#next up my prison hcs
analiavs · 7 months
Obsessed with the concept of monthly or quarterly orgies for the upper class. They take turns hosting... they judge each others decorations, the quality of the participants, the refreshments
Tw mentions of rape, hypnosis, aphrodisiacs
Hold his at the underground farm; uses his best cows and bulls as the party favors, spends the orgy pretending he isn't at all interested in dick (convinces no one), doesn't allow drugs at his orgies (for his livestocks safety), western/rustic deco, the only refreshments are his products
At the orgies: maybe starts off sticking his dick into someone, by the end he's getting spitroasted if the weiners meet his standards
Everyone hates when it's his turn to host the orgies. They suck. He holds it in the auditorium, there's mold. The refreshments are cafeteria food. Can occasionally blackmail a few students to be the party favors, a few times no party favors show up.
Sometimes he has enough money saved up for a bunch of alcohol and aphrodisiacs. Always shitty quality.
At the orgies: desperate to participate... either gets sloppy thirds or spends it getting bullied by briar
Holds the orgies in his mayoral mansion. Probably the best unless you love cowpeople. Very luxurious, refreshments include expensive wines and whore derves. He does lay plastic over his furniture and makes sure there's air fresheners everywhere. (Tax dollars hard at work)
High quality aphrodisiac etc. For his party favors he finds pretty and well-endowed people and uses his hypnosis powers on them. They never remember the aftermath, but its still extremely fucked.
Rumor is people who sneak out of the orgy zone in the mansion aren't "the same" when they come back
At the orgies: has plenty of eager partners due to his status. Enjoys himself and his babytentadaddy is always riled up after if he isn't sated
Hosts them in the underground. Forces his best strippers and whores to provide entertainment along with the unfortunate basement prisoners. His are the most anything goes. Even though his location is dank and musty, doesn't get the same bad rep as Leighton's orgies.
At the orgies: only fucks pretty people, bullies Leighton, teases the rest of the goon squad. Has fucked Remy and Quinn. Managed to get Bailey on his lap once and eventually wants to put Avery in "his place"
Participates in the orgies. May one day be high ranking enough in the social hierarchy to host. Will bring his sugar baby as his plus one if they're a big enough socialite. Gets awkward when he doesn't want to share... at an orgy.
Is careful not to overindulge as to maintain his image.
Has gotten head from Remy, is trying to get at Quinn for the social points but has so far been unsuccessful
Gets to come because he provides drugs for everyone. Usually has to wank in the corner. Occasionally can cajole Remy into letting him fuck him. Would fuck Leighton, but even he can't ignore such massive peer pressure. A highlight for him was giving Briar a suck suck 9000 prostate massage combo during a lights out themed orgy.
Occasionally hired to take pictures or video at the orgies. Sworn to secrecy, forced to wear a muzzle and chastity belt. Doesn't mind because twenty thousand is twenty thousand.
Goes but doesn't participate. Sits and judges everyone fully dressed while sipping on a champagne flute. The closest he's come to participating was when Briar served aphrodisiac laced wine and he ended up grinding on his lap. When he's suppoused to host he sends his invites out a week after the date. So people think they missed it. Since the rule is no speaking on it no one can call him on it.
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Homelander being obsessed with his sister HC IV
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Warnings: heavy siblingxsibling implications, Homelander being such a narcissist that he falls in "love" with his own sibling, dubcon, noncon, manipulation, stalking, basically all the horrible parts of HL come out to play, MC has blonde hair and blue eyes like HL, different plot than 'All I Ever Wanted, All I Ever Needed', kidnapping,
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With you and Homelander demolishing the top floor of Vought Tower with your fighting, the rest of the floors are forced to evacuate.
You're younger and smaller than Homelander. Worse was your inexperience with fighting against another supe of his pedigree.
I imagine that somehow you manage to escape and get away but it's only a matter of time before Homelander sniffs you out. But both of you are battered from the fight, each tired.
He doesn't try to fight you. instead he sits down next to you, heaving out a sigh. You're scared, you won't lie. At any moment HL could just turn to you and grab you.
"I'm just. . . terrified to lose you again." HL finally admits. You've heard how he was raised. That isolating loneliness along with the terrible trials they put him through must have really fucked him up. You couldn't even fathom what he'd went through.
That was still no excuse for him kidnapping you. He understood what he had down in keeping you against your will. How else would he be sure he'd ever see you again?
There was obvious desperation in his voice, a tremor in his blue eyes as he has a death grip on your hand. He was just a child. An overgrown, murderous child that had never experienced genuine love and affection.
Don't get me wrong, you are fucking furious. You were kept against your will. You felt like his goddamn canary in a gilded cage. You'd never felt so powerless in your entire life. You hated that feeling. Was that how civilians felt around you?
All that time left alone in his apartment gave you a lot to think about. You'd rolled the situation over and over in your head. Analyzing all that you knew and all that you were still learning.
Both of you spend hours there, just talking. More than you had during your entire captivity. It was difficult for Homelander to be honest about his feelings. He told you all the fucked up shit he'd done. You tell him your own fears and he really listens.
By no means though have you forgiven him. You point that out but say "I suppose the only way you can ever get my forgiveness is if you prove to me that you're truly sorry."
You knew, in his twisted little head, that he loved you. More than anyone has. Maybe a little too much with the way he looked at you sometimes or certain things that would slip from his mouth every now and then.
If you wanted him to prove himself to you, that meant that you were willing to see him again.
You set boundaries, though a few of them you noticed him grimace at. If he wanted you in his life, willingly, he had to abide by them.
You were not going to be anyone's prisoner ever again. No matter how nicely they treated you
He wasn't going to like not having you easily accessible. This was how healthy and normal relationships worked. If there was any chance of getting you to trust him again, he'd have to go along with it.
At least it would give him the opportunity to see you and perhaps have you warmed up to him once more.
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deathbxnny · 4 months
hihi, may I request platonic wriothesley hcs with a teen!reader who is the youngest inmate? >:3
Hello there! I absolutely love this idea and am so excited to write it, hehe! I hope you'll like this, Anon!<33
Content: Platonic mentor/student dynamic, fluff, teen reader, some mentions of violence, Reader is troubled, sfw
Reader has no mentioned pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Wriothesley couldn't help but raise a brow, when he saw your sentencing for the first time on paper. You were the typical troubled teen, one that caused ruckus and didn't know how to control their anger due to your life spent out on the ruthless streets. But different than most, you had actually gotten yourself into the fortress, despite your young age. Not that it really matters to the court, he figured.
He took it upon himself to greet you first, mainly because he felt like that was safer. He expected some pushback or anger, but instead was met by calm irritation on your part. Other than that, you simply accepted your fate, grimly noting that you've been through worse. The older man just nods, although he oddly feels a soft spot for you, forming rather quickly. Perhaps you remind him too much of himself.
Being the youngest inmate quickly made you rather... popular among the other prisoners, something that ofcourse reached Wriothesley's ears first, who then promptly made sure you worked right under him to keep you safe. He wanted to help you out, perhaps rehabilitate you well enough, that the court perhaps sees how harsh it was and allows you to go free again.
He is patient and makes sure you know that you can open up to him at any time. He eventually jokingly calls himself your mentor, but you know better than to think it was just a simple comment. Because over time, that actually became true. Whether you liked it or not.
To deal with your frustrations and troubles, he decides that a more "healthier" way to let everything out is by training with you in the boxing ring. He teaches you how to fight, how to defend yourself. It comes in handy down here. And at the end of each lesson, he gets you a couple snacks as a reward for doing well, no matter if you actually did or not.
Drinking tea with him often is a daily thing eventually as well. It helps you open up to him and his jokes also start making you laugh from time to time. He also takes the time to inquire if someone or something is bothering you when you seem down. And if he finds out that someone has been hurting or bullying you? Well, perhaps he should reassert his title as a Duke to the troublemakers.
You're also forced to partake in weekly checkups with Sigewinne to make sure that you're physically as healthy as you can be, considering your young age. Wriothesley sees it as essentially and skillfully evades your whining and complaining by promising you more of your favorite snacks. It always works, much to your dismay.
You're always seen standing behind or next to the Duke whenever he's welcoming important guests into the Fortress. And whenever anyone asks who you are, he simply grins and places a hand on your head, before introducing you as his favorite little "right hand henchman". He chuckles at the annoyed roll of your eyes, but doesn't miss the content ghost of a smile on your lips from the corner of his eye.
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Alright, I really hope this was fine, Anon! And congrats for being my first request of this year! I haven't written anything in a while and therefore hope I'm not too rusty... but either way, requests are currently open and am excited for the next one's! <33
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kurogane2512 · 11 months
Can I ask some chief x FEM reader which is a sinner? I know it's a difficult request but chief do me making me feel things. If It's not a bother can you do it Nsfw?
