#my bio mom taught me back when i still lived with her + had a recipe and everything
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ik ppl hate fictional deadbeat moms but im an avid enjoyer. my feminism knows no bounds truly/j
like i get it she did a bad job. but shit she still did a job that's for sure!! like. she did it do you understand. 14 year old girl is pregnant. it's disgraceful. a shameful stain on her family. yusuke doesn't seem to have grandparents or anything so besides yusuke's bio dad she's got no one. and then when yusuke is a toddler the father disappears and considering who he is and what he's like that's probably for the best. gonna go out a limb and say that yusuke was maybe 4 or 5 when his dad cleared out so. at 18 and entirely alone. atsuko looked down at this little thing. this baby because he's still a baby to her this is a baby who only has her. Not even 4 feet tall with the biggest brown eyes looking to her for everything because he quite literally has no one else.
he doesn't know she's a failure yet. he doesn't know people will look down on them just because he exists as he is. he doesn't know how hard this is going to be from now on. all he knows is he loves his momma
so she doesn't cry. she just meets his big innocent eyes and goes "it's just you and me kid" and yusuke doesn't know that that's a sad thing.
so she takes care of him the best she can and it still sucks but yusuke doesn't know what the standard she should be held to is yet. for a small time she is the greatest and best person in his world and he's the only one who thinks so
then he meets keiko and her parents and finds out that his normal is actually dysfunctional and that his mom actually isn't all that great. that living day to day in the bottom of a bottle isn't healthy. so she's no longer praiseworthy but this person he's responsible for. just like that the roles reverse. because while she was all yusuke had yusuke is also all atsuko has. he doesn't respect her but he still punched the motherfucker in the mouth that called her a tramp. she taught him how to do it.
atsuko comes to terms with the fact that Yusuke doesn't really need her anymore, probably never did so she doesn't bother to care when he skips school or beats whoever he wants to a pulp or gambles because at 14 she was expecting so what the fuck can she really say about him. he sneers at her as he makes her coffee. atsuko lights another cigarette
it feels like betrayal when her son dies. at 14 she had him so how can he die at a sorry age like that. i wasted my teenage years on you for what? so you can die and leave me here? you fucking brat. how can she recover from this? yusuke was all she had. he hadn't looked up at her with an admiring gaze since he was 7 and stopped hugging her goodbye soon after but still he was hers he was hers and then he was gone
but then he comes back. and she doesn't get much better as a mom or as a person really. she tries harder than before maybe (keeping him in school) but yusuke never expected her to. he's made up of her bad habits and uncaring attitude but he's so much better than her. became something good something strong despite how shitty of a job she did raising him.
she's not proud because she has no right to be but something like it tugs in her chest when she sees him feeding the people he cares about at his little ramen cart looking as happy as the first time she'd taken him out to park.
yusuke's dad suggests taking another crack at the whole family thing and she wants to laugh in his face. the only family she'll ever have is that little boy who's stronger and braver than she'll ever be.
she doesn't want to see him laying cold in a casket ever again. he's meant for life, a soul as bright and durable as his. atsuko hopes he lives to see the sun explode
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
WIBTA if I decided to leave my siblings?
I'd ask you to read the full post before deciding, but the crux of the matter really lies in the title.
I (17m) have a lot of siblings, but right now I'm specifically talking about the three I was raised with. (in age order: A is 17m, K is 15m, and D is 13m. Relevant also are G, 18F, and her/our mom, E, 50s?F. E has more of our siblings but they're not relevant here.)
A, K, D, and I were all raised by our dad (762M). He wasn't even supposed to /be/ our dad -- we were given to him by our biological (kind of, we're all test tube babies) father as repayment for something he'd stolen. He was /supposed/ to give back the thing or some money or something but, nope, toddlers. Our dad kept us as his anyway and he really did do his best. He was a famously dangerous type but he spent who knows how much money on dealing with A's scandals without ever saying anything about it, he stopped wearing leather because D wanted to sit by him but the sound bothered him, he taught all of us the skills of the trade, he fully funded all of our hobbies, whatever. Hell, when I finally told him I'd been going farther from home than I was supposed to and met some of our other siblings, he was upset, sure, but he gave me permission to leave the city and invited them to come by pretty much whenever they wanted. The associates who knew him before we showed up claim that we made him soft, and I believe it.
Doesn't mean he was a perfect dad, we got in a huge fight about some of my issues with him the last time we talked, but none of it was ever /that/ serious. I would take the fight back if I could.
So with that context, he died recently. None of us were expecting it, it was very sudden and violent, but my siblings (the ones I met last year) and I accidentally got involved in this whole mess of stuff regarding our bio dad's world domination plans or whatever and dad just.... died. For us, which makes it extra rough.
According to K, I apparently just shut down so bad G had to pick me up and carry me out and I then I cried so hard I threw up. I really don't remember, so he could be lying, but E immediately put on the whole stern mom voice about how it wasn't kind to make fun of me for that, so. K and A are also trying really hard to insist that he's still alive, but they didn't see him die, /I/ did, and G agreed there's no chance he's still alive but they won't believe me on it.
We've been living at E's place ever since.
And I don't know, I just don't feel like I can do anything else here. D got freaked out by something and nearly took out G's eye and she handled it so well that he's been following her around like a puppy since. (Not exaggerating. E and I still haven't been able to get the blood out of the carpet). Meanwhile A made ONE comment about me not having loved our father enough or something and I got so nasty with him that we're not on speaking terms right now.
I don't know what exactly it would help if I left, but it's not as if they would be ALONE. A has hit it off really well with one of our siblings and they've declared themselves bonded brothers and spend all of their time together. D is pretty much ignoring everyone else in favour of G and she's endlessly patient with him, so he'll do fine. K found out E still knows all our genetic codes by memory (from helping to create us) and has been pestering her about it, plus he's started some kind of friendly engineering competition with another one of our siblings. It's just me that's not settling in, and having more of us makes us more difficult to hide. E kept her kids entirely away from our creator until last year and he still doesn't know how to find them when he wants to, but she has a lot less resources than our dad had.
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project-neo · 4 months
AITAH for perfering my now Ex Step dad over my bio mom?
I was born to a mentally ill father and a mother who cared for me. But they divorced when I was just 1 year old due to my dad's mental illness. They had a long divorce process. Funny enough, my bio dad give his share of custody completely to my mom. I never meet him afterwards.
My mom dated many guys over the years. I was born with ADHD and Asberger autism, so I was a difficult kid. I used to hit, bite, throw fits and just be violent wen i hat a emotionally outburst. That changed slowly over time (thanks too my teachers in middle skool who taught me). I was often given away into state children care so mom could get treatment or because CPS pulled me out. I still hold a grudge on them for that.
Wenn I was 5, my mom meet my then step dad. I immediately liked him and we became very close. Wen I was 7 they got married. I love my step dad like he is my real dad, so i will be referring to him as such for the rest of the post. Shortly after my 9th birthday, my little sister was born. Let's call her Emma.
Emma and I were raised differently. Emma is now 11 years old and still with my mom. While I lifted most of my life in state care and never had a true childhood, she lived with my parents. While I never got anything, she got her own pc, ps4, and 2 Nintendo switches. I had to fight with my mom to get my own back when my grandmother brought it for my 17th birthday. It hurts so much that Emma gets the dream life I never had. But I don't blame her!
Now into the story!:
I moved out about 3 months before I turned 18 because my home life became toxic. I had constant fights with my mom, and my dad never interfered. About 4 years ago, his beloved dog died. That wen it all started to spiral. That's why I moved out. And once that happened, it really went to Sh!t: mom and dad seem to be fighting even more.
5 months after I moved out, they sat me down on the couch at my apartment and told me that they would move in separate apartments due to fighting. I knew then and there that my life would turn again. And it did: My mom and dad divorced in November last year (2023), however, they share custody of Emma. My dad sees her regularly and brings her to the school buss every day.
Mom and dad had a long and hefty brake up. Mom accused dad of doing stuff he never did, told cps that my Dad was mentally unstable and needed to be in a psychiatry. But her could prove every claim as false and is now still in fighting with my mom. Mom was so dramatic that she made Dad hate her.
On my birthday last year, I invited my grandparents and my dad, but NOT my mom. We don't really speak to each other, and every time I try, she just gives me 1 of 2 things: the cold shoulder or an aggressive answer.
Back to the story:
At my 20th birthday, we all sat around the table and drank coffee. My grandmother asked me where my mother was. I told her I didn't invite her because my dad was there. She said first said to my dad that she was surprised that I didn't invite my mom and she didn't expect him there in the first place. Then I dropped the bombshell on my grandmother. Hier are my exact words:
"To be honest? Mom changed. I can't even recognize her."
I leaned forward towards my dad and addressed him directly:
"And to be honest? I would perfer you over mom any day. "
My grandmother eyes went big from shock. Dad had a hard time containing his laughter. After the party, my grandparents drove my dad home. He told me later in a call that he had a hard time containing himself after what I said, and he was so proud of me for standing up.
Well, my grandmother didn't take that's so well:
She scolded me for that:
"You shouldn't prioritize a man that you don't share blood with over your mother! How dear you?!"
"You should forgive her. She is your biological mother!"
I told her:
"Yeah, I know. And I still love her. I don't mind if she dates again, but that new guy will never be called Father by me. And I will tell him what she did to My dad. "
My grandmother flipped out at me and called me all sorts of names. She ranted to my mother and my uncle about this. My mom was not so happy about this but my uncle called me and told me he supports my decision.
My grandmother stopped inviting him to Easter dinner and Christmas, and it crushed me. I told her that, and she just said:
"he is no part of the family no longer. So why invite him?"
I left the dinner then and there. Now my grandmother, Emma and my mother call me names.
Am I the asshole hier?
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arolesbianism · 9 months
Y'know what since it's my birthday I'm gonna let myself ramble abt my basic crossover siblings hcs. Under a cut cause I'm still a coward.
Ok so. Obligatory this was a joke hc that me and my sibling made until it stopped being a joke and became dead serious so that's why the timeline is the way it is. Anyways onto basic in universe background info
Minato dad and Shinonome dad met back in highschool, and were just the world's most obnoxious artsy couple in the world. They went to the same college together and ended up becoming very close with one of their dorm mates, and once they all graduated they continued to live together for a good while. After a while, the three discussed the possibility of kids, and their friend was like yeah sure I can carry them for y'all, and as such we now have our 3 horrible kiddos, with Ena being Shinonome dad's bio kid and Akito and Yukina being Minato dad's twins.
Things had been getting more complicated for the 3 since even before the kids happened, mostly with Minato dad starting to form a bit of an inferiority complex around his famous artist husband as said husband became a famous artist. This would lead to growing tension between the two as the years went by, culminating in Minato's full on breakdown after the whole future world fes thing. So ruh roh, divorce time!
The kiddos were around like 10 and 11 at the time Id say? Idk it's not set in stone in my head. It twas a stressful time for all ofc, but in a way Akito was almost relieved as he had been the most aware of the building tension between the two. Didn't stop him from being stressed out and upset, but it did mean that he was more so worried abt his siblings than himself or his dads. Ena was mostly just confused and frustrated, especially since it caused her mom to become a lot more emotionally distant, when before the two had a very solid routine that they followed. Yukina was probably the most actively upset by this, as while she was ultimately a Minato kid, she did love both of her dads so seeing this all happen was devastating to her.
When it came time for deciding which parents to live with, Ena was quick to choose Shinonome dad for obvious reasons, and Akito was also fairly quick to choose Shinonome dad mostly because of him kind of blaming Minato dad for all of this in his head, and Yukina ended up in split custody, staying at the Shinonome house over the weekends. Their mom of course ended up sticking with Shinonome dad for the most part, although she made attempts to visit the Minatos every now and then.
Speaking of their mom, she's a lil silly. A lil goofy even. She's also mexican because I said so. Anyways, she's been dealing with depression for years now, initially because of her being separated from most of her family who she used to spend most of her time with, but the whole divorce situation only made it worse. She's still generally friendly and tries to be a good mom (if not a bit too teasing sometimes) but is notably emotionally distant from them, with her passivity in particular getting to all three of them at times.
