#my fave role of his fr
the-expresidents · 1 month
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Hiroyuki Sanada as Seiichiro Fukiya in Murder on D Street (Dir. Akio Jissoji, 1998)
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ormymarius · 2 months
every day I wonder how james wan handled orm’s character better than most comic writers
but it’s probably bc of patrick
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unproduciblesmackdown · 5 months
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love this as posted by goosebumps completionist on twitter as a gtm:pota + gts (series (book) (i also saw the episode but it underwhelmed)) pota enjoyer and also to an extent goosebumps generally (i have only read so many & cue the variation within one zillion of them like "oh right i have only just rediscovered i Did read monster blood b/c a couple details Were familiar to me, but overall it was so unmemorable i forgot this")
noting any of the way being Undead works out here lmao like that basically you're alive and having a mostly typical time. but if you're a ghost you do have that ghost quest to get to, which is why you're a ghost. and if you're having a fully corporeal revived time (which ghosts mostly are. or entirely, as far as anyone ever knew or it was ever mentioned with phantom brian colsen out here) it is also just another tuesday....unless it's not! (welcome to dead house (need to kill some people to sustain you)) (a zombie in trouble (will have to attack with all your fury. do they kill people in a required supernatural way? that's their little secret)) also love the written Goosebumps Humor like this is so funny already. a zombie in trouble. i admit it.
#died in a shipwreck like....10 ft offshore? it happens#cemetery field trip!! i guess it also happens#which i loved the Ambiguity re: brian like i kind of inferred he's given [goes home to the cemetery kicking his legs doing homework there]#book relevant lore is being he just Shows Up & the one time he's with brooke & zeke before Going Home he wanders off into the night#& that when brooke asks where he lives he responds with a Directional Gesture. epic continually adjusting sense of direction#also maybe he lives nowhere. or Also in the school. the time he's just hanging out w/brooke & zeke at zeke's house#making the dog nervous b/c dogs have ghost sense 100% in this series also lol. but not too nervous. & brian is more nervous#him being like 9000% arnold magic school bus miserably dragged around by these menaces lmfao. the Paint On Shirt saga...#ice cold like sure i'll have to steal your role later but for now just chilling; thinking it's too scary when the others talk abt ghosts...#and he wasn't trying to kill anyone or anything so that's nice. only so much attacking with all his fury. his secret#and shoutout to the synopsis of the musical starting & ending in a cemetery there for the very [your friend is a ghost btw] purposes#my other point of reference in all this: the ghost next door. top tier imo definitely memorable / a real fave out of ones i'd read#goosebumps the musical#what should i do? what should i do? (a) kill them all (b) be like hey friends. yep: that's me. freeze frame. dead :/#fr love that like if you're (un)dead you're just some man crawling in a field (sitting by your gravesite). need some enrichment#though not so for the ghost next door; is the thing
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akarisandraws · 4 months
What's your big opinion on every Sonic character don't skip any detail
Dude, do you know how many sonic characters are there?
Like a lot. So im gonna keep it on the main ones LOLL
Maybe i'll add to this tho. We'll see.
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Sonic: He's my favourite character of all times! Such a funky fella. I love his way of thinking, (as in everyone deserves second chances and freedom is important) and of acting, with the whole attitude. He gives me a sense of freedom that i haven't felt from any other media at all! Its quite impressive honestly. I could write pages upon pages on how Sonic as a character is like the peak of literature in my eyes, but this post would get way too long. In summary tho, i like almost every aspect of Sonic the Character.
Tails: The baby! I also really love tails! I think his role as a sideckick is very endearing, and is a great balance to sonic in all possible ways. One problem with modern Tails, though. He's portrayed as a coward. And like??? That's not who he is?? Like C'mon sega.
Knuckles: He don't chuckle!! Final part of team Sonic, and Sonic's first rival! I really like the knucklehead. But as is the norm, Sega screwed him up badly on Boom. I despise that they're supposed to be the same Knuckles. Because they're not. I like Boom Knuckles, as his own character, but granted, Boom is an acquired taste.
Amy: Honorary part of team sonic! I love her! Mostly on the IDW Comics. I think they handle her excellently in there. I know that Amy is a hated character by the fanbase because most say that her only purpose is to be the "girl character love interest" and i can agree up to some point in some games, but in IDW she's sooo much better. We stan IDW Sonic.
Shadow: Yet another case of Sega making character assassination. Shadow's like, one of the most complex sonic characters there are, If not THE most complex one. And i love that! Though im very sad that Sega hasn't been able to replicate that SA2 Magic quite as well. Will SonicXShadow (heh) give him justice? Stay tuned.
Rouge: MY GIRL!! Ok so controversial opinion, Rouge's my second favourite sonic character, just because i think its hilarious that she (once) was the leader of team Dark. So She commanded a killing machine and An alien experiment. What a girlboss! 10/10 Character.
