#my motivation has taken a nosedive with my health
lilweaselhub · 2 years
Blog updates!! (10/7) Applying to all blogs!!!
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Hey! so I know I have been kind of absent for a hot minute. allow me to explain.
LONG POST, but PLEASE read if were mutuals!
Basically, about a month ago I started having some not so fun health symptoms (Pain, legargy hematuria (ill let google be your friend there) ). At first I thought i had a bad uti or another infection of some kind. The symptoms were on and off and I went to two appts at a clinic. First time said I had a UTI prescribed me medicine and sent me on my way. They ended up changing the antibiotic midway through saying it wasnt right. (This will be important later. ) 
 So i took it, thinking they knew what they were talking about. But less than a week later the symptoms came back worse than before. I ended up going back to the clinic, who because when I was there, had no symptoms they could see (Thanks body.) They sent me home.  Fast forward about two days later,and it gets bad enough to go to my first Emergency room visit. They proceed to tell me the antibiotics werent going to treat a UTI of Any Kind (Amazing), but give me new medicine and send me home.  
   So there I am, taking medicines thinking, surely---this will be the end of it. 
                       It was not.
Literally 24 hours later, I wake up in the WORST pain I have ever experienced in my life, unable to stop heaving, literally begging for it to stop. Back I end up at the hospital, who give me morphine (the pain was that bad.) and nausea medicine, and tell me after an MRI that lo and behold, a kidney stone is whats causing my pain.  One i cannot feesibly pass on my own. So they scheduled me for surgery. (That was the 28th). 
            Since, ive been recovering from said surgery over the past week. Its been on and off how I’ve felt and I’ve only really felt consistently better since wednesday. Ive still had a lot of nausea and pain. (Todays a bit of a bummer outlier cus im feeling some pain again).  I still have  till the 20th before I even get the stent removed they put in my kidney (fun). So Im still on a long road to recovery. But HOPEFULLY this will be IT, and it will be the last bout of recovery I have to worry about and I’ll be back in business as usual in a month. 
So what does this mean for rp on my blogs?
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Well. I’m gonna be real, I miss rping a lot. But I havent felt great or really up to much of anything since this started. while its improving, its still very low in terms of energy, motivation and feeling well.
  Because of this, I’m going to say my blogs are on SEMI-HIATUS until 11/10. (This is a preliminary date as It may be pushed back or forward depending on how fast i recover). This does not mean I will do NO rps, but i will be doing a lot LESS. There will be days where I’m not here at all, sometimes several in a row. && I will be likely only doing short replies/asks until I’m back in the swing of things.
                            ***A little add on to this: I will be getting my next furbaby a golden retriever puppy between the 5th-9th of november. This will also CUT my activity but hopefully not as much as this health fiasco has been. I will be sharing pictures of him too when I get back dont even worry. He’s gonna be a spoiled lil bugger. but just in case i push the date further, or seem still low activity after the hiatus is over, this is probably why.
As always feel free to still send  me asks, or IMs. Or you can message me for my discord if you’d like to plot or talk! I’m still here, and I want to be here. I just didn’t account for a health emergency this year. 2022 has been a LOT for me. 
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canyonkingdom · 20 days
an important announcement
so if you've all noticed, i've been slacking off lately and i'd like to apologize for that, life's giving me the big "fuck you", my mental health has taken a nosedive and a lot of things have been happening all at once, i feel like i'm gonna be taking a break, but not really
so you know that one au i made (yagth), well, i'm gonna can it, mainly because of lack of motivation, and i also don't know what i'm gonna do with the characters- (mainly the rescue team, and the twist)
i'm mainly gonna be finishing up the pending requests in my askbox (apologies for the overdue delay) and posting more art on @heyagrouchy, but i'm also gonna be focusing on my own life and trying to make myself better, so expect less posts lol
so that's basically it, hope you all have a good day
*runs away*
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silvfyre-writings · 9 months
Snapshots Pt. 8 (BSD Fanfic)
I've had this chapter written for a bit, and considering that my mental health has taken a nosedive (and my writing motivation right along with it), I figured it was best to get this out and give you guys something to read while you keep being patient with the next paperboy update (it's coming, I swear, it's just slow and I want to make sure you guys get a good chapter!
What happened…? Was Poe’s first thought when he regained consciousness, only to let out a sound that was very much not a whimper as pain filtered back to him, along with the rest of his senses. He couldn’t immediately tell what was the source of his pain, because he was hurting all over, but his head was certainly one of them if the way there was a jackhammer inside his skull was anything to go by. What… happened? Poe asked himself, as he tried to get his swirling vision to focus enough for him to see his surroundings. As far as he could tell, he was still at home, alone for some reason that he couldn’t quite remember. The memory was there, at the edges of his conscience, but he just couldn’t pull it forth.
Finally, his eyes focused enough for him to see where exactly in his house he was, and honestly, he probably should’ve been a little more surprised to find himself at the bottom of the stairs, but he really wasn’t. There were times where he had the coordination of a toddler, tripping over his own two feet—or Karl—and sometimes, even tripping over the air itself. Wait… where is Karl? Poe turned his head slowly, wincing as it sent sharp pains throughout his neck and shoulders. He couldn’t see his furry friend anywhere, and he distinctly remembered Karl being with him—wait, no, he’d heard Karl crying from down the stairs and had come to investigate, only to misstep and fall down the stairs, an act that was just as painful as it looked in movies.
In fact, Poe was almost positive that it was more painful than the movies.
Poe made to sit up, in order to get off the floor, only to cry out as white hot pain shot through his leg, and flopped back against the floor with his eyes screwed shut. Curses were muttered underneath his breath as he focused on breathing, keeping still until the pain eased off enough for him to push it to the back of his mind. Okay, we’re not doing that again. Poe sighed and opened his eyes again, scanning his surroundings for his phone, but of course, the device was no where to be seen. He truly had the worst luck; first falling down the stairs, and now losing his phone? What was next, being discovered like this by—
“Poe-kun!” Ranpo’s voice echoed throughout the house, the front door shutting to signify his partner’s arrival. Of course he was just that unlucky. Of course he was. “Poe-kun, where are you?”
He doesn’t answer, in some vain hope that Ranpo would think he was either sleeping or not home, and just go home himself, but then he heard the pitter patter of paws and felt utter betrayal as Karl chattered loudly and nosed his cheek, giving away his location. His eyes fell shut as he waited, still wishing, still praying, that Ranpo would just turn around and leave. Footsteps grew closer, and closer, until they stopped suddenly, and Poe opened his eyes.
His gave a weak smile as he met Ranpo’s worried gaze. “Hello, Ranpo-kun. I apologize for not greeting you when you arrived, but um… what are you doing here?”
Ranpo continued to stare at him for a moment, clearly deducing what had happened if the way his face changed from worry to disbelief was anything to go by. “I was nearby on a case when I saw Karl run by. I caught him, saw he was distressed, and followed him back here. Good thing I did because how did you fall down the stairs?”
“I don’t remember.” Which was the truth, because he didn’t remember. He wished he did, but there was a distinct gap in his memory that he couldn’t fill in.
“Well, you definitely hit your head, so makes sense.” Ranpo sat on the ground by his head and gently moved the hair out of his face. Poe let out a sigh as Ranpo’s fingers brushed against his forehead “You’ve got blood all through your hair, but it’s dry, so you knocked yourself out good.”
