#next time ill think it through a lil more
star2stop · 8 months
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gave em all a weapon for day 11,,,,, (these were one single piece at the start but i hated it so,,, yeah i tried salvaging this how i could,,, since i spent way too much time on it... but im still not convinced ngl...)
(anywaaaayyyss silly weapons by themselves under the cut!)
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This might not be anything, but while writing about your fics, the way you have the characters' mannerisms down PERFECTLY got me thinking about mirroring...
There's a lot of it in 7 (Horii is a directorial genius etc etc), most of it more intentional than these probably are, but there's something so interesting about mirroring that takes the tone of a (relatively) fond memory, a familiar gesture, and inverts it in the way shown here.
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OH I'M GLAD YOU'VE NOTICED THESE TOO I think I mentioned it months back (or I drafted a post 'bout it but didn't think it was anything noteworthy) but I always really did like how the Arakawa Family mimicked each other's mannerisms (also circling back to how Jo and Masato calling Ichiban 'Ichi' presumably after picking it up from Arakawa)!
Aoki actually does the same sitting gesture too! I went back to double check and skim through the rest of the game's cutscenes, and as far as I could tell unless I skipped a scene, it really is only these three that do this specific pose:
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It's such a small detail but I love it immensely and it really does highlight their connections with each other and it drives me insane
#snap chats#the fact aoki holds his left fist with his right like jo..... im gonna be sick... (crying)#potential hints that aoki really does favor jo and/or spends more time with him... or i might be delirious. could be both even..#focusing on how jo mimics arakawa though i dont think i have to say i love how it is inverted intention wise#like of course in arakawa's situations he's in a position where he's helping ichi and speaking calmly with him#while with jo Evidently each interaction is more tense and antagonistic#really is a cool way to emphasize that whole 'step parent' angle if that makes sense#OH BUT THANK YOU ON MY WRITING that's a huge compliment: i'm glad you think i have their mannerisms down !#accuracy is a big thing to me... in case we haven't picked that up yet.... i should relax a little tbh--#BUT i'd like to think my brain's good at visualizing things and i think i've 'studied' enough to get an acceptable result in what i show#it's like... if i can't see it in my head clearly or it doesn't look right then i wanna keep trying until it DOES look right yk#dont want a Hello Kitty Wouldnt Do Xanax moment... only on occasion.... a lil xanax wouldnt hurt as long as its not too far gone ☠️#alright im. DELIRIOUS.#to end this off i watched the first episode of Sailor Suit and Machine Gun !#my japanese is. HORRENDOUS BUT the art of inference and context clues and stray knowledge got me through it#i'm excited to watch the next episode even if i'm only really getting half the impact from the dialogue#BUT THE FEELING'S THERE... the emotion's there#embarrassingly i almost cried when izumi was crying in the theater over her dad while she was eating cause like Girl Me Too ☠️☠️#ill go one day without mentioning my dad i promise... todays not that day tho ☠️#IN ANY CASE. thank you for droppin the episodes on me !! i can't stress never tiring of having new things to watch#ill watch the next episode tonight probably. i was gonna go out to get lunch buuuut my moms home#so there goes that plan.. at least my bro got me food while /he/ went out today lmao
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mooshywrites · 4 months
Mage Hand
Fem!Reader x Gale
Art commissions
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A/N - This one is a lil more adventurous than my last. I’m getting more confident with my writing, so… expect degeneracy.
Word count - 3.2K
Warnings - NSFW, MDNI, established relationship (Gale proposal route), Vaginal fingering, vaginal penetration, exhibition, spell sex??, creampie, biting, Unprotected sex, dirty talk, hidden sex, public-ish sex, typical Gale corniness
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“You might want to dampen those pretty little moans unless you want someone else to hear.”
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“How is this next bookshop going to be anything different than the last ten we’ve been to?” You whined, trudging after the brown haired wizard.
Gale had dragged you across the entire town, popping shop to shop to find more spell books. You tried your best not to be annoyed, but this was supposed to be your week.
”Last one, sweetest, promise!” He called back, not even turning to face you as he continued down the street.
”You owe me.” You grumbled. This is the last time you let Gale plan a date. Who would think that leaving just one day of your honeymoon to him would end with the two of you searching every street for anyone who had even so much as a picture book on spells.
Thankfully, this next shop had to be the last book store in the town. Hopefully, at least.
Gale walked through the doors of the building, a rather rundown sort of place. Vines ran their way in and out of the cracked wood siding, ending in blooms of tiny purple flowers. You might have even found the place adorable if it didn’t smell like mildew and unaccomplished sorcerers.
“Welcome to Lichen, Lizards, and Library!” A voice yelled out further in the room. You had to squint to see them, the “library” being much darker inside than the bright and bustling street beyond.
The voice belonged to a tiny dragonborn woman, much of her height hunched over a gnarled cane. You suddenly felt bad about your previous opinions of the place. By the way the elderly she-dragon hobbled towards you, you doubted the woman could stack more than a couple of books, much less manage the upkeep of the shop.
“Good day to you, m’lady.” Gale replied warmly, taking a step further into the ill-lit interior. “You wouldn’t happen to have any spell books for sale, would you, madam?”
“Spell books!” The she-dragon chucked, nodding her head. “We’ve got all the beginner books you could manage between the two of you! Last shelf on the right, dearie.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the woman. Customers probably came back to this shop time and time again just to see this grandmotherly Dragonborn.
”Well, you see…” Gale sighed, gesturing towards himself. ”I’m not exactly a beginner. Do you happen to have anything with a greater difficulty?” He asked with a hopeful smile.
The dragonborn narrowed her eyes suspiciously at the man.
”Wizard?” She prodded.
”Y-yes, in fact, I am.”
”How good are you?”
Gale scoffed, clearly taken aback by this line of interrogation, “Good enough to defeat an Elder Brain!”
The elderly woman narrowed her eyes even further. You wouldn’t be surprised if she had demanded the wizard cast ’wish’ just to prove it to her.
She finally nodded, her decision apparently made. “Follow me, then.”
You gave Gale a confused look, the man only answering with a shrug as he followed the she-dragon.
”I don’t usually show customers our more unusual books, but it seems like you’re up for the challenge.” The shopkeeper called over her shoulder.
The both of you followed as she hobbled her way to a door at the end of the room. You passed by shelves filled with all sorts of oddities, stacked with books, various skulls and jars. It was almost eerie, this little woman’s collection.
She opened the door, holding her hand out in invitation, “If you need anything, I’ll be in front. Yell loud, the old ears aren’t what they used to be.”
“Thank you.” You smiled politely, stepping into the smaller room with Gale, the door swinging shut softly.
This room was much more well-kept than the shop outside of it. The shelves were free of dust, books organized neatly by letter. You couldn’t help but marvel as your hand trailed over the spine of a crimson red book. It had to be expensive, the lettering of the title glinting a beautiful gold.
“This place is incredible.” Gale murmured, his eyes trailing over the shelves before throwing a smile your way. “Told you the last one would be the one.”
You rolled your eyes, pressing your lips into a tight line.
“Oh, not the silent treatment, darling.” He chided, pulling you closer to him. “What could I have done to deserve the lonely absence of your voice?”
“Maybe dragging me through town looking at shops during our honeymoon?” You scoffed. “Looking for spell books of all things! What else could you possibly learn?”
You bit back your tone, seeing how his expression immediately faltered.
“You’re right, in truth, I didn’t really think it would take all day to find a shop with books that had more in them than… well… firebolt.” He smiled.
You couldn’t help but relax your glare, knowing he didn’t truly waste the day on purpose.
“Fine. Then I suppose you’ll have to make it up to me.” You grinned.
”You must be careful with such threats, darling. It is our honeymoon after all. Wouldn’t want to get a man’s hopes soaring.” He teased, kissing your nose. “But yes, I will make it up to you at my earliest convenience”
You sighed with a nod, stepping back out of his arms. “Go ahead then.” You gave in, shooing him towards the bookshelves.
You turned your attention back to the red book, pulling out to leaf through idly. “What do you even think you’ll find in these?”
“Who knows.” He responded. “There’s not many spells I don’t have at least an idea of. But these books may have new ones. Or even advanced versions of spells I already can do.”
“Like what?” You questioned, reading further into the book. Apparently, this one was about a more practical way to summon a mephit.
“Like here,” He said, pointing to his own book. “Advanced Mage Hand. Instead of only lasting for a minute, this one lasts for ten.”
You were barely registering the words, engrossed in the science behind the summoning magic written in the pages before you. “Why would you need Mage Hand for ten minutes?” You asked, distractedly.
“Guess you would have to use your imagination. Endless possibilities.” Gale replied.
“Uh-huh.” You murmured, not really listening to your wizard. This book was just too fascinating. Who knew there was so much more knowledge out there about the construction and anatomy of a mephit?
It took Gale murmuring under his breath in a strange language to grab your attention.
“What was that?” You asked, your gaze flitting up to him.
He looked back at you, eyebrows furrowed. “What was ‘what’?”
“Oh, I thought you said something.” You shrugged, turning your eyes back to your book.
You were a couple more sentences in, comfortable silence falling over the room when you felt something on your ankle.
You couldn’t even begin to guess whatever it was that had touched you. It was feather light and cool, barely whispering over your skin. There one moment and gone within the split of another.
You looked down, trying to see what had brushed over you, only to see absolutely nothing.
Strange, must have been a breeze. There were many cracks in the walls I saw on the outside, you thought to yourself.
That is, until the cool touch grazed against your knee.
You froze, your skin erupting in goosebumps. You looked back towards Gale, questioningly, only to see him seemingly engrossed in the book he was reading. Your eyebrows furrowed, looking back to your legs.
No, still nothing there. Am I crazy? Have I been cursed?
The touch rose further, icy invisible fingertips racing along your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat, a slight sense of panic rising in your chest.
Gale cleared his throat casually beside you, your attention shooting up to him again. At first glance, he was being completely normal, but at closer inspection, you saw the way his ears flushed a barely perceptible pink.
“It’s you!” You whisper shouted, pointing at him accusingly.
He faced you, eyebrows raised. “What are you talking about?”
As he spoke, the ghostly touch rose higher, much too close to your center than you cared to focus on.
”Play as innocent as you want.” You seethed, your cheeks beginning to heat. “Something is touching me, and it better be you.”
Gale couldn’t keep up the act, finally giving you a sly smile. “I wanted to see how useful this advanced Mage Hand really is.”
You gasped softly as the touch became firmer, pressing a single spectral finger against your clothed cunt.
“I couldn’t see it.” You managed to say, trying to hold on to at least a bit of dignity. In truth, you couldn’t deny that the feeling was… interesting.
”Another feature of its advancement.” Gale smiled, keeping his eyes trained on yours.
Another finger pressed against you, adding a delicious sense of pressure to your heat. You should’ve been embarrassed of how much you enjoyed this touch, how it made your mind cloud with lust. The fingers shifted slightly, barely brushing against your clit.
You covered your mouth quickly to suppress a whine, trying your best to give Gale a half-hearted glare. “Stop that. Someone will hear.”
Gale took a step closer, tilting your chin up with his hand. “Who? The she-dragon? As long as you aren’t too loud, the old bat won’t hear a thing.” He murmured, his gaze trailing down to your lips.
You couldn’t even give him a response, the mage hand shifting to part your panties to the side.
God’s above.
The touch was even more incredible now that there wasn’t fabric between you. A finger ran feather-light over your folds, spreading your wetness almost painfully slow. You let out a strained whimper, craving more friction than it gave you.
Gale closed the distance between you, pulling you flush against his chest. His hand pulled your chin up to him, swallowing your moan with his lips. You melted against his touch, rocking your hips slightly against the Mage Hand.
Gale chucked slightly, his other hand resting on the curve of your back. “So eager.” He whispered, parting from your kiss only just.
The fingers spread apart the petals of your flower, rubbing wide circles around your entrance, tracing figure eights everywhere but where you needed it.
“Please, Gale.” You choked out, eyes scrunching shut in desperation.
“Please what, dearest?” He responded, his voice low and teasing.
“Please, just touch me!” You said louder, pressing your hips against him, opening your eyes to beg with even your gaze.
He pressed a finger over your lips, warning you to control your volume. His eyes were dark, his pupils blown out with need. His lips were ever so slightly puffy, swollen with the heat of your earlier kiss.
She-dragon be damned, all you wanted was to hear a moan fall from those plump lips.
The spectral hand finally gave you what you wanted, dipping into your cunt slowly. You sighed in relief, letting your forehead fall to rest on Gale’s chest. What you imagined was the ghostly hand’s thumb traced small circles around your clit, a single finger pushing in and out of your sex.
You couldn’t help letting out another soft moan as another finger joined the first, thankfully the sound being muffled by Gale’s hand.
“Shhht.” Gale tutted quietly, his voice raspy in your ear. His hand moved from the small of your back, coming up to cup your breast. “You might want to dampen those pretty little moans unless you want someone to hear.”
You bit your lip, putting all of your focus into being quiet. What a losing battle you were fighting, however, Gale’s hand beginning to knead the soft flesh under it. Your nipple hardened under his touch, pushing through the fabric of your shirt. Gale smiled devilishly, fingertips grazing over the nub.
“If I had only known such magic existed before our honeymoon started.” He murmured. “We never would have left the inn.”
You bit back a moan as the fingers started pumping faster, arousal coiling tighter in your lower belly. Your legs began to feel heavy, your arms clutching at Gale for balance. The molten fire in your veins grew hotter and hotter, your muffled moans whispering out closer together. You were right on the edge, you knew your orgasm was close.
Suddenly, the touch disappeared.
You whined angrily, your eyes coming up to glare at Gale. He wasn’t usually one for orgasm denial.
Gale only chuckled, planting a soft kiss on your lips. “Apparently, ten minutes seemed to have been a bit of a stretch.”
You looked away, pouting. “Or maybe you lost concentration.”
Gale leaned in, kissing the shell of your ear before his teeth grazed against the skin gently. “Shall I replace the absence?” He nipped.
You nodded, not trusting your traitor mouth to answer with anything other than a shameful moan and string of begging words.
With a slight rustling of your heavy skirt, Gale cupped his hand against your sex. You whimpered a breathless moan, His middle finger delving between your folds.
He groaned in your ear, raising goosebumps along your arms. “So wet for me already, my love.”
You couldn’t respond, your hips having a mind of their own as they pressed further against his touch. You needed more. More pressure, more friction, more him.
“I can’t.” You whimpered, your legs felt as if they may give out at any moment.
Gale seemed to know exactly what you needed, hands hooking below your ass to pick you up. You couldn’t help but notice the hard length that pressed against your stomach as he carried you to the table in the corner. You ground against his cock helplessly, much too… well… much separating the two of you for your liking.
Gale let out a strained moan at your movements, setting you on the rough wood as softly as possible. It took mere moments for the two of you to remove those pesky barriers, Gale unlacing his trousers and you hiking up your dress. Your underwear were all but ruined, your cunt practically dripping with arousal.
Gale pulled you into a kiss, his member finally free against your soaked core. Moans mingled between both of your lips, Gale grinding against you in slow controlled thrusts.
You pulled away slightly, looking into his eyes. His tousled hair and lust crazed gaze almost had you coming on the spot.
“Gale” You whispered softly, pushing your fingertips through his soft brown locks. “I need you.”
”Your wish is my command.” He chuckled darkly, pushing his length inside you.
His hand shot over your mouth, anticipating the moan that ripped from your throat. He leaned his forehead against yours, breathing heavily.
“By Mystra’s Light.” He strained out, grinding deeper against you. “You’re so tight around me.”
You cunt clenched at his words, earning another groan from his parted lips. You knew you wouldn't last long. Especially not after being deprived of your orgasm earlier. Even now, you felt the desire burning red hot in your lower stomach, the tightness in your muscles.
“Gale I-“ You whispered, voice desperate.
“Shht, dearest, I know.” He assured, beginning to push short, shallow thrusts within you.
“More!” You whined into his hand, nails digging softly into the man’s scalp. “Gods above, just fuck me!”
That’s all it took to snap the cord in Gale.
