#no apologies for no writing it’s just. not happening rn 😩
hungharrington · 9 months
menace!bf steve is actually my favourite ever steve. i want him so bad and if u send me menace bf steve ANYTHING i’ll give u a piece of my soul <3 sfw, gn!reader :D
“You want one?”
The fry hangs from your fingers, flopping over in all its greasy goodness. You wiggle it in front of Steve’s face temptingly. He’s forgone fries this time — a mistake — and has been greedily eyeing up the bunch on your plate since your food arrived.
Steve squints at you like he wonders if it’s a trick. It’s not— you really are just a sucker for your boyfriend. When he realises it, a fond smile pulls on his mouth.
“Thanks, baby.” He says. Then he leans forwards and snaps this teeth around it with a chomp, just barely missing your fingers. You jump a little in surprise but the expression on your face is playfully aghast.
“Steve—” You begin to chastise but his hand is swooping out to capture your retreating hand. His fingers wrap around your wrist and tug your hand back to his mouth.
“Y’still got some of my fry—” He nips at your fingers and you squeal, releasing the last of the squished up potato and Steve catches it easily.
Only, he still doesn’t release your hand, instead beginning to gnaw along your finger— so soft it tickles. He plays it up, eyes closed as he pretends to moan and groan appreciatively at the good food. You laugh at his ridiculous antics and try wriggle out of his grip. You’re pretty sure half his bites are kisses.
“That’s not a fry, you doofus, that’s my finger!”
Steve stops his nibbling and pretends to look shocked as he finally looks up at you. One of his curls have flopped over his forehead and the neon lights of the diner reflect in his hazel eyes as they shine at you playfully.
“Really?” He asks, not at all serious. “Then why is it so yummy?”
He dives back in without waiting for an answer, this time his little bites trailing up your arm as fast he can. It’s wet and a bit gross and you can’t believe how much you love it. You shriek and bat him off, your delighted grin giving you away completely.
Steve finally lets your wrist go, pretending to pout in disappointment— his smile makes it waver too much to be anywhere near convincing.
You barely get a moment to calm down, giggles barely tittering off before Steve’s perking up again, his eyes fixed on your plate.
“Can I have another fry, please?”
And, well, you just can’t say no to him.
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harvestingsun · 2 months
This is a massive rant btw. I have a lot of thoughts about this movie
(TW: Bad spelling and not remembering any names 💀)
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Yh so I'm ranting rn
Like it was good, but not great 🕴️. Does not compare to the first 2, DEFINITELY not the second one, that one was just 🙌🏽 . And u know, that's ok, it's hard to pull a puss in boots and do better than the originals, but still the movie was lack luster
These are my points for why:
1. Plot was SO obvious. As soon as I saw that fox I knew she d be the new dragon warrior, cuz yh. Just obvious. And you know what? I wouldv been fine with that if they developed her character more. Like her bond with po SHOULDV been developed SO MUCH MORE. It felt like their whole dynamic was she was sarcastic and he went 🥺 n that's it. Like, why couldn't they have bonded more on them both being orphans ? How she feels unwanted because the world has rejected her and KEEPS rejecting her, but Po (who has gone thru a very similar thing) can teach her that yes that may be true, but that won't always be the case and once she finds her found family she can feel accepted, just like what happens to Po.
2. The villain and her daughter - so much potential but not enough done for them. Like just. I loved their dynamic, just SO MICH POTENTIAL BUT NOT ENOUGH GIVEN. There was one flashback of them meeting. That's it. There was basically only r4 interactions between them aswell: the betrayal scene, the "I'm using you" scene,the flashback and the final fight. And in NONE of these does it show how strong of a connection they have what about their relationship makes the fox betray Poe for the chameleon??? I wish we had a shi fu and tai lung type flashback where it showed the chameleon raising her and them developing a bond so that we know how hard it is for the fox to go against her orders
3. The villain herself - what motive ? U cannot convince me that "I'm evil because all the kung fu masters rejected me because I was too small" WHEN THERES A SNAKE THE SAME SIZE AS HER AND A F*CKING BUG WHO ARE BOTH AMAZING KUNG FU WARRIORS . like no. Just no. Someone would accepted her. U can't use her size as a reason for her becoming evil, just no. Instead, why not explain her reason being that she was poor/living in the streets ? A large portion of the movie is set around how there's a large group underground who have turned to crime, and poverty is often rampant in cities, so why not use that ? It also allows her to bond more with the fox as they have the same upbringing, but instead the chameleon was never able to get past how no one helped her and everyone rejected her, whilst the fox is able to accept where she is and find ppl who will accept her. Then they could've had a rlly impactful scene in the end where the fox accepts change and wanted the chameleon to change with her because SHE loves her and would fight for her, mother daughter style. Like writing that out just rlly made me think about how much they missed the mark, almost all 3 KFP movies are about father-son bonds, this movie could've had an impactful mother-daughter bond n it blew it 😩. So yh, I don't think the villains motive was fleshed out enough, I just don't think that her being small should have been the main centre for her character. Compare her to all the past villains, her motive is too simple and not developed enough
4. Tai lung and shen. NOT USED ENOUGH. How dare u bring those GODS OF VILLAISN back and not use them properly. And also have Po barely be surprised about them . SHEN IS THE MAN THAT COMMITTED MASS GENOCIDE AGAINST UR SPECIES, KILLED UR MOTHER AND LEFT U AN ORPHAN, Y R U NOT SHOCKED OR WORRIED THAT HE S HERE. And on top of that, ain't no what that peacock would simply bow and go " 🙂" and leave. He ain't bowing to Po, why would he respect him ? Shen doesn't CARE about being the dragon warrior, that wasnt his calling or whatever. Like, i could hav accepted it if he at least had a sentence apologizing for his actions, just ANYTHING that explains why he s so calm. I'm not angry that he is calm, I'm angry that it wasn't explained 🕴️(and tbh, I don't even think he needed a redemption arc much. He did horrible stuff, yes he has trauma, doesn't explain his actions. His death was a result of his arrogance and karma for his actions, I just think his character was fine (stressing him as a character was well written) the way it is, of anything this movie and taken away from his character )
And tai lung. Most of his character in this was comedy. And him going from "you are a mistake🙄" to "actually ur not a mistake 😏" within 10 minutes was annoying. I wish there was more interaction between him and Po. Then fighting together, bonding. Have them BOTH grow to move on from the title of dragon warrior together, since that title is such a grand part of both of their identities that they both have had a tough time letting go of. Once again, I'm not angry that he made jokes n was acting goofy (that was fun, I liked that), I'm annoyed that the movie didn't explain or provide context for why he was able to get over his past feelings and beliefs.
