#nick and troy possibly
obsxssedwithstuff · 3 months
Apparently the best gay dynamic is popular blond guy with straight hair and his bf with dark curly hair
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little-cereal-draws · 7 months
Update on Nimona sequel and physical art book
I come telling news straight from the mouths of god (Troy Quane and Nick Bruno, the directors of Nimona)
I attended a Q and A with them four days ago and ofc the question of a sequel and the art book came up
Sequel: they said at the moment there are no plans for a Nimona sequel. They would love to do one but would only do it if they could come up with a story that was just as meaningful and impactful as the first; they don’t want a cheap cash grab or a lackluster story. But even though they said they don’t have any current plans, they both were grinning, quickly glancing at each other, and were very excited so maybe there are secret plans or maybe I’m reading too much into it and they’re just excited abt the possibility. It’s probably the second one
Physical art book: they said if it were up to them there would be a physical art book but unfortunately it’s up to Netflix
For both of these Troy Quane asked for fans to keep “calling their Netflix representative” so hopefully they can happen down the line
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kitcat22 · 5 months
My Genderbent Percy Jackson Names ideas!
Hold on tight cause this could get long
Percy Jackson —> Penelope Jackson
Ive seen a lot of takes where persephone is used and while i could see sally or Poseidon naming him that as a way to appease hades and try and avoid his wrath, i like Sally choosing the name of someone who got a happy ending. Penelope in greek mythology faces a lot of hardships but in the end she did get her happy ending. I also feel like Penelope being married to one of Athena’s favourite champions goes well with Penny Jackson falling for one of Athena‘s favourite sons. Also this Penelope choosing to follow her boyfriend on his perilous journey (ie. Falling into Tartartus with him) than being separated from him like the original Penelope was.
Jason Grace —> Helen Grace
Doesn’t start with the same letter but i wanted a name relating to greek mythology that i could think of reasons for. Ican see multiple ways Helen would end up with her name
1. Beryl Grace names her that out of pride. She seduces the king of gods and now she has a daughter just as beautiful as the original Helen.
2. Helen Grace does actually look a lot like Helen of Troy and was named by zeus/Jupiter for the resemblance
3. Hera, the goddess of marriage and women, maybe not being as hateful of Helen of Troy because she’s one of Zeus’ demigod daughters and not a demigod son. Also the original Helen having tumultuous marriages (depending on which version you go by) just like Hera who’s husband is about as unfaithful as you get. I could see Helen becoming one of her fave demigods and wanting to honour her by naming this new child after her. Or again Zeus naming her for that reason.
4. Helen of Troy was used in an insult against Hera so Hera being like ‘fuck you this is the new Helen, she’s gonna turn out much better than the original and she’s all mine’.
Also Helen Grace ending up in a kind of forced relationship with a son of Aphrodite.
Nico Di Angelo —> Viviana Di angelo or Mirabella Di Angelo or Rosa Di angelo
This one I’m not as decisive on, but i tried to find some italian/latin names that could be shortened to a nick name
Viviana means lively. Can be shortened to Viv. I could see this as a sort of contrast to her being the daughter of god of the dead but also Nico going through a lot of shit but surviving.
Mirabella means wonderous beauty and admiral which i think Nico is. Could be shortened to Mira or Bella.
Rosa is just a name that was popular in 1930s italy.
Also Benedetto for Bianca
Annabeth Chase —> Anthony Chase
The chase family tends to go with long posh sounding names so i thought this went well. Means praise worthy. I could also see Alexander after Alexander the Great but i don’t like giving deep meanings to every single name.
Piper McClean —> Presley McClean
Chose this because it was one of the only male P names that i liked to be honest, but Piper’s dad is famous and famous people tend to give their kids stand outish, meaningful names so maybe Presley was named after Elvis or something like that.
Frank Zhang —> Freya Zhang
Also just liked this one. Could be Francesca (no clue if i spelled that name right lol).
Leo Valdez —> Leah Valdez
Closest name to Leo i could think of.
Hazel Levesque —> Henry Levesque
Just a popular 1920s boy name starting with H.
Thalia Grace —> Hector Grace
I chose Hector because Hector of Troy was the greatest warrior for Troy and i think Zeus would want his son named after a great warrior. Before you say ‘but Hector was defeated by Achilles so shouldn’t he be named after Achilles’ I think even Zeus might think twice about naming the possible child of the prophecy after someone that had to be shot down because he was getting out of control. I don’t know if it rolls of the tongue as easily as Thalia Grace but i also thought it went nicely with Helen.
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neverlostmycrown · 2 months
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Evanescence - Evanescence (Ev3) Deluxe Edition, 2011 - Digital Booklet
(hq via archive.org)
Amy would like to thank: I want to thank everyone at Blackbird Studios in Nashville, for letting us use your amazing place to create, and for making us feel like part of the family. Special thanks to John and Martina McBride (for running such an awesome studio, and for the BBQ!) Nathan Yarborough - the best and sweetest assistant engineer anywhere, and all the interns who gave me rides home. Also, thank you to all our friends at S.I.RNash- you’ve been such an important part of this record. From writing and pre-production to rehearsing and performing, it all happened in the big room at the end of the hall! Thank you for being so good to us. Big love to Nick Raskulinecz, the man with the plan. Thank you for believing in me, for pushing me, for making me stronger, for cracking me up, and knowing when to say HELL YEAH!! Thank you Paul Figueroa: Engineer extraordinaire, master chef, bowling champion! Thank you Terry, Tim, Will and Troy for having my back, for bringing rad, inventive ideas to the table, and most of all, for making it LOUD! Thank you so much David Campbell, Dave Eggar and all of the string players. Thank you Chris Vrenna, you rule! Thank you Will B. Hunt for the inspiration, the good times, and the very special music we made together. Thank you to John Nicholson, one of my new favorite people! Also thank you to Phyllis Sparks and Mike Simmons. Thank you Dave Fortman, for your advice, support, and friendship throughout my career. Thank you Diana Meltzer for discovering me and always supporting me! Thank you Josh, for supporting and encouraging me to be brave and remember love, above all. Thank you Mom, Dad, Carrie, Lori, and Robby for being my biggest fans and always supporting me, making me feel safe when life gets hard, and taking me to Disney World no matter how old I get! Love to all of my wonderful family- I am so blessed. Gotta give a shout out to my girl, Beth! Thanks for being someone I can always count on. I can’t wait to laugh around the world with you once more! Thank you Zach and Stacy Williams, for your friendship and your inspiration. Thank you Eddie “Muscles” Mapp (for being awesome). Thank you everyone at Wind-up records for working so hard for us and putting out this album. Thank you Andy Lurie for all your hard work and support. Thank you Chrissy Igoe and the rest of 110 Management. Thank you Gary Haber and Patty Wicker for everything you do for me! Thank you Ken Ewing, Sheryl Rowling and Steve Baron. A very special thank you to our fans, for listening to our music, for letting it take a place in your hearts, for sharing your lives with us, for making all of this possible.
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ftwd-the-real-deal · 1 month
Fear The Walking Dead: The Real Deal - Introduction
Note: This is a fan-based alternative universe or alternative ending to Fear The Walking Dead, nothing here truly happened but it definitely should've happened, also Serena is Laurel, and she's alive in this universe and yes, lots of things are different in here.
