#my no. 2 is tsuna and then my no. 3 is yamamoto
i think the boss yamamoto fic is hilarious and i loooovee the idea of him being a sky, but i can’t quite imagine how a rain!tsuna would work. what do rains typically act like?
Mammon described the position of Rain Guardian like so: "to settle conflicts and wash away the blood spilled."
Applying this to all rains, generally I take it to mean they put the other members at ease, as either mediators or through combat prowess (i.e. Takeshi being one of Tsuna's hands and second strongest out of the Guardians ((even before training)), Squalo being vice captain and presumably second strongest of the Varia, etc.). They bring tranquility to the family, cutting through the anger, tension, grief - what have you - and well, washing it away. All known methods of doing this seem to involve a lot of arguing haha
Going by existing examples - Takeshi, Squalo, Colonnello, Basil - they also seem to be big on loyalty, to the point of being major simps.
What this means for a Rain Guardian Tsuna is: 1) deciding to join the mafia solely to protect Takeshi and hopefully eventually pull him out of it after being friends for all of two seconds (simp behavior); 2) Tsuna being second or even THE strongest guardian (he was the Boss in other worlds; obviously there's potential); and 3) i think his presence naturally puts people at ease simply because of his personality + tranquility and harmony are not that different when it comes down to it. (Harmony is a lack of conflict while a rain's tranquility involves settling conflicts.)
I admit I could be completely wrong about my interpretation of the role, but regardless that's where I'm going with this!
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strawwritesfic · 3 months
Hayato Gokudera x Female!OC: White Day Chocolates
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Summary: Gokudera can learn to endure anything given the right motivation.
Rating/Warnings: T (Post-Canon; high school!Gokudera; foul language; White Day; chocolates; dinner date request; Namimori Middle School; Namimori Middle Disciplinary Committee)
Relationships: Gokudera/F!OC; F!OC & F!OC; Hibari & F!OC; referenced Tsuna/Kyoko
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Notes: This is a very humble, very fluffy one shot written for my most long-time Internet friend, Selina. We've been buddies since something like 2006, and while our interests vary, we've both recently returned to our love of Reborn, and thus resurrected our old OCs. She draws sketches of my main OC, Daisuke Fukuda, regularly, so I wanted to return the favor and write her a quick one shot to celebrate her main OC, Lin-Mei.
Just a few quick notes to make here without going into lengthy descriptions of Lin-Mei's character:
1. There's is no actual love triangle involving her, Gokudera, and Hibari. Although there are some storylines we follow where she ends up with Hibari instead, in the Gokudera "route," if you will, he's just paranoid about Hibari because he doesn't like him, and Hibari is a smug asshole who won't go out of his way to assure Gokudera that he isn't interested in "stealing" Lin-Mei from him.
2. While Lin-Mei is slightly younger than the main cast, there's not a huge age gap here. My head canon is that Hibari is old enough to be in high school during the main plot of Reborn!, so it stands to reason that Lin-Mei stays a little longer after she takes over the Disciplinary Committee as well.
3. If it matters at all to you, Lin-Mei's flame attribute is lightning. She's more affiliated with the Cavallone than with the Vongola (having been under Dino's care for several years), but she actually belongs to a specific Chinese assassin family and works for hire.
White Day Chocolates
Hayato Gokudera never had enjoyed his walks to Namimori Middle School. What a shitty trek to what was inevitably wasted time learning from teachers that didn't know what they were doing—or have any idea the massive disservice their dumbass lectures did to the great man within their midst! And there were so many obstacles to get to that waste of time, too. If it wasn't Haru cropping up to annoy everyone, it was that stupid cow causing problems. If it wasn't that stupid cow causing problems, it was Yamamoto breathing in the Tenth's general direction. If it wasn't Yamamoto breathing in the Tenth's general direction, it was group after group of girls who couldn't seem to stop giggling whenever they caught sight of Hayato. And while the first three issues weren't cropping up that afternoon, the last aggravation seemed worse than ever before.
"What are they teaching these idiots these days?" he grumbled as the latest bunch all elbowed each other at his approach. When one dared to meet his eyes, he finally snapped, "Don't you have more important things to do?"
His anger only caused them to titter more. Gritting his teeth, Hayato stalked off on his way. Clearly, there was no getting through to girls like that. Even Haru hadn't learned her lesson yet, and now he and she shared the same homeroom!
Soon the tall, faded school building rose above him. Even more girls in navy sweaters walked past him as he neared the gate, but they didn't stop to giggle. These girls were in more of a rush, and the air of nervousness about them was almost palpable. None of them so much as glanced at Hayato when he came to stop to look up at the clock. The positions of its hands told him he'd made it right on time.
He hadn't been back to Namimori in a long time. Why would he bother? Hayato was in high school now. The responsibilities placed on the Vongola Family grew every day, thus the responsibilities placed on the Tenth's right-hand man grew every day as well. Only people with nothing better to do would bother coming to their middle school just to loiter around the place and reminisce about where they had met their friends, held so-called sumo tournaments, and nearly died countless times. But the one person he could think of like that didn't seem to be around right then.
"Hayato! This is a surprise."
A cheerful, girlish voice in his ear made him jump. He turned to level a glare at whoever dared to giggle at his shock—but the girl standing next to him didn't giggle. She simply hid a smile behind her sleeve before clapping both her hands behind her back.
"Sorry," said Lin-Mei. "I just didn't expect to see you here."
The minute Hayato spotted her, the urge to scream had left him. In fact, he couldn't find his voice at all. His stomach felt a little like it did whenever he spotted his sister sans mask, only more pleasant somehow—probably because he could actually appreciate the way Lin-Mei looked. She'd pulled her brown hair up into a sweeping ponytail, and her spotless uniform differed from the rest of the girls' solely by the vivid crimson band pinned to her upper arm. She had earned that armband, too, so Hayato felt more pleased than irritated to see it, despite his distaste for the person that had worn it before her.
Lin-Mei's smile faded a little as she cocked her head to one side. "Hayato?"
"Hey, jackass. She wants to know you're doing here. Besides trespassing, that is."
Much to his chagrin, Hayato started again. He hadn't bothered to pay attention to Lin-Mei's companion, a tall woman with bleached blonde hair and thin eyebrows that looked even older than he was. Probably he'd met this Disciplinary Committee member before; they were always trailing after their leader, after all. But he'd be damned if he went to the trouble of remembering her name now.
"If you don't have a good reason to be here, screw off," the woman went on.
"I—I have a good reason," Hayato managed to blurt out.
"Do you? Then why don't you cough it up?"
"Because it's none of your goddamn business!"
"Any business taking place on Namimori Middle School grounds is the business of the Disciplinary Committee."
Lin-Mei didn't raise her voice. Hell, she didn't even change her tone. With a single word and a motion of her hand, she shut her second-in-command's mouth. Arisa sent Hayato a look of purest venom, but marched away in silence, He hoped she'd been sentenced to patrol one of the less pleasant corners of the schoolyard—perhaps Ryohei's old haunt. Chances were slim they'd gotten all the sweat stink out of there yet.
This time, Lin-Mei grasped his wrist as she spoke. This time, he didn't jump. He just looked into her deep brown eyes—and felt vaguely, again, like he was going to throw up in some unimaginably satisfying way.
"What's the matter?" she asked as she released him. "Do you have a message for me from the Tenth?"
"Well —"
"You know we'll do whatever he needs, me and the girls."
"Right. But —"
"I don't have to tell them who the order comes from if that's what you're worried about. I'll be discrete."
"I didn't come on behalf of the Tenth!"
Why the hell did that take so much effort to spit out? Hayato wasn't a coward, and Lin-Mei absolutely was not his sister or anything like her. He ought to have been able to come in, say what he had to say, and move on. If Yamamoto asked him how things went later—and he certainly would just to spite Hayato—Hayato was not going to tell the Baseball Idiot that he'd chickened out.
"Okay," Lin-Mei said slowly. When he didn't launch at once into an explanation of why he'd come, then, she went on, "Then what gives? I will have to punish you for trespassing if you don't really have a good reason for being here."
Hibari would be pleased. Hayato knew she meant it when she said it, too. Before he could make an even bigger fool of himself then he already had, he screwed up his eyes and said:
"It's March 14th."
Of the whole host of reactions he had expected to result from this proclamation, last on the last was a blink and a curious, "What?"
"It's March 14th," he said again through gritted teeth. "Valentine’s Day was a month ago."
The most infuriating thing about this conversation was that Lin-Mei wasn't attempting to raise his blood pressure. She obviously did not understand what Hayato was trying to say. And since he'd come this far, he didn't want to walk away now.
"And I came by...to bring you...some chocolates."
With this last ludicrous confession out of the way, he produced the box he'd been carrying around in his school bag. Lin-Mei's eyes went wide. She gazed at Hayato with open astonishment.
"But Hayato, I didn't give you any chocolates for Valentine's Day."
"I know!" He shoved some hair from his face, hardly noticing when Lin-Mei lifted the box lid to examine the chocolates inside. "I just walked in on the Tenth making some for Kyoko last night, and Reborn was there, and he kept going on and on about the importance of White Day, and how Hibari would understand it, and if the whole chocolate-giving thing worked for the Tenth, it would definitely work for Hibari, and...and...I don't know! I just panicked!"
Lin-Mei swallowed a mouthful of chocolate before stating, "Hibari hasn't given me any White Day chocolate."
"He-he hasn't?"
"No." She pulled the box from his grip and took a bite of another piece of chocolate. "But did you really think a package of store-bought candy would have put you over the top if he had?"
"As though I could cook anything without Bianchi getting into it when she found out who I was making it for," Hayato muttered. Lin-Mei stare made him squirm. How could she just stand there mowing through the chocolates without saying anything? Before she could polish the whole damn thing off and be on her way, he took a deep breath and barreled forward: "That's why there's a part two."
"Part two?"
"Ye-Yeah. I also wanted to know if you'd...if you'd come to dinner with me tonight."
Lin-Mei said nothing. He fixed his eyes on his shoes and did not look up. The minutes crawled passed with nothing to break them up except for her continued chewing. At last, he could take it no longer. He risked glancing upward to see her reaction. Was she gawking at him, shocked that someone like Hayato would do something like ask her out? Was she bright red with embarrassment because he'd confused her signals? No. She really was just steadily eating her way through the box, though she paused long enough to ask:
"Can we talk about the latest post on Mysterious Universe over dinner?"
He could hardly believe his luck, or the fact that her question made him grin fit to put Yamamoto's usual expression to shame. "Of course!"
"It's a date!" Lin-Mei shoved the remains of her gift back into his hands. "But we'll have to go later. I already promised Arisa that we'd go over some budgetary concerns after patrol this afternoon."
Well, that sucked some of the buoyancy out of his grin. But he didn't dare try to talk her out of her Disciplinary Committee duties. He knew from experience that would only end badly for him. "Am I allowed to wait here?" he asked. Facing Yamamoto or the Tenth after this would be a nightmare. Better to put that off as long as possible.
Maybe she understood that, because Lin-Mei appeared to consider his request for a moment. Then she said, "Only if you promise not to smoke on school grounds."
It was the same tone she'd used on Arisa earlier. And just as Arisa knew better than to argue, so did he. "Fine."
Her final smile caused the butterflies from earlier to surge back into his stomach. Hayato thought the sensation couldn't get worse until she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Before he could recover—hell, before he could even string two coherent thoughts together—Lin-Mei turned on her heel, looked at him over her shoulder, and fluttered her fingers in his direction.
"See you later, Hayato. Happy White Day!"
She was gone in a flash, leaving Hayato standing at the school gate and holding a half-empty box of chocolates, probably looking like the biggest moron in the world (and given his competition solely in the Vongola Family, that was saying something). A few straggling students leaving their approved after-school clubs laughed as they walked by him. He found he didn't care. As he settled against a wall to wait for Lin-Mei to return, he thought to himself that he would endure every agony of walking to Namimori every day, giggling girls and all, if it meant getting to see her smile...and to pull the rug out from underneath Hibari's feet.
