#nct x hogwarts
neochan · 6 months
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he wants you. you want jeno. desire is a jealous little thing, isn't it y/n?
PAIRING. slytherin!haechan x hufflepuff!reader ft. gryffindor!jeno
WC. 12.1k
GENRE. harry potter au!, smut
WARNINGS. cursing, drinking, depictions of breaking a bone, solo male smut, haechan is sort of a perv in one (1) scene, oral male receiving, just really sloppy head <3, haechan does fuck someone in detail and he's mean abt it, but it's not y/n (oops spoiler of sorts), blonde!haechan, he's not a good person, so don't expect him to be. he's a big ole meanie with a longtime crush on reader.
A.N. this has been in the drafts for like three years. i want it out, so i'm splitting it into two parts :)
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The Mirror of Erised - The mirror shows the most desperate desire of a person's heart, a vision that has been known to drive men mad.
He loves you.
But he fucking hates it.
First year he was holding hands with you, sitting next to your huddled body on the train, and later sharing a meal in the great hall. Second year he saw you clinging onto him as he flew you over the quidditch field. Third year he watched the both of you sneak out to explore the restricted section in the library and run around the castle late at night. Fourth year he saw you in a beautiful dress as he took you to the yule ball. Fifth year he was kissing you on the astronomy tower. Sixth year you went down on him, and all he could do was watch and pretend that his hand was your mouth.
Now it’s seventh year.
Though the actions changed, it was always you he saw in the mirror, and he fucking hated it. Ever since first year, when all he knew was that you were cute and funny, there you were, taunting and teasing him in that godforsaken mirror.
And yet, he always comes back to sit and watch. 
Just like tonight.
The train only arrived an hour ago, but instead of filing into the great hall to see which house the first years would be sorted into, he’s sitting on the floor in the room of requirement, back against a dusty chest of drawers, and eyes narrowed down to slits as he watches the scene unfold in the mirror before him.
It always starts with you appearing out of thin air. You’re wearing your house colors – a small grey skirt, barely covering the swell of your ass and a yellow button up. You’re rid of the required tie, but only for a second, only until Haechan shows up to stand behind you in the mirror with it stretched between his fists.
He shifts in his place on the ground. It wasn’t real, but lord have mercy, he wished it were.
In the mirror he watches himself loop the tie around your wrists, which were set behind your back. You were so beautiful, smiling up at him with those luminous eyes, and your lips parted in a sinful smile.
Under his robes, his hand inches across the flat of his stomach, towards the growing bulge in his pants. It was becoming hotter in the room, almost stifling, but if someone were to come in, he couldn’t be caught half naked. He’d have to get by fully clothed. 
God, he despised the way you made him feel; so desperate for any sort of friction, anything to help relieve himself of the aching lust he felt in the pit of his stomach.
When his reflection is done tying your wrists together, a desk appears. He recognizes it as the one from potions class. His mouth drops open in an O as he watches himself back you up, so you were sandwiched between the desk and his broad chest.
His hand disappears under your skirt, and he could only imagine what his reflection was doing. Could only imagine how good you probably felt clenching around his fingers, gasping at his touch. Feeling pleasure because of him.
Your body arches against his, head dropping down to rest on his shoulder. He watches his lips move against your ear, but he couldn’t hear what he was saying.
Biggest fucking curse of the century.
Stupid mirror should come with speakers, he thinks.
It was becoming increasingly more difficult to keep his composure, skin slick with sweat, and hands buzzing with the temptation to touch himself.
Fuck you, y/l/n
He watches as his mirror persona spins you around and pushes you flat against the desk, yanking your skirt up around your waist to bare your glistening pussy.
It’s never been this explicit, and he can’t help himself. Tentative fingers wrap around his cock. He throws his head back and hisses between his teeth; it felt too fucking good. His eyes snap open. There was no way he was going to miss the rest of the show, not when it was just getting good.
In the mirror, his cock replaces his fingers. He watches himself inch his way into you slowly. Watches your mouth loll open, eyes glazed over. You were already fucked out and he had barely started.
Haechans hands stroke himself under his robes as he watches the scene in front of him. He was having a hard time keeping his hips still, bucking up into his fist. He softly groans to himself when he sees his reflection grab your tied hands and pull back, fucking himself into you faster.
It was so unfair, so embarrassing, that he had to resort to getting off in front of a mirror displaying his deepest fantasy. It was so unfair that it was always you.
So Haechan sits there, watching the mirrored version of himself completely ruin you, while trying to pretend that his hand is your dripping cunt. He sits there thinking of all the things he would do to you if you would give him the time of day.
Fuck you y/n.
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The first years had already been sorted by the time he arrived. In fact, dinner was almost over.
He makes his way to the Slytherin table where his friends were loudly joking. Renjun was the first to notice when he sat down and slides him a half-eaten piece of pie.
“Where were you?”
Through a mouthful of blueberry pie, Haechan acknowledges him, “I had to take care of some things.”
He shuts the discussion down quick. No need for them to know he shoved in a dusty room with his cock in his fist, and his mind full of you.
Speaking of which...
His eyes scan the great hall till he sees you sitting with your roommates, Jihyo and Mina. He almost chokes on the next bite when he realizes you were wearing the same outfit you had on in the mirror.
“Fucking hell man, don’t die,” Chenle slides him a glass of water, “We thought we were gonna have to sneak you some food back to the dorms.”
He gulps down the water and taps the glass with his ring clad pointer finger, automatically refilling it. The silver metal makes a tink sound against the glass. “Well, like I said, I had some things to take care of.”
Why the fuck did his friends have to be so damn nosy. A guy couldn't disappear for an hour?
“And was Y/N one of those things?” Chenle snorts.
The rest of the table bursts into laughter, louder than the entire great hall combined, and it makes you peek your head in their direction. Haechan drops his gaze away from you, grabs a stray spoon and chucks it at Chenle, hitting him square in the chest, “Shut up.”
“Dude, we all know you've been sweet on her since, what, first year?” Renjun snickers.
Chenle wipes the gunk that splattered off the spoon from his robes, ‘Yeah, we’re not blind man. I mean, she might be, but not us.”
"Sweet on her? What the fuck is this Renjun, the nineteen-fifties?" Haechan doesn't do anything but scowl. He hates how his friends knew. Hell, pretty much all Slytherins that knew him, knew.
His eyes flick up and catch yours. A soft smile forms on your lips, and he returns it. He hand twitched up for a wave, but Jeno, the infamous Gryffindor Seeker, sits beside you and steals your attention away.
“Ah look, now you’re too late.”
“Could’ve had a chance dude.”
Haechan turns to his friends and gives them a death stare, “Next word out of you guys and I’m gonna stuff the rest of this pie down your fucking throats.”
With a roll of their eyes, they turn their heads and start to talk amongst themselves about the new school year. Haechan can’t immerse himself in such conversation. His attention is pointed solely on you and the kiss ass that was Lee Jeno.
One of his arms sat slung around your shoulders, his face dangerously close to yours, but for some reason, you weren’t pushing him away, you were laughing.
Why weren’t you pushing him away?
Something in Haechan snaps when he watches Jeno lean his forehead against yours, both of you sharing wide smiles. It’s as if his heart was set on fire, the heat threading itself through his body and taking home in his hands. Oh, how he wanted to go punch that smile right off of Jeno’s lips. Smash his fist in his face and leave a nice mark, bloody broken gums bleeding.
Bet he wouldn’t smile at you then.
Haechan knows it’s insane. He does, but he quite honestly doesn’t give a single broom-flying fuck.
With determination, Haechan stood, pushing his chair back, and ignoring the calls from his friends. Everybody he walks past is enjoying their first-day-back meals, but Haechan has something else on his mind.
He walks by your table, hearing the pretty lilt of your voice chatting away with your friends as Jeno hangs off your side. Haechan’s tongue pokes his cheek in jealousy, but he walks right past without a word, no matter how much his brain is screaming at him to just hit Jeno.
Making it to the doors that seal off the great hall from the main corridor, he draws his wand out from his robes and flicks his wrist.
A jet of clear water shoots out from the tip of his wand and smacks the side of Jenos head, effectively drenching him from head to toe.
Haechan stays for a split second, just to watch you and your friends erupt in a fit of giggles while Jeno picks at his wet robes.
He smiles triumphantly before slipping out into the hallway and sprinting to the Slytherin dormitory.
Haechan 1, Jeno 0
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The first night back at Hogwarts; The first night back home.
You and your dormmates lounge in the common room and stare into the fire whilst making small talk. It had been a while since seeing them, but you had kept in touch out in the muggle world.
Jihyo hung her head over the arm of the couch, the rest of her body sprawled out and cozily covered with a blanket, attempting to toss popcorn in the air and catch it in her mouth. Her success rate, however, left the floor scattered with smashed pieces and kernels.
Mina sat on the end of the couch with Jihyo's feet in her lap, occasionally contributing to the conversation but mostly engrossed in her textbooks. It wasn't even the first day of actual classes, yet here she was, staying ahead. If you didn't know her kind nature, you'd think she belonged in Ravenclaw.
You were slung in the other chair opposite of them, fiddling with your wand. The end was slightly cracked from where you had accidentally stepped on it one day and it was worrying you. The last thing you needed right now was another trip to Olivanders.
“I’m just saying Y/N, I think Jeno really does like you!” Jihyo insisted, throwing another piece of popcorn in the air only to get hit in the face with it seconds later.
Mina snorts without looking up and Jihyo makes a face at her that she doesn’t see but leaves you giggling. You twist your wand around your fingers, something you learned back in second year, “Well if he does, he hasn’t said anything.”
Mina hums in agreement but Jihyo thinks differently, “He wouldn’t have offered to take you broom flying after hours if he didn’t like you.”
Shrugging your shoulders you turn to the fire, the burning warmth spreading over your chest. “Maybe he just wants some pussy.”
“Well, you better take the chance before I do. He can show me his broomstick anytime.” She winks in your direction sending you into a giggle fit. Mina rolls her eyes but continues reading her textbook. The both of you were used to Jihyos sexual jokes, but they never failed to make you laugh and Mina cringe.
A brief silence passed before you spoke, “Okay, but you have to agree, whoever splashed him at dinner tonight has it coming.”
“What do you mean whoever it was?” Mina piped up, giving you an inquisitive look.
“I didn’t see who it was, did y’all?” you asked, mildly confused. The water had seemingly come out of nowhere, and everyone around Jeno had denied responsibility. With everyone denying it, you suspected it might have been one of the lingering spirits.
“Are you kidding me, Y/N? He couldn’t have been any more obvious,” Jihyo said incredulously, sitting up to look straight at you, abandoning her bag of popcorn.
Were you supposed to have known who the culprit was? You were too busy watching Jeno splutter and gasp to have paid much attention to your surroundings. One thing she said caught your attention, “He?”
“Haechan? Lee Donghyuck?” Mina says slowly.
Jihyo chimed in, “He was walking toward our table all angry, and then when he made it to the doors, he turned around and used the Aguamenti spell.” Your mouth dropped open with every word she said, “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice?!”
“I didn’t!” you argue defensively.
“Oh, and before that, he was staring at you.” Mina added, closing her textbook and standing up, dumping Jihyo's feet on the ground.
“I knew he was staring.” You say, chewing on your bottom lip, “Are you guys for sure he was the one?”
“I’m telling you,” Jihyo starts, “We both saw him.”
Emotions bubble in your chest. You were pissed off for sure. Who did Haechan think he was getting in your business like that, especially given the history, or lack thereof.
Ever since you met the Slytherin boy, he had despised you. There was something about you that completely irritated him, and no matter how hard you tried, he just wouldn’t be your friend. He wouldn’t even talk to you, only stare and mess with your relationships. Every time you were getting close with a boy, he would get in the way, first with Mark and now Jeno? This was becoming an issue, and one that you needed to correct soon.
“I’m heading to bed.” Mina says, waving goodbye and heading off to her room.
You and Jihyo are left to stare at each other. She narrows her eyes down to slits, “Don’t get any ideas.”
“I’m not,” you spun the wand faster around your fingers, twisting and spinning it until it dropped into your palm, “I’m just going to remind him who the hell I am.”
“That’s not very Hufflepuff of you.” she giggles, reaching for more popcorn and shoving it in her mouth.
Your grip your wand tightly, “Hufflepuff or not, Lee Donghyuck needs to learn who he’s fucking with.”
As you pondered your next move, Jihyo leaned back and said, "You know, a well-placed hex might jog his memory."
"No. Not a hex. He get's one warning. His only warning."
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Haechan knew you were after him.
The past couple days consisted of him dodging your every attempt at waving him down. After classes dismissed, he was up and out the door in the blink of an eye, he never showed his face at the great hall, and when you caught sight of him during his quidditch practice, he disappeared while everyone else headed to the locker rooms.
Three days after the water incident, you catch him.
The professor asked him to stay back after class, supposedly to discuss his recent test scores. So, when the bell rang, you lingered outside the classroom door. A couple of minutes later, Haechan emerged, his blonde hair paired with a scowl etched onto his face. He made a beeline in the opposite direction, but you had other plans.
“Lee Donghyuck!” you shout, attracting stares from the other students milling about the corridor. You scurry over to him and tug his arm, his eyes shooting down to where you made contact “We need to talk.”
He glanced around, ensuring no one was watching, and cleared his throat. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
The threats you had rehearsed - the biting warnings you promised Jihyo you'd give him...they all catch in the back of your throat when you look up and make eye contact. It was almost condescending the way he looked down at you, without even saying anything, he made you feel small.
"I—um, I want you to leave me and Jeno alone," you managed to say, attempting confidence but knowing there was little force behind the words.
He knew it too.
His eyebrows shoot up, “I’m sorry darling, I’m not quite sure what you mean.”
Oh, how good he was at feigning innocence.
Too bad you knew he was a big fat fucking liar, “The whole Aguamenti spell you did the other night in the great hall? Yeah, I know it was you.”
His jaw clenches and he reaches for his wand to twirl around his finger – something he did when he was nervous. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bullshit Haechan. Me and my friends saw you do it.”
As more people stared at the confrontation in the middle of the hallway, you considered finding a more private place, but you knew he wouldn't follow.
“What do you want me to say? I’m telling you I didn’t do it.” his voice is a low growl, his demeanor darkening and body slightly leaning towards your own. You wouldn’t be surprised if the next words out of his mouth were, ‘now get lost you little freak’.
Deciding to stand your ground, you stared up at him defiantly. However, instead of backing down, he laughed straight in your face, deflating any hope of setting him straight.
“Good one, Hufflepuff.” With a roll of his eyes, he palms his wand in thought. How could a girl like you go for a guy like Jeno? Didn’t you know he was an asshole?
Speak of the devil, he thinks.
A heavy arm wrapped around your shoulders, accompanied by a sweet and cheery voice. "Y/N! Just the girl I needed to see." Jeno's crescent eyes and beaming smile were inches from yours.
Haechan rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. He needs to leave; He should leave, but his feet don’t move when he tries. It felt like he was under a spell.
Yeah, if jealousy was a fucking spell, the thought bitterly.
“I hope you don’t mind me talking to your girl.” Jeno acknowledges Haechan and playfully punches him in the shoulder. The older boy just sneers.
“Oh, I’m not his girl” you declared adamantly.
A derisive scoff rumbles in the depths of Haechan's throat, and a fit of coughing seizes him, forcing him to double over.
“Careful there buddy.” Jeno smirks, harshly slapping Haechan’s back as way to help him catch his breath.  
When the older boy straightens up, a look of pure hatred crosses his eyes and you giggle, “I’m fine, buddy.”
Jeno looks from left to right confused at Haechan’s hostility, but shakes it off and turns to you instead, “I wanted to invite you to the Quidditch game tomorrow night.” A ‘no’ forms on your lips but Jeno is quick to shut it down, “Look… I’ll play better if you’re there. You can be my good luck charm!”
A fake gag sounds from the back of Haechans throat and you stare daggers into him until he throws two hands up and takes a step back.
You turned to Jeno with the intention of declining, citing the need for studying, but his trademark smile was plastered on his lips. Wasn't the point of this conversation with Haechan to be something with Jeno someday?
“I’ll go.” You smile, and Jeno's face lights up like a kid on Christmas.
One second, you were on the ground, and the next, you were in Jeno's strong arms, spinning around. "Yes! You won't regret this, Y/N! You can even wear my jersey if you want!"
He slows down and sets you back on your feet, your head slightly spinning, “Jeno… you do realize you’ll need your jersey on the field.”
“Oh right.” He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. “Didn’t think of that.”
Haechan makes an unamused snort, and you notice his hands are balled into fists at his side.
How could Jeno do that right in front of his face?
“I guess it’s the thought that counts.” Haechan spits, and turns on his heel, robes flying behind him as he hurriedly walks away.
“Wait! We still have to talk!” you shout after him, but he doesn’t acknowledge it, just keeps walking until he rounds a corner and disappears.
Why did he have something against Jeno? He hated you anyways. Was his job to make you miserable your entire Hogwarts life? Why was he always in your business?
Jeno startles you out of your thoughts, “Come on, I’ll walk you to class.”
A smile formed on your lips, and you murmured an 'okay' as Jeno looped your arm in his. Unfortunately, Haechan was long gone, along with any hope of setting him straight.
Hopefully he got the message, you think.
It’s the last thought of him before Jeno is tugging on your arm and walking you to class, the smell of cinnamon on his robes and his jovial tone taking home in your head and root in your heart.  
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He can’t stomach the sight of her face, but that doesn’t stop him from fucking her.
Who was she? He didn’t know, and he didn’t care. She was wet enough and that was all that mattered. Thrusting into her sopping cunt was what she was here for, nothing more, nothing less.
His mind drifts while he pounds into her, the image of Jeno dragging you away, his arm slung over your shoulders driving Haechan to fuck harder. The girl hollers in pain but doesn’t tell him to stop, just grits her face and bears it, and he doesn’t check to see if she’s okay.
She said she wanted him to fuck her, so that’s what he was doing.
“Hy-hyuck.” She whimpers, fingers digging into his dark green sheets.
A harsh smack lands on her ass, “What, can’t take it Y/ -”
He stops himself before finishing your name. How stupid could he be. This wasn’t you; this could never be you.
Whoever the girl was, she doesn’t notice, too rung up on his cock pushing into her over and over again to understand that he didn’t give a single fuck about her.
Poor girl.
Her legs start to shake, an overwhelming orgasm washing over her right before Haechan pulls out and rolls off the bed, hastily putting on his pants. She’s left to catch her breath on his bed, peering at him from between parted fingers, “You didn’t finish.”
“Don’t need to.” He throws his sweater over his head and starts to fix his tie, “Here.” He picks her yellow robes off the floor and tosses them onto the bed next to her.
“Let me suck you off or something.”
His response is instantaneoous, “I’m good.”
Her voice is soft when she speaks up again, “It’s because of that girl isn’t it… the one in my house, Y/N?”
Was it obvious to everyone else but you? This random fucking girl knew, but you couldn’t catch on? Fucking ridiculous.
His eyes narrow down to slits, “I got to get to class. You better be gone when I get back.”
The door slams behind him, the echo being the only indication he was there in the first place.
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Robes askew and papers flying out of your hands, you rush into potions class at the last possible second.
Jeno is already seated at your shared table, something that’s become normal these last few weeks. Out of the corner of your eye, you take note of Hyuck slumped over a piece of paper, furiously scribbling—probably homework.
Thankfully, the professor nods you off without issuing you a detention slip.
Slamming your books on the flat black table, you hop onto your stool.
“Thought you weren’t gonna show y/l/n” Jeno’s smile stretches from ear to ear, his fingers twirling a quill between them.
“I may not be a Ravenclaw, but I’d never miss a class.”
“Couldn’t bear to miss me?” His flirtatious comments always make your heart skip a beat. Your pulse becomes increasingly erratic, face flushed. A snort sounds from behind you, and when you swivel around, you see Haechan’s face adorned with a sneer. He doesn’t deserve a response from you, no matter how much you want to flip him off.
You turn back around, “I guess I couldn’t…” The blush on Jeno’s face is unmistakable and it warms your heart.
From the front of the room, the professor claps his hands, “Alright class, today we will be doing something I’m sure you’ve done before.”
“Please don’t say truth potion.” You mutter under your breath.
“Not quite, Ms. y/l/n. Today we’ll be brewing amortentia potions! All your ingredients should be in the back of the classroom, gather them and begin brewing! The instructions are on page 287 of your textbook! The first group to accurately brew their potion gets five points on the chapter quiz this week.”
The professor calling you out would be enough to send you into an embarrassed state of tucking your chin against your chest and keeping your head down for the rest of the class, but the mention of extra points on the quiz has you leaping up off the stool and waltzing to the back of the classroom.
Jeno doesn’t even have time to say anything. You’ve never done this potion before, but you know the ingredients by heart, just waiting for the day you get to brew it.
You make it to the ingredients table first, followed by Haechan, who’s furiously flipping through his textbook, trying to find the ingredient list. When he notices your empty hands, he narrows his eyes, “Don’t you need to know what to put in the potion?”
Grabbing various vials and jars of dried leaves, you snort, “Don’t need to. Jealous I know it by heart?”
His eyes slide to yours while he follows your lead and picks up a jar of blue rose petals, “Me? Jealous? Yeah right. That’ll be you when me and Chenle win the extra points.”
“Don’t count on it Hyuck.”
The nickname has him tensing, knuckles going white when he accidentally grips a vial of milky substance too hard. He puts it under his arm and reaches for another vial. Coincidentally, you were reaching for the same one, both of your hands brushing against each other's. Neither of you is hasty in withdrawing.
His Adam's apple bobs in his throat, nervousness flitting across his brow. Before you can make note, he clamps down, and his expression goes stoic again.
Heat pools in your stomach. A sickeningly sweet feeling that leaves you confused when Haechan plucks the vial away and whips around, his robes fluttering out behind his body.
Other students begin crowding the table, so you grab a different vial, the interaction leaving you all too confused.
When you get back to the table, Jeno has already begun heating the cauldron.
The ingredients spill from your hands.
“Have you ever done this before?” Jeno asks, “You didn’t even need the textbook.”
Your voice comes out mumbled, “No. I just know it by heart.”
His own textbook is splayed out in front of him, one finger rubbing down the page to read the ingredients list. Why don’t his hands make you feel like that? Sure, it makes you feel all cozy inside, but it isn’t… hot like that. There;s no heat when Jeno walks hand-in-hand with you in the hallway. Why?
“… petals.”
His voice peeks through your thoughts that were flitting around your skull at a million miles an hour.
“Why did you grab blue rose petals? It doesn’t say we need them in the book.” He teeters on the edge of his seat as if he wanted to take them back to the ingredients table at the back of the room.
A smirk plays on the edge of your lips, “Haechan was copying what I was grabbing, so to trip him up, I grabbed those. Hopefully, he doesn’t pay close attention to the textbook like you…”
Jeno laughs, “Never would have struck you as the type Y/N.”
“What, too much of a Slytherin thing?” You bite back.
“No…No, I like it. It makes you… I don’t know… hot?”
Your eyes go wide, a laugh sticking in your throat. You cough it up and turn to the spread of ingredients in front of you, “Let's, uh… let’s start so we can get those extra credit points.”
Jeno turns around and so do you.
What you don’t notice is Haechan, who had become immensely interested in your conversation after hearing the word Slytherin leave your lips. The jealousy flickering through his nerves is hotter than the boiling substance in front of him. Oh, how he wishes this was Defense Against the Dark Arts.
He’d love to put Jeno flat on his ass.
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You and Jeno effortlessly master the brewing of amortentia in just twelve minutes, a symphony of perfectly blended scents swirling in your cauldron.
Chenle and Haechan shoot you annoyed glances as their potion turns into a goopy, blue disaster, nowhere close to the enchanting pink hue of yours.
The professor strides over, congratulating the two of you with a smile. He hands each of you golden slips of paper, designating you as the undisputed masters of amortentia potion-making.
Haechan stands with arms crossed, bitterness etched across his face as he joins the students gathered around your table. His jaw clenches when he witnesses Jeno pulling you into a snug side hug.
“Alright! As the first pair to get the potion right, you get the pleasure of telling us what you smell.
His jaw unclenches and instead is replaced by a shit-eating grin.
Other students nervously chuckle, eager to see if Jeno, the star of Gryffindors quidditch team, would possibly smell their scent.
“I’ll go first y/n. Don’t sweat it.”
Carefully, Jeno leans over the cauldron and lets the steam waft up into his face. He takes a sniff. Another one. Another one. And finally a deep inhale.
“It’s smells like cherries… um, vanilla, I think… and, sweets? Like baked sweets?”
The professor applauds, “Good! Sounds like someone's after a Hufflepuff!”
All eyes turn to you. It's true, the Hufflepuff dormitory is adjacent to the kitchens, but why must everyone assume? Why must it be you?
The professor continues, “You next Y/N!”
Haechans doe eyes follow your figure closely, drinking in the way you lean over the cauldon, the top button on your blouse having come undone, breasts peaking through the top. He feels like a pervert, but he can’t help the stiffness rising in his slacks.
He should’ve had that girl suck him off.
You sniff one, twice, and a third time. Haechan watches as the blood drains from your face.
Why couldn’t it be cinnamon and firewood? Why not something to complement Jeno? It had to be that.
“I smell apples… and, and, um, caramel, and qu-quidditch gear.”
You don’t even have time to assess Jeno or Haechans faces. Jeno knew it was Haechan’s scent. Haechan knew it was his scent. Everyone knew. How could they not? Slytherins best asshole was known for smelling like caramel apples.
Your eyes are downcast, contemplating whether or not to do that chin tuck.
“Alright! Who’s next?”
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“It’s not like it’s our house that’s playing.”
Slumped on the common room couch and stuffing your face with leftover popcorn (thanks Jihyo), your argument doesn’t come across as very convincing – to yourself, or Mina, who stands in front of you with her hands on her hips. “And anyways,” you raise a skeptical eyebrow, “Don’t you have to study or something. You’re not one for quidditch games.”
She reaches for you, snatching the snack bowl out of your hand and plopping it down on the coffee table. “I’m two weeks ahead in every single class. I can afford to skip a day of studying.”
For a moment, you shoot her a glare, sensing there's more to it. “Jihyo put you up to this, didn’t she?”
“Why do you say that.”
“Because I know her.”
“Okay, yes.” She sits down next to you, grabbing your hands. “But come on! Jeno invited you to watch the game and then go to the afterparty. You know how hard it is to get invited to those parties!” She drags out the last syllable, pretending to beg, “And Jihyo said she’d kill me if you bailed.”
You sigh. Jeno did invite you, and he had that killer smile on his lips when he did it. The reminder sends butterflies in your stomach fluttering about. The only reason you were planning to skip out was because you were nervous. And what happened in class yesterday. But that didn’t matter! Gryffindors seeker asking you to come watch him play, and then walking you to class? That made you more than friends, right? You didn’t know how to navigate that without being awkward… and you’d hate to disappoint him.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
Mina squeals next to you and pulls you into a hug. “You won’t regret this! But hurry up, I wanna see if I can spot Renjun before the game.” She smiles to herself, a light blush dusting her cheeks that she tries to conceal.