“I could’ve told you that… the world’s still moving, and its throbbing.” Poe whined, and tried to sit up; he was tired of lying on the ground, and now that Ranpo was here, he would actually be able to get up. Only, Ranpo’s hands pushed against his shoulders as he raised himself, and kept the pressure until Poe was lying back against the floor. “Ranpo-kun?”
Ranpo shook his head and shuffled closer, grabbing Poe’s hand with his own and squeezing it gently. “Don’t move, Edgar, ‘kay?” How bad is it if you’re calling me Edgar? “I texted Yosano on my way here already, so just sit tight.”
“Ranpo, am I hurt bad?”
“That depends on your definition of bad.” Ranpo said, rubbing his thumb against the back of Poe’s hand.
“Is Yosano coming to patch me up, or is she coming to kill me and bring me back? Because just kill me now and save me from her lecture.” He’d heard plenty about Yosano’s lectures—and been through a couple himself—to not want to go through another one. The last one he’d witnessed had been towards Atsushi and Tanizaki—apparently they’d done something stupid that’d had them wind up in Yosano’s care, and yeah, never again.
There was a reason why Yosano was feared by everyone at the Agency.
Ranpo gave a light laugh as he ducked his head. “You’d get a lecture either way, but no, you don’t look hurt enough to need her ability. But she is a doctor, and you fell down stairs.”
Poe focused his attention on Ranpo. Despite the amusement in his eyes, there was lingering worry as well, and his hand continued to clutch at Poe’s, a firm pressure that reassured him that Ranpo wasn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. He smiled softly, and squeezed his partner’s hand back, drawing Ranpo’s attention back to him. “I’m a little battered and bruised, but I’m okay, dear.”
“I know.” Ranpo drew his hand to his mouth, and pressed his lips to the back of it. “But let me worry anyway.”
“I’ll spare you the lecture until the concussion’s gone, but just know there’s one coming.” Yosano said as she snapped her medical bag shut, pulling off her gloves and throwing them into the trash can in the corner of the room. “I don’t think I need to tell you that you need to rest, but so help me if I catch you walking around before that ankle of yours is better.”
Poe’s voice was meek as he nodded from where he was on the bed, running his fingers through Karl’s fur. “I understand, Yosano-sensei. Thank you for coming out so quickly.”
Yosano smiled and reached over to punch his shoulder, which had him wincing from the force of it, despite the doctor being much gentler than she normally would. “Well, it’s not every day that I get Ranpo calling and begging—”
“I was not begging.” Ranpo huffed from the doorway as he entered the room with snacks and drinks in hand that he placed on the bedside table before crawling onto the bed to sit on Poe’s other side.
Yosano raised an eyebrow at Ranpo’s interruption before continuing. “Uh huh, sure. You were totally worried about Poe-kun, don’t even try to deny it.” She turned to face him again. “Obviously, Ranpo’s here if you need help—and please, accept the help—and Poe-san?”
“Yes, Yosano-sensei?”
“No more stairs, okay?”
Poe chuckled, and nodded; he had no intention of going near the stairs until he was better, and even then, he was going to be much more careful around them. As it turned out, falling down stairs was an experience that he wasn’t keen on repeating, and certainly not one that he’d recommend doing in the first place. He and Ranpo waved Yosano goodbye as she left the room, seeing herself out of the house, and it was once the bedroom door shut, that Ranpo moved. Poe grunted as Ranpo accidentally elbowed him in the ribs, his partner murmuring a quiet apology as he continued to move.
“Ranpo, dear, what are you doing?” Poe asked when Ranpo still hadn’t settled down.
“Figuring out the optimal position that will be comfortable for us both.” Was all Ranpo said as he continued to move, shifting all the pillows and blankets on their bed about. Poe just continued to lay there, inching away a little to give Ranpo the space he needed, mostly because he didn’t want to be elbowed accidentally again; he was already sore enough from the concussion and his broken ankle, he didn’t really need any more pain in his life right now.
Finally, Ranpo stopped moving, and leaned against a mountain of pillows that were stacked against the headboard, blankets to the side ready to be used. “Come here, Poe-kun.”
He understood then why Ranpo had gone to the effort of moving everything about, and couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he dragged himself up the bed until he could lay with his head against Ranpo’s stomach. He really did love it when Ranpo showed off his caring side, and right now was no exception. As his head came to rest, Ranpo’s arms draped over his shoulders, his hands immediately starting to play with his hair, and really, Poe just melted. All of his pain was forgotten, just like that, and he let out a content hum as he got truly comfortable.
A comfortable silence filled the room then, with Poe’s eyes slowly starting to close as his tiredness grew, and Ranpo just continuing in his ministrations, moving up from just running his hands through Poe’s hair to absentmindedly playing with it. It was comfortable, domestic, and it was everything that Poe could only have ever dreamed of having for himself. But Ranpo, was his, as was the comfort and affection that Ranpo gave him, and he wasn’t all too sure about what would ever happen if he were to lose that.
“I love you.” The words escape before Poe can stop them, and he waits for Ranpo to tense like he sometimes does whenever Poe said he loved him out of the blue.
It never came, and instead, Ranpo’s arms held him a little tighter, and there are lips pressed against the top of his head. “Love you too.” A pause followed the words, and Poe tilted his head up enough to see Ranpo’s own face, and he’s able to see the still lingering worry, which made his smile fall just a little. Ranpo, of course, realized immediately, and smiled softly. “You know, usually it’s me that’s the clumsy one, so really, it was only a matter of time before one of us fell down the stairs.”
“If it’d been you, you probably would’ve broken every bone in your body.” Poe couldn’t help but tease, laughing as Ranpo’s ears turned red. He was quick to stop laughing, face becoming serious in an instant. “I am sorry though, for worrying you. But you heard Yosano; I’ll be fine.”
“I know.” Ranpo went back to braiding his hair, and Poe allowed his eyes to slip shut. “It was… a little scary, to see you at the bottom of the stairs, though. You were hurt, and there was a lot of blood, and Karl was so frantic.”
“I’m sorry.” Poe apologized for what felt like the fifth time that day. He really hadn’t meant to worry Ranpo so much—not that he’d intended to fall down the stairs in the first place—because Ranpo had enough to worry and stress about as is, and Poe always hated contributing to that stress.
“I know you are, so stop apologizing so much. Just rest like Yosano said, and enjoy the fact that I have to do what you want until you get better.”
“Ranpo-kun, if you just get me some crutches—”
Ranpo slapped a hand over his mouth, cutting him off. “Nuh-uh, not happening. You are hurt, and sleep deprived, so you are going to rest and recover and I will not be taking any arguments.”
“Just so long as you don’t cook, I think I can do that.” Poe rolled onto his side, being mindful of his ankle, and curled up against Ranpo. Resting might not be so bad for a change, honestly.
“I’m not stupid, I know I can’t cook.” Ranpo huffed, his cheeks tinted red. “I already asked Fukuzawa-san for help.”
Poe chuckled; Ranpo may have been great at baking, but he was terrible at cooking, and there’d been many a time where he’d come home to either charcoal food, or undercooked food that had given them both food poisoning the first—and only—time that had happened.
A hand moved to cover his eyes, and Ranpo shuffled down until he was lying down. “No laughing! It’s time for you to rest, so rest already.”
Poe hummed, already feeling drowsy. “Are you going to sleep as well?”
“For a bit.” Ranpo said, curling around Poe protectively, holding him close and secure in his arms. “Just to make sure that you sleep. And then I have to go back to work for a bit since I kind of, ya know, left suddenly.”