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ask6mukuro9 · 2 years
me saying i dont like battle shounen might seem wild while blogging from my khr rp blog but these battle really just play out like elementary schoolers on a play ground trying to one up each other. this is wshat it sounds like when i play fight my 5yo nephew
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why is spanner keeping tsuna like a pet. he doesnt even have any newspaper to pee on. a pet shounen protag needs at least 2-3 companions to feel comfortable at all times. wheres his enrichment. hes not happy in this environment
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WAIT I JUST NOTICED SPANNER GAVED TSUNA A SUCKER JKFDJKDF never mind maybe he is a good pet owner
ive said that i think amanos art is really cool and while i still thik shes great at drawing hot guys... the sequencing in this era of her art is pretty hard to follow.. something about the flowiness of her lines and the way things are shaded makes a lot of the battles rn hard to follow 
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like even with full context and awareness of the situation i still have no idea what im looking at. i want to believe gokudera’s cai system is really cool but i genuinely cant tell what its doing
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you know what? good for them. im glad theyre enjoying themselves
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im not saying that tsuna hearing specifically yamamoto being in danger made him nervous i did not say that akira amano said that (he would have been worried for any of the guardians) shut up this is my reread go force your own narrative 
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i love squalo and lussuria hanging out together here. like squalo is absolutely including lussuria in his win. theyre friends. the *************** of the varia (<- slurs)
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to be fair the bonus disc also had bloopers and special features, including a behind the scenes documentary and some games 
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imagine saying this knowing full well the vongola has chrome AND mukuro. 
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WEIRD CHAMP....................
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WH............ WHY WOULD HE BRING THEM........................... WHO AT VONGOLA BASE WAS LIKE ok kusukabe you go with chrome oh wait hold on you should take LITERAL TODDLERS with you
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hibari being straight up racist to mist illusionists because of mukuro. hilarious
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girl what the fuck is this
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i respect that amano just wanted to draw some juicy bountiful titties. but. did she have to be racist about it.
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i fully believe this is hibari flirting. his version of asking for someones number is threatening death. unfortunately, threatening death is the way he communicates all emotion so hes kind of hard to read
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kinoshitayuri · 1 year
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I posted 1,648 times in 2022
That's 1,090 more posts than 2021!
139 posts created (8%)
1,509 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 443 of my posts in 2022
#khr - 244 posts
#katekyo hitman reborn - 35 posts
#chicken scratches hell yeah - 30 posts
#khr oc - 24 posts
#khr reread - 17 posts
#gokudera hayato - 11 posts
#kinoyuri - 11 posts
#yamamoto takeshi - 10 posts
#khr rewatch - 10 posts
#dgm - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#also shame i rlly like snk when the characters actually act on their own and not being dragged just to tell a story
My Top Posts in 2022:
Uhhhh draw uni-chan! (Should this be detailed? Uh,,, then Uni in drip????)
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can’t deny your request was way too fun.
115 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
this could be difficult but draw the trio (tsuna, gokudera, and yamamoto) based on a meme (any meme haha)
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164 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
heyo,,, don't know if you're still accepting requests (feel free to ignore this if you arent, no pressure!) but I'd love some art of irie and soanner please,,, my mechanic boys-
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shoichi picking up present!spanner while the other is in awe of japanese bullet train (and japan in general lol)
184 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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Sibling meme
370 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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471 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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slonechnik · 2 years
For the writers ask meme: 17!
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
this took an unreasonably long time bc turns out i actually have a hard time talking about my projects! who knew!
that said the part of my braincell not dedicated to coming up with a bunch of new wips is focused on this particular one, that is:
the Accidental Summoning AU
working title: Batting for the demon team, alternative working title: The Clown Circle
it's a 8027 (yamamoto takeshi/sawada tsunayoshi from khr) fic!
Yamamoto is just some guy college student EXCEPT his mom was a witch and his distant ancestor on his dad's side was a demon
One day, after he comes back home for summer, he goes to the basement (to clean up or to look for pickles?? alternatively, though its something i just came up with, the lights suddenly go out during a storm and he comes down to check the power box) where he finds a weird circle under a bunch of stuff lying around there, then decides to uncover it, trips while doing it and accidentally activates the circle
enter Tsuna, part time cashier at a local 7/11, part demon, full time heir to a demon realm
there is a lot of screaming involved
yamamoto is both deafened and charmed, tsuna just worries he's going to get fired
"can you please PLEASE send me back it's the middle of the my shift i was just about to ring someone up i still have their groceries" (insert pleading eyes emoji, insert coochie eyes)
yamamoto tries, hits the barrier and pinballs around the whole thing
not the best way to learn youre in some part a demon but hey, yamamoto takes it all in stride
tsuna doesnt, tsuna thinks they're stuck
theyre stuck
gokudera the right hand arm- man poofs inside the circle in hot pursuit of the heir
gokudera is also a demon
gokudera now gets stuck with them too
gokudera promptly decides to cuss yamamoto out, give him a shovel talk and cry bc his boss-heir-bestie-boss got summoned on HIS watch how could he ever bear the shame, the responsibility-
another person poofs in
rinse and repeat until theres like 40 ppl who tried to free tsuna (and yamamoto I GUESS) squeezed in like 2 square meters of space, floor to ceiling
after hours yamamotos dad comes down to see why his son has been in the basement for so long
tl;dr he ends up having to erase the circle with literal fucking hammer and a chisel bc after so many years the chalk fused with the dirt on the floor
tl;dr 2: theres now 40 ppl spilling out all over the basement
tl;dr 3: yamamoto got himself a date
tl;dr 4: tsuna did get fired after all
tl;dr 5: its ok bc yamamoto is paying this time around
thats all i have so far?? at first it was supposed to be just the two of them but then i thought 'but.. What If' and now were here. in a clown car of a summoning circle!
sorry it took so long to answer, ilu, havbe a wonderful day and tysm for sending the ask!!!!
weird questions for writers
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chierry · 2 years
hi chierry! i’m currently reading khr and i wanna talk about it with someone but why do you think tyl-tsuna confided his plans to hibari when he didn’t even tell gokudera and yamamoto? i have always found this super interesting so i wanted to ask your opinion too 🙈 (i wish he had seen more of everyone ten-years-later 😭😭😭, khr has so much potential it really pains me that it ended the way it did)
Hi anon!
My personal theory on that is that Hibari was the perfect combination of several factors that other guardians might have, but not all at once.
1. The number one reason I think is that Hibari is simply insane in the best way possible. If Yamamoto or Gokudera heard Tsuna saying he would fake his own death the plan simply would have gotten scrapped because they are NOT accepting this. And if they DID, I don't doubt that the guilt of seeinf everyone grieve Tsuna would make them REAAAALY hurt. I don't think they would reveal anything, but simply they wouldn't be able to take it without a lot of damage. Hibari tho? I am not discarting the friendship he has cultivated with everyone in the future nor his feelings, but he would take it better than Yammu/Goku.
2. Hibari is REALLY hard to get information about. Both meta-wise and canon-wise. This plan could NOT work if anyone else other than Tsuna, Irie and Hibari knew about it. Everyone in the Vongola has a semblance of a past and family to serve as possible hostages in exchange for information, but Hibari? We legit don't know if he even has family. King of keeping his private life and work life separated. Pairing that with the fact that he is also a MIST now, it's straight up miracle work to get a hold of him if he doesn't want you to. With that, Tsuna didn't have to worry about any outside influences or enemies getting this information, probably not even Tsuna himself has a fool-proof method of getting to him lmao
3. Going back to the insane point, he is insane enough and smart enough to hear the kind of time-travelling BS Irie and Tsuna came up with and just go... Fine. Give me two real good fights and I'm in. I think that Gokudera could take the infomration well, but again, emotionally he wouldn't be able to take it for too long, and let's be real, Tsuna was ALREADY abusing their feelings there. He prob also didn't want to pile up those feelings even more.
4. It's not weird for Hibari to just be on his own. Wich means that he can be prepping A LOT of shit for this plan and nobody would suspect. Let's say, Yamamoto is missing for 4 months? Mh, weird... not out of the question considering their line of work but weird. Hibari missing for 8 months? Lil rascal is prob in one of his many mansions chilling. I feel like this privacy gives him an edge that is perfect for prepping for a super-secret plan with little suspicion.
5. (SPOILERS FOR SIMON ARC) Hibari has said he feels some kind of gratitude for Tsuna, and I don't doubt that this feeling grows in the future. Paired with all that above, I feel like Tsuna just legit felt like if Hibari was the one helping with it, he wouldn't fuck it up. That mutual trust thing going on you know?
6. uh this point is kind of stupid but he probably has counting on Hibari being able to go full-on nuclear in case everything else failed lmao
7. I think that, meta-wise, Amano wanted to show that Hibari, for as much as he denies being part of the group, still very much got attached to being a Guardian.
TLDR: I think that the emotional pain it would bring other guardians + his aloofness + his power + his relationship with Tsuna was the perfect storm to make him be the perfect choice.
(and don't tell me, I would legit kill for a future-only arc!! I LOVE LOVE seeing them grow and a good chunk of my mental space is dedicated for thinking the kind of adventures they go now. Like, please, the angst? the relationships? THE POWERS? THE A N GS T you have no idea how right you are anon. We were robbed of an arc of them being adults and I will forever cry obver the potential
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lesbianakaashi · 3 years
The Forgotten Shounen: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
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This is not a “Why you should watch/read khr” or anything like that. This is just me going into the deep dive and throwing my findings at you. I’m making this because khr used to be my favourite series when I was 15 (I had plushees, posters, tradingcards, the art book etc) and now as an adult I constantly find myself baffled at how unknow it seems to be.
1. Okay first what is khr?
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! or just Reborn! is a series by Akira Amano which was published in Weekly Shounen Jump from 2004 to 2012 (with 42 volumes) and got an anime adaption which run from 2006 to 2010 on Tv Tokyo (with 202 episodes and one OVA).
2. What’s it about?
Khr is a parody of the italian mafia and plays in a world where the mafia is heavily influencial. The protagonist is the japanese middle schooler Sawada Tsunayoshi who is known as “No good Tsuna” because of his failing grades, general weak and cowardly personality and weak physics.
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He becomes aware of the mafia world when a 2 year old baby called Reborn arrives at his house claiming to be the greatest hitman and declaring himself his home tutor. Reborn was send by the 9th head of the Vongola famiglia who is ready to retire and looking for a new heir. Which of course, is supposed to be Tsuna and now it's Reborns job to shape him into a worthy sucessor.
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Tsuna rejects the violence of the mafia world and refuses the position as the 10th. Thanks to Reborn and his general craziness Tsuna meets different people and starts to make real friendships. Reborn wants 6 of those friends to be Tsuna's future guardians, basically a group of people which will be closest to him in the vongola famiglia. Tsuna might have no interest in those positions but the friendships he builds with them become really precious to him.
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Reborns arrivial also brings in the enemies of the Vongola family which leads to Tsuna being forced to engage in battles. Generally Tsuna openly avoids fights and prefers to run away but will put himself in danger for his friends' sake or because of something Reborn did.
Through out the series Tsuna matures and gains strenght but he never becomes a power fantasy. He's just a guy with many flaws who grows through the human connections he makes.
Personally I think the relationship between Reborn and Tsuna is one of the best student teacher reltaionships in all of manga only topped by Mob and Reigen from Mob Psycho 100. Especially the last arc really underlines their unique relationship to me.