Omega: Gotta be honest, not much of an omega fan. But i really like his dynamic w/Rouge and Shadow. It's pretty sweet that they become friens :)
Cream: The other baby! I think she's the sweetest character. Like fr. I really want to see her more often on the games! Though i get why in recent games she hasn't appeared. Suddenly the adventures got way too serious. Still want her back in the games though!
Blaze: Fire princess! I fr am so salty that she isn't as much in the games. Like, what gives? She's such a successful character (With good reason btw) and you arent like, putting her in the stage?? outrageous. But yeah, i really Like Blaze. Her contrast and similarities with sonic are great! They make a great duo too.
Silver: The sweetest most unhinged boi in the sonic canon. I find it very funny that in his first appearance he was all angsty and stuff, but now he's full on optimism and sunshine. I love the juxtaposition on that behalf. Boi is cute but he can mess you up.
The Chaotix: Oh i love the found family trope. Espio's my fave for sure. He's the funny ninja, what else do you want? Though Vector and Charmy are great too. Vector has such a cool ass dad vibe. And Charmy... is Charmy. if yk yk.
AAAAND I think i'll leave it there. Should i include someone else? lmk.
Thanks for the ask!
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Love for Geppie?????? Thank God, he deserves that love!!!
I'm here to drop off like a thought/cute headcanon of like my fave trope ever!
Gepard usually stays in the frontlines, usually taking in all the damage and aggro for his soldiers (I know that's his role even in game/being the tank and all but every time he gets hit and he like screams I wince hhhh) so imagine a reader who is in charge of like taking care of the wounded soldiers so she's had more than enough times dealt with Gepard (so she knows him but he doesn't quite know her yet) already.
One day, the camp had been ambushed by a bunch of Fragmentum monsters and the main force is too busy with the Frontlines so reader here, despite being a healer, had to step up as technically the only one at that time who walked a Path and can heal whoever is left to be able to fight back and give the wounded time to escape. Gepard manages to make it back in time and give enough support so they all make it out. But he was already so wounded so reader takes special care of the Captain.
By the time he wakes up, reader has been in charge of his health exclusively, being the one to nurse him back to help (partially in thanks for saving her but also because she felt the most responsible for some of his aggravated wounds) and the way she treats him slowly has him go head over heels for her. Even after she no longer needed to take care of him extensively, Gepard finds himself spending his excess free time by her tent, just chatting and getting to know her better.
By the time he realizes that he has fallen in love with his caretaker, they were very close friends and he's gotten to know her a lot.
(Yes I'm a sucker for the Florence Nightingale effect/trope and yes I will die on a hill putting this trope on my fave charas and reader asdfjgktiejdkdo)
You're right and u should say it. I noticed that Geppie def doesnt get as much attention and love as much as the other guys 😔 I love the other guys too but Geppie is my number one in HSR.
I actually have an oc who hails from a diff world and is part of the express and she was once a nurse during the war in her world. So this ask is sooo perfect xksksksml this is too perfect I'm def making a one shot about this fr
The nurse/healer x injured warrior/soldier trope will forever be dear to me, like it is sooo romantic and sweet. Fr, Gepard is a wholeass unit and tank of a man xjnskwmskw
But every now and then, a shield becomes a bit too chipped to ignore and this is very true to Gepard whenever he becomes injured. Ohh yes the capable healer being the only fighter in a camp and then Gepard bulldozing in like the knight in shining armor he is despite being injured himself is just 👌 and then he just passes out in healer reader's arms nnggg
Him being naked from the waist up and waking up to reader's tiddies right up his face bc she's wrapping bandages around him and he just splutters, not knowing where he can look 😭
This became a normal occurence in the duration she nursed him back to health bc of his injuries, like the areas he cant reach like his back, needed to be tended by a professional.
Him noticing the difference in their hands 😭 his are scarred and calloused while hers are soft and dextrous 🥺
And when he's fully recovered, he still goes to her, making an excuse that it's for check ups until there's no more excuses, they just spend time together and he always looks forward to their tea time, and she does too. She's always flustered and smiley whenever her favorite patient is around.
They're idiots in love and everybody in the camp knows it, except the two people who are in love 💀
But, at one point, nightingale reader works herself to the bone to the point of collapsing and when Gepard hears of it, he rushes to her, for once letting his men take care of the frontlines.
And this time, when she wakes up, he's right next to her, holding her hand. She gets a scolding from him and when she objects that he often overworks himself too, he gets frustrated and he just pulls her for a kiss 😩
I could go on about Nightingale reader and Gepard but I'll just have to save that for the oneshot 😏
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bluelolblue · 2 months
Back again hehe
He makes smoking look hot fr😮‍💨
Bro why you looking at me like that 😏🫦
Hehe he’s so silly with his blue tinted glasses 🥰
Got no idea what’s happening here but-
Guitar Ricky
Bros ready for the holidays
Hair. HAIR.
