#my love for her grows stronger everyday
writerscall · 3 months
i don’t have any specifics but i’d love to see you do a jealous hazel :>
author’s note/s: 873 words. this embarrassingly took me a while to finish but in my defense, i’ve been in a real slump for writing. but this definitely got the momentum back a bit! enjoy hazel not exactly enjoying when someone thinks you’re pretty the same way she thinks you’re pretty.
In spite of the collective fear that the fight club might disband after the game, either by school orders or with all of you growing apart with more and more schoolmates wanting to be friends, it stayed intact. Surprisingly no new recruits, but that was probably why the bond of the club was stronger than ever. You were all there from day one and you all knew everyone still wanted to be there, even if getting punched in the jaw or kicked in the shin still hurt like a bitch.
It meant continuing to have Hazel as an everyday fixture in your life, though, and you weren’t going to complain about that. Or about any of the new friendships you’ve created, of course — especially Stella-Rebecca, whose realization and acceptance that she’s actually a lesbian was a very entertaining sight to see.
“I feel no different, but I also feel like I should be doing something to be more out, you know?” She asks you one day as you’re washing your faces in the locker room after practice. “Like, maybe not go around wearing a t-shirt that says ‘lesbian,’ or ‘i love girls’ or something, but like… should I go shop for a cute flannel later?”
There’s a chorus of no, don’t do that among the burst of laughter, and you hope the look you’re giving her looks more sympathetic than amused. “Lesbians come in all kinds of outfits, Stella-Rebecca. Don’t worry about it.”
“Or, you know, in no outfit at all, I won’t mind,” PJ quips with a shit-eating grin. Josie audibly groans and promptly drags her out of the locker room.
“A top that says ‘i love girls’ would be pretty cute, though. I’d wear one,” you tell her. Hazel comes into view at that same moment, smiling at you knowingly through the reflection in the mirror. Your heart flutters as you smile back. It was no secret that you and Hazel have been participating in a will-they-won’t-they dance for a while now. Everyone — or at least everyone in the fight club — knew about it.
Which was why you found Stella-Rebecca’s next words so surprising.
“Maybe we can go look for one together. I think you’d look real cute in one, too.” She winks at you as she squeezes your shoulder, then says her goodbyes as she sashays away. Huh. You can’t help but smile to yourself in amusement, though it’s immediately wiped off when you notice Hazel staring (rather, glaring) after Stella-Rebecca’s retreating figure.
You turn away from the mirror, saying, “Oh, come on, don’t be like that.”
“You know she’s flirting with you, right?” Hazel grumbles. “While I’m right here. Literally just right here, and then she still goes and does all that. She knows!”
“It’s not… she probably didn’t even mean it like that. Stella-Rebecca’s just very touchy and sweet—”
“I think I’m sweet to my friends too but I don’t go after people who are obviously accounted for.”
Okay, this was serious to her. Not that you had any intention of shrugging it off and letting Stella-Rebecca continue to flirt with you, if she would; you just didn’t think Hazel would take it so personally. She’s known the girl longer than you have and has definitely seen her flirt with other people before to know the difference between her being playful and actually being into it.
Then again, until recently, Stella-Rebecca was only coming on to boys.
You walk towards her, fighting the growing smile on your face as you take her own in your hands. “Your pout is really cute but there’s no need for it. I could go out with Stella-Rebecca after school every day of this week, even spend the whole weekend with her, and I’d still be ‘accounted for.’” Your nose wrinkles a bit at the last part. Hazel could either say the most random things or be strangely articulate.
She sighs, head tilting to the right in your hold. “Am I a horrible person for not liking the idea of you spending so much time with each other? I know you’re friends, we all are, but… I don’t know…”
“No,” you breathe out, rubbing your right thumb across her slightly smushed cheek. “It’s a hypothetical situation, anyway. The most she’ll get of me is one day because we’ve got a bunch of after school dates lined up, remember? We’ve got all those Lego plants to build.”
“The new additions to my botanical collection,” Hazel says, her mood noticeably picking back up. You give her face a gentle squeeze before wrapping your arms around her shoulders instead. Her arms wrap around your waist not a second later. “Yeah, the succulents came in yesterday. I think you’ll really like them.”
You smile at her. “You know I will.”
The feeling of her relaxing in your arms makes you relax too, although she’s still got that look on her face. Well, a different one now; like she was battling between saying something or shoving it down.
“You and Stella-Rebecca can get matching ‘i like girls’ shirts, but only if we get matching ‘girlfriends’ ones.”
Oh. Not in a bad way, but still… oh.
There’s a part of you that’s thinking, already? but you’re a little too giddy about her clarifying what she wants — and it being exactly what you want too — to do anything but nod and beam at her. “Whatever you want, Hazel.”
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lovers-rck · 8 months
fic rec where someone from the club hosts a party and reader and hazel go and they get a little drunk and pj locks them in a room together until they admit their feeling to each other and things get a little hot n heavy :)
intentional lowercase ;) thank you!
also i did a very vague correction so forgive me if there are any mistakes! english is not my first language.
"seven minutes in heaven!" you hear pj yell and run away, except that you and hazel weren't playing that game.
hazel chukled and went to open the door, almost tripping over a ball of dirty cloth. She grabbed the door handle and tried to open.
the first time doesn't work, but she knows she is a little bit drunk and maybe she was opening the wrong way. the second time doesn't work either, and that's when she starts to worry.
"it's locked" she says "pj locked the door"
"what? " you say "let me try" the room is dimly lit, highlighting the worried features that took over hazel's face.
you grab and try to open the door. one, two, three times later you realized that, in fact, is locked. pj locked the door and ran away for who knows how much time.
"im sure this is one of her pranks" hazel looks at you, her eyes a little sleepy from the alcohol "she will come back in a few minutes"
but you are impacient. three minutes has passed. you look at the posters in Annie's walls, all with a inspirational quote about women and printed pictures of Simone de Beauvoir. five minutes. hazel groans in protest, looking at her dirty shoes and thinking why she didn't clean them before going out, she's embarrassed now. seven minutes pass. eight. nine. ten. eleven. twelv...
"pj!" hazel screams "pj let us out please! i already apologized to you when i said that you only created the club to fuck cheerleaders! please!"
for the next ten seconds the only things you hear is hazel's voice, she's loud and desperate, her hands hitting the wooden door for so long that you almost find a rhythm.
eventually hazel gives up, and in a matter of seconds all the loud noises that she made earlier end up causing her a big headache. she feels less drunk than before, but the after feeling isn't so much better. then she looks at you, sitting in the floor, your legs crossed like a kid and your eyes resting. you were a chill drunk, hazel was a chaotic one.
she find a very strange feeling looking at you, something growing in her stomach. hazel never saw you the way she was seeing you now, always admiring you in secret, always playing the fool when you catch her eye in between classes or practice. she knew that this wasn't product of the alcohol, and that scared her.
so she tried and is currently trying to ignore that little feeling growing inside of her, that little tiny and obviously-not-romantic feeling that became stronger everyday.
okay yes. she was in love with you. so what?
it was not a big deal. it's not like at the very sight of you she becomes dumb and slow and words come out of her mouth like vomit without thinking. it's not like she freeze everytime you touch her or grab her hand. it's not like she is completely, hopelessly, in love with you.
okay it was bad.
"we have to get out of here" hazel says "I'll become anxious and you know i left therapy last week!"
so you get up and grabs hazel's hand. you guide her to sit in Annie's bed, standing in front of her and demand her to breath with you.
inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.
you don't let go of her hand at any time, and neither does hazel. you look at her, her eyes are closed and her lips swell as she exhales the air as you taught her. you look at her and the sudden impulse to scream what you feel for her invades you.
but you two are friends, and friends don't do that. friends help each other without expecting anything in return. but you realized that you didn't want to be hazel's friend when after every shared moment you expected something in return, something to give you a hint, something to answer the doubt that has been in your heart for a long time.
¿did she look at you with those eyes in purpose? ¿did she caressed your cheek in accident that one time? ¿did she makes jokes about couples with you just for the laughs? ¿did she likes you?
the last question is the worst, you consider.
"thank you" hazel says, and you smile slightly in return. always waiting for something else.
and you think she gaves you something in return when you feel her thumb caressing your hand. she stares at your intertwined hands, and so do you.
shyness takes over your bodie, and the giggly and playful hazel disappears. it was always easier to pretend that nothing happened, that all the touches were accidents and all the looks meant nothing. to pretend that they were just meaningless feelings.
but neither of you can do that anymore when you feel hazel pull your hand slowly, bringing your body closer to hers but leaving a space, leaving open the door of regret. you close that door the moment your free hand caresses her face and she smiles at you.
"can i..."
"yes" you say "please"
she obey and guide your bodie to bend down slightly for her to kiss you. you inhale sharply when her lips makes contact with yours for the first time, and suddenly a scared feeling takes over your body
but hazel grabs your face and you understand that there is nothing to fear when you are with her.
her kiss is delicate and slow, but hungry. she grabs your legs and sits you in her lap, not getting enough of you. her mind cannot comprend what is happening, but is unable to stop it. her fingertips swim across your skin, trying to memorize every feeling, every texture that is so new to her.
she fears that she might be a little rough or fast with you, that maybe she crossed the invisible line. she freeze and for a moment she just stay there, her forehead against yours, breathing and trying to process the last five minutes.
"did i do something wrong?" you murmured
"no, no, you did nothing wrong"
"what's wrong?"
she swallows and hold your hand "nothing is wrong"
"don't be scared"
"im not scared" hazel replies, hating how you read her so easily. you raise you eyebrow "okay maybe i am a little scared"
"of what?"
you heard how the girls are laughing at something downstairs.
"i don't know" she exhales "im afraid you won't be my friend anymore after this"
"we were kissing and you were all worried about our friendship?
"yes!" she replies "your friendship is very important to me"
"i know" you gently put a strand of hair behind her ear "your friendship is important to me too. im not gonna ignore you after this if that's what you fear hazel"
"okay" she nodds "okay"
you laugh slightly "okay"
and you kiss her again, more desperate than before. hazel quickly responds to your body and grabs your waist, pushing you towards her.
you move slightly in her lap and she gasp. the strap of your shirt falls off your shoulder and hazel leaves your lips to find a home on the skin of your neck and shoulder. she kiss and bite the flesh, your breathing becoming a little louder.
in a bold act, you grab hazel's hands and place them in your breasts, hoping that she would catch the sign.
and she does, so she moves you shirt up and start massaging your flesh, you nipples alrrady hard to receive hazel's hands. you whimper lightly when you feel hazel's tongue, leaving a trail of kisses all over your tits.
her hand starts going down when you both heard the lock of the door and a scream
"oh my god!" pj screams and hazel cover your breast with her hands in panic "oh my god! guys! guys! oh my god"
pj jumps and start running away, her screams invading the house
"it worked! guys it worked!" pj screams downstairs "the were sucking each other's titties!"
and all the girls scream with her.
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totalswag · 1 year
new addition — DREW STARKEY
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authors note first concept! more dadxdrew content will be posted. writing about drew as a dad is one of the most cutest thing ever. this is my first time writing on here and it’s been awhile since i’ve written something so it will be a little rusty. also, thank you to those who've sent in requests, i will get to them when i can. feedback is always appreciated <3
summary welcoming your first child into the world and announcing it to the rest of the world.
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A month ago you welcomed a beautiful healthy baby girl into the world. Words cannot describe the feeling of becoming a parent for the time. Each day that goes by you cherish every moment with her.
The minute you laid eyes on her, you knew deep in your heart you were meant to be in that very moment. She makes you look at the world differently.
First thing family and friends said when they met Y/D/N for the first time was that she has Drew's features, especially his eye color. But, she is the perfect mix between you both.
When Y/D/N was first born you both posted a picture showing her in her bed next to your hospital bed without showing her face because privacy is huge for Drew and you. You want to protect her from the rest of the world, it's a scary place.
Earlier this week, it hit a month since Y/D/N was born. She continues to grow everyday and never fails to make us smile.
You were in the kitchen cleaning the dishes while Y/D/N was in her swing set sound asleep in the living room; her pacifier in her mouth with her blanket to keep her warm. She loves taking naps or relaxing in her swing set. She will get fussy if you take her out when she's comfortable.
Drew was in the other room on the phone with his manager about an upcoming movie with Daniel Graig that will be filmed in Europe which meant Drew will be gone for a while.
It will be hard not having him around for a month or two but trips to see him will be planned. He’s spoken to you about it when he first got the role.
"She looks so peaceful" you are startled by Drew's voice in the kitchen. He apologizes by kissing your shoulder, "didn't mean to scare you babe."
“You scared me,” you gasped while putting the last plate in the dishwasher, “how did the call go?” You ask turning your body around facing Drew as he looks through the pantry for a snack.
“It went pretty good. We spoke about the movie, apartments since I’ll be there for a while filming and when I fly to Europe '' he explains.
He could tell you were feeling upset about the whole thing. He walks towards you with open arms, you lean into his body from the gesture.
Drew and you went into the living room and sat on the couch to watch tv.
"I think we should show our little princess to the world," Drew says while staring at his baby girl in complete awe.
"I think so too," you shift in your seat, "she's sleeping so peacefully in her swing" you add.
