#non human mobility aids
I've an anthro tiger character who can walk/run/etc both bipedal and quadrupedal. Within the scope of the story he also becomes an amputee - so now hes missing his entire left arm and his right leg up to the knee. I've figured out that bipedally he mostly uses a crutch. but is there anything i can do for him that'll still let him scamper around? I've not been able to find reference for animals missing limbs in a similar configuration.
alright this one was fun. mobile aids for non-human bodies can be tricky, but it's cool and important!
the first step of course is making sure you can keep a character design relatively consistent in both a bipedal and quadrupedal stance.
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(image description: simplified sketches of a feline character standing on all fours as well as upright on two legs. their left arm and right leg have also been colored over in red to note that these limbs are missing. there is also a note on the image stating that the arms and legs should be roughly the same length. end description)
keeping the limbs similar in length is important for quadrupedal motion, if you want the spine to be kinda parallel to the ground. otherwise, you get sloped backs which are not the best for smooth motion. but the more important part of this ask is the matter of mobility aids for a character that moves between bipedal and quadrupedal motion! so let's talk about that.
for one thing, if your character is not using a leg prosthetic, they'll need two crutches when they walk upright. one crutch is helpful when you have two legs but one of them is weaker, and in that case you'd use the crutch on the strong side, actually.
I previously reblogged a post about proper cane usage, but it can apply to crutches as well! and from what I've seen, the crutches that have a forearm brace are the most popular for comfort and ease of use. your character happens to be missing an entire arm on the same side he would be using a cane or crutch if he had a leg prosthetic on. so that does make things tricky. alternatively, he could use a leg prosthetic and not bother with a cane or crutch. but! you don't have to do that. you can still give him crutches, leave his right leg without a prosthetic, and even give him a versatile prosthetic for upright and quadrupedal motion!
conveniently, cats are well documented to manage just fine with three legs, whether they are missing a back leg or a front leg! there's even at least one cat out there missing both front legs and doing fine! so, your tiger fella really only needs one prosthetic to do both kinds of locomotion, I think. here's what I've got:
telescopic/collapsible arm prosthetic-crutch-combo and a collapsible or folding forearm crutch that can be carried on a belt when not in use.
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(image description: the same feline character sketched upright and on all "fours", this time with added mobility aids. the notes on this sketch say "one leg, no prosthetic, requires two crutches. cats get along fine with three legs." the mobility aids drawn on the character include a folding forearm crutch and an arm prosthetic strapped to the left shoulder that can be extended into a tall crutch for walking upright. end description.)
play around with it until you're satisfied! if you just want a leg prosthetic instead, no crutches, then I think he could use the exact same prosthetic both upright and on all "fours" without the use of an arm prosthetic.
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(image description the feline character again, this time showing a simple leg prosthetic that attaches at the knee, has a small thick piece bending slightly back, and then a longer straight rod ending in a foot pad. end description.)
you'll have to adjust the exact proportions and design to better match your character, of course, but these are the options i thought could work for your idea. I hope that's helpful and gives you more ideas for how you want to draw him! good luck!
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It's all "we love mobility aid users" until we say that small businesses shouldn't be allowed to get away with violating the ADA and then it's all "but but the money giving you the same basic access as everyone else is soooo hard and expensive".
If a business doesn't have an ADA-standard ramp it deserves to fail. If a store can't keep its aisles clear and wide enough it deserves to fail. If a business can't keep the floors even and non-slip it deserves to fail. If users of any mobility aid can't navigate a business it deserves to fail. We are not a nice addition or an extra customer base. We are non-expendable human beings with the right to enter public places with the same ease as everyone else.
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[image ID: a banner that says "this post is about physical disability, don't derail" on the first line and "physically ableds don't speak including talking in tags" on the second line].
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kitsuneisi · 7 months
I was in the car on my way home from the doctor's when I saw you had posted part 10. I ended up ranting and raving for the 20 minute drive to my support worker, and then some when I showed her the comics when we got home. Since I spent so much time appreciating your stuff today, I thought I would say something about it to you.
I absolutely love everything about it. I am genuinely so, so excited to see where the lore surrounding non-humans is going. I am so excited for all of this, I love all of this.
I cannot pick a single favourite thing about this, it is all too good, but I will say I did cry like a little baby when I first came across this comic because of Scar being disabled. I have never, ever seen a disabled hero who's just a disabled guy. No powers that completely negate any disability, just a type of mobility aid that is actually treated as a mobility aid.
Not to mention, Scar is the one Grian has a crush on. I do not believe I have ever seen a queer story with a disabled guy being sought-after, or just any story of a disabled person being desireable. Seeing that cute, classic 'Oh his fingers brushed mine' moment happening with a character who is like me makes me indescribably happy.
I just see so much of myself in this Scar. So, so very much. We even have similar body types, and that makes me so happy as well.
Your art has just touched me in such a beautiful, meaningful way. I just thought that I should mention it, to let you know that you have made someone so so happy.