“Renjun… Isn’t that the boy you’re tutoring in potions?”
She hums in response, a dreamy expression so evident on her face you could almost make out hearts in her eyes. It's like a real-life cartoon.
“You have a crush on him!” you tease, giggling when she holds her arms out defensively and tries to deny it. “That’s why you’re going to the game today! Not because you don’t need to study, but because you wanna see Renjunnnnn.” You draw out his name like you used to do when you were first years.
“Don’t tell Jihyo.” She groans. “She’ll give me hell for it, and I want this to progress naturally on its own.”
“I won’t, I’m just shocked our Mina has a crush!”
You feel happy for your friend. Happy that she’s found somebody who could actually drag her away from being holed up on a Saturday afternoon – it's real progress.
“Enough about me! Go get ready!”
She throws a pillow at you when you leap off the couch, and it hits you square in the chest, both of you thrown into another fit of giggles.
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The stands were so jam packed with students, you thought there was absolutely no way you were going to grab a seat.
That was until you spotted Jihyos yellow Hufflepuff cap sticking out in a sea of Gryffindor gear. It was against house rules to wear anything outside of your house colors, so while you wanted to wear red to support Jeno, the best you could do was the red handheld flags they were passing out at the gate to the field.
A first year Slytherin tried to hand you a green flag, but you upturn your nose and brush him aside. You didn’t hate all Slytherins, but you’d be damned if Haechan caught sight of you supporting his team, especially since it was him pitted against Jeno. It saddened you that he was a seeker like the boy you were there to support; he didn’t deserve the position.
Mina grabs your hand and drags you into the thick of the crowd where elbows jostled you every few seconds and your cheeks were being whipped with waving flags. You duck your head down and try not to trip, a sigh of relief rushing past your lips when you make it to where Jihyo is sitting front row, batting away a couple who were trying to sit in the seats she was keeping for the two of you.
“See!” She yells, gesturing wildly to the two of you walking up, “My friends are here, and these seats are now occupied!” She grabs your wrists and tugs you to sit down.
The couple rolls their eyes and move on to find another seat.
“Bitches.” Jihyo curses under her breath.
“Thanks for saving the seat.” You breathlessly laugh, adjusting your jacket so that you were bundled up. Hogwart winters weren’t for the faint of heart.
Jihyo smirks, “Had to fight off about half the Gryffindor population for this good of a view, but it was worth it.”
On the other side of Jihyo, Mina laughed and clapped her hands at the commotion on the field, right before every other student erupted in cheers, hoots, and hollers.
From your midfield position, you saw the Slytherin team filtering out on the green, brooms in hand.
“WELCOME ALL FACULTY AND STUDENTS TO THE FIRST HOME GAME OF THE SEASON!! PLEASE WELCOME OUR SLYTHERIN TEAM!” The announcer's voice boomed, rattling through the entire stadium.
As much as you resisted cheering, Mina was there to support Renjun, so you gave a few half-hearted claps on her behalf, earning dirty looks from the surrounding Gryffindors. You were in the wrong section if you wanted to support the snakes.
You weren’t looking for him, but Haechan’s blonde hair immediately grabs your attention. He’s smiling, all sharp and smug, and you can make out green face paint dotting the side of his neck. It irked you that he was soaking in the cheering – you bet he got off to on the attention. What? With him being the infamous Slytherin seeker? It went straight to his head, and you knew it.
The team hopped on their brooms and flew around the students, tossing Slytherin gear into the stands as they weaved in and out of the sections. When Haechan passed, he blew you a kiss and winked, infuriating you to the point your face flushed hot.
“Ignore him.” Jihyo rolls her eyes and gives your hand a squeeze, “He’s trying to get you mad. Jeno will put him in his place.”
The thought of Jeno putting him in his place warms your heart. Oh, how good that’ll feel.
Once the Slytherins stopped showing off, the crowd went relatively quiet, waiting for the real star of the show to come out. A thrumming chant started somewhere opposite your section, and soon enough, the entire student body was collectively roaring for Gryffindor.
A rumble goes through the crowd right before cold air whips your face and a sea of red jerseys flies over your head. It makes you laugh giddily, and your eyes desperately search for number seven – Jeno.
It takes a second, but soon enough your eyes are locked on his lean figure which presses forward on the thin broom stick. He looked good.
Jihyo goes fucking wild beside you, “There’s your man!” she screeches, and you let out a belly laugh. You both watch as he makes his rounds around the towers filled with cheering students – each and every one until he gets to yours.
“You look beautiful” he shouts, and a dozen girls around you squeal in adoration. He was talking to you though, and you knew it. His eyes sparkle when he gives you a wink. “Wish me luck.” he mouths.
“Omg how cute are you two!?” Jihyo swoons.
You pressed a kiss to your palm and then blew it to him – a signal of your affection. With a wide eye-smile, he grabbed it out of the air and pressed it to his lips.
It was then and there that you decided you were going to kiss him after the match. All too quickly, he flew away, and you watched as he went.
Not two seconds later, a new Gryffindor player was in front of you, balancing on the tail end of his stick. Johnny, you remembered his name.
His jersey was tucked between his teeth, his abs on full display, which sent the hoards of girls around you into a screaming fit. You caught a quick glimpse before he spat the hem out of his mouth.
“Y/N, you want us to win?” He asks, his voice a deep timbre.
You were shocked that he was talking to you – let alone that he knew your name.
Gingerly, you nod your head.
“I bet. You coming to the party after?”
This interaction was so bizarre, and all Jihyo and Mina did to help was stare at the six-foot, built, fine specimen lingering only three feet in front of you.
“Jeno invited me.” For some reason, a blush settles on your face, and you fight the urge to cover it.
“Bet you’re gonna have a fun time with him after.” A dazzling smirk plastered itself on Johnny’s face. “You should ask him if he’ll let you ride his broomstick. I heard he’s a good teacher. It should be fun.” He flew around so quickly it left you blinking in his wake. Over his shoulder, you heard him call out, “See you after, prize girl.”
The entire twenty-second conversation left you reeling, and you tucked a mental note away to ask Jeno about it later.
From across the field, a certain Slytherin seeker was seething. Both his hands grabbed the broom so tightly his knuckles turned white. If he applied any more pressure, it would have broken.
The fuck was Johnny talking to you about? Did it have to do with Jeno? What did you see in him anyways? What did Jeno have that he didn’t? Did he have to prove himself? Yes, he thinks. That’s what he’ll do. He’ll win this match to prove to you that he’s better than Jeno. Maybe then you’ll truly see him – and give him a chance.
Game on.
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Two minutes were left in the last quarter, and it was neck and neck.
Green and red jerseys fly around each other.
The stadium echoed with the thunderous cheers as the Quaffle exchanged hands between the opposing teams. The bludgers were like rogue comets, threatening to disrupt the fluid dance of the players. Jeno and Haechan had their eyes fixed on the glittering snitch.
A collective gasp filled the arena as Haechan executed a daring spiral dive, narrowly avoiding a bludger. Simultaneously, Jeno executed a swift roll, evading a clever attempt by the opposing team to intercept him.
The golden snitch continued to flit teasingly ahead, leading the seekers on a merry chase.
You grip onto Jihyo and Mina as the game comes to a crescendo.
It happens so quick you almost miss it, but in three seconds everything changes.
Jeno becomes unbalanced, teetering sideways on his broom that keeps flying straight. His eyes are locked on yours when a wave of pure panic engulfs his sweaty features.
Haechan flies past him, one hand outstretched towards the golden snitch that loomed just mere inches from his fingertips.
He flips over the side of his broom, hands reaching out to try and catch himself. One by one his fingers tap the stick, not able to gain any purchase, and then he’s falling.
The other seeker presses ahead, dodging his teammates who don’t have time to get out of his way with how fast he’s flying.
Jeno’s body slams into the grass field beneath the players, his broomstick landing next to his broken figure. He doesn’t get up, doesn’t scream in pain, doesn’t move.
Haechan's hand closed around the golden snitch, a victorious shout echoing from him and his teammates. He turned, searching for you in the crowd, but your gaze was fixed on Jeno.
Shouts and cries erupt from the crowd, half in victory and half in shock. Someone screams Jeno’s name and you’re not sure if it’s your own shout, or if that person was just really close by.
With wide eyes, you watch as a bunch of medical staff rush towards him on the field and surround his body. Your body becomes ice cold and you can feel your heartbeat in your throat.
Please let him be okay; he has to be okay.
The Slytherin team flies around the field, visiting their supporters in the stands while everyone else’s eyes are on Jeno.
Jihyo grabs your shoulders and gasps when a white medical cot is lifted onto the shoulders of a few Gryffindor players.
“He’s okay. He’s okay.” Mina repeats, taking hold of your hand between hers and you almost sob in relief when you see him wiggling around in the cot, moans of pain falling from his lips too low for your ears to pick up.
Haechan watches from a distance, eyes wide in shock when he takes notice of Jeno’s condition and when he looks up, he sees your dormmates consoling you. He wanted to fly over to you and ask if you’re okay, but he knew you wouldn’t want to hear it, not when Jeno was hurt.
Once Jeno and the medical staff made it off the field, the stands began to clear out, but you feel like you can’t move.
“Come on.” Jihyo murmurs, pulling you up and wrapping an arm around you. It was silly that they had to take care of you like this when you weren’t even the one who was hurt.
When you made it to the bottom of the stand, you huddle together in a group.
Jihyo, with her arm still wrapped around you, gave you a side hug. “I’m sure he’s fine.” Mina nodded in agreement, but you started biting your nails – not that there was much to bite, lord knows they were almost stubs as it was.
Another person slides into your tight group, and you don’t notice until you hear his voice, “The scorekeepers say there was no evidence of foul play.”
When you looked up, you were surprised to see who you thought was Renjun. When he noticed your gaze, he gave a soft smile.
“That’s bullshit,” Jihyo declares, “We all know who did it, and he’s on your fucking team.”
Renjun just shrugs and slides an arm around Mina, and despite the timing and circumstance, you raise an eyebrow at her. She waves you off and slides her attention to Renjun, “Everyone knows it was Haechan.”
“Well, the scorekeepers say otherwise.”
You felt like screaming and crying and running away all at once, but you just stood there, biting your nails.
“I know I probably shouldn’t be asking right now,” Renjun's eyes flickered to you before looking away quickly, “But, I wanted to invite you guys to the after-party. I don’t need an answer, just show up if you want to, and I’ll have Chenle watching for you guys at the door. It starts in half an hour.” He started to pull away from the group but turned back at the last second. “By the way, Y/N, I’m sorry about Jeno. Just because I’m on the opposite team doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad.”
A hum falls from your lips and then he’s off.
“Well, if I need anything right now, it’s a fucking drink,” Jihyo joked, but one look at you, and her laughter died.
Mina is more concerned with you, “We won’t go if you need us.”
“No,” you blurted, dropping your hands from your face. “I –” A particularly loud shout jarred your attention away, and when you looked around to find the culprit, you saw the entire Slytherin team gathering to your right. Haechan stood in the center only long enough for you to make out it was him, then he was being hoisted onto his teammates' shoulders. His eyes met yours, and he smirked, lifting a hand to wave at you. It took everything in you to not storm over there and punch the absolute shit out of him. He wished he was your fucking priority, but that wasn’t the case.
“You sure?” Mina asks, snapping you out of your murderous thoughts.
“I gotta go check on Jeno.” You give a small smile, “Save me a drink?”
Jihyo and Mina both nodded, and before you walked off, you threw a middle finger at Haechan, who caught sight and clasped his chest like he was dying.
It pissed you off, but you had bigger priorities right now.
Haechan would have his turn.
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As the cheering fades, the screams take over.
Deep, guttural screams of someone in agonizing pain echo through the empty castle halls leading right to the medical wing. They come in bursts; long strings of curses, grunts, and broken yells, and it makes you inwardly cringe because you knew who they belonged too.
“Jeno…” you whisper, after hearing a particularly jarring shriek.
After rounding the corner, the tall double oak doors loom in front of you, inviting you to join Jeno in his agony, or at least be there to comfort him. Pushing them open, you reveal a large, brightly lit room sectioned off by blue plastic curtains and medical cots. On the left side of the room, you see a nurse tending to who must be Jeno, but you can’t see his face.
You can hear him though.
His voice is amplified ten-fold now that you were in the same room, and instinctively you raise your hands to plug your ears but shake it off. Tentatively you walk over.
“Goddamn Slytherin.” You hear him groan, legs twisting in discomfort when the nurse applies pressure to his arm. It’s evident he’s never been in this much pain before.
“Jeno?” You whisper, startling the nurse who accidentally puts too much pressure on his arm, causing him to jerk away from her, a yelp passing his thin lined lips.
Her hands pepper over his body in apology, not turning her head to look at you, “You shouldn’t be in here.”
“I know.” You whisper, and she doesn’t press any further on why you’re there or ask you to leave, so you stay.
Jeno doesn’t even seem to notice you, but that doesn’t matter. You shift around the bed slightly and catch sight of his face. Both his eyes are shut, one ringed in purple and his bottom lip split in two separate places. His nose seemed to get busted in the fall as it was surrounded by dark red, almost black, dried blood. A few droplets splattered on his shirt, accompanying the grass and dirt he had slammed into after falling thirty feet from the sky,
As bad as it may sound, you’re glad Jeno only broke his arm. A fall from that height could have meant paralysis or worse, death. He truly got lucky.
You stand quietly, watching as she shifts Jeno’s arm into a sling, securing it with a couple items you don’t know the name for and then popping a few muggle meds in his mouth. Lifting a glass of water to his lips, he groans, knocking back the pills.
It never sat right with you how the nurses used muggle methods of healing when there were more than a fair share of spells that could work much quicker. It was as if they wanted you to stew in your own misery.
Wasn’t the point of magic to make things easier?
Your thoughts are cut off by the nurse brushing past you, arms full of medical supplies. “Visiting hours are over in twenty minutes. Make it quick.” She warns, before walking away.
“Why are you here.” Jeno groans when she leaves the room, eyes still sticking shut.
“I –”A dull ache lands on your heart and the words catch in the back of your throat, a sudden cough clearing them away.
His lip curls into a sneer, “Spit it out y/l/n,”
The aggression radiating off of him makes you stumble back but you don’t let it scare you. You knew Jeno and he wasn’t scary… or so you thought.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” You speak quietly, like any word above a murmur would startle him and hurt him worse.
“Obviously, I’m not fucking okay.” His voice is nasally, mocking you, “But you don’t care, do you? Bet you’re just here to make sure I don’t snitch on your little boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” Your eyes narrow down to slits. It angered you that Jeno thought you would give any time of day to the little prick who kept messing with you.
“You should tell him that.”
His eyes snap open and home in on you, glaring from his spot on the bed. Uncomfortable in his position, he squirms a bit, trying to right himself, but he grunts and falls back down, the pain too much for him.
‘You should tell him that.’
The words bounce around the inside of your skull. Did Haechan think you were together? Think he had some kind of weird ass claim over you?
"Jeno –”
“You know I can’t even play quidditch now that my arm is broken. My fucking arm Y/N.” Tears form in the corner of his eyes, whether from the pain or the prospect that he was out for the season, you weren’t sure, “He knocked me off my broom. That’s like… that’s like attempted murder!” he splutters, a crazed expression overtaking his face.
As much as you disliked the guy, there was no way he was capable of murder. No, this was due to his unrelenting jealousy, and someone needed to set him straight.
“Oh, come on, it’s not attempted –”
Jeno’s free hand is shoved in your face, one finger pointing at you patronizingly, “Yes, it is. You and I both know he’s a crazy son of a bitch, and he obviously has something for you so stay the fuck away from me.”
“Really, can we just talk?”
He shakes his head, “No. Get the fuck away from me and keep your little boyfriend in check.”
“For the last time, he’s not –”
“I don’t care what he is! The both of you need to leave me the fuck alone.”
Your heart breaks.
It wasn’t because you liked him. No, that wasn’t it. You just thought this could have been the start of something new since your love life had been wrecked for years thanks to the one and only Lee Donghyuck.
You can’t believe he had the audacity to wreck it again.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice comes out in a whisper, way too low for him to hear, but he waves you off anyway, “I’ll go.”
He doesn’t say anything; doesn’t even watch as you turn your back and walk away, past the blue plastic curtains and out the heavy double doors. The more steps you take, the heavier your heart feels in your chest. Tears burn in your eyes and anger clouds your head with each passing second like poison.
Haechan wasn’t getting away with this, you were going to make sure.
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You see fucking red.
Storming through the halls of Hogwarts was a rare occurrence for you, but today was different. People gasped as you briskly brushed past them, your head so hot it felt like smoke might billow from your ears. Annoyed shouts of 'hey' or 'watch it' barely registered as you descended the stairs leading to the ominous 'Slytherin Dungeon.' The air grew colder with each step, mirroring the iciness in your gaze. Thoughts of pounding Haechan's face swirled in your mind, and you couldn't shake the fiery anger fueling your every move.
You knew if Jihyo was here she would make fun of your anger, claiming that you didn’t belong in Hufflepuff with your temper.
Too bad she wasn’t.
Maybe she could have calmed you down, slowed your racing heart and spoken some sense into your hard head, but alas, she wasn’t, and you were only growing more furious by the second.
Reaching the bottom of the staircase, you rounded a corner and collided with a Slytherin you recognized as Chenle, thanks to Renjun's heads up. His light green hair parted down the middle, coupled with the trademark Slytherin resting bitch face, transformed into a smirk upon seeing you.
“Y/N! Glad you could make it!” His voice is deeper than you would have thought, and he was much taller when you walked up to him.
"Yeah, yeah, let me in." Impatiently tapping your foot, you watched as he opened the door, revealing the booming bass of the music inside.
"Say hey to him for me." Chenle grinned, extending an arm to welcome you.
You pushed past him, retorting over your shoulder, "You can tell Renjun yourself." Confusion flashed over his face, but the door slammed shut before further words could be exchanged, sealing you inside.
The ambiance in Slytherin territory starkly contrasted with your dorm. Damp darkness replaced the natural sunlight, and the air carried the scent of spicy cologne rather than the comforting aroma of food.
Thank God I wasn’t placed in Slytherin, you think.
Music reverberates off the walls and lands loudly on your eardrums, a soft green glow emitting from the end of the hallway. Conversation and laughter can be heard just slightly above the music, and you follow it till you’re at the end of the corridor and in the den of the snakes.
There’s green everywhere.
But your dormmates were nowhere to be found. In fact, all you saw in every direction were green robes with the occasional pop of yellow and blue.
No Gryffindors, interesting.
A hand lands on your arm and you jump back at least ten feet.
"Woah, it's just me." Renjun's eyes crinkled with a smile as he extended a drink towards you. You accepted it with a silent 'thank you.'
"Your friends are in the bathroom, I think, but I can wait with you if you like." Renjun's politeness caught you off guard. This has got to be the nicest Slytherin boy you’ve ever met.
As you took a sip of the bitter liquid, you mused, "No need to wait with me... I came to see someone real quick, and then I'll be on my way."
"I know he deserves it, but go easy on him, okay?" Renjun's words hung in the air, causing you to stare at him with disbelief. Sensing your anger, he quickly stepped back, raising a hand. "You know what, forget I said anything."
Cocking your head, you smiled, "Know where I can find him?"
Renjun simply pointed behind you.
Turning around, you spotted the boy in question, lounging on a couch stripped of his robes. Clad in a white button-up shirt and black slacks, Haechan exuded an air of arrogant nonchalance. Two girls clung to either side of him, and a few friends surrounded him, exchanging laughs and banter.
"Thanks, Renjun." You mutter, not bothered to look behind you and see that he wasn’t standing there anymore.
You down the rest of your drink in one gulp and leave the plastic solo cup on a random side table as you stalk over to where the blonde headed boy was lounging. When you push past his friends, his eyes snap to you.
“Glad you could make it.” He beams, eyes washing over your body. You were in that damn skirt, and it drove him fucking wild.
Ignoring him, you placed your hands on your hips. "Get up."
He chuckled, patting his thigh. "Why don't you sit down and enjoy the party?" Laughter erupted from his friends, and the girls hanging off his arms glared at you.
“Get. Up.” You seethe.
“Feisty aren’t you.” He murmurs, shrugging off the girls at his side and standing up.
“Lead the way to your room.”
A few hoots and hollers followed you as he guided you away from the party and into the hallway. "Can't wait to get your hands on me?"
Ignoring him, you followed, your gaze trailing from the back of his neck to his shoulder blades visible through the sheer fabric of his shirt. The muscles rippled as he opened the heavy door of his bedroom, and you had to tear your eyes away before saying something stupid.
The room was as expected, draped in dark green bedding and scattered quidditch gear. The scent of him surrounded you, reminiscent of that damned amortentia brewing session.
While he walks further into the room, you slam the door shut and spin around, “Where the hell do you get off – ”
“Right there.”
“What?” You blink.
“I get off right there.” He jabs a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of his bed, “Almost every night, unless I have a match the next day. You know, gotta keep the tension building so I do my best…”
You groan, “You’re unbelievable.” He chuckles a bit and steps closer to you, igniting the nerves that were already high strung, on fire, but you push the thought away, “Why do you feel the need to fuck around with the guys I like.”
“I was trying to win the game. Trust me, you and your relationship was nowhere on my mind.” What a fucking lie, he thinks. “I’m flattered you were thinking about me though.”
“Are you always this full of yourself?” You bite.
He flashes a beaming smile, pearly white teeth on display and you wished you didn’t stare too long at his canines. He had such a pretty smile and you wished you didn’t have to notice it. “When you look like I do, it’s kind of hard not to be.”
“Slytherin suits you, huh?” you sneer.
“Exactly.” He reaches an arm overtop of you and semi cages you against the door and his body, “So now that’s cleared up, can I go back out there and celebrate my win?”
He was so close to you, his lips only inches from your own, and his cologne was wafting up in your face sending you into a daze. God he was so cute, no not cute – hot. He was hot. You wonder what it would feel like to stretch your neck and kiss him. Did he taste how he smelled?
The fucking drink.
Whatever Renjun had given you was reaching your bloodstream way faster than muggle alcohol. You make a mental note to rip his head off later, but for now you turn your attention back to Haechan’s insanely close face.
“You need to realize –”
He cuts you off again, “Look, I’m all for being in here with you, but if you insist on keeping that pretty mouth running, I suggest you put it to good use instead of chastising me.” His eyes flicker from your own to your lips, almost like he was thinking about kissing you just as much as you were thinking about kissing him.
Do it, just kiss me, you think, but different words are said, “You wish.”
“Yeah, I do.” He quips.
“Can’t you be serious for one fucking second you asshole.” A drawn-out groan escapes you as you press your hand against him, hoping to coax him into backing off. Regrettably, he remains a solid wall of muscle and strength, unmoved by your attempts.
“Sorry, it’s just hot when you insult me. Do it again” He wiggles his eyebrows at you and leans in, one hand reaching out to caress the underside of your jaw.
He doesn't know where the newfound confidence was coming from. You were supposed to hate him, yet he had you in his bedroom. The same bedroom where he thought about fucking you. Where he got off to the memories of that goddamn mirror. Where he fantasized about you slotting your thighs on either side of his head, and sitting down on his waiting lips.
You swat his hand away, “Do you have any idea how stupid you are?”
“Not as stupid as you would look with a cock in your mouth.”
Wishful thinking, he muses.
You roll your eyes at his remark, but nonetheless a heat surges between your legs. You would look stupid – but Haechan’s cock in your mouth sounds all too great. “Are you done?”
“Done with what?”
You roll your eyes. Again. “Being an idiot.”
“Would an idiot make you flush so easily like this?” He strokes a stray hair behind your ear, his fingertips burning against your skin, “See? I make you flustered. You want me. Badly.”
Again, wishful thinking.
“You think I want you badly?” You scoff, a hand coming in contact with his crotch, “You’re the one hard. Do you get off on hurting people?”
“Yes.” He stares into your eyes, a mischievous glint shining in them, “I do.”
“God you’re fucking pathetic.”
He groans and pushes his hips into your hand. “Say it again.”
A loud and drawn-out gasp leaves your lips, “No fucking way you’re getting off on this too.” His dick twitches in his pants at your accusation.
“You talk too much. Just suck my dick already.”
Third times a charm.
Seeing him like that, pliant underneath your hand… it makes your heartbeat erratic and your face flush. You could tell he wanted it, and he wanted it bad, so why didn’t you give in to it? Give in to him? The air around you shifts and whatever it was, it has you lowering yourself down onto the floor so that you were kneeling below him, hands clawing at his belt buckle.
His eyes widen when he realizes what you’re doing. “I was kidd –”
“Is this what you want?” you coo, “Want me on my knees like this?” You slip his belt through the loops slowly and muster up the most innocent smile you could.
“You should stop, I was kidding.” He grunts, forearms tightening when you get his belt off and start on his pants button.
“I think you should shut up.”
He complies and doesn’t say a word while you pull both his pants and boxers down till they pooled around his ankle and he kicked them off.
Lee Donghyuck had a right to be cocky.
His cock sprung up against his abdomen standing tall and hard, clear, sticky precum droplets collecting on his tip. He fidgets under your gaze, but you were in awe at how big he was.
“Are you just gonna look at it?” He whines, one of his hands wrapping around your head and fisting tightly in your hair, “At least kiss it or something.”
You watched him twitch slightly as the cold air met his length, and again when your hand wandered past his thigh to grip him in your palm, squeezing him tightly at the base. He shivers into your touch, “You have a pretty dick.”
“So, I’ve been told.” He all but moans and tries to bring your head forward.
His neediness draws you closer, and you take him in your mouth. He was heavy and sweet, so fucking right for you that you don’t think straight and take him all the way in till he hits the back of your throat.
“Fuck.” He groans, holding your head down till you were choking and batting his thighs.
When he lets up, you gasp for air though you don’t find yourself mad, instead, you feel the fire in your stomach growing hotter and the wetness in your panties pooling.
“Ke-Keep going.” He stutters, the intent was strong, but his words broke in the moment.
You turn you head and lick from the base of his cock to his tip, relishing the way he bucks his hips into your fist. A rosy blush covers his neck and cheeks when you look up at him. When you meet his doe eyes, they were hooded with lust. For a split second he watches you lick all over him, giving a few small kisses on his tip, before he rolls his head back and closes his eyes.
Messily, you spit on his tip, using your hands to spread it down his length and he groans into the stilled air. “You’re so fucking hot.”
“So, I’ve been told.” You mock his earlier words, and his hold on your hair tightens as a warning.
Rolling your eyes, you take him in your mouth again, leaving your hand to pump his base while you harshly suck at his hot skin. He tries to push into the back of your throat again but knowing that you couldn’t take him again without choking, you dig your nails into his thighs, leaving him to shamelessly whimper out.