"Grab your phone to take a picture," Drew says.
“Actually, I took a few pictures maybe half an hour ago before she fell asleep. Here let me show you” you grab your phone from the kitchen counter and sit back to your seat, showing him the pictures.
Drew picked a picture out he wanted to post and you agreed.
Y/D/N started getting fussy in her swing. Before you could get up, Drew insisted he grab her. He picked her up carefully placing her on his chest; she tried tilting her head back, staring up at her father as he looked at the tv.
She started to make little noises catching Drew's attention. He made eye contact with her which brought a small grin to her face.
"She grinned at me" he giggles then kissing the top of her head softly.
The bond between those two makes your heart melt. From the moment Drew laid eyes on Y/D/N, you could already tell their bond will be stronger as time goes on.
She is definitely a daddy's girl. She's so attached to him. She holds onto his chain when she lays on his chest when she's awake or sleeping.
"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and your mama" Drew softly whispers in her ear as he sways back and forth. 
You took a picture of them. They looked so cute.
Spending time together as a family is one of your favorite things to do because it holds memories. This is what you've always dreamed about as a little girl and you finally have it.
You ended up posting the picture tagging Drew with the caption.
A month later and you are already getting so big. Words cannot express the joy of being your mommy. You’ve changed mine and your dads life for the better <3
Once you set your phone down, your phone immediately started blowing up with a bunch of comments from family, friends, and fans.
Drew felt his phone buzzing from the coffee table. You look at him giving him a little chuckle, lifting your arms up, indicating you want to hold Y/D/N. Drew places her in your arms; you shift your body into a comfortable position. She looks at you then looks around her.
"Everyone keeps saying she looks just like me," he chuckles, scrolling through the comments. "Well she is your daughter" you add.
"She has your smile" he also adds, nudging your shoulder.
“Thank you for carrying our daughter for nine months and pushing her out when I knew it was painful. You are such a strong, beautiful, and wonderful woman that I love so much. I can’t wait to see where our future has in store for our family” Drew’s words have never failed to make you cry when he says things like this to you. He wraps his right arm around your lower waist, pulling you closer together while kissing your lips passionately.
“You are making me tear up over here Joseph” you chuckle, wiping a few tears from your face. “But, you are the one of the main reasons why our daughter is here so thank you babe” you add on because it’s true.
“I love you” you place your hand on-top of his.
“I know” he smiles, “and i love you too princess” he leans down kissing the top of Y/D/N head. She smiles at his gesture.
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xtreklx · 11 months
I love yous ~ Ninja Turtles x reader
Scenario: bayverse Turtles x reader
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: SFW, fluff + angst
A/N: I don't really know what to call this; I guess it's a drabble? (no, it's a scenario, idiot <3 -- future Lulu) basically, I had these thoughts for scenarios in which you and your turtle of choice exchange your first 'I love you's. Enjoy my scribbly nonsense :)
You met the turtles over a year ago, when they saved you from the Foot Clan. You had gotten lost on your way home from a new job when the Clan had pulled you off the street and into a warehouse. When the turtles had shown up, the Clan ran away and set the place on fire, leaving you behind. The turtles saved you just in time, and took you to the lair to tend to your injuries. After, a friendship had quickly grown between you all, and you developed feelings for one turtle in particular. The feelings were mutual, and you and your turtle started dating around six months ago. Your feelings for each other have been growing stronger and stronger everyday, but you both have yet to say the three magic words...
~ Leonardo ~
Leonardo considers that this may be the most stressed out he has ever been.
You'd think that that would be a difficult level of stress to reach, considering that him and his family were mutants tasked with the daily protection of the most populous city in the country. But he was definitely approaching that level, as he had no idea where the current most important thing in his life, you, were at.
You were supposed to be on your way to the lair, last he spoke to you, which was normally a 10 minute journey because of how close you lived. But that was more than 45 minutes ago, and you were not responding to his calls or texts, so it was safe to say that he was freaking out. He would normally go up to the surface and look for you himself, but it was currently the middle of the afternoon, and he couldn't risk being seen. At least, not yet. He was currently in the lab pestering Donatello, who was trying his best to track down your cell phone location.
"Okay, I need a few minutes for my system to ping the nearby cell towers and look for her signal. Once that happens, I can narrow down her location to about a city block's radius. We'll find Y/N in no time." Leo breathed out a sigh as he watched Donnie type and click around on his wall of computer screens. "Thanks, Don," he breathed, bringing his three-fingered head up to his forehead and rubbing his temple. "I should have had you install a location tracker on her phone months ago. This is my fault," he mumbled, almost to himself. Donnie turned to eye his older brother, slightly concerned.
"No problem, but Lee... don't you think you're experiencing a slight overreaction? I mean, she's not even an hour late yet." Leonardo frowned. "Well it's been almost an hour," he spoke, "And she usually responds immediately while she's in the tunnels. And with everything going on lately on the surface with the Foot Clan and the Shredder..." Leo sighed again, trying to calm himself down as his heart rate picked up, just thinking about the possibilities.
"I would just rather be safe than sorry. If anything happened to her--" He stopped himself before he could say anything else, closing his eyes and squeezing his fists tightly at his side. Donnie watched him, somewhat admiring the depth of the love that his brother so obviously felt for you. He concluded that he would do what he could to help Leo ease his mind, knowing that the stress of the situation on the surface was definitely getting to him.
At that moment, the two heard a ping come from the computer, and Donnie turned to it, examining the screens. "Alright, let me get a closer look," he said, clicking his mouse. Leo held his breath as he waited for Don to speak. "According to my approximations, Y/N should be..." He clicked the mouse, and then paused.
"...right here."
The two brothers were silent for a moment, before they heard the sound of one of the tunnel doors opening out in the lair's main room. Leo ran out of the lab, Donnie walking quickly behind him, to see you walking in, wearing your backpack and looking exasperated. But as you turned to see your boyfriend approaching you, with his brother behind him, a smile grew on your face. "Hey! Sorry I'm--"
Leonardo cut you off by squeezing you into a hug. "...Late," you finished your thought, confused by the intimacy your boyfriend was displaying in front of his brother. Nevertheless, you hugged him back while you continued to explain yourself. "My phone battery is so old and it's been dying so quickly lately, so it died on my way here, and then I wanted to make a quick stop at a store I saw the other day, and then the subway was late, and to be honest I got a little lost, and..." you rambled as Leo eventually released you from his hold.
"Ugh, it just made me so stressed out," you said, breathing a sigh to let go of the tension in your head. "But, aside from that... are you okay?" you asked your boyfriend. He looked at you for a moment before a soft smile grew on his face, shaking his head slowly. "Yeah, I'm fine," he spoke, and you noticed Donatello face-palming in the background before going back into his lab. You giggled at the encounter and shook your head, not bothering to ask any questions, and then reached for your backpack.
"Anyway, I stopped on my way here because last week I saw this in a store window, and I wanted to get it for you! I couldn't stop thinking about it. Look!" You pulled out a plastic box containing a limited edition action figure from one of his favorite TV shows. You handed it to him with a wide smile on your face, and he looked down at it in quiet awe. He brought his gaze back up to your face, sporting a look of admiration and his same soft smile.
"I love you, Y/N," he spoke, before wrapping his arms around you and bringing his lips to yours. You gasped, overjoyed, and smiled into the kiss. He broke away a moment later, and pressed his forehead to yours, gazing at you a moment more.
"Hey princess, let me see your phone," Leo said to you a while later, while you two were lounging in his room. "I bet Don could fix the battery. And he can install some updated software you might need..."
~ Raphael ~
You shuffled around your NYC apartment, cleaning up after the small dinner you had made yourself. You were incredibly sore; you had been pushing yourself very hard in training lately alongside the turtle brothers. After one of their patrols had gone south a few weeks ago, the Foot Clan had somehow gotten their hands on you (again). While you had luckily been rescued just in time by your short-tempered boyfriend, the event had still gotten you down. If only I was stronger and could have defended myself more, you couldn't stop thinking to yourself, I wouldn't have put anybody in danger. Hence, more self-defense training was your solution.
A tap at your living room window pulled you from your thoughts. You went over to find Raphael at your window, and your heart thrummed at the sight of him. You pulled open the glass and leaned out, your arms supporting you against the window pane. "Hey, hotshot," you said to him, grinning. He smirked back at you, hazel eyes shining behind his blood red mask. "Hey, dollface."
You moved from the window to let him inside, walking back towards your bedroom. "I was just about to change into my pajamas, I'll be right back!" You called over your shoulder to him. Raph climbed into your apartment, closing the window behind him, and mumbled out a "'Kay" in response. Normally, he would make some smug comment about helping you change, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you practically limping on your way to your bedroom. He thought about what Splinter had said to him before he left the lair today: "Keep an eye on the child. I fear she pushes herself too hard. She wants to do well, to be strong... for you."
A minute later, you came out from your bedroom in a tank top, shorts, and a flannel over the top to find Raphael leaning against the wall of your living room. He looked up from the ground at you, his signature frown gracing his features. He watched as you slowly walked over to him, almost tripping over yourself on the process. He was quick to catch you, a sigh falling from his mouth in the process.
"Ya alright?" He asked, looking down at you with concern. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine," You reassured him, stepping over to the couch. "I just need some rest is all." But as you sat down and your back hit the couch, you couldn't help but let out a low groan of pain.
Raph sighed again above you. "Aight, no more movin' for you. Yer stayin' put." He looked at you for a moment before leaving your side. "I'll be right back."
You hear him fumbling about in your kitchen, and he returns a few minutes later with a cup of hot tea. You smile at the sweet gesture and thank him, blowing on the cup and taking a long sip. Then, Raph sat next to you on your couch, it creaking beneath his large form. "Now turn around." "What?" You ask, confused and putting down your cup of tea. "No questions, turn around," He responded gruffly. You did as he said, but huffed and protested. "Raph, I'm telling you, I'm fine--"
"Ya ain't fine, now let me help you." He said forcefully, his gravelly voice scraping your ears, and you stopped your protesting. He gently pulled off your flannel, leaving you in just your tank top, and you felt his cool, massive hands moving slowly along the skin of your shoulders and back. He very carefully began to massage you, not wanting to be too rough at first. He was silent for a moment, focusing on the task at hand, before speaking.
"Let me take care of ya, doll. Yer pushing' yourself too hard. You don't need to be on our level." Raphael's voice grew quiet as his hands grew slightly rougher, pressing deeply into the muscles of your back. "I know you wanna be strong. And I want you ta' be strong. But what I don't want is for you ta' get hurt. I would never forgive myself." You felt him get closer to you, his breath on your shoulder as he massaged your lower back. You felt his lips on your skin, before he breathed out "So just let me protect ya."
Your heart was sprinting in your chest, your pulse like a hummingbird. The intimacy of the moment struck a fire in the pit of your stomach, and your breath was coming out in shallow gasps. You felt tears pricking the corner of your eyes at the overwhelming emotions you were feeling. "I just, I just--" you struggled to speak, your voice cracked. Raph could tell you were on the brink of tears, and you felt his arms wrap around you from behind, his lips pressing into your skin again.
"I love you," you breathed out. You felt Raph go still behind you. You forced yourself to turn around to face him on the couch, putting your hands on his plastron. "I love you so much, Raph," your voice cracked again. "And if something happened to you because of me--" "Stop." His hands went to your face and his hazel eyes bore into yours. "I feel the exact same way, but I won't let ya kill yourself tryin' ta' protect me." A small smile grew on his face as he spoke, the scar on his lip raising with it.
"I love you, too... more than anythin'." He stroked your cheek. "Don't stop trainin' with us, baby, but just.. take it easy for me?" A smile grew on your face at his words, and you nodded, giving into him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his lips to yours for a slow, tender kiss. You pulled away a minute later, a smile still on both of your faces.
"Fine. Now get back to work." "Mmm, yes ma'am."
~ Donatello ~
Donatello let out a sigh and brought his hands up under his tortoiseshell glasses, rubbing his eyes. He has staring at his wall of computer screens for hours, trying to interpret the test results of a chemical his brothers had found in the Foot Clan's possession on their latest patrol. Things on the surface had been really ramping up lately, meaning that he was working more and more and sleeping less and less.
He could feel the gears in his brain crunching to a halt. He had been on a roll all day while running the tests, but he knew that he was burning out. He couldn't help but hear the voice of you, his wonderful girlfriend, in his head telling him that he was going to run himself into the ground.
Suddenly, his phone rang, and his favorite picture of you wearing his glasses popped up onto his screen. Wow, speak of the devil. Or... think of the devil?
Donnie answered and felt a soft smile grow on his face. "Hi Don!" He could hear the smile in your voice, and it was like music to his ears. "Hey, honey," he spoke into the phone. "How is the latest project coming along?" "Uh..." He looked back at his computer screens, "Let's just say it is coming at a turtle's pace. And not the mutant kind."
"Oh," Donnie could hear the smile in your voice move to a frown, and almost chuckled at how easy you were for him to read. He heard rustling on the other line. "When was the last time you had a break?" He looked at the clock. It was around 7pm. "Um... breakfast?"