I have more if you want :)
-news anon
This is so hot omg 🤧
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Someone give this man a role of a killer or something like that BC BRO LOOKS LIKE HE WANTS TO KILL ME SHSHSH (I'd let him)
Still looking hot ofc 😳
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Okay but the outfit OMGGG
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Bro's just vibing 😋
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Another new fave pic bc
He reminds me of Santino here, too <3
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Bro is me during Christmas holidays LMAOO literally almost the same outfit 😭
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Ricky has such a fluffy hair I NEED TO FEEL IT BRO 😭
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Thank you so much news anon! Pls feel free to share more, I'll be waiting 😋🫶
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tacticalhimbo · 6 months
— 10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Mutuals
@perpetuagf tagged me in this and i am OBSESSED, tyvm for tagging me babs &lt;3
apologies in advance if anybody gets a repeat tag in this!
@carlosoliveiraa | @alexxmason | @captastra | @bbrocklesnar | @vendettapandav | @kourumi | @scarfacemarston | @captain-radioactive-mentality | @ollierachnid | @theavaricesystem
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AIDEN PEARCE | WATCH DOGS; this man embodies older brother rage and it resonates so hard. like. the protectiveness over his remaining family. the fact he acknowledges (even if a bit harshly at times) that he is a bad guy. the fact he thinks he is utterly irredeemable… obsessed with him and his funky sense of fashion
APOLLYON | FOR HONOR; bastard woman. but i love her for it. her backstory doesn't get a lot of mention and i constantly think about how being a child when her family and such was slaughtered, and to have seen how the man who swore to protect them simply turned his back… i just. the way she's grown into someone who is willing to maintain the presence and intensity of war just to showcase its brutality. the way she took said man's armor and forged it to be her own. her brain!!! she is evil and i support women's wrongs o7
ARCADE GANNON | FALLOUT; the original "just like me fr" character, and one of the first canonically queer characters i had exposure to. my favorite companion always. his personality? incredible. his backstory? tragic. his humor? dry and awful, but i still love it and love him
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DR. VIKTOR VEKTOR | CYBERPUNK; literally the character with the most transmasc swag i think i have ever witnessed in a game. like. genuinely. this man is trans to me and i am just so head over heels for this old man and his humor and his genuine care for those within his circle
ELSA WOLCOTT | WILSON'S HEART VR; underrated game and underrated character. genuinely. she is such a good character. i love the whole "parent who will do anything and everything for their child" trope (see: my inclusion of sam fisher and, by extension, aiden pearce). but like genuinely, elsa is such a tragic character when you look past the humor of the plot (re: the game being a mish-mash of horror tropes). i wish she coulda had a redemption arc q0q
MAJOR JACK KRAUSER | RESIDENT EVIL; bastard man. but i love him for it. the dynamic he has with leon (aka his obsession over his former ally) is so… man!!!! he also has transmasc energy and i really don't know how to explain it. he just. does
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OBI-WAN KENOBI | STAR WARS; my first fictional crush fr, but also he is just. the character ever. the things he's been through, the way he uses them to better himself. the way he tries so hard to be a good man for everyone around him… obsessed
PUNISHED "VENOM" SNAKE | METAL GEAR; i am so normal about this man (lie) and the fact that he is a shell of his former self that has been molded to fit another's perfect image in an attempt to achieve a greater cause (one that would inevitably become corrupted and lead to his own death) and i just. mm. obsessed again
SAM BECKER | FAR CRY; underrated fave. i love sam's bombastic personality and how it stems from the fact that, after facing tragedy and having to adapt a role that makes him complicit in shit, he finally feels hope at things getting better (at least that's how i see it). he is my tragic little meow meow and i am still so sad about his death. i literally know it happens and every time i play the game i start getting so :((((
SAM FISHER | SPLINTER CELL; i discovered him while playing ghost recon and then he single-handedly shot me into the splinter cell series and now i am rotating him in my brain always. his character arc is one of my favorites, and a scene that always plays in my head is the one in conviction when he finds out the truth about his daughter's disappearance like. ugh!! plus i just love very involved and protective father figure characters (if you haven't noticed the trend on this list. and if you did? shush <;3)
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musashi · 1 year
Here's a few questions! 1) What are some of your favorite memories around Ace Attorney? 2) What are some other topics you've thought about doing video essays on? 3) If you haven't already done this before, what Pokemon teams would you give Franziska and Maya?
thank you!
