent itself to Yang’s movements—made her aware, too aware of Nai’s next attacks.
It was almost as if she knew the larger fighter’s incoming sequence of techniques before he himself did.
What is this girl?
What in the world does she see?
Perhaps, capturing her uninjured is impossible.
Yang side-stepped back and forth. Nai’s combo missed by a narrow margin, before the fiery-headed girl slipped in close. A hard left hook staggered the man, and made him retreat some spaces.
No, it is impossible without injury.
Nai’s posture visibly changed. His center of gravity lowered and his rings oozed a dark-sea hue. A sharpness honed in the air around him.
Yang took notice, and steadied her breathing. Her confident smile didn’t diminish in the least. In fact, a growing excitement seemed to exude the golden boxer.
She beckoned him forth again with her single hand.
Nai didn’t fall for such blatant taunts, but he did answer the challenge.
A forceful charge exploded from the balls of his bare feet. Despite his stature, there was no questioning his agility. A gust of wind propelled from a mere feint.
Nai didn’t know if Yang had any way of looking into the future, like the Rakis siblings did. If so, the feint would prove an empty effort. But he needed to gauge his opponent’s abilities.
His lead hand drew back, and he saw Yang standing her ground, unfazed.
It is possible she possesses some form of Precognition.
Very well.
What I do does not change.
As Nai ripped one of the most vicious fists in his arsenal, he momentarily had a vision of Precognition of his own.
A body-weighted counter landed across his chin. His left punch met nothing but air. Yang sported a malicious smile, while her knuckles shattered skin and bone.
But the prophecy never came.
Nai’s punch stopped just short of Yang’s nose. The girl no longer wore an expression of enjoyment, but refrain.
Before Nai could question her, Yang raised her only arm in surrender. Behind, he could see Neo and Mercury doing the same.
It wasn’t two seconds after Emerald was brought into the building, did she give the telepathic order for her team to stand down.
“Sorry,” Yang winked her iris back to its usual red.
“Rain check.”
X  X X  X  X
In an extremely large oasis, Raven made her way through the brush.
The land she walked was more akin to a jungle than anything else. Only the scenery around Shade Academy could have matched the terrain’s lusciousness. But then, the plant life around Shade was also green. In comparison, every blade of grass, every sheet of leaf, every branch of bark, was painted a jet black in this oasis.
And in the jungle’s cover, burning pupils stalked Raven’s footsteps.
She passed the monstrous Grimm without paying any mind. Many of which, were A-Class and higher.
She could feel their presence, as if they were pressing against her skin. Their snarls released an odor she could smell, as if they were breathing right in front of her nostrils. The disturbing noises they made could be heard, like they were scraping the inside of her eardrums.
Eventually, Raven made her way to a cave hidden behind a waterfall.
Named criminals and infamous warriors occupied the makeshift living space. They glared threateningly at the woman. Many of whom, knew her by reputation. Others, more personal than they would have liked with a few scars to remember her by.
As she continued to pass through the den of deadliest dangers, the woman finally came upon a couple of “friendly” faces.
“Bean, Inna. You two look well.”
“Are ya lookin’ fer Blake?” the cowgirl asked.
Inna tipped her hat down one of the labyrinth’s pathways, and Raven descended further into the dark.
The caverns extended deeper and deeper into the earth. None of the desert’s air made it into this place, where the atmosphere was cool and moist. The echoing drips of water let Raven know there was an underground reservoir at the end of her stroll.
In the faint dark, she passed Adam leaning against the wall. The young man’s arm was in a sling and seemed to be suffering some second-degree burns.
Raven didn’t offer any greetings, and had to fight down the urge to laugh before she passed.
In the middle of an underground pool, Raven saw Blake standing in its waters. Luminescent plant-life at the base providing the only source of light.
The swordswoman circled the rim to the young Faunus’s front, half-expecting to see the presence of Salem.
But to her surprise, a familiar smile met her in return.
“Raven, you’re here.”
“Yeah, Blake. I’m here.”
The cat Faunus waded to the edge where the other stood.
“I’m glad you’re here.”
“So am I,” Raven crouched down. “So am I.”
She scratched Blake’s ears briefly, before petting her head.  Her hands went to the towel nearby, which she used to wrap around Blake, as the girl came out of the water.
While Blake put on her clothes, Raven took notice of the great scratches carved along the walls. There were some pulverized boulders and dried stains of blood. She could easily imagine the girl venting herself on the surroundings.
“Where’s Salem?” Raven asked.
“I…don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
“I’d be skeptical too. Is it really me? Or is it Salem pretending to be me?”
“So, which is it?”
“I don’t think I can even tell anymore, to be honest,” Blake rubbed her arm uncomfortably. “I think it’s just me right now.”
“How do you know?”
“After… after what happened in Vacuo, I was upset. I was so upset, and angry, and sad.” The girl shook her head in dismay. “Salem kept trying to get into my head, after I blocked her out… after I saw Yang carry Neo away.”
“I see.”
“She kept telling me it should’ve been me Yang should’ve saved. She kept saying I was the one meant to be with Yang—and that it was me who she should have married.”