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Basic Information
Location: The Sanctuary (now called Haven)
Canon Characters Involved: Troy Otto, Tracy Otto, Russel, Dwight Campbell, Sherry Campbell, Frank Gottfried, Klaus Gottfried, Jake Otto (honorable mention), Nick Clark (honorable mention)
Original Characters Involved: Laurel Hall, Mia Gottfried, Jeremy Winstons (henchman), Tyler (honorable mention)
Universe Villains: Madison Clark, Victor Strand, Negan Smith (honorable mention), Trent, Jeremiah Otto (honorable mention)
Betrayed, that's how Troy ended up dying in front of his loved ones, his wife, his child, they all had to watch him being stabbed by the witch of the apocalypse, he fell to the ground, whimpering from the pain, the last thing he heard was Laurel's scream, the last thing he's seen was how no one gave two craps about what Madison did, again.
Laurel had taken Tracy and hidden behind the trees, away from everyone's prying eyes, worried for her safety, she waited until everyone was off on their own way and she ran towards her dying husband, the two of them dragged the barely alive Troy into a vehicle and drove away, stopping at an abandoned building in Virginia, only stopping every now and then to make sure Troy was still alive.
Once they reached the building, she started to use all of her medical training to save her husband, Tracy helped of course, Troy had taught all the children basic first-aid skills, she was mommy's little nurse, and the two of them managed to keep him alive, although severely wounded and feeling anguished.
After that is out of the way, Lyn signals for Troy's men to join them at the given location and they do, making it one of the most secure locations there is.
One day, while Lyn was attending to Troy's wound, she was signaled to go to the main gate, she did so, and when she did, she found the party of Dwight and Sherry, as well as the people from PADRE, although she was tempted to shoot them at the spot, but they negotiated their way with medicine, food and expertise, things that they lacked currently at The Sanctuary.
A friendship forms almost immediately between Dwight, Sherry and Tracy, which made it easier for Lyn to like them, however, Troy didn't share the same sentiments with his wife and daughter, he tried to get rid of the PADRE people multiple times, only for them to prove their worth, especially once he saw that they didn't kill Russel like they had him believe.
Eventually, MADRE and Troy's band of rascals live together in peace under his leadership, as he had proven himself the leader that no one wants but everyone needed, he ran the place like a tight ship and ensured everyone's survival, while Dwight began to admire the man and eventually a friendship formed between the two even though Troy would never admit it, and Dwight became one of his trustees.
When Dwight was on a run for supplies, he saw a car in the middle of the night with two males in it, when he went to investigate further, he learned that they were Frank and Klaus, Strand was nowhere to be found, he helped them back to the Sanctuary then learned that Strand had shown them his true color and therefore, the duo escaped as far as possible and their car broke down, Troy reluctantly accepted them as refugees as long as they pull their weight around.
Ever since then, the group resided in The Sanctuary, living a mundane life, whatever that meant in an apocalypse, and fought against different, unimaginable challenges to protect their home and peace.
ask the haven - haven mundane - haven story - haven edits - haven memes - haven art - haven hcs - haven characters introduction
Headcanons - Characters Introductions
Started on: 25/4/2024
Last update: 27/4/2024
Creators: @muselesswriter & @all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone
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rocksandrobots · 2 months
PotP Ch 54 - Christmas With The Krampus: Part 3
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"Hey, thanks for helping out on such short notice," Tadashi said.
"Oh no problem, buddy." Fred's voice came over the phone. "Minimax and I were getting bored anyway. Christmas is never as big a deal as Hanukkah at my house. The only thing going on is the neighborhood lights display contest."
"Your Mom's in full-blown socialite mode?" Tadashi asked, already knowing the answer.
"Totally. Monster hunting is way more fun than tea and crumpets."
"There's no monster, Fred," Varian yelled over Tadashi's shoulder into the phone.
"Just let us know if you or Minimax see Vigor," Hiro added, ignoring his brother.
"Ten-four!... or is it four-ten... Either way, MiniMax and Fredzillia are on the job!"
Tadashi hung up the phone as the three of them entered the near-empty shopping mall.
Most of the storefronts were closed, only a handful of people roamed the food court, and a sign on the door said that the shopping center was operating at half-hours for the holiday. So they had only about an hour left to look for clues.
They made their way to the top floor, hoping that perhaps Vigor was just hiding inside, maybe wrecking one of the other window displays for the fun of it, only to have that hope dashed once they reached Canardist's emporium.
The door was ripped off its hinges and the inside of the shop was completely trashed.
"Still think there's no monster?" Hiro asked.
"Anyone could have done this," Varian replied, though with slightly less confidence than before.
Tadashi picked up a scroll off the floor and frowned. He couldn't read it.
"Varian, I think we need to keep more of an open mind here." He cautioned. "I mean, you and Canardist come from a world where fairy tale princesses are real and magical curses are a thing. Why can't this Krampus exist too?"
"Because..." Varian huffed but didn't finish his thought as he picked up an amulet hanging from a shelf. This one with Corona's royal seal on it.
"Because you don't wanna admit that you're wrong." Hiro finished for him.
Varian shot a glare at him, but couldn't deny it.
"What do you know about this Krampus? What do the legends actually say?" Tadashi asked.
Varian shrugged. "Not much. He's supposed to be Saint Nicholas's helper. While St Nick rewards good little kids with toys and sweets, the Krampus collects the souls of bad children and tortures them for their misdeeds."
He shook his head. "It's just a story parents tell their kids to get them to behave. Like with the Sandman who brings nightmares or Zhan Tiri and his shadow soldiers. None of it's real."
Hiro and Tadashi shared a look but didn't press for more details about the other horror stories that Varian had mentioned.
"Look, let's just run with the premise that all stories are based on a kernel of truth," Tadashi argued. "Like with Troy and the Iliad... exaggerated no doubt, but based off a real place and presumably a real war... With that being the case here, what would a real Krampus be like, you think?"
Varian gave the proposal some serious consideration. "Well, I guess... if he was real, he'd be some type of creature... just an animal."
"And what would a large wild animal do with a pet monkey?"
"Eat it," Hiro said, almost immediately. It was the most logical conclusion.
The other two boys grimaced.
The Varian shrugged again. "Well, nasty way to go, but what can you do? Who wants to break the bad news to Canardist?"
Tadashi stopped him from walking away. "Hold on. We can't just let a six-foot animal run around the city eating people's pets, and possibly attacking people themselves."
"How did he even get into this world?" Hiro asked.
"That would be a question for Canardist," Tadashi answered. "In the meantime, we have to hunt down this Krampus and capture it."
"And what do we do with it after we've caught it?" Varian asked. "I can't send it back. The portal isn't working the way I need it to."
"We'll figure that out once we find it... the only question is, how do we find it?"
"I have a bio-reading of the creature," Baymax responded.
"Really? How did you get that?" Hiro asked.
"It is shedding." The robot pointed at the floor and indeed there was hair everywhere.
"Great work Baymax.' Tadashi patted his creation on the shoulder. "Let's go suit up."
"Behold!" Minimax pointed down below into an alley, "There goes our psychic primate pal!"
Fred followed his faithful sidekick's finger and sure enough, spotted the chimpanzee running frantically down the road.
"Hey guys!" came Fred's voice over the intercom. "We found Vigor!"
"He's still alive?' Varian asked skeptically, as he held onto Baymax's arm tighter. The robot was carrying all three of them as they flew through the air, with Hiro and Tadashi riding on top and Varian cradled in his arms; having lost at rock, paper, scissors.
"Not for long," Hiro replied as he studied the scans through his helmet interface. A red dot was racing across the city map. "Whatever it is that tore up the store is heading straight your way Fred... and it's fast."
"Don't worry. We're on it." Fred assured them and was gone.
The superheroes found poor Vigor cowering in the corner of an alley.
"Hey buddy, it's okay." Fred coaxed the frightened animal. "You're safe now."
"Yes, no fiendish foe will do you harm while we're around," Minimax added.