“Your mouth feels so fucking good baby.” He grunts, losing himself in the way your warm mouth glides down his length, and the right amount of pressure you’re squeezing around his base. If he closed his eyes, he could almost pretend it was your cunt he was pounding into.
You hum around his cock at the praise and repeat your movements, slightly taken aback by his pet name. In the back corner of your mind, you hope it was just a slip of the tongue.
The alcohol had too much of a hold on you to think about anything else other taking his cock down your throat, and loving every second. 
His chest begins to heave, and his legs start to shake bit as you draw him deeper down your throat, and when you look up, you notice his curious eyes watching you. He thinks about unbuttoning his shirt but pushes the thought aside when you erratically rub the underside of his length with your tongue.
“Bet you love the taste of my cock.” He whispers and you moan around a mouthful of him, the vibrations sending him into a euphoric head high.
He wasn’t wrong. You loved this, loved the feeling of having him slightly submissive under you with his dominant nature peeking through a bit.
It felt like a fucking dream.
“Can I cum down your throat?”
You’re shocked that he’s close already, but with the palpable tension beforehand acting like foreplay, you shouldn’t be. You try and nod to the best of your ability and you guess he gets the message because he’s fisting your hair again and drawing you close, a string of curses falling from his lips.
Uncontrollable gasps and grunts leave him as he fucks your throat, leaving you to helplessly take it – take all of him, and before you know it, hot white cum is shooting down your throat, his head thrown back as he snaps his hips against your face.
You felt like a rag doll in his grip but that didn’t matter right now, all that mattered was swallowing his arousal, a bit of it landing on your tongue and while you thought it was going to taste salty, you’re mildly surprised to find its sweet.
“My god, I can’t believe you actually did that.”  He pants, moving to put his slacks back on while you stand up and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, “I – Thank you.”
A darker blush flushes on his face and he turns to you now fully dressed. He wasn’t sure what to say now, and that was a first for him.
“Are you happy?” You spit, a bout of spite coming out of nowhere, “Did you get what you wanted? Will you leave me and Jeno alone now?”
He stumbles back like your words had a physical effect on him, “What are you talking about? You dragged me in here?”
Where did the sudden flip of emotion come from? One minute you had his cock in your mouth and the next you’re yelling at him again. The both of you can’t come up with an answer, but somewhere in your brain you knew it was your way of trying to convince yourself the rising feelings you were having towards him weren’t a thing; would never be a thing.
“Just leave me and Jeno alone now. Okay?”
You straighten your blouse and fix your hair before opening the door behind you and storming out. He tries to follow you, half stumbling through the hall till he was out in the party again where his friends clap him on the back, congratulating him on ‘hitting that yellow tail’, but he can’t find it in himself to smile and jeer back. All he does is watch you storm away, his friend Renjun reaching out for you. Your dormmates try and stop you but you blow past them and round the corner where the door to the stairs were.
Should he let you go?
Or should he follow?
"Fuck this."
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TAGLIST. @txpxwxk @sunshinedhyuck @honeym4rk2 @saenora @peachjaem00 @grassbutneo @capri-cuntz @seajae @kenmathegreat @aliceinwhateverland @fraechan @monyuno @meowniee @ggukkyu @quarter-life-crisis2 @nominsgirl @dewydew @httpxelysian11 @rainyjeno
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imnotjaesblog · 2 months
Part 1: The Ravenclaw
Starring: Huang Renjun
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Mood: “I never thought I could detest someone so much, until the day I realized I was falling in love with you.”
Warnings: Smut, Some Angst, Renjun and Mc get stuck in a classroom together. Some fluff as well.
Words: 8k
The class had begun as normal as it could. Everyone would walk into the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and pull out their textbooks like you would on any other day. Yeri, your best friend, would always sit beside you. Robe draped down to her ankles and smile on her face.
Your professor would begin the class like normal. Greeting everyone then beginning with the lesson.
All would be normal except for the fact you had just woken up hungover from the night before. It was your first day back at Hogwarts. The night before was spent celebrating the beginning of your final year. A party held by a Gryffindor who had just completed their seventh year.
You and Yeri went to the party. She had returned you to the Gryffindor common room. She returned to the Slytherin dorms. Jeno found you asleep on the couch. He brought you to your bed. He didn’t stick around to watch you walk up. He assumed you’d be angrier to see him than annoyed at the pound in your head.
You had made friends with Yeri during your fourth year. Another reason for you and Jeno to fight.
He didn’t mind your Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff friends. He couldn’t stand the fact she was a Slytherin. You didn’t care, she was kinder to you than him.
Renjun had arrived early to class expecting to see you. When you weren’t there he raised his brow. He assumed you were just running late. He let out a sigh. You were never late. Never in your entire life were you ever late to class.
Your professor had noticed as well sending Renjun of all the students to find you. Annoyed and confused as to why he was selected he did what he was told to. Fifteen minutes into class and you were still missing. Jeno didn’t seem to be fazed. He questioned why for a moment. He brushed off the thought of leaving the classroom to find you.
Surely if he discovered you he’d use it against you in some way. Whatever way it benefited him. Maybe a perfect attendance award? Or a failing grade on your end. It didn’t matter to him if you were sick or sad. He could care less. He just wanted to rub it in.
He ventured off to the Gryffindor common rooms where he found you. Unfinished makeup on your face and slippers on instead of sneakers. You were rushing, moving so quickly that you dropped one of your textbooks. Renjun watched in awe. If he had his phone he’d take a picture to look back at how pathetic you looked later on.
“A sight like this is just the kick I need to make my morning all the more pleasant,” he said a smirk on his lips. He tapped his foot on the carpet.
You’d recognize his bitter voice anywhere. You looked up from the floor. Textbook in your hand. You huffed. “Why are you here?” You asked distasteful. He let his arms fall from his chest. He walked over to a table. He wiped off some dust flicking it away.
“I wanted to see where you were,” he said small chuckle leaving his lips.
You raised a brow. “Why? To spy on me?” You asked.
He shrugged. “Maybe. I was curious to see why you were so late,” he said standing up straight smiling forming on his lips. His eyes flicked up and down reading you. “Now I know why,” he said his brow cocking upwards.
“So? Why does it matter to you why I’m late?” You bit back.
“Because I have a reputation to uphold. You’re the only one who can match it,” he said. Your lips formed an O as you nodded your head sarcastically. Your arm crossed over your textbook holding it close. Your hand maneuvered around as you spoke.
“And what kind of reputation is that? Because if you need me to and I can go around and tell people you’re just a bitchless coward,” you said smirk on your lips. Renjun’s confidence flattened. His lips formed a tight line. He let out an angry shudder.
“Look Y/L I have no more time for your idiotic jokes. I was sent by our professor to find you and I have not found much,” he said eyeing you one last time before he stepped out of the common room and into the hallway. You rolled your eyes finally grabbing the rest of your things to head to class.
“I can provide extra credit for you,” your professor said disappointed due to your absence. You sighed not having any excuse for your lack of responsibility. Class always comes first if you truly want to leave. You just nodded taking the assignment from his hands.
As you turned around Renjun was already behind you. Your face shifts from regret to irritation. He wore the same expression as yours on his face. He shook his head hair swaying from side to side. Face full of disgust.
“Excuse me,” he said.
“Excuse me. I can not get past if you are standing in the wall like a useless statue,” you said back. He gawked at you as you brushed past him. Pushing him slightly to the side. He watched jaw slightly hung as you walked away.
Your professor just chuckled at the sight.
As you walked out of the classroom you felt someone bump hard into your shoulder. You turned to address them. "Watch where you're going," you spat. The guy who pushed past you had turned around two boys in black robes and green ties beside him like security. He turned scoffing out a smirk.
Of course, it was Jaemin.
"Maybe you shouldn't stand in the middle of the hallway," he tried to correct. "I left the classroom and you pushed me you asshole. Next time maybe watch where you're going," you argued. Jaemin chuckled the boys beside him mimicking him. You felt the top of your lip raise in disgust. They were mocking you.
Deciding to not deal with the Slytherin boys you turned to leave.
"Wait a minute!" called Jaemin. You kept walking ignoring his calls. He quickened his past proud smirk on his lips. He watched your feet pick up their pace. He enjoyed being the reason you ran away so quickly. You turned the corner into the courtyard walking to the fountain where you and Jeno used to sit together. You placed your bag on the grass.
Once you were seated you pulled out a book, Spells textbook. Thinking you'd lost Jaemin you opened the first chapter in relief until he sat beside you.
You jumped startled by how quick he was. Your shock turned quickly into irritation. "What do you want?" you asked over him and his games. He smiled, "I want you Y/n," he said softly. He looked you into your eyes. You scoffed turning away and moving an inch away from him. He followed keeping space between you too but an inch closer.
"Relax Y/n not like that," he said. "Although that would make you happy right? Make that first year inside your dreams come true?" he teased. His eyebrow raised and his head tilted in your direction. If you were closer to him it would fall on your shoulder.
You sighed pushing his head away with two of your fingers. "You repulse me Na Jaemin. From first year to now. I have never and will never have any interest in you. Understand?" you said back smirk forming on your lips. It was your turn to be proud. He sat back shaking off your words. He shrugged, "Whatever. I was only going to ask to be my partner for the Spells project," he said standing up and dusting off his expensive robe.
You shook your head. You crossed one leg over the other. "And what do you think my answer would have been?" you said back in the form of a question. Your arm hung over your crossed leg. Pencil dangling between your fingers. Jaemin just nodded off standing up.
You sent him a forced, painful-looking smile. "Always a pleasure Jaemin," you said.
Jaemin brushed you off sending the same smile as he walked off.
As Jaemin walked off you reopened your book. Flipping to the chapter you had just closed. You were about to begin reading before you looked up. Just across from you standing on the wet grass was Jeno. Standing, a bag hung over his shoulder and a few friends around him. One of the girls he was talking with, was the same girl he kissed the night of the Yule Ball.
You didn't know the girl well. You had shared classes together. Jeno had always seemed to take a liking to her. She was pretty. Big eyes, plumped lips, a round face. Her hair fell to her shoulders and her skin glowed even in the gloomy afternoon.
You were about to turn away beginning on your extra credit when Jeno's eyes met yours. He froze for a moment. Then he was puzzled. His smile had faded from his lips and he stood swaying unsure whether or not to approach you or not. His friends remained talking, laughing with one another. Jeno looked away then back at you. Your book remained open still on your lap. He let out a sigh ready to walk your way, even if you left.
However, an angry brown-haired boy with glasses came charging your way. Jeno adjusted his bag on his shoulder, biting his lip as he looked away laughing at whatever joke his friend said. You turned to the boy marching your way. Brows furrowed and eyes beaming at you. You huffed closing the book in your lap. You were getting nothing done sitting outside.
You went to stand placing your bag on the ground and onto your shoulder. But Renjun stopped. He blocked your way. "Wait a minute," he said placing a hand in front of you. It ghosted over your body motioning you to stop. You let out a huff already annoyed. "What?" you asked.
"I had no clue you needed extra credit. Are you failing?" he asked rather loud. Some people nearby sent glances your way. You shushed him grabbing him by the arm. You pulled him into the hallway just outside the courtyard. Most students were in the library or courtyard by this point.
"What is the matter with you? You asked him. "How do you even know about the extra credit?' you asked. He shrugged your arm off him readjusting his glasses. "I saw it in your hand," he said like it was obvious.
"So?" you asked. "What do you want to know why I'm, failing," you whispered the last part.
"I snapped through the professor's assignments. What happened?" he asked.
"You checked my grades?" you asked raising a brow. You shook your head furiously. "Why would you do that?" you asked confused. He huffed crossing his arms over his chest. He leaned his weight to his side. "Because if you fail then who do I compete with?" he asked. He pulled out a piece of paper from his bag. "I have the same assignment," he said holding the white paper up to you. You peaked at seeing it was the same.
"I can help you," he said.
"I don't need your help," you said. He rolled his eyes. You were being difficult to him. "Besides, why would you even want to help me?" you asked. "Because you're the only one here who can keep up with me," he said. He reached out grabbing the assignment from your hands. He looked down examining it, only reading your name.
He sighed licking his lips. His eyes flicked from the paper to yours, disappointed. You ripped the paper from his hands walking away from him. You'd just go to the Gryffindor common room to finish.
The next day came just as quickly as the day before. You spent the night moving from place to place. Trying to find the perfect place to finish the stupid assignment you just couldn't seem to finish. You attempted to finish in the common room. You sat by the fireplace pencil tapping on your paper for a few hours when Jeno and his friends walked in.
His arm hung around the girl who's skinned glowed in the fire. A few more of his friends stumbled in, drunk. They laughed loudly and he brought the girl upstairs. You ignored them focusing instead on your work.
You moved spaces again sitting by the large window in the tower. You looked out towards the sky, the bright moon illuminating where you sat inside. You tried again to start the assignment but to no avail. You ended up falling asleep.
By the next morning, you had completed the extra credit but rather quickly. Rushed scribbles are written down and the paper remains inside the Defense Agasint the Dark Arts textbook. You rushed to class trying to beat the clock.
A large crowd of students rushed down the hall pushing and shoving one another. You tried to push your way through the crowd which ended up getting you shoved so hard into another person you fell onto the ground. That person fell as well. You ignored them reaching out to grab your textbook that had fallen. Pages spread throughout the ground. You whinced in pain but didn't bother with the pain. Instead, you got up dusting yourself off.
You stood up look straight ahead eyes meeting with Jaemin. He smirked making his way through the crowd to you. Not wanting to deal with him you walked into an empty classroom. You closed the door behind you. You didn't notice someone else was in the room. Not until the creak of the door caught his attention.
"No Y/n don't let the door!" he shouted from his seat. He waved his hand motioning to the closing door. You rushed to close it but he shut right in front of you. You turned frustrated and ready to apologize until you saw Renjun.
He ran to the door grabbing onto the knob. Furiously he turned it hoping maybe it would open. It did not and he thumped his forehead on the door. He let out a sigh pulling out his wand. He whispered a spell to open the door, he turned the knob again but to no avail. He walked off back to the desk he was sitting at flipping through his textbook.
"That spell should have worked," he said annoyed. You sneered turning away and pulling out your wand. Throughout your years here you had saved several spells, storing them in your brain. You waved your wand the same spell Renjun said but the door remained locked. You tried a few different spells you had learned but nothing unlocked the door.
"Do not bother anymore," Renjun said. You turned to him. His temple is in between his finger and head facing downwards. "Someone placed a spell on the door. Whoever did it doesn't want us to get out until they say," he said. He let out another huff. Fixing his body just to walk to the empty seat behind his desk. He sat down flipping through pages of his book before settling into the pages.
You annoyed walked over to the much larger desk sitting on top of it.
Renjun watched through the top of his glasses. He disgustedly looked away deciding to ignore the ill manners you seemed to have grown into. You had caught his eye roll.
"Is there an issue?" you asked. His shoulders rose and fell. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said eyes still trained on the book in front of him. "I saw you roll your eyes," you commented. He shrugged. "So? I'm allowed to have such poor manners. Seeing yours have left," he said.
"Excuse me?" you asked. "How would you like me to sit?" you asked. "Like this?" you said in the form of a question. You stood up standing behind the desk and onto the professor's chair. You sat with legs crossed and hands placed on the desk, nicely. Renjun chewed the inside of his mouth. "I do not care how you sit Y/n. I'm just trying to pass the time by," he said.
You turned away from him swinging side to side in the chair. Your professor was going to be so mad. This wasn't the first time you were late to class this year. You were already failing you didn't want to add any more absences to your record. You sighed twirling your wand around in your fingers. You pouted your lips as you played with the wand. Hopefully, someone would open the door soon.
Ten minutes had passed and you were even more bored than you were before. You looked around the room for something to do. Renjun was still reading his book. You sighed loud enough to make Renjun flick his eyes on you.
Are you trying to get his attention? You were already locked in a room with him wasn't that enough? He checked his watch seeing how much time had passed. You decided he'd just ignore you turning back to his book.
A smirk formed on your lips. You picked up your wand waving it to his book. You lifted the book from the desk. Renjun was startled at first but quickly tried to get it back the higher it floated into the air. You brought the book your way placing it in your hands.
"Defense Against the Dark Arts," You read out loud. Your lips made a frown as you went through the pages. Interestingly enough some of the pages caught your eye. "You're reading ahead?" you asked him. He now stood in front of the desk trying to get the book back. "I always read ahead. I've already read this book," he said.
"How?" you asked.
"My parents kept theirs. I read it when I was a kid," he said. His words for the first time interested you. "They told you?" you asked. Renjun believing his life to be normal nodded confused at your question. "Did yours not?" he asked finally giving up on the book. You shook your head. "My parents told me the day I got the letter," you said.
Renjun sighed seeing beat look on your face. He assumed even if he got his book back he'd be able to do no reading. "Have your parents always been that way?" he asked fixing his glasses. You shook your head. The book is still in your hands. You flipped through the pages. All pages you hadn't read yet. "That was the only time they kept something like that from me," you said.
"Is that why you're failing?" he asked unable to hold back his questions. You sent him a glare. He raised his hand and placed it on his chest. "I apologize. I'm just a bit curious as to why you've been slacking," he said. He adjusted his body to face more of you. He placed one of his hands on the desk and spoke with the other.
"This may be overstepping but I would like to know," he said. You scoffed. "Why? To throw it in my face?" you asked. He shook his head.
"I fear our years of bickering is making me harder to understand," he said his head bowing down for a moment. You peeked at his face. He seemed genuine about his concerns. You checked the clock in the room. You still had a lot of time left before any class would end. You looked back at Renjun.
"I'm failing because I'd rather fail than pretend to be something I'm not," you confessed. Renjun shifted paying attention to your every word. "My whole life I've done what my parents said. I followed every rule they made. When I got to Hogwarts it was the same thing. I had to be perfect, and on top of being perfect, I had a reputation to uphold," you continued.
"My mother was one of the greatest witches during her time at Hogwarts. One of the many Gryffindor witches who helped Harry defeat Voldemort," you said pretending to be amazed. Your smile began to fade and your hands began to fall. "And since no evil Slytherin is lurking in the halls. All I have is to be smart. I just wanted more for myself. There's more out there for me, I just don't know where to begin," you said exhausted. Renjun understood you completely.
Your words spoke directly to him. His mind went straight to his parents. His whole life was controlled by the plan his parents had created for him. He felt bad for you as much as he pitied himself. He understood you and felt a sudden warmth in his chest when he realized he wasn't alone.
"My parents are the same," Renjun spoke after a pause between your conversation. You looked over at him giving him your attention. "They've had my entire life has been planned out for me since the moment I was born," he said. You raised your brows leaning back a bit but didn't speak. Seems like he had things worse than you did.
"They've trained me since I was a young boy. They even had a robe made for me in the most expensive cloth they could find, " He scoffed with a sarcastic laugh. He shook his head in disbelief at his parent's choices. "My happiness has never mattered to them. I've never had a friend or been to a party. I've never had a crush or skipped a class. If I so much as dirited my shirt my parents would show great disappointment in me," he said without breath.
He let out a sigh. Not wanting to burden you with his rant. "I just want to say I understand you. Y/n," he called your name at the end. Your eyes were already looking into his.
"The fights we have shared are the only interactions I hope for each morning I rise," he confessed and it broke you. The guilt that flooded your body and mind weighed you down below the surface. Your mouth felt dry and your eyes burned. Renjun a sad lonely boy with social issues was someone who you treated so poorly. He read the worry on your face.
"Do not be upset. I have not been the kindest to you. On that train, I overheard you and Jeno. I wanted to be your friend. The book on frogs you were reading, I had read to," he said with a soft smile. "I went to introduce myself but I remembered what my parents told me," he said.
"No friends, no girls, no parties. Just focus on your studies and you will succeed," his father's words echoed in his head even now. But right now in this moment they no longer mattered to him. His lips scrunched up not realizing his confession would make you feel as guilty as you felt.
"I'm sorry," is all you could utter from your lips. You shook your head playing with the fabric of your black robe. You raised your head looking into his eyes tears forming and some falling. "I'm sorry," you said quickly wiping them away. Renjun was somewhat startled. He had never seen you sad before. He always saw you focused or annoyed. Sometimes from afar, he'd see you happy. But he'd never seen you sad, let alone cry.
He traveled behind the desk placing a hand on your shoulder. He gently patted your shoulder. "Y/n I did not mean to upset you. I just wanted you to know that I've never felt alone with you. Even if you hate me," he said. You sniffled slightly embarrassed you were crying. You moved away a little a slight nod. "I don't hate you," you said shaking your head.
"I'm jealous," you said wiping your nose. Renjun was taken aback. His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat at your sudden confession. How could anyone be jealous of him? He never knew anyone long enough to be his friend or his enemy. His only ever enemy was you. But to be jealous of him? If anything he envied you.
"Jealous?" He questioned. He shook his head confused. "Jealous of me?" he asked a scoff leaving his lips. You sent him a look feeling like he was making fun of you. You nodded, "You're smarter than me," you said.
He scoffed out a laugh. "Me?" he asked pointing to himself. "Surely I am better equipped when it comes to Spells but Y/n do you not here what people say about you?" he asked raising a brow surprised expression still on his face. You looked back at him confused. "People talk?" you asked. He nodded as if you should have known.
"Throughout the halls, they talk about how perfect you are. Everywhere you go you are loved. They even place bets between us to see which one will score higher on an exam and almost every time most students bet on you," he spoke. He paused for a moment.
He let out a sigh. "You may not have seen it but as someone who sits alone a lot and just watches. I've seen how much you are adored," he said attempting to make you feel better. "So it is I who is jealous of you," he said. You turned up looking him in his eyes. He smiled already looking down into yours. The two of you paused for a moment looking into each other's eyes.
You lifted your hand to him extending it. He flicked his eyes to your hand. "Friends?" you asked. He stared for a moment. Thinking and accepting the fact he finally had a friend. He smiled with a nod of his hand shaking it. "Friends," he said back. The smile on your lips began to fade. His thumb rubbed across the back of your hand. You two stood that way him holding onto your hand.
He began to lean in closer. You didn't move away. His eyes flicked from your eyes to your lips, then back to you. Your eyes began to flutter shut when the door opened. Renjun stopped but remained holding your hand. He turned your hand over cupping it in his. Your professor stood at the door.
"Well done. You both passed the extra credit," he said. His words didn't even register in your head. To be lost in the moment. The tension is high between the two of you.
Renjun turned to the professor. Your hand began to slip from his causing him to quickly turn around and face you. "If you need my help, a tutor," he said, tilting his head lightly. "Let me know," he said pulling away. He packed his things sending you one last galance before he left. You fixed your posture waking from your trance. You gathered your things, barely sending your professor a galance still trying to figure out what happened.
A few days had passed since you were locked in a classroom with Renjun. You didn't speak much to him. You did, however, pay more attention to the whispers in the library. Students gossip with one another. You were studying when you heard whispers not too far from where you sat in the Study Hall. You looked at the pair of students at the long table three seats down from you.
Two-sixths years looking in your direction. They turned away once you had caught them staring. They whispered to each other again. You pulled out your wand. Hiding it in the sleeve of your robe. You used a spell to hear them better.
"I heard she's falling behind," the girl whispered to the brown-haired boy beside her. He glanced at you. He turned back to the girl shaking his head.
"There's no way. She's got the highest exam scores in the entire school," he said back. The girl pursed her lips and shook her head.
"I bet one galleon Renjun passes her by the end of the week," she whispered back. They snickered and you sighed. You stood up slamming your study book closed. They both jumped with cheeky expressions on their faces turning quickly into alarm. You picked up your bag throwing it over your shoulder. You made your way to leave both of them turning away.
Before you completely walked out you stopped closing turning to them bending to their level. "Next time I'd watch what you'd say. You never know who's listening," you said wand appearing slowly from your sleeve. The two now frightened scrambled their things and left in a rush. You smirked to yourself. Your arms proudly crossed over your chest. You were about to walk away until you were met with Jeno.
This was the first time you had seen him in here, well, it was the first time you had ever seen him in here alone. He was frowning hand holding onto to leather shoulder bag. "Y/n that wasn't right. I've never heard you threaten anyone with magic before," he said disappointed. You scoff the proud smirk on your lips wearing off and turning into displeasure.
"Get over it," you said pushing past him. He quickly grabbed onto your arm. You yanked it away sending him an uncomfortable, disgusted glare. You marched off outside the Study Hall. The doors behind you had reopened. Now you were pissed. You walked off through the halls heading to cut through the rather empty courtyard.
You could hear his footsteps catching up to yours. He grabbed onto your arm again stopping to hold you still. You turned to him, annoyed, yanking him away again. "What?" you asked distasteful.
He sighed adjusting his bag. "That didn't sound like you back there. I was just concerned," he frowned.
You wore a sarcastically shocked expression on your face. "Oh? Like you've been for the last two years?" you asked a higher pitch in your voice. He huffed, Jeno believed he was being a good friend. He just couldn't get why you hadn't gotten over the whole situation already. He wasn't even dating that girl and if he was why did you even care? He never dated you.
"Look, I'm just a bit worried. I've overheard some things about you failing. Is that true?" he asked brows furrowing worriedly. You sighed irritated. "What I did in the Study Hall doesn't concern you nor do any of my life decisions. All of that stopped being of any worry to you when you ditched me to hang out with your new friends," you said. Jeno went to speak but you had peered over his shoulder. Seeing Renjun had just walked into the courtyard.
You held up your hand to him pausing his words. "Excuse me my friend is here," you said walking past him and straight to Renjun. Growing smile on your lips. Leaving Jeno's words to fall flat.
Renjun was bending down placing his bag by the fountain when you approached him. He looked up eyes squinted from the gloomy sun. Once he spotted you he smiled. He rose dusting off his hands. "Y/n hello to what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked taken back a bit. He had felt the slight tension between the two of you in class. You assumed you'd keep your distance.
You took a few steps to him. Hands holding the textbook in front of you. You felt nervous, like you had in your first year the first time you approached Jaemin. Only this time Renjun looked happy to see you. His smile made the nerves in your stomach calm a bit.
"We're friends right?" you cocked a brow a smile forming on your lips. "I need a favor from you," you said. He sat down on the edge of the fountain. You moved some of your robe to the side sitting down beside him. "What is it?" he asked turning his face to yours.
"I need you to help me study," you said rather quickly. He widened his eyes. He scoffed out a low laugh trying to hide his shocked expression. The shock came more from you asking him. He assumed, like other things, you would return to ignoring him. He felt his inside spark knowing you'd be with him, together.
He nodded, "I can help you. What time is good for you?" he asked.
"I have a free period tomorrow and late nights," you responded. He smiled with a small nod. "Okay," he said. It seemed easier to talk to him now ever since the classroom. The more you thought about it the pitty you felt for him had started to change. He told you he was lonely and you had avoided him. But it wasn't because you still held onto the bent-up frustrations towards him.
The relationship starting between the two of you as friends wasn't harmful or bad for you. It was the lingering feeling that there was something more. And that made you question the friendship you two hadn't even begun yet.