I can understand that they died and were able to let go of their actions in their mortal life, i just wish that it was addressed or properly shown. Especially shen, in his last moments he was given the chance to fess up n be good and he still refused. Bro died with u finished business, I would like to see how he came to terms with that or at least hav it b addressed
Overall, the bringing back of the past VILLAISN was fumbled. So much potential, but not used and on top of that it just kinda makes a joke of them and their original actions.
--> quick add on that I just remembered. Where r the five ? Like, I understand that they could've get the actors back or whatever. Ok find. But why not hav the chameleon capture all of them at the start and then they remain captured/past out/in a coma the rest of the movie until they R rescued :/. Like. That's such a better way of writing them out cuz a. It gives Poe even more incentive to want to take down the chameleon B. It makes the chameleon a much more threatening villain, cuz all the chameleon does in this movie is push one dude down some stairs, and then bring back so dead ppl, lick them n put them in a cage 🕴️. I would appreciate more stakes. ALSO PO SHOULDV TALKED ABOUT HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH THE 5 MORE, cuz this guy is a yapper, ain't no way he ain't talking bout them. It couldv once again been a way he bonded with the fox, if both of them had looked up to the 5 or something like that, or maybe even just about how Po can't wait to accept the fox into his found family
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: wish they developed po and the foxes friendship. I might hav said this b4, I hav bad memory. Just there could've been more bonding , wish there was but alas 😪
5. Poe s trauma ? Now, I'm a psychology student. I love seeing mental health and depth show in movies so I kno I'm being a bit picky. I just wished that we could see more of Poe coming to terms of all the stuff that has happened to him. Or at least referenceing it. I just think that he was way too jokey and light hearted the whole time. Like, there was a scene where fireworks suddenly went off next to him. I wish he flinched or anything like that, since fireworks were such a big thing (almost a trigger) for him in the first movie because of the mass killing of his species by shen. Like, even if he has gotten over it all, it would have been great to have him reference everything he s been through. It could hav been one of the things he bonded over with the fox, how yes, times get tough but you can get thru it if u r supported by the right people
Like tbh I think it wouldv been rlly cool if this movie focused on love :both the healthy and toxic types. Bringing back old villains can reference old baggage , like the toxic love between tai lung and shi fu, and the chameleon and the fox. It could be about breaking those toxic habits and changing to move past them and let the last go. Po couldv acted as the message of that, he could show his surroundings characters how to let go of the past to move on to a better future . Like, after everything he s been through that wouldv been so impactful.
Overall, just a lot of missed potentials in this movie. Still liked it tho. So here are some things I liked.
Visuals: fun visuals . Tho I do think some of the scenery wasn't as memorable as previous movies. Like comparing this villains hideout (wrong word but oh well) to shens, shens is so much more memorable and impactful. Looking at it you feel intimidated. In this movie, not so much. But it was still very pretty and u can tell some hard work went behind it, had some great animations, very smoothe, so yh :)
VIOLA DAVIS AS THE CHAMELEON 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 LOVE HER, LOVE THE VOICE ACTING JUST 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 like, the chameleon wasn't fleshed out as much as I'd hoped, but I still love her because I can FEEL that's she could be AMAZING cuz everything else was great except for the lack of backstory. Like I love her power, I love her character design, I love her voice .
The gay dad's 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I loved them. Highlight of the movie for me🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 every scene I saw them I smiled. I just loved them so much, that was so cute, I love how they cared about Po so much AND CARED ABOUT EACH OTHER!! That was so cute. Loved that so much. I would watch an entire movie of them cuz just 🙌🏽🙌🏽 loved them so much.
So yh, that's it. Gonna go rewatch all the other movies now
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Hi Joy, I’ have a migraine/adhd question for you if you have time and energy to answer rn. (Also apologies in advanced for the way this rambles and is a bit long. I’ve tried to write this a few times to be more coherent but my brain is apparently just a bit scrambled atm.)
So for migraines, I don’t get the aura thing you do and I’ve heard about the prodrome thing (via your blog I’m p sure) but I was just kinda ??? when I heard about it originally bc I was like “weird I’ve only ever had the vague pain above the left eye that escalates to an actual migraine if I don’t take excedrin as soon as I noticed the warning pain”.
