let me present: audhd (brb) creature. made by me. brb is because it felt like it but also because of needing breaks and alone time with autism or getting distracted with adhd. and also when i need to take a moment to figure out wtf is going on when the traits affect eachother.
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oediex · 4 months
Today I wake up and I am me.
There is a contradiction inherent in the experience of being different. As you grow up, it's painfully clear to you that you are just that - different. From your family, your friends, your peers, ... They won't let you forget it, and usually not in the good way. Sometimes it's just circumstances that remind you, and no one is at fault.
At the same time, what has always messed with my head is that I am not different for me. It boggles my mind that to me, I am normal, but to the world I'm not. I have always been this way. I don't know what it is like not to be like me. I have never been any ... different.
Every day I wake up and I am me.
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ncfcatalyst · 1 year
The AALC Introduces the Sensory Study Room
On Apr. 17, the Advocacy and Accessible Learning Center (AALC) announced via email the opening of their “Sensory Study Room” in Hamilton Classroom (HCL) 3. The Sensory Study Room is available for any student already connected to the AALC office, and can be booked via this link. Any students who aren’t registered with the AALC can email the office directly to request access.  The email was sent…
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nemo-me-impune · 2 years
There should be more options for familial healthcare on the NHS. Myself, my two sisters and my brother all display characteristics of neurodivergence, and we have 2 autism and an ADHD diagnoses between us. It would make so much more sense for us to be seen and treated collectively rather than each of us going through the system individually, having to do everything ourselves and receiving inconsistent diagnoses for the same symptoms.
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elinaline · 1 year
It's super weird seeing people on here talk about neurodiversity as in a they versus us thing when the key concept of it is that there are myriads of neurotypes with a lot of overlapping characteristics, and that as such "neurotypicals" is not a thing that exist.
When you look at the academic literature, neurotypical is used interchangeably with allistic, and there's been debate for over a decade about the (apparently) opposing concepts of neurdiversity versus neurological disorders.
Why are we both doing advocacy and pathologizing ourselves here ? Why are we in favor of self diagnosis but also going "oh neurotypicals are so weird/bad/different", how are you able to differentiate who's like you and who's against you in this context ? Why are we not practicing radical acceptance since it's the way to make sure accomodations will be more readily accessible to everyone ? It just fucking infuriates me so much, is there one (1) complex issue we could try not to fall back on the stupid and counterproductive "us versus them" way of thinking please.
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testosterlonely · 1 year
anyone have good recs for mental health youtubers they like? crowdsourcing better than trying to find my own.
particularly interested in: practical coping skills, anxiety, self esteem, adhd/neurdiversity, shame, perfectionism?
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bossbabyofficial · 2 years
i know it’s a typical neurdiversity thing to not feel hungry ever so you just forget to eat but i have the opposite problem where i just want to eat all the time because it’s also stimulating so i have to plan the times when i eat to have a semblance of healthy eating habits
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marketing-daily · 2 years
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First time i’m seeing the Neurdiverse option in a job application!
I apply to a lot of jobs (3-4 a day) and always dreading the statistics info at the end. This is the first time ever seeing Neurodiverse as a disability status. Sadly this one doesn’t give the option that others typically do, which is : “do not want to share”, but anyway, a nice change.
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mindingmyownbrain · 5 years
The sad fact is that there are still schools of thought that deny the fact that people with autism can lead very successful lives; comments such as “she will never be able to have children”, or “he will never go to university” are still way too prevalent. Parents of newly identified children are still sometimes told what the future will hold, despite the fact that no one has a crystal ball. Perhaps many of the problems stem from being in a poorly understood minority group, rather than directly from being autistic?
Luke Beardon
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charles-breaks-beakers · 11 months
why do so many neurotypicals smile so much during conversations? i thought they were finding me amusing for the longest time but apparently it's because of politeness or unease or something..? unsure if i remember correctly what i've heard it is. unfortunately i also find it pretty uncanny, which also makes everything feel very awkward.
it all just feels so unfortunate. i just want to be able to be on the same page with the other person about how we're feeling about the conversation but i just don't know how to read the smiling.