Before all of that like I mentioned, she and Ena used to spend a lot more time together regularly when Ena was a kid, mostly made up of spanish lessons as her mom rly wanted to teach them all for a while (although Ena was the only one who was taught frequently enough to be able to talk semi legibly) and even now she will still occasionally jumpscare them with random quizzes abt stuff that most of them don't remember an ounce of.
While Ena is the only one who can talk normally in spanish of the three, Yukina actually still speaks quite a bit of very broken spanish in the Shinonome house. This is because well, without going into too much detail, Shinonome dad didn't want her to end up like her dad and that sparked a huge rift between the two and lead to Yukina becoming a lot more anxious and secretive while at the Shinonome home. This is also part of what pushed her to going in so deep on the professionalism face, and heavily contributed to her pushing Lisa away as her standards started getting higher and higher. Also she and Akito share a room over the weekends, although usually Yukina doesn't stay in the house much. This doesn't stop Akito from having to deal with the candy wrappers and other trash Yukina brings with her everywhere she goes though, and it drives him mad lol.
Also Akito and Lisa have a funny dynamic in my head, with Akito remembering Lisa quite bitterly as a kid who was always stealing away Yukina and being mean to him while Lisa looks back on him and is like oh yeah he was so fun Id love to catch up with him :3. Most of the rest of Roselia aren't particularly fond of him, except for Ako mostly because Akito is not immune to the little spoiled lil sister energies and is a pushover because of it.
Ok ok I need to go to bed soon but one last thing, I like to imagine that once Yukina chills out a bit with roselia that she attempts to bridge the gap between her and the other two by inviting them to some roselia shows, and Ena gets stuck bringing the rest of 25ji and Mizuki gets to have a blast with Lisa hearing abt all of the baby stories that Ena has withheld from them, and Ena gets to be caught off guard by hearing Yukina talk in japanese, because she's been spending the past several years only hearing Yukina speak broken spanish, so hearing her actually saying things that aren't just hey weres the ibuprofen again is very weird to her
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donutloverxo · 3 years
Good little girl
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*gif is not mine*
Note - Requested by @holacia2 and a part two to good little wife. And special thanks to @gotnofucks for all her help! I'm so overwhelmed with all the love that fic got I hope y'all like this little follow up as well❤❤
Dividers by @firefly-graphics.
Summary - Married life isn't always easy. Will you be able to solve your problems?
Warnings - 18+ only explicit sexual content, younger woman/older man, daddy kink, soft dark!Andy, SO MUCH MISOGYNY, housewife kink, innocence kink, (accusations of) cheating, arranged/forced marriage, spanking, possessive Andy.
Pairing - Mob!Andy Barber x reader
Word count - 4.9k
Masterlist is linked in the bio and the pinned post!
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You handed your mother the brownies you had baked, she thanked you, telling you how it was so unnecessary, before Andy placed the wine you had gotten on the way over on the kitchen counter.
“Why don’t you go keep your father in law company, Andrew?” your mom told him. He only nodded before making way to his boss.
“So? How are things going with him?” she asked. “You are positively glowing honey! Do you have any good news yet?”
“Mom!” you gasped.
Over the past seven months you had only seen your mother a handful of times. You were still a bit upset with her for marrying you off to an older man you barely knew, a man who you thought despised you so much he refused to even touch you.
You knew she didn’t really have a say in it. Your father never really valued her opinion, there was no way she would’ve been able to stop it but she hadn’t even so much as tried.
“No, I don’t. And I won’t any time soon,” you huffed.
While being a mother was something you’d like to experience someday, you didn’t know if you were quite ready for it yet. Which was good because Andy didn’t want kids for the next few years either, he had taken you to a doctor to get you on birth control as soon as the holidays were over.
He stated that he wasn’t ready to share you just yet. That he wasn’t sure he wants his kids to be a part of the mob, which you didn’t want either.
“Oh, but you have to, cookie. I need a distraction. Being a mom is all I’ve ever known and ever since you left the house has been so empty.”
“Well, what about daddy?” you frowned. He had never really liked spending time with your siblings or your mother, but to leave her be on her own like that.
“He’s always with Charlotte,” she rolled her eyes. “I would’ve been fine with it, he’s always been like that, can’t expect him to change now, but he brought her here, now, to a family dinner.” She sighed in resignation.
You had heard a familiar high pitched annoying laugh upon coming home, but you thought that to be one of your brothers floozies.
Charlotte, or Cherry, used to be a good friend of yours in college. Before you brought her home for the holidays of your freshman year and she decided to shack up with your married father, who was almost thrice her age. You lost touch with her after that.
“I’m telling you, honey, a kid is a good way of securing your marriage and starting a family. You are young now... but you will grow old someday. Andrew’s a good man... but he is still a man at the end of the day.”
You scoffed at that, “I won’t have you talking that way about my husband! We are already a family, we’re in love each other and he’s nothing like dad.”
She gave you a teary smile, “Young love--is just so innocent and beautiful. You always see the best in people, cookie. I hope I’m wrong about this. Any man would be an idiot to not appreciate you.”
“Andy does appreciate me. And take good care of me, ma...” you trailed off.
He did take good care of you. After the night you consummated your marriage he brought you breakfast in bed. He hadn’t kept his hands off of you for the past few weeks, doting on you any chance he could get, telling you he loved you every chance he got.
But you wondered... did he love you?
The kind of love you’d only ever read about in classical novels. The kind of love you’d dreamt of having ever since you could remember, the kind you thought you once had with someone, but didn’t. You didn’t love Alex the way you love Andy. You were in love with the idea of Alex. You knew Andy now. You knew how kind, passionate and fierce he was, your love for him consumed every single part of you. Where you would literally die for him.
But did he love you for you. Or was he just lonely because it was Christmas. You had avoided taking the tree and the decorations down, begging him, even dropping to your knees and making love to him with your mouth, you didn’t know much but Cherry had taught you that you could get men to do anything for you just by kneeling before them.
While he was very obviously pleased with your passion, returning the favor tenfold, till your thighs burned from his bread and you were shouting for him to stop, he still took the decorations down. He said he wanted to start anew this year. He made a resolution to be the best husband he could.
But you were going to protect your heart this time, hope for the best but still prepare for the worst.
Unfortunately, you had been seated next to Cherry. You found out that your father was living with her now and that while she had hoped he’d leave his wife for her there, but apparently there was no such luck.
“They never leave their wives do they,” she shook her head. “Oh I’m sorry! I shouldn’t be saying these things to you...”
“Its alright,” you shrugged. It would be hard to see your mother be unhappy but there was never any love between your parents. Your mother had learned to live without him and find happiness in other things, and other people, she was just a bit more sneaky about it.
“Well...” you hesitated “how do you keep a man?”
“What kind of question is that?” she giggled. “There are many ways to keep a man but you’ll have to be a bit more specific...”
You ended up changing the subject. The kind of questions you wanted to ask were not suitable for the dinner table, and you didn’t like the way Andy was staring daggers at the pair of you, almost displeased with the two of you chatting.
You smiled at him from the passenger seat when he put his hand on your knee, giving it a light squeeze. He had been quite the whole ride home so you decided to speak first.
“Can’t believe Cherry’s like my... step mom.” You laughed out loud at such a ridiculous notion.
“Step mom?” he furrowed his brows, turning his head to look at you.
“Oh I’m just joking,” you waved him off. “Dad would never leave my ma. He’ll move on to another one soon enough.”
He hummed, nodding, “Alright. I was just worried she was troubling you at dinner.”
“What would you have done if she was? Would you swop in like a knight in shining armor and save me from the big meanie?”
“You know I would,” he smiled.
You had asked for a piggy back ride from Andy from the garage to your home, he rolled his eyes and tried to say no but then gave in when you used your princess eyes on him.
He placed you on top of your bed, kissing the tip of your nose, he started unbuttoning his shirt to get ready for bed.
“Andy... um... Daddy?” you corrected yourself instantly.
He liked you addressing him as that whenever you both were alone, he had warned you that you would receive a punishment if you ever failed to comply.
You didn’t know what his punishment would be and you didn’t plan on finding out anytime soon. You’d withhold all affection from him if he ever dared take away the platinum card from you, or lower your allowance as your father had told him to at the dinner, ‘to tame you' supposedly.
But that wasn’t a very good plan... what if he just looked for love elsewhere.
“What is it, honey?” he asked.
“Um... do you think... you would ever take a mistress?” you gulped and prepared yourself for his answer.
“I wouldn’t...” you sighed in relief, “one woman is enough trouble.” he said flatly.
“Daddy!!” you whined, stomping your foot on the floor and folding your hands over your chest.
And he had the audacity to laugh. His laughter at your expense only fuelled your anger. “Do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?”
He finally stopped laughing, “Look at you being a big girl,” he tried to pinch your cheek but you swatted his hand away. “You don’t wanna be daddy’s little girl anymore?” he pouted.
“No... no I do!” you answered all too eager. “I’m sorry...”
“I’m sorry too, honey. I shouldn’t be making fun of you.”
“No, you shouldn’t,” you hugged his hard stomach, rubbing your cheek against his undershirt. “It’s mean, and you promised not to be mean to me.”
“I was just teasing,” he cooed, stroking your hair. And while you knew that and secretly enjoyed it even, you still wanted a serious answer out of him.
“I intend to keep my vows forever. There is just no way I could ever want anyone who’s not you.”
“Really?” you propped your chin on his abdomen, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Um... I’m here to see Andy,” you told the lady sitting outside of, what you had been told was Andy’s office, you assumed her to be his secretary Erica.
You always packed a lunchbox for Andy, always remembering to leave a sweet note for him and he would always call you to thank you for it. You also made sure to have dinner ready before he got home on the nights he wasn’t taking you out on the town. It was just your duty as a good wife.
But Andy had been working way too much the past couple of weeks. Where he would be gone before you wake up and be back when you were already in bed. You knew his job was demanding, working for your father and being a partner in a law firm, the job was like a mistress, stealing your man away...
So you simply decided to make his favorite, food pack it up and come to him to eat it together.
“Mrs Barber! It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you,” she gave you a toothy smile, shaking your hand.
You would’ve been happy, elated that Andy talks so much about you at work. If you hadn’t smelled her perfume. So familiar... you couldn’t quite place it at first but then you remembered.
The night you had slaved away, hoping to profess your love to your husband, when he had rejected you and smelled of chanel.
“That’s a nice scent...” you wondered out loud.
“Oh thank you! I love it as well,” she said, taking in a whiff of the inside of her wrist. “It’s the new chanel one!”
You almost didn’t hear Andy calling for you. “What a nice surprise.” He kissed your cheek.
You set the food before him, thinking of telling him what was on your mind.
Was he really so cliché to have an affair with his secretary?
Could you really blame him though? Although you had been married for almost seven months, you were strangers living under the same roof for the majority of them. He wasn’t really cheating... but what if he was still doing it?
“Honey,” he shook you to get your attention. “What’s up with you today? I have a meeting in a few minutes.”
“You’re always working.” You complained.
“Well...” he grinned, grabbing at your thighs and pulling you on his lap, “I have to. If I had the choice I would never come into work, I would stay home forever, between your legs, right... here,” he snaked a hand up your leg and stroked the inside of your thigh. “You would like that wouldn’t you?”
You nodded, “I’ve been so lonely without you.”
He hummed, biting the shell of your ear before speaking into it, “I know, honey. I miss you too. But you do still remember the number one rule right?”
“Yes, daddy. Never touch myself without your permission.”
“And why is that?”
You whined, to embarrassed to say the words, “Because... it’s your... pussy.” You replied in a small shy voice.
“That’s right, sweetheart. It’s mine to do whatever I want with,” he cupped your mould, just to demonstrate what he meant but then frowned when he felt your soft curls and wet slick against his palm.
“You’re not wearing any panties, sweetheart.” He noted, surprised to your boldness.
“Um... I must’ve forgot.”