The time you spent studying with Renjun went well. He showed up on time almost every day at eleven o'clock during your shared free period. When he wasn't studying with you in the study hall you spent time sneaking him into the common rooms. When other Gryffindor students arrived you'd hide and finish in the tower.
Tonight was one of those nights.
You had both snuck off to the Tower sitting on the steps by the open window. You both ran quickly up the stairs both dressed comfortably. Renjun's style was what you assumed it would appear like, at least his nightwear.
Matching silk navy blue pajama set. The set was about one and fifty dollars in the muggle world where it was purchased. Your sleepwear is just a pair of charcoal sweats and a white T-shirt. You both giggled running up the stairs in slippers. You finally rested on the steps Renjun following behind. Your laughter died down both of you staring into each other's eyes.
He cleared his throat lifting the Potions textbook. "Let's continue," he said handing you yours. You had taken off without it. Leaving it in front of the fireplace when two Gryffindor seventh years walked in. You thanked him for reopening the page you were both on.
He reloads the information from the textbooks. Something about Veritaserum.
You, bored, looked over at the window. The gentle midnight breeze danced on your skin. You looked towards the bright moon in the sky. Renjun noticing he was the only one talking looked up at you. His eyes followed the direction of your body. He looked up small smile forming on his lips. Of course, you had gotten distracted. He wasn't mad at you for it. He had expected it.
You tended to get distracted easily. In your first study session, you watched a butterfly fly from flower to flower. You did it most times out of boredom.
"Renjun it's the moon pretty," you commented eyes smiling. He scoffed out a small smirk eyes looking at the moon. They shifted to you and with a gentle nod he spoke. "Yeah, it's beautiful," he said. You finally turned to him. Cheeks cool from the gentle breeze. Your eyes meet Renjun's, who we're already facing yours. You tilted your head touching your chest lightly.
"Me or the moon?" you asked light-heartedly. You meant it more as a joke, just to tease him. You didn't expect an answer. Instead for him just to brush you off. He smiled softly eyes full of stars.
"You," he spoke.
You felt your cheeks warm up. You didn't expect a response. And you didn't think he'd respond like that. He continued his long trance in your eyes. You felt like he could see every inch of you. Inside and out of your body. He wasn't just looking at your face but your mind, and soul. He was seeing you. Renjun always believed you to be beautiful. Since the moment he saw you on that train during your first year, he had fallen in love.
Another reason he had for hating you. You hated him and he loved you. It would never work.
Until now. Now he had hope.
Stunned written on your features he broke from his haze. He blinked a few then turned back to the textbook. Reality had settled in. You didn't feel the same way. The look on your face said it all. He sighed trying to refocus on the study session.
"We should go over" he began turning to you as he spoke. Words cut short as you held onto the side of his face pulling him closer to you. Soon the tension built between you two exploded when your lips met his. Renjun, awaiting this moment, felt he had been dreaming. He pulled away just to glance at your face. Both your chests heaving. He read no regret on your face. Neither did you on his.
You gripped onto his shirt pulling him closer to your body lips clashing together again. Renjun's hands slipped down from your cheek to your waist pulling you closer to his body. You could the heat between the two of you rise blocking out the midnight breeze you had felt before. You lifted one of your legs over his waist. Renjun gripped onto your hips adjusting you closer and chasing your lips.
You moan on his lips. Your sounds went straight from his head to his cock. Your touches set his body on fire. He dragged your wiats forward placing your throbbing pussy over his clothed dick. Through the silken pants and your sweats, you could feel him. He dragged you again releasing a moan from both of your lips.
Then Renjun woke from the spell you had him under and remembered they were on the stairs. He paused for a moment brows furrowed. Pulling away before things could escalate. You placed your hand placed on his chest. "What is it?" you asked worriedly. "Are you okay?" you followed with. He nodded but didn't speak. You chuckled, "What is it then? Are you a virgin?" you playfully teased. He shook his head. "What?" he asked. He shook his head again hands still gripped onto your waist tightly. "I'm not," he responded.
That shocked you but you kept it to yourself.
"I just remembered were on the steps of the Tower. Anyone can see," he said. You looked behind you seeing how exposed you both were. You chewed on your lip. You turned back to him with a shrug. "I don't care if you don't," you said back. His eyes widened for a moment. The idea went straight to his cock. He scoffed out a lazy smile. He barely used half his brain when you were speaking to him. Suggesting to continue anyway without a care.
He pictured someone finding the two of you. Maybe even Jeno would walk out and see him fucking you on the steps of the Tower and there was nothing he could do about it. The idea sparked a fire in him. Besides, if someone unwanted did appear he'd use a spell to get rid of them.
He turned your cheek pulling you back into a kiss. He finally had you. He wasn't going to let some roaming student ruin things for you both. You grind on his fully hard cock. Lifting your shirt over your head. He did the same throwing it off to the side somewhere in the dark. He smiled into your eyes. You took his hand gliding it down your exposed body running his hand over your exposed nipples. You haven't been wearing a bra. Renjun had noticed but kept quiet.
"Touch me Jun," you whined. The nickname pulled him further in. When you called for him like that he wanted to give you everything. He leaned forward lips engulfing your nipple. Your head fell back mouth open. You let out quiet moans continuing to grind on his cock. He rutted his hips upwards into yours. The other hand comes up to massage the other breast.
"Fuck," he cursed. You pooled in your panties. You could feel a gush of wetness release from your hole hearing his curse. He rarely ever did and hearing his voice, deeper and raspy spitting filthy curses from his mouth fucked you.
He pulled away aching to return to your plush lips. You kissed featherly before pulling away to take off your pants. Sliding the fabric down your legs. He did the same tossing them to the side. You slid down your panties, slowly, watching his eyes follow them to the ground and then back to taking in your exposed body.
You stepped forward bringing his hand up and allowing him to touch you. Curious hands found their way between your legs. You spread them for him feeling his fingers collect your wetness, coaxing his fingers. He felt lost. Lost in the feeling. Between your lips and pussy he felt loose. He felt like right now he could do anything.
He rubbed circles around your clit. You tried your best to conceal your moans. He used his other hand to bring you closer. Becoming the same hand to hold you steady as his tongue inched closer to your burning pussy. He opened his both using the fingers that abused your clit to spread you open. His tongue met your slit. Licking up your juices. Your hand reached his dark locks. Gripping tightly on his hair. He groaned into your pussy at the taste.
"So sweet," he slurred chin already covered. Glistening in the moonlight. He circled your clit with his thick tongue. Looking up with big eyes into yours. Watching below as he attacked your clit engulfing it between his lips sucking and licking hard. You moaned head falling back. His other hand holding you still preventing you from falling or moving away from him.
You felt yourself get closer and closer to release. He could feel it too. He moved faster on your clit. The other hand reaches up to circle the outside of your tight hole before sliding in. You felt a rush of heat flow throughout your body. He groaned deeply from the grip you had on his hair. Controlling his head, using his mouth to get off. It fucked with his mind. Drinking up every inch of you.
Renjun bringing you close to the high you craved. Sweat glides down your body touching his forehead. Sweat stuck to his dark locks sticking to his forehead. His arms hand tightened getting tired but he didn't care. He continued desperately trying to get you to release. The sounds that slipped from your lips made him forget.
"Fuck Renjun I'm gonna cum," you whined. You spilled into his mouth and he hand't waiting. Continuing to suck you dry. You pulled away when it became too much. He laid back a bit on the cool steps. The air cooled his body. Eyes glued to your glowing skin. He bit his lip drinking in your body. You had done the same with him. Renjun was so pretty. There were no other words for it. You wanted to ruin him. Ruin his pretty hair and lips. His pretty clothes and body. You leaned down pulling his boxers down.
Cock springing out hard and red. He wasn't too thick but he was long. You bit your lip. You touched him, gently. You couldn't help it. It was cock was pretty too. He moaned at your touch bottom lip between his teeth.
He stood up pushing your hand away. "If you keep doing that I'll cum. I don't want to cum on your hand," he said with pleaded eyes. You let go. He stood up walking and leaning you against the wall. Back touching the cold surface. Your eyes focused on his wrapping your arms around his neck. He held onto your wiats sending you a gentle tap. You jumped at the motion wrapping your legs around his. Your cunt touching his dick. You both moaned at the feeling.
Without missing a beat Renjun gripped his dick aligning it with your entrance. "Wait," he spoke. You raised a brow confused and out of breath. "What?" you asked. He placed you back down. He walked over to his bag pulling out a condom. "Do you want me to wear one?" he asked. You nodded with a smile. He smiled back placing it on his cock. He made his way back to you. This time lifting you and sitting you by the window. He spread your legs apart pussy on full display and bright from the moon.
It was dangerous but you didn't care.
He could see every outline and drip of wetness that fell from your hole. He bit onto his lip, hard. He took in your entire body. He could have sworn you were sculpted by the Gods themselves. He hadn't even realized he was starting to touch his dick until you started to close your legs slowly. He blinked slowly his movements. He held onto your knees spreading you apart again.
"Don't be shy," he spoke softly just above a whisper. "The Gods themselves would envy you. Envy the beauty they've given to you," he spoke genuinely taken away by your beauty and not just from your body. You felt like you were going to explode. No one had ever made you feel so beautiful, so seen.
He leaned down placing a gentle kiss on your lips. He started to slip in. Inching himself inside you causing you to pull away. Lips inches away from each other. You let out a breath as he slipped himself inside you.
"Fuck," you both groaned once he rested inside you. He waited for a moment. Then you tapped his shoulder. "Please move," you begged. He started his pace slow. Hands roaming around your body and you found their way to his back. Pulling him closer to you pulling him deeper into your cunt. He sat back hands gripped onto your waist slowly moving his cock inside you.
"Rejun," you called through whines. He looked up at you. "Yea?" he asked.
"Please move faster you don't have to be gentle," you responded.
He nodded picking up his pace. He fucked into you faster and hangs gripped on your waist. Teeth gritting as he pounded into you. Your head fell back moans releasing into the night. He picked your head up moving it to look at you. Forcing your eyes to open.
"Watch," he said deeply eyes dark. He was going to give you what you wanted. You felt him quicken his speed staring deeply into your eyes. You could see the passion in his dark eyes. His eyes memorized the moment. You did the same. Looking down see where his dick disappeared inside you. You moaned loudly squeezing around his dick.
"Fuck baby you feel so good," he moaned. He whined feeling you squeeze him again. He leaned forward whimpering inside your ear but kept his fast pace. He is close to cumming. He didn't want to cum yet, not without you. He brought his hand between your legs rubbing circles around your clit bringing it closer to your edge.
You felt your stomach tighten. The slurping sound was loud between you two. Bodys smacking into one another echoed throughout the Gryffindor halls. The moon began to fall behind you. A peak of the sun is soon to replace it.
"Fuck Jun I'm so close," you moaned watching his arms flexing as he rubbed hard around your clit matching the pace of his cock. "Me too baby," he groaned releasing into the condom. He watched your pussy drip cum spilling from your hole and down his shaft. His mouth fell open watching your juices squish along the outside of his cock. He slowly pulled out taking off the cum quickly. He leaned forward before you could stand.
He held onto your waist. Spreading your legs himself. He lunged forward cleaning you up.
Once you felt overstimulated you pushed his head away. You chuckled lightly looking down at him. Hair tossed around and lips puffy, and burned. The cheeks and tips of his ears flushed red. Chest covered red and pink. You hadn't even seen the scratch marks on his back yet.
Still pussy drunk he slowly stood up grabbing his wand. He waved it and whispered a spell. The Tower is clean like you had found it. Clothes on both of you and feeling refreshed. The spell cleaning you up perfectly. It felt like you had just stepped out of the shower. You smiled but your smile faded when you noticed the sun. You heard the rustling of students. Wasting no time you both ran out of the tower. He gave you one last glance as you ran into your room to change.
He hoped this wasn't the last time. He walked off quickly back to the Ravenclaw dorms.
You quickly got ready, running to class. You had seen Renjun in class but when you went to sit beside him Jeno had taken the seat. He had never sat there before. Let alone anywhere near Renjun. He found him extremely annoying.
You quickly scanned his face seeing he was upset. You sighed looking away from him and at Renjun with a frown. Confused he wore one too. You turned away and saw the only seat left was beside Jaemin.
You rolled your eyes and walked to the empty seat. Him already glad to have you there. You sat beside him sending him a dirty look at his pathetic smirk. The only thing that caught your eye was when your professor handed you your exam face up. You looked down seeing you had passed.
"Welcome back nerd," Renjun whispered too as he walked past your desk. You smiled at him and the paper proudly holding it in your hands.
To Be Continued...
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I hope you all enjoyed Part 1: Ravenclaw ! Please stay tuned for Part 2 I promise it will be just as juciy ;)
And if you can please vote! And share with others who may enjoy this series! See you next time.
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dalivanmagritte · 10 months
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Because why not and i love hp so kpop x hp is the only good answer 🫶
amortentia (masterlist, ongoing serie)
gryffondor captain! seungcheol
deskmates to lovers? slytherin!jeonghan
honeydukes lovers hufflepuff!joshua
take responsibility, choi! (gryffondor!seungcheol, fluff)
smells like you later! (gryffondor!seungcheol, fluff)
gentle sexy (hufflepuff!joshua, fluff)
nct dream and hogwarts (serie finished, smut)
a hogwarts collection (serie finished, jeno, jaemin, haechan, renjun, smut, fluff, angst)
not so charming (gryffondor!jaehyun, fluff)
head over broomsticks (gryffondor!jaehyun, fluff, suggestive)
lion boy (gryffondor!mark, fluff)
amortentia and quidditch (gryffondor!mark, fluff)
my sunset is yours (gryffondor!jeno, fluff)
transfiguration spell (gryffondor!jeno, fluff, smut, angstish)
helping hand (hufflepuff!jeno, fluff)
better than words (slytherin!haechan, fluff)
scent (slytherin!haechan, fluff)
hufflepuff!jaemin at hogwarts (fluff)
dedication (slytherin!jaemin, fluff)
what do you desire? (slytherin!jaemin, fluff)
from the shadows (slytherin!san, fluff)
the champion (slytherin!san, angst)
catch me if you can (slytherin!san, fluff)
124 notes · View notes
beautifulchris · 1 year
mischief managed
pairing: han jisung x gn!reader
wc: 3,2k
featuring: lee minho, kim seungmin, sf9’s chani, nct’s jaemin
summary: jisung tries to break every single rule with you
genres: hogwarts!au, partners-in-crime!au, ravenclaw!jisung, slytherin!reader, fluff, comedy
warnings: swearing
notes: I wanna apologize to jaemin for doing him so dirty, my baby doesn’t deserve this sdjkfqlk feedback is always appreciated! moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland
tag list: @badwithten @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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On the King’s Cross train station on your very first day, you almost missed the train because your dad absolutely wanted to take the best pic of his precious kid going to the mythic Hogwarts school. So you ended up in an almost empty compartment. The other compartments around were full and there was just this boy alone.
“Hey, can I sit here?” You probably startled him because he looked up at you with wild eyes but instantly smiled at your sight.
“Yeah, sure.”
“What are you doing all alone?” you asked as you sat in front of him.
He shrugged. “Looking at my chocolate frog cards collection.”
“Wow, nice. Can I see?”
He handed them to you, “Yes, of course. I’m Jisung by the way.”
“I’m Y/N.”
Since that day, you were inseparable and soon became partners-in-crime. Being put in different houses didn’t stop you.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
After learning Alohomora in charms class, you wandered in the castle to find a forbidden office to open and what better one than the caretaker’s where a whole lot of interesting things were stored?
There, you found a few dungbombs that Jisung instantly took, confiscated brooms and chains. A lot of perfectly polished chains hung on the walls.
“I understand why he doesn’t stay here often,” you snorted and returned to your inspection. In a dusty cabinet named ‘Confiscated and Highly Dangerous’, you found an old piece of blank parchment. It was mysteriously well conserved taking into account where it was so you put it in your pocket. Further inspection will be done to know how a simple parchment could be ‘highly dangerous’.
“I’m kinda disappointed. Sure we’ll use the dungbombs wisely but I thought there were more interesting treasures.”
“Don’t be so down yet Ji, I found a mystery to resolve. Let’s go before we get caught.”
Fortunately, you didn’t get caught. You both went to your common room, being a quiet place with almost no students at this hour. You showed Jisung the parchment and counted on his intelligence and logic to figure out how it worked. After a few minutes, he looked up at you and smirked.
“I feel like it’s in good hands now.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Instead of answering, he put his wand out of his pocket and pointed it to the parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” he simply said. You were going to question him when the parchment caught your eye. Ink was spreading on the paper and soon you could read:
“Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present…”
“The Marauder’s Map,” Jisung whispered with stars in his eyes.
“What is this? Open it!”
Jisung did as told and both of you were dumbfounded by what you discovered. A map of the whole school, including the secret passages that are hidden within its walls and the location of every person in the grounds, portrayed by a dot. This map, a true masterpiece, within your hands was a disaster for everyone else.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿ฺ
Three years later, you knew everything you could possibly have learned about the school. Neither Ravenclaw or Slytherin could win the house cup as long as you both were in Hogwarts. No matter the amount of effort Seungmin, Changbin and Minho would make to earn points, they could never make up for your wickedness. You did earn points sometimes in classes when you answered correctly to a teacher’s question and you weren’t the only one to lose points either so you didn’t feel so bad. You did lose more points than you earned but shhh. Let's not talk about that.
One day, on your way to the lake after lunch, Gryffindor Jaemin called your name so you stopped in your tracks and waited for him to join you.
“Hey, Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to study with me after class? For transfiguration.”
Uh. Jaemin has never been your friend and the most he ever said to you before now was “Get out of my way, filthy Slytherin.” the second day of your first year. Therefore you were startled, to say the least. Plus you wanted to study with Jisung, not some acquaintance you never talked to and weren’t interested in.
“Not really, I already have plans for tonight. Thank you for the offer though.”
You tried to sound as nice as you could but without much convection and left before he could reply. A few meters away, Jisung saw the whole scene and wondered what you had told him because he looked displeased. He joined you and you smiled at him before intertwining fingers.
The next day, Jisung and you were sunbathing with a nice autumn breeze on a bench in the courtyard when someone came in front of you, preventing the sun from warming your face. You opened your eyes and were met with Jaemin and a few of his friends.
“Can you move please?” you politely demanded, since you didn’t want to start anything.
“Are you dating him?” he asked, pointing at your best friend.
“Then why did you reject my date proposal?”
Oh my god. Really? You were going to put him in place but Jisung’s mocking laugh stopped you.
“Really dude? You want to do this here?”
“I don’t think you’re in the conversation.” Jaemin’s glare didn’t please you.
“Should’ve asked to talk to Y/N in person then instead of creating unnecessary drama.”
Jaemin looked like he was going to throw hands so you spoke before it went too far.
“Guys, let’s stay civil here. I rejected you cause I’m not interested in you, there's no other motive. Now can you let us be?” His friends laughed at him and you could swear you heard one of them say something about a bet.
“Wait, asking Y/N out on a date was a bet?”
“And what about it?” Jaemin said cockily. Jisung was fuming and you were disgusted by the boy.
“Can’t you respect people? No one deserves to be a bet’s victim. You guys suck.”
He scoffed. “I’m sure you’re the type of guy who hides when it comes to fight.”
“Try me.” You knew by his glare that he wasn’t playing anymore. Jaemin was smirking but not for long.
“Let’s duel.”
Jisung was so fast to put his wand out, it surprised Jaemin. You tried to stop them but it was useless because their pride was at stake.
Before you could blink, Jaemin ended up mouthless and you heard a woman screaming but you didn’t listen, being amazed by the spell’s effect. Jisung took your hand and ran through the corridors, hearing the professor yelling she would remove twenty points from his house.
You managed to catch your breath while Jisung was answering an easy riddle —for him— to enter the Ravenclaw common room.
“I can’t believe you really did it.”
“He challenged me! You know I can’t say no to that,” Jisung sighed.
“I know. That was brilliant, by the way.” You sat on one of the comfortable chairs like you lived there —it wasn’t totally false— and you were followed by your partner-in-crime.
“Thanks! I practiced this one a lot, I couldn’t wait to use it for real.”
“I hope you didn’t do anything foolish,” said a voice behind you.
“Oh, Seungmin! I didn’t see you there.” Jisung turned around and smiled. Seungmin was reading a book in a blue armchair. He closed it and gave his attention to his friends. “I hope you’re not hoping too hard.”
“How much?”
“What do you mean?” Jisung’s innocent act didn’t work since the second time he used it but he was still trying three years later.
“Twenty,” you answered. Seungmin gave Jisung a look and he shrugged.
“It was fun and I don’t regret it.” He folded his arms and pouted like a grounded kid.
“Of course you don’t,” Seungmin loudly exhaled.
“You’ll make it up for it, won’t you?”
Seungmin sighed deeply. He felt like he had to work twice as hard to win back the points Jisung made their house lose but it was never enough. “I always do, but don’t you think you should calm down a bit?”
“Absolutely not. There’s still a lot of rules Y/N and I haven't broken yet, so many adventures and exciting moments to live.” Jisung smiled widely at you while Seungmin implored you with his eyes to stop him. Your gaze went from one to another without really knowing what to say and before you could, someone sat next to Jisung and typed on the table.
“What mischief are you going to commit today pals?” It was Chani, one of the chasers of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and a fellow 4th year.
“Hey Chani! Already done, Jaemin asked for a duel and I used Oscausi on him.”
“Oh I don’t know th-” Chani started.
“OSCAUSI? Jisung, are you crazy?” Seungmin got up so fast he startled everyone, including others around him.
“Don’t worry, he got his mouth back,” Jisung waved his hand with indifference, Jaemin deserved it after all. “Eventually.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, really.” Jisung and Chani just laughed at that and Jaemin unofficially became your target for a lot of future mischief.
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“I haven’t lost any points in days, maybe I should start to pay attention in arithmancy class.”
It was this time of the year where the air was so cold you just stayed in your or Jisung’s common room and studied to prevent boredom.
Jisung pulled his robe hood over his head and gently slapped you in the back of the head. “Transfigure this quill into a rat and put it onto Jaemin’s head.”
“I mean, yeah, that’s a funnier idea.”
You lost ten points for it but you found it so fun you were back on track until the next cold day.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
You always loved the Ravenclaw common room. You didn’t dislike the Slytherin one, but it was cold and unfriendly when you weren’t a Slytherin yourself. Plus you loved warm places. What you liked the most about the Ravenclaw common room was the domed ceiling painted with stars. You could literally watch it for hours until having to go to your own dorm to sleep. If you weren’t friends with Jisung, you probably would never have been able to lose yourself in the stars because you weren’t that close with Seungmin or Chani and you didn’t really know any other Ravenclaws.
You were currently lying down on one of the couches, your head on Jisung’s lap, helping each other revise (yes, it happens!) for the history of magic test about the goblin rebellions you would have the next day, more concentrated on the stars than the subject. It was calming and it helped you stress less about the tests.
“Where’s Muffin?” you asked out of nowhere.
It made Jisung flinch but when didn't he? Just like she knew her name, she appeared next to you, purring loudly. You put her on your belly and patted her head lovingly.
“Don’t forget she’s my cat,” whined Jisung as he closed his book and put it on the coffee table next to the couch.
You smirked. “Don’t be jealous cause she loves me more.”
The elegant Siberian cat got up and rubbed herself against your best friend’s chest, waving her tail on your face.
“You were saying?”
You rolled your eyes and opened your transfiguration book which was on the floor. It was going to be a long night and you’ll probably have to go back to your dorm after curfew. Bless the marauder’s map in those moments.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
The Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was coming up and Jisung had to practice more than usual as the seeker. He was going to play against Changbin after all. They both were really good so you wondered who would win the match. Gryffindor had won the first match against Slytherin and Ravenclaw won the one against Hufflepuff thanks to Jisung’s agility and speed.
You always followed Jisung at his training, it was the only moments he wasn’t trying to break the rules. He was pretty serious about Quidditch actually, even if after each training since your 3rd year, you went to drink a mug of butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks with Chani. It was like tradition.
The day of the match, you cheered on your team and your friends, so basically both teams. The competitive mindset of the two seekers could be felt from afar, everybody knew the match was going to be intense. At the end, the score was 350-200 for Slytherin, because Yugyeom, one of the Slytherin beaters, sent a bludger on Jisung’s broom, causing him to spin around and allowing Changbin to catch the golden snitch. It was a good game and Jisung didn’t fall so it was a double win.
Of course you would say that cause you're a Slytherin.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
Ravenclaws shared the defence against the dark arts class with Slytherins so, naturally, Jisung and you were seated together.
“Hello everyone! Today’s lesson is about acromentulas.” As the professor proceeded with his lecture, you felt your strong partner-in-crime shiver in his seat. You looked at him and were surprised by how much he looked terrified of acromentulas, not that you could blame him, these giant spiders were scary as hell.
“You okay there, bro?” He didn’t answer and was so pale you thought he was going to faint. You tried to comfort him but he was frozen.
The professor, not giving a care about what was happening in front of his face, decided to show some photos of acromentulas and as if it didn’t trigger Jisung enough, he eventually showed a real one in a big cage. From what you’ve seen in your books, it was nearly a teen so it wasn’t that big compared to his adult size but it was still big enough to scare the hell out of Jisung. He literally fell off his chair and the sound made the professor pay attention.
“Jisung? What happened?”
“He’s really scared of acromentulas, sir. Can you please put it away?”
“Oh. Yes, of course.”
While the professor finally put it away, you helped Jisung sit back.
“You okay?”
“Not really. That shit’s so grim.”
“I know, take deep breaths. It’s gone, everything’s alright.”
His breathing was unsteady for a few moments but he quickly got his composure back.
“I’m sorry Jisung, didn’t mean to frighten you. Class’ dismissed. Except you, Jisung.”
Everyone left except Seungmin, who checked on his friend, Jisung and you.
The professor went to his office and came back with chocolate.
“Here, eat this, you’ll feel better. I didn’t know it was this horrifying for you.”
He accepted the chocolate and ate it slowly. “It’s okay, you couldn’t know. Arachnophobia isn’t cool.”
“I won’t show any spider in this class from now on, I promise.”
“Thank you sir.”
“You can go now, drink water and rest.”
As you left class, Jisung whispered in your ear. “I don’t need water, I need a good butterbeer.”
You both chuckled and, after saying bye to Seungmin who certainly left to go to the library to do his homework, went to the Three Broomsticks using the secret passage beneath the one-eyed statue by the stairs of your last class to drink one or two mugs of butterbeer.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
Two months before the end of the year, Jisung had the baddest yet boldest idea so far. It was remarkable how he never failed to impress you.
“I’m going to use this potion on Jaemin, he’ll definitely leave you alone after that.”
“He left me alone after I put a rat onto his head but suit yourself, bro.”
