#no sorry apparently not ‘’our’’ dogs head
pussy-ache · 11 months
probably should talk to my sister sooner or later
#i need to get myself to care first#my life is absolutely no different without her in it and like. that’s a hard pill to swallow#like i guess it’s the Point. that i should just let it go. but at the same time i honestly just don’t fucking care#like the ONLY difference is the fact that i’m now bearing the weight of elderly dogs by myself#and that’s probably a problem#her personality always drained me and i honestly can say that i probably did the same to her#but again i know that’s Not The Point#it just makes it harder for me to care lmao. it’s like trying to forgive my father. and i’ve been working on that one my whole fucking life#so basically she probably shouldn’t be holding her breath#cuz this whole time my parents have been taking care of the dogs i have been wracked with guilt#thinking about my moms shoulder and my dads knees and just how hard my dogs pull#and now that it’s been temporarily taken out of my hands for 1-2 weeks at a time i see it’s super convenient for my sister to not have to#i’ve had this shared responsibility with her for almost 12 years#this is the first time i’ve had a break (save when i went out of the country a couple times lmao)#so that means i now know how easily she’s choosing her own convenience over being fair with me#her entire point is ‘’this shouldn’t have anything to do with me anymore. they’re not even my dogs’’#like. what? how are they not YOUR dogs and MY dogs and MOMS dogs and DADS dogs. they’re THE FAMILY DOGS like what does that even mean#and then she goes and gets her own 10 pound looking ugly little kick me dog the size of our dogs head#no sorry apparently not ‘’our’’ dogs head#like jesus christ. i just do not have the energy to speak to her#like the amount of allotted energy i have every day literally just exists for work. bed. masturbation. and then work. bed. masturbation.#truly. i can barely function as an adult. she can wait until i have more energy to deal with the low empathy selfishness she exudes
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drvirgus · 2 months
hi; can i request a haerin one shot where you and the members of newjeans are task to babysit (like in the return of the superman where artists would appear to spend some time with the kids) and one of the kids have hearing disabilities and y/n can sign language and communicate with the kid through sign language and all of the members are impressed but haerin just fall in love with you more as she see you communicate with the kid to the point the kid were attach to you🥹 just hearin be like “thats my girl” - sorry if its too long hehe
I‘m so sorry that it took so long🥲 my laptop is broken but I wrote this fast chapter at work 🤔 hopefully you like it 🤞🏼
The Babysitters
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Idol! Haerin X Idol! Reader
wc: 2k
a/n: the colored sentences are in sign language
With a sigh, I sat in the car, Haerin's hand in mine as I simply looked out the window. Danielle was the first to start laughing when she heard my sigh. "Oh, come on. I really don't understand how you can't like kids," Danielle said as she turned her head towards me. My attention now on Danielle, I replied somewhat annoyed, "Kids are just like drunken adults. Always have to watch out for them."
I immediately felt the pressure of my girlfriend's hand. Her head lifted from my shoulder to look at me better. "I always have to watch out for you when you're drunk," she said, which made Hanni and Minji laugh. I blush a little as I simply put my index finger to my lips and said, "Shh," making Haerin roll her eyes with a smile.
"Besides, we have a baby," I said, which made Hanni laugh again and nudge Hyein. Hyein snorted and I said, "Watching out for Hanni is already a hassle." Hanni looked at me with an open mouth, and Hyein immediately laughed and nudged her.
"It'll only take a day, Unnie," Minji said, looking up from her phone.
I just nodded, not wanting to discuss the topic further. I had complained enough already. Apparently, the others were quite satisfied with the show we would be shooting today.
"Can't we go back to the dogs? They're cuter," I said, which made Haerin nod. Her fingers played with mine, her head still on my shoulder. I smiled as I gave the younger one a gentle kiss on the head.
The rest of the car ride wasn't anything special. Hyein and Hanni watched some Instagram Reels together on Hyein's phone, Minji seemed to be texting someone, while Danielle simply looked out the window. Haerin and I were in our own little bubble, just playfully intertwining our fingers.
The car stopped, and our manager promptly opened the door for us. My hand immediately left Haerin's as I allowed myself to be pulled out of the car, of course, by Danielle.
Together, we entered the building, all eyes on the man in front of us who would explain everything to us. Naturally, he also told us the names of the children and that there was an age group from 2-year-olds to 5-year-olds. I nodded in understanding. Now, apparently, we were allowed to mentally prepare ourselves in the adjacent room while they prepared the set.
"Aw. No babies?" Danielle asked as she pouted and sat down on one of the chairs. Minji chuckled, her hands on her hips. "Babies would have been preferable to me too," the black-haired girl said. My eyes also immediately fell on Haerin, who stood in the completely different corner of the room, her eyes already fixed on me, which made me smile.
"And you? What would you prefer?" I asked, which made Haerin hum a little. She raised her head thoughtfully.
"I don't mind any," she replied after a short pause, which made me nod my head with a smile.
Immediately, Hanni and Hyein also voiced their preferences. The door opened, and we were now allowed to enter the room where the children sat, played, and laughed. Danielle squealed with delight, which amused me and made me shake my head in amusement.
All the children's eyes turned to us, and almost immediately, a boy approached Danielle and dragged her to the play blocks without even asking. I watched the younger one go and smiled a little. Danielle looked really happy. Besides, she was perfect for this job. She was always cheerful, unlike me. I was more... mostly always in a bad mood?
Minji clapped her hands, immediately grabbing the attention of some children. Minji smiled kindly. "Who wants to arm wrestle with Unnie?" she asked cheerfully, and almost immediately, several children jumped up from their chairs, raising their hands and shouting their names loudly.
I hated how loud kids could get, but... they were having fun, so that was okay. At least no one was crying. Hyein and Haerin also mingled and now interacted with the children, but I still just stood there, observing the whole situation.
Suddenly, I heard loud crying right next to me, and my eyes widened in shock as I looked at the young girl, her mouth wide open as she held her fists to her eyes and cried.
With my mouth hanging open, I looked at the crying child and slowly crouched down. A nervous smile on my lips, I asked, "What's wrong?" which seemed to only make the child cry more. Blinking rather surprised, unsure of what exactly I should do, I said, "Uh, everything will be okay. There's nothing dangerous here," trying to comfort the little one.
The girl pointed her finger at me and said, "This Unnie is angry," suddenly, and my eyebrows raised.
I heard Hyein laugh a bit, but she quickly was nudged by Minji warningly. I swallowed. "N-No, I'm not angry," I said, which apparently didn't help. Sighing, I took my hands and pulled my cheeks apart to make a funny face. "I'm just playful," I added with a feigned high-pitched voice. The girl seemed to calm down slowly, although she still had a bit of a hiccup from crying. Her eyes looked at me somewhat more curiously and then she started to laugh.
This is why I hate kids...
I smiled politely. "Do you want to... play with me?" I asked, visibly awkward, but the younger one didn't seem to notice. Her hand grabbed mine, and I really had to fight against myself not to pull my hand away, as she led me to one of the tables. A smile on her face as she placed me next to Hanni and sat herself next to a boy.
Apparently, this was the drawing table.
"These will be good pictures," Hanni said quietly, giggling. She meant the funny face I had just made. I immediately nudged her with my knee so she wouldn't bring it up again. Hanni just chuckled softly as she continued coloring her mandala.
My eyes looked at Minji, who seemed to be playing a monster, Haerin participating as a princess in the roleplay, protected by the children, and Hyein seemed to be reading to one of the children.
Then my eyes fell on a little girl who was reading a book all alone. My eyes narrowed immediately. "Is Unnie angry again?" the girl asked me, on the verge of tears. Panic widened my eyes, and I shook my head and hands frantically. "No, no," I said immediately, which seemed to calm the little one down. I breathed out in relief.
"How old do you think I am?" Hanni asked, smiling, pointing to herself. The boy looked at the girl next to him and then to Hanni. "100?," he asked, and Hanni leaned forward almost immediately, shocked. I chuckled softly, but I tried to suppress it desperately.
My eyes kept drifting back to the little girl who was reading all alone. "Hey," I said, "Hello? Little one?" I asked a bit louder, since she probably couldn't hear me over all the children's noise. The boy in front of Hanni looked at me. "It's no use. She can't hear anything," the boy said casually, but then he proudly lifted up his drawing and grinned at Hanni.
I nodded in understanding, forcing myself not to furrow my brow so the girl wouldn't cry anymore. I leaned closer to Hanni. "I'm going to go over to that girl there," I said, and Hanni immediately nodded her head. I focused my eyes on the little girl as I sat down on the floor in front of her.
Apparently, she hadn't noticed my presence yet, which made me chuckle a bit. So, I tapped on the book on her lap, right in her line of sight. Her brown shining eyes looked at me, her lips slightly parted. With her little finger, she pointed to her ear and then made an X sign.
I simply smiled. Luckily, I knew sign language because my mother had always been hard of hearing and it only got worse with age. "Is the book good?" I asked in sign language, and the girl's eyes widened even more. Her tense face immediately relaxed, and I heard her let out a sigh.
"Yes," she replied with a nod of her head. I smiled gently. "What is it about?" I asked as my eyes briefly glanced at the book and then back to the girl. I could tell that the set's camera was now focusing more on me thanks to the sign language which was surprising for some people. But the rest of the kids didn't seem to care much.
Haerin also looked at me, a broad grin on her lips, prompting Minji to nudge her. Haerin quickly corrected her expression. "It's about a princess who has to kiss a frog. He then becomes a prince," the girl said, which made me nod in understanding.
I chuckled slightly. "Do you want to play something with me? Or should I leave you alone so you can continue reading your book?" I asked patiently. Like Haerin, the little girl lifted her head and seemed to be thinking. I could feel my body relaxing as I waited for the younger one to respond.
"I want to play something," she said with a smile, and I stood up right away. With a smile on my face, I held out my hand to the little one, and she immediately took it. "What do you want to play?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. Once again, the younger one pondered.
"Catching ball. Daddy... never plays with me," the girl said, and I nodded in understanding. I could feel Haerin staring at me the whole time. Our eyes briefly met, and a smile spread across my face. Haerin looked rather proud. I quickly looked away when I noticed my cheeks slowly turning red.
So, I grabbed the ball and looked at the little girl. Slowly, I threw the ball, and she caught it. I clapped my hands in joy, even though she couldn't hear it, she could see it. She jumped up and down excitedly. Now, she was the one throwing the ball to me, and I caught it. Just like before, she clapped her hands, which made my grin even wider. I laughed, and this time, it was definitely genuine.
"Okay... it was sweeter than expected," I said as I made myself comfortable in the car, a gentle smile on my face. The door was now closed, and with a jolt, I felt Haerin's lips on mine. My eyes widened, but of course, I kissed my girlfriend back. Her hand on my face, pulling me closer to her.
"Hey. Not in the car," Minji said, and reluctantly, Haerin pulled away from me. She sighed and sat back down normally. I raised my eyebrows, as this behavior was unlike my girlfriend. She was usually more reserved and slower.
Danielle laughed, while Hyein looked amusedly at Minji. "Oh, come on. Let them be. Haerin did really well during the shoot," Hyein said, laughing. "Yeah, when Unnie started with sign language, Haerin almost started drooling," Hanni joked, and immediately, my head turned to Haerin.
"Was that why?" I asked softly, her fingers pressing against mine again. But Haerin just shook her head. "It wasn't about the sign language... it was... just sweet to see you with the child," Haerin answered softly. "Especially since you were smiling, even though you hate kids," Haerin added, her cheeks visibly flushed.
I smiled amusedly as I intertwined our fingers. Immediately, the younger one looked at me. My lips touched hers briefly, of course, otherwise Minji would complain again. "Home, okay?" I asked softly, and Haerin blushed even more. A small smile appeared on her lips, and she squeezed my hand. "Home," she confirmed.
"That's gross. Hyein, don't look," Hanni said, but she was still taking pictures with her phone. Until Hyein eventually photobombed her photos.
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lyssaluvs · 4 months
Hi can you do a Percy Jackson x female reader.she is the daughter of Aphrodite
A little background Percy has this puppy love towards her.she has a fondness towards him but oddly enough even though she is the daughter of Aphrodite she comes off as cold.Ok so this takes place episode five of the series and they are arguing about who will sit in the golden chair.when he sits down and is turned into gold she tries her hardest to get him out.She has the talk with Hephaestus like how Annebeth did in the show.When Percy comes out of chair is was able to hear everything she ways saying.Figuring out she actually does really like him.
Trying Not to Love You - Percy Jackson
Summary: As above.
Warnings: Like one naughty word and a lil peck. Use of Y/n (Idk if that counts)
A/N: This is my first piece of writing so pls be nice, and pls leave feedback. Also, I know logically that they're like 12 and have probably known each other for like two weeks and therefore don’t actually love each other, but for the sake of the story, we're ignoring that. Also x2, I know Nickelback gets hate but they go hard and I'm DONE acting like they don't. (Listen to Trying Not to Love you, which is what this made me think of)
WC: 1.4k (I got carried away 😔)
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For a daughter of Aphrodite, I sure don’t seem like one. My siblings and I get along just fine, but no one can deny the differences between us. We differ in that where my siblings are outgoing, smiley, and warm, I happen to be more reserved, more introverted. Many suggest I’m colder than my siblings, but that’s not the case. I’m just wary, and if that presents as being cold, so be it. We share traits, of course. We’re kind, socially aware, and well… beautiful. And with that, often comes an onslaught of suitors. Sure, I had a few, but none that I ever felt drawn to. And none that stuck out quite like Percy Jackson did.
“He’s staring again.” My sister said as she nudged my side. I look up from my plate and meet his gaze. He sends a panicked smile before a blush spread across his cheeks and he quickly looks back down at his food.
“Poor thing looks like a kicked puppy, you should talk to him, put him out of his misery.” My sister continues. I hum and tilt my head before getting up to make my way toward the fire. I scrape the last of my brisket off my plate as I hear him approach.
“Uh, hi.”
“Hi Percy.”
“It’s, uh, pretty warm out, huh. Not all that pleasant standing by the fire. Maybe we should, I dunno, go for a walk? By the lake maybe?” He presses his lips together and looks at me with those puppy dog eyes. Were his eyes always that pretty? No. Stop it.
“Sorry Percy, we’re having girls night in our cabin tonight, I can’t” I quickly explain. Sure, it’s not nice to lie, but it has to be done. What are my options? Keep saying no until he loses interest, or give in to the temptation, and eventually have to break his heart? He doesn’t deserve that. The former it is.
I quickly make my way back to my cabin, and into bed.  Not turning around to see that he does, in fact, look like a kicked puppy.
My head snaps up and I quickly glance around. What? Me?
“Customarily, one waits to at least hear a name or two before choosing. Are you sure you don’t want to hear more?” Chiron states apprehensively
Apparently not… I think to myself as Percy goes on a spiel about how he must choose those he trusts most. Why me?
Cold, wet, and coughing. That pretty much sums up my state right about now. Somehow, I had made it out of the water when I surely thought I was going to drown. Had that been Percy?
I fumble my way off the ground, taking Percy’s outstretched hand.
“Are you ok? You’re not hurt?” He rushes out as he looks me up and down franticly.
“I’m fine, Percy. Thank you.”
“Yeah, no, of course. Sorry if I was too rough, I’m kinda making it up as I go along.”
I just smile as we direct our gaze to the grand, golden statue in front of us. There it was, the shield we’d almost drowned to get to our hands on.
“How are we supposed to get that thing down?”
I look between the statue and the chair that say at its feet. “These things are connected somehow. It’s a machine, but how do you start the machine?” I say as I scan the mechanism for any clues.
Percy seems to retreat into his mind for a moment before coming to a realisation. “It was a gift with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera, but as soon as she sat in it, she couldn’t get up.”
Percy continued to explain, and it finally clicked. One of us has to sit in it. One of isn’t getting out of it.
“I’ll do it.” I say without thinking. I didn’t need to think about it, it was a no-brainer. Between the two of us, Percy needs to continue, and for some reason I don’t let myself delve into, I have no objections giving my life for his.
“What? Wait a minute!” He grabs my wrist to stop me from proceeding towards the chair.
“No, Percy. It’s me or you, and I’m not going to let it be you.”
“Y/n, no! I brought you on this quest because I couldn’t bear the thought of you not being by my side. I didn’t want to go anywhere you wouldn’t be.” He let go of my hand and I immediately missed his touch.
“Percy- “
“Y/n. Listen to me. It’s ok. Even if you sit in the chair, the outcome would be the same. A piece of me would go with you, and I’d be no use to the quest. You’re strong. You don’t need me.”
He took a lunge and planted himself firmly in the chair. Molten gold crawled its way up his legs and I could hear cogs and wheels spinning within the machine. Oh gods, this is really happening.
“Percy, stand up! This isn’t funny, Percy, please!”
“It’s ok. It’s ok, Y/n. I’m ok.”
And just like that the gold had made its way across his face and it was done. He’d been turned into a statue, and it was my fault.
The shield dropped to floor with an echo, but I barely heard it. I need to fix this.
I made my way around to the back of the chair and dropped to my knees. I brushed my hands across the machine, praying to whoever would listen. Mum, please. Help me out here.
And just like that, a man had appeared at the platform above the statue.
“Hephaestus” I heard a small voice whisper, from nowhere, yet everywhere.
Thanks, Mum. I won’t let you down.
“Can I help you? Do you need some help finding your way out?” He played a melodic tune on his harmonica and a ladder appeared, leading up to the platform.
“I’m not leaving without him, Hephaestus. And if you’re not going to help me, can you please leave me alone so I can focus?”
“In spite of what you may have been told, I am not someone who can be pushed around.”
I let out a sigh and deflated my shoulders. Tears blurred my vision, but I pulled them back. Now isn’t the time, I need to focus.
“Hephaestus, please. I can’t do this without him, despite what he may think. I know you know how this feels. To love someone you know you can’t have. But you got another chance when the gods gave you my mother, I won’t be afforded such a luxury. My mother has been more than generous giving me someone like him, someone I don’t deserve. I won’t get that again. I’ll never find someone like him, never love someone like I love him. Please, Hephaestus, I’m begging. Let him go. Let me have him, let me love him.”
The man hung his head. I couldn’t tell if he was moved by what I had said, or if it just pissed him off. I just hope to the gods I wasn’t the latter. He turned his back and I mirrored him in hanging my head. I had failed.
Another note played from his harmonica and my ear perked up, along with my hope. I shot to my feet as I heard the gears in the chair start to move. Making my way around to the front of the chair, I saw him again. Those sea green, puppy dog eyes I had tried so hard not to love. He took a gasping breath as the last of the gold melted off of him.
He stood from the chair and immediately pulled me into an embrace. Without thinking, I let myself hug him back, indulging in his hold for once.
“I heard you.”
“I heard what you said when I was in the chair, Y/n.”
What??? Oh fuck…
He moved his hands from my shoulders to my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine. “I feel the same, you know I do. And I know you don’t want to let yourself feel that way, because you think you’ll break my heart, but I don’t care. Please, Y/n, let yourself love me. Gods know I let myself a long time ago.”
I stared into his eyes at a loss for words. I placed my hands on either side of his face and pressed my lips to his.
“I’ll take that as-”
I just kissed him again.
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credit to @cafekitsune for the divider!!!
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erenthology · 7 months
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Eren Jaeger x reader (drabble)
‘Did it hurt?”
you turn to meet his eyes, confused by his question. “What? it felt goo-“
“When you fell from heaven.” he laughs at his own joke. “God, Eren you’re so tacky.” you say, pushing his body from yours. “Girls love it.”
There’s the reminder you needed. “right. So I’m heading out.” His whole body turns, “where are you going?” raising an eyebrow, trying to pull you back into bed. “I have plans.” you turn from his grip and start looking for your underwear.
He stands up and and puts his jeans on, “with who?” his tone makes you falter a bit. He’s never cared about more than how far you’d let him go in bed. At least he’s never given any clear indication.