“Alright.” Poe yawned and relaxed into Ranpo’s grip. “Be safe.” “I will. Sleep well, Edgar.”
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lit-in-thy-heart · 2 years
Hi :)
So I've been struggling with my mental health recently and writing (something that used to devour my time) has become nothing more than a chore. I have so many ideas roaming around my head, but I cant seem to find the motivation to do anything with them.
So really what I'm asking is, do you have any tips or tricks to boost my motivation, or ways to take down my notes more easily.
Good luck to you for future writings, and thank you in advance if you answer this.
From, Anon.
bestie, same :')
i'm really sorry to hear that you've been struggling and hope things start looking up a bit for you soon <3 writing is a bit of a tricky hobby because it does take up so much mental energy and the thought of having to use that can feel draining, especially if you're using a lot of energy just to survive.
i had exactly the same thing for about six months and tried everything i could think of: starting new wips, writing a little bit each day, writing scenes out of order if i got stuck... sometimes it did work, but there wasn't really the spark that there had been and it did feel exactly like a chore. i don't have any tips or tricks to boost your motivation because, when everything is feeling difficult, i don't think there are any that will really help. i know writing can feel like a refuge but sometimes it is too much and, honestly, the best thing you can do is take a break from it.
you will be able to write again and enjoy it, i promise you, and it might take a while but it will happen. give your brain a bit of a rest. it's perfectly okay to be unable to write when your mental health has taken a nosedive and it doesn't mean you're a failure or anything, i promise you. if you are going to stress about not having written anything (even though ideas are a part of writing, so you are still creating, but it's just for you) then maybe just try and write a sentence for a fic each day? that way you'll still be building up your wips but it won't be as taxing (or daunting) as sitting down and going i am going to write today. it doesn't even have to be on the document -- you could always scribble it on a post-it-note and stick it on your wall.
it will get better and easier, but it will just take time. i hope this has helped a little, even if to assure you that you're most definitely not alone, and hope you feel better soon, anon <3 <3
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Hey everyone.
My mental health has taken a nosedive. I'm finally, finally coming to terms that I can't keep Babygirl.
Its so debilitating that I can't motivate myself for anything. My depression, my anxiety, its all too much. My critical, bully brain is on fire and I can't stop it. It won out and now I get to eat shit with a great big spoon.
So what does this mean for rp? I'm going to be selective than normal with my threads and probably going to unfollow people. Or axe threads that promote negative interactions.
Yeah, is gonna be boring as shit to keep things light, stupid, silly, etc but I don't want to be responsible for hurting people and hurting myself for having ic meshing with ooc.
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psychicmedium14 · 4 years
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Your 2020 September Horoscope
September is the ninth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the third of four months to have a length of 30 days, and the fourth of five months to have a length of less than 31 days. September will reveal all the layers of your multifaceted personality. You’ll be genuinely happy to be absorbed in a new engaging activity. What else will the month bring you?
At the end of June, your ruling planet, Mars, entered your sign. This has offered the benefits of enhanced energy, motivation, and drive, not to mention a boosted libido. From September 9 until November 13, Mars takes a break and moves backward. You might feel like a marathon runner, forced to come to a standstill. Progress might feel as if you walk through waist-high, wet concrete. But, until November, you have a chance to assess what or possibly who is worthy of your continued efforts. Try to connect with what's helpful about this need to pause and reflect.
During September, much in your world could be subjected to two things: secrecy and reflection. The two go hand in hand because you could call a personal 'time out' to reflect upon what your efforts are bringing in every area of your world. You could be aware of where results aren't forthcoming or possibly where a particular 'spirit' has 'flown.' Whatever you decide, any action you take will likely be supported with plenty of necessary thought. But be prepared to distance or detach yourself to come up with answers or solutions.
Where friendships or group efforts are concerned, you probably bring a unique brand of energy and enthusiasm that others appreciate. But from the 9th until November 13, you could show less willingness to interact or involve yourself. If you're tired of reaching out to or supporting others, then you could be keen to see who makes an effort for a change. You also have two powerful lunar influences affecting your career, home, and family. A Full Moon on the 2nd could have marked a professional turning point. A New Moon on the 17th offers a new beginning related to your living space or domestic setup.
Since the end of June, Mars has blessed you with increased energy and enthusiasm that you've been able to focus primarily on professional pursuits or career advancement. From the 9th until November 13, Mars goes retrograde. This backward motion could result in you feeling more deflated than elated where career prospects are concerned. You might sense momentum grinds to a halt, or effort hasn't paid off in ways you hoped it would. But regardless of how your professional mojo dips, by November, you'll regain your focus and 'give your all' to what truly inspires you.
A backward-moving Mars is a weakened Mars, and you could find your enthusiasm and motivation to pursue an educational or mind-broadening goal diminishes or nosedives. 'Mind-broadening' can cover quite a list, but is primarily associated with anything connected with law, studying, travel or media. But it's your financial picture that could have you punching the air with joy. A Full Moon on September 2 targeted money, income, and monetary gains, as will the New Moon on the 17th. It looks like your patience and diligence have paid off - literally!
September is bound to be a revealing and decisive month. A Full Moon on the 2nd targeted partnerships and commitments. Depending on your personal circumstances, this can mark the start of a new beginning or bring a necessary ending. A New Moon in your sign on the 17th offers a clean slate where a new and improved 'you' is concerned. Self-development and self-improvement could be increasingly important. Finally, with a backward-moving Mars influencing finances, you have a chance to assess your monetary position and make improvements or cuts where they're needed.
September is all about taking steps to make you feel better on the inside and outside. A Full Moon on the 2nd and New Moon on the 17th encourage you to take your physical and mental health seriously. It could become clear what changes are needed to your diet and lifestyle to help you to be the best you can be. But a backward-moving Mars from the 9th could reduce your energy and enthusiasm toward a partnership or commitment. From this month until November, you could assess whether the effort you invest is worth continuing to make - or where it's not reciprocated on someone else's part.
You can certainly shine this month, my Scorpion friend. Venus can help bring pats on the back and praise that you and others know you've earned. The coming weeks offer a chance to showcase and remind others of talents you possess. But support or adoration you receive won't allow time to rest on your laurels. A backward-moving Mars affects your work and service to others. You could feel unsupported or left to your own devices where tasks or projects are concerned. But, by November, you'll be able to shine once again having demonstrated your ability to knuckle down, work under pressure, and persist where others may have given up.
September looks set to be about finding a necessary balance between home and family matters and making professional progress. A Full Moon on the 2nd could have brought a domestic matter into the spotlight and possibly require you to assist or support a family member. But it's the New Moon on the 17th that offers a clean slate or a new beginning with a career-related goal. Whether a promotion is on the cards or you decide to branch out on your own, what culminates on or around mid-September will be the result of your faith-driven efforts.
September is brought to you by two keywords: stability and harmony. With Venus influencing what you own, owe, or share with others from the 6th, money disconnected from your earnings could arrive or indicate that a financial risk taken could come up trumps. But with Mars moving backward from the 9th until November 13, you could find an increasing amount of effort is required to keep things sweet on the home and family fronts. It may be your Capricornian grounding that is needed to keep disruption, delays, and conflicts at bay or at least manageable.
