#nf does writing
away-ward · 10 months
I've heard that PD apparently said that Will dosen't like to share which kind of explains his possessiveness to Emory in BC in regards to Aydin, no matter how mad he was at her that was still his girl, which is rather funny since they haven't seen each other in nearly a decade. I kind of makes me wonder how he would have reacted if Emory had boyfriend or something. lol
I heard that too. My initial reaction was skepticism considering all the sharing he's done, but I guess that could be because none of them were Emmy. And that's fine. That would be consistent with the Will we see in the past scenes.
I've been asked about Emmy potentially having a boyfriend in SF and how Will would react. Specifically, a person requested a fic with a jealous Will and I tried my best. Seriously, I did. Make No Apologies was the result. And I understand how my interpretation of that wouldn't align with other reader's. But I was struggling with how to make Will jealous enough to intervene. To me, he hid his jealousy pretty well. We got it, because we were in his pov. Still, I didn't that Will was ever obviously jealous. I admit that this might be my limited view of his character. As much as I try, I will never understand all of him, which is why it's great that we can get so many different opinions and perspectives. Maybe some day, someone who has more skill that me and a different way of looking at Will can write the perfect "Will jealous Emory has a boyfriend (or even an Alex type friend)" AU. That would be great. As for me, I just don't have the skill for it right now.
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napsaps-archive · 2 years
can somebody take me back to the snf meetup era it was such a simpler time
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
YOUR WRITING IS SO GOOD ABD TASTY, possibly a trans male reader who hasn’t gotten surgery yet? DONT KNOW IF THATS AGAINST BOUNDRUES
Smut pls😊
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*sniff sniff* thnank yuou
Zombie Horde with a FtM reader Who Hasn't Gotten Top Surgery Yet
CW: Smut, a bit of fluff, FtM reader w/o top surgery, chest touching???
💀 To be honest, they wouldn't care
💀 You'd normally use bandages or old binders because transitional surgery wasn't an option when you were busy making sure your bunker was safe, your food stock was full and so on. Sure you wished you'd gotten one sooner before the virus but there are more important things...
💀 You were in your hidey hole without anything binding your when Soda came in looking for you.
💀 He went to cuddle next to you when he felt something soft and squishy, he tilted his head and poked at your chest which made you yelp.
💀 His little mate has squishy parts in the chest? he doesn't remember that, he's confused as he's never noticed you with any squishy bits in that area, in fact, you always had some kind of armor or something for some reason, were they organs spilling out? Now he can't have that! Humans need those he thinks!
💀 He chitters worryingly, trying to pull up your shirt to help you push back in your organs, but you kept pushing him away.
💀 He eventually gestured to parts of his body that showed his rotten body making a pushing in movement, you let out a long ooohhhhh and assure him it's not that.
💀 You explain to him (to a degree) and he explains it to the others.
💀 Bo thinks he remembers seeing bandages on others because they're hurt so the first time you show him, he's all over you comforting you so his little mate won't be sad that they got hurt. He is very much blaming himself, but Soda quickly explains you're not hurt at all.
💀 They start looking for bandages, binders, sports bras, compression wear, anything that looks like what you usually wear.
💀 Screw has a bunch of things he's hoarded so he goes through his pile looking for clothes and the sort that he think's you'd like.
💀 Ribs has the guilty pleasure of burying his face in your chest. You're just so warm and soft and squishy!!!
💀 If you ever feel gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia, they'll sense you feeling a bit under the weather and love on you so much you'll forget all about it. Don't be sad, you're perfect!
💀 If you ever do get top surgery, maybe from travelling to a large community of survivors or other, they wouldn't change their feelings towards you.
💀 They's be curious about your scars though, Bo would be furious thinking they hurt you or ate your squishy bits or something.
💀 Screw is feeling your chest now feeling the new flat texture of your chest.
💀 Ribs does the same because they're best friends a- OH MY GOD YOU HAVE RIBS TOO?!?!?
💀 Soda is all over you seeing if you're ok. Did they feed you enough? Does it hurt? Do you need us to give you some love? Did you miss us?
💀 Can Ribs have all your old bandages and binders?
💀 If you have boundaries regarding your chest area, they will steer away from it, anyway, you have the rest of your lovely body for them to devour.
💀 If you don't, they'd be massaging your chest, cooing oh so softly reminding you that you're theirs whether you have surgery or not.
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leewritestoomuch · 3 months
could u write killua and slash or sasuke w a super silly girly s/o… not very strong physically but shes creative and strategic sou shes fine.. also audhd . !! kind of stereotypically girly.. / nf sorry i have the biggest crush on smart mysterious boys i need JUSTICE.
Killua and Sasuke with a Super Girly S/O
Usually I don’t write for Killua tbh, but it depends on the request. Some Killua fans put a really bad taste in my mouth, BUTTTT I like this request so I’ll gladly write it!
I have AuDHD myself soooo hiii!!i :)
Obviously Multi-fandom. HxH and Naruto
Killua Zoldyck
He does not see the point.
At least not until he realizes his sister is pretty damn girly so… maybe it’s just enjoyable and he doesn’t get it?
Going off the idea reader has AuDHD, if your special interests are girly, I think he’d leave you gifts pertaining to that, but not by hand. Killua would leave gifts lying around for you like a cat brings a mouse to a doorstep. No words, just a gift that’s obviously from him.
He’ll deny he got it for you, but if you pretend like it’s from somebody else he’ll get offended and ask where the hell you got that from. You can’t win.
Alluka helps him pick out gifts for you.
Killua loves gift giving tbh.
Not only are you beautiful in his eyes, but he also can see that you are an amazing strategist and come in handy on missions and jobs. Even if you’re not quite as strong as the others in your group.
The group being that you, him, Gon, and Alluka travel around together in a group now.
Sasuke Uchiha
Rumors about who he likes had been flying around for a while.
And honestly, at first he thought you only dressed and acted so girly because you heard those rumors about how he liked girls who looked a certain way. Since apparently, that’s what people say? He doesn’t remember telling anybody anything about his preferences, but oh well.
But, once he realizes you really weren’t googling at him constantly or begging him for an ounce of attention, he was a bit more intrigued.
Not necessarily immediately, but when you two are around each other for a mission or something, and he gets to know you, you begin to catch his eye.
And even if he does strike your fancy, you weren’t too obvious about it.
At first, he wrote you off for being weak, but your strategic thinking really came in handy on a couple missions you accompanied him (and maybe Naruto and/or Sakura) on.
Unlike Killua, Sasuke is more the type to do things for you than buy things for you.
If somebody got to you and hurt you during a mission, like that scene with Sakura where he asks “who did this to you?” Yeah imagine that. Where he defends her by breaking a guys back or whatever.
Yeah you’d have to stop him if somebody hurt you.
Because like they say, ain’t no love like Uchiha love.
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popcat69 · 7 months
Hello! I love reading your headcanons and if it wouldn’t be too much trouble could you do a Donnie x a reader who likes science and inventing as well? That maybe like to hang out and work together and other things in his lab /nf No pressure ofc, but if you do tysm!!
A/N: not sure if you wanted me to write this as platonic or romantic so their friends BUT have feelings for eachother just don't know how to tell one another. Im amazing i know 
Warnings: none
You are a very special ‘friend’
Donnie loves having you over when he's working on something in the lab
You have your own chair which had been designed for you!
I want one..
Movie nights!
You guys have so much fun watching bad science films and just making fun of how unrealistic they are
“What do they mean ‘the dinosaurs depend on lysine supplements from the staff so they couldn’t survive outside the park’, lysine is present in every food! SCOFF!”
^you guys where watch jurassic park btw
Also! D loves to do projects together when he has time
“y/n, can you pass the screw driver?”
“Which one?”
“The screwdriver…”
“you just don't understand class!”
So much fun honesty
Both you guys never sleep.
Everyones concerned
“Guys.. its way past midnight go to sleep”
You love sending science memes to him
But he finds them annoying sometimes
So you just reply 
“You just don't understand class”
*Donnie than preceding to send you a whole ass paragraph*
Always helps you when having to revise for a exam
But he’ll just interrupt you mid talking to ask you
“How do levers create energy if the conservation of energy does not allow energy to be created?”
“Im not studying for a physics test!”
I would think your the one that got donnie into playing music as he works 
Before he would just find it as a distraction and now he can't focus without it
You got him noise cancelling headphones one time
He probs fell in love right there and then
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kisses4lao · 7 months
discreetly glances around like this is a back alley deal ... can u write a pussy drunk johnny cage for like his favorite reporter (reader) that plays hard to get from rejecting dates 'n invitations here 'n there to mess with him... u can start it however u want !! but i would like the scene from iron man where the reporter/christine asks tony "you ever lose an hour of sleep your whole life?" and he replies with "i'd be prepared to lose a few with you." if u can put that in... /nf (ur welcome to say no to this + take ur time miss ^^'' have a lovely day now sweats 'n scurries away)
What good is all the fame if you ain't fuckin' the models?
I see you drivin' SPORTS CARS, ain't hittin' the throttle
And I'll be down to do a hundred, top down and goggles
Tw/cw: AFAB reader, no use of y/n just Johnny calling reader princess, overstimulation, dacryfilia if you squint, breeding kink, reader being a little shit, dirty talk but not really, praise, cunnilingus, pussy drunk Johnny
Not proofread don't act surprised you knew it was coming
It had taken a while for you to finally accept the fact that Johnny, the man you were documenting constantly, had a crush on you. His consistent naggings of dates and expensive gifts all for you were more than enough to get your heart racing, it just never felt right to go out with him.
You'd gone out with other men before, you'd kissed other men, but everything felt different with him. He was more compassionate despite his status, and he truly cares about you, but it was wrong. All of it was wrong.
There were women who were begging for Johnny to even look at them, yet he only had eyes for you. He would consistently give you raises and promote you to his manager after a good while, but you remained a reporter. Even after expressing nothing but love to you, you didn't let him have you easily.