You hesitate putting your clothes on for a second before answering. “Just meeting a friend”
“And who’s this ‘friend’?” He’s standing right behind you now which makes you jump. “Jesus, Eren. you can’t creep up behind me like that.” He stands unaffected, waiting for your reply.
“Just helping a guy from my class with our chem exam.” He laughs without any indication of humor. “You’re kidding, right?”
You feel the tension rising and do your best to avoid it, like you always do. “I’m tutoring, dude. Let it go.”
“I just fucked you senseless into my madress and you’re about to meet another guy?” he doesn’t even know why he’s raising his voice. He’s not mad at you, he’s mad at himself for not having the guts to claim you as his.
Some people would call Eren arrogant, greedy, well, he kinda has the right to be. As the captain of the hockey team, he’s used to getting that he wants. that, and his looks. Flashing what he’s been told is a ‘very charming smile’ usually has him set for anything he wants.
Thing is, he wants you, and he thought he made it clear. I mean, are that blind to his advances? Other guys should know you’re off the market. He’s kinda made sure everyone knows. Except you apparently
The moment he raised his voice, regret filled his heart upon seeing your face. He feels he can’t stop messing up but the though of you meeting another man at when you’re giving of indications of being mad at him, is scary.
“Are you jealous?” You inquire, wanting to understand him. “I’m not jealous! It’s just..you’re mine.” even he looks confused as he says it.
You scoff at this, “you’re not my boyfriend, you have no right.” Maybe he doesn’t like the reminder.
He blocks the door with his body as you’re trying to exit. Frustrated, you sigh. “What are you doing? move.” you say, taking a step forward. “No.” he sternly says and means it. You bring your hand to slap him but he grabs it.
“We’re just fucking, right? so let me go, Eren. Let me go!” You struggle but his athlete body has no issue keeping up against you. “Don’t say that. you’re more than that to me.” At this, you stop fighting against him, looking anywhere but his face.
“I’m sorry.” You’re taken aback when he slumps his head on your shoulder. “I shouldn’t have mentioned other girls. It was a bad joke.” You feel heat rising in your face. “What are you talking ab-
“Stop. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” he exhales.
“I don’t unde-“
“you know I like you.” he interrupts, looking exhausted. You feel a lump in your throat and hate yourself for it. “How Eren? you never show me.” your voice breaks as you say it.
“I never show you? he almost laughs. “We spend every living moment together, I chase after you like a goddamn dog, god [name] how could you not see how infatuated I am with you?” he’s breathing heavily now.
Maybe you have been ignoring his advances. Maybe actions speak louder than words, or maybe, this is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.
“Mentioning other girls did upset me.” you decide to admit. This is your way of showing him you like him too, and he understands it perfectly.
“Yeah?” he smiles and you return the favor. “Yeah.”
“Want me to tell you how I jerk off to you and only you? Cuz I can get pretty romantic you know.” he pretends to be serious. Breaking out in laughter, “You can’t let a good moment pass, can you Eren?”
“Huh? wait, I can go into detail, I usually imagine you on to-“ you slap your hand over hush mouth. “Hush.”
He feels relief that you’re not upset anymore. Draping his hand over your shoulder, dragging you back in to his room. “You know, you look pretty hot when you’re angry.”
You deadpan, letting him go on. Eren explains everything so passionately, it takes a while getting used to. “I’m being for real. It’s hot when you talk back to me. Every time I look at you, you somehow turn even more beautiful.” he says in all seriousness, making you turn your face away from his in embarrassment.
he threads his fingers through yours, “don’t look away.” he murmurs, breathing you in through your neck, using his free hand to push your hips closer to his.
“I like it when you say stuff like that.” you confess, making him smile in your neck, scattering soft kisses up your jawline. “Then I’ll keep saying them.” He pulls back and thinks all the ways you make him fall into pieces, of the unsaid words he’ll make sure to tell you.
You carefully lift up your tangled hands and leave kisses up his wrist, taking initiative giving him the eyes. He lifts his face and locks eyes with you, message received.
Grabbing your jaw, he whispers, “wanna get fucked?” and you nod, teeth sinking into your lower lip.
He runs his hand down his chest and twirls his finger in the air, “turn around for me, gorgeous.” You comply and make sure to graze your ass against his zipper, his eyes follow the movement and the air suddenly feel thicker.
“You’re a little tease, aren’t you?” sweeping your hair away from your back. He makes sure to take a mental photo when you turn your face back and smirk. You’re going to be the end of him.
And so you do while his fingers trail from your neck down your lower back, until it’s playing in between your legs, “Jesus christ, this pussy.” His boner is prominent against you back as firmly holds you against him by your hipbone.
Wasting no time, he stops himself from making you come on his fingers and leaves a trail of wetness on your skin as his hands move away.
“You’re so wet, [name]. Do you like it when I touch you?” he’s being condescending. You hear his clothes hit the floor and excitement rushes through you. “I like it.” you exclame.
Taking a fistful of your hair, he brings his face into yours, capturing your lips with a promise. “Gonna fuck you so hard, baby.”
He pushes you onto the mattress and positions himself on top, locking his fingers into your hips. His touch is so rough, branding you as his. A slow grind of him entering you leaves you breathless, the stabbing pain of his size lasting for only a second before the rhythmical plunging of his cock turn into pleasure.
You lie weightless as his skin slaps against you, spreading warmth from inside out. He grabs onto the headboard and pushes even deeper, increasing the tension of pleasure with every stroke. It’s too much, you could swear he’s in your belly. Releasing a shriek, you squirm away, overwhelmed by pleasure. He grabs your chin abruptly, “you’re gonna take it.”
Running your hand down your belly, you stop to show him. “can feel you.” you breathe. His eyes follow your movement and the moments he realizes what you mean, he lets out the sluttiest grown and pummels into you with everything he has.
“fuck, fucking love fucking you.”
Throaty moans leave your mouth as he claims every inch of your body. He lifts your legs higher and leaves kisses along your foot. “Tell me who you belong to.” staring deep into your eyes, leaving you no place to hide.
“Y-you.” you hiccup as the force of his hips rutting into yours, moves your entire body. He holds you down, massaging your skin with rough hands. A pleased hum leaves his throat, “Yeah, and I don’t like sharing.”He’s so arrogant.
“Harder.” you plead, pushing your hands against his steel back muscles. A whistle leaves him and his face explodes into a grin, “a real freak aren’t you?”
You give him a lustful smile and he immediately obliges your demand and rocks his hips into yours even harder, skin to skin. Keeping his eyes on you to make sure you’re okay.
The way your eyes roll to the back of head head as you start touching yourself is indication enough for him. Each touch of his pelvic increases the friction against your clit . Your pussy is tightening up, spasming around his jock. And you feel his cock jerk inside you.
No words are needed, you both know each others bodies inside out. You come first and he gathers you in his arms as you scream and writhe beneath him, “shh, baby. It’s okay. so proud of you.” he whispers all tenderly, running his palms up and down your sides as you continue to pump his cock, making him release.
His head rears back as his cock jerks inside of you, spurting his cum into the latex barrier in between you. The high of coming together is like nothing else, his fist in your scalp and your hands scratching every inch of him you can reach.
As you both calm down, your rough markings on his abdomen turn into soothing touches while he inspect every inch of his handprints on your body. You’re a match to his flame, and he has no intention of letting you go.
“Staying the night?” he asks intentionally, this feels like a deciding moment between you two. “mhm,” you hum, “but just because your shirts are comfortable to sleep in.” you say, slyly.
Yeah right. “Had no intention of letting you leave anyway” he admits and gets up, throwing away the condom and begins picking out a shirt for you to wear. It already feels empty without him inside you.
“Hey, did you really have someone to tutor?” he asks, snapping you away from your thoughts.
“Yeah, why?” you answer thoughtlessly, making Eren snicker, “well you should probably let him know you’re not coming by now,” he reminds you.
“Oh shit.” you jump towards your phone and he just laughs, smacking your ass.
“best ass in the world.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Ooo Sergei being really protective of his innocent gf?
he totally would be.
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He found it cute almost, how innocent you were compared to him. To most people he knew, it didn’t make sense to them, how he loved you when you were so much different.
And because of that, he was super protective of you.
You both walked on the sidewalk, hand in hand.
“I’m just saying.” You said.
He sighed, shaking his head and smiling slightly. “Why do you wanna dress our dog up for Halloween?”
“Because it’d be super cute.”
“Fine. We can dress him up.” He rolled his eyes and you smiled.
“You’re the best.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Little did you know, the man that Sergei knew had been following you both was getting closer, stalking you both like prey almost.
“Hey, what do you say you go back home? I gotta go take care of something for work.” He said suddenly, you furrowed your eyebrows.
You knew about his “work” which was really just killing people, bad people he said.
“I’ll drive you.” He shrugged and you nodded, looking down at the ground now, kind of upset.
“Okay.” You mumbled, taking your hand away which made him frown. He picked up his pace, and you did the same, slightly confused on why he was walking to the car so fast.
You got in the passenger seat, the man that had been following got in the car behind you both, slowly and carefully following.
He kept looking back at the other car, speeding home now.
“Slow down! You’re way past the speed limit, Sergei.”
“Sorry.” He said, and slowed down a bit, and pulled up to the house.
“I’ll see you inside soon okay?” He said, giving you a quick kiss.
“See you.” You said, and went inside quickly. The man had stayed behind, parking farther away and looking at you.
Sergei quickly approached the man’s car, banging on his window.
The man rolled the window down and held a gun out.
Sergei sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Seriously? I swear to god it’s always with you guys following me. Can’t leave me alone for one day apparently. So just put the gun down or…”
“Or what?”
“Or I’m going to rip your fucking teeth out one by one.”
The man scoffed and went to pull the trigger, Sergei quickly moved and the bullet went right past him. He grabbed the gun from the man and pointed it to him, shooting it in the man’s chest so that he’d still be alive.
Sergei opened the car door, grabbing the man’s shirt collar.
“I want you to tell your boss to never fucking come here again. If you even think of going anywhere near either of us again I am going to skin you like your a fucking animal.” He spat, and let the man go, he quickly went back into the car, driving off and bleeding.
You walked up behind him and shook your head.
“Sergei.” You sighed, looking at all the blood on him now.
“Sorry. Told you I had work stuff.”
“Come on, just go take a shower.” You walked back to the house with him.
“Only if I can take it with you.”
You rolled your eyes and ignored his comment.
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makeitmingi · 6 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 1]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.2K
"Wait, hold on. You're opening in 3 days and you don't have anyone to cook?" Mingi blinked at his best friend. The two of them were seated in the soon-to-be opened cafe/ restaurant.
"I... Look, I had a guy, we spoke over the phone and everything but he ghosted me!" Yunho defended.
"Yeah, he probably got frightened off when you said he was going to do everything solo! I would too. You can't just pluck random chefs off the job ad site, Yun... You have to put together a crew." Mingi sighed, slapping his forehead.
"I'm sorry, okay?! It's my first time doing this. I'm nervous and stressed, I have not been sleeping." Yunho groaned, letting his head drop onto the table.
"You really don't know anything about running a restaurant, don't you?" Mingi scoffed.
"I literally just said this is my first time doing this." Yunho growled.
"I'll ask the others if they have connections. Let's hope lady luck is on your side and the universe can give you a kitchen crew in 3 days." Mingi clicked his tongue, typing away on his phone.
"Why did I do this again? What do I know about running a restaurant?" Yunho asked himself.
"Apparently nothing." Mingi stated.
"Mingi!" Yunho hissed.
"What? I'm just stating the truth. Look, Yunho, you're doing this because this has always been your dream, with your halmeoni. When she passed, she gave you all this money to open your own place. You'll be fine, you have San, Yeosang, Hongjoong hyung and myself. We won't let this place fail." Mingi promised.
"Thank you, Mingi ah." Yunho smiled softly. Mingi was direct but Yunho was glad to have him, knowing Mingi will always encourage and support him.
'Wait, you're opening in 3 days and you don't have a kitchen crew? How are we going to have food? We can't cook! - Yeosang'
'Speak for yourself. I can make great ramen! - San'
'We can't make ramen for our opening! And yes, we have established that Yunho doesn't know anything about restaurant planning and/or what a kitchen crew needs. Move on. - Mingi'
'Gee, thanks Mingi ah. - Yunho'
'You're welcome. - Mingi'
'I may know someone but I think he's just a sous chef. Let me see if he is looking for a job and if he can recommend a crew. I'll keep you posted, Yunho ah. - Hongjoong'
"Let's hope Hongjoong hyung's friend comes through." Mingi told Yunho, sipping his coffee.
"At most, we'll survive the cafe portion. We can all make coffee and help around this gets settled. Only when we can secure a kitchen crew, then we'll have dinner service." Yunho said, trying to calm himself down.
"Yeah. We'll manage. A cafe doesn't need to be fully waited on anyway. We can take turns doing the barista stuff while you manage the counter." Mingi suggested.
"At least the place is done. That's one less thing to stress about." Yunho looked around the empty place.
"And soon it'll be bustling with people. Customers." Mingi smiled.
"I can't wait! I only wish halmeoni was here to see it and be a part of the process." Yunho grinned. It was not easy but he was glad it was finally happening.
"I'm sure she knows and can see it." Mingi assured. Even if he personally may not believe in the afterlife, Yunho did.
"Yes, I hope Joong hyung comes back with good news. Then all will be good and smooth!" Yunho smiled, his mood flipping quickly. Mingi looked at his best friend in amusement, Yunho rarely let anything put him down. But seeing him so happy and excited, Mingi nodded along. He'll help Yunho to make him happy.
"(y/n)?" You frowned at the person who called your name, squinting one eye open to see who it was that disturbed your sleep. Seeing that it was Seonghwa, you grumbled and closed your eyes again.
"Good you're awake, I need to talk to your about something. Don't go back to sleep." He said.
"Hwa... it's too... early... Come back... another time..." You groaned.
"It's 2pm, darling." Seonghwa stated. Seeing as to how he wasn't going to leave, you sighed and scooted to the side.
"Fine. Come... here..." You said sleepily, patting the space beside you. Seonghwa chuckled and walked over, sitting on the mattress, looking over at you to make sure you're listening.
"Talk... Am listening..." You mumbled into your pillow.
"So one of my old classmates, we're not that close but we add each other on LinkedIn, as people do on a business or acquaintance level. We've only ever seen each other at old class reunions and such, nothing major. " He started. You suddenly raised a hand, making him pause in his speech.
"Hwa... I love you and all. But please, get to the point or I'm going to fall back asleep." You placed a hand on his thigh.
"Right. So, he just texted me. One of his friends is opening a restaurant cafe type thing in 3 days and he needs a kitchen crew. My friend is going to be the Maitre D." He informed.
"(y/n)? Did you hear what I said?" Seonghwa poked you when you didn't reply him.
"Yeah... I did. What idiot opens a restaurant in 3 days and doesn't have a kitchen crew?" You frowned.
"That's what I thought too. But that's beside the point, are you in?"
"You know I don't stay in one kitchen for too long." You finally opened your eyes to look at him. Seonghwa nodded, he was part of your crew. Where you go, he goes.
Wherever you have went, he has went.
"Hang on, let me wake up first. Can you call the others to come over in a bit? I need to clean the kitchen. I was so tired after recipe testing that I completely crashed on the couch. Then made it back to my room at sunrise." You sat up, rubbing your eyes.
"I cleaned when I arrived this morning. But yes, I'll call the others over." Seonghwa smiled, stroking your head.
"Thanks, Hwa." You cracked a small smile. He hummed and stood up to let you get ready. Seonghwa was one of the few people you let have access to your house. You didn't trust people easily.
When you shuffled to your bathroom, you brushed your teeth and washed your face. You changed out of your sleepwear and into more presentable clothes.
"I brought coffee." Jongho said when you stepped out.
"Thanks, Jongho. Life saver." You said with a rubberband in your mouth as you pulled your hair up into a bun.
"Let me move all this." You moved the equipment off the kitchen island and counter. When you designed this house, you didn't care for a dining room area so you extended the kitchen to take up a bigger area of the house. Not like you had people over regularly where you needed a whole dining area.
"Where's Wooyoung?" You asked.
"On the way. He had just woken up." Seonghwa informed. You nodded, leaning against the counter and drinking your coffee.
"In the mean time, I'll make breakfast. Or lunch... I got nice chanterelles yesterday and the gochujang cured bottarga I made months ago might be done." You said and opened the fridge door.
"Are you sure you want to cook? Aren't you tired from recipe testing?" Seonghwa asked.
"I'm fine, Hwa." You waved him off.
"Okay but we're doing the dishes after." Jongho said. You nodded and took ingredients out to cook. Your fridge was full of your recipe testing dishes.
"I'll prep the chanterelles." Jongho got up, putting the expensive mushrooms in a bowl to brush clean.
You made a simple meal of goat cheese, spinach and sundried tomato frittata, grating the gochujang cured bottarga (mullet roe) over the top for a spicy, salty kick. On the side, Seonghwa cooked the chanterelles in a basic beurre blanc with thyme.
"Sorry, I'm late. I got ready the moment Hwa hyung called me." Wooyoung said as he entered.
"It's fine. Sorry for calling all of you to come on your rest day. But Seonghwa has a proposal and it is only fair that all of you are present to hear it. And we can have a meal together too." You told him.
"What is it?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, putting his coat over the back of your couch.
"Hi." He smiled to you, hugging you tightly. Wooyoung always liked skinship, you were still getting used to it after all these years.
"An old friend contacted me. He has a friend opening a restaurant in 3 days and he doesn't have a kitchen crew. He seems desperate, on behalf of his friend." Seonghwa informed.
"But (y/n) doesn't stay at one place for so long." Wooyoung pointed out with his fork.
"That's what I said." You chuckled.
"And where (y/n) goes, we go." Jongho added. You softened at that, they didn't need to follow you, they could always have big culinary careers on their own but they still always moved with you, they trust you. You've been together for so many years, you worked well together, like a well oiled machine.
"Besides, are you sure this place would even be good? What kind of restaurant owner looks for a crew 3 days before opening?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.
"I said that too." You replied.
"I think we should give it a shot. Don't make promises of staying. We can always test it out. If we don't like it, we leave." Seonghwa said.
"We need more details. What's the concept of the place? What cuisine are they expecting us to serve?" Jongho asked the most important question.
"Oh yeah, I never thought about that. Good thinking, Jong. Hwa?" You nodded in agreement, turning the the tallest.
"Apparently it's a cafe in the morning so pastries and sweets. Night time, restaurant. And if my friend is right, we have creative liberty with the menu. No set cuisine. You like that, don't you (y/n)?"
"I do." You nodded, slightly more tempted and inclined to actually learn more about this now.
"But that's barely a concept. This restaurant owner really has no culinary knowledge, does he? Who lets a random kitchen crew walk in and decide your menu? This is suspicious." Wooyoung shook his head with a frown.
"You think we shouldn't do it then?" You turned to the male. Wooyoung made a face but shrugged, taking another bite of food. That was enough of an answer.
"If all of you feel like we shouldn't do it, then we won't... Simple as that." You crossed your arms.
"Like Seonghwa hyung says, I think we should check it out. If it doesn't suit us, we don't stay. No harm in that." Jongho said.
"What about you, (y/n)? Do you think whould we try it?" Seonghwa asked. You remained quiet for a bit, wanting to collect your thoughts before saying anything.
"You really don't want to do it?" You turned to Wooyoung.
"You know that I'll follow you, no matter what. It's just suspicious, that's all I'm saying." He replied. You looked at Seonghwa and nodded.
"We'll head down tomorrow to check the place out and speak with the owner. But no promises." You decided. Seonghwa took his phone out, presumably to text his friend. You finished the coffee Jongho bought you and headed to the fridge to pour yourself some more from your own cold brew stash.
"Don't go overboard with the caffeine and give yourself a migraine." Seonghwa reminded. You nodded, taking a sip of the cold coffee and took your iPad from the charger.
