okamarinosuzoki · 2 years
Nico's Restaurant (Nico/Kotori)
Nico cooks for Kotori and receive too many compliments. [Nico/Kotori]
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communist-ojou-sama · 5 months
It's still so wild to me that the author of the weird girl yuri manga that sometimes gets translated onto here is mangaka I've been following since she was writing LoveLive Nico/Kotori doujins
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daily-nicotine · 5 years
im on a chimken nugger mood
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saberin · 4 years
This was supposed to be part of an au that my friends and i have talked about!! and maybe one day i’ll write more about it but this is just a valentines one shot with magi kotomaki and devil nico. 
Nicotori/Kotomaki Words: 1.4k+
“But…!” Kotori bites her lips, refusing let anything else slip. There’s a limit to how much one should trust a literal devil and she has been letting her guard down. Ever since Nico popped into her life weeks ago it has never been the same ever since.
Though it’s not like it isn’t welcomed.
“Sooooooo… you’re saying that you’re kinda upset at Maki?” Nico plops herself over the queen-sized bed, right beside the queen herself and bats her eyes. “And whyyyyy is that?”
Kotori’s room smells like her, with the faint scent of flowers and candles that were lit too many times. The window is open and the evening sun fills the room, making Kotori’s hair seem fainter than usual.
“But it’s not like, we care about each other so,” Kotori huffs, pushing Nico out of the way hastily as she walks towards her makeup desk. “Even though…”
The queen sits back facing the window, yet somehow the backlight seems to make those eyes seem softer than usual. It’s not the kind of expression Nico likes to see; it betrays the good in the devil, and makes Nico want.
She hears the fluttering of Nico’s wings before feeling them wrap around her. She doesn’t like the way her cheeks heat up but they do anyways, much to her embarrassment. Their first meeting lingered a bit too much in her mind.
“Nico-chan is only doing this because you’re a devil right?” She fiddles with the hairband in her hands. She thinks about how she has to sit through dinner with Maki and sighs, feeling impending dread.
“Doing… what?”
“This succubus thing?” Kotori frowns when Nico snatches her hairband away. She feels Nico’s petite hands working their wonders on her hair as the wings flap almost happily. Nico hums a soft song, the kind that lures Kotori to sleep on nights that are too lonely.
“What succubus thing?”
“I don’t know… like getting close to me and then su-”
“Is that how you think about me?” Nico gasps, “You think I’d get close to anyone?”
“Do you not?” Kotori asks, turning around to face Nico. It’s that face again, it stabs at her chest a little, and makes her think she’s getting a little too attached to this human.
“I’ll have you know I visit…” A light tap on Kotori’s nose, and then another. And another. “No. One. Else.”
The doubt on Kotori’s face only intensifies as Nico’s tail slithers up the queen’s back before a poor attempt to pull on the dress buttons.
“I swear you need to have a better designer for your clothes.” Nico mutters though gritted teeth, having half her mind on completely obliterating the offensive clothing.
“You’re just bad Nico-chan,” Kotori giggles, “You’re pretty terrible for a devil.”
The faint scent of candles seems to dissipate then, with a gust of autumn wind while the chimes on the sill hums softly in return. It doesn’t take them very long to realize that a bell would be ringing soon.
When the last hairpin moves in place Kotori’s hair is done, and Nico doesn’t think there’s anyone in this world who wouldn’t take a second glance at the queen. After all, who in the kingdom has hair the colour of the cloudy sky and features that could put Venus to shame?
“Take that back,” Nico huffs, “That was not what you said last week.”
The devil almost readies her tail for a tickle attack when she realizes that she won’t be needing it. Kotori dons a full-blown blush, the tips of her ears a red pink. “W-whaa..”
“What happens if Ma-”
“Maki-chan and I are just…” Kotori splutters, “together in name.” And with that the queen takes the gloves and makes her way to the door. The last glows of orange slowly die out to the softening chimes, and that’s when Nico realizes her time here is up. “I’m allowed to have my own friends, right?”