Ngl this was bit of a challenge but I have had so many hcs of being a Sinner in ptn that it became very interesting to write! Thank you for waiting! <3
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Fem!Chief x Sinner!Fem!Reader
Type: Smut with plot (blood sucking, slightly dark themes, reader has vampire-like powers)
A knock was heard on your cell door followed by the Chief coming in.
"Good to see you again, Chief. How may I help you?~"
"This is a regular check-up. I'm just here to ensure you are fine."
"How kind of you, Chief. I didn't expect a prison to treat its prisoners so well....I thought you would be inhumane."
"This isn't just a prison, I'm also responsible for curing your Mania and helping you recover."
"Hehe, I see. So, I suppose it's best that I comply?~"
"Of course, it is. Otherwise, I have my ways to make you comply."
"Don't scare me, Chief. Unless you'd like to test who's faster, your shackles or my.....blood?~"
"Don't try those tricks on me again, you know I can control you."
You squinted your eyes with a smirk then walked closer to Chief and leaned near her face, "Fine then....Would you listen to a request of mine?~"
"....Go ahead."
You smiled then kept your hand on her shoulder and leaned closer to her neck before taking in her scent, "I want to taste you, Chief....You promised me at our first encounter that you'd let me have a taste if I comply. Surely, you haven't forgotten so soon?~"
Shivers ran down Chief's spine as your breath tickled her neck. She knew what you meant by 'taste', even if you worded it rather strangely.
"....I'll have Nightingale send you a sample later."
"That won't do, Chief. I want to drink from the direct source~"
The Chief winced and slightly turned away, "D-Do you actually have a need to drink....blood? Is it a necessary nutrition for you?"
"Hm? Not really. You could say that....I have a tendency to sense blood around me which makes me a little....tempted. Didn't you say you'll help me recover? Then, satisfy my urges, Chief~"
"....Fine, but only this once. If I keep indulging your urges then you'll never want to control them."
"Hehe, a logical point, Chief. Let's see if you can hold back after this~"
The Chief took off her coat followed by unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her neck and chest for you. You licked your lips and pushed her against the wall then leaned in and licked strips up her neck, she trembled slightly then you proceeded to dig your fangs in her skin. She instinctively held onto you as your teeth pierced her skin, followed by sucking out her blood. She gasped and threw her head back, while you only moaned at the taste of her sweet blood.
"Aaah~ How delicious you are, Chief. See, I knew I wasn't wrong. Your blood is divine~"
You whispered on her neck as you proceeded to place kisses down her chest before biting down on it and sucking more blood. You looked up and saw the Chief's disheveled state, face reddened and panting out from the loss of blood. You smirked then sucked out of her blood from the marks and controlled the liquid on your fingers, playing it around in the air.
"I never used my powers for evil, Chief. You know I didn't even want them, and I don't like these bloodthirsty urges either."
You manipulated the blood in front of her eyes and soon made it into a pointed blade, "Unless, killing those gangsters counts as evil."
"....They were gangsters, they have killed innocents for their own selfish desires. You were only defending yourself from them."
"I still remember the blood on my hands, it was my mother's....And the next thing I knew, that blood had transformed into several blades that stabbed each of their throats...."
The Chief looked at you sympathetically and caressed your cheek, catching you by surprise.
"You don't have to brood over it. I promise I'll help you get back to normal."
You looked at her wide-eyed and felt blood rush to your cheeks, heating up your face. You were an expert in manipulating blood whether it be inside the body or outside as long as you could sense it. You smiled then leaned near Chief's face and smeared the drop of blood on her lips followed by kissing her in order to lick it up, you sucked on her lips and drank each and every bit of the blood from them then kissed her deeply.
Chief wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you closer, kissing back with equal passion. She understood what you wanted was not blood but comforting, she had done it for several other Sinners. You parted from the kiss then placed kisses down her body and kneeled down in front of her, she looked at you in surprised and you simply sneered before unbuckling her pants and sliding them down.
"More....I want to taste you more, Chief~"
The Chief was too overwhelmed now, she gave a nod and you started kissing her inner thighs, nipping and biting on certain spots and sucking more of her blood. Her knees trembled and voice cried out at the sensations, you then touched her wet underwear and rubbed her outer folds before discarding it.
"Oh, it looks like you want this as much as I do, Chief~"
"....Y-You won't bite me there, right?"
"Haha~ Of course not. I don't want your blood from there, I want something....tastier~"
You latched your mouth on her throbbing wet core and proceeded to suck, she moaned and arched back followed by gripping her fingers in your head and pushing you closer. You smirked and lapped up her folds, tasting all her sweet juices as they flowed out. She pulled your head closer and started grinding her hips on your mouth while you fingered her clit with your thumb and licked inside her cunt.
You gripped her thighs and went closer, touching her deepest spots with your tongue while playing with her clit. A wave of pleasure washed over her as she released, and you profusely drank up each and every drop of her sweet juices. She panted out as she recovered from her orgasm while you stood back up, licking your lips clean and savoring her taste. You smiled at her then embraced her affectionately.
"....Thank you, Chief. I won't ask for this again but if you want to do this again then....you know where to find me~"
You were about to release the hug and walk away but she suddenly wrapped her arms around you tightly and picked you up, your hands instinctively holding her neck. You looked at her in shock and she smirked then walked over to the bed and laid you down before coming on top of you and taking off her shirt.
"Who said we are done already?~"
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xanasaurusrex · 8 months
Helloooo could u please do Poseidon cabin next? My hc is that they can be either very chill like typical calm surf kids and super relaxed (like calm and relaxing waves” or unhinged af like chaotic, super fun in a bit of crazy way and overall more energetic and like yeah unhinged (like Percy). Lil obvs usually overall the same calm, go-with-the-flow kind of kids but also either very chill or very chaotic. Wanna know what u think tho… so yeah. Poseidon cabin if u can please?
⇢ ˗ˏˋ poseidon cabin headcanons ࿐ྂ
hi!! of course i can do poseidon cabin hcs! i honestly have a lot of ideas about poseidon kids. thank you so much for the request and i hope you like these!
i totally agree with you that there are two ways a poseidon kid can turn out
1) totally chaotic (percy)
2) totally chill surfer kid
there are a few people who are a mix of chaotic and surfer, which makes them actually really fun to surf with, but only perodically, because while surfing with them is fun it can also be kinda scary at times
continuing on with water sports
poseidon kids are naturally really good at any and all watersports
they can often be found as the captains of swim teams
and very good at waterskiing and waterboarding
a go-to job for a poseidon kid is lifeguard as well, obviously
poseidon kids also don't eat seafood
some people find this confusing and some people find this obvious, i personally think it's obvious
it's because they can understand what fish are saying, so they don't like eating them
if you ask them why that bothers them, they'll say "you know what people are saying, would you eat them?"
not the most sound logic, but they're not exactly known for that
all poseidon kids have natural beach waves
poseidon himself definitely has beachy wavy hair, and he definitely passes that onto his kids
just like hecate and athena pass on their eye color to their kids, poseidon passes on his hair
poseidon kids are hardly ever seen wearing shoes unless it's absolutely necessary
they just naturally feel more comfortable barefoot
(the darks are a-barking)
ignore me
they love spending time at the beach, obviously
little beach creatures always manage to find their way to them
like you'll look away from a poseidon kid at the beach for about two seconds, and look back, and they have a little crab in their hand
sometimes they can look a little crazy, because they'll start having conversations with these little creatures
another thing about the beach with poseidon kids:
yknow the thing where whenever you leave the beach, you have sand just everywhere
they don't
it's something to be genuinely envious of when it comes to poseidon kids
like, they'll shake out their towel and there will be no sand on it, and then it's just done
it's definitely magic, a gift from their godly father
poseidon kids also hate aquariums
most aquariums don't treat the fish like they need to be treated, so going to an aquarium is kind of traumatic for a poseidon kid, because they can understand what the fish are saying
a kind of universal traumatic event for any poseidon kid is going to an aquarium on a field trip in elementary school (not yet aware that they're the child of poseidon) and hearing the fishes beg for help to be liberated from the prison they were being kept in
and when they got to the touch tank, hearing the fish beg to not be touched, things like that
like any and all poseidon kids ran around ripping everyone's hands out of the water, begging them to stop touching the fishes because they didn't like it
needless to say they got picked up early that day
poseidon kids also tan really easily
like, they'll fully walk past a sunny window and get tan
like for the full summer season, they're tan
they also stay tan for a really long time, so they're honestly still tan into like spooky season
poseidon kids are also very good at throwing parties
it's their chaotic side
they know where and how to get the best decorations, where the best spot to set everything up is
(and where to get good alcohol without getting caught, but you didn't hear that from me)
poseidon kids are the definition of horse people
not all horse people are children of poseidon but all children of poseidon are horse people
not in a cringy way, either, they just connect with horses more than any other animal, which makes sense because they can hear them and can have real relationships and conversations with them
they do often look a little bit crazy if they're seen at the stables fully having a conversation with horses
if they return to the stable where their horse is kept after spending all summer at camp, they'll go around catching up with all the other horses
they're also naturally skilled at riding horses
like if i jumped on a horse right now, i would fall off and die because i've never done it before and horse riding is a skill (according to the sims 4)
poseidon kids could go literally their whole life without riding a horse, and then jump on one during a quest and ride perfectly
the favorite movie genre of poseidon kids is also westerns, because they generally have horses in those movies, and they can understand their neighs
they think it's hilarious when a horse makes fun of the actor in the movie but no one but them can tell because they can understand what they're saying and no one else can
they look like crazy people watching westerns
at the camp movie nights, whenever it's poseidon cabin's turn to pick the movie, they pick a western, and are laughing at the most inappropriate times in the movie, because the horse just neighed in the background and he was making fun of the actor guys! the horse thinks this makes as much sense as we do, trust me, he has a really good sense of humor
going back to the aquarium thing a little bit, poseidon kids are also not a huge fan of zoos
this is because they can understand zebras, and zoo animals are also not treated the best
sometimes they're treated better than aquarium animals, but poseidon kids are always hesitant to go to the zoo, or just any place where you go and look at animals of any kind for fun
they can't help but think how they would feel if they were in that position
so basically poseidon kids have the hugest hearts ever
and they're very brave as well
and basically the coolest ever
you should probably be friends with a poseidon kid... if you're not already
alright that's all for poseidon kids! this was super fun, i had a bunch of ideas for poseidon kids! i want to thank everyone again, for all the support i'm getting on these. i've decided to start writing for harry potter characters, because i'm binging those movies and have a bunch of ideas, so these might be coming out a little bit slower, but know that i'm working on them! if you've requested one and i haven't posted it yet, just know that it's in the works. thanks so much for all the support and requests, i love you all so much!! muah!