"Thoughts on the gochujang mullet roe?" You looked at the 3.
"I think it can do better with more days of salt cure. Did you add salt to the gochujang?" Wooyoung asked.
"No. But maybe I will in the future since the sodium content of the gochujang is lower than a miso or just pure salt." You said, noting down their comments and feedback on your iPad.
"Would you try doing a few weeks of salt cure first then moving to gochujang?" Jongho suggested.
"Oh... That's an idea." You raised your eyebrows, intriged now.
"I just realised. If we take this job offer, we'll be expected to churn out pastries and desserts too." Seonghwa said, putting his phone down. The boys all looked at each other.
"You make it sound like you guys can't bake. We have done desserts before, even for full banquet dinners of like hundreds of people. We've made both pastries and cakes." You scoffed at them. Wooyoung and Jongho looked at Seonghwa who sighed softly.
"But (y/n), those were 300 copies of the same dessert. Now, we'll have to make a variety of pastries and cakes for a cafe. On top of a dinner service." Seonghwa explained it to you.
"It might be too much to do for just 4 of us." Wooyoung added.
"Should we not do it then? Or tell them we'll only try out for dinner service?" You asked.
"(y/n) will be fine. She runs on no sleep and coffee." Jongho snorted. You shot him a flat look for exposing you while Seonghwa glared at you, he was always worrying about you and your unhealthy habits.
"Look, I say we meet the owner, find out what he actually wants from us. Then we go from there, okay?" You sighed.
"Okay." The boys said. You nodded with a hum of approval as you slid off your bar stool and shuffled over to your fridge. You took a tray out with ramekins.
"Here. I randomly made smoked creme bavarois last night when my brain couldn't work. These two are Madagascar vanilla and these two are Tahitian." You explained, putting the tray on the island for them. Then you took out a bowl with mixed forest berry compote that you made to go over.
"Let me." Wooyoung took a cooking spoon and carefully spooned just the perfect amount of sauce over each ramekin. Then passing them out to the others.
"Hmm, I always like Madagascar vanilla. Brings out the more floral notes in the berries." Seonghwa sighed blissfully.
"But for infusing into alcohol, Tahitian is nicer. Good with a bourbon and rum." Jongho noted.
"Oh, like that amazing rum cake Jongho made the other time." You smiled, remembering how delicious the cake was, even thought he was nervous about it being a new recipe.
"Yeah I used Tahitian then. That bourbon poaching liquid for the poached apricots the other time was also Tahitian." He informed.
That evening, Hongjoong, San and Yeosang dropped by the restaurant. Yunho and Mingi were there, chatting happily as they started to unbox the coffee equipment and tools to set up the barista counter. Yunho looked up when he heard the door open.
"Hey!" He waved happily.
"Good evening. We brought some dinner, guessing you two have been here the entire day." Yeosang said, putting the boxes of fried chicken down on one of the tables.
"Our dear Yunho is too excited for the opening. We might have tod rag him out later or he might sleep here." Mingi chuckled.
"T-That's not true! I just want everything to be perfect!" Yunho defended himself.
"The place really looks great, Yunho ah." San complimented, making the taller male grin proudly. He was ready to start this new adventure with his closest friends.
"Did you hear back from your friend, Hongjoong hyung?" Yunho asked.
"Oh yeah! Right. Their crew would like to come and meet you here tomorrow to discuss things. See what their expectations are and what your expectations are before making a decision. You're free to meet tomorrow right? Don't worry, I'll be here too during the meeting." Hongjoong assured.
"Yes! Tomorrow is great! And did you say 'crew'? Your friend has a kitchen crew that he is a part of?" Yunho blinked. This was working out great.
"Well, I say crew but it is just 4 of them. I don't know much about them but I heard they usually help out at pop up events held by chefs. Or temporary kitchens." Hongjoong explained.
"Your friend, he is the head chef of the crew?" Yeosang asked.
"No. He's the sous chef? His name is Seonghwa. From the way he put it, there is a head chef. There's another sous and a prep chef."
"Wow, even if it is just 4 people. That's 4 more people than Yunho has so you're a life saver at this point, hyung." Mingi laughed. Yunho pouted at his best friend's taunt.
"I'm trying my best!" Yunho exclaimed.
"Hmm, should we test them though? Like ask them to prepare a dish or something? I mean, a lot of people can claim to be chefs but how good are they?" San brought up. The others nodded in agreement while Yunho hummed.
"I would but at this point, I am desperate for a crew. I don't think there is time to 'test' them. Plus, Hongjoong said they work with professional chefs. It shouldn't be that bad, right?" Yunho said.
"Well, that's the information I pulled from Seonghwa's LinkedIn profile... Look, we're not THAT close." Hongjoong raised an eyebrow.
"So we're just waiting to see how they do on Day 1?" San's eyes widened in shock.
"Do we have a choice? We can't be unfair and suddenly ask them to whip up dishes for us tomorrow. And we barely know anything about food ourselves." Yeosang scoffed.
"I see where San is coming from but honestly, if they were such a big shot kitchen crew, they wouldn't work at a brand new restaurant for Yunho." Mingi reasoned.
"What do you mean?" Hongjoong asked.
"Yeah. What DO you mean?" Yunho crossed his arms, suddenly looking at his best friend with the most offended look ever.
"Think about it. Yunho is a first time businessman who is opening in 3 days and doesn't have anyone in the kitchen. They wouldn't risk it and there's no reputation. We shouldn't expect a professional kitchen crew who has worked with Gordon Ramsay. Plus, if they have, Yunho might not be able to afford them." Mingi explained.
"I guess Mingi is right. Look I just want people who cook well. I don't need Michelin meals. We'll go into tomorrow's meeting with an open mind and low expectations." Yunho said to the group.
"Maybe not low... Just, not that high." Hongjoong corrected.
"Right." Yunho nodded in confirmation with a smile. With that, the boys all gathered around the table and dug into the fried chicken.
"Other than the whole kitchen crew situation, I can confidently say that we're good to open. I've got to unpack the silverware, plates, bowls, all that." Yunho updated.
"We'll help with that." San said.
"The shelving is all done and designated with labels so it should be done quickly." Mingi nodded over to the rack.
"I've put the ads out on social media like you wanted and put some posters up around the nearby universities. Seems like there's quite a bit of positive responses online." Yeosang reported. Yunho felt his heart pound in his chest.
"Are you okay?" Mingi asked worriedly, seeing Yunho clutch his chest like he's having a heart attack.
"I'm fine. Just really excited for this. It might not be a smooth journey but I know we'll work out way around the obstacles." Yunho smiled, looking at all his friends.
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An Outer Banks Imagine
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
A/N: Based on this ask. It's short but I'm working on a smutty part 2 if anyone is interested ;)
“C’mon, Y/N, please?” Your best friend Sarah begs, pouting at you from across your bedroom.
“A Pogue party, though? Really?” You wrinkle your nose. Neutral territory boneyard parties were one thing, but the thought of crossing over to the other side of the island to drink shitty beer gave you the ick. Sarah widens her brown, puppy-dog eyes and gets up from your vanity to flop down on your bed next to you.
“Pretty please? Just this once, and if you hate it I’ll never bother you again.” You knew that was a lie, but you also didn’t have anything better to do, so you shrugged and sighed.
“Fine. But we’re bringing our own booze.” Sarah drowns you in squeals and flailing limbs, and you shove her off, giggling.
An hour later, you’re dressed and ready; properly fizzed up thanks to the bottle of Moet and Chandon you grabbed from the wine cellar in the basement.
When Sarah’s boyfriend pulls into the driveway, you put a stopper in the bottle and tuck it into your tote bag.
John B’s nice; you’ve met him a few times through Sarah, and you have to admit that he’s one charming motherfucker. He keeps you entertained with stories of his friends’ antics on the drive back to his house. You’ve heard about them from Sarah, but you don’t know much about them save for Kiara, who you used to go to school with, so it helps to give you an idea of what to expect from the night.
“Aaaaand this is JJ,” Sarah says, gesturing to the tall blonde boy on the right with a red solo cup in one hand and a lit joint in the other.
“Wassup, baby?” He says, slurring his words together a little bit. Sarah winces and turns to you. Her frown contains a thousand apologies.
“No, sorry, apparently, this is drunk, horny JJ.”
You feel your cheeks heat up—from embarrassment, yes. But also? He’s so fucking hot with that lazy, half-up-half-down grin. His lips are plush and pink except for the purple-black bruising tucked into the corner of his mouth, like he’d dodged a punch and almost got away with it.
“Drunk, horny JJ at your service.” JJ sticks the joint into his smirk and holds his now free hand out to you for a shake. You roll your eyes but take it anyway. He tightens his hand around yours, blue eyes glinting in the flickering firelight for one, two, three seconds before he ducks his head and brings your knuckles to his lips. “If there’s anything I can help you with, please let me know.”
“Ohhhkay, and Drunk, Horny JJ needs water. John B, will you take JJ inside and get him a glass?” Sarah turns her boyfriend and JJ lets your arm drop to your side, winking at you before he turns around to follow his friend.
Sarah’s apologies are wasted on you because the heat from your cheeks has migrated south and you’re too busy thinking about swallowing that smug smile to process what she’s saying.
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mulloey · 26 days
humper • khj
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hongjoong gets a puppy.
warnings: pet play, collars, one face slap, pet names, blowjob. you’re a dog sorry
At first you were pissed when your boyfriend marched into the living room and demanded you come to the studio with him. It was a Saturday, a rare day off for both of you, and you were planning on spending it lazing around in your pyjamas, not at his work, no doubt ignored in favour of whatever track he’s working on this time. It soon becomes clear, though, that Hongjoong has other plans.
The first clue comes before you’ve even left the house. While you’re choosing your outfit, he suggests a turtleneck — or “anything that will cover your neck”. Eyeing him suspiciously, you pull on a black sweater dress with a high collar which seems to satisfy him.
On the walk to his car, his grip on your waist is tighter, firmer than usual. It’s the type of grip he has when he’s dragging you to the bedroom right before he ruins you. You stare at him, trying to pick up a sign of what he’s planning on his face, but his expression is blank.
When you finally arrive at the building, it all becomes clear. Before you can take off your seatbelt, he turns to face you, and pulls from his pocket a black leather collar. It has a buckle to tighten it and a loop at the front that you realise with probably less horror than you should that it’s for a leash.
“What’s this?” You ask, knowing the answer but needing confirmation that you’re not going crazy.
He smiles kindly at you, placing the collar gently in his lap while he explains. “The other day when we were drinking, Seonghwa said you act like a puppy and your reaction was…telling,” he says and you blush at the memory. You definitely hadn’t played it cool, turning beet red and loudly denying the accusation to anyone who’d listen while, as only Hongjoong noticed from his spot beside you, your legs squeezed tightly against each other.
“Oh,” you whisper.
“And I remember at the start of our relationship, when we were talking about kinks and stuff, we mentioned pet play,” he continues. “But then I mentioned something else that started another discussion and we never revisited it. Having thought more about you and just how… puppy-like you are, I thought now would be an appropriate time to do so.”
You gulp, lost for words. You eye the collar in his lap with shock, anxiety and longing. You hadn’t thought much about pet play ever since that first conversation after which it had soon slipped your mind. But Seonghwa’s observation, and your flushed, heated reaction to it, had brought up new, uncertain feelings within you. Like the desire to kneel at Hongjoong’s feet, naked and leashed, while he pets you and tells you what a good fucking dog you are. And your observant boyfriend had apparently noticed, and seemingly taken action. And the sight of the sleep black collar is the final confirmation for you that this is what you want.
“Can you put it on?” You have to force the words out, barely managing a whisper. This is overwhelming.
“Of course,” Hongjoong smiles. “Come here, honey.”
He grabs your hair, gently pulling it towards himself so that he can fasten the collar around your neck. He pushes two fingers between the collar and your neck as he fastens it, leaving you room to breathe. “How does that feel, baby? Too tight?”
You shake your head, feeling guilty. “No, Joong. It feels perfect.”
He smiles lovingly, and for a moment you get lost in those eyes, just as you always have from the day you met. He pulls the neck of your dress back up, covering your new collar entirely. You feel a twinge in your stomach at the realisation that you’ll be walking through the company halls, past strangers and staff members you’ve spoken to before, wearing a collar on your neck that your boyfriend had put there. It’s thrilling.
“In we go,” he says cheerfully, normally, and rounds the car to open your door and excitedly tug you towards the building.
The walk from the building entrance to his studio door is the longest of your life. Though your collar is safely hidden under your dress, leaving the whole company none the wiser, a nagging feeling in your stomach tells you that they know somehow. They know what you’re wearing, what you’re doing. It clouds your brain and your vision and by the time you reach the studio you’re clinging to your boyfriend like a lifeline.
He shoves you in gently, following closely behind and closing the door behind him. He smiles reassuringly at you. “You did a good job, pup,” he praises. “You almost passed for human.”
You choke, face reddening and he laughs. He comes to stand at your side, grabbing your hand.
“Look,” he says, pointing under his desk, and for the first time you notice the bundle of white fluff right where his feet will be when he sits down. It almost looks like a dog bed, but… bigger.
“Joong…” you whisper. You gaze darts between your boyfriend and what seems to be your new bed in disbelief.
“What do you think?” He asks. He sounds almost nervous, as if he’s worried he’d got the wrong signals from you, or taken it too far, or scared you off entirely. But he seems to notice your reddened ears, flushed cheeks and the way you slightly press your thighs together when you stare at the bed, because he relaxes, confidence returning. “Ah.”
You look up at him. “Will I just…lie there?”
“If that’s what you want?” He smiles. “You’re just a puppy now, aren’t you? Puppies do what they want til they’re trained.”
Your stomach twists almost painfully. “Trained?” You squeak.
“Of course,” he nods, face serious, but the glint in his eye tells you he’s amused by your reactions. “But that’s a talk for another time. For now it’s up to you. You can just lie there, or sleep or whatever. But there are… other options too.”
You flush, gaze dropping to the floor. You know the implications. It wouldn’t be the first time you’d pleased Hongjoong from beneath his desk, hand gripping your hair tightly as he forces your head down on his cock. But it would be the first time you did it in a dog bed.
“The other options sound good,” you mumble.
Hongjoong hears you and smiles, cheerfully clapping a hand against your back like you’re his friend at a football game. “I knew they would,” he says. “Good puppy.”
You can’t help the giggle that slips out at the praise and he tilts his head, amused by you, before his face turns serious. “Right then,” he starts. “I think that’s enough walking for you. Be a proper puppy and get on all fours.”
You drop embarrassingly quickly, settling on your hands and knees and looking up to him. He pets your head slightly, letting you nuzzle against his hand when he cups your cheek.
“I’m going to walk over to my desk now,” he says slowly. It feels weirdly nice being talked down to like this. Like you’re dumb. “You will follow me on all fours. Then you’re going to kneel between my feet and stay. Do you understand?”
You nod eagerly and he hums, satisfied. Though he’d spoken to you slowly, his quick pace is unchanged, and you almost trip over your limbs in an attempt to keep up with him. He sighs as he sits down, gesturing you towards your position between his feet. He smiles slightly at you, stroking behind your ear, before his leg winds back and kicks your knees apart.
“That was a pathetic display,” he says disappointedly. “Even puppies know how to walk properly. Why can’t you?”
You bow your head, both out of shame and a desire to hide the look of arousal that no doubt covers your face. You’ve never felt so small, so pathetic, or so… Hongjoong’s. Only he can treat you like this. Like his property. His pet.
“You’ll need a lot of training, won’t you?” He says. He sounds kind but you know better. You know he’s planning the varying and creative ways he’s going to break you as he speaks. “Poor thing. I bet you were the runt of your litter, weren’t you?”
You white sadly, shifting on your knees. You’re certain you’re soaked through your underwear, barely concealed by your short dress and now on display for your boyfriend. “Spread your legs more,” he says. “I want to see how much my puppy’s enjoying this.”
You obey quickly, so aroused you don’t even register how humiliating this is, spreading your legs at your boyfriend’s feet so he can inspect how fucking soaked you’ve gotten from being treated like a dog. He leans down to see, brows furrowed in concentration. “Pull your panties to the side,” he orders. You feel your slick coating your fingers as you pull the wet fabric to the side to expose your pussy.
Hongjoong smiles at the sight of your wetness, suspicions confirmed, and sits back up. “I’m going to put my cock in your mouth,” he tells you. “So we can see if you’re useful. But it’s not a chew toy, do you understand, puppy? Bite it and you’ll get hit.”
You nod your agreement, eyeing his crotch hungrily. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly you’ve slipped into this role, disregarding your dignity and happily debasing yourself at Hongjoong’s command, openly drooling as he finally pulls out his cock. “Suck it then.”
You crawl towards him, pulling his cock into your mouth. It’s a familiar position, a familiar feeling, but there’s something about the way he’s treating you that makes it even better than usual. You suck at it hungrily, licking and suckling just the way he likes, the way he’s taught you. He groans occasionally but his focus is on you, steely gaze set on your head as it bobs on his cock. When you throat him particularly deep he almost falters, eyes closing for a moment as his mouth falls open. “Fuck,” he breathes. “Not such a runt after all, are you?”
Spurred by the praise, you go faster and harder, your hands gripping his thighs to anchor you to his cock. It’s only when he laughs coldly, pressing his foot against it, that you realise your pussy has somehow found his foot, grinding against it in a desperation for some kind of stimulation. “Oh, that’s embarrassing,” he snorts. “I didn’t take you for a foot humper, baby.”
He pushes your head further down on his cock while his foot lazily presses against your pussy, granting you the friction you’re desperately chasing. “Focus on me, girl,” he says. “Pleasure is for trained puppies.”
You nod as best as you can, voicing a muffle agreement around his cock. He lets you keep sucking at it until you can feel he’s almost close, shaking and gasping in his seat, then pulls away abruptly. You whine loudly like you’ve lost your favourite toy and he slaps your face. He pulls you up by the hair, planting a kiss on your sweat-soaked forehead and pulling you towards the couch.
“Come, puppy,” he says. In the haze of subspace, his voice sounds almost distant. “Let’s start your training.”
yeah so i have no excuse for this but let me know if you like this. it’s 3am and i haven’t proofread but i hope that’s not too obvious. been really into witting ateez lately but ive also got some skz and exo in the drafts. reblog and comment if u enjoyed. love🖤
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judasgot-it · 5 months
Hiii! I suddenly had an idea like a vision or something tehee
imagine after a party (idk, hunting dogs celebrating another victory) and s/o’s feet hurt for her heels so tecchou noticing, carries her on his back. sorry if it was simple
btw Can i call you Judy and be 🪻anon?
You've gifted me a nickname and all I did was ignore you. I think the best thing that should be done is that I write your ask and that you beat me (jk please don't I'm just a writer. but ily flower anon that nickname is so sweet u have full use to call me it <3)
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Scenario: Husband! Tecchou carries fem! reader around while at a party (TW for reader being a little drunk at some parts lol)
1 k words
Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Wiser
1:15 AM
The work party was still raging on.
Fukuchi and Teruko were screaming a duet into the karaoke machine, some sort of anime intro that Tachihara complained only old people would know.
Jouno was surprisingly still in the room, forcing some poor chef to make another batch of some overly complicated dish that apparently only Jouno could appreciate. There was a gun on the table, although surprisingly it wasn't pointed at anyone yet.
You could breathe a sigh of relief at that.
All you were looking for now was Tecchou. He had gone missing around half an hour ago, doing who knew what. He was the one thing keeping you alive at this party, considering how you were one or two drinks away from either passing out on the floor or just trying to take yourself home.
Your feet hurt, what else could you say? Maybe you were a little bit too drunk right now since you were sad over where you had placed your shoes. They were somewhere in the room, you were sure of it.
It was a really emotional endeavor, enough that you felt tears start to come to your eyes thinking about where you placed them. You tried to wipe them away the best you could, trying to not hit your face with the pair of shoes you were holding in your hands.