He thrusted into you savagely, heavy breaths panting in your ear. His spare hand held your hips close, his eyes meeting yours. His gaze was passionate, communicating all the words you weren’t able to say through his palm. You might’ve been worried about the shopkeeper hearing the raw wet sounds of Gale thrusting to the hilt, but the delicious stretch of his cock inside of you had you distracted from such trivial things.
It didn’t take but moments for the spring to pull tight in your mind, pleasure pulling you to the brink of snapping. Gale seemed to be close to the same, his brows furrowing and his grasp on your hips becoming tighter.
“Darling, ‘M close.” He warned, his voice worn and teeth gritted tight.
All you could do was moan into his touch, your heat clenching helplessly around him. His thrusts lost their rhythm, becoming deeper and desperate.
You felt a shiver before the world went white, every muscle in your body tightening as your orgasm hit you. Every nerve felt as if it were kissed by fire, all sound drowning out to the background. Your pleasure only intensified as you felt Gale’s warmth flood into you. He clutched you close as you both worked your way through your highs, Gale’s hips grinding raggedly.
When both of you had returned to the world of the living, Gale let out a chuckle. “Say what you will, but I’m glad I dragged you through every bookstore in this town. It ended quite well for me.”
You scoffed, feigning annoyance as you hit his chest softly. “You just wanted to bed me in a bookstore. Admit it.”
He held his hands up, pulling away from you with a groan, “You’re right. Guilty as charged.” He teased. He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, ever so gently cleaning the two of you off.
“Well, I suppose we should find our way back to the Inn. Few more spells in here I have theories for.” He smiled, helping you off the table.
You blushed, smoothing out your dress, hoping no one would correctly assume why it had been wrinkled. “We better go pay for it then.” You quipped.
The two of you walked out hand in hand, Gale carrying your new find. Thankfully, the elderly dragonborn didn’t seem as if she knew what had happened in the back room of her own shop. She was perched upon a stool behind a desk, snoring loudly. It gave you some comfort. If you couldn’t hear the snoring from the other room… then hopefully…
“Ahem.” Gale cleared his throat as you approached the desk. “We’d like to purchase this one.
The Dragonborn awoke with a snort, smacking her lips together after a yawn. “Well let me see here.” She replied, taking the book.
She raised her eyebrows, nodding approvingly as she read the title. “A good find.”
Gale brought out his coin purse, paying for the book as the she-dragon and wizard made idle conversation. Your mind wandered to whatever other spells could be in the book. If one single entry could end this well…
The she-dragon took the coin happily, giving the book to Gale with a wave. You smiled at the woman, saying a soft goodbye as you began to exit the shop with your wizard love.
”Akra!” The woman croaked out, just as you had just almost passed through the doorway. Gale looked questioningly back at the woman.
“Uh, I’m sorry, madam. What was that?” He called out.
“It’s my name.” The elderly she-dragon yelled back, grinning from ear to ear. “The name you can call your little one in nine months!”
Your cheeks went beet red as Gale laughed out an awkward goodbye.
“Be sure to visit Lichen, Lizard, and Library again!”
You swatted at Gale’s arm, the man practically snorting back laughter as you made your way further into the streets. Not even the fires of Avernus could burn brighter than your flushed cheeks in this moment.
“Tomorrow, you’re staying in the Inn while I go to town.” You seethed, not even able to look at the wizard.
All gale did was chuckle back in response, taking your hand in his.
“I question the wisdom of that decision.”
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amesemii · 1 month
Anything she wants.
A/N: HEY YALLL this took a lil long an im sorrryyyy!!! i haven’t made my rules yet so just don’t act like idiots or ill block you💋💋 this was my first time writing in a while and im a little rusty😩 tryna keep up with yall and the new trends in writing tho!! feedback is always appreciated so please don’t ever hesitate❤️💋.
WK; 1.1k
summary: your father forces you last minute to attend a meeting with him to get you out of the house and you meet a certain someone who wants to give the spoiled girl a try.
tw; nothing really, he calls you mama, he lowk a simp, flaunts his money too😒, daddy’s girl, spoiled yn, just be aware ig
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“Y/N please come down, it’s time to leave” your father yells up the stairs, and you rush to tie your heels up. Your father knew you took long to get ready so you don’t know why the hell he trying to rush you now when he only let you know of this event a few hours ago.
That was one of the things your father did that you didn’t like much and he was quick to apologize and get you a gift knowing you wanted to look your best in front of other people,he couldn’t tell his lovely daughter no. You were his pride and joy being the only girl out of 2 children. Your older brother long gone a few hours away with your lovely sister in law and your niece.(who you could argue is more spoiled than you)
So now you’re here in the blacked out car with your dad going to some random business party that you didn’t even wanna be at but at least you’ve got your card(your dads card) so you can sit and online shop while your father mingles with his partners.
You sit there scrolling on Amazon just adding things you think are cute to your cart, not even caring to look to into the details. Daddy will handle that, you think to yourself as you add a new vanity to the cart. You’re just scrolling through things when you hear someone mumbling in your ear
“You sure are a spoiled little girl aren’t you?” You look up startled to see a man that should be described as nothing BUT sexy. Tattoos adorning he lights lined body grillz and chains glistening short black hair and he was looking just SO good. But that was besides the point, why was he all up in ya phone?
“An you sure are nosey” you go back to scrolling on your phone now having had moved on to another store until you feel him sit next to you and you try to ignore him but you can feel his eyes grazing over your outfit, you’re about to speak up but he’s quick to interrupt.
“I’m Constance but you can call me Connie , and you are?” He’s not mumbling anymore and you’re pretty sure you hear a little accent but you’re not sure from what.
You look up at him from your phone and introduce yourself but that’s not enough for him, he wants to get to know you. You look pretty, smell good, and got an attitude. His favorite mix. You guys talk for a bit, mostly trying to get to know each other and flirting a bit till he asks a certain question.
“Let me take you out mama”
You actually let out a chuckle at that because there was no way In hell he wanted to fuck with you. You’re too expensive and hard to deal with, you know this for a fact because your brother makes sure to tell you every other day on the phone how you and his daughter make flies come out his wallet.
“You can’t handle me” you say smirking at him and his eyes darken and he’s quick to retort “I’m pretty sure I can handle a little girl like you.” And you scoff cause who tf he calling little?? Ain’t nun lil bout you. “Tuh show me then.” He hands you his phone and you put your number in but he looks confused and excite out and goes to show u other apps.
He goes from cash app, to a regular bank, to a bank you’ve never heard of and then still pulls a wad of cash out of his pocket. “I’m pretty sure I can handle you pretty.” And you can’t help but smile a little bit. “We’ll see Constance.” “I said you can call me connie”
“I know.” You chose to call him by his government because why not try to get under his skin? You look up to see your father coming towards you two and you sit up straight and smile “hey dad!” You start hoping and praying that he says it’s time to go home so you can plot.
“Hi baby girl, are you ready to go?” And you nod your head but go to introduce your father and Connie and they shake hands, you give Connie a side hug as you prepare to leave.
You and your father get to the car and you both slide into the back and he’s quick to start questioning you “so is he your boyfriend?” And you’re quick to say no. You only just met him an hour ago, he was NOT your boyfriend.
the rest of the ride was silent after your father basically played 21 questions. you just chill texting some of your friends and watching instagram reels til a text pops up on your phone.
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you had to think for a second about that. did you want to lie and say you had plans or just tell him nothing? you take a second to decide and choose to tell the truth.
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you just decide to leave him on read since your ride pulls up to your house. you and your father get out and he asks you what you want for dinner so he can order it and you tell him then quickly get upstairs.
you get to your room and open the door and are hit my a breeze. damn! you always leave that fan on to make sure you don’t get hit but it’s cold as a motherfucka in here.
you go to your closet and pick out some pijamas and go into your bathroom. you turn on the shower and wait for it to get hot and you step in.
you wash your body and just think. did you really wanna go on this date with connie? you know if you were to get hurt your father would handle the situation, so that wasn’t a worry.
you were worried about yourself, you didn’t want yourself to fall for him just cause he makes you feel nice and can give you butterflies. he could be just live everybody else.
but he might not be. it wouldn’t hurt to give him a chance and by now you already know what to look out for. so you turn off the shower and go out to your room.
you grab your shea butter and body oils, to lotion yourself and get dressed. as soon as you’re done, you decide to text connie back.
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you can’t help but smirk to yourself in anticipation of what was to come tomorrow. you were gonna enjoy this
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swxxtsxcchxrine · 1 year
Love that everyone agrees that Miguel is a munch and pussy whipped!! But I don’t think enough people talk about him liking when you squirt! He loves when he’s soo deep, feeling you clench around him and you push at hit stomach as you lift your hips and gush all over him. Loves when you’re so overwhelmed and cumming that he bullies his cock back in. Looooves the tears streaming down your face and the chants of his name as he asks you to do it one more time!!!
Also not enough people know that men can squirt too if the tip is stimulated enough and I think Miguel being overstimmed and squirting would be so🤤.
GIRL WOW i immediately got butterflies when i read this your mind is just 🤯 but you are 110% right. no way men can squirt 😭😭 thats so crazy, ill defo use that in my next whatever these things are muahhh!
Miguel uses you squirting as a personal challenge to himself yk. at one point he makes it his goal to make you gush at least once every time ym have sex. you could say its his way on claiming you, because he knows he's the only one that can make you cum so hard. he's got you folded in half, his thick cock splitting your tight cunt, the line between pleasure and pain becoming blurred. your mind is mush and so are your insides. Miguel watches you as you mewl out his name. "you feel that, mama? that's me, that's all me..." he teases as he pushes on the bulge from your belly. a frothy ring of your cream rims his cock, as your gummy cunt oozes it's juices all over the sheets and drips all over his pelvis. fat tears slide down your hot cheeks while the fat tip of his dick hit the opening to your cervix. his large build easily overpowers you so he grabs the backs of your knees and brings them to your shoulders. you whined out loud pawing at his arms in an attempt to slow him down. "mphm, i'm gonna fuck a baby into you, pretty girl. fuck, you're gonna be such a good mama," he grunts. he can feel your hole clenching on him tight, basically milking his cock. he hisses before groaning as his roll back. "all round and swollen with our babies, fuck, i can't wait," his hips stutter for a moment before he finds his rhythm once more. his pelvis pounds into you harder than before, his dick going in deeper than before. "Miguel... t's too big...can't..." your hands run down his pecs, rubbing on his hard nipples. "awe, my poor baby doesn't know her potential," he coos. "yes you can, you can take it all f'me, yeah?" he smiles condescendingly. he is such a meanie. his sly hand reaches down to run tight circles on your clit. "Miguel!" you sob, your vision being blurred by stinging tears. your hands push and grab at his arms, his abdomen, anything you can grab as you gasp and squeal from the overwhelming pleasure. you try to run away from his dick and his fingers while chanting his name as a desperate plea, but he's faster and stronger than you. he holds your hips in place as the buck and tremble vigorously. your stomach flips and you suddenly feel like your about to pee as his cock hits your g spot every time. your slick pussy tightens around his dick as you gush around his fat dick. his cock pummels out from the force as his fingers play around with your clit, spraying your squirt everywhere. "there's a good girl," he says lifting your legs up and spreading your lips apart to watch your cunt clench around nothing. your pussy was sore and battered and you were completely worn, but he wasn't done with you. you squeal before trying to close your shaking legs from sensitivity but he holds them open by force. he rubs the tip of his angry cock through your folds, catching it on your clit as you shudder and move your hips away with a sob. "s'ok, mami. i know, i know. i'm gonna make you feel so good, yeah?" he whispers while slowing slipping his hard and pretty cock back into your gummy insides.
i need a man like miguel so bad, i like my men big, beefy and a lil mean. hes so so so so so so so hot. I wanna give this man the most tear jerking, fantastic, name yelling, toe curling, eye rolling, ass clenching, soul sucking, jaw locking, heart wrenching, leg cramping, award winning, sheet gripping, mouth drooling, sloppiest head ever, then i want him to dump his warm cum into my mouth, then he’s gonna flip me onto my hands and knees and eat me inside and out making my legs shake and shiver, and tremble before making me gush all over his pretty face before stuffing me with his long and thick cock, pounding me into the mattress, into oblivion, dumbing me down into nothing but a pretty pile of glitter, thrusting into me, hitting that same good spot and the spilling his hot seed into me making me gush all over his chest, his pelvis and abdomen. i'll be his little fountain. just for him. i want his children.🥺🥺
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unclewaynemunson · 10 months
Thanks to a conversation I had with @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe and @stevesbipanic about this post by @piratefishmama about Scott Clarke helping middle schoolers with sexuality crises I wrote a lil something :)
Scott Clarke has been worrying about Eddie Munson ever since the boy first set foot into his classroom. He was tiny for his age and thin on the verge of being scrawny, with big, scared eyes in a pale face. With his long, dark curls he was the kind of boy who would unavoidably be called names for being too much like a girl, and Scott wasn't surprised that it only took one week before the boy came in with his hair all buzzed off, pulling even more attention to his expressive eyes instead.
Scott was known for worrying about the nerdy kids, and even though it wouldn't be obvious to everyone right away, he immediately noticed that Eddie was one of those. He wasn't the kind of nerdy kid who would sit in the front of the classroom, hanging onto Scott's every word while avidly scribbling down the secrets of the universe that Scott liked to share. No, Eddie was the other kind of nerdy kid: the kind who would often be called dreamy, or imaginative, or quiet, or lazy. The kind who would retreat to the back of the class and get low scores on their tests because they were spending their time sneakily reading comic books underneath the table or staring out of the window with their mind completely elsewhere for hours on end.
Middle school wasn't an easy place for kids like Eddie, as Scott knew all too well. The only thing he could do, as a teacher, was try to make it a little bit more bearable for him. He was glad when the boy took him up on his offer to spend his lunch breaks in the science classroom instead of the cafeteria or the playground. Soon, it became a habit that Eddie would be on the other side of Scott's desk reading his way through some big book while Scott was grading papers or preparing his next lesson.
Scott knew that with patience and kindness, all kids like Eddie would eventually come out of their shell and start trusting him. So he asked about the books Eddie brought first, proceeded to topics like music and games he liked to play later, and eventually could ask him about his home life.
Whenever he'd talk about his books or his music, Eddie's eyes lit up and his smile widened. Scott soon found out that, when Eddie was at ease, he could talk a mile a minute and bounce around the classroom, caught up in his stories with all kinds of excited hand gestures. At those moments, he was nothing like the quiet boy with the haunted look in his eyes who Scott met two months ago.
But Eddie never disclosed much about his personal life. He didn't mention his mother even once and he didn't tell Scott much more than that he was living with his uncle in Forest Hills because his dad was “unavailable” to take care of him.
Scott doubted whether Eddie was much better off living with his uncle than with his father. Judging from the meager lunches he brought with him, the shabby and ill-fitting clothes he wore, and the fact that the man never once came to drop Eddie off or pick him up at school, Scott was skeptical, to say the least.
He started worrying even more when one day, Eddie lingered in the classroom after the last lesson of the day, saying he wanted to ask him a “science question” with a certain dread in his eyes that Scott had never seen there before.
“There's nothing I love more than a good science question,” Scott quickly reassured him. “Tell me, what is it?”
“The other kids,” said Eddie, “Brendon and Mark and, you know... They call me names.” His voice was soft and his eyes were aimed towards the ground as he spoke. “Queer. And fag. And...” He shrugged. “Y'know.” He raised his head up again, big scared eyes meeting Scott's.
“I – I think they're right,” he said, almost in a whisper. “How can you stop being gay?”
And oh, this was a conversation Scott had experience with. He had been a teacher at Hawkins Middle School for almost two decades and there had always been kids he worried about, who would open up to him about this exact topic.
So he sat Eddie down at his desk and patiently talked him through everything the boy needed to know; God knows his trailer park uncle most certainly wouldn't. He told him all about science and nature and feelings and, most importantly, being perfect the way you are, no matter who you love.
More than two hours later, Eddie finally left the classroom with relief in his eyes instead of dread. But Scott kept worrying: Eddie's uncle hadn't so much as called the school to inform where Eddie was. Who was looking out for him after the last school bell rang and the kid rode his bike out of Scott's sight?
Not long after that conversation, Scott finally got to meet Mr. Munson for the first time. He was one of Scott's last appointments of the yearly parent-teacher evening, and Scott half expected him not to show up. But he was right on time, even though he looked almost comically out of place when he walked into the science classroom.