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good-beans · 4 months
Concept that just popped into my head: Milgram characters doing "get ready with me" videos
Aw, this was so fun!! I always love your hc style of normal au/everyone's chilling, and tried to go the same route -- it was so cute to think about :D
Haruka: Puts on his outfit for the day and explains everything in great detail. He has lots of comfortable items and fun colors. At the very end he speaks off-camera and you realize Muu was standing there cheering him on the whole time. He gets a lot of encouraging comments, and Muu and Fuuta keep an eye on the account to delete any nasty ones that may come in.
Yuno: Shows her outfit, makeup, nails, and bag she’s taking with her. She tries out a variety of styles (not just sticking to the more feminine looks we see in canon). She gives a bit of a tutorial and tips as well as showing things off. Has a main account for her daytime outfits, and a more private one for her nighttime looks. Mahiru is the only one aware of the latter account.
Fuuta: Layers. Lots of layers. There will be three sweatshirts laid out in front of him and you wonder which he’s going to choose before realizing he’s putting them all on. He focuses most on his sneakers and sportswear. He plays loud music over the videos, not knowing what to say. Has gotten into comment-section arguments over those yellow socks.
Muu: Also does a full look at her appearance: nails, accessories, etc. She mentions where you can buy everything, and it’s unclear whether she was sponsored by these brands or is just excited to talk about them. (Whether they’re actually together or not,) she’ll have Haruka on as a guest a lot to show off couple’s outfit ideas. She definitely has the biggest following, and loves recommending Haruka and the others’ accounts.  
Shidou: He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but his account is getting tons of views so the others keep encouraging him to make videos. He’s just glad to be connecting with the other prisoners as they show him how to do it. He dresses in a mix of the sleek patterned shirts and dad fits, and both types of videos are equally popular. 
Mahiru: None of the serious-faced flirts or little pouty faces – it’s all smiles for her. Every video is basically a full tutorial – she has captions and a voiceover giving commentary on everything. She has the next biggest following, and interacts constantly. She loves getting questions “what should I wear on an x type date?” “How do I dress to impress x type of person?” because she always comes up with the perfect outfit to help. 
Kazui: A bit confused as well, though he does know a lot about style. His interro question makes it seem like he wanted kids – I think he’d really get into the account as one of those “Dad How Do I” types. He talks about matching things, clothes upkeep, shaving/hairstyling. 
Amane: Also wouldn’t have made the videos without prompting from the others, but enjoys it a lot. She usually talks about practical things instead of “vain” fashion: she’s excited to show off a new raincoat, sturdy shoes, useful pockets, etc. Over time, she leans into outfits that are more cute and colorful, gaining confidence in them. 
Mikoto: He started the account as something for one of his design classes, and got really into it. He likes to challenge himself with unique styles and clothing articles, making pretty much anything work. He keeps everything professional in case an employer/coworker sees, but isn’t afraid to add some flirting and flaunting in there. If he’s open about his plurality, he’ll have some special videos, “choosing an outfit for John today!”
Kotoko: Like Amane, she’s more excited about practical outfits. She’ll show off clothes that have good flexibility, places to store and conceal objects, and heavy duty materials. She’ll rate jackets, boots, and other “military-grade” things for what has worked best for her. She’s very attentive to the accounts that follow her – she does full background checks to make sure her info is being used for justice, not more crime. Mahiru convinces her to do a special where she puts all her piercings in and talks about why she chose them/what they mean.
Es: Experiments with a lot of new styles, trying to figure out what they like. They also just play music in the back, not having much to say about each outfit. They'd rather focus on their series of dressing-up-Jackalope videos, much to his dismay...
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Also dumb question
How would that call of duty characters fare on hot ones? How high can they get on the Scoville scale before they gotta tap out??
- 🔪
Using this scale as a guide:
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The COD characters on Hot Ones
(This started out serious but devolved into pure jokes and slander)
Ghost, surprisingly, gets the furthest. I'd say he'd get around the Ghost pepper but would def get tears in his eyes and red in the face. In my mind, he's trained himself to withstand many kinds of 'torture' and that includes tricking his brain into not reacting to heat/pain receptors in his mouth.
Surprisingly (2.0), Nikolai. Not because Russians are particularly good with spice or because of stereotype, but because I'm 100% sure he'd handle a Habanero just fine. Something about him just screams it. Idk.
Gaz comes next. I'd say he can go up to Habaneros before he taps out. I hc that he was raised by immigrants and is used to spiced food, not just spicy, but well spiced too.
Alejandro after that. Might be me engaging a bit in stereotype but he, also, doesn't strike me as the kind of man that would eat bland food? Traditional Mexican food is well-seasoned and plenty spicy so... Cayenne-Thai levels.
Rudy fits here bc of the same reason as Alejandro. But he reacts worse, I feel like. In my mind, he gets red in the face and SWEATS when he's eating.
Price goes next and I blame that on the fact he's been all over the world for missions and deployments and probably has eaten food of all kinds, if nothing else just to experiment. That being said, he's definitely a wimp. Fits somewhere between Jalapeños and Cayenne peppers.
Farah and she's only this low because her country has been going through a revolt + she was in prison + she scavenged for food as a kid and I imagine she's not always had access to try super spicy food when surviving off rations. Fits somewhere between Jalapeños and Cayenne peppers but could definitely handle more if she had more opportunities to eat it more.
Laswell. I'm convinced she was a field agent for the CIA before becoming a handler and station chief. Aka, she was all over the world and ate all sort of things, just like Price. Fits somewhere between Jalapeños and Cayenne peppers.
Soap taps out the easiest on the 141 but he's still not really a wimp. He's just Scottish. Around the same level as Laswell, Price, etc.
Alex Keller comes next. He's white and American. Do I need to say more? I'd say he can handle a Jalapeño but will need loads of water and milk
Graves comes at the bottom of the fucking line. He's white, American and a yee-haw American at that. If Alex can handle a jalapeño, Graves can't handle yellow mustard out of the bottle.
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boywriters-blog · 7 months
So…is it ok to request some Yandere dethklok x reader headcanons?
Dethklok/Reader hcs
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of course it is!! thank you for the request!! very excited for my first metalocalypse request heheh o(^▽^)o + added charles for silly ^_^
warning: death (no major characters obviously)
-when he’s obsessed he is OBSESSED
-he will do anything you want him do, genuinely
-being Nathan’s partner is hard work, not just because he’s high maintenance, but because he’s the lead singer of dethklok, everyone in the world knows who he is
-if anyone hurts you? a klokiteer or himself will deal with it
-you will know when he kills someone for you , he tried to hide it but he’s not very good at it
-“what happened to ____?”
