#my writing isnt the greatest
trixibebe · 2 years
Chapters: 1/25 Fandom: 龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Zhao Tianyou/Reader Characters: Zhao Tianyou, Reader, Kasuga Ichiban, Kamataki Eri (Yakuza), Mukouda Saeko, Adachi Koichi, Nanba Yu, Seong-Hui (Yakuza), Han Joon-gi | Kim Yeonsu (Yakuza 7), Majima Goro Additional Tags: Explicit Language, Alcohol, Smut, Reader-Insert, Canon-Typical Violence, Anxiety, some abandonment issues, some trust issues, Fluff, bit of angst, Smoking, foreign reader, not really a slow burn but it takes time to get there, Past Majima Goro/Reader, Romance
You reluctantly moved to Isezaki Ijincho five years ago when you learned that your partner, Goro Majima was murdered. The initial devastation faded over time but you could never quite let go. You were left with unanswered questions but a faithful encounter with Ichiban Kasuga promised the key to some clarification on the circumstances of your past lover’s death. Tagging along with him on his quest you didn’t expect to fall so fast for the leader of the Yokohama Liumang. How will you handle all the feelings that keep on coming crashing down on you?
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wlw-cryptid · 11 months
I am once again thinking about having a big strong butch lay back in my lap to nurse after a long day
Telling them that I want to make Daddy feel better and pulling their hands to my chest, helping them pull my shirt away. They'd hum and humor me because not even whatever cool-headed calm exterior they put on will stop them from having their princess's heavy tits in their mouth, and I'd eagerly pull them closer. Once their mouth was full, I'd start start talking them through it. Telling them how good it feels in my soft, warm voice, telling them how much I love them. What a good daddy they are, what a good butch they are, how they take care of me like a good husband should. My body's here to take care of all their needs.
I'd go from holding their hand to rubbing their forearm to massaging over their hips, and their eyes would get heavy as they relaxed more and more into me. Sure I'd sigh and whimper and love how it felt, but my voice would begin taking on that other tone; the one that reaches into their mind and soothes all their thoughts down until they can only wait for what I tell them. Before they even realized it, they're preening at being called a good boy and I'm undoing their belt, slipping my hands under their pants and palming at their bulge. I coo about how hard they are, how sweet they are to me, asking them little things like "do I taste good, sweetheart? does that feel good?" just to make them nod and listen and obey more than anything else. When I stroke their cock through their nice black boxers, I want them to moan into my breast and whine out "more" and "please" until they can't take it anymore n remind me whose in charge
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
Roleswap anyone??
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Tell me Fernando wouldn't make a fantastic general/emperor, and that Napoleon wouldn't make a fanastic driver/tp!!
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theworldinclines · 2 years
i say this with my whole heart, i love us broccoli nation, but anyone thinking that win is out of character based off episode 1 has inherently misunderstood his character. we saw nothing of him in uwma, nothing, and i say that bc he was nowhere near being a Main Character with crumbs every other episode. and that's ok, bc the story wasn't about him, so everything we see is surface level. he jokes, he flirts, he's not very serious - but that doesn't mean he is never serious, we just never had reason to get into that detail bc it was dean and pharm's story, not win's. we are finally seeing what win is up to while dean and pharm are in their little world, and it isn't just him being a fun loving goofy side character. it's who's he's always been, when we're shown his perspective, when we focus on his being. win isn't going to view himself as the person pharm (who has no context, just like us!) sees draping himself all over team at lunch, knowing so little that he has to ask dean if player win is a good guy for team to associate with. win is a middle child who has had to basically act as parent and mediator to his brothers, hes fiercely loyal, and is someone used to adapting to the needs of whoever he's with. that's who he's always been. he can be funny and joke with team after they've know each other a while, as we saw in uwma, but we are quite literally at the beginning here. speaking as someone who has loved and analysed win's character for years, to say they've rewritten win to be a hard-ass is just untrue. he can be more than one thing, he has layers, he has depth. he's a well written character. i know we might not be super used to that with a lot of these series lol but we won this time. so be open to getting to know him!! boun for years has put his entire heart into crafting win into a realistic, lovely person and it shows and im so happy to see win portrayed so wonderfully :))
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fangirlforlife97 · 2 years
I think it's pretty interesting that from what we've seen so far from the show, all of Dream's past lovers and potential new love interests have dark hair and dark eyes. Nada, Calliope (show version anyways), and Johanna. Johanna isn't a love interest but I'm not blind, I saw the chemistry between her and Dream and who knows if the writers would make something happen between them, I really hope not anyways. As I was saying though, I think it's pretty interesting that all of Dream's past lovers all have dark hair and dark eyes on the show, because you know who also has dark hair and dark eyes!? HOB M*********ING GADLING, THAT'S WHO!!!!! AND THEY HAVE THE BEST ROMANTIC/GAY STORYLINE AND CHEMISTRY ON THE SHOW. Coincidence?! I don't know, but it is interesting. Headcanon that Dream has a type for dark haired and dark eyed people (men/women) and that's another reason why Dream is into Hob as much as he seems to be!?!
