#navigation menus
lokirme · 1 month
WordPress Performance: Caching Navigation Menus
Background In the before time, WordPress developers used to build themes (and plugins?) using PHP. When we wanted to add a user generated navigation menu to sites, we had to use a function called wp_nav_menu(). Of course, now that we’re in the future, we don’t need to worry about such things. But if you’re still using PHP to build WordPress sites, and still using wp_nav_menu() you might not…
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eggdesign · 11 months
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Wii Menu Page
preview + code and guide
I posted about this silly little experimental page a few days ago and was not expecting so many people to be interested in it. It's a very simple page and was basically already done, so I'm releasing it!
There is no JS used in this page (the popups are done with CSS), so you do not need to wait for permission to be able to use it.
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khytal · 2 months
fuck cars that have a giant touch screen that controls nearly every major setting and function of the vehicle and has few/no buttons. -10000000/10. fucking awful
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foreseeobstacles · 11 months
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so i did end up brewing an edit for speak now as per request of a close friend of mine who absolutely loves never grow up
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chaoticresources · 4 months
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Ours • Actions • Beginners • Downloads • Gradients • Fonts • Masterposts • Overlay • Packs • PSDs • Textures • Templates • Tutorials
Headers • Icons • Themes
Direct Downloads (TV shows, Movies, Games, Apps and more). • Photos and Screencaps • Resources
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shaydh · 4 months
idk if it's the game being kinda janky with its level design or I'm just dumb but I'm having a hell of a time figuring out where to go and what to do in Rogue Trader
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silantryoo · 1 year
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loading jwy-lal.zip . . .
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# about silan # rules # masterlist # drafts
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apparentlytheproblem · 3 months
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"a scent of summer in the air"
‧₊˚❀‧˚. did you miss me? - xoxo lizzie .scorpio.shoe size 6.5. old enough.
navigation - . instagram . pinterest . spotify
➤ master list . request information . characters i write for .
➤ follower count: 1053, dividers- @plum98
check out my gorgeous mutual w similar content - @duhmigod . @apollosgirl9 . @bratetteprincesst . @jaysgirlx . @rafesslxt
blogs w similar content that absolutley deserve a follow- @ilycosy . @love-belle . @randomoutsiders . @skullkidwithsunglasses . @sunsburns . @supercutszns
"a bit of a craving for one more breath"
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yeahivegotanaccount · 2 months
Crosscode is fun but exposes my failures as a non-gamer.
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etrosgate · 4 months
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cutie pie
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amygdalae · 1 year
I have fond memories of a 'videogame' I played all the time when I was really little (like 3 or 4) and my dad told me years later that it was actually just an obscure, extremely barebones object/softbody physics simulator made by like 1 guy. Some of my most treasured most formative gaming memories are of dragging and dropping a boneless rubbery 3d model of a cow and watching it splat against the ground in a grey void
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fatalitysficbakery · 9 months
hey bae, idrk how to request stuff its been a long time since i have !
but i was wondering if i could request an elle greenaway x reader where they supposedly ‘hate’ each other at work but theyre actually dating and they act like that to avoid suspicion and elle gets caught in a like shooter thing and then she gets back safely (based on that b99 episode w rosa)
or if thats too detailed idk,, just the last bit, ‘elle gets caught in a like shooter thing and then she gets back safely (based on that b99 episode w rosa’
idk if this makes sense i wqs daydreaming abt it in the car earlier and i am so sleep deprived rn idek if im making words right
so sorry for how long this is i love the elle fic u posted 07.10 !! im sleel now im fallimg aslepp
𓆰♡︎𓆪 What Goes On In The Dark. —
Elle Greenaway x Black Fem!Y/n
genre: angst/fluff.
warnings: hostage situation, mentions of violence, blood, and shot wounds. JJ is a profiler here. Liaison!Y/n, grief, mentions of suicide, gun violence, nothing too graphic.
synopsis: i’ll love you till the very end, amor.
a/n: i hope you enjoy my take on this request, lovely!