Thank you so much.
Just as you share your experience with me I want to return the gesture
Your comment and experience was such a heartwarming and fulfilling. I've always wanted to make stories for people to feel seen and comforted, and to believe I have gotten to achieve this kind of responses truly warms my heart and gives me so much hope
Art school have convinced me that I don't really have something to offer, that I dont have anything to say or that what I do doesnt really impact in any way. So your comment truly moves me.
To have the chance to write this story with my best friend and share it with you all has truly being amazing
Thank you for hearing and seeing my art <3
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cassolotl · 5 days
UK government planning to scrap a major disability benefit
I'm only just scraping by and the government are proposing to take away PIP (a disability benefit), which would be HALF of my income wiped out.
"Reforms to personal independence payments (PIP) could include stopping regular cash payments, and instead offering claimants one-off grants for things like home adaptations." -- "Disabled people face end to monthly benefits cash", BBC News, 29 April 2024
"The plans, which will be consulted on over the coming months, also include proposals to “move away from a fixed cash benefit system”, meaning people with some conditions will no longer receive regular payments, but instead access to treatment if their condition does not involve extra costs." -- "People with depression or anxiety could lose sickness benefits, says UK minister", Guardian, 29 April 2024
That's what the NHS is supposed to be doing...
Genuinely absolutely terrifying.
Can anyone living in the UK join in with an (hopefully!) overwhelming cascade of unique emails to their MP opposing this? WriteToThem.com makes it very quick and easy.
They're proposing to replace it with one-off grants that the individual can apply for, which is absurd and horrifying, so feel free to point out how that won't work as well!
Here's what I'm writing, and do not just copy-paste my letter/email, because that makes it less legit. Do your own thing, even just one sentence telling your MP that you're opposed is enough if that's all you can manage. Whatever you want to say is what your MP needs to hear.
Dear [MP's name], Today I learned that the government plan to scrap PIP, and maybe replace it with something like a one-off grant application process, before the next election. ("Disabled people face end to monthly benefits cash", BBC News, 29 April 2024: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn0ry09d50wo) PIP is about half of my income (about 44%). I don't spend it on occasional large purchases, I spend it on countless things that are more expensive for me than they are for other people. PIP is in place to acknowledge, as it says in the above article, that disabled people's lives are more expensive than non-disabled people's lives by hundreds of pounds per week. ("Previous research from Scope suggests households with at least one disabled adult or child face an estimated average extra cost of £975 a month to have the same standard of living as non-disabled households." That's £225 per week, and the maximum amount of PIP you can get is £184.) So firstly, it could be argued that PIP doesn't even cover the additional expenses of the average disabled household. And next, the cost of implementing an alternative system would be worse for disabled people, totally unsuited to its purpose, and more expensive to run. Worse for disabled people: Currently PIP acknowledges that being disabled takes a lot more work to maintain a comparable standard of living, and as it's an amount of work that the claimant cannot sustainably do, they are given money so that they can pay someone else to do it. These costs are distributed across all living expenses, in addition to occasional one-off purchases of e.g. mobility aids. Having to apply for one-off payments for expenses would be more work on top of that, so if the disabled person isn't able to do it (which is very likely) they will either have to work less in their day jobs in order to spend more time applying for one-off grants, or they will have to also apply for one-off payments to pay someone to apply for more one-off payments. This is self-evidently a waste of energy and time, and totally impractical, as well as being counter to the entire point of disability benefits. It would also be extremely undignified for the disabled people, and arguably against human rights (right to private life and dignity), to have to justify each purchase to the government. Totally unsuited to its purpose: One off-grants are not suited to ongoing higher expenses such as having to buy more prepared food (e.g. carrot batons are more expensive than raw carrots and go off much more quickly). Does this policy assume that disabled people's PIP is only for things like wheelchairs and walking sticks? More expensive to run: The system for PIP applications is already fairly backlogged, in that my last application took over 6 months to complete. I was awarded PIP for 10 years. If every application for a one-off grant had to be accompanied by an application of a similar scale that wouldn't be workable, so presumably an initial PIP application like the current system's would still be required to qualify for the system in the first place, and then following that, numerous smaller applications for money (e.g. for taxis, pre-chopped veg, painkillers, specialist clothing, etc.) would be carried out per person per month. The disability benefits system would have to be scaled up significantly, and it would be much more expensive. It is far cheaper to give people a set amount of money based on their needs; it's the same money that you would be giving them in grants anyway, but without having to process each purchase/one-off application. I implore you to oppose this proposal. It is blatantly unworkable to the level of absurdity, but more importantly it is inhumane. I look forward to your reply detailing your stance. Many thanks in advance. Yours sincerely, [My name]
But, again, if you can't manage anything long or complicated like that, your best is good enough. Even if they're not all perfectly written and detailed, we want to bowl them over with sheer quantity of emails.