Another headcanon is that Hob has a type for dark haired and blue eyed (men/women)!! He strikes me as someone who would try anything once, so he wouldn't be opposed to sleeping with men and who knows maybe even likes it?? Thus being bisexual!?! I wish I could write and who knows maybe one day I will try but fanfic idea! That Dream is going on a quest for something or needs help , so he puts together a little group, himself, Johanna, Matthew and Hob. They get Hob last but when they show up at his place unannounced they find a shirtless, wet haired Hob saying goodbye to a very goth, long black haired, blue eyed man. And of course Hob being a bit embarrassed (cause he's in love with Dream but doesn't think he can have him, so he sleeps with men that look like him, and Dream notices the resemblance to himself.) And then Hob of course notices the strange look and Dream's face and is plagued with anxiety cause he thinks because of the way the man with him looked, that Dream had found out about his feelings?! Dream also notices all the scars on Hob from over the years, before he gets dressed. Just cause Hob can't die doesn't mean that he can't obtain scars, he's gained alot of them over the years. Afterwards they proposition him to join them, which he gladly does! They go on their quest or whatever and Johanna notices chemistry and longing between both of them, especially considering she's a fellow bisexual. And makes suggestive statements at times earning some glares and awkwardness from both of them and Matthew of course puts his two cents in. And yada yada and then eventually Dream and Hob speak, confess feelings, things get intimate and Dream traces the scars on Hob's body. WOULD LOVE THAT!!!!
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butchshevik · 7 months
I will probably cave and watch the fall of the house of usher anyways but let it be stated for the record that I do not and never will like flanegans work
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
sorry no reporting back to inform you there’s only 3 lucifer/claire fics on ao3. unbelievable. do i have to make everything i want to read myself.
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desiresign · 1 year
i feel like this: dont feel like reading fanfics lately ...
the thing is, i do want to, i will look them up and try to find something i want...simply, dont have ones that are to my taste right now, am tired of rereading
also, i still have various wips that i never finished, which i do wantt to finish some time, but its hard..writing is harder than drawing
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bladedwoe · 1 year
( Astrid ; continued )
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        𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭: 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐫. She found no use to dress in fancy furs or in a common dress, she wasn’t playing a part. In fact, she was representing the Dark Brotherhood and from what she had heard, Zephyr wasn’t someone to tread lightly around. She didn’t need to portray herself as anyone other than the assassin she was and if the other woman decided to strike at her with a knife: what use would a tailored dress have between her heart and a blade? 
        So far, she could tell she was confident. Cocky, almost. That was important to know if a fight ensued, but she would humor her for a little while. As long as she wasn’t wasting her time.