To say that September has a strong financial slant is an understatement. You had a Full Moon on the 2nd that influenced your income and valuables, and this could have created tension, disruption, or anxiety related to monetary matters. But see what transpires on or around the New Moon on the 17th. This offers a fresh start or clean slate connected with money that you don't earn. This is about windfalls that come from inheritances, grants, rebates, or loans. You could find that any cash-related chaos you experience at the start of the month diminishes from mid-month onwards.
September could have commenced with emotions running high, due to a Full Moon that was in your sign on the 2nd. This could have brought a powerful emotional release that had been building for some time. But in whatever way suppressed feelings or emotions emerge, you can be certain that the experience was healing or cleansing. You also have a backward-moving Mars affecting your income and possibly your confidence in a money-making pursuit. You could decide that what has generated cash in the past requires too much effort now. Use the time between now and mid-November to decide where your income is most likely to reflect your passionate or creative efforts.
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I hate writing job applications. You’d think that I would have gotten good at it, trapped in this loop for months now, but I still hate it every single time I sit down to write one. 
I don’t want to “sell myself” or praise my abilities sky high. I know I am a capable and intelligent person. I definitely have skills to boast about but it always feels wrong. I hate having to consider the whole “how will I add value” to the company when so often that value is seen as money. I don’t want to work to generate money, even if a lot of jobs come out to that result. Money makes the world go around and all of that.
I feel extra lost because we are still in the middle of a global pandemic and do I really want to be out there in the world? It feels scary. My mental health has taken a nosedive too lately, which isn’t helping matters at all. I finally got the guts to call up my doctor and book an appointment. It’s probably due time I get back into therapy, even if the idea of trying to find a therapist is another daunting mountain. 
I want the routine a job provides, the structure of my day, being able to use my brain and my skills to accomplish something - of course, I fucking do. But I also feel a pit of resentment in my stomach that I have to dedicate 7-8 hours, five days a week, to a job. I know it’s how the world works but I don’t like it. The idea that I’d have to be productive between 9-5, or something the like, and then only the excess time would be “mine”? That sounds like a scam. 
I’ve never been one of those people who has known what they want to be when they grow up. I’ve not even had rotating job aspirations. I never had a dream job. I don’t dream of employment. I dream of writing stories at my own pace, of spending good time with loved ones and animals, and of discovering all the beautiful aspects of the world while trying not to get crushed by any ugliness I would inevitably encounter. 
I am currently writing this to procrastinate writing a job application, which I suppose will shock no one. But this has always been my way to deal with things. Write it out, make the words make sense. I’m such an introspective person, so really writing about myself should be a piece of cake. But it’s the structure that gets me. It’s the lack of desire and motivation (a general problem lately - shout out mental illness), but it’s even worse with this. I will sit down at the blank page for the cover letter or look at my CV and just feel this heavy weight. 
I’m scared of the rejection that has been thrown at me again and again. It’s a tough crowd out there at the moment, but it’s still hard not to take things to heart. But I am likewise scared of getting a job that will suck everything out of me, and be wrong in too many ways to bear. Aish. That’s the core of my problem - fear of not getting the jobs and of getting the jobs but them being wrong. Does it say something that I don’t conceive getting a job and it being right? Probably. 
But I am going to grid my teeth, sing praises I don’t believe in my heart but know in my brain and just try. It’s hard that’s how it is, I suppose.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Things won’t get better unless you make them better Survey by emptyspaces
Do you agree with the quote in the survey title? I get the main point, which is that you have to be an active participant in your life and take the necessary steps. Waiting around doing nothing won’t get you very far that’s for sure. It can certainly be easier said than done, though. You can feel so overwhelmed, so lost, so deep in it that you don’t know where to begin or even have the energy or motivation to try. And sometimes even when you do try, things can still be difficult. It can take a lot of time. There’s other factors as well. Some things are simply out of our control. So, again I get the main sentiment but it’s often not that simple.
How many windows are on the front of your house? There aren’t any.
What common problem have you never experienced? Hm. Any car or driving related problem cause I don’t drive.
Alternatively, what's an uncommon problem you have experienced? There’s a lot of things, like accidentally burning my inner thighs because I placed a Starbucks coffee between my legs so my hands were free to wheel around, not realizing it was way too hot. I thought the cup sleeve was enough, but nope. I’m a paraplegic, which means I have zero feeling from the waist down, so I have to be really careful about that sort of thing.
Do you know anyone who opposes marriage equality?  Yes.
Are you an early riser or a night owl? I don’t even go to bed until like 7 or 8AM, so I’m a night owl and early bird.
What was the last thing you got really emotional about?  Health related stuff.
What's the longest amount of time you've been ill for?  Most recently was when I got the flu and bronchitis last year that knocked me down on my ass for like 2 months. Part of that was recovering from the setbacks being sick caused. It took me quite awhile to feel my normal again. It actually took several months getting one of the health things I’m dealing with back under control.
What's your cure for hiccups?  I don’t have one, they just go away eventually.
Who is your closest male friend?  I don’t have any friends.
Do you track your spending?  Of course. I’m not able to just spend whatever and not give it any thought. I don’t have it like that.
Are you addicted to anything?  Caffeine.
What was your life like 5 years ago? Where were you living, working, etc?  Wow. Five years ago I graduated with my BA in psych. I was still living here. I wasn’t working. The plan was I was going to take some time for myself, work on some things, figure out what I want to do. Unfortunately, things took a nosedive with my health, especially my depression. I fell deeper and deeper and things got worse and welp I haven’t done anything with my life since then.
Have you ever let a mental health issue go untreated? Yes. Even now I still have yet to seek any counseling or try to take any steps to work on things.
Do you know anyone who hunts for meat?  No.
Have you ever lived with a boyfriend/girlfriend?  No.
What do you wash dishes with? Sponge, scrub brush, rag, something else? We have a scrub brush. How old were you when your parents first let you have a TV in your room? I don’t recall exactly, but for as long as I can remember I’ve had one in my room.
Are you more practical or creative? Practical. Not a creative bone in my body. <<<
Have you ever seen Requiem For A Dream?  I don’t think so.
Do you put your glasses and mugs right side up or upside down on the cabinet shelf?  Upside down.
Are you planning to make any big purchases soon? Like what? For how much?  Kinda. I’ve started my Christmas shopping already.
Are you a recent university grad?  It’s been 5 years now.
What changes to the environment/climate have you noticed in your lifetime? Well, just in my state alone the wildfires have gotten significantly worse the past few years.
Do you own any power tools? Not personally, but there’s several out in the garage that my dad has should I ever need one.
How old were you when you first flew on a plane?  16.
Does everyone in your family get along with each other?  My parents, brother, and I are very close. Most of my extended family gets along as well with one another, but there’s a few we don’t talk to cause of certain things and drama.
What did you have for dinner last night?  Chicken tenders and fries from Carl’s Jr.
What was the worst part of your childhood?  The surgeries and many, many doctor visits (and all the different tests, xrays, etc that came along with them).
What grocery items do you buy the most frequently?  My family’s main staples include coffee, creamers, eggs, garlic, shredded cheese, sandwich stuff, milk (regular and almond milk), meats (hamburger, sausage, chicken, steaks), frozen foods, different snacks, spaghetti noodles and sauce, canned foods...
Have you ever seen a high school relationship last long-term? (like 10+yrs) Yeah, I’ve known some high school sweethearts.
Do you know any cancer survivors?  Yes.
What color is your bed frame? Black.
How old were you when you first started dating? My first boyfriend was when I was 16.
What's the highest-level science course you've taken?  Human biology in college.