Furthermore, khr offers a new and unique battle system: The flames. I'm not gonna go into to too much detail but the general idea is that one fights with their dying will flame which basically turns off your the savety switch so you can fight with everything you have. The flames are seperated into different categories such as: sky, storm, mist, rain, sun, lightning and cloud and have different attributes asigned to each one. Tsuna's use of the sky flame and his transformation when using it is still one of my favourite shounen transformations to this day.
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3. What happened?
The series did really well and then not so well over the course of its serialisation. After the manga got an anime adaption it increased in populairty and video games, light novels, and other products such as CDs were created based on the series. Reborn is one of the best selling series of Weekly Shōnen Jump and has sold around 30 Million volumes overall. It was and still is very popular in Japan but rather unknown in the west.
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According to the article "The Rise and Fall of Weekly Shonen Jump: A Look at the Circulation of Weekly Jump" khr was the 10th bestselling series in Weekly Shōnen Jump, with a total of 7 million copies sold in 2007.
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This number increasing to 15 milion in 2008. Which placed khr into the 4th best selling series of 2008 in Japan.
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Between 2008 and 2010 those sales declined but still kept strong with khr as the 6th top selling manga in 2009, 8th best selling in 2010 and then 24th best selling in 2012.
In November 2014, readers of the Da Vinci magazine voted khr number 17 on a list of Weekly Shōnen Jump's greatest manga series of all time.
After the anime came to an apprupt stop in 2010 for unknown reasons the manga sells took a visible hit. (Apparently the studio wanted to put the anime on halt because they were busy with other projects and give Akira Amano time to develop her story but I couldn't find any source for this claim) Furthermore, the rushed last chapters of the manga in 2012 declined the popularity of the series even more. There's no offical statement as to why the manga was ended in such a way but it's reasonable to assume that Jump either cut it considering the decreasing sales or Akira Amano choose to end it for personal reasons.
Nontheless, Tsuna not being included in Jump Force (a fighting game where you can play as different characters from Jump) in 2019 even tho he made it in earlier Jump Stars games also underlines the decreased interest in the series.
Rumors on a reboot or anime adaption of the last two arcs surface from time to time but are genereally unlikely. Artland the studio which made khr has gone bankrupt around 2015-2016. It might be taken on by another studio but rather uncommen especially with such an old series.
4. Art style
The khr anime ended over 10 years ago and the old art style might not be appealing to newer audiences.
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Especailly because the anime adaption follows Akira Amanos old art style which heavily developed within the years. Here a picture comparing characters in the new art style:
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A modern anime adaption in the new art style would be aesthetically pleasing. It would probably look similiar to Psycho Pass since Akira Amano did the concept art for this series.
(My personal art student hot take is that both art styles are unique and fun. Up to this day Akira Amano still has my favourite art style and even if the amount folds in the characters clothing is a little extreme I love it dearly.)
5. Criticism
The show is not without flaws and even if I greatly enjoy it it wouldn't be right not to adress them.
Daily Life Arc:
A lot of people view the first 20 to 25 episodes as fillers and quickly lose intererst in the series. This is due to the fact that Akira Amano inteded the series to be a gag manga and focuses the first chapters on world building, character introduction and comical narratives. It's rumored that the decision to develop the story into a battle shounen was made because the sales weren't doing well enough at first. So the first chapters/episodes may seem titidious but are necessary for the story and the development of the characters. The tonal shift from a more gintama like gag manga to a darker battle focused story can also be offputting to some viewers.
Either way a lot of people blame this arc when discussing why khr never got an english dub or didn't end up on Toonami. I've also read that the manga never finished serializing in the north america. However, it finished in other western languages like german and spanish.
The anime censors A LOT. From Gokudera's smoking habit, Yamamoto's whole character arc which deals with heavy themes such as depression and suicidal thoughts. The general bloodiness of the manga was censored and sometimes whole chapters and characters were left out even if those were important to the devolopment of others.
Filler episodes:
Out of the 202 episodes the anime has around 29 filler episodes which makes roughly 14 %.
Even if Reborn was written by a woman most female characters are rather flat and their storylines often tied to a male character in one way or another.
Genereal things:
Khr, like many other long running series, is sometimes criticised for a lack of world building or unpopular narrative choices.
6. Hope?
Khr isn't exactly dead. As stated before the series is still very popular in Japan and still gets new merch pretty regulary. There are also petitions floating around for a reboot or a new anime season but those never get a lot of traction. Furthermore #Reborn2期アニメ化 (#Reborn2ndAnimation) used to get some traction on twitter not too long ago. Last year the Anime News Network did a poll on which anime the readers would like to see a rebooot of and khr placed second.
Either way here's a collection of recent khr things I could find.
- In 2018 a new bluray set was released in north america
- The khr stage play reached yet another new season
- A mobile game was released last year
- Currently ongoing anime cafe event called "Concerto di Vongola"
- Last month there was an event with the former VAs and stage play actors where they discussed their favourite khr episodes.
- There has been an increase in blind reacts to the openings on youtube which might bring in a new fan base. The biggest one I could find had around 90k views and was made in 2019. On this note check out the soundtrack. The first openeing Drawing Days by SPLAY still makes me go insane (but I'm biased of course)
There also renewed hope for a new season/reboot because Shaman King, Inuyasha and Bleach got anounced for new seasons after a long hiatus. It's important to keep in mind that the circumstances for those series are differnt tho. For example bleachs new anime is often tied to the immense success of the gatcha game.
7. Conclusion
Khr is a series which used to be a flagship for Weekly Shounen Jump and is deeply beloved by it's fans, especially in Japan. It influenced other shounen series like bnha. It would be nice to see it gaining a bigger fanbase in the west :)
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dcjokerhs · 3 years
So, pardon for my language, but I JUST REALISED, THIS PRICK, THIS SLY JERK, OMG, OK, DETAILS:
1) KHR has it proven that Flames can Break, but that also means The Individual's Will Breaks in some way, so what remains has to wrap itself all up together again, like with Lal. AND, WELL HECK, GUESS WHO MATCHES-- OK OTHER DEETS!
2) So we also have Evidence that what your flame is births a similar type of flame. Tsuyoshi's son, Takeshi, is also a Rain who is able to appear like a Good Family Person but for the Whole "I can kill people" edge. The Giglio Nero's Direct Line carries female Skies able to inherit the Will and Abilities - the Sky of their mothers. Same for Enma and Kozato. BUT TSUNA'S SKY IS NOTHING LIKE BAKAMITSU'S, BUT MATCHES IEYOSHI/GIOTTO'S, on top of which Nana, despite being very "air-headed" (more on that later) also has that edge of "I look after my family as well as I can and a peaceful life is nice"
AND 3!!! NANA'S AIR-HEADED NATURE GOES RIGHT BEYOND AIR-HEADED AND STRAIGHT INTO PSYCHOTIC! And I don't mean the Movie-Theatre-Screechy-Psychosis, or the Horror-Movie-Creepy-- OK, it's got an edge of the later type, but SRSLY!! She lets STRANGERS into her home as SOON as they claim a relation to BAKAMITSU or TSUNA! OK, no, I'm calling Bakamitsu Iemitsu because 1) that's his name and 2) Ie, can be read as the colloquial form of iie, meaning "No." ANYWAY.
Combining those three points, we either have The Biggest Coincidence Ever, or IEMITSU DID SOMETHING. Something that Broke Nana and caused her to end up being unable to tell morining from night and IEMITSU LEAVING HER FOR TEN YEARS to him just heading out to the north for a month or so.
4) There Has Always Been some kind of Set in Nanimori, Until Vaguely Recently/Some Time Before Tsuna.
How do we know this?
First Off: Giotto moved to Nanimori, he settled there and, by the presence of the Hibari and Yamaoto Clans, he took his Set with him, or at least those who were willing to go, given Bovino and Hayato's Unnamed Family. There's not only a strong resemblance Features-Wise, but also Flames-Wise. Takeshi and Tsuyoshi are as Generally Chilled-Until-Dangerous as Asari. Hibari is as Stoic and Protective as Alaud and, As Established Back in Point 2: Flames and Will are Inherited Traits that the Child Inherits from the Parents.
Yet how does this state previous Sets?
Well, there's also the Misty Nature of Nanimori: an explosion happens and no one reacts. A fight breaks out and, beyond getting out of blast range, Things Are Completely Calm.
On top of this, Hibari and Yamamoto are Still Living There. Sawada is still living there, even if Iemitsu's in Italy. These families, like with their ancestors, still hold great ties...
But Tsuyoshi's Wife is Dead. We Never See Hibari's family, despite their prominence in Nanimori. If Iemitsu is in Italy, if Vongola is in Italy, why is Nanimori not holding a power void?
Because Nana is There.
Yet Nana Is Not There.
Something Happened and, well... It's not pretty.
So, go back, Before Tsuna, Before Timoteo, all the way back to Ieyasu, aka Giotto:
He has Two Children. He has his Older Child and his Younger Child.
The Elder Child, as shown with Enma, Takeshi, Yuni, etc, has inherited Ieyasu's Will. The second child, however, like shown with Ryohei and Kyoko, gains Traits of that Will, but they're a lot more like their unnamed mother.
Both sides of these two sons have both Elements and Children. Things get a little muddled, but they're both basically the Direct Line and the Line as Close to Direct as Possible.
But, rather than Iemitsu being from the Most Direct Line, from The First/Older Child, he's from the Younger/Second Child.
And Nana, she's from The First Son, as The Sky of Nanimori, the Brightest Sky in Nanimori.
And Iemitsu? A man who seems to have been raised by Vongola? A Man Raised in the Underworld?
He Hungers.
But Nana has her own Elements, her own life, she's like "Yeah, you seem nice... But will you Stay?"
It is a battle of Wills and her flames are Stronger.
So, oh, I don't know: Break the Sky Down by Destroying an Element? Either it was Him or an Element gets killed because of Iemitsu's Negligence as a Vongola Sky. Either way, it's not the worst thing a person from Vongola has done. In fact, because he's a Sky who's so Sweet on Her he can Fill in the Gaps, right? She's, at most, 21. He's 25, so he obviously has more experiences than she does. (Tsuna's 13, she's 34, Iemitsu's 38... I mean, I know powerful ladies who are mothers at 16-18 years old, because England, but Honestly? That's A-Level/Uni age. In my personal opinion? NnnO!!)
Anyway, with the loss, Iemitsu has a chance: he breaks her, makes her lose sight of everything and builds her up again, framing it to people like Tsuyoshi and Hibari's Clan as him helping his Sweet, Ailing girlfriend/fiance.
She marries him, she gets pregnant. Her Sky is No Longer There, but Iemitsu's Is. Nana's Elements, as a result, either Travel or Suffer.
Iemitsu Leaves. Those Elements now have to Fill In Things, bt not All Of Them Are There to Do So. A handful of years after, he takes along his Boss to meet Nana and Tsuna. Tsuna, obviously, is revealed to have Powerful Sky Flames. Both Italian Vongola men panic and, rather than alerting more Local Flame Groups, Such As the Hibari or Asari-Descended Clans, they go Full Mafia and SEAL A TINY CHILD! Nana doesn't even notice, she's Drugged on a Broken Sky and Iemitsu's Flames.
Another, larger amount of years and Iemitsu Returns, and This Time he's coming for His Son, and That is The Moment Tsuna Inherits, Bending under the Mafia and a Will that is most Certainly Not what he was Born With. It's framed as a growing moment from Zero to Hero, but He Was Put At Zero, and IT PISSES ME OFF! (Tho all the relationsips otherwise make me coo, LOL. Aaaa X'D)
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indigosprite · 3 years
Chrome Callout post.
relax this is just my love hate relationship with chromes writing and potential. spoiler, it ends with all the love... hate is only in the middle. 