The chimp came out of hiding and cooed in recognition when he realized who the armored men were.
He waddled over and hugged Hiro around his legs. A predicament that Hiro absolutely was not comfortable with.
"Yeah, th-that's right... we're here to take you home." He awkwardly said as he tried to gently pry the monkey off of him.
That's when an ominous shadow fell across them.
Everyone turned as one to see the Krampus snarling at them.
It was a towering nine-foot-tall, from its claws on its hind legs to the tips of the horns on its head. It was covered head to toe in dark fur and its bottom jaw had two protruding tusks. It slobbered drool as it growled like a dog, and Hiro could have sworn that its eyes glowed red.
Vigor howled in fright and quickly scrambled away and up the side of the building before anyone could stop him.
The monster took after him just as quickly.
The boys could feel the wind rush past them as the creature leaped up towards the roof, like how a car whizzing by might blow away the papers in your hand.
"Ok... take note... the Krampus moves very fast," Tadashi said, pointing out the obvious as everyone else stood there stunned.
Hiro shook out of his stupor first.
"Quick Baymax, after them."
He hopped onto the robot's back just as Fred swung himself up onto the roof. Minimax wasn't far behind as they rocketed into the air themselves.
"Do you see where they're heading?" Varian's voice came in over the intercom.
"I've already lost sight of them," Fred replied.
"They've turned down 2nd Market St." Baymax calmly stated.
Hiro followed Baymax's finger and his heart sank as something large and furry ducked into the subway.
"Oh no."
"What's happened?" Tadashi asked.
"They just went into Memento station."
"Don't worry, we'll head them off," Varian answered as he fished the portal magnets from his coat.
Varian and Tadashi exited the portal just in time to see everyone rushing towards the nearest exit, screaming and panicking as they went.
In the middle of the waiting platform, now on all fours and sniffing the ground with its pig-like snout, was the Krampus. It seemed totally disinterested in the frightened crowd as it poked about the various discarded presents and groceries.  
"Soooo...what do we do now?" Tadashi asked as they watched the beast get a pair of candy cane-printed boxers caught on its nose. It took a second to shake the offending underwear off before it went to gnawing on the wrapping paper that it had been packaged in.
"Well.... umm..." Varian's mind raced as he tried to rationalize the impossibility before him. "it's... it's an animal, right?
"R-right?" Tadashi agreed, unsure what Varian was getting at.
"So how would you capture a really large animal?"
"No clue," Tadashi replied, never taking his eyes off the monster as it now decided to eat a forgotten Christmas ham.
"Well how would, like, the rangers catch a bear or a lion?"
"Tranquilizers, but we haven't any-"
Varian snapped his fingers. "Sleeping powder!"
He then started to search his pockets and harness... only to slow down as he realized that Tadashi was right. "I'm out of sleeping powder..."
That's when the Krampus finally took notice of them.
Both boys gulped as the creature let out a snarl.
Varian began to scour his pockets even more frantically. "H-hold him off while I try to make a new batch of sleeping potion."
"What am I supposed to do? Wave a red flag at him like a bullfighter?"
Varian didn't answer as he screwed the top off a chimball full of blue liquid.
You could not see his eyes behind his visor, but it was clear that Tadashi was rolling them as he pressed a button on the side of his helmet and disappeared from view.
This was enough of a surprise to slow the Krampus down, as it stopped stalking towards them.
A moment later a roll of sparkly red wrapping paper, discarded by its owner in their flight from the station, lifted itself off the ground and seemingly hung in the air as if by magic.
"Here boy, toro." Tadashi whistled as he waved the paper in front of the creature.
The Krampus howled and rushed towards the sparkly paper. Tadashi barely had time to move out of the way as it grabbed the cardboard tube and bounded away, ripping the paper to shreds in a frenzy.
"Well, there goes that idea."
"How's it going?" Hiro breathlessly asked as he, Fred, and the two robots finally ran inside.
The Krampus stopped immediately and focused its attention on the newcomers.
Heroes and monster eyed each other for only a moment as Hiro realized his mistake. Then the mass of fur and muscle was bounding towards them at top speed before Tadashi could even shout a warning.
Everyone scattered, only for the Krampus' jaws to clamp around Minimax's foot at the last second.
The robot yelled as the monster shook him back and forth before throwing him into the air. Fortunately, being a robot, he was only momentarily disoriented as opposed to being hurt.
While the heroes were busy checking over their friend, Vigor screeched wildly as the monster took chase after the monkey once more. 
"No!" Hiro screamed, too late, as the Krampus overtook the poor animal. 
The creature let out a victorious howl, and then, to everyone's astonishment, it gave Vigor a playful, sloppy lick of its tongue and bounded away barking. Vigor made a chittering sound, like the money equivalent of a laugh, and happily chased after the monster. 
"Awe, how cuuuuteee!" Fred squeed while everyone else stood there dumbfounded. "They've been playing tag this whole time." 
"It kind of acts like a giant dog," Hiro observed as he tilted his head in thought. 
"Wild dogs can still be dangerous though." Tadashi reminded him. "We need to capture him and take him someplace safe." 
"Got it!" Varian shouted triumphantly as he held up a chimball. Before he could throw the sleeping powder, however, the police barged into the station. 
"Chief Cruz!" Hiro rushed toward the lead officer in relief. "We need to find a humane way of cap-"
"We're already on it." Cruz interrupted, shoving him aside. "You kids need to clear out of the way so animal control can take care of this." 
"Kids?" Hiro quietly questioned, but he was ignored as some of the officers whipped out a tranquilizer gun. 
The Krampus let out an inhuman scream as the dart embedded itself into its leg right above its paw. He started to hiss and growl as it tried fruitlessly to shake the painful splinter off. Vigor gave a worried whimper, unsure how to help his friend.
Unsuccessful in removing the dart, the Krampus then turned his attention towards his attackers, lowering on his haunches as if to pounce like a cat. Fortunately, Baymax was able to grab the creature before it could jump upon anyone. 
As the robot and monster wrestled each other Cruz was already ordering his men to shoot again. 
"Be careful of Bay- Red Panda," Hiro advised. 
"I'm not concerned for your pet robot right now." Cruz snapped."If this next tranquilizer doesn't work then we may have to put the poor creature down." 
Hiro frowned, not only at Cruz's dismissal of Baymax's safety nor even that the officer was considering lethal force, but the Chief of Police was no longer talking to them like they were vigilantes underfoot but speaking down to them like they were children... like they were the same kids he would take out to ice cream once a month. 
However, the worrisome thought that they might have been discovered was banished from Hiro's mind when the Krampus broke free of Baymax's grasp, dogged the second dart, and ran down the railway tunnel. 
"Blast," Cruz muttered. 
"Don't worry. We'll track him down for you." Hiro yelled as he ran towards Baymax, happy to have an excuse to get away. He and the rest of the supers were already half way down the tunnel before Chief Cruz could protest.
Varian was the one to find the creature first. The Karmpus was huddled in an alley whimpering as it licked its wound. He snarled as Varian approached.
"Easy now...." Varian said softly as he inched his way forward. "Easy... I'm not going to hurt ya."
For a moment he thought the Krampus would run away again but it stumbled as soon as it tried to put weight upon its paw, and then promptly laid back down with a huff.
Varian untied the bandanna from around his neck, poured some sort of substance on it from his chimbag, and cautiously sat down next to the monster.
"Here... let's see what we can do about that paw..."
He pulled the tranquilizer dart out and the creature howled, but before the animal could even think of hurting him, Varian had wrapped the wound up with the bandana.
The Krampus seemed confused by such an action and sniffed curiously at the piece of cloth around his paw.