So maybe you had ulterior motives behind coming here. Your body was used to be doted on everyday now, and to not have his touch for so long was agonising. You had hoped to maybe bend down to pick up a napkin that fell ever so conveniently and flash him, it would work, he would be driven mad.
“Forgot huh?” You nodded in reply as he gathered your slick in his fingers, tracing your labia with them. “That’s too bad, If you had left them on purpose I would’ve cancelled my meeting and fucked you right here. But since it was just an innocent mistake I wouldn’t do that,” he retreated his hand, placing a soft kiss on your hair. “Thanks for lunch.”
You were determined to prove your worth to Andy. If he did have a mistress, whether it be his secretary or any other woman, he would forget all about her when he saw how you could do everything for him.
You had went all out today, baking a pie and a four course meal from scratch, lighting up candles, the pink babydoll that Andy had gifted you was under your dress.
He was as always exhausted when he got home, his face visibly lighting up upon seeing you, you took his hand in yours taking him to the couch and making him a glass of whiskey, you handed it to him before kneeling on the soft rug.
“You work so hard, daddy,” you murmured as your fingers worked on unzipping his pants.
He looked at you in confusion, shaking his head, “You don’t have to do that, honey,” cupping your cheek in his plan, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb.
“But I want to make you feel good,” you blinked at him.
He groaned, unable to say no when you looked so willing to please him, but at the same time he wanted to do more with you. To cuddle and watch a movie and talk, it felt as if he hadn’t in ages.
“Very well,” he nodded.
With the green signal from him, you licked your lips, tasting some of your minty gloss, taking his length out of the confines of his underwear, you took a minute to simply marvel at the sheer size and beauty of it.
You licked a stripe up the underside of it, suckling at the crown, you remembered that he liked that the best, at least from the way he twisted his hand in your hair, pulling at it till it caused a slight burn to your scalp.
You slurped his precum up before he pushed his hips up till his tip hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag around him, didn’t take him long to come down your throat.
His neck and cheek covered in a crimson blush, his chest heaving as he threw his head back against the couch.
“You did good, honey...” he rasped. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
He absolutely loved the dinner you had made for him. But when you subtly, because you were raised to be a good lady and wife, tried to coax him to make love to you before bed, he.... rejected you.
Sure, he was kind about it. He told you he was simply tired and would make it up to you. But it was still shocking how a man as insatiable as him would ever say no. You truly didn’t know what to make of it.
“Oh... I don’t know about this... it’s a bit too bold for me,” you bit your lip.
“Just try it on! You might end up liking it!” Cherry urged you, putting the bright red lipstick on you without waiting for an answer, “There is nothing more classic than a red lip. Or a red anything. Men go crazy for it.” She told you.
You simply hummed through closed lips as she put some finishing touches on it. “Doesn’t that look nice?” she asked, holding up a mirror before you.
You smiled, it did look different. Maybe different was what you needed. “It’s very pretty. It makes me feel... confident?” Which was strange. Because how could a simple lipstick make you feel confident?
“See! I told you. Confidence is the key to sexiness. Now, let’s talk lingerie.”
“Honey, I’ve been waiting for over fifteen minutes,” you heard Andy call out to you from the bedroom.
“Just a minute,” you said, perfecting your edges with a lip brush.
This was something you had never done before. You wore a lot of lingerie for Andy, but most of them were cute pastels or white nighties or babydolls. Nothing like what you were wearing right now...
A sheer black lacy body suit that clung to your body, leaving literally nothing to the imagination.
Top that off with your red lip... you looked like some kind of dominatrix. Cherry told you that most men secretly wish to be dominated. Although you highly doubted your daddy would want anything like that. Or would he?
“Alright, I’m coming out,” you announced, before shyly stepping out, your eyes trained on the floor as you twiddled with your fingers to maybe distract you from your nerves. “What do you think?”
He was speechless. His jaw almost dropping on the floor when he saw you like that. So far from his sweet girl. You were just as much beautiful and sexy, and while it wasn’t something he was used or prefer to he would welcome it if it was what you wanted.
He extended an arm to you, ready to tell you that you were sexy, that he wanted to spend hours worshipping every inch of your body, that he wanted his cock stained the shade of red you wore on your lips, that he was ready to make up for being away for weeks.
Until he saw... that.
He lowly growled your name, making your head snap up to look at him, “What did you do to your pussy?” Because from what he could see, through the sheer material, there was nothing where your pubic hair used to be.
“Uh... I uh... waxed it...” From the tone of his voice you could tell that he wasn’t too happy about it. “Do you not like it?”
“Like?” he scoffed, shaking his head. Taking a seat on the bedding, “C'mere, let me take a closer look.”
Hesitantly, you walked the few strides it took till you were standing before him.
He studied your mould, trying to take the fabric off so he could see it more properly and then tutting when he couldn’t even open the stupid thing.
“Wait, it um... opens here I think,” you interrupted his scrutiny, undoing the zipper that was on your side and taking the suit off of you.
He sighed in resignation when he saw what you had done, making you regret your ever spending so much money and going through all that pain.
He parted your lips apart, running his fingers along your vulva, acquainting himself with this new strange feel of you, “When did do this?” his blue eyes looked up at you.
“Just a couple of days ago. It’s just hair... it’ll grow back in like three weeks.”
“Three weeks?” he scoffed.
You could feel your eyes getting misty. You tried to go all out for him, to please him, be completely naked and vulnerable before him, only to have him get angry at you.
“You don’t like it,” you sniffled.
His furrowed brow softened when he saw you crying, pulling you down till you were straddling his lap, “The question isn’t whether I like it or not,” he explained, his thumb wiping your wet cheeks, “I could... maybe live with it. But I wouldn’t prefer it.”
“Okay,” you nodded.
“But for you to have done this,” he touched your newly waxed skin and almost winced at the smoothness, “You must’ve let someone else see you naked. See what belongs to me.”
“Bu - but they were all women...” you stammered, squirming in his lap as his fingers toyed with your clit.
“It doesn’t matter,” he tutted, pushing two fingers inside you, “Only I get to see you. This is MY pussy. Only I get to decide what to do with it. Do you understand?”
You nodded, holding onto his tshirt as he twisted his fingers inside you. “So-sorry, daddy.”
“No, honey, since you were bad you don’t get to call me daddy. For tonight you will address me as sir. And of course you’ll have to be punished.”
“Punished?” you pouted. “Can’t you just let me go since it was my first strike? I’ll be good from now on I promise!”
“No, you have to learn your lesson. Come on,” you yelped as he manhandled you so you were face down across his lap, “What is your safe word?”
“Unicorns” you giggled. You thought you were so witty for coming up with it. Since he for some reason was jealous of your unicorn stuffie.
He hummed, stroking the soft skin of your butt, “How does twenty sound?”
Your eyes went wide as you gasped, looking at him over your shoulder, “No!” you said.
He didn’t really plan on spanking you... did he? He liked swatting your ass here and there, and truth be told you liked it too. But you had never been spanked or even hit as a punishment.
“Well, if not this then maybe we can make you go a week without cumming.”
Your gasp was louder and even more incredulous this time. You could most definitely take twenty swats, but just the thought of not being able to finish, after knowing what an orgasm with Andy feels like, made you shiver.
“You will count each one, and then thank me for it. You are grateful I’m teaching you, aren’t you?”
“Yes, sir,” you nodded.
“Do you know how to count to twenty? Or would I have to teach you that too?” he asked ever so condescendingly as you huffed.
“Of course I do! I was just two semesters away from graduating college!” Never mind that you learned that in kindergarten.
“That’s good. Are you ready?” he asked, cracking his knuckles as he got in position.
With a nod from you he delivered the first slap to your right buttcheek, the sound of it reverberating in the room, his palm stinging slightly as he stroked the skin he had just punished, it was already warmer.
“One, sir. Thank you, sir,” you held onto a moan, it wasn’t half as bad as you thought it would be...
You jerked forward as he unceremoniously hit your other cheek, since you were unprepared for it, and he was much more brutal.
“Tw-two, sir,” you sniffled.
You considered throwing in the towel and saying your safe word by the time fifteen rolled around. Your behind was on fire, while you couldn’t see it, you just knew it was bruised. But you wanted to be good for Andy and it was wrong of you to do something that drastic without his permission.
“Sixteen...” you hiccupped. You could feel your slick running down your thighs but at this point... you just couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Do you want a break?” he asked, taking pity on you.
You nodded frantically, “Yes please! Can you... can you touch me? Down there?” Since the pain in your throbbing pussy was unbearable. If you didn’t receive any attention, you might actually burst.
“Down where? Here?” He had the audacity to play down, while you were suffering, and touch the back of your knee to patronise you.
“No!” you whined.
“Well then you’ll have to be a bit more specific, princess.”
“In my... between my legs... my pussy...”
“Are you sure you deserve it though?” he asked.
You thought about it for a moment, before coming to the conclusion that, “No I don’t. Not until I finish my punishment.”
“That’s a good girl,” he praised, his hand massaging your raw ass as your heart swelled in pride.
“Nineteen, sir,” your mind was hazy. It didn’t even feel as if you were in your reality anymore... it was as if you were floating, while you could still hear and feel him spanking you, for some reason it wasn’t as painful anymore.
“The last one, doll, hang in there,” he said before delivering the last swat.
You whimpered, “Twenty, thank you, sir,” willing your nose with the back of your hand.
Andy collected your weak form in his big string arms, rocking you back and forth in his lap as he kept whispering soft praises in your hair, “My sweet beautiful doll,” he pecked you on your lips.
“Sorry about your pants, daddy...” you said when you realised what a wet mess you had made on him.
He shushed you, “Don’t you worry about that right now. Do you want to take a bath?”
You pouted, your red lip jutting out, “No.”
He chuckled, kissing your forehead, “Do you want daddy to fuck you?”
“Yes,” you nodded.
“We have to be careful about your butt, baby,” he said as he gently placed you on the mattress.
Your head on your pillow, besides your two most trusted stuffies--your unicorn and teddy. Andy only allowed you two in the bed after complaining they made it hard for him to cuddle you. You demanded he buy you a shelf to display them or you would go back to your old room. Which of course made him comply instantly.
You made grabby hands at him, impatient to have him closer to you, but then were glad he took the time to take off his tshirt so you could ogle the wide expanse of his chest, the light scattering of fuzzy hair over it, his numerous tattoos along with one of your name, which marked him as yours forever.
He took a hardened nipple in his mouth while his hand tweaked the other, nudging your legs apart to make room for him, he placed his length at your entrance.
Slowly pushing into you, letting you get accustomed to the size of him. Although your pussy was always so welcoming to him, he knew you often struggled to take him.
You whimpered at him, tears rolling off of your face. “What’s wrong, honey? Does it hurt?”
“No... it’s just so good,” you sniffled.
“Okay, just hold on,” you held onto his shoulders as he slowly fucked in to you.
Your pussy clamping around his length, the soles of your feet digging into his ass, “Can I come, daddy?”
“Of course, baby. You earned it.” He groaned, his hips hammering against yours as you bit his neck, letting out a muffled scream.
You hummed against his neck when you felt his warm release fill you up, he pulled out of you, frowning when he looked at your naked and hairless pussy, dripping with his cum.
“From now on I’ll be picking out your clothes,” he stated, rolling off of you and pulling you into his arms.
“Okay, daddy,” you hummed.
“And no more surprise bikini waxes.”
“Mmm...” If that’s what you had to do to get in trouble and be punished, then so be it. “We’ll see.”
Three days later
“Lotion time, doll,” Andy said, pausing the movie you were both watching to go get said lotion.
He had rubbed your lotion on your backside when he spanked you and decided that he wanted to be the one putting your body lotion on you from now on since he had too much fun doing it. He insisted on doing it twice everyday since it was still very cold.
You followed him to the bedroom, lying face down on the bed a he squeezed some on his palms, rubbing them together to warm them up.
You winced just a little, your skin still a bit sensitive, you even had to sit on a pillow the time.
“Will you be going back to work tomorrow?” you wanted to know.
He didn’t like the sadness in your voice, “Yes,” he sighed. He hated leaving you all by yourself.