↳ 𓆰 Fatalitysficbakery navigation menu 𓆪
↳ 𓆰 Fatalitysficbakery criminal minds menu 𓆪.
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↳ ❝Don’t let last words be ones to regret.❞⁣ -Unknown
Quantico, The Behavioral Analysis Unit was always my goal from the very start, I'd walked into the double doors of the place on my first day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, all the whilst every horror imaginable lay beneath.
There was a lot to dislike about the place, the bureaucracy the most damning flaw of all, It was a tangled mess that the agents had to deal with, to remember why you're there was to do your job well.
Elle Greenaway and I were alike in that way, we wanted to help the world be a safer place, I remember our first meeting, she'd welcomed me to hell. Her piercing brown eyes stared me down, scanning me as if she could see right through to my soul.
The blush that kissed my skin that day was embarrassing and exciting all at once. She'd find ways to talk to me, excuses to come to my office. The new liaison. I'd let the team know my doors were open at any point in time, and God did she ever abuse it. Suddenly pencils regularly disappeared from her desk. Could she use one of mine? Did I have a stapler? Hers was empty.
It was...flattering.
I couldn't lie, the agent had piqued my interest from the start. A smooth talker with a quick tongue. Clever. Amazing at her job. Just my type, you could consider me charmed from day one. She had me in the palm of her hand.
From there it was inevitable, I was hers.
Again, the ladder of the BAU was a tough one to work around, the night we finally hooked up, it was under the guise of me not having a ride home from work. My car was in the shop...The same one that was parked just in the garage parking lot, furthest space away from the other's eyes.
That night, staring into puddles of hazel brown, brunette locks tickling my skin; I knew I'd developed an addiction, and god was it a euphoric one.
When we made it official, Elle gave me a locket, heart pendant with a picture of us in it. We'd agreed to keep it on the down low until we knew how to break it to Strauss and the rest.
That's when Operation: Become The Enemy started. Pretend to be absolutely revolted by one another at work, disappear into our own little world when alone.
It was a riot trying to pretend I hated the woman, hell, she drove me insane in all the best ways. She was my drug.
God, was she ever.
Being snapped back to reality tends to ruin all fantasies.
The BAU was my dream. My goal from the start. I wanted to be here, I wanted to be here.
My chest felt tight, my every limb aching the moment Hotch cleared it. Allowed her to go inside. Why did it have to her? Why did she have to be the hero?
It's our job, I know. I repeated that to myself so many fucking times whilst watching her put on that damned bulletproof vest which did nothing to silence my worries. — Every other part of her became fair game.
My chest hurt, my breathing sped up. Everything blurred. Before long I was being escorted to my seat by a worried JJ, I couldn't even tell her the reason I was so upset. I felt myself drowning, sorrow encapsulated my entire being, paralyzing me with a fear I'd never felt in forever.
The fear of loss. Grief.
I couldn't believe it, the world was taking from me what happiness I had gotten back, and to make it all worse...
She'd probably thought I hated her.
"Was that a gunshot?! We're going in. NOW"!
It was at that moment, my sorrow melded into anger and determination. Hotch and Rossi, I could see a moment of doubt on their faces, but there was none in mine. I nodded at them, jaw set.
I could see relief wash over Aaron, I could hear Jennifer exhale.
I got geared up, muttering a quiet.
"We're going to get Elle".
12 hours ago.
I could feel her icy glare on me, but I couldn't look her way. I wouldn't. I was too prideful. Too stubborn. Too...hurt.
It all seems so stupid now in hindsight but then, then it felt so serious. End of the world serious.
She was still worried of exposing our relationship and what that would mean, fearful. I could see it in her eyes that she didn't wanna risk the chance of losing what we had, but I was tired. Too tired to look at it from a different perspective, to be rational. I wanted the world to know.
It'd been an almost full year of Elle and Y/n. Didn't that mean something to her?
Now that I think about it; It probably meant everything to her, and that's where her hesitance stemmed from. Maybe if I hadn't been so boneheaded...