"It's just some chlorhexidine." he explained, though he did not know if the monster could understand him or not. "It should help ease the pain and sterilize the wound."
All the Krampus did in reply was to sigh and lay his head on Varian's lap, pinning him to the spot.
Varian resigned himself to his fate as a pillow and absentmindedly began to stroke the beast's fur.
"I know... San Fansokoyo is new and exciting and so full of amazing things to see, there's friends to make and wonderful inventions to discover... but it's also sometimes scary and unfamiliar.... with its own dangers... different from Corona's, sure, but they're still there... hiding just under the shining surface.... and you'll need those friends to help you avoid them, and they will cause they really, genuinely care about you... but... but.... it's still not home......"
The Krampus gave a sympathetic whine.
"You're probably missing the snowy pine forest that you grew up in... aren't you boy?"
Another little whimper.
"And maybe even... even your old friends and your own family?"
Suddenly Varian wrapped his arms around the hairy beast and gave him a desperate hug.
"I'm sorry..." he whispered, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to get you back. I've tried and I've tried... and no, I don't want to leave everybody, but... but.... but Dad...."
The Krampus nuzzled his arm in comfort.
"Oh, what are we going to do?"
"Cantet nunc io, chorus angelorum;
Cantet nunc aula cælestium,
Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo,
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus
Venite adoremus
The rest of the gang found Varian and the Krampus in the alley and much to their surprise he was singing a Christmas carol while gently petting the ferocious animal's head.
Said creature was contently purring in his lap. Which sounded more like a motorcycle idling than a furry friend expressing contentment.
Vigor cooed with delight and ran to meet them, throwing his arms around his new friend.
"Well, we finally caught him... now what?" Tadashi asked.
Varian only looked up at him at a loss and shrugged.
"We.... we have to try the portal again, I guess," Hiro said hesitantly, rubbing his forehead in thought. "I know it's not ready yet, b-but it's not like we can keep him hidden in the city."
Varian shook his head, and with some effort crawled out from under the huge beast and stood up. "It isn't just that that portal is broken. We don't even know where to send him to. We're talking about the entire world here. We can't just dump in him Corona, or the middle of the ocean, or 17th-century Istanbul... The point is... We need an energy signature to find where he actually lives, and I've no idea where we would get that."
"Well if we can't send him back, what do we do? Turn him over to Cruz and the animal control?" Tadashi asked
"I don't know if they would know what to do with him either," Hiro said.
"Maybe put him in the Zoo?" Fred suggested.
"They wouldn't know how to take care of him. It's not like mythical creatures are their specialty."
"I know!" Minimax shouted. "We can make him our new team mascot!"
"Great idea!" Fred joined in.
"Oh no... nope" Tadashi shook his head. "For starters, we have way too many exotic pets as it is, and secondly we wouldn't know how to take care of him either."
"I think we may have to ask Carnardist." Varian finally admitted. "She knows more than she's telling us."
"Oh, Vigor!"  Carnardist cheered with glee as she smothered her long-lost pet with kisses. "Oh, I was so worried. Thank goodness you are unhurt." 
As the happy pair were reunited, Hiro made sure that the blanket they had thrown over the Krampus remained in place. 
They had called the cafe and asked the older woman to meet them back at her shop, and the supers had to think of a creative way to keep the inter-dimensional monster hidden from the rest of the shoppers; as few as there were today. The best they could come up with on such short notice was a shopping cart with a quilt hastily thrown over it. 
Varian awkwardly coughed to gain the lady's attention. 
"Yes, malchick?" 
Varian ignored the unwanted nickname. 
"You were right about the Krampus." 
Making sure that no one was looking into the shop window he pulled the cover off. 
Carnardist screamed. 
"No. No. It's okay. He won't harm anyone." Varian tried to calm the frightened woman down.
It wasn't until Vigor hopped out of her arms and went to hug the creature did she stop panicking. 
"See? He's a nice daemon." Hiro encouraged. 
"The only problem is we don't know how to send him home," Fred explained. 
"And we know you have a portal." Tadashi chimed in. 
Carnardist eyes grew dark and she slowly straightened to her full height, even though she was several inches shorter than the teenage boys before her.   
"Is that so?" 
"Oh stop pretending." Vairan huffed. "You don't want to share your tech with us, then fine. The least you can do is put this guy back where you got him." 
Carnardist folded her arms. "There are other ways to move between worlds than your portals malchick, and they require far more than just flipping a switch. I can not 'send him back'. I can not send anyone anywhere." 
"Then how did you get here?" Tadashi challenged, ignoring Varian's flabbergasted expression. 
Carnardist seemed to relent at this and walked over to a box full of scrolls that had tipped over. She picked one up. "This is the incantation for opening the door." She made to hand the parchment over to Tadashi, before quickly snatching it away. "But! It will not lead you to where you want to go. The window does not open to another world, but a pathway between the worlds." 
"A pathway between worlds?" Varian echoed slowly. 
"A dark place... an eternity of nothingness that is very difficult to traverse. Only populated by the remnants of dead universes, lost to time eons ago."
"The void," Hiro said softly as realization dawned on him.
"Even if you know where you are going," Carnardist continued. "and know the markers to find, making the journey would require much preparation and immense fortitude. Are you sure you can face such dangers?" 
"No problem," Fred said as she finally handed over the scroll to Tadashi. "We're heroes! After battling supervillains, killer robots, and literal monsters, how hard can a little old trip through negative space be?"
"There are things hiding in the dark that are far worse than monsters." She softly warned. 
This gave everyone pause. Yet Carnardist would not allow them time to consider her words fully.
"Now get that hairy brute out of my shop!" she yelled, shooing them out the door.
"Arrggh, where is that toothbru-- Ahhhhh!" Krei stopped packing and let out a girly high-pitched scream when he came face-to-face with a towering beast with horns. 
"Sorry to bother you Mr. Keri." Varian waved apologetically as he poked his head around from where he was standing behind the Krampus. 
"But we kind of need to ask you a favor," Hiro added as he stuck his head around the opposite side. 
Tadashi followed suit as his head popped up from behind the monster's shoulders. "Do you think you got room at that animal reserve for a very rare and exotic inter-dimensional demon?"
"Baby raccoons!" Honey Lemon squeed when Varian showed off his newest pets.
She giggled and cooed over the tiny creatures as she scooped one up to cuddle. "What are their names?"
"Well there's eight of them, so I thought we could all name one," Varian answered.
"You're seriously not thinking of keeping all of them," Wasabi complained.
"No, Krei is going to keep them on the forest reservation," Tadashi answered.
"But we get to visit them whenever we want." Varian cheered. 
"Them and Mr Krampus," Fred added. 
"Mr. Krampus?" Gogo asked. 
"You had to be there," Hiro answered. 
"I'm going to name mine Ferdinand." Honey Lemon announced. "He just looks like a Ferdie."
Gogo knelt down and gently petted one of the babies that was crawling around. "Jane." was all she said.
"The Pacific Northwest raccoon is also known as Procyon Lotor Pacificus" Baymax stated simply.  
"Ummm... that might be a bit too wordy for a name, Baymax." Varian gently suggested. "Why don't you call him Lotor for short?" 
"'Lotor' it is then." 
"Can I call mine trash panda?" Hiro asked.
Varian made a face. "Come on... at least be original."
"Fine... "He randomly pointed to one of the unnamed critters. "That one is now Garbage Breath."
Varian rolled his eyes in defeat. "Okay, then we'll call her by her initials, GB."
Hiro gave a smug smile in approval, but still wouldn't go near the wild animal.
"I'm calling mine Menace." Wasabi huffed.