He was exactly what Scott would've imagined of a man living in Forest Hills: washed-up jeans and a worn-down flannel, cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and a gruff frown hidden underneath a faded gray trucker's hat. He walked up to where Scott was seated behind his desk in a few big strides, and Scott couldn't help but think that there was something almost intimidating in merely the way he carried himself. Not exactly the kind of man who radiated safety for a boy like Eddie.
They shook hands and Scott felt rough callouses press against his own chalk-stained fingers.
While Scott talked Mr. Munson through Eddie's grade list – a list that at this point was barely enough to get him into the next grade – Mr. Munson didn't say anything. Only when Scott asked him if he had any questions, he opened his mouth.
“How're the other kids treatin' him?” the man asked him in a thick southern accent.
“It's not easy for him,” Scott answered in all honesty. He wondered how much Eddie told his uncle about what his days at school usually looked like.
Mr. Munson bowed his head. “I know,” he mumbled.
“Eddie is a sensitive kid, he –”
“I know what kinda kid he is,” Mr. Munson interrupted him immediately. It sounded sharp and Scott wondered if he should be worried about Mr. Munson having a temper.
“Of course,” he cautiously retreated. “I just assumed, since I've never seen you at the school before, sir, that you might not be aware of what exactly he has to deal with in here.”
“Maybe you should do less assuming, then,” Mr. Munson answered bluntly. “You think I should be at the school more? Drop Eddie here in the mornin', come pick him up in the afternoon, all that?”
Scott wondered if Mr. Munson was mocking him.
“Well, I think it might be good for Eddie if –”
“You know why I ain't never at the school? 'Cause I'm tryin' my damned best to keep that boy's stomach filled. When should I be at the school, exactly, between my day shift at the quarry and my night shift at the plant?”
“I – I'm sorry,” Scott backpedaled. Suddenly, the frown lines in the tired face of the man in front of him had gotten a different meaning. “I didn't know. You're right, I shouldn't have made assumptions.”
“Look, I dunno how much he shared with you, Mr. Clarke, but I know he looks up to you. So I think you should know that he's the kinda kid who got in trouble at home for bein' “too sensitive.”” He shot Scott a meaningful glance. “Boy was cryin' to me on the phone, 'cause of what his daddy did to him, so I picked him up and drove him here and I made it my mission, as his uncle, to protect him, to shield him, and to take care of him as best as I possibly can.”
Scott had always prided himself on being a good judge of character. He wondered if he had ever been more wrong about somebody before in his life.
“I know he thinks highly of you, Sir,” Mr. Munson continued. “And I'm very grateful that you're keepin' an eye on him when I can't. But at some point, he may trust you with some very personal information about himself, and you better have his back when he does.”
He knows, Scott realized with a shock. He tried to give Mr. Munson a reassuring smile, but his heart was beating in his throat with what he was about to tell him.
“I was a sensitive kid, myself, Sir. I promise you Eddie is in good hands with me.”
Scott wondered whether Mr. Munson caught the message in those words while a long silence stretched out. Their gazes were locked: Mr. Munson's eyes were bright blue, completely different from Eddie's but just as expressive. His gaze softened while the seconds passed and underneath his graying beard, his mouth twitched.
“I was a sensitive kid, too,” he eventually said.
And Scott's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. This man, with his big calloused hands and his trucker's hat and his undeniably manly demeanor?
His feelings of astonishment must have been visible on his face, because Mr. Munson chortled softly.
“Didn't see that one coming, did ya?”
Scott laughed, too, making the last bit of residual tension between them disappear. “I'm sorry, Mr. Munson. I had no idea.”
“'S okay,” Mr. Munson said. “'s good to know that Eddie has someone lookin' out for him here. Um –” He scraped his throat. “I um...” He abruptly averted his gaze back to his lap again, where his fingers were nervously fumbling with the cap he was holding between his hands.
“I always make Eddie dinner,” he finally said. “'S one of the few things I can do for him, y'know. It'd probably be better for me if I took a quick nap 'tween my jobs, but it's the only time of the day we got together. I'm not much of a cook, but I try to get him to eat somethin' healthy and warm, and we talk about stuff, whatever it is he wants to talk about. So um... If you ever wanna join us – that is, if you don't mind comin' to the trailer park... We don't have much, but I'm sure we can fit another chair 'round the table. I think it could be good for Eddie.”
Scott could barely believe what was happening. To think that only a few minutes ago, he had been worried about this man having a temper or being neglectful towards his nephew...
Wayne Munson was shy and soft-spoken and he loved Eddie with a passion that sparked a fierce protectiveness. And after having Scott judge him based on the way he looked and a bunch of false assumptions, he showed him nothing but genuine goodness.
He felt his lips bend into a smile more authentic than he'd been able to give in a while.
“I'd love to join you sometime,” he told Mr. Munson. “For Eddie – but I also wouldn't mind getting to know you better,” he added in a sudden spur or braveness.
And he could swear that something suspiciously like a smile matching his own was hiding beneath Mr. Munson's beard.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 4 months
do u have any headcanons for Nuzi? sorry if you've already written about this before and I just didn't see it-
Oh boi anyone here into silly headcanons? XD ill put them under the cut just in case cuz i write a loooooooooooot lol
i usually just make headcanons as i go with my fics, its hard to think about for them specifically but here i go trying, hope you enjoy uwu
Some Nuzi Headcanons i got ùwú:
[for the drone universe ofc, some of my human HCs don't work in the drone universe sadly lmao]
considering this is at a time where they would become official or heck maybe the tragedy ends and they are happy together or something:
Uzi loves calling N "Puppy", sometimes she would also call him "Sunshine" or "Angel" but her & Ns fav would be "Puppy". however N usually doesn't call Uzi many nicknames other than "Zi" rarely- and maybe occasionally "Birdie" when they are more lovey dovey- he's more into pet names like "honey - darling - sweetheart - etc" and not much of a tease... although at times when they get a bit more spicy and he DOES want to tease- he could go towards names like "lil biscuit", "baby bat", "my lady" and etc but again, very rarely 6v6;;;;
they both had to download helpful content on how to flirt 🙄 although they caught on pretty quick lol.
N is subconsciously protective of Uzi, often curling his tail around her without realizing it, or stepping in front of her; but Uzi is consciously protective of N- especially when he's being bullied or degraded- she would cut off anyone's conversation if they were talking about N badly with something like "oh stick a fork in it J-" before changing the subject-
Uzi is actively a smartass sass mouth- she just never really had the confidence for standing up for herself- but with N she's grown to be a bit more confident in herself- and yet N has never seen her be aggressive to HIM lmao- and then when he sees how sometimes she absolutely drags some other drones he has to literally pick Uzi up from the scruff of her coat and tell her to please be nice XD
Uzi and N are absolutely, hopelessly touch and affection starved- this makes them get really cuddly as a way to recharge themselves emotionally. occasionally they just sit next to eachother without words and rub their heads against eachother like cats and sometimes Uzi just sits on his lap and randomly starts prepping his whole face with tini kisses- as if to say mine mine mine- and N is... well just sitting there wagging his tail like an excited puppy :D no words needed between them, just healthy and wholesome touching, cuddling and affection from eachother-...... i mean it could get spicy too- lmao 👀 cuz Uzi really loves taking off Ns hat for more comfort and just threading her hands in his hair- sometimes tugging gently to tilt his head for a more firm and heartfelt kissing and makeout sesh- they rarely get that needy but N happily reciprocates and his grip on Uzi's body/hips tightens pulling her flush against himself more-
at the beginning they are both a flustered mess doing or saying anything romantic but then Uzi started liking teasing and flustering N at any chance she could take. N is just too easy and too smitten for her.
N also occasionally gets the confidence and mood to be more forward and assertive and teasing Uzi over things he knows she's into and Uzi is absolutely into that shit- she's sat 😤
they do share oil sometimes through bites or kisses- but usually that's only when they feel extra frisky lmao-
Uzi gets easily embarrassed during intimate moments and since contact and touching easily discharges their power as sparks, Uzi often uh.... ends up with multiple soft-reboots or powering on and off which kinda overheats her body and CPU alot lmao-
they like drawing and listening to music together- Uzi actually likes watching N draw even if they look amateur and childish- she finds them extremely cute and hangs them up in her room when he draws for her <3
they did NOT start out sleeping next to eachother well. Uzi has nightmares a lot, and even without them she still moves around frantically and is just never in the same position when she wakes up, meanwhile N sleeps like a dead person, he hardly moves and he got used to the pose of crossing his arms on his chest so yeah... dead pose lmao. this made him get kicked alot or shoved in the slot between the bed and wall often- [if he didn't sleep on the other side and just straight up get kicked off the bed anyway]😭. even at times when he decided they could sleep hanging from their tails Uzi often still found herself in the middle of the night hanging haphazardly, limbs and wings in every direction and clothes riding down which made N almost start laughing when he woke up seeing her like this 😭😭😭. in the end one of the ways they ended up making Uzi sleep alot better was cuddling. N would just hold Uzi close, if hanging he would put his wings around them. Uzi would resist and push against him alot at first but slowly after time her nightmares subdued and she felt calmer sleeping at night.... also they put a cork or something on Ns tail when they sleep lol-
All drones, disassembly or worker, can make their cores whirr in a purring noise, its just that its louder for disassemblers, the noise of Ns core helps Uzi relax <3
Uzi can lift N very easily, straight up on her shoulder even.... and somehow N is very turned on by this as she could easily carry him around bridal style if need be- esp if she gets jealous of N interacting with others and just throws him over her shoulder and leaves- or uh.... yknow, if Ns hurt or something, yep 6x6;;;
Uzi is also turned on by the fact that N is so much bigger than her. they be casually sitting and inspecting eachothers hands and Uzi's is smaller and she just blushes fervently imagining all the things she wants his hands and claws to do to her.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND thats about all i can think of atm without spoiling much of my own future ideas lol, hope it wasn't too annoying, but i really enjoyed writing this uwu<3
hope yall enjoyed it too if you made it til here :p
i diiiiid wanna include some nsfw hcs too but im gonna keep this ask as sfw as possible for now. 😇 those would be nsfw specific hcs anyway lmao
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aliaology · 3 months
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SUMMARY: you know you and alex should break up, but you’re too in love with him to stay done.
PAIRING: alexander holtz x fem!reader
WARNINGS: semi-toxic (?) relationship, slight cheating, blood
EXTRA: i know alex (most likely) wouldn’t actually cheat, but its just for the fic! my boy needs more about him done. also THIS SUCKS LMFAOO im a lil rusty. BASED ON A SONG.
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the look in your eyes even after he yells at you was something truly remarkable, incredible even. the awe-struck gaze your eyes held as the boy in front of you angrily spoke. his anger may not have been directed at you, but he was definitely taking it out on you.
his narrowed eyes and irritated tone as he went on and on about his hockey game made your stomach twist and knot. the feeling only going away as he punches one of the picture frames, causing the glass to shatter and the frame to fall to the floor.
your awe-struck gaze was no more, and was now filled with worried as he walked into the bedroom, mumbling curses under his breath. you let out a sigh as you grabbed the broom from the closet. you swept the broken glass up and removed the picture from the frame. it was a picture of you and him when you visited italy.
you gave the picture a sad look before placing it on the counter and throwing the frame into the trash bag, along with the broken glass. after putting the broom back, you walked into your shared room, alex sitting on the side of the bed with his head in his hands. blood dripped from his knuckles and down his hands.
you walked into the bathroom, grabbing a few bandages and alcohol wipes. kneeling down in front of him, you removed his hands from his face, gently.
“i think you played well tonight, alex.” you spoke softly. grabbing an alcohol wipe, you carefully wiped up the blood and the wound, causing him to hiss in pain.
“can’t say much when i was only on the ice for like five minutes. i make one mistake and lindy fucking benches me.” he spoke angrily.
you gently wrapped his hand. “i think you should talk to them about being traded.” you told.
alex scoffed out a laughed. you gave him a look. “im being serious, alex. this team is messing you up— you know you deserve better.”
alex sighed, “ill think about it, alright?”
you nodded and stood up, placing a small kiss on his cheek before bringing everything back into the bathroom, and throwing out the bloody wipes.
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you huffed out a breath, knowing how idiotic you looked in front of your friends. you told yourself you would be taking a break from alex, that you would give yourself space, find yourself.
you needed it, especially after finding out he was hitting up other girls. hearing this— you stayed cordial, but honestly, you wish you went off on him. you wish you didn’t stay calm.
but thats the thing with alex, as you stand here calling him, you realize you can’t stay done with him. he was a constant need in your life, he was the sun and you revolved around him.
“hello?” his voice sounded through your phone.
you let out a shaky breath. you stood on the sidewalk, your little black dress keeping almost nothing warm. you held your large coat close to you.
“can you come get me? please?” you asked.
you could hear a deep breath escape his lips before he talked. “where are you?” he questioned. you could hear the sound of clothes rustling, then the sound of his keys jangling.
“outside of the bar on hawkins.” you told, shivering slightly.
“jesus christ baby— outside? seriously? are you by yourself?” he asked.
“yeah.” you muttered into the phone.
you could hear him swear under his breath, the sound of his car door opening and shutting rang through your ears. “get inside that damn bar, wait near the doors.” he demanded.
you hastily obeyed and stood inside, right next to the doors. he stayed on the phone with you the entire time, letting you know when he was close.
once he got there, and you hung up, getting into his car, he gave you an irritated look.
“dont you ever do that again— you hear me? do you know how dangerous it is? standing out there by yourself in the middle of the night?” he spoke.
his tone was harsh, but he clearly was worried, at least you hoped. “im sorry”
he sighed. “dont apologize. lets just, lets get to the apartment.”
you nodded and titled your head against the window, watching the lights as you passed them. you hated the feeling of not being able to be the bigger person and leave.
alex was your best friend, but your enemy. he loved you and hated you. you loved him, and loved him, and hated him. but there was no one else you wanted to wake up to. no one else you wanted to go to bed with.
you just couldn’t stay done with him.
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im unable to tag everyone!
TAGS: @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @lxnceclercs , @honethatty12 , @outrunangelss , @absolutelyhugh3s , @hockeyboysarehot , @lovinbarzal , @shadowsndaisies , @um-mads , @bqbylon , @whoreforthehughesbrothers , @Robloxlover2007 , @p3nislawd , @alexx-stancati , @queenmendes , @-eedwardss , @if-my-heart-bleeds , @love-like-woaah , @freds-slut , @sleepybesson , @love4lando , @equallyshaw , @bellstwd , @ivy-34 , @slafgoalskybaby , @hischierxx , @dancerbailey3 , @jackhughesily , @cstads-blog , @ru-kru , @sbrn0905 , @love4ldr , @loveforaugust
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dirtybitfic · 5 months
Concert love
Chris and matt sturniolo x y/n fan-fiction
(contains- flirting in front of a whole crowd, concert, drinking, dirty talk, smutt, threesome, slapping, chocking, use of the names- ma, slut,whore,daddy and I think that's it)
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y/n pov-
me and my best friend ybf/n decided to get tickets for the lil skies concert a while ago since the tickets were surprisingly cheap and we've both liked his music since we were in high school
me and ybf/n were getting ready playing music through my speaker and talking and laughing.
we both finished doing our makeup
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(your look)
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(ybf/n look)
damn y/n your makeup looks so good
thanks you too bitch damn
okay lets get dressed and then ill order the uber
We both go to your separate rooms in the apartment to change. Neither of us know what the other one picked for their outfit but I know hers is gonna be so good and im very confident about my choice.