"Yeah, not happenin'." You were gonna nag him now. "You don't even have breakfast, you have coffee. And it's way past time for your government mandated break. The state of New York requires at least a thirty minute break for every six hours of labor, you know." Donnie chuckled out loud this time at how predictable this speech had been for him, as he had heard it probably a hundred times before. "I suppose I could take thirty minutes. And I assume you will be enforcing this mandated break?"
He heard a familiar sound on the other line, and footsteps approaching his lab. "Way ahead of you," You continued to speak into the phone as you walked into the lab, a big goofy grin on your face. A grin grew on Don's as well as you approached him, hanging up the phone call and dropping a take-out bag of his favorite Chinese place onto his desk. "I figured you hadn't eaten, either," You said as you gave him a hug, him still in his desk chair as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Too in the zone."
Donnie chuckled, but hugged you even tighter, nuzzling his head into your stomach. He could feel the stress slowly dissipating from his body, fizzing off of him like water evaporating. You stroked the top of his green head softly, letting him melt into the embrace.
"I know you've heard this one before," you spoke softly to him, "but if you don't rest your big, genius brain, it's going to overwork itself and short-circuit." Donnie sighed into you. "Sometimes in moments like this, I wish I didn't have a big, genius brain. Or a brain at all," he mumbled into your stomach. "Ignorance really does sound like bliss."
You chuckled above him. "But I love your big, genius brain! Not because it's big and genius-y, but because it's yours." You gave his head a little pat, trying to keep the mood as light-hearted as possible so that he would be able to take his mind off of his work. "Don't worry, I hear that Chinese food cures all. It must be the MSG or something."
Donnie laughed into your stomach and then pulled away slightly to look up at your smile. A comfortable silence covered the two of you as you both just enjoyed the embrace. He appreciated so much the care you took with him, how you always seemed to be there when he needed you, how you were his escape from his thoughts and work and stress and all the bad things in the world.
As you reached down to fix his glasses, which had become crooked atop his snout and purple bandana, he breathed out a dreamy sigh. "I love you," he stated firmly, almost as if he had just drawn the conclusion after a series of experiments. You let out a gust of air that you didn't know you were holding in, and broke out into a wide smile. "And I love you," you said back to him, stroking the side of his face.
Suddenly, Donnie grabbed your waist and lifted you onto his desk, standing between your knees. "Like music to my ears," He replied, with a grin on his face. He kissed your lips sweetly, both of you unable to help smiling through it.
~ Michelangelo ~
"Mikey, if you don't turn the damn oven on, I swear to god--" "I just personally think that pre-heating is a scam, but if you say sooo~"
You laughed at him but were satisfied when you saw him move to press a button on the oven. You were in the kitchen of the lair, and all of the other members of the family were off doing their own thing. You and Michelangelo often liked to do fun and random activities to spice up your everyday lives, and you decided to take it upon yourselves today to make pizza from scratch.
You currently had your hands in a big metal bowl, trying your best to massage the dough down. Mikey, of course, had the duty of setting up the topping station, and you had to keep scolding him for eating too much cheese out of the package.
Nevertheless, it made your heart soar to see Mikey truly at peace as his goofy self. You were worried that the pressure lately was getting to him; patrols were getting later and longer, as was training, and the threat of an attack by the Foot Clan was growing. You often saw him trying to stay positive and crack his normal jokes, but his brothers grew stressed, too, and sometimes they snapped at him more than you knew he liked. You wanted to do what you could to help, and you knew that the best way for you to do that was to get his mind off of things and give him an outlet to goof off and have fun.
Mikey watched you as you kneaded the dough, knowing by the thoughtful look on your face that your mind was elsewhere. He smiled softly to himself, admiring how effortlessly beautiful you were. He popped one last piece of pepperoni into his mouth and decided to bring you back to him in reality.
"Need some help there, sweetcheeks?" He spoke in a sing-song voice, coming up behind you. You turned your face over your shoulder to him, a smile growing. "Eh, I think I'm doing okay. The dough is still pretty gooey though, it keeps getting stuck to my wrists." A grin grew across Mikey's features, and his orange mask highlighted a mischievous glint in his blue eyes. "Ya know, I think I have just the solution for that," he said, before reaching his hand towards the bag of flour on the counter.
You knew what was going to happen a moment before it did. Mikey had thrown a handful of flour at your face, letting out a guffaw at the way you froze, your face covered in white. You slowly turned around to face him as he laughed, pointing to the expression on your face. As his laughter died down, he let out a whistle. "Damn, girl!" He exclaimed. "Now your cheeks really are sweet."
You couldn't help the smile that broke out on your face as he took a step closer to you, but you gasped as he leaned forward and licked your cheek. He thought to himself for a moment. "Actually, it's definitely not sweet. It doesn't really have much of a taste--" You cut him off mid-sentence with a handful of flour of your own, covering his face, orange mask, and the top of his plastron with white.
You let out a laugh, and a smile grew on Michelangelo's face, his teeth showing through the white. "How does that taste, big boy?" you asked him smugly, sporting a cheeky grin. He eyed you before slowly stepping backwards. "Oh, it's oooooon, little mama. You messed with the wrong turtle."
And immediately, a full-on food fight broke out. Pepperoni, mozzerella, olives, parmesan, bell peppers, mushrooms, and more were flying across the room. You both laughed and squealed as you battled, neither of you willing to give up the victory of the food fight you had started. Finally, after he threw another handful of flour into your face, you tackled your giant boyfriend onto the ground. As you lay atop his plastron and him on his shell, both of your laughter died out as you smiled up/down at the other.
Mikey pecked your lips from below, and his smile grew. "Mmm, you taste like pizza," he said to you, and you giggled above him. You were so happy to have these kinds of moments with him, and you loved that he was having fun and enjoying himself. The warmth in your chest grew as Mikey took a moment to look around the kitchen, a smile still on his face.
"Ya know, I think Leo is actually gonna kill--" "Hey, Mikey? I love you."
Michelangelo looked back to you with a shocked look on his face, but after a moment, his signature grin grew back. He squeezed you into a hug, rocking back and forth on his shell, making you laugh. "I love you too, babygirl," he said, and stopped his rocking to bring your face to his, connecting your lips. His mouth moved against yours, the taste of flour and cheese making its way into your kiss.
Suddenly, the oven beeped loudly from above your heads, breaking you both out of the moment you were sharing.
"Ah, the oven's done pre-heating."
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prodbymaui · 1 year
My Boy.
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would it be a sin? if I can't help falling in love with you
PAIRING: lee donghyuck x fem reader
GENRE: the innocent sweet boy
WORD COUNT: 3.6k+ words
WARNINGS: explicit content, reader is older by 3 years, implied obsession, implied murder, mentioned physical abuse (not from haechan!)
SYNOPSIS: A series of failed relationships and you were this near of giving up on love. But then here comes little Donghyuck and his persistence. Maybe-- he was the one fated to you, after all.
A/N: forgive me for not writing a smooth transition from fluff to smut lmao. and this isn't beta-read so please just pretend you don't see grammatical errors and typos. fluff was just a poor attempt of hiding my true intentions for this fic, anyways lolol. enjoy reading! send your thoughts if you can, xoxo <3
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LISTEN TO: Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley (Haley Reinhart)
Lee Donghyuck, for everyone at the campus, is someone who embodies gracefulness, kindness and all the positive traits one could ever think of. Nobody would ever dare to say ill about him as it's disrespectful for the boy who had been nothing but gentle and polite to each he had encounter.
Lee Donghyuck, the ever so sweet boy who comes to anyone's aid no matter what's his relationship with them.
You're his friend? He'll help you!
A classmate? He's just one call away!
Oh, you're a stranger and someone he haven't met yet? How amazing it is that Donghyuck has a free time to lend you a hand and get to know you!
Men and women stares at him with adoration, even the professors and staffs couldn't resist falling in love with his charming personality-- he even earned the nickname 'Haechan' or 'Full Sun' as he brightens everyone's day with little to no effort. It would be a lie if none of the students admits their crush on the campus' sweetheart Lee Donghyuck.
Too bad for them as the lovely boy's hazel eyes are only set for one person. Someone who had been by his side ever since he was 5. Someone he admires and respects so much he wouldn't let anyone hurt nor even touch them. It's you. His noona.
Haechan was 15 when he confessed his undying love for you.
''These feelings.. they didn't grow inside me throughout the 10 years I've been with you, Noona. They had always been here, in my heart. It was just me who took a long time to realize I have been harboring romantic feelings for someone who clearly treats me as her brother. This love-- it's endless, limitless. It knows no boundaries. No matter who and whatever comes in my way, my love for you will never waver. Through the deathly drought, my love won't ever wither. Through the thundering storms, my heart stands sturdy for you to hold on. This love that I have for you, it is the kind of love that only gets stronger as time flies by. The kind of love that through life and death, you remain the queen of my heart. Ruling it as if you are its owner. Let me be the man who protects you from the harsh that is this world. Let me be the wall you can lean on and the blanket you seek for warmth and comfort. I hope you wouldn't treat me any less after this confession. Because if there's anything that I am afraid to lose in this world, it's you, noona.''
It's astonishing, how a 15 year old can say such words. You're not sure where and when he learned those kind of things but you, as early as you can, stomps on the flattering feeling brewing inside of you. The boy is so young, he still have so much ahead of him, so much of the future that awaits him. With the thought of not wanting to let the boy tie himself up quickly to someone he's most likely just infatuated-- that was the first and last time you've expected to reject the sweet boy of Ilsan.
Lee Donghyuck, the persistent boy that he is, surprises you with more than 3 confessions each month. You resist falling for the beautiful flowers sent to your house everyday. You withstand the painful urge of giving in to the delicious and adorable bento boxes that shows different images of cartoon characters such as cinnamoroll and my melody from sanrio.
But you're just a human being. One that is weak from such cute attempts to sway your heart, like love letters with pastel decorations on your mailbox. It was too late before you realized, the wall you've created to stop the romantic feelings from squeezing themselves in your heart had crumbled into pieces. Shooing away your so-called sisterly love to Donghyuck as it was quickly replaced with the one the male had confessed harboring for you.
6 years later, your sweet little boy turned into a man he promised to be. Protecting you from any harm even if you can do it yourself. I know Noona can handle it but I don't want you stressing over things like these, why not make use of these muscles, right? He says.
''That's really the Lee Haechan? The little boy who had a crush on you back in high school? That chubby choco ball little boy?! God, he grew up so well! If you didn't tell me any sooner, I might've mistaken him as someone our age.''
You scoff at Jennie's words, sending her your middle finger. ''Just tell me you were thinking of fucking my boyfriend until I told you he's mine.''
Jennie's laugh battles with the loud music of the club, hands clapping like a seal due to amusement. ''Fine, guilty as fuck.''
You don't mind her words. You've been Jennie's friend for a long time to know that she doesn't have any plans of actually bedding your boy. Plus she's dumbly in love with her fuck buddy, Lalisa. That itself tells a lot. And it's not like your lovely would agree fucking your best friend.
''Come to think of it-- none of your past relationships really worked, no? All of them either ran away or just completely disappeared,'' She giggles.
''Men are so fucking scared of independent and powerful women. Maybe it was fated from the start for you to end up with Donghyuck. From what I can see, he's really into you-- always ready to serve or some cliché shit like that. But it's cute. You and Donghyuck are adorable together. He's so much better than those douchebags, especially that fucking Kim Jongin.''
Right, the devil who's Kim Jongin if its physical form. He was someone you wished you didn't met, someone whom you hoped is currently suffering wherever he is right now. You remember it as clear as the skies. The way he was so sly slipping a pill in your cup, waiting for you to pass out as he was driven madly by his disgusting lust over your body. Fortunately, luck wasn't on his side at that time and you managed to call the one person you trust the most before your ex-boyfriend even do something horrible to your intoxicated, drugged self-- sans the bruises and wounds you received from fighting back.
Haechan came rushing to your house that night. This is where it gets blurry. All you could recall was Jongin dropping on the floor, laying on top of the pool of his own blood. Donghyuck carries you, passing through the police as he urges them to rush you to a hospital-- all the while reminding them that the offender is currently inside and he was lucky to save the both of you despite earning some injuries as well, although minors.
3 years since then, you are yet to say you feel safe. Not long after being jailed, Kim Jongin was reported to be missing in his cell and until now, no police is able to locate him. The trauma he brought you stirs the fear once again, but Donghyuck was there to remind you that he will never let Kim Jongin near you. He already hurt you once, he wouldn't give him a chance to do it again.
A voice snaps you out of your bubble. Jennie is nowhere to be seen, now replaced with a familiar man you swear you've seen before. ''You seem preoccupied, a penny for your thoughts?''
The man chuckles at your stunned reaction. ''Ah.. you don't remember me? That hurts a bit, ouch.'' He clenches his chest dramatically, there you gasp in realization, jerking upwards as you point at his figure. You know this guy!
''Oh? Are you finally remembering me? Just to be sure, it's me. Na Jaemin from the dance club in high school. You know? Your partner in every dance.. ?''
''Right! Right! Ah, Na Jaemin, I didn't recognized you! Take a seat. How are you doing?'' Jaemin's smile is so bright that you could feel yourself going blind.
''Doing fine, luckily. I'm taking up an engineering course, we've talked about that before right? Remember how you encourage me to go for it because I was so scared I won't make it? I was so bad at math that time.''