You walked across the room, hoping to find your husband in the crowd of very important government people whose names had lost you at that moment. Thankfully no one approached you, although maybe it was because they were all as messy as you were.
Tecchou was one of the tallest people there, and even on your tippy toes, you couldn't find his messy chestnut hair in the sea of heads. The feeling of panic started to settle quickly, your heart almost beating outside of your chest - your husband could be almost anywhere.
You turned around, feeling your tongue fall into your throat as you still couldn't locate your man. Wiping your wet eyes, you watched as a man approached you - tall, with messy chestnut hair.
Swallowing deeply, you tried to compose yourself as you saw his eyes land directly onto yours. Against your will, your eyes began to well up with tears once again.
Your feet guided you, rushing towards him like a bullet.
There was no thought as you wrapped your arms around him, your face buried down inside of his red suit. You sighed with relief as you felt your cold nose start to warm up against his body, the air you breathed our fanning against the cold skin on your cheeks as you nuzzled deeper onto him.
“Oh, there you are Angel.”
Two hands pulled at your arms, their warmth shocking your cold skin into goosebumps. His fingertips danced along your skin, callouses massaging your skin all the way up to your shoulders.
“I was looking for you. I was starting to think you got lost.”
You looked up as you said this, blinking innocently up into his honey eyes. He leaned his head a little bit away to stare at you, the tattoos on his cheek blending in with his long eyelashes.
Watching them twitch made your lips curve up, how they perfectly melted in together. You took one of your hands and pulled his face to look down at you properly, his brows pinching as he took in the full sight of you.
“You're so pretty Tecchou. Do you ever hear that?”
He smiled at those words, leaning closer into your hand.
“You told me that on our wedding night, actually.”
His brows pinched again, his gaze looking downward once again.
“Angel, why aren't you wearing your shoes?”
His words took a little to sink in, you still too busy watching how his beautiful face pulled apart as he said those words - the tattoos underneath his eye moving just underneath the small creases from his smile.
“Hmm… My feet hurt.”
You other hand lowered itself, cradling his waist as you swayed to the music that played throughout the room. It was easy to ignore the horrible singing that accomidated it, as you instead focused on the strong muscles that were barely consealed underneath Tecchou's suit.
He barely budges, only swaying slightly as he let you have your moment - watching you with hooded eyes. His steps were small, his heels clicking lightly against the tile of the dance floor.
“You know, if your feet hurt I can just carry you around.”
Stopping, you looked up at him, looking at his face carefully. His eyes held no lie, seeing as he was always a truthful man.
“Are you sure about that?” It was always polite to ask in your mind, even when you were challenging one of the strongest men you knew.
“I can lift twice your weight, you know that angel.“
A small smirk spread on his face as he said this, his eyes poring through your figure. His hands traveled down to your waist, squeezing you gently.
”I wouldn't break a sweat at all, if that's what you're worried about.“
You didn't have time to react as you stomach did twists, Tecchou manhandling you into a bride carry with ease.
”Oh my god, Tecchou!”
It was impossible to hide the joy in your words as he carried you, continuing the dance you had started earlier with ease. He hummed along softly to the song that still played, ignoring whatever wailing words were coming out of a horribly drunk Fukuchi's mouth at that moment.
It wouldn't ruin yours at the very least.
“What? I'm not going to let you walk around while your feet hurt.”
He danced with ease, completing a lazy waltz with you in his arms. His soft locks were lit up by the chandelier above, turned into a soft caramel from the light that shone through the strands. They stuck up in all sorts of directions, forming a creme brulee halo around his face.
You brought one of your arms to wrap around his neck, bringing your fingers to sift through the longer strangs of his hair. It was soft, almost an estactic feeling to have something so ethereal under your hand.
“You're so gorgeous.”
His face was closer to yours, his nose nearly brushing against yours. You giggled, stealing his air as you did so.
“I think you said that to me on our wedding night, handsome.“
His lips were pressed against yours, his handsome face blocking your vision for the rest of that night.
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bloodyjuls-blog · 11 months
Dogs United - Lucy Bronze
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I'm not British, I've only been in England a few times and no, I don't play football. But here I am sitting in the stands of the stadium where the opening match between England and Haiti will be played, literally on the other side of the world. And how did I turn out to be here? On an evening in September last year I was on holiday in Manchester and with my friends we decided to go to a nearby park to relax and enjoy some good weather.
"Oi y/n what about to play football?" One of my friends said. "I'm not going to make a fool of myself eh, you guys play and I'll just watch from over here" I said amused. "Well your loss then" Brenton said. Out of nowhere comes a white dog full of mud and runs across my feet, luckily it didn't stain my clothes. The dog looked lost, so I decided to take it and wait for its owner to come and get it. Suddenly I hear the screams of a girl, well, a hot girl with a gorgeous body, "Narla, Narla, where are you? I let her come closer and when she is in my vision I say "Hey are you the owner of this dog?" I said a little serious. "Yes, who are you and what are you doing with my dog" she said between anger and agitation. "And you're getting angry mate? I could always let the dog run, eh? I said in my poor English, which I understood. "It's true, I'm sorry, it's just that it's as if she was my daughter," she said, calming down. "Don't worry, I'm like that with my dogs" I said in an amused tone. "You're not from here, are you? "said Lucy. "No, I'm from Barcelona and apparently you are from here" i said. "Yes, well not from Manchester properly but I have lived here for a long time". She said looking at Narla. "Well girl, I'm leaving, my friends are already calling me, nice to meet you..."? I said by way of goodbye. "Lucy, my name is Lucy" "well Lucy a pleasure and try not to lose your dog" I said in a joking tone. "bye bye, nice to meet you too" he said and walked away.
"So, what about you and that girl?" my best friend said. "Nothing, she had lost her dog and she turned out to be the one I was petting" I said relaxed waiting for the food to be brought. "And I see that you liked her eh" "she's pretty yes, but I don't know more, the only thing is that her name is Lucy and she's from around here apparently" I said "not even a phone number or instagram, daughter? I can see that you're kind of short girl" he says very funny. "No way. But what time does our flight leave?" I said. "Around 9 pm. So, in 4 hours" says my friend Martina. "Ok.
A week later in a park in Sant Joan Despí, Barcelona.
"Hey Claudio, bring the ball, we're leaving now" I say to my 3 year old Tibetan Mastiff. "This dog is going to drive me crazy, how can he have so much energy" I say to myself, tired of chasing him all over the park. When I take him by the leash he gives me a slight push and I see a girl who looks very familiar to me looking for something. "AHH I remembered, this is the girl from Manchester" I said to myself. "Hey Lucy, you've lost your dog again" I said between worried and amused. "Hey hi, yeah and I can't find her" looking so worried Claudio comes over and starts sniffing her. "Well look, it's your lucky day. Claudio likes to look for things, maybe he can help you to look for her" I say with optimism. "Buah would you do that for my boy?" He says to Claudio tickling his head. "Well, do you have something of your dog for Claudio to smell and look for? I say more seriously. "Yes look, the ball I was playing with" she gives it to Claudio and he soon finds Narla hiding behind the bushes.
"But look who we have here" I turn to look at Narla and find that her paw is in a funny shape and she looks scared. "Hey Lucy, be careful, apparently she has something in her paw" I say looking Lucy in the eyes. "No my baby, I guess the right thing to do is to take her to the vet" she says a little worried. "I was just going to suggest that, in case she has a broken paw or something" I say calmly. "Do you know a good vet to take her to? I haven't been in Barcelona for long and I don't know about this". She asks me. "Of course, girl, there is one in the centre, if you want I'll take you there, I have the car parked over there" I pointed to the car park. "Well come on, let's go".
In the car park...
"So, which is your car?" Lucy asked pointing to the pile of cars in the car park. "That one over there" I said pointing to the grey range rover. "Oi nice car y/n" said Lucy amused. "Well come on, let's go" I said as I attached Claudio's leash to the harness. "Do you mind if I drop Claudio off at home first and then we go to the vet?" "Yeah sure, whatever you want" we headed to my house. To be true my house is too big for me alone but the garden is for my dogs. "You live alone?" Lucy asks a bit incredulous at the size of the house. "Yes, and with my other boys" "You have a boyfriend then?" "What? No Lucy for goodness sake, my boys are my other dogs hahaha but no, I'm single. What about you? Do you have a partner" I say laughing "AHH I get it, no I don't have a PARTNER hahaha." She says amused. "I see you got the memo" I laugh. "So, tell me a little bit about yourself" Lucy asks me. "Well, I'm 28 years old, I've been living in Barcelona for about 15 years but I'm from San Sebastian. Single, 3 big dogs and a lot of free time" "What about you" I ask. "Well, you know, my name is Lucía Roberta but I like to be called Lucy. I'm 31 years old and I've been living in Barcelona for 6 months, I don't have a partner, and Narla is my only company together with my work mates" "well not so bad eh girl" "a bit boring my life too I tell you" says Lucy joking.
"Well we have arrived" I say parking the car in front of the vet's office. "Where are we going?" she says to me, "well, here we are, Hi Pedrito. Look, this dog got lost in the park a little while ago and when we found her she looked like she had a broken leg. Can you take a look at it please" I say seriously. "Sure boss, do you know anything about the owners?" He looks at me and looks at Lucy. "Yes, she is the owner.
Some time later...
"Well, this baby doesn't have a broken leg or anything, she's just a bit hurt, the x-rays have come out clean and I think that if you give her a painkiller and she can't run around the park too much for a few days then she'll be fine" says Pedrito looking at Lucy. "Thank you very much, really". Lucy says happily. "And you too y/n, I didn't know you were the boss" she says in a funny accusatory way. "Well we never talked about work baby" I said laughing. "Well that's true too" "put your location to drop you home" I said looking at Lucy and Narla who was sleeping in her arms.
Already at Lucy's door...
"Well, here we are" I say to Lucy and get out to open the car door for her. "Such a gentlewoman" she says flirtatiously. "For you my queen" "thank you for today y/n and Manchester". "No worries Lucy" I say smiling. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tomorrow as a thank you?" she says glaring at me. "Yes I want to come with you Lucy" her shinny eyes look at me. "well I'll pick you up at 7" "well Lucy" I go over to say goodbye with two kisses and at that moment she steals a kiss on my lips and leaves.
The day I realised who Lucy Bronze was, it was by chance. I already had my suspicions that Lucy could be an influential person in the world of sport but I had never realised that thought and as I was madly in love with her I didn't even care to know what she did for a living. I just thank existence for having such a goddess by my side. But well, the day I discovered that Lucy was Lucy was when my crazy lesbian friends found a tweet that said there were rumours that a women's team for the third time in the champions league was going to fill the camp nou. And yes, I am a crazy lesbian but I know as much about sports as I know about astrophysics, which is to say, nothing. When my friend Jade showed me the photos I recognised Lucy and of course, at that moment everything made sense.
I decided to surprise Lucy at her next match and go to see her "she will be happy" I thought. So I pulled my contacts and my friend Jade, who is dating a Barça guy, gave me some tickets for the match in the VIP area near the stadium. Having sorted that out, I decided to buy a t-shirt of my girl and wait for the day of the match.
When I arrived at my seats the first thing I thought was that this stadium is very big and that only the best can play there and I wasn't wrong. When the girls came out to warm up it was a show, everyone shouted, made noise, sang club songs and on two occasions they sang "un día de partit...". I had already learnt it. When I saw the last player leave I was in shock. My girl in shorts and playing sport is from another world, but seeing how perfect she looks in the blaugrana colour made me feel things. How good she looks doing sport and I was like a lost puppy watching her. I can't believe that it's been almost 6 months since we've been together and I've never seen her doing sport, if my girl is such a sweetheart.  When the game was over I saw the girls coming to give autographs and take pictures, so I went over and waited for Lucy to approach the group where I was. As she was heading this way I waited until I was the last person she was going for a photo and I said "Lucia Roberta, will you take a photo with me?" To which she turns around and looks at me and is shocked. I laugh "can you sign my t-shirt too?" She comes out of her trance and slyly takes the picture with me and signs my t-shirt.
Back at my house we have a few laughs while I tell her how I realised she was a footballer. "So you accidentally realised that I play football," she says to me with a laugh. "Yes love, and you know I don't know anything about football, so add to that the fact that I spent the whole game trying to figure out what was going on" "hahahahaha I imagine you looking like a lost puppy, oh baby" she comes closer and gives me a cuddle "I'm not laughing, now it's your responsibility to teach me the basics so I don't get bored" I tell her between kisses. "I'd love to, honey". "One thing love, it didn't bother you that I went like that without warning?" I say a little more seriously. "No babe, actually it was a nice surprise, the girls want to meet you."
Weeks before she left for camp....
"Baby I want to go on a weekend holiday to the beach, are you in?" I say to Lucy as I go looking at accommodation and flights. "A weekend you and me alone on a beach, where do I sign up?" she says super happy. "Come on, I'll book everything" I lean over and give her a little kiss. "Oh love, my parents have a yacht in Ibiza and they have told me that if we want to use it we should let them know so they can arrange everything" she says casually. "Your parents have what? Hey tell me the truth, are you and your family one of those posh ones or what?" I laugh and nod my head. "Yeah Lucia Roberta, my parents have money hahaha" I look at her playfully. "Now it makes sense that you are so stubborn and capricious" she tells me amused. "That's how you love me sweetheart" I blow her a kiss.
And that's how I turned out in Australia watching the love of my life participate in what will possibly be her last world cup (according to what she explained to me because I swear that what I know the most about football is the goal).
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soundspeachytome · 6 months
dusty and fraulein (shohei ohtani au)
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summary: your asshole cat falls in love with your new next-door neighbor and takes shelter in his front porch while displacing his poor dog, dusty, and a whole lot of chaos in between ensues.
tropes: enemies to lovers, next door neighbor dynamics, dog parent x cat parent, fake dating, small town romance, pure, pure fluff and romance only.
word count: 11.2k
this is far from my original writing style but i hope you have fun reading as much as i had writing this! (if there are any inconsistencies, sorry in advance!)
other notes: i had patterned the two characters loosely after lorelai and luke and stars hollow as the town. *swoon!*
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You squint through the harsh back light of your phone and see the time: 8:47 AM. It is barely brunch and you hear loud music and conversation from outside your bedroom window. You pull the covers over your head and try to go back to sleep but the sound of a hammer being pounded on wood disrupts your journey back to dreamland. 
It also doesn’t help that your head also feels like someone is drilling it into concrete. For a split second, you wonder why you even let that much alcohol enter your system on a Friday night, and why no one stopped you when you were such a lightweight. You try to remember the events from the night before and then it hits you: you caught your boyfriend–now ex!--sexting with an intern at his office through the messages on his phone. You were not the type to scour through your boyfriends’ phones but it was supposed to be dinner date night with pasta and Sauvignon Blanc when Jack’s phone lit up from the kitchen counter. You were busy preparing cutlery when the phone dinged again. You thought it was important from work and since you had been very open and comfortable with each after a year of dating, taking a peek would not hurt. 
Nothing could have prepared you for what you saw. 
Jack, despite being a successful finance analyst, the smart, bookish type, the one who can compute numbers in his head in about 5 seconds or less, apparently was not smart enough to keep his notifications hidden or at least try and cover them up like a serial cheater would. Not that you  wanted him hiding anything from you, but at that moment, seeing the thirst traps and the disgusting follow-up sexts from his notifications bar were enough for you to hurl his precious PS5 from the fifth floor of his apartment building and leave the crime scene with the wine and pasta in tow. 
You don’t know what happened after because you left while he was still in the shower, his apartment thrashed, with a note which you left that says, “For the record, I faked all my orgasms during our sexy time. Veronica ❤️ seems to love your *mini* performance though! PS. If you’re looking for your PS5, try looking down from the balcony, asshole.”
Love is a lie, you scoffed. You let the remnants of last night’s hurt consume you for a little bit more and cry under the covers. You cried until your eyes tired, until the weight of your head felt heavier than a bowling ball. You thought about staying in bed for a few more minutes when a boisterous laughter interrupted your thoughts. The laugh was followed by incomprehensible sentences. The voice came from a man probably in his late twenties, deep, jovial and friendly. You couldn’t make out the words from this distance but he sounded like he was giving instructions, volume fading in and out every now and then. Then more manly laughter. You didn’t know why but this person had a distinct laugh that you found very pleasant. You wonder somberly if you could laugh like that again. 
You jolted upright and went for the door. You will definitely be happy again soon but first, coffee. 
The best hangover fix is a steaming cup of coffee with a plate of bacon and pancakes. You poured yourself a hot mug of coffee and suddenly felt unstoppable, like you’re actually happy, at least temporarily. The pounding in your head has subsided but the drilling from nextdoor hasn’t. You must have new neighbors, the way you’re seeing movers coming in and out of the moving truck parked outside. You tried to catch a glimpse of this neighbor causing all the ruckus but were unsuccessful as the trees lined beside your porch were covering your line of vision. From behind you, you felt your cat, Fraulein, bump her head on your ankles, purring audibly.
“Looks like the new neighbors woke you up too, huh?” She yawned and continued looking up at you. 
Fraulein, a female American shorthair of three years, stood around nine pounds with her stocky legs and long, proportioned tail. Her fur was a thick orange coat with faint white stripes covering most of her body. She was nameless when you picked her up from the animal shelter. She was barely five months old at that time and despite being smaller than the other cats, she had snuggled up to you when you reached for a pet. When you scratched her head and heard her purr loudly, you knew right then and there that she was the one for you. She was the friendliest, clingiest and most loveable thing you have in your life, and despite her “orange cat personality” as most people had dubbed, you wouldn’t replace her with anything in the world, not even for your hound dog-looking ex, Jack. 
She did a big stretch as you picked her up while you stood idly by the window. As you stared outside, Fraulein’s purring sending you in a trance, you suddenly notice a pair of eyes looking up at you from the front lawn. Those eyes should not be there, and more importantly, the pair of eyes belonged to a dog standing just mere inches from your flowering shrubs, tail wagging. If this dog takes another step, they could ruin the gardenias you’ve been trying to grow. 
You step outside and try to shoo the dog away when it suddenly jumps and barks. 
“Hey! Get away from my garden!” You try to stay calm as the dog continues to bark and come playfully near the shrubs. Your heart sinks when his paw accidentally steps on the stems of your peonies. You’ve been meaning to pluck them this week so you can replace the wilted ones from your vase. 
“Oh my god… Please go away! Shoo!” You desperately waved the dog away but it continued to jump excitedly and roll around, probably thinking you were out there to play. Fraulein, who was still in your arms the entire time, started getting restless and was hissing at the dog’s direction, her untucked claws boring into your skin. That’s when you saw a man, probably over six feet tall, rushing towards the dog. He had thick black hair and the widest shoulders you’ve ever seen. 
“Oh my god, Dusty! What are you doing here…” He put a leash on the dog, whose name was probably Dusty, as you have heard, and carried him with one arm. 
“I’m so so sorry! I was inside the house and I didn’t realize Dusty escaped from his leash.” His big brown eyes complemented well against his slightly tanned skin. With your obvious height difference, you had to look up at him from a distance without hurting your neck. 
“He almost ruined my flowers,” You started to say, eyes still locked in his. If you hadn’t forced yourself to look towards your garden, you would have been sucked into his creamy brown orbs. 
You assessed the garden from the mini scuffle. There was a bit of overturned soil from some of the shrubs, especially from the peonies getting the most damage. The stems have been slightly bent, almost breaking from where it stood. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m sosososorry! I didn’t mean to–I mean, Dusty’s still young, he’s very playful and…” 
“I was planning on cutting them this week, anyway. Your dog has to stay away from my garden, though.” I pointed at the lopsided peonies, almost looking like they have their hands up in the air, waving sideways.
He looked so apologetic that he almost looked like it was his fault. He tightened his grip on his dog, Dusty, who looked so small and well-behaved being cradled by a big-bodied man. Meanwhile, Fraulein has not relaxed one bit after that quick garden mess and had her claws out, clinging to my threadbare sweater.