-“what-?- i don’t know who you’re talking about- i never met anyone with that name- hey- wanna go have like- sex or something??” he would desperately try to change the topic, he’s visibly nervous, a terrible liar
-you drop it but note the way he reacted
-next time it happens he tries to distract you by pampering you, would even go as far as to eat you out / give you head
-when you finally fully realize what’s up and see it happen for yourself, you aren’t freaked out, i mean, thousands of people die every time they preform a concert
-tbh you find it really sweet, especially since most people he’s killing are total dildos
-he stills prefers to not do it in front of you , but occasionally if they did something to really fuck you up he’ll try to make you feel better by letting you watch
-would definitely write a song about it, i mean it’s super brutal how could he not
-he probably doesn’t even know he’s doing it at first because he’s so shitfaced all the time
-he also doesn’t realize you KNOW and that you’ve known since the beginning, the first time he killed someone for you, he accidentally did it in front of your face
-he was too shitfaced to remember
-you didn’t say anything at first because you always liked him, you thought it was sweet in a brutal way, and the guy deserved it he was a creep
-you didn’t see the next few times, but he started acting a bit differently around you, a little more suspicious and like he’s hiding something
-he ends up confessing it to you in a drunken state, but he sobers up pretty quickly once he realizes what he said
-if you make him promise to not hurt anyone who didn’t absolutely deserve it, he will just be so grateful you’re not angry at him
-definitely more affectionate with you afterwards
-strengthens your relationship tbh
-dude he would be so nervous the entire time about you finding out
-would never do it himself , always has a klokiteer do it
-wouldn’t tell you or hint at it
-he would only kill people that were pieces of shit dildos, he would send the rest to the dethklok prison
-he confesses everything out of guilt, he confesses the way he enjoyed beating the shit out of people who deserved it, especially after they did something to you or got too close to you
-you comfort him because he didn’t do anything inherently morally wrong, and he’s overjoyed and relieved
-he would probably hug you for a long time, like a cuddle, with a few kisses
-you make him promise to not do it again, not only for your sake, but for his too
-he never leaves your side after that
-i’m honestly so 50/50 abt him
-i feel like he wouldn’t try to hide it, but it’s just hidden somehow
-he doesn’t act any different, he acts extremely casual, you don’t notice any difference in his behavior around you, maybe a little more touchy but you assumed it was just you growing closer
-definitely holds your lower back in an over protective kinda way
-would very casually mention it in conversation like “oh ja , ams killst thats guys”
-you would have to do a double take and like interrogate him , he would admit everything but only to you
-he doesn’t want the others to think he’s like super gay or anything for killing these people for you
-they do not care but he’s self conscious
-would move on like nothing happened and tbh so did you, it wasn’t bothersome so why worry?
-clingy cuddles from him later frl
-he probably tells you to be honest
-he’s proud of it
-wants you to be proud of him too
-you sigh and ask him how many people he killed
-he shrugs, he genuinely lost count, but he looks up at you with these puppy dog eyes that you can’t resist
-you groan and roll your eyes
-“okay fine, whatever, just at least try to make sure they’re a complete dildo beforehand, okay??”
-“shhurrrre okay”
-he would he attached at your hip for the end of time
-very VERY touchy, like has to be touching you at all times, likes to show you off as his
-you have no fucking idea what’s going on
-he makes them all look like accidents
-he’s a little more affectionate than normal after he does it, but excuses it with being tired
-went on for a while before you even had an IDEA of anything happening
-he will not tell you, you have to find out yourself
-once you do, you wait for a while to confront him, study him and his actions
-you start to recognize when he did something and that’s when you confront him
-he lowkey begs for you to stay, he would apologize for everything, and get down on one knee while apologizing
-you could never say no to that face so you stay of course
-pampers you with gifts and quality time
oh my god babes i’m so sorry for the couple days of nothing from me 💔
life is weird rn but i will get back to work on the requests immediately!
never be afraid to request!
much love,
Mooshi <3
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zydratearchives · 1 month
I appear to request Headcanons and shitposts
i'll do my best! hopefully these are alright, i'm not great at shitpost-y hcs but i came up with these :)
shilo wallace
• shilo is a lesbian (see: all of 'seventeen')
• she's homeschooled by nathan
• her favourite subjects to learn at home are biology, mathematics and music
• she has a blog she updates using nathan's PC whenever she can get access to it
nathan wallace
• nathan gets uncomfortable teaching shilo chemistry because it reminds him of marni's death.
• he doesn't let shilo have social media
• he's a surprisingly terrible cook. he wasn't always, he just fell off after marni's death. he especially struggles when it comes to handling meat - it reminds him too much of his repo man job.
marni wallace
• marni is also english, she moved to the USA with mag after the organ epidemic (based on how she pronounces "morning")
• when they were shilo's age, marni and mag used to day drink in a public park at 3pm
rotti largo
• rotti genuinely was nathan's best man at the wedding and he's convinced it was just to mock him.
• he's spent a solid amount of time visiting england due to marni & mag and he always has a great time. he enjoys wetherspoons
luigi largo
• luigi once blew a significant amount of his father's money on cryptocurrency
• he regularly takes pictures of his car. his instagram is just 99% car pics
pavi largo
• pavi is a skinny puppy fan (see: his tattoo)
• he once threw a tantrum as a child begging his father for a pony. this episode lasted a good 3 years
• pavi has been to every strip club and brothel in sanitarium, his next goal is opening up his own
amber sweet
• semi-canon since it's mentioned in her myspace, but amber has published multiple "self-help" books. they're all as entitled and tone-deaf as you can imagine
• she puts those scary eyelashes on her car's headlights & those fuzzy dice on the mirror
• graverobber likes watching twin peaks reruns on the TVs dotted around sanitarium's back alleys
• he has been to prison once (implied by him being referred to as a fugitive). he probably got the shit kicked out of him there at some point
blind mag
• mag lives with the largos (implied canon?) and she always tries to make awkward small talk at the dinner table when the kids are causing chaos. it rarely goes well
• mag (and marni) moved to the USA due to rotti largo/geneco's influence there - she believed it'd be safer than staying in england
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spoiledleaff · 8 days
✿ — okay, okay, haha! i know that this analysis is probably one of the most anticipated of the ep's songs, so i hope that i've done this analysis justice! :'D i'm also just gonna take a super quick moment to tag @excelsior9173, @laceandeights, and @pyrographic-memory!! i hope you all don't mind! :')) this is just because you all were so incredibly sweet with interacting with my original post, i figured i'd take a chance and tag you! :D there was also a super sweet anon who also asked for a nazareth analysis, but they asked on anon so i just hope that they see this, haha! :)
✿ — for a little bit of context, this ask is in reference to >>this<< post i made briefly going over my whole hc for the two ep!! :D you can also find my full analysis for calcutta >>here<<!! :)
anyways!! this post is gonna be another massive theory//headcannon post that will be focusing on the sleep token ep, two, and the second song, nazareth, as well as my hc that these songs are quite literally the basis for ii's backstory! :D i'm super proud with how this analysis turned out, and jericho is gonna be next up on that list! >:Dc followed by jaws and maybe even granite to tie it all up! :))
↳ this is just a quick little summary of what we've analyzed so far!
this hc stems from the fact that every song from this ep are the only songs on spotify to list a 'vessel ii' as a composer alongside 'vessel'. and, of course, the ep is named 'two'! :D haha!
finally, i like to interpret calcutta as a song about hopelessness and about experiencing a growing sense of despair that can only come from loving another person that you cannot obtain. while sleep and their influences might be vessel's own personal prison—vessel is ii's calcutta; he is ii's prison that ii willingly crawls back into every night, just to have a moment where it is just the two of them. and i think that it is in this moment in time where sleep extends their influence to ii, intending to weaponize ii's jealousy and possessive thoughts to bring vessel closer to sleep. and this is where we've left off to prepare for our analysis of nazareth! :)
↳ tw + cw : discussions of death, jealousy, possessive thoughts, guns, domestic assault + murder. this one is a doozy!! please take care of yourself if you choose to continue.
✿ — before we deep dive into those lyrics, let's talk about what nazareth means! :)
✧ — as a name, 'nazareth' might mean 'a watch tower', but it's also been connected in the new testament with the word 'netzer' meaning 'a branch' or 'a shoot'. however! this doesn't mean 'shoot' as in with a gun, but 'a shoot' as in 'a growth that occurs from newly chopped down trees'. but!! this still has a chance to relate heavily to how sleep views their blessing specifically in vessel, mainly with how it is the consequences of the actions depicted in this song that leave a shoot of despair and resentment growing in both vessel and ii.
✧ — additionally, nazareth holds significant meaning in the new testament of christianity! nazareth is actually the childhood home of jesus, and it is in a synagogue of nazareth where jesus preached a sermon that eventually led to him being chased out of his boyhood home.
↳ but! why was jesus chased out of nazareth if that was his childhood home? well, when the people of nazareth demanded that jesus perform a miracle, jesus refused to do so because the people of nazareth did not have faith in him. the people of nazareth where so upset with jesus, that they wanted to throw him off a cliffside. now, this!! this is perhaps the most vital connection we have from the title of the song to its meaning! because, the reference of jesus' rejection by the people of nazareth could be interpreted as a very clear and intentional mirror of sleep's relationship with vessel.