Laughing softly, you share the vivid memories you can recall from your high school days. Jaemin is a gentleman who doesn't hesitate to lend a hand at times you're having difficulties following the choreographies. And by how he entertains everyone in the club, treating the members snacks and drinks during break time-- It is safe to say he's one of those that you misses the most if not for college erasing your memories and replacing it stress.
The conversation fills with reminiscing about the past as if they're 15 years ago. Sharing a laughter after one mentions that one time you both got mental blocked during a performance causing the two of you to mess up, thankfully you work well enough you pull it off and make it seem like there was no mistake at all.
Just as Jaemin's eyes roams around the dance floor, his vision captures a sight of his drunken friend that clearly needs his help. Sighing, the man bids his goodbye to you. Not without getting your number and sharing his, of course. You'd love to hang out with the whole group again.
''What was that right there, huh?'' A grin shows itself on your face and sudden giddiness bubbles inside you as the playful tone rumbles against your ear, a pair of arms wrapping themselves around your waist.
''Nothing, just an old friend saying hi.''
''Is that so?''
One on the forehead, one on your cheeks and finally on the lips. Your heart soars as Donghyuck peppers your whole face with sweet pecks. As much as you are enjoying the drinks and foods, you'd rather spend the night in your shared bedroom with Haechan. Maybe cuddle and watch some movies together if one is not too tired.
Your boyfriend agrees at the suggestion, immediately zooming to your apartment after waving a goodbye to Jennie with Lisa in her embrace, obviously sucking a hickey on her neck. No one admits it but clearly, your best friend's fuck buddy also have the same feelings for her. She's just too much of a coward. You remind yourself to help her confess.
Reaching the comfort of your home, you stand before the mirror as you drink in your look, observing if you look presentable during your time at the club. It isn't long before someone sneaks up behind you, arms snaking around you once again as he buries his face on the crook of your neck. Sighing, you lean backwards to press yourself at him, satisfied at the feeling of his body heat warming you.
A kiss turns into twice, trice, until it doubles and doubles, eventually reaching up to the back of your ears. Kitten licking the outline, Donghyuck presses his lips against your ears as one of his palms travels to cup one of your breasts, eyes straight to the mirror-- watching every changes of your facial expression as he fondles your boob while sucking an area of your neck.
Your clothes are soon on the floor, courtesy of Haechan desperately yet slowly stripping them off of you, his touch lingering in each part of your body. A finger of his traces the line that is between your pussy cheeks, dipping a little only to retract as fast. His chest rumbles against your back when he chuckle, left hand settling on your throat comfortably as his thumb and forefinger forces you to face your reflection on the mirror.
''You're so pretty, noona. Can you open your legs for me?'' Nodding so pliantly, Donghyuck could feel his pants getting tighter each second that passes by.
Spreading your legs, you grip his arm to steady yourself as a digit of his pushes itself in your core, sliding so easily due to the wetness embarrassingly caused by Haechan's raspy voice whispering against your ears. Being knuckles deep inside you, the male curses under his breath as he controls himself from foregoing foreplay and straight fucking you against the mirror. Your warm and velvety walls are making it hard for him to prevent himself from doing so.
Soon after a couple of strokes, your hips jerks in little motions, whines slightly echoing the four walls of the bedroom. That was when Donghyuck decided to add another finger to increase the friction you're feeling, curling them upwards in an attempt to press the buttons that emits the sounds he loves so much he considers it as a music.
It should be somewhere around here...
''Ah, shit!''
There we go, he cockily smirks. Humming, Haechan continuously jabs the tip of his fingers to that certain spot, grinding his clothed dick on the crack of your ass to ease the throbbing pain between his legs. ''Fuck, Hyuck..'' Your whines encourage the male to scissor your insides, stretching your walls all the while making sure hit and reach every spot you couldn't explore with your own hands.
His tongue falls flat on your skin as he licks a stripe from your shoulders up to the back of your ears, the hand that was previously on your throat now settles on your boob, pinching the hard nub lightly as he stimulates further pleasure with it. Your legs folds a bit, going jelly but the sudden increase of the dizzying pleasure you're getting.
''Fuck, fuck, fuck!'' Hips moving to meet the palms of your boyfriend, Haechan didn't hesitate to add two more fingers. He's already sure you can take it, you've pushed much bigger things in your pussy. The pads of Donghyuck's hand comes in contact with your aching hard clit, forcing a yelp from your. Cruelly, your boyfriend laughs at your reaction before pressing harder on your button, making circles with it the same time as four of his fingers harshly plunges themselves in your soaking core.
Eyes landing on the mirror, it eventually reaches downwards where Donghyuck's wrist and your pelvis meets. Even from your position and blurry vision, you could the redness and puffiness your pussy had become, clit peeking between the cheeks. Haechan finds the need to balance your figure as you almost fall forward, eyes rolling to the back of your head when your mouth opens to a scream. There your forehead scrunches to the middle, body shivering in his hold as the surface of his hand soon greets the sticky and creamy substance that he loves so much.
Beaming in satisfaction, Haechan makes a show of licking your juices off his hands, sucking each fingers with a 'pop!' before humming. ''You're just so sweet.''
Donghyuck then lets your knees meet the carpet of the ground slowly, turning you around so you could face the bump that is hidden underneath the fabric of his pants. He can already see the drool escaping your lips. No words are needed for you to know what to do, you've done this a lot of time, enough to learn what satisfies your lovely boyfriend.
Contrary to the Donghyuck you've gotten used to, this man that stands before you embodies nothing similar to the sweetheart. This particular Donghyuck loves to slide his girthy cock inside of you with no warnings, gripping your hair in a fist as he mercilessly thrusts to that pleasuring walls that is your throat.
This particular Donghyuck gets off of watching you scrambling to pull yourself off of him to catch a breath, coughing out with saliva only to come back having your face pressed to his pelvis once again. Eyes shut close as you try to breathe within your nose and if you couldn't, resort to opening your eyes and presenting your best teary eyes to Haechan for him to spare you, let you take in some air for at least a few seconds.
''Ah.. that's a-- I made you cum but you couldn't even bring me near my release? Isn't that a bit unfair to me, noona?'' You know damn well he's just mocking you. There's no one Donghyuck can fool when it comes to your ability to make him cum. A mere sight of you, even if covered from head to toe, would be enough for him to pop a boner and shoot his cum out in the air.
Determined to repay your baby's kind gesture earlier, you stills in your position and gives him a signal. Donghyuck lets out profanities with that. You just fucking gave him a confirmation, a consent that you're letting him fuck your throat as if it's your pussy.
Lee Donghyuck did just that. Holding your face in place, fucking inside you deeper with each thrust until a groan escapes his lips, soon enough he was spurting out white thick substances in the alley of your burning throat.
The male wastes no time in carrying you to the bed, throwing you after ripping his clothes off of him. His tongue invades the insides of your mouth, exploring and devouring what you have to offer. As if running out of time, Haechan's hands grasps the back of your thighs and forces them up to get a clearer view of your pussy pulsating, hungry for his cock.
Who is Donghyuck to deprive his lovely noona from receiving a well deserved good fuck, right?
No more teasing and no more extra touches, the tip of Donghyuck's thick cock slowly sinks, the whole entirety of his length follows not long after. His mouth falls open at the heat that surrounds him, the ecstasy you brings shakes his sanity.
Unforgiving, the thrusts are. With his hands settling besides your head, Haechan looks down to watch where your hole swallows him hungrily and is forced to turn his eyes away in order to not cum that fast. Fuck, the squelching sounds that bounces across the bedroom is so obscene that Donghyuck could feel himself smiling in pride. He's doing this to his, noona. Him and not those bastards.
''Fuck! Y-you're so b-big! So good, baby-- ah, fuck!'' Your nails creates crescent moon shapes on his back as it digs due to the immense pleasure, head dipping further to the pillow underneath you.
Being able to hold you in his arms and have you screaming for him, Haechan did the best he can to prevent himself from giving in to tempting urge of releasing. Instead, he decides to chase yours. He rocks his hips in the way you had been begging him, faster and harder. Unhooking his hold, he brings your legs to rest on his shoulders, almost bending you in half. This enables his cock to reach deeper and you wails, feeling his tip right at your stomach.
Fucking you earnestly, Haechan quickens his pace where you couldn't keep up, reduced to a whimpering and crying mess as you beg him to send you off to your climax. He latches his wet lip around your nipples, there he sucks like a new born baby starving for its mama's milk. Prodding his tongue right at the middle of your nub and wiggles them, that and the continuous contact of his tip to your sweet spot are those that caused you to thrash violently in his hold.
Hands flying anywhere, in search of gripping anything. Your burning walls clenching around his shaft, it would be a crime for Donghyuck to not succumb to the euphoria that's literally waving at him and beckoning him to cum. With your sweet words and encouragements piercing his eardrums, your boyfriend cums three thrusts after you, each resulting a moan from him.
The high soon subsides and a chuckle instinctively comes from him when his eyes catches the sight of you sleeping peacefully beside him, snoring like a little baby. Well, you are. His baby, to be exact.
Stickiness from the mega mixture of sweat and cum covers most of your skin, he wouldn't want the both of you to have a skin rashes or whatever it is that you gets from having cum on your skin for too long. And aftercare is a must! So he forces himself out of the bed despite the aching muscles and cleans you up, carefully as to no wake you up from your deep slumber.
Minutes passing, you are now comfortably laying on the bed, clean and free from the germs. A soft smile dawns Haechan's features as he cards his hand through your hair endearingly, kissing your forehead. ''I can't believe you're mine, noona.'' Caressing your cheeks for the last time, he practically forces himself to stop and move on to what he planned to do which is to cook your some food. Usually after sex, you'll wake up after an hour or so because of hunger. It has been a routine for him to prepare you both some easy dishes.
He is about to head towards the door when your phone, placed on the bedside, rings. Striding to it, he taps once to see who dared to text his noona at this time. Don't they know that you are most likely sleeping during this hour and their text might wake you up? Nevermind, maybe it's Jennie.
Oh. It's him.
Hey, this is Jaemin! I was just thinking if you'd like to hang out on wednesday? Only if you're free, of course!
Na fucking Jaemin.
Donghyuck scoffs, tongue poking his cheeks as he smirks in disbelief.
3 years since then, he can't believe he's about to give Kim Jongin a fucking gravemate.
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karinasbaby · 7 months
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"we can still meet, we will connect no matter what"
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PAIRING. soulmate!jake x fem!reader
WARNINGS.(will contain) some supernatural stuff, my second miserable attempt at angst & fluff, suggestive content, mentions of family problems/trauma, drinking, fights, cursing, and a lot of one-night stands (for now),
WORD COUNT. 585 (looks away)
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in a world where every person is born with numbers of a birthdate engraved in the back of their necks, where every person dreams of their future memories with their other half that the universe had created for them, where on every person's eighteenth birthday they get certain and special initials marked somewhere on their body— all belonging to their soulmate.
sim jaeyun was lost in a daydream,
reminiscing his previous night's memories, heat flooding back to his face as he remembered every second of his dream, he had finally seen his soulmate again,
heart drumming once he recalled how smooth his soulmate's locks felt beneath his fingertips when he carefully raked them through her hair, how soft his soulmate's voice sounded when she called so sweetly for him, just how much her presence affected him even when he never got the chance to see her face properly,
to say that jaeyun was "excited" would be an absolute understatement, the boy was over the moon any and every time he thought about his soulmate, his eyes twinkled whenever the topic of 'soulmates' was brought up around him, loving and longing gaze following every couple he spotted outside, his heart thundering in his chest every night before he went to sleep, will he see his soulmate again tonight?
truth was, jaeyun yearned and craved for a love as pure and tender as his parents' soulmate bond, growing up in a house bursting with affection and joy along with his parents' overflowing love for each other that only seemed to be getting stronger and increasing with each passing decade, only made jaeyun look forward to his own soulmate and how his life would be with her,
how he was so prepared to give all the love in his body to her, spending each and every passing second with his soulmate was something he daydreamed about often, he was so ready to devote himself entirely, body, mind and soul for his soulmate, question was when will he finally meet her?
growing up and hearing myths that got passed around for centuries, the most prevalent one stating that "every person's birth country has a high chance of seventy-five percent of being the same birth country as their soulmate", which resulted in jaeyun refusing to budge away from his birth country, only travelling with his parents for short vacations before he begs them to buy earlier tickets so he can go back,
jaeyun woke up everyday with the phrase "this might be the day that i meet her." ringing in his head continuously till night, finding a different kind of energy that motivates him throughout his day at the mere possibility of his soulmate passing by him any second,
whenever thoughts of his soulmate occupied him completely, with wonder about her whereabouts, what she could possibly be doing at the moment, led jaeyun to turn towards a piece of paper and a pen to empty his system of all of his thoughts and overflowing emotions,
which resulted in this routine becoming some sort of coping mechanism for him when he felt like he was being drowned by his overthinking of his soulmate avoiding him, not wanting to meet him, or worse deciding to end their connection,
and this led to jaeyun having two boxes filled with his 'love letters' stuffed away at the corner of his room, thinking that maybe in the future his soulmate will read them and find his words and worry somewhat amusing,
but what if his soulmate truly didn't want to meet him?