Once you came to terms with the fact that THE Johnny Cage was in love with you, you decided to play hard to get. He could get anybody he ever wanted, and he wanted you. You weren't going to make this easy on him, especially if he was that down bad for you.
Well apparently, he was more than just down bad. He was down horrendous, to the point he asked you multiple times to move in with him. "C'mon!! We'll be like roomies! It'll be soooo fun!" But you insisted on not doing that, for obvious reasons.
He'd been pinning on you for more than a while now, and you had really been testing his patience the entire time. From consistently turning down dates and invitations to huge house parties, to wearing small skirts to interviews with him.
You haven't tried making your attraction to him, especially as if late. You started staying at his house more for work related things, crashing on his couch in the early hours of the morning. Whenever you'd come over, you would wear small tight skirts and open blouses, both things you knew he loved.
One night, Johnny decided he'd treat you to something. He'd just gotten back from a trip to Italy and brought back a bottle of wine, and it just so happened to be one of your favorites. He poured you both a small glass, you both took a sip of it before placing it down on the table next to you.
You'd been sitting on his couch for a while, going over work materials for an up and coming interview. He'd decided to sit down with you and have a small conversation, but it was obvious too him that work was more important for right now.
"'Your newest movies are doing awesome, Johnny! We're making lots in the box office, how do you feel about your up and coming role?' There, does that sound believable?" You asked as you skim over your notes again.
"Add a little more flare. Get the audience going a little more, and at least try and act like you want to be there." Johnny and you both left out a small laugh as you continue with your work. You could feel his eyes on you, like they were watching every small move you made. In a way, they were. Johnny loved to observe every part of you, the way you hold your notebook, the way you write, the way you knit your eyebrows together as you're focused on writing, it was all perfect to him.
"You know," he started, getting your attention as you looked up. "It's still pretty early in the evening, why don't I take you out for dinner? You've been working really hard lately, and I can get us registrations at the top restaurants in the city, no problem. You down?"
Not this again. You internally sigh before finally answering. "Cage, you know I don't want to go out with you." Liar. "You can have any girl ever, I promise there's better out there." Now you're self pitying? You suck.
"There's not a single other person I'd rather be with. Not a single other person has made me feel the way you do, you know this, you just like this little cat and mouse game we play." Busted. Your eyes widened as he continued, "I've been watching your reactions, your body language, even the way you dress. Youre playing hard to get, yet your body and heart knows what it wants."
"You're a busy guy. You need those precious hours of sleep that id be taking away."
"I'd be more than happy to lose those hours if it meant I could be with you."
That was it. That froze you. Oh God, were your true colors actually showing through? Was your attraction to your boss coming to light? Oh God, this can't be happening, why are you feeling things You've never felt before?? What's this feeling in your stomach? Why is your body temperature rising?
"C'mon princess, let me treat you right, just for tonight. If you don't like it, no more. If you do, you know I'll give it to you anytime you want." He gave you a small smirk and got up from the couch, holding his hand out for you to take.
You glanced at his open hand, then him, then to the floor. You weren't experienced much in relationships, let alone sex. How could you ever pleasure him if you couldn't even pleasure yourself? Oh well, nows a good time to get cocky for the last time of the night. "I thought you wanted to take me out for dinner. What happened to being a gentleman?"
"I'll show you just how much of a gentleman I can be. As for dinner, I'm hungry for something else. No pressure princess, remember that." He gives you a reassuring smile before holding out his hand again.
Going over your options one last time, if you were going to be honest with yourself, you wanted him. Badly. And he knew that. "Ah, what the hell?" You say, getting yo and grabbing his hand. He smiles and places a gentle kiss on the back of your hand before leading you to his bedroom.
It's huge, obviously, but it has a huge bed too. Full of the highest grade blankets you could only dream of being able to afford. "Make yourself at home princess, what's mine is yours now. I mean it." He says as he pulls you in for a small kiss. It was passionate and soft, but short enough for you to want more.
"Do you want me to get undressed first? May alleviate some anxiety. I'm willing to do whatever you want, anything to make you comfortable."
You blush as you look away from him. You genuinely couldn't believe this was actually happening, something that youve wanted so badly that, in retrospect, you could've gotten so much earlier if you wouldn't have been so hard to get, was actually happening.
"Hey, princess, if you don't want to do this we don't have to." He was purposely making this obvious in an attempt to comfort you. Of course you wanted this, more than anything, but you just didn't know how to initiate.
Johnny knew you weren't experienced in the department, you've told him about how you've just never been interested in it. However, you've told him that you were attracted to him multiple times, playing this game with him just to see which one of you would break first. With this, he knew you liked him in that sense.
He could tell by the fact that you were avoiding eye contact that you were nervous. He took your hands in his, rubbing small circles on the back before kissing each hand. "Let me show you how good I can make you feel, please." Before he continued, he got down on one knee, looking up at you, your hands still in his. "You can back out at any time. I promise you'll feel amazing."
You let out a playful sigh, "Fine. But, we need a safe word, just in case."
"I was gonna say pineapple, but that works, too." Johnny laughs at your response before standing up. He kissed you on the forehead before leading you to his bed.
He guided you to sit as he crouched down, locking you in another kiss. He nipped slightly at your lower lip before letting his tongue inside your mouth. He was exploring your mouth entirely, getting more turned on by your soft whimpers by the minute. He slowly took off your skirt as he played with the hem of your panties.
Once he finally slid the fabric off, he discarded it, along with your skirt. He pulled away from the kiss as a string of saliva followed. He smiled at how pink your cheeks were and your now plump lips.
"Just relax, alright? I've got everything under control." You slowly nod as you lean back on the bed, your dangling legs making their way to rest on Johnny's shoulders. He began by placing soft kisses on the inside of your thighs, groaning at simply just the scent.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this." He smiles before he spreads your folds with his two fingers, flattening his tongue and running it through your now exposed pussy.
You moan loudly, your hands tangling themselves in his hair as he continued his movements. He dipped his tongue into your tight hole before moving to your clit. One of his hands left your thigh and moved to settle in front of your face. His fingers spread your lips and he inserted his middle and ring finger into your mouth.
Your tongue swirled around his fingers, coating them in saliva before he took them out of your mouth and slowly inserted one inside of your hole. You groan slightly at the pain before it quickly turns into pleasure. His tongue was flicking your clit around before he placed his entire mouth on it, settling on sucking on it while he curled his finger inside you.
He began to add another finger inside you, kissing your thighs again as you groaned out of pain again. "J-Johnny- it hurts-"
"I know princess, I know. You're doing so good for me, just a little longer, alright?" He looked up at you and you nodded in response. "Such a tight pussy, all for me? You shouldn't have." He laughed again as he began to suck more on your clit, grazing his teeth over the nerve slightly.
Once his second finger was fully inside, he began scissoring them inside you. Your moans of pleasure and the soft tugging on his hair were making him go crazy. He sped up his pace, trying to make you cum as quickly as possible.
His nips at your clit and scissoring fingers inside your pussy were sending you over the edge. Your aching hole would clench down on him are your back began to arch. Johnny became enthralled by the scene unfolding in front of him, your blouse half way unbuttoned as your breasts rose up and down with each breath, you changing his name continuously as thighs began to close around his head, it was perfect to him and he couldn't get enough of it.
He lapped at your pussy like a starved man and began to feel lightheaded over the taste. To him, everything was worth the wait, and he doesn't know how he can live without you after this. When you came, he couldn't be more excited to lick up every drop of your essence you gave to him.
He ok pulled his fingers out of your pussy, sucking on them as his eyes rolled into the back of his head over the taste. Once he finished cleaning his fingers off, he moaned simply at the look of your gaping hole spilling out cum, just for him to clean up.
He held you down by the waist, as he lapped at your juices. He made a mess of himself and you and he couldn't care less. He feels like he can cum right now just by the taste alone, he was genuinely addicted to your now aching heat. Your hands flew to his head, attempting to push him off because of your over overstimulation.
"Johnny- no more- please no more-" you began to cry over how good you felt. The sight of tears falling from your face made Johnny immediately get up, begrudgingly, however. "Wanna feel you inside Johnny.." you look up at him with eyes he simply can't resist, and he just sighs.
"Fine fine, but I get to eat you out again in the morning." You smile and nod as he begins to undress himself. You take this opportunity to take the rest of your clothes off and get on the bed completely. Johnny climbs on the bed completely as he guides your head to lay on one of his many pillows.
He climbs between your thighs as he takes off his boxers, clenching his jaw and moaning slightly at the feeling of it finally being out. Your eyes widened as you look up at him. "Is.. that going to fit?" You say with worry.
Johnny smiles at you, but in reality he's also worried about it. "It may take a bit for you to get used to the size, but I'm more than willing to wait." He leans in and places a small peck on your lips before putting one hand on your waist while the other hand aligned his cock with your hole.
He looked up at you again. "Ready?" Giving him a nod yes, he positions himself to hover on top of you, letting you latch onto him for stability. He slowly lets his cock enter you, one inch at a time.
Moans from both of you fill the room as he finally bottoms out. He smiles and looks at you from below him. "I knew you could do it." You smile back as he continues talking.
"I think maybe you should stay over tonight, when we wake up tomorrow, I'll make breakfast. How's chocolate chip pancakes sound?"
"Sounds great, Johnny." You give him a small and he kisses you again. This time, it's full of lust and love. Your hands move to cup his face and he leans into the touch. The kiss lasts a few minutes before you slowly pull away, looking at him then speaking. "I'm ready."
He kissed you once more and began to move. Your hands move to his back, holding onto him as he slowly thrusts into you. "Faster Johnny." The way you say his name has blood shooting straight to his cock and he picks up his pace.
His thrusts become fast enough for you to be comfortable with. Your fingers raked on his back as small beads of blood formed at your fingernails. He went slightly faster and it became nothing but pure bliss.
