ufolvr · 9 months
Robot characters who are given names like SL-308-62 but instead of their human friend going Well let's call you Sally for short, they instead ask the other if they Like their current name.
"Do you like your serial number?" they ask. "Yes, quite. It reminds me of who I am" the robot replies. "I have heard others like me go by different names after some time, and maybe one day I'll choose one for myself, too. But right now that is my full name, yes" they continue.
Because it's not your decision to make whether or not the robot will receive a new name. It should be theirs only. What's the difference? One is more complex and the other is simplified. They were both given by strangers instead of themselves.
"62 will do," they conclude. "It's my model number - there will be no other 62 after me."
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teratophilia · 10 days
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Calls to "remain/be human" resemble the "have some empathy" rhetoric a little too much.
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phaloplasty · 14 days
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An example of tribal scarification on a member of a Sepik River tribe in Papua New Guinea. (Wikimedia Commons: Christopher Michel)
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radracer · 3 months
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1972 Plymouth Satellite 📡
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r-adio-coining · 2 months
I’ve returned from the dead with some transpokémontypes 🎉
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TransGhostType / TransFairyType
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TransFireType / TransDragonType
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TransGrassType / TransWaterType
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exitwound · 19 days
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april floods may buds
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vivisectedvitality · 20 days
"i don't believe in god, so you're the only one to whom i can pray"
cw: prior mcd, brief suicidal ideation
ghost sits in the front pew of a tiny catholic church in russia. his skin prickles underneath his gear, rifle sat next to him on the bench. he shouldnt be here. he shouldnt be sticking his neck out like this when theyre so close to catching makarov. practically at his front door price had said. or was it gaz. he cant remember very many small details right now.
the church has all the same fittings as the one they held johnny's service at. it's much less ornate though. he thinks johnny might have liked this one better. less frills, much simpler than the drawn out affair they'd had in glasgow. ghost sticks his hand in one of the pockets of his tac vest and figets with the warped bullet fragments in it.
his eyes are drawn to a statue to the side of the altar. its of a woman, eyes looking skyward. she's got swords encircling her, something like a halo over her head. he can't remember her name. something about wounds and sorrow. ghost scoffs, fist tightening in his pocket. the shards of metal dig into his palm.
there's a shift in the constant cloud cover outside, and a solitary beam of sunlight shines through a small window behind the altar. it filters perfectly through the stained glass, casting the pew ghost is on in muted reds and blues. he releases his grip on the metal pieces in his pocket and removes his hand from it, slumping in his seat. blessed sunshine. there's something he could worship. after all these weeks, either holed up inside or underground or living under steel grey skies he felt like some kind of prayer of his had been answered.
it gives him an idea. a bad one, but those seem to be the only kind he can come across these days.
ghost pulls off his gloves, one finger at a time, and sets them on the pew. he flexes his fingers and puts them together like he'd seen people do when they were in church, like he'd seen johnny's mother do after he'd told her that her boy would be coming home in a body bag. he shuffles forward and down until creaky knees make contact with creaky wood, and he waits for the words to come.
but they don't. he sits there for long minutes and nothing comes out. the small beam of sunlight dissappears back into the constant grey, leaving him in the half light of the abandoned church again. he drops down to sit on his calves. the backs of his shoes are digging into his ass and the edge of the pew is jabbing into his vest. he should get up. but he doesn't. he can't. if this is it, the end of makarov, what may be the end of ghost himself, he's going to get through to johnny one way or another, even if he has to sit here on his knees for hours to believe in his god.
another idea occurs to him. it's worse than the first. but he's sick of failing, so he tries anyway.
ghost reaches up and pulls his mask off, tossing it into the seat behind him. he regains his earlier posture, kneeling with his legs straight, hands clasped together, looking up through the window like the statue was.
simon opens his mouth. closes it again. shuts his eyes.
his voice is rough with disuse, breaking on the word. he clears his throat, purses his lips. starts again.
"johnny. dunno if you can hear me. all i know you're just dust in the wind now."
he flexes his interlocked fingers, trying to soothe their urge to pull his mask back on.
"i can't pray for you, can't bring myself to. seems selfish, sure but its facts. cause if theres someone up there watchin' then why the fuck wasn't it me instead'a you. man like me ought to croak before a man like you. bloody fuckin' waste otherwise."
simon knocks his forehead to his knuckles and sighs.
"but now i guess. guess i'll trust you to do that. watch my six. always did johnny, always."
he squeezes his hands together.
"we're going after him, soap, no fuckin about this time. we'll get him. i'll get him for you."
his trigger finger twitches.
"help me get him for you. don't let me fall until he does. don't let me breathe my last until his goddamn skull's caved in. please."
part of the weight he's been carrying since that cold day in november slides off him.
"all the shit i do now is for you johnny. woulda left if price hadn't kept chasing the bastard. woulda gone to meet you off the side of that cliff. everything i do is for you now."
he thinks about the mountains of bodies they've gone through to get this close, the rivers of blood that have stained his shoes so badly he's replaced them twice in four months. he thinks about torture sessions that lasted days, men screaming for their mothers in the pitch blackness of underground cells.
he thinks of fights with price he had to be physically dragged away from, about gaz clocking him across the face after simon had said they didn't care their sergent was gone.
"we'll finish the job. whatever state we're in."