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A, NOTE. if this isn't out till the end of november like the 20-25 then i wish we would all collectively forget about it <3
(feb 2024 update): i’m still working on it !!
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itoshi-s · 2 years
I'll give you 1 rabbit hole to go down... Pussy inspections with step-bro or long distance bf and any (i do mean any i can see all of them doing this tbh) character bc they are all filthy for reader making sure she is clean and messy for only one person in this world and she aint afraid to show her dedication bc she loves them with all her heart, mind and body
anon im so sorry i kept this in the ask box for so long BUT i just .. i just cannot comprehend this ....... THIS MADE ME SO FERAL pls each and every time i scrolled past this i was abt to scream 😭😭 i also can see MANY of the bllk boys doing this ,,please i feel like all of them are so obsessive in a relationship:((( BUT u know DAMN WELL that my absoluuuteeee fav to think of with stepcest is rinnie baby 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。 ok lemme expand
cw: stepcest, nsfw 17- and ageless blogs dni !
you've always been close with rin - the bond between you so much stronger than the one between you and the older itoshi brother - glued to him by the hip at all times, tugging along to watch the brothers practice and play. sae's four years older than you and finds it a bit harder to get along with you as well as he does with rin, probably because you just don't share any passion or hobby, but you're honestly okay with that! cause rin is always with u instead, making sure you're never left out.
sae leaving for spain and coming back a whole other person doesn't leave you unscathed, though, and watching rin close up on himself and grow so bitter hurts you sm :( your heart aches for your nii chan and u make sure to always, always give him all the support he needs - even if the ways turn a little... inappropriate, different from all the many ways siblings can show their appreciation to each other - but it's okay. he makes it feel just fine, like this is how it should've been all along <3 it's not like you're bound by blood - your parents took you in when you were a baby, yeah, and you two were growing up together just like all the other families - but your stepbrother treats you so well, and looks so good for you always, better than any of these boys that try to get your attention at school. nothing can possibly come between you two and rin makes sure to show it right <3
even when he's signed to a club overseas, all the way over in europe, and his name is worth millions, rin makes sure you're the very first thing he checks up on when he lands back in japan. you, his prettiest little sister, always looking so sweet as you welcome him home <3
"'ve you been good for me, love?" you tremble at rin's firm touch on the inside of your thigh, pushing your legs apart to get a better look of your soaked through, white silk panties.
your chest heaves, a quick nod of your head looking so desperate, he finds it hard not to smile.
"yes, nii-chan," you sound breathy, needy as your hips buck up just slightly. goosebumps rise along your skin, smooth and soft, and your stepbrother eases his large palms over it, fingers just slightly flexing on the flesh. "been thinking 'bout you everyday, rinnie."
teal eyes look up and bore into yours, a spark behind his gaze that you know so well and missed seeing so much over the time he was away in france. "hmm, were you?" he teases, a ghost of a smile on his lips as your hips squirm upon his palm cupping your heat through the flimsy material. "did you do anything about it?"
the inquiry makes you whine, cheeks feeling hot as you shake your head. of course not. you were his good girl, his good little sister. of course you'd never. he's the only one allowed to touch and pleasure your sweet little pussy - and he knows you're well aware of it, but can't deny himself to see the flustered look on your features.
"good girl," rin coos, hooking his index and middle finger behind the crotch of your panties and pushing them to the side. the sight of slick clinging to your folds, clit swollen and throbbing for any crumb of attention, is more than enough to make him groan under his breath.
anticipation makes your chest swell, throat tightening as you watch as he eases the underwear off, letting it pool around your ankle as he kneels closer to the edge of the bed. you start moaning even before his tongue comes in contact with your heat - the long wait making you so desperate that it takes just a hot breath across your pussy to make you mewl.
his nose knocks against your clit as he stuffs his mouth full of you, tongue lapping up all of the wetness that threatens to spill, and you taste just as sweet as he remembers. he moans, the sound vibrating against your heat as you grab fistfuls of black hair.
"nii-chan-" it's sinful, but sounds so good - so right.
his breath hitches in his throat at the little cries of yours. they ring in his ears, make his eyelashes flutter and hands grab at your ass to pull you even further towards him, until he feels your thighs twitch around his head and the heels of your feet digging against his shoulder blades.
no matter how much time passes, he's always going to be the best big brother you could ever have. your lover, the sweetest you could ever dream of and the only one you'll ever wish for. and even if his little checks up on you and the tight pussy he loves so much make you wish the earth could swallow you whole - the embarrassment too much to handle - you know it's only for the best, and look forward to it anyway.
you'll be done with college soon, and rin's already putting up a room for you in his paris penthouse, giddy with excitement at the thought of his pretty little sister moving back in with him - just like it's always been. but you don't need to worry! he will make sure to keep your little routine up either way, cause his imouto deserves to be taken care of <3
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camillesblogsposts · 1 year
Ellie headcannons- casual dominance vs explicit
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Request from anonymous. Hope this is okay!! I got a little confused over what would fall as casual and explicit but I hope that I got this correct in the context you wanted it to be hahaha!! Loves you 💗
Casual dominance
Ellie exerts dominance over you in everyday, menial tasks. It’s just her nature. It’s the natural dynamic between the two of you. Ellie is stronger, she protects you and cares for you. She’s very attentive and concerned for your well-being at all times; you like being looked after like this by her. She knows you’re happiest when she’s coddling you, brushing your hair and styling it, making decisions for you and the likes.
She does all the little things for you, she ties your laces and takes your shoes off for you when you get home. She undresses and dresses you, taking your body in each time. She makes sure you’ve eaten, that you’re drinking enough water. She’ll torment you if not, “It’s not hard, is it? Such a trooper you are, a whole glass of water down the hatch.” She’ll smirk, pinching your cheek. She’s strict about you getting enough sleep, literally picking you up and carrying to to bed when she sees fit. You know better than to argue back.
She always has a hand on you. Always always always. At home, she’s got you on her lap or she’s wrapped around your waist. Within Jackson she’s got her arm wrapped around you, or she’s holding your hand firmly, pulling you around with her like a puppy. When you’re with friends or Joel, she’s practically dragging you to sit on her lap. If she’s not touching you she doesn’t feel content, she’ll grow uneasy and anxious. Feeling you solidifies that you’re right there, you’re safe because you’re right beside her.
Ellie never takes her eye off you. She hardly lets you out of her sight. You’re on patrols? She’s your partner. You take one horse, you sitting behind Ellie, arms wrapped around her waist for stability. She guides you, she warns you to listen to her. “Stay as close as possible, right? We just gotta clear the place and then we’re outta here.” You never get a chance to kill a single infected if you come across any, Ellie gets them as soon as they’re anywhere near you. She works at her best when you’re there. You give her something to fight for. Afterwards, she can get a little overbearing. She checks over your body intensely, inspecting every inch of you. “Ells I’m fine, I promise!” You protest, trying to get out of her grip. “Stop whining and let me check, you could’ve been scratched somewhere and not realised.” She takes none of it.
Ellie’s compliments are always following “my.” Her possessive attitude towards you extends into her everyday vocabulary. “My pretty princess.” “My baby.” “My girl.” She doesn’t use these sparingly, complimenting you every chance she gets. She loves praising you, seeing how your big eyes get all bright and sparkly.
Ellie is really protective of you in every day situations. Nobody can treat you with an attitude without Ellie verging on threatening them. Even Joel is not exempt of this, his somewhat sarcastic comments towards your naive nature are always followed up by a glare from Ellie. Only she gets to take the piss out of you.
Explicit dominance
Ellie is almost always the one to decide on your outfit. Even if you’re certain of what you want to wear that day, she manages to make changes. “You’ll be cold if you just wear that shirt, here, wear my jumper.” Is the most common of excuses to get you to wear her clothes. “C’mon, I love it when you wear these shorts” She’ll whisper to you from behind, hands wrapped around your waist. She knows you can’t resist her requests when she’s touching you like this.
Ellie owns your orgasm. It’s just a rule of your relationship. You ask permission to finish and nothing else is acceptable. She loves denying you, hearing your desperate whines develop into sobs as you shake and shiver. She loves letting you, too, hearing you thank her through tears and convulsions. She loves to hold your thighs apart as you finish, not allowing them to clamp shut, so she can see as your pussy throbs.
You’re her girl. There’s no doubt about it. Ellie approves of who and who you shouldn’t be associating with. Not overtly- but she makes it obvious to you. If she sees you spending ‘too’ much time with a singular girl she’ll be sure to make sure that you regret it. She’ll fuck you hard, taking out her jealousy. “Think she’d be able to fuck you like this, hm? C’mon, tell me.” She’d scowl, fingers smacking your abused pussy. You’d play along during but after you’d get all blubbery, desperately trying to assure Ellie that she is the only person you’re interested in. She’d hold you tightly and kiss you all over, reassuring you that she wasn’t really angry with you.
She definitely is into rewards and punishments. If you listen to her well she’ll reward you with oral, sucking on your pussy for hours until you’re overstimulated in a puddle of your own mess. If you cross a line with her; say, continuously speaking back even after she warns you, she’ll spank your ass raw and bruised. “You think you’ve learnt your lesson now?” She’d ask tauntingly, pulling your head up by your plaits. You nod, pouting and shaking and sobbing. “Stupid little thing.”
Ellie seeks for any ounce of control she can grasp over you. She loves giving you silly little tasks to complete, knowing how useful it makes you feel. She’ll get you to plant some seeds outside your home to brighten it up a bit for spring, or she’ll have you go to the market to try find something really random and obscure, knowing that it’s something of a game for the two of you. She loves getting an excuse to reward you, lifting you onto the coffee table and bending you over into a doggy position, pulling your undies down to see the mess in your pants. She’ll give you whatever you want if you win the little market game. She’ll have you pull down your underwear at random times to show her how wet you’ve got from her incessant teasing. Sometimes, she’ll make you take them off completely, playing with you and making you walk around a partially exposed area naked. She knows how quickly you cry from embarrassment, and how much she loves to take advantage of your teary face.
Ellie is sort of into pet play, though she doesn’t know the terms to name it that. All she knows is it turns her on to have you on your knees, crawling to her, all desperate and pouty and messy. She grips your face hard, shoving her fingers down your throat. She’s even made you drink from a bowl on the ground as she made fun of you, “fuck, you’re really such a fucking perv, aren’t you?”
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xblackreader · 4 months
↳  My List of Attuma of Talokan x Okoye of Wakanda Headcanons
thanks to the attoye discord server :3
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- SFW✨💞
* Attuma is a hopeless romantic. He loves wooing Okoye with words and gifts especially, it shocks everyone at first bc he’s so stoic in public, but then it becomes everyday Attuma.
* Okoye is very protective of Attuma and his reputation. She says it’s because “disrespecting my enemy as weak is calling me weak” but in truth, she just won’t tolerate any disrespect of him. She respects him.
* Their favorite things to do together is cook. Okoye likes the structure and the immediate outcome from hard work of cooking. Attuma likes to eat food.
* Attuma is very clumsy. He has hit his head many times in her home. Vases, glasses, bowls, doors etc have all felt his wrath.
* Okoye has been a bachelorette for many years so when Attuma starts courting her, she genuinely doesn’t know what to do. Like… you got a crush on me?
* Their arguments are not explosive, they’re icy. Silent treatment & cold shoulders… Attuma is usually the first to break. He misses her smile and she misses his touch.
* Okoye’s smile and her laughter is Attuma’s weakness. He melts when she smiles because her joy is bright and warm like the Sun.
* Attuma is surprisingly a huge cuddle bug. You can find him touching Okoye in some way at all times. Whether it’s holding her hand or holding her hostage in his arms.
* Attuma hates when Okoye tries to make him wear surface clothes. He doesn’t want boxers or shirts. He doesn’t even like when she wears any clothes…
* Okoye is a massive Tsundere but also simultaneously very transparent. She thinks she’s hiding her crush well, but everyone knows. She gets so nervous and defensive around him.
* Okoye loves how soft and strong Attuma is… in her head she calls him her ‘teddy bear’.
* Attuma hates planes/helicopters. The thought of him being off the ground makes him extremely uncomfortable. Leave the flying to Ku’kulkan.
* When she’s tipsy or just tired, Okoye likes to bite him. She’ll softly bite his arms, shoulders, cheek, nose, chin, whatever she can reach. He loves it.
* Attuma is very needy for attention. If she’s not paying attention to him, he gets huffy. He pouts. Only when they’re alone though. Never catch him pouting in public.
* Attuma completely understands Kevin Gates. Every word he says Attuma thinks, “Exactly.”
* Okoye gives great massages. She also loves to braid and brush his hair.
* When they send the kids to school Attuma tries to remain calm and collected, but he’s sobbing inside. Those are his babies and now they’re growing…
- NSFW 🔞🖤
* Okoye likes it when Attuma is commanding and takes charge. He very rarely attempts to overpower her as he is already stronger than her so when he does overtake her, it moves her a little bit…
* Sparring is foreplay for them. It gets blood pumping and puthy drippin. Wrestling and hand to hand combat is them flirting.