Can the prodrome thing make the adhd brain feel like it does when it’s been unmedicated for a day or three? (Or like brain fog? I can’t remember if you take meds for yours or not and tumblr mobile isn’t helping me on that smh.)
I’ve only noticed after the last three migraines but for each there was a day right before each where I got extremely frustrated and annoyed with myself because I knew that I had taken my adhd meds and that they should be working but my brain was functioning like it does when I run out of them entirety. And then the next day I’d get that vague pain above the eye at some point that leads to an actual migraine if I don’t take excedrin in time. The like second time it happened I noticed enough to be like “yo wtf I’ve definitely taken my meds this morning why tf is my brain being Like This wtfff”. But after the third time it kinda clicked that those fog days were right before a migraine day and it’s got me over here like “oh fuck, wait, is this a migraine related thing??” (If so then this is a fairly recent development as far as I can tell and I don’t like it one bit. It’s hard enough dealing with the adhd brain as is. 😩)
Hey friend, thanks for the question, and sorry you're dealing with a scrambled brain. Solidarity.
Not everyone experiences prodrome, aura, or postdrome the same way, so it makes sense to me that for some people it's not even noticeable enough that they'd know it's a thing.
Hell, some people don't even get the headache part of migraines, they get "silent" migraines which come with all the other symptoms, but no noticeable pain phase.
As for how prodrome can affect ADHD, for me, it definitely feels like someone's put my already fragile ability to concentrate into a blender. My ADHD is not medicated due to conflicting health reasons, but I also know people who are medicated who say in the days before a migraine, they can get groggy or extra fatigued and their ADHD meds don't seem to help.
I'd advise talking to your doctor and seeing if you can alter your dosage on those days when it feels like they're not working--or if there's a migraine preventative treatment you can take which might help.
Best of luck, and I hope you find a solution that works for you!
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rip jungkook (and also maybe jin) when he reunites with the mc and realizes what has happened in the meantime... I hope you don’t feel pressured one way or the other on who she should end up with, personally I’ve had fun with all her romance options although I feel that all of them are to some extent using her to “band-aid” other issues in their lives. To jk she’s kinda like a replica of his mother and a person who can’t abandon him like his family, to jm she’s a fix to his insecurities about being used and overshadowed by others, to yg she’s a way to prove to himself that he isn’t exactly like his dad (and maybe even acts as a jin replacement?) and it leads to very selfish behavior from all of them. It’s hard to tell who would have fallen for her if they lived different lives where none of the above are true. I kinda get why jin was so appalled at the idea of her dating anyone from the gangs lol it’d be funny if she was like “I’m sick of everyone’s bullshit!” and moved on from all of them 💀
also idk if you’ve heard about the architect vs gardener types of writers but I’m curious about whether you’ve had an ending set in your head from the start (architect) or if you’ve let the story take its own course and changed your mind while writing (gardener). if it’s the gardener one I’ll be back when the series ends to ask you to talk to us about other ideas you had along the way!
sorry for the rant, I’ve had these thoughts for some time and let them all out rn lol (also rip namjoon you had too much swag they had to kill you 🕊)
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*visual representation of me ruining my characters lives**
thank you for this in depth analysis!! omg, I really enjoy this type of dialogue with you beautiful readers💞 your interpretation is sooo good, her romantic adventures have been so interesting to write. The Jk x Y/n is different from the yoongi x Y/n, and the jm x y/n is just a whole hot mess. I think what I like about jk and yn the most is how youthful their attraction is, even though it’s painfully toxic. It’s something that doesn’t get old. There’s still a lot left unsaid there, Jungkook broke it off because Y/n could not grow past where the relationship had ended. And Jin has every reason to not want her with any of them, he grew up with them and knows their bullshit very well. That’s the one area he truly cares about Y/n, he genuinely doesn’t want her to be with them, his heart is there at least.
I won’t even touch on Jimin lol. Yoongi’s though, it took MONTHS for me to bring them together. Like even I was feeling awkward during some of their scenes. But I eventually got a flow the other day!! Things just started to fall into place in my mind and I’m happy with how it come out🥹 I think you said it best, being with her is a way for him to prove that he’s not like his father. It’s a bit ironic. He’s having to revert back to his old ways, similar to his father—but in terms of his love life? Or lack there of, he’s done a 180 and that’s what I really like about their dynamic
I’ve actually never heard about that!! But that’s so cool, I am definitely an architect (with gardener tendencies) 👉👈 from the very beginning, since the prologue, it was always going to be Yoongi falling for her. As I’ve written, there have always been pivotal moments that I plan, and then I just have to write myself there. It’s a bit chaotic but it works����
NEVE APOLOGIZE FOR THE RANT, I’m a yapper myself so I love to hear different perspectives and share my own. I actually really appreciate it so much💕
😩😂🥹 yes RIP, he was a real chaotic evil, the ultimate OP of my dreams… but in true Namjoon fashion, even in death he’s got his own plan✨
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johnnys-breastmilk · 6 months
Wally anon: Huh, that's interesting to me cause I have not run into that much, but I guess that's cause I mostly keep tabs on Harringrove circles fhdjd. Entitled fans of shit like that are annoying as hell, though. Even if I can appreciate Steddie when the time is right, let's be entirely honest wth ourselves that Joseph Quinn is the main reason Eddie managed to be as successful as he was cause as soon as that man showed up, he was THE. most blatant of the "Well, THEY'RE gonna die" ST characters, so it was difficult to be wholly invested. But I can see why you're torn on Steve's survival with this context. I feel similarly about h o w forced S4 tried to throw him & Nancy back together when it's like...they are in totally different places in their lives rn & if other characters have to tell us they're into each other a thousand times instead of...showing the chemistry, it don't hold up under scrutiny. ❌️
Oh, yeah, that I agree with. I meant he wouldn't react in a creepy way. But he'd be flustered for s u r e. 👍
lollllll yup @ thinking about raising the grade. He would fully be into the fantasy if he was already that distracted & looking for relief & then get self-conscious the next time he went to class cause he couldn't help but think about it. He is a committed one that way. The really part is imagining him trying the book/backpack strategy cause Wally/Milo is tall as hell, so there's no way it would look natural with either, especially rushing for privacy. 😭
Exactlyyyy. The reader thinking they're crazy & everything before seeing him in full glory of what he's specifically doing at whatever place in the school he's doing it & them not knowing what to do because it's like ???? but also 🥴 Apologies? if this ends up inspiring you to write something else haha (although also not cause more Wally/Milo >>>>).