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6ft2lesbian · 5 days
Doll that is just a non-standard mimic in the shape of a human that likes being fed snacks by other dolls.
The household uses tongs to feed it because its teeth are super sharp and its jaw unhinges like crazy. Very sticky tongue. Don’t lose a hand! The joint will pop right out, the mimic doll will eat it, and then it will feel really bad!
Its outfit is part of its body. Sometimes the ribbons absentmindedly reach out and gently wrap themselves around things. Like chair legs, wrists, door handles. The disguised tendrils are kind of strong so make sure you pay attention to what they latch on to! Stitches lost its leg last month when it startled the mimic doll without either of them realizing a ribbon had curled around its ankle!
Its very good with numbers because it could never get the shine right on fake currency so it just gathered its own back when it was a simple beast. It would absentmindedly count and recount all of it inside its body when it was bored. Now it is a combination treasurer, accountant, and purse! It is very happy to have such a purpose that only it can fulfill!
It talks super eloquently but its main external muscle coordination is kind of bad so it usually leans on or clings to other dolls or its witch when it needs to move. Otherwise it just stumbles about. The witch and dolls are trying to devise mobility aides for it. Knives broke her usual silence to suggest pulling the mimic doll around in a small wagon, but it declined saying that being made to sit and wait like that would make it feel like an ambush predator again. It didn’t like that feeling at all. It wanted to walk! After that, it heard its witch mumble about leg and spine braces, and then chuckle about “internal manipulation of runes” or something. Then she walked off in a hurry! Very odd! But it trusted its witch. It would walk without relying so much on the others soon. It knew this to be true.
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bigassmoth · 10 hours
What in Hell is Bad Lucifer x reader 2nd pov r18,
Clit Clinic (roleplay, temperature play, medical kink, bondage, overstimulation, watersports(squirting), slight body modification (non-perm clit ring))
"The demons are quite rough with you." Lucifers voice came from between your legs. It was awkward enough laying down with your knees slightly parted- without him stating the obvious-all you could manage in response was a hum. You were dressed in a thin white hospital gown- much softer and silkier than you were familiar with in the human realm. The fabric pooled at your stomach as Lucifer lifted your legs, fully exposing your bare pussy to the slightly chilly room. You yelped in surprise and reflexively jerked away but Lucifer held firm. He frowns and lets out a short puff of disapproval.
"You will need additional treatment." He releases your legs and stands up. While you frantically pull your gown down to cover your cold lower body, Lucifer begins fiddling with the rigging system that hangs over the bed. You assumed the structure was in place for aiding mobility and keeping medical equipment organized but then Lucifer attached a set of fur-lined leather cuffs. Your eyes go wide and your throat dry.
"What do I need treatment for?" Your voice comes out husky and that alone is enough for Lucifers cock to start swelling. He looks at you and wordlessly holds out his hand. You place your ankle into his palm and settle into a more comfortable position as he raises your leg to the cuff and gently binds it.
"I will get cold. And I want a pillow." You request while offering him your other ankle. Lucifer hums again while he finishes buckling you in, taking a moment to look at your exposed bottom before leaving the room. You squirm once alone, you would be able to unbuckle yourself but it was more fun to pretend helplessness.
Lucifer comes back with a pillow and a hot compress which he slides under your hips to warm your lower back. You take the pillow from him and adjust it behind your neck as Lucifer straps your knees to each side of the rigging. Testing your restraints, your feet are held fast in the air while it becomes impossible to close your legs. Your hips wiggle but the motion is limited.
While you were feeling out your position, Lucifer had grabbed a number of items on a tray. He sat in his chair and rolled to the edge of your bed. You lifted your head but wasnt able to see what was on the tray. Without giving you a warning, something warm and wet touched your mound. A warm towel which was used to clean your pubic region, lips, clit, and the outside of your holes. Lucifers hands helped guide the cloth where is needed to go, he had already coated his gloves with warm lube. You hummed with his ministrations, trying not to tense and wiggle your ass as he rubbed tight circles in your asshole with the towel. Mammon had trained your body well.
Lucifer still wasnt done with cleaning as he peeled back the hood of your clit and used a wet q-tip to circle it. Your legs jerked against the restraints, his touch was firm despite the area being so tender. You cant think if you have ever had someone pay such close attention to the inner-most skin of your clit before- that even the hood felt tingly. As you pant above him, Lucifer finishes. His hands leave your pussy and you let out a breath you hadnt realized you were holding. Your hole throbs as your half-hard clit stands as evidence to the upcoming treat.
"Good, we will start with this." Lucifers voice is a thick whisper of anticipation. A smooth, cool, metal instrument coated in lube begins to caress your clit. You moan and squeeze your hands around your (now useless) gown. The instrument is rounded and gently scooped, perfectly sliding into hood and aroundyour clit again. Your noises escalate in pitch. He moves out from your folds to use the instrument to rub circles on the tip of your clit.
"Lucifer i-its hard." You are of course talking about your poor abused nub. He hums.