        ❝ Oh no, madam, neither one of those, though your choice of attire and remarkable beauty is one for the ages. I’m afraid that’s not the point of my little visit. ❞ A thin and sly--almost cat-like--grin poked at the edges of her lips. The brush of the artifact against her side reminded Astrid to dig inside and retrieve the object she was so interested in that she had to break away from the fog of Falkreath to the chill of Winterhold.
        A small chuckle left her lips underneath her cowl at the idea of an assassin sending her. If only she knew. ❝ Oh no, no. Nothing like that. A… business endeavor for the Dark Brotherhood is what brought me to Winterhold, you see. ❞
        ❝ A little birdie told me you know a thing or two about the Dwemer, yes? ❞ Gloved finger pokes into the small bag hugging along her hip and she retrieves a shiny, yellowed ancient object that glowed like it was newly crafted in the candlelight as she held it before her. ❝ A client offered this in their part of the deal. Supposedly the item is ancient and costly. ❞ The costly part was what piqued Astrid’s interest the most. Skyrim was full of ancient objects. Ruins, caves, signs, structures. Skyrim was drenched in its long, long history that it wasn't hard to find something that lasted through the ages, but the mention of money drew her interest. Specifically, how the cost of the item could benefit the Dark Brotherhood in all of their endeavors, but she was sure that she made that point loud and clear.
        ❝ What can you tell me about it? ❞
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rottenomelet · 8 months
Hey, could you do a little fic with yandere Choso? Going a little more into depth like the one you did with Geto? You’re writing is phenomenal
(note(s): i absolutely can :P i was thinking about doing this anyways like anon u just read my mind. and thank you :)
warning(s): implied kidnapping, implied stalking, mentions of period (non sexually), all-in-all slightly creepy tendencies. choso is just an oral king here so if that isnt ur thing, i sorry.)
Yandere Choso Thoughts (1k)
Here’s the thing: Choso is the oldest of ten. He’s hyper independent and he’s in a position of always taking care of others. But he doesn’t just enjoy the act; he embodies it. Being a caretaker is his pride and joy. Being an oldest brother is Choso’s absolute greatest accomplishment, and he wears the title like a medal.
So of course the same can be said when it comes to you, his precious darling.
Having you as his responsibility brings him immeasurable joy. Choso is prideful about how well he’s taken care of you, how much brighter and healthier you’ve looked since he’s taken you into his care.
He’s attentive to your needs like no one else, recognizes what you need even before you do. If you take any medication, he reminds you of it. He makes sure you drink enough water, that you eat balanced meals at healthy times, that you go to bed on time every night. Choso does not allow you much personal time for hobbies but he has no qualms about an - approved - book now and again, or even a tv show as long as you watch it with him.
Any nasty habits you have - smoking, drinking, not eating right, insomnia - he goes through absolute lengths to ‘cure’ you of. It’s not that he thinks these things make you imperfect, but rather that you’re his/. His darling, his responsibility - it just won’t do to have you feel anything but 100% good all the time.
Of course there is the more… concerning side of this attentiveness. He’ll mention special dates (an old friend’s birthday or the graduation of a family member). Choso will bring up tv shows you used to love but forgot about, give you comics you were once interested in but deemed too expensive. He even knows your cycle, buys you sanitary products the day before you begin. Choso sees no issue in telling you when you’re ovulating.
(“You’re at your most fertile today.” He’ll mention during dinner and you freeze. Your stomach churns as you process what he just said.
Choso doesn’t have to eat so he likes to sits there and watch you eat dinner. It was awkward at first, the man not much for talking and you reluctant to converse with your capturer. But as time passed, the two of you could at least exchange comments here and there for the duration of the meal.
Choso pays your discomfort no mind. “I know your stomach hurts, but try to eat a bit more. You have a busy night ahead of you and I want you at your best.”)
You’re in his capable hands now - there’s no reason to even think when Choso is there.
He’s caring in different ways too.
Choso loves your reactions. The way your brows scrunch, when you bite your lip, when your eyes roll into your skull. When your toes clench and your hips twitch and your thighs tremble. The sounds you make - heavens bells could never compare. Whether you’re moaning, whining, screaming, or crying his name, Choso revels in anything that leaves your lips.