(Also: very appreciated you getting silly with it. There's a time & place for it, but this is one of those occasions.)
For real!! I knew he was gonna die from the first episode. Like, was it that surprising? It’s the 4/5 season and the cast is already pretty full, he’s definitely not making it to season five😂 Joseph has charm but the way he played him was just a big red flag about Eddie’s short term stay…
Oh, believe me, this is giving me the motivation to write Wally/Ryan/Zed/Milo any one of his roles and more 😩 don’t apologize for that i’m so serious
Wally definitely isnt creepy, just a confused lil guy (big guy tho because Milo is 6’3 🫣… did someone call for some size difference? a giant?) stuck in a time where he had to be stereotypical. I mean, his whole character in season 1 is about how he was expected to do all these things when he didn’t actually one to do them to begin with. Or, he wanted to try them, found out it didn’t make him happy, and couldn’t move on to try something else. I forget how he phrased it in the show.
I WAS PICTURING THAT😭 I used Jacob Elordi’s height when he’s carrying a backpack/textbook in euphoria as a reference in my head because he’s like 2 inches taller than Milo, and… yeah it looks silly😭 But it’s a good type of silly, because he has the charm to play it off in a comedic way before he gets down to the serious business.
We fr think we’re hearing things, maybe high school is making you delusional lmao. The lack of sleep, stress, something except that it’s a real thing happening in front of you. But it’s totally real. And it’s even funnier if you guys made eye contact but he doesn’t think you actually are looking at him because no one’s seen him before, so you think he doesn’t care and it one brave mfer for doing it💀 (<- him)
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seelestia · 1 year
suddudojd so sorry it's been a while since my last ask. how are you? I LOVE UR NEW ZHONGLI FIC IM SOBBING 😭😭. no i haven't seen the new livestream i am so busy ivigkggi. but yeah. anything cool in your life rn?
- quill!
quill anon, hiiii! no need to apologize, it's all "come whenever you feel like it" here in my household. come visit anytime you want, i got youuu 😩 and i'm doing okay! my school is milking my pea brain dry with the exams tho. quill, i can't go on 😔 (/j) WBU THO?? i hope you and your writing blog are faring well, comrade <3
anything cool in my life... i just drank three mugs of chocolate milk, cool but not advised because i can't feel my stomach. quill, tell me, are you a better person than me when it comes to urges?? LMAOOO. OH, ALSO! this is random but my sneaky intuition (heizou is rubbing off on me) says that you give off inxp vibes... sniff sniff, am i right or am i wrong. (/lh)
THANK YOU! i only just hoped that i did my moot's idea justice at first, so i'm super glad to know that you liked it <3 and tbh, zhongli is such a good character to write! i like how firm (?) and unrelenting he is, especially in his promises and principles as the god of contracts. it feels like a challenge to see if whatever is happening will ever be enough to shake his composure, even just a little... but wbu, quill??? do you have any genshin charas you like to write?? >:)
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lost-in-sokovia · 2 years
hey, girl, it's literally midnight for me but I just had an idea and I HAD to share it with you and get your input. it's regarding our greasy rockstar rat boyfriend, Joby Taylor and his lovely daughter, Annie.
personal headcanon that I have to know your thoughts on: Joby starts keeping a notebook separate from the one he uses for songwriting. it's notebook where he writes everything about Annie in it. he wants to remember every little bit of her as she grows up. her favorite foods, favorite snacks, favorite movies, favorite cartoons, favorite animals...everything.
and like you NEVER thought Joby would be so sappy, but he always thinks about that meeting he had with Ellen where he was just so disconnected with her. he had no clue what she was into at all. and he's terrified of being so inattentive again.
so he's scrawling in the margins of a book little memories he has with you and her, all of her favorites, and even...little notes for her...for when she grows up perhaps?
like just: hey, you threw up mushed peas today. it was really gross. but you were giggling so hard and waving your dumb little spoon so much that it almost made up for it.
or: your mom is telling everyone that you first word is dada. but we both know what it really was...I'll remind you when you're older.
soph, I have to know if you think this is accurate or not because this concept is completely ruining my fragile brain. so sorry for the absolute essay that I'm dropping here but this was urgent for me. love you, bb!!
andromeda i am hyperventilating this is the cutest thing i have ever seen omfg😭😩
i 1000% agree that this is a thing he does. no question about it. oh my god. it’s a lot more of like the memories when she’s a baby, but when she gets older he starts keeping track of her favorite things.
i bet it started off so casual too. like he saw her doing something cute that he kinda chuckled at and wrote it down, but then like it just became a thing he started to do like you said because of everything that happened with ellen.
he’ll put the dates down and everything omfg
10/31/(whatever year it is im not gonna do the math rn i just woke up) - it’s your first halloween and your mom dressed you up like a bunny in this fuzzy onesie. i wanted to make you look like a member of kiss, but it’s fine you look cute anyway.