Have you ever had something stolen from you?  Yes.
Leftover pizza for breakfast... yay or nay? Nay.
Do you personally know anyone who's a psychopath or sociopath? No.
What is your most used kitchen appliance?  Definitely my Keurig. 
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crazylittleentity · 4 years
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Thanks for the ask anon! I had to do this the screenshot way because tumblr decided that it would be funny to delete my draft along with the ask.
9. What calms you down?
Patting/cuddling my cat, having a nice, warm shower, drinking my favourite tea, listening to music or watching cute animal videos on youtube.
12. How are you?
Considering the massive shitstorm the world is in atm, I am alright physically. I'm living in a decent place and I've got food to eat and I am able to afford the costs of living right now. My mental health has taken a nosedive lately and I've lost a lot of motivation to do things that would normally give me serotonin. Hence I am taking a bit of a break from being online and doing other things irl to get my mind going again.
13. What's your comfort food?
Chocolate (which I need to seriously cut back on, but it tastes so good!) and any dish that's got macaroni in it, be it pasta salad or beef stroganoff with macaroni instead of rice. Yum!
24. What's something you do to de-stress?
I either hop on youtube and go through my saved playlists of music or cute/funny videos or I read a book. At the moment I am currently reading the Detective Inspector Foster book series by Robert Bryndza.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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azalynestudios · 5 years
(I don't have a tumblr so you'll have to deal with anonymity, I'm afraid) What I came to ask you: when will you admit that you have lost the drive and motivation to continue the project? It has been made clear by now that you bit off more than you can chew, both by constant delays and excuses and by how the writing quality in alpha version have steadily deteriorated. I don't want yo be mean, but someone had to say it. Whatever interest and hype there were for your game, they're mostly gone.
I seriously debated whether I should answer this one or not. Not because I’m not on board with full honesty, but because there’s enough unhappy things in the world and I have been purposefully trying to keep my personal unhappy away from everyone here because you are all so lovely.
But ultimately I decided I should respond just in case there’s lots of people thinking the same thing.
Here’s a short version for people who aren’t up for a discussion of health/mental health/world talk/real talk (and don’t feel bad if that is you!): I have 100% not lost interest or drive for the game. Although it has been taking much longer than anticipated, It’s coming along. And while your opinion on the writing quality may vary, I personally think these last weeks have some of the best moments in the game. If it’s not to your taste anymore or you are sick of waiting, that’s totally fair. Thank you for your support this far and I wish you all the best!
okay the rest under the happy kittens cut:
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Okay, real talk time, full disclosure. With a possible side of TMI.
So I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone when I admit that I haven’t been as great about responding in a timely fashion and this last update took way longer to complete than I would ever have guessed. And it’s recently gotten out of hand in a way I am deeply ashamed of. I feel very much like I have let you all down and I am really truly very sorry. It doesn’t have anything to do with any of you, you have all been (for the most part) completely lovely and kind and patient.
So here the honest story of how we got here.
-So despite everything, I definitely underestimated how much increasing work every week would take. Like I knew it would compound but I didn’t have any idea HOW MUCH it could compound. A big part of the delays is just how much more complicated everything is to write in these later parts of the game. It’s no exaggeration to say just this week seven update took HUNDREDS of hours of HARD work. (Some scenes used to be relatively easy to write. Nothing in week seven is fluff, nothing was easy to write.)
-A couple years ago I was getting a massive amount of asks a day. Trying to keep up with everything was seriously cutting into my work time as well as making me feel stressed and always behind. I started to cut back on responding and noticed that delays led to much less asks/emails. Less asks meant less stress. As things got worse for me the temptation to have delays so I didn’t have so much to respond to also got worse. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t working on other things, it just meant I wasn’t updating and answering properly.
-You guys have to remember that except for the art, I am doing 98% of this game completely solo. It is a lot for any game, especially one of this size.
okay with that all in mind, here’s what’s been happening on my end.
-Trump is elected. Faith in humanity takes a major hit. News/internet becomes a trash fire of bad. 
My stress levels and anxiety levels (already high because of the game and always, always feeling like I’m behind and not doing enough) spike to epic levels. I even get a few early gray hairs. (They seem to be gone now, thankfully.)
-For the sake of my mental health I have to drastically cut down on my general internet use and where I go (including tumblr, sadly)
-My health starts to take mysterious nosedives. For like 6 months I’m having serious stomach pain that is keeping me up at night. I’m also puking 3-6 times a week during this time. 
Things start to get better and I get back on track.
-My grandma dies out of nowhere from a brain aneurysm. I don’t get into my family situation on purpose, but my grandma is the only person in my entire giant family outside of my mom and my brothers that I have ever really believed actually cared about/loved me as I am.
And presto, I’m back in a bad place.
My stomach issues finally work themselves out, but my immune system still hasn’t recovered. I’m getting minor infections, colds and flus at least once or twice a month even now. 
All this time I have been working hard both on the game and on getting my mental and physical health back on track. I have my good moments and my bad.
There are two major ways how all of this has affected the game/my communication with you guys. 
1) Like I said, everything is 100% me. If I’m sick or in an anxiety spiral there is no one else to take over to communicate or bug check or whatever. Progress is completely tied to me. Which leads to the next point…
2) There’s a really bad loop. When I’m feeling anxious/stressed/depressed I can’t get everything done that I want to. Which leads to me feeling like shit/super guilty. Which leads to more anxiety and stress. And a deep, deep fear that when I check my email/asks, it will be full of people who are mad at me or disappointed or whatever, and the cycle continues.
I don’t say any of this to make anyone feel bad, or guilty or anything. In my good place, I truly love communicating with you guys and I truly think you are the most amazing people ever.
And I don’t say this as an ‘excuse’ in the sense that I think any of it is anyone’s responsibility to handle but my own. No one is obligated to wait for this game or for me. When I took money, I was taking on a professional obligation. All failures to live up to that and handle things in a more professional and responsible manner are on me and I deeply apologize for not being live up to your expectations. 
But no matter how bad things were for me, I never for a moment thought about on giving up on the game. And I promise you, I will finish the game. And it’s honestly very close. (Not that I don’t anticipate the epilogues and million game ending variations to take a long time to write and debug) but compared to where we started we have come lightyears.
You can be assured that everything that has happened during this development I have learned from and taken from heart. I now have a much better idea of what works for me and what doesn’t. In the future, if I manage enough support and interest to continue this as a career, I won’t be making the same mistakes again. Rather than doing a backer/alpha system I most likely will only release major news/announce games when they are close to finished. 
Thank you all for your patience support and interest all this time. 
(p.s. While I appreciate your concern in advance, I assure I am already on top of what I can to work things out on my end. While I appreciate your good wishes, no health/mental health advice please. Thank you!
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zutaralesbian · 5 years
Tw: Depression and suicidal thoughts
My mental health has taken another bad nosedive the last couple of weeks. And I think it's partly because of my mom moving across the country next month. I know I need to learn to live without my mom eventually. And maybe in the end this situation will end up being a good thing. But....i'm so afraid that i'm gonna be even more lost without her than I already am :/ She's the only person in the house I talk to regularly and who I feel at least kind of understands me. I'll still have my siblings. But while I do believe they love me and all, they both have so much other things going on in their lives, a boyfriend/girlfriend and mutiple friends. I don't think i'm even on their radars most of the time. I feel like the loneliness I always feel is gonna double once my mom is gone :(
I need more genuine human connections. But because of my depression, I don't have motivation to go out and make more friends. And because of my anxiety, i'm also afraid to. And because of my social awkwardness, I don't really know how to go about it. I feel really hopeless.