My absolute favorite thing in fanfics is Chromes characterization. Like we all know Chrome is completely aware that Mukuro and co need a reoccurring dose of Valium and a therapist willing to do illegal things in order to lower their sadistic points to ”kind of disturbing but tolerable”. Or at least we hope she does even though she proves to us again and again that she’s not phased by it in the slightest and might actually be just as bad. TYL and she’s still running around helping them do god knows what. She follows them on this massacre pridefully, she “believes in” them ( its sweet actually. They’re what she thinks of when Mukuro asks what she believes in and makes a young kokuyo gang.)
In fanfics when people write her to be a double edge sword it’s hilarious, and it should’ve been the character depicted in the Anime and manga instead. But I guess if she hadn’t been the quiet, breathy & compliant 14 year old people wouldn’t have morphed her into the fanon I enjoy now. Here’s some stuff i love and HC abt Chrome  and the things I absolutely hated.  
1. When she actually speaks not just when spoken to. She voices her concerns although she has no intent of not doing what’s asked of her. Who knew she could speak and still be the obedient gang member Mukuro trusts her to be. And when she does this it’s funny. She is the conscience he buries underneath disgust and amusement for chaos, but that’s not her entire character. She’s not reduced to the mom friend either because of this, she’s too passive on the matter. She indulges/Enables it just the same as Chikusa or Ken, although she knows better meanwhile the thought never occurs to them. To summarize :
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she’s Brian
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2. She’s unhinged and the best part is nobody knows even though it’s blatantly obvious. She may not have the same bloodlust or violent disposition as her peers but there are other ways to showcase this. To Allow Mukuro the leader of this little fearsome Five-some to possess you whenever he feels like and witness whatever horrors he decides to inflict upon someone that day means she’s accepting of literally everything he does. She never resists or expresses distaste/fear for him or anything he does. We assume she would in some capacity because she was depicted as this wide eyed innocent girl trying her best to repay the man that got her to join a gang under the guise of a found family. She quite literally signed up for guts n glory. She knew this and never had second thoughts. Mind you she doesn’t share the same hatred for the mafia as the boys, theirs is blind hatred regardless of who you are. Hers is through them, they are her looking glass rightfully so, so if they say it then their word is law. I’m not sure about you but I would definitely be mindful of the girl who was raised semi normal and willingly turned into a killer for Mukuro of all people. They’re killing adults not shaking them up, they aren’t Tsuna and his friends they finish the job when necessary. The body count is unimaginable. She is just as loyal as Ken and Chikusa and would probably strike you where you stand for speaking ill of him. (She wouldn’t but would definitely be opposed to whatever you’re saying, unless it’s name calling. He takes no offense to that and welcomes it in fact.)
3. The fact that she’s a person apart from Mukuro (physically speaking.) and the Vongola team at all is a blessing in few fics. Although she was made to stand in for Mukuro, when he is released it’s not necessary hence him pushing her to be apart from him and his duties. He did this in the future as well when he possessed Guidio Greco no longer using chrome which lets us know she was successful in becoming a useful comrade and not just a vessel and vongola stand in. She had to otherwise he would’ve left her alone whether she was keeping his Vongola ring warm or not. She is just as aloof as Hibari, always off with her own people only engaging when it’s asked of her. I adore when people keep that in mind and don’t lump her with following behind the vongola as if she were one of them. She shows up for them when asked but her main focus is ultimately committing felonies with Ken and Chikusa per Mukuro’s orders. let her be with the kokuyo gang and let her contribute in the way she’s meant to as a fighter. figure her out give her something cool 
 ik that’s hard considering what we got in the manga. warning things i hate ahead 
what we got in the Anime and Manga: 
so we know Chromes entire purpose was to be Rokudo Mukuro’s stand in, while holding the Vongola ring he soon takes back she is just the girl that is able to get him to come fight their battles when necessary. The Anime and Manga rarely let Chrome fend for herself. We all knew he was coming the second it got serious. By giving chrome that ring she ended up being the one thing to keep him loyal to his contract with being their guardian. If she’s in danger he comes and saves her, the Vongola put her in danger because he will show up and do his job it’s like a rat trap. She is not meant to be a Vongola guardian but more like a Mukuro whistle. They never openly admit it but in the show they will expect/ask her to do things that her track record doesn’t imply she can do and just silently expect Mukuro to show up like always. SKSJDWDN they’ll be like “oh yeah call the girl who passed out and all her organs disappeared I believe in her to do this job even though i’ve never seen her make it to the end of a fight ever not worried at all” sksksjjd They never actually expect chrome to do a job they expect her to go there and manage to get Mukuro to come out and play and we should acknowledge it was just an unspoken thing.  Now I know that despite what I just implied about her not being that great a fighter but just good enough there are two comments made in all 400 chapters that are supposed to negate this.  
Mammon says her illusions are powerful just not enough to fool him , and reborn says she could turn the tide if she were to fight against Mukuro but with confidence, these mean nothing to me because amano throws in so many useless comments like this and then fails to develop it further to make it believable.  and she made powerful characters make note of this so it would be non negotiable and we would just take it at face value because its them but hello ?? ofc we want to see it just like we had to see Tsuna grow before we even considered taking him seriously. hell Dino got a quicker rise to his title than chrome bc its that easy to say oh he can come into his own when needed they just never meant to do it for chrome. 
it’s so irritating when they try to say she’s powerful or could be but give no actual footing for anyone to take those comments seriously when they make her pass out for thirty chapters after doing the bare minimum.
let chrome win on her own not just start strong then step out of the way then have some character say “no really she could be powerful we aren’t going to show you though” .  
when she helped them sneak in the base on her own and even makes those illusions of them fighting we should have gotten more of that!!! 
literally every character is fighting the funeral wreaths and chrome is running in the woods out of breath...even Lambo got to fight. 
you made her sit out of the rep battle to focus on making organs like that wasn’t something she already accomplished in the future and suddenly can’t do anymore ?.....
Chrome finally makes one fighting decision and its to make a mist forcefield that’s dangerous but hell yeah we think she will finally pull through with something powerful and prove herself and then they have mukuro come in a panel later saying “your flames are far too weak to do that I will make it better and help you not die” BYE  that was a perfect time to have her come in to her own seeing as she was powerful and confident enough to initiate it in the first place. 
breaking the barrier daemon spade makes * chefs kiss * give me more 
 when they’re not blindly robbing chrome of character development  she’s just getting kidnapped, passing out  or helping them with small things like making a fake Yamamoto for a party or sneaking in the base with illusions to disguise them. Hello she’s training under mukuro right ??? why did we ever get to see her get stronger each fight and have them say ‘she’s learning quick” instead. 
enough abt what we got, back to what I’ve managed to make out of the scraps we were given..
4. Mukuro is the only one who reassures that she actually is a fighter and she eventually grows to be a good one bc of this and you should write about that dynamic and why it exists more. this one is long.
 the whole dynamic I was referring to exploring is the one where Mukuro and chrome are meant to be equals. He meets this girl whose been neglected and left for dead, another kid messed up by adults neglectful selfish behavior. she willingly follows the boy who is plagued by the same demons and made a small group dedicated to getting revenge for it.  Mukuro & Chrome know they’re two sides of the same coin. he is anger and she is acceptance. He probably finds it amusing she isn’t as angry as them wants to draw it out of her  where as chrome wants to pull out the peace that comes with moving on once you’re in a better place. the girl is so happy to not be near her mom and grateful for this little family while the boys are quite literally holding a grudge against the world.  and like none of them even see it the way she does but she wants them to.  Mukuro and chrome didn’t go through the same things but it doesn’t matter to either of them because its the same story, nobody loved or valued them enough to protect them. In the end chrome will learn to be angry abt things that happen and use that to find a will to fight for something and Mukuro will learn to be at peace because they’re not in that lab anymore and those people are gone from their life. as fighters they’re so important to each others balance Mukuro’s rage cannot be left to be so blind and hers unattended and i know it’s supposed to be Tsuna that cleans his soul but i think chrome definitely plays a more active role in that.  I think he sees a better him in her, he makes her his second gives her his name because she’s the good he knows he can never fully be. she posses a peace he’s not hopeful enough to believe he can achieve or want and ultimately it will make her far more capable of the change he wants. in believing this it means he also believes she will be just as powerful as him with the right training. he’s literally training his demise and her name is Chrome. he wont take over a (mafia) world he wants her to save.  we all know he’s like annoyingly stupid when it comes to showing his emotions, he rather pretend he’s sending you to die when he’s quite literally ushering you to what he thinks is safe and sacrificing himself. so I can totally see him being like  “okay Tsuna might really change the mafia and I want to see that but I've already dug my own grave here's a better newer me that will be way easier to accept than me turning over a new leaf 40 dead families later.” 
5. in the future Hibari is much more happy to help and be around because he knows what a powerful fighter Tsuna turns out to be, i think this is the exact same reason why he goes and helps chrome save herself. Kyoya knows and possibly even respects future chrome enough to save her when she’s at her weakest which he usually detests. Chrome grows to be much more in the future and that’s exactly why he even gives this sick chrome a push. everyone likes to think it’s a Mukuro thing for him but what if it actually is a chrome thing. in the show he’s never been present to witness her show any kind of power so we can only assume that at some point he saw her in action. 
  6. it’s implied in the future that Mukuro fights alongside her, he views her as more than just a vessel and doesn’t baby her in the slightest when he pushes her to become her own being. I won’t call it respect per say but he doesn’t look at her as a doll even though that’s the part she played for him. He still trains her the way he eventually does Fran. We all know he just wants Mini Mukuros to aid him in his endeavors but the fact that he chooses her says a lot about how she’s meant to be viewed. He also chooses a nine year old brat with an apple hat but hey he must see something everyone else doesn’t until he’s done with them seeing as Fran was kidnapped by the freaking Varia once Mukuro’s teachings were for the most part implemented. “Oh you learned under Mukuro ? We can’t have Mukuro you need to join us immediately” (I’ve just realized Mukuro gave the vongola their strongest mist guardians all while claiming to hate them. Funny man). imagine how powerful Chrome gets, even better when Mukuro is actually there in the flesh to teach her where as Fran got some illusionary version of him. WRITE ABOUT IT. 
7. for the love of god give that girl her own fighting style. yamamoto has his sword gokudera is literally baby genius ryohei is a boxer and hibari has like the most random weapon ever. go crazy. i love it when chrome isn’t pulling a trident from her bag. because she’s not mukuro anymore. she’s a reticent mist guardian, compliment that.  Mukuros trident has his own history with him. give her some history of her own.    
in my fic Chrome uses a scythe and tears through reality with it. 
reason:  because she is a grim reaper in her own right. she rose from the dead and is showing up to collect the souls of the wicked. a silent but fearsome person. 
her style ? :  personally I like to believe chrome dabbles in profiling, hear me out. Her parents were neglectful and in turn she really has little experience with relationships in general, i think her curiosity would lead her to constantly study peoples relationships and behaviors and see how they affect her target. aka she fights by showing up getting in your head and haunting you with your own past because even if they see through it damn what a nasty wound or insecurity to bring up in the form of a hell loop illusion. this also ties into her being Mukuro 2.0 he’s known to just be eerily in the know of everything going on even when he’s not there. this would be a great way of her matching that aspect of him and possibly surpassing it.  
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searchingforenadi · 4 years
writing a will is standard procedure
although it’s terribly misleading, the power of a name like ‘bloody bakery’ is too strong to ignore, so that’s exactly what we’re going to keep it as :O
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
a brief summary: Your customers won’t stop bleeding in your shop. You realize this might be a problem. (second person!OC, TYL).
You spend a few more days reevaluating your life choices. 
Perhaps, you think, hands clasped firmly in front of you, you’ve gotten a little greedy with your  new source of revenue. 
On the other hand, another voice in your head argues, it’s not like you could’ve refused them. Paying customers are the same wherever you go. What kind of business owner would you be if you turned away every customer wearing a fancy suit?