He finds that the easiest way to get you to react is when his tongue is between your legs. You practically sing for him then.
The only thing he doesn’t like is how difficult it is to see your face when he’s down there. Because of this, his favorite position is with you on your back and your knees hooked over his shoulders. His face in your cunt, his eyes on you as he licks your most delicate place. He holds your shaking thighs apart as he suckles your clit. Choso practically moans with you when you cum on his tongue.
He doesn’t stop after one - doesn’t see a reason to. He’s here to take care of your every need - one orgasm isn’t enough for him.
(“No more. Please no more.” You whimper as you plead for Choso to have mercy on your sweet pussy.
You’ve come thrice on his tongue already. You’re shaking uncontrollably and the only reason you haven’t collapsed onto the bed yet is because Choso is holding you up. You’re overstimulated and your cunt aches. You can feel your clit pulsate on his tongue.
Choso only pauses his ministrations to reply. “You can handle it. You’ve done it before.”
He kisses the top of your cunt before sliding his tongue back against your special place. His tongue slides against your inner labia, only teasing your clit by circling it.
Your head falls back as moans spill out. It’s all just too much. You’ve never experienced pleasure like this - no one ever good enough at this to make you enjoy oral to this extent.
But Choso? Choso is a master at understanding your pleasure.
“I can’t.” You say, keening as you do.
“You can.” He responds and this time you know he’s not giving you any other options. “Just a little more, love. I know you can take it.”)
But even though Choso loves taking care of you, sometimes he needs to be taken care of.
He needs cuddles more than he would like to admit. He likes to lay on top of you with his head in your chest and your hand in his hair, scratching at his scalp. Choso likes praise, though he’ll never ask for it. Tell him he’s a good big brother, that he’s a good man to you too. He’ll be over the moon.
He’s quiet. He never reveals much of himself unless you prompt him to. He’ll always answer any question you have for him, adhere to most requests. But Choso will always be surprised, pleasantly so, when you show interest in him or want to spend time with him.
And when it comes to more human things, you find yourself leading. Kissing, hugging, holding hands. All things Choso has never heard about until you.
He was a shy kisser at first but now he absolutely loves it. That closeness? It’s something he could never replace.
He’s sweet, really. Choso just cares so much about you.
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
im the anon who messed up the request, im pretty sure i requested the kings when mc is reborn as a devil, a while after gabriel killed them and they get reunited with the kings
(sorry if it doesnt make sense english isnt my first language & thank you!)
-🌙 anon
Hello 🌙! Everything is clear now, I actually hadn't received this request before. Good thing you asked again, because I'd love to write it 🙏
The previous parts: first and second
Satan's depression had seriously worsened since you were gone, though only some nobles saw it. His explosions became more random and much more powerful. One day, after a fight, he was walking through town when he saw something familiar. It didn't matter if you looked like your old self or not, he recognized you. He reached you, grabbed you in his arms and started whispering your name fanatically, showering you with kisses. Sitri followed him, certain he had gone mad and was hallucinating, only to be kicked. You were confused at first, but hazy memories began to come back to you as Satan took your breath away with a kiss. You tangled your fingers in your king's hair, promising that you wouldn't scare him like that again.
Mammon will recognize you when you come to see the palace-tomb erected in your honor. Somehow you felt like you should come there... and you realized why when you were pulled into a large chest. Even though he has enormous strength and huge arms, he hugged you so gently that it was as if he had a porcelain figurine in his arms. He picked you up and cupped your cheek. And then the buttock. His eyes are dreamy, he has finally found his greatest treasure. “Welcome back home, Master.”