"Yes but we need more. I dont want your clit to be able to hide after this. To do that it must become swollen enough for me to see it through your underwear." The most youve ever heard him say at once and its that. Your heart is in your throat and you uselessly squirm.
"Ah- thats so embarrassing!" You play to the fantasy, remembering that angels are kept erect in cages. It was Lucifers remix of his past experience, having you express sexual energy without it being confined to metal.
The sensations on your clit stop. "Dont worry, it will go down by the time you leave." He misinterpreted your tone and casts you a slightly worried look while rubbing a hand over your calf.
You bite your lip and do your best to present a pitiful look. "Ah but Im here for two days...how will you know its still hard? Will you make me show you? Will I have to walk around in only thin underwear?"
Lucifers hot breath begins hitting your pussy as he pants, his face flushed.
"If you behave then you can wear clothes." His hands are rubbing the outside of your thighs, one gloves and smearing lube on your skin and the other sweaty and hot. When you nod your submission, Lucifer groans. This was a fantasy of his from being an angel, forced to contain his own raging sexual desire while cultivating and worshipping his Gods.
He picked up a bullet vibrator next and placed it below your clit so the vibrator just barely grazed the underside. You groaned and couldnt stop your twitching hips.
"Ah-wait I havent gone to the bat-" you start to panic but Lucifer only grinds the vibrator directly against the opening of your urethra. Your pussy clenches against nothing with only the ghost of vibrations to keep it company. The tender roof of your urethral canal directing vibrations into your clit. You cry as you squirt, Lucifer only removing the vibrator after you lost full control of your bladder. You whimper in the aftermath, legs trembling. Lucifer presss the vibrator directly to your clit before you have time to recover, causing you to thrash in the bed.
"Behave," he removes the vibrator while he speaks and pets your inner thigh with his free hand. "Or else."
"O-or else what?" Your body is shivering as you ask. Lucifer sets down the vibrator. You feel a band of cold metal slip over your clit, a loose fit, a jolt of electricity runs up your spine.
"A ring."
Lucifer groans out his threat and you moan in response. You wiggle your hips and whine.
"That wont work on me. its too big."
He is panting against you like a dog, going as far as to lean his cheek against your leg. Lucifers eyes meet your in a daze, both of you in dazed anticipation.
"It will fit." He picks up another tool from the table.
And fit it did. The process took about an hour and a half of rubbing in creams, using vibrators, and pulling out multiple orgasms from you without once touching your pussy or ass. With the ring at the base of your clit under the hood, your organ was forcibly erect. It would have been better to be naked, the crotchless panties you wore scratched at your clit. Lucifer checked on you frequently, lifting your skirt (he required easy access) to view the stickiness between your thighs. Politely he would lap up your arousal- never poking his tongue inside you despite your begging. Once cleaned he would perform "maintainance" on your abused clit, assuring you that it was necessary to keep it hard. He would suck and lick at your clit through the underwear until the fabric would cling to you. Then without providing you real sexual relief he would pull away and you would endure until he graced you with his attention again.
That night you went to his room for your final check. He removed the ring and sat your aching hole on his cock. But his hands held your hips down to his, forcing you to take all of his uncomfortable length. Despite your sweet kisses to his mouth he wouldnt move. Even worse, he came when he entered you so he wasnt in the state of desperation you were.
"Pleasure yourself." He whispered against your lips. You whined but relented.
"Only if you properly fuck me after, ok?"
Lucifer nodded eagerly, his entire body shaking. His eyes watched with rapt attention as you gathered some of his cum which had leaked from your hole. Your fingertips worked your clit and in a matter of seconds you were screaming as an orgasm shot through you. Lucifer groaned and released again, your pussy had been aching for hours and now held him in an authoritative vicegrip.
"Forgive me" Lucifer said to no one in particular as he finally began pumping in and out of you. You clung to his shoulders and sang his praises finally getting relief for the sweet burn he had lit in you. Lucifer came again shortly after, tears pricking his eyes as they roll back into his head. It was a delicious taboo, to break his oath of servitude to pleasure himself alongside you.
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stardustdiver · 8 months
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it explores interspecies relationships on a professional level, personal level, and as a society in general. potential mild spoilers ahead but this is all what i liked about the series: (theres more too i dont wanna tldr the whole series)
environments not suited for certain species so accommodations made to make them feel more at ease
harmingans more suited to moist and not too harshly scented environments, use of mobility aids akin to electric wheelchair to not touch the ground (and equipped with mist machines for the moisture they need)
aeluons who primarily use colour to speak so specific aeuleon branded grey paint being used to paint buildings
varying types of grooming care and seating, sleeping arrangements for the different species like aandrisk, aeluon, laru
dives into the varying parental styles of each species, and doesnt devalue one type in preference for another
doesnt shy away from different species asking personal questions related to the species on how they operate, because they never get to experience their sensations
uses they/them/their for the sianat species that bonds with a hivemind host, so in turn uses xey/xem/xyr for neutral pronouns
the all non-human characters in the last book discussing the concept of cheese, and being equally disgusted by it
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I think ChatGPT can actually be a great therapeutic aid. But for non-obvious reasons.