“Yes ma’am, I’ll keep a tight leash on her. I’m Shohei Ohtani, by the way. We just moved next door, so I guess we’re neighbors now. I’d offer my hand right now, but I’m afraid Dusty would jump out of my grip. ”
Now that you are able to look at his face carefully, you realize that he was fairly handsome. Correctly proportioned face, dreamy brown eyes, and a smile that invited first love butterflies kind of vibe. He was also tall and definitely bulky over that black long-sleeved sweater that was folded up to his elbows. You could tell he dedicates a good amount of time to his body.
“So that explains all this noise so early in the morning.” You say with an almost sarcastic tone of voice. You didn’t mean it and you were willing to forgive them for the morning ruckus but the garden mishap and the mini-heart attack you had for your plants had somehow added to the list of how-to-piss-your-neighbor-on-the-first-day. And you’re really bad at moving past your first impressions of other people. 
“Are all cat people always this cranky in the morning?” He commented cheekily, displaying a playful expression in his eyes. This man named Shohei is trying to get to you and it’s definitely working. For a first conversation, it surely is getting on your nerves to be read so openly, and in your own premises, at that. 
“Excuse me?”
“It’s just an observation. Cat people seemed to be more emotionally charged than dog people.” He said matter-of-factly and continued to smile. He’s handsome but he’s also starting to be annoying as hell. What does he mean by that? Does he want to show off that dog people are better than cat people? 
“Well. If we’re going to talk about stereotypes here then I must say dog people are careless people-pleasers who hogs the attention and only cares about being liked and do not give a rat’s ass on taking up other people’s space and boundaries. I’d also offer to shake my hand but I’m afraid my cat right here might scratch your dog’s face for ruining our morning.” You stared hard at him and slowly backed away, returning to your porch steps.
“Nice to meet you, too, I guess! I would suggest chamomile tea and tone down on coffee!” He waved cheerfully, as he exited the lawn and walked towards his home. You turned your heel and slammed the door shut loud enough for him to hear. Fraulein jumped out of your grip and mewed almost as angrily. She darted toward the kitchen and went out of sight. 
“What a weirdo… If Fraulein doesn’t like him then I don’t have to like him, too.” You muttered to yourself and moved to the bathroom to take a shower. 
You spent your afternoon in the garden, watering and cutting the flowers in full bloom. You wore your oldest t-shirts with a print that says “I Wet My Plants” under your pink square overalls and a sun hat to protect you from the sun. You were listening to your beloved Birdy mix on your headphones as you tended the prettiest flowers in your garden, muting the noise of the world.
I know I was stupid to let what we had go to waste
Why does everything I love always get taken away?
Ghost in the wind calling you to take me home
Ghost in the wind crying, where do I belong?
Can anyone hear me now?
Can anyone hear me now?
“Can you hear me, Y/N?”
You almost jumped out of your skin when a hand touched you lightly in the arm. It was Patrick Sandoval, your high school best friend, and sometimes main supplier of Fraulein’s flea medicine. You forgot that he was visiting today.
“Whoa! Extra jumpy today?” he smiled his Colgate-white smile and cocked his head to the side. “Coffee overload, again?”
Suddenly you remembered what your new neighbor had said during your first encounter this morning. Naturally cranky… Tone down on the coffee… He had no idea to be assuming things like that, not when you had just literally met.
“Jack cheated on me and I was hungover, okay?” You grit your teeth through the mention of your ex. Like the stench of his name made the bile climb up your throat. “I decimated his PS5 into tiny cracked pieces.”
“Oh, shit, man.. I’m proud of you.” He put you in a half-embrace and patted your head. “Do you need me to break his legs for you?”
You giggled, arm still locked around his waist. “No, but I took one of his expensive wines so that evens that out for me, I think. I don’t care.”
Patrick looks at you and wonders if he arrived too late today. He notices the dark bags under your eyes and your puffy face, probably a result of crying all night. He wondered if you had been crying all morning, too. He couldn’t help but lean in and give you a full, bear hug.
“Just let me know if you need us to file a restraining order, babygirl.” You snorted and buried your face under his embrace, thankful for the assurance. Patrick has always been your rock since high school. When your first boyfriend ditched you in prom, Patrick was there to rescue you when he wasn’t initially supposed to go; you ended the night with stomachs full of pizza, sparkling soda and belly laughter.
You and Patrick had been for each other’s rarest moments throughout adulthood: gushing about your first times, your first heartbreaks, getting into college, graduation… you even wondered if both of you are just teetering from the sidelines, waiting for each other to do the first move. You always brush the thought away because to do that means risking your friendship with him. You don’t want to lose him, not even as a friend.
“By the way, I’m just here to drop these medicines for dear ol’ Frau that you asked.” He lifted a paper bag with a cute animal picture and his pet shop name printed across it. Paw and Order.
 “Thanks, Patrick. I could’ve picked them up if you called.” Patrick has been the sole pet doctor in town which contributed solely to his success. Seeing how much people nowadays prefer taking pets instead of bearing children, he took the opportunity to put up his own pet shop and clinic; you and Fraulein have been number one customers ever since.
“It’s my pleasure, milady.” He did an elegant bow, to which I returned a curtsy, and giggled. “I’m also here to let you know that I’ll be on a business trip for two weeks. So this will be sort of my goodbye.”
“What kind of business trip takes two weeks long?” You don’t really want him to leave, especially with the holidays approaching, you had planned to spend it all with him.
“The kind where your father wants you to venture to a new business spot and spend the holidays with him and his new family.” He shrugged and looked at you, hoping you’d stop him from the impending family mess he’s about to go to, but you only scrunched your nose.
“That sucks, man. You’ll miss all the fruitcakes.” 
“I know, dude.” He pouted. “How are Frau's fleas, by the way? Did the medicine work last time?” 
“Sure did, she’s better now. Speaking of which, where is that old hag?” You haven’t seen her since early morning’s commotion. The last time you saw her she was napping by the window of your bedroom.
“Just call me if you notice anything weird. The medicines should be enough while I’m gone.” 
“Leaving already?”
“First thing in the morning, bub.” He said. “I’ll miss you.”
“Frau and I will miss you, too!” And the two of you embraced in another warm hug. When you both pulled back, he helped you pick up the basket of freshly bloomed flowers you had collected for the day and went back inside the house. You had given him the extra jar of lemon iced tea you’ve been saving for a particularly warm day like this. 
It’s been a whole day that you haven’t seen Fraulein. She usually wanders off hours in a day but she always returns by dinner time. You were starting to worry as the sky slowly turned pitch black. The lampposts turn on, illuminating the streets. You turn the porch lights on, too, and leave her bowl of food and water by the doorstep, in case she decides to come home late into the night. 
You wake up to a high-pitched yowling outside. You’re not exactly sure where but you know that sound from anywhere. You bolted down the stairs with your sleeping robe undone and ran towards the lawn. You can’t see anything until you hear it again.
Soon, a dog howls and you run towards Shohei Ohtani’s house.
You see Fraulein perched on top of Shohei’s porch, her entire back arched defensively, ears twitching backwards. She was hissing at Dusty, who was whimpering loudly below the porch steps and looking terrified. In your panic, you run to the lawn to pick Fraulein up.
“Fraulein! What are you doing here?” 
Dusty continued to bark loudly, trying to come near the door where Fraulein stood. She hissed menacingly at him.
At that exact moment, Shohei Ohtani emerged from the front door, yawning and trying to get sleep out of his eyes. 
“Whazhapeninhere?” He yawned, looking clearly disoriented from suddenly waking up.
“Your dog is trying to attack my cat!” I yelled, trying to go near Fraulein but stepped back as Dusty blocked your way. 
Shohei popped awake as soon as he heard Fraulein hiss at Dusty once more; Fraulein arched her back more and raised her claws in defense.
“Whoa, hey!” Shohei ran up to Dusty and cradled him in his arms like a baby. Poor dog was shaking and whimpering.
“Are you sure it’s not your cat trying to attack my baby?” He raised his voice. He was standing a few feet away from you and looked you up and down, noticing your loose sleeping robe and looking away. 
“Poor baby getting scared by a cat,” He cooed silently, helping Dusty relax.
You walked up the porch when Fraulein hissed and scratched your arms when you picked her up. She wriggled from your grasp but conceded defeat when you scruffed her by the neck, immobilizing her. 
“I don’t know what’s happening here, but please stay away from my cat.” You looked at both Shohei and Dusty sternly. He noticed the scratches on your hands.
“You’re bleeding.” He started.
You looked down on your hands and saw visible red scratch marks. They started from the middle of your arm all the way to the back of your hand.
“I’m fine.” You huffed, trying to walk away as fast as possible. You don’t know what time it was, but it could easily be past midnight. 
“No, wait. Please, I have antiseptic soap inside…” He rushed towards the house, when he looked back and saw you frozen on the steps, he beckoned you and disappeared inside. “Come on.”
You stood there for a moment and contemplated if you should follow Shohei inside. You barely know the guy and every encounter you’ve had with him always ended in a screaming match or a passive-aggressive exchange. He might even be an ax murderer for all you know. A very handsome one, at that. 
“Frau, if something happens to me, please know that I love you.” You held her near your face. “Third drawer by the sink is where I kept all your catnip”. You whispered to her ear and walked towards Shohei Ohtani’s home.
Shohei Ohtani’s home was, first of all, very clean. It did not reek of anything a dog owner normally would smell like. It had the occasional puppy toys around the living room, but much to your surprise, it was spotless. It also smelled like sweet rose and laundry detergent. You also discovered that just like you, he lives alone. 
Shohei had put Dusty inside a retractable gate to keep him safe from Fraulein as you put her down on the floor. He busied himself looking for his first aid kit. You don’t notice any other pictures on display except him and Dusty and one with his complete family on the refrigerator door. 
His tall frame reappears and he pulls you towards the kitchen sink. You soak your arms under the water and he hands you the antiseptic soap.
“Thanks,” You mumbled. He never left your side and waited until you finished rinsing off, then took your arm and put cream on the scratch marks. He was standing unbelievably close, you could almost see his long eyelashes as he had his head down, concentrating on his self-appointed task. 
He also had his other hand holding you tight, as if to make sure you won’t run off suddenly. 
“I have these at home, you know.” You trained your eyes on his fingers dabbing cream. Don’t look at his arm veins, Y/N. Don’t look at them. Don’t look. Don’t.
“Oh, gee. Why didn’t I think of that?” He mused to which you rolled your eyes. Once again, the magic had worn off. 
“Do you really have to sound sarcastic all the time?”
“C’mon, lighten up.  Besides, it happened on my property so I feel partially responsible–even if it was your cat’s fault.” He shrugged.
You coughed at his accusation. “Fraulein does not instigate fights. She is well-mannered and prim all the time, thank you very much.” You pulled your cream-covered arm away from him. Just then, you notice Fraulein bumping her head on Shohei’s legs, mewling softly.
“How would you then explain the fact where your cat steals Dusty’s bed from the front porch?” He said, crossing his arm, Fraulein on the other hand, was still headbutting Shohei on the legs.
“Oh, she did not.” You retorted. Why would she steal someone’s fray-looking bed when she has her beautiful beige 2-condo tree tower with a capsule nest and dangling balls and a charming basket-weave style oval bed at home? It didn’t make sense. “She only sleeps in the beds I bought her.”
Shohei gives you a funny look and fishes his phone from his pocket. “Well, you’re in for quite a shock, I guess.”
He shoves the phone to you after tinkering with it for a while. “That’s your cat at 30:56 right?”
You look closely, a bit disoriented at what he was trying to show you. CCTV recorded footage of his porch outside where his dog, Dusty, was sitting in his dog bed, playing with his puppy chew ball, when suddenly, you saw Fraulein enter the frame from the left. 
“It doesn’t show anything.” You impatiently looked on, disbelief and denial dripping from you. 
“Oh just you wait.” 
Fraulein was moving slowly, watching Dusty and his toy. A few minutes pass by, the video captures Shohei exiting the front door and Dusty follows him playfully, at which, the dog bed was obviously vacated, and Fraulein took the opportunity to lay on it. 
Shohei cops the phone away and crosses his arms across his chest. “The court finds the defendant guilty.”
It took you a moment but gasped dramatically at the realization. “Was she here the entire day yesterday? Napping on your dog’s bed?” You looked at Fraulein with sheer disapproval. “Fraulein von Hammersmark, that is not how female felines behave.”
Shohei stifled a laugh. He was leaning over his stomach and ears red. “Relax. I don’t mind at all. I think Dusty does, though.” He picks up Fraulein calmly and gives her  scratches on her head. Fraulein purrs loudly. 
“She has been napping here all day since morning and seems to enjoy watching her new neighbor work out in the front lawn.” 
You grimaced, making sure you showed him your disgust. “Ew, weird flex but okay.”
Dusty whimpers as he looks at the scene from outside his gate. You walk over and give him a light pat on the head. “Dusty, blink once if you need help.” 
“Oh, please.” He giggles. “I’m not the weird one for naming my cat Fraulein von Hammersomething.” Shohei returns Fraulein to you, your arms touching, his head closer to yours momentarily. 
“Y/N. I wonder what the weather is on your side. You want to wear something warmer than that?” He pointed at your loose sleeping gown, your legs showing a little bit of your thigh. A little more movement and the knots would dangerously slip out of your waist and reveal your lingerie. 
“Pervert.” You instinctively covered your chest and ran back home, arms carrying Fraulein and the weight of shame for being almost half-naked inside a strange man’s house. 
The next few days after that incident were spent with writing articles for an obscure lifestyle website and your part-time work at the bookstore in town, Novel Nook. You ride a 30 minute bus ride to the town square everyday for work and wait 15 minutes in line to grab a cup of coffee from the coffee shop beside it. It doesn’t feel like work at all because you are always surrounded by the books that you love. It took you a long time to realize that working 9-5 in an office cubicle with ugly fluorescent lighting was deteriorating your mental headspace and when your mom passed, you jumped the gun and submitted your intent to resign.
You removed all the baggage you kept from the city and only brought the ones that mattered to you: your cat, your big books, some pretty clothes you never wore in the city but are wearing freely and confidently now, and your memories of your mom. You flew seven thousand miles back home to the place you were meant to be all this time, and you couldn’t be happier and more content. 
You were walking sluggishly back home from a tiring day at work at Novel Nook where two teenagers fought for the last copy of The Hurricane Wars and it took all your energy to de-escalate before they could start pulling each other’s hair. You can’t wait to kick your boots back, hug Fraulein and maybe continue reading a book. 
Your house is on the opposite side of the bus stop so you always (almost begrudgingly) have to pass by Shohei’s house every time. Sometimes it would be quiet with Dusty playing alone on the porch, or Shohei having a barbecue and would always cheerfully waving at you while you just give him a brief nod. Recently, you’ve grown accustomed to seeing Fraulein hanging out in his place more often than you have imagined. She’s like a teenage girl rebelling against her overbearing mother, hanging out with the wrong crowd. After that incident with Dusty, she has claimed dominance on his bed, Shohei had no choice but to buy a new one for his poor dog, while Fraulein smugly walks around in her new territory. 
You had developed some sort of weird neighbor-dynamic with Shohei after that. On days Fraulein had to take her medicine shots that Patrick had given you, you’d walk towards his house and pick her up like some sort of pet daycare. Shohei likes to call it “daddy daycare” as if you’re two divorced parents and he is the cool dad that all the kids love hanging with while you’re the uptight, overbearing mother with full custody and all, that the kids hate. 
“Fraulein, your mom’s here.” Shohei said one day, looking up from his laptop which was perched on the table he had set up on his porch, sitting adjacent to Fraulein. Dusty was chewing on his toy, as usual, and perked up a welcome upon seeing you. 
Fraulein stands and stretches her back and sits back again resting on Shohei’s foot, to which Shohei smirks almost smugly. “She loves her dad more, it seems.”
You roll your eyes and pick up Fraulein. “Stop calling yourself her dad before I burn your house down.”
“Ooh, an arsonist for a neighbor. That’s so sexy, Y/N.” He looked you up and down and wiggled his eyebrows. “You’re too cute to go to jail, though. How about going out with me instead?”
“Piss off. C’mon, Fraulein, time for medicine.” You turned and walked back to your home, trying to keep a straight face at the being called cute with Shohei. You’re too cute. You made the mistake of looking back as you turned to your corner and saw Shohei grinning at you.
This day would be no different as you passed by Shohei’s house today and saw Fraulein napping at the exact same place on his porch. He was working out doing ab crunches on the ground. You decided today, you wouldn’t dare to go on another episode of sarcasm battle with Shohei and go straight home. He was wearing workout clothes of course, with his gym shorts and sleeveless shirt, for all the temptations in the world, this one, you had proudly resisted and warded off like the devil. 
You found Dusty on your lawn, sitting by the patch of grass far from your flowers, thankfully, and staring far ahead into the direction of your home. You patted him and tried to get his attention. Ever since being displaced by Fraulein, he had been giving you frequent visits and play in your yard and you’d give him treats from your secret stash.
“Hey, bud. Were you waiting for me?” He ignored you and continued to look on.
By the door, you can see a tall black figure standing, unmoving. It was a man in a black suit with hands in his pockets. When he turns around, you see a familiar face.  
“No,” You whispered. Jack smiles at you and waves, as if nothing had happened almost a month ago. As if he was just returning from a business trip. Like cheating on you was nothing.
You started panicking and heaving heavily. Dusty senses your fear and barks at Jack when he slowly walks over to you. 
Dusty continued to growl and bark at Jack while you tried to move backward, feet heavy like lead. 
“Stop, don’t come near me, Jack.” you struggled.
“Y/N, I’m here to apologize, for whatever happened, for whatever it made you feel.” He was still slowly walking towards you, eyeing Dusty carefully.
“We have nothing to talk about anymore, Jack. It’s over, in case you forgot.”
“I said come here, you bitch.” He growled. 
At this point, you only realized you were shaking terribly when a hand wrapped on your shoulder, calming you down.
“Are you okay?” It was Shohei’s voice and you have never felt so relieved to hear his voice. You weakly put your arm around his waist and leaned on him. You were still shaking badly, from the exhaustion, or the fear, you couldn’t tell. 
“Is everything okay?” Shohei acknowledges Jack who stopped at around five feet from where you were. 
“We were just discussing something… private.” Jack shifts his eyes between you and Shohei, who was sizing him up and down. Between Shohei, who stood over six feet tall, bulky, and ripped, and Jack, just around five foot nine, body somewhat lean and lanky, Jack didn’t stand a chance. 
Realizing this, you found more comfort and confidence in your plan. You looked up to see Shohei still trying to converse with Jack while keeping a firm arm around you. 
“Shohei.” He looked at you cautiously and tightened his grip on your shoulder. 
Please promise me that you won’t get mad at what I’m about to do.
“What is it, Y/N? Who is this guy?” he said.
“He’s my ex who I want nothing to do with.” He straightened his back but you pulled him by the neck so you could whisper in his ear.
“I’m so sorry, Shohei.” 
“I’m not sure I understand–” He tilted his head in confusion. Jack starts moving forward again, looking almost pissed by just looking at you and Shohei. 
With Shohei still leaning forward, you desperately grabbed his cheeks and pecked him square on the lips. 
Shock induces both Shohei’s and Jack’s faces when you pull back, eyes focused on Jack and hoping to God he’d get the message. Wild red alarms blared and rang loudly in your head, you just kissed Shohei, your hot and annoying neighbor! You just kissed him! You ignored this and focused on the problem at hand. 
“He’s my boyfriend, Jack. Please leave now–” 
Shohei recovers from his shock and kisses you back in bigger, wider and longer strokes of his tongue. The tremors in your body shook harder and you felt your limbs melt into a puddle of water. Shohei’s big warm hands were there to catch you as your knees unbuckled. 