Beelzebub didn't recognize you, or at least he didn't believe it was you when his drunk brain told him so. He had to get rid of his sadness somehow, and alcohol and casual sex... didn't help, but what else was he supposed to do? Especially since that pretty devil who joined him in the lounge looks so damn much like you? He's sure that when he gets sober, you'll disappear again. You will be showered you with kisses and caresses, he’ll steal you away all night long, assuring you that he loves you, that he will never leave you again, that he will do everything to make you come back. This is the first night in your life that you will wake up and still have him by your side. Sober. In love. And happier than ever in his life, because he realized that these were not his drunken delusions. It's you.
Leviathan rarely accepts audiences, much less from random devils, so when you came, he was going to dismiss you. Instead, his heart almost stopped when he saw you. He forgot about dignity and got down from the throne, came closer, cupping your cheeks in his hands. “It's… it's you. You're back.” Even though he had his illusions, deep down he didn't believe in them. But you chose return, you chose Hell, you chose him. You are so brave and beautiful that he feels jealous. His subjects can’t look at you, because it makes him jealous, too. He will hang his entire throne room, offering you his arm. You will be taken to his palace, and he will order to prepare a welcome fit for a queen. This day will go down in history as a national holiday in Hades.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
okay, i don't know why, but i have ALWAYS been like you described. i have so many movies, TV shows, books, podcasts, songs, etc that i want to experience but do i? nope, just put on another F1 race, please. i don't know if it's fear of the unknown (hello, flood of unexpected emotions!) or not wanting to challenge myself or also wanting to watch F1 and F1 just wins out, but here we are. i suspect it's part of my OCD? or some other ND thing that hasn't been diagnosed in me yet??
in fact prolly the only reason i watch F1 is bc i watch it with my sister. it is a lot easier to do new stuff with someone else...which deludes me into believing that if i just got a partner, we could open the floodgates and watch everything i haven't seen together, but lord knows it don't work that way 😑 in any case, i don't know what's wrong with us, but you're not alone!
I'm glad I'm not the only one!! 💕💕
(Reply ramble under the cut cause I wrote more than I expected)
I think I just struggle to start anything new or to finish anything. I totally agree with what you said about it being the fear of unexpected emotions/the unknown! Like for race seasons for example, I just spent a significant amount of time immersed in 2005 which is a specific set of information(you know: rules, strategy, drivers, etc.), so to start a new season would be a completely different set of info. As I said in my earlier tags, some part of me likes the anticipation more and also I always get way too hyper about things and that energy is overwhelming 😓 And I also feel like I have a fear about how much time I'm going to spend(which is stupid because I'll spend like way too much time aimlessly scrolling for the same amnt of time it'd take to watch a race.) Like the idea of specifically putting aside two hours to do only one thing is stressful to me, which is why I often used to like watching races when I literally couldn't do anything else(waiting for a class.) But now I'm stuck back in the cycle of not wanting to start something new, even if 2009 isnt exactly new because I've watched a lot of racing at this point, but still new enough to me that it's hard to convince my brain to start it. Like once I get into the groove of things, I can float through and enjoy myself, it's just that beginning barrier that's hard to get through.
I also definitely agree with having to watch it with someone else. I either have to binge watch things super quickly or watch them with other people, if not, I'll just end up never starting it or abandoning it. I think it's because it's really nice to be able to discuss your thoughts and feelings abt it with another person and not just be stuck with a million thoughts bouncing around your head(which is why I tend to make posts and then rant in the tags LOL)
I think thats why ive been able to get into F1 to such an extent and why it's been so fun for me. It's a live experience(with a strict time constraint, i.e. you can only watch it right here, right now) where there's a bunch of people watching and interacting. I love tumblr during a race weekend so much, I don't think I'd be obsessed with it as much if not for the ability to see everyone's reactions and interact back with them. I think that's why I struggle to start old seasons, because it's literally just me obsessing alone in my room and I can't talk about it to the extent that I can with the current season. Watching F1 as it goes along in a current season is just a perfect experience I guess, because the schedule pushes me along and I don't really have to rely on myself to keep going.