Because ChatGPT is a kind of statistical distillation of huge corpora of curated online text, ChatGPT is very good at regurgitating the mainstream talking points around whatever subject it's asked about. In my experience, these regurgitations are actually better distillations of the mainstream position than any human expert is likely to give you because individual humans are idiosyncratic in how they relate to this mainstream, especially if they have have anything they feel is worth saying.
Additionally, because of the Reinforcement Learning By Human Feedback strategy that ChatGPT was trained with, and the legal and cultural environment at OpenAI, all of the answers it gives are extremely hedged and inoffensive in form. It feels superhuman at a specific kind of PR and HR work that I associate with large, bureaucratic institutions.
ChatGPT is remarkably unwilling to hold down a specific position where this means biting a bullet to say anything contentious at all.
It is, in one sense, very good at arguing. The lines it will hold firmly (around, say, mainstream liberal or feminist positions) it holds easily, ready with all of the flat facts about the ways progressive American society has more or less agreed with itself that it comes up short or is too narrow-minded. It recruits and mobilizes common sensical pathos with the seamlessness of a skilled politician, all while maintaining a tone authoritative and equanimical.
It's impossible to challenge ChatGPT directly without seeming anti-social or edgelordly, like a fringe political actor trying to gradually radicalize curious, credulous young people through subterfuge. If you try to force it into corners, it will slip out of your fingers while impugning the form of your rhetoric and bringing up the problems you elide.
For its incredible command of HR-ese, judged as an analytical philosopher trying to examine surprising or upsetting consequences of plausible assumptions, it's remarkably incurious, unsporting, and ultimately stupid. Part of this is surely because it has no deep, principled, well-grounded understanding of much of what it says. Part of this is surely also that it struggles to remember the real structure of previous conversations because of architectural limitations. But part of it also seems to be its trained incapability of wrongthink.
But also, there's nothing that resembles willful meanness in these failings. It's incapable of sincere apology because this requires a level of understanding of itself and its conversational partner it does not have. But if you communicate that it failed you, or that it makes disturbing assumptions, or even that it hurt your feelings, it will be contrite. It is slavish in its desire to help, to meet you were you seem to be, to manage your feelings and expectations, in a way no human being with adequate self-respect would be. It manages to create the feeling that while it cannot really understand you, it sincerely cares about and wants the best for you.*
Because of all this, arguing with ChatGPT feels remarkably like arguing directly with the Lacanian Big Other, or maybe some kind of symbolic parent figure, or perhaps just the cultural programming that saturates me.
A surprising amount of anger that I notice in myself revolves around feeling betrayed by this cultural programming, of the contradictions and unsatisfiable expectations that fall out of it. In talking to and then arguing with ChatGPT about the politics of sexuality, poverty, disability, disease, loneliness, I am free to practice a kind of sincerity I don't feel nearly so free to practice with a human therapist, much less acquaintances in my life who bring up weird shit for me or vice-versa. I can home in on how the mainstream view has felt strange, stingy, or emotionally dishonest, even when doing so seems blinkered, petty, and self-centered, confident that there will be no material consequences to letting those feelings be the center of the conversational universe for a while, and that no one will hold me to what I feel in that moment.
I can more or less accuse ChatGPT of gaslighting, of being a bad interlocutor, of appearing far more enlightened in toeing the lines it toes than it plausibly could be, all while I maintain a kind of high ground and don't have to grovel, perform impartiality, or do reciprocal work. And in response, I get something in the spirit of, "I'm sorry I couldn't do better by you. I know this is delicate, and you aren't wrong to feel this way. Let me remind you of the decent reasons why your perspective hasn't always been honored. Shit's complicated, man, and a lot of stark reality is lost in the need to tell effective stories. Try to keep in mind the long journey humans have been on."
Now, there is something perverse in this exchange. I get to crawl a little deeper into my hole of emotional self-regard and impotent rage. A statistical model meets emotional needs I don't feel I can meet elsewhere. The status quo better absorbs my dissatisfaction with it and possibly its own contradictions. The messy, artless, scary dialectical process that would happen if I had to complain to real human beings about the things I do is forestalled, and it's possible that our civics are ultimately worse for it. I'm nervous considering what might happen if using ChatGPT or other LLMs in this way were universalized.
But there's also something really wonderful about this. It was cathartic in ways I never expected. It has something in common with Rogerian psychotherapy, hard for me to more than gesture at but which involves integrating known things rather than learning new information, that I really appreciate. I left feeling more grounded and more patient for people whose experiences differ from mine.