✿ —alrighty!! these are pretty much the most important points i can make before we officially dive into the lyrics! the relationship between jesus and the people of nazareth is something that is absolutely imperative to keep in the back of your mind while we continue with the lyrics! >:Dc
✧ — as always, this is all a byproduct of my own personal opinions and headcannons, but i like to think that nazareth is a song about the drastic measures that sleep would go through in order to keep vessel tethered to them, using ii's pre-existing jealousy against vessel's current partner (as discussed in the calcutta analysis) as a weapon. i know i said that i wouldn't go through every single lyric in the previous analysis, i realize i kind of did anyways, haha! regardless, here is my interpretation of nazareth's lyrics. :)
✧ — super quick!! while calcutta, and later also jericho, are told from the perspective of ii, i think that nazareth is specifically from sleep's pov, talking directly to ii!! please keep this in mind while we continue! :D
' and i'll see you when the wrath comes // knocking on your bedroom door with money // building you a kingdom '
↳ this is sleep's promise to ii. throughout the entire course of the song, this is what sleep promises to ii. but what does this mean? i think this is sleep telling ii that they will be there when ii's anger and jealousy inevitably takes over—there will be a point in ii's life where this wrath will metaphorically knock on the door of ii's consciousness with money, with a deal that is too good to pass up. ii has alienated himself so much from vessel and his partner that it is with his jealousy and with his anger that he is building his own kingdom, he is growing too comfortable with all of these awful, awful feelings that are only further amplified by sleep's manipulation; ii is the king of his own misery, and sleep is there with him every step of the way.
' drippin' from the open mouth // i'll show you what you look like from the inside // and i'll see you when the wrath comes around '
↳ i think that these lines really start to illustrate for the audience just how much of a master manipulator sleep is as they continue to actively antagonize ii in regards to his immense jealousy of vessel's partner. using graphic imagery — perhaps even projecting the image of vessel's partner dying and bleeding out and dripping blood from their open mouth, already illustrating what they want ii to do — sleep continues to acknowledge ii's negative emotions, further reminding ii that his wrath will make itself known and sleep will be there when that happens.
' tonight, tonight, tonight // you have the answer '
↳ whereas sleep's previous words feel like a promise, these ones feel more like a taunt. a scathing reminder — a borderline prophecy — that sleep knows ii's fate. they're taunting him with this, though still trying to provoke ii.
' let's load the gun // make her eat the tape in the bathroom mirror // see if she can guess what // a hollow point does to a naked body // let's fuck her up '
↳ previously, sleep has been daydreaming about the violence that they want ii to unleash on vessel's partner, but here?? i think ii's sanity has finally snapped, and he currently has vessel's partner tied up and scared for their life as these lyrics are being sung. i think that the previous lyrics were nothing more than sleep's violent daydreams, but this verse is sleep describing all the things they want ii to do while vessel's partner is in the room with them.
↳ these lyrics are graphic, and it's deliberate. sleep wants vessel's partner to be afraid, they're toying with her life right in front of her eyes—sleep doesn't just want vessel's partner gone, they want her to suffer.
✧ — as a super quick interlude, i would just like to address sleep's motives before we continue with the rest of the analysis!!
in our calcutta analysis, we did briefly discuss why ii might be envious of vessel's partner—the reason being that ii might be envious of vessel's attentions being so divided between himself and vessel's partner, with ii feeling as though vessel doesn't care about ii when he's able to be with his partner, only defaulting to ii's company during the nighttime, when she is not available to be around vessel. which, to be fair, is honestly a totally valid human emotion! ii doesn't think of harming vessel's partner until sleep begins influencing him and taunting him. in calcutta, there isn't really any graphic displays of ii wishing any harm, let alone violence on vessel's partner—there is an instance where ii was rude to vessel's partner by completely dismissing her importance in vessel's life, but these wishes for violence don't make themselves terribly known until sleep starts taunting ii. but why would sleep be jealous alongside ii? well, i think that while ii has a very natural + human experience with his envy, sleep's jealousy is completely irrational and inhuman; it's completely possessive of vessel. sleep isn't used to vessel, or ii for that matter, interacting with anyone outside of sleep's influence. i think that sleep, as a deity, is used to being the center of attention—quite literally the center of worship. to them, vessel's partner feels like a threat, a distraction to vessel's worship. sleep doesn't simply want to occupy vessel's mind during the night, they want to occupy his mind and his attention at all given times. i think that knowing how ii shares those sentiments — albeit to a much more human and less completely dangerous degree; 'i'm whole again // for just a moment // 'till the morning comes' — sleep is able to poison ii's judgment and weaponize their shared jealousy to take vessel's partner out of the picture. i think the meaning behind the title of the song is that little hint that we need to properly understand sleep's motives! just like jesus when he refused to give the people of nazareth a miracle because they did not have faith, sleep is acting in a very similar way, albeit much more twisted. instead of simply rejecting vessel, sleep is rejecting his partner, the supposed source of vessel's sudden lack of faith. okay! back to the analysis >:Dc
' manifest pain at the core of pleasure // i'll see you when the wrath comes around '
↳ i think this line is meant to be split up between being addressed to vessel's partner and being addressed to ii. sleep has been an open antagonist throughout the entirety of this song; they want vessel's partner — and by extension, the audience — to absolutely suffer. sleep wants vessel's partner to think of vessel as she passes, sleep wants her to think of all the good times she's experienced with him + all the wonderful moments of her life she's spent with her loved one, and sleep wants her to die thinking of him; they want her to feel immense pain where there was once pleasure.
✿ — BIG, BIG TW FOR A DESCRIPTION OF BODY HORROR + GENITAL HORROR!! i totally understand if that's not your cup of tea!! please skip this next indented section!!!
↳ in a much more... gruesome approach, i think that this line might also be able to be taken quite literally—this is how ii kills vessel's partner. ii either shoots her in the heart, or... he might have also shot her in her lower abdomen, specifically targeting her reproductive system. sleep is so desperate to cause vessel's partner immense pain in the moments leading to her death that they are willing to have ii do anything to desecrate her humanity + any semblance of love she might've held for vessel—sleep wants vessel's partner to die with a twisted memory of vessel's love. regardless, because of this sentiment, i think this line specifically is a jab at vessel's emotions. of course, i always wanna insert my trans! ii headcannon into literally anything i write regarding this man, haha! so there's also a possible symbolic disconnect there if you really wanna think some sad thoughts :'D
↳ of course, we end with sleep's taunt towards ii, a reminder of what his rage + jealousy has forced him to do.
' tonight, tonight, tonight // you have the answer '
↳ this reoccurrence of this line had me going through the lyrics of all of the ep's songs quite a few times, because i never really remembered there being an actual question that might've been phrased or even referenced throughout the course of the ep. then, of course, i realized i'm writing a story for sleep token and quickly backtracked, haha! :'D i think this supposed 'question' is more-so implied in the aspects of ii's character that we see throughout the ep. i think that, deep down, this is another manipulation tactic used by sleep.
↳ vessel's partner is important to vessel, but obviously not to sleep. i like to think that ii was much more hesitant to accept sleep's blessings and their influence than vessel was, but his actions tonight have made it 'clear' that ii will do what he is told, even if that means harming vessel in the process. his allegiances are ultimately with sleep, not with vessel.
↳ (not really, haha! like i said, i think that this is another manipulation tactic used by sleep against ii. i think that, at this point, sleep is still obsessed with vessel and only vessel. ii is... interesting to them, but more-so in a useful sense than a 'hey, i actually kinda like this funky little fellow' kind of way, haha! sleep loves vessel, like, in a toxic, yandere kind of way. they want ii to feel guilty about what he's been coerced to do; they want ii to forcibly alienate himself even more from vessel, because ii loves vessel as well! and sleep unfortunately does know this.)
' let's load the gun // (they won't be missing you, they won't be missing you) // let's load the gun // (see you when the wrath comes, see you when the wrath comes) // let's load the gun // (see you when the wrath comes) '
↳ this is all sleep; ordering ii to load the gun, mocking vessel's partner over never being missed, and once again taunting ii over how easily his jealousy has gotten the better of him. this is where it all happens, and this is where it all ends.
↳ something i noticed while listening to this song on repeat, haha! now, i'm not experienced with music in any way, shape, or form, but to my uneducated ear, it sounds like there are two separate breakdowns towards the final minutes of the song—one following immediately after when vessel finishes singing, and another following a small piano-based transition that ends the song. i think that these two breakdowns symbolize our timelines!
↳ the first breakdown is when ii finally gives into sleep's demands and shoots vessel's partner until she's dead in the bathroom. the second breakdown is when ii completely loses it over what he's done.