“I’ll be all alone then.”
“Didn’t you want to go back to college?” He remembered you telling him that your parents forced you to drop out so that you would marry him.
“I do actually. Hate leaving things incomplete... maybe I can even go to a law school and become a lawyer like you!” you perked up.
“You’re not working for your father though, you’re too good for that world.”
“You’re too good for him too.” You said. “Maybe I can work with you.” And you and him could be like a power couple. It would be so exciting.
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darkskyatnight · 2 years
Creative stuff!
Daisy found Tandy out in the Playground’s corridor one day. “You good kiddo?” She asked, the dagger mistress curled up on the floor. For a moment Daisy’s heart pounded, thinking her mentee was in trouble, or sick, but the girl was simply sat thinking. Tandy shrugged. “Just a little homesick.”
Daisy sighed, a sad smile on her face as she slid down next to her. “Yeah I got you. Years ago now, I lost my boyfriend, Lincoln. I went AWOL the following months, and God if I didn’t miss this family. I was hurting, and grieving.”
Tandy looked up at her mentor. She was only eighteen, had the whole world ahead of her, and Daisy seemed to have her shit together. “There was a time I thought I’d lost Ty. During D’Spayre’s rampage, in a dream world he shot Ty, and the sound his body made hitting the ground.. I thought I’d never live again, you know?” She leaned her head against the brick wall, not minding how uncomfortable it made her.
Daisy thought about what Tandy had told her about those times, leaning into her protege and wrapping an arm around her. “I know kiddo.. When Lincoln died, I had been brainwashed by Hive just a few days earlier. It was like coming down from a drug addiction, and losing him at the same time-“
“Yeah I know all about drugs,” Tandy scoffed, and Daisy didn’t mind the interruption so much, that she’d never been told. Daisy had tried some kush when she was a teenager too, but to find out someone as young as Tandy had, it felt like horror. “Can you tell me?” She asked softly. Tandy shrugged, “What’s to tell?” Daisy smiled back, fishing a picture out of her pocket, her husband and wife hugging her in the picture.
“When Fitz, Jemma and I were first at the Academy, I went to a party without them. Got doped up on some pre-ICER type shit, knocked me out. Fitz, uh, he found me at the bottom of our dorm staircase in my jeans and bra, knocked outta my head and feared the worst.” Tandy looked up at Daisy at that, frowning. “What happened?”
“I’d dehydrated myself pretty bad, so Jemma took me to the infirmary, and had them stick a fluid IV in me, got some food down my throat and I was right as rain. Taught me a lesson in moderation though.” Daisy admitted, the picture of her in a medical gown looking very put-out with Fitz and Simmons either side of her bed. Tandy giggled softly at it. She sniffled, scooching a little closer to Daisy.
“My bio mom wasn’t the best of people. After Dad died Roxxon stole our family’s funds, and we ended up living in a trailer park. Brigid found me when I was 16, after I was almost, um-“ She gestured vaguely to her lower area, and Daisy understood in that moment, feeling ever more protective over the young lady. “Yeah, she sort of became my second mom, really. She may not have had me, but she feels that way to me. Mayhem too, if we’re counting her.” Brigid’s alter was freaky in every sense of the word, but there was no doubting she cared for Tandy.
“When Ty and I got into an argument before the Roxxon Debacle, I regressed. Huffed an entire three lines when my.. ex? Stole the money I’d saved up to run outta town.” Tandy said, running through everything in her mind. “I was cold, shivery, all sorts of screwed-up bitch. But Ty stuck it out with me even when I was going cold-turkey, and I love him for that.” She was still afraid to admit it to his face, that would make it real, and it would mean if she truly ever lost him, she’d shatter.
“That kid loves you too, you know that?” Daisy asked softly, Tandy nodding slowly as a tear trailed down her cheek. “Yeah.. that’s what terrifies me.” Daisy sat in silence with her for a few moments before Tandy tilted her head towards the older woman. “So, what’s it like? Parenting, I mean.”
Daisy laughed, ruffling Tandy’s hair. “Shit’s scary. I love Alya, but there’s always the sense I’ll screw up with her. I’m her Mama, you know, Jemma’s her Mummy, I just- Jem’s the better role model out of the both of us, I’m just a hacker who’s crossed so many lines it may as well be a black and white blur.”
“And a superhero,” Tandy reminded her, “That’s gotta make you ten times cooler to her,” She told her mentor, Daisy glowing with pride. “You think so?”
“I know so. If I’d have had you out there when I was a kid, I think I would’ve held myself to your standards too. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re a great mom. Little Ali takes after you a lot, even in the May Stare.” Daisy was particularly proud of being able to emulate her mother’s famous glare now, it seemed to make her so much more formidable, and heaven help anyone who crossed the Fitzsimmons-Coulson family.
“Thanks T. Come on, sparring’s in ten, and Mom will kick our asses if we’re late.” Tandy yelped as she was pulled upwards, her daggers of light already flowing down her veins and into her hands as she ran towards the gym at Daisy’s heels. “Last one there cleans the bunks for a month!” She betted, and Daisy crowed. “Oh, it’s on kiddo!”
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
The Wayne Twins
Just woke up from a 3 hour nap and decided to make some tea when another story concept came to me.
I’ve always been down for bio!dad bruce, hell, I’ve been writing content for it (and even holding an event for it), but!
What if... Bio!dad Bruce AND Bio!mom Talia, meaning... TWIN AU (although Talia isn’t exactly the best mom here either :D)
So basically, Marinette is brought up the same way as Damian, but instead of a sword, she’s an expert at using a rope dart
Her rope dart is black with a single red feather, a sliver dart at the end
However, while Damian is taken to Bruce, Marinette isn’t. Instead she remains with Talia
She’s taught about the miraculous, that she is to investigate the whereabouts of it and to retrieve it
Marinette accepts the mission and wanders the world to look for it
3 years pass, Talia yet to receive any news about Marinette, wondering if she also betrayed her like Damian had. It had been a year since her last report
Turns out, Marinette was still on her mission, but hadn’t been able to contact her mother about her progress on it. She had a lead that told her that the miraculouses were somewhere in France
Marinette had almost been caught by the French government when she tried to cross the border, but still managed to get by.
Now using a fake identity, Marinette got an apartment and school documents to ease her mission
Now it was a matter of time to find it
Now, at this time, Damian was more open towards Bruce, finally dropping the last piece of information Bruce needed to know
“Father, there’s something I need to tell you.” He hesitates when Bruce remained silent. “I have a sister.”
“As in-”
“No, not older.” Damian digs through his pocket, having a picture to show him. Single photo he has of the two of them. “My twin.”
Ensue Bruce losing his shit because why is he finding out about his other child through his own? Why didn’t Talia tell him about Marinette?
Ensue the hint for Mari, taking a year to track her down at Paris since Damian didn’t know of her whereabouts for 3 years and Talia wasn’t giving out any info about Mari
Once they do find Marinette, she’s managed to find and have the Ladybug miraculous in possession, despite Fu’s gut telling him it was a bad idea, but gave it to mari because Wayzz said she was the perfect candidate
However, Mari has been conflicted on whether to give it to her mother, her principles being tested.
Also, something like this happens
It had been a walk home, after fighting an akuma and once more giving Adri-Chat Noir the cold shoulder that she feels like she’s being followed
She quickly whips out her rope dart, tying up the stalker, only to find Damian before her
“Damian. What...what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be with your father?”
“He’s our father.” Damian emphasizes, not untying himself at all
At that Mari purses her lips, quickly setting Damian free, but doesn’t run up to him even though she wanted to. After all, Damian was the only person she considered family. She resented their mother and grandfather
“You still havent answered my question. What are you doing here?”
“I want you to meet father.”
“No.” Mari growls, her rope ready to attack if she hand to. “He’s not my father.”
“Whether you don’t consider him to be or not, he is by blood.”
“No he isn’t!” She attacks, leading to the two fighting, although Damian mainly dodges or has to free himself from multiple captures. “You’ve gone soft. Mother would be disappointed.”
“Like you’re one to talk.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Shouldn’t you have reported to her already?” Marinette loosens her grip on her dart, allowing Damian to take advantage and knock her out.
She wakes up at her apartment, where she’s face-to-face with Bruce
“Marinette, meet our Father.” “Father, meet Marinette, my sister... your daughter.”
Bruce remains still, observing the girl, wondering why Talia never told him about their little girl 
Bruce attempts to talk to her, but she breaks out of the apartment, once more fleeing from them
Bruce attempts to go after her, but Damian doesn’t let him
“She’ll keep doing that until she wants to face you. I may not know what she’s been doing for the past three years, but I did grow up by her side for 10.”
Marinette looks for a new apartment and tells her mother about the situation at hand, Talia reassuring her everything is going to be fine and to just focus at the mission at hand
Some time passes and the opportunity finally happens. She’s appointed guardian. 
“Mother, I finally know where the miraculous are.”
“Good. Once you have them in your possession, we’ll finally have the ability to complete the League’s goal.”
While Marinette is happy that her mission is almost over, she doesn’t want to hand them over to her mother, something beckoned her to not do it
If living in Paris taught her one thing, it was that she had the power to change
her classmates had shown her kindness despite her cold demeanor, the bakers around the block showed her love and warmth, treating her like family whenever she dropped by
Her coldness melted around these people, even around the Lila girl that got under her skin. While she didn’t like Lila for attempting to frame her for her mistakes, she certainly did like her for her story telling. She should consider being a director or writer.
She knew that she can change, that she didn’t have to suffer from Talia’s rules anymore if she didn’t return
For Talia never truly loved her... she was a mere tool to her...
“She can’t have you.” Marinette muttered to herself, looking at the kwamis with sadness “She’ll abuse you. She’ll hurt you...just like she did to me...and Damian.”
While away from Talia, Marinette had learned more about herself, learned that she liked to sew, that she loved parkour and acrobatics
She learned these, because she was away from Talia, from her controlling mother
A month passed, Marinette now in Gotham, realizing that if she wanted to escape Talia, she was going to need help.
As soon as she stepped into Gotham, she already found it.
She had carelessly let her guard down, surrounded by thugs when Nightwing had fended them off
“You shouldn’t be out here at this ti-”
“I need to speak to Batman.” 
“And why’s-”
“Let me speak to Bruce.”
“Hold on a sec, how-”
“He’s my father and Damian’s my brother.” Marinette cut to the chase. “I need their help.”
Dick nods and brings Marinette to the batcave, where Marinette rushes to hug Damian, which confuses the hell out of Tim and Jason
Upon seeing Bruce, Marinette awkwardly hugs him, apologizing for the mess their first encounter was
Bruce hugs her tighter, happy that Marinette finally acknowledged their relationship
“So why are you here?” Jason asks, Marinette telling them about her situation, explaining to them her plan (don’t know if I should make her show them the kwamis or not...)
They agree to help
Talia ends up dropping in the next day, much to the family’s surprise (although they already had everything in motion)
Talia ends up dodging the other bats, chasing Mari and cornering her in a room, Marinette telling them that she can handle it, much to Damian’s worry
“Marinette, come now. Hand them over.”
“I won’t.” Marinette defends, looking at the miracle box in hand. “I will never give them to you!” 
Talia rages, beginning to tell marinette how soft she had grown, that she was throwing her opportunity of a life time, that she was stupid for casting aside her right to the ‘throne’
“No I am not! While I’m not the prodigy like Damian, nor am I strong like my father, nor as cunning as you, I know one thing! I’m happier than I’ve ever been since I left the League and I want to continue to be that way!” Marinette yelled, slipping on the Cat Miraculous, shouting catacylsm, holding the miracle box with her other hand
“What do you think you are doing?”
“Something that all the previous guardians should’ve done.” With a shit-eating grin, Mari destroys the box, Talia screaming
Talia gets taken down by Bruce although she ends up escaping and retreating
Marinette finally feels a giant weight off of her, collapsing to the floor
Of course, the plan still isn’t dont
Marinette brings back the Miracle Box (gave Dick the earrings to hold...other rather wear. She changed the earrings to be magnetic) and vows to protect them with her life
“So that’s it, isn’t it?” Damian says, sitting next to her. “What’s next?”