But yeah who knows!! Brain just being brain as always I guess, but it is annoying that it prevents us from doing things we want to do! But I will say, still, its so stupid that I procrastinate over watching 10 minute long YouTube vids LMAO, like pls I get the hesitation with a 2 hour race, 2 hour movie or 100k fic but, 10 minutes, seriously brain???
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elmuvahva · 7 months
ok so lemme explain my thought process behind this song bc i love to overshare
i wanted to make a song for casey of when he first arrived in the past, like that bitch was alone and scared shitless and understandably so. he was alone in a world he knew nothing about and had just lost the last of his family.
i wanted to capture that loneliness he would've been feeling in that moment and the helplessness that came along with it. he felt like giving up until he remembered his family.
and that's where the second half of the song comes in mwahahahah. his family is still by his side in spirit and will always be there no matter where he goes. i wanted that hopelessness from casey to just be swept away by the turtles and hopefully the song conveys that :D
although this song isnt technically a CAS song, i still took so much inspiration from @somerandomdudelmao when writing this song (and when also using her character designs for the song art LMAO). i highly recommend going and reading her comic bc what the fuck are you doing if you havent already like bRO-
anywho- i shall post once again when the youtube video is up and when the song is out on spotify and other streaming platforms :>
for now, see ya suckers lmao good luck o7
I feel so alone Don’t know What to do Now that you’re gone I know that I can’t Go back To you There's so much that I have to do
You know That you’re here by my side But it's not the same Yes, you’re here But its not The you that I once held so dear
How am I Meant to do this on my own? You were always there With me But now When it matters most you disappear
I’m scared What if I mess it all up? This is our last final chance Our final try Do we even have hope anymore?
What is it for? I did it all for you But now I'm left on my own
oOoO vocalisations
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queenie-blackthorn · 8 months
tips for writing muslim characters
except im a muslim, born and raised
dont mix it up with arab characters, yes a muslim can be arab and muslim but theres a difference. the link to my post abt writing arabs is here
first and foremost, not all muslims are arabs, and not all arabs are muslims. yes, most terminology and the holy book is in arabic, but that doesnt mean its exclusively arabs
indonesia (not an arab country) has the highest population of muslims worldwide
the arab country with the most christians is egypt, but the arab country with the highest population of christians is lebanon 
not all practicing muslim women wear hijab (some extremely religious women might not wear a hijab)
five prayers a day: fajr (before sunrise), zuhr (midday), asr (afternoon), maghreb/maghrib (sunset), ishaa (nighttime)
call to prayer is known as 'azan', you can listen to it on youtube
muslims use the lunar calendar (known as the hijri calendar), which also has 12 months but its around two weeks shorter than the gregorian calendar. most people only remember the ninth month: ramadan
fasting consists of not eating/drinking from fajr until maghrib. you stop as soon as the azan for fajr sounds, and you can start again as soon as the azan for maghrib sounds. you fast for the entire month of ramadan, but its also encouraged to fast on mondays, thursdays, and the 14th/15th/16th days of each month of the hijri calendar
allah isnt the name of god. allah is the arabic word for 'god'
women dont have to cover up completely until puberty, athough some girls cover up before then and other women dont cover up at all
women can be religious and not cover up
the word 'hijab' doesnt show up in the quran, its 'khimar'. hijab is to cover up completely, not just hair. you cant wear a headscarf with a short sleeved shirt
men have to cover up too. from their navel to their knees absolutely has to be covered up, and (in most islamic cultures, not necessarily exactly religious) they cover up their chests as well 
also men are told to avert their gazes from women more than women are told to cover up. youd find a lot of men in muslim countries not looking up from the floor when walking, especially in areas w a lot of women
kids by the age of eight can usually recite at least four chapters from the quran (the first one and the last three, mostly. it doesnt matter if theyre not arab)
if you want to use verses from the quran for whatever reason, i recommend quran.com
theres only one version of the quran. the same copy thats existed for 1400 years and millions of people have memorized it