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(your outfits but instead 0f heels your wearing orange nike dunks)
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(your best friends outfit)
I walked out of my room guessing she's already in the living room by the way she was yelling
we both laugh as we sit and wait for our uber to get closer before we make our way to the lobby.
we were both looking through our fyp page as I realized it had been a good minute since we ordered the uber
hey is the uber close
oh shit yeah two minutes away
fuck okay lets head down
we grab our phones and keys and head to the elevator and take it down to the lobby.
we walked out of the door looking for a black Honda
is that it over there I said pointing to a black Honda a little further down the street
uuuh yeah I think so she says starting to walk over to it as I follow behind her
as we approach the driver rolls the window down
hey is this the uber for ybf/n
hey yes hop on in
we get in the back as we start heading to the venue it was about a 15 minute drive we decided to go pretty early so we could be closer to the front
so you girls going to the skies concert tonight
yep were so excited
damn I really wanted to go but by the time me and my friends went to get tickets they were sold out
yeah tickets were cheap so they went pretty fast and the venue is smaller so you know
yeah makes sense . I know this might be weird but can I give you my phone number and maybe you can send me some videos of the concert
oh my god of course id be more than happy to do that
thank you so much he says as he gives me his phone number and I save it for later and send him a quick text so he has it and knows im the girl from the uber for the skies concert
alright well im gonna drop you here have fun tonight guys
thank you so much for driving us and ill make sure to remember to send you videos
thank you bye
bye have a good night I shut the door as we walked to the entrance door
there were only a couple people already here waiting so we stood behind them and waited for about 40 minutes until more people showed up and doors started to open .
we got in around 7:45 and got close as fuck to the front we were a row behind the barricade . The show is supposed to start at 8:30 So we have a while to wait . I decided to go to the bar to grab a drink so ybf/n stayed back to keep our spot.
I got up to the bar and ordered two vodka watermelon red bulls and payed as she handed them to me and I went back to ybf/n. It was hard to get back through the crowd without spilling them but somehow I did.
hey here you go
thanks ill pay you back later
oh no your good my treat I say smiling at her
okay but next ones are on me
works for me
soon the opening dj comes out and starts playing some good as songs
As hot in here was playing me and ybf/n were dancing with each other as the dj started yelling out
I look up at him making eye contact with a confused smile pointing to me kinda shocked
YES YOU GIRL he says laughing a little I smile and look up at the balcony scanning it for this so called admirer when I meet eyes with a guy.
he smirks at me and waves
I smile and wave back and hold eye contact as I see him raise something to his mouth and speak into it
I look at him confused for a second before the dj speaks again
I look at him smiling then bring out my phone to type it onto snap and blow it up so he could read it
I hold it up smiling as he reads it then brings his phone out to type something
he holds it out for me to read
" such a pretty name for such a pretty girl it reads'
I smile widely at him before typing "thank you" and hold it up for him to read
he reads it smiling the typing something else
" no problem gorgeous " it reads I laugh a little and smile at him as we hold eye contact
he look back to his phone typing something else
" stay after ill tell them I asked you too"
I got nervous but still smiled as we kept eye contact I was trying so hard to not flip my shit at this point .
I give him a thumbs up smiling and he winks at me then looks back at the stage as a new song starts playing
I love this song so I start rapping along as I look back up at him to see him already looking at me as he rapping along to the song to he starts moving his hands and rapping more to the song as we keep eyes contact then stops and points at me so I took it as a sign to rap the next part and I do as he bops his head smiling at me in awe that I know the song by heart .
he types something on his phone
"you like nardo wick"
I shake my head and type out
he smiles and types again
" I like you even more now"
I smile and laugh
" im glad' I type and show him
he just smirks at me and god his smirk has me dying he's so beautiful its actually scary to be honest.
we break eye contact as the song ends and the dj announces skies is coming on in a minute.
I look back up at him admiring his perfect side profile as I smile and look back at the stage as rage starts playing.
skies just finished his last song
thank you guys so much for coming I love you all so much and y/n wherever you are cant wait to meet you after the show he waves and runs off the stage
everyone starts leaving but I stay back
ybf/n gave me a hug and told me to update her later
she slaps my ass you got this bitch don't be nervous
I know ill try not to I love you see you at home
love you too she says as she walks away to the door
as the last people are filtering out I decided to look at my phone to try and calm my nerves. And sent all the videos I got to the Uber driver from earlier.
I get taped on the shoulder I jump from the sudden contact and turn around with my hand on my heart
im so sorry I didn't mean to scare you I was just coming to get you Chris sent me matt says
oh no your good just caught me off guard
follow me were gonna chill in the green room for a bit as they take all the stuff down and pack up
alright lead the way I say kinda nervous and I guess he can tell.
hey no need to be nervous were all chill I promise
thank you matt that actually calmed me down a bit
wait you know my name
oh yeah ive seen couple videos of you guys and a shit tone of edits on my fyp
damn well I hope you liked our videos
oh yeah they were great you guys are very funny
thanks he says as he looks down at me with a sweet smile
no problem I say smiling back
alright were just through this door
fuck fuck fuck oh god is all I can think as he opens the door and walks in as I hesitantly follow behind him
HEYYY Y/N HOW ARE YOU Chris yells coming up to hug me
im a bit caught of guard but hug him back as he rocks me side to side a little causing me to laugh
im g-good Chris how are you I say he's squeezing me a bit tight causing my airflow to sputter.
im good! im glad you stayed after gorgeous
m-me too but y-your squeezing the life out of me I say sounding out of breathe and squeaky
oh shit im sorry he says laughing as he lets go
I take a deep much needed breath as I smile up at him
so uhh why'd you ask me to stay back I say nicely but sounding a bit confused
oh well we thought you were really beautiful to be honest and we wanted to get the chance to talk to you maybe even hang out for the night he says with a smile but sounding a bit nervous
oh well id love that
really ?
yeah of course I say smiling giggling a little bit
heyyy Chris matt you guys in the green room? I hear skies say
yep were in here matt answers
he walks in smiling at matt dapping him up
then walking over to Chris beside me dapping him up then looking at me smiling
you must be y/n its so nice to meet you he says bringing me in for a nice warm hug
its so nice to meet you too ! I loved your show you have great stage presence
thank you I appreciate it ! he says letting go and smiling at me.
I can see why Chris noticed you in the crowd you are beautiful
aww thank you so much I say as my face heats up from the compliment
alright guys I think were gonna hit the road we got another show to get too tomorrow but thank you for coming and supporting me and hit me up later chris
yeah of course man the show was great ill text you later this week when we get back to la Chris says dapping skies up one last time before he says bye to matt.
alright well we should call an uber and head out of here matt says
hey y/n know any fun places we could go to Chris says looking down at me
well I mean it is like 12am so most of the only fun places to go that are open are clubs but I know y'all don't drink right
nope we don't
well we could always go back to my apartment and grab my car and get some food and then go back to my place and watch a movie unless y'all aren't comfortable with that I completely understand
no y/n we trust you you ive got nothing but good vibes from you also what's your address for the uber
oh thank you that’s really sweet I say as I give him my address
of course also the uber is a couple minute away so we should probably head out
alright lets go Chris says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder guiding me to walk with him I smile up at him and he looks at me giving me a warm smile.
we walk out the back door and see what im guessing is an uber black parked at the back .
hey are you lane
yep über for matt?
yep that's me matt says as he opens the door to the back and hops
Chris guides me to the door Do you mind being in the middle your the smallest
I laugh no not at all
okay then lady first he says gesturing his hand for me to hop in and I do as I scoot to the middle and he hops in behind me shutting the door.
so y/n have you lived here you whole life
oh yeah pretty much I mean I moved here from Chicago when I was 4 but I don't really remember life back in there so ive only really ever known life as growing up here
oh nice its a great city I like it here
yeah its pretty cool here
oh yeah I mean its okay ive lived here all my life so it tends to get boring you know what I mean
yeah I get that that's one reason we love living in la now gives us a new place to grow in but don't get me wrong I love Boston with my whole heart and going back to visit our family is great but its nice to be somewhere new for a change
I completely get that . My parents actually moved to San Francisco a couple years after I moved out they love it there and I love getting to visit them its one of my favorite cities
oh yeah I love san Francisco its a beautiful city
right I love it there im just sad I don't get to go visit my parents often
oh why don't you visit them much
well for one my job is very busy and air fair is not cheap so sadly I have to save up for each trip months in advance
oh yeah real airfare is so expensive its kinda crazy
yeah well your lucky with the job you guys have
yeah we are pretty blessed to have a good income coming in but we still like to be wise with our spending
that's good though most people our age would be buying whatever they wanted if they had you guys income
very true but our parents taught us how to spend our money wisely from a young age so thank god for them or wed be half way broke by now
yeah I relate to that my dad was always very good with money growing up even though we have a lot of money he only spends it on things that are worth it instead of waisting money on random shit that well Never use
he sounds like a smart man
yeah he's great I love my dad ive always been a daddy girl
Chris’s eyes slightly darken and he shifts around after hearing me say daddy I didn’t know why but I just looked down at his big hands that were resting on his lap god what I wouldn’t do to have those wrapped around my-
My thought is cut off by the Uber driver announcing we are at our destination
We get out and thank her then head to my car .
Chris gets into the front as Matt gets into the back and I start up my car.
Okay so the only things open right now are like fast food and this one pizza place so what sounds good to you guys.
Honestly I could fuck with pizza rn
Same pizza sounds good as fuck
I completely agree i start backing out and head to the pizza place .
Here’s my phone you guys can queue up whatever you want
They queued up a couple good songs that I knew as we sat in silence giving out to the music until we got to the pizza place.
I parked and turned off the car as we all got out and headed into the place.
Wow it’s really cool in here
I know right this is my favorite place to go after a night out
I can see why it’s so dark but cool with all the colored lights they have
Yeah they turn on their led bulbs when it gets dark it’s such a vibe
Hey how are you guys is it just the three of you the hostes says
Yep just the three of us
Cool follow me she says as she grabs the menus and leads us to a booth
Matt and Chris sit opposite of me as we start looking at the menus
Hey I’m Jake I’ll be your server today what can I get you guys to drink
Um I’ll get a Pepsi please
Cool and for you
Can I get a root beer
Yep sure thing and for you y/n
I’ll get a dr.pepper thanks Jake
Of course I’ll be right back with those
Thank you I say as he walks away
You know him Chris asks
Oh yeah he’s one of my best friend boyfriends
Oh cool
Yeah I say smiling at him
So uhh I gotta warn you their pizzas are big so we could probably all just share a large if that sounds good with you guys
Yeah that’s fine do you like pepperoni
Yeah love it
Cool you good with that Chris
Yeah sounds good to me
Here you guys go Jake says as he sets each of our drinks down then takes our order
As we were talking about random shit I got a phone call
I looked to see it was ybf/n
Hey guys sorry do you mind if I answer this it’s my roommate the one who was with me at the concert
No not at all go ahead
I answer the call
Hey what’s up
Hey I’m just letting you know I’m staying the night at Blake’s house so I won’t be home tonight
Oh alright we’ll I guess see you sometime tomorrow then
Yeah also I can’t wait to hear all the juicy details about you hanging out with your celeb cruuuuwh
Okayyyyy shut the fuck uuuuup I can’t feel my face getting hot from the blush creeping onto then
Okay bye I love you
Love you to and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Cool so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
I am not a slut shut up good fucking night
Good niiiight
I hung up as I looked up at Matt and Chris just looking at me I got nervous
W-what I say laughing awkwardly
Nothing you guys seem really close
Oh yeah no we are! been best friends since 2nd grade that’s just how we talk to each other
Oh no we get but uhhh why did she call you a slut
Oh uh haha well I said don’t do anything I wouldn’t do and she said so that means I can do whatever cause your a slut
Oh damn what a sweet thing for her to say
I know right she’s so nice to me I say jokingly
So I’m guessing she not at home
Nope she’s spending the night at a guys house I also fucking despise the guy but you know that’s just me
Why do you not like him
He’s a dick and he treats girls like shit he also tried to roofie me at the club once but I didn’t tell her so she doesn’t know that but . I get cut off by Chris
But nothing y/n that’s not okay she shouldn’t be with a guy who did that to her best-friend
I- yeah I know I just don’t like conflict I didn’t wanna make it a big deal I say feeling like a kid being scolded by her dad
I’m sorry for raising my voice but that just makes me angry
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up I say feeling anxious now by the way him and Matt are looking at me
No it’s okay we get it it’s just you know something you might think about telling her you know if he’s ever around you again what else would he try you know what I’m saying
Y-yeah your right I’ll tell her tomorrow
Good girl Chris says making my face turn red as fuck and I look down trying to hide it but he notices
Here’s you guys pizza hope you enjoy
Thank you Jake
No problem
We each grab a couple slices and eat in silence I can feel slight tension in the air but I try to ignore it and just eat my pizza.
Do you guys like horror, movies?
Uhm not my favorite but I guess they’re okay
Yeah I mean they aren’t my first pick but I’ll watch em
Okay cool I’m kinda of in a horror movie mood tonight
Sounds good to me
Yeah me too
Hey you guys ready for the check
Yeah I think so
Okay cool together or separate
Together . I got cut off by Matt
Okay cool I’ll be back in a second with that
What- Matt you guy don’t have to pay for me
No no it’s our treat
I mean you are driving us around and letting us come back to your apartment so it’s the least we could do
Well thank you really that’s very nice of you guys
No problem
I smile at both of them as Jake comes back with the check and Chris pays then we head back out to the car.
Do you guys mind if I play some softer music on the way home I have astigmatism so driving at night with loud music makes me really anxious
No absolutely we don’t mind at all I completely understand that. I get driving anxiety too so I get the struggle
I smile at him as we get into the car and I queue up some songs before we pull out and head to my apartment.
You have really good music taste y/n
Thank you I’m a big music lover so my music range is weird as Fuck
What do you mean
If I put my liked playlist of shuffle I can go from rap to classical to edm then to rock all in the span of 10 minutes
Ah so you listen to a lot of genera’s
Yeah I say smiling at Chris
So what’s your favorite genera as of right now
Honestly I think alternative rock
Oh cool we don’t listen to rock much but it’s cool
Yeah deaftones is my favorite band as of right now I would play a song from them but you know
To loud
Okay one for us when we get back to your place
Okay I will
After about 5 more minutes we parked outside of my building and i but in my favorite deaftones song for them
Oh wow this is actually pretty good
Yeah so far I like it
We sit as they keep listening I watch for their honest reactions seeing if they are just being nice
I can tell Matt likes it for sure but Chris not as much
Damn the lyrics are kinda
dirty yeah
Yeah but I like it
Well I’m glad
Yeah no this shit is good I need to start listening to them
I’ll share my playlist of my favorite songs from them to you
Cool that would be great thank you
Yeah no problem
The song ends and we get out of the car and head into the building and take the elevator up to my floor
I open the door of my apartment for them and let them go in and I shut and lock the door
Woah your apartment is so cool
Oh thank you
Did you set it all up
Yeah I designed all of it but my roommates room
That’s so cool your good at designing
Oh thank you I took some classes in high-school for it so that helped me out a bit
Oh that’s so cool
Yeah it was pretty fun
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I love the art wall
Oh thanks yeah that’s one of my favorite parts
It adds a very homey vibe
That’s exactly what I was going for
Well you nailed it
Thanks I said smiling up at him
Okay I’m gonna pop some popcorn but do you guys wanna watch the movie in here or my room it’s up to you
Honestly room sounds more cozy
Yeah I agree
Okay well if you wanna head to my room it’s the second door on the right
Cool they both say as they head to my room
I finished popping the popcorn and putting it in the bowl then grabbed three cherry Pepsis from the fridge and made my way to my room
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Your bedroom is so cozy Chris says as I enter with the drinks and snacks
Oh yeah I love it in here
I like how dark it is
Me too I was kinda shocked how big it was when we moved in though
Yeah for an apartment this is huge
Yeah but I’m not complaining
I handed them their drinks and the popcorn and I set my drink on the bedside table
I’m gonna change into something more comfy real quick then we can pic a movie
Sounds good
I went to my closet and picked out one of my least revealing pj sets and changed then went to the bathroom to take my makeup off
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Then went back in and shimmied my way in between the two since they were taking up each side of the bed
Wow you look gorgeous without makeup
Yeah you have really cute freckles
O-oh thank you guys I say feeling a little flustered from their compliments
As I scrolled through for a while we settled on watching insidious since I said it was one of the least scary movies I’ve watched
As we were watching a jump scare popped up and Matt jumps launching popcorn all over the bed making me burst out laughing and Chris joined me
Shit sorry that got me good
You don’t say I say as I pull popcorn out of my hair
I started to get a little cold so I got under the covers .