“But that isn’t true.”
“After what I did, I realized I was becoming the monster I was trying to protect her from. When did it become me, Raven? When did it all go so wrong?”
Raven approached, and braced Blake from behind.
“I wish I was there. I wish I could’ve seen it.”
“Seen what?” Raven asked.
“I wish I could’ve seen Yang get married. I don’t deserve it, but I just wish—”
“No more wishes for you, I think.”
The sound of the icy-chilled voice made Blake and Raven step back with their guard up.
“Seeing as you’re not quite ready for the task yet, I deemed it necessary to see this war through its completion—personally.”
The figure of Salem crept from the shadows, and it felt like the dull glow of the cavern grew significantly dimmer in her presence.
“You two have been proving rather disappointing as of late. It’s a shame really, but no matter. I fully intend to see our ambitions through.”
A dense darkness billowed from her. A darkness that surged her consciousness through all the Grimm roaming Vacuo.
“It’s time I wrote the last chapters of this story myself.”
X  X X  X  X
In the dank prison cell of the Hanging Gardens, Mercury sat on the ground without his legs.
His attention rested solely in the diary in front of him. Every page he finished, he violently flipped to the next one. No concern at all was paid to situation he found himself in.
“Seriously, Em?” Yang asked, while cuddling with Neo on the only cot.
“How long do they plan on keeping us here?! Hey! Guard! How long are we gonna be here?! Hey!”
“What? They’ve held us here forever!”
“It’s been an hour.”
“You really haven’t noticed?”
“No.” Emerald replied. “Man, I do not do well in prison.”
“I’ll say.”
“Can’t you guys just bust us out of here?!”
“Well, yeah. But you don’t want us to actually break out, do you?”
“No! I just wanted to say it. Careful. I might ask you to seriously do it in an hour, but under no circumstances are you to do it.”
“It might happen just so I can get you to stop yelling.”
“Freakin—I can pick this lock! I could so pick this lock!” she shook the metal bars. “This might be the flimsiest jail cell in the whole city, and Temujin specifically put us in it. She’s good at torture.”
“My mom was a prostitute.”
Emerald turned around slowly, while Neo and Yang sat up from the bed.
“My mom was a prostitute,” Mercury repeated.
He dangled the diary, and let the pages fan through.
“Doesn’t mention a name, a hospital—I was probably just born in that stupid house. Nothing. She’s an anonymous. One of I don’t know how many! I probably have like millions of step siblings out there!”
“I dunno about millions. Maybe, thousands?” Emerald brought up, before being jabbed in the arm by Yang. “Ow!”
“My dad is such a FUCKING asshole! My mom’s probably not any better!”
“Probably not.”
“I don’t even wanna find her anymore!”
“Easier that way.”
“Why even bother?!”
“Why even.”
“Is that weird? Is it weird, I don’t give a damn about finding my own mom? Or that I wanna just leave all this crap behind and forget it?”
“Oh, Merc.” Emerald walked over and slumped down beside her partner. “Take it from a gal who shot her own parents.”
“You mean cuckoos pretending to be her parents.”
“Potato, potahto.”
“No one says potahto.”
“Parents…are a waste of time.”
“Not true,” Yang interrupted briefly. “But go on.”
“Besides,” Emerald continued. “I’m your mom. So, don’t worry about this stuff, dummy.”
“Wow…” Mercury wowed.
“And Neo’s your sister. Yang is your sister too.”
“Wait, why are my sisters married?”
“Is that the part you’re gonna focus on?”
“It’s definitely the part that stands out.”
“Look, I’m gonna tell you what you already know, but you think you don’t know for sure.” Emerald took the diary out of Mercury’s hands, and tossed it to Yang. “Your family isn’t some sociopath cult of assassins. They weren’t your abusive dad or whoever your mom was. They’re this girl, and that girl, and me!” she pointed to Neo, Yang, and then, herself.
“We give a damn about you. Maybe even two damns. So, you do what you wanna do, and we’re with you. You wanna cry, Yang is totally the type to cry with you. Bleeding heart.”
“You wanna search for your mom? I’ll help you find her. You wanna freakin’ stab some people cause you’re angry? Neo will go with you.”
“That’s all I’m gonna say. So, what’s it gonna be?”
“I wanna burn my old house,” Mercury answered immediately.
“When we get back to Atlas, I want all of us to burn my house down. I want to burn the Black Family’s estate down to the ground. I want to burn EVERYTHING!”
Yang set the diary she was holding on fire with her Semblance and threw it on the ground.
“YEAHH!!!” she roared, which prompted the rest of Team ENMY to roar.
The four looked to be in the throes of absolute lunacy while screaming around a small burning fire.
And it was in this situation which Temujin, Minerva, Nai, and Raven arrived to.
“…Them?” Minerva asked skeptically. “These four are the ones we are entrusting to save Vacuo?”
“Remnant…actually,” Raven sighed.
“The next generation—I like their spirit,” Nai nodded appraisingly.
“HAHAHA! Tis only fitting the ones with a gambler’s chance in hell to overturn a predetermined fate is a bunch of crazy idiots!” Temujin cackled. “Ah…”
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