The bell rings just as Kotori closes the door, the soft rosewood barely making a sound as it clicks shut. Throughout the hundreds of years Nico hasn’t quite seen anyone who could make that kind of faces, other than the king she would be visiting next.
“You called her Maki-chan though.”
The long corridor seems to magnify how empty it really is, corridors that seem to go on forever and ever. Her heels click soundly on the floor, the echoes betraying nothing but confidence in her strides.
A right turn at the corner reveals her garden, about the only thing she really cared in this castle. The moon lilies are bright tonight, she keeps them at the foot of the garden shelter, away from her other precious flowers. One day she thinks, maybe there won’t be any need for them, though the moon lilies are growing to be oddly comforting.
Cobblestones lead the way to the middle of the garden, where the King’s room lie on the other end. Faint lights are still glowing in Maki’s room, somehow it gives her relief knowing that she’s earlier than Maki.
Except she really isn’t.
“You’re finally here,” Maki says softly. It’s not a particularly cold tone, but Kotori dislikes how business like it sounds.
The King is in her usual casual getup, just in her skirt and collared shirt. Sometimes Kotori faintly wonders if that is all Maki ever owns. It is a sharp contrast to her light summer dress, they’d make the oddest couple if they were to step out into public view right now.
“I am,” Kotori bows a little, just so slightly it is barely a nod of her head. She hates how her ring fits perfectly, and how her hands fit just as well with Maki’s when the King holds them.
“Come here.” Maki pulled her deeper into the garden, a simple garden shelter awaits them with a table full of Kotori’s favourite food. She sees the cheesecake on the table and thinks that pretty cunning of the King.
Sometimes Kotori could almost believe that they would get along, but getting along isn’t exactly what she is looking for.
Dinner tonight is a quiet affair, almost boring, save for the occasional breeze and the times she catches Maki looking at her. Using the flickering candles to stare was such a poor excuse that Kotori could feel her lips curving upwards, a smile that’s about to break free.
“Do you still remember what day it is today?”
She didn’t think Maki would be the one popping the question. She remembers the first time Maki puts a ring on her, declaring that her heart would be hers.
“Very soundly so.” Kotori wraps her fingers around the wine glass and takes a sip out of the red wine. Her gaze returns to the King before her, she tries to keep it firm, though it has been quite distracting to notice that Maki has been fidgeting a little.
“J-Just thought,” Maki hastily continues, “That it’d be nice to remind you.”
“There would be no need to.” Kotori stands up then, and turns her back on the King coolly, “It’s getting late actually.”
She hears the chair’s scrapping sound and a clash of dishes almost immediately after, the smile on her face is a little too wide then.
“I got these for you.” Maki says quietly, and Kotori turns around to a pot of moon lilies the colour of her hair, “Like-”
The pot crashes to the ground the moment she lunges for it, when Kotori realizes that Maki was about to touch them with her bare fingers.
“Don’t.” She grabs Maki’s hand, the strangest fear filling her chest. “Tell me you got those from my garden.”
Tears pool unwillingly, and it is strange how loneliness hits her full force then, Kotori thinks about what could’ve happened and cries.
“I know,” Maki cradles her queen in her arms till Kotori stops crying, a soft thumb wiping the tears away as the King nuzzles into her neck. “I did my research.”
There’s the slightest gasp, and then an exasperated sigh. Maki allows the queen to hide her embarrassment in her chest a little longer, the complete exposure of the queen’s backup plans must have shaken her quite a lot.
“I trust you to take care of the garden.” Maki finishes, “Though I did sneak in a few times on my own.”
The pair separates to Maki’s wide grin. “Can’t have my queen cultivating elaborate plans without me knowing you know?”
“They’re nothing compared to how beautiful you are,” Maki smiles as she pulls out a small golden key from her pocket and puts it gingerly on Kotori’s palm, “Though as punishment for sneaking into your garden, I’ll give you the key to my heart.”
“Goodnight my queen.”