11/6/(?) - i have never seen your diaper look more disgusting. how does something like that come out of a human being? god, we gotta get you on solid food soon, im tired of this.
5/24/(?) - you just told me your favorite color is pink even though i think a few days ago it was red. gonna note it down anyway.
i am so happy i woke up to this omfg i am crying i absolutely love it do NOT apologize because what you sent was long my heart is bursting right now🥹💕💖💘🤍🧸
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sebastiansluts · 2 years
Roseee I appreciate that you’ll write my idea but like it’s rlly ok if you don’t cause I don’t want you to burn out (your mental health should and always come first), but also mean dark bucky is everything 😩 he can can punch me, kick me, pull my hair, I am a-ok being stabbed, biting and scratching are on the table, he can use fire. But srsly he can humiliate me and I’ll be saying thank you (the hold this man has on me) also wanna ask do you read monster fics? If you do what’s ur fav monster bucky? I used to love werewolf bucky (still do but not as much)but ever since I read orc bucky that’s all I’ve been thinking cause size kink🙌🏻
P.s just an idea but if you do write bully!bucky can you add like public humiliation like he flips her skirt in front of everypne or pulls on her clothes and randomly slaps her (face and boobs) or gives wedgies etc and a super fluff aftercare cause obsessed and soft dark bucky is also everything 🤧
Another p.s I wish I could just pc you but tumblr won’t let me send messages to anyone and it’s so frustrating and I’m sorry if I send this shit too much and annoys you I just don’t know who else to talk so yea just tell me if I annoys you 😭🫶🏻 anyway as always hope you have a great day
~ one and only beluga
I love you so much, thank you for watching out for me!! I promise I'll keep my mental health first, but I am 100% writing some mean bucky!!! I am already thinking of things to write, because I'm high af rn and my brain is whirring. But yes I do read some monster fics! more a/b/o if any, but i'm having a weird thing lately for vampire!bucky 🥴🧛‍♂️ i'm always here for size kink!!
yes of course I will add that!! I'm thinking it's gonna be a tower fic but like anti-avengers or something idk. like on the boys, everyone thinks they're good but they're actually horrible. but then bucky always makes her feel better in the end because he's gotta make his girl feel good. *edit* OR 1940s bucky!!!!!
also I totally understand that frustration!! That's what happened to me when I was shadowbanned, I couldn't message anyone :/ Don't apologize, I love these messages!! They make me so happy every time I see them, I always try to make sure I can answer them properly! You never annoy me! ❤️
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soconfusedwithmylife · 6 months
nahh my guy not the sickness. ive also had fever Twice in just the last week like how in the fuck. the weather is flip flopping here so much even during the day so my body's pretty much like
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omg i love subnautica!! ive been playing that shit since early access its one of my favorite games! but!! you foole! you baffone! i just build my base in the safe shallows and farm pretty plants and collect eggs to hatch and live out my best aquatic farmer life. my life philosophy is that any game can be a domestic simulator if you try hard enough. also im even scared of the fucking gasopods and everytime i have to retrieve something from the aurora (its stupid decorative shit and they take multiple runs cause they take so much space even with two storage upgrades on my seamoth and i have to have All Of Them) i am SHITTING myself and trying stay on the surface which makes me seamoth look like a dolphin the way it keeps jumping in and out of water. like mfs out there speedrunning this shit meanwhile it takes me 10 hours just to leave grassy plateaus like please T-T one time i was on the laser island and saw a time capsule near shore and as i was trying to get to it a fucking warper stARTED TO WALK ON SAND TO GET TO ME. so anyways i deleted that save and downloaded a mod to make them extinct. anytime the game tries to spawn a warper the mod nopes it out of existence it feels me with a sick joy. omg i talked too much again hnnng sorry i hope these are not boring oh well you can always delete them
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also that tomura and dabi bit is so out of the place did i send the ant message?? i remember writing it but i dont remember if i sent it or not, although if you just wanted to randomly declare tomura god mid sentence thats valid too and i also have an unhealthy habit of randomly declaring tomura god like old ladies with their religions
Dang 💀 we both got it rough rn. I hope you're feeling better though! And the weather where I am has been so cold, it's so nice after the heat of the summer. I wish it was winter all the time.
And SAME. I remember watching Markiplier play it during early release and getting it day 1 on my PS4. It's also one of my faves but God, does it give me bad anxiety 💀 anytime I'm not in the safe shallows, grassy plains, or the kelp forest, I'm jumping at every noise. I like to act like I'm a total beast going to the inactive lava zone and standing on top of the lava castle in my prawn suit but the moment I see a warper, I'm out of there. No thanks, nope, not for me 🪦 I also prefer the aquatic farming simulator. It brings me joy to build the alien containment and fill it with eggs. Especially cuddle fish. I also, prefer to have my base totally decked out to the 9's but I DESPISE reapers. If I had enough courage to kill them all, I would but I'm on console so no commands and I'm too scared to shank them to death. WARPERS. no cause explain why I had the EXACT same thing happen to me?!? I almost had a heart attack when I turned around and saw it eye to eye staring at me 💀 then one of those jumping crab things bit me and I turned off my PS4 in a panic and lost an hour worth of gameplay.