I need professional help. That's all there is to it. From someone who actually knows what they're doing. But I don't know the best way to get that either. There are a lot of doctors who aren't educated in the problems I have. I haven't even been properly diagnosed as clinically depressed yet, even though I should have been years ago.
I don't thing i'm at risk of actually killing myself. At least not yet. But I know that I think about how much better off I would be if I was dead way more often than I should. And i'm afraid that eventually, I WILL be at real risk of attempting suicide if I don't find real help.
(Before anyone panics, I promise i'm not going to kill myself tonight or anything. I'm just feeling very sad and hopeless right now.)
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thetrek · 2 years
Can depression cause illness?
I can give a few facts and stats about anxiety and depression, but I think anyone can look those up on Google. Instead, I choose to relate my own experience, in case it could help someone with similar experiences.
I’m not an expert at mental health, but I am an expert on me. I know every day I open my eyes something is not quite right with the world, (really, with me).
Medicine used to help, but not so much anymore. Panic attacks have gotten worse. To the point that all my muscles draw up (painfully) and I shake in fear. I imagine death at the threshold.
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My physical health has taken a nosedive. I make feeble attempts to change this, but Im too exhausted to do anything that really helps. I’ve been sick everyday for the past three months and when one ailment subsides, another begins.
The horror of it is, I believe my mental state is causing problems with my physical states. In short, I’m causing my own illnesses.
About three months ago, I was diagnosed with a viral infection. I started getting over it, when pneumonia took hold. Then another viral infection and an upper respiratory thing that was miserable. Then strep throat.
Now, I have some kind of UTI and I cant imagine what comes next. Nor do I want to.
Though all of these ailments are diagnosable and treatable, I cant help but think that somehow my mental state has created this unhealthy monster. Better said, mentally, I laid the groundwork for them to make their way into my lowered immune system.
Is that even a thing? Is it possible? The stress of daily panic attacks, anxiety and depression, is probably enough to cause havoc with my immune system.
Anxiety and depression are very real dangers to those afflicted. I’ve lost jobs, compromised relationships and became reclusive until my daughters put the brakes on all of it.
As I write this, I’m telling myself that tomorrow I will make an appointment with the doctor and ask for new medication to help with the panic attacks. I’m going to ask her to test my immune system.
I know there is a chance I wont call the doctor, because I have the embarrassment of returning to that office for the tenth time in five months.
Depression reminds me of that passage from Dante’s Inferno, when he passes through the gates of hell. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
In my worst moments, hope is a memory.
I listen to motivational programs and self-talk. I think it helps for awhile. A few moments, anyway, and I’m grateful for that. Sometimes a moment is all we can ask for.
The light at the end of the tunnel is this: I am writing. I force myself to do this, because I really don’t want to. I make videos, which seems easier than writing at times, though I feel like I’m cheating, because most of my vids are unedited. I have created a regular schedule for myself to keep creating because I need that prompting. I don’t always stick to it.
Some days I cant. Some days I’m lucky to brush my teeth and wash my face.
The light is that though I feel as if I’m swimming through darkness most of the time, my daughters and these (unnamed) angels around me, keep me going though I don’t want to.
I understand that they see beyond the darkness, when I cannot and I am so grateful for them.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This was written mid-2019. Since then my doctor has increased the dosage on my meds and I make it a point to exercise regularly. I wont say this is a cure, but life looks much different.
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tradiitum · 3 years
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hey i’m sorry for not being on here or my other blogs as of late. my mental health has taken a nosedive off the deep end and i’ve been trying to cope and get better. i want to write but i just can’t motivate myself to do so. i’m sorry for inconveniencing any of you. i hope to be back sometime in the future.
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Here’s how COVID-19 has impacted Kansas City’s real estate market
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — In what should be the start of the busy spring selling season, real estate experts in Missouri and Kansas say the number of people putting their homes on the market has sharply declined amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to The Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors (KCRAR), the number of new listings in our area dropped 30% from this time last year. That downward spiral comes at the same time unemployment rates have jumped and some lenders have tightened qualifications for borrowers.
But those changes don’t alarm real estate experts — yet. They say the impact the coronavirus will have on the housing market still isn’t known.
“We still think it will be another two to three weeks before we see the full effects of COVID-19 on the market,” KCRAR’s President Bobbi Howe told FOX4. “However, I do think we can start to see some trends now.”
One trend is the recent nosedive in new listings.
“We’ve seen new listings decrease for a couple of years,” Howe said. “So that’s not surprising.
“It’s also not surprising to see that (30 percent) decline in new listings,” she added.  “Not given what’s going on with the COVID-19 and the Shelter-In-Place Orders. I don’t want to see that number taken out of context.”
To help stop the spread of coronavirus, Howe said she and her colleagues now recommend that potential buyers and sellers wait to enter the market until the Shelter-In-Place Orders are lifted.
“We only want people in the market right now who absolutely must sell their home or buy a home,” she said. “Those are people who have a job transfer, are in the military, or must buy or sell a home immediately
“The health and safety of the public is paramount,” added Howe, who said real estate agents have stopped holding Open Houses, started doing more virtual home tours, and limited the number of people involved with in-person showings. “If I were a seller, I wouldn’t want random strangers entering my home right now. ”
Listings Decline When There’s Normally An Influx of New Sellers
The Center For Real Estate at Wichita State University, which tracks MLS listings across Kansas, has also seen a drop in new listings during the coronavirus outbreak.
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“We are seeing a decline and that’s just from March 15,” said Dr. Stanley Longhofer, the center’s director. “Prior to March 15, we were seeing new listing activities slightly going up. But since March 15, we’ve seen those listing go down.”
Longhofer started to chart MLS listings in Kansas on March 1 and then compared those figures to the same days in March 2019.
“We felt this crisis was moving so rapidly that we wanted to know what was happening day-by-day,” he said. “And we’re seeing a decline at a time of year when we typically start to see a lot of new homes listed for the spring selling season. It’s the time when we start to see a build-up in inventory.”
Inventory that’s already in short supply.
“When we have an inventory of homes that is above a six-month supply, that’s a flush market,” Longhofer said. “That’s a buyer’s market. If we get below a four-month supply of inventory that is a seller’s market. Inventory is tight and it’s harder for buyers to find a home with everything they want.
“At the end of March — even in the Kansas City area — there was only a 1.8 month supply of homes available for sale,” he added. “That’s down from a 2.3 month supply of homes a year ago. So, the market was incredibly tight and it looks like this crisis will make the market even tighter.”
Impact on Sellers?
Is that decline in new listings good news for sellers? Does it indicate the market will remain strong for sellers?
“In theory, it is good news for sellers,” Longhofer said. “But we’ve yet to see how this (COVID-19) impacts potential buyers. We could see some sales tail off pretty dramatically because of the current economic activity.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has rocked financial markets and triggered massive layoffs across the country. The national unemployment rate rose to 4.4 percent in March and a record 6.6 million workers filed for their first unemployment benefits the last week of that month.
Missouri’s jobless rate jumped to 4.5 percent in March. In Kansas, the jobless rate remained steady at 3.1 percent in March. But that figure, which reflects an estimated loss of 5,900 jobs from February, came out before Governor Laura Kelly issued the statewide Stay At Home Order.