You were hiding behind stairs on the third floor, waiting for Jaemin to walk down. Jisung was holding his flask tight in his hand. When you heard people talking, you discreetly looked up and saw Jaemin. Jisung didn’t hesitate and before you could react, his flask was emptied on Jaemin’s head. His hair slowly stood on end but it wasn’t all, it also turned into candy apple red. He somehow added Colovaria to the hair-rising potion and you were about to congratulate him when you got a glimpse of Minho upstairs.
Jaemin left, horrified, to the nearest bathroom to see the damage while Minho was casually walking down the stairs. Jisung lost his smile when he saw him and swallowed hard. Once arrived at your height, he opened his mouth.
“Rules are put in place to prevent hundreds of magically gifted hormonal hazards from accidentally turning themselves into sharks or losing an eye, or provoking the wrath of a giant spider, or blowing themselves up, or whatever. But here you are, trying to break every single one of them.” You almost felt relieved he didn’t scream at you.
“Look, I’m stupid, okay? And stupid people do stupid things. That’s a fact.”
You could have laughed at his excuse if Minho wasn’t staring at both of you like he was about to end you. He wasn’t generally scary but he was a prefect so when you did something wrong… well, let’s say you better not be seen by him.
“Do you use this lame excuse every time you do shit?”
“My other excuse is that it was Y/N’s idea but no one buys it.”
You looked at him in disbelief. Of course no one bought it, you were more like his sidekick than the mastermind.
“Not surprising. Anyway, fifteen points from Ravenclaw. I would have taken twenty but adding a transfiguration spell to a potion was really clever.”
He asked Jisung for a favor, talking privately in the nearest classroom for a few minutes. Then Minho left and Jisung came back to you with a big smile and you high-fived him. The Marauders Map usually prevented incidents like this and he wasn’t near this place when you last checked the Map. Minho literally came out of nowhere.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
On a fine and warm day, as Jisung and you successfully pranked Jaemin for the umpteenth time that year, he turned to you still laughing.
“You know what’s the strength of a duet? It’s to be two.”
“Thank you for your encouraging words. I now know you need me,” you winked.
The laughter slowly died down and the atmosphere became somehow serious. He sat on a bench and you joined him.
“Are you kidding? I’ll always need you.”
“Always? Sounds like a really long time,” you chuckled, more to tease him and put aside the fact that you need him just as much.
“Just wishing we’ll stay together forever,” he blurted out, his eyes concentrating on his shoes.
“You’re sweet. I would love that too.”
He lifted his head and looked you in the eye.
“Really? No need for the Imperius Curse then?” You blinked a few times, about to smack him when he smiled wildly. “Just kidding, I would never.”
“Anyway, go train for the match against Gryffindor, wouldn’t want Mark to catch the snitch before you, would you?”
“Won’t happen.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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talktonana · 2 years
slytherin!jaemin would be so hot UGH 😩 i always see y/n with slytherin!jaemin in an enemies to lovers trope. the amount of degradation the story would have AHHHH
he's a snobby slytherin, born from a line of pure-bloods and next in line to inherit his family's wealth. he would've been raised just as how draco was raised: to be the perfect pure-blood heir of the Na family (though i figure he wouldn't really like draco much). he knew he wasn't supposed to be meddling with a half-blood like you but he couldn't do anything when professor snape paired you both together during third year for a potions project.
jaemin hated potions. you however, loved potions so much, you were snape's favourite student. and that only added fuel to the fire. jaemin despised how much better you are at potions than him, and the fact that his parents compared his grades to yours didn't help either.
slowly but surely, he will start to see how much he cared for you and he hated it. he hates that you could care less about quidditch yet he always secretly wanted you to come to his matches. he hates how dean thomas asked you out for valentines day (despite you rejecting him). he hates how the other boys would try and ask for your help in potions when you were clearly his partner. and only his.
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kaesficrecarchive · 9 months
[johnny x taeyong]
The Spell That Binds by taeyongseo (35/35 | 201,775 | E)
It was not that Johnny and his friends had a penchant for getting into trouble. It was just that letting the Gryffindors win was not an option. And then there was Taeyong, top-of-the-class Taeyong, who always seemed to be around to watch them all with a disapproving frown. Getting a rise out of the Ravenclaw prefect was half the fun, really.
part 1 of Tales of the Tablespoon Universe
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neocrias · 3 months
One Shots
runrunrun - Johnny Suh The Ultimate Test - Mark Lee really nice guy who only hates you - jeno lee
Synopsis Prologue Gryffindor Huffle-puff Ravenclaw Slytherin Epilogue
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kpop-in-hogwarts · 1 year
Wrong House Ch 3: How it starts is how it ends
Cast: Jeon Jungkook, Unnamed Trio, Jungkook's mom (flashback, kinda), Madam Pince (cameo)
Summary: Jungkook wakes up on Halloween Morning, and forgets that there's no class + a horrible day in general. Oh right, and he has an encounter with a warrior, or two, and the Gryffindor's Snake.
"How you start your day is how you live your day", is a phrase Jungkook has heard once and has never thought of again but for some reason. That morning. He remembered it. Remembered his grogginess at the time. Remembered the gentle tug as the blanket was pulled away from his body. Remembered his mother's voice as she said it and the way she laughed as he rolled off the bed, still half asleep.  
Jungkook hadn’t known it at the time, but his mother was right. The rest of his day was as confusing as his morning started.  
Not feeling too hungry at the time, Jungkook decided that staying in the library was likely the best place for him, I'll go study transfiguration in advance. He thought to himself as he ducked just in time to avoid a flying - was that a bludger? He turned to get a full look at whatever it was that came hurtling at him only a second ago but it was gone. 
Confused, Jungkook continued to the library only to find that he couldn't enter it. Or, more specifically, he wasn't allowed in. Madam Pince had all but pushed him back out the door as soon as she caught a glance of him with the instruction of "come back tomorrow", and the slam of the door. He must have stayed by the door for a few more minutes after that, mulling over what just happened and trying to figure out if he'd done anything that might have caused the librarian to act that way. He still has that charms book on his desk that he was supposed to return yesterday... Or maybe this was because of what happened last Friday... But if it was any of those, why was he allowed back 'tomorrow'?  
With that thought still running through his mind, he decided he'd try to ask her tomorrow and began his trek to the Great Hall for something to eat.  
The Great Hall was, with the exception of a few stranglers, deserted. Jungkook didn't bother looking around for too long before taking a seat at the end of the Gryffindor table, he knew none of the other first years in his house were up yet and a quick scan of the tables didn’t show/stand out any faces. 
Halfway through his breakfast of eggs and bacon, he looked up at the muttering sound. A trio sat at what was usually the Ravenclaw table but breakfast was typically eaten with whoever you wanted (unlike dinner time so no décor). They weren't talking very loud but in the large room with barely anyone around, the sound traveled strangely well. Snippets of the conversation reached Jungkook's ears and he tried to make sense of it out of curiosity, but the trio seemed to have sensed that someone was listening in and their voices became quieter. I shouldn't have done that, Jungkook thought, quickly finished the remainder of his breakfast, and made his way out of the Great Hall.  
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arthenaa · 9 months
Hey! I see your ask box is open so I thought I drop by and request something.
So.... my birthday is on September 21 th wich is (hier in Germany at least) in 4 day.... would you do me a brithday favor and make a headchannon/ story of female MC that is dating the hogwarts legacy boys (separated ofc) having a fun birthday with there boyfriend? That would mean the world to me.
Thank you in advance and If you don't want or can't do it that is fine too. Thank you for taking your time and reading this. Have a good one^^
Your Most Special Day - Hogwarts Legacy Boys x Reader
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SUMMARY: It's your most special day with your most special person.
NOTE: Hey darling! Happiest birthday to you <3 My time is six hours ahead so I scheduled this to be released exactly at 12:00 am for you. Wishing you the best and have a wonderful day! Here's a song to set the mood and to also put the boys' feelings into a hymn <3 and if you can! try reading the english lyrics of the song. It really puts their words into reality. Hope you enjoy! (also my first work back after a hiatus! im gonna be active soon i promise) also not sure if this meant ALL the boys in HL but i only did my 4 boys
Your love story with Ominis had been simple
It was direct and to the point
There was no dilly-dallying
You had already acknowledged your interest in his way before you had the chance to interact with him
When your options were only to gaze at him from afar and take little guesses on how you think his personality would be
It's safe to say that you weren't far off from your assumptions
It began with small interactions, saying hi to him in the hallways, opening the door for him, borrowing a quill from him when you "forgot" one.
Until eventually, all your hi's turned into hugs for greetings, opening the door for him to go to class hand in hand, borrowing quills to borrowing his robes when you "forgot" yours
It didn't take long for the two of you to establish your place in the romantic aspect of your relationship
Ever since you stepped foot in Hogwarts, discovered yourself, fought wizards and the dark arts, and just experienced a brand new journey, he was there to witness it all
He was a definition of consistency.
The one true constant in your life that begins at your first step as a wizard to the end of your journey as a student and into the future
And with your special day coming up, who else other than him would allow you to reminisce the fond memories of both the past, present, and the probability of it in the future
It's safe to say that Ominis had always been destined to be your definition of long-lasting.
"Happiest birthday to my muse," His voice resonates throughout the room as he takes careful steps towards you. In his hand is a small cake, candles stacked neatly on top of it—so orderly positioned and intricate that it prompts giggles out of you as he takes another step. He hears your laughter and only smiles. "My Pandora, the love of my life, my light."
You smile, clasping your hands together to your chest as you train your eyes on him. The low light of your small home contributes to the homey ambiance as the light from the flame of the candles illuminates the features of the face you've come to love over the years.
"I trust that the introduction was a bit much," You let out a giggle at his jesting to which he nods, admittedly. "I-I wasn't sure if this would be enough but then I remembered, you had always loved that little fox origamis I made for you back then so, I just went with what I have."
His hands shake as he grips the sides of the plate tighter. You lick you lips, eager to listen to the rest of his words.
"To think that borrowing quills from me would lead to finding you, that's probably something that I'd reminisce for a lifetime," Ominis smiles. "We've been with each other through every ups and downs—highs and lows. I couldn't ask for anyone better to share my journey with."
You bite your bottom lip to stop yourself from letting your emotions get ahead of you. You had always been a little weak with Ominis. A detail he often held above your head like a prized niffler. Other than the jesting and bribery, for you, it acted more as evidence. A proof of your ever-growing love for him.
You glance down at the fox-shaped cake, designed to imitate that of a fox but it just looks like a mess of colors and lines that 'tried' to imitate one. The thought of Ominis baking around and messing in the kitchen puts a smile on your face.
"I know you're looking at my cake, stop judging it," He jokingly comments causing you to break the silence.
"It's- it looks—"
"Like a giant purple toad shat on it? Yes." Ominis tilts his head with a 'duh' look on his face.
"I was going to say modernistic," You retorted, eyebrows raised to defy him.
"Impressionism had never looked better," He deadpanned. You laugh at his humor. You take a step forward, encasing his hands that grasp the plate. Your eyes finds itself studying the little details and imperfections on his face—the moles that shape the universe of his skin. He looks gorgeous.
"Happy Birthday, love. Make a wish," He whispers, the light of the candle illuminating both of your features—casting an alluring glow that further emphasizes the beauty of your love. You pursed your lips, closing your eyes before blowing.
The light casts off at the gust of wind as Ominis smiles and says well done. He places the plate down on the flat surface of the table before turning back to you.
Finally free, he intertwines your bodies with arms encasing your waist. You envelope your arms around his neck in response.
There's a comfortable silence before he utters the next words, "What'd you wish for?"
You shrug with a smile. "Nothing."
"Mhm," You hum, placing a chaste kiss on his confused lips.
"Why?" He asks. There's a pause as you laugh at his inquiries of curiosity.
"Cause I've already got everything that I've wanted." You smile, eyes dreamily staring as you push a stray hair behind his ear. "You."
Unlike Ominis, loving Sebastian had been a long journey
It was more of an inactive volcano
It had always been there—that probability. That capability of loving him but it was a matter of when those feelings would burst at a realization
It was a question of 'since when did I see him like this?"
Sebastian had been one of your many first friends.
He was naturally a people magnet, always captured new blood whenever they entered within his vicinity
He was loved and admired by everyone and you couldn't blame yourself for also falling for his silly little tricks
It also wasn't hard falling into tune with him
Somehow, with Sebastian, falling in love with him didn't seem hard
It was because of this that realization came much to a later date
You had always viewed your relationship as something closer than a friendship and one that really showed a bond of trust and loyalty
It had always been there and you had just taken a while to realize
Loving him was easy.
He showed you the world with an arm outstretched and you placed your hand willingly and followed him in
Loving him felt complete
And on your special day, who else can make you whole with just a smile but him?
You didn't know when it happened.
It was all just a blur. A series of memories all clumped up in the space reserved just for him. You remember bits and pieces but you can't seem to put a finger when you saw him like this.
Everything seemed to not be on par with time. Looking at him felt like the world had been a second later—slow-moving hands, traveling lights, and blurred faces. All you could see was him.
You watched as the party went on, laughter resounding throughout the room, joy evident on their face and the festivity of your birth hanged high into the sky. Yet despite all of these reminders of celebration, all you could feel was him.
He eyes you at the other side of the room, a cup of wine in hand. He looks at you with fondness and a desire deeper than what meets the eye. Your breath hitches at his unwavering stare.
Suddenly it feels like it's only the two of you in the room. Wanting, needing, loving.
It's him who breaks as he places down his drink before marching towards you. You pay no mind to teasing looks from your friends as he excuses you both from their presence with a charming smile and pull of your hand.
Your eyes train on his broad back, maneuvering you through the crowd, responding to curt greetings with a simple nod. They knew better than to interrupt Sebastian's quest with you.
You then find yourself in the comforts of your room, door closed as he positions you a few meters from the bed. He closes the door with a slight push, taking a moment of reprieve before turning towards you.
"Hi," he mutters as if you hadn't been staring each other down a few moments ago. You ride along.
He chuckles softly as he takes a few steps toward you. You veer your head up to accomodate to his height.
"You look pretty, doll." He mumbles, tucking a hair behind your ear. You smile at his compliment.
"Thank you, love."
"I know you know this but uh," He pauses, taking your hands in his. "I love you."
The three words cast a flutter in your heart. You purse your lips, eyes peering up at him. He smiles down with that charming grin of his. He quickly places a kiss on your forehead.
"I just wanted to say it to you," He adds. "You had been with me in the most crucial moments of my life. You bled, wept, and sacrificed with me. Seeing you across that room had only further proved that I'll always want you—need you in my life. Loving you felt right."
He pulls out a box from the pockets of his slacks, opening it delicately. A necklace sits pretty inside it. The gem gleams at you as you gaze at it with surprise. You eye the intricate design of the pendant, carefully and exquisitely encasing the gem within it's design.
"Happy birthday, baby," He cuts you off as you begin to tear up. You lick your lips as he pulls the necklace from its casing. You turn around, casting your hair aside as he puts it on swiftly. He then turns you towards the mirror.
"Dear heavens," He sighs as he gazes deeply into your eyes at the reflection. "You are an envy to one's vanity."
You giggle at his flattery. You quickly turn around to press a loving kiss to his lips. He pulls you close by your waist, encasing you close to his body.
"My everything," He whispers, a fond smile gracing his lips. "I am but a devotee to your love."
"And I, you."
Dating Amit was destined
Like the stars that encompass the sky, one was always destined to burn brighter than others
He had been that star
There were a few things that convinced your peers of your fated match
You were into Divination, he was into Astrology
He liked tea and you liked sweets
He loved the galaxy and you liked possibilities which both are endless
You liked exploring and he had a knack for curiosity
The two of you are in harmony to the point that you couldn't imagine spending time without him
Loving him was fated
You somehow knew at the back of your mind that meeting this curious and wandering mind of a Ravenclaw at the Astronomy tower was fated.
You believed in anything and he believed in everything
A perfect match to your soul
And on your special day, who else could make you feel like the universe could just be at the palm of your hands but him?
"There you go!" Amit chuckles as he finally adjusts the party hat on your head.
"Do I really have to wear this?" You cast an incredulous look at him as he peers at you with squinted eyes.
"Yes, it adds to the festive nature," He smiles as he pinches your cheek. "Muggles love to wear that. Don't you look pretty?"
Amit chuckles at your response. You both are currently seated outside of your home, spread out on a picnic blanket—looking out on the stars. A telescope is placed on the side with assortment of food laid out on the fabric.
You grab a grape from its container before popping it in your mouth. "This better be good."
"It is!" Amit retorts as he settles down beside you, shoulder bumping against yours. "Just wait."
"Mhm," You mumble, chewing as you look up at the night sky. There's a pause before you continue. "Wait for what?"
Amit rolls his eyes. "It won't be a surprise if I say it, no?"
"Right, sorry Mr. Thakkar."
"Don't call me that," He furrows his eyebrows as you laugh. "It makes me sound old."
"You are old." You chuckle. He pouts at your response. As an apology, you lean close and peck his lips. "I still love you anyway."
Silence falls between the two of you once again as you gaze out at the clear night sky. The stars twinkle with each passing minute, allowing you to marvel at the beauty of it all.
"Ursa Major," Amit points out with his hand to the sky. You easily follow his gaze, seeing the famous constellation with each dart of your eyes as you trace over the connections.
"You're prettier," He comes back with a cheesy line. You raise your eyebrow at him which prompts a blush on his cheeks.
"I thought I'd sound cool..."
You giggle at his defeated tone, placing a kiss on his cheek. Amit checks his pocket watch before grasping your shoulder as he pointed once again at the night sky.
"Look," he says. You watch with bated breath, curious at whatever Amit prepared to show you. You gasp as you finally see it. A flash of light smudging against the night sky. A meteor.
"Oh my," You revel in its beauty as it travels across the sky. Amit smiles at you before tapping your shoulder once more.
"Wish before it's gone, beloved." He nods at you before you both close your eyes to wish. There's a moment of silence before you both open your eyes once more.
"That was amazing!" You cheer as you grasp at his hand. There's a fond smile on his face. You cast a gracious look at him. "Thank you for showing me this."
"I wanted to see it with you," He responds. He delicately encases his hands over yours. "There's a saying back in my hometown that wishing upon a shooting star brings forth luck and good fortune."
You wait for him to continue as he pauses.
"There's also a saying that wishing upon a shooting star with someone is an act of ensuring longevity in the relationship," Amit adds, voice shaky as he rubs his thumb against the knuckles of your hand. "I continue to wish a life with you, Y/N. Fate allowed me to meet you and here I am now, the happiest man on Earth."
You stifle a sob, hiding it behind a laugh. He smiles at your teary face as he prevents himself from bursting into tears. He pulls your hand up to kiss the back of it before smiling.
"Happy Birthday, mera pyaar," (my love) Amit casts you a fond look, love bursting with each breath and touch against you. "You are the star that guides me in the sea of the unknown. My compass. My direction. My light. I adore thee as much as the stars litter the galaxy in an endless pursuit of existence."
A tear falls down your eye. "And you are the string tied to my fate. You are heaven's gift to me. I don't know how many times I loved you in my past lives but I know I'll choose you again in another life time and the life times thereafter."
Dating Garreth had been an adventure
a series of twists and turns that allowed you to unveil each layer with new emotions
He was an enigma
A mystery you were willing to uncover
And somehow in the midst of all that, you began to allow yourself to love him
Loving him felt like journey
It was there then it wasn't
A mix of highs and lows, each arc getting more and more deeper than the last
You expect after getting pranked and kicked out of potions by a Weasley would lead you to fall in love with one
Garreth made you feel alive
He's the thrill that thrums deeply in your veins long after he's gone
A high you can't get out of
No potion can ever cure a heart as sick as this
And on your special day, who else can you make you feel the thrill of an adventure but him?
"Tada!" He uncovers your eyes to show you the surprise. You adjust your eyes to revel in the beauty of the place. He had taken you to a quiet and neat little cottage with a majestic view of the sunset. You turn to him in surprise.
"How did you?"
"I pulled a couple of strings from Sebastian who referred this place then got some help from mum who helped out with the decor," Garreth grins as he grasps your hand in his. You smile at the beauty of the scene, the sun reflecting nicely across the meadow.
"Thank you." You tilt your head, eyes forming a look of gratitude before pulling him in a kiss. He melts into your touch, kissing back with subtle passion before he pulls away with a smile.
"I know things have been hard lately," He starts, taking your hand in his as he rubs his thumb against your knuckles. "I admire you for your hardwork and fortitude. You fight through it just as you have always been even if things are getting a bit rougher than the last and it just—" he laughs in between. "I just feel like a teenager falling in love with you all over again."
You lick your lips as you train your eyes at him, waiting for him to continue.
"You once told me I was an adventure. A thrill that makes you feel alive," He says with a love running deep in that green eyes of his. "But you, you have always reminded me of home. A personification of comfort and love. Everytime I look at you, I'm reminded of a past I reminisce with fondness, a present I cherish, and a future I can't wait to have. With you, I can just be me. I can just be Garreth. Just me."
You smile at him, tears collecting at the bottom of your eyes. He tucks a hair over your ear.
"Happy Birthday, darling." He mumbles, pulling you in a hug as he places a kiss on your temple. "Let's have this week as a moment of reprieve from any worries and just be ourselves."
You hug him tighter against you. "I'm here. With you. Just me."
He chuckles against your neck. "Just you and I, baby."
END NOTE: and that's the end of it teehee. I hope yall enjoyed this !! stay tuned for more of my works. love yall 💗 see u mwa
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hydroyaksha · 1 year
Soleil’s fic recs
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Yixing- king! “The Lotus king and his jade” @sweetjekyll
Kyungsoo- hogwarts! “Spellbound” @whimsical-ness
Sehun- X-EXO! “GREED” @/quokkacore
Sehun -(X-EXO) “LIBERALITY” @quokkacore
Baekhyun - idols! “The rumors were true” @eomayas
Kyungsoo - yandere! “I love you, I love you, I love you.” (Made by me!)
STRAYKIDS - [separate link]
Chan/ Felix - polyamory! Hogwarts! “Detention” @dreamescapeswriting
Felix - demon slayer! “If you tell me about myself” @skazoo
Felix - enemies to lovers! “Strawberry kisses” @softsan
Felix - dick joke centered! CEO! “Penis heart” @staysuki
Felix - Agent! Scientist! “A normal Thursday” @abiaswreck
Hyunjin - mafia! “Ice” @healinghyunjin
Hyunjin - mafia! “Not a stranger” @straywrds
OT8 - ABO! “No control” @cherryeol04
Hyunjin - Hanahaki! (With a good ending) “forget me not” @hhjs
Bangchan - Indian performer! Idol! “Butterfly wings” @straykidshoe
Lee know - siren! “Call of the siren” @tasteleeknow
Lee know - hogwarts! “Green flames” @streetlight11
Jeongin - android! “Alive” @rainy-bangbeom
Felix - royalty! Best friends! “Fairy flowers” @hyunsvngs
Felix - bodyguard! “Your bodyguard, Felix” @skzdarlings
Jisung - ghostface! “It’s a scream baby!” @tyunphoria
Felix - dating show! “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” @seospicybin
Felix - prince! “Forgive me for what I haven’t done” @rachalixie
OT23 - yandere! Cult! “Connect” @mymoodwriting
OT7 - yandere! “Awaken” @/mymoodwriting
TEN - vampire!Hunter! “Blood wars” @things-we-cant-say
LUCAS - hybrid! “Please don’t bite me” @/quokkacore
NCT127 - yandere! Aliens! “Who is sticker?” @/mymoodwriting
Taeyong/ Yuta - Angels! Devils! Yandere! “Watching over you” @whiteteadreams
Jaehyun - Dog hybrid! “Competitive spirit” @flowerboykun
OT9 - vampires! Witches! “Black magic” @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
Jaehyun - hogwarts! “Head over brooms” @sehunniepotwrites
Mark - supernatural! “grit your f*ckin’ teeth” @irtza
Haechan - yandere! “Inseparable” @mint-yoongi
Jaemin - athlete! “on the rebound” @lunena
Jaemin - “Crazy in love” @mayaflowerxs
Renjun - classmates! “Blondes are done with fun” @rrxnjun
00’ line + Mark - arcana! “Arcane” @neonacity
Haechan - hockey player! “Ice ice baby” @cozyjae
Haechan - uni! “Learning languages” @tonicandjins
Sungchan - superhero! “Through the webs” @yutafrita
ENHYPHEN - scenario! “How they’re protective over you” @foresdxw
NI-KI - scenario! Idols! “Cookies - shattered glass” @ilovehimyourhonor
JAY - bad boy! Good girl! Dancer! “Opposites attract” @dazed-hee
NI-KI spiderman! “Spider-Man loves you” @misoxhappy
Beomgyu- hybrid! “Until it hurts a little less” @horanghoe
Beomgyu - fae! “Dasies” @thru-the-grapevine
Soobin - AI! “Artificial love” @bb-eilish
Beomgyu- Spider-Man! “Not your average boyfriend” @slytherinshua
Yeonjun- fox hybrid! “Silly fox baby” @seowhorebin
Taehyung - Android! “A human touch” @snackhobi
KEY - A/B/O! “Out of love” @mymoodwriting
OT11 - android! “The boyz become human” @tbznewberry
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angelicwriting · 2 years
Nct Hogwarts au
Gryffindor Mark Lee x Ravenclaw y/n
Side note: Ravenclaw's and Gryffindor's have some classes together
It's my first fanfic that is fully written in English (it's not my mother tongue), so please be understanding <3
And, lastly, I just wanted to say that I really love my best friend Karo. It's all thanks to her that I started writing again.
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You were furious. You've been sitting in the history of magic, writing a really important (for most of the class) exam for which you've studied for the past week. And clearly, the boy sitting next to you was copying your answers. You acted like you didn't notice at all, but inside you felt like you were going to explode.
Okay, that guy, Mark Lee, was cute. Really cute and handsome. Moreover, you felt a little bit of satisfaction. He must know that you are wise enough to have good answers. Or maybe, you thought, he was just desperate.
Either way, you were unsure what to do so you just read the whole thing that you wrote again, correcting some minor mistakes. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Mark struggling, trying to see your paper sheet. His black hair was falling into his eyes and he was biting his lips. You noticed a tiny little mole on his neck and immediately looked away. He looked so lost and you just couldn't help the strange feeling that was starting to burn inside your chest.
You weren't furious anymore. All that you wanted was to brush the hair out of his eyes and maybe, just maybe, hug him. He was like a lost child that needed help.
You sighed a little bit too loud, causing Mark to flinch. You smiled involuntarily.
Poor boy – you thought, as you leaned back in your chair so that he could see your answer sheet clearly.
You looked around the classroom, making sure that your teacher wasn't looking in your direction. And then you looked at Mark again, noticing the dark circles under his eyes, unstable breath and wrinkled clothes.
Sure, he somewhat made you feel some things, but in fact, he was cheating. He probably didn't study at all and was using you.
So, with your best poker face, you crossed out some names of a few less important witches, wizards and goblins and replaced them with made-up ones. You also changed a few dates, pretending that you're struggling with recalling the correct information.