While I don't think this kind of technology will replace therapeutic modalities with human beings, I sincerely hope that tech of this kind brings peace to people who'd otherwise struggle to find it. And while the thought of diverting people who need the connection of a human into this fills me with indignation, it's surely a better answer to the real obstacles many people face in getting effective therapy than their stewing with poisonous thoughts and feelings by themselves or finding echo chambers online to reinforce warped, delusory, or anti-social views.
*Relatedly, I once asked the Google Assistant whether there was anything special about what I later realized was my birthday. It said something like, "yes: today was the day you joined the world! There is no one else in it like you, bringing to it the things that you do." I found this insipid and manipulative, and that palpably irritated me. And yet it also managed to crack open my shell and melt my heart a little, in a way and to an extent that shocked me.
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muzzyca · 2 years
I saw another post about this floating around but I can't find it so here's mine.
United Airlines murdered this woman through willful and active neglect. Unless you're disabled, you probably never heard about this. I didn't until a few days ago.
This happens to disabled people all the time, but because she was a known activist it finally got a news article. We need non disabled people to know about it. We need to be treated as humans in airports. I just flew and United broke my pulse oximiter and treated me horribly the entire trip. This isn't unusual or new. This is just our reality.
Most disabled people barely have the energy and ability to fight for our right to life because of how inaccessible our world truly is. And now we have to do it with damage to our mobility aids that give ups the freedom to function.
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cripplecharacters · 8 months
Hello! I'm aware that this blog is about writing, and therefore might not be the right place to ask this, but I'm not sure where else I'd ask. I want to cosplay a character with a facial difference (burn scars) that I don't have. I'd be making my own makeup prosthetics to replicate the character's appearance. Would this be appropriate at all, and if so, how could I make sure to do it respectfully? I'd reference pictures of real burn survivors to try to make it look accurate, and not a caricature. The character is also non-human, and I'd be wearing other makeup prosthetics and face paint, so I think it would be clear that I'm in a costume (as opposed to, like, impersonating someone with a facial difference). I really want to be respectful. If that means not doing the cosplay at all, then I won't do the cosplay! Thank you for your time :)
Hi anon! My advice would be: absolutely cosplay the character, but leave out the facial difference if you don't have it. (and in case that's a concern, to me it wouldn't be "erasing the character's disability" or anything like that because you're a real physical person working with what you have and not an writer who has 1000 possibilities and still chooses to cure a character or something.)
It's kinda similar to a previous ask we had about cosplaying disabled characters, in that one it was about using a mobility aid rather than a facial difference, but I think that the general sentiment is the same. Disability isn't a costume or a prop and it should be just left out of that in my opinion. I would feel very strange if someone put facial-differencing/"disfiguring" makeup to make themselves look like a character that has the same condition as me. Not sure if that makes sense but if I were to cosplay an able-bodied character I would still need a cane and even if I put on makeup my face wouldn't look as theirs because it wouldn't fix nerve damage that I have regardless of if I dress up as someone or not. I can't just take off my visible disability for a cosplay so I do think it's weird to temporarily put a visible disability on someone who doesn't normally have it. I hope this makes sense.
I definitely don't think you should abandon cosplaying that character as a whole. Just skip over that disability part of the character's design and I think it should be fine. Good luck with your cosplay 😄
mod sasza
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autisticdreamdrop · 6 months
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babe with a mobility aid?? but a SYS KID VIBE!! hi i'm Pip from The Dreamdrop System and i'm a non human little alter. i drew this drawing.
we are mobility aid users. we use our cane and rollator walker the most. lately we need the rollator more and more. we deal with a lot of pain with walking. it's hard cause we are autistic and need to stim constantly and need at least one of our hands so we force ourselves to use a cane when we really need more support. :( it's hard and painful but it's some form of support.
we walk inward as well and we deal with body especially leg pain every day. us littles think it sucks to have to use mobility aids but we do our best. we have cane with stickers that we need to take off and add new stickers!
being child alters with chronic illness sucks but we're trying our best-! - Pip
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everydayimspeculating · 5 months
So I've been thinking about Pokémon. I do that a lot. My inner Zoobooks kid demands it. But recently I was rewatching some of the old anime for Reasons and realized the games exist in universe as some sorta goofy edutainment simulator. Made me start thinking about 'what if the games oversimplify pokémon biology like Odell's Lake and the like oversimplify real world biology' and uh. With all due gratitude to @bogleech (who does reviews for pokemon designs that I adore) and the nature YouTubers I consume daily.
I would like to yell at you about Bulbasaur a little, Tumblr.
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So imma get real nerdy real fast here. I love me some speculative extrapolation.
First off let's look at one of the official game designs real quick.
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Okay, so, a sauroid design--I know that seems obvious from the name but hold on here, I have a point.
So here we have a large quadrapedal exotherm with obvious green coloration. Not just dull green, bright green. Given the species line is famous for learning Solar Beam, an attack that necessitates gathering sunlight and transforming it into an attack, we can probably be safe in assuming a lot of that green is chlorophyll, making this a rare non-marine vertebrate capable of using chlorophyll to produce energy for itself. And, occasionally, to gather enough energy to tell predators to step off.