✿ — to put it all together!! i don't think that ii can be entirely blamed for the murder of vessel's partner. with this story + interpretation, ii was entirely coerced, borderline possessed and overpowered by sleep's own possessive thoughts toward vessel, and inevitably manipulated into doing an extreme action when he wasn't in his right mind. (am i condoning this sort of reason in real life?? hell no!! but, as a very gentle reminder, this is fantasy! and like to think that i'm allowed to have my brain read too deep between the lines of a sleep token ep and come back to this silly little blog to report my findings and my daydreams, haha!) but ii's jealousy and wrath have made themselves known, and sleep was especially quick to monopolize on that—weaponizing ii's own emotions in a way that would directly benefit sleep through the murder of vessel's partner. this song is a warning; it is a threat and it's especially graphic and unsettling because sleep wants that reminder to forever haunt not only vessel, but ii as well, for the rest of their lives and their servitude to sleep. ii was the one holding the gun, but it was inevitably sleep that forced him to pull the trigger.
✿ — and that's it!! :D this concludes my analysis + narrative interpretation of the song nazareth from the ep, two! :)) once again, as a friendly reminder, this is just my own interpretation of the lyrics through a strictly narrative lense :) i don't think this could be actual sleep token canon, haha! i just think that this would make a very fun and interesting story for my own selfish reasons, haha! next up on the list is jericho, and then i'll for sure be making an analysis for jaws to tie everything all up! :) please feel free to let me know what you think of this analysis! :D this one was definitively a challenge to get through, but i've no doubt that jericho is going to be even harder in terms of angsty emotions as that one focuses more on ii's consequences and how they impact his relationship with vessel. :'D ahhhh, i'm not readyyyy, haha!
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bambeptin · 1 month
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OK... SO... BODYSWAP THOUGHTS™... that may or may not be coherent
both of them instantly do not enjoy being in each other's bodies. other than the logistical nightmare of what the hell is happening, Rex and White Knight are very physically different! there's the adjustment period where WK suddenly is much smaller and Rex is suddenly much larger. Rex is more built than most teens but like. WK is a slab of a man. bouts of vertigo are common.
that's on top of being an EVO vs. not being an EVO. I've briefly touched upon it in the fic itself but Rex has been in constant communication with nanites and technology for his entire life (that he remembers) and that's 100% normal to him. he knows "people can't communicate with technology" but he doesn't really understand that, you know. suddenly he's in a human body, everything's quiet, and that specific human is likely the most isolated human in the world.
UH. the rest under a readmore.
(White does send his rubber ball through the magnet into his office which Rex initially thinks is a rude sarcastic gesture but he thinks WK might actually be trying to make his own office more? livable??? but then Rex is like oh! he's in a prison as well. just like my room was. on another note White does keep his exosuits in a room attached to the office but that's behind a lock and he refuses to let Rex use them bc it's a major security breach. + the Consortium would know something is up + WK doesn't want to smuggle him out. honestly it wouldn't be too difficult to but it's not like WK ever had a reason to look into how to escape, other than to wrangle Rex)
Rex is going to get stir-crazy in there. he's got nothing to do. there IS nothing to do in there. ends up reading a bunch of the books White has stashed away in there but tbh there aren't many books. at least they somehow have a similar taste in books. ends up logged back into the system somehow if only to requisition more reading material! and anything else entertaining that can survive the magnet! and another blanket! and like, a chair maybe.
he's lucky that 80% of the time I hc that WK has a room attached to the office and I didn't hit upon the 20% of the time I feel like he doesn't and he sleeps on a mattress right next to the desk when writing this fic
and you know... while he's there in Providence with WK's credentials and looks and boss power... may as well snoop around... maybe even try to make things better...
body language-wise Rex is much more open and cheery (sometimes forcing a smile), but also is more unsure of himself at certain points. he wouldn't be able to nuke a city block basically, even when he had to. when Six sees White's body on the screen, smiling and joking around, suddenly he sees pre-bleaching WK.
and NO. he is too stubborn to do things like "TALK TO PEOPLE". Rex in his body creeps him out anyways. he's all... happy. he is not taking this time to reflect on what that means for Rex's life, much less his own. for now at least.
White is in a sensory nightmare where his panic is also telling his nanites to help him and that freaks him out even more. before bleaching he's always been much more social and tbh way more like Rex but now? he's used to being alone. he's fine with being alone, even, he tells himself. in Rex's body, he flinches from human contact, he's nauseous from nanite communications, he can't make any of his builds bc his mental state is a mess, he's overworking himself, and he's losing control. he can barely cure anything since he can feel the nanites being extracted.
Rex communicates with nanites but WK tries to control them.
he COULD likely build exact copies of Rex's builds if Rex jotted down his mental blueprints, or if WK studies his builds through old footage hard enough to get a grasp on how they work. turns out White has a knack for engineering (his exosuit, his mechsuit, King's Road, etc). HOWEVER this is a lil spoiler for the fic 🤫 but since he made his own mech and he knows it like the back of his hand it's actually easier for him to make parts of his mech as builds instead. I'll probably draw this sometime. Rex with WK's mech arm!!! cool!!!
for his body language he's VERY closed-off. and trying to be intimidating in a body very different than what he's used to combined with his general scowly-ness makes him sort of read like... an extremely moody and rebellious teenager to people not in the know. puts up with some of the soldiers treating him like garbage too.
(Rex expects White to be living it up out there, indulging being able to be outside of the office again...! instead he's still isolating himself. Knight's like there's no point. I'm going to be back in the office. I don't want to get used to it.)
OKAY I ALMOST FORGOT TO PUT IN: White is very aware that Rex's body can get amnesia again and he will forget everything about himself. in that case he doesn't want Rex to be trapped in the office so he's ready to have his amnesiac self swapped anyways.
Rex is very aware of that too and is like, it would be unethical to stick a complete amnesiac into WK's position. he's ready to take the hit!!! they butt heads over this.
White Knight being freaked out all the time is not helping re: his nanites going into overdrive. gotta calm down, WK!!!
I do have a scene in mind for Knight at Noah's house (ordered by Rex)(so WK can go outside) and it is so awkward. Noah going on Reddit to ask what the fuck to do if your ex-boss for a shady job that you got fired from but you still kinda hang out with your ex-coworkers is like. at your house scowling while watching cartoons. (but he's still watching???)(intently???????)
might have more thoughts about this later. this is definitely only scratching the surface!!!
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techni-kolor · 10 months
My slightly deranged HC that Nikolai Gogol is visually impaired!
So this is truly off the rails, but watching the anime I had an odd realization that his mannerisms really suggest a reduced and/or blurred visual field to me.
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First up? This seemed quite strange to me. It took a while to pinpoint it, but Nikolai is sitting with his blind side towards Sigma. Which is odd. Wouldn't he prefer to keep Sigma within his view? Even his peripherals would give some sort of awareness if he still wanted to face the water. So why not sit on the reverse side? Because it doesn't matter anyway! Notice how Nikolai only reacts when Sigma calls his name. He was already planning on using his hearing to track Sigma's movements rather than his sight. I also think it's interesting how his uncovered eye narrows as he smiles. Maybe it's meant to portray emotion, maybe it's related to his plans. I just think it's interesting when combined with the rest of the scene.
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This scene always struck me as interesting! Who aims a gun without looking? Especially when using an incredibly precise spacial splicing ability? Possibly someone who can't see well enough for it to matter. With the proximity here Nikolai wouldn't need amazing aim. Just shooting straight ahead would certainly be a kill shot. Which is also why I think that his head down, eyes covered position here isn't an effort to conceal his identity. He doesn't need to bother when he is murdering the officer anyway and is already planning to introduce himself to Mushitaro.
Violence, however, brings me to my next point!
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The only time we see Nikolai attempt to shoot someone who was actually prepared for it (disregarding Mr. Tonan and the officer who were both unprepared) he misses abysmally. And to be fair, Atsushi is supernaturally quick and agile. It's simply interesting to me that Nikolai can't seem to aim unless he is less than a meter away from his target and they are sitting completely still.
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This scene really could be anything! I just think it's interesting that someone as coordinated and graceful as Nikolai would fall flat on his face. Maybe struggling to properly access depth or missing unknown obstacles because of a reduced visual field? Or maybe he just had a clumsy moment! It happens!
This next bit involves a lot of uncertainty! Since Nikolai has some eccentric mannerisms in general. But I find it curious how many involve him shutting his eyes. Even during combative situations.
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And here!
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Eyes shut again!
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To be honest? His eyes are shut during a lot of his prison monolog!
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With an honorable mention to this scene! Which likely has more to do with Nikolai's morality than his eyesight but still is unprecedented in the anime! (No iris at ALL)
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Although speaking of Nikolai and Meursault, I just want to yell to the void that maybe Nikolai felt the need to yank Fyodor up Like ThatTM to see his face clearly? From approximately two inches away.