" 'n when i blow his brains out i'll think of you."
he blinks his eyes open to find the whole church bathed in sunlight.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 6 months
someone commented under i post i saw about hawkeye in the later seasons that they didn’t like that they “ made hawkeye into a sensitive man . it ruined the whole show “ .
anyways completely unrelated but here is a scene from the pilot
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nyahchis · 6 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞 - megumi fushiguro ☆‎‎‎‎  © vnsux
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🌲 its the first day of december, and you had been down lately, so megumi decides to surprise you with the wonderful view of snow, the first snowflake you'd seen this winter. 0.7k [ prompt list ] [ day two ]
🌲 cw. reader is gn and no prounous are specified.
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it had been bleak today, the wind windier than normal, and the air dreary with the sorry excuse for clouds. you had been waiting for snow since fall ended. it seemed like you were pretending the sun wasn't setting.
 it’s not really that megumi didn’t care, but he couldn’t understand why crystallized water was so exciting to you. he watched you as you watched the window, sinking his hands into his pockets, eyebrows furrowed.
it also seemed like you had been upset all day too, thinking that because december had rolled around, the snow would come. but it still hadn’t. megumi didn’t like seeing you upset, but unfortunately, he couldn’t make the snow start falling just because you wanted it to.
he sighed, crouching next to you where you were bundled up on the floor, staring out the window of his dorm, a big pout on your lips.
“y/n, come on…it’s getting late.” he muttered, not really sure how to console you. you look at him, your lip quivering. “gumi! when is it going to snow!” you asked, giving him your puppy-dog eyes, as if he was supposed to know. he half shrugged, gently pinching the blanket. “come on, you need rest.” but you shook your head, claiming you couldn’t sleep until you could see the snow falling. he frowned. “y/n, i’m serious.” he whispered, leaning forward to get a better look at your face.
your pretty face.
megumi loved your face. he loved looking at it, he loved when you smiled and your eyes crinkled, and he liked the way he could see the marks on your nose bridge, where the skin would wrinkle when you furrowed your eyebrows. he had looked at your face so often, that at this point, if you asked him to describe you with his eyes closed he totally could. 
you jut out your lower lip, but comply, and stand, holding the blanket as you do. megumi watched as you flopped onto his bed and curled into a ball, facing away from him with an angry huff. 
“wha…don’t be like that…” he murmurs, but his attempts were futile. it was no use, he sucked at dealing with things like these. he switched his position on the ground, crossing his legs and leaning against the wall perpendicular to the window, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
the snow. he still didn’t understand. he hated the snow. the cold was just difficult, and snow always got in his way, but you loved the snow. you looked forward to it every day he was with you.
it was always: “megs, do you think it’s going to snow?” or “i can’t wait for the snow!” or “gumi can’t you just use your manly powers to make it snow?” that one was horrid, he almost choked on his own spit when you said it.
but when he looks up from his shirt, he sees it. the first snowflake this year, gingerly drifting towards the ground. his eyes widened. this is what you were waiting for! so he stood as quickly as he could and poked you in the side. 
“y/n, look.” he tried to get your attention, but you weren’t having it. you shook your head, making a loud “hmph” noise. “it’s snowing…” he tried again. this time you were up in 0.6 seconds (he counted!)
“snow?” you ask, your voice high with excitement. you don’t even wait for confirmation before you're jumping out of his bed and rushing towards the window, leaving your warm blanket behind. you pressed your face to the window, and there it was. the first snowflake touched the ground below.
you gasp. “megumi fushiguro! it’s snowing! we have to go out!” you were bouncing on your feet. he opened his mouth to complain, but you were already rushing out the door and towards the exit, bounding outside to feel the tiny snowflakes coat your hair and eyelashes, giggling with excitement.
megumi reluctantly followed, carrying your discarded blanket. he draped it over your shoulders and put his hands back in his pockets, a small smile teasing at his lips. you grinned at him, big and wide, so happy.
"cold?" you asked him. he shook his head, " 's okay, i'll make it." but you enveloped him in your blanketed embrace anyway.
if this was your reaction when it snowed, then boy did he want it to snow more often.
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🌲 author's note. day one for my little snooker wooker i wanna put him in my pocket. anyway i hope you liked this <3 i think the rest of them will probably be short and sweet like this too. i need a man like megumi tbh. such a lil meow meow
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ufolvr · 4 months
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Reading dunmeshi for the first time after watching the anime. Why is Laios just a big dog.
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teratophilia · 1 month
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That damage control must be insane.
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phaloplasty · 2 months
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cometmothman · 6 months
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big image of my 17776 ocs + ten, juice, and nine obviously! feel free to ask questions about them because ohhhggthrhr my children
@kitsumo made the little pics for me! i just smooshed them all together
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r-adio-coining · 4 months
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A transfashion label for beings who feel they should, or wish to dress in a maximalist aesthetic, but don’t currently.
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myysaints · 7 months
woke up from a nap thinking about mark webber he’s just SOOOOO dilfy 😭😭😩
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vivisectedvitality · 9 months
ok so my personal thought is that ghost and soap don't get married til their like mid fifties after they retire and even then it's just legal documents they don't have a wedding. and they don't really tell anyone because it doesn't really change much. and then one day 141 meet up for drinks or smth and someone else recognizes soap and goes 'oh hey mr mactavish' and he goes 'hey! n it's mactavish-riley now actually' and holds a whole long bench conversation while everyone else is fucking flabbergasted. and when he finally turns back around theyre like 'repeat that pls' and soaps smug ass is sat there grinning n he goes 'i say again. 's mactavish-riley now'. and everyone loses their mind
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