"That's a cool name." Fred obliviously agreed as he lifted up another raccoon and nuzzled its nose. "And this one can be The Mega Awesome Raccoon Killer, aka M.A.R.K."
"What about you Tadashi?" Honey Lemon asked. 
Tadashi screwed up his face in thought. "I think I'll call mine... Rei. 
"Did you really just name it that because it starts with an R?" Hiro asked deadpan. 
"Yup," he proudly admitted.
"And I'm naming mine Hypatia!" He picked up the last cub, still ignoring the mother who hissed at him from under the 'den' made of a tarp and cardboard boxes. "Isn't she adorable?" He cooed as he scratched her ear. 
Ruddiger then climbed upon his shoulder and licked his kit on the forehead; pet and owner shared a proud smile.
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madhare0512 · 2 months
Infodump about your crystal rangers!! ✨💚
*with the energy if the "I've waited years for someone to ask me about my theories" tiktok sound* I'm so glad you asked!
Welcome to the first in a (hopefully) long line of asks to come. Introducing the Crystal Force Rangers! In an AU written with @estel-eruantien, @takingback-thepenguin, and @lgbtqregalacademy, these are my additions!
Kenzie Holling-Carver:
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Child of Noah Carver and Jake Holling, pronouns: She/her, age: 24, dating: Cherry Rocca, Abbie Carson, Aspen Grover, Nick Jones
Crystal Force Red Garnet Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Red!"/"Crystal Force Garnet Ranger!")
Kenzie is the Red, a leader who isn't quite sure yet how to lead such a big group (10 Rangers, one of the largest Ranger Groups). She lives with fellow Rangers, Nyx, Casey, and Alexander. She's very much taken and very in love. Her Ranger Crystal gives her the ability of luck, good or bad, and the power to change hers at will. She's asexual and proud of it, unwilling to change and refusing to conform to others.
Kenzie has a strong relationship with both her parents and her aunts (Gia and Emma) and uncles (Troy and Orion), but it's obvious to anyone looking that Noah is her favorite.
Kenzie has aspirations of being a writer, and is currently in college at Pearl City for creative writing.
Kenzie didn't want to be a Ranger. She saw what being a Ranger did to her parents and the Megaforce Team. Kenzie didn't want that for herself. When the crystal chose her, she immediately wanted to give it back - the Power made a mistake, Kenzie isn't the Red they're looking for. Even so, she steps up and fights the fight. She goes to her parents, aunts, and uncles often for advice.
Nyx Moran:
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Child of Gia Moran and Emma Goodall, pronouns: They/them, age: 24, dating: Cherry Rocca, Abbie Carson, Aspen Grover, Nick Jones
Crystal Force Blue Moonstone Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Blue!"/"Crystal Force Moonstone Ranger!")
Nyx is the Blue, calm, cool, and collected. They are Kenzie's second in command and good at their job. Nyx lives with their fellow Rangers: Kenzie, Casey, and Alexander. Nyx is also taken and very in love. Their Ranger Crystal gives them the ability to read minds, a useful tool in the field, and to root out who stole the last of their chocolate cookies. Nyx is demisexual and proud.
Nyx has a good relationship with both their mothers, but Emma will always be closest to Nyx's heart. They share a similar love of kids and teaching. Nyx also gets along with their four uncles (Troy, Noah, Jake, and Orion).
Nyx wants to be a science teacher and is currently studying science and teaching at Pearl City College.
Similar to Kenzie, Nyx didn't want to be a Ranger. Nyx saw what it did to their parents and uncles, and they knew that being a Ranger is not in the cards for them. When the crystal chose Nyx, their immediate reaction was anger. Nyx hated their crystal ability, and hated that they where chosen. Ultimately, it was Casey who convinced them to stay. Nyx doesn't regret their Ranger status now.
Casey Grayson-Mitchell:
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Child of Carter Grayson and Ryan Mitchell, pronouns: she/her, age: 22, dating: Kelly Hemingway
Crystal Force Orange Carnelian Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Orange!"/"Crystal Force Carnelian Ranger!")
Casey is the Orange Ranger, fun-loving and positive. She keeps the teams spirits up when possible. She lives with her fellow Rangers, Kenzie, Nyx, and Alexander. Casey is taken and very much in love. Her Ranger Crystal gives her the ability of invincibility, which means that Casey can be used as a sort of shield and cannot be hit by projectiles or lazers. However, it only lasts 30 to 60 seconds, so she has to be quick when she used it. Casey is heterosexual and has no shame about it, though being on a team full of LGBTQIA+ Rangers was a bit of an adjustment.
Casey's relationship with her dads is close knit. She fosters a positive attitude with them, just as her teammates. She's closest to her Dad, Carter, but she also didn't slack in her relationship with Ryan either.
Casey intents to be a firefighter like Carter, and she's going through the fire academy in Pearl City with her boyfriend.
Unlike her friends, Casey was the first to accept being a Ranger. Like Carter, Casey knows that saving lives is what she's called to do. When the crystal chose her, she didn't hesitate, she dove in head first. Her view on it is, if you can't avoid the fire, bring help for those trapped inside. Casey is responsible for Nyx staying with the team.
Alexander Collins:
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Child of Trip Regis, Eric Myers, Wes Collins, pronouns: he/they, age: 26, dating: Benji Rocca
Crystal Force Gold Pyrite Ranger (Roll Call: "Crystal Force Gold!"/"Crystal Force Pyrite Ranger!")
Alexander is the Gold Ranger, and while he doesn't make many puns, he does have a good sense of humor. He's a Sixth Ranger, so he's got the power boost that allows him to take on stronger generals by himself. He lives with his fellow Rangers Kenzie, Nyx, and Casey. He's taken, and he adores his boyfriend. Due to Xybrian biology, Alexander has the telltale gem on his forehead and shares his father's mental abilities. His Ranger-given ability is "influence," which allows him to influence the decisions made around him or the emotions others feel, similar to Piper McLean of the Heroes of Olympus series. Alexander is gay and proud, unapologetic about his preferences.
Alexander has a good relationship with all three of his fathers, as well as a good relationship with his aunts, Katie and Jen, and Uncle Lucas. Alexander fully admits to being closer to Eric than his other fathers, though he loves all three the same.
Alexander intends to run the company one day when Wes steps down. He's in school for business in Pearl City.
Alexander, knowing what his parents went through as Rangers and what happened between Eric and Trip before they got together, never wanted to be a Ranger. When the Crystal chose him, he refused for days. It's not until he spoke with Trip, who'd also been hesitant at first, that Alexander accepted the responsibility and came into his full Ranger status.
The Crystal Force au Characters are open for asks and NSFW asks over on @the-mad-closet, but I will not do NSFW asks for Kenzie. Please don't ask.
Thanks Estel!
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ftwdb · 7 months
Ftwd season 8 theory post episode 10
The link between Madison and Tracy’s mothers death is Alicia. I’m guessing Alicia came across Troy and his new group/family and attempted to ‘help’ with her “no one’s gone until they’re gone” mantra - believing Troy capable of change.
Tracy’s mother befriended or believed in Alicia, leading to Alicia bonding with Tracy and giving her the necklace from Strand.
I also have a feeling Troy himself had a hand in Tracy’s mother’s death, whether this came from confrontation with Alicia and a change of ideals between them 🤷🏻‍♀️ perhaps an argument gone wrong like with his brother??
There’s been a lot of emphasis on Troy giving Tracy a twisted version of past events, obviously to make him look like the victim/good guy. If he was responsible for killing her mother of course he would lie, blaming Alicia would be the icing on the cake as it would turn Tracy against her too.