What are some of your favorite memories around Ace Attorney?
chief of them all is how i got into it, the "who is this mans" saga. here is the abridged version:
uquiz on my dash, "what white haired anime boy are you"
take it, because i love uquizzes
manfred von karma
post about it on tumblr
"who is this mans"
a bunch of scattered responses: thats the antagonist from the first ace attorney game
me: i know, but like, whats his deal, whats his personality, can someone tell me who this guy actually is beyond his role in the story
everyone: no. he doesn't matter. look up his daughter right now, you are kin with her.
literally, i got anywhere from 10-20 asks where people were PASSIONATELY assigning me franziska. ive never been furiously kin assigned before. people will say, like, hey wendy, this character seems like someone you'd be kin with. i felt like people were ANGRY that i didn't know i was franziska.
look her up
mean anime lady with a whip dot png
i am so sad about how i am perceived. delete all the asks. ignore this. go back to watching pokemon.
2 years pass
join zelda server
admin: uhhh if i played ace attorney. would anyone want to watch
me: the uquiz said i am manfred von karma
admin: WHAT
everyone else in the server: WHAT
some brave soul: wait, do you know about fr--
me: franziska yeah whatever im her and everyone wants me to know about i--
server, in harmonious gregorian unison: FRANZISKA! FRANZISKA! FRANZISKA!
me: fuck's sake
me: fuck off for real. sure i'll come watch
[does that]
[wakes up after blacking out and there's an 8 foot bullwhip in my house now]
fuck you
it is to this day the funniest fucking sequence of events that have ever brought me to a fandom. i was planning on just enjoying ace attorney casually i had NO idea how amazing it was.
some other faves... i got to voice manfred when we played goodbyes and i didn't know anything about him, my friends just forced me to and i 100% winged it and ended up having the TIME OF MY LIFE. the only thing i remember was being off my shits and at multiple points bellowing 'PISS YOUR PANTS BOY' at half the cast. every day i regret not recording it.
the way we started voicing characters was, initially rin was voicing all of them but when we got to samurai they were like 'im not going to even try with oldbag because i've never seen anyone be able to keep up with her dialogue except like one streamer' and i don't know how to leave challenges alone so i said 'ill do it' and then i DID but no one told me what her first name was so as soon as she took the stand i LOST IT just howling and almost flubbed my lines. then we all started claiming characters to voice and it turned into a whole thing.
the day we started JFA i was really nervous and i just wandered around my apartment alone talking at objects in the worst german accent imaginable. i was so nervous. i was so scared. and then the second court started i felt this incredible rush go through me like i was meant to do that voice forever. and all my friends were cheering. and it was paradise.
i went into 2-4 completely unspoiled and played the airport scene without having any idea what it entailed. i was in tears by the end of it and all my friends were like mu your voice acting <3 and i was sobbing on mute like NOT ACTING BABES <3 the next day i again wandered around my apartment feeling like my chest was full of glowing light.
oh can't forget about this
What are some other topics you've thought about doing video essays on?
rrrright now i really want to make one thats just a passionate defense of JFA and why i think it deserves way more credit than it's given.
i tend to overthink pokemon teams and stress myself out about them so i am politely skipping this last question fgfdhgf~
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gendrie · 9 months
jon vii
bran's powers are so impressive in jon's wolf dream. he's gonna do crazy stuff in twow
jon is making use of his powers too with a lil spy action
and theyre being watched right back by the wildlings. this is the chapter of skinchanging
tyrion xii
tyrion and cersei's relationship is broken beyond repair
catelyn vii
catelyn thinking that bran and rickon are gone is devastating she went thru so much and she cant even rip......