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7d7m · 5 years
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a photobook that i never finished
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llsifrares · 5 years
ことにこ | にゃん #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=72618613
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dekinswritings · 6 years
Teardrop gem
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“Kotori and Nico fluff” request from anon. Feel free to drop your requests too!
“Hnnrgh..” Kotori rubbed her head with the eraser end of her mechanical pencil in frustration. For each second that the sketch for her upcoming dress design remained unfinished, the rubbed harder and faster. She could not remember when was the last time she was stumped as this, perhaps for the Love Live competition? Kotori let out a small sob as she bumped and rested her head on her sketchbook. Kotori sniffed, feeling tears well up on her eyes.
“Hey now, you told me your client wanted teardrop gems, not actual teardrops,” Nico said as she set down a mug of hot cocoa in front of Kotori’s face and rubbed her back. “Is the art block that bad?”
“Nico-chaaan!” Kotori cried out and tightly embraced Nico, pressing her face on her stomach.
“Maybe I can help?” Nico offered as she stroked Kotori’s hair. Kotori simply nodded, face still pressed on Nico. “Come on, the great Nico Nii can’t help you if you’re gonna have your face all over her.”
Kotori nodded once more and slowly let go of Nico, sniffing once more. Looking up at her, she found Nico looking right back at her with calm and warm eyes. Feeling a bit more relieved, Kotori took the hot cocoa and gave it a sip. “Thanks, Nico-chan.”
“Don’t mention it. Now, what’s the issue?” Nico asked as she took a look at Kotori’s rough sketch of a dress.
“I just can’t get it right, I have no idea where to put the gems… I thought maybe at the hem of the dress or on a sash, but then they’re too many, and it just won’t look good on the collar with the color of the dress they want.” Kotori explained, taking hold of the mechanical pencil and tapping on the eraser end several times.
“Alright, first take a deep breath. Calm down and close your eyes, a fresh look will clear things up,” Nico advised.
Kotori nodded and closed her eyes and took a deep breath, slowly letting it go.
“Okay, keep them closed. I think I can see where the gem might fit just perfectly.” Nico’s voice alone was soothing, but her advice did make sense as well and made Kotori’s stress relieve a bit.
“Alright, open your eyes.”
When Kotori opened her eyes, it took them a brief moment to focus on something that was not there before, but they quickly unfocused again when Kotori started to tear up again.
“Perfect spot, right?” Nico asked with a big smile, holding a golden ring with a teardrop emerald gem right above Kotori’s finger.
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giftedsun · 6 years
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designer girlfriends
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kotonicorin-blog · 6 years
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nicotori; wolf children au; "hello, i miss you quite terribly."
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mackinmacki · 3 years
While working on costumes for Muse, Nico and Kotori have to deal with what the rest of the group is doing. It can be annoying, but hey, isn't that what friends are for?
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duviten · 7 years
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day 4
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24hs · 7 years
pairings: nicotori, one-sided nicomaki
rating: T, contains self destructive behaviour
words: 800+
Being in love with Nico Yazawa isn’t something Maki is used to.
She doesn’t like it. Nico’s silhouette keeps bothering her, even behind closed eyelids, she can’t find peace. Her heart hurts when its beating, her chest is twisted when she’s thinking about Nico. She is falling constantly.
Being in love with Nico Yazawa is stressing Maki out. She can’t tell anyone. After all, her best friend is Nico’s girlfriend, and she isn’t selfish enough to tell either of them. She wishes she could.
Being love with Nico Yazawa is exhausting Maki. She hasn’t slept through for days, weeks, months. Her mind is left spinning and her chest aching when Nico’s around.
Being in love with Nico Yazawa drives Maki insane. She can’t think straight anymore.
Maki’s still flinching when an absent minded Nico touches her, and she doesn’t think that will ever stop. The way Nico crunches her nose when pouting, wiggles her brows when mildly excited, laughs so much her gum is showing when someone told a joke is too overwhelming for Maki to comprehend. Maki doesn’t think her feelings for Nico Yazawa will ever fade.