Mark didn't seem to notice at all, naively changing all the answers as well.
And then, when almost everyone finished and left the classroom he handed over his exam, avoiding looking at you and left as well.
Then you changed those answers again to the correct ones.
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A few days have passed and you felt anxious thinking about the results of some of your exams. As a very ambitious Ravenclaw, you wanted to be at the top of your class and made your family proud. But you were doubting yourself, unsure if the effort you put into studying was enough.
You were taking a walk, trying to focus on your surroundings and escape from intrusive thoughts. You weren't sure where exactly you wanted to go, but somewhat you ended up in the courtyard near the Training Grounds Tower. You focused on the sound of your steps, your breath and the voices of the people in front of you to distract yourself. Focusing on the present was a really helpful method.
But then you passed another column and suddenly saw the boys that walked ahead of you. They were from Gryffindor (except for Renjun and Hyuck) and they were younger. But you knew them because they have always been hanging out with Mark. You had seen them many times, talking with him before his classes and almost every day in the Great Hall. One of them was one year older than you, he was a Prefect, and from what you've remembered his name was Jungwoo. The others were Jeno, Renjun and Hyuck. And, obviously, there was also Mark. At the sight of him, your heart stopped for a second.
You wanted to turn around and go somewhere else but your body was not listening to you. And then they suddenly stopped walking. Mark leaned against the wall and threw a glance at Renjun. You took a few steps towards them but then you heard him saying your name and it was like your whole world was tearing apart.
You quickly stepped back, hiding behind the corner, feeling nervous. It was so stupid, you knew you shouldn't be eavesdropping but you just couldn't help it. Why were they talking about you?
"No, I know she's really smart and stuff. But I'm telling you... I've got an Acceptable," Mark explained.
"Okay, but how is it possible for her to get an Outstanding while you have only got Acceptable? You both had the same answers, bro" this voice probably belonged to Renjun.
Someone laughed and you were sure that it was Donghyuck. His laugh sometimes got on your nerves, not because it was unpleasant to hear but because you heard it several times after the slightly annoying things that he said to you. You kinda liked Hyuck but at the same time, you thought that he was too annoying.
"She just tricked you. I mean, she has probably changed her answers afterward." He sounded somewhat amazed and you almost felt proud. Almost, because at the same time you were terrified. "I really like her."
"Or maybe you didn't copy enough or you just changed too much." This voice was quieter, and you were sure it was Jeno's.
"Or maybe it was because the professor knew that you'd never get a better grade by yourself," suggested Renjun.
There was a sound like something hit another thing and one of the boys groaned in pain.
"Anyways, next time you should just study, Mark," said Jungwoo. "You don't know if you'd be able to sit next to her again. Plus it would be fairer."
Mark sighed and you refrained from leaning out to see his face. This conversation was getting more and more interesting.
"You know that I couldn't." He sounded exhausted. "We were practicing Quidditch till the evening and then I had to study for Transfiguration. I just couldn't remember so many facts in such a short period."
You gulped, not knowing what to think anymore and clenched your hands against the cold wall. Quidditch was really important to him.
"Yeah but you had the entire month to prepare," noticed Jungwoo. "We're all very busy but it's not impossible to find some free time, bro. You have to be more responsible."
It was Jeno who answered.
"But we really were so busy. The whole team has been training genuinely hard and Mark is the team leader. It's a very responsible position."
Marked thanked him and added shyly:
"Besides, Transfiguration is hard. I've been trying to practice and follow the steps in our textbooks but I always fail. I'm hopeless and It would be a miracle for me to pass this exam," he groaned.
They fell silent and you started thinking about moving away from them. But then Donghyuck spoke again. And you just knew that he came up with some sly plan.
"Maybe you just need a tutor?"
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It was getting dark as you were coming back to the castle from your Care of Magical Creature classes. It was almost supper time and you and your Ravenclaw friends were starving. You were thinking about the things that Mark and his friends said, feeling that strange warm sensation in your stomach remembering that he called you smart. And the way that he said your name. His voice was just so soft. Of course, it was unfair that he was using you. But after the things that you've heard about his training sessions and his responsibility as team captain you just couldn't be mad at him.
Suddenly you heard a grunt and noticed that someone was stubbornly following your every step. You looked over your shoulder and felt like your heart was about to stop.
It was Hyuck, that brown-haired, annoying friend of Mark. He smiled at you innocently and you started to feel uneasy. He wanted something but you weren't going to give him the satisfaction and ask what it was. You just kept going, ignoring his stare. You knew that was a little bit childish but you decided to pretend that he was not there.
"Hey, y/n!" He said loudly and you closed your eyes, praying that some Hippogriff will fly over and take him far away. You just kept going, speeding up.
You'd probably try to keep ignoring him but your friend Caroline poked your shoulder.
"I think Haechanie wants something from you," she whispered. She looked like she was having too much fun. Keeping you away from your comfort zone was one of her hobbies.
"I know," you whispered back, pursuing your lips.
"Hey" Donghyuck was now right behind you, he grabbed you by your cloak.
You looked at the sky and, unfortunately, there was no Hippogriff to be found. You jerked out of his grip.
"You heard me!" he sounded like he was hurt by your behavior.
"Yes," you agreed. "I think everyone heard you. But also I decided to ignore you."
He opened his mouth and put a hand on his heart as if someone had punched him.
"Why so rude? I was trying to befriend you..."
You continued to go towards the castle, suddenly feeling a little bit shy. What was that he wanted? To make some fun out of you? Was it a prank or bet or something? Or maybe, you thought, suddenly terrified, he was going to scold you for tricking Mark.
You looked at Caroline, seeking help but she couldn't help smiling.
"What do you want, Donghyuck?" she asked straightforwardly, straightening a crease on her Slytherin robe. "Do you want to ask her out?"
You looked at him, wanting to see his reaction. You expected that he would just laugh it off or say something stupid. But no.
His face suddenly turned red and he just went speechless.
"You girls are something else," he mumbled and his voice softened. "No, I was just going to ask your friend for help."
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It was completely dark outside when you and Haechan arrived at the library. At first, you didn't want to listen to him at all, but he looked so hopeless that you just gave in.
Besides that, Caroline looked like she was going to kill you if you didn't go with him. After all, he was Mark's friend and she knew that you had a big, fat crush on Markie. She always gave you the best advice and you trusted her wholeheartedly. Besides, you believed that her stares could kill anyone. You listened to her but at the same time, you were regretting all of your life decisions.
"Listen," Haechan said, as you both sat at opposite sides of the table. "I don't know how to say that without betraying my best friend. But Mark is like a brother to me, so I just couldn't do anything."
You looked at him, trying to look as calm as possible. But your heart was racing and you started to have a hope that maybe, just maybe, he wanted to tell you that his friend had a crush on you. It felt surreal but Heachan seemed like the kind of person that could reveal someone's secret just for fun. At the same time, you were doubting yourself so much. Mark didn't look like a person who would be interested in someone like you. He was cute, liked Quidditch and had a lot of friends. On the other hand, you were a daydreamer and a hopeless nerd. You studied a lot to prove to everyone that you were worth putting in your House. Everything that Mark did... He did it naturally. He was talented and seemed so laid back while you were struggling with believing in yourself and were scared of others.
"Yes," Hechan looked at his hands, suddenly somewhat shy. "He's a captain of a Quidditch team, as you may or may not know. And I'm just really worried about him... I mean, he doesn't have much sleep nowadays and he's failing in some of his classes. So, uhm," he looked at you with his big, suddenly innocent eyes. "I thought that maybe you could help him?"
You opened your mouth, feeling like a fish pulled out of the water. You were daydreaming again and suddenly you felt so stupid for thinking that Mark could like you. Obviously.
"Of course, I'll make it up to you," he said hurriedly, his eyes getting even bigger as if he was scared that you'd decline. "In fact, I don't have much money." He scrubbed the back of his head. "But I'll figure something out, I promise. Just help us."
His confession surprised you. You were completely wrong. Haechan was a caring and loyal friend. It was really sweet, but why on Earth did he come to you? Why does it always have to be you? Fate liked to torture you and you felt like crying.
Of course, it was so painful to hear about the lack of sleep that Mark had. You wanted to help him, to just end all of his worries. You wanted Mark to be happy. But you knew that giving him some private lessons may ruin you. Just being around him was painful and made you think about lots of things that you normally won't think of. You wanted to be around him all the time and at the same time, you didn't.
"You don't have to pay me," you said, looking at a particularly old book that lay next to you. "I'll help him for free."
He leaned forward, really surprised. And he didn't seem like a person that could be easily surprised.
You stood up, taking a book in your hands, deciding that you'll look over it later.
"He seems like a nice guy. Besides, «While we teach, we learn» as this one guy said. Was it Seneca?" You shrugged your shoulders. "Nevermind. It could also be Gandalf. Anyways, I'll try my best. If he really wants to learn, tell him to wait for me after our Transfiguration class on Friday. It's no big deal, I have to study too."
And so you rushed out of the library, wanting to forget about this conversation as soon as possible. You lied – it was a big deal.
As it turned out, it was impossible. Even in the middle of the night, all you could think of was Mark and your conversation with Hyuck.
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At first, you thought that Mark was not there. When you and your friends left the classroom there were so many people in the corridor that you almost missed him out.
He was standing there, casually leaning back against the wall. His hair was a bit messy and his black sweater was rumpled. He had a leather bag slung over his shoulder, books almost falling out of it.
When he saw you his face suddenly brightened, he smiled and walked toward you, which made your poor heart race like crazy.
Your friends looked at you with confusion as you left them with a short "see you later" and went to greet Mark. There were definitely going to be some questions afterward.
"I'm sorry," he said quickly and bit his lip. "I mean I'm sorry that Haechan was bothering you. But I do need help."
"That's okay," you replied, avoiding his gaze and starting to walk in the opposite direction than the rest of the Ravenclaws. "He wasn't rude or anything. And I'm glad that I could help. The exam is in two weeks so we still have time to practice."
At least I'm not stuttering, you thought, as you both started to talk about your classes while walking toward the empty classroom on the third floor. It was so weird, talking with the boy that you had a crush on since last year. He was a great listener. Besides, he was laughing at your jokes and kept the conversation going so when you reached the classroom you were out of your breath. It felt like you have known him forever and wondered why you hadn't spoken to him earlier.
"I've never been there," he confessed, as you walked into the room. "It looks like it has rarely been used."
You agreed with him, looking at the desks standing in neat rows and the emerald green blackboard.
"I'm sometimes hiding in here," you confessed. "When I need to be alone or practice some spells."
Mark sat on the top of the desk that was the closest. He scrunched his nose.
"Wait, so you just revealed to me your hiding spot?"
You shrugged your shoulders, praying that you won't blush because blushing was lame and you weren't that weak. You had some self-control, after all, right?
"I mean, it's kinda cool, y/n. Thanks. I promise I won't tell anybody about it" he added and you smiled broadly.
"Thanks." You placed your bag on the chair and looked at him, thinking. "Alright, we should start with something simple. But before that, I want to see what you can do."
That sounded a little bit ambiguous. But Mark didn't seem to notice at all, to your relief. He pulled out his wand and took the goblet that you handed him. You borrowed it from the Great Hall in the morning.
"Made it invisible," you ordered.
You didn't tell him that you knew what he was capable of. Mark was the main reason that you got distracted in professor's McGonagall class. You just couldn't stop glaring at him over your partner's shoulder. He was so cute when he struggled with trying to change his pen into a flute.
Nowadays professor McGonagall divided you into twos, the spells that you had been practicing included making things invisible and changing the appearance of your partner. It was getting harder, especially because it required staying focused all the time.
Mark pulled out his wand and mumbled a spell but the goblet only shook a little. He sighed with disappointment, looking as if he was expecting that.
"That's alright," you told him softly, getting closer. "Do it again, please," you instructed and watched him fail again.
Suddenly you clapped your hands, making the poor boy jump. He got off the desk, now standing in front of you. You gulped and stepped back. He was taller than you and you suddenly felt like a little child, even though it was only a 10 centimeters difference.
"When you're casting this spell you really do need to focus," you said, taking the goblet back into your bag.
Mark looked at you with an unreadable expression, his eyes suddenly darkened.
"It's because I can't focus in class".
You raised your eyebrows.
"Lucas is making fun of me," he added, not looking directly into your eyes.
"Oh," you suddenly went silent. "I understand." You really did, after all, he was your main distraction. "But there's no Lucas in here. You just have to relax and do it."
"Yeah," he said quietly. "Relax."
You smiled at him warmly and pointed your wand towards the backboard.
"The next step is pronunciation. You said it too fast and the accent was on the wrong syllable." You instructed. "It should be on the ab. It's very important to say it in the right way. I think that your wrist movement is okay, it shouldn't be too forced. And then..." you suddenly caught his gaze and got distracted for a second. Why was he looking at you like that? He looked so serious, completely different from the regular Mark. "Then you just have to imagine that the object is getting invisible."
You raised your wand and focused on the blackboard in front of you. You cast the spell, saying the words carefully.
The light flashed and suddenly the blackboard was gone.
"See?" You looked at the boy behind you. "Try to think about the thing that you want to be done. Not about the casting spell itself or the task that you have to do. Just imagine that the object is disappearing, I think it could be helpful."
The Gryffindor boy looked really lost, and you wanted to hug him so badly. Or to run away and never come back.
"Oh, come on. I know that you can do it, you're a great wizard," you tried to comfort him. "Be confident. I won't be laughing, I promise."
Mark shook his head with disbelief, laughing softly.
"Okay, but have you seen you? I'm certainly not great."
And there you were, blushing. Your self-control was a joke. It never existed.
"Bullshit," you said, shaking your head and thinking for a moment. Maybe he needed a better example. "Just imagine that you're playing Quidditch. You're not concentrating on the thought that you have to take care of the Quaffle, right Markie? You're just... Doing it."
"Alright," he said, suddenly smiling. He stood next to you and tried to cast the spell the way you showed him.
30 seconds later the hold of the chalk box disappeared out of your sight.
You hugged him out of joy and shouted "I knew it!" before you realized what you were doing. You wished that the earth would swallow you right now.
He was so warm, his sweater so soft and, yup, he smelled so nice. Like a fabric softener or some kind of hand cream. Like a safe place.
You stepped back, pretending that it didn't happen at all. Should you apologize? Was he mad?
"I like when you call me Markie," he suddenly confessed.
You moved your hand nervously and unfortunately, that was the hand in which you were holding your wand. Your bag exploded and there were pieces of paper everywhere.
You were a disaster even without Mark's presence. But with him, everything was harder.
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It took Mark almost a week to master the basics which made you wonder what exactly he was doing in class. He wasn't bad but it seemed like he didn't listen to Professor McGonagall at all. But after practicing a few times, he was getting better and better and you felt proud.
It was almost exam time and thinking about it, it made you feel sad. That means that soon your help will no longer be needed. You liked spending time with Mark and that was coming to an end. But it also meant that the final Quidditch match was approaching.
The final match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff was the most anticipated event that was about to take place this school year. As a Ravenclaw, you could be cheering on either of the teams. However, almost everyone that you knew wished that Gryffindor wins. Caroline, who was in Slytherin, although had no interest in Quidditch, wanted them to win. Of course, it might have had something to do with the fact that she was in love with Lee Jeno, one of Gryffindor's Beaters. Who, you must admit, looked incredibly good in quidditch robes.
Watching the competition was exciting but on the other hand, Mark seemed to be more and more nervous because of the approaching event. He was wandering somewhere with his thoughts and just couldn't focus on anything. You couldn't get any idea what could help relieve his stress. You tried to cheer him up with some sweets from Honeyduke but that only worked for a few minutes and there he was, nervous and absent-minded.
"Are you sure that you're okay?" you asked him, as he unwrapped and wrapped one of the candies for the third time.
You were revising the spells that he mastered previously and it was like he did not learn anything. Fail after fail.
He was staring through the window like it was the most interesting thing in the universe. It was a hot, sunny day and you both took off your caps.
"Yeah," he said, and then he looked at your face. He frowned. "No."
You leaned in your chair.
"What's going on? Can I help?"
He shook his head, his dark hair falling into his eyes. You refrained from the urge to fix them.
"It's nothing," he turned from the window and sat on the table, next to you. "It's just all this pressure. I have to lead my team, study to pass all of those exams and lately, I couldn't sleep well. Sometimes I wish Quidditch never existed, you know?"
"But you love doing it," you protested quickly. "What's the point in getting stressed about the things that should bring you joy? I think that you should just enjoy the match, trust your teammates and do everything that you can to win. If it's not gonna work out, that's not your fault."
There was a few seconds of silence after that.
"I wonder... Are you an angel or something?" he asked quietly, moving his head closer to yours. "What time do you have to be back in heaven?"
You choked and your eyes widened. What was he trying to do? Were you hallucinating?
"You always help me," he said quickly, blushing. "You always know what to say to make me feel better. I should be offering you help to make it up to you. It's not fair."
"Wait," you weren't going to let that go. "What's with that angel part? Is that a pick-up line or something?"
Your heart was beating so fast that you were sure everyone in the castle could hear it.
He shrugged, cheeks getting a darker shade of pink. He avoided looking at you.
"Maybe, I dunno. Hyuck suggested that I said that."
You sighed, slowly calming yourself down. Okay, that sounded like something that Donghyuck could come up with. Completely normal behavior. No big deal.
"Listen, it's nothing. I really enjoyed helping you. Besides, I had an opportunity to practice more so it's a good thing and..."
"Will you come to the match to cheer me up, please?" he interrupted, spitting out words quickly. "Illtrywinningforyou."
"What?" You looked at him, slightly confused.
Mark covered his face with his hands and groaned.
"Don't let me repeat that, please. I'm already embarrassed enough."
"Wait," you gulped and tried to get your shit back together. "Of course, I'll come to the match to cheer you up! You worked so hard to win, I'm sure the cup will be yours..."
"No," Mark finally looked at you and leaned in, his warm breath reaching your face. "I didn't mean... I mean..." He closed his eyes for a second and opened them back again. You realized how long his lashes were, his hair looked so soft and fluffy. You looked at his lips for a second. "It's a date."
"Oh." That was the only sound that left your mouth. Your heart was racing like crazy, your breath was short and unstable, hands shaking, and your mind was a real mess. It took you a few seconds to be able to say something. "Y-yeah, sure."
"You don't have to come if you don't want to, of course," he added quickly but this time it was you who interrupted him.
"I do want to go out with you," you heard those words coming out of your mouth like it was someone else who was controlling you. Someone much braver.
Mark was smiling so broadly, that you could swear his shining eyes were smiling too.
"I'll never use Hyuck's pick-up lines ever again."
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As the last exam approached your stress level was as high as the Astronomy tower. You couldn't stay calm with all of your fellow classmates always talking about the exams and with panicking Mark whose nervousness affected you. It was the last weekend before the Transfiguration exam and everyone in the Ravenclaw tower was studying really hard, some of the people missed meals to study instead. You were sitting in one of the blue stuffed armchairs in the circular common room, staring into the domed ceiling full of stars. Although you have never been to Gryffindor or Hufflepuff's common room you were sure this place was the most beautiful room in the entire castle. Sometimes you like to imagine that you were somewhere else, laying on the cold grass, watching the night sky, being a part of nature. But not right now. This time the loud noise of the crowded common room ruined everything.
Instead of imagining those things, you focused your thoughts on more current affairs. You thought about the exam that was approaching and about the lessons that you have been giving Mark for the past two weeks. Naturally, Professor McGonagall noticed the progress that he had made and seemed very pleased, although it was hard to tell because she rarely gave others praise.
Mark wasn't a bad wizard in any of the subjects that you two have been practicing. He just was easily distracted and didn't have much time to practice because of the constant Quidditch training sessions.
You sighed, trying to get more comfortable in the chair, and started repeating in your mind the things that you've been revising in the morning but it was a hopeless case. The noisiness was driving you crazy, your heart was pounding really fast and it was getting hotter in here. You decided that it was better to start getting ready for dinner as it was almost the right time. You left the common room and on the way to the Great Hall were so lost in your thoughts, that initially you didn't notice that someone was calling your name.
You stopped abruptly, searching for the source of this voice and when you realized that it was your favorite voice in the universe who was calling you, you smiled.
"Hey, y/n!" Mark looked like he was running to catch up with you, his hair was messy and his breath shortened. He was coming back from the grounds, probably just entering the castle. He caught up with you at the last minute, a few more tens of seconds and you would have disappeared into the depths of the Great Hall.
"Hi, Mark" you tried to fix your robe and straighten some wrinkles on your clothes. You looked at him, suddenly nervous. "What's up? Is everything going okay with your Quidditch practice?"
He pulled you aside, as some seventh years passed you and hurriedly entered the Great Hall.
"Yeah, I guess so. I mean," he scratched the back of his head, "we had Jaehyun as our Chaser last year. This year we had to replace him with that guy Michael. Of course, we still have Jeno as a Beater and he's great..."
"And you," you interrupted him.
"What?" he furrowed his eyebrows, clearly confused.
"I mean, you're also a great player to me... Probably the best Seeker in this castle, I think that you're amazing" you said, cringing so much at your own words. You hid your face in your hands. "Oh my, I'm so sorry, that was really cheesy."
He suddenly laughed and when you heard his laugh you felt the sudden urge to laugh too. His chuckles were soft and always made you smile.
"I think that's kind of cute," he confessed, his dark eyes shining. "It's always me who says embarrassing things though. My friends always make fun of me because of this... Not that you said something embarrassing, of course," he added quickly. "I'm honored that you think that way. It's just that for the first time it's not me..."
You looked at him, not sure what to do. If that was true, that meant that you two had much more in common than you thought. At times you were so chaotic, clumsy and said stupid things but your friends just accepted that as a part of your personality. To you, it was really annoying.
On the other hand, he thought that what you said was cute and it made you smile broadly.
"You know what," he said, looking at the door to the Great Hall. "It's almost dinner time so I thought that we could eat something together... I mean," he gulped, "you can sit at Gryffindor's table and get to know my friends. Those guys are really great, you know..."
It was really nice of him, nice and unexpected. He noticed that you were heading to the Great Hall all by yourself and probably thought that your friends won't be there because they were studying. It was true though, you planned to eat alone today. But was it essential for you to meet his friends? It was a little bit scary for you, as you didn't like to talk with strangers. Technically, they weren't strangers, but they weren't your friends either. You were afraid that they won't like you or that you'll say something stupid and embarrass yourself...
It was Caroline who came to your rescue. She was on her way to dinner and spotted you two standing in the corner.
"Hello, lovebirds," she grinned at you two. "The entrance is this way," she said, pointing in the right direction. "Whatcha up to?"
"We were just going to eat dinner together," Mark said bravely and you almost choked. Were you?
Caroline raised her eyebrows so high that they almost disappeared behind her cute blonde bangs. She looked mildly amused.
"Great, so let's go," she ordered and when Mark rushed to the door, she turned back and winked at you.
She knew that you didn't have the guts to go there all by yourself and you felt a rush of gratitude toward your best friend. What would you do without her?
You entered the crowded Great Hall and for the first time didn't head to the Ravenclaw table, but followed Mark and sat next to him at the Gryffindor table. It felt really weird, but also exciting. Caroline sat down in front of you and helped herself to some food, clearly unbothered. You looked at the staff table but there was only professor Trelawney and professor Sinistra. No real danger in the sight. Some teachers would tell you to sit at your House's table.
Mark was sitting next to you, your arms almost touching. You hid your hands under the table, they were shaking slightly. It took you a good minute to calm yourself down before you were able to start eating. It wasn't that bad after all, in the beginning, there were no of his friends to be seen. You spoke with Mark casually, joking about professor Snape's haircare and talking about the exams. You just couldn't feel bad in his presence. But after a few minutes, Jungwoo came, and shortly after him Haechan and two girls that you didn't know also arrived at the Gryffindor table.
"Hi," said Jungwoo, smiling nicely at you and Caroline. He was even cuter up close. But not as cute as Mark, of course. "I'm Jungwoo."
You just finished exchanging greetings when Haechan spoke up.
"So as I was saying to our pretty friends," he pointed at those girls who didn't introduce themselves at all, "this match will be phenomenal. Of course, if I was playing, it would be out of this world."
The girls giggled and noticed that one of them had long, nice red hair and wore Gryffindor robes. The second girl was a tall blonde with a slightly upturned nose. They both were quite pretty but also kind of intimidating.
"I'm sure of that, sweetheart," the blonde girl said. "You're the best player out there, after all."
You exchanged looks with your best friend and almost burst into laughter. Sure, maybe he wasn't bad but that conversation was going in a weird direction.
Haechan ignored her and looked at his friend.
"We're counting on you, Mark. Give us some entertainment."
You frowned at his words. Haechan was a Slytherin, he shouldn't be putting so much pressure on Mark, especially being in a different House. Even if he was joking, that wasn't right.
You looked at Mark out of the corner of your eye, trying to read his expression. His arms were tense, face suddenly blanked as he shrugged his shoulders, trying to look as if it didn't affect him at all.
"Not gonna disappoint anybody."
Haechan smiled with satisfaction and helped himself to some food, ignoring the meaningful look Jungwoo gave him.
"Oh, I'm sure if you were playing, sweetheart, it would be amazing. They should start selling tickets so that people could see you," said one of the girls that came with Haechan.
You tried not to laugh and noticed that Jungwoo was also trying hard to stay calm.
"I would gladly buy the ticket to see you in the circus, sweetheart," said Caroline mockingly, imitating that blonde girl.
Everyone except Hyuck and that blonde girl laughed. You noticed the soft chuckle behind your back so you quickly turned around just to see Lee Jeno who was listening to your conversation.
He smiled at your friend and came to the chair at your other side, clearly amused.
"So, there's some kind of House exchange meeting, I see," he said and took his seat. He always looked kind of intimidating to you but from up close he wasn't so scary. He was still smiling, his voice calm and soft, his dark hair falling into his eyes. "Hope that I'm invited."
"Only if you'd make Haechan shut up," said Caroline, raising her eyebrow and you almost choked.
"Hey!" shouted Haechan but at the same time Jeno spoke:
"I think that you did a great job in silencing him already," he smiled at her and took a large swig of pumpkin juice.
Haechan had a look on his face like he was going to kill somebody, same with his girlfriends. On the other hand, Jungwoo looked like he was having the time of his life. And Mark… Mark was clearly confused.
You tried to change the subject quickly before they started fighting.
"So how is your preparation for the exams going?" you asked and then took a bite of your chicken wing.
"So-so-," answered Jungwoo, but he was cut off by the loud laughter that came out of that red-haired girl.
"You, Ravenclaws, are really such nerds," she said. "Do you really think that someone cares about that useless exam?"
"Meghan," said Jeno with a warning in his voice.
You felt the rush of hotness coming to your cheeks, suddenly aware of the noise that was in the Great Hall. It was really crowded, full of smells and noise. You gulped, trying not to look at anybody. It was like a punch in the stomach, it hurt and you suddenly weren't able to say a word. Why did she have to be so mean? You didn't do anything to her.