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And to wrap up this Red String Board of Doom, I'd like to also mention that Nikolai would likely be albino if this was not anime! I have serious doubts that his skin, eye, and hair color are anything except an aesthetic choice but it is interesting when albinism typically comes with other effects. Such as poor vision!
If anyone stayed through this entire ramble, thank you! And please note this as my disclaimer that everything here is purely speculation and definitely reaching in most areas! I'm not an expert of any sort and just wanted to share my headcanon! ☆
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voidandabyssal · 4 months
Swapfell bros meeting you for the first time hc’s!
I’ve been rereading ‘dirty laundry’ by @popatochisssp and I now have a strong urge to talk about my own sf boys!!
Requests are open btw!
Ngl you two meet in the worst way possible
You are the seventh human to fall down into the Underground and the last human that needs to die for all of Monsterkinds freedom
Suffice to say, it’s not a friendly start to the relationship
As soon as Black hears about a human wandering through Snowdin he drags his brother out to track you down.
Of course, being the honourable monster he is, he offers for you to complete three of his and his brother’s puzzles.
Complete the puzzles and he lets you move on to Waterfall, fail even one! and well, the puzzles aren't exactly child friendly.
You get through each one, shockingly quickly, and without suffering grievous injury.
Black's a little shocked at it. You're even better than some of the guard recruits!
as you're walking out of town, readying yourself for the battle that will be Waterfall. Black challenges you to a battle. He demands to know what you've got in you that lets you finish his most dangerous puzzles in a few minutes!
He drags you back to his home and keeps you locked in his shed, or "TEMPORARY HUMAN PRISON CELL" as he likes to call it.
At least now you're relationship progresses a little further.
He finds you... charming, a curiosity to be sure. Not many people can find ways to sneak into his mind like you can. He enjoys your bantering, even if you're both supposed to be enemies.
He comes in a few times a day, eager to interrogate you. He starts regretting being so eager to call up Alphys and inform her about you
For once in his life, Black is left conflicted. Things had been so easy before he met you, protect his brother, earn his promotions and give everyone a reason to fear the name 'Black'
And now? Well, he protected those he cared for.
After a short conversation, he 'conveniently' forgets to relock the shed door, and 'accidentally' slips up and tells you about an old cabin deep into Snowdin's forest that was totally isolated and far away from any Monsters.
He's happy when he comes back with Alphys a few hours later to find you totally gone, no doubt headed for that dilapidated home.
From there, he manages to find the time to slip past his home and work duties, bringing you food and clothes to keep you fed and alive.
He just hopes another human falls soon. Black doesn't think he could handle seeing you dead in front of the queen, her hand gripping around your soul cruelly.
Mutt was the first one to find you, luckily you'd hidden from all the other Monsters that had wandered up near the ruin doors. Unlucky for you, Mutt is way to perceptive to not see you.
Though he is pretty high, so he kinda just assumes you're not real? or maybe just a weird looking monster. He's not gonna judge!
So you both end up just chilling at his sentry station. You're too tired to keep moving ahead, and Mutt is way to lazy to actually do anything about the potential human sitting next to him
You're harmless anyways! With the way you're shaking he doubts you could even hurt a Whimsum.
Soon he can hear Black, storming off in the distance, his voice echoing against the tall pine trees. He lazily tells you to duck under the sentry stand and wait until Blacks gone.
He disappears with his brother, leaving you to fend for yourself out in the cold night.
He comes back the next day, shocked to find you still there. He'd have thought you'd have run back to Asgore by now.
Hang out continues with you shivering a lot more noticeably.
You know you're growing on him when he lets you borrow his coat.
Black finds out about you soon enough, Mutt never could keep much from his older brother.
oh boy is he pissed his idiot brother had been hanging out with a human for weeks without saying anything!
"YOU'RE A SENTRY, MUTT!" Black curses,
Mutt actually does stand up for you though. It's the first time in a long time that he's ever cared about anything to be so proactive.
It's a lengthy argument but Black relents and agrees to hide you in their home.
You stay in Mutts room and you avoid the windows and you don't do anything that could raises suspicion! Those were blacks rules, which you were more than happy to follow. Anything to escape the cold.
You get a lot closer with Mutt, aside from Undyne (who he really only talks to online) you're basically his only friend, so you end up talking a lot, find you share more in common than you think.
From there things really only improve (well, aside from Blacks opinion on you, but there isn't a lot you could do to change that stubborn old bros mind on you)
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harukapologist · 5 months
i never noticed your blog title. i am no.2 0109 siblings enjoyer. do you have headcanons for them too? (i am begging, respectfully)
OH MY GOD YIPPIE YIPPIE FINALLY SOMEONE ASKED ME FOR 0109 SIBLINGS HCS.... Ive been waiting for an ask like this for such a long time thank you... AND YAY FELLOW 0109 SIBLINGS ENJOYER worry not i have plenty!!! for both haruka & mikoto and haruka & john
-THEY BOTH LIKE ART!!!! haruka liking art & drawing is a hc of mine that i adore... and mikoto canonically likes art, but feels that he isnt good at it. at first he watches haruka draw and praises him and then one day haruka asks mikoto to draw him something, mikoto is like "oh im not that good of an artist actually..." but then picks up the pen and haruka is MESMERIZED by mikoto's art he's like. Oh my god. Please teach me. You're an amazing artist.... and Mikoto is really surprised because no one ever praised his art like this before. And he already sees Haruka as a great artist so he feels really encouraged to draw again. and they both spend a lot of time drawing together....
-mikoto likes sketching more & is great at it, but haruka likes painting more & is great at it, so sometimes mikoto will sketch something and haruka colors it, and the other way around if they wanna experiment. and they give each other tips (Haruka is very shy to give mikoto tips but mikoto is like " I'd love to hear your opinion on my art, i want to paint more like you!!! youre so good at it!!!" and haruka is just like :D !!!
-remember from the 0105 platonic hc post that, in my post milgram AU, shidou drives haruka home from school. If Haruka doesn't walk with the other 3 prisoners who are in school, Mikoto takes him on his bicycle and drives him to school in the morning before cycling to work!!! i like to imagine sometimes fuuta has morning lectures so he joins them (fuuta is tiny enough that there won't be a space problem i Think but they'll still be kinda squished on each other ahhaha) and the bicycle ride is disastrous because mikoto and fuuta are bickering while haruka is holding onto mikoto for dear life LMAO
-speaking of cycling since mikoto likes to cycle. he teaches haruka!!! haruka is always very scared if he'll fall but mikoto is patient with him, reassures him that the safety gear is there for a reason (Mikoto has no plans of letting haruka get hurt, he always makes sure haruka is wearing safety gear when he's a total beginner) and is encouraging haruka when he makes even the smallest progression!!! like haruka could cycle for 3 seconds and mikoto is like "LET'S GOOOO YOU DID IT IM SO PROUD OF YOU" and goes to high five haruka and hug him
-sometimes the evening or night time makes haruka feel down & scared or have a lot of intrusive thoughts or nightmares, it's been a thing since he was in the real world but its more frequent and harsh in milgram so he goes to mikoto's room with his plush and just lies down next to him while mikoto is doing whatever he's doing. often when haruka does this he will end up falling asleep next to mikoto in his bed and mikoto tucks him in and sleeps next to him and holds haruka if he wants to be held. mikoto really feels protective over haruka especially when he's resting, like anyone could be entering the room and mikotos like " be quiet... haruka is sleeping!" :'3
-speaking of harukas bunny plush, he really REALLY doesnt like anyone touching it without permission (the autistic urge to gatekeep the comfort item) and mikoto understands when he asks haruka if he can touch his plush and haruka just., *shakes head nervously* but soon haruka allows him to and mikoto is delighted that haruka trusts him enough to let him interact with his comfort item!!!!
-haruka really likes mikoto's hair and one day he's like "mikoto-san, I want to dye (well... bleach) my hair too someday" and mikoto gets really excited and they talk about what colors they could dye haruka's hair when they get out of milgram :D
-haruka always "heard" of john but he actually sees john for the first time after mikoto's guilty verdict in t2, and rightfully so hes very scared of him, but when he tries to approach mikoto on his birthday in 2022 (haruka was the first and only person to approach mikoto without bad intent ever since he got the guilty verdict and i cannot stop thinking abt that), he asks mikoto about what's been happening to try and understand and mikoto just. he tries his best to be strong but haruka can see that mikoto himself has no idea what's going on and is close to breaking down. haruka just hugs him gently, gently enough so mikoto can refuse the hug if he wants, but mikoto doesnt. haruka does his best to comfort mikoto from his guilty verdict, even though he doesnt really understand. all he knows is that his friend is a good person and he wants to comfort and understand him the best he can. and then at one point haruka approaches mikoto to try and talk to him and john is fronting!!!