You kissed back and forgot everything that was happening in the background. Dusty barking, Jack’s shell-shocked face, the vehicles passing by the street witnessing your spectacle. You ignored all of this and focused on the way Shohei holds on to your body from your neck, to your back until it rests to the back of your waist, gripping tight, his firm and taut body pressing hard onto you, and his lips sliding over yours so smoothly, stimulating all the senses in your tongue and mouth. 
You don’t know how many seconds passed when you stayed inside that bubble but when you both pulled back for air, Jack was no longer there and Dusty had stopped barking. Instead, he just sat quietly on the ground, waiting for you to finish. 
You stared at Shohei and you stared back at him. Your hand was still on his neck, half-gripping the nape. You slowly let go and pull away. It’s always after the sin that you feel the shame and guilt. 
He doesn’t let go and instead takes you by the shoulder. “Come inside first and we’ll talk.”
You nod wordlessly and follow his lead. You couldn’t walk properly anyway, so you didn’t want to fight back. Your knees felt like jelly and your brain full of fog. That was hot, you thought, but also very wrong.
You sat at Shohei’s dining table chugging a glass of water. By the time you finished, he sat there in front of you and continued looking at you intensely.
In your post-kiss and post-Jack clarity, you’re now too embarrassed to admit the way you handled that situation. But Shohei, being Shohei, seemed unfazed. For the most part, he found it amusing to be part of your ex-boyfriend escape plan, of all the people. 
“A man never listens to a no,” You were too focused on the rim of the glass. You want to look anywhere but Shohei’s mouth. “And I was desperate for him to get away… so I did.. That.”
“Y/N, you were trembling out there. What exactly has he done to you?” He removed the glass from your grip and made you focus on him.
“He… I… He’s an asshole when he gets angry. And I was just scared I wouldn't be able to refuse him. I don’t want him anymore.”
“For someone as arrogant and snappish as you, that’s pretty hard to believe.” You rolled your eyes at him and smirked, lips looking luscious and fuller than the last time. 
“Look, I was probably having a panic attack back there, and I’m okay now, see?” You spread your arms widely, faking a smile at him. You’d like this conversation to end so you could run back to your house and ram your head to the wall. The more you stay in Shohei’s presence, the more embarrassed you feel about wanting and enjoying that kiss. You did. You do. And you want more. 
“I wanted an easy way out, you happened to be there and I grabbed the moment.” You rambled on. “And that kiss, it was just a one-time thing.”
“A one-time thing?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, it was a mistake. We don’t even like each other to kiss, so we can forget about it.”
“Is that right?” His lips curled into a smirk.
“Yes, tomorrow, we act like it never happened, okay?” You stood up and started collecting yourself. You hang by the door and look back, Shohei had his arms crossed against his chest, staring at you. 
“I don’t know, Y/N. That seems pretty unforgettable to me.”
The following morning, you woke up early to visit the farmer's market to replenish your cupboard. You wore black tights over your long beige dress and a gray cardigan. You put your hair down in loose waves today and replaced your contacts with your old prescription eyeglasses. 
Sprawled in front of you were tents and tables of farmers and sellers of freshly harvested fruits and vegetables to your heart’s content. Almost everyone you knew from town was there on a bright day like this. You said your hellos and some, who were avid customers of Novel Nook, asked about the new book releases. Since it is a fairly small town, it is inevitable to spot the ones that you direly wanted to avoid. For example, your ex-boyfriend Jack. 
He was standing one tent away and seemed to just idly window-shopping. You put your head down and try not to meet his gaze or look at his direction as you busy yourself looking through a good bunch of tomatoes. 
“Hey, Y/N.” You put your guard down and suddenly he is in front of you. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Trying to… buy some tomatoes?” He sneered, holding a tomato in his hand. “I don’t see your boyfriend around.”
“I…He’s… Can you please stop following me?” Cold sweat ran through your spine as he noticed you fumble, noticing your lie. 
“Lest you forget, I live here, too.” 
“Not in this side of town, you don’t.” You walked away with the bag of tomatoes you purchased. You moved quickly and avoided the throng of people that was starting to build up. 
“I just want us to talk… Y/N. You didn’t give me a chance to explain yesterday.” He continued to follow you, hands behind his back. He was obviously not there to buy tomatoes. 
“I don’t want to see you anymore. Leave me alone or I’ll call the police.” You looked at him sternly, hand gripping tightly on the basket you were holding. One false move and you just might smash his head with a whole pineapple. 
“No boyfriend to come save you now?” Jack chuckled. 
“There you are.” A familiar voice sprung up from behind, and a hand snaked around your waist. Shohei was suddenly beside you, holding on to his own basket of shopping bags.  “I was looking all over for you. Look, I got you blueberries for the cake you were planning to bake. ”
Shohei pinched your sides and smiled, nodding at you to play along with his little act. You forced a wide smile and said, “Wow, yes. You remembered, love? Thank you.”
You both turned to Jack who had a repulsed expression on his face. He coughed up and tried to get back his composure, but it was too late as both of you were already walking away. Shohei did not let go of you even until you turned a corner. You couldn’t care less about shopping anymore as you worried about running into Jack again.
“It looks like your ex is adamant on following you around.” He whispered to your ear, looking back and seeing Jack following far behind. “Care to give him a show, love?” 
You widen your eyes as you realized what was about to happen. 
He moves his head closer to yours and locks you in a wet kiss. He pushed deeper into the kiss when you unconsciously opened your mouth and let him in, mouth and tongue. The smell of clean detergent mixed with a little bit of vanilla filled your lungs, slapping you drunk. The second kiss was just as good as the first. 
Shohei suddenly pulls back from the kiss and offers his hand, and continues walking along like he hadn’t sucked the air out of your body.
For a few more tents, you and Shohei walked around hand in hand in the cold morning, picking fruits and vegetables like your typical neighborhood couple. Many onlookers saw the two of you eating from the free taste section, or arguing about the right vegetable size to buy, or just happily chatting with his hand not letting you go. 
“Shohei, I think Jack’s no longer around.” You motion for him to let go of your hand. 
“Aw, I thought we weren’t acting anymore, the way you were kissing me back there.” He smirks and lets go of your hand, missing his warmth already. 
“I’m only letting your hand go because you look like you’re going to topple over with how heavy this basket is.” He took your groceries from you and led the way. Since you’re practically almost living together, you have no choice but to walk with him awkwardly. 
“Thank you, Shohei.” You said quietly, walking feebly behind him.
“Didn’t catch that, love. What–” He wheels around and stops himself after realizing what he said, the tips of his ears turning red. You tried to keep a straight face but failed as both of you got caught in the moment. 
“Don’t get used to it.” You giggled and skipped your steps, leaving him to carry all the shopping bags he refused to let you carry. 
You were slowly settling down for the night with a movie on and a bowl of buttered popcorn when you heard a faint knock on the door.
Shohei was standing outside with his hands in the pockets of his checkered pajama pants. On his feet seems to be a brand new pet backpack carrier.
“Special delivery for one order of queen of meowtown, clingy and fuzzball Fraulein!” He beamed and pointed at the carrier. Fraulein was sitting relaxedly inside. 
“Don’t be shocked or anything but I accidentally bought two of these.” He pointed at the carrier. “I-I thought you’d like to have one for Fraulein. You don’t have to accept it i-if you…”
You smiled as he stammered on. “This looks really cute, I love it.”
Shohei smiled widely and helped push the carrier to your living room. “Then I'll give this as a gift!”
“It would be improper to receive a gift like this...”
“I refuse to accept no, Y/N. Take it please.”
You wanted to mull over it, let it marinate in your head and see what happens but ever since the first two kisses you shared with him, Shohei has been… extra friendly recently. And you were not that kind of “friend”. Whenever you pass his house, he’d go out of his way and talk to you before you walk away. Asking you questions if you’re on the way to the farmer's market, or if you’re on your way to work, if you want to join him for a run. He’s been attentive and you’re not sure what exactly this dynamic has evolved into. You feel uncomfortable about the attention you’re receiving but at the same time, you feel it in your chest and in your stomach and at the tips of your fingers. The fluttering. The tremors and the shakiness of breaths. It’s always there when he’s there. 
“Okay, fine. I’ll take it. But no more other gifts, okay!” You opened the carrier to let Fraulein out who walked idly away and climbed into her tree tower. 
Shohei smiled, nodding. He was about to leave the door when you pulled the sleeve of his shirt. 
“Wait. Um.”
He stepped back and looked inquiringly. You held up a photo from your phone to his face: it was you and Shohei on the day you went to the farmer’s market, holding hands while looking at freshly picked flowers. Shohei’s eyes squinted with laughter, looking intently at you while you were captured trying to explain something trivial. It was quite a beautiful shot sent to you by a cousin who was good at photography. More than that, if you were a stranger looking at a random photo like this, you’d think you were happily in love, and the thought made your chest flutter. 
“It’s quite a small town so it didn’t come as a shock to me when people started noticing whatever this was.” Shohei was still looking at the photo, a small smile drawn on his lips. 
“My mom’s side of the family is setting up a brunch this weekend. I usually bring Patrick to this but they wanted to meet you so…” You trailed.
You coughed and took the phone away. “It’s just a small group of people. And we can always say we broke up after three months or something.”
He cocked his head, looking confused. “Are we still doing the pretending thing with your family?”
“Yeah, I mean. We don’t like each other like that, right? We can just say it didn’t work out after three or four months. They usually move on pretty quickly from the guys I date.”
“Let me get this straight, Y/N.” He said slowly, the Adam’s apple on his throat went up and down as he swallowed. “You want to introduce me to your family as your fake boyfriend on your family brunch.”
You affirmed. “Yes.”
“And we’re going to cook up a reason to break up.”
“And you said we don’t really like each other that much.”
“Not one bit”
“When we already had two kisses.”
“And went on a date in the farmer’s market walking around while holding hands. We kissed twice.”
“It  wasn’t a date.”
“It was to me.” He muttered.
“It was because you were helping me with Jack, remember?”
Shohei sighed exasperatedly, his mood darkened. “Pssh, yeah, whatever. Text me the details. G’night.” He scooted to leave and just like that you were left all alone in a confused daze in your living room. 
You spent too much time tossing and turning on your bed that night. The voices in your head and the whispers in your heart having an ongoing debate about what had happened a few hours before. 
Shohei was extremely happy, almost beaming like a kid when he brought you his gift but his expression changed after you had the conversation about your family brunch. Maybe you can sit it out this year and make up an excuse that both you and Shohei couldn’t attend? Seasonal allergies? Car getting mauled? Someone’s pet dying? Gods, no. You internally smack yourself for even being near to the thought of either your pets dying, not when they’re the closest thing you have as your best friend and family. You believe Shohei believes that, too. 
And why would Shohei become upset when you proposed the idea of a fake relationship with your family? You started this whole mess and it’s slowly getting out of hand, you want to nip it in the bud so it won’t have to hurt that much later on. It was just a one-time thing, an escape plan until Jack gets out of your hair, then both of you can live as freely as you had before. 
Besides, Shohei doesn’t like you to be that upset. Does he? He’s just a neighbor who likes joking around and annoying you whenever he gets the chance. He also just so happens to be a neighbor that Fraulein spends a lot of time on, he’s just someone to you until recently. 
You touch your fingers on your lips. That kiss shouldn’t mean anything to you because maybe Shohei doesn’t think about it that much either. He’s probably had a good number of girls that he’s kissed with that mouth. Given how good those kisses were, his expertise was undeniably top notch. You’ve never had anything like that before. A kiss that makes your insides tremble with need, almost fairytale like. Something close to what Mia Thermopolis had fantasized before her royal engagement with Nick Devereaux, a kiss that makes your leg pop. That’s what it was. A leg-popping, heart-fluttering, soul-defining kind of a  kiss that you’ll ask for more.
But as much as you want this all for yourself like the next person, you just had your heart broken by Jack. Jack who had promised you the moon and the stars, and a beautiful, dreamy, family with your pets. He had you swooning and dreaming about forever. It was all perfect until that fateful date and the cheating. It hurts to realize that no matter how much you love and do better for a person, they will always look for ways to look at other people. The idea of getting into a relationship right away after what happened with Jack is preposterous at this point. The trust and self-confidence Jack broke is something you want to piece together yourself first. Even if it meant being alone for a couple of months, or years. Who knows.  
You tossed to your side once again, feeling the sleep finally get to you. You dozed off soaking under the thoughts of kittens and kissing a tall man with contagious laughter. 
Shohei was filling Fraulein’s food and water bowl dutifully as you had asked, waiting for you to finish preparing for the family brunch in the living room. He had finally succumbed and agreed to go with you as your fake boyfriend, despite his initial feelings towards the arrangement. He still doesn’t understand what was going through your head but he nevertheless had stopped bringing it up. He realized that the more he asked, the more you pushed back and retreated into the dark. He decided that he’d wait for you to soften up. You always do. 
And that’s how the two of you went back to being friendly with each other. 
He was sitting on your living room couch with Fraulein, brushing her fur with his fingers. Just another territory she had claimed: Shohei’s lap. 
“Shohei, help please!” You ran down the stairs, all dolled up. You put your hair down again, this time, you kept it naturally soft and straight. You also donned a yellow sundress that hugged your body, showing off your natural curves. The hems of the skirt go loose from the thighs down. 
“Can you help me zip this up, please?” You said so casually. When you turned around and showed Shohei your bare, unzipped back, he swallowed hard. 
He held your waist lightly and zipped your back slowly, as if taking his time to gape at the bareness of your skin exposed for him. When his breath touched your neck, you felt goosebumps pop. 
“Let’s go.” You smiled too widely for him, trying to act like the oxygen in your house has not depleted. 
Shohei was a hit with your cousins during brunch. Turns out that all of them share the same interests in baseball and baseball teams. They were passionately chatting on one side of the garden area while you helped your Aunt Olivia set up the table.
“He’s quite the personality, Y/N.” She mused.
“Wherever did you find a man like that, Y/N?” Your cousin Evelyn commented, staring back. “Woot, what a view.”
You smiled and looked at Shohei socializing with your family. The moment the two of you entered Aunt Olivia’s home, everyone stared in awe. After introductions were made, Shohei made connections pretty quickly with his bubbly personality. You can also hear his occasional booming laughter from their group.
You were on your way to the kitchen when a hand on your waist suddenly pulled you from behind. Shohei led you to the empty pantry and pushed you back to the wall, his hands up on the wall and caging you.
“Hi.” He looked deep into your eyes, like he was looking for something. “Anyplace in this house, we are pretending, yes?”
“Yes, the moment we stepped out of the car. We are boyfriend and girlfriend.” You confirmed.
“Even here?” His lips shadowed lightly on yours, nose grazing yours. 
“Uhm. Yes.” You breathed and that would be your last breath for a while as Shohei kissed you full on the mouth. 
He kissed you frantically, with need and fervor. You put your hands over his shoulders and his hands reached the back of your leg, putting it over his waist. You stifled a moan as he bit your neck and peppered your chest with small kisses. You can’t help but push your hips forward and roll it against his. 
You broke apart like a deer in headlights when you heard footsteps nearby. You pushed Shohei and straightened your clothes. You wiped Shohei’s lipstick-stained mouth and ran away as fast as you could. Shohei, who was as kiss-hungry and love drunk as you were, could only smirk at your retreating form. 
During brunch, you sat with Aunt Olivia on your right and Shohei, by default, on your left side. You were trying to make conversation about the current weather news report while eating your plate of mashed potatoes, all while trying to avoid any contact with Shohei. 
He noticed you have been avoidant after the hot makeout session in the pantry. He put a hand on your thigh under the table, pinching it with reassurance.
“Are we good, Y/N?”
You nodded wordlessly and smiled at him. Something about the way Shohei’s attentiveness always hits you to your core. You’ve never felt this so cared for before that it’s almost bewitching. 
The party started getting up and divided: your aunts and uncles dancing happily on one side, your cousins taking selfies on the other. Meanwhile you and Shohei were left sitting comfortably by the dining table, enjoying the sweet ambiance of everyone around you. 
You held his arm gingerly, almost seductively when you felt his hard muscles from his shirt. A few moments ago, you had almost stripped him naked in the pantry with all of your aunt’s condiments as your audience.
“Why are you so toned? What are you working out for?” You said jokingly, pressing on his biceps in amazement.
“I’m preparing for the next man who tries to steal you.” He leaned in and whispered in your ear. You giggled. 
“No one can take me away from you!” You whispered back, resting your head on his shoulder. You were on your third glass of wine and it isn’t noon yet. You feel tipsy and giggly in the comfort of Shohei’s strong arms. 
“And this is a toast to our new couple, Y/N and Shohei, may this relationship be longer than the last one.” Uncle Ben bellowed, attracting laughter from the rest of the family. They clinked their glasses and toasted for the nth time today. 
You raised your own glass and sipped your wine. 
“Don’t mind them, they’re always like that when I bring a guy to brunch.”
He caressed your thigh and wanted to push the button. “Which guys?”
“Hm? Oh just Jack and Patrick. Although Patrick doesn’t count, because he’s my bestie.” Shohei looked at you and wondered who Patrick may be. He felt a bubbling feeling at the pit of his stomach. Is he jealous? Angry? That he wasn’t the first person you introduced to your family. He shrugged it off. This is just all an act, anyway. Get your shit together, man.
“This may be my favorite brunch ever.” You concluded, finishing the last few drops of your wine. Shohei stole the glass from your hand and replaced it with his. 
“The weather is perfect, the food is great, all of my mom’s family is here. And I don’t feel alone… thanks to you.” You traced circles on the back of Shohei’s palm with your thumb. 
“Why don’t we end this with a bang, Y/N?”
Shohei’s smile invites you to a peck on the lips. He held the back of your head and gently kissed you deeply, slowly this time. You don’t resist and he doesn’t let go. You hear cheers from the background as you kiss softly. Shohei kisses you for the last time today with the hopes that it removes the uncertainty in your mind. That when he kisses you better this time, it would change your mind. He prays to all the gods that would listen.
You melt into the moment and hope it never ceases, because you go back to normal after it ends. After today, you and Shohei will be two separate people once again. And that hurts the deeper parts of you without you realizing it. 
Shohei escorted you back home after the brunch. You rode in complete silence all the way. You really really didn’t want it to end but you also didn’t want to drag Shohei into a life that you’re not a hundred percent sure of yet. 
“Thank you for the ride.” You hung back at the entrance and Shohei waited, hoping you’d say something more. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
He sighed. “Wait, Y/N. Is that it?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Are we just gonna go back to the way it was now that you’re done pretending?” He said almost angrily. 
“Well, that’s the plan, isn’t it?”
“That’s your plan. I don’t want this to end. Did you ever wonder why I had agreed to it without asking anything in return? Because I didn’t need to pretend at all. It was all real to me.”
You stood there dumbfounded at the sudden outburst of confession from him. You thought Shohei would be more than willing to go back to his old,  uninvolved life with you. But he was right. You never once stopped to think why he was more than willing to help you get away from Jack, or to help you lie in front of your family. 
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking properly when I asked you this…” You blink back tears forming. 
Shohei walks up to you and rests his hands on your shoulders. “I don’t want this to end. Do you?”
“I’m not sure I’m ready for all of this, Shohei.” You squeaked, finally finding your voice. 
“You’re the most attentive, thoughtful, and sincerest man I’ve ever been blessed to meet. Even I get breathless thinking how lucky I’d be if I let you in…
“This whole fake dating thing was a mess. I shouldn’t have dragged you into my problems.”
“Y/N. Please don’t shut me out. Let me in, I’d go to the trouble of warding off your ex-boyfriend if I need to. I’ll be here for whatever.” Shohei begged. You shook your head firmly.
“I’m not ready yet, Shohei. I loved every moment I have spent with you, but I need to be with myself for now.” 
Shohei dropped his hands to his sides and stepped back, his eyes glistening with tears. 
“See you around, then.”