* They’ve broken many bed frames (Okoye gets so upset everytime but Attuma is proud)
* Attuma hates when Okoye wears panties under dresses. They are hindrances. How you gon wear something easy access and then prohibit his access??
* Attuma gives great massages too, but his hands always turn it into sex. Big hands and combat training means he knows just where to push…
* Okoye discovers she has a size kink with him… he’s so much bigger and stronger than her and it gets her going when he holds her down or exhibits his strength.
* Attuma is very vocal during sex, but not very verbal IYKWIM… he grunts and growls, he doesn’t talk very much during.
* Attuma is a panty thief.
* Okoye knows.
* Okoye paints her toes red usually but she also starts to paint them blue bc that’s when Attuma shows her feet the most attention. (yes, he sucks toes. He’s a freak.)
* Attuma likes to watch Okoye touch on herself; whether he’s watching her shower, put lotion on, or masturbate. He likes to watch her.
* Attuma also loves to put on a show for others. He’s not afraid of making her scream his name, so the neighbors blush and avoid eye contact when they see him. He knows he’s a master in bed, and loves to brag. Combination.
* Okoye likes to dress up to surprise Attuma. Lingerie and role playing, is where she has the most fun.
* Okoye and Attuma are switches, but often battle for dominance. Attuma is larger and stronger so he usually wins, but if he’s in the mood to be dommed; Okoye is on top of it… so to speak.
* Attuma has a massive breeding kink. He likes growling in her ear how he’s going to give her a baby, or fill her up until she’s pregnant. The idea of her carrying his children excites him a lot. Thats why they got so many damn kids.
* Attuma is an ass man. Now don’t get him wrong, he loves that perfect pair on her chest, but her behind is where it’s at. Catch him touching, groping, massaging, slapping or even biting that thang whenever he can.
* When Okoye’s feeling horny, she won’t just approach and proposition Attuma like he does with her. She will pick a fight or just wearing sheer or shorter clothes until he does something about it. If he catches on and doesn’t take the bait to tease her, she will pout and be snippy until he pays attention to her needs.
* Pissed off or Competitive Okoye makes Attuma feral. If she gets that look in her eyes, like “I’m going to end you.” He gets hard as a rock.
Comment below with “SFW” or “NSFW” and your headcanons! ❤️💙
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russolover · 1 year
Labyrinth II
Second part to Labyrinth I :)
"I'm sorry I should've never said something"
The words circled your mind as you were laying face-down on your couch. You should've never said something, who just decides to tell their best friend that they're in love with them?
Her shocked expression was more than enough for you to know her answer. The way her once loving eyes looked at you in utter disbelief made your heart clench. You couldn't even depend on your best friend to carry you through your heartbreak since she was the one breaking it.
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing, you didn't look at the caller ID to know it was probably Keira or Georgia trying to make sure you're alright.
"what?" the muffled sounds of your voice rang through the phone
"Y/n stop ignoring my calls I-" the voice of your favourite blonde came through your phone rather anxious. You immediately sat up with your eyed wide open. As much as you loved hearing her you could not do it right now, the soaring pain in your heart was only growing stronger the longer you listened to her.
"I'm sorry less" you whispered as you ended the call
You would be lying to yourself if you weren't feeling like shit for treating her like this but this time you had to protect your heart.
Apparently alessia got the memo as she tried to give you space the next few days, which was getting harder everyday since you were on camp now with the lionesses.
You and alessia always used to be rooming buddies but this time she requested to be put with tooney, it stung in your heart that you drove her away from you like this. But how were you able to stay in a room with her after that night?
The tension between the two of you could've been cut with a knife and if it were for Keira or Georgia they probably would've. Even the rest of the team were sensing that something was going on.
"we can't just let them mope around like this" Georgia sighed as she sipped on her coffee
"I don't get why Y/n doesn't talk to her, its so clear that less likes her back" Keira replied in the same tone
"but why didn't she say something when Y/n confessed?" the younger girl asked
"Imagine me or Leah telling you that we've been in love with you for months-
"gross" the tatted girl gagged which earned her a slap from her ginger friend
"I'm just saying that she was probably in shock" Keira replied as she started typing something on her phone
"well they won't talk to each other on their own.. I wish we could just lock them up in a room together and make them talk" the midfielder said mindlessly as she drank the last bits of coffee in her cup
Keiras eyes went wide at the idea
"G you're a genius" she smiled brightly while getting confused looks from her friend
Unknowingly to you, Keira and Georgia set up a whole plan to get you to finally talk to alessia and this had to start with tooney getting the blonde into the storage room.
"Less I swear I put it in one of those storage rooms" Ella mumbled as she tried to find the room where Keira adviced her to get alessia in
"why would you ever put your boots in there" she grumbled at her already knowing something was going on
"Sarina told me to just put them anywhere- AH there it is!" Ella jogged over to the room as she went inside
Alessia followed her into the darkened room, the only light inside was from a small light bulb which looked like it was hanging on its last thread.
"tooney I can't find anything did you-
"Sorry less but you will thank me later" Ella shouted as the door behind the blonde got locked
"wha- ELLA OPEN THE DOOR" she screamed as she hammered against it
"what is even happening" the Italian mumbled confused as she sat down on the ground leaning her back on the wall. She tried not to concentrate on the smallness of the room by taking slow breaths but that could only do so much.
A few second later alessia could hear mumbles in front of the door and before she knew it, Y/n was pushed into the same little storage room as the blonde was.
You didn't even see alessia in the room as you started cussing out Keira and Georgia through the door.
"you too hm?" you jumped at her voice as you slowly turned around
"what are you doing in here?" you asked confused
"tooney locked me in here, you?
"G and Keira" you mumbled as you sat down with some distance beside her
The silence was growing thicker by the second and you could sense that something was going on with the blonde next to you. The situation you two were in aside, her breathing has been getting more erratic by the second.
"less are you okay?" you asked quietly as you watched her chest rise up even quicker now and she couldn't stop biting her lip
she only nodded as you tried to figure out what was going on but then it clicked
Alessia was claustrophobic and you two were undeniably in a very small room. You moved opposite of the blonde taking her hand into your, trying to ignore the effect it had on you.
"It's okay I'm right here" you whispered soothingly as you drew circles on her hand
The blonde took a moment to close her eyes and control her breathing before she opened them again. You looked at her intently for any indication that she's been feeling better. You've missed looking into her pale blue eyes like that.
You watched as her pupils grew the longer she was looking at you and how you automatically gravitated towards her.
"please stop ignoring me when we leave this room" she said sadly as your heart stung a little
"I just needed some space.. after that night.. less I shouldn't have-
"You didn't hear me out" she interrupted you which made your heart stop
"what?" you asked perplex
"You didn't give me the opportunity to tell you how I feel about you" she said straightforward
"I just assumed-
"Yeah you assumed Y/n, but you didn't want to listen because you expected the worst. If you would've just given me a second to process everything you would've known that I've loved you since the bar incident" your heart started making summersaults at her confession, you couldn't get a word out even if you wanted to.
At the same time you got flashbacks to the time you were acting like alessias girlfriend to get rid of one of the guys that were hitting on her. Your longing touches felt a bit too real to her to be just friends.
"I just knew in that moment" she whispered as she started caressing your hand
Was that how alessia felt when you told her? as happy as you were you felt bad for shutting the blonde out completely.
You pulled the blonde into your lap as you cupped her cheeks
"I'm so sorry for shutting you out I should've listened to you" you mumbled as you stroke her cheeks softly
"I guess that's why we're in a room" she mumbled making you chuckle
Your heart bursted with love as you were looking at the Italian on top of you. You felt the heat rising in your cheeks as you gazed into her eyes, knowing what was about to happen.
The Italian pressed her lips onto yours, sending shivers down your spine as you reciprocated the kiss. You smiled into the kiss as you tasted her strawberry chapstick and tried to pull her even closer, if that was possible.
Her hands softly caressed the back of you neck as you deepened the kiss by slipping your tongue in, catching her by surprise. The blonde sighed at the feeling of warmth you were giving her. If it was up to you, the both of you could've kept going but you were stopped by three heads sticking into the room with big eyes and smug grins and as much as you hated them for interrupting the moment you were glad that those three were the reason you and alessia were making out in a storage room in the first place.
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lazykim12 · 3 months
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Redemption Au! Eli Shane! (and I’m officially back 😭🙏)
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Okay…so i usually disappear after a while after posting sometimes depending, but i kinda lost motivation with anything and been focused on other things in life and i guess i kinda lost interest in posting for a while…But im back! And determined to finish this Au storyline! If I can call it that- but! I’m planning on finishing Eli and some other info about the Au before I officially make a fanfic about it! Maybe…I’m not sure! But I will dive deeper into that as I’m thinking of maybe doing a comic instead! I thought I had made up my mind but apparently not😭 but after this I’m going to actually post fan art and other things!
Oh and I will think about doing FNAF or other fan arts for others so only time will tell I guess-
Anyways here’s Eli!
Eli is slightly different to his counterpart but there isn’t much! (Other than being a bit more stronger and better trained-)
He still is a bubbly, dorky Guy who loves puns..though sometimes twist takes that title and is more dorky than him- but Eli is still the same, but he’s doing a lot better in this Au! He’s a bit more of a thinker during his plans and because of Au Blakk’s training, he is even harder to defeat (depending on the enemy) he is very good in combat training due to Blakk and with a bit of the incredible’s master training, he’s well more experienced compared to his Cannon Counter part!
Still clumsy though sometimes, like his dad😭
Eli grew up in what he considered a happy life!
Well sort of..he had faded memories of slightly meeting blakk but they blurred since he was nearly about to become a toddler during that time. His relationship with his mom was…complicated, at times she was sweet and caring but as he grew up, he could feel her neglect towards him, and could often see her on the couch passed out from her drinking…So at age 5, he remembered his father divorcing his mom. He doesn’t remember much from that day, but he could remember his mother just not caring and leaving through the door..
He sometimes misses her..
And sometimes he doesn’t.
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Growing up, he was raised pretty constantly by his father, even if there were some days he didn’t see Will, will always made sure to make up for that time, never wanting to be away for too long in his child’s life..he’d even put off weeks of being a Shane to spend time with Eli, so for most of Eli’s childhood, will Shane was never really absent or gone for too long!
And even if he was Eli always was patient.
Eli doesn’t remember much about his other family, the only other family he’s ever been around or interacted with is his uncle and aunts from his mom side, and his grandma, but never from his father’s side..expect uncle jimmo once or twice.
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Already Will began to break 2 rules of the Shane code, and was beginning, in his family’s mind..Bringing shame into the family, which is also why Will cut communication with them a long time ago.
To Will’s family and the Shane code book, He broke one of the very first rules ever made, ‘never disrespect your legacy.’
A rule placed for the Shane’s of upcoming years to never not do your work, whatever you had to do was important and no distractions were allowed.
So will shane cutting off his days to spend time with his family, friends, putting the Shane work aside, broke the rule and made his uncle, mother and father and other relatives despise him more.
The second rule he broke was put at the last, and was always reminded of each Shane who would soon step up and take the Bandoleer and blaster for themselves.
‘Be loyal to your training’
By putting this rule, the Shane family for ages have always trained their children, whoever would take the place of the Shane role, would have to train hard, or everyday, and their children too.
It was a custom once the child turned 6, they would begin Shane children, it was a must, so they would be more conscious and remember things better.
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Will easily broke this rule, and he didn’t feel bad, yet a bit guilty about it, but if given the choice again, he would gladly
Do it again.
Once Eli turned 6, he never trained him, he made sure he had a playful childhood, and this caused anger through the Shane family, as arguments went back and forth sometimes between some relatives.
Will Shane made SURE Eli focused on school, friends, playing, everything expect the Shane stuff, he didn’t want to make Eli feel like he needed to be successful or be proven worthy, he was only a child, he shouldn't have had to carry that burden..especially the one will carried so long ago when he was a child himself.
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Eli had a fun childhood in his opinion, and the time he was told more about Slugterra finally was when he was 10 years old, since his time was nearing, but Will wanted to take a slow approach, he didn’t want to pressure Eli or make him think that ‘oh! I have to be a Shane!..I have to work had to prove myself to my dad and focus on only this..”
Will made sure to give Eli other ideas, so he didn’t think he had to be a Shane.
. . .
Eli felt comfortable enough with deciding to become a Shane, not due to over pressure, wanting to prove to his father, but because he wanted to help people.
He made the choice himself rather than being forced or the role being pushed upon him..
. . .
Eli is bubbly and all about just like his cannon self, Loves puns, but he is more serious in a way due to blakk, not in a bad or cold way, just so he takes things with more consideration, is more quick and clever, and is a fair and well fighter.
He thinks and usually half his plans work really well due to blakk’s thinking passing onto him sometimes during training.
(He’s still his dad son though..😅)
Will slip up and be a bit clumsy at times, but he’s a pretty advanced slugslinger and fighter. Is more advanced in a way compared to his counter part. Still a dorky guy, Trixie makes sure he doesn’t do anything stupid still, while kord and Eli prank each other and go into full warzone …
He has a good heart, and it’s more motivated to grow with blakk’s training, and with his childhood, especially with the way Will raised him. Will always made sure to teach him a lot about compassion, how to give instead of take and to Procter everything in Slugterra, the slugs, the people, everyone, safe others from bad ones, still show remorse and kindness.