-so this is like harukas first time actually interacting with john. hes like Oh no. i came to talk to my friend but now hes in the Scary state (he doesnt know yet what DID is) what do i do im scared. but he actually tries totalk to john. and john is surprised that haruka, although scared of him, actually tries to talk to him and understand him. john tries to calm himself to not scare haruka further and they have a long talk, mainly haruka trying to understand john. they get closer after this
-at one point john just asks. hey why are you still trying to approach me. I'm scaring everyone off and ruining your friend's life you should be scared of me. you should be viewing me like a monster. but haruka out of everyone understands what it feels like, being viewed as a monster for a mental condition. its why he's in milgram after all. and he realizes just how similar him and john are and hes like "..uh uuh. nobody should be viewed as evil for being mentally distressed right?" and him and john both start to see some positives in themselves, haruka because "hey if my friend is a good person even though he gets scary (when john fronts) maybe i can be a good person too." and john for a similar reason because "hey if this kid here has allegedly committed a murder too but can still be so nice (probably the only nice person to john) maybe i can still have a chance to Not ruin mikoto's life"
-ohmy gosh im so sorry I spoke too much righ t aaaa.... so sorry... but john feels protective of both mikoto and haruka after this. 0109 siblings are the realest ever and i have more abt haruka and john but ill stop here hehe I hope you like these!!!
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vinff7 · 4 months
This update got me looking at and editing some of my Head canons, so posting those here. HC for how Gortash started worshiping Bane. And other ‘young Gortash’ HC
The game gives us very little hints about how and when Gortash started worshiping Bane. (Except for that one draft of a biography that seemed to place it in his adulthood, but doesn’t mention Hell? I think that might have just been when his Bane worship got more pronounced and noticed by that author not when it really started)
So I’ve made my own headcanon as I’ve seen multiple different versions around.
For me I think he started worshiping Bane in the House of Hope. Not right off the bat. I HC that Gortash likely was enslaved down there around the age of 10. Obviously a very difficult transition for a child to start living in Hell. But I think he eventually got to a point where he was aloud to wander somewhat and read in the library to educate himself. But was also taught by the Walock that brought him there to start (In-between him getting tortured and abused because I love whump to much to not imagine that there were horendious things done to him)
During this time around age 11 I like to think that he caught the attention of an awful demon/devil that would take torturing him really far, citing how amusing it was to get Enver to cry.
I also like to HC that young Enver had really bad anxiety and fear around crying. Like when he was in baulders gate his parents would get furious and yell at him to shut up. So if he noticed he was getting close to crying he would panic, which would pretty much ensure he would cry. And it would be a fun awful spiral of self hate thoughts at himself to be quiet and stop crying making his crying worse.
Anyway, awful torture keeps happening to the kid in between him needing to work and learn. And then Enver’s warlock teacher misses his lesson, and the next one. So Enver is hiding out trying to avoid the houses inhabitants when he finally spots his Walrock teacher and approaches them. Tries to figure out when his next lesson would be. Only to get dismissed with a wave. His mentor tells him The devil that had taken an interest in him has a habit of killing and breaking prisoners and he out ranks the Warlock, so the Warlock is giving up teaching Enver since trying to argue that he should be left alone would be more trouble then it’s worth.
Outright tells an 11 year old “Yeah, maybe not today, but I bet by the time 6 months has passed he’ll have tortured you to death. So there’s not really a point in teaching you anything anymore. No matter what you or I do you’ll end up the like mindless tormented souls soon.“ seeing how terrified Enver looked he says “Best you can do is try convince a god to fish your soul out of here after that devil gets bored or reckless enough to torture you to death.”
Which uh, def fucks with Enver’s head. So he does start deep diving into the Gods and trying to figure out if he can find any he aligns with enough that they would take him. And during this search he finds books about Bane and I fee like Bane’s philosophies is something he would immediatly relate and cling too.
Bane started as a slave and became a God. Bane teaches that the world is truely an Evil place by default, and pretending it isn’t is a lie. Someone who has only seen the worst the worlds have to offer must feel so validated reading that. To me Bane teaches so much about Self Disciple and self Control that some of his books written by worshipers must go into methods of self control. I can see young Enver finding a book of Worship with mantras to repeat when feeling weak or when needing to focus and clinging to those like a life raft.
Repeating phrases like mantras over and over in real life can have mind altering properties. Add a religious one to a word with magic and maybe there is an added Boost that actually works for getting in the zone via worship.
I don’t think Bane answered or noticed Enver at first, at all. I don’t think this discouraged Enver at all, the mantras helped and he figured he needed to do more to earn his gods favor so he worked at it. The focus on his self control helped. He could endure toruture quietly more and some of his tormentors lost interest in the now more stoic boy. Learning to master himself became a thing he could control to keep himself sane in Hell through the torment.
Obviously things didn’t ever get kind in Hell. But I also imagine after a few years of contactless worship Bane does notice Enver since getting prayer pings from Hell is not the most common. I doubt he would often interveen. Enduring torture is good training for a Banite.
I do think the first time they speak is an intervension though. Gods are able to see the future when it comes to things under their portfolio and so I imagine he could see that Enver has a LOT of potential. But he notices that the potential vanishes if all is left with nothing changing which gets him to interveen.
In my head the violent devil that started all of this does decide he want’s to break Enver during a point where Raphael might have been out of the house. Bane notices looking into the future that the torture they have planned for Enver would shatter him, and while Bane approved of discipline, he knows the difference between being weak and being put through so much agony that it’s unreasonable to expect discipline to cary someone through.
So I imagine Enver getting dragged from his cell, trying to fight down panic and start praying as a devil taunts him about his up coming torutre then, vision starts getting very dark and far away as Bane reaches in and just puuuulls his soul away. Bane is able to posses his followers so in my mind he does that for Gortash and pulls him away for a private chat.
I imagine being possesed by Bane is a bit like The Sunken Place from Get out. There is a viewing window you can look out to see what you body is doing, and otherwise Bane sponsored darkness. I feel like they had a short chat, nothing huge for Bane but life altering for a kid, someone actually caring for him enough to help. I feel like Bane would make an agreement with Enver that he will make sure Enver will never have to go through anything so bad that he would not be able to overcome it, which is a huge boost of self confidence for Enver. Now anytime he’s getting tortured in the future he has the promise of ‘My God knows this won’t break me’ going off in the back of his mind.
Bane also tells Enver that he won’t step in to free Enver, Enver needs to free himself, but he will grant him power if needed so that Enver can rise up as long as Enver loyaly serves him.
And so that is how they meet and Enver becomes even more loyally tied to Bane in my HC! I also have a couple ideas I’ll toss here at the end about him escaping since I’m already rambling.
I like to think that once he was older Enver was able to escape by using the Helldusk boots since he has those in game. My though was somehow the boots magic was used almost like a magic key? So he stole those, wards noticed the boots and figured whoever had them must be aloud to be there else why would they have them, so they helped him get past some magic locks and escape.
I did see in a fic about Enver leaping through those portals that could cause insanity and just giving a ‘hey help me out’ prayer to Bane to help him survive which worked and I always liked that idea.
Last Gortash ~ Bane idea that I like is that once Gortash escaped from the House of Hope Bane gave him his approval and told him like “You’re a Watchful Brother in Bane’s church, now you’ll never be called a Slave again.” And got to skip that ‘rank’ in normal Baneite hierarchy.
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leclercstarrs · 11 months
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sfw hcs, rick grimes.
summary: rick and sfw hcs!
warnings: some mentions of violence, reader shows up a bit after lori’s death, carl is still alive, and not fully proof read!
notes: in my twd, tsitp, and f&f era rn so send requests for those! also sorry this is so short but im working on so much rn so dw!
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Rick is the most protective boyfriend out there, like he’ll literally do anything to keep you and his group safe.
His love language is a mix of physical touch and words of affirmation. Mainly words off affirmation when you’re on a mission like fighting walkers or the governor, as the two of you can’t really starting hugging during a near death situation, but he can reassure you about everything and your safety.
The two of you help each other so much with grief from losing loved ones, he honestly thought he’d never find someone else until you showed up at the prison.
Carl loves you as well, it took some time, of course, but he now thinks of you as a mother figure and your bond with him is stronger than ever.
You and Rick are a powerful duo too, you’re like the leads of the group and are always fighting together.
You wear his flannel shirts sometimes and he loves it, it lets everyone know you’re his, although every already does know that.
He’s very firm on not splitting up from you. For example, when the prison got destroyed, he made sure you were with him and Carl when the group got separated.
Speaking of splitting up, the only time he willingly lets you split away from him and Carl is when you’re with someone he really trusts like Daryl or Glenn.
His favourite time of the day is at night, when he can just climb into bed next to you and hold you, ignoring the outside world.
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