But is Alicia really dead? I don’t think so. Captured by Troy? Possibly. If he knows Alicia seems to have a reputation as something of a living legend then putting it out there that he killed her would mean the message spread… if he somehow knew Madison were still alive perhaps he did this in the hope that Madison would hunt him down for revenge?
In the trailer for episode 11 we see Madison confront Troy about killing her daughter before swinging at him with her sledgehammer. I’m guessing at this point he’ll admit that Alicia isn’t dead…
Also, the frozen herd were interesting. I can’t help but think the trailer we received when Troy’s return was first teased holds some clues. The map he had, the objects he collected, perhaps he got this information from Alicia? He also didn’t seem surprised about Nick’s death…
Just some thoughts at 1.30am in the morning, so don’t blame me if they don’t make sense!
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noemitenshi · 11 months
What I'd love to see in S8B
It seems the version I favored first regarding Troy's return, namely Troy being just a manifestation of Madison's guilt is not gonna play out, at all. Which I'm kinda sad about but it was never a very likely outcome [not saying that what I'm talking about here is any more likely haha].
Now, I heard some rumors, about how Troy coming back may play out (I feel like there's no question anymore whether Troy is returning) and the one that wouldn't let me go is [under the cut because of potential spoilers. maybe. who knows]
him having a daughter. Now, no idea how likely that is. But assuming that is happening - and I have to admit I had very mixed feelings when I first heard that which maybe has to do with the fact that I'm one of the few people who mostly don't like storylines with kids (like, I was no fan of squirrel at all in Cursed 🙈). I also worried whether they would change Troy's character because of the daughter and he becomes unrecognizable (also because we are missing how he went from end of s3, where he was still learning who he was to ... well whoever he is in s8. Missed opportunity).
Ok putting all that aside, if he has a daughter, how fun would it be though if he teamed up with Madison to save his daughter and possibly starting their manipulative game again, probably with him now holding things over her head (things is her having intended to kill him, I'm sure he can play perfectly into her guilt there) - a reflection of s3 but now it's him trying to save his kid, doing everything for her. ["You love him more than your own life?" he'd asked Madison in s3ep1 with this note of surprise in his tone. He totally gets it now and very likely will use this, the fact that he's a parent now, to get her to cooperate too. Pulling out alll the stops.] A distorted reflection.
I think they'll manage to get the daughter (introducing her just to kill her off seems wasteful to me but who knows) and then I would absolutely love it if Troy ends up mirroring Madison's actions to the end - killing her in order to keep his kid safe. And Madison seeing that intent, accepting her fate just seconds before (my personal headcanon *is* that Madison harbors a lot of guilt for how she did things so it's even kind of cathartic maybe for her, to die so she can't hurt any more kids (but I also have to admit I haven't really watched Madison's arc beyond s3 so I may be off here)).
OR, alternatively they manage to get his daughter back, and do part ways now in a mutual understanding and forgiveness (something Troy had tried to get/give in s3 but Madison hadn't been ready for that), some of Madison's guilt will even be lifted, she'll feel some sense of accomplishment/peace. And then it's revealed (don't ask me how haha I'd have to think on that) that Troy isn't actually the father of his supposed daughter but a kid he stole from her parents
[maybe her parents nursed him back to health, maybe there were some cute bonding scenes between Troy and her, maybe her parents were acting strict or something towards her and Troy, with his own childhood trauma saw it as them mistreating her, maybe he overreacted then as he decided 'not again, I won't let this happen again' and took her, maybe she cried the first few weeks while he told her her parents died in a zombie attack, maybe they are in a good place now - though it would also be fun if it's not all good],
and in fact, Madison should have killed him this time (or at least not have allowed him to leave). I do like tragedy of it, how she had killed him in s3 to save Nick (which wasn't necessary at all) and now that she let him go she feels again like she made the wrong choice, damned this kid.
Anyway guess I'm slightly looking forward to s8b after all 😂
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residentscoundrel · 11 months
I held off watching Nimona for a while so I could see it with some friends that had I been tracking its production with. I love it. My soul is happy. It was a departure from the book, but in the best way possible. I first read it when I was much younger and much more scared of the world, and it felt like catharsis. Maybe this sounds dramatic, but at the climax I really felt like just screaming with Nimona. Screaming for little me, and for all the other LGBTQ+ kids that grew up with these feelings of loneliness and hurt. I feel seen, which isn’t something I say about movies often.
Thank you ND Stevenson, thank you Riz Ahmed and Chloë Grace Moretz, thank you Nick Bruno and Troy Quane, and thank you to all the animators and artists who had to miss many dinners to make this happen.
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obsxssedwithstuff · 6 months
Phoebe Green's "Maniac" is THE Trick song because the lyrics are them hear me out
You play girls like a man, (Nick)
but your eyes are like a child (either of them, but especially Nick's eyes are sad and puppy all the time)
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(Especially in this scene)
Your face is cool and calm, but your hair is wrecked and wild (very obviously nick)
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You hide behind your metaphors and pray that no one sees the fare behind your poker face: (consider Troy's "you stayed at the ranch because you love me" and children of violence speech)
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Your dark and twisted needs (Nick's drug addiction, Troy's mommy issues, his experiments)
The girls all think you love them, but they make you feel sick (possibly Troy's not being straight and toxic Madison thing)
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You smile and whisper in their ear but drop them just as quick (far fetched but Nick staying when Luciana left)
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The bottles 'round the back all contain the hearts of lovers (Troy killing Mike, I don't believe they had anything besides friendship but still)
Lipstick stains on the pillow and lies under the covers (I literally don't believe in Nick and Luci)
Let me in, wear me out
Let me in, wear me out
Let me in, wear me out
Let me in, wear me out
(the push and pull Nick and Troy have going on, constantly pointing guns @ eachother)
Your fragile heart and your paper skin (Troy ft. trauma, basement, spoon, and hammer)
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Such a beautiful boy filled with so much sin (LITERALLY TROY. and also Nick, but especially Troy, self-explanatory)
Your reflection is your very worst enemy ("you and me are more alike than you think," -Troy @ Nick
"you share the same self-destruction," -Alicia @ Nick
"maybe I'm as sick as he is." "He's a murderer." "Just don't forget what he is" - Nick @ Alicia/Madison)
Behind the glass is an angel, but the devil's beneath (the scene where Troy warns Nick of the horde (with the broken window) and overall the lines of who the 'bad guy' is being blurred(who is behind and who beneath the glass = angel/devil)
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You smile at the moon even though it's haunting you (Nick's insomnia/sleeplessness)
You wonder if it ever feels as lonely as you do (literally Troy.)
Your nose is always bleeding but it's fine 'cause it looks pretty (Nick constantly being covered in blood)
It doesn't scare you like it did before the angel city (Los Angeles being Nick's starting point and all (self-explanatory))
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(Goofy ahh pic I know)
You maniac, you tortured artist, do you crave attention? (Troy, self-explanatory)
Your shaking hands a consequence of how much you don't mention (both of them prob. Being reluctant to talk about the past, still being affected a lot by it, though(sort of headcanon/sort of canon))
Your mind was made of magic, now its ugly and diseased (Alicia talks about how she used to look up to Nick (this land is your land) and then the drug use. Also, Nick being like his dad and suicidal. Troy being twisted like he is)
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Hell is in your head, and your head's between your knees (most definitely both of them, again a headcanon but self-explanatory)
Let me in, wear me out
Let me in, wear me out
Your fragile heart and your paper skin
Such a beautiful boy filled with so much sin
Your reflection is your very worst enemy
Behind the glass is an angel, but the devil's beneath
(See the first time these appear)
You're so lonely, choked on money (not sure about this one as money doesn't play any role here)
Do you ever feel like you completely? ("You'll never feel freer or more yourself than when it's five in the morning and the sun's about to rise and you're out of your mind")
You're so quiet, eyes look tired (Nick fr)
You look like you're barely alive (them 24/7)
You're unreal, I can feel every single bone by your spine (had they gotten together properly :\ )
You're so pretty when you're spitting in the sink, but you can't think straight (Troy after getting beat up, probably)
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little-cereal-draws · 7 months
Troy Quane and Nick Bruno on queer representation and mental health in Nimona
I attended a Q and A with Troy Quane and Nick Bruno, the directors of Nimona, four days ago. I tried to transcribe as much as I could but most of this is paraphrased
Obviously Nimona is filled with messages about queerness and mental health but the movie wasn't always explicitly about that. When they first came onto the project, they looked at the comic and said "Ok, it's a story about acceptance. That's easy." But they quickly found themselves getting stumped. They tried a few different plot lines, but none were really landing the way they wanted them to. So, they went back to the comic and asked themselves, "What about this resonated with audiences?" The main thing they found was the queer themes and they decided to lean into it.