"forbid her anything and it became her heart's desire" fave
i have to suspend my disbelief when anyone talks about how attractive jaime is like....hes a blonde man be fr
i know hes joking but jaimes comments about fucking catelyn remind me of cersei and how she wields her sexuality like a weapon
"those damned direwolves" be grateful nymeria hasnt rolled up on you! (yet)
catelyn kicking literal shit at jaime. its what he deserves :)
"cersei keeps no secrets from me" k
rickard and brandon's deaths were brutal
men of the kingsguard are all just losers huh
theon v
maester luwin begging to sew their bodies back together, to put them at rest in the crypts with the starks and theon who has crossed so many lines cant do it ooooooof
holding onto bran's wolf brooch too my god
ramsay's role here is like a demon leading theon to hell
the last thing asha says to him is that his crown is ugly lol sibling behavior
sansa v
her looking at joff and thinking "bright shiny and empty" is a good quote
sansa's big prayer scene is in the sept as opposed to the godswood which says a lot tbh
being cut off from the battle outside with actual velvet curtains is a good perspective to show but it feels soooo bizarre. ive gotten used to the warfare
"theres such a dearth of good sacking songs" top cersei line for me
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rosewinterborn · 9 months
9 Characters Tag
Tagged by @synobun whom i dearly hope i haven't offended with my quentin coldwater takes 🥲
My list won't be as compact because ✨️mobile✨️ and it took me a bit to untangle "character i like" from "character i associate myself with" so in no particular order:
Juno Steel (The Psnumbra Podcast)
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Art by @acadieum and @hemaris respectively (two of my fave penumbra artists)
-baby's first nonbinary character
-grumpy martian private eye with so much baggage you can see it from the other end of the solar system
-he's a snarky bitch and i love him so much
-i should not have imprinted on him bc he's a terrible role model
-he's my current tumblr icon and has been since like. 2019 i think. Time flies when everything is on fire
Feyre Archeron (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
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-one of my comfort reads
-the most i have vibed with a depiction of depression (and the ensuing crawl back toward the light)
-i don't want to say "she's just like me fr!" but i do feel a certain degree of kinship toward her and her character arc
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Critical Role Campaign 2)
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-i want his gender
-tarot cards
-enthusiasm for tacky extravagance and general hedonism
-snarky asshole
Alanna of Trebond (Song of the Lioness)
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-baby's first lady knight
-irrevocably rewired my brain in middle school
-i aspire to this level of spite and stubbornness
Keyleth of the Air Ashari (Critical Role Campaign 1)
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-i relate very hard to her awkwardness, general good nature, and desire to keep the peace. She is powerful and insecure and earnest and i think she desperately needs a hug
-she's probably the closest on this list to me irl
Orym of the Air Ashari (Critical Role Campaign 3)
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-there is something in the air (ashari) that makes these people relatable to me
-with orym i think its the endless sense of responsibility and the knowledge that you're not the main character, combined with the painstaking desire to do unquestionable good even when its not really possible
-also, depending on the art, gender
Kaladin Stormblessed (The Stormlight Archive)
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-more responsibility, more stubbornness, more depression (guys i think i might have some problems)
-somewhat widely (afaik) headcanoned to be asexual which is always fun for me
-if i ever get a tattoo there's a high likelihood that it'll be the First Ideal
Link (Legend of Zelda)
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-i want his gender also
-thats probably all there is here, idk that he has a lot of personality (probably on purpose) but legend of zelda" twilight princess is one of the like. Five video games I've gotten super into in my life
(Hang on i have more but I'm out of pictures)
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vhs christmas carols: the coherent version
clark just casually sounding like an angel
meredith vibing on the bongos is so funny
i love the choreography godbless james tolbert
the box lids making the play button gagged me fr
janaya sounds so good ugh
and is also pretty wtf and i love della’s costume
i also love jim’s costume! maybe this will just be me raving over the costumes
jim making a heart with his hands as he leaves? i love him. he has such himbo energy
joey lauren and brian leaping onto stage is so funny
actually the three of them in general are so funny in this show
the new songs are so boppy, i know this is such a broad statement but i don’t know what else to say about them except that they’re all fucking spectacular and clark outdid himself
the model walking!!!! the dancing!!!! iconic
everything about the internal panic song is hilarious, a strong contender for my favourite of all of the new songs
jim and della are so cute istg
“not combs that comb but combs you wear” fave lyric
this song is so heartfelt and janaya and curt do such a good job and sound so good
the matching combs in the hair 😭 i love them
the cold streets of the city probably is my favourite song
their voices are so funny, this is my favourite trio of all time
brian’s face when the match girl comes in is so funny
and lauren’s face when she gets offered a match ansjdhdjsksa
as i said, i will be raving about costumes, and the match girl costume is soooo good i’m so obsessed
scrooge bumping into della and now the match girl is so funny
meredith tearing up is so real i also feel like crying
idk what else i can say about grandma land except that man this story is genuinely so sad
and that jamie burns is gorgeous and also has the voice of an angel
i like how this final song of the act sets up scrooge and the christmas carol themes
“hi clark”
meredith helping out with the bass line on the keyboard is sooo funny
like i love dylan obvs but i adore aj’s version so much
going into this with the cast changes in mind i was a little more hesitant about brian as fred (just because i think corey is so good at it) but i love the way he plays him so much, he’s so funny
bob’s wave when he’s introduced is so cute
having meredith be in the band for most of it and then coming down as marley is genuinely so ingenious. his presence is constantly hanging over scrooge and the entire narrative even when scrooge doesn’t realise it,
“scrooge gives a shriek” *short high pitched scream* killed me
the ghosts wrapping the chains around scrooge is really cool
christmas past is always pretty unhinged but i need whatever jlb put into this performance because it’s OFF THE CHARTS she’s so iconic
the slo-mo dancing is so good thank you james tolbert
the contrast between jim & della and scrooge & belle KILLS ME!!! need whoever deduced to have them played by the same person to pay my therapy bills please /pos
curt does a really great job in this role
also JANAYA ma’am im already in love with you, you don’t have to keep driving the needle in
aj sounds so heartbroken holy shit he was such a good choice to take over for dylan he’s so so so so so good
james tolbert crushing it as always
the light up shoes and glasses is still iconic
every time tiny tim gets a little more pathetic and this is the correct choice for character
i also like that it’s developed from just emily being disgusted by tim in the last one to bob also being the same in this one
joey trying to drag brian to his feet is my favourite
also tim using the bear as a microphone
basically what i’m trying to say that every new character choice in regards to tim is absolutely perfect godbless
bob holding tim’s bear 😭
the choice to have the people that scrooge has wronged surrounding him and him begging to THEM that he’s changed is such a good directorial choice like!!! james tolbert i will never stop thanking you for this decision
clark audibly giggling as aj and lauren fumble around with the money is so precious
can’t believe i went from laughing at fred still partying with the glasses to crying at his expression at seeing scrooge trying to connect with him. brian holden i am suing you for emotional damage.