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orb-weaver-uncle · 5 years
ADHD & Simulants (written by someone with ADHD under the effect of stimulants)
Y’all may notice [Ok. No. You almost certainly don’t notice, people around me in person might notice, and I treat y’all like you’re around me because I feel like it and no one has told me to stop yet] that there’s a very distinct trend to my energy levels throughout the day. More distinct than the normal “sleepy in the early morning, energy rush in mid-morning drifting down throughout the day”, my energy goes from near-comatose in the morning to hypo-manic in the midmorning, then gradually drifts down to normal energy levels and generally allows me to sleep around 11:00pm [I don’t sleep at that time because nighttime is precious and I have less-than-ideal impulse control, but that’s generally when my heartbeat slows enough for me to theoretically be able to fall asleep].
That’s because I take a *¡central nervous system stimulant!* to treat the ADHD in my brain!
Thing is, having ADHD doesn’t mean having a weak or damaged nervous system - as far as I know, my nervous system is perfectly intact and humming right along (or making whatever noise it makes, I don’t know). So, why am I and so many other ppl with ADHD prescribed these stimulants?
While ADHD doesn’t affect my nervous system (which, in very simple terms, dictates how much energy & capability I have to perform a task), it does affect my value functions and my concept of things like reward & importance (e.g. the brain-things that help me decide what tasks to perform). In short, I have a lot of trouble doing things that I don’t want to do! That sounds kinda bad. Let’s give a bit of backstory.
For one thing, I have trouble doing things that don’t hold interest or emotional importance to me. I put off showering, but my face is always clean because things like facemasks and holding ice to my skin make me happy. My room may be a god-awful mess, but I’ll choose to go over and meticulously clean my friend’s already-neat apartment because I care about them and want to make them happy. I’ve written 2 words on an essay due tomorrow, but I’ve completed my linear algebra homework for the rest of the month because I love math. Bouncing off of that last example, I have trouble connecting tasks to their long-term rewards or punishments. My brain doesn’t understand that in order to graduate, I have to finish this essay; I understand logically that “writing essay -> passing class -> satisfying requirements to graduate”, but the drive to complete the essay because I will get something in the future isn’t there. According to my ADHD-brain, my only motivation to complete the essay is interest or passion - and for a lot of tasks, interest & passion are difficult to muster up. On the opposite end of the interest spectrum I can also fall into hyperfocus, a state where I obsess over some activity and will ignore other things (both high-level things like going to appointments and low-level things like using the restroom) in favor of continuing whatever I’m doing. Ever found a show you just love, and found yourself binge-watching it all day? It’s a little bit like that, just a whole lot more. It’s an experience, for sure.
So, getting back to the main topic (which I’ve done a great job of deviating from), why stimulants? While central nervous system stimulants can’t change my value functions, they do release happy-chemicals (that act as an immediate reward for performing tasks) and give my body a big shot of energy - in many cases, enough to override what my adhd-brain wants to do and instead focus on the tasks that my logical mind knows that I should perform. The stimulant that I take also makes it difficult to hyperfocus - there’s too much raw energy bouncing around in my body for me to focus that fully.
Personally, I find stimulants uncomfortable and unpleasant. My heart races, I get nauseous, my anxiety increases, and I feel like I’m not in control of my emotions. Without stimulants I may turn in homework late and have a messy room and occasionally miss appointments, but I feel like myself. I feel healthy. Don’t get me wrong, I have difficulties - I got stuck for 4 hours yesterday trying to decide between biking & walking to my pharmacy, and had to ask my best friend to make the decision for me - but that’s something I’m willing to accept. That’s something that I think could be managed with community support and healthy habits. However, without stimulants I can’t act neurotypical to the degree that university life & my workplace require. One of my major career goals is finding a job where I don’t need to medicate my ADHD, where my passion for & interest in my work is strong enough to get things done and my workplace is flexible enough to accommodate my iffy time perception and hyperactivity.
This was a long post that no one asked for, but writing it was important for me. I want people to understand that I take medication to function in a world built for neurotypical people to succeed, not because I want to suppress my neurodiversity, and I really hope that other neurodiverse people can come to appreciate that the weirdness they’ve been taught to suppress is not shameful.