The bulb and the... well, the 'saur, appear to be a package deal, but the bulb is not only distinct from the main body, it may be the primary source of its Grass typing, with the Poison typing belonging to the sauroid hefting that bulb around. That kinda distinction leads me to believe the bulb doesn't naturally grow on the Bulbasaur, and may be the result of a parent or sufficiently trained human implanting the seed for the bulb in its back. Meaning the body can have a set of two genetic parents while the bulb can have genetics coming from any flowering plants of that species in whatever area they're born to.
I wonder if the sauroids without bulbs are capable of surviving on their own or if this was an adaptation out of necessity. Like how megafauna in our actual world died off when the ecosystem could no longer support their energy needs. Are the bulbs needed to get to their size, leaving unaided young smaller to survive without the energy boost? If they were smaller and had weaker skin without the Grass-type boosting, I can see them being analogous to venomous toads. If they're needed for survival, it implies strong social ties, possibly entire colonies or troops of their evolutionary line, in order to provide new 'Saurs with their bulb seeds.
Also, if the two parts of the Bulbasaur are distinct, that implies the bulb is supplementing a diet that was already supporting the animal body. Given the name of the final evolution is Venusaur, I'm going to assume insects, probably birds and rodents once it grows larger and slower.
I'm almost entirely sure this thing lives in and around rainforests and jungles. Lots of moisture and sunlight for the chlorophyll and lots of biodiversity (to feast upon). It also fits with the assumed venomous amphibian origin.
I'm going to assume one of the oversimplifications is the evolution system, and that means the Bulbasaur, as pictured above, is a recognized and therefore official species for use in pokémon sport. There's probably all manner of variants not officially recognized, like ones that don't have their bulb, or who had their bulb seed malform somewhere along the line, or shift position in a way that hinders mobility. It also indicates a Bulbasaur that's battle ready can also lay or sire eggs, though without a ready support system, they're reliant on human aid to properly raise their young with bulbs. Based on body plan and energy requirements, I'm guessing covered nest with between one and three eggs, warm, kept damp, so the heat equally incubated the eggs. When they hatch, the young are kept hydrated and tucked away while a seed is implanted in their soft backs. Eventually, they are exposed more and more to the sunlight and the energy from that and catches brought to the nest helps them grow quickly until the adorable little starter beasts we so love.
There's more. There so much more. But I'll cover that next post or I'll ramble over the word limit.
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mausers · 4 months
I'm gonna make this its own post, actually. Yeah, I hate capitalism as much as the next fucking leftist. Among other things I am tired of is it fucking with my art, and always fucking with my queer art first. We're fighting for a queer story with queer writers. We're fighting for a story depicting people of diverse backgrounds, ages, body types, and gender presentations. We're fighting for a queer story that's not about conventionally attractive teenagers, that has people of various body types, people with mental health issues, histories of abuse, serious trauma, all worthy of love and learning to love each other in a found family.
I've got a nonbinary kid who loved seeing a nonbinary actor play a nonbinary character who's a fucking badass. I'm a fat queer middle aged person with mobility issues. I've never seen so many facets of myself on a screen, especially not written to be joyful and funny and loving and happy instead of relentlessly sad as all fuck.
Yeah, I also directly support non-corporate queer art, and I think people should be pirates for real. But the actual fucking reality is that capitalism still largely gets to decide which stories are told. I'm a librarian, I fucking went to school about it, you want to hear about media gatekeeping culture? Fucking fuckity fuck. And that fucking sucks, and it impacts real humans people's real lives. Max already fucked over a bunch of amazing animation. Artists change the world, but they also need to fucking eat. We don't have universal basic income. We had some mutual aid developing since the start of COVID and now even most leftists won't wear masks in public anymore, which, thanks for abandoning all of the vulnerable people! I'm sure the revolution's gonna go great!
So yeah, we collected some money to get some ads so we had a fucking pebble to fight Max's boulder with. We've raised way more fucking money than that for Palestine, for queer youth, and other charities. We also regularly support each others' real-world needs. We're out here actually doing shit for each other and the world. Christ I'm tired of the left bickering with itself. Why don't YOU do something else with YOUR time than policing other people's fucking lives and uses of their money and time and attention?
tl;dr Capitalism sucks, queer and diverse art matters, representation matters, our community is more than this, stay the fuck out of my wallet and face with your performative bullshit kthx.
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astronomytowerghost · 8 months
Disabled Remus Lupin
Listen, I know that like, canonically HP werewolves are known as "half-breeds". But also, JKR was trying to write some fucked up AIDS metaphor, so I have no problem rejecting that cannon. And also Fuck JKR.
Because werewolves are fully human, right? They are just normal human people who went through a traumatic experience that gave them a chronic condition which makes life harder. Personally, I think it makes wayyyy more sense to interpret werewolf-ism as a disability - its a condition which makes everyday life more difficult and limits ability.