overall the show is still so good but honestly what was i expecting
the first act was a really great edition to the story and i love how they made them connect to christmas carol
and all of the cast changes in christmas carol were excellent and worked so well
this is still the best starkid show no i’m not taking criticism
and i hope they keep on performing it because i love it so much
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harryforvogue · 6 months
What is the best anime ever?i wanna venture into it
for me, the best anime ever are given, yuri on ice, fruits basket, and attack on titan.
but here are some more for you! (i got carried away)
entry level animes are ideally the short ones that are cute and get the job done. a lot of these are romances:
given - a love story between a boy who is mourning the death of his ex boyfriend and a guitarist. i LOVEEOEFJOSEJRFT this anime.
Romance killer - this shit is hilarious and very short so you can def binge in a weekend.
yuri on ice - ice skating story about a young ice skater who lacks serious confidence and his new coach who is also his role model and IT'S A LOVE STORY ugh it's beautiful and the soundtrack is gorg.
kamisama kiss - one of the older ones but still a classic romance. it's about a girl who gets turned into minor god and she has a very stubborn companion (idk what to call it in english) who doesn't immediately try to help her settle into her duties.
Yona of the dawn - fantasy with found family. Spoiled princess turned badass warrior. Romance subplot 
doukyuusei - short movie about classmates falling in love.
Angel beats - just depression.
Literally any Makoto Shinkai movie. So cozy. often with a beauriul romance. Recently watched suzume and it’s my fave from that series.
then i would go into some longer anime
Spy x family - a family of freaks fr it’s about a couple that marries for convenience though neither know each other’s true identity and a plot to bomb and kill and shit. There’s a psychic kid involved too. It’s a whole thing.  I didn’t love this but it’s a cute show.
fruits basket - one of my all time fave animes. recently had a reboot and new animation so it's gorgeous. all the men are so hot idc. there are romances and tear jerking moments. it's so wholesome and beautiful. it's about a girl who wants to break the zodiac curse of a family (the curse that turns the members into their zodiac animals and leads them to be controlled by their "god"). love it. shigure.... the man that you are.....
noragami - i haven't watched much of this but it's about a young minor god who is trying to become a major god and have lots of worshippers. also has a subplot romance hehehe
And then there’s the heavy ones with a LOT of plot (and hot men)
Attack on titan: one of my favorites also. long and it just ended like two weeks ago. It’s about titans that walk the earth, murdering everything in their path. The world knows nothing about them. A young boy and his friends join the army to kill these titans but what they find out is horrifying. You WILL cry and it’s pretty graphic so :D 
Chainsaw man - disgusting but in a different way. I’m gonna be so fr i only watched this for Aki. story isn’t hard to follow. It’s about a certain sect of a government using fiends to kill devils. It’s gory and very very graphic.
Banana fish - an ex army soldier kills his whole squad suddenly and with background rivalry and killing of gangs in new york, a young photographer from japan and the head of one of the gangs have to solve the mystery of the drug that caused the soldier to go crazy. If you’re gonna watch this, you NEED to look at content warnings. It has everything. Under the sun. EVERYTHINg. Beautiful animations though i am MAPPA’s number 1 fan.
Jujutsu kaisen - hot men wonderland fr. about exorcizing curses with found family, a super hot villain and lots of death. Currently on going. A little confusing at times but the graphics are GORGGGGG. Mappa again.