You are NEVER boring. I apologize for taking so long to reply. I've been very busy and bey sick but I really do love hearing from you. I could literally talk about Subnautica and below zero for hours. I love those games so much. And I'm so glad you love Subnautica too cause 😫😫 (I wonder if theres a text limit? Cause you said yours was long but mine is longEST)
Yeah that was about the ant message 💀 I didn't want to blow you up so I tried to answer in one. But yes, I have a small alter for both. I am but a pious follower of shigadabi-ism. Praise them 😩 (I'm not crazy, I swear 💀 I just like them an unhealthy amount)
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hyunverse · 1 year
see the rambling just happens 💔😭😭 i cant contain it. also same i literally used to say to my ex like all i want for my bday or anything like that is a card or just a little note anddddd nope never received one 😁 like i don’t want gifts at all or anything just a note or smth 😭 it’s the bare minimum yk 😐. hyunjin would 100% write you them all the time but also poems all the time that are literally just about you. so stan skz all day every day they’re a million times better than any man ever will be
ik 13 hours is too much 😩😩 i hate it. it is snowing where i am!! we have like 3 feet on the ground rn and i fkn hate it. ALSO SO COOL YOU LIVE IN MALAYSIA ?? LIKE SO SO COOL. i bet you’ll see snow someday and you’ll totally at least visit one of those places. (if not you can just come visit me hehe) it’s always possible :)). and yes i don’t see my half siblings often but when i do they’re def a lot of work bc they’re 10 and 13 years younger than me 😭
i’m a scorpio so it makes total sense that we get along 😎 i absolutely despise leo men but luckily you are not one of those <333 leo everything else are amazing. yes yes yes racha vlog literally made my week. i love them sm it’s not okay 💔 there’s one clip of jeongins pupils like blowing up while he’s playing and i swear i watch it everyday 😭 he’s just so cute i can’t help myself (also 100% understand seungmin forehead resolution. i wouldve totally done the same)
also ur cuter 😇😇😇😇 don’t even fight me on it bc it’s true and you just are bc i said so 😇😇😇
- 🐈‍⬛ apologies for spamming again hehe
hyunjin would go to the depths of attempting to write u a SONNET and i STAND by that fact. he would. tell him u like sonnets and he will personally try to reach out to shakespeare in his dreams and learn how to write one 🙏 what other form of poetry do you like? haiku? ok he's gonna watch a haiku tutorial and read haiku writing tips from a random blog. he is the man 💯
cool would be the entire OPPOSITE of malaysia, darling. quite literally. it is always summer here </3 which is suiting for me tbh. back in december, the temperature dropped to 19°C and i was in PAIN. i was constantly whining abt how cold it was to kana only to find out she’s suffering from -1°C weather LMAOO i could never survive that kind of temperature 💀 i will visit u one day bae I WILL ‼️
i’ve heard all kinds of hate on leo men 🤠 i get it tho i mean. . . it’s men. no matter what zodiac, they are all questionable 🧘‍♀ AND IVE SEEEEN THAT VID OF JEONGIN i was physically cooing. felt pathetic bcs WHY AM I BABYING A GROWN MANNNN LMAOOO. in 2023 may jype stylists let us see seungmo forehead 🙏
no need to apologize, my angel. lovelove seeing you in my inbox <3 sorry for replying so late, i’ve been out all day!! FINALLY PLAYED BOWLING and i swear i am so good at it. i’m like gordon ramsay of bowling. like frfr. also watched a movie and it was so so good. how about you, how was your day?
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bivwifeybunny · 2 years
no i literally swear you always know what to do and say about everything. like you just know the right thing to say every time. i just have a lot going on and was having a mini breakdown LOL. yk how there’s a lot of pressure to keep pushing stuff out on here and stuff like that, im just so overwhelmed w it. bc ik you get it like wanting to write and blah blah but just not being able to (whether it’s literally or motivation related). i’m okay tho i think i just need to like take the time to work on asks and stuff ?? idk 😭
and thank you for your reassuring words about the whole friend situation thingy :(( i rly appreciate it
i miss you sm 😩. i hope ur awake rn so we can chat bc i feel like we barely have this week. hru doing today??
also my scalp is 10x worse now 😭. idk what to do anymore bc everything i’ve tried hasn’t been working. it kept me up all night last night bc it’s so painful </3
jeez you sound busy!! and i didn’t know you could sing ?!?! that’s so cool ??? i’d love to hear one day 😋. also what kinda food and shoes did you get??
sorry this is so long LOL
omg no ur too kind🥹 but i totally get that, especially since ive been struggling with it too. im a huge procrastinator on top of not even having any motivation and i have some asks sitting in my inbox from 2 months ago 😭😭😭 like the pressure to get stuff out and make everyone happy is always there, even when I tell myself that I need a break before i end up burning myself out. i would say to definitely take your time in working on asks and stuff, like go at your own pace, even if it's a slow one. ik for a fact the pressure won't go away but if you slowly work on it you can at least tell yourself that you're doing something, and that this way what you put out is gonna be great because you took your time on it :)
i missed you too!! good thing I am awake to talk to you :)) i'm doing pretty good I had an amazing good and bad dream last night with wilbur in it hehe :) hbu? how are you doing today?