You watched him walk away until he disappeared into his home. You closed your door and plopped down on the floor. The tears that you were holding back came gushing out, and finally you were bawling. You didn’t cry this hard when Jack cheated on you but when you saw Shohei walking away because of your own doing, you felt like your world had collapsed. You wept until there were no tears left to cry, until the only pain you have left to bear was the hollowness of what Shohei left. You crawled into a ball by the door, clothes unchanged, makeup running down your face. Fraulein snuggles up to you minutes after, sharing her warmth.
Looks like it's just you and me again, Fraulein. 
In the next couple of weeks, you would rise early to tend to your plants, volunteer additional hours in Novel Nook so you could get home later than usual, and avoid the farmer’s market. You added wearing a baseball cap or large hats as a new fashion ensemble to steer away from eye contact at the risk of bumping into Shohei. The thing  is, your efforts to avoid him were reduced to nil as you bumped into him everywhere you went. When you throw out the trash as early as five o'clock in the morning, he’d be there, warming up or jogging on your path.  When you went to the farmer's market later than usual, he was also there doing after-rush hour shopping. Even administering Fraulein’s medicine time was an arduous task seeing that she still hangs around Shohei’s porch, not understanding your human conflict and emotions towards each other. 
There are days when you feel better and the sun is shining, but there are also moments when you catch yourself at the brink of a breakdown. It takes a while for the loneliness to settle in like an unwanted guest, creeping over your shoulder, sometimes hugging you at night. It wasn’t this hard before you met Shohei, so how was it different now?
“All good, Y/N?” You lost your train of thought at the voice of Aunt Olivia. You couldn’t bear the loneliness and the quiet of your home that you packed your stuff and stayed for a week’s worth of vacation. She joined you in the indoor kitchen table, where you were having your mid-afternoon coffee. 
“Boy problems?” she suggested. One look from you and she already knew. 
“Aunt Liv, how do you know if you’re ready to love again?” You said after a moment of silence. 
“You don’t.” She smiled and cupped your hands. “You fuck around then find out.”
She chuckled to herself. “You remind me so much of your mom. She was always scared of trivial matters, like falling in love.
“But when she had a good taste in it, she never looked back.”
Aunt Liv has always been fond of her little sister. Your mom. And hearing these words from her, reminiscent of how she had been when she was your age, twinged at your heart a little bit. 
“I’m not the one who’d pry on your relationships, Y/N. But he’s a keeper, that boy. I thought he was joking at first, but he seems to be serious about it.”
You knitted your eyebrows together. “What do you mean by that?”
“He said something when I got him alone that day. He’d said, you were tougher than a potato under hot water. But he’s willing to wait for you to soften up no matter how hot it gets.”
Leave it to Shohei to drop potato metaphors to your relatives on their first meeting. 
“When a man like that comes around, I won’t ever let him go. You’re lucky if you ever meet the same kind of man twice.”
You pondered on about Aunt Liv’s advice for the rest of the day; by nighttime, you felt an epiphany dawn upon you. The next day, you packed up and went home earlier than you had planned. 
“Go get him, bubba.” Aunt Liv wished you luck. You’ll need all the luck you can get and hope it wasn’t too late. 
It took you approximately an hour to get home by taxi, the car zigzagging across the street. 
You don’t know why you were rushing. He wasn’t going anywhere, not to your knowledge. He will always be right where you left him but something inside you was telling you that a second more that you’re away from home, and you’d lose him. 
You were trying to catch your breath as you ran on your side of the street when you bumped into Shohei leaving your front lawn, a pail and shovel over his shoulders.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” He was covered in dirt from the knee up, his white shirt sticking to his body and full of sweat. He looked a little shocked and panicked at being caught mid-exit from your garden. 
“I should ask you the same question. What were you doing in my lawn?” You tried to take a peek but Shohei covered your path with his wide body. “Did you bury a body there?”
“I think that’s a good idea for your fertilizer, Y/N!” He seemed a little agitated and making offbeat jokes to distract you. 
“Step away. What did you do to my garden?” You pushed him with all the adrenaline coursing through you and jogged towards your front lawn, expecting a murder crime scene or worse, a decaying garden. 
Instead, you saw hundreds of tulips in different shades and colors spread all throughout your garden. Purple and yellow tulips lined up the path towards your home. Red and pink tulips danced in the background, swaying every time a soft breeze brushed through. 
“You’re not supposed to see it yet. I thought you’d be back tomorrow night.” Shohei said, rubbing the nape of his head, embarrassed at being caught.
“You remembered when I said… At the farmer’s market…” You stammered.
“Yes, you went on and on about how much you love tulips.” You suddenly remembered the photo before the brunch party. How Shohei was looking fondly at you as he listened to you rambling on about something trivial. It wasn’t trivial to him because it was important to you. And he remembered. 
You turned around and faced him. You held out a hand and wiped a bit of sweat off of his face. “Did you do all of this… on your own?”
He nodded shyly. “That’s not all, though.” He whistled and called Dusty.
“You’re the most stubborn and one hell of a fiery woman. But you’re also the sweetest, softest, clingiest woman I’ve lucked out on. You’re so beautiful sometimes it hurts. After that second kiss, I knew right away that I’d have to fight tooth and nail for you to keep needing and wanting me."
Dusty bursted out of Shohei’s garden stringing along a reluctant Fraulein scruffed by the neck. Both of them were wearing cute red bow ties on their neck each laced with individual messages. 
You pulled Dusty’s message and read, “I want to call you “mom” so will you be my dad’s girlfriend?
You squealed in delight as you unraveled the next message pinned on Fraulein’s bow tie: “I loved him first but can you keep him forever?”
You swooned and laughed at the corniness and the teeth-rotting sweetness. You can’t help but jump into Shohei’s arms and give him a big hug despite all the sweat and grime on his body. 
“Ew, you got all your sweat on me.” You playfully joked at the parting.
“Hmm, you have no choice but to shower with me now.” He lifted you by the waist and carried you on top of his shoulders, both of you laughing and shrieking like newly weds on honeymoon, Dusty and Fraulein at your tails. 
.This place, this scene, and this warmth spreading through your chest up to your fingertips, all of it and the familiarity of it, you realized, is the only thing you need to live a lifetime of love and happiness. You were wondering where it was all this time and you understand now that it had been right beside you all along.
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millie-multifics · 2 months
Though I Yearn • Part 3
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Masters of the Air
Secret Admirer x Reader
A string of anonymous letters causes a stir at Thorpe Abbotts. Who could be the author of the tender correspondence you have been receiving?
Warnings: Burn injury briefly described, secret admirer letters, mentions of…. Divorce?
Word Count: ~1.1k
Masterlist Previous Next
x x x
You had been unable to sleep after reading the second letter, tossing and turning until a knock sounded through the billet, stirring many of the women from their slumber. There were mission orders for the 100th and the men would be needing their coffee after many had been enjoying their evening before. You dressed yourself with just the little moonlight creeping through the windows, doing your best not to overly disturb the other ladies as they would be able to get a little more rest before they were needed.
“Are you sure everything is alright?” Helens voice startled you, causing the hot cup of coffee in your hand to splash over the top. You had just finished setting everything up and a yawn had told you that maybe you needed some coffee to carry you through the morning, apparently it was poorly timed.
“Ouch.” You placed the cup on the counter, reaching for a clean cloth to wipe the hot coffee off your skin.
“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to startle you.” Helen reached for your hand but you kept it hidden from view, knowing she would make you go to the infirmary.
“It will be alright.” You assured her, attempting to get back to the task at hand as soldiers began to flood from their billets toward the meeting hall.
“You have been acting unusual lately.” Helen would no longer allow you to avoid the topic, wondering if it is the reason you had been so fog brained.
“I’m-“ You were going to try to reassure her that you were fine, but maybe having an outside opinion would help you figure out who the mystery author might be. “I have been getting letters from someone here at Thorpe Abbotts but I’m not sure from who.”
“What kind of letters?” Helen was intrigued.
“They’ve both been relatively sweet, nothing bad but I have no idea who has been sending them. The first one came shortly after the 100th arrived, it said: ‘During our first encounter your presence washed over me like the English rain, soothing and all consuming. You have captured my attention and selfishly, I must admit that I don’t want you to ever let it go.’” You recited, the words being seared into your brain from how many times you had reread the page. “No sign off, no return address. Last night I got another: ‘I yearn to approach you so freely, take you into my arms for a dance and confess my admiration. Though I yearn, I cannot allow myself to taint such a beautiful flower and so I stay, watching from a far as you dance in the arms of another.’”
“That is so romantic.”
Your eyes flickered to the door, finding the rest of the women listening in on your conversation. They must have stopped by to check in before heading off to their morning assignment.
“He had to have been at the pub last night.” Helen deduced, sending the ladies a glare over her shoulder. The letters may have sounded sweet but she was not so convinced.
“That doesn’t exactly narrow down the list, over half of the men were there last night.”
The men had begun to accumulate, eager to have a last minute coffee to banish any lingering fatigue or a donut to rid the feel of powdered egg from their mouths. You felt something brush against your leg, glancing down to find Meatball waiting patiently for any dropped crumbs. You gently nudged Helen to tell her you would be back in a moment, as you brushed your fingers through the dogs soft fur.
“Meatball, you know you are not supposed to be in here.” You softly scolded the dog as he followed you out the door, signalling for him to lay on the grass.
“I keep telling him that he can’t be going in there but he gets so excited.”
You sent DeMarco a teasing smile as you handed him a cup of coffee. “Excited to steal food scraps because he gets them from you in the mess hall.”
“Thanks again for keeping an eye on him.”
“No need to thank me, we might as well call it split custody.” You joked, “He’s with you when planes are on the ground and always hear with me when you are up in the air.”
You knelt down to pet the beautiful Husky, scratching the spot behind his ears that he absolutely loved. “Say bye to your father, he’s off to work.”
“Your hand okay?” DeMarco asked, he had noticed you favouring your non-dominant hand.
You nodded as you stood to your full height, showing the Captain the red, puckered skin from your burn. “Spilt coffee.”
He placed his coffee on flat surface of the trucks bumper, gently taking your hand between his own. As a pilot he had seen many types of burns, from combat or mechanical accidents and knew they could be worse than they appear. There was an unexpected softness to his words as he advised you to visit the infirmary.
“I will.” You promised, eyes meeting briefly before he let go of your hand. “Have a safe flight, Captain.”
It was not long after you joined Helen back in the club mobile that the two men plaguing you had strolled up to the window.
“Coffee?” You offered, Blakely who happily accepted the cup of hot coffee. You withheld the caffeinated beverage just out of reach of his bombardier friend. “Uh uh, Dougie, uncross your heart.”
“Last night, you crossed your heart and swore to die,” You leaned on the counter of the truck, placing the coffee close enough for the aroma to invade his senses. “That is not something I want hanging over either of our heads today.”
“Cross my heart,” He rolled his eyes but did the motion, “And swear not to die.”
You smiled in satisfaction, handing over the warm paper cup.
“Not to worry ma’am,” The next man in line drew your attention from Douglass and Blakely as they moved on their way. “I will be accompanying those fellas in their fort today and I can assure you that I will do my best to get your bombardier back in one piece.”
“Oh we’re not-“ You cut yourself off, feeling embarrassed for anyone having unsavoury ideas about your new found… friendship? You handed him a cup of coffee, mustering your best smile from under your embarrassment. “They’re in good hands, Major Egan.”
It was only after all the men had been served and were on their way that you had noticed a slip of paper tucked underneath the windows ledge.
x x x
Tags: @canyousmelltheflowers @jointherebellion215 @gretagerwigsmuse
75 notes · View notes
kunigmis · 1 year
let’s hold each other in our sleep
miya atsumu x female!reader
synopsis: miya atsumu can’t sleep at night unless it’s after a slow, love-felt fuck that ends with you cozied up in his arms.
content warnings: minors do not interact! atsumu and reader are in their 20s, passionate sex, use of the petnames baby and doll, unprotected sex, dry humping, he sucks your tongue like it’s candy, it’s kind of messy…
WHEN ATSUMU GETS HOME that night, he’s tired and walking with lazy legs. they feel like led and are about ready to give out at any moment. practice had gone on for a while and been much harder than usual, maybe due to the fact nationals were coming up—but, he’s not one to complain about that. whatever he can do to win, he’ll do it.
the door opens without a pair of arms to greet him and atsumu pouts as if a child expecting candy, only to be gifted with steamed vegetables instead. his brows meet as he eases the door shut behind him and lets his volleyball bag drop to the floor beside your coat rack. he has half a mind to call out, but then he worries you may be asleep; and, he wouldn’t want to wake you.
so, atsumu slides his shoes off and slips on his slippers, walking as slowly as he can as to not create a loud rhythm along the hardwood floor. but, there’s an apparent eagerness in his movements.
the lights in the house are all dimmed aside from the kitchen, leaving a ball of light for him to follow. but, when he expects to see you standing there, possibly cooking up a late-night dinner for two, he’s met with an empty room and still no open arms.
it wasn’t too late, about 22:30 or so, and he just can’t quite get as to why you didn’t turn the lights off if you were to be asleep. atsumu knows your tendency to keep things neat and proper; turning the lights off before heading to bed was always your job too. when he’d be in your shared bathroom, brushing and flossing his teeth, you’d be downstairs turning the lights off before heading up. aren’t ya afraid monsters’ll get ya?! his silly little childish antics still evident within his 26-year-old mind.
but, you loved him for that.
he’d wait for you to come up and sit on the toilet seat as you did your own brushing and flossing of your teeth, chatting your ear off about something hinata did at practice that day or about a new dish his brother had cooking up. all the while, you’d nod your head along to what he was saying, showing your attention without needing to verbalize such. and, when you’d finish, atsumu would swoop in and kiss you slowly. nothing sensual about said kiss, but his love for you was shown in the force it had behind it.
it was only when atsumu had scoured the rest of downstairs, and ran upstairs after turning the lights off, did he finally make it to your shared bedroom. and, his eyes about bulged at the sight.
you sat on your bed, dolled up in a sheer red lingerie set. it was lace, bralette cupping the fat of your breasts nicely, and the matching underwear hiding one of his favorite treats in a very teasing manner. you wore a shaw to match as well, and he bet it was almost as smooth as your skin.
“took you long enough, ‘tsumu.” the teasing lilt to your voice was alluring and had atsumu’s cock stirring in his pants. he hadn’t even gotten his hands on you and you already had him leaking pre. God, the things you were capable of.
“sorry doll, someone left the lights on,” he’s making his way toward you quicker than anticipated, not bothering to take notice of the red petals you had scattered along the bed and floor. or maybe he was just too focused on the treat that was you. “coming home to you like this is just what i needed.”
his words hum against the skin of your neck as he teethes at the flesh. he nips and laps, like a dog gone hungry, and runs his calloused hands up and down your sides beneath the shaw. his fingers dance along the hem of your bralette, almost like he’s teetering between the idea of leaving it on or ripping it off. honestly, you hoped he went with the latter.
“missed you,” your voice hitches when atsumu begins to suck at your pulse, the noises coming from his mouth on your neck downright embarrassing. he’s sucking hard and wantonly, hands now sliding the shaw from your shoulders slowly. his actions response enough to your words.
with your shaw now off and thrown to the side, atsumu eases you on to your back, moving to the opposite side of your neck to leave the same treatment as the one prior. your legs move to fit his thick frame between them and the stretch is delicious. his body is so big and firm, years of volleyball having given him a meaty physique. you eat him up, with your eyes and mouth.
“yer so hot, baby,” atsumu pants into your neck and begins a slow grind. his hands remove your bralette in seconds and fling it over his shoulder, big hands cupping and groping your breasts in a haughty manner. index fingers flicking your nipples to feel them harden, smirking into your skin and goes down slowly, mouth hot and leaving dark marks along your skin. he’s blatantly claiming you, but God is it hot.
you moan sharply when atsumu takes a nipple into his mouth. his tongue is hot and circling the bud with feverish intent, teeth coming to join the party as he tugs lightly. with your back arching, his right hand comes to give your other nipple company, pinching and rolling it between his index and thumb—just how you like.
“o-oh! ‘tsumu, please,” you plead for more—something more, anything more. his teasing is enough to have you soaking the new set, but not enough to feel that sense of release. his hardened cock forms a prominent tent in his pants as it rubs between the outline of your folds, jeans catching your swollen clit and you jump at the feeling. “please! more!”
atsumu is about ready to go crazy when you start to buck against him, but he’s having too much fun decorating the span of your breasts with mark after mark. you’re his canvas, bare but with faded paint littering your form. now, atsumu gets to create a new masterpiece.
“but baby, ya get so cute when i play with ya like this,” he emphasizes his words with a particularly harsh ground into your clothed cunt, hips hiccuping at the friction his jeans add. there’s a sloppy kiss to your navel and a roll of your nipple between his fingers, tongue hot against your skin as it moves up the valley of your breasts and to your cheek. “just want to tease ya.”
you’re huffing in a flustered manner at his words, hands moving from their fisted position along your comforter to fisting at atsumu’s shirt, “‘tsumu, baby, please, please. i’ve been waiting all day…!”
your whine is enough to have atsumu lean in and slot his mouth against yours. it’s hot and lewd and fuck, his tongue slides against yours like you taste of honey and vanilla. his tongue runs along your teeth and everything, overpowering you with his lust. but, it’s when he starts to suck your tongue that has you wetting his pants through your panties.
atsumu is intent in his actions and sucks like he sucks on a piece of candy, hands all over you and leaving no room for air. yours find purchase on his shoulders, kneading and pressing against them to find a sort of reassurance. being with atsumu felt so surreal. you felt like a cloud and if you were to let go, you’d be swept away by the wind. and, atsumu was like a mountain, strong and tall, meeting you in the sky to allow you to wrap around him.
by the time he pulls away, you’re both out of breath and continuously losing rhythm in your hips. even through the clothing blocking you from sweet release, atsumu brings his hell to your heaven. but, you wanted more.
“‘s’not enough, ‘tsumu,” you pant out in a whiney heap, and atsumu kisses at your cheeks softly but never ceases his erratic movement. “f-fuck me already.”
“‘m gonna do that ‘n much more, baby,” he speaks into your cheek, moving away to only allow you to remove his shirt before he’s back on you. now skin to skin, atsumu moans at your breasts flushed against his chest. they’re so soft, the best pillow he’s ever had. “‘m gonna ruin ya.”
his hands work at removing his pants and boxers, cock springing free with a slap to his abdomen. you shamelessly stare, mouth falling open in subconscious awe. you’ve seen it many, many times, yet with each one, he got more pretty. you have the mind to mumble so pretty, but bite your lip and round your fingers around the tip instead.
“shit, want my cock, baby?” atsumu’s index and middle finger work tight circles on your clothed clit, falling into a rhythm with your hand as it twists and cups at his cock’s tip. you nod lamely and lose all thought, focusing on the sight of atsumu’s abs flexing with each jerk of your hand. “use yer words.”
your lip wobbles when atsumu dips his hand into your panties and slides them down, your hand losing its motion when a thick finger comes to get slicked between your folds and glide down to your entrance, “yes—ahh,” your tongue is heavy in your mouth when two fingers enter you, curling and slotting in and out with precise knowledge of how to make you feel good.
“yes…?” what a bastard atsumu was, teeth on display with his wicked grin as he picks up his movements. his hand comes to rest on your clit, the heel of his palm grinding into you as his fingers keep their quickening pace. they curl just when you go to speak and you’re left to squeal and jerk your back from the bed.
“yes! w-want your cock, ‘tsumu! f-fuck me, please,” your begging is so pretty that atsumu pities you, fingers quick to remove themselves from your cunt and guide the head of his cock to your entrance. he lets a thick glob of spit drop down to meet your pussy, and you flinch at the cool feeling.