You stare into the empty space of your store, the quiet ticks of a clock ringing in your ears. 
The fallacy of mankind, you think solemnly, is wanting nice things. 
Is this how it always begins? You used to find it ridiculous whenever the media reported sensational news about a company’s descent into corruption. Now, however, it occurs to you that perhaps you’re the one facing that same downfall as well.
Should I write a will? You stare even more deeply at the tiled floor. 
The thought has never crossed your mind before. It’s something you had planned to do when you turn old and grey, but since it looks like your chances of meeting an early demise have skyrocketed in the past few months, maybe you should.
The entrance to your door swings open. 
“Welcome,” you say, already on autopilot. It won’t do to ignore any potential customers right when you’re on the precipice of cutting off your very dangerous, very generous regulars. “How can I - ”
Yamamoto waves a hand. By his side, Gokudera remains silent, his hands inside the pockets of his pants. 
“ - help you?” you finish smoothly. It’s only through a decade of customer service that you’re able to keep a polite smile on your face. “It’s good to see you again.”
“It’s good to see you too,” Yamamoto says, eyes creasing with a smile. Gokudera, in the meantime, lets out a grunt. 
“The usual then?” you ask, keeping your eyes trained on their faces. You’ve spent too long pointedly avoiding Yamamoto’s sword to start staring now. 
Yamamoto’s smile doesn’t waver. “That would be great!” 
You get started on the coffee and, while the water is slowly boiling, you pull out your usual tiramisu cake. 
“So,” Yamamoto says, leaning casually on the counter by your register. “Anything interesting happened lately?”
Yes, you immediately want to blurt out. I saw your friends handling illegal weapons outside my shop. 
“Not really,” you say instead, the picture-perfect image of a clueless baker. “I’ll be shopping at a new place this weekend. Very exciting.”
“I’m sure it is,” Yamamoto says, and it sounds like he means it. You turn back around and pass him the usual box of cake. 
In your other hand is the usual cup of coffee and, right as you’re handing it off to Gokudera’s outreached hand, you quickly glance down. 
His legs, thankfully, are free of any knives. 
Gokudera snatches the cup from your hand. To the side, Yamamoto slaps a hand to his own mouth.
“You - ” Gokudera starts with a snarl, eyes flashing. 
“And that’s our cue to go,” Yamamoto cuts in, stopping a potential crime scene from occurring within your shop. He slaps down a wad of cash and wraps an arm around Gokudera’s neck.
“Let me go, you little - !”
“Keep the change,” Yamamoto says, eyes creasing and shoulders slightly shaking. They leave right after, as Gokudera sends you silent death threats while struggling to escape from Yamamoto’s grasp. 
You stare down at the pile of money on your counter. The fact that you’ve narrowly missed an early meeting with your late grandpa seems to pale in comparison to the stack of bills in front of you.
No, a voice that sounds awfully like your conscience whispers, you shouldn’t. Just take the right amount and return the rest! That way, the government has no proof when they knock on your door - 
You very delicately pick up the money and slide it into the register. 
“I’m human too,” you say out loud, to the utter silence in your shop. “We all have our flaws.”
The absence of any response should’ve been telling enough.
The next day, during the late morning, you fiddle through several documents. 
You have enough to finally buy that mixer and now, your days of suffering are over. No longer will you have to hand mix your dough whenever your rusty, old mixer gives up on you. No longer will you weep over its struggle to handle your heavier mixtures - 
The front door opens, sending a warm breeze through the shop. 
“Welcome!” you call out, closing your notebook shut. If everything goes as planned, you should be able to order it by the end of the weekend. “How can I help you?”
You stop. There, standing in all his teenage glory, stands Lambo - your well-paying regular and possible juvenile delinquent.
Lambo grins. “Hi!”
“Hi,” you say, for lack of better words. It doesn’t seem like an appropriate time to mention your eye-witness account of his crimes. “You’re here early today.”
You can’t remember ever seeing Lambo coming into the shop earlier than the afternoon. 
He shrugs, before plastering his face into your glass display. “School’s cancelled today.”
“School,” you repeat, somehow astounded by the news. It shouldn’t surprise you - Lambo is still a teenager and those types of people should still be in school. It certainly explains the fancy uniform he’s always wearing. 
“I didn’t know the local school here required uniforms,” you think aloud, pushing a finger against Lambo’s forehead to remove him from the display. It’s enough of a sanitary hazard that you’re willing to risk getting shot for it. 
Lambo laughs, a little too loudly for the quiet shop. He rubs the back of his neck. “Oh, I, uh, go to school somewhere else. Outside town.”
“Outside the town?” you blink slowly. So a private school? It fits the image you have, considering how much money Lambo throws your way. 
Lambo laughs even more, and it is the most awkward sound you’ve heard this week. You take this as a sign to leave the subject matter alone and instead say, “I have some candied fruits, if you’re interested.”
“Yes!” Lambo blurts out, his demeanor shifting immediately into something bright. “I want that.”
You wait for a moment.
“Please,” he adds belatedly, before sending you a winning smile. 
An answering smile finds its way onto your face and you move to pack a jar or two. You pull out your usual stash of dango and stick it into the take-out bag as well.
“Make sure you share some with Tsuna,” you tell him, taking his cash and trying not to scan his clothes for any suspicious lumps that would hide a weapon. 
Lambo makes a face. “But you gave him some last time!”
Your smile widens. “I’m not making you share if you don’t want to.”
He droops instantly. 
“Fine,” he says petulantly. “I’ll think about it, I guess.”
You lean onto your display, resting your head on a hand. “If you stop by next week, I might have some mochi for you to try, if you know what it is.”
Lambo perks up, so quickly you wonder if he’s ever gotten whiplash from his constantly changing emotions. “Mochi? Of course I do! I used to eat them all the time in Japan.”
You pause at this new information. “You used to live in Japan?”
“For a few years,” Lambo says, waving a hand flippantly in the air. “It was nice.”
“Uh-huh,” you say, unsure as to why this reveal bothers you so much. “Well, you’re welcome to try some if you’re here.”
Lambo gives you a strange look. “But I’m here almost every day.”
You sigh. “But you shouldn’t. Spend some time somewhere else, Lambo.”
Lambo slowly grins, in a way that tells you he hasn’t even bothered to consider your words, before waving a hand goodbye. 
You run a hand through your hair - sometimes, you wonder why you even bother.
That night, you set your alarm and settle into bed, closing your eyes firmly shut. Tomorrow morning, you will be getting that anko, one way or another. 
If the marketplace doesn’t have any, you already have an order form for azuki beans filled out and ready to go. At this point, price or time doesn’t matter - your desire for anko has transcended all logical thought and has become a primal need.
Just you wait, you think, turning over to one side and pulling your blankets up to your face. 
The next morning, your eyes shoot open the moment your alarm goes off. You slap a hand to your phone and sit straight up, blinking blearily into your dark bedroom.
It takes a short while to feel human again. A cup of coffee in hand and thirty minutes later, you stare out of your window, to the dusty, light blue sky. 
Outside, where the sun has yet to hit your apartment, you inhale deeply, feeling the cool, sharp air in your lungs. 
You’ve already mapped out the way to the new marketplace last night. After a few wrong turns and a five minute break to consider if you’ve perhaps lost all common sense, you eventually find a blocked off plaza full of different sized stalls.
The sun now resting on the back of your neck, you trudge through the plaza, shuffling past a crowd of people huddled around a fruit stall. Staring out into the bustling market, you decide it’s a travesty it’s taken you this long to find out about it. 
You continue wandering down the road, eyes peeled for any hint of your sought after anko. Tsuna had given a general area but it’s up to you to narrow down your search.
The sun rises higher as you awkwardly move around another small crowd of elderly women. Your crane your neck to squint at a particularly promising stall and - 
And promptly walk into a wall. 
Not a wall, you then think, hissing in pain as your hand flies to your smarting nose. Walls don’t feel like fabric and smell like smoke.
“Sorry,” you say, eyes blinking rapidly. “I wasn’t watching where I was going - ”
You pause. Through your watering eyes, your head slowly rises higher and, under a crown of silver hair, Gokudera scowls. 
What are the chances, you think distantly, absentmindedly rubbing your nose. This isn’t the first time you’ve come across a customer outside the shop, but you prefer keeping your business and private life separate. 
“Of course you weren’t,” Gokudera says, rolling his eyes. It might have been more intimidating if he had been wearing his suit, but for the very first time, he’s wearing more casual clothes - a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt. 
“Right,” you say, a smile almost making its way on your face. A local marketplace is the last place you would ever expect to see Gokudera, but there’s something about it - the bustle of people, the laughter of children, the scent of fruit and spices - that almost makes him seem approachable. “Nice to see you too.”
Gokudera scoffs, shoving his free hand into his pockets. He tightens his grip on several plastic bags, before turning around and walking away. 
You imagine this is the closest thing to a peaceful exit you’ll ever get from someone like Gokudera. 
WIth a shrug, you resume your search, scanning the stalls and making sure to keep an extra eye on the road in front of you. Strangely enough, Gokudera is still only a few paces ahead of you, with hunched shoulders and trudging feet. 
It doesn’t take long for a set of somewhat familiar characters to catch your eye. You squint immediately, feet stopping in place. 
Like paper clips to a magnet, you walk up to the stall - already, you recognize several snacks you used to horde back when you went shopping at the Japanese market with your mom in the States. 
Your lips curve up into a smile.
A commotion on the other side grabs your attention. There’s an older woman, face flushed red and a package in her hands, speaking loudly to the owner of the stall, an elderly Japanese woman with gray hair tied tightly into a bun. 
All too familiar with irate customers, you send a silent prayer of sympathy to the old lady and look back down. Those same snacks are now somehow in your hands. 
The power of nostalgia, you think, clutching the snacks closer to your chest, is a terrifying thing.
You turn around - and nearly drop everything when you come face-to-face with Gokudera once again.
He narrows his eyes.
“You again?” he mutters, a perplexed look on his face, as if he can’t decide if he should stab you or leave the subject matter alone.
You fix a smile on your face. Maybe you should’ve written that will after all.
But no, you’ve risked too much to leave now. After a second of deliberation, you decide that you’d rather get shanked than miss your chance at finding some anko.
“This is the new place I was hoping to check out,” you tell him, as a reminder that, despite his intimidating appearance, you’re the one providing the goods in this business relationship.
And, because you still value your life (despite your previous resolve), you add, “Tsuna recommended it to me.”
(You actually don’t have a single clue about the sort of relationship Gokudera and Tsuna might have, since you’ve never seen the two together.
But you’re hoping it won’t hurt to bring in some familiar names, just in case, to keep Gokudera accountable.)
Gokudera pauses, his eyebrows furrowing.
Then, with a click of his tongue, he runs a hand through his silver hair and says, “Yeah, whatever.”
You give Gokudera a wide amount of space and he walks around you, grumbling under his breath.
Disaster averted, you continue your (rather limited) shopping spree, walking around to the tune of a woman’s yells. 
A few minutes pass and suddenly, after finding yourself staring blankly at a series of foreign words, it finally hits you. 
You can’t read a single speck of Japanese beyond your own name.
The despair that follows nearly cripples you. It only lasts for several moments, thankfully, because your parents haven’t raised a fool.
You pull out your phone and look up the kanji for anko. Like a makeshift metal detector, you continue walking around, appraising anything that might look like red bean paste. 
The search goes on for a short while before it leaves you completely empty-handed. You let out a long sigh, shifting slightly to accommodate the number of snacks in your arms.
You drag your feet to the register, already calculating the days it’ll take to have azuki beans delivered to your doorstep.
If I pay more, I can get it next week, you think, folding your fingers to keep track of your numbers. It would’ve been a problem a few months ago, spending an exorbitant amount of money for azuki beans, but your strange and well-dressed regulars have solved it for you with their… generosity.