“Hey, what are you thinking about?”, Nico asks idly, playing with a strand of Maki’s hair. “Nothing.” Maki suppressed the urge to slap Nico’s hand away. “Wanna grab something to eat? I’m literally starving.”
“Sure, what do you want?” She eyes Nico, who leans against the door while checking her phone. Maki has to forcefully avert her gaze from Nico’s long, uncovered legs. “What about italian? I’m texting Kotori right now, let’s see what she’s thinking.” Nico’s voice gets quieter as she reaches the end of the sentence, already completely focusing on the phone. 
Maki’s heart drops a bit, even though she hates admitting it. Kotori is her best friend, after all, but she can’t help it.
These days, Maki rarely has control over what to feel or think.
When Nico presses the accelerator and the car’s speed increases, Maki is almost at ease. 
Only almost.
She can’t forget Nico’s presence that easily, so she sticks her headphones in, closes her eyes and tries to focus on the music drumming in her ears.
Kotori kisses Nico gently on the lips as soon they as arrive at the restaurant ; Nico grins and folds her hands behind Kotori’s waist. Maki tries not to stare when Nico kisses Kotori a second time. 
They both giggle, Kotori blushes a little.
Maki smiles, her eyes don’t.
Kotori talks about her internship at a big fashion company she dreamed of working at.
Nico talks about her application as a choreographer, which could be the first step of a solo career.
Even Nozomi, who called them during the first course, talked briefly about the planning of her and Eli’s wedding before announcing that she and the rest would arrive soon.
Maki doesn’t talk.
Planning a future without Nico by her side feels useless. She tries to fade out the now dull taste of her pizza.
Maki relies on alcohol more than she used to. No one notices that she’s the most drunk in the group, or, what makes more sense to her brain, stuffed with hate and bitterness, no one cares.
Maki opens another bottle of gin.
They just arrived at the karaoke bar and Maki has to lay down already. It’s late, though, so everyone thinks she’s just tired, which she is. While Honoka performs a loud, shrill pop song that drills into Maki’s head, she’s resting her head in Nozomi’s lap. She is singing quietly for her, but Maki can’t quite tell what it’s about. The words merge into a slurred mess and fail to comfort her.
Maki wants to sleep forever.
When Maki enters her flat, it’s almost morning. She tumbles into the bathroom and falls on her knees, already vomiting. Wiping away sick from her mouth and blood from her nose with shaking hands, Maki breaths out steadily to calm her heartbeat.
She tries to comfort herself - “It was worse when I was in high school and had to sneak in so Mama and Papa wouldn’t wake up” -, but she just feels more miserable. Maki straightens up clumsily and drags her body to her bed, on which she falls asleep instantly
She doesn’t remember anything when she wakes up.
Nico Yazawa is honey. Thick and idly, she creeps in Maki’s veins, intoxicating. Sweet and tempting, Maki wants more and more and more. Maki can’t get enough.
Nico Yazawa is glass. See through and honest, Maki envies her so much. While she’s shining in light, Maki drowns in darkness.
Maki wonders if swallowing honey and glass would feel nearly as painful as loving Nico Yazawa.
Nico is everything, Maki is nothing.
Nico is happy, Maki is not.
Nico will grow, Maki will rot.
Being in love with Nico Yazawa is giving and giving and giving and getting nothing back.
Being in love with Nico Yazawa is taking her breath away.
Being in love with Nico Yazawa is killing her.
Maki is already dead.
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daily-nicotine · 6 years
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did someone say chimken nuggers???
big sis kasumin taking them back because the two thought it would be a great idea to stand on the seesaw
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saberin · 5 years
Nicotori meeting eachother again in college?
There is no mistaking that pair of eyes or that fake high pitch voice radiating her usual faux charm. 
“Oh come on senpai, just this once?” 
She thinks about the first time she said this very same line to Nico and how Nico had trembled so slightly before bursting into laughter. And how that became a thing that was only between them.
She waits till the last of the stranger’s footsteps faded out before walking up to her senior whom she hasn’t seen for two years.
“Not even a call, senpai?”
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7d7m · 5 years
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