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the-kipsabian · 11 months
tell me about kip and what is your fave thing about him?
how long do you have cause i can be here all day....
hes just. wonderful. all around. never met a nicer, more realist and grounded man than he is. not to even mention how inclusive and respectful he is and he tries to make his spaces to be (and before anyone says anything, i know hes not perfect, he obviously has his flaws as he is still a stupid human being, but from multiple personal experiences i can tell he does his best). like fr hes just such a good bean, and ive never heard anyone say a bad word about him when someone has interacted with him
and then ofc his in character work is incredible. how he manages to build and tell compelling stories and keep developing himself and his character while hes at it. hes so talented on the mic and brings a really interesting flare into the ring and hes just a delight to watch, and ive especially been enjoying watching his recent heel work mocking his opponents in ridiculous ways. also the back arch but we dont have time to unpack that rn--
but uuuh yeah he plays like.. at this specific point in time im not sure about the character to be quite honest? he calls himself a 'pro wrestling artist' as he keeps weaving and telling stories through his work and arcs, but idk how thats currently working out for him (i blame lack of tv time which is such a fucking curse 😔). hes more or less alligned in a trios team(/stable) with butcher and blade atm, i think they are gonna use the deadly alliance name at least for now - apart from them being kips friends/hired guns i dont really know whats going on over there either storywise. again, the curse of lack of tv time ugh. but even with that said, they are a great team with an incredible connection with one another, and they play their designated roles so well. also they are just happy to work together which is more than enough for me to enjoy them c:
also hes just hot so like. idk what else i gotta say honestly LOL
hes so hard to explain tbh lol, but i hope this'll do at least somewhat. also no i cant still really explain the box phase he had last year unless personal headcanons count (tho confirmed canon fun fact, he was non-verbal in character with the box one which made me incredibly happy to learn), but also that boxman cryptid era was my EVERYTHING. i have a tattoo of him on my arm for (multiple) reason(s) lol
as far as my favorite thing, god theres so many... but tbh i just love him a lot because of how good of a bean he is in general. ive never had a salty interaction with him once in like two years now, hes always very supportive and tolerates a lot of random bullshit from me (being a known fan has its perks lmao) and he has been nothing but understanding and respectful at me to a point of reaching out to me personally about some things to make sure i was comfortable with it. so like.. yeah hes just the best 💜
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saviourkingslut · 9 months
okay but curry can we PLEASE talk about how fucking PHENOMENAL like action Mihawk is. Had me on the brink of mental collapse 24/7 bc I kept thinking about his magnificence- he knocked it out of the PARK GODDAMNIT!!! Who's your fave from the live action cast and what are your thoughts?? Personally I think it's very good, I just wish Sanji's arc hadn't been cut (tho Don Krieg sucks as a villain, ngl, kinda happy Mihawk got rid of that bitchboy so easily ☠️☠️☠️), but other than that I'm SO proud of everyone involved, they really put in lov and dedication and respect for the series, I'm looking forward to more!!! How about you??🌸🌼🍀
ok full disclosure lest anyone think i have read the manga or seen the anime: i haven't, it's way long and i've never felt particularly drawn to it. HOWEVER i've seen my fair share of (shounen) anime and when i saw they were doing a live action of one piece i really thought it was going to suck bc the live actions always suck. boy was i wrong. everyone working on this from screenwriters to cinematographers to costume department to the actors themselves clearly love the source material and knew exactly what they were doing, and the vibe is Exactly Right. it's camp and fun and a little stupid like shounen anime tend to be and it fully embraces it and so it feels completely natural. of course the cat-themed pirate crew hiss and wear knife-gloves. of course there's characters with blue and green and whatever colour hair. of course the officers in the marines have personal Themes. we don't need any explanation, the world is just like this. and it's balanced exactly right so the more emotional, serious aspects of the story carry the weight that they need to without feeling out of place.
also, as a someone who hasn't engaged with the manga/anime, i think the series cut away/kept enough of the original material to come out of it feeling well-paced, understandable to newcomers and filled with fun recognisable bits for long-time fans. perhaps this meant, as you say, cutting out some pieces of character development/background that might have been enjoyable, but it's a well-made sacrifice bc it prevented the story from feeling too bloated. i think it was just right like this: gave us background on everyone and simultaneously left room for the story to process, without too many things at once to focus on. you could still sense that it was based on a manga bc of its little arcs - usually two eps with a minor boss to beat each time, and a bigger, badder boss at the end of the season. so i feel like keeping that theme in a narrative sense also really helped to make it reminiscent of the material it draws from and made it well-rounded and well-structured overall.