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indieandyuk · 4 years
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Hi indie people! Just to let you know that there is a autistic based community on Discord that I am now partnering with called ASDirect. It is an online community which I have been really enjoying and wanted to share with you guys. To find out more, check out the links below: Join ASDirect today with intro questionnaire: https://sites.google.com/view/asdirectrules/home ASDirect guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-VCdFFSSV_9EgTSfD3DJcaUMPqbEY-gxsSA2kzCzr-U/edit What is ASDirect? We're a non-profit group of autistics from around the globe. Here on our Discord channel you can relax, socialize to whatever degree suits you, look at or participate in one of our many projects, or reach out if you need support from people who understand where you're coming from. What makes you guys different from any other ASD community? We are by ASD and for ASD, at every level, and we were tired of online spaces that were too lax, too strict, too childish, and well... too Neurotypical for us. Here we are a mix of adults and teenagers with an eye for mature support. We offer the relaxation and camaraderie of a pub, the trusted counsel of friends, and independent projects to promote our growth and work to do outreach as part of the ASD population. Stay you, stay indie! Andy #autism #autistic #actuallyautistic #autismawareness #autismacceptance #neurdiversity #neurodiverse #autismcommunity #autisticcommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sOVANAIu6/?igshid=194mqpbdgugnl
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figureofdismay · 3 years
The Shadow Of The Sun has a certain nascency and fore-thoughtishness, pre-echos of her later thoughts and greater works, which is kind of a strange sensation while reading.
On the other hand it’s almost painfully on the nose spot on reference reading ~for certain fic thoughts/2 particular oeuvres~ that I... both love and hate that I remembered about this novel and am rereading it with almost fresh eyes. It’s so unflinching, and relatable in the most uncomfortable ways and is exactly the kind of character study and contemporaneous-to-the-era voice i need right now.
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A minor disruption triggers a volcanic eruption
Lava in my veins
I want to scratch the anger off my flesh
Outwards showing red
It won’t stop flowing
My hand seems only fit for breaking and throwing
The world’s too bright and glowing
A tear in what should be
I probably should find some thread and get sewing
Yet I feel the urge to rip at the seams
Rock through my screams
Lava seeps onto the ground
The heat makes me keep moving
That part I find soothing
Also exhausting, I need everything to stop
I will weep until the lava cools to grey
My mind turns from stone to clay
I can try to rethink and find a way to readjust my day
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greeneyedmonst3r · 3 years
Every time I see a post like "Having ADHD is..." or "Neurodivergents are..." and I find myself relating to it kinda fucks me up.
Like... is this thing I do really a symptom of this whatever? and how many of these symptoms do I need before considering if I have this? Or is it just like a sort of common thing that I only exhibit because I share blood with someone who does have ADHD? And me sharing a symptom of this is just a fluke of genetics?
I mean, these sorts of posts are really good because they help people find others like them and understand more things about their own mental illnesses (I know I've found some interesting things about my own illnesses from various online posts) but they also create this weird little crossover world that I keep accidentally sticking my feet into.
And I also know that most of these conditions are really difficult to diagnose properly so perhaps only having one or two similar behaviours doesn't mean I have any level of the condition.
My own personal theory is that people with mental illnesses/neurdiversity all have the same little glitch in their brain that causes this condition to develop, and because it's the same glitch even though it causes different reactions, it can mean that there are little mistakes. So, specific symptoms can cross between conditions, without any others appearing. Of course, I'm nowhere near being a doctor so this is pure speculation, please tell me how it actually works/what information I'm missing because I'd like to learn why this happens.
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Wellness witch stones review
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six multishaped stones having european witchcraft based symbols on them.
one carrying bag
The box
One tossing " mat " { it's paper }
Symbols on the stones:
Stone/crystal types you'll get:
Yellow adventurine
Brazil agate
Adventurine light
Gray agate
Rose quartz
Pricing is 12.99 and 13.50 { in us dollars }
These are another form of divination { basically runes }.
There are six tones in all and they come in different sizes and shapes so you won't get those perfect round shapes or same sizes.
My carrying bag broke one hour of having it..
It's said you'll get specific types of stones with the specific symbols on then connecting to the stone in the instructions but... You don't always get that.. One of my friends actaully got a clear quartz instead of a rose quartz with the wand on it..
The paper mat is dumb and rips easily
Easy to pack around
Sound nice
Feels good on the hands
The symbols are actaully carved in very well
They don't break easily
The stones are nice quality surprisingly
Great for beginners!
If you struggle with remembering all the rune meanings but still love runes then this is the set for you.
Great for neurdiverse people who struggle with memory issues
Fantastic for small hands
They read very well and I've had no trouble using them.
Final notes:
Yes I would recommend them for the divination tool collector, neurodiverse witches, small handed witches, witches on the fly and beginners.
They're a fast and easy form of divination. good for out of home divination!
they are not the huge struggle and anxiety builder of packing around all the more common rune sets.
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