on that note, people who memorize the quran are called hafiz, and there isnt a particular age. theres a three year old hafiz and a woman who didnt memorize it until age eighty three
there are two different sources for islamic law: the quran (holy book), and hadith (quotes of the prophet). dua' is completely different, its a prayer used to ask help from god, but unlike the five prayers, it doesnt really require a specific ritual. you just sit, face the direction of mecca, and say the dua'
superstitions are haram, but muslims do believe in black magic (its sihr in arabic and its one of the biggest sins) and djinn (there are djinn muslims but theyre widely regarded somewhat like monsters who encourage/help you to do black magic)
allahu akbar means "god is greater" or "god is the greatest". it isnt used as a signal to blow people up, and it isnt a term used purely by islam extremists
assalamu aleikum / waaleikum assalam mean, respectively, "peace be upon you" and "and peace be upon you too" basically just our way of just saying "hi" along with the reply
subhanallah means "glory be to god" usually when witnessing a miracle or when amazed
mashaallah - there arent any exact english equivalents but it means "what god wills". usually for compliments or to protect someone from evil eye
insha'allah - simply "god willing" but we use this when talking about the future (like "will you come to school?" "insha'allah" or "we'll get the gift, right?" "insha'allah"). can be replaced by the lesser used "bi'ithn illah"
alhamdu lillah - "praise be to god" or "thanks be to god. used in the way you might imagine, but also as a way to express that youre doing fine. "how are you doing today, sister?" "alhamdu lillah" (also when finishing a meal / finishing drinking water)
astaghfir ullah - "i seek forgiveness from god" whenever we see someone do something haram or when we ourselves do something haram and wish to repent
bismillah - "in the name of god" we use this whenever we begin something. a lot of arab literature starts with this. every chapter im the quran starts with this. every meal starts with saying this before eating
you can submit asks if you have any questions, but try to be a lil specific !!
feel free to rb with more info :)
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
So… how do I word this uh what if the reader breaks up with one of tadc characters? Or vise versa?
Break up! (TADC cast x reader)!
YAHOO still trying to figure out who gets broken up with and who breaks up with you, guess we'll see when I write the actual post down!! Ueueue
Admittedly this post is more of a "how they are like" instead of "actual event of the breakup"
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You break up with him...
Caine would never ever ever think of breaking it off with you... unless you find an exit and decide to stay with him. I wrote a post with that idea, and to make it short the guilt would eat him alive, making every day a living hell
But how would he be when you break up with him?
I think he would be all over the place. I mean you're his first romance, and you're his first heartbreak. Hes a mess. Hes crying, hes trying to bargain, and to fix what was broken
But then suddenly hes just
Neutral, as if understanding everything.. it's a little terrifying, and for a minute you think his coding is acting up. And maybe it is...
He isnt cold, he isnt holding a grudge, he just treats you like he treats the other circus members. Its actually a little... weird
Do I think his coming got messed up?
No, actually I think in secret hes grieving the relationship. But he now understands that this is just how things work out sometimes
Hes hurting but hes learning
She breaks up with you...
Its not that she fell out of love with you, quite the opposite actually. But the more she thought about it, the more.... difficult it would be for both of you. I mean shes tryimg to find the exit, and what are the odds both of you will be able to find each other in the real world? Would you guys even remember the events of the digital world when you escape...? Would...
Theres just so much, but even if it hurts her so so much she doesnt want to hold you down.. she tries to remain friends with you, but the hurt feelings make things hard for both parties
You both mutually break up...
You guys probably break up after not coming to an agreement on life goals and big life decisions... I mean, as big of life decisions as you can in the digital world... now obviously you guys tried to find compromises and talk things through, but you guys just couldnt find any solutions where both sides are happy
Remember, resentment is a ugly thing that can ruin even the greatest things one can have. And this is especially true for relationships, romantic or otherwise
So in order to prevent that, you guys agree that you srent compatible with one another.. and thats okay
You guys are still friends, though!
You break up with him...