“i’ll give ya whatever ya want, baby,” atsumu presses into you and bottoms out quickly, too eager to nestle his cock into the warmth of your pussy. he loves how you eat him up, sucking him in with each gasp you let out. “f-fuck, yer so warm baby. i love ya.”
nodding is the response you give when he moves, hips leaving and meeting yours in a slow dance. he has a hand at your breast and the other by your head, coming down to suck your tongue once again before setting a slow, steady pace. he’s going to take his time with you, savor the moment, and replay it over and over again.
the moment is so intimate. atsumu eats your words as he does your tongue, your hands digging at his back to hold yourself down, while your legs feel like jelly along the globes of his ass once you wrap them around him. there’s hardly any room between the two of you; your chests press together as do your pelvises, your pussy molding around his dick to fit like a glove. in this moment, you truly felt like there was no such thing as air, and only atsumu.
“i-i love you, i love you,” you cry into atsumu’s mouth, tears formed at the crease of your eyes with his precise thrusts. his cock twitches at your words as if speaking it’s own response; i love you too, me too. atsumu is nodding to your words and mouthing such, too. both his hands come to circle your form and hug you into his own, breaths mingled.
“me too, me too, i love ya baby.” your hips are bruising together at this point, not wishing to move an inch apart yet keeping the flow of pleasure strong and overwhelming. his cock rubs your gummy insides just right, and your tongue is heavy in your mouth as you let it open in a silent prayer. you’re so close, in body and release, that you hardly register atsumu babbling how close he was.
“‘m gonna cum, ‘tsumu! p-please!” with watery eyes, you blink them open to watch atsumu’s face twist in pleasure. you’re sure your own mirrors such expressions, and you feel your heart swell knowing you’re the one doing that to him. “cumming, cumming…!”
atsumu whines as you clench around him, creating a ricochet effect as he topples over the edge, too. his cum is hot and burning, mixing with yours to spill around his cock. you’re seeing stars by the time his thrusts come to a stop, twitching at the overstimulation and gasping when atsumu doesn’t dare remove himself.
“i love ya so much,” atsumu’s words slur with a drowsiness to them, as do your own when you mumble a reply.
but, you’re sure he heard you by the way he smiles into your hair and eases the two of you into slumber.
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katelynnwrites · 10 months
Everywhere, Everything (I Wanna Love You) | Felicitas Rauch
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warnings: insecurities and world cup hurt
word count: 1692
summary: your girlfriend comes back from the world cup after germany’s unexpectedly early exit
a/n: i had a fever and was sad when i wrote this so it’s kinda all over the place sorry…anyway it’s been exactly a week since we got our hearts broken ❤️‍🩹
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‘Cinny let your mom sleep okay?’
You softly murmur to the small brown poodle who seems intent on burrowing under the covers.
Sitting up, you move her and lift the duvet on your side of the bed so that she remains happy while Feli is able to continue sleeping.
Gently, you run your fingers over your girlfriend’s bare back.
Her body is so tense, the bags under her eyes remaining apparent.
You usually joked that Felicitas has been making eye bags sexy since 1996 but now her usual eye bags are made even more obvious by the fact that she had been crying.
Your love had returned from Australia jetlagged, exhausted and devastated.
So devastated that she hasn’t spoken a word to you since.
Other than accepting the tight hug you had given her at the airport, she has been following your lead.
When you suggested she shower, she had gone to the bathroom but had waited for you by the bathroom door with a pleading gaze.
The same had happened when you suggested she take a nap. So just like earlier in the day, you had joined her.
In the shower, you had held her close under the hot water, letting her silently cry, allowing her tears to mix with the clean water.
In your shared bed, you had tucked her in and curled your body around hers protectively as she fought sleep until she had eventually given in.
You are hoping she will open up to you when she wakes up but for now, it’s all you can do to make sure you’re there for her.
Felicitas wakes up, hours later.
She wakes up and hurriedly grabs onto your hand, with that pleading look in her eyes again.
‘Feli I’m not going anywhere.’ You assure but she refuses to let go.
‘Okay then.’ You accept and squeeze her hand.
Cinnamon barks in excitement as she realises that her mom is up. She had been lying on the floor but once she hears you talking, she jumps up onto the bed.
Felicitas blinks at the wiggling ball of fluff in her lap and then cautiously pets her dog.
You frown at the tentativeness in her gesture. It’s almost like she’s afraid Cinnamon would disappear.
Feli still isn’t talking and it’s been almost a full day since she’s returned.
Feeling awfully guilty, you text Kathy and ask her for help. She’s one of Feli’s best friends and you hope that she has good advice for you.
You know you can’t understand the grief she is going through, you aren’t a professional athlete like her.
Your relationship with Feli was still in the early days when she had lost the Champions League final so you hadn’t known the true extent of what she had felt then. That meant that you couldn’t possibly comprehend that feeling of loss either.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, you also didn’t know what it was like for her after she lost the Euro final in England. It wasn’t something she liked to talk about.
It’s scaring you, how quiet your girlfriend is being so it’s to your immense relief when Kathy texts you back.
She tells you that Feli is normally silent with her grief and would need a lot of reassurance from you. The older Wolfsburg player urges you to make sure she eats, warning you that she has a bad habit of skipping meals after particularly harsh losses.
You reply her text with a quick thank you before turning your attention back to your girlfriend.
Thanks to Cinnamon, she hadn’t realised you were on your phone.
She’s completely focused on her dog, a sort of unreadable expression on her face as she plays with Cinny.
Taking Kathy’s advice to heart, you gently ask your girlfriend, ‘Are you hungry?’
Feli looks up immediately and shakes her head.
‘Feli you have to eat. I don’t know when you last ate but it must be a long time ago.’
Felicitas shakes her head again and you kiss her forehead lightly.
‘Liebling you have to eat. Even if it’s just something small.’
Felicitas frowns but doesn’t resist when you stand up, with her hand still in yours and lead her to your kitchen. Cinnamon follows suit.
Cinny had been staying with you while Feli had gone to Australia so the majority of her toys are scattered throughout your apartment.
Her ball is in your kitchen and that’s what she runs to as soon as the three of you enter.
Feli’s frown intensifies and you squeeze her hand to draw her attention back to you.
‘Hey liebling, why don’t you sit down over there?’
Felicitas stiffens and you have to nudge her into the chair at your kitchen table.
Letting her hand go for just a moment, you walk over to your fridge and take a pot of soy yogurt out for her.
It’s only something small but it’s better than nothing. Your girlfriend’s stomach has been empty for a while and the last thing you want is to make her sick.
‘Here Feli.’
Your girlfriend looks at the yogurt you’re offering before bursting into tears.
‘Feli I’m sorry. I’m sorry.’ You rush out, hating that you had somehow upset her.
‘No no don’t be sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.’ She sobs.
‘Felicitas hey. It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.’ You soothe, wrapping your arms tightly around her.
Her shoulders are shaking with the force of her sobs and she chokes out, ‘I did. I disappointed you.’
Pressing kisses onto the top of her head repeatedly, you promise, ‘You didn’t. You did no such thing.’
‘But I did. You saved up your leave just so you could fly down to Australia to watch me play in the knockout stages and now that’s wasted.’
There’s nothing but truth to your words when you say, ‘I love you Felicitas. I’m incredibly sorry the tournament didn’t go the way you hoped but that doesn’t mean my leave is wasted.’
Your girlfriend shakily takes a breath in, her voice small as she says, ‘Not only did I not win the trophy, I didn’t even qualify for the round of sixteen.’
‘I know and I am sorry for that. However, it doesn’t change the fact that you tried your best Feli.’
‘Well my best isn’t good enough! Especially for you.’
‘Felicitas, you tried your best. That’s good enough for me. You haven’t disappointed me because you did everything you could.’
Feli buries her head in her hands, fresh tears escaping from her eyes.
‘I don’t deserve you. You do all this for me…’
She glances at you, picking up the pot of yogurt on the table and continuing, ‘You know I love soy yogurt and you even remember to buy the brand that I’m not allergic to. When I’m away, you look after Cinny for me and send me photos because you know it makes me smile. You keep doing all these things that make me fall more in love with you. I don’t deserve to have you love me the way that you do.’
‘I can’t even begin to repay you for all that you do for me. The least I could have done was to play in the World Cup and make it worth your time. I couldn’t even do that.’ She finishes, having interrupted you.
‘Felicitas listen to me. Listen okay?’
You gently take her hands in yours, kissing her knuckles and waiting for your girlfriend to nod.
She does and you say, ‘I love you. I love you and I want to show you that I love you. There’s nothing for you to repay. Felicitas, you are not and will never be a waste of my time. I love watching you play, regardless of whether you win or not. My love for you isn’t dependent on things like trophies. I love you because of who you are. Yes, it’s because you are a football player but it’s also because of all the other things you do. Like when you order pizza with pineapple even though you don’t like it because you know I do. Being a football player is a big part of you but it’s not the only part of you that I love.’
Felicitas sniffles and uses the back of her hand to wipe away her tears.
‘I keep thinking you’re going to leave me. Sometimes I think that Cinnamon is going to leave me too. I know it sounds silly because she is my dog but…’ She shrugs hopelessly, her gaze dropping to the floor.
‘Feli…Cinny won’t leave you and neither will I.’
Your girlfriend shrugs again.
‘Felicitas how long has this been on your mind?’
‘Since you asked me out.’ She mumbles.
‘Feli….’ You breathe.
‘I’m not good enough for you. This World Cup just proves that.’ She adds.
‘Felicitas how can I show you that you are? Because I really really love you.’ You desperately ask.
‘I don’t know.’
‘Will it help if you talk to me? If we talk about this together?’
‘I-I think so. Just maybe tell me that you mean it? That you think I’m good enough for you?’
‘Feli I don’t think you’re good enough for me. I know that you are. I mean it liebling. You are more than good enough for me.’
You squeeze her hands in yours, keeping your expression open and honest, willing her to believe you.
Feli must after a while because she whispers a tiny, ‘Okay.’
Kissing her knuckles one more time, you nudge the pot of yogurt towards her.
As she finally starts to eat, taking small bites with a spoon, you know it’s not the end. There would be a repeat of this conversation, another time that Feli goes silent on you but that’s okay. You’ll learn more about her, about how to better be there for her.
Right now, you’re content to watch her eat. Her eyes may be swollen and there may be tears drying on her cheeks but you’re happy to simply be with her, in your own little bubble, just the two of you and Cinnamon.
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German Translation:
liebling - love
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riacte · 6 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator 2 (but there's plot if you squint) (probably worse than its predecessor)
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🚀 renthepilot
HAPPY BITRHDAY TO ME!! I TURN 7!!! :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 RD
❤️ falsewell
Happy 7th birthday Ren! :)
🚀 renthepilot
Thank u FalsE!!!!!! :DDDDDD >.< RD
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
... Why is my 17yo ET1blr mutual talking to a 7yo on Sunblr. I came here for analysis posts but apparently she's babysitting her cousin or perhaps a strangely intelligent dog??
❤️ falsewell
I mean, I would be worried if a 7yo was piloting the glider I race in 🤨
🍵 cinnamontea Follow
🍀 et1vision Follow
Chat do you remember when we found RK and QoH's Sunblr accounts from when they weren't famous and were just two kids in illegal races. Because it was hysterical. Hands up if you thought falsewell was someone's canon url and not QoH herself.
🪓 handoftheking
That interaction was pretty cute to be honest. Ren's still 7 the last I checked.
🪸 hoes4redking Follow
[deep sigh] littlewood at the scene of the crime as always
#WHYYYYYYY is he chronically online #he needs to be stopped and locked up #i bet he scrolls through the treebark tag every day #he knows Too Much #do you think he brings up sunblr during dinner #and etho and bigb look at him like hes insane
7,207 notes
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🔥 yaoihell Follow
save me queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts
🔥 yaoihell Follow
queen of hearts save me
🏐 apollos-dodgeball 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 Follow
Congratulations on the prophecy!
[Beep boop, this is a gimmick blog!]
🔥 yaoihell Follow
what the actual fuck.
🌼 fast-and-bifurious Follow
i think i hauve the plague
47,981 notes
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🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
hi babes the demons in my head won so new fic!!
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i'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you until you love me, pa-pa paparazzi
pairing: the red king x blue stalker (they/them) (exterra 1 rpf)
summary: why are you as a bounty hunter so intent on hunting ren down? what do you want to do with him? pin him against a wall and kiss him until he's breathless and melting like putty in your hands?
word count: 10.1k
tags: enemies to lovers, angst, hurt no comfort, whump, ust, no actual smut, making out, blood, slight knifeplay, submissive rk, open ending
Keep reading
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
Listen, I don't do RPF, I can handle Treebark (because I have eyes), but this is crossing a line. Especially after the accusations by RK. I think his evidence is pretty compelling.
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
dead dove do not eat. i am aware this is a fucked up dynamic but it's fictional. it's not like the real blue stalker has a toxic codependent attraction to the guy they're assigned to kill (btw i mained qoh so i completely understand where you're coming from)
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
🏹 queenofheartsfanclub Follow
so do you wanna kiss before the haters get to you?
🫐 toxicblueberry Follow
of course. can we get married
#love can be found on the battlefield in more ways than one #fave post #annoying treebark fans fuck off!!!!!!
1109 notes
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🌹 fyeahroseduo Follow
Coming out as a falsedog shipper is harder than coming out as gay
🦇 starshipspachelbel Follow
Time is not real
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
I had vivid flashbacks. I feel faint. This post caused so much drama omfg. I need a treebark equivalent on my desk by 8am sharp next morning
🪓 handoftheking
Coming out as a Treebark shipper is harder than coming out as bi
🌃 nightpatrols Follow
#HES IN OUR WALLS #HE STARTED THE SHIP #this is gonna sweep the next unhinged moment poll #??!?1!?!???!?!?! #HATE THIS LUMIAN GLOWY ASS #btw for non et1 mutuals: this man is literally bi #yeah hes really gay for his pilot. yeah we all know #theyre always holding hands and shit #edit: DID HE REBLOG THIS AT 7:30AM #IDK HOW PLANETZONES CONVERSATION WORKS #*conversion #listen i failed school 2 years in a row ok 😭
19,626 notes
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🎵 daily-music Follow
Music video of the day is: R8cer Boi by Avril Lavigne!
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🎵 daily-music Follow
who the fuck is renn dog
🎵 daily-music Follow
who has little wood
🎵 daily-music Follow
why are y'alls twink racers larping as royals from medieval era planet earth
🎵 daily-music Follow
sorry for calling the queen of hearts a twink. im sorry women
#im so done with yalls bullshit #who are these people #why do they show up in my tags
898 notes
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johnslittlespoon · 1 month
i have been dealing with the brainrot of twink college student john and biker gale but then the other half of the post jumped me in a dark alley and all i can think about is john's friend who is used to their friends having crushes on their dad but it's whatever. weird, but whatever, as long as they don't get vocal about it they can just use it as something to tease them about at the worse. john looking up at gale with big doe eyes isn't the first time they've seen a friend do that, they've seen other people who are considered more age appropriate do worse when faced with the gale cleven effect. only it never occurs to them gale feels like he can't breathe right and like is organs are too big for chest whenever he looks at john and feels like he's something too soft than he should allow himself to be but around john it doesn't feel bad, maybe it's a good thing he can unapologetically be soft for someone.
cue the ladies who thought they might be able to win over the quiet, intimating and rugged dilf biker seeing that his heart was stolen by none other than john clarence egan, the son of mr and mrs egan who everyone is sure are moments away from a heart attack.
the au post | GOD same it has notttt left my mind. and you GET ITTT you captured the vibe i was picturing for that version perfectly ugh.
literally 1k+ words of brainrot below the cut... deeply sorry. any excuse to talk about them and i'm spinning in my chair apparently LOL <3
like john takes one look at gale and knows he's not the only one who swoons over him, spends an ungodly amount of time pining from day one. but any fantasies are only fantasies, because he knows (thinks he knows) he doesn't stand a chance, both for the fact that he's his son's friend, and that gale probably thinks he's too immature, and that he's, y'know, not a girl.
but gale is gone too from their first meeting, he's just a lot better at hiding it (and finds it so endearing how bad john is at hiding it despite how well john thinks he's doing lol.) once he and john start tentatively feeling things out, and even before that really, the way he feels when he looks at the doe–eyed boy scares him– a vulnerable softness and urge to protect that he's been just fine with not feeling.
of course there's the conflict when he tries to shove down these feelings at first, because he knows how mad his son (who i headcanon as ken because he and leaving!john would be precious dorky besties) would be if he were to ever indulge in them, regardless of how much john wants it. and there's the guilt of feeling like john would be happier with someone his age, but john is the most persistent, stubborn person he's ever met, and the way he folds so quickly for him is terrifying.
and yet he falls for the attentive softhearted absolute puppy dog of a boy that john is, finds himself as fond of his moments of angsty bite and bristle as he is when he's docile at his side, melting under gale's gaze. there's no proper confirmation ever made to others about their status, no reason to need one, because they're attached at the hip and people learn quickly not to so much as look at john the wrong way, because gale's never far behind him.
and the angsttt of john's parent's disapproval– yeah, he's an adult and he's independent and is off doing college and all, but his parents aren't chill with "that gay shit" and he gets the classic "so long as you're living under our roof, you're not to see that man" talk, and what's an angsty rebellious lovesick john to do but get better at sneaking out of his window and jogging down the street to meet gale at his motorcycle so his parents don't hear it pull up?
i'm sure eventually it would come to a head because they'd find out he's been going behind their back when they catch him sneaking back inside late one night, and he's given the good old "stop seeing him or pack your bags" ultimatum. it takes gale a wild amount of self control to not storm into the house and chew out john's parents when he picks up the phone to a sniffling terrified john at two in the morning less than an hour after he'd dropped him off down the street.
it takes even more self control when he sees the angry red of a handprint on john's cheek when he pulls up and finds him sat on the curb with a hastily stuffed backpack, and his heart shatters when john starts apologizing, as if he'd ever be upset with him. but then, cue domesticity (and a different kind of sneaking around) as john temporarily moves in with him and ken. all ken is told is that john's parents kicked him out and he knows how badly they treat him so he doesn't ask many questions, so shitty circumstances aside, he's over the moon at getting to have his best friend stay with him.
john promises to find someplace to rent a room in as soon as he can because he feels awful for intruding, but gale finds that he really likes having john around, insists he stays with the two of them at least till he's done with his semester so he doesn't have to worry about paying rent. lots of nuance to sort out there but you get the gist. <3
also. john wearing gale's leather jacket sighhh. finding any excuse he can to steal it, face going all pink when gale drapes it over his shoulders when they're out on dates, beaming when gale lets him wear it home with the promise that he'll return it the next day, falling asleep with his face pressed to it, drowning in the smell of gale's aftershave and cigarettes and diesel.
+ slight tangent but the things that could come about from the sneaking around?? minor spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen callum's show 'leaving' that his character in this au is loosely based off of, but there's a scene where he and his milf not–gf are fooling around in his room and his parents get home early.
i have this scene in my head where john thinks he's meant to have the house to himself for the night, invites gale over, they end up in the shower and they hear the front door slam mid–fuck. there's a moment of panic, both of them freezing, john whispers that "dad's probably forgot his wallet or something," assumes gale will stay unmoving until they hear the door slam again.
only gale suddenly rolls his hips forward, and john chokes on a moan, gale's hand coming up to quickly cover his mouth, his other hand squeezing john's hip as he kisses his shoulder and murmurs "you can be quiet, can't you, sweetheart?"
anyway. yeah, this au has me in a chokehold so hard still, i'm 100% still planning on writing it post–dog fic <3 i do love this whole cliche best friend's dad route of this au, but i'm also not sure i feel like tackling the conflict of john having his friend find out about the two of them, and i feel like that would be kinda inevitable to have to write about if i took that route for the fic lol </3 so i think that version of the au will be limited to brainrot like this and when i write the actual fic it'll just be the college student x bikerider vibe, but honestly there's so much overlap with the two concepts anyway that it won't make too much of a difference!
thx for unintentionally encouraging my yapping i love this version of these two so much and i am apologizing in advance for the person i will become when i see the bikeriders in theatres xoxo
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