You check the time on your phone. The same woman from before is still at the register, and you’re a little impressed at how she’s gone for ten minutes without taking a single breath.
It’s bothersome enough that you consider dumping the snacks and leaving altogether. From the almost blank look on the stall owner’s face, you can only imagine this will continue for a while.
Except, by sheer coincidence, your eyes focus on the package in the woman’s hands. The kanji looks vaguely familiar, which is impossible, because you only know - 
You quickly pull out your phone and almost drop your snacks in your haste. 
“There’s no way,” you say to yourself, staring at the matching kanji on your phone. 
The stars aligning themselves to dangle anko in your face isn’t the most terrifying part. Rather, you can’t believe you’re actually considering, actually thinking about taking the anko, without knowing where it’s been, or where it came from - 
A rustle of noise grabs your attention, dragging you away from your horrifying, unsanitary thoughts. You look back and, surprise surprise, it’s Gokudera, lining up behind you. 
His lips twist into a scowl as he watches the one-sided argument. It’s a look so foul, you can almost see him planning a premeditated murder. 
Which, he wouldn’t do, of course, because this is a very open space, in a very public area. 
… Right?
He wouldn’t, you think, a little less confidently. 
An ominous creak fills the air when Gokudera digs his fingers deep into the plastic packages in his hands. 
You swiftly walk up to the register, because you’re not particularly eager to witness a crime on a Saturday morning. It’s the grandest act of community service you’ve done since high school and you hope it’ll be the last.
“Excuse me,” you say, plastering on your best customer service smile. “That anko - is there a problem with it?”
The woman stops her tirade to give you a dirty look.
“The problem is that I was tricked!” she snaps, gesturing to the packaged anko. From a glance, it doesn’t look opened. “I asked for regular beans and this old lady gave me this!”
“Regular beans,” you repeat, before slowly looking back at the anko. You’re sorely tempted to ask how red bean paste could ever be mistaken for actual beans, but you swallow the words down.
“That must have been confusing,” you say instead, keeping that smile on your face because you’re a professional. “How much did you pay for it?”
“Ten euros,” the woman says, crossing her arms. “And I’m not leaving until I get a full refund for it!”
You put your snacks down on the counter, pull out your wallet, and hand over the right amount. “Great! Consider it paid for.”
The woman stares at the bills in her hand. “What?”
“Your refund,” you say, taking the anko from her loosened grip. “You can leave now, right?”
It doesn’t take long before the woman leaves in a huff, face still flushed and a hand clutching the cash tight. 
You turn to the stall owner, who still doesn’t look particularly invested in the commotion before her. She studies you for a moment and slowly, a smile appears on her lips.
“---?” she asks you in Japanese, dark eyes gleaming. “--- is okay, but ---”
“Oh, uh, sorry,” you say, only able to catch a few words. Heat flares briefly on your cheeks. “I don’t really understand.”
(For the briefest of moments, you suddenly wish you had taken your mom’s efforts to teach you Japanese a little more seriously. If you had, would you even be in this situation right now?)
The elderly woman’s smile widens. 
“No problem,” she says, switching to Italian with a heavy accent. The creases around her eyes deepen as she points to the snacks on the counter. “You take this?”
“Uh, yes,” you say, a little startled at the topic change. The stall owner hums, ringing up your snacks and calling out something else in Japanese.
You’re left slightly bewildered when she waves a hand, until moments later, someone else joins your side.
With a slightly resigned expression, Gokudera sets down his own purchases, and answers back in Japanese. 
In completely fluent, native Japanese.
This, you think, blinking rapidly, shouldn’t bother you. Gokudera is clearly, at least, partially Japanese, and why wouldn’t someone like that know how to speak it?
(This time, however, you can’t stop the flash of envy that spikes through your chest.)
You shake away your thoughts when the stall owner passes back your snacks in a bag.
“Thank you,” you say, accepting the bag and adding your newly acquired anko inside as well. “How much should I…?”
The stall owner smiles warmly before saying something to Gokudera again.
Gokudera, in the meantime, lets out an aggravated sigh.
“She says don’t worry about it,” he tells you, looking as if he’d rather be doing anything else than translate an old woman’s words for a random baker. 
You look down at your snacks in surprise. “Wait, really?”
The stall owner says a few more words. 
“‘It’s payment for getting rid of that annoying fucker,’ is what she says,” Gokudera lazily adds.
There’s a moment of stunned silence.
You open your mouth, and close it again. 
“Is that,” you finally begin, after another pause. “Is that what she really said?”
Gokudera shrugs, which you find is a far worse response than a simple yes or no. 
You turn back to the old woman, who still has a serene smile on her face. Your head spinning, you say hesitantly, “Um, thank you then.”
Then, because you’re fairly certain you’ve somehow entered the twilight zone, you give a returning smile and slowly back away.
At this point, Gokudera’s purchases have also been bagged and, a little dazed,  you follow him back into the plaza. 
“Well, I’ll see you around then,” you say, a heartbeat too late, but really - who can blame you? “Thanks for translating.”
You’re not sure if you actually mean it, but you imagine Gokudera could’ve ditched at any point, so props to him for helping out the elderly.
“Yeah, whatever,” he says, his free hand once again stuffed into his pocket. It’s strange how harmless it makes him look for once. “Next time, figure it out by yourself.”
“I’ll do what I can,” you say, after coming to the conclusion that, despite the roller coaster of events, you’re more than willing to return if you can find more of this anko. “I’m used to language barriers.”
The both of you reach the plaza entrance and, with piercing green eyes, Gokudera looks at you like you’re the slowest person on the planet.
“That’s stupid,” he says, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Why would you be used to it? Just learn the damn language.”
Something clenches in your chest.
“I,” you falter, the heat returning to your cheeks. “Do you think I haven’t thought about that?”
Gokudera snorts. “If you’ve thought about it, but haven’t tried it, does it actually count?”
It’s tempting to give into the acid that burns your throat. Gokudera doesn’t know anything about you and, frankly, it was a terrible idea to continue talking with someone who’s just a regular from your shop.
What’s even worse, you realize, is that he’s completely right.
(When have you ever really put in the effort to learn your mom’s home language? If it bothers you that much, why haven’t you tried picking it up again?)
Gokudera quickly runs a hand through his hair. 
“Look,” he finally says, after the silence stretches for a moment too long. “Forget I said anything.”
But he isn’t wrong. 
“No, that’s not it,” you quickly say, suddenly hit with the awareness that Gokudera, despite his abrasive personality, probably isn’t out to get you. “I… I get what you’re saying.”
If something bothers you, shouldn’t you at least try to go after it? Isn’t that what you’ve been doing all along with the anko in your hands?
You offer a weak smile. “I haven’t thought about it that way. So I’ll keep that in mind.”
Gokudera eyes you, lips twisting into that same perplexed expression from before.
“Right,” he says slowly. “You do that then.”
And without another word, Gokudera turns and walks away. You stare after his slouched shoulders for a brief moment, before glancing down at the bags in your hand.
Your smile falls and, with a heavy sigh, you rub the back of your neck.
As it turns out, it looks like you have some serious thinking to do.
what? you’re telling me that one of Gokudera’s weaknesses being old ladies isn’t canon? 
i actually had a lighter, more comedic plot point to end this chapter with, but it felt like that would diminish the importance of this final scene too much. heritage is something that matters more to some than others, but when you have different cultural backgrounds, it’s not easy to keep them all equal in your life - i hope this evolving struggle for our MC is clear to the people reading it!
there’s so much i want to say about my thoughts on this chapter, but to keep it short - this is the first time we see MC out of the shop and with it, a new set of experiences and facets of their personality. stepping out of their comfort zone (the shop) and being challenged through it - i imagine that Gokudera is the only one capable of doing it intentionally, at this time.
i know this started of as a ‘shitpost’ for giggles, but i do hope this brings some sort of enjoyment even when it digs deeper beyond the humor. it’s been exhausting to do many things lately, but i’m always grateful for how much love has been sent to this little, silly fic. please stay safe and healthy and aware out there!
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strawwritesfic · 3 months
Cootie Catcher Master List
Summary: You liked it better in the old days, when boys had cooties and didn't talk to you.
Challenge: “What to do, oh, What to do?” by crimsonxtearx5 on Lunaescence Archives.
Ratings/Warnings/Tags: T (Friends to lovers; idiots to lovers; childhood friends; happily blended family; embarrassing parents; civilian!reader; bookworm!reader; opposites attract; Namimori Middle School; TYB!KHR Cast; no honorifics; boxing club; tutoring; Seven Minutes in Heaven; birthday party; mild language)
Relationships: Ryohei Sasagawa/Reader; Original Character/Original Character; Kyoko Sasagawa & Reader; Ryohei Sasgawa & Kyoko Sasgawa; Tsuna Sawada & Hayato Gokudera & Takeshi Yamamoto; Hibari Kyoya & Reader; Hibrari Kyoya & Ryohei Sasagawa; Kyoko Sasagawa/Tsuna Sawada/Haru Miura
Notes: Another old KHR fic that I'm going to post in lieu of putting other things off to write something new to indulge my current return to hyperfixation with this series.
This one isn't as old as But Uh-Oh the Summer Nights...mostly. Some of the chapters I wrote back in college, and then some of the later ones I put together several years later when I rediscovered this in my drafts. I'll still be doing a lot of heavy editing to post it. And by "heavy editing," I mean basically rewriting the entire thing line by line.
I know that TYB!Ryohei isn't exactly the bishie that people look for in this fandom. But honestly? I wish I'd written a ten-chapter story for all of these kids, because they are good boys, and I love them all equally.
(Earlier Today!Straw: I don't care much for Mukuro.)
Posting Status: In progress
Chapter 1: Should Have Had a Staycation
Chapter 2: Should Have Worn a Cuter Bra
Chapter 3: Should Have Lost the Invitation
Chapter 4: Should Have Made Up Sooner
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hopeswriting · 3 years
KHR Jujutsu Kaisen AU Part 2
[Plain text: "KHR Jujutsu Kaisen AU Part 2" in big text. /End PT]
About the Vongola Tenth Gen and the Kokuyo gang. Spoilers for JJK.
Here’s part 1 with the Arco.
Here’s part 3 with the Varia & Bianchi & Dino.
Words: 1814
Yamamoto scouts Tsuna to become a member of the Occult club on the promise they’re just chilling and not actually doing anything.
Tsuna accepts because 1) not doing anything, and 2) “See, Mom and Dad? I’m in a club, I do have a school life and here’s are my hopefully-to-be-friends club members, so please get off my back and thank you.”
(Yes, Iemitsu is a present and good dad in this.)
(He retired from the Jujutsu Sorcerers (JS) business when Nana got pregnant and never looked back.)
(He does deal with low level Cursed Spirits (CS) on the daily if only to keep their neighborhood safe.)
Yamamoto and Tsuna are on “clean the instrument shelter” duty (or something lol idk), and find the cursed charm.
Tsuna instantly has a very, very bad feeling about this.
“Yamamoto, please, don’t pick it up.”
“Yamamoto, please, don’t open it.”
“Yamamoto, I’m begging you, don’t bring this up to Gokudera-kun and Haru-chan.”
Yamamoto laughs it all off and doesn’t listen. He brings it up to Gokudera and Haru. Gokudera and Haru instantly want to unwrap the charm.
Tsuna does not meet up with them at school that night, and only feels a little bit guilty about it. (Listen, he did his best, all right?)
He does run into Hibari on his way to the grocery store.
Hibari says very little and doesn’t explain shit but makes it clear his friends are about to die.
Tsuna runs to school with him.
The cursed charm is a disgusting weirdly clean eyeball Tsuna ends up swallowing because this Hibari guy is losing and they’re all hurt and it’s pretty obvious they’re all going to die.