“Why don’t you stay here?” Damian offers, Marinette taken aback. “I know you have nowhere else, so why not just...stay with us?”
Marinette looks at the rest of the family, looking at the bruises and cuts on their faces, smiling back at her. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Marinette begins to cry, Damian simply sitting there as she cries.
Her wish was finally granted. She can finally have a warm, kind place to call home.
Tags: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life
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dabinws · 3 years
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〈   🍌   ○   𝔬𝔬𝔠.   〉 ————   hiiiiieeeee !!!!! wow, i’m so excited to be here !! i’m duckie & this is my first venture into a group rp in awhile, so please be patient with me as i settle into things. anyway i’m here to introduce you to my little sailor moon child, park dabin aka the newfound love of my life ?? below the cut you’ll find a tl;dr version of her bio & stuff like that, & if you’re interested in plotting with her, give some love [ ❤︎ ] to this post & i’ll contact you asap !!
*  ( 001 )   ————   dabin grew up with a musical father & a more practical & rigid mother. obviously the two of them didn’t last in their relationship, but they were great at coparenting her. from an early age, she bonded with her dad & his side of the family due to a shared love of music. her dad taught her to play the guitar & supported her in her endeavors, but her mom didn’t have the same warm reaction. she would’ve preferred if her daughter were to become a nurse or a physician. this, unfortunately, caused them to butt —— heads a lot in her adolescence. the two of them didn’t get along & sadly still don’t.
*  ( 002 )   ————   she grew up christian & was forced to attend services. she was okay with it due to her involvement in the choir. it’s where she grew a profound love for singing & performing. though, sometime during her high school years, her uncle had informed her of his involvement in an entertainment company, & with this news came an announcement for auditions for a new girl group, giving her a ❝ nudge ❞ to sign up for them. she did so behind her mother’s back & ditched school one morning to try out, & not long after, she was offered a trainee slot under wishbone records. being backed up by her dad & uncle, her mother begrudgingly allowed her to drop out of school & start training to be an idol.
*  ( 003 )   ————   word got around that she was related to one of the ceos, so she didn’t start off making a lot of friends at wishbone. some of the other trainees believed that she was receiving preferential treatment from the instructors & label heads, but she thought she was being held to a higher standard because of her relationship to ceo park. keeping to herself most of the time, she worked hard & drastically improved her vocals, thus earning her a spot in dandelion as their lead vocalist.
*  ( 004 )   ————   when ❝ around you ❞ came out, the public really wasn’t pleased with her inclusion in dandelion, so leading up to their debut, she’s been dealing with tons of online hate comments & accusations of favoritism. having experienced this first —— hand with some trainees at wishbone, she tries her best to just not care... & that makes people even angrier with her. they think she shows no remorse —— because she actually doesn’t feel any —— & find her to be spoiled & overconfident. she’s just pretty careless overall.
*  ( 005 )   ————   𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖞  /  i’d describe her as someone that’s a little whiney & lazy & oversensitive, but she’s also really loyal to her friends, a hopeless romantic, great at putting a smile on your face, & always ready to break her diet with you. some people find her lack of drive frustrating, & rightfully so, but she’s just... living her best life. she’s a total escapist, so it’s easy for her to enter her own little world whenever life gets hard to deal with. she’s kinda flighty & she’s a clumsy mess on —— stage, but she can light up a room & sing from her heart, so being an idol isn’t too farfetched for someone with her personality. i hope she grows over time into someone that takes herself & her life more seriously, but we’ll just have to see how that goes. she’s very much a wip !!!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 4 years
Princess of Atlantis
 Marinette has always been fully aware her father wasn’t fully human- or Tom. Her mom had met Arthur- her bio dad- on a trip to Hawaii. They’d had a whirlwind summer fling that ended with Sabine going back to China for her move to France unaware she was pregnant.
 When she discovered she was pregnant she’d contacted Arthur who had gone right to France to explain some things. Learning about the fact there was an entire world underwater? Was… interesting. Learning her daughter may be in danger because of her heritage?
 She was not happy. 
 Marinette was five when her uncle Orm attacked the surface and her father became King of Atlantis. When they’d learned he had a daughter on land they had all decided that she could not be heir given her only Atlantean abilities were breathing underwater. 
 Marinette, even at age five, had no issue with that. She did not want to rule Atlantis. She wanted to be a fashion designer. She said that to her dad when he’d broken the news. 
 “I’m going to also redesign your suit.”
 “It’s not-“
 “It’s ugly daddy.”
 She still was a princess though and had to sit in on lessons given to her by Mera, her father’s betrothed/girlfriend. Mera at least was fun. 
 She learned Atlantean design and etiquette. It was fun and enjoyable and she got to design her new step-mother’s wedding dress and her daddy’s suit for their wedding at age ten which she was thrilled about.
 Marinette grew up learning about her heritage from all sides of her family, her dad fIrm on the idea. She spent time in Hawaii with her grandfather, and later her grandmother, and time in Atlantis. She learned her Hawaiian heritage, her Chinese heritage and her Atlantean heritage from a young age.
 Children though can be cruel. Especially when afraid. A little girl with crazy wavy hair and the ability to swap between multiple languages is fun, but when a girl whose daddy has power and has taught her she can do no wrong decides she doesn’t like you… no one does.
 Marinette grew up being taunted for her differences. She saw how some people side-eyed her and her mother while walking around, how some Atlanteans sneered at her for her mostly human heritage, saw how some of the people on the islands seemed to hesitate around her. She tried to smile through it but…
 Well, in the end, it was easier to pretend. She was white-passing enough that all she needed to do was straighten her hair and stop speaking other languages.
 Her mother hated it. Her papa- Tom- did too. Her daddy did, her step-momma did. Her grandfather and grandmothers did. Kaldur, the boy who became her daddy’s apprentice and a big brother figure to her, hated it too.
 But she couldn’t keep going, couldn’t keep being taunted. So she plastered a smile on her face and pretended. And it worked- Chloe, the bully, backed off and she made some sort of friends. She even became a hero like her daddy and slowly gained actual friends. She got to make her own team like Kaldur, she got a partner she could count on, a mentor to help her out. She was happy.
 Or so she thought. 
 A liar came to school and things went all to hell. She lost everything. Her friends, her comfort she felt in her hero partner being there to help. Her team, her mentor…
 She was left holding a box full of power, tears in her eyes and a scream in her throat. She took off to Atlantis where she collapsed and sobbed into her step-momma’s dress and her daddy raged. 
 It was Kaldur who helped her.
 “Fuck them,” Kaldur told her. “They don’t deserve your tears.” He sat with her and wrapped his arms around her. “They weren’t friends. Friends don’t betray you like this. Friends stick with you even when things go to hell.” He kissed her forehead and promised to be there.
 And he was. He was there when she herself decided fuck it when she stopped straightening her hair and cut it into an undercut with one side framing her face. When she started wearing eyeliner- he even went and got some help from Nightwing for learning some dramatic ways to make her eyes pop.
 Kaldur helped her figure out how to find good people to fight with. Kagami, Luka- they were good fighters, good friends. They had her back. Luka got into fights with his sister about her and never back down. Kagami punched Adrien and told him how little she cared for him seeing how he never backed up his friend.
 Marinette started smiling again soon enough.
 “I hope Marinette doesn’t make this difficult,” Lila told Alya, pouting. “I know she has Italian heritage too but I’m fully Italian…”
 “Don’t worry girl, we’ll make sure Marinette doesn’t start anything,” Alya promised as they all sat in the classroom about to give their reports on their cultural heritage. The others nodded and all turned to the front just as Marinette walked in. She’d changed- everyone knew it. Gone was the kind girl… sort of. She was still kind, but she stopped looking like she used to her. Her hair was short, she wore dark make-up, and she dressed in loose and comfortable clothing that made her look badass honestly. She also apparently had tattoos but no one had believed it- until today when she came in with no sleeves and showing off her tattoos on her arms.
 “Oh god, where did she get those?” asked Juleka in shock. “They’re badass.”
 “Maybe they’re gang signs,” Lila said slyly, smirking as everyone began whispering about this new rumour.
 “Class,” Ms. Bustier- the woman had moved with them to lycee because Chloe had demanded her favourite teacher be moved with her- began. “Marinette will be going first on her report as she needs to leave for a family thing.”
 “What?” Alya asked. “But Lila’s the full Italian! Shouldn’t we learn about the culture from her?” everyone nodded. Marinette stared at them, face blank.
 “...Nino, you’ve known me since we were kids. You know Tom’s not my bio dad.” Marinette said and the class froze.
 “... Shit, I forgot.” Nino admitted while Marinette rolled her eyes hard. 
 “I figured. So no, I’m not doing Italian anyway.” She turned and began setting up her powerpoint, ignoring the class. Lila was angry. She had hoped to whine and cry that Marinette had stolen some of her points about her heritage or make some comment about Marinette obviously having stolen her report. Now she had to actually do it. “As everyone knows- and I did do a previous report on it- my mother is Chinese. What few others know is that my bio father is kānaka ʻōiwi, or Native Hawaiian as some know them as.” Marinette continued her report, showing off interesting legends about her father’s people and even speaking of her tattoos. “They were done in the traditional way and it really hurt but I think they’re pretty amazing. I don’t have much- just a few that my dad thought fit me.” Marinette grinned and everyone looked at each other feeling uncomfortable. When her report was done she left with a wave and a very awkward class.
 Not that she cared, she was busy focusing on the fact uncle fucking Orm wanted to see her. Orm- as in her weedy uncle who still hated all land walkers. And who looked like a dork and still wouldn’t take her advice about his hair.
 Walking up to the living room, she wanted to whine upon seeing him. He was looking annoyed while sitting on the couch.
 “What’s going on that I needed to ditch school?” she asked, feeling annoyed at seeing him. She had stopped wanting to do everything for everyone. She’d stopped trying to be a people pleaser. It was annoying and frustrating. Kaldur had taken her to meet Red Robin who was similar to her in that way and they’d both had a nice long bitch out about everything before they’d both decided to stop it. Stop trying to help people who never said thanks, stop trying to please everyone. 
 She enjoyed the chaos the class had become and loved hearing about how much of a shit show Gotham’s Batfam had become themselves before they actually started trying again.
 “We need someone to run Atlantis,” Orm said darkly. She stared at him.
 “Oh fuck no. No- nope. Nuh-uh. Aʻole, Méiyǒu. NO.” She shook her head, holding her hands up. “I am literally as far from the throne as I can be given I’m the King’s only kid so far? I mean Kaldur doesn’t count.”
 “This is true but your father is needed in space while Mera is still on bedrest as her pregnancy is most difficult currently and Kaldur has no actual relation to the throne.”
 “And you can’t rule because technically you were dishonoured,” Marinette added in, gaining a dirty look from her uncle. “Damn… I’m just the face of this, right? Step-momma is still the one giving orders?”
 “Of course. Though there is a ball with land walkers you need to attend.” Marinette stopped.
 “...Everyone will know who I am then.” Orm shrugged, uncaring.
 “Weren’t you planning on revealing yourself anyway?” Marinette frowned but sighed, her shoulders slumping.
 “...At least I have a dress already designed and half made for this.”
 Telling Bustier she wouldn’t be in for two weeks was simple enough. Ruling Atlantis- or really acting as a mouthpiece for her step-mother? Simple to. Jumping back to Paris when an Akuma happened? Easy. All of Atlantis knew she was Ladybug- they felt the magic. They knew she was the Guardian as well and mostly ignored that as long as Plagg never came near them. Given she was still hesitating on claiming the ring she was okay. 
 She didn’t want to take his ring, she wanted her partner back, her best friend. She wanted him to stop flirting and stop not taking things seriously.
 “It’s annoying,” she told Kaldur while signing some papers. She and Kaldur were in the room Mera was in, the woman annoyed at the bed rest condition she’d been given for her pregnancy and demanding Marinette sign the papers in her room at least. “I mean- it’s wrong and gross and I should take it back but it feels… wrong. Gross to consider it, you know?”