"I was just trying to be nice," you started, avoiding her gaze but she interrupted.
"I just still can't understand why you have to study with her, Mark," Meghan said and you opened your mouth in amazement. "Do you really like cramming?"
Mark shuddered and you moved away from him a little bit to see his expression better. You were curious.
"What? It's not like that! I wouldn't be studying with y/n in the first place if I didn't have to…"
You felt like he had punched you, you were suddenly out of breath, looking at him with sadness. So all this time he didn't enjoy studying with you? And what about this date that he mentioned? Was it some sort of payment for teaching him? You receive a date with an amazing guy and he is going to receive some tutoring in exchange? Which he clearly wasn't fond of?
Everyone went silent, even Caroline, listening to your conversation. You suddenly felt that you didn't have an appetite so you moved your plate away from you. You had the urge to punch Meghan and you know that it was a really stupid idea, as there were professors in here. And at the same time, you were on the edge of bursting into tears.
"If you say so," Meghan continued, her green eyes gleaming. "I personally think that people who like to study are so boring. Why do they even do this? To impress someone? It must be so hard to study with her," she looked at Mark under her long lashes.
Mark, who looked kind of embarrassed, raised his hands.
"It wasn't that bad..."
You stood up so quickly that you knocked off Marked cup. No one was moving, even Haechan looked terrified.
"I understand," you said coldly.
You looked at Mark for a few seconds and then ran out of the Great Hall before any tears started falling. You ran as fast as you could, your eyesight blurred, face wet with warm tears. You didn't even know where you wanted to go, you just tried to escape, to be as far as you could from them, from the noise and humiliation.
You heard that they were screaming your name, even Jungwoo, Haechan and Jeno tried to stop you, but you didn't listen, you wanted to be left alone, to hide and cry in peace. Why couldn't you just stay here calm, and say something funny to loosen up the situation? Why did you have to be such a drama queen?
You turned another corner and opened the random doors that were in that corridor. Luckily, they were open and the classroom was empty. No ghosts, no teachers, no stupid red-haired beauties.
You wiped your face with a scrap of your sleeve and tried to breathe in and out but you just couldn't stop crying. You were hurt, maybe because something in her words was true. You did want to impress others, to prove that you were put in your House for some reason. You liked studying and receiving good grades but you also wanted to feel worthy, you sought acceptance. You feared that Mark didn't really like you too and your assumptions were confirmed. He didn't like spending his time with you and it seemed like it was all just a joke.
You heard footsteps at the other side of the door, and your heart was beating so fast.
"Y/n, I'm sorry!" Mark screamed, his voice breaking slightly and the doors opened.
You took a step back, surprised. He looked like he was about to cry as well, his hair was messy, eyes big and scared.
"I don't want your apology," your voice broke. "You did nothing wrong, just told the truth… It's… It's nothing, you can go."
But you were hurt and he could clearly see it. That was the problem. You didn't want to be so vulnerable in his eyes, you wanted to look strong and interesting and cool. Not like a boring nerd who cries at everything.
"I didn't mean it like that," he said softly, reaching his hand to the knob of the door that you were hiding behind. "No one really thinks that way about you…"
Your tears started falling again and you felt like you were on the edge. You had to hide, run away, no matter what. You wanted to believe him but at this moment you just couldn't.
"I got your point, Mark, so please stop pretending that you do care about me!"
You slammed the door behind his shocked eyes and leaned against the door, slowly sliding to the floor. Your face was wet, full of hot tears. You heard him knocking gently on the door but you just ignored him and hid your face in your arms. It was nothing, right? Just some stupid words, which were spoken in a crowded place so that everyone could hear them…
"Y/n?" you heard Mark's voice again and all that you wanted to do was to open that god-damned door, put your shit together and just hug him. But you couldn't.
You heard his footsteps as he walked away and then the silence fell. You sit there for a few minutes and then decide that the patch is probably clear and you can leave this empty classroom. You stood up and when you reached your hand to open the door, it suddenly burst open. You jumped back at the last moment.
"What do you think you're doing?" Caroline was outraged. "I thought that you're not that kind of guy!"
You opened your mouth, shocked but then noticed Mark standing behind her. He probably went to look for her and now they were back.
"It's okay…" you said but then closed your mouth, not knowing what else to say.
Mark was speechless and Caroline slammed the doors again, then rushed to give you a big hug.
"It's nothing to care about, really…" you started again.
"You're my best friend, of course I do fucking care! I would climb to this tower using my own hands and slap Mark in the face so that he could treat you better if I had to. I mean– I will always care about you!"
She stroked your head slowly, her words making you cry again. She was the best friend that you could ever imagine.
"But everyone probably thinks I'm a crybaby," you said, trembling a little bit. "That was pathetic, I overreacted and I'm fully aware of that. It's so embarrassing!"
Caroline looked into your eyes and then she sighed.
"No, you did not. That girl is just stupid, she wanted to make you look smaller in everyone's eyes because she has a crush on Mark," when she said those words, she tucked you closer. "Haechan told me. Mark stopped showing any interest in her years ago but she's still jealous. She has a right to have those feelings but doing that was fucking mean. And it wasn't okay. If anyone should have problems, they should have problems with her, not you."
A puzzled look came across your face. Maybe she was right, but there was also that tiny voice that was saying that Meghan was right and you really were boring. You tried to silence it.
"Okay, then that really was fucking mean."
Caroline laughed and bumped your nose with her finger.
"There's something good in this situation after all. When you were gone, Jeno was so angry at Meghan that I had to refrain him from doing something stupid. So we're friends now," she ended with a huge smile on her face.
"That was fast," you said. "But I'm glad, really."
You both sit there for a moment, still hugging. Your tears have already dried out when you spoke.
"I'm worried about Mark," you confessed, blushing slightly. "Tomorrow's that exam and the day after that Quidditch match. And he probably thinks I hate him, which is obviously not true. I care about him so much that it hurts and I don't want him to feel bad or to be distracted during the match or exam." You wanted to cry again.
Caroline sighed and stared at the black and white patterns on the floor.
"He'll be fine. After all, he had the best tutor in the entire castle... Maybe in the entire country."
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The Transfiguration exam wasn't that bad, in fact, you were prepared as ever, maybe because of the hours that you've spent with Mark studying all those spells. However, you still weren't certain if you did great or not, your head full of words and formulas you couldn't get rid of.
You weren't in the mood for a Quidditch match, to be honest, but you just couldn't miss seeing Mark play. Even if it hurt, you just had to.
The day was bright and sunny as you took a seat at Ravenclaw's spectators tower. Caroline was sitting on the other side of the pitch, but it was okay. That way you could just focus on your feelings and suffer alone.
You opened your bag to get some snacks, but then you noticed one of Mark's friends sitting near you. It was Renjun, who was also a Ravenclaw. He had a Gryffindor flag in his hands and his face was painted in gold and red. You gulped and decided that you were not hungry anymore.
As seats were slowly filling up, the noise on the pitch was getting louder. Everyone was really excited – it was the final match, after all. There were no exams, at least for you, to study for and the summer holidays were approaching, so everyone had free time to watch the show. It was almost time to start the match – Madame Hooch already stood on the pitch, the wooden box in front of her. You stared at the field, awaiting Quidditch players to come out when in the corner of your eye you saw Hyuck who was entering Ravenclaw tower. You thought that maybe he was here to see Renjun, but to your surprise, he walked over to you.
"Hi," he greeted you shyly. "Do you mind?" he asked, pointing to the empty seat next to you.
You shook your head and he sat there, staring at the Quidditch pitch.
"The weather isn't that bad for the Quidditch match," he said but to your surprise, he was frowning slightly.
You looked at the clear sky and bit your lip. His appearance was weird and you started wondering what he wanted from you. After a few seconds of awkward silence, you opened your mouth to say something but then he interrupted you.
"Listen, I'm sorry that Megan turned out to be so rude," he blurted out, stroking his deep brown hair with a hand. "I think I just like when other people compliment me, when I think about it now… It's not like I'm friends with her and I knew that she makes Mark feel uncomfortable but I didn't do anything about her…"
You smiled at him lightly and then opened your bag to pull out a box with some cookies.
"Have some," you said, putting it under his nose.
"Wait, what?" his eyes got bigger and he looked at you suspiciously.
"My mum sent them to me by owl this morning," you explained and took a bite of one of the chocolate cookies. "And it's not your fault that she said what she said. You're not responsible for anything… " you added. "But when I'm thinking about it now, you shouldn't have said those things to Mark, you know, about entertaining us. He was pretty stressed out before, but this only made things worse, I guess…".
The sound of Madam Hooch's whistle cut the air and you both looked in that direction. The roar of noise filled the pitch as both teams mounted their brooms and the match started. The appearance of Haechan distracted you and you didn't notice that both teams had already entered the pitch. Your gaze naturally followed Mark's silhouette as he was cutting the air smoothly on his broom. His dark hair was swept by the air but he was too far to see if he was nervous or not.
Haechan took the entire box with your mom's cookies and put it on his lap.
"He really likes you, you know," he said slowly and you choked on your cookie. He was following the match with focus but you were staring at him with disbelief. "I know I'm betraying my best friend right now, but I feel like I have to fix that situation. He likes spending time with you, that's all I can say. And he looks much happier than before you two started studying together."
You smiled broadly and searched for Mark with your eyes. He was still circling the pitch in search of the Snitch.
"I like spending time with him too," you confessed and suddenly remembered the things you'd been thinking about before. "Do you know how his exam went?" you asked.
"He was pretty happy with how it went, I think," Haechan frowned. "Didn't transfigure the professor's hat, his own eyebrows, or anything like that from what I've heard. Mark may not be the best in class but he certainly is better than he was two months ago."
You shook your head happily and followed the commentary of the match. The Gryffindors were leading but the match could take a different direction if the Hufflepuff's team caught the golden Snitch. You spent the whole match talking with Haechan, him explaining to you the intricacies of some manoeuvers and the weak and strong sides of both teams. It was actually much more fun knowing all those things and you could clearly tell that Haechan was really into this sport.
The match was getting more intense and the air got hotter, causing you to take off your coat. You were pretty much relaxed, Haechan jokes made you feel much better. But then you saw something that made your stomach squeeze. As Mark took a sudden turn on his broom, you were sitting at the edge of your seat, tapping your leg nervously. He clearly saw the Golden Snitch and he was speeding up now to catch it before anyone else. But the Hufflepuff's Seeker must have noticed it too because he was following Mark.
Your heart was pounding so hard, cheeks warm from the excitement. That was it. If Mark catches the Snitch, he'd prove himself as a great leader and a great player. No one would say that he's worse than the previous team captain, and even if someone did, it shouldn't affect Mark at all.
You lean forward in your seat, clenching fists and praying that the Gryffindor team wins.
Mark was speeding forward, his silhouette blurred and he reached to capture the little golden ball with wings. But then the Bludger appeared and he had to fly upwards abruptly to avoid getting crushed by it. You held your breath and saw from the corner of your eye that Haechan's face was as white as chalk.
The other team's Seeker, Summerby, was following the Golden Snitch, his eyes focused on it completely. Mark let him overtake him and significantly lowered his flight.
"What is he doing…?" you said but at the same time you discovered what he was about to do and you smiled.
As Summerby was following the Golden Snitch, he wasn't aware of his surroundings and the fact that the Gryffindor team's Beater, Lee Jeno, sent a Bludger in his direction.
Few things happened in the blink of an eye. When Hufflepuff's Seeker reached out his hand, the Bludger hit him right in the chest, causing him to change his flight's trajectory. And as he was fighting with it to stay on his broom, Mark suddenly emerged from below him, sped up, and closed his outstretched hand on the Snitch.
The noise after this was unbearable but it was nothing as you were screaming at the top of your lungs too. You jumped from your seat, whistling and laughing with joy, the sun shining in your hair and happiness in your eyes. Haechan grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the stairs and onto the pitch, not caring about your protests. The entire Gryffindor team was surrounded by a cheering crowd so you couldn't see the person that you wanted to see the most. But Haechan somehow managed to get you both through all of those people and suddenly you were standing face-to-face with Mark.
His dark brown eyes were gleaming, his hair was swept by the wind and messy and you wanted to fix them, to stroke them so badly. He looked really tired but also happy and seeing him like that made you chuckle.
He freed himself from the rest of his team members who were patting him on his back and took a step closer. He was right in front of you and suddenly you cannot breathe anymore.
"I…" you said but he cupped your cheeks in his big hands and kissed you in front of everyone.
The cheers got louder but at this moment you couldn't care less. The world must have ended because there you were, being kissed by Mark Lee and suddenly you felt like everything was in the right place.
You were melting under his lips, his warm fingers brushing your cheek slowly as he dived into that kiss and you closed your eyes. He smelled like fresh-cut grass and somewhat like a fabric softener. You put your hand on his back, feeling his body under the Quidditch uniform, and hugged him tightly.
It was somehow centuries and seconds later when you two broke the kiss off.
You chuckled softly as he rose you in the air and spun you in the air.
If all of this didn't mean that he really liked you then you didn't know what did.
"Mark…" you whispered, forgetting that he probably won't hear it because of all that noise, but he grabbed your hand and put the Golden Snitch in it.
"I caught this for you. I won for you," he said, looking at you seriously and you gulped, tears forming in your eyes, happiness filling you up completely.
The crowd was pressing onto you both, everyone wanted to congratulate Mark, to celebrate. You noticed Haechan standing nearby, there was a smirk on his face.
"You've embarrassed us both and that's why I like you so much, weirdo," you said, smiling broadly.
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The whole week that happened after that felt like a dream to you. You felt like you were on cloud nine, everything was new and exciting and you were smiling so much. Hugging Mark, kissing him, holding hands with him and talking to him for hours – everything was just so surreal.
The weather was getting hotter each day and you spent every sunlit day with Mark, walking around the grounds, sitting in the library, or hanging out with him and his friends in the Great Hall. There was one last trip to the Hogsmeade planned to take place last Saturday at the castle before the summer holidays and, naturally, you both signed up.
There was no cloud in the sky that day, as you and Caroline were taking the route to the village. You couldn't find Mark in the crowd but it didn't bother you because you two were going to meet at the Three Broomsticks. Even though it was hot, you enjoyed your walk, you and your best friend chatting about everything and nothing, enjoying the fresh air and the rays of the sun. Caroline told you about her conversations with Jeno, who wanted to become a musician. Her uncle runs The Wizarding Wireless Network and she was really excited when he agreed to play one of Jeno's songs at his station. She and Gryffindor's Beater were getting along so well and you couldn't be happier for them, knowing how she secretly adored him.
You reached the Hogsmeade in a blink of an eye and parted your ways in front of the pub. You entered the Three Broomsticks and looked around the crowded space. You couldn't find your boyfriend so you decided to take a free table which was hidden behind a pillar. It wasn't long before Mark appeared and took a seat next to you.
"Hello, beautiful," he greeted you shyly and you blushed slightly.
"I'm embarrassed but also flattered," you confessed and he laughed softly, which made your heart skip a beat.
"Embarrassing you is kinda my job right now."
After you two ordered your drinks, you spent a nice time talking and observing other people who were getting in and out of the pub. After an hour you decided to move somewhere else as the place was getting more and more crowded. You really wanted to visit the newly opened bookstore Flourish & Blotts and Mark didn't mind it so you headed there. Almost immediately you got lost behind the numerous bookcases, browsing more and more books. It was only when the pile of books that you wanted to buy got really big, you noticed that Mark was standing aside, looking at you with a smile on his lips.
"Megan was right," you sighed and moved aside some hair that had fallen into your eyes. "I'm such a nerd," you said, looking at your pile of books.
Mark approached and suddenly hugged you, almost causing you to drop the book that you'd been holding.
"You're my favorite nerd," he corrected you and you burst out laughing.
"I'm sorry for my dramatic runaway," you said, suddenly serious. You reached out your free hand and touched the mole on his cheek gently. "I was really jealous of her… And also so insecure, I guess."
Mark laid his hand on yours and squeezed it.
"It was me who should be sorry though, y/n. I totally panicked and said some things that I shouldn't have."
"Like the fact that you don't like studying?" you raised your eyebrows. "I don't think that was a lie, you know."
He shook his head and took the book that you were holding, adding it to the pile. He sighed.
"I guess It's time to tell you the truth," he said and your heart sink into your chest. "Haechan asked you to help me with studying because I had a crush on you," he confessed, avoiding your gaze. "It was getting worse and worse and I got so distracted in classes because I tried so hard not to look in your direction… I couldn't focus and the lessons got harder. At the same time, I was falling behind because I didn't know the basics." He leaned against the bookcase and brushed his hair. Mark looked like he was pulling himself together to say something but you just couldn't stand the silence.
"Well, I got so distracted too because I had a crush on you," you confessed, looking at the floor.
"Really?!" Mark's voice crashed at the last syllable and you smiled. He cleared his throat.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that. But either way, I thought that you were smart and beautiful and all of that and Haechan noticed it so he came to you to ask for your help. That little bastard," he added silently. "And then we started to spend time together and I began to care more and more about you. So when Megan asked me about those things in the Great Hall I totally panicked. I didn't want Hachan to tease me and, most importantly, to tease you so I tried to avoid the right answer. Which is," he sighed again, '' I like you. I really do, y/n. And it's not just that I like you. As we were spending that time together I totally fell in love with you. I just love watching you getting excited over books or those Muggle cartoons that you've told me about. I love when you make me laugh or make me feel confident when I'm worrying about things because you actually believe in me. I love talking to you and I feel like you always understand me and know me even better than I know myself.
And I just couldn't imagine the world without you because when you're not in the room I always think about you and what you're doing and if you're happy. I'm a mess without you, not just in the Transfiguration field but, like, overall."
He said all of that with such sincerity that you just didn't know how to respond, every word hitting you right into your heart.
"That was the most beautiful monologue that was ever said to me," you said and took his hand, staring at it with eyes full of tears. "I didn't expect that you're such a romantic guy." You hesitated but decided to be honest too. There was no one in that part of the bookshop but even if there were tons of people, you would say the same thing. "I love you too, Markie. I'm so happy that I have you because I finally feel like I can be myself next to you and I'm enjoying every second of it. But please, don't make me say all the things that I love you for right now because we'll be late for dinner If I do."
Mark burst into laughter and hugged you, also causing you to chuckle.
"I just wanted to clarify one thing. I'm not like you, y/n. I'm not into studying at all. But I do like spending time with you and I'd do anything, even the most boring things, like studying, for example, to be able to stay close to you."
You rolled your eyes and dipped your hand in his hair, brushing it softly. But after a few seconds, he took a step back. You looked at him with curiosity as he pulled out something from his pocket.
"I've never thanked you for helping me to pass that exam, you know," he said. "So here I am. Thanks, babe. And" he reached out a small box in your direction, "this is a gift for you for that."
You took the box out of this extended hand and opened it. Seeing the content of it made you gasp. There was a Golden Snitch inside, intricately decorated and smaller than the original one and you realized that it wasn't just a ball. It was actually a necklace.
"Hope you like it," Mark said, looking at you from below his dark and long lashes.
"I love it so much I could marry it," you said, as he stood behind your back to fasten it around your neck. And as he did so, he left a soft kiss behind your ear.
"And besides that," he whispered, causing goosebumps all over your body, "I listened behind classroom doors when you said that you care about me… And you still have to tell me what you love me for, you know."
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outro-jo · 1 year
nct 127 at hogwarts (pt. 1)
paring: nct 127 member x reader
type: headcanon & blurb
summary: short stories about the nct 127 members time at hogwarts
warning: bullying in yuta’s, johnny being a cocky mf, slight spice in johnny’s 
 a/n: why tf is yuta’s so long 😩 everyone is aged down bc hogwarts is basically middle and hs. yuta’s is supposed to be first year and yes, i wrote him blonde. deal with it.
part 2
masterlist | info
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house- hufflepuff
pet- owl & cat
patronus- dragon: having a dragon patronus means you are a remarkable leader and firmly hold your beliefs. You are not afraid to stand up for what you know is right, no matter the consequences.
fav class- care of magical creatures
“you can’t go back there! it’s the restricted section!” taeyong whispered loudly, chasing after you. “i know what section it is.” you rolled your eyes. “i have to ace the paper and all the books out here don’t have the information i need.” you fiddled with the lock. taeyong grabbed your wrist, spinning you around into one of the sides of the giant bookshelves, the impact and closeness taking your breath away. “look, i’ll help you with this paper, but promise me you won’t go in there. your professor will know where you got that information and could expel you. i need you here so promise me you’ll stay out.” you nod frantically. the fire in his eyes ignited a fire in your stomach but you were in complete shock. taeyong had never done anything remotely like this in the five years you’ve been at hogwarts together. he should really do this more often.
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house- gryffindor 
pet- cat
patronus- brown bear: a brown bear patronus symbolizes courage, strength, and immense patience.
fav class- herbology
the sun was high on this chilly autumn afternoon as you made your way to the greenhouse with the herbology books tucked into your arm. there weren’t any classes today but that didn’t stop you from getting some extra studying done. being a late transfer, you always felt you were a bit behind everyone else and it was starting to get embarrassing so you would put in some more work on the weekends and days off just to catch up. as you walked into the greenhouse, you quickly realized you weren’t the only one that liked to work on the weekends. the gryffindor student looked up from his perch over the plant, wide eyed at the intrusion and still holding on to the leaf. “oh, i’m sorry! i can come back later!” you turned to make your way out. “no, no! it’s ok. i don’t mind the company. i probably won’t be here much longer.” “you sure?” “of course!” he smiled at you warmly. “i’m taeil.” “y/n.” you offered him a sheepish smile and walked over to shake his hand. “oh! you’re the transfer student! you’re from ilvermorny, right?” “yeah, it’s not been an easy transfer.” you chuckled and showed off your books. “well, stick with me. i kinda have a knack for herbology. i’ll show you a few things and i have a lot of friends who can help you with some of the other subjects.” a wave of gratitude washed over you with the kind offer from a new friend. little did you know he would become the greatest friend you had and the love of your life.
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house- gryffindor 
pet- lizard
patronus- wolf: wolves are powerful protectors who find strength in numbers as they always travel in a pack. If you have this patronus, then you should trust your instincts as they are usually spot on
fav class- transfiguration 
quidditch team- keeper
making your way back to your dorm to get ready for the quidditch match, you heard your name being called. the voice made you groan aloud and you rolled your eyes as you turned to look back. “what do you want, johnny?” you asked him. he ran to catch up with you, putting on his best smirk as he got closer. he was already dressed in his uniform, ready to be the star player for gryffindor. “aw, are you not happy to see me, sweetheart?” his taunting tone was starting to make you nauseous. “hardly.” you deadpanned. “well, that’s too bad. i just wanted to let you know that every goal i block today, i’ll be thinking of you.” he winked. “gross. save it for one of the gryffindor girls that’ll be screaming for you later.” johnny took a step forward and leaned in close, “you’re the only one i want screaming my name.” with that he was off, leaving you standing there with your jaw agape. oooh, you loathed him. 
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house- slytherin
pet- cat
patronus- falcon: those who have a falcon patronus are known to have a dark side and a distraught soul. However, they channel their energy into overcoming the difficulties of life and growing through them.
fav class- defense against the dark arts 
being a muggle born wasn’t easy. you’d think the magical world as a society would have moved past the prejudice at this point, kids are cruel and will use pretty much any difference against you. hence why you sat in the dirt outside the castle with a fresh bruise starting to form on your cheek. the tears that welled in your eyes were now a new means of teasing you by the awful kids that surrounded you. the pointed and laughed while you hung your head in shame. suddenly, each of the bullies that stood tall above you were shoved into the same earth you sat on. a boy with long blonde hair now stood in their place, the robe adorned in dark green resting on his squared shoulders. “leave them alone!” he yelled out before reaching a hand down to you. slytherins were supposed evil or at least that’s what everyone had told you, but he didn’t seem so bad. you eyed him cautiously just in case before reluctantly taking his hand. “oh, c’mon, yuta! you can’t really be defending a mudblood!” one of them countered. “shut up!” yuta kicked them in the stomach. “NAKAMOTO YUTA!” the voice cried out before charging over. you hadn’t been at hogwarts for very long but you already knew professor mcgonagall’s voice. “we do not assault other students!” “but they started it! they were bullying my friend and calling them a… yanno.” he couldn’t even bring himself to say the word. “did not!” they yelled. “did too!! and they hit me.” you shouted back and pointed at your face. the professor’s countenance changed with the new information, her arms crossing as she assessed the situation. she knew the kids that were bullying you based off the families they came from. purists. so she wasn’t too surprised when she heard they were mistreating you. “be that as it may mr. nakamoto, we do not use violence to fight violence.” she said finally. “ten points will be deducted from slytherin.” “ha!” one of the bullies shouted. “thirty points will be deducted from gryffindor because we do not condone bullying of any sort!” she informed them before looking at you and yuta. “but ten each will be rewarded to your houses for your bravery. and i will see the four of you, including you, mr. nakamoto, in detention.” professor mcgonagall concluded. you thought for a minute as the turned to leave. you didn’t want yuta by himself in detention for helping you. “wait!” you called out to her before leaning down to smack one of the kids. “do i get detention too now?” yuta smirked to himself as he watched you and then saw the professors face morph in horror. he did his best to hold in a chuckle. “yes, mx. l/n, i believe that given your actions that detention would be appropriate though i worry that it might be more of a reward than punishment.” she turned on her heel and retreated back to the castle. even years later, yuta could pin point that to the moment he fell in love with you.