"Such a good pussy, god I could do this forever and not get bored." Johnnys grip on your waist tightens as his thrusts become faster than what you can keep up with. "All mine. That's what you are, all mine. I'm gonna fuck you so good all you can think about is me."
You began to claw at his back desperate for a release. Your tongue lolling out of your mouth as all you could do is take what he gave you. The pleasure washing over you was becoming too much to bare and you started clenching on his cock.
"Fuck princess- you want me to cum inside you? I'll do it. I'll breed this pussy day and night as long as you let me." He can feel himself getting close as his thrusts became sloppier.
You nod yes in response and he lets out a loud moan followed by both of your orgasms. He stops his motions as his breath became heavy. "One more round. Please- one more round. I need to feel you. I know you can take it."
You look up at him and smile through tired eyes. You nod again and with that, he was back to his harsh pace. You screamed his name as tears formed at your eyes again. Johnny bent down to kiss them away, increasing his pace as he did.
"God you take me so well. You're the only woman that can make me feel like this, I need you so fucking bad." He collapsed into your neck with another groan as he came again, accidentally overstimulating himself in the process. You both catch your breath as you hug onto him.
He reciprocates this and wraps his arms around your waist, placing playful kisses on your face. You giggle as he does and he can feel his heart completely melt. He stands up and is about to walk to the bathroom to get a cloth before he feels you grip his wrist.
"Stay, please. It can wait till the morning."
He smiles and gets back into bed with you. He places even more kisses over you and you bury your face in his chest, ready to sleep. "Will you finally go out for dinner with me?"
"I'll think about it."
A/n: the day I'm known as the writer of that one specific fanfic is the day I can rest in peace
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maximumkillshot · 6 months
I Can't Lose You- Part 7
Warnings: Descriptions of Grief, PTSD Flashback, Intense Grief, Mentions of Miscarriage, Pissed off Lee Know, Anxiety, Panic, Everyone is hurting but you knew this... right?
Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
Characters: Stray Kids, Reader, Nurse, Soo?
A/N: Okay her we are with part 7 the song that I linked is what I had on repeat for part 6 &7 for the most part... I am so sorry and as always I'll be around for therapy after. If you really wanna cry, listen to what I listened to while writing this about 98% of the time, Can You Hold Me by NF and Britt Nicole.
I Can't Lose you Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
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BEFORE: His body went into overdrive, the shock melting into panic. He wasn’t going to let Death take you, “Han hurry up, she's slipping!” He screamed at the door. His scream didn’t sound like him. The sound akin to a bystander watching a loved one jump from a bridge. Watching the body disappear all because of one step. He couldn’t wouldn’t let you fall. He screamed as if he dove for your hand, the same hand that fits so perfectly in his, as you threatened to disappear over the ledge of that bridge. Bin got closer to your ear, so you could hear him better, “Please don’t say that. I know it hurts, just stay with me, hold on. I’m here. Stay with me. You can’t leave me here, please.” Changbin tilted your head, so you could hear his heartbeat. Subconsciously thinking, If you go I go. He gently wrapped his arm across your breastbone, trying to provide some soothing pressure to your chest. His hand resting on your opposite arm, rubbing the meat of it in a soothing pattern. His other hand was petting your hair. The hold he had you in gave you someone to hold on to. As soon as his forearm rested you wrapped your hands around it, grabbing his hand as you dangled on the ledge. “Binnie it hurts, pleaseee. Help me, it hurtss.” You sobbed, your voice cracking and breaking, a mirror of your soul. Bin continued to slowly rock you, “I know Angel, I know I want to take it away. Just hold on for me. Hold on to me.” He had no idea how he was able to be calm for you. A part of him knew that he needed to. He was not going to collapse so you could face all of this on your own. He refused. He needed to fight for you, and he would, for eternity if he had to.
The boys were trying their hardest to be calm, but some just couldn’t handle it. I.N. and Felix being the two that were physically holding their heads, crouched in the fetal position, trying to cover their ears as they heard your screams in the hallway.
Hyunjin went over to them and picked them up, their forms curling into him as they cried. Hyunjin couldn’t pinpoint why your screams sounded so unhuman, subconsciously trying to find a way to help. Once reality set in he realized, none of them had ever heard the scream of a mother who lost their child… not until today. That made chills go up his spine as goosebumps riddled his skin. That was why it sounded so unhuman. His mother once told him, “Children are supposed to bury their parents, not the other way around.” He found himself repeating those words out loud as tears fell down his face. He never thought he’d understand those words, but now that he does, he was numb, numb with pain.
I.N.’s heart was breaking for you as he heard you calling out to no one, asking for the impossible. He was trying to be strong but hearing you in so much pain was too much. “I want to help her Hyung but I don’t know how.” That broke Hyunjin even more because he couldn’t do anything. No one could. 
Hyunjin rubbed his back saying,“We can only be here for her, Innah. We need to be here, make sure she knows we aren’t going anywhere. That’s all we can do. I wish we could do more, but we can’t.”
Felix was crying because the only thing that could happen was him hearing the screams of a person that he loves, a best friend he considers as his sister, while he can’t do anything at all. The frustration combined with the sadness sliced through him.
Seungmin was the one member whom no one expected to cry yet there he was,  crying. No one in the entire group knew he was one of the most hurt. His reactions to everything were visceral. If he wasn’t using the railing lining the hall, he was certain his legs would give out. He faced the wall sobbing, feeling the cold wall on his forehead. He didn’t care that he was in a hallway in a hospital full of nursing staff and strangers. He had been holding all of it in for weeks now… 
It all started about two months ago. When Seungmin had come over to the 3Racha house, he noticed some things. He was making some lunch while he waited for the others to come back from the gym. The minute he opened the kimchi, you ran to vomit. That coupled with the fact that you looked like you were glowing raised his suspicion. When you came back to the kitchen he said, “When was the last time you took a pregnancy test?”
You cocked your head to the side quizzicaly as he giggled, “I’m 99.9% sure that you’re pregnant. Pee on a stick just to be sure but… Yeah, congrats. I’m going to throw away everything that smells like kimchi while you check.”
He was there for all of it. Everything from staring at the test with you waiting for the verdict. He spun you around congratulating you. He helped hide the evidence. Helped plan, he was even there when you got the ultrasound, filming it for Chan so he didn’t feel like he was left out. In many ways Seungmin had a better tie to that child than anyone else aside from you. He imagined everything with you.
Ever since he saw I.N. storm out to kill Chan… he checked out emotionally. He couldn’t handle the pain. He couldn’t ignore it anymore when he heard your screams. He thought of all the names you’d send him to see if they’d sound good. If it was a boy, you were incessant on Seungmin. You wanted to name the baby after him because he had “noticed first.” But he got you to change it to Chanseung, meaning “lingering victory”. This whole time...Every scream you let loose he heard the baby’s heartbeat as the memories flashed in and out of his mind. 
He remembered the times when he would come over just to clear the kitchen of anything that’d trigger your gag reflex. His Hyungs would get pissed at him because they even labeled the items with "do not touch”, but somehow, mysteriously, Seungmin didn’t see it and ate it all… whoops. He even got up at whatever time you called to pick up whatever you were craving. Another was when you went out for a walk with him and you were telling him about all of the new things you were noticing about your body. 
But his favorites were whenever you and himself would be alone in the kitchen or on the couch while everyone was distracted he’d look down at your belly, he would glance around and go to your ear just to say “They have no clue… That there’s 10 people in this house.” He’d do that just to see you try to suppress the smile on your face. 
 He even had dreams of going to the hospital to meet the baby. The dream always started with the phone call. Changbin would be on the other line as he picked up, “the baby’s coming, they’re already at the hospital, see you there.” Then the dream would jump to Chris walking out, “Congratulations everyone, you have a beautiful and healthy nephew. Once Y/N is cleaned up, you guys can come back to meet Chanseung.” In every single one of those dreams Seungmin would cry happy tears. When he’d be taken back, he was met with the cutest bundle, eyes like yours, a head full of curly hair like Chan’s. Chan would hand the baby to Seungmin and Changbin would say “what about me?” And you’d say, “godparents always hold the baby first.” Seungmin would look around shocked as more tears fell from his eyes, he would look at you and say “really? Me?” You’d look at him nodding with tears of your own, “How could it be anyone else, you took such good care of us, Minnie. You’d do anything for him. Your the one I trust the most with him.” He looked down to the baby and whispered “Hello Chanseung, I’ve been waiting for so long to meet you. My name's Seungmin, I’m your godfather.” He cuddled with the baby as he cried tears of joy, nothing but love and gratitude in his heart. Now that’s all they’ll ever be… Just dreams.
While everyone else was mourning as a friend, a brother, an Uncle, he mourned like a father. He felt like he lost a child. It destroyed him, ripping him apart inside, making him reflexively grab his chest, the air abundant but still suffocating, leaving him no other choice but for his chest to collapse inward as the sobs escaped.
Minho noticed that your screams didn’t sound human, closer to a wounded animal.  Minho looked at Chan’s face as you screamed for your baby. He could see that Chan was sad, but it didn’t seem like he was truly grasping it. It was only when Chan’s phone lit up, that Minho’s patience snapped. He saw the name “Soo BFF Y/N” light up the screen, and before Chan could do anything about it, he snatched the phone. Minho grabbed Chris by the back of his neck, his nails digging into the meat of it. Minho spoke with a lethal air as he spat, “Waiting room… NOW.” 
They ducked into the waiting room down the hall. The rest of the boys followed suit, locking the door to the room as Minho answered the call and said nothing. 
“Hey Baby, you haven’t been picking up, is everything okay? What happened after I left?” Her voice rang through the waiting room. 
Minho looked to Chris, and nodded to the phone, Chris responded, “No. Everything isn’t okay. Y/N was pregnant.”
There was a beat or two and she said, “Was?” Then she said, “As in not currently? I guess that is a good thing right? Considering you were going to divorce her for me anyway. A baby would’ve made it messy, no?”