 “That’s the bond of a Ladybug and Chat Noir I believe according to our records,” Mera told her step-daughter.
 “Yeah- magic makes things tricky. But he’s really pushing the boundaries.” Kaldur told Marinette who sighed.
 “I don’t know what to do.”
 “Tell him you’re dating someone,” Mera said. “If he’s a dick still then take the ring.” 
 Maybe she would. Maybe.
 But first, she had the damn ball to deal with.
 “I look terrible in gold Uncle Orm.”
 “Stop calling me that.”
 “Uncle.” Orm glared at his niece as she glared at the gold fabric he’d thrust into her arms to add to her dress. It needed an extra layer, and gold was one of the colours of Atlantis. “I look better in silver.”
 “I don’t care. You need to have the colours of Atlantis on you.” Orm told her. She glared at him and then at the fabric.
 “At least you got the sheer stuff. It’ll look nice over it hopefully.” She added the cloth and did admit it looked nice.
 She still hated gold cloth. 
 But it went with her tiara as she waited for the announcer to call her, a hand on Kaldur’s arm.
 “Relax Marinette- everything is okay,” he told her softly. 
 “I’m about to reveal to the whole world I’m the Princess of Atlantis.”
 “Imagine the looks on your classmates’ faces?”
“...Okay yeah, I feel better now.” Marinette flashed a smile and waited.
 “Her Royal Highness, Princess Marinette Curry-Dupain-Cheng of Atlantis, current regent while her father is in space and Lord Kaldur of Atlantis.” the Announcer read out loud. Marinette and Kaldur walked into the room with their heads high.
 Cameras flashed and Marinette kept her eyes focused. Her dress showed off her tattoos and muscular arms, the entire thing designed to be able to fight in if needed. She was every inch the warrior princess that Atlantis could boast of.
 “Princess!” a man shouted. “Who designed your dress.”
 “I did myself,” she told him. “I enjoy fashion design and sewing.”
 “Are you the heir?”
 “No,” she told that reporter. “Due to the fact I only have a quarter of Atlantean blood I am not the heir but as said I stepped in as regent while my father fights for our galaxy,”
 “Are you and Kaldur dating?”
 “Definitely not- he’s my elder brother in everything but blood and legality.” She told that one before she was led away by Kaldur and had to play nice for a few hours with politicians. 
 There was one face she recognized.
 “Prince Ali,” she said, curtseying like she’d been taught by Mera.
 “Princess Marinette,” the Prince of Achu said, bowing. He looked a bit sad. “I see you aren’t in rehab like Rose is saying Lila is claiming.” Marinette stopped as did Kaldur.
 “Apparently that’s the new rumour that Lila Rossi is spreading.” 
 “...I believe I need to make some calls to various lawyers we have on land,” Kaldur said darkly and strode off to do so. Marinette had her eyes closed and took a deep breath.
 “I hate that girl will all my soul,” she finally said after a moment.
 “I do as well,” Ali admitted. Marinette looked at him in surprise. “I meet many people, your highness. Sometimes- unless they had made an impression- I forget them. When Rose asked if I knew Lila, I said possibly I’d met her. I did not know the extent of her lies until Rose referenced them and then… it was to late.”
 “Not really your highness, you could have said something.” Ali winced.
 “I have few friends, Princess Marinette, Rose is one of the few. And like others she expects me to be a perfect Prince which means not… rocking the boat so to speak.” He looked pained saying so, and Marinette frowned.
 “Then she’d not a friend Prince Ali. Real friends wouldn’t hold you to expectations and ideals. That’s why I stopped being friends with a fair amount of my class. I think only Juleka and I could be called friendly- and that’s because her brother is one of my best friends.” Ali frowned but looked thoughtful. 
 After the ball, Marinette went back to Atlantis with a satisfied smile. She had a nice time, and she even swapped numbers with Ali. 
 Maybe she had a new friend.
 The rest of the time spent in Atlantis was spent texting Ali when bored and ignoring the emails from her classmates who’d realized she’d changed her number. Most were basically begs for her to talk to them, a few saying they were sorry, or asking for an interview. Some accused her of lying or brainwashing Ali (Alya there) while Rose sent a sorry email. Apparently, she’d taken Ali’s message to heart and even Juleka felt bad.
 Marinette didn’t give a damn.
 When her dad came back and she got to hug him and hit him for leaving the planet- idiot- he had a laugh over the emails.
 “Your classmates are ridiculous,” he told her. “What, do they think you’ll dramatically run back to each other, arms wide open?”
 “Probably,” she told him. “I just don’t give a damn.”
 “Nice.” he ruffled her hair and they chatted about seeing grandma and grandpa in Hawaii over the summer again before Marinette headed back to Paris where some of the Atlanteans who could walk on land were guarding the bakery. And where a lawyer was waiting, plus a personal assistant.
 “No,” Marinette whined as her father patted her shoulder. He’d gone with her to explain some things. 
 “Sorry kid. You’re in the spotlight now- and that means you do need to go to a few galas and balls.” Marinette playfully gagged. Arthur laughed at his daughter again. He was happy she was doing better, that things were okay for her again. He’d worried when she was a shell of herself. Worried when she became Ladybug and worried when that Rossi girl came to the class.
 He was happy she was okay.
 Marinette’s new personal assistant was named Stephanie Brown and she was, in fact, Spoiler from Gotham who had agreed to move to Paris to help Marinette out and to be part of her new team of heroes she was putting together. Stephanie was still in school but she was killing it already as a personal assistant.
 “Alright, so school, homework, design time then patrol. Maybe steal the ring today?” Stephanie asked as she checked the tablet.
 “Maybe. I want to give him one more chance…” Marinette sighed. “But that could be the bond…”
 “Hey, up to you but I will follow as the lovely Buzzer to keep an eye on things.” Stephanie grinned as Pollen giggled from the depths of her hair. Marinette nodded as they continued their walk to school, the lawyer following. 
 Marinette ignored the majority of the students staring at her as she walked to class, only saying hi to Kagami who waved her down to playfully scold her for not telling. 
 When she got to class, Stephanie broke off and the lawyer was the only one with her as they entered the room.
 “GIRL!” Alya stood up. “Why the hell didn’t you ever tell me?” she was insulted her friend had never said anything to Alya.
 “Because we’re not friends anymore and I wasn’t sure if I could trust you when we first met. Guess I was right.” she shrugged at Alya who flushed red at that. Lila was staring at Marinette with wide eyes as the girl turned to her. “I heard someone was claiming I was in rehab these past two weeks, plus that my tattoos were gang signs and oh so much more.” The lawyer stepped forward then.
 “You’ve been served,” she told Lila who stared at the lawsuit in horror. Marinette ignored the class’s exclamations and demands she not go through with it, instead going to sit at the back again, uncaring of their words.
Adrien was giving her a look but she ignored it, pulling her phone out to text Ali, who’d texted her asking if she wanted to go for lunch. Checking with Stephanie, she agreed. 
 Still ignoring the class- now with Bustier giving her disappointed looks- she rushed out of the school to where Ali was waiting at lunch. The class followed and stopped, seeing who she was with. 
 “Ah, Princess Marinette.” Ali bowed and Marinette bowed as well, given she was wearing jeans and not a skirt.
 “Prince Ali, it is a pleasure to see you again.” They smiled at each other before both blushed, feeling awkward when they realized they’d been staring.
 “You look like a queen,” Ali remarked before his face went even redder and Marinette’s cheeks flamed before she grinned.
 “Well I am a princess…” Ali stuttered but then laughed, offering his arm and opening the door to all of the possibilities of the two, while the class watched.
No one really realized the fall out that would occur, with Lila’s mother fired, her lies exposed and her dealings with Hawkmoth revealed. No one knew that a new cat would stalk the night one day, calling himself Prince Noir. No one knew how their lives would change.
 Especially not Marinette or Ali.
@vixen-uchiha @persephonebutkore @magicalfirebird @starwindmaden @liawinchester67 @doriebell @animegirlweeb @unmaskedagain
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 9
Douxie x fem reader
Chapter 1
Masterlist in bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures.
Chapter 8 summary: Your mom is getting healed and while things are looking up, the battle with Angie Rot is yet to come.
Warnings: Angst, death, minor injury, sad stuff in this chapter, but once we get past the sad stuff there will be happy stuff in future chapters.
A/n: I got a little carried away with the writing, so it's a long chapter. *nervous laughter* Anyways Enjoy! 💖
“The incantation, as you know, makes Barbara experience whatever trauma befalls strickler. Unfortunately breaking the binding spell will also erase her memory,” Vendel explained to you and Jim.
“What are you saying? I’m gonna forget Trollmarket? That Jim’s the Trollhunter? That Y/n can do magic?” Your mom asked and you smiled sadly, but that just meant you would have to tell her again later. Maybe you could do it properly this time.
“I’ll leave you with a moment of privacy,” Vendel muttered, pulling Strickler out of the room with him.
“Guess we’re gonna have to have this conversation again,” Jim chuckled.
“Jim, Y/n, listen to me. Promise me we will. Okay? It took all of this for you to tell me about...your other life.”
“I just didn’t want to worry you. And I know we have,” Jim said.
“Yes, yes, you have. I am worried about both of you. I’m scared. But listen to me. It is my job to worry. And it’s not your job to protect me. I want you to know something. Even before you found this amulet and you found your magic—way before all of this—you two were always my heroes. My beautiful children.”
“We love you mom,” you whispered, hugging her gently. You tried not to let any tears fall, it wasn’t like she would be gone afterwards, you would still have your mom.
“We really do,” Jim added.
“The time has come,” Vendel announced. “Place your hands upon the gemstone.”
“Barbara, I—“ Strickler started, but your mom cut him off.
“Don’t talk to me. You’re the one thing I’m looking forward to forgetting.” Strickler sighed and looked genuinely upset. You gave him a sympathetic smile, he had grown on you.
Vendel chanted some more and your mom looked at you. “Guys, promise me, After this is over, don’t keep your trollhunting a secret from me anymore. Promise me.”
You nodded as Vendel continued chanting. Your sad smile slowly slipped into one of horror as orange electricity came from the piece of Heartstone Vendel was holding. It raced up your mom and Strickler’s arms and Strickler began to scream.
Vendel continued. “Forgive me, Barbara,” Strickler gasped between wails.
Your mom didn’t look at him, instead she turned to you and Jim. “Promise me!”
“Dr. Hammond to Radiology,” a voice over the hospital intercom announced.
“She’ll be safe here,” Jim reassured you as you paced nervously by the window.
“Jim? Y/n? What happened?” You heard your mom’s weak voice ask.
Jim turned to her. “Mom, something happened last night. Something you can't tell anyone.” You nodded to Jim, giving him a thumbs up and an encouraging smile.
“What is it? Why do you look so worried?” Your mom asked, concerned for Jim.
“Well, uh...there was… an accident. You feinted, you bumped your head and I drove you here,” Jim explained and your encouraging expression turned to one of anger. You glared at Jim and shook your head. He had promised.
“My hero.” She paused. “I know there are things going on with you, Jim. Things you don’t want to tell me.”
“There are? I mean, you do?” Jim stuttered and you rolled your eyes. Jim wasn’t that subtle, you and your mom had had plenty of worrying conversations where you had to cover for him.
“Well, sure, you’re sixteen. You have your own life. I just want you to know there’s nothing you can’t share with me. Whatever it is I can take it,” your mom said and you smiled at Jim nodding again, but he gently shook his head.
He looked back at your mom. “I know you can.”
After Jim left you were tempted, to say the least, to tell her anyways, but you held it in. You wouldn’t force Jim to come clean, there was something holding him back and you needed to find what it was.
“Y/n?” Your mom asked after Jim had been gone for a while. “Why didn’t you drive me to the hospital?”
“I wasn’t home, I was helping a friend.” The lie left a bad taste in your mouth. You hated lying to her.
“This ‘friend’ wouldn’t happen to be Douxie, would it?” She teased and you smiled. It had been awhile since the two of you were able to spend some quality time together, albeit, this wasn’t the best situation.