ANYWAY. mihawk. oh my god. i rewatched his scenes. multiple times. he was gorgeous. effervescent. insert the lady gaga meme. again i haven't engaged with the og material but i know these kinds of manga characters and there's so many ways to do them wrong but steven john ward really said 'i was made for this role actually' and he served absolute cunt. definitely up there among my favourite characters in the show - and that's saying a LOT bc im obsessed with almost everyone in it fr. they made me like the fucking clown (i hate clowns) buggy is genuinely incredible. the main cast? what the hell dude. they just found luffy living irl like... genuinely what the fuck. iñaki was born to play him and he did it so wonderfully - guy who is fatally optimistic but also insane and it works. nami's really cool as well - i've heard/read some stuff abt the writing of women especially in the earlier parts of the manga (woman in shounen main character group syndrome) but i think she was solid here and her interactions with the rest of the cast were great. also usopp! is so cute! so much potential to not have that kind of character work out in a real life adaptation but he's so lovable
and on that note the fucking. interactions amongst the main cast? im sobbing screaming crying they're everything to me. the way they're so supportive and proud and protective of each other and yet they talk shit the whole time too. there's so much chemistry among them and they truly do feel like people from different backgrounds who (sometimes reluctantly) come together and would do anything for each other. like real friends who have fun and make fun of each other too, it's a great dynamic and they really hit the mark there.
as to who's my favourite, well, as i said, mihawk's definitely up there, and im a simple hoe - i love zoro. but i think i enjoyed sanji's scenes the most and not just bc of his ass. heard he's kind of pervy in the og material? well the direction they took him in the live action where they kept the 'imprints on woman' but is overall sweet about it and generally less moody than he is in the anime/manga was a great direction i think. he's supremely enjoyable as a character. the accent? the facial expressions? the smiles? the jokes? im on my bed swooning and giggling and kicking my feet he is so fucking funny and i want him so bad. 'apologies madam i didn't see you there.' 'oooh back for seconds must have liked it' i literally re-watched every scene he was in at least once. his kicks were so nicely choreographed too it was really satisfying to look at, very clean (taz did god's work on his training). sometimes at home ill be doing nothing in particular like ill be standing in the living room and i'll mutter to myself 'cotelette. collier. epaulé. poitrine.' and go on with my day he lives in my brain rent free.
so uhm yea i think the series is really good and 1) sanji 2) mihawk 3) zoro if i had to put them in order i think lmaooo
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kae-karo · 11 months
LSKDJFKLSDF hi dear!!!! i'm assuming this is 4x of the envelope ask 💜 so i will be doing it 4 times for 4 diff wips lmao for context (x)
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
i am reaching the final stretch (fingers crossed) of a wip that's been in progress since the beginning of 2022! it's one of my goals this year to finish 3 of my 6 longfic wips, and this is one of them. the current title of the fic is literally 'massively self indulgent smut' cause...well, it speaks for itself i think LMAO but really this fic was my first step into writing ovipos? and didn't end up being the first fic i posted with ovipos/eggs but that's where the 'self indulgent' bit comes in lmao. i had a TON of fun with the lore i invented for this story as well? it's a royalty au and although i'm p sure most of the backstory never makes it into the fic itself it's been a blast coming up with it lmao. it's also probably one of my most ambitious fics given that i'm trying to balance a ton of pairings/ot3s/more??? skdflksdkfj but it's been a long time in the works and i'm very excited to hopefully finish it soon, i have a good 2.5 scenes left to work on!!!!
*twirling hair* so there's these fics- no really tho i recently dipped my toes into blue lock (by which i mean i plunged headfirst) and a very dear friend of mine (hi @alienjack !!!!!!) opened my eyes to kaisae as a ship and had a cute lil idea to do kaisae july (it rhymes!!!!) and before i knew it i had not one not two but thREE really just silly fun soft fics for the occasion? and like. i'm talking 'i have reread all three of these at least 3-4 times each' kind of kicking my feet twirling my hair abt them lmao. i can't pick faves BUT i got to incorporate my silly hc that sae swears a lot when he speaks english into one of them! lmao
digging into the archives for this one cause it's on my list of ones i'd love to make real progress on/maybe finish, but i have a tdbktd boarding school longfic with "bad kid" bkg (who isn't really that bad at all, actually top of the class and earning the school awards) and actual lowkey bad kid tdrk that gets shoved in bkg's hands to deal with/tutor/keep under control, just a bunch of like. teen angst type stuff lmao. i really like the idea of bkg being SUCH a good kid in spite of what he projects and tdrk so sick of being forced into a role by his dad that he's trying SO hard to stay rebellious and they meet in the middle somewhere 👏👏
back on the subject of bllk swinging SO wildly in the opposite direction, i'm working on a sorta collab piece with a friend of mine for a kaisagi serial killer/detective au. and like. not to be like 'i'm so stupid excited abt this fic' but like. i'm very much a "write in order, always" type writer and i fully caved and wrote a particular (spicy) scene that takes place almost at the end of the fic before writing ANYTHING else cause it had me in a chokehold lmao fr i'm so hyped abt this one???? i have like one more scene to go in this (saving the best for last 😏) and i'm SUPER excited with how it's come along so far so if ur into kaisagi get excited too hehehe
send me writing/fic asks from this list!
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