Everyone’s jaws dropped. Some looking for confirmation, that they indeed heard what they did. 
Chris looked at the phone like it had offended him his jaw slack, “what the fuck did you say to me?!” His face showed more emotion than hearing his wife’s soul being torn to shreds about losing the baby, “My child is dead and your response is ‘at least it’s less messy now?!’ How fucking heartless are you?” he asked.
Minho couldn’t believe what he was hearing and seeing out of Chris. He just heard his wife scream that she wants to die, that she wants to no longer exist because his child is dead. Yet the thing that gets him offended, have any reaction at all was his sidepiece saying something. Taking the first opportunity to skirt over how this all even happened. Minho wasn’t going to let him get away that easily, he spoke up, “You really are a fucking coward, huh, Chris? You won’t even tell her how all of this happened?”
Chris just bowed his head as Minho continued, “She miscarried from the shock and trauma of seeing you and her husband fucking right in front of her on their 3rd anniversary. YOU and Chris killed that child,” Minho seethed into the phone. “You want to hear what is happening to your so-called best friend? What you call, less messy?”
Minho took the phone off of the speaker and stormed down the hall. His heart was hammering in his chest, hearing of what she said playing in his head on repeat. His pain clouded his generous nature. For once, Minho doesn’t want to protect someone. He wanted Soo to feel the pain that you feel. He wants her to hear your screams. To hear your soul fracturing, hear the blood as it falls from the stab wound in your heart. That knife that no one can take out. That permanent piercing is now festering. The piercing that she and Chan personally put into one of the nicest people he’s ever met. He wants her to hurt. Just the thought of hearing Soo cry, made him smile. He wants her to suffer, truly suffer, just like he wants Chan to suffer. A part of him hates that this is what he wants but the rest of him knows, this is justified. A righteous anger. A human reaction. Which Soo cannot be. 
Minho stopped outside of the room and held the phone out for Soo to hear your screams. He could somewhat hear Soo gasping at what was happening. Minho turned on the video to show her what little he could see from the door, which was your form rocking with Bin gently holding you, trying to calm you. “Hold on to me and breathe for me,” He heard Bin talking to you, trying to get you to fight.
“Binnie, please, my baby.” Minho heard your voice trembling, seeing you clutch on to Bin’s forearm. Your voice was worse than haunting, Minho could hear you trying to will your baby back.
“All you need to do is breathe and hold on to me. I’ve got you, I’m here.”
“I can’t Binnie I can’t I need my baby! Pleassee help me!” Your voice nearly gone from all of the screaming taking place. 
It filled Minho with rage. The person on the phone caused this, along with your husband. Here Bin was, trying to will you to stay, to hold on to him, not anyone else. That made Minho feel better, if anyone could put you back together, make you want to stay, it’s Bin.
 After being there for a minute or two Han barreled by him, all Minho did was flash the phone at him and point to the waiting room and Han nodded. He was telling him that when he was done making sure you were okay, for him to come to the room they were currently occupying with no words. 
The minute Minho went back to the waiting room, he turned the speaker on to hear Soo. There was no response, only fast breathing and sniffling.
Minho tried to be quiet as he said, “Did that sound clean to you, Soo? Did that look less messy? She almost died last night, almost bled out from a hemorrhage that you both caused. She just screamed that she just wanted to die already. So tell me, what part about any of this screams a clean break?!”
Soo was silent for a moment and she said, “I never meant to hurt her, Minho.”
Minho’s blood boiled as he said, “People don’t get into cars with the goal of causing an accident and killing someone, but it happens all the same. I am so happy that you called, actually. I wanted to say this to your face but this’ll have to do. I couldn’t do this last night because I’m a decent person who was worried about one of my best friends... But now that she is being helped I can tell you. You are a sad excuse of a human being, I truly mean that. It takes a certain level of desperation to take your best friend’s sloppy seconds. Even more desperate to actually believe that he’d leave Y/N for your sorry waste of an existence. ” 
Chan prickled at that, cocking his head, “As a matter of fact, the sloppy seconds is glaring at me while I say this and I don’t fucking care, as soon as I am done with you on the phone I’ll deal with him. You both destroyed someone very close to my heart. A person who has done nothing to either of you and yet you do this.”
Han walks in as Minho is grilling Soo, he whispers something to Felix and Felix goes out of the room. Minho continued, “As if what you did wasn’t enough you have the audacity to say that it was a good thing that Y/N miscarried because it would make the divorce less messy.”
Han’s eyes bulged out of his head at hearing that. No wonder why Minho wanted him here. Han felt rage at those words. Calling the death of a child that was wanted, a good thing? Minho’s lip was tight as he calmly finished his say, “I hope you know what you’re wishing for when you say you want him to yourself. If he did this to his own wife, imagine what he’d do to you… A nothing, a speck compared to Y/N. I hope you can live with yourself, but at least you’re breathing, something Y/N’s child never even got to experience because of you and Chris. I hope you rot and I hope it’s painful. Above all else, I hope that you pay in full for what you’ve done.” 
Minho looked around, “Anyone want to talk to IT?” he punctuated “it” as he stared at Chris, daring him to say something. Everyone was silent and he said, “I would say it’s been a pleasure speaking to you, but that would be a lie; the only pleasure I’ll ever have is seeing you suffer.” With that, he hung up and walked to Chan, shoving the phone into his chest.
Minho stared at Chan, “Now it’s your turn… What are you doing here? Were we not clear enough for you?! What part of ‘stay away’ did you not get? Or are you that fucking stupid. She was making progress, she was sleeping and you had to come in, didn’t you.” His eyes burned into Chris.
“I just wanted to see her.” Chris said.
Minho got tunnel vision as he bore into Chan,“I… I … I.. That is all that exists for you, huh? It’s all about you. What you want, when you want, who you want, where you want. YOU wanted to see her, you didn’t even think about her wellbeing did you?! Of course you didn’t! That’s why you came in here and played the husband card over and over again. You are nothing to her. NOTHING! It baffles me how Changbin isn’t even married to her yet he’s a better husband than you will ever be!” Minho’s body betrayed him as he started to shake, “YOU DIDN’T JUST KILL YOUR CHILD… YOU KILLED WHO WE THOUGHT YOU WERE. YOU KILLED EACH ONE OF US! MOST OF ALL YOU KILLED Y/N. THE FUN LOVING, HOPEFUL Y/N  IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! That alone is something I will never forgive you for.” 
“I’m going to give you one chance to walk out of here willingly. If you don’t, I will tell the boys to go back to the room. Then I am going to lock you in here with me, and believe me when I say you won’t like what happens next. When I’m done with you, I’ll go right back to Y/N and act like nothing happened.”
His tone was too calm, too monotone, the sound sending chills down Han’s spine.
The pain that Minho is in is something that he never shows anyone. He doesn’t like to be vulnerable. He couldn’t help but look at Chris’ wedding ring and think that he should’ve done something, anything to stop him from marrying you. He told himself that it wasn’t his relationship. He even asked Changbin if he was actually going to let this happen. Changbin just looked at him and said, “Does it kill me? Yes. Do I want to be the groom instead of the groomsman? Absolutely. But she’s happy. What I want is nothing compared to seeing her happy.” Just that singular memory gave him enough fuel to do what he had to do. He made a promise to himself in that moment, he will never let Chris close enough to be able to hurt you again. 
Chris didn’t make a move, Minho could see that he was shocked. Which only fueled his rage.
Han had to cut in, “Minho… she’s asking for you.” Minho's heart twisted again as he loomed over Chris.
Minho sucked his teeth, “Even after nearly killing her, killing her child, ruining her life… Even now she’s still saving you without even knowing it. You have your chance, if I were you, I’d take it.” Minho stormed out of the room.
With that, Han looked at the rest of the boys, “Make sure he leaves, he’s already banned from the room. You are all welcome to come back up since it was clear who caused her to spiral. She wants you all as well. She’s scared we’re worried or that we’ll leave her.”
Hyunjin looked at Han and said, “We’ll be there. Go to her.”
As soon as Han left the room he saw Minho duck into your room. 
When Minho came in he heard you saying, “Where’s MinMin? I don’t know what happened, m’scared Binnie, where's MinMin and Hannie? Lixie did they leave me?” Minho knew that whenever you were scared, you started using pet names. They felt safe to you. With your MinMin, Binnie, Lixie, and Hannie around, you'd be safe. Your voice is low and quivering, fear and panic clear. It's ripping him apart, reminding him almost of a child. A child trying to not let on how scared they are. You were a lot like a child in that way, you were so hurt you didn’t know who to trust, but the minute you see people you are sure won’t hurt you, you start asking for the others, knowing you can trust them to say the truth. You also reminded Minho of someone trying to cry silently, the quake in your voice giving you away.
From Minho’s view, all that could be seen is Changbin, grabbing his sweatshirt and putting it on, hood up. It was your favorite hoodie that Binnie wears, full of different stitches and felt like a cloud. He made fleeting eye contact with Minho. Just in those few seconds he could see Bin’s eyes trying to focus on not collapsing, yet trying to get Minho to understand. Minho could only imagine that what happened minutes ago was something that he had seen last night. Since Bin knew to call out to Han to get the nurses. It made his heart twist yet again, he knows that Bin isn’t used to caring for people. But you aren’t just people. You are more than that, you always have been more than that. That’s why it’s second nature to him.
“Binnie I’m scared what happened, where are my boys? Did I do something wrong, did I scare them? Will you leave too?” You asked through sniffles. Minho could see the effect those words had on Bin as he pulled the hoodie back, he spared one last gaze and flitted it towards the bed as if to say, watch me. If you can’t do what I’m about to do, don’t come in. Then he changed his face completely before turning to you and walking out of Minho’s field of vision. That killed Minho too. How Bin knew instinctually to change his face, his gaze softening. 