“We’re just friends mom,” you said, trying not to smile.
“Alright,” she relented and your smile grew. “But you do like him?”
You groaned good naturedly, “Mom!”
“Let’s talk about something else. What about redecorating the house? I feel like it’s time for a change.”
She looked at you quizzically, a smile still shining on her face. “Okay...”
Later that night you made your way to Trollmarket with a smile on your face. It had been great to just chat with your mom. You would cherish those memories and now you had her input on how to redesign the house after Angor Rot ruined it.
You waltzed over to Blinky’s library, a hop in your step, but you faltered when you heard Vendel. “She allowed Angor Rot to obtain a Horngazel. The very key past Trollmraket’s defenses?”
You slowly entered the room and slid over to Toby. “Sooo, what’d I miss?”
“Angor Rot stole Claire’s Horngazel,” Toby whispered back and your eyes widened. That was very bad.
“It’s not Claire’s fault it’s mine. I should have gone to the school for the incantaion. I should have faced Angor Rot. Not them,” Jim defended.
“Jim’s right, I should have gone with them,” you mumbled to Toby.
“No, you were with your mom,” Toby responded.
“It was in my purse. Toby and I were dangling off the roof. He cut it off and left,” Claire said and you looked at Toby, eyes even wider and he nodded.
“Yeah, you also might have to let the school know I have an inhaler now,” Toby whispered.
You chuckled. “I’m not even gonna ask.”
“Is there something you’d like to share with the rest of us?” Vendel asked.
“It was a great everyday purse. It went with everything,” Toby said, consoling Claire. You smiled, sure Angor Rot getting the Horngazel was bad, but at least Toby and Claire were okay.
“We might have time. Angor Rot rarely attacks during the day,” Jim pointed out, bringing the topic back to serious matters.
“Angor Rot is unpredictable at best. And if there isn’t anything to stop him from creating havoc in Trollmarket...then you have to put more than yourselves at risk,” Vendel countered.
The room settled into a thoughtful and fearful silence, however, Strickler’s voice broke it, “Trollhunter! Help!”
The five of you looked to each other and then ran out of the room. You heard Blinky yelling in the distance. “Ruffians! Who threw that?!”
“Where’s Jim? he gave me his word!” Strickler whined as you pushed through the crowd.
“What? I’m not good enough?” You asked him, jokingly.
Strickler apologized as Jim and company arrived.
“Put him down! He helped save my mother,” Jim ordered as he pushed through the crowd of trolls to stand with Blinky and Aaarrrgghh.
“He’s with us,” you added.
“He tried to release Gunmar!” Someone shouted.
“Get him out of here!” Called another troll.
“Changlings ain’t right in Trollmarket!” Bagdwella argued.
“Get rid of him!”
“It’s not going to make a difference. Angor Rot wants me too, and the protective barrier won’t stop him,” Jim announced.
“What do you mean?” Blinky asked.
Jim sighed, “He has a Horngazel.”
The trolls bagan to throw garbage, but you created an orange shield to cover him. The trash bounced off of it, harmless.
“Look, you have a right to know!” Jim said.
“Let’s throw them both out!” A Troll from the crowd roared, grabbing Jim. “It’s time the amulet called for a new Trollhunter!”
“Jimbo!” Toby called.
“It’s not his fault!” Claire added as the trolls began to chant.
“Throw him out!”
“Throw him out!”
“Throw him out!”
“When you finish throwing them out come back and throw me out, too,” Vendel announced climbing on top of your old and broken car. “Yes the boy has made grave errors. But he’s come through for more times than I give him credit for.”
You levitated onto top of your old car, showing off your magic. “Yeah, he has. And if you want my brother gone, you’ll have to say goodbye to your only sorceress as well!”
Vendel smiled at you and nodded, then he continued, “Trollmarket is in danger and our greatest defense has always been our Trollhunter. He’s earned my trust. He should have earned yours.”
“You can throw me out too,” Blinky agreed.
“And me,” Aaarrrgghh added.
“Us too, though technically, we don’t live here. I’m just sayin,’” Toby mumbled as Bagdwella stepped forward.
“Same for me. I’ve always stood with our Trollhunter!” She announced.
“Okay, yeah.” Toby scoffed and you hid a laugh as Bagdwella gave you an indignant look. However, the trolls began to consider your friends’ words and the trolls dropped Jim and Strickler.
“What now, our infallible leader?” Strickler asked.
Jim walked up the stairs and then turned around dramatically. “Now, we get ready to give Angor Rot the fight of his life!”
The crowd cheered and began to get to work. You helped out, but you eventually headed back to Blinky’s library with Jim, Claire, and Toby.
“Chomsky? No way! When did he get out?” Jim asked upon seeing the fierce yet endearing gnome.
“Wait, Chompsky’s out!” You exclaimed, clapping.
“A little while ago. We were gonna tell you, but with everything and your mom…” Claire explained.
“Why would you hold back the great news? He escaped the Darklands!” Jim laughed, but you hesitated. There was something off about the gnome’s aura. Even though Vendel had just taught you to read aura’s you had picked up the skill quickly and now you were sure something was wrong. Chompsky had a dark aura surrounding him, similar to the one Mindy had.
“What’s your definition of ‘escaped’?”—you asked, shoving your thoughts of Mindy aside and focusing on your newly returned friend.
“Y/n’s right. Technically he didn’t. Gunmar let him out to deliver a message,” Toby verified.
“Jim, Gunmar knows you killed his son,” Claire warned.
“And he promises to make a river- no, an ocean of blood from your loved ones. And he’s gonna make a throne, of with their—I think he said—bones. His words not mine.” NotEnrique spoke up, putting his hands up in surrender.
Chompsky growled at him and you gave a weak smile. Gunmar just threatened your family.
“And...And he included a list,” Toby added.
NotEnrique began to list the names, “Tobias. Claire. Barbara. Y/n. Blinkous...”
“We knew what we were getting into. After we find the last stone, we’ll find my brother and end this once and for all,” Claire promised.
You hugged your brother. “Yes, Claire’s right. Gunmar just threatened my family too. He will regret that.”
“Draal. Coach Lawrence,” NotEnrique continued in the background.
“It goes on for a while. You don’t need to listen to this.” Toby pulled Jim away.
Claire turned to him. “It’s like you said, we shouldn’t be focused on the fight tomorrow, but the fight today.”
“It’s too bad we’ve been wasting out time collecting stones to kill Gunmar and not Angor Rot,” Toby muttered.
“Or so you think,” Strickler said, walking in. “Maybe you do have a stone. Angor’s eye.”
“You’re saying he can use that in his amulet?” You asked.
Toby squealed. “Jim, you’re gonna level up again!”
“If cut with proper guidance,” Strickler cautioned.
“Show me where to cut.” Jim walked off with Strickler, but you held Claire and Toby back.
“You two have been great friends and I’m so glad that you are a part of this. We make a fantastic team, but I’m worried about Jim. He’s putting too much pressure on himself and then there’s our mom, he didn’t tell her the truth.” You took a deep breath after voicing your concerns.
“Don’t worry, Y/n/n, Jimbo’s got this and we’re here for him,” Toby reassured and you smiled.
“Don’t worry, Y/n, We just have to do our best to support Jim,” Claire added.
“Okay. Then let’s go and win this fight. Afterwards, ice cream’s on me.”
You absolutely despised fighting golems, but you were getting the hang of slicing through them and then using your magic to crush the totems. Though the longer you used your magic, the more tired you got. You had yet to develop the stamina.
You stabbed a blue golem through the heart and it shattered. You didn’t even have a second to breath before you were taking down a pink one then an orange and after that another blue.
While you seemed to be holding up better than others, you were still growing tired. When you tried to dodge a pink golem your side was sliced by a sharp gem. You hissed in pain and almost dropped your sword.
The golem pulled its hands up to smash you, but you rolled out of the way, scraping your hands on the cold ground. You levitated yourself to your feet, but before you could get back to the fight, your golem shattered and Claire stood behind it.
A blue golem approached her from behind, ready to smash. It was too late to warn her so you basted it. The gems flew everywhere, but you managed to catch them, your orange glow surrounding the blue. Unable to hold them any longer, you redirected them into another golem. You and Claire smashed their totems and you went off to help NotEnrique who was backing away from another pink golem.
You decided to try something new, you pictured the totem nestled inside the sharp pink crystals and pulled. The totem, glowing with your orange magic, flew to your hands and you crushed it.
“Thanks,” NotEnrique called and you nodded, already moving to fight another. You moved through your various methods, destroying golem after golem. They just kept coming though, you watched as more trolls fell. Angered by their deaths you fought on.
You killed a purple golem, slicing it with your sword and throwing newly summoned daggers through another. The lifeless gems fell to the ground, revealing Blinky flying past you in your mom’s old car.
You froze and were almost cut by an orange golem, but you killed it then ran to help Blinky. Your hands glowed orange and so did Blinky as he was pulled from the wrecked car. You shattered another golem behind you as you watched Toby struggle with his hammer.
Aaarrrgghh came over to help and you felt disheartened as more trolls struggled. It seemed impossible that Angor Rot was able to bring this many totems yet here you were fighting the results of his dark magicks.
Your gaze was pulled to Angor Rot and you watched in frozen horror as the dagger flew towards Toby. You lifted your hands to send your magic to protect him in some way, in any way.
Aaarrrgghh had the same idea though and a bone chilling wail left your lips. Your magic wasn’t placed to protect Aaarrrgghh and the glowing green dagger pierced his stone.
A cold hopelessness entered your heart and you felt your blood blaze with the fire of your magic. Fire Keeper seemed a fitting nickname as your eyes glowed a fiery orange and the golems that had been creeping up on you and Blinky exploded. The pieces, dangerous sharpenal that would hurt your allies,  should have flown everywhere, but your magic stopped them. You sent them all to Angor Rot, but he hid behind a wall.
The glow in your eyes flickered out and you fell to the ground. You hadn’t realized you had levitated yourself, but Blinky was there to catch you.
“I’m going to kill you!” you heard Toby scream. You watched, exhausted as Toby failed to even land a hit on Angor.
“I destroyed your soul! Your fight is with me! Not them!” Jim growled after finishing off a golem.
“As you wish Trollhunter,” Angor hissed. Jim glanced around and turned to run, leading Angor Rot away. You managed to deal with a few more golems before Claire pulled you away.
“Master Jim!” Blinky yelled as the door to the Heroes forge fell, shutting Jim and Angor inside. Your brother was alone.
“Let us in!” Toby cried.
Claire pounded on the gate. “Jim!”
You cried as you tried to blast the doors to no avail.
“The only reason you’re alive is because you’ve let your loved ones fall in your place! Your teacher, the changling! Your mother!” Angor taunted as he sent purple blasts towards Jim.
“No! Jim!” Claire howled as Jim barely dodged.
“And now your simple friend, Aaarrrgghh, is dead!” Angor growled and you screamed, blasting the door even more with strength you didn’t even know you had.
“No!” Jim roared, fighting back.
Claire, pulled out her shadow staff. “Toby I’m gonna make a portal over Angor Rot.”
“You make sure to smash him,” you added, “for Aaarrrgghh.”
“But where are your loved ones now, hunter?” Angor raised his dagger for the killing blow and you blasted the door one last time, shattering it.
Angor looked to you, confused. His hesitation bought Jim enough time to shove Angor’s dagger back at him.
“Up here, Rot head!” Toby announced as he fell from the portal. As Angor turned to stone Toby’s hammer hit, shattering him.
“Jim!” Claire as you exclaimed, hugging him.
“Is he really gone?” Claire asked, pulling away.
“He better be,” Jim said.
“Yeah. He better be,” Toby growled.You stared at the gray stones and shivered, you had just helped kill someone. Killing goblins and golems was one thing, but Angor was different. He was almost human, albeit, a horrible human.
Then blue orbs flew from the pile they whispered to Jim, thanking him for their freedom.
“What...I mean, who are they?” Claire asked.