He cares deeply about blakk (sees him as an uncle/father figure sometimes)
He’s genuinely more brightful! Though after his dad is saved he feels a lot better, though some final battle happens kinda scars him a little but he is doing fine!
(He also got the mouth scar from some training from blakk, proud of his scar like twist, just a bit disappointed he didn’t get it from an actual slug slinging duel.💀)
Ahsuhsiahejwj SOO THATS ELI’S LORE FOR NOW- Sorry for the long disappearances, I’ll try better this month and April hopefully 🙏 alright see yall next time, peace!
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Tara Carpenter headcannons (Part 11)
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She was so proud of you for getting a job at a film production company also as an actress and a short film writer and director and for a short film production company as well
When she saw you on your very first movie poster with your name on it she was even more proud of you
She took you out to lunch for pizza to celebrate
She saw your very short film you acted in and wrote and directed and Tara Freaking LOVED it!!
And so did Gayle, Sidney, Kirby, Sam, Amber, Danny, Chad and Mindy and Quinn and Dewy and Ethan and Wes and sherif Hicks and Anika (Let’s pretend they’re alive)
”Good job!!” Said everyone
You smiled. “Thank you!” You said
She took you out to get your favorite iced coffee after you got your certificate of completion for screenwriting
And a course certificate for discover acting from University of London
You’re her favorite actress
You’re also her cuddle buddy
Tara will always wrap her arms around you when she hugs you
She wants you to always feel safe when she hugs you and kisses you
Theirs never a dull moment between you two
Shell even wanna see behind the scenes where your next short film will be filmed
And see you being friendly with the cast and film crew
Which makes Tara feel a little jealous and left out
But you always assure you have no feelings towards them and that your feelings towards your girlfriend Tara grows stronger everyday
Which makes her smile always
“God I love you my sexy amazing actress”. Said Tara as she tries to be all smooth and seductive
You giggled. “And I love you my protector” You said
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koostarcandy · 2 years
nonsense, it's l-o-v-e!
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summary: "she's a, oh my god, she's like a taylor swift song!"
pairing: student!jungkook x student!fem!reader
genre: fluff, mentions of smut, koo is a music major here hence the banner :)
wc: 1.8k
a/n: there was an anonie who wanted a song fic based on into you so i combined that and my new playlist i've been obsessed with! also im abit obsessed with writing a whipped male lead ;)) oktyilybye <3
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"are you out of your mind? it's not nausea, you fool, it's called being in love."
"love? like l-o-v-e love or what you and taehyungie hyung do everyday?"
jimin has half a mind to punch the innocent doe-eyed face infront of him, who's slightly trembling because of a text he got a few moments back. and left it on read.
"you idiot, reply to her quickly or she's gonna think you fainted again!"
jungkook scrambles for his phone, tossing aside the controller to goodness knows where. "i will see you, no, i will pick you up and we will go for boba together tomorrow. with a heart, duh." he says what he types out loud, a habit he developed along with your blossoming relationship. either his namjoon hyung would be there to correct his grammar which he would've made a ton of mistakes in his eagerness to reply to you or he would be batshit scared if he sent something which may or may not upset you, very slightly. hence why jimin is there, who is nursing his empty can of beer, wishing he had something stronger, because he doesn't remember signing up for this clownery, just for dance club.
"jungkookie?" jimin calls him sweetly, a fond expression growing on his face when he looks at his best friend's lovesick smile.
"yes, hyung? is it my hair again? i didn't put too much serum this time, right?" jungkook has registered that tone of voice in his head under the category of "uh-oh. something isn't right."
"when you and your, uh, lover move in, do you expect me to do the same with you both?"
"why are you moving? did the landlord raise the rent here too? do you want me to knock some sense into him? people are acting crazy now, don't they know broke college students actually exist?"
"no, kookie," jimin giggles, "you always need one of us around when you're doing anything remotely concerning her. like what we were talking about before, maybe you should tell her, no? save yourself the heartbreak and whatnot."
jungkook's thighs which were shaking in excitement slowly cease. he's way too familiar with that concept, always hoping and praying and wishing that isn't the case with you. he likes you too much that he can't imagine his future without you. somewhere, in his rose-tinted dreams and in a perfect house, you're growing old with him, laughing at something silly he said. in the 2 years he's known you, he was lucky enough for you to like him back, getting giddy again when he remembers you asking him on a date quietly in the middle of class, fingers intertwined with his tightly when he whispered an excited "yes!", not caring if he garnered a few concerned and judgemental looks.
"don't think about it too much, little one," jimin pats his head and pecs, throwing the can into the bin. "go home and worry about the outfit you're wearing tomorrow 'cause lord knows you've pulled all-nighters for that one."
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"you look so pretty right now, i'm actually jealous, koo."
jungkook thinks you're more beautiful and more pretty but he's too tired to argue now. the golden rays are hitting the both of you just right, golden hour living upto it's name. your warm skin against his cold one raises goosebumps, wondering if you can hear his heartbeat from the close proximity. you shift from your position on his chest to propping yourself up on your elbows, the duvet slipping from your bare shoulders.
"your hand goes down any further and i'm yeeting you out of this bed, my love." you threaten jungkook half-heartedly, referring to the wandering hand on the small of your back, inching towards your hip chain.
"you couldn't get one more out of me even if you tried your very best, darling." he says, leaning his head back on the new pillow you bought with an infatuated smile, throwing a tattooed hand over his eyes.
"is that a challenge, jeon?" you tease, fingers playing with the thing string of sliver around his neck, matching pendants with your bracelet. you let the magnetic pendants do it's job, looking at the pretty heart stuck together with a solicitous gaze. "looks adorable, doesn't it?" you praise his choice, reluctantly pulling away to place an indulgent kiss on his sternum.
you had all but jumped on him when he had come early to pick you up, in your favourite jacket and his ripped jeans, kissing him all over his face, claiming you missed his cute dumbass. that compliment ensued scattered clothes on the floor, needy lips trying to convey so many emotions fervently.
you're now tracing impatient shapes on his chest, your quickly shifting mood and pouty lips hinting that you're hungry. it's currently 2.45 pm on a sunday, but honestly, who cares? jungkook has the love of his life wrapped around him and is practically on cloud 9. he could literally-
"did you just say love of your life?"
jungkook shoots up, suddenly sitting up and looking at your blinking face, rubbing your eyes for some reason.
"what did you say?"
"i thought you were sleep talking again but it seems like it wasn't," you mumble, looking away from him. this is it, this is where the sky comes falling, pigs are flying, hell is freezing and-
"you're so annoying, i wanted to tell you that first!"
you're close to tears, frustrated for some reason. he takes in your messy hair and swollen lips, courtesy of him of course. you're glaring at him, like he just stuck his tongue out at you and he told you that he finished the last of the raspberry cheesecake in your fridge. "oh thank god," jungkook lets out a sigh of relief, strong arms pulling you to his lap and kissing your lips repeatedly. he's acting like he's come back from war, holding you so close and so tight.
"what? why would you say that? is this some big set up so you can finally ask me to move in with you so you can quote, unquote save money and electricity?" you ask, eyebrows furrowed cutely that he can't help but place the sweetest of kisses on your forehead, smoothing the creased lines.
"let's save money and electricity, i've had enough of you complaining of inflation along with jiminie hyung."
"you're just ditching your hyungie, my precious roommate, just like that?"
ah, so that's why jimin asked. so much for him being concerned about his love life. "we'll think about the technicalities later," jungkook says cheekily, chasing your lips and holding your face between his large hands.
"that's cool and all but can i get off you now? koo junior seems to want attention now."
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"you know, some of us are very painfully single here," yoongi comments, staring at jungkook over his simple lunch of kimbap and iced americano. "so, the lyrics sound good?" jungkook smiles, stealing a bite of veggie kimbap.
"you're whipped, man, you've written these lyrics in record time. the last time this happened you were crying on our shoulders, telling us you love us all so, so, so, so-"
"okay, i think the point has come across, hyung." jungkook shudders at the thought, vividly recollecting the time he got drunk with his friends for the first time, dragging them all to their shared studio so he could showcase his latest assignment.
"you must really like her alot, huh?" yoongi comments off-handedly, secretly trying out a theory that taehyung had put out. one mention of you had jungkook's irises turn into pink hearts, his hands quickly taking his phone to show pictures of your latest date.
"i'm sure like is a understatement at this point, hyung," the said whipped man says sagely, like he's preaching to an attentive crowd of 100.
"oh god, here we go-"
an elmo-like laugh resonates in the small spaced studio, jungkook anyway going on a joyful rant about you. it can be seen in his lyrics, the way his eyes light up like you're his most precious person (and you are, no doubt), how he sincerely writes love poems for you and how he loves seeing your face light up when it shows randomly in one of your notebooks, happily tucking it away in a file you've saved especially for his letters.
"its like I can finally relate to those poems namjoon hyung reads to us sometimes you know?"
"and every one of iu's love songs is suddenly right and the universe finally makes sense and-"
"uh huh?"
"she's like a, oh my god, she's like a taylor swift song!"
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"whatcha upto, handsome? too busy to spare some time for your hungry roommate?"
jungkook glances at the time from the digital clock, glaring 12.30 am. he stretches and breaks his finger knuckles, legs moving towards you on a mind of it's own. you're wearing one of his many oversized shirts, a white one this time, big but it seems to fit you just right.
"why are you still up, baby?" he asks, arms around you immediately. "i'm hungry, koo," you say again, "was waiting for you so we can order some snacks and watch hotel del luna again," you mumble against his chest, your hands rubbing his tense back. "let's go then," he grabs his phone and throws you over his shoulder effortlessly, nonchalantly saying it's been awhile since you've had spicy tteokbokki and bingsu. you stumble when he puts you down, unfazed when you're voicing out that you both can't eat spicy food at night anymore, as if the last time that happened wasn't scarring enough.
you kiss his cheek, reminding him to save his work and that you'll get everything ready in a jiffy. jungkook all but zooms to the bedroom, already eager to get back to you. he chuckles at the title on his screen, knowing that "nonsense, it's l-o-v-e!" is going to be the best birthday gift you've ever gotten.
he finds you sipping away on a cranberry breezer, can of chilled beer waiting for him. your eyes are enraptured by jang manwol and her beauty, instinctively leaning on him when he's settled next to you.
it's like a satisfying puzzle, feeling all the pieces click easy when he's with you. in your shared abode, huddled up and in your own cosy bubble, away from the world. hands easily finding their way around your bodies. synchronized laughing at a clever comment passed by the male lead. jungkook feels like this is one of those moments he would write about in a song later or write in one of your weekly love letters. you're the definition of right person at the right time, knowing that if you both were in a rundown apartment or in one of the biggest bungalows ever, you'll still love him the same.
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pt time: @armys-dna ; @junsai-tree ; @soobhyun ; @shatzkrinslinzki ; @astronaut-jin-moon ; @cherishoshi ; @fragmentof-indifference
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geekyarmorel · 6 months
I'm already back again! So here's another request for Lady D now. And it's time to spice things up a bit with some angst! What about reader being a product of experiment conducted by Lady D on the order from MM? The new maid is kind hearted and it doesn't take long for Alcina to take interest in a young woman. Lady D getting attached but still too loyal to MM and bitterly thinking that reader anyway wouldn't even consider thinking of her in a romantic way so she bottles up her feelings instead. Reader surviving the cadou and not becoming a lycan or moroaică but seemingly without gaining any mutation from it. She's still a normal human being(as one can be with some parasite inside their body) or so everyone thinks but then she starts seeing ghosts. Firstly it was some, like, glitches and then it started to slowly progress into seeing fully body shaped silhouettes and then people. Just imagine how many she'd see at the castle Dimitrescu, and considering how those ghosts died, the sight isn't a pretty one. Gruesome looking ghosts. So my point is that the maid goes slowly insane and either somehow killing herself or being killed. The angst part is her being in love with Lady D all this time. I imagine her saying that before she dies or I see Alcina going through the maid's belongings after her death and finding a diary, etc and reading love confession from now dead maid.
P.S. If you're not comfortable writing about reader's death, you could come up with your own ending but make it angsty! Actually I'm more intrested to know what your ending would be! So feel free to change the death part!
P.P.S. This request started as another one for MM but somehow ended up like this... and I didn't even plan it. Oh, well...
Listen i better get a cute prompt after this. I loved it but i also made myself sad. Anyway enjoy!
Empty Soul
Alcina × Reader
She couldn't have predicted that this would have been the outcome. That she'd be here sitting next to this bed, holding a hand that grows cold while a heartbeat gets slower and slower by the minute.
It started when she noticed how her daughters treated you. You were kind to them and they flocked to your warmth like moths to a lantern. She began to seek out your company, curious about the mortal that treated them like humans.
Over the course of months her family connected to you and you had become someone precious in their sight. And as for Alcina, she realized one day as the sound of your laugh made her heart flutter, that she had completely fallen in love with you. For a while she tried to distance herself, she knew there was no way you could ever feel the same way. When she saw how your smile never quite reached your eyes and the hurt they spoke of she couldn't stay away any longer.