im so sorry to hear that, baby :(( i wish i could give you a hug or do something about the pain :( but i honestly don't know what to do, cause i got burned when i was like 7 and my tia was the one to help me with that, but i would say maybe you could try going to the doctor? because it doesn't seem like it should be hurting this long after it happened, especially from just a sunburn, but again idk im not a doctor lol, maybe they're give you something for it tho?
lol yeah I can i just dk if it's necessarily good lmao, ill be sure to sing specifically for you one day maybe even soon but definitely when i meet you :)) anyways yesterday we got subway :D and i got some new balance shoes and they're purple (my fav color) and very cool looking and now me and my mom have a pair of matching shoes lol cause when she bought hers i thought they looked cool and wanted some so she bought em for me :)
and don't apologize i love getting long asks from u <33
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floralseokjin · 2 years
⤑ 9 months to fall in love drabble #2 replies.
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@starbtslove replied: Makes me mad at him again. But then again, he definitely couldn’t stomach the news so suddenly and alone. I love you Kim Seokjin but that shit was horrible 🤯😶😒
😂😂 I feel you! you can understand but at the same time you can’t excuse it 🤧
@bri-mal replied: 🥺😭😭 oh damn! This hurts all over again!!!
sorry 🥺
@nanied93 replied: I forgave him but this reminds me why I was mad at him in the first place lol
lmao I’m dredging up forgotten feelings 😬
@firesighgirl reblogged and said: seokjin losing his shit next to the water cooler is way funnier after all those asks with him fainting by it and I couldn't stop laughing with jks strong sperm narrative💀 poor seokjin he was going through it!!!!😫 thankfully everything's gonna work out in the end!!
LOL what good times they were when we were wondering what could have happened to him 🤣 but the poor guy was going through it at the water cooler 😩 
@rj-moon reblogged and said: Apologize with tears. 😭poor jin though, I can’t for the life of me hold it past him. That’s a lot to take in. Even if it was cowardice. Almost like a fight or flight response. Ugh. My heart.Oc didn’t deserve being left, but where we are at now, it’s ok I forgive you Jordyn HAHAHAH.
Yeahh, he was definitely a coward in that moment and he knows it :/ fight or flight is exactly it! lmao, thank you for forgiving me! I made up for it, didn’t I 🥺
@allorarever​ reblogged and said: when i had read the previous chapters of S1 with mc’s pov, i.. *guilt is stopping this user to speak* .....thought he is an ass who..who...who just pretended to be nice.bullshit, i feel like slapping myself because not only mc was in a difficult, difficult situation, seokjin was struck there too, his mind was overflowing with such intrusive thoughts that even before he knew he was doing it.oh my god, it was equally hard for both of them..it was really very hard, i do realise, oh god..i want to give this seokjin a tight hug and head pats rn. he was puzzled, shocked and scared. oh my god. i just ...it's the situation who made him do that, feel that way.seokjin is gonna be an amazing dad, i know that, and he needed comfort at that moment, the moment he felt everything was falling apart..the time i read that he cared so much for mc that he took blame on himself for her being pregnant, how much he cared for her, lord i just..i feel so bad for thinking like that ,i swear he's such a nice person here i— .also, ha! i love these drabbles from seokjin’s pov.he's the man of my dreams, cough, i didn't at all say anything, all what i said was that i love these drabbles and you! Take care xx
Yes, he is a very kind and genuine person who has a lot of insecurities 🤧 and he made a mistake by running off, but he knows that and didn’t try to make up any excuses, so we forgive him along with Oc - it’s in the past! Thank you for reading, I’m glad you’re enjoying his pov! they’ve been fun to write! 
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
ok i was filling out luvdsc's form n i went on a whole rant about ur jeno demigod fic bc i just finished it so i just thought id spam u here too bc oml. first off thank u for posting it idk how long it's been up there but the pure Joy of checking ur acc & finding it: unmatched. second off sweet god im a sucker for bff2l but. that fic. made me a e2l believer i can't. i cannot. your worldbuilding (not just the author's, your contribution n integration of urs into it too) is so impeccable and the way every scene is mapped out so clearly u can effortlessly see it play out in ur head without even trying is just so. so pleasing.