And he does not take it well at all. I think he would feel angry and betrayed. He wouldn't beg for you back, though. No he views that to be way too humiliating and he refuses to stoop that low. Actually I think if anything he would pretend you dont exist. And I think that's worse than just saying "he ramps up the pranks and targets you"
No, jax is emotionally immature imo, at least that's how I personally write him given we only have the pilot so far..
Very rarely does he actually acknowledge you, and even then it's cold and distant. Probably the least likely to get back with you
You break up with him...
Theres probably a few factors that go into it. The general burn out that comes with a partner that struggles with mental health (because as horrible as it sounds, that is a valid reason. Coming from someone who is mentally ill and diagnosed with stuff, I would not blame my partner for leaving me if my symptoms began to wear down their mental health. It does not make someone a burden. Ones mental health is ultimately theres to deal with, and protect, but I'm not about to go on a tangent I'm just gonna say its valid), feeling that you can't compete with queenie, as well as a few other things
After the break up kinger seems
Like hes wandering around, and perhaps sometimes he even forgets that you guys broke up. It's sad. No one wants to see an old man cry..
But I dont think the grief will make him abstract. Actually, I dont think he would be nasty to you. Actually if you give him some time, hes actually still quite friendly with you, as well as understanding. You guys still remain friends
They break up with you...
Likely, it could be that you overwhelmed zooble or made them feel like they werent good enough for you. Zooble themselves is very distant and checked out, and even more so given the current situation. But even then I dont think that there would be an event that would lead to the breakup; because otherwise I feel they would try to make it work
Or maybe, they have been and you guys just werent compatible..
It takes them a while to adapt to being single again, but they will get over it eventually. That being said they give me the vibe that they rend to avoid their exes
You both mutually break up..
Theres just so much going on, and given gangles very sensitive and shy nature and whatever issues you have going on, you both agree to take a break to try to better yourselves.. for yourselves..
I think out of all the characters, you guys have the most potential of getting back together
Gangle tries not to let herself get down in the dumps, but she still will miss you lots the first few weeks..
Even if you guys dont get back together, at least you both become better and more confident in yourselves for yourselves and any future partners
Of course this isnt to say that being sensitive or shy is a red flag or "ick", coming from someone who is those things. But sometimes it truly can become draining for a partner who has to be constantly be built back up. For the sake of both sides there needs to be space, or resentment can build and ruin everything. Is that mean and terrible? Yes. But its human
Add in whatever issues you have going on, you both agree it's better to split
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alicenpai · 5 months
🌠 art summary 2023 💫
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my 2023 art summary! i didn’t draw as much as i’d have liked, but overall a fruitful year & /definitely/ an improvement compared to last year’s! thank you for the overwhelming support in 2023 🫶 let’s hope for a stronger 2024 ! 💪🌟
⭐ [read more starts here] I haven't been 100% happy and satisfied with a lot of my art from 2020-2022. it's kinda like when you eat fast food and your tummy isnt fully satiated??? when you feel down on your art, it can easily trickle into your own personal well-being. when 2022 new year's came about and it was time to write down resolutions, i was frustrated. at the beginning of the year, I set out to list my weaknesses and vowed to work on each of them slowly.
con prep took up a huge chunk of the year - from February to the end of August - a whopping seven months. (although i have to admit, it's completely by choice. i have such a one track mind i find it difficult to juggle 18958989 non-related drawings during those periods) I feel as if I spent 3/5 of my remaining months on work and other deadlines. I reflected a lot during the spring/summer months during con season, and hoarded new brushes and techniques in my arsenal like a squirrel readying for hibernation…
once i was more free in the fall, i tried to focus on my greatest weakness - perfectionism. i was always praised for my clean art in the past, but over time i additionally saw it as a detriment too, which prevented my ability to complete drawings, & even get ideas down on paper in the first place (because i disliked the ugly initial process of getting chickenscratch down???). making my art super clean, constantly going over and erasing and redrawing details that don't matter in the long run - these things always held me back. next year i want to complete more drawings! (& i want to share the silly drawings that live in my head rent-free too)
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