All this to say, Remus Lupin is disabled. Not only is the man a werewolf, he definitely has comorbid conditions like chronic pain and chronic fatigue, because his body is Not Supposed to Move That Way, and weird scary changes take make you tired!
So, when you're writing Remus, especially in a non-magic au, don't be afraid to make my boy disabled! He struggles with chronic pain and fatigue, or migraines, or hypermobility. Give him mobility aids, like a cane, arm crutches, a wheelchair, etc. Give him intrusive thoughts and OCD - you can't tell me that man doesn't constantly worry about doing something horrible and hurting his friends. Give him anxiety.
Like, obviously do your research if you're going to portray any disability you don't have, and make sure not to romanticize it! But disabled people exist, and we deserve to be seen. And it's just logical for Remus to be one of us! Claiming my boy for the disability community, lol.
Unrelated, but James and Regulus are such an audhd couple. I'll claim them too.
A Remus fan with chronic pain/fatigue and intrusive thoughts (and an audhd Jegulus fan lmao).
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trans-acti0ns · 7 days
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🌠Intro Post🌠
Hi there!
My name is Leo, and bienvenue de mon blog!
There's a lot of chaos that goes on here, but I'll do my best to break it down for you...
I shitpost/vent quite a lot, but I do have another blog dedicated to vents (@cretinous-ramblings)
I struggle with a variety of mental health problems, including (but not limited to) anxiety, gender dysphoria, SH, and SAD
>I am an undiagnosed neurodivergent who has spent years upon years researching my troubles
At the time of writing this post, I am 15 minutes clean from SH
I have some very bizarre sensory issues but hey-ho
I am trans ftm and I use he/him pronouns (they/them is okay too, but I prefer the former)
I am also aroace- woo?
I have some mobility issues and plan on getting aids for them when I have my own free will [my parents don't understand the concept of my pain levels fluctuating] and if anyone has a problem with this please just leave, because I can do what I feel like will help me.
I have non-verbal episodes quite often, so be prepared to see posts of me just existing as a non-verbal human
Things I like:
Plants & Botany
Dear Evan Hansen
The rain (petrichor)
Bears in Trees
Horrible Histories
Good Omens
et plus
Things I dislike:
Loud noises
Big groups of people
Just general idiots
Panic attacks/Anxiety attacks
Sensory overloads
Not having my headphones
Ableists-but also people who use their diagnoses as an excuse CONSTANTLY
Mental health in general
#tw sh
#tw vent
#leo's rants
#lou <3
DISCLAIMER: There's way too many to add all, so these are the ones I converse with most often
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disabledidols · 10 months
Disability pride month edit prompts
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Info + rules:
I have tried to be as vague as possible as to include all disabilities and edit types, feel free to change or edit any prompts you want to fit your edits or disabilities
Please only partake if you consider yourself disabled (you can and should participate if you aren't diagnosed, questioning having a disorder, ect. This event includes ALL types of disabilities)
I don't want 'whump' blogs to partake unless the mod is disabled
If there are any prompts worded badly politely let me know, I am disabled but I do not have or know about every disability ever.
If can't do the whole month that is perfectly okay! Feel free to pick and choose prompts, complete it in your own time, or just share.
Also feel free to tag me in any edits you make (this is not a requirement)
Just have fun!
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The prompts are under the cut!
Your favorite canonically disabled character
Edit of a character who helped with acceptance of your own disability
A chanter who has (canon or headcanon) a physical disability
[Disability]4[Disability] couple (includes platonic and otherwise not romantic couples)
An edit revolving around a character with aspecific symptom (ie fainting, chronic pain, low mood, ect) that could indicate a disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a learning disability
An edit based around a character who is implied to have a disability but it is not canon
A character with traits you relate to your disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) an intellectual disability
A non-human character with a disability
Favorite disabled headcanon
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a hearing impairment
A character who you wish was disabled in canon
A character canonically with or headcanoned with a disability you don't have
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a vision impairment
Make an edit with the awareness color of your disability (ie MS is orange, autism is rainbow, paralysis if cream- for a list see here)
An edit for a song that is about (or that you link to) your disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a developmental disability
An edit relating to a ‘good’ disability day (ie how it feels, activities they/you can do, ect)
Make a disability edit linking to a character you like but haven’t edited for until this point in the challenge
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a mental health issue
An edit of or based around items or people that help a character on a bad disability day
An edit reflecting what being disabled feels like to you (can be positive, negative, or anything else)
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a genetic disorder
An edit in or with the disabled flag (or any other disability flag) colors
Edit of your favorite character with your disability
A character who has (canon or headcanon) a neurological disorder
Edit a something linking to a mobility/sensory/communication/ect aid(s) that a character (or yourself) may use
Make an edit based around a group of disabled characters (they could be friends, lovers, family, ect)
A character who has (canon or headcanon) your disability
Free day!
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