“What happened isn’t something you need to worry about. You didn’t do anything wrong and the boys aren’t scared. I’m not going anywhere, see I was just putting my hoodie on, its your favorite. You don’t need to be afraid. I’m here. So is Lixie.” Bin’s voice was soothing, calm, steady, eventhough Minho identified the cracks in his foundation with only two seconds looking into his eyes.
Felix added as he tried to calm you saying, “We aren’t going anywhere okay? We are just making sure you’re going to be comfortable. MinMin’s coming and so is Hannie, Okay?”
Minho put on a smile, “I’m here”, hiding his pain for now. Your eyes were darting as you looked at him. Tearstains still painting your cheeks, fresh ones about to fall. You looked so dazed and confused as you looked around the room like you haven't been in it before. 
You smiled at Minho, “MinMin…” more tears fell as you gaze fell on Minho’s eyes, “You didn’t leave? Binnie, Lixie, and Hannie said so but… m’scared… I don’t remember what happened,” 
Minho wanted to curl you into a ball and shelter you, make sure no one could sneak up on you, that Chris couldn’t get his hands on you again, spew more poison all over this healing space, your personal space. He wanted to tuck you in and stand watch, everything in him drove him to shield and protect you. He couldn’t show that though. He couldn’t call attention to what just happened. It could upset the balance that you are in. Instead he decided on another approach.
“Binnie was right, Beautiful. What happened isn’t important right now. What matters is that we are here with you, we’re going to keep you safe, okay?” Minho reached out and dried your tears with the sleeve of his shirt. 
The nurse was just finishing giving you medicine, “What’d they give you? Something good?” Minho smiled warmly. He looked to the nurse who said, “Yes, she’ll be able to sleep no doubt. We’re also giving her medicine every six hours for the anxiety,” she smiled. That made Minho smile wide. He couldn’t help but be relieved for you. You are finally getting the medicine you need. 
Minho looked at her and said, “Thank you so much, for taking care of her and coming so quickly.” 
She just nodded and turned the lights off. 
You yawned and started tearing up a little as you reached for Bin, “Don’t leave, Binnie…Lixie.” Felix was right at your hand as he said, “M’right here, it’s going to be okay. MinMin, Bin, all of us are here to make sure you’ll be okay.” Felix could see your shoulders slowly drooping as the medicine hit you. It was clear that the medicine was making you sleepy. That made everyone smile. You have had nothing but panic, havoc, and destruction. You deserved rest.
You looked at Minho and said, “I’m tired but I want my boys. You’ll wake me when they come back MinMin?” 
Minho nodded and said, “Of course, Beautiful.”
You nodded then looked to Bin, “Binnie, I’m tired, if I sleep you’ll stay with me? I don’t want to ask too much, but can I have cuddles while I sleep?” Everyone in the room could tell that you were looking for constant reassurance. You just got out of a bad PTSD flashback, triggered by the man that caused the trauma, all on top of getting no sleep. Han walked in after making sure that Chris couldn’t make it back into the room, only walking in after he was sure Chris was in the elevator and clear of the area.
When Changbin heard you calling out to him, saying you’re scared he just wanted to hold and protect you. He successfully coaxed you out of the flashback. His whole being broke when you came out of it so disoriented. The first things you asked Bin was, “Why did he do that? Why did they do that I don’t know why? What happened?” Then immediately after, “I’m scared.” He didn’t know what to say to that first half. It’s inconceivable how anyone could cheat on anyone, especially someone like you. Trying to answer that question would only prove to be more frustrating for you than anything. Apparently the shock was written on Bin’s face as the nurse explained. 
The nurses gently talked to Bin about what he was seeing, he’s never seen you like this and they explained that when someone comes out of a flashback episode, they are very confused. Sometimes they don’t know where they are or what happened. He learned that it was necessary to be very calm in repeating yourself, and ensuring the person coming out of it that everything is going to be okay and that they are safe. The nurse that was in the room with you was the one who coached Bin through the worse of it. He just had to keep pushing, to make you feel safe. He himself was also on the brink of collapse. The wall he made in his mind, to hold all the emotions inside around you, started failing long ago. More rubble falling by the minute.
Bin was trying to be as strong as he could be as he got into the bed with you, pulling you to him, and petting your hair back, “Of course we can cuddle. I am not going anywhere okay? I wouldn’t dream of it. Just take deep breaths. Let the medicine work, Angel.” He looked at you, so small, sweaty, tired, fragile. Felix immediately started tucking you in. Taking time to ensure sealing all of the edges of your body to stay nice and warm. Then he moved your hand to cuddle Bin, knowing that you’d want it there. He resumed his place at your back, he re-tied your gown that was coming loose, then slowly rubbing circles on your back, trying to soothe you. Bin tried to figure out how Chris could hurt someone so precious to him, to all of them. He couldn’t wrap his brain around it. Like that, more bricks fell from the wall.
“M’safe?” You asked Bin, eyes still brimming with unshed tears as you looked up at him. As soon as they were knocked free he used his thumb to wipe them away.
With me…“Always. No one is going to hurt you.” Not while I’m here. He brushed your cheekbone, you head leaning into his touch reflexively. More of the wall crashed to the ground. He gently guided your head down to his chest.
Even though you were being forcibly calmed by the medicine, he could see it. Your eyebrows were tense, still a quiver in your lip. The worst was the shaking. As he held you he could feel the tremble in your entire body. Your hands shook as you held on to his hoodie, rubbing the pattern to calm yourself. 
After a few minutes passed, the boys went to come back in, but Han stopped them, just to explain to them what happened. He also gave them the rundown of how to talk to you and redirect and reassure you, that way you can rest. 
“She doesn’t look like herself right now, that’s because she is still in a very fragile mental state, she’s going to repeat herself, she’s going to say she’s scared, a lot of things that will make you want to break. You cannot break in front of her. That can make her worse. If you need I can guide you through it. Just stay close to me, okay?”All of the boys nodded and went in. Minho let you know.
“Minnie, you here?” You asked.
“Yes I am, Birdie.” Seungmin said as he walked into your field of vision getting down to your level, “Getting sleepy, Birdie?” You nodded as tears started to spring to your eyes. 
Seungmin’s nickname for you is Birdie. When you started hanging out with him more, he noticed something. Whenever you had a song stuck in your head, you would sing it on repeat. Your voice was always very soft, shy, melodic. It reminded him of the morning birds, so one day he called you Birdie and you smiled ear to ear. No one heard him call you that until now, since Seungmin is more an observer than a talker.
“If I sleep, you won’t go anywhere? I’m scared you’ll leave and I won’t see you again.” your tears fell as you looked directly into Seungmin’s eyes.
Seungmin whispered, “Oh my sweet Birdie,” as he kissed your forehead trying not to cry, drying your tears immediately, “You don’t need to be scared, I’m not going anywhere without you. You will always have me, okay? Right now all you need to do is rest, okay Birdie?” 
You nodded then said, “Jinnie and Innie too? They’re here too?”
“Mhm, everyone’s here, Birdie.” Seungmin is doing his best to see you relax, lightly petting your hair, “So just close your eyes for me, let yourself rest, we’re here.” As if on command you slowly closed your eyes. What he doesn’t know is Innah is trying not to cry. Seeing the interaction cracking him open again. 
Your breathing started calming and as Bin felt your body relax into him, your grip completely loosening. Seungmin didn’t stop petting your hair until he was sure you were out. Only then, did he go to IN’s side, where IN’s tears soaked into his shirt. 
Bin played with your hand for a few seconds, seeing how delicate they are as well as gauging how asleep you are. Seeing no reaction from you he draped his hand over yours as he heard a ghost of mere minutes ago, ‘Please just let me die. Let me go.’ The wall collapsed and he started crying. Trying not to shake you at all as he kissed the crown of your head. 
“No one’s going to hurt you, I promise. I got you. You’re going to be okay. You have to be.” Bin didn’t care who saw him. He felt so helpless, his soul is breaking for you as he cradled you. He can’t help but think that it’s all his fault. How could it not be? He didn’t follow his gut, he didn’t make the move, and now you’re suffering because of it. He kissed your hairline as he did his best to stop the pain in his chest, worried that you’d hear his heart breaking. 
Minho watched as tears fell down his face. Seeing you like this and Bin, the one who gave up his own happiness… Handed his heart over to another man, only to see his heart used and abused. He could feel the pain radiating off of Bin. Minho heard a sniffle and looked to Seungmin. Seungmin always had a placid smile to his face, all Minho found was a quivering lip, tears falling, as he watched Bin. 
Seungmin was seeing how perfect you are together, like he always saw, and seeing how broken you both are, yet you are both so strong together. That made Seungmin cry. Even though both of you are in agony right now, torn to shreds, you still clung to eachother, making a silent pact to make it together.
“You can’t leave me here…” He leaned back to see you. Another specter paid a visit, ‘Binnie it hurts. Help me pleaseee’. He felt his chest caving in at the memory. He willed himself to breathe normally, each pull of air burning his lungs, the muscles wanting to constrict. He cradled your head, trying to keep you as close to his heart as possible, “I need you, My Angel.” Bin felt Felix’s hand wrap around his shoulders, much like Bin would do for Lix when he cried. 
Bin couldn’t imagine a world without you in it. A life without you. He knows the pain alone would kill him, kill all the boys. Your love, friendship, and loyalty is second to none. You are just that way. That beautiful, that kind, that irreplaceable. That is what makes Bin distraught, the thought of no you in the world… even finishing that sentence is unimaginable. 
Han looked up at Bin, trying to will himself not to cry. The both of you are so sweet, so kind. He could see the weight on Bin’s shoulders, crushing him. He could see it in his head, Bin keeping everything bad from crashing on top of you, his arms outstretched, using his whole body as a shield. Han knew that if it meant keeping you safe, Bin would carry the world. That’s what separated Bin from Chris. 