Elle walked into your office that day, two cups of coffee in hand and a to-go bag under her chin. It was early before most of the team had even arrived. She wanted to get there before it was time for another award-winning performance of pretending to hate the woman she loved the most.
The smile that greeted you was one of pure happiness, and it had only been met with a grimace of discomfort, and a problem waiting to be made. I mean, how dare she? Bring you coffee and scones while you prepped to present another harrowing case to the team with Garcia? How absolutely dare she?
When she saw the grimace on your face after sitting the coffee and scones down, her smile faded almost immediately. Knowing instantly what this would be about, the same conversation had been going on for a week and a half now that your one-year anniversary was quickly approaching.
"It's a little early, no? You usually don't come in so soon".
That was a lie, you both knew it but Elle also knew that was only the gateway to your next question. She sits before you, pulling up a chair.
"Y/n, pleas—"
"I don't wanna do it anymore, Elle. Can't we tell Strauss and them? Our anniversary is two weeks away, we've been going behind their backs for too long...I want them to know".
Elle sighs, you'd asked this so many times and the answer stayed the same. Her lips part to speak but it's stuck in her throat, it's dying there and in her silence you find disappointments. Your mouth fixes into a slight scowl.
Elle finally speaks, "You know why we can’t".
Her answer again left you dissatisfied, but this time instead of fighting it, you allow words you regret to slip through the cloud of emotions you were feeling. Before you know it, it's too late to take them back, Elle's face had already fallen, and your ego was too big to take it all back.
"Fine. Well, maybe we shouldn't even be doing this. I'm tired of being just two coworkers hooking up".
The words hang in the air, toxic and venomous. The fumes left a nasty stench. Elle notices you pull your bottom lip between your teeth as you often do when uncomfortable or nervous. Yet you speak not a word.
She stands, clearing her throat.
"Just two coworkers hooking up? That's what you think of our relationship? Wow".
And that, that was all she said. There was so much and nothing left to say, neither of you quite processed what had happened before she left your office on that sullen note.
The case had gone from a simple familial kidnapping to not only the dad holding his daughter hostage but an entire library. My Elle had gone inside that place, her bravery had always inspired me, but today I couldn't help but have a strong disdain for it. The way she was immediately ready to go. It was her nature. It was MY nature. The entirety of the BAU would've done the same, and all I could think was why it had to be here.
When we got in, it was already too late. James had shot Elle in the thigh, and his daughter in the arm, before he'd turned the gun on himself.
I'd rushed to her side, the first one there whilst the rest tended to the others. She was already grey, lips pale and blue and eyes barely opened.
From that moment, leaving her side wasn't an option, the only time I did so was when she was rolled away for surgery. The hours spent with her gone was just me sobbing uncontrollably in Penelope's arms.
I was no longer able to pretend, and I was hoping, praying to whatever God I could that she'd make it out of that surgery alive to be mad at me about that.
I could hear her voice telling me to pull myself together, I was being too obvious. I could see her soft smile vividly in my mind winking at me right after that.
It was touch and go, touch and go.
Finally, the doctor came to talk to us.
I put the finishing touches on it, my heartbeat so loud I could hear it pumping. God, I was so nervous. I'd never done something like this before, I never thought I could be doing something like this before.
I'd rejected the idea of commitment, shunned it. The thought of long-term relationships terrified me. Maybe, maybe that was why it was so difficult to convince me.
I'd convinced myself it was because I wasn't ready for the big boy's club to have the spotlight on my relationship, it was bad enough their eyes were watching my every move at work, but my personal life?
And yeah, that was the reason for about 6 months, but I knew in my soul of souls that I wanted her. Solely her. I didn't care about bureaucracy that much, hell, I was the reason there were eyes on me after the shooting they'd watched me like a hawk.
But no, that wasn't the reason. It was my safety net. My excuse to mull over my own grievances with love and relationships. I could see the sadness wash over her face every time I'd say 'not now', and it broke me each time.