“There’s no way you can have these layoffs and unemployment rates and not have a substantial impact on the housing market,” Longhofer said. “The question is how long will that last.
 “For sellers, I don’t think we know yet what will happen,” he added. “The good news is those who list their homes now won’t have a lot of competition on the market.”
Sale Prices Increase
The sale price of homes in the metro also continues to rise. According to KCRAR, the average sale price for homes in our area jumped seven percent — from $245,951 to $263, 781– from this time last year.
“Sellers are still getting more for their houses than they did this time last year,” Howe said.
And homes in good neighborhoods that are priced right have — until just a few weeks ago — sold quickly.
“If you have a home that is moderately priced — $200,000 to $400,000 — that’s the bread and butter of the market and is certainly where most buyers are actively looking in these tight markets,” Longhofer said. “If they’re priced right and are in move-in condition, those homes are selling really, really fast. Or they were until all the COVID-19 hit.”
There’s even more good news for sellers in Topeka.
The capital city of Kansas is now listed as the 8th hottest housing market for March 2020, according to Realtor.com.
“With the spring home-buying season ready to jump into full swing, the entire housing market seemed to pivot in response to COVID-19 in March,” Realtor.com wrote on its website. “While in-person behaviors may have affected buyers’ willingness to visit homes in person, the hottest housing markets were still garnering listing views and closing sales throughout March.”
New Challenges For Home Buyers
For buyers, the news is more mixed.
Interest rates are at historic lows. In Kansas City, the current rate for a 30-year fixed loan is 3.12 %. Rates drop to 2.875% for a 15-year-fixed mortgage.
But buyers who’ve lost their jobs or been furloughed amid the COVID-19 pandemic may have trouble securing a home loan, Longhofer said. “The challenge for buyers will be getting qualified for a loan. If you’ve been laid off, it’s going to be harder to get approved.”
JP Morgan Chase, the largest bank in the country, recently announced most borrowers must now have a credit score of 700 and a 20 percent down payment to qualify for a home loan.
“That brings up a big point I emphasize all the time, but now it’s more important than ever,” Longhofer said. “During a real estate transaction, it’s important to use a local lender, a local title company, and other local service providers. There’s a huge benefit to that.
“A local lender understands the local economy and the local job market,” he added. “You’re not just a number on a loan file to a local lender. You’ve got someone you can talk to face-to-face.”
New Home Construction Remains Strong
What about new home construction? Has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted those sales?
The Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City (HCHBA) said the industry was “disrupted” in March, but remains strong.
“The number of permits pulled in March 2020 was 438, which is only a slight decrease from 475 pulled in February 2020,” Kari English, communications director for HCHBA, told FOX4. “This data suggests that our industry remains strong and busy.”
She added: “Given the stay-at-home orders, it stands to reason that there would be fewer people walking through new homes. However, web traffic on member websites as well as our KC Parade of Homes mobile app indicate that there is still a motivated, capable pool of consumers active in the market.”
Two factors continue to fuel new home construction, English said. “The historically low interest rate environment coupled with a low inventory of homes for sale has contributed to the need for building to continue in order to meet demand.”
Asked if COVID-19 has caused many job losses in the local home building and remodeling industry, English said: “There was a high number of job vacancies in the residential construction sector prior to Covid-19. According to March data from the National Association of Home Builders, neither Kansas nor Missouri have seen the significant job losses due to COVID-19 that other parts of the country may have.”
Optimistic Predictions for Future
Although COVID-19 has rattled the real estate market, Howe is optimistic it will recover — and become more balanced — once the Shelter in Place Orders are lifted and the economy starts to rebound.
“I think we will see more sellers come on the market – those who decided to wait until this (pandemic) was over,” she said. “And, as more sellers enter the market, we might see some buyers exit the market. We might see some buyers get out of the market who could have been pushing their limit to buy more home than they should. Some buyers may also change their price points.
“But all that will bring a more balanced market,” Howe added. “And that is good for everyone.”
Here are resources for more information about the local real estate industry:
The Kansas City Regional Association of Realtors
The Kansas City Regional Association of Realtor’s COVID-19 Guidelines
The Center For Real Estate at Wichita State University
The Center For Real Estate At Wichita University’s 2020 Kansas Housing Markets Forecast Series
The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Realtor.com 2020 Hottest Housing Markets
The Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/tracking-coronavirus/heres-how-covid-19-has-impacted-kansas-citys-real-estate-market/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/04/25/heres-how-covid-19-has-impacted-kansas-citys-real-estate-market/
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vandykecarolpdrf7 · 7 years
5 KetoDiet Challenge Success Stories
With the 60 day summer KetoDiet challenge coming to an end in less than 2 weeks, I'd like to share 5 inspiring success stories of those who participated in our previous 60 Day May-June KetoDiet Challenge and won prizes worth over $2,000!
I usually share all success stories within 2-3 weeks of announcing the winners but this time it took longer than expected. It has been a challenging couple of months for us: from releasing the fully featured Android App and providing an upgrade path to all who have already purchased KetoDiet Basic for Android, to working on a new barcode scanning feature and enhancing the existing planning & tracking features. And that's not all - I've been working on a new cookbook too!
All 5 participants took part in our challenge together with thousands of others - and I have to admit it wasn't easy to pick just 5 winners. I'm so proud for everyone who took part!
To take part in our Challenges, sign up and get notified as soon as the next challenge is announced. All KetoDiet Challenges are and will always be FREE and you won't need to buy any products to join.
Click to Join the KetoDiet Challenge - it's free!
Karen's Success Story
I turned 54 during this Challenge. Keto and this website have been the best birthday present evah!! Having struggled with my weight since high school and finally topping out over 310 pounds 40 years later, my health and happiness were screaming at me... demanding that I make a change or else face Type 2 diabetes and heart disease or worse.
All of those scared me :( But the thought of the Medical complex "managing my diseases" rather then helping me find a solution to my weight (so I could cure/avoid diabetes & heart disease) scared me even more. So for almost two years now, I've struggled with finding my own solution/cure to my weight.
Last year, I found Paleo which helped me really "clean" up my food choices but my weight still yo-yo'd between 295-310 pounds. As most know, losing and then gaining the weight back is so depressing, so very depressing... debilitating... soul-sucking (and I like my soul healthy and intact, thank you very much!) Then as I was searching for new recipes, I found keto and the KetoDietApp!! WOO!! WOO!! And my life has really changed.
Why Did You Join?
I was a day late to join this challenge. I almost didn't do it but I did the challenge anyway. I told myself that I was going to Secret-Squirrel-Ninja the challenge! This way there was no pressure to shed my weight and I wouldn't be disappointed if nothing happened.
I'll admit it, I was scared that Keto wouldn't work either. I'm happy that I did do it because I went from 310.4 pounds down to 275.4 pounds without starving, just eating amazing keto recipes that I found on the website, and without having to exercise like an aerobic-fiend (which is very difficult at that weight).
I just did gentle no-stress walking and guess what? That's right! No more depression and my soul is now firmly intact and very happy BOOYAH! :) Needless to say after doing the first challenge, there was nothing and I mean nothing that was going to keep me from doing this Challenge. I was all-in and never looked back. I'm a new woman and so excited and geeked to be able to continue my journey with this next challenge. I just love the support and accountability and visual reward that comes with the KetoDietApp does a very happy dance.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
Definitely the recipes and meal prep tips. One of the hardest and yet easiest tips was the concept of meal planning. Initially I thought that taking 3 hours on a Sunday to cook food and then put the food into daily containers would be overwhelming and exhausting.