Both may be fond of you. Only one has ever put your safety over everything. Only one ever made you feel heard and seen. Only one ever made you laugh until you cried. Only one would take off work to take care of you when you’re sick. Only one made you understand that there is no priority above you. Only one would calm you with just a touch. Only one truly loves you with their heart and soul. That “only one” was in the bed with you right now. 
Han watched, eventually just letting the tears fall as Bin held you saying, “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you, I’m sorry. I love you… I’m so sorry. Don’t leave me.”
That was the first time Changbin had ever let himself say it out loud, “I love you so much it hurts…I Can’t Lose You.”
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aerowolf · 2 months
do you have some dadspy headcanons or any thoughts about them at all... /nf your writing is amazing, if u decide to answer this thank you! have a great day!
oh wow thank you so much you are absolutely so sweet !!!!!
this isn't an x reader or story just kind of headcanons so enjoy :D
Dadspy Headcanons
He stayed with Ma sometime after Scout was born, only leaving due to his job. He figured that his relationship with her could solve not only as blackmail but also become a threat to her safety
Ma is one of the only people who knows his true identity and face, and he does check in on her and still loves her, over any other maiden he's courted with in such a manner
During Scout's younger years, there may have been a few adults, teachers, and other authority figures who did things they shouldn't, especially regarding children. Seeing them as a threat, Spy took them out quietly. He likely also disguised himself as them so they had a chance to say goodbye to Scout, to keep his innocence in those matters as long as he could.
Spy is the father only of Scout, and Ma's most recent lover; he is the only one she sees and longs for now
Sometime after Spy left as Scout's father, he disguised himself as one or two specific people so he could stay close to his son, interacting with him, serving as whatever bit of role model he could.
Spy always left gifts for Scout on his birthday. For the first couple years they were clearly from that absent father, but after that, they were from one of the other identities he'd taken. After a while he'd realized those too were a threat and pretended they'd moved away.
Spy made requests to the Administrator to get both of them on the same team. He felt somewhat guilty about that, but, after so long apart, he wanted to look after his son for a while.
Spy also has ADHD, except his is far more inactive-type and masked, which is where Scout got it from, whereas Scout is active and completely out there.
Ma is so sweet and girlboss but also where Scout got his smarts. Fortunately, Spy is moronsexual and madly in love.
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dragcnbreak · 7 months
hiii can u maybe do a drabble with little!mike, like he wakes up tiny after a nightmare and cg!reader (masc if thats okay :)) has to comfort him? i love ur mike drabbles and headcanons btw theyre so RASKJHFLD /pos /nf obviously :)
HI FRIEND <3 I literally have like 7 requests to get to but I decided to write this because little!mike and I love the idea <3 ive kinda avoided using daddy because of how sexualized the term is but I use it here! I hope you don’t mind; I can always change it!!! I hope you enjoy <33
◞♡࿐ (post movie, so contains spoilers)
You were asleep when Mike woke up, sweating and crying. He had just woken up from a nightmare featuring the yellow rabbit, the man who had hurt his little brother and almost his little sister too. He had a bad day before and was ultimately exhausted so his nightmare made him age regress.
“Daddy,” he cried out for you, softly shaking your shoulder, “please wake up.” In his dream, the yellow rabbit had hurt you too and he couldn’t bare it if his dream had become reality. You were too important to him. When you didn’t wake up, Mike began sobbing even more and shaking you even harder. “Please, don’t tell me the bad man hurt you too.”
Fortunately, you had woken up and caught the last half of Mike’s sentence. “Hey hey hey bear, I’m okay. Daddy’s okay.” You reassured him, mumbling with sleep still evident in your voice. You slowly sat up on your elbows and gathered your boy into a hug, running your hands along his back in a repetitive manner to soothe him.
“Do you want to tell me what happened? What bad man?” You asked even if you likely already knew. You had barely known Mike when he worked at Freddy’s but you had heard plenty about the events surrounding William Afton from him, Vanessa, and even Abby.
Mike sniffled, “the yellow rabbit. The one who took Garrett and almost hurt Abby. He had hurt you this time and I couldn’t save you and he laughed and laughed and laughed. And then he came to hurt me and that’s when I woke up.” He started to sob more because of his rambling, this time in your arms.
You lifted a hand up and ran your fingers through his soft hair. “Oh, I’m so sorry, baby boy. That must have been so scary. But I’m okay and so is Abby. She’s right down the hall and I’m right here with you in my arms, safe and sound.” Mike nodded but kept crying, clearly still upset with his dream.
You began to think of ways to further calm him that didn’t involve staying up too much longer. He might not want to sleep again but you know he should, as he’s always tired. “Hey, how about we go warm you up some milk? And then I can borrow a book from Abby and read you a bedtime story? Does that sound okay?” Mike blanched at the thought of sleeping again but nodded anyway.
“That’s my good boy.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead and detached yourself from him, quickly getting up and rushing over to his side of the bed. You helped him up and held his hand as you walked to the kitchen together. You knew he was regressed to his usual age of about 10 but the fact that he didn’t reject your hand holding meant he was still pretty scared.
You arrived at the kitchen with your boy in tow, grabbing a pot and the gallon of milk in the fridge. You poured out some milk into the pot and turned the stove on before putting the milk back in its place. You grabbed a plastic spoon to stir and began to hum softly, squeezing Mike’s hand as you did.
Soon enough, the milk was warm enough (as per your taste tester’s word) and you still held hands on the way back to his room. He sipped his milk and sat on the bed. You ran your fingers through his hair once again and then made your way to Abby’s room. You were plenty quiet as you grabbed a book you knew Mike liked.
Back in his room, Mike had laid back down and put his glass on the bedside table, his eyes already starting to close. But he fought it, wanting to hear you telling him a bedtime story. And so you began telling it, making sure to do all the voices you know he loved to hear. He giggled at the appropriate times, still sniffling a bit as he drank some more milk.
Within a few minutes, you had finished the story and looked up to see the glass empty and your boy soundly asleep. You smiled fondly and shut the book softly. Putting it next to the glass, you got back into bed with Mike. You moved him slightly so you could spoon him, hoping to protect him from any more nightmares. And with that, you fell back asleep as well.
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alixlives · 4 months
for the tk prompts thingy lee!husk w 11 and ler!angel (/nf!)
11. “Can I tickle you?”
eueudhfhsjfhd this is my first time writing for any hazbin hotel characters pls be nice🙏🙏
this can be viewed as either platonic or romantic !!
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“Hey, whiskers~!” Angel says as he approaches Husk, using that same tone and smirk that Husk swears he hates so much. Husk gives the spider a look of disinterest and annoyance as he continues cleaning a, currently, empty alcohol bottle.
Angel does not care.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me whiskers?” Husk sighed.
“Get over it, pal, cause I ain’t gonna stop.” Angel grinned smugly at the groan he was given as a response. “But I’m not here to flirt with you today.”
Husk almost cheered aloud, his curiosity stopped him.
“Okay then.. Why are you over here?” Husk set down the bottle he’d been cleaning. “You’re not just gonna get drunk and bitch about your job to me, are you?”
It’d been a little while since Husk and Angel actually became close. They learned a lot about each other in this time.
And theres one that Angel doesn’t like to leave Husk alone about.
“Can I tickle you?” Way to be straightforward, Angel.
The spider had a small yet mischievous smile on his face.
“I swear to fuck,” Husk mumbled to himself. “Why?”
“It is very adorable when I tickle you. Y’know, your laugh, the way your wings flap, and the way that tail.. thing.. wags which tells me that you like it.. I could go on as to why. Now will ya answer my question?” Angel leans forward with his elbow rested on the table, and his chin placed on his palm.
Husk blinked, heat rising to his face. His tail flicked, and he nodded.
“Fuck yeah! Come here!” Angel practically jumped over the counter and tackled Husk down. The spider wrapped him in a tight bear hug with his top set of arms, and used his second set to scribble all over Husk’s stomach, immediately eliciting loud laughter.
“See what I mean? You’re just too cute when you’re being tickled, I don’t think I can handle it.” Angel grinned at the sight of Husk being a mess of laughter. He’d never get tired of it.
“Shuhut uHUP!” Husk couldn’t muster up much of anything to say. He squirmed in Angel’s grip, though his attempts at escape were fruitless as the tickles had weakened him. It didn’t help much that the hug that confined him has trapped his arms, causing incapability to defend himself.
“Aww, are you embarrased, whiskers~? Can the kitty not handle some little tickles~?” Angel teased, a shit-eating grin on his face as he extended his third pair of arms and started squeezing Husk’s hips.
“AhaHANGEL! Dohon’t- FUHUCK!” Husk kicked his legs out a little, but Angel quickly put that stunt to an end by trapping Husk’s legs with his own.
“You tryin’ to hurt me there, whiskers?” Angel raised an eyebrow.
“Noho! Fuhuck off!” Husk tried to protest, and began to squirm a little more intensely than before.
“Hm. For that, I oughta—“
“Well, this is certainly an interesting sight!”
The sudden comment startled both demons on the floor. Angel stopped what he was doing and whipped his head around as he let go of the demon below him; both him and Husk recognized that radio-filter voice anywhere.
Him and that stupid fucking grin.
“How much of that did you see!?” Husk panicked, scrambling to sit up.
“Just about all of it, Husker. I was alerted by the sound of your yelling and wanted to investigate the source of it. And it appears it is just innocent fun!” His tone was quite cheerful, though it almost always seemed like that. “It is quite entertaining to watch, though I’ll spare your last bit of shame and leave the room so you may continue your fun.”
“..Thanks?” Angel watched, confused, as Alastor walked away with his hands behind his back.
“You’re welcome, my dear!” The radio demon called out as he left the room.
“Well, where were we?” Angel turned back to Husk with a smirk.
Husk’s laughter soon echoed through the room once again.