I just...wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to admit to myself that I was worthy and deserving of love. That a relationship could be healthy/
I was constantly watching my back, waiting for it all to fall so I could prove myself right. When it didn't...When I almost lost her to my own foolishness, it was the biggest wake-up call of my life. — Waking up in that hospital bed, I remember it vividly. Looking to my right to see a sea of ginger curls strewn about my bed, her soft snores filled my ears. She sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair with her head lying on my bed, and it was clear she hadn't gotten any sleep in days.
Later, I was told I'd been in a coma for three weeks.
In those three weeks, she'd never left my side until she had to shower, eat, or change. Morgan told me he'd arrive only to see her doing work beside me and Hotch was more than gracious enough to allow her to be with me.
Her eyes opened, pained by the awful fluorescent lighting overhead, and as her eyes adjusted to the harsh lighting, she heard a familiar sound, those soft snores like music to her ears when she looked to her right and her suspicions were correct. You rest your head on your arms laid on the edge of her bed just next to her arm without the IV in it. You looked so peaceful, but she noticed how pale your usually cocoa skin looked.
She can't help but wonder how long you'd been there.
When she turns her head away from you, still scanning her surroundings, a soft British accent sounds out beside her rasp and sleep coating your vocals.
"Elle". You spoke so breathlessly as if you'd received the biggest surprise of your life. She took note of the way your eyes immediately welled up, apologies stumbling from your lips, "Baby, I'm so sorry I didn't mean—”
She'd shushed you, scooting over and patting a spot next to her. When you join her on the hospital bed that barely fits one let alone two, she kisses the top of your head, hand scratching and massaging through your soft ginger afro, she sighs and shakes her head, looking down at you.
"I know you didn't. Just sleep with me for right now, yeah"?
A tear slips from your eyes, you nuzzle gently into her side further, careful to not worsen any of her injuries.
I'd probably asked her to repeat what had almost happened to me a thousand times, something about hearing it was healing almost.
Though, she could make anything sound interesting with her voice like honeycomb. It was the one of the first things about her that’d caught my attention.
She knew how to make it real for me.
Elle lay in your arms, her head resting in your lap with your nails massaging her scalp. This wasn't the first time she'd asked you to retell the story, it was the fourth in a single week. You were happy to oblige, even if it hurt you to talk about seeing her almost die, You knew she needed this, and if it helped her in any way, you were glad to.
"The bullet hit a major artery. The doctor had come out to tell us of your death, I think my knees nearly buckled when I heard her starting to apologize".
She'd looked up at you, eyes and ears focusing solely on you like she hadn't heard the story a previous three times, she'd kissed the back of your hand gently when you had to stop for a moment to recollect yourself talking about how you'd thought you'd lost the love of your life.
Finally, you spoke again, eyes glossy.
"When she was about to call it, tell us her condolences, another of the surgical team ran out to tell her that there was a pulse, you could be saved. As soon as I heard the news, I did drop to my knees. I did. I thanked the stars that I'd get another chance to make it right, to tell you how much I loved you and regretted my words".
"You're doing so good, Beautiful", she'd whispered to you appreciatively, knowing how hard this was for you, It only made her love you that much more seeing the lengths you would go to to help her heal.
"It was touch and go for a few hours after that, you once again died on the table, three times. Finally, the doctor was about to give up until you got a steady pulse. They told us you fought like hell to get back to the team. But I couldn't help but think maybe..."
"It was. It was you, I don't remember much. I was talking to my father on the jet. Telling him all about the team, all about you. How I couldn't leave you just yet...Not on such a standstill".
Your breath caught in your throat at her words, you'd had your fair share of near-death experiences when working in SVU but you weren't sure you'd felt anything but coldness, a darkness. Elle had something to live for. She'd chosen to live for you.
Your eyes shot to hers, she'd never really addressed you by your first name, only pet names she'd gifted you. So, when she'd said it, she'd gotten your full attention.
"You were right...You were right, look, for a while" She sat up, moving to face you before continuing, "For a while it was about work, me wanting to continue lying. But, you were right. It wasn't just that".