The blue orbs gathered into a large one and suddenly Kanjigar appeared. “These are the spirits of our fallen brethren. Trollhunters who lost both soul and life to Angor Rot. Our brothers and sisters shall take their proper place in the void and rest in peace. Thanks to you, James Lake Junior, and your friends. You were right, you are stronger together. We are in your debt. But the day will come, Trollhunter, when you must finish the fight alone.”
You frowned at the last line, but a sad smile came to your face as you saw Draal and father say goodbye. It was a bittersweet moment on a bittersweet day.
You let them be and left the arena. You had to saw goodbye too.
It was quiet in the streets of Trollmarket and piles of gems littered the ground. You shivered, it felt colder in Trollmarket than it normally did.
Eventually you came across Aaarrrgghh. You let tears fall at the sight of your friend. You couldn’t even imagine how Blinky might be feeling. You hadn’t known Aaarrrgghh for even a quarter as long as Blinky had.
Toby, Claire, and Jim soon followed.
Toby began to sob and you hugged him as Claire consoled him. “Hold onto that anger. Save it for the Darklands.”
“Jim?” Claire asked as Jim walked away. You sobbed for a while longer, mourning your fallen friend when Blinky joined you.
“I saw Master Jim heading towards the ruins of Killahead,” he panted and your eyes widened. You knew what he was going to do. Call it sister’s intuition or just straight up divination, you knew he was going to open Killahead. He was going to the Darklands, without you.
“Master Jim!” Blinky yelled as once again the doors shut in your faces.
“Dude, what are you doing?” Toby called.
“Jim, don’t! Jim, no! You promised we’d go together!” Claire screamed.
You cried. “Jim don’t do this without me.”
“The amulet chose me. I can’t lose any more of you,” Jim responded.
“Can I use my shadow staff?” Claire questioned.
“No, the room is sealed from dark magicks,” you explained sadly.
Blinky observed the door. “Maybe I can override the lock.”
“Do it, please,” you begged.
“Come on Jimbo! We’re a team! Don’t do this!” Toby pounded on the door.
“I’m sorry. I have to finish the fight. Alone,” Jim said through the door.
“We can do that together!” You wailed. “What will I tell mom?”
You and Claire screamed together. “Jim!”
“I’m sorry,” you heard Jim mutter as the doors slowly opened.
“No! Jim!” Claire and you pleaded as Jim walked into the portal. The inky hole immediately swallowed him, taking him to the Darklands.
“Jim!” Toby cried out. You ran to where the portal was only to find regular stone.
“Master Jim, what have you done?” Blinky muttered, covering his eyes.
You wailed, this wasn’t right. It wasn’t okay, Jim just left you. He was gone, he had vanished into the portal. You couldn’t believe it. Today was not turning out well. You had already lost Aaarrrgghh and now your brother, what were you going to do now.
You walked over to Toby and Claire and pulled them into a group hug. Toby, who you thought of as a little brother, was okay and so was Claire and Blinky. They were okay, but while you tried to remind yourself of these facts your thoughts always spiraled back to your brother.
“Master Jim will be fine,” Blinky reassured, but you could hear the wobble in his voice, he was close to falling apart.
“Yeah,” Toby said optimistically, “The amulet still belongs to Jim and we can just cover for him while he’s gone. It’s just like he is on a quick mission to the darklands.”
It sounded like Toby was trying to convince himself just as much as he was trying to convince you.
Claire sniffed, “Yes, Jim will get my brother back and we will do the best we can to help him.”
“That sounds like a great plan guys. We can talk more about it tomorrow, I-I just need a moment.”
You broke away from the hug and began running. You didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t go home, your mom would be home and what were you supposed to tell her? Yes, Jim was technically alive, but he was gone and if you were being honest with yourself you were terrified that he wasn’t strong enough to return.
Your emotions were changing with every minute. One second you were angry at Jim for leaving you and the next you were terrified that he wouldn’t make it back.
Everything hurt so you just ran, letting your feet carry you to wherever. You ran for what felt like minutes, but it was probably a lot longer before you found yourself exhausted in front of Douxie’s bookshop.
You were sure you looked like a mess, but you went inside anyways. What did it matter if you looked like a banshee?
“I’ll be with you in a minute!” Douxie called from upstairs and you collapsed on a chair. Archie looked at you quizzically before hopping into your lap and nuzzling you.
Normally you would have smiled at the gesture from the cat, especially after spending so much time with him and noticing how he didn’t really care for any of the shop’s other visitors. However, today you just didn’t have the energy to smile, you didn’t have any more energy.
You had fought and killed someone which was horrible and said troll had killed a good friend of yours, causing your brother to go on a dangerous mission, alone, to the most dangerous place in the world. Today was definitely not your day.
Footsteps hopped down the stairs and you heard Douxie’s voice say, “How may I hel—Y/n?! Are you alright?”
You sniffed. “I just lost...a friend and I couldn’t go home.”
Douxie pulled you to your feet and hugged you. “Don’t worry, I’m here.”
Goodness, that was a lot of angst and it’s a crazy long chapter, 4,016 Words. I’m sorryish. I’m also sorry for the sad chapter, but it ‘twas necessary. Happy chapters will come soon, though I don't know when. Anyways, thank y'all so much for all the wonderful feedback, it makes my day when I see it. So have a safe and happy day/night. :)
Also I just watched the live action Mulan and it is amazing and so empowering! I loved it even though Mushu wasn't in it and I was very inspired by the fighting scenes.
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
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Staring at the piano keys is something I find myself doing far too much. No music, just sitting there, losing time, thinking. Some days it's okay, but others cause the keys to blur and, no, I really shouldn’t waste time like that.
Music is a distraction. I can lose myself in it. It could be considered a drug, a painkiller, numbing whatever is bothering me, but it is also a release. I can channel what I’m feeling. Get it out and feed it into the keys, translate it into sounds I can’t vocalise myself.
It’s a voice.
Today was a very bad day. We lost children and that always hurts. It had been particularly hard on Scott because he had to face the shocked husband of a dead young woman while cradling her crippled body in his arms. I...it was bad.
He wouldn’t talk to me. Both Gordon and John tried, but no...none of us were at our best. I had my own unpleasant situations in that wretched rescue. We all had and I hate to say it, but I needed to fix myself before I could help my brother.
So I fled to the piano.
I played for a long time. Some of it I remember, some of it I don’t and have no wish to, but at some point, I realised I was being watched and that stopped my fingers.
He was standing beside our portraits, hands in his pockets, sadness in his eyes.
And my face was wet.
Scott didn’t say anything, just grabbed a box of tissues off Dad’s desk and placed them softly on top of the piano. I still hadn’t found any words myself, so I said nothing and just grabbed enough to wipe my eyes.
There were no great gasping sobs or anything, just those silent tears that sneak out when you’re hurting. I wasn’t surprised when his hand landed on my shoulder. Scott is always the supportive one. He worries more than he should.
“Sorry.” I admit it came out hoarse and embarrassed.
“Nothing to apologise for, Virg.” Again with the squeezing of the shoulder. “Part of me wishes I could do the same.”
I turned to look up at him and found such hollowness in his eyes, it hurt. It was obvious that the day was haunting him as much as it was me, he just...
“Did you want to spar? Go for a run? I can come with.” They were Scott’s usual coping mechanisms. Anything to get that desolation out of his eyes.
“No. I...” And he seemed to lose his words. Scott’s shoulders dropped a little and his hand returned to his side.
I shunted to one side on the piano stool. “Sit down.”
“Sit down, here.” I patted the cushion.
Scott stared at me. The stool wasn’t a big one and it would be cramped, but I could see the decision made in his eyes and a moment later, my big brother was thigh to thigh beside me, staring at the piano keys.
“I don’t know how you do this.”
“And I don’t know how you find running in circles to be so therapeutic either.” I let my fingers run over the keys before choosing a simple, but familiar tune from our childhood. One our mother had taught all of us to play a very long time ago.
“Is that a hint?”
“Take it any way you like.” I stopped playing and gestured for Scott to give it a go.
My brother was hesitant. I wasn’t surprised in the least since I think he had been about fourteen the last time he had touched a piano other than to help me move it.
“This is silly.”
“I could be offended at that, you know.”
He sighed and I felt his entire body sag beside me.
“C’mon, Scott, you never know until you try.”
“I’m not going to know enough to do what you do.” There was frustration hiding pain.
“You don’t have to.” My shoulders tightened. “Think of Mom.”
That did it. His back straightened and the glare he shot me was more anxiety than anger, but his fingers reached for the keys, lining up in the familiar practise routine from all those years ago.
Mom taught us all, but I was the only one who followed through. John has a beautiful voice that he refuses to use. Gordon’s isn’t bad either and he can string a jaunty tune together on a keyboard when pushed, but music just isn’t his native environment. Alan has his guitar, but it is more ornament than instrument nowadays.
Scott...I don’t think Scott has even let himself try. His interests just lie elsewhere. He has no use for music other than as a companion on those runs, or for shaking the walls of the gym. Part of me wonders if losing Mom caused him to stop any and all aspirations in that direction. Music was definitely a reminder of our mother.
His fingers were hesitant, off beat, but the tune was sketched out in the air, each note following the other in an inevitable trail of hurt.
Because that is what it was to watch my big brother attempting to lose his pain in my piano. It was my turn to put my hand on his shoulder.
I found it trembling.
Note after forced note, harsh and unschooled, yet beautiful in their own way. My fingers squeezed unprompted and Scott looked at me, the music coming to an abrupt halt.
Blue flashed so much.
“You are so much like Mom.” It was quiet, soft.
My eyes widened and my hand shifted across his back wrapping around his shoulders. “I guess one of us has to be with all these hotshot speed junkies in the house.”
Those eyes dipped back to the keyboard and his fingers poked at a few more keys, this time in a tune I hadn’t heard in a very long time. “I often ask myself ‘what would Dad do?’ Dad was, is, such a big influence in our lives.” His fingers played the piano softly. I reached out and played a one-handed counterpoint to those gentle keys. The air around us echoed the melody off the glass walls. “I never have to ask myself what Mom would do.”
I frowned. “Why not?”
His fingers stopped and my counterpoint fell away. “Because she’s in you...so much. I don’t have to ask, because you know already.”
I straightened just a little, not entirely comfortable with the concept. Dad...Dad had difficulty with me after Mom’s death for this exact reason. Difficulty that I had since found understandable, but it would always be hard.
Now my brother was saying the same thing.
“I...I know I look like Mom, but that hardly means I know what-“
“Virg.” My name was said with such desolation it hurt. “I was older.” He swallowed and I felt that shared pain from all those years ago. “You...you are more like her than you know.” A sudden snort of derision. “Everyone knows of the great Jeff Tracy. The self-made billionaire and his five sons.” Scott dipped his head, once again staring at the piano keys. “Mom is rarely more than a foot note in his bio. Little does anyone know just how much Mom contributes to this family even now, so long after we lost her.”
I stared at him. This was new. Scott was usually so much about our father, so much focused on what Jeff Tracy would have done. The arm I still had around his shoulders tightened just a little. “I could say the same thing about you. What you would do is likely what Dad would do.”
It was a scoff and Scott’s hand came down on the piano keys in a discordant jangling of notes. “God, I miss them.”
I had no answer to that, only an empathy that hurt. Abruptly, I returned both hands to the keys. This was old brought anew by today’s events and it was automatic to attempt to flush the pain through my fingers. Music climbed into the air again, a random sonata from my piano training so long ago.
Scott reached out and caught my hands, stilling the tune. “Never change, Virgil. I need you just as you are.”
I stared at him. What he was asking was impossible, but I could see in his eyes the desperation of a man clinging to his tenets. “I will always be here for you, Scott. Always. You know that.”
“I know that.” It was said ever so quietly, but it was parroted as if it wasn’t believed.
“I’m not going anywhere.”
The hands holding my fingers tightened before letting them go. Scott straightened, swallowing. “I think I’ll go for that run.” He slid out from under the piano and stood up.
“You want company?”
“No, I’ll...I need some time to think.”
I stared up at him, worried. “You sure?”
That hand landed on my shoulder again and squeezed. “I’m good. Thanks for the piano lesson.