Chris joined me as our legs slightly touched making my breathe hitch
We continued watching as I felt a hand on my thigh and I felt another come behind my head
Chris’s was on my thigh and Matt’s was the one behind my head
I got a little nervous but tried my best not to show it. Chris started to rub small circles with his thumb making me sigh out in both calmness but also a little bit of horny mixed in.
Matt’s hand started slowly caressing my head and playing with my hair.
I started to become relaxed since playing with my hair always sends me to sleep .
My head starts to fall back into Matt’s hand as he rubs my head i let out a soft moan on accident .
Sorry that just feels so good I say looking over at Matt with hooded eyes who’s still rubbing my head softly
Oh I can stop if it’s making you tired
No no please keep going please
Alright he keeps playing with my hair
Chris hand starts to squeeze my inner thigh causing a pool of wetness to form in between my legs
Mmm I softly moan both of them being so sweet making me feel calm yet so fucking horny . Having both of their hands on me is sending me into such dirty thoughts
Making you feel good huh Chris says softly
Mhm feels so calming
Feeling anything else other than calm
W-what do you mean
Is calm all your feeling right now or is their another feeling creeping in
N-no just calm
You sure about that cause … he moves his hand closer to my pussy . I’m pretty sure I can feel a little heartbeat down here
Mmm I moan as he grazes his hand over my clothed pussy
Aww are we making you horny princess
Matt whispers in my ear before tugging a little on my hair angling my head so I look him in the eyes
N-no I… he yanks harder on my hair
We don’t like liars y/n
Chris’s fingers slide under my shorts now rubbing slow circles on my clit through my underwear
Mmm fuck
You wanna try and answer that again . This time truthfully
O-okay yes your m-making me horny okay
Good girl see that wasn’t so hard to admit was it
God your so wet already
Mmm I moan out as I his fingers now move under my underwear to rub my bare pussy
He starts rubbing my clit eliciting moans to slip past my lips
Matt’s other hand moves under my top to grope my bare tits
O-oh f-Fuck
Yeah you like having both of us touching you
Such a little slut for us aren’t you
Chris slides two fingers into me
Mmm Fuck c-Chris
Answer my question he says deeply causing me to look at him as my brows furrow In pleasure
Fuck y-yes I’m a slut for you
Atta girl he says before pulling my top up and sucking on my nipple
Fuck oh god I moan out as he sucks hickeys all over my tits and Chris fingers speed up .
Can I take these off ma he asked pulling on my shorts and underwear
Mhm I moan shaking my head yes at him
He yanks them off causing me to gasp
As he gets them all the way off he starts kissing up my thigh as Matt moves to start sucking all over my neck .
Chris starts biting and sucking hickeys on my inner thighs as his fingers keep a steady pace pumping into my pussy .
F-Fuck oh my-god
Are we making you feel good
Yes Fuck yes I moan out
All the sudden Chris’s mouth contexts to my clit sucking and licking .
Matt’s hand comes around my neck slightly choking me as he comes down to connect our lips
It’s a hungry wet kiss that makes me even wetter .
God I’ve always dreamed of a threesome but this is better than I could have ever imagined
I start feeling my orgasm building . I moan and whimper into the kiss .
I pull away from the kiss and I’m panting and pulling at Chris hair as he sucks harder on my clit and his fingers move even faster as he feels me clench around them.
he detached his mouth from my clit
Beg for it tell daddy how much you want it
Yeah you can come be a good girl and cum all over my face and fingers
Matt grips my throat as he makes me look at him
Look at me when you cum I wanna watch you fall apart in our hands
OH MY F-Fuck I’m c-cumming
That’s a good girl cumming for daddy
Jesus CHRIST I moan out as I slowly come down from my high
Did so good for us ma
Chris pulls out his fingers and puts them In his mouth sucking my juices off I watch in aww .
On all 4s now he says deeply. I do as I’m told once I’m in the position Matt pulls my top off so now I’m fully naked .
They both take of their shirts and throw them somewhere in the room .
I hear Chris take of his belt and drop his pants and boxers as he lines his dick to my entrance .
I whine wanting to feel him already.
I’m not giving it to you until you wrap that pretty little mouth around matt
I move as fast as possible unbuckling Matt’s belt and taking his jeans and boxers down so his dick pops out .
So eager aren’t you
Mhm I say looking up at matt smiling then looking down at his dick and JESUS CHRIST HES HUGE.
I take him in my hand he’s so thick my hand won’t even wrap around it fully .
I pump a couple times before taking his tip into my mouth . I start sucking as my hand moves around what isn’t in my mouth.
Chris slams into me causing me to scream around Matt . CHRIS IS HUGE TOO.
I can feel him stretching me out so much as he slams into me .
matt garbs a fist full of my hair and start thrusting onto my mouth .
fuck such a good girl taking us so well
I cant help but moan around him and pulse on Chris from his praise
I start gagging from how deep he is in my throat as spit drips down my chin onto the bed below
fuck your so fucking wet
I moan around matt and he thrusts harder into my throat definitely bruising it but I don't care I feel so good right now.
chris is hitting my gspot repeatedly causing me to shake and scream around matts dick .
fuck keep fucking gagging and struggling
I feel tears start to stream down my face from the pleasure
I start to feel my orgasm building as I moan around matt as he abuses my throat.
you gonna cum on my dick like a good little slut
I shake my ahead yes the best I can
matt pulls my head to look up at him as he abuses my throat harder causing me to cry harder
such a mess for us aren't you ? such a good little whore
my brows furrow as my orgasm rolls through me as I shake around Chris as I cum.
fuckkk so good cumming for me
he fucks me through my orgasm and keeps pounding into me as I come down from my high as my legs start shaking .
he pushes on my back making me arch further giving him a new angle that sends me into oblivion.
I scream around matt and he fucks my throat roughly
I start to feel pressure build in my stomach again making my legs shake and more tears to fall down my face .
all the sudden it snaps and I scream around matt as I feel my thighs get soaked.
god so fucking hot squirting all over me like the slut you are
fuck ive never squirted so much in my life .
he continues fucking into me harshly becoming more sloppy
fuck im gonna cum and your gonna fucking swallow all of it
I hate swallowing it tastes like shit and the texture makes me wanna throw up.
he thrusts a couple times before filling my mouth with his cum.
he pulls out them puts a hand over my mouth
swallow it slut
I shake my head no
he slaps me hard across the face causing me to swallow from the impact .
should have just listened instead of acting like a brat
I whined feeling my face sting
Chris pushes my back down further so im fully arching for him and hold my head up by my hair as matt wraps his hand around my throat.
mmm fuck YOUR SO DEEP
Yeah fuck im gonna cum you gonna let me fill you up
y-yes fuck please cum in me
such a good little cum slut he says before cumming deep inside me
mmm fuck I moan as I look up at matt as he smirks down at me .
Chris pulls out as I flop to down onto my stomach as my legs continue to shake.
oh we aren't done with you yet . flip over on your back for me matt says as he and Chris switch spots .
I watch as matt settles in-between my thighs and lines his tip to my entrance
spread your legs wider for me ma
I do as he says giving him more access as he starts sliding into me slowly.
I whine from how much more he's stretching me out he's even thicker than Chris and the fact my pussy is already sore and sensitive from Chris pounding me isn't helping the pain at all
oh my fuck your so big
yeah you feel how deep I am he says placing his hand on my lower stomach and pressing to feel himself inside me
mmhm fuck I moan out as he starts thrusting into me slow but rough
my head falls back as pleasure start to build inside me
I look up at Chris who's smirking down at me
god you make the prettiest faces
mmm fuck faster matt i moan out as I look back into Chris’s eyes
I didn't hear a please
p-please go faster please I sound so pathetic begging but I don't care
god you sound so pretty when you beg he says before pounding into me
OH MY G-GOD I scream as he is hitting my g spot at the perfect angle
I look up at Chris as he taps his tip on my lips
I do as im told and he slides into my mouth before holding my jaw with both hands and starts face fucking me .
the angle my head is hanging off the bed making it easy for him to slide into my throat causing me to gag around his as tears fall from my eyes.
sound so pretty gagging around my dick he says before he slides one hand down to my nipples pinching and pulling at them causing me to moan around him over and over.
he starts thrusting harder abusing my throat as he slaps my tit making me moan loudly around him.
he gets deeper in my throat causing me to gag and cough around him as spit drip out of the sides of my mouth onto my face and the rest of his dick that isn't in my mouth.
keep struggling slut you look so hot when you squirm
I moan around him as I start to feel pressure building in my stomach again
I grab onto matts back as i scratch deeply into it causing him to groan
fuckkk keep doing that I love that shit he says as he fucks into me harder causing me to scream and gag around Chris .
the tension snaps as I squirt all over him and the sheets
fuck your so fucking hot squirting all over me
he continues fucking into me causing me to squirm the overstimulation beginning to be too much .
I claw his back more harshly causing him to groan
god damn fells so fucking good when you claw my back like the little slut you are
im beginning to sob around Chris . im so overstimulated I can barely take it.
I remove my hand from matts back as I try and push on Chriss thighs so he would pull out so I could voice that im overstimulated
he slaps my tit hard as he pushes even deeper into my throat .
nah fucking take it like a good girl
he growls at me as I smack his thigh as my I continue crying .
I cant take it anymore its too much .
I move my hands to matts sides trying to push him out of me . he grabs my arms harshly slamming them down on the bed on each side of my head holding me down.
what's the matter slut? you overstimulated huh? he says in a tone that makes me want to slap him across the face .
I shake my head yes and try to cry out a mhm as Chris still abuses my throat .
well that's to fucking bad . I don't care how much you cum and squirm against me . you aren't done until I fill you up .
I scream around Chris as I feel myself squirt all over matt again causing my hips to lift up off the bed and my legs to shake even more and my thighs tighten around his torso .
he holds onto my hips as he continues pounding into me . now that my hands are free again I move them to his shoulders again trying to push him off of me . I literally can not take it anymore.
Chris pulls out of my mouth im confused as to why until he comes back over me with his belt .
w-what are you doing with that I moan out as matt still pounds deep into me.
since you want to act like a brat and try and push us away . he says as he grabs my arms harshly as he holds them to my chest and slides the belt under my back and secure my arms tightly to my chest.
now you cant use your arms at all
I groan in annoyance as I try and get my arms out but its no use.
fuck you I spit out at him
he slaps me across the face
I cry out from the sting
acting like a bratty bitch isn't gonna get you anywhere he says dominantly at me before grabbing me by the throat roughly.
now open that bratty mouth for me
I groan and shake my head no
n-no I c-cant its to much I cant take it anymore please
matt slaps my thigh so hard I scream
open your fucking mouth or I swear to god
I open my mouth as I roll my eyes
Chris slaps my face again
roll your fucking eyes at me again and you'll regret it
o-okay okay im s-sorry I sob out as I feel the pressure building in my stomach again causing me to moan as Chris slides back down my throat.
I scream around Chris as my orgasm rips through me ad I buck up into matt
fuck such a good girl cumming again for me god your squeezing me so tight
I sob around Chris feeling like I could pass out from how hard I just came
god so fucking tight and wet around me matt grabs my shaking legs hoisting them onto his shoulders getting an even deeper angle.
this causes me to scream around Chris again and again causing him to moan .
fuck im gonna cum . and your gonna be a good girl and swallow all of it
he thrusts a couple more time before his cum is down my throat and I swallow around him causing him to groan
fuuuck such-a good girl he groans then pulls out of my mouth . I cough as I try to catch my breathe.
I get cut off by matt slapping my across the face
your gonna fucking take it
mmmm fuck FUCK YOU I scream out as
he slaps me harder then grips my throat roughly
act like a brat you'll be treated as one
mmm fuck its to much I cant
mmmm I cry and shake under him as I try and wiggle out of his grip
mm mm where you going he says as he grips my throat and thigh tightly causing me to gasp for air through his tight grip
I feel pressure building quickly in my stomach . before I can even speak im cumming again all over him as my eye roll back and I lift off the bed as my hands fist as I shake uncontrollably under him.
aww look at you cumming again such a little whore
Oh sweetheart im not even close to finishing he says smirking sadistically down at me
mmmmm I growl in pain and pleasure
he brings both hands to my legs pushing them down to my chest as he thrusts even deeper in me.
JESUS C-CHRIST YOUR TO DEEP FUCK PLEASE I C-CANT chris kneels down so his mouth is right at my ear
matt is groaning as he feels my pussy pulse around him
don't act like you're not loving every minute of this . you love being our little slut he whispers husky in my ear causing me to shudder
you love the way we use you like our own personal fuck doll dont you
I whine unable to get words out as matt is pounding into me so hard I feel him in my stomach
I asked you a fucking question y/n now answer it
that's what I thought he says as he kisses my neck causing me to moan even louder from all the pleasure im feeling .
I feel pressure building in my stomach yet again.
you think you deserve it
beg for it then tell daddy how much you want it
yes you can cum . give it to me cover my cock
as soon as he gives me permission I squirt all over him so hard I stop breathing for a second.
JESUS CHRIST I scream as I finally start breathing again
Such a good girl your doing so good for me
Matt starts to slow his pace and he drops my legs pushes them out and apart.
Do you have any toys ma
Y-yes but why
Cause I wanna use one on you that’s why
O-okay I just don’t know if I can handle that right n-now
We know you can ma you wanna be good for us don’t you
Then where are they
In my b-bedside table drawer
Chris stands up now in his boxer as he goes into my bedside table grabbing my wand and handing it to Matt
If we let your arms free do you think you can be good or are you gonna push me away again
I -I’ll be good I promise
Okay but if you act up again we will put the belt back on
O okay I promise I’m won’t mmm Fuck I won’t act up again I moan out as Matt is thrusting into me at a sickly sweet slow pace
Chris just smiled down at me as he strokes my check with his hand then undoes the belt
I groan as I stretch my arms out since they are slightly numb from the position they were stuck in for so long.
Matt turns on the vibrator as Chris walks over and sits by my side as Matt hands it him
He starts thrusting into me harder causing my legs to shake harder .Chris puts the vibrator right on my clit causing me to scream out
Yeah that feel good ma
You think you can handle it if I turn it up
I think you can ma he says turning it up
Yeah cum for us ma be a good girl
OH GOD MMMM I moan as I jerk around under Matt whose still pounding into me and Chris keeps the vibrator on my clit sending my body into overdrive as I cum all over Matt’s dick.
As I come down I start crying the vibrations are becoming to much to fast my hand flys down to grip Chris’s wrist to pull the vibrator off
He slaps me
Mmm mm you promised to be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself
Y-yes I’m sorry I’m sorry
Keep being a good girl for us your doing so good ma
Mmmm Fuck c-can you just turn it d-down a little please please
He turns it down one setting giving me a little time to breathe and calm down
C-can I at-least touch you
Yes ma you can touch us
I move one hand onto Matt’s chest running my hands down it scratching marks down it as my other hand locks in Chris hair not too tight but enough to make him groan
Fu-Fuck feels so good
Yeah are we making you feel good ma
S-so good so fucking good
Such a good girl being so good for us
Fuck Chris turn it back up I wanna feel her clenching around me again
I get cut off by the vibrator going to max volume causing my breathe to hitch and my entire body to shake .
Give me one more I’m getting close I promise ma
Mmmm Fuck okay okay
Chris starts sucking on my neck creating more hickeys in spots that didn’t have them from earlier
I pull on his hair tighter as he comes up and places his lips on mine bringing me into a messy hot make out
I moan into his mouth as I feel my hopefully final orgasm moving in slowly .
As I feel my breathing pick up I pull away and keep eyes contact as I whine and whimper as he watches me struggle with a smirk on his face
God you look so beautiful all fucked out and whiny
F-Fuck I’m so close oh my god
Go on give us one more ma I know you can do it
I close my eyes but they shoot open when Chris hand come around my throat .
Look at me while you cum . I wanna watch you fall apart
Mmmm Fuck I’m gonna cum oh my god I say as I maintain eye contact as my brows furrow and I bite my lip harshly trying so hard not to Throw my head back and close my eyes.
Come on cum around my cock give it to me slut
As soon as the words leave Matt’s mouth I cum all over him causing his to groan and his hips to sputter.
Chris watches my face contort and I moan as I start to come down from my high.
Matt thrusts as deep as he can as he fills me up with his cum .
Holy fuck he groan out as he fills me and fucks it into me .