When you were alone with her she let you use her name, the way it sounded from your lips truly made her feel spellbound. She fell more in love with you everyday, oh and how her heart ached, knowing that there was no way you could ever love her back. The thought haunted her like the shadows that fell through the castle.
Then disaster struck.
A new sickness spread through the village and into the castle. You fell prey to it and it was beginning to ravage your body. Alcina couldn't take it and approached you as you laid in your bed. She did her best to convince you to take the cadou, to become like her (and if she was a little selfish in wishing that you might fall for her afterwards then she'd accept that). You agreed and she carried you to her lab wasting no time.
It was difficult to watch the painful process that you were going through but when it came to an end and you weren't transformed into any of those disgusting and horrid creatures she smiled widely. At first it looked like you were going to be powerless, just a stronger human able to blend in with the masses. It hurt her heart a little, you'd never want her now when you could still have a human partner who wouldn't be afraid of you.
Then she began to notice your strange behavior, there were times when she observed you doing double takes into what seemed like empty space. This behavior went on for days when asked you would just reply. "I think I'm just jumpy my Lady, I haven't been sleeping well. Its probably just that." And she let it go, accepting your words at face value.
Mother Miranda called the next day, demanding Alcina to leave on a trip and so she did as she was commanded. It was only a week long trip, what could be the harm? Everything would run as smoothly as normal.
How wrong she was.
When she arrived back home her daughters were frantic, the drone from their swarms loud and erratic. They rushed to tell her of you. How you suddenly became afraid of everything seemingly over night, how you would look in horror at empty rooms and empty halls, how you shrieked and screamed, clutching yourself and trying to escape from unseen things.
As they got closer to the room where you had hidden away she could smell your blood in the air, her chest aching in the thought of you being hurt. She bends into the room to find you a top a barrel, knife in your hand as you slowly rocked it side to side carving your thigh into two. There were deranged and wet giggles escaping your lips, truly a sign of hysteria. "Draga?" Alcina tried, kneeling down beside you uncaring if her dress got dirty.
Your eyes snapped to hers and she lost her breath, she'd never seen such dead eyes on any living creature. "Monsters." You say in a sing song like voice, "No hope, monsters, join us soon." You continue in the same manner and Alcina can't help the way her heart is starting to sink. "That's all they say." Another wet and unhinged giggle escapes your lips.
"Who say?" She asks, handing coming try and still the blade in your hand. But you shriek and wail making her take her hand back, you only calmed when you resume your slicing. "Draga, who says those things?"
"The other maids." You answer, "They come from the walls, crawling out of the basement, nearly every room they come from. Crawling, begging, reaching for me." Your other hand lifted to your arm and raked your nails down it to try and get the phantom touch away. "I see them. How they died. Entrails dragging behind, sick and pale drained to empty husks. Parts sliced off clean, others ripped messily apart."
Alcina's stomach began to twist as she realizes what you mean. "They call you monsters. They say I'll join them soon. No hope. No hope. Monsters." You giggle again as tears begin to pour from your eyes.
"I can't stop seeing them!" You say as you body shakes with sobs. "They're everywhere! They won't let me sleep! They won't shut up!"
"I'm so sorry draga mea." She says reaching out to wipe away your tears, "I'm so sorry."
"I don't want this power!"
Alcina feels her heart sinking lower with every second that passed. "I'm sorry draga-"
"I only wanted to be like you! Maybe then you'd love me like I love you!" All the breath in her body left as you said those words. You loved her?! You loved her! She lifted her hands to cup your cheeks, brushing her thumbs across them to wipe away your tears. She goes to speak again when you cry out, "I don't want this gift any more! Take it back!" You beg her, tears spilling down faster.
"Draga, I'm sorry but I can't take it back." Alcina feels tears threatening to fall from her eyes. At her words you cry out and before she has a chance to react you dig the blade into the side of your chest and twist it deep. A cry of her own flies from her lips, "No! No no no no!" Quickly she removes the knife, scooping you up in her arms as she flees toward her chamber. She calls for supplies and has you patched up to the best of her ability.
And now she's sitting by your side, hand clutching yours as she begging for you to pull through. "Please draga mea, please. Don't leave me." Tears slip down her cheeks as she places a tender kiss on your hand. "I love you, I've loved you for so long. I never thought you'd want me. Please know that I know, I can't let you go. I could bare the thought of you passing before the Cadou, that's why I had to convince you to take it."
She bites into her arm deeply welling blood to pour from it. Lifting your head she puts the pouring wound to your lips, hoping she can get enough to slip down your throat and begin to heal you. "Please draga mea. Please don't leave me." But only a growing weaker heartbeat answers her words and she prays, for the first time in perhaps a century, that she's not too late.
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altheasmeadow · 1 year
WC: 602
Pairing: Yoongi x fem reader
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He was the bluntest person she knew. Min Yoongi was not one to try and save face, instead of hiding the fact that dating her was a bet he honestly told her from the beginning. He told her that his friends bet him that he wouldn’t last a year with her and he had feelings for her for a while so he thought it would be the easiest way to earn a buck. And although hesitant she still agreed, she had feelings for him as well and didn’t want to pass up the opportunity.
Looking back on it she felt like the dumbest person on Earth. Especially as she stood outside of the practice room with Yoongi’s lunch just to hear, “So the bet ends soon, what’re you going to do?” She hadn’t thought about what would happen after the year was over, his point would be proven and it would be pointless to keep her around after that. And even if she knew that their love was stronger than some bet, the darkness in her head preyed on the slightest insecurities to grow and fog her brain. 
She set the food outside the door before quickly wandering off back to the elevator, missing the click of the door signaling someone leaving the practice room. 
Yoongi stepped out of the room, in an attempt to leave to grab the promise ring from his bag in his studio when he accidentally kicked something on the floor, and after turning his attention downward and spotting the food his face paled. He glanced around the hallway in search of his girlfriend and upon seein the empty hallway he cursed under his breath, continuing his trek to the studio to grab the ring before bolting out of the building to get to their shared home in time to prevent a disaster. He was well aware of the insecurities his girlfriend held about their relationship and held her closer every night to try getting her to understand how important she is to him. 
He drove well over the speed limit and burst into  the house as iff a killer was chasing him.
“Baby?” He called throughout the apartment, rushing down the hallway to the bathroom, where his girlfriend usually holed herself up when she was upset. “Baby?” He called through the door, slightly panting from the run as he listened to the sniffles. 
“I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t be upset.” She sniffled out, making Yoongi jump into action, pulling open the door and practically throwing his body over her own, acting like a weighted blanket. And as the two laid together on their bathroom floor just hugging each other and trying to calm their emotions, Yoongi reached into his pocket to pull out the ring with a gummy smile.
“You have every right to feel what you feel. We did not get together in a conventional way and that is okay, tough, but okay. We love each other and by no means is the stupid bet going to say anything about that, I knew we’d stay together. I would never dream of breaking this up. So this is my promise to you that you are it for me, and I will spend everyday making this work.” He professed, nudging her to open the box with a grin, watching as her once sad eyes filled with so much love as soon as she processed the words. 
After a long shower together and a quick meal the two entangled themselves together into their bed whispering the sweetest of nothings to each other with love radiating through their home.
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casinodove · 1 year
⁺‧₊ CANDLE LIT DINNERS ─ sagau ft. The Tsaritsa .
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IN WHICH, hate is a strong word, yet the emotion you felt while having candle lit dinners with her was even stronger.
─ sfw , cws for religious themes, cult au, mild emotional torture, very slight mindbreak mentions, starvation, reader gets served a dead animal as a meal, mentions of gagging n throwing up, implied imprisonment, my girl Tsaritsa goes vampire mode without being a vampire, angst if you squint, light yandere Tsaritsa, sadistic behavior
gn!reader , 2nd person pov , no pronouns mentioned , not proofread so don't be shocked at any mistakes
─ side notes , what's up with me and making actually somewhat nice n gentle characters so rough, sadistic, beyond insane and mean in the most ungodly ways. Also I don't know anything about medical related topics so don't jump me if what I wrote near the end is wrong.
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Keeping your eyes fixated onto the meal served Infront of you, refusing to meet her piercing gaze from across the long, candle lit table.
Poking the still raw, dead animal with your utensil gingerly, trying to prevent yourself from gagging, the smell of raw meat filled your nostrils, the slight blood seeping out from the meat onto the plate made you overwhelmed with disgust.
Moving it around your plate a few times, you tried to peel some of the stinking, still hairy skin off of the meat
Her voice taunted from across the room, extra hints of sarcasm and snarkiness added onto the "your divinity" part. She knew you were above her, she knew you were the creator of everything, yet she constantly looked down on you as if she was the most important being in the universe, and you were but a lowly peasant.
It irritated you, the sheer disrespect made you want to slap her, no, that was wrong, it made you want to end her pathetic existence.
Slightly lifting your head up to look at her from across the room, you fixated your gaze onto her plate instead, it consisted of meat like yours did and a few more things like vegetable which were irrelevant to you however, the meat was well cooked and seasoned to perfection, the mere sight of it made your mouth water.
And right next to that, a wine glass filled to the brim, which she was holding. What you'd think was some sort of golden wine, was actually your blood. Swishing it around in her gloved hand, showing off the rich liquid, her gaze burned right through you.
It surprised you day by day how the supposed goddess of love could be ever so cruel to you just because she felt like it. How she could sleep at night knowing the torture she was making you endure everyday.
Her plate remained untouched, almost as if taunting you for the fact that you couldn't eat your own meal.
The sheer irony and venom dripping from her oddly honeyed words made the churning in your stomach worsen. You reached out for the wineglass full of water next to your plate and took one long sip of water, praying to whatever god that may be out there who could save you to do so already, almost breaking the glass in your hand you shakily placed it back onto it's assigned place.
Immediately lowering your gaze you awaited her retreat, and awaited the gruesome hours you'd have to spend in your bed, unable to sleep due to the grovelling cries of hunger. The pain in your empty stomach had increased from days of not being given even the tiniest bread crumb, the cries of which fell upon deaf ears.
What surprised you was hearing the sound of her heels growing closer to you. Soon enough she stood right next to you, the cold radiating from her body made you shiver thanks to the overly loose clothes you were given which were closer to rags than clothes, you just wanted your old clothes back yet she barated you for liking those clothes and called them disgusting.
She slid your original plate over to the side, knocking over the wine glass in the process, the sharp shards of what was once a quiet expensive looking wineglass scattered onto the carpeted floor.
Putting her still untouched plate Infront of you, the cryo archon nudged you quiet harshly so that you would get the hint. placing clean utensils next to the plate she simply stared at you, emptying her glass of golden blood while analysing your every move.
Your lucky day, you supposed. Grabbing onto the utensils you began to eat, albeit hastily, the fear of starvation loomed over your head like a dark cloud at all times. At the moment, you cared way more about survival than about if she approved of your table manners.
The Tsaritsa turned to the maiden on the other side of your seat whose head was hanging low in respect,
The maiden nodded and rushed out of the room, closing the door behind her. Not even a few minutes later she returned, empty handed she bowed to the Tsaritsa and explained how her favorite golden blood "wine" was over and that they'd need to refill the barrels.
Hearing her say that practically made you choke on your food, the realization of what you'd have to endure for a few days dawning on you. The refilling process was absolute torture, one of the harbingers, the doctor they called him, would waltz in about every few hours and remove mass amounts of blood from your body. It lasted for up to five days, if the Tsaritsa was feeling a little greedy that is.
The entire time you'd be force fed big amounts of food so as to "produce more blood more quickly" and you'd be weaker than ever, barely staying and awake and feeling paralyzed.
Ofcourse, they wouldn't be sucking too much blood out of you, can't have you too weak you know. All of the blood would be pumped into big barrels deep into the personal wine cellars of her royal highness, her little treasure hidden away from the world.
What surprised you the most however was how affectionate she'd be after the entire process was done, for around two to three days depending on her mood, she'd be very physically intimate, like oddly physically intimate for someone who practically got high on your blood everyday because it made them stronger.
You just wanted your old life back, your friends, your family..
She made you regret ever even thinking about downloading genshin impact, she made every memory of the gameplay in your mind turn sour. You just wanted to be treated like a person once more, you just wanted to be treated humanely for once.
Was it too much to ask for, especially from the goddess of love? You didn't think so. But, maybe she did. Maybe to her it was hard, maybe to her it was near impossible to treat you like an equal.
One dark chuckle left her throat, you wished to be able to cut it open one day, leaning in closer to your face she caressed your cheek slowly, giving you one long lingering stare with those dead blue eyes of hers, you fantasized about gauging them out whenever she did this. She was a cruel monster, a poor excuse of a goddess of love, but really, she was pretty. You'd be lying if you said she wasn't, yet just how much can looks overshadow a person's horrible personality?
To put it simply however, you despised candle lit dinners with her, because always, she'd have you endure something terrible and then give you the smallest ever display of anything close to love and care and await your falling in love with her madly.
Albeit you would never dream of stealing her rightful role, you could handle playing prey for a little longer, or so you hoped.
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Pls there needs to be more yandere Tsaritsa content, it's either that either I somehow can't find the portal to yandere Tsaritsa hell
─ casinodove , 20.02.23 .
Do not copy, translate nor rewrite any of my works without explicit permission from me !
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