(In a parallel universe of this AU, Haru is the one who swallows the cursed charm because she’s batshit crazy like that and never shies away of the consequences of her batshit craziness, and all I’m saying is some fun things happen in this parallel AU too.)
(But it’s not the AU we're talking about right now.)
The CS the eyeball belongs to is Byakuran.
(I’m sorry but the idea just punched me in the face and just fits this crack treated “seriously” AU, and I’m a fucking genius actually.)
(Anyway Byakuran revives, and all over Japan his Guardians do too.)
(I will not elaborate this side plot further.)
Byakuran deals with the CS and then beats up Hibari, and it earns Tsuna Hibari’s everlasting interest.
Tsuna, not Byakuran.
This is not a good thing.
Tsuna doesn’t even want his interest.
It’s the worst fucking night of Tsuna’s life.
(Except it’s only just the beginning asdfgh.)
Iemitsu badly hints at Tsuna he’s a retired JS, and if he ever needs help for anything he can just let him know.
Tsuna doesn’t catch the hints and never lets him know of anything.
Yamamoto, Gokudera and Haru aren’t exactly invited to the Tokyo school, but good thing they don’t give a fuck about that. Wherever Tsuna goes, they go.
(Also Tsuna saved them and it’s all their fault to begin with, and they aren’t about to let him go into this mess alone.)
Ryohei and Kyoko are second years at the Tokyo school.
Former-rich-boy Gokudera and from-the-countryside Ryohei instantly rub each other the wrong way.
Haru “I’m weak for pretty faces that hide slyness and cunning” and Kyoko “batshit crazy is the only normal I want in my life” hit it off right off the bat.
“Predictable and simple man” Tsuna instantly gets a crush on Kyoko.
Hibari is a third year student, the third year student, and doesn’t leave Tsuna alone. It has the unfortunate consequences (for Hibari) of him getting acquainted with the rest of the Vongola Tenth Gen (VTG).
Mukuro is a third year student at the Kyoto school. He meets the VTG during the Goodwill Event.
Both Ryohei AND Kyoko are the Aoi Todo of this AU. Except Kyoko keeps it strictly to the battlefields while it’s just Ryohei’s default state lol.
Ryohei is the immovable object while she is the unstoppable force.
Ryohei specializes in the medical field because of his technique that allows him to overpower cursed energy damages thanks to the sheer strength (and healing properties) of his own cursed energy, effectively canceling them (or something lol idk), so he’s not that often on the battlefields.
But when he is and Kyoko is right there by his side and they team up against a common enemy?
Oh boy, no one ever knows what hits them.
They proudly represent Japan countryside and intend to honor it.
Hibari is a Gojou who doesn’t have any techniques (but does have cursed energy), and uses cursed tools to fight, and had to prove his worth all the way to being the top student of the Tokyo school.
Mukuro is a Zen’in and a prodigy like the clan didn’t see in a long time and was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Mukuro overpowers Hibari during the Goodwill Event and wounds his pride.
Hibari backs him in a corner during round two and wounds Mukuro’s pride.
Thus an everlasting rivalry between the two is born.
No one else gives a shit about it and they sure as fuck don’t try to intervene.
Round three just keeps happening again and again because of course they’ll never agree on who’s the best between them.
Gokudera is the only one among the VTG who doesn’t have cursed energy. He doesn’t let that stop him.
He reads all of Verde researches from beginning to end and then backwards and then makes his own researches, and it ends up not mattering much at all.
(Also he becomes a Verde stan second, and a human being third.)
(He’s a Tsuna stan first and foremost.)
He projects his insecurities onto “natural born JS” Yamamoto and one-sidedly starts a rivalry between the two. He thinks Yamamoto choosing to fight with a cursed tool when he has perfectly working cursed energy is a jab at him.
But “simple man with simple needs” Yamamoto simply is not interested in fighting monsters if he doesn’t get to have a cool sword while doing it.
Also he doesn’t really mean to but he is a competitive guy by nature, and kind of throws oil in the fire and gets involved in the rivalry too.
Meanwhile Haru thrives in the JS business. Fighting monsters? Saving people? Fighting for the sake of humanity?
Yes, please, let her just design and handmade her own coolest outfit first.
She’s a high level gymnast so she wants to specialize in close quarter combat. Asks Fon to teach her because she wants the best and nothing else.
Fights using hoops, and I don’t know how practical it would actually be and Idc because the image in my head right now is really cool.
M.M. is a CS and Mukuro has to exorcise her. They sass each other during the whole fight and become buddies by the end of it.
Mukuro proceeds to announce to the whole JS business Kyoto (and Tokyo) branch he’s keeping her and no one is allowed to exorcise her.
It's a big no-no for everyone.
“But Skull-sama is literally keeping Reborn? Humanity biggest threat?”
It's a less of a big no-no but still a no-no.
“Fine, let me improve my clan technique in a way that was never done before and turn M.M. into my shikigami without exorcising her.”
It works.
Mukuro proceeds to also not-exorcise Ken and Chikusa.
But Ken is dumb and always forgets to create the curtain, so one day the fourth of them just crash into Chrome’s living room.
They think they can get out of that with just an apology and the fact they saved her life from the CS that followed them, but no, they really can't.
Chrome barely manages to pay for her apartment? She’s an independent broke ass student?
“You will give me the money for the reparations right here and now or you’re not going anywhere.”
They bring Chrome to the JS’s Kyoto school principal so she can be compensated.
Daniela sends them to the Zen’in clan head because “No, Mukuro, we’re done with your shit financially wise. Learn how to behave or get your own clan broke, thank you, goodbye.”
Chrome is compensated by Lancia, but then she just never leaves.
And becomes a JS.
It sure as hell pays better than the part-time job she was doing until now.
Tsuna’s first mission is to exorcise 5yo CS Lambo and his twin sister I-Pin.
But it’s simply not happening.
Byakuran thinks it’s the occasion to fuck with him and he tries to take over his body to make him exorcise them anyway.
Tsuna shuts him the fuck down.
“I will kill you. And I do mean you only. I will find a way to kill you and you alone.”
“I will find all your stupid disgusting eyeballs, and crush them under my foot, and smear them on your stupid wings I would have first ripped off of you, and roll them into a ball, and shoves them straight in your guts, and burn you to smithereens.”
“I will murder you with my bare hands in the slowest and most painful way, don’t you fucking dare harm them.”
Tsuna brings Lambo and I-Pin safely back to his school.
Fon steps up before anyone can disagree because holy shit, it’s actually the first time he sees baby CS and they’re cute as fuck??
Yes, of course they’re keeping them.
It starts a trend.
They’re all very proud of their CS Task Force against others CS they’re building little by little.
They begrudgingly agree to let 16yo Mukuro be in charge of it because he is the one who started it all after all.
Also the OG Task Force is the Kokuyo gang and they refuse to listen to anyone else but him.
It’s a disaster because Mukuro’s only 16yo and also a smart dumbass but the results are there anyway.
The higher-ups aren’t so happy with this Task Force.
No one else gives a shit.
Everybody is ready to fist fight them if they even think of dismantling---let alone harming---their awesome Task Force.
They make sure the higher-ups get the hint.
I wanted to add some others characters (namely Bianchi and Dino) but unfortunately I have assignments to do. Well, have this for now, in the hope you enjoy it!
Here’s part 1 with the Arco.
Here’s part 3 with the Varia & Bianchi & Dino.
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✳ Scenario Request Rules ✳
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✳ Request Status: Open 🔓 / Closed 🔒
If you’re looking for the Headcannon rules, please click HERE.
Last Updated: 11/07/2021
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✳ Rules & Information:
I only write reader-insert fiction. Details like skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. will be left out of your request. However, you can ask for a fic that mentions weight, height, hobbies, etc.
You can send your own prompt or choose from one of the open sets! It is possible that I may not have updated the set list in time and if so, I will kindly ask that you choose another prompt.
Please send only one request at a time. After your request has been fulfilled, you may request again.
Choose only fandoms and characters from the open fandom list below. 
As a straight woman, I find it hard to write romance with other females, but I’ll still try. It may be quite cringe, though! It’s possible that I’ve forgotten characters or might be willing to try writing for a character, so feel free to include them along with a failsafe character (one I’ve listed) and I’ll see what I can do!
Please be patient. If I try to force myself to write, I simply can’t seem to. While I’ll try to get to your request in a timely manner, be warned that it may take a while before I’m able to write anything worthwhile.
I will not write about rape, sexual abuse, racism, incest, politics or religion. If you want to request a fic about the reader having been raped in the past, I will allow that, but I won’t write about the rape itself or put too much detail.
Any theme is fine and if you don’t specify, I will choose for you based on whatever prompt you’ve chosen and it will most likely be angst with fluff or just fluff. No NSFW.
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✳ Open Fandoms/People:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Jarl Balgruuf
Molag Bal
General Tullius
The Prince of Tennis/Tenipuri/Tennis no Ouji-sama
St Rudolph
Chikao M.
My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia (season 1, 2, 3 [up to episode 20])
Class 1-A
Class 1-B
All Might
Power Loader
Best Jeanist
Kamui Woods
Mr. Compress
Chinapuri/Match! Tennis Juniors/Fen dou ba shao nian (up to Jingwu’s appearance)
Yu Qing/Seigaku
Yu Feng/Fudomine
Jingwu / Atobe 
Kuroko no Basket/KNB (season 1)
Obey Me! 
Supernatural (season 9 or below)
Dean (friends or family only)
Sam (friends or family only)
Castiel (friends only)
The Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
James Norrington
King Ferdinand
Cutler Beckett
Haikyuu (season 2, episode 10)
All players
Ukai K.
Ukai I.
Aoba Johsai
Date Tech
Ikejiri from Tokonami
Gaara from Naruto (au only)
Saitama from One Punch Man
Inuyasha & Sesshomaru
Mob Psycho 100 (season 1) & Live Action
Until Dawn
The Avengers / MCU
Iron Man
Captain America
Dr Strange
Spiderman / Peter Parker
Star Lord
Pewdiepie (friendship only)
Markiplier (friendship only)
Call Me Kevin (friendship only)
Axis Powers
Allied Forces (minus France)
Ouran High School Host Club
All Host Club Members
Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail
Syou from Uta no Prince-sama
Prince of Stride Alternative
Honan Academy
All Team Members
Saisei Academy
All Team Members
Clean Freak! Aoyama / Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun
Gakuen Babysitters
Eyeshield 21
White Knights
Shun Kakei
Riku Kaitani
Initial D
Ookiku Furikabutte
Nishiura Boys
My Otome
Kiddy Grade
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Lambo (10YL or 20YL only)
Fuuta (TYL only)
The Devil is a Part-Timer
High & Low
Kizzy (friendship only)
Kaito (friendship only)
Rude Boys
Mighty Warriors
Kyou Kara ore Wa!! Live Action
Water Polo Yankees / Suikyu Yankisu
The Hobbit / Lord of the Rings
Aragorn (friendship/family only)
Bilbo (young only)
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I look forward to your requests! (^~^)/*
- Rain
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any-n-everything · 4 years
How to Make (Read: Bullshit) a KHR Timeline
Step 1: Mark a Reference Point
In my case, I chose the year and day the manga was published. 
In example:
May 24 (Monday): Reborn arrives in Japan
And at your discretion, you can reference either the manga or the anime for whatever happens next. For my personal preference, I chose a mix of the manga, anime, and whatever common sense dictates is logical.
Step 2: List down Pertinent Events
24 (Monday): Reborn arrives in Japan
25 (Tuesday): Tsuna vs Mochida
28 (Friday): Volleyball Match
31 (Monday): Gokudera Hayato arrives
7 (Monday): Yamamoto Takeshi asks Tsuna for advice
8 (Tuesday): Yamamoto’s suicide attempt
Etc. Etc. This is just a template, but you can be as brief or as specific as you want. The spacing between events also varies, but you can extrapolate based on what characters say. For example, “the other day” generally refers to the day before yesterday, but can also mean any day before yesterday. So it can mean two days before, etc.