The problem was that they had no idea how to do that so they started talking with people. They opened up the conversation to everyone on the production team, not just the story department, as well as lgbt support groups, their families, and even building facility workers. Once the conversation got started, Nick Bruno said it was amazing; "There were people I had worked with for sixteen years suddenly coming out because they felt comfortable doing so." As more people voiced their experiences Quane and Bruno realized that this story was going to be incredibly important to a lot of people.
That's part of the reason why they pushed hard for this movie to be made. They said that they finished a bunch of demo reels at Blue Sky and were going to show them to the team on Thursday. Disney shut down Blue Sky that Tuesday. They showed the reels anyway over zoom and said it was a very tearful meeting. A lot of the people whose voices and experiences had gone into it had to find jobs on new projects. They said they were calling as many industry friends as possible and pitching the reels to everyone they could because they felt it was too important a story to abandon. They knew how many personal experiences and feelings were already engrained in the story and how detrimental it would be, both to the story and their coworkers, if they let it die. They didn't want to lose the voices of "the people they loved" just because Disney said so.
They elaborated on this saying that the reason why Disney wanted to change it so much was that they felt it "was too specific a story to appeal to a wide audience." Troy Quane said that he actually found it was the opposite. The more they focused in on being othered because of queerness, the more they were able to explore being othered because of race, class, neurodivergence, disability, and a million other things. Because they got so specific, they were able to relate the story to everyone.
Troy Quane also said that he wasn't expecting the reaction they got to the movie. He shared a story about a screening they did in Toronto. He said, "Afterwards we were all kinda hanging out in the lobby and I saw a man hanging around in the back. He looked like he wanted to say something but was kind of nervous about it, so I waved him over. He said, 'Thank you for making this movie. The entire third act with Nimona...' And then he just broke down in my arms. I stood there for about five minutes hugging this stranger. It was astounding. ...I still haven't processed it." To lighten the mood, Nick Bruno joked, "I haven't had anyone hug me!" Quane responded with "I was just hugging you backstage!"
part one part two
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brckentales · 1 year
hey there! this is a new multimuse rp blog, that features characters from dc & marvel (with more to come later!) . crossover friendly & headcanon based. i'll have a detailed muse list soon, but feel free to pm me or interact to set up RPs in the meantime! the writer is 18+, and i ask anyone who follows to be an adult as well, as this blog will feature mature themes, including heavy adult content, so please bare that in mind. i'm also completely open to writing on discord, if that's your preference!
also, this pinned post and everything else is mostly temporary. i'll be working on making everything look nicer as i go along!
under the cute, i’ll include a few things, including my muse list, some muses / characters i’m looking for to write opposite with, and a few other details for rp!
my messages are always open, feel free to dm!
i'm open to most kinda plots and pairings, open to any themes and ideas, we can discuss whatever tbh. i don't have any real limits here.
there’s a more detailed muse list below, but honestly? i can play most any male character tbh, whatever fits the plot or pairing we go for! i can do canons, crossovers, or ocs —— it's all a yes from me! feel free to suggest someone who might not be on the list.
again, i’m pretty flexible and can write some characters outside of this, whether canon or oc, so feel free to suggest anything, this is more just for inspiration, tbh.
Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, Robin, Signal, Batman Beyond, Green Lantern / Kyle, The Flash / Barry, The Flash / Wally, Impulse, Green Arrow / Oliver Queen, Green Arrow / Connor Hawke, Arsenal, Aquaman, Aqualad / Kaldurah'm, Superboy / Conner, Superman / Jon, Cyborg, Booster Gold, Hawk, Hawkman, Deathstroke, Deadshot, Black Adam, Vandal Savage, Scarecrow, Flashpoint Batman / Thomas Wayne, Bane, Reverse-Flash, Black Manta, Ocean Master, Lobo, Swamp Thing, Jimmy Olsen, Joker
Daredevil, Punisher, Hawkeye, Spider-Man / Peter Parker, Spider-Man / Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099 / Miguel O'Hara, Spider-Man Noir, Cyclops, Wolverine, Magneto, Archangel, Green Goblin / Norman, Green Goblin / Harry, Doctor Doom, Human Torch, Deadpool, Bullseye, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Winter Soldier, Nick Fury, Havok, Kingpin
Ben Tennyson, Kevin Levin, Zuko, Mako
now here's the main gist of of what i'm looking for! if you can play any of the following characters, i would absolutely love it!
Cheshire / Jade Nguyen, Artemis Crock (from Young Justice), Yara Flor, Lois Lane, Donna Troy, Wonder Woman, Talia al Ghul, Black Canary / Dinah Lance, Zatanna, Ravager / Rose Wilson, Huntress / Helena Bertinelli, Jessica Cruz / Green Lantern, Poison Ivy, Star Sapphire / Carol Ferris, Punchline, Supergirl, Spoiler, Lian Harper, Catwoman, Batgirl, Dawn Granger (Titans TV), Starfire, Lilith Clay, Hawkgirl, Lady Shiva, Mera, some Arrowverse girls (Iris West, Sara Lance, Thea Queen, Laurel Lance)
Elektra Natchios, Psylocke, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Rogue, Kate Bishop, Lorna Dane, Susan Storm, Sersi, Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy / Spider-Gwen, Wanda, Laura Kinney, Black Widow, Wanda Maximoff, Danvers (MCU), Mary Jane Watson, Hope van Dyne (MCU)
Ashe or Kiriko
Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Jessie Rasberry
Abigail Roberts, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill
Leia or Rey
Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Melisandre
Azula, Suki
Teddy Duncan (Good Luck, Charlie), Alex Russo (Wizards), Carly Shay (iCarly), Tori / Trina / Jade (Victorious), Sharpay Evans / Gabriella Montez (High School Musical)
Heather, Gwen, Courtney
Starlight / Annie January (The Boys), Gwen Tennyson (Ben 10 Alien Force or older), Daphne Blake, Kim Possible, Colette (Ratatouille), Cinderella (Disney), Betty Cooper (Riverdale), Ellie Williams (TLOU2), Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher show)
Margot Robbie, Megan Fox, Gemma Chan, Madison Beer, Anne Hathaway, Anya Chalotra, Victoria Pedretti, Jessica Chastain, Emeraude Taubia, Jenna Dewan, Candice Patton, Sydney Sweeney, Alice Eve, Caity Lotz, Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Olivia Wilde, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Taylor Swift, Dua Lipa, Conor Leslie, Minka Kelly, Alejandra Guilmant, Kennedy Walsh, Olivia Rodrigo, Hailey Bieber, Doja Cat, Hailee Steinfeld, Dakota Johnson, Corinna Kopf, Florence Pugh, Lili Reinhart, Ariana Grande, Scarlet Johansson, Bridget Mendler, Madelyn Cline, Sabrina Carpenter, Anya Taylor-Joy
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mylifeincinema · 3 months
My Week(s) in Reviews: March 9, 2024
My brain is already on the Oscars, so these may be even quicker than usual...