Jesus Christ Chris turn it off please please I beg as I stare into his eyes with the most desperate look on my face as tears roll down my face.
He turns it of as he places small sweet kisses on my neck .
Your such a good girl you did so good . I’m so proud of you
I smile at him as I try to regulate my breathing.
Matt pulls out of me causing me to hiss.
My pussy is so sore and my legs are shaking non stop .
Matt flops down next to me trying to catch his breathe.
Chris lays down with his head resting on my stomach .
I play with his hair as Matt places a kiss on my cheek.
That was… fucking amazing
Yeah y/n your pussy is the best I’ve felt in my entire life
I’ve never cum so much in my life and might I just say y’all are huge like HUGE
They both chuckle as they both sit up .
I’m gonna go start a shower so we can all wash up .
Okay I say softly smiling at him
Come here Chris says standing up holding out his hand .
I take it as he pulls me to my feet . My legs immediately give out on me as I fall back but he catches me .
Okay Bambi come here he says hoisting me up holding under my thighs
I laugh at his joke put smack him lightly on the arm .
Don’t call me that and just so you know this is yours and his fault just remember that
Oh trust me I’ll remember this forever
Oh shut up
You wanna drop the attitude or keep it and have to crawl to the bathroom
I bring one hand to my mouth acting like I’m locking it and throwing away the key
He just smiles at me before walking us both to the bathroom
As we enter Matt is turned back facing us as he feels the water temperature making sure it’s hot enough.
I gasp as I look at his back.
W-what what’s wrong
N-nothing just your back I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was scratching that deep
No don’t apologize I loved every second of if
Okay whatever you say
Come on pretty girl let’s get into the shower Matt says walking over as Chris sets me down and Matt carries me into the shower as Chris steps out of his boxers following .
Matt hisses a bit as the water hits his back
See I told you they were deep
No I’m fine it just stings a bit
Chris holds me from behind at he pumps some shampoo in his hands and begins washing my hair causing me to sigh at how good it feels to have some one wash it for me .
Matt spins me into the water so I can rinse it out then spins me back so Chris can put the conditioner in as Matt lathers my body in body wash .
It’s feels nice to be pampered like this after what you guys just did to me
Oh yeah has no one ever taken care of you like this after
Nope usually then fuck me they cum then leave
Wtf typa Assholes have you been meeting around here
Ones who never heard from me again tbh y’all are the first people I’ve had sex with in a couple years
Wait really why
Well for one I got tired of feeling used and also tired of guys using me for their pleasure and me never getting anything out of it . All the guys I’ve met only care about them finishing but never me . I spent a lot of night alone crying feeling like shit about myself for even fucking with them at all
Im sorry y/n they were Assholes they didn’t deserve you at all he says pulling me into a hug
I smile into his chest
Thank you guys really I’ve never felt so taken care of by 1 guy let alone two
Of course we wouldn’t treat you any other way
I’m gonna be honest I did not think this is how it would go my first time meeting you guys
How did you think it would go
Well I thought I would possibly see you guys at the concert maybe see you walk by ask for a picture and that would be it
I mean understandable but come on your so beautiful we couldn’t have been able to resist you either way
I laugh a little bit as Matt turns me to rinse my body and the conditioner out of my hair.
I’m very glad you guys decided to come back here with me not just because you know you just fucked the shit out of me but because I like being around you guys your so… genuine and sweet to me
They both smiled at me
Of course gorgeous we like being around you too
I smile back as they wash them selves off making me laugh a little .
What’s so funny
Oh nothing your just gonna smell like a girl and that makes me laugh
Oh whatever it beats smelling sweaty and gross
Very true
Chris turns off the water as we all step out to dry off . My legs are still shaky and sore but I can slightly walk normal minus the fuck ass limp I got .
They both laugh at me as I walk to my closet
Stop laughing at me you assholes
Sorry your limp is just so bad
Yeah well I can thank the both of you for that
Oh yeah your very welcome
I flick them both of as I grab just a new pair of underwear and slip them on then limp back to get into bed.
They both lay in their boxers .
It’s kinda hot it the room givin we’re all snuggled up under the covers of my king size bed .
Hey can one of you get up and turn the fan on and shut the lights off I say as I yawn
Mhm I’ll do it Chris says making his way to the switches turning the lights off and turning the fan on .
Matt pulls me into him as he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck .
What time is it he asks in deep sleepy voice
Uh I don’t know Chris what time is it
Umm 4:30
Jesus y/n you almost bursted my ear drum Matt says smacking me in the side lightly
Sorryyyy but 4:30 that’s means y’all fucked me for like 4 hours
Uhh yeah seems that way
Jesus y’all got some stamina
Mm meh I guess so
You guess bitch I’ve never had sex for longer than 30 minutes
Well I guess today was your lucky day
Yeah I’d say . No wonder I’m so fucking sore I just got railed for 4 hours
They both chuckle as we all lay dozing off and before I know it we all pass tf out until 5 pm the next day when I hear my bedroom door burst open.
I stare at her half asleep as the two boys on either side of me wake up looking at me then her
Well I um … sorry we’ll talk later she says with a smirk slowly walking out
Oh god that’s so embarrassing
What’s embarrassing
She just walked in on me pretty much naked in bed with two guys
Oh that’s not embarrassing
Yeah I guess not since it’s you guys
What’s that mean
Oh nothing I’m still tired can we go back to sleep
Yeah same let’s go back to sleep
Don’t gotta tell me twice
we all fall back asleep
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surferblues · 1 year
bad luck charm| r.c
pairings rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings smut (18+ only, minors dni), unprotected sex, cheating, praise, oral (f rec), bathroom sex, unestablished relationship, spelling errors, and obviously sexual themes. ALL FICTIONAL.
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"seven minutes isn't even alot." you hissed, rolling your eyes as the blond boy kept the signature smirk on his soft lips.
chuckles of amusement from the party could be heard from the other side of the door, the sound of the door locking was more than an unsatisfying sound.
you thought this game of five minutes in heaven would be fun. it would amuse you to see people walk into the small bedroom with heads down in embarrassment - you just weren't expecting to be the one of the two unlucky few chosen.
"oh, princess, don't underestimate me." rafe husked back, following your trail closely. " i can get a lot more than you expect done in seven minutes."
you perched yourself on the bathroom countertop, that was messy causing you to move some things on the side so you wouldn't have to be too close to the cameron boy.
"out of all people, I'm stuck here with you." you groaned, shooting rafe a warning full glare as he came closer to you.
"aw, poor baby. tonight must be your unlucky night." he cooed in fake sympathy, tilting his head as he puckered his pink lips. as he came closer, you shut your legs together, knowing that rafe would try to play some unwanted game.
you feel the chills go down your spine at the nickname, every time you were around rafe your body would betray you in malicious ways.
"how would you know about my night? y'been stalking me or something?" you snapped back crossing your arms as you fought your unwanted feelings.
his rough hands came in contact with your thighs, forcing them open. "do you think youre really that special?" he rasped, scoffing at you as his cold fingertips absentmindedly traced circles on your thighs.
you rolled your eyes at him, slapping his hands off of your body. "you're such an asshole." your voice came off as soft and vulnerable, he was basically towering over you at this point - causing you to have to lift your head in order to meet his eyes.
this is how it went every time between you two. you two would end up alone together, throwing out meaningless insults towards one another, then doing things you would regret the next day.
"I'm not worse than that asshole boyfriend of yours though, right,princess?" he began peppering small kisses on your bare shoulder blades thanks to your strapless blouse.
ignoring the fact that you slapped his hand off of you moments ago, he firmly gripped your hips and pulled you towards his needy member. you let out a breathy whimper as you felt his dick through his shorts, rubbing against your clothed pussy.
"You're really enjoying this aren't you?" You huffed as he let out a little laugh. "as long as you promise you'll be quick and quiet ?" rafe asked as you pressed a soft kiss to his lips, removing them before he even had a chance to kiss you back.
you nodded, confirming your lustful needs." I'll take good care of my pretty lil' baby, i always do" rafe whispered with a grin on his face, his hand traveling down towards your heating cunt before he pushed your black little string to the side before he gently caressed your wet pussy with his fingertips while he whispered praises.
"rafe... dont tease me" you whimpered, your hands gripping the blond boy's shoulder for steady support. "ill make it so quick. just follow along,yeah?"
he took you off of the counter, your feet now on the tiled floor.his chest touched yours, his knee worked between your thighs, and he found your lips. 
His kiss was hungry, open lips and dominating tongue, and you moaned softly as you felt his erection through his shorts already. “turn for me” he hummed, breaking the kiss with a soft sound.
you did as he said, not one protest or complaint slipped from your lips. you positioned yourself, your hips now pushed against the sink and you back against his chest. he ruffled up the mini skirt to your hips so he could get a full view of your wet cunt.
"you're always are so good for me." he looked in the mirror, meeting your eyes. his hand slithered towards your neck, wrapping his big hand around your flesh - applying slight pressure.
you were tired of the talking, you needed him. you arched, so your ass was applying pressure to his hard cock that was still covered by his khaki shorts. "ah, baby have patience." he cooed as if you were a child, his hands flying to his zipper in urgency to get his clothes off.
"we're on a tight clock here." you replied, pressing your tongue to your cheek as he pushed his body against yours, an arm wrapping around your waist making you gasp out loud, the sexual tension between you almost crippling at this point.
his nails practically were digging in your hip flesh, without any warning you felt him pull you onto him. his hard cock entering your wet pussy, leaving you both in a daze.
you watched him fall apart from behind you in the mirror, his lips on your shoulders as he leaves bite marks across your chest.
Your hands reach for his biceps, wanting to feel every part of him. He met your eyes in the mirror, taking in the sight of his newfound mess.
"Jesus sweetheart, you're...so...fuckin' tight, feel so good around my dick.” rafe husked, grabbing your waist, slamming in to you from behind, throwing your head back to lean against his chest for support as you watched him come apart in the mirror.
his hand reached for your top, pulling down the strapless top so he could get a sight of your breast. "all mine, all of you is for me." he growled in your ear as he played with your nipples, you were in a daze.
"all for you, nobody else." you whispered hoarsely, and absentmindedly. as soon as your sentence ends, he slams roughly into your wet hole.
he placed his lips on yours, swallowing the moan so none of the party goers could catch a wave of your pretty little sounds.In your mind, thee blaring music and chatter of the rowdy crowd on the other side of the door had long disappeared in to the background as the sound of Rafe's praises and moans filled your ears.
His rough and slow thrusts sending you closer and closer to another orgasm as he nipped at your throat, leaving a trail of violet bruises behind as evidence of your current hook up.
"one more minute left!" you heard from the other side of the door, the voice obviously oblivious to what was going on behind the closed door.
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short-honey-badger · 6 months
Peppermint Tea 4
Goodness this has been so fun to write! I hope you enjoy!
Mihawk let's out a lil attitude!
@writingmysanity @kenkenmaaa @foggyturtleknightangel @browneyedhufflepuff @djbumblebee @goth-mami-writer
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Mihawk leaves the next morning. After dinner, you'd fluffed out some bedding and parked the warlord on your couch. It was large enough to fit him comfortably, though he did have to contend with an over eager Hank. He woke before you, lips curling at the sound of your soft snores when he slipped into your bedroom.
You wake when he cards one warm hand through your hair, eyes fluttering open to the delightful sight of Mihawk once more. However, you see that his coat is on and his boots cover his feet, so you know that he must be leaving. It saddens you, but you still smile in joy at seeing him. You reach for him, and Hawkeye gives in with a roll of his eyes.
His knee settles on the bed to leverage him as he leans over you, warm hand going from your hair to cradle your cheek. He leans in and kisses you, a simple press of his lips to your own. A hum catches in his throat when you tilt your head and purse your lips against his own, kissing him back even in your inexperience. He thinks of you going to bed last night, staying up, and reading the romance books you thought he didn't catch you taking back to your room. Mihawk is curious as to how far you'll let him push.
Dracule pulls away enough to speak, “Open your mouth for me, sweet thing,” he orders, and you shudder In his hold even as you do as you're told.
“Good girl,” he breathes and then seals his lips against your own once more, tugging and lapping at your swollen lips. Dracule's facial hair scrapes across your sensitive skin, and you whimper when you feel the heat of his tongue lick into your mouth. The kiss is like nothing you've ever experienced before. Nothing all the stories in the world could prepare you for.
Mihawk seems to be able to know when you need to stop, for he pulls away to gaze down at you with a smug smirk as you struggle to catch your breath, “That's not fair,” you grumble and fall back into the bed with a huff.
Dracule rolls his eyes at you again and leans down to kiss your cheek, “You'll get there, Darling,” he teases and then pulls away fully to stand tall, “However, I must go. There are things that I must attend to,” his mind casts off to Gloom Island, and the trouble that the pink haired menace causes every time he is gone for an extended period of time.
You sigh dramatically and roll out of the bed, “Yeah, alright. I'll walk you to your ship.”
Hawkeye follows you out of the bedroom, and Hank meets the two of you at the door. The big dog whines for pets, and you crouch to give him some before opening the door. Hank bounds put, and the two of you follow the excited hound outside to wallow in the grass and do his business. You leave your best friend to do what he does best and follow Dracule through the forest that surrounds your home until you arrive at the shore.
“That's your ship?” You demand, tone dropping in doubt and surprise. You look at him, brow cocked in disbelief, “It's tiny!”
Mihawk sneers at you, “My ship has served me well for decades, little girl. You shouldn't presume such things until you know what they are capable of,” it's the first time that he had gotten even the slightest bit ill with you, but this is his ship, his home away from the castle.
The change in attitude has you shrinking in on yourself a bit, and snow builds up around your feet. You feel guilty, but you hadn't been making fun of his boat! You promise.
Before you can make a fool of yourself even more, a warm hand cups the back of your neck, and you are pulled forward to thud against Mihawk's chest. He kisses the top of your head and wraps an arm around your waist
“That was uncalled for, dear one,” Dracule murmurs softly. He had seen the way you had flinched away from him, the temperature falling, and the uncertainty that had pooled in your eyes. He must remember that you knew little about him, didn't even know that he was a warlord, someone to be feared by all least the government sick him after them. He dearly wanted to keep it that way, and snapping at her for something so small was not the way to keep you close to him.
“I'm sorry. I wasn't picking fun,” Your voice is muffled, but Mihawk still hears your sad little explanation. It makes him feel a little guilty for snapping at you.
“I should have known,” He assures you quietly, and an idea comes to mind, “Would you like a book on ships and seafaring?” He had noticed a couple of similar tomes lying about your cottage, but many of your books were water damaged, making it difficult for you to get through them.
You jerk back to look up at him, excitement pooling in your eyes, “Really?” It's been decades since someone had gotten you a gift. The thought of Dracule being the one to be the first makes your stomach do flips.
Your disbelief has his lips curling in a soft smile, “Yes, really, Darling. Would you like more than one?” He questions, and by the way your face lights up, he knows the answer already.
“Ah, no, thank you. I don't want you to have to go through too much trouble for me,” you deny to his amusement. The warlord rolls his eyes, hand tightening on the back of your neck in admonishment.
“None of that, I want you to be honest with me, dear,” Mihawk orders. His thumb ghosts back and forth along the side of your neck, calming you from any nerves that want to rise up at his request.
Dracule watches as you come to a decision, cheeks pinking cutely as your eyes flick away from his, “Can I have three?” You finally ask. He huffs at your stubbornness.
“Fine. I will bring you three,” Mihawk agrees, though he is already thinking about other things that he could get you. He could finally put his Berri to good use.
Hank barking at a nearby crab brings the two of your back to reality. Mihawk sighs and drags you in for one last kiss before he steps back. He needed to leave now before he ended up staying far longer than he intended. He pats Hank's shaggy head when the dog lopes up to him.
“I'll be back, Darling,” he assures you, and you nod, hands wringing in uncertainty as your friend boards his ship. You watch from the shore as he pulls up his anchor and loosens his sails to catch the wind.
“Be safe!” You call before he can get too far away, and Mihawk raises a single arm to let you know that he heard your farewell. You watch him sail away from your little island with a heavy heart, but it fights with the joy of knowing that Mihawk will be back. Soon, he is little but a speck on the horizon, and you turn away to go back to your cottage, Hank bouncing around your feet.