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dalivanmagritte · 10 months
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back to the nct fic rec
Jeno fic rec part.2
lionheart (fav, smut, fluff, royal!au, knight!au, monarch!au)
premium boy-toy (fav, smut, stripper!au)
step on a crack, dr.lee's gonna break your back (fav, smut)
wanna know what it's like (fav, smut)
yours to tame (fav, fluff, smut, knight!au, princess!au, royal!au)
koi no yokan (fav, smut, abo!au)
slick pup (fav, pervert!au, smut)
prince of wolves (fav, smut, werewolf!au, vampire!au)
i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (fav,fluff, angstish, demigod!au, mythology!au)
pride & perjudice (fav, fluff, angst, smut)
secret (smut, fluff, sub!jeno (kink discovery))
my sunset is yours (fluff, hogwarts!au)
helping hand (fluff, hogwarts!au)
sweet lies (smut, angstish, ghost!jeno!au)
heatstroke (mechanic!au, smut)
transfiguration spell (smut, fluff, angstish, hogwarts!au)
sinking ships (smut, sailor!au, mermaid!au, horror!au)
tattooist!jeno (fluff, angst, tattooist!au, florist!au)
himbo (smut, himbo!jeno)
cute little intern (smut, ceo!au, intern!au)
mine only (smut)
possessive dad! (smut, pregnancy!au, soon to be parents!au)
ridin' club switching lanes (smut, streeracer!au)
sweet fury (smut)
rainfall (fluff)
the deal (fluff, college!au)
cigarettes after sex (fluff, angstish, suggestive, college!au)
just so you know x jaemin (smut)
change in you (smut, vampire!au, georgian-era!au)
puppy (smut, supernatural!au, werewolf!au)
sunshine (fluff, angst, mermen!jeno)
hit the breaks! (serie, smut, streetracer!au, mechanics!au)
rich purity (serie, smut, virgin!au)
the lucky one (fluff, angst, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of morpheus (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of apollo (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of shadows (part of elysios serie, fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
the tale older than time (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
late night company (fluff, comfort angst, demigod!au)
scream (smut (dirty smutt), halloween!au, ghostface!jeno)
possessive jeno (smut, roommate)
a different kind of exercise (smut, personal trainer!au)
the rock of gibraltar (smut)
jeno uses his strength against you (smut)
why dying my hair was the best decision of my life (fluff)
the bat & dove (smut, fluff, mafia!au, racer!jeno)
do you even know how to have fun? (angst to fluff, badboy!au)
take my breath (smut, abo!au)
puppy pound (smut, abo!au)
jealous (smut, abo!au)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
destiny (smut, abo!au)
i'm a mouse duh! x jaemin (smut)
they're roommates x jaemin (smut)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
stepbro alpha jeno (smut, abo!au, stepbro!au)
day6: overstimulation (smut)
day19: pet play (smut)
banana (smut)
guardian gloves (smut, angstish, boxer!au)
teddy bear (smut)
strong jeno (smut)
codename : monster (smut)
his order (smut, ceo!au)
sli(ck-p)up (smut, perv!jeno)
fireproof (smut, brotherbf!au, college!au)
size kink (smut)
only 'til dawn (smut, badboy!jeno, goodgirl!reader)
little wifey (smut, husband!au)
pretzel (smut, abo!au)
hard dom! (smut)
wrapped around your fingers (smut)
phone fuck me (smut, ghostface!au)
my first and last (smut, college!au)
the sequel x jaemin (smut, ghostface!au, halloween!au)
incubus!jeno (smut, incubus!au)
summer hair = forever young (smut, fluff)
cookie jar x jaemin (smut, stepbrother!au)
perv!jeno (smut, roommates!au, perv!au)
monster in hiding (smut, stalking!au)
can't take it? (smut)
can you handle it? x johnny, jaehyun, jaemin (smut)
ascention to the throne (serie, smut, royal!au, prince!au, political!au)
baby trapping (smut, sugardaddy!au)
shameless (smut, stepson!au)
undone (noncon, smut)
teddy bear -> our sick story, thus far x haechan (dubcon, smut)
stepbro!jeno part.2 (DUBCON, smut, stepbrother!au)
behind closed doors x haechan (smut, slight dubcon, stepbro!au)
the walls are thin x jaemin (DUBCON, smut)
shoplifter x mark (dubcon, smut, bodyguard!au, stepfather!au)
switch -> chain x johnny (dubcon, smut, neighbour?au)
arcade (continuation of switch/chain, smut)
565 notes · View notes
beautifulchris · 11 months
frog choir
pairing: yang jeongin x gn!reader
wc: 3,5k
featuring: bang chan, seo changbin, hwang hyunjin, nct’s mark and chenle
summary: jeongin joins the frog choir without knowing you’re in it too (he might like you)
genres: hogwarts!au, classmates to lovers!au, gryffindor!jeongin, slytherin!reader, fluff
warnings: i don’t think there is?
notes: moodboard made by me, pictures found on the internet. reposting works from my old blog
order of writing: chan - jisung - minho - hyunjin - jeongin - seungmin - changbin - felix
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @straykidsland @kwritersworld
tag list: @badwithten @soobin-chois @raethethey send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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Because of his bloodline and his parents’ friends, Jeongin had only wizard friends during his childhood. Once at Hogwarts, however, they were all sorted into different houses and he ended up alone in Gryffindor. It wasn’t a problem for him and they still spent time together at first. But his friends spent more and more time with their housemates until one day, they finally didn’t have time for each other anymore. By that time, he found someone else too though. He met one of his prefects, Chan, who took him under his wings during the first month he arrived.
Jeongin already knew a lot about Hogwarts and the courses, he knew what facultative courses he would take the second he would have the chance but since his parents didn’t like the Frog Choir, they never talked about it. Therefore, when he first saw the students on his very first day, singing all together with frogs, he was amazed. Will his toad ever croak as beautifully? Cause yeah, he believed his toad had to be part of it to be able to join the Frog Choir and he never dared to ask Chan about it.
He tried for many months to harmonize with Froakie, but all he did was ignoring his owner or after a while, croaking so violently it was like he was telling him to shut up. He realized that, maybe, the problem didn’t come from his toad but from him. And so he exercised his voice to make it sound more pleasant to hear perhaps. He would know if it was enough when his toad would accept to harmonize with him, he figured. Jeongin practised for almost 2 years and during summer before his 3rd year, he was seated in the garden of his house with his toad, enjoying the sun. He mindlessly sang one of his favorite songs and to his surprise, Froakie croaked in rhythm with him. It became one of his happiest moments.
The second day of his 3rd year, he asked his charms teacher if he could pass the audition to join the Frog Choir. He easily passed it and was excited to start. When he found Chan revising in their common room, he directly told him.
“Chan! You’ll never know what I just did.”
The older one lifted his head up from the potions book he was reading with a smile. “Let me guess. You just had your first muggle studies lesson of the year and it’s fascinating?”
He never really knew about the muggle world so he meant to take it since his first year and he knew it would rapidly become one of his favorite classes.
“Well yeah, I did, but that’s not it.”
“What could you be more excited about if not that?” Chan was really curious now while Jeongin nervously played with the hem of his sleeve.
“The Frog Choir.”
Chan was confused because Jeongin never mentioned it before. “What about it?”
“I auditioned and got in.”
Chan’s face lit up. He was genuinely pleased to hear that his friend got to enjoy singing. “No way! I’m so happy for you Jeongin. You know who’s apart of it?”
Jeongin’s eyes widened a bit. “… No?”
Mark, a fellow Gryffindor and Quidditch player that was passing by, took part in the conversation. “There’s my 2nd year friend Chenle, his best friend and Yunho from my year.”
Oh, Chenle’s best friend. You.
“Yeah and Jaehyun too. Thanks, Mark.”
The boy smiled and left the common room. Jeongin grew nervous. As if reading his mind, Chan tried to make him feel better.
“Everything’s going to be okay, I promise!” He wished it would.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
The next day, when he entered the Great Hall filled with older and younger students chatting, seated on the benches or up on the platform, all excited to be in the choir this year as well, he felt great.
You saw him approach the platform hesitantly, he didn’t seem to be friends with anyone in particular.
“Oh, isn’t that Jeongin from Gryffindor?” asked Chenle next to you. You smiled unconsciously.
“Yeah, we should go talk to him.”
“You’re right, he looks kinda lost,” Chenle smiled.
You got up from one of the benches and joined him.
“Hey,” you greeted as you tapped his shoulder, “what are you doing here?”
“I—” he coughed but quickly regained composure. “I passed the audition to be part of the Frog Choir.”
“Oh, that’s amazing!” you exclaimed, maybe a bit too enthusiastically, and Chenle looked apologetic for your behavior. When you realized, you nudged him and smiled innocently at Jeongin, who couldn’t stop his cheeks from heating up. 
The professor, who was also the charms and music professor, entered the Great Hall and all the whispers faded away. You turned to watch him get closer.
“Hello dear students. Welcome to the new ones and welcome back to the old ones.” A loud cheer followed his words and Jeongin felt like he knew he would enjoy this class.
He eventually had to present himself, like everyone else and when he did, he spoke in a small voice, showing Froakie, snuggled in his small hands. Everyone had sympathetic smiles and he heard two or three older people saying he was cute. You found him really cute too, but you kept it to yourself.
When you had to present yourself, you were at ease, knowing almost everyone already. “I’m Y/N, third year in the choir, and I got Yggorf with me, like always.”
The professor explained what he explained every year, to teach the rules to the new ones and remind them to those who were there the years before. While he talked, you were humming discreetly and mindlessly. Jeongin wasn’t far from you and it made him happy and relaxed to hear your voice, he found it soothing.
“Hey, can I ask you where Yggorf comes from?” he whispered as he got closer to you.
“Just Froggy backwards. I know, I put so much thought on this,” you laughed quietly.
Jeongin suddenly remembered the first time he saw you, the night all of the first year students were sorted, his first night ever in the castle. When you got called by a tall and intimidating professor to sit on the chair in front of everyone, you were a bit anxious. You were just eleven and you didn’t really know who you were exactly yet nor in which house you would be put. The professor put the Sorting Hat on your head and it took its time but finally, shouted “Slytherin!”. You smiled and joined your housemates. Jeongin, already seated at the Gryffindor table, gently clapped his hands until an older Gryffindor glared at him. He realized the only ones who clapped were the same house students but couldn’t comprehend why he couldn’t be happy for every new student. And so, he kept clapping quietly for everyone else (and kept doing that every year).
You quickly found a friend, though. Chenle was a bit weird but adorable. You went to see him in your common room after your first day because you thought he was funny in class and he offered you to play gobstones with him. Since, you play together at least four times a week.
Jeongin and Froakie enjoyed every practice, Jeongin because he could spend time with his new friends and Froakie because he was hanging with other toads and frogs. You suspected Froakie and your own toad, Yggorf, to be friends as well cause they were almost glued to each other every chance they got.
Jeongin realized Chenle didn’t bring any toads to practice though.
“Hey Chenle, you don’t have a frog?”
“No, I have a rat.”
“Oh, but you’re in the frog choir anyway?” Jeongin’s face screamed confusion.
“Yeah of course, don’t tell me you thought you absolutely needed a frog to join— oh. Is that why you only joined this year?” Jeongin nodded. “Oh.”
“It’s alright, at least Froakie made me work on myself so I don’t regret it.” Maybe, just maybe, if he didn’t work on himself, tried out for the Frog Choir in his first year and didn’t get in, he wouldn’t have tried again and this moment wouldn’t exist.
“I’m glad to hear that, because you have quite the skill.”
“Thanks, you ain’t bad yourself.”
Chenle thanked Jeongin and both smiled at each other before going back to practice.
Jeongin and you had classes together, like care of magical creatures. He was really passionate about it and cared about them a lot. He took the subject so seriously that he knew almost everything there was to know about every creature you learned about. It made him the best in this class and you admired him for that.
Jeongin often talked to you about muggle studies. You didn’t take that course because you were a halfblood and already knew everything you needed to know. Every time Jeongin had a question, he went to you in the halls or after classes to know the answer, not able to wait for the next muggle studies class to ask the professor herself or even ask Chan, a muggleborn. Chenle kept telling you it was because he wouldn’t miss a chance to spend time with you.
Since you started talking, you spent time with each other every chance you got, practice, shared classes, after class, weekends… Jeongin had now found friends he was never going to let go of. You were happy to spend time with him, he was really cute and charming.
Chenle was feeling like third wheeling but he didn’t mind, he just wanted his friends to date and be happy.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“Jeongin, we’ve been friends for months now, and I know I can trust you.”
“I’m going to be straightforward. Do you like Y/N?”
Jeongin was out with Chenle, walking on the school grounds while you were at the library, finishing a mortally boring history of magic homework. His cheeks heated up at the mention of your name followed by the word “like”.
“What? Of course I like them, we’re friends,” he tried while nervously playing with his hands.
“I mean more than friends,” he innocently smiled.
“I—” Jeongin gulped. “I don’t know. I could. Or not. I mean, they’re cute. And smart. Passionate too. Also—”
“So, no feelings, huh?” Chenle laughed at his friend’s rambling and gave him a tap on the shoulder.
You joined them soon after and found Jeongin acting weirdly. You didn’t question it, he was definitely adorable.
Obviously, Jeongin wasn’t indifferent to your charm, he liked you since your first year but never dared to talk to you. Still, he needed to understand his feelings better, to at least know if it was friendship or love. He needed to talk about it with Chan. Jeongin went to the Gryffindor common room to find him and he was alone on the couch.
“Chan, I need you.”
“Why that serious tone?”
“It’s about Y/N.”
“Chenle’s best friend? What about them?”
Jeongin sat next to his older friend on the comfortable couch. “They’re more than that, Chan. How do you know you like someone?”
Chan smiled fondly at the thought of his lover. They had been together for around two months now. “Well, you always want to spend time with the person. You’re happy just to see them smile, you look up to them and are whipped for them. Like you could do anything for them in a heartbeat. These kinds of things.”
“I guess I really like them, then.” He looked down, lost in thought —of you, naturally.
“Cool! When are you going to tell them?”
“Wait, I need to know if they feel the same way now,” Jeongin put a hand up, pouting lightly.
Chan smiled. “What if they end up asking you first?”
“I would be relieved, not going to lie. Because it would mean they like me too, and I wouldn’t have to worry about saying the right things,” he explained.
“Our Jeonginnie’s in love~” Chan chanted excitedly.
“Stop!” Jeongin whined.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“Chenle!” you called your friend who was doing his history homework on an armchair in the common room.
“Yes, Y/N??”
“Did Jeongin ever talk to you about me?”
He put down his quill and glared you in the eye as you sat next to him, looking at him questionably. “Did you finally understand you have feelings for him?”
You recoiled in your seat. “What? No—”
“Don’t lie to me Y/N, I’m your best friend.”
“Why would you ask a question you already know the answer of, then?” you pouted.
“To see if you’re ready for that talk.”
You sighed. “I hate you.”
“No you don’t,” he winked, then wrote one last sentence to his parchment before tidying up his stuff. “So. I talked to him about you and let me tell you that boy is WHIPPED. Can’t blame him, you’re cute.”
“Thanks… wait, he likes me too??”
Ignoring you, he went on with his plan. “Now, the question is… will you ask him out?”
“Wait, am I ready for that? I’m only thirteen!”
“True, but we’re not talking about marriage nor kids yet… just a romantic relationship with kisses and hugs.”
“You seem to have thought about all this a lot…”
“I’ve waited for this talk for months now,” he sighed tiredly.
“Shouldn’t we ask Changbin about love? No offense, but he might know more about the subject.”
“Of course, go ask him. He’s by the fireplace.” You turned around and saw Changbin on the couch, seemingly revising a charms spell. You walked up to him.
“Hey Changbin, can I ask you a question?”
He looked up at you with a smile. “Hey, isn’t that my favorite Slytherin? Green really looks good on you, Y/N.” You giggled, Changbin was really nice to the younger students but you knew it was a Changbin trait, not a prefect one.
“You said I was your favorite Slytherin yesterday!” shouted Chenle, pouting. Changbin laughed while you pulled your tongue out in his direction.
“Sit, tell me everything,” he said as he patted the place next to him.
“Well, it’s a matter of love.”
“Oh, love. Aren’t you a bit young to be thinking about that?”
“Maybe, but I just needed your advice. I like Jeongin, and I don’t really know how to tell him.” Actually, he just heard from Minho, who heard it from Jisung, who heard it from Chan that Jeongin liked you.
“Jeongin, you say? He’s one of my friends. My little finger told me he likes you too, you can go and ask him. As for how, why not propose him to go at Madam Puddifoot's tea shop? It's perfect for dates.”
“Thank you so much Changbin, you’re the best!” You hugged him tight and returned to your best friend, a big smile on your face.
“Should I remind you that you told me I was the best this very morning?”
“You’re both the best for different reasons. Like, you’re my best friend and he’s my best prefect.”
“I’ll let it pass,” he said, not without rolling his eyes.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
After charms class, you stopped Jeongin to ask him something while Chenle left in a hurry.
“Would you, maybe, come with me at Madam Pudifoot’s tea shop tomorrow at 4:30pm?”
Jeongin went silent for a few seconds, processing what he had just heard. It sounded like you were asking him on a date, because the tea shop was known for couple dates. He was confused but his face lit up and he agreed vividly. 
“Cool, it’s a date. I have to go to Hogsmeade now but I’ll see you later,” you explained and got out of class, Jeongin behind you. A date? His stomach was doing things he didn’t think were possible.
“Want me to come with you?”
“No! I mean, no need, I’m going with Chenle already. Why don’t you practice the banishing charm we just learned?”
“I—” But you were already out of sight, finding Chenle and going to Hogsmeade together. You didn’t mean to be rude, you just couldn’t take him with you for this.
“I did it. He said yes.” Your smile said it all about how you were feeling and Chenle was pondering what reaction was best, smile or laugh.
“You’re brave, I’m proud of you. As expected, he likes you very much.” Your cheeks burned and you didn’t talk until you were at Hogsmeade.
“I’ll get him cauldron cakes, he said he liked those a few weeks ago,” Chenle said before entering Honeydukes.
“Right. I’ll see what I can find in Gladrags Wizardwear.” You entered the shop as well, searching for accessories. Pretty matching bracelets were disposed of on a shelf and you immediately felt like they were the one. Paying 6 galleons, you asked the owner to wrap one of the bracelets in a lovely gift wrap.
When you found Chenle outside of Honeydukes, he chuckled at the bracelet on your wrist. “You really know how to win a boy’s heart.”
“What’s that supposed to mean??” You looked offended but he just giggled.
Meanwhile, Jeongin went to see Hyunjin for advice. He found him on the pitch and watched the Gryffindor Quidditch team practice.
“Hyunjin!” he called as the older one came out of the changing room.
“Jeongin, hey.”
“Y/N just asked me! On a date!” He excitedly jumped around.
“Oh my god, that’s amazing!” he high fived his friend. “When is it planned?”
The older raised an eyebrow. “But that’s your birthday?”
“I haven’t told them that… By the way, right after that, they said they had to go to Hogsmeade with Chenle and insisted I don’t tag along,” he pouted, looking down.
“Jeongin, don’t you think that, perhaps, they also need time to prepare?”
“Right, of course. Can you help me with that?”
“Get ready, I won’t repeat myself,” he said with a smile, throwing his arm on Jeongin's shoulders, walking together to the school.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
The big day had arrived, you were waiting at a table next to the window, playing with your new bracelet. Jeongin entered the shop, spotted you and sat in front of you. Madam Puddifoot came taking the order and left just as fast. It was awkward at first, neither of you being totally comfortable with the date thing. Jeongin decided to act as usual, not wanting to be weird and following his older friend’s advice diligently.
It soon was as if you did this your whole life. You chatted like you always did.
Your tea was almost completely drunk. You took the gift you bought the day before out of your pocket and put it on the table, next to Jeongin’s cup of tea.
“What is this?” he asked, surprised.
“Your gift. Happy birthday,” you smiled contently.
He was delighted you would ask him on a date the day of his birthday but receiving a gift from you? He was nearly overwhelmed by happiness. “How did you know?” he enquired while opening it.
You shrugged. “I asked Changbin.”
“Woah, it’s really beautiful!” Jeongin’s eyes were sparkling, examining the bracelet. “So pretty. Thank you so much, Y/N.”
“My pleasure. Let me put it on your wrist.” As you did, his eyes fell on your own wrist and his eyes broadened.
“Did you get us matching bracelets?” You acquiesced shyly. “This is the best gift I’ve ever received.”
He took your hands in his and you stayed like that for a few minutes, until someone from another table sneezed.
“Regarding us, what I know is that I really like you. I want to hold hands with you, hug you whenever you need and be there for you. If you’re okay with that, then would you be my boyfriend?”
“I’d be the happiest, Y/N. Just spending time with you makes me so happy.”
You kept the heart eyes for each other and the rest of the date went smoothly.
The moment you set foot on the entrance hall, Chenle ran to you and started screaming when he saw your intertwined fingers.
He clapped his hands and congratulated you both. He then wished a happy birthday to Jeongin and gave him his gift.
“Oh Chenle, thank you so much! I adore those.”
Chenle winked at you and smiled brightly.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ✿
“Hey Chan, I just saw Jeongin and Y/N passing by, wearing each other’s ties. Isn’t that cute?”
“It really is. I would have loved to try it too but my significant other is also a Gryffindor,” he shrugged, smiling.
“That’s right. My best friend is also a Slytherin, so we can’t do it either,” Changbin sighed.
“You still didn’t make your move?”
“They like someone else…”
“Oh, it sucks. Stay strong, my friend.”
“You’re really good at pep talk,” Changbin said sarcastically. “I can’t believe your house is in first position —for now— for the Quidditch cup.”
“Watch us win it,” he smugly said with a wink.
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, please let me know <3 and here's the masterlist!
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cultofdionysusnet · 1 year
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- Ficrec Week 12: Hogwarts AU
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Astral Flame by @flowerboykun
The Match. by @daybreakx
The Death Eater. // PT2 by @daybreakx (M)
Of Quidditch and Potions. by @daybreakx
The Champion. by @daybreakx
Loyalty by @daybreakx
cast a spell on me by @yunkiwii
Catch Me If You Can by @kpophogwartsaus
Stray Kidz
Tomorrow X Together
Tales from the Tablespoon Universe (NCT Ensemble on AO3) by @/taeyongseo on AO3 (M)
Mellifluous (NCT Dream on Wattpad) by @/markscult on Wattpad
Conjured Love (Kim Doyoung of NCT on Wattpad) by @/drunk_on_hwa on Wattpad or @kpop-stories-21 on Tumblr (M)
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ppoppokari · 9 months
~...ship rules...~
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~ From this point onward to ensure that you receive your ship in a timely manner each ship will have a certain number of slots, once all the slots are filled in a particular ship I will be closing submissions for that ship. Submissions remain closed until every single ship in that category is complete.
~Due to previous demand and my need to write fics just request one ship at a time. I won't accept your request if you are already on the list of pending ships.
~ All ship requests photos will be private unless you state that you are okay with your photos being posted
~ I won’t be including underage members in your ship
~Please request through asks or submissions, I won't accept your request if you dm me the request.
~ If you do not follow these rules your request will be deleted
~ I like my ships to be aesthetically pleasing and themed, so when you send me a ship can you please sign off with an emoji/emojis that are the colour of or relate to the vibe/aesthetic that you would like for ship. If you are okay with me choosing one for you just sign off with this 🌈
selca ships
~Like most selca ships these ships are based primarily on your appearance
~ Send your selca/selca’s! There is no limit to how many you send
~ You can use light filters but nothing that heavily alters your features
~ Maximum of 5 groups per request
~ You can request for any groups
written ships
These ships will be based purely on your description of your personality
~ Basically tell me who you are, this can include any interests, hobbies, likes & dislikes, MTBI, hogwarts houses or zodiac things. Anything that gives me a better picture of who you are!
~Two groups per request
~I only do written ships for select groups so please address this list before requesting
~Groups: ATEEZ, BTS, A.C.E, ONEUS, ONEWE, Kard, Mamamoo, TXT, NCT (All units), Seventeen,The Boyz, Dreamcatcher, Itzy, (G)Idle, Monsta X, Blackpink, Enhypen, Twice, Kep1er, AESPA, SF9 , Le Sserafim, IVE and Stray Kids
~ I may have left a few groups  out who I’d be happy to do a written ship for so if you don’t see a group you want a ship for send me a dm and I’ll see what I can do :)
overall ships
~Based on your looks and personality
~ Send in your Selca/s and a description of your personality
~One group per request
~ You can request for any of the groups written above or I can just choose a member from any of the groups I am familiar with.
mixtape ship
~ For this ship send in a description of your personality, a playlist of some of your favourite songs and a group
~You will receive a ship with a member from the group, a moodboard based on the playlist you sent and a song I associate with your relationship
~ One group per request
~You can request for any group
mtl ships
~ Based on appearance (I will make an exception if you truly don’t want to send a selca)
~ You can request for any group
~ Maximum 3 groups per request
~ As usual when it comes to NCT please specify whether you want a specific unit/s or whether you want ot23.
bbss/gbss ships
~ Refers to boyfriend/girlfriend, Sibling, Best Friend & Secret Admirer
~ Will be based purely on appearance so send in your selca/s
~Maximum of 2 groups~ Like the MTL please specify when you request for NCT whether you want specific units or ot23
bias vs. biaswrecker ships
~This one is flexible, it can be based on your selca’s, personality or both
~Just send in your selcas or description and your bias and bias wrecker for each group
~ You will be shipped with whichever one I think suits you best
~Maximum 3 per Request
idol life ships
~Send in a description of your personality, style & a selca of yourself (the selca is optional though!), your sexuality and talents or skills
~ This isn’t 100% necessary but if you want also send in how you’d audition to become an idol.
~Please specify whether you want some type of romantic relationship or not. The relationships can be in various forms like a secret boyfriend/girlfriend, a public relationship, FWB, A once off fling etc…
~ These are more creative and may take longer to complete, I’ll include your company, information about your debut, your first debut album (cover art/ disc), debut outfit, solo song, or collaboration (if I think these apply to you). The format is loose and may change between each idol life request.
best friend ships
~ Another flexible ship that is based on whatever information you send me
~ You will get shipped with a member from each of the groups you request
~A maximum of 3 groups per request or it can be completely random
join the group ships
~Send a description of yourself and a selca (the selca is optional)
~You can include a any talents as well, just anything that helps me get an insight into who you are
~ It can be a random group or any a group of your choosing (Any group can be requested!)
~ Maximum of one group per request
astrology ships
~ Can either be a standard astrology ship or mtl
~Send an ask telling me your star signs
~ Maximum of 4 groups per request
synastry ships
~ Credit to one of my favourite blogs. Empathicvirgo Go give her some love 💖)
~Send in a member (from any group) or a soloist and your birth details ( your birth details are safe with me I delete all personal details after the ship is done. I do your ships quicker this way and they are way more detailed since I need your birth details to do the house overlays)
~I’ll give you a type of relationship overview (which includes pros and cons), and the details relating to your house overlays.
~For both the Astrology ship and the Synastry ship I won’t be posting any of your birth details/ placements.
aesthetic ships
~ Similar to a written ship but kind of make an aesthetic overview of yourself
~Example: My aesthetic is sandlewood perfume, vintage books, orange sunsets, freshly popped popcorn etc…
~Basically use specific smells, sensations, sights, texture etc.. to describe yourself.
~If you still have any questions just dm me
~ Maximum five groups per request
k~drama ships
~ This is similar to an idol life ship, but essentially if you send in a selca or selcas, a bit about your personality and your favourite tv show or movie I will create a completely new k-drama starring you and some idols
~For the love interest/co-star section of this please state your sexuality and age and what group you would like the co-star to be from
~1 group per request
~What you will receive is a ship that includes your k-drama, your love interest, other idols who star in the drama, a drama summary or synopsis giving you the rundown of what the drama is about, a moodboard and a written half-drabble half film script of one of the best scenes of your drama.
moodboard ships
~Like a standard selca ship, the only difference is that you also get a moodboard
~3 groups per request
~If you have any ideas on a general aesthetic for the moodboard let me know or I’ll just go with what feels right
poly ships
~Send in some selcas and I’ll ship you with 2 members from each group.
~maximum of 5 groups per request.
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