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moose-muffin · 4 months
im new here (hiya from the hazbin tag lol) but if you do character + character requests than please PLEASE gimmie a lee!vox with ler!alastor 🙏🙏🙏hear me out... the two are fighting and al (sHocKINglY) wins out, and vox expects to like.. be beaten into the ground as a result, but nope!! he gets tickled!!! to tears!!!! smthn smthn he wasnt smilin and, yk, youre never fully dressed w/o a smile!!!
/nf to do tho ty for reading!!! <3<3
I DONT WRITE GOOD ROMANCE BUT LIKE UGH IMAGINE IT NOW. Alastor definitely just got himself to the V’s tower and was planning on fucking with Vox only to see he had already been kinda pissed off. Alastor wouldn’t be as satisfied if he knew he didn’t cause the frustration. He realized he could just stir the pot again. Problem solved, and what better way to solve it than using his weakness against him.. being tickled.
I’m being a little silly but genuinely Vox is so ticklish. Like most ticklish person in hell would go to him if it were an official title. That’s what I’m thinking. That being said, Alastor also knows how quickly he could get him to crumble… but wouldn’t it be more fun to take it slow.
Vox notices his presence almost immediately. He tried to ignore it as he feels his face get warm. He can’t fuck this up. He takes a deep breath and turns around. “Why hello, Alastor! What brings you to our building this evening?” He said in a semi newcaster voice. He wasn’t ready to drop the act
“Well Vox, I came here for a reason of my own but then I walked by your office and you looked so sad!” He began to walk closer to Vox. “You know, t they say you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
Vox let out a laugh that was quite clearly untruthful. “Yes Alastor I am aware! I was alone in here and so I figured I’d just save up some energy. I’m sure you understand.”
“Quite frankly I don’t,” Alastor paused, “I think maybe I could help you get that smile back.”
Vox didn’t even have to think. He knew Alastor meant he was going to tickle him. You could ask Velvette. She’s seen those two in tickle fights that lasted for DAYS. she knows what they’re capable of, or more so what Alastor is capable of.
Vox puts up a fight for maybe a couple seconds but he just loves tickles more than he can play pretend that he doesn’t <3
It works out well for them both, Alastor gets to fuck around with Vox and well, Vox gets his shit rocked!!! And he loves that more than a lot of things.
apologies if anything is ooc, i just do this for funsies <3
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asiandra-dash · 1 month
Hi i saw u wanna rewrite akikasa hcs PLEASE WRITE ME SOME I BEG /nf /lh
HJKJSKDKHS AKIKASA anyways I was referring to a short story I wrote a while ago but THIS!!! IS (I think) MY FIRST AKIKASA RELATED ASK!!!! I MUST WRITE!!!!!! All I have to do is figure out which thoughts are based on canon and which ones are AUs-
I took 18 days to finally post this because I kept getting ideas and had to force myself to stop because this is way too long 888 words man this ain't fanfiction also if this is illegible I'm sorry none of my headcanon posts will ever be organized no beta or read more we die like my grades after my orchestra field trip
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Starting with basic shit Akito is SO so in denial about his feelings and when he's finally fed up with it he chucks it down to infatuation (It is not)
And Tsukasa is an oblivious idiot to everything even though he has a stupid crush on this ginger he just refuses to say anything because he still thinks Akito despises his guts
My guy every little bit of physical contact you make with carrot head makes him look like color hex #ff0000 RGB 255, 0, 0 how do you not notice this
Tsukasa fell first, and they both fell harder >:)
You know Tsukasa'a 1* card where Akito saved the poor man from a spider or something that's when it happened Tsukasa didn't know at first cause like haha who the hell falls in love with someone over something so small I barely even know the guy
If Akito confessed first, after a long moment of awkward silence and Akito wishing the floor would eat him alive, Tsukasa is suddenly hugging him and crying (That's a yes btw)
If Tsukasa confessed first, it would take a bit (probably a few days or weeks) but eventually Akito with the support of everyone finally accepts his feelings for Tsukasa (He didn't tell anyone about the confession btw it was probably Akiyama or one of Tsukasa's friends that told everyone also the threat of Rui was probably another reason he couldn't deny lmao)
Every date, and I mean EVERY SINGLE DATE, Tsukasa will always bring or buy some cheesecakes or pancakes for Akito
And if he doesn't the next time he brings lunch for Akito he'll bring him more cheesecake than he usually does to make up for it
When Tsukasa found out Akito's favorite flowers were sunflowers, he sometimes brings one for him too :D
Tsukasa probably got a pair of sunflower clip-on earrings too (Or whatever they're called)
Tsukasa loves to tackle hug Akito and it never fails to make the ginger laugh <3
Tsukasa borrows Akito's jackets a lot (At least twice a week).
Akito complains about it but let's be honest he loves it when he gets it back and all he smells on it is Tsukasa's scent
Tsukasa loves giving gifts to Akito even if there's no special occasion, usually some type of jewelry like earrings and the next day Akito's most likely wearing it
Obviously, they invite each other to their shows, and sometimes their other bandmates too
During WxS shows Akito's supportive and is internally loud but during VBS concerts Tsukasa is HOLLERING Akito's name and singing along if he knows the lyrics it's embarrassing but if you look closely enough you can tell it hypes up Akito a little more and he tries even harder (An has taken note of this and teases him nonstop about it)
Neither of them are a huge fan of PDA but if you stare long enough you'll probably miss a sneaky little kiss when you blink
That or if Tsukasa's in a really good mood he'll practically cling to Akito (Which is like 50% of the time tbh)
That one post I made on my side blog is real and so is the first tag
Yes Ena and Saki are supportive but holy shit Akito wants to fucking strangle Ena whenever she brings it up (This applies to An too)
Tsukasa helps Akito be more open with his feelings and Akito helps Tsukasa deal with negativity better
Around people, Akito still treats Tsukasa how he would (if Tsukasa isn't being clingy) but once they're alone Akito acts like he's touch starved and refuses to leave Tsukasa alone
Akito sometimes helps Tsukasa with practicing for his shows. He's obviously not as good but he's trying and Tsukasa appreciates his efforts
Tell Akito to say wonderhoy and he'll look at you like you're fucking insane but have Tsukasa tell him and he'll say it as unenthusiastically as he can manage
And then Tsukasa will look at him all :((( and Akito does it with more energy and "jesus fucking christ the things I do to make Tsukasa happy" (It's just a wonderhoy idk why you're so pissed /hj)
I do not understand Japanese and I am not caught up on that one event story with furry Akito so correct me if I'm wrong (about the italicized part) but before Akito gets over his fear of dogs Tsukasa always made sure they would steer clear of them and if one suddenly appeared this blond pink theatre kid is going to protect his pathetic fucking boyfriend with his life
Rui: Is that a hickey? | Tsukasa: No! It’s just a mosquito bite. | Akito, walking into the room: Hey, guys. | Rui: Hi, mosquito.
Whenever one of them stays up really late when staying over. the other tries to convince them to go to bed and cuddle/snuggle with them and it works.
Tsukasa practically begs meanwhile, if possible, Akito hugs Tsukasa from behind and basically just collapses onto him half asleep mumbling into his ear (Can you tell I'm tired it's 1 AM and I got 3 hours of sleep yesterday I'm running off of a power nap rn)
Obviously, Tsukasa can't do anything with Akito like that so he basically carries Akito to the room of whoever they're staying at
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Akikasa supremacy WHO'S WITH ME AKIKASA!!!!!!! (I'm dying on a hill please)
Divider / Reply Icon made by me! ( 1 | 2 )
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strawbubbysugar · 6 months
Hello there my good author, please feel free to use this ask as a prop to ramble about the ideas you have for So(u)l (or bethroned if you have any you want to talk about) /nf
Also hope your break has been wonderful so far! :D
Oh hehe ty!! And it has been, thank you!! It’s been a really nice break from writing (lying, has been roleplaying with my partner and writing a lil)
They aren’t very organized, but here are a few scattered thoughts
- taking some inspo from classic fnaf, dca is replaced by an animatronic mascot who’s lorded as being the “ultimate in ai”, truly a marvel, talks like a person! Etc etc, bc he’s got most of a real human brain in there and some of a human body, but it’s being controlled by electronics and engineering work. On the outside seems to be entirely robotic, but if you delve too deep into the robotics underneath the hood you reach lungs being artificially pumped with pistons, things like that. Imagining a scene where he gets stabbed through the chest and thinks he’s fine, insists he’s fine, but blood begins to drip from his chest. They think it’s oil at first
- he doesn’t know he used to be, or that he has any human pieces in him at all. Until the big zap, and not only does he get his string, but the *real* mind inside of him wakes up. The human body that they’re using as scaffolding for his AI.
- he’s mad, terrified, and a little bit crazy after having his mind moulded to produce a happy go lucky ray of Sunshine mascot character.
- the most upsetting part is that the AI is still there after the zap. Still functional. But really, Truly *awake* now. Forced to share a mind. Forced to realize what an abomination he/their shared body is, the pain he causes just by existing .
- y/ngineer is an engineer like before, but is tasked with working on superficial things like the mascot’s outer stuff and the arms and legs, and monitoring the AI’s progress. Forbidden to delve any deeper because of “NDA” rules. Can’t shake the feeling that they can hear this robot breathe.
- reason behind the creation of this robot for this company is to start a new empire (a la Disney), with real mascots that walk around rather than people in suits. They’ve got an entire amusement park that’s being built, and other robots in similar situations to the main character, with human bodies inside used as conduits, brains used as fodder
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
minecraft bee. starign at you. you mentioned nosey neighbors. hello they're my favorite guys do you have anything to share , /nf
so the thing is you may have noticed I have a thing for writing guys who are trying their best in a broken system and like, ALL of one piece is that to some extent, but then I went “what if I make bigb and pearl marines” and they are now ESPECIALLY that. because like—
okay the thing is that in one piece the world government SUCKS. like every arc we learn more and more reasons the world government is the WORST INSTITUTION EVER. and as such, their military force, the marines, generally serve as antagonists and suck, but. MANY individual marines do not suck. because the thing is that ridiculously powerful pirates also exist and they DO hurt civilians and many marines DO want to protect those civilians! we even have people like smoker who is like, javert levels of determined to hunt the straw hat pirates, but ALSO willing to put that aside for the greater good and work with them temporarily (see: alabasta). we have people like garp, who mostly at this point wants to train the next generation and is constantly torn between duty and family. we have koby, my beloved, who was tormented by pirates for so long and joined the marines to get stronger and protect people and stands up to the admirals to try to get them to stop the fighting at marineford after the marines had already effectively won! and yeah MANY of the marines we meet are assholes who use their power over people to get what they want but ALSO they’re often complex people or even good people who have been placed within an evil system.
(side note: being a civilian in the one piece world sucks and is terrifying, for the record, and while one piece is a lighthearted comedy most of the time, oftentimes it does remind us of that anyway. which is definitely part of “why the world government”; if YOU lived in the one piece world, YOU’D probably want the guys who constantly feed you propaganda about protecting you from the pirates who will kill you to be in charge because like. you do not want the pirates to kill you. which many of them will. for fun. JUST BECAUSE THE GOOD GUYS IN ONE PIECE ARE PIRATES DOESN’T MEAN THE BAD GUYS AREN’T ALSO PIRATES WHEN THE BAD GUYS AREN’T THE EVILS OF A CORRUPT SYSTEM THAT SEEKS TO MAINTAIN ITS OWN POWER ABOVE ALL ELSE.)
anyway the POINT is.
so then I made the nosy neighbors marines, and also gave them a cool dynamic where pearl is newer to being a marine on the grand line and while not NAIVE (her village was destroyed by pirates) she has a strong image in her head of protecting people while bigb has been worn down by the system over the years and is more used to the bullshit the world government would have him do and is resigned to it. and bigb teaches pearl a bit about the way the world actually is on these oceans but pearl teaches bigb a bit about how they don’t have to GIVE UP in protecting people just because there’s government bullshit in their way. and ALSO they get to relentlessly pursue Cleo’s pirates AND have a fun dynamic of people going “oh there’s a devil fruit user between the two of them, surely it’s the scary one with the axe” (it is not its bigb bigb just knows how to be subtle, unlike some people).
and that’s why this au has me staring at the nosy neighbors like “OH. THEM.”
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betweenlands · 2 years
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[ID: Two asks from my inbox. The first is from @12u3ie and reads "Drop the essay, Solar /nf". The second is from @artisticgryfess and reads "wait no tell me about joe being technos hels". /End ID]
holy shit you guys i'm not even a hermitcraft or dsmp blog rn. fair enough this is a longstanding conspiracy theory of mine, though. ok, so. Joe Is Techno's Hels, the not-an-essay (mainly because i'm not going to cite SHIT, this is PURELY in the realm of headcanon/theory except if i explicitly indicate something is supported by canon)
so, the joke theory starts like this: back when hermitcraft/dsmp crossovers were first getting popular, there were a lot of crack theories about "hels!joe is technoblade" because... well, a lot of factors. they're both loosely english majors (i know joe is a history major just humor me), both slightly strange guys who operate by their own logic, both have somewhat similar (ish?) accents, both have a very deadpan sense of humor and incredible delivery on that deadpan, and most of all both of them Cannot Be Killed In A Way That Matters.
however, i am your local Hels Analyst, no like seriously there's so much weird shit about helsknight we haven't discussed yet, and one (implied? this is a theory but i feel it holds water) thing that's always been key to me about Hels versions is... they represent bad traits present in the original individual. whether or not those bad traits are the Objectively Bad ones or the traits the original self-identifies as bad is pretty up in the air right now (welsknight come off anon i just need you to tell me if helsknight likes pineapple on pizza it is absolutely fucking critical to our understanding of hels lore) but we'll be going with the latter, for reasons i'll explain later and by later i mean right now.
so! assuming there are hels versions of more players than just welsknight (i cannot stress enough how much we technically don't know this in canon -- it can reasonably be extrapolated but we really aren't sure!), that brings up an interesting issue with techno being joe's hels.
joe is not a particularly violent person.
"well solar," you say, "what does that have to do with techno being joe's hels?"
"well, strawman i have made up to make this long-ass post more visually broken-up and less formal-feeling," i reply, "hels versions of players only exhibit traits that are present in the original person." and this is confirmed canon, by the way -- wels himself has explicitly cited specific ways he can sometimes suck that are directly visible in the way helsknight acts!
so. joe is not a particularly violent person, and... okay yes listen i know there's a lot of very good writing on how technoblade isn't entirely 100% down for violence all the time and maybe wants to peacefully retire, okay. i get it. i am not calling techno a murder machine all i'm saying is that one of them enjoys pvp enough that he helped train other people and the other one is recording as he always does from nashville tennessee. i am a variety mcyt blogger and the only dsmp essay i have ever written before now is about how the tftsmp metaplot parallels redstoner. just bear with me.
imo joe also exhibits a lot of self-awareness about his own bad qualities as a character, and none of those traits are really... present in technoblade? but here's where it gets interesting.
i am no genius and certainly no master c!technoblade analyst, but if we assume technoblade trained to become a fighter and identified certain of his traits as being Not Ideal for someone who focuses on pvp and being a strong pigman, we can. kind of see those traits in joe, even if we can assume technoblade has learned enough to stop displaying those traits:
will commit to the bit even if it's inconvenient for him
obnoxious about whatever form of literature is closest to him
will start quoting from that work of literature to fit the situation even when it totally doesn't fit the situation
zero bloodlust and an active need to avoid direct conflict; a tendency towards pacifism even
malicious compliance
perfectly timed awful timing
overwhelming amounts of Just Some Guy and also English Major energy
exceedingly stubborn and would rather go through a problem than around it; will also see a tunnel through a mountain and climb over the hill instead
and. hm! yeah that feels like a joe hills description. you could make a joe hills out of this. add to that the fact that both of them refuse to die, but technoblade never dies whereas joe conquers death by dying over and over and coming back repeatedly out of sheer spite -- yeah i'd say joe could very easily be seen as the hels of the two.
and if Hels, the dimension, is the hostile and horrible place that helsknight claims it is -- where "everyone's unyielding and everyone there rebels" -- well, only one of them has a (mostly) canonical backstory that involves struggling through a hellish landscape designed by a hostile architect who wishes to cause pain and suffering. and it's not technoblade.
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mettaloverxx · 18 days
You came to the right place. I love fell metta very much as well! The lack of content for him is sad. But that's what I'm here for! [When I'm not lazy ofc- jghhgnf] now let's see here, how about some fluff?? It might be a little short due to writers block but i hope you enjoy anyway!
Warnings: none
Did not Proof read
Note: readers nickname for fellmetta is bug/ lovebug I do this for all fanfics I write for him ❤️
Mettafell x reader
🍓Strawberry kisses 💋
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You sat on the couch listening to music. It's been a very slow and boring day. ever since metta left this morning for work, it feels like time is going 10× slower. You yawn softly and pick up your phone, and look at your previous text messages from earlier today with mettafell. Even though he was always busy with all the shows, concerts, plays, etc. He always somehow made time to text you little updates or to check up on you. But today, he wasn't texting you as much, feeling a little worried you decided to send him a text asking him how's everything was going. But before you could press, send you hear the front door opening you look over at the door and you see mettafell walk in. You smile and get up and make your way over to him. "Bug! I was just thinking about you! how did work go?" You wrap your arms around him into a loving hug, then look up at him
You immediately knew something was off by the way his face looked. Bug was good at hiding things due to being an actor, but sense you are so close to him, you've gotten good at reading him. You frowned softly. "I guess it was a bad day, huh?.." mettafell gently wraps his lower set of arms around you, returning the affection. "A bad day would be an understatement, darling. Ugh, it was...HORRENDOUS.." He let go of the hug and starts walking to the living room," the monster that I was supposed to be interviewing for my show canceled out at the last minute, someone put stains on my favorite outfit that absolutely won't come out!, There's an advid theft in the resort that keeps stealing expensive merchandise..and I'm not going to even talk about what type of magazine I caught burger pants reading on shift..." He does a robotic sigh and continues talking about his day while grabbing his spare charger by the couch he sits down and plugged himself in. You stayed quiet as you were listening to him and followed him to the living room. He looks over at you and says, "But never mind that darling, I need to charge. I'm very low on power. Give me an hour or two rest, yes?"
You gently sat down by him, watching his still body as he charged. It saddened you that he had a bad day. Maybe there was something you can do to make it a little better? You ponder for a moment before getting up and going into the kitchen with a smile on your face. you knew exactly what to do.
Mettafell powers back on. his body makes a soft, humming noise as he looks around, he doesn't see you. He was thinking you were upstairs, but then he hears running water in the kitchen, so he unplug himself and walks over to the kitchen he sees you washing a pan. "Hello darling, what are you getting ready to cook?" He says as he stepped closer to you. You stop washing the pan and turn around to look at him. How did you not hear him walk in? "Oh! Hi bug, I didn't know you were up already, I got you a gift," you said as you walked over to the fridge and took out a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and walked over to him. "I wanted to make you something special since you didn't have a good day. I know strawberries are your favorite, so I hope you like these"
Mettafell looks down at you, then the strawberries. It took him a minute to process this. You made his favorite desert for him. just because he had a bad day??? What?? His internal fans turn on "oh..sweetheart it looks wonderful." His eyes soften as he looks down at you and puts his hand under your chin to make you look up at him. He leans down and kisses your lips softly. You kissed him back, and it all felt like time went still, shortly after mettafell pulls away from the kiss and smiled his toothy fang grin. "Let's share them together, sweetie, we should continue watching those old human horror you were showing me to"
Your face was slightly warm, and you smile "ok love bug, I'll find a movie for us to watch tonight." You walk into the living room, and mettafell follows
You and bug spend the rest of the night sharing the sweet strawberries and watching movies together ❤️
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