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sixosix · 12 days
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(got a lil shy while drawing them doing the smooch🫣)
im so getting emotional rn like THERES ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT😭😭🤧 i feel like it was just last month where i sent u the first ask HHAHAHHS rizzney is actually a myth look at him at his KNEES for mc bro is a tomato, a strawberry, hes the same color as his bow headass. also yeah aether its probably best to get your hands off mc now LMAOOOO. LYNETTEEEE i love u ueegheheg eueh ueh. also CHILDE😍🥰🥰😍🤩😍😍🥰my man lesgo, my mc childe sibling boat is sailing HAHHSHHSHX
on the side note, im hella hyped for the aether series💥💥💥 trust that I'll still be w u in that journey as much as i am in this one. your writings breathe life into me like actually. Thawed has relieved me from artblock lots of times and im greatful for that. As long as i live, thawed exists alr. like this fic is injected into my brain HAHHAHHSHHSHSN
i might draw more even after the series is over tho LMAOOOO like just my headcanons and stuff. THATS HOW MUCH I LOVE THAWED OK U DONT UNDERSTAND this the thawed impact😭😭😭😭
but yeah, have a nice day six!! i love u very much❤️❤️
AKAAGIIIII im tearing up again 😢 U DREW THE KISS SCENE WAAAAAAAHHH. omg. They look so soft im sobbing i can feel the warmth ARRGHHHH THEIR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE TOO IMGOING CRAZY the way hes holding her... Okay. okay.
im so emotional too like I CANT BELIEVE ITS THE LAST CHAPTER NEXT.... I stared at my phone after i posted that recent chapter like wt f am i gonna do now. well obviously we know what im gonna do next but thawed impact was real to me too 😢😢 thats my baby and im letting her go NOOOOO
IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT!!! im glad we met through thawed and im forever grateful that youre still sticking to my blog. 🙏🙏🙏 i swear and wholeheartedly believe that thawed wouldn't have been the same without your art. TRUST ME I WROTE IT.
and ofc ill still welcome (and BEG) for thawed content from you even after i officially end it. i have attachment to your thawed!mc and i dont think its gonna go away ever. I LOVE U SO MUCHH U ARE WONDERFUL HAVE AN AMAZING EVERY DAY
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It isn't always easy (but how lucky I am to be known)
comfort came against my will - series masterlist here
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pairing: dick grayson x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.1k
genre: fluff, emotional comfort
warnings: reader is vaguely mentally ill, dick is insecure but it's ok in the end
a/n: this can be read on its own. lil bit more about reader and what they do in life. I don't know if I write stories or just weird character studies anymore. whatever lemme know if you like it
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"Are you sure you want to go to this, baby? Dick asks you gently as you stare at your reflection in your bathroom mirror, smoothing out your hair one final time.
"I don't really have a choice, babe. The gala is for my company - it looks bad if I don't show." You sigh before spinning around to face him, leaning against the counter and looking up at him, cupping his cheek in your palm and smoothing out the worry lines in his forehead with your thumb. "I'll be okay," you assure gently.
Dick sighs in defeat and presses a kiss to your cheek, content to go with you and keep an eye on you. It had been… one of those days. One of those times when your brain just doesn't work the way you want it to, when your own mental illnesses wrap around your throat and strangle you from the inside out. Most days, he finds himself impressed by the way you strong-arm your own psyche into bending to your will, but he knows it can't always happen. He just wishes the world would understand that, too.
Dick continues to think this as your car pulls up outside the gala, your door opening and you sliding out, him in tow. It mesmerizes him always, the mask you slip on, the way you smile and charm and stand tall in front of the never-ending flashes of cameras and pushing questions of reporters. He's always been impressed by it, but he finds himself even more swept off his feet now that he knows what's come before. It's difficult, sometimes, for him to put this image of you next to the one he'd seen this morning - the one of you with tear tracks down your cheeks and unable to get out of bed.
You turn briefly to him to make sure he's still close by, and although you both know the press will see it as nothing more than a second of love between a couple, Dick knows what you're doing. He knows that you're holding him to his word - making sure that he meant it when he said he'd be by your side the whole night. He doesn't mind that you're checking. He has no intentions of breaking his promise.
The night progresses normally, flutes of champagne being passed around and small talk floating through the air. You charm and dazzle and glide around the way you normally do, but the grip you keep on Dick's hand serves as a constant reminder that you're not okay. When you go to pull your hand away from his, he finds himself unconsciously holding it tighter, not wanting to let you go.
"I have to go up and speak," you speak quietly in his ear, nodding towards the raised stage and the microphone that sits ominously atop it. Dick knows how these things go - he's been to enough Wayne galas growing up and has accompanied you to enough of your own that he knows the host, at some point, has to go up and make a speech.
He just wishes, tonight, that it wasn't your company, and that it wasn't your speech.
But he kisses your hand gently before releasing it, letting you stray too far away from him, and his stomach twists with something akin to panic.
And the feeling doesn't go away as he watches you speak. You're as poised and clear as you always are, the epitome of a successful leader - and if he didn't know that something was wrong, not even he would ever be able to guess that you're struggling.
The panic in his gut, he finds… twists into something else. Doubt, maybe. Insecurity, probably. How well does he actually know you? If you can slip on masks this easily, who's to say you don't have more hidden underneath? 
Dick tries to shake the thoughts from his head, reminds himself that he's your partner and you love him and you've never done anything to make him doubt that. But as you waltz off the stage and people clap and you flash commanding smiles toward people, he finds he can't banish his thoughts as easily as he could.
But then you're back by his side, gripping his hand in a way that makes him think you need him, and the night must go on. He pulls up his own mask, making polite conversation and flitting around like a socialite with you all night and he wonders if he's really any different from you. And then he wonders why he suddenly thinks that's a bad thing.
By the time the night ends and your driver pulls up and lets the two of you into your car, his face hurts from smiling and his feet ache from standing, but you squeeze his hand tightly before letting it go so that you can slide into the back seat and his stomach twists again as he slides in beside you, the door closing behind him.
But then… you change. He watches as you pull up the divider so that your driver can't see you, and then you exhale heavily, letting your shoulders drop and your eyes close as the formal pleasantness melts off your face. Your hand searches for his again and he takes it quickly, squeezing it to remind you that he's here, even if his head is spinning from the removal of his own mask.
"What are you thinking about?" You murmur, your eyes fluttering open to look at him with a flash of concern. Dick takes the hand that's not holding yours and cups your cheek gently, smoothing out the worry lines in your forehead with his thumb. 
"Just thinking about how much I love you," he murmurs back, and his heart thumps loudly in his chest as he remembers how true that statement is - how much he loves you and how honoured he feels that you take off your masks for him. He kisses your hand where it's interlocked with his own. "I'm just thinking about how lucky I am to be the one who gets to know you like this."
You smile lazily at him, a knowing look settling in your eyes. 
"Ah," you begin. "This isn't always easy, I know."
Dick exhales at your words, wondering how you always pin what he's feeling so easily. You bring your hand up to brush your thumb along the apple of his cheek. 
"I'm the lucky one, Dick. I should be thanking you for wanting to know me like this."
Dick smiles at your words, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him in the back of the car. "We're both lucky to have found each other, I guess," He murmurs into your hair, pressing kisses to the crown of your head.
"Yea," you smile. "I guess we are."
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gotta-pet-em-all · 2 months
Pokemon-induced healing
And why you fuckers shouldn't rely on it for everything, Arceus fuck stop forcing your poor Chansey to take care of wounds that you should seriously go to the hospital for
* * * * *
okay. SO. To preface this, I volunteered in a Pokemon center for a while. And while this was just a volunteer position and not something I had medical training for, I've also got personal experience. Due to my poor coordination and shitty connective tissue, I tend to fall over, bump into things, and bruise very easily. So trust me when I say I know what I'm talking about.
So, how does pokemon healing work?
That's a fucking complicated question. So, let's start with the healing moves and narrow it down. The main ones I'm going to be talking about here are Heal Pulse, Life Dew, and Floral Healing.
Actually no I'm not qualified to talk about Floral Healing. If any comfey trainers wanna add on, feel free.
Heal pulse and life dew! So, Heal Pulse is the one I have the most familiarity with, and it's essentially a wave of energy that encourages your body to accelerate the natural healing process. No, it does not artificially age you, and it will not reduce your lifespan, but let's be real for a moment. If you get injured and need healing that much, your lifespan may be in danger for other reasons.
However. There are other dangers to it that really aren't talked about a lot, namely: repairing tissue damage, and infection. There are a lot of situations in which heal pulse can be risky:
-injured person has an artificially suppressed or otherwise compromised immune system.
-injured person has a heart condition, particularly where arrhythmia is a symptom
-injury is infected or contains foreign substance
-dead tissue is still attached to affected area
And I'm gonna break down one by one, why all of these are bad!
So, it's not quite as well known, but heal pulse actually does have an impact on the immune system. In ancient times, it was believed that cursed pokemon would make you sick when they healed you, but in actuality, this phenomenon was simply the pokemon kicking the immune system into gear for a minor/dormant infection that would have happened anyways. However, this can be dangerous for people with a compromised immune system, because you're basically trying to squeeze blood from a stone. In most cases, it can make their immune systems worse, and while this is thankfully temporary, it's still deeply unpleasant and may interfere with someone's plans because you've abruptly shunted them to the hospital when they were going to have brunch with the girls this week instead.
Next is arrhythmia. I've got this one, it flares up from time to time. I cannot stress enough that disabled people are everywhere. We don't just exist as tokens at the edge of your imagination. We're probably at the grocery store or on public transportation. It may just be that I'm a bit jaded, but it pisses me off more than anything that I have to experience symptoms when I would love to be frolicking through the woods. Anyways, heal pulse relies on the heartbeat to synchronize with and distribute the energy-- so when the heartbeat is uneven? Things can start getting a lil fucky. Usually this results in dizziness, nausea, feeling flushed, and on rare occasions fainting. People with heart conditions are more common than you think, please ask us before messing with our bodies.
Third thing is infections. Remember how I said that heal pulse kicks your immune system into overdrive? Well, the immune system is responsible for expelling all foreign matter from your system, not just illness. This is why you'll want to make sure to clean a wound first, unless it's urgent. You can skip the wound cleaning part if it's an emergency, but... it's not really pretty. Seriously. I don't advise it.
Fourth reason! Okay, so, this is gonna be a little gross, but let's say you trip and skin your knee. It's bleeding, you've got a weird little flap of skin hanging off. Normally, that skin will turn white (or at least it does for me; I have light skin, but I'm told it may turn a pale greyish color for people with dark skin. That said, I'm gonna be real. I do not want to look up pictures, so I am trusting the dark skinned folks reading this to know what dead/peeling skin looks like for them) and eventually fall off. HOWEVER. If you apply heal pulse to it? There's a decent chance that your body may attempt to revitalize the dead skin at the same time as it scabs over the wound and then the skin closes up and eats the scab. It won't kill you, and eventually the extra flap of skin will die, but it's still. Geh. It's really not pleasant. Don't do it.
If this sounds fucking horrifying, that's because it is! All of these things are fucking horrifying to happen to your body! Don't ask me how I know this!
Now that you've all been suitably terrified of the dangers of heal pulse, let me introduce you to an alternative: life dew! Life dew does not interfere with arrhythmia, can be stored with special preparation, and generally has much weaker effects. It tends to help with the process of clotting and scabbing more so than healing, so if you've made any mistakes, they're generally easier to remedy.
Pokemon healing, like any other type, requires consent. Yes, there are exceptions-- sometimes a person cannot reasonably consent in their current state, or there was an accident with a wild scyther and consent is the last thing on your mind with all the blood everywhere. Even so, please always keep in mind that you need to respect the sanctity of other people's bodies and take accountability for your actions as a trainer.
That's all!
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lewkwoodnco · 4 months
Be More - George x Reader
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"Er...I think this dough's ready to be cut into the strips."
"Yes, chef."
He coughed awkwardly, too uncomfortable to come up with any decent sort of response.
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a/n: am soooo salty i fell sick in the middle of my 12 days of fics '23 for xmas last year :((( so im giving myself a lil treat by doing a short series of valentine's fics! i SO don't know how souffles work if you can't tell so pls don't come for me, and a special special thanks to lisa @neewtmas for the apron idea heheh. all fluff, which is why I got all my angst fics out of the way beforehand if you'd like a lil palate cleanser :) also totally didn't make this a songfic cuz i was struggling to find a title :} btw I headcannon that george randomly zones in and out in everyday life and this has nothing to do with how much I may or may not do this myself ALSO was strongly influenced to post this earlier by the multiverse of George aka @oblivious-idiot @bella-rose29@bobbys-not-that-small heh
warnings/tropes: lockwood and george bromance supremacy!!! baking, lots and lots of valentine's day fluff, awkward georgeeeee
word count: 2.8k!
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Lucy handed George a steaming cup of tea, which he gratefully accepted. The three of them were having breakfast as usual, and with the last strains of winter fading, Portland Row's kitchen was entirely too bright. He closed his eyes, pretending he didn't see the way Lockwood's hand lingered on Lucy's when taking his mug. They were bad enough on any normal day, but even worse nowadays, with Valentine's Day drawing achingly closer. He felt himself begin to nod off again from the gentle and comforting steam.
He felt a mild rap against his cheek, which he turned to see is from a well-aimed sugar cube launched from across the table by Lucy. He looked up to see her staring hard at him and Lockwood poorly concealing a snigger with his cup of tea.
"George. Have you or have you not got any plans for Valentine's?"
He takes his time wiping his glasses on his shirt sleeve before responding. "Nothing much. Though I've promised Y/N I'd spend the day with her."
He watched Lucy's expression carefully, and she seemed to be watching his. Truth was, with Valentine's drawing closer and closer, George was going into a mild panic. He hadn't exactly arranged it intentionally. They had been having a quiet chat on a morning when George had been too tired from the previous night's case to strictly follow, and suddenly she was waving goodbye, promising to see him next on Valentine's Day.
He had no idea what kind of a Valentine's Day he had agreed to, or how much of a filter he had had, and he had been dropping Lucy desperate cries for help, with decreasing subtlety. Was it a date? Was she expecting a date? Sure, they had went to that play together after Lucy fell mysteriously ill, and maybe they met up for lunch once a week. But she never referred to
His eyes slowly drifted close as Lucy and Lockwood's conversation morphed into gentle white noise, enjoying the warmth of the little sun streaming through their kitchen window. It felt nice to have a little break from his intense week of baking -
Baking! George snapped wide awake, clumsily climbing out of his chair and feverishly counting the stacks of meticulously wrapped, frilly pastry goodie bags lining the kitchen counter. It had become an annual Valentine's Day tradition for George to construct these small goodie bags of baked goods for a sizeable chunk of his extended family. He even roped in Lucy and Lockwood, and as Valentine's Day approached they'd all gather around the kitchen table at night, even if it was after a case, packing the delicaices George had spent the day baking, until one of them started dropping off.
It was tedious work, but they enjoyed it and were well invested in it - Lockwood fiercely so. When a cousin had remarked that perhaps the tradition was becoming a little tired at a family gathering last Christmas, Lockwood had accidentally-but-not-really smacked his head. George relaxed as he neared towards the end of the pile - just one more day of baking, and he'd be ready to send them off.
Lucy and Lockwood were mostly finished with breakfast anyway, so he chased them out of the kitchen and got to work. Once George had his first batch of cookies in the oven, he started planning for the supplementary baked goods. For instance, he was going to make a chocolate souffle for the three of them to share over a midnight supper tomorrow.
So when the kitchen door swung open, letting in a blast of cold air, George spun around scathingly, ready to threaten Lockwood with deflated souffles. But the hiss at the tip of his tongue withered when he saw who it was.
"Hello. Baking, are you?"
George suppressed the urge to shield the vast volumes of confectionary goodie bags littering the kitchen's surfaces.
"...yes." With some difficulty, he slowly resumed his movements, explaining how this was something he did every year. In a way, he was grateful to have something to do with his hands, because the last minute or so reminded him that he had no idea what he normally did with his hands while standing.
"Oh. Need any help?"
It took George another half-minute to process her question. "With what?"
"With the baking, obviously."