But I found that it's actually so much easier to cook like that. And I really enjoyed coming home from work during the week and savoring food that was already ready for me and all I had to do was heat it up and eat it. No more struggling after an exhausting 14 hour work day to try to decide what to eat and then take another hour to cook it.
Also the recipes are amazing. I found that after a while I was more and more comfortable with changing them up to suit me and my tastes. I actually look forward to trying new recipes and experimenting and my family gives me compliments on my cooking!
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
One of the things I absolutely love and adore about the Ketodietapp is the charts!! I've taken weekly pictures (front and side), but it took awhile before I could "see" any change in my body's shape.
Although during that time, my clothes were saying "HEY! Where are you going? We are falling off you now!!". Having your clothes tell you that creates a feeling beyond wonderful! Nothing like putting on clothes that were previously way too tight for me to comfortably wear and now? Now finding they are falling off me and I'm having to buy new ones. Fortunately, the charts allowed me to see visually the inches coming off the parts of my body.
Of course my clothes were saying... "see, we told you that already" :) and that is just awe-inspiring. Oh yea! Oh yea! :) Every week I faithfully measured my wiggly parts and every week I was flabbergasted at the fact that over the past 60 days, I have shed an average of 1.75 inches off my body weekly!
It's definitely interesting to see the fat area that my body decided to eat each week. It's funny because when I started back in February, I was more about "what does the scale say" and now I'm all about "holy crap, I shed another half inch around my waist!" I am extremely happy to share that over the past 60 days of this Challenge I have shed an amazing 15.5 inches: 4" off my waist; 4.5" off my hips; 2.5" off my thighs; 3.5" off my chest and 1" off my arms! /does a very very happy dance.
What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?
Oooooo I think they're all my favorites BUT if I absolutely have to choose a favorite, I'm going to narrow it down to FAT BOMBS!!
What a perfect name to describe an absolutely amazing food. Simple ingredients, insanely easy to prepare, fully satisfying and a definite treat to eat... not to mention a staggering array of flavors from sweet to savory. Even my boyfriend LOVES them so much that I have to make twice the batches just so I have some :-)
Karen's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Karen lost over 35 pounds and 4 inches off her waist!
Michael's Success Story
55 years old. Hit 276 lbs in February on my birthday... heaviest ever in my life. Tried eating less but wasn't working, because I was still eating the wrong foods. I was addicted to cookies, pizza, cheese cake and bread. Then I found ketodieapp.com and got motivated and started seeing real results almost immediately. I was familiar with Atkins and knew the basic science, but not to the extent I learned here. I want to loose at least 80 lbs and change my eating habits for life! By the time I got the courage to try this challenge I had already loss 20lbs thanks to ketodietapp.
I heard the saying use diet as a noun not a verb. That really struck me and that is where I'm at in my life. This is what I eat and how I live, not some fad diet to loose weight then put it back on. It's interesting how many people don't understand it. Oh go ahead and eat that pasta or ice cream... it won't kill you. What's one cheat day. That's what you hear so often, they don't understand that I don't want too and I don't miss it. I take my kids out for ice cream and I have a coffee, doesn't bother me and I'm happy. So I decided to give this challenge a go, for motivation and encouragement.
Why Did You Join?
Want to loose 50 lbs to feel better and want eat better.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
I found belonging to the community to be a huge help learning and staying on track. Hearing how others were doing, sharing challenges and success is encouraging. Along with that it's determination to eat well and be healthy.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
The challenge helped motivate me and taught me more about me to diet with recipes, feed back and sources for more information. It's encouraging to belong to a community of like minded people with the same struggles and similar goals.
What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?
Don't know that I have a favorite recipe bit because of this challenge I'm a big fan of avacodo... never had one before, now eat them 4 or 5 DAYS a week.
Michael's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Michael lost over 23 pounds and 5 inches off his waist!
Eduardo's Success Story
I am a 42 years old cab driver in NYC with 50+ pounds over desired weight. My goal is to lose some weight by making a change in my lifestyle as well as my eating habits. My step-son is a nutritionist and will guide me throughout this journey. I will give the best of me to this challenge. Day 1... I'm waiting for you!
Why Did You Join?
Weight loss.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
All the support from my family, especially from my stepson, who meal prepped all the recipes for me since I suck at cooking and he is studying nutrition as well so why not. So one can say that I was his sample rat for his thesis.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
I never thought a diet eating "fat" would help me lose weight. KetoDiet has been my savior and will be for the rest of this journey.
What Are Your Favourite KetoDiet Recipes?
Can I answer with: all of them? lol.
Eduardo's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Eduardo lost 40 pounds!
Click to Join the KetoDiet Challenge - it's free!
Ashley's Success Story
Busy wife and mom of 3. Ready to rid my body of years of poor eating and heal myself from the inside.
Why Did You Join?
Weight loss and healthier life.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
Knowing Keto was literally transforming my life was enough to keep me on track.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
My health had taken a nosedive several years ago. Feeling lethargic, joints aching and reaching for more carbs to give me energy destroyed my body further.
I gained over 50 lbs in about 5 months and kept gaining since I found the Keto diet. Going Keto in April, 2017 has increased my energy, given me a better mood and my joints do NOT ache anymore. Of course the fat melting before my eyes has been amazing, too!
In April I was 230. I saw the Keto Challenge as a way to stick with it even during the hard times. I'm down to 184 and only have 30 more until my goal. I will be doing the Keto Challenge again to reach my final weight goal. Thank you for developing this Challenge!
Ashley's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Ashley lost 24 pounds and 4 inches off her waist!
Brittany's Success Story
I'm 20 almost 21, I've been struggling with my weight since the age of eight, I've tried all sorts of diet plans and I couldn't find one I would stick to. And each time a plan didn't work for me I'd quit and lose just a bit more confidence in my self. I started the Keto Way of Eating just a month ago and since then I've seen a huge change in my appetite, how I think about food and even my confidence has taken on a boost!
The first few weeks I didn't even weigh myself! I was terrified of what I would see! Could the scale say error? I was already afraid of what the number would be. After two weeks I weighed in. I wasn't surprised by the number but that didn't change the fact that it still hurt to admit I'd lost all control over my health. In the two weeks that followed I lost my first seven pounds and honestly I can't wait to see what this challenge will do in helping me along in my journey! I don't want it to be about numbers but about improving my quality of life! I'm slowly building my confidence and I keep telling myself I Can Do This! Ps: I currently work the night shift at a wafer fab, go to school part time and my passion is for photography.
Why Did You Join?
Get healthy! I don't want to be limited by my weight I want to be able to enjoy life! I'd like to feel comfortable in cloths and not feel ugly for the cloths I can wear. I want to gain confidence! And lower my risks for illnesses related to poor health choices. Like type 2 diabetes and heart attack. I want to take control of my health instead of feeling like I have no control.
What Helped You Stay on Track?
What helped me stay on track (though there were set backs towards the end ) was both my family, friends, coworkers and my keto blogs I follow. There continued support helps me to keep going even though I've hit a wall recently.
How Has KetoDiet Helped?
I'm so happy to say because of this challenge I'm seeing a few inches here and their coming off cloths that were tight are becoming comfortable and I'm gaining more confidence in myself.
Brittany's Progress during the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge
During the 60-Day KetoDiet Challenge, Brittany lost 27 pounds!
Click to Join the KetoDiet Challenge - it's free!
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