Dune: Part Two (Denis Villeneuve, 2024)
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I too would immediately forget Zendaya exists the second Florence Pugh walked in the room. Aside from some issues with the pacing that are probably rather nit-picky (some scenes felt rushed while others seemed to draaaaaag), this was a technical beast. Once again, the casting is just stellar, and the cinematography and VFX are straight-up stunning. Crazy cult-leader-villain Rebecca Ferguson is always the best Rebecca Ferguson. (I'd follow Rose the Hat to the depths of hell.) This is a much more action-heavy piece compared to the first, and it's significantly better for it. The chosen-one stuff is interesting, but not as interesting as the struggle for control over Arrakis. Really, the only things I really didn't love were those pacing issues and the fact that Florence Pugh & Christopher Walken didn't have more screen-time. Yeah, not much else to say, specifically. - 9/10
Nimona (Nick Bruno & Troy Quane, 2023)
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Had a bunch of fun with it, but the changes made from the graphic novel really weren't for the better, and the movie Nimona is significantly more annoying. - 7/10
Hypnotic (Robert Rodriguez, 2023)
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Awful. Terrible. Truly embarrassing on every single level. What's even worse, is that the entire cast seems to know this, and watching them try to make sense of their garbage decisions and dialogue is so, so painful. - 1/10
Wonka (Paul King, 2023)
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I had a few minor issues with some of the songs and several decisions Chalamet made, but overall this was pretty damn delightful. In general, the cast is having a blast in the most entertaining and interesting way possible, and King knows how to deliver a visually exciting family film. I really wish we didn't lose him for Paddington 3. - 8/10
I also revisited some other Villeneuve films. Dune: Part One in prep for the second one... which I enjoyed significantly more this time around. Then the night after seeing Part Two, I did a double feature of Sicario and Blade Runner 2049. Sicario is every bit as good as it was the several previous times I'd seen it. It's truly a masterful piece of cinema. Blade Runny 2049 wasn't quite as good. It's still pretty damn amazing, but there were some pacing issues that were significantly more apparent this time around. I also revisited David Fincher's Se7en as a palate cleanser after Hypnotic. So damn good, every single time. Then I followed Wonka with the masterpiece that is Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. Thankfully, this decision didn't make me enjoy Wonka less like I'd worried it might.
Also, I'll be posting my Official Academy Award Predictions either sometime later tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Stay Tuned!
-Timothy Patrick Boyer.
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sickoherd · 2 years
ALICIA CLARK — back then.
fluff/angst !!
summary: reader and alicia reminisce on the past.
no pronouns for reader mentioned.
era: pre-ginny era ig? various.
author note: i havent watched the early seasons of fear in ages, so pls excuse any mistakes.
requested by @kloy344
warnings !! alicia clark. thats it.
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she was your wife.
you couldn’t believe it. your wife.
looking at her now, her skin glowing, bathing in the early morning sunlight. her soft snores, her messy brown hair, her full lips, just her.
the woman you were completely enamoured by.
back then, you hadn’t thought she was much at all, never wouldve thought you’d be here now.
back then, she was an enemy, and now you were in the enemy’s bed. except now, the enemy was your wife; ‘previous enemy’
you met in mexico, when strand had come to reunite with his love, your uncle.
she had ignored you as much as possible, and you were suspicious of her. nick was sweet, but you were intrigued by his sister.
you thought, ‘maybe she’s just shy.’ but oh, how wrong you were. alicia absolutely hated your guts, and in return, you hated hers.
you never understood why, and little did you know it’d take another two years to find out.
when the villa burnt down, strand brought you along with him. you were grateful of course, but not for the close proximity with alicia. madison constantly tried to get you two to get along, but to no avail.
her daughter was just too stubborn.
and to be fair, so were you.
from clearing the hotel out together, to saving her from falling down an elevator shoot, she didn’t say one nice thing to you.
just things like ;
“i had it!”
“i didn’t need your help.”
the first time she didn’t physically recoil from your presence, was after she heard her step brother, chris manawa, died. she may not have acted like she cared much, but you knew, she did so much more than she let on.
you found her standing on a balcony in the hotel, overlooking the ocean. you stood next to her, just letting her be aware that she wasn’t alone.
she even looked at you when you placed your hand over hers.
that was the night before everything went wrong.
the relief you felt as you saw alicia hobbling along the dusty path, with luciana on her shoulder, was unmatched. you had been scared to death that she might not’ve made it in the helicopter, but she did, somehow.
the missing presence of travis was noticed shortly after.
troy otto was certainly something else. he was attached to your hip, fascinated by you.
you weren’t interested in him, but alicia didn’t know that.
you wish she did.
the holes being burnt into troy’s back out of alicia’s jealousy was quickly noticed by the younger otto brother, and soon a game started.
alicia would try to make you jealous with jake, as much as she thought you were doing the same with troy.
the two boys were happy to be used.
it never resolved anything between you and alicia.
just lots more hidden feelings, buried deep down.
finding the stadium though, finally led to an improvement in your relationship. alicia started shamelessly glancing at you, not caring if you caught her.
it all built up.
nick knew what was going on, nick told luciana. madison guessed too, and told strand. the next thing you knew, you were on watch together.
to alicia, the silence was unbearable, all she wanted to do was make up for lost time, she wanted to know everything about you, every little detail.
“i’m sorry”
“what for?”
“everything, i never hated you, you didn’t deserve that”
“well, i only hated you because i thought you hated me.”
that made the two of you laugh, the night swallowing it up.
from that night onwards, the nightwatch happened even more. especially after alicia begged her mother for more shifts with you.
with that, your relationship improved. and with that, your crush grew.
the night before the vultures came, was the night she kissed you.
the sun was setting, and she was getting impatient. alicia wanted all of you, she wanted you to know how much she wanted you.
kisses grew to more touching, and eventually you ended up in bed with her.
the following week, everything came crashing down. madison was gone, and alicia and nick, in their grief had been mostly inconsolable.
until you met morgan and his group, alicia didnt speak a word to you, and not much else to the others.
then nick was killed, by charlie. someone you had trusted, someone who nick had trusted.
you held alicia as she sobbed over her brothers body.
when you reunited with her after the storm, you were surprised to see charlie too. it was clear alicia would protect her, and it made you happy that she was feeling better.
you stayed with her, through her grief and her journey back to find herself, loving her more and more each day.
she loved you too, so much.
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marvelousgeeks · 5 months
Netflix’s Nimona is a remarkable delight from beginning to end, with astounding animation and exceptional performances from the entire cast. Starring Chloë Grace Moretz, Riz Ahmed, Eugene Lee Yang, Frances Conroy, Lorraine Toussaint, RuPaul, and more, the animated film is imperfect but sparkling with much to adore for both children and adults. 
Directed by Nick Bruno and Troy Quane with a screenplay from Robert L. Baird and Lloyd Taylor, Nimona is based on ND Stevenson’s graphic novel of the same name. Now, as someone who’s late to the game, I can’t say how much the film stays faithful to the graphic novel, but the story is oddly satisfying while leaving desirable beats for a possible sequel and more. Additionally, while I’d prefer a happier, more tidier ending, it’s hard not to have hope after the film concludes with romance sparkling in a science fiction genre where it’s still pretty rare.
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