"Uh...s'alright, I've got it all handled."
"No, please, I'd love to help."
George paused mid-stir, looking comically perplexed with a smidge of flour on his nose. "What for?" He bit his tongue, hastily back-pedalling since his tone sounded aggressively suspicious. "What I mean is, you wouldn't want to spend your day here, sweating like a pig - not that you sweat, and definitely not like a pig, no - I'm the one sweating like a pig..."
What he wanted to say was, their oven was ancient and so made the kitchen stupid hot every time he baked, but failed miserably. He set down his mixing bowl in defeat. Almost instantly, she stifled a giggle, trying to pass it off as clearing her throat, and George followed her gaze to his apron in horror. What the mixing bowl had previously been hiding was the horrendously cheesy 'kiss the cook' graphic on his apron.
It had been a ridiculous gag gift from Lucy, one that he had never intended to use but was forced to after his last apron caught on fire from one of his experiments with the skull. Bursting into flames would have been more useful now, He stood there, eyes watering from the heat, determined in his refusal to acknowledge both the apron and the smile she was doing a poor job of suppressing.
"Fine. You can start with the cookie batter."
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About a minute or two later, it occurred to George that perhaps it would have wise to ask how much experience she had with baking. Not a lot, he soon discovered, when her bowl nearly flew off as soon as she switched on the egg beater. He dropped his mixing bowl instantly, waving away her apologies.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't expect it to be so powerful."
He cautiously adjusted her grip on the bowl, gently guiding her fingers to a better hold.
"No, no, it's my fault. Not much of a baker?"
"Okay, so what you do is, use one hand to hold the - other hand - hold the bowl, and the other holds the egg beater like - no, not quite."
He took a step closer, placing his hands over hers, trying to ignore the warmth radiating from her body, and the smell of her shampoo.
The last time they had been this close was on their way home from that play. With Lockwood out of town for a client meeting, and Lucy developing a mysterious case of the flu, it was only the two of them crouched under a tiny umbrella as they walked home after the play. George would have been more than happy to walk in the rain, but she was the one holding the umbrella, and was firm in her resolve to not send him back to Lucy with a head cold. With the little space between them, their cheeks brushed against each other occasionally, sending a jolt running through the side of George's face.
"Well...this is me."
George nodded dumbly, staring hard at the chips in her front door's paint, agonisingly aware of her looking at his face. He didn't dare turn to meet her gaze; they were far too close.
"I had fun today, George."
He sighed and briefly zonesout. As short as their chat was, he remembered very little, his focus only returning when she pulled her key out.
"We should do this again sometime," she was saying, as she turned the key in her lock. When he finally looked at her, there were the tinies raindrops on her eyelashes. There was something so pure and unassuming about the sight that it tugged at his heart. It made him want...more. More with her. With a brief smile, she disappeared into her home, leaving him standing alone in the rain. He stood there for a minute, prolonging the moment for some unidentifiable reason. It was a nice door. She had a nice smile.
It was as though she had read his thoughts from his eyes, for a faintly embarrassed air hung in the kitchen after that. For the next better part of an hour, they engaged in this delicate dance as they floated through the kitchen, carefully staying out of each other's way, never in the same area for long. It wasn't until she was sifting the dry ingredients that they next spoke.
"Hang on, that might be too much flou-"
As George touched her elbow, her hand jerked, sending a sizeable chunk of flour into her mixing bowl, along with a cloud of it directly in her face. He was sorry, of course, but as she spluttered and tried to blink through it, he couldn't stop the amused twist to his features. When she caught his eye, she rolled her eyes and sent a fistful of flour into his eyes. Now it was her turn to laugh as George groaned through the smarting.
"You're right, Mr. Cook, it IS hilarious!"
George scoffed, struggling to maintain his sanctimonius, above-petty-acts front as he wiped his glasses clean with as much dignity as he could muster. But on the inside, his defences were crumbling fast.
"You're acting like a child."
She looked mildly apologetic for a moment, and George felt a flash of truimph, before she raised both her flour-coated hands and resolutely streaked them across George's face.
"Egg on your face. Or should I say, flour?"
With that, all pretenses of civility were thrown out the window. The both of them swept up as many ingredients as they could and migrated to opposite ends of the kitchen table, pelting each other with everything that could be pelted. George landed a few well-aimed chocolate chips into her hair. She soaked the front of his apron with half a jug of milk, which was nearly enough to send him into hysterics. So it went on and on and on, until they ran out of supplies in their immediate reach, before resorting to shoving each other's faces into bags and tins of baking soda and powdered sugar. This, it occurred to George as he was rubbing cornstarch into her red, wheezing face, is strangely intimate.
Again, there was this tugging sensation in his chest, the kind that made him want to sit in his armchair for anywhere from half a minute to half an hour. The kind of sensation that could not be held in words. The closest he could get was the wish for a never-ending summer, or perhaps orchards full of cherry trees as sweet as the first pick. But even that fell short.
Just as she raised two fistfuls of sprinkles, the kitchen door swung open. Lockwood wandered in, looking sharp as ever in his too-small suit. The two of them smoothly parted, their faces burning under the flour, and George suddenly became very interested in the pastry dough he was kneading. He felt rather than saw Lockwood looking back and forth between the two of them, wishing that he'd just take whatever he needed from the kitchen and got out. But of course, he knew better than to engage in wishful thinking, especially with Lockwood's mildly gormless smile plain as day. "Hang on. George, you do realise that-"
Whatever it was that Lockwood was wondering if he had realised was cut off by the jam tart George shoved into his mouth, because the answer was probably yes, Lockwood, of course I realised that completely inane observation.
"Out. Out. I won't have you compromising the integrity of my kitchen." With a little difficulty, George wheeled a spluttering Lockwood littering soft pastry flakes all over his clean kitchen floor out into the hallway. He shut the door firmly and turned back apologetically, only just seeing the flour in her hair as she watched on amusedly.
"I sure hope I'm not starting up a ruckus - or was it compromising the integrity? - of your kitchen."
George felt his cheeks warming as he returned to the kitchen table. "No, of course not. You never know where Lockwood's been, is all. You're different."
Had he been standing this close to her the whole day, he wondered, close enough to see the pretty flakes in her eyes, softer than any pastry he could make? How was he supposed to look away? And how did he stand it?
"Er...I think this dough's ready to be cut into the strips."
"Yes, chef."
He coughed awkwardly, too uncomfortable to come up with any decent sort of response, embarrassedly muttering something along the lines of how there was no need for any of that. As she got absorbed into getting the strips of dough just right, George glanced at the kitchen door, to see Lockwood silently making exaggerated kissy faces at him. George picked up his rolling pin and Lockwood fled immediately, without so much as a creak from the floorboards.
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Now, they finally returned to their baking with proper focus, now that they were all tired out. She seemed to have picked up some skills pretty quickly, though he still kept an eye out in case she might do something that would, say, set her hand on fire.
An hour or so later, the phone started ringing obnoxiously in the hallway. With some difficulty, George peeled off one of his disposable gloves on his way to it. When he picked up the phone, he almost wished he hadn't, because it was that same cousin from last Christmas' gathering. As his voice wore on and on, George started wishing he had let Lockwood give him another punch or two, just to set him straight.
Suddenly, he picked out a few startling words from his cousin's nasally voice, which made his heart plummet, as the calendar in the hallway came into startling focus. He wandered back to the kitchen door, numbly hearing his cousin's complaints of why no one's goodie bags had reached yet. He blankly stared at her, and she stared back confused, slowing down her cutting of the strips concernedly. After a second or two, he hung up the phone, but was in too much shock to lower it.
"Today's date," he whispered.
"Today's date. It's not the 13th. I thought it was the 13th. Today is the 14th. Valentine's day was today, not tomorrow."
Even as he was saying those words, the calm look on her face told him exactly what he had feared - that she had known all along.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I thought this was what you wanted to do!"
"Unpaid labour."
"You spent your Valentine's Day doing exhausting, difficult, unpaid labour." He clumsily placed the phone down on the kitchen counter, struggling to find the right words as he fought against the embarrassment. "I am so sorr- just a minute, I might have some loose change somewhere here-"
"Don't." George was spiraling with shame, kicking himself for his oversight, and she still had the gall to look that pretty and kind. "I didn't mind any of it one bit, I promise."
"I promised you something fun."
"George, this is the most fun I've ever had baking, and I've been making pineapple upside down cakes since before I could - oh."
She broke off when she finally looked up to see the growing shock on George's face. She nibbled at the inside of her cheek nervously, trying to gauge his reaction.
"So you do know how to bake."
"Only a little?"
He took in the sight of her apologetic smile, the careful dusting of flour on her face and her suspiciously clean clothes. "You could have said."
"Oh, but I was having so much fun." George rolled his eyes. "I spent the day learning how to construct the most adorable pastry goodie bags I have ever seen, and I did it all with my boyfriend. Believe me, it doesn't get more fun than this."
Not for the first time that day, George stared at her in wonder, like he couldn't quite figure out how she was real. Even now, when all she was doing was merely existing, words failed him. He had a feeling he'd spend lifetimes chasing shadows, trying to pin what was gone before it bloomed, and he still wouldn't be able to find the right words. There was no other way to put it, or colour it - he wished they were more.
He hesitantly extended his hand, brushing just a speck of the huge handprint of flour on her face with his thumb. He turned, walking out into the hallway, but then just as immediately wheeled back.
"Your WHAT?"
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TAGLIST: @dangelnleif @elenianag080 @snoopyluver20 @ell0ra-br3kk3r @avdiobliss @mitskiswift99 @ahead-fullofdreams @neewtmas @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits
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honeyglz · 1 year
</3 Breaking up w/ mha characters + little snippets </3
A/N - Let me know if you guys want full length fics for any of these cause I may or may not do some. Im starting this off with the main three but hopefully Ill do more characters later. Also Shoto's is a lil shorter than the rest my bad. Yk the drill on rpoof reading.
Reader- GN for Bakugou and Deku, fem used for Todoroki (Though it could be veiwed as more of a Afab reader instead, just mind the pronouns) , She/Her, You/Your/ Yours
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters aside from my depiction of Y/N.
Pairings (separate) - Bakugou x (engaged)reader, Deku/Midoriya x (dating) reader , Todoroki x (engaged) reader
Warning- Mentions of violence/death/injury (No abusive relationship is written in this it is just part of their jobs as hero's). Arranged marriage for Shoto's
Category- Angst Check Master-list for follow up's for each character.
-♡- ✮Bakugou K.✮
Reason: He didn't care enough to make time
Plain and simple.
He's a busy guy, esp once he becomes a pro hero
It starts off small too
He misses the good morning kiss he usually gives you
Next its coming home late
At first you thought maybe he was just tired.
Until he starts blowing off dates. Here you were. Sitting in your chair uncomfortable with the amount of whispers that you could hear. 3 hours you had been waiting. Pity glanced brushed off your shoulders as you sighed flagging down a waiter. "ready to order?" the waiter said in a small voice as he watched you try to cover the sadness in your tone "Yea.. Ill take.."
Katsuki arrived home later that night. Covered in soot and ash as he lay on the couch.
You found him in the morning, still fast asleep.
You sighed as you let it slide, he was busy, surely it was a one time thing right?
So so very wrong
He had missed a total of 20 dates
20 .
It wasn't until you finally had enough of being second place to his job did you try and talk to him...
Bad idea. It was late. The glow from your alarm clock light your face, dried tears staining your checks. You looked down at the sliver ring on your finger. Unaware of the door to your shared apartment having been opened. Katsuki's footsteps were heavy, sluggish movements as he kicked off his boots. His gauntlets thrown carelessly onto the couch noticing the dim light from your shared bedroom. Tracking his way into the room he noticed you staring down at your ring, twisting it nervously as you spaced out. A low grumble snapped you from your thoughts as you stared up at him, eyes devoid of the warm glow he fell in love with. "Bakugou. We need to talk." His thoughts came to a halt at your words. Why the actual fuck were you using his last name? He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sighed clearly annoyed at the shit you were trying to pull. "Can this wait, Im fucking tired and-" he huffed only to be cut off "It can't wait." There was a cold sadness to your voice, foreign to his ears. He had to be hearing things. He watched as you stood only now taking in the rest of the room. Your things were missing. "Did we get robbed or sumthin- where the fuck is all your stuff" He said making a vague gesture to what now felt like a very empty room. Katsuki's eyes landed on the packed suitcase. Everything clicking in place now. You were leaving. He felt a lump form in his throat as he looked you over. You looked almost as tired as him. You kept your eyes low fidgeting with the ring once more before speaking. Your words calm and thought out. "I think we should take a break" Now. Katsuki has grown alot in the past years. But something inside him snapped at hearing the dreaded words fall out of your mouth. To him you were giving up on him. Like everyone else. Emotions swirled through his scarlet eyes before an anger bubbled over them.
Safe to say you both didnt recover from that. -♡- ✮Midoriya I. (Deku !!)✮
Reason- He's too scared of leaving you that he kept you at arms length.
You heard me right folks
Poor bby is scared that one day he wont be around and he'll leave you all alone
Leave you all alone while he's still alive :D
Being fr tho ever since he became the new symbol of peace he's had this unconscious state of "Any moment may be my last"
Thing is he didn't really develop this until one night.... There had been a villain attack, one far more catastrophic then anyone would have predicted. Izuku came home hours later battered and bruised beyond belief. Walking into the your shared house it wasn't until he heard muffled cries that he snapped out of his daze rushing to the source only to find you, clutching his shirt, tears streaming down your face as the sound of the news blasted through the room. You turned your head to see your boyfriend, leaning against the door frame, splattered with blood and dirt his clothes torn with wounds oozing the horrid crimson liquid. Your glossy eye's met forest green and you sprang to your feet tripping as you fell, hands gripping his. That night Izuku fought tears while he watched you try to scold him between sobs about how he should have called you. How scared you were and how much you needed him to come home after stuff like that. Something in him switched that night. He never wanted to see you cry like that again.
And so he distanced himself
"Oh why dont u just come home early when stuff like that happens or be more careful"
At the end of the day there is no guarantee he'll be able to call you.
Or that he'll always be safe
There's no guarantee He'll be alive at the end of the day.
Its the realistic statistic's of his life
And of course being the symbol of peace, he had to accept that
But the thought of leading you on with the rest of the world
Leading you to think that every night he'll be there to lay next to you.
Allowing you to feel so much pain if he ever did leave.
The thought alone had him uneasy.
So he did the only thing he could think of.
Letting you leave first. You sighed as you packed your things, Izuku watching out of the corner of his eye, trying his best to act indifferent to it all. "I think that's the last of it..." You said gripping the handle as you looked over to the man you had loved for years. The man that you thought you would marry. The man who now wouldn't even spare you a glance. A uninterested hum echoed through the house. Utter shock painting your face as you scoffed biting back tears that threatened to spill once again. You turned on your heel hand hovering over the cool steel of the door handle before you stopped. "You're not the man I fell in love with, not anymore." You turned the handle leaving the shattered man behind. The slam of the door making the hero flinch. He did it. He kept you save. So why was he still crying? -♡- ✮Todoroki S.✮
Reason - He never gave it a chance
You two had been young when your parents arranged for you both to be wed.
You were told since day one about it.
Shoto, not so much.
It wasn't until he turned 18 was he told of this.
His first thoughts?
He hated it.
He hated the whole idea.
He despised it so much that he fought tooth and nail to get out of it. "You're not listening to me- I don't want to marry someone I've never met!" Anger filled his body as he yelled at his stoic father. The man never once cracking a look of sympathy for his son. Instead he stood up, firm eyes trailing down to the duo coloured ones below. "She had no problem with it. I don't see why you're making such a fuss, its for the family's blood line and-" Shoto felt flames crawl up his skin as he listened to his fathers ramble. Tired of it all he left leaving the man talking to thin air. He paced his training room before sending the room into a pit of rage filled flames. Ice covered the windows as he let out all his pent up anger. Cursing aloud at how foolish anyone would be to marry someone they didn't know.
Safe to say he didnt even want to meet you.
But you did and eventually got engaged.
But it was all a lie.
He didn't love you. He made sure you both knew it -♡- A/N I ran out of room. :/ I can redo Shoto's if yall end up liking this idk
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