- maybe im a hopeless romantic, maybe it's the disconnected world, maybe it's your writing (most definitely) but it just feels like this fic itself, not the story, is from a different time in the best possible way. it's just so raw and honest and while these days picture perfect writing is wonderful, your way of passing on images and scenes to readers makes it feel like more than just an picture box, idk how else to describe it but i felt so many things while reading n that's how yk a piece of writing is good: if u question ur life after it lol
sry for the spam, final msg i promise: but i can't imagine how much effort n dedication you put into that series. it's really inspiring. it's nice to read something this intense again. from the character growth to the funny bits to the way those two meat heads felt about each other n got us feeling in the process to that last scene, you've done a really lovely job on this n i can only hope you're as proud of it as we are happy to read, tysm n goodluck on wtv uve got planned next <33
wow i think this is the nicest ask i think i've ever received about my writing??? i am so floored that i genuinely am at a loss for words rn except thank you so so so so much ??? my mind is all over the place bc this ask has made me so happy but wow i've tried my best to gather my thoughts into a coherent response and i apologize if it's all over the place
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first, i am SO excited that i have successfully converted you into an e2l believer as that is the superior trope 🧎‍♀️ and pls you are too kind !!! i'm so honored that you're praising my worldbuilding so highly omg you make my writing seem so much cooler than it is 🥺 the og pjo books can never be beaten, but i really tried to create that sense of community throughout the fics and i wanted to make sure the fics all connected with each other so that it truly felt like one universe (hence all the easter eggs) !! it makes me really happy that you were able to visualize the scenes in your head because i struggle with writing descriptions A LOT so i mulled over those for a while 💀 ESPECIALLY for jeno's fic because there was so much happening in it and more location changes than any fic i've ever written
FKJALKEL IM GONNA CRY OMFG IM SUCH A WRECK RN BC THIS IS HONESTLY ONE OF THE HIGHEST HONORS A WRITER COULD RECEIVE 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i wish i could express how grateful i am with more than just saying thank you but THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!! my goal is always to evoke any sort of emotion from my readers, even if it’s just a laugh so to hear you express how you felt during the fic makes me feel so accomplished 💗💗💗
DONT APOLOGIZE OMG YOUR MESSAGE MADE MY DAY I HOPE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE YOU TAKING THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY FIC ON CAT’S FORM AND TO LEAVING SUCH A KIND ASK IN MY INBOX 🥰💗💖💞💓💘💝💟✨🌷🌸 my period must be coming bc i am legit teary eyed as i’m typing rn 😩 and yes even though i like to complain about how much i suffered writing the series, i am genuinely proud of it but i’m even prouder of all the love and support i’ve gotten over this long ass journey 🥺 you guys have been nothing but lovely to me and hype me up even when i feel like my writing is shit and i hope you know how much that means to me <33333 not to get all sappy but thank you again ilysm ❤️❤️❤️
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ladyideal · 2 years
Kinda confused what happened..we used to be friends then one day you just kinda stopped replying...hope you're well!
Well anon.
Let me say it's been a hell of year (last half year included).
I apologize for not replying. Holidays got me half exhausted and really burnt out from writing. Jobs haven't been really steady lately either, so I mostly lurk around nowadays or flat out passing out when I get home.
I'm still around, I promise! I just can't be around my phone as often as I like to when I'm at work, but I'll do my best. 🙂 I will respond to messages!
And trying to write again 😩 but I'm getting a feeling this is writer's block rn...
Hope you're doing well yourself, anon.
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rozcdust · 2 years
but not really because it's technically just me word vomiting. I apologize for dumping this on you 😫😫😫 this is long LONG
idk if you remember me talking about this dude I've been admiring that happened to be one of my coworker's crush as well but I gotta tell you smth cause I feel kind of iffy about it
ngl I've just been admiring him from afar because he seems cute under the mask I feel really shallow about this, but I don't want to attempt to shoot my shot until I know he's at least physically my type/attractive (damn that sounded even worse than in my head).
reason for that is because I don't know him. like I've literally never spoken a word with this dude before (we just pass by each other every so often) so I don't have a single clue of how he is personality-wise and he could be a complete asshole yk. secondy, he smokes,,, and while that isn't really a red flag for me, it is a huge turn-off seeing as I've had shit lungs ever since I was little. so if I were to pursuit something he at least need to be cute cause there's nothing going on for him rn 😫
and now here's the thing that makes me feel disgusting about myself. I've been trying to find his socials and I'm clearly not fbi level like some other people when it comes to this stuff because I couldn't find shit and I don't want to ask our mutual acquaintances because that'd make it obvious af.
I work as a clerk, meaning I have one way to find a picture because I have access to a computer 90% of the time I'm working... and the only thing I need is an employee ID (just a side note tho, I don't see any other employee details but their name and picture).
so one day I had to go home early because I wasn't feeling well and he just happened to be starting around the time I was asking to leave. and what a fucking coincidence that the swipe clock was broken so we'd have to log it on a fucking piece of paper. I had to write my fucking details right under his and that included his mfing employee number that I could remember in 2 seconds because it's shorter compared to codes I've had to memorize for work. Okay?! OKAY!
so you could probably already guess what I did with that information. this bitch searched it up on the fucking computer. I found his profile and clicked on his name so I could see his picture and lemme tell you. THIS MOTHERFUCKER DIDN'T HAVE ANY!!! I wanted to bang my head on the wall as my soul slowly left my body.
I was fucking disgusted at myself cause I felt like a stalker, granted it was a complete coincidence that I had to log my info right after him, BUT I LOOKED AT IT!!! that didn't sit right with me and to this day I still can't believe I did that. but to think that I didn't even get the result I expected after all this stress and shit.
like fuck it I give up. better to just move on with my life goddammit if smth happens then it happens. anyways this is a whole ass train wreck and I can't believe I just aired out my dirty laundry to people on the internet but I needed to get this off my chest.
from the girl who swore to only be with animated men and women from this point onwards
don’t apologise at all love, i’m always here to listen 💖
as for the situation, i fully understand feeling like a creep but also i understand the curiosity behind it 😭
i am aro, so i really don’t know how to offer any helpful advice at all :((( i’m sorry, but i really hope getting it off your chest helped at least a little bit, plus if nothing happens with this guy, there are plenty of other really cute people!
and deciding to simp only for 2d people is def the best idea 😩 they can never disappoint 🤧
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