Certain events also occur at certain times, and you can get an idea of when you are in the timeline. Obvious examples are Christmas and New Year, less known examples are Tanabata (Star Festival), which although traditionally occurs on the 7th day of the 7th month (July 7), some places in Japan apparently celebrate it one month later, so your time stamp could also be August 7 instead.
Step 3: Mark Past Events based on Characters/what Characters say
October 14 (Monday): Tsuna is born
24 (Monday): Reborn arrives in Japan 
25 (Tuesday): Tsuna vs Mochida 
28 (Friday): Volleyball Match 
31 (Monday): Gokudera Hayato arrives 
7 (Monday): Yamamoto Takeshi asks Tsuna for advice 
8 (Tuesday): Yamamoto’s suicide attempt 
13 (Wednesday): Reborn’s “1st” birthday
14 (Thursday): Tsuna’s 13th birthday
Now, as for why I made it Tsuna’s 13th birthday, you can blame the manga for that. They’re in their first year of middle school and according to Japanese conventions, students enter that grade level at 12 years old and graduate at 13 years old. Graduation in Japan occurs in March, so it goes to follow that Tsuna turns 13 over the course of his first year in middle school. And 13 years prior to 2004 would be 1991, giving us Tsuna’s (and his friends’) birth dates.
May 5 (Friday): Hibari Kyōya is born
December 22 (Friday): Rasiel & Belphegor are born
Hibari and Belphegor were said (I think?) to be the same age, and Hibari himself is approximately two years older than Tsuna. Belphegor and Rasiel are twins so it makes sense for them to have the same birth date.
June 9 (Saturday): Rokudo Mukuro is born
July 28 (Saturday): Jōshima Ken is born
August 26 (Sunday XD): Sasagawa Ryōhei is born
October 26 (Friday): Kakimoto Chikusa is born
20 (Saturday): Kurokawa Hana is born
24 (Wednesday): Yamamoto Takeshi is born
3 (Friday): Miura Haru is born
23 (Tuesday): Basil is born
9 (Monday): Gokudera Hayato is born
14 (Monday): Sawada Tsunayoshi is born
3 (Tuesday): Irie Shōichi is born
5 (Thursday): Nagi (Chrome Dokuro) is born
March 4 (Wednesday): Sasagawa Kyōko is born
Yes, I think Kyouko is the youngest of the cast. In Japan, as long as the child turns 6 years old before April 1st, they’re eligible for enrollment in the first grade, which allows Kyouko to be at the same year level as Tsuna and the others, despite actually being a year younger.
And... I think that covers everything? Anyways, this is my format for timeline-making (in general) and I find it very helpful when plotting fanfic events, so I wanted to share with the fandom.
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khrrarepairweek · 4 years
Mature to Explicit Rated Works - Day 2 - Sky Day
Prompt: Old Gods AU | Scars
Will be updated as late entries are posted!
Old God AU 1/3 - Ellesra (Fanart)
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dokuro Chrome/Yamamoto Takeshi
Content Warnings: Blood/gore, decapitation, character death
My entry for Day 2 of @khrrarepairweek !
Horribly Human - threedices 
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Lancia/Sawada Nana, Sawada Nana & Sawada Tsunayoshi, Chrome Dokuro/Joushima Ken/Kakimoto Chikusa/Rokudou Mukuro/Sawada Tsunayoshi, Checker Face | Kawahira & Sawada Nana, Chrome Dokuro & Joushima Ken & Kakimoto Chikusa & Rokudou Mukuro, Checker Face | Kawahira & Sawada Tsunayoshi, Kokuyo Gang & Sawada Tsunayoshi
Content Warnings: Eldritch Abominations (Cthulhu Mythos), Old Gods, Eldritch Sawada Nana, Eldritch Sawada Tsunayoshi, Unethical Experimentation, Human Experimentation, Interspecies Relationship(s), Interspecies Romance, Cultural Differences, Moral Ambiguity, Telepathy, Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Tentacle Monsters, Lovecraftian Monster(s), Self-Esteem Issues, Possessive Sawada Tsunayoshi, POV Sawada Nana, Family Feels, Adopted Children, Past Child Abuse, Eventual Romance, Rokudou Mukuro Has Issues, Minor Canonical Character(s), Non-Consensual Body Modification, Character Turned Into Eldritch Abomination, The Estraneo turned Mukuro and co into eldritch beings
Summary: Nana and Tsuna are Eldritch creatures and Kawahira the doting grandfather. What better to get your grandchild than a few escaped experiments? Mostly from Nana's pov, with a dash of grumpy eldritch child Tsuna.
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rebornthestage · 5 years
Reborn! The Stage (2018) Curtain Call Translation [2/3]
This is a translation of the speeches of the Reborn, Tsuna & his guardians in the first play. In this part, Ryohei’s actor almost says Senja Reppa instead of his own catchphrase, while Gokudera’s actor dedicates part of his speech to Tsuna’s actor. Neeko also has a very heartfelt speech on getting to play Reborn again.
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Kishimoto Yuta / Hibari Kyoya
Okay. I’m Kishimoto Yuta, Hibari Kyoya’s actor. Thank you for coming today.
First of all, I am so pleased to be able to stand here. I am also very pleased that I got to bond with everyone thanks to the Reborn! series. I will definitely be back to bite people to death again, so see you all when that day comes. Thank you!
KIMERU / Lambo
WM: We’re waiting for you! K: Lambo-san here! Did everybody have fun? Hm? We’ll finish this off by singing Lambo-san’s song together. Let’s do this! K: Who are you? I am? Audience: Lambo! K: Who am I? You are? Audience: Lambo! K: Lambo, Lambo, Lambo, Lambo~ A nice baby cow with afro hair~ K: Bye bye~
Uesugi Teru / Sasagawa Ryohei
?: Is that it? ?: Is he done? YR: He’s done. ?: He is? YR: Yes. UT: CIAOSSU! Audience: Ciaossu! UT: Sorry. I startled you, didn’t I. UT:I’m Uesugi Teru, and I got to act as Sasagawa Ryohei. Thank you for coming here and to the live-viewing today!
Getting to be involved with this series has really been a very precious and irreplaceable experience. And it’s all going to end today. While it does make me sad to think that I can’t yell “Extreme!” anymore from tomorrow onwards, I’m going to live my life with extreme youthfulness, so I hope you keep on supporting me!
And lastly! There’s something I want to do. It’s something I did in Tokyo, Se– I almost said Senja Reppa.
So, um. “My motto is to live to the extreme.” We’ll say it thrice. Those watching the live-viewing, please do it too. Let’s do this!
?: “My motto is to live…?” ?: Senja! Senja! UT: Let’s do this! UT: My motto is to live…? Audience: To the extreme! UT: People from the live-viewing, don’t be shy!! UT: My motto is to live…? UT: Louder!! UT: My motto is to live…? Audience: To the extreme! UT: Work hard starting tomorrow, everybody! Thank you!
Yamamoto Ryosuke / Yamamoto Takeshi
I’m Yamamoto Ryosuke, Yamamoto Takeshi’s actor. Today is apparently the final day I get to say “Ciaossu” like this. It hasn’t really sunk in that this is the end yet, but I’m truly very much thankful to all the people that attended each show. Also, thank you so much to the people watching in theaters all over the country too.
I’ve read REBORN! ever since I was little. And Yamamoto Takeshi was personally my favorite character. We had the same surname too, after all. It really felt like fate.
By putting pressure on myself the most, I think I was able to become a little more like my ideal character. I’m going to do my best to see you all as Yamamoto Takeshi again, so please continue on supporting Reborn! The Stage. Thank you!
Kuwano Kosuke / Gokudera Hayato
I’m Kuwano Kosuke, Gokudera Hayato’s actor. Thank you for coming today.
After getting involved with the role of Gokudera Hayato, I met all the cast standing onstage here, and also the supportive staff. There’s also you all watching right now. I consider you all Reborn! The Stage family.
I’m truly grateful to have the pleasure of meeting everybody.
And most of all, while we only spent a short time of a month and a half together, Takenaka Ryohei, who acted as the Tenth. I’m honored to have met him. It really means a lot to me.
Without him, I’m- I don’t think I would have worked this hard. Thank you so much.
Still, I’ve done everything I wanted to convey onstage already, so… that’s all from me.
Thank you.
Takenaka Ryohei / Sawada Tsunayoshi
Thank you so much to everyone who came here, and also to those watching the live-viewing. I’m Takenaka Ryohei, Sawada Tsunayoshi’s actor.
In this stage play, I truly learned a whole lot of things through the world of Reborn! The Stage, and from Tsuna too. While it does make me a little sad to think that I won’t end up in just my underpants from tomorrow onwards, I want to apply all that I’ve learned—
KK: Don’t do it in your private life, okay? Not in your private life. TR: Okay. KK: Don’t do it, Tenth. TR: I’ll contact you then. KK: Oh, okay! …You’ll contact me??
TR: And so, well, what was I talking about again? TR: Right. I want to apply all the things I’ve learned and work hard again from tomorrow onwards! I’ll work hard with my Dying Will! Yes. TR: So I look forward to being able to meet you all again. Thank you for today!
Neeko / Reborn
Ciaossu! I’m Reborn’s actor, Neeko. Thank you so much for today, everybody.
In the anime of Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, I also got to be Reborn’s voice actor. I’m the one who voiced him. The Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series was the first time I ever acted in my life. I knew nothing about acting back then. It was where I experienced my seniors and friends supporting me, creating a family. And I also got to be excited about it with the people watching us. That’s why this series is very, very special and dear to me.
After the manga and anime ended, people kept on telling me, “I want to meet Reborn again!”
“I hope we get to see the world of REBORN! again!”
I constantly received messages like those. Yes.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! is such a special series for me too. I really hoped it would be revived again someday. I didn’t care what sort of adaptation it was, I just wanted it be back again.
And then here we are now in 2018 with a stage play, a new platform. A play. When it was decided that Katekyo Hitman Reborn! was going to be back with a stage play, I was so surprised, and happy. I got so emotional when it was revealed.
Still! All of you were so supportive of the series, and I knew that everyone, all of you care about REBORN!, so! We really, really, really had to blindside all of you in a good way. We had to make something super interesting. And we had to make it all connect without destroying anything important. Those were my thoughts when I took on this stage play.
The cast and staff in the anime were also very wonderful. We were truly like a family. But this was something completely new. It’s been 12 years already since the anime started. And I’ve gotten older.
I’m 12 years older now. Back then, I was still a lively newbie. We were pretty lively, like a family really, which was fun.
This time though, I’m one of the older members of this family. And I’ve also experienced being in the world of REBORN! before, so it really felt like I was going into this as a home tutor, as Reborn. It felt different playing him, this past month and a half.
I’ve gotten to know such wonderful staff and cast. I sincerely consider them family from the bottom of my heart. A new family in Reborn! The Stage. I really do think that I made a new Katekyo Hitman Reborn! family from the bottom of my heart.
And then there’s all the people who have been waiting for this, along with all the people who just learned of REBORN! and how amusing it was just now. I’m sure there are all sorts of fans.
I talked about ages earlier. This makes me hope that we were able to pass on the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series to the next generation.
I hope we can get more and more hyped up about REBORN! again with the old fans and new fans. That was my goal for this stage play.
It has really been a fun and happy month and a half. And it’s all thanks to you all. Thank you so much!
And now! Finally, we’ll have Tsuna wrap things up!
TR: Okay! TR: …Why me? TR: So it’ll end on my say-so? TR: I’m not saying anything then! TR: To all of you who came here today, we’d just like to say… Cast: Thank you!
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