Elle grabbed your hands in hers, her hazel eyes a vision of fall as she stared into yours, you knew the woman better than anyone, you could see this was hard for her; being vulnerable.
"I never thought of love as something that could be achieved in our field, not long term at least, and after about three failed relationships in, I stopped pursuing. I became terrified of commitment, and when you came along..."
"You got scared of the things you felt". You finished for her, sighing softly and pressing your forehead against hers, "Me too".
She nodded, "When I left your office thinking we were over, I realized my own cowardice. I knew I couldn't just lose you like that. I was gonna speak up and apologize. Talk it out. Anything. Until"
"Everything..." You whisper and cup her cheek in your hand, searching her eyes for that love, and when you see it. That same glint from first meeting, the side of your lips quirked up into a delicate smile, "I love you, Agent Greenaway".
"And I love you far more, Agent Y/ln".
I glance at the door anxiously, eyes shifting from that to the clock ticking slowly on the wall, and back. Putting this in the hands of someone other than my own was nerve-wracking, especially dealing with something this important.
Eventually, the door opens, and I'm almost allowed to breathe, but not yet. Not just yet. You're almost there Elle.
Entrusting this with Penelope Garcia of all people was the scariest part of all this, but she came through without spilling all, I admit. She smiles at me, giving a thumbs up. And I appreciate it, I do, but it's not any more comforting. Right now nothing could comfort me.
And then, I look to her.
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(check image descs)
A vision of perfection stood before me, and as Garcia finally removed her blindfold, I could feel my face get hot, my heart pumping faster. She was stunning. We stare at each other in awe, I can feel my father whispering in my ear that I was making a good decision.
For so long I'd rejected the idea, and now it was something I was more sure of than anything else in my life.
"Come here, Mi Amor" I hear myself whisper, my voice caught in my throat as I prepared myself for the task ahead. She walks over to me with her hand still cupping her mouth in shock as she grasps what the box in my hand means.
When she's close enough, I get on one knee. The tears welling in my eyes a perfect match for the ones in her.
"You two argue like an old married couple". "They're still at it? Ugh, get a room".
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(check image descs)
My voice shakes, I'd never proposed to anyone, let alone after only a year of dating.
"Y/n Y/ln, happy one-year anniversary. Where do I even start this? I know this is probably soon, but...If there's anything in this world I've ever been sure of, It'd be you. My hesitance with commitment almost lost me the most wonderful woman ever crafted. I'm tired of running. I'm tired of hiding...I want you. Forever. Will you do me the honor and marry m-"
Before I could get another word in, I felt her launch herself into my arms, her hold on me confirmed everything I already knew.
I couldn't let anyone else have her. She was too valuable to me. To this world.
"YES! Yes, I'd be so honoured to be your Mrs. Elle Greenaway"!
A/N: A bit of a trauma dump ahead, but I'm back after going through the death of my uncle only a week ago, having horrible PTSD and sickle cell kicking my ass. I hope this is to your liking, lovely! Sorry for the long wait ):
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posthumanwanderings · 4 months
Playstation 2 BroadBand Navigator - An offline exploration
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paigemathews · 11 days
Hmm, I think that I want to update the blog colors, but I'm not sure what colors I want. I like the idea of something kind of witchy in nature but, at the same time, some nice summery colors, too. Thoughts?
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honourablejester · 1 year
I finally figured out, with the new world creation menus and all, how to play snapshot features in minecraft, so I made a world to try out the experimental 1.20 features. Specifically, pink wood:
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There is a really nice gradient to be had with cherry logs on the bottom, then stripped crimson wood, then stripped cherry logs, and then some pink concrete powder to top. Cherry and crimson woods work really nicely together, and the purple tones of the cherry logs might work really well with things like nether brick (!!) and even obsidian. It’s definitely an interesting new block.
Also? The bamboo trapdoors are beyond gorgeous. As are cherry tree leaves. Excellent additions, full approval!
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File Select  |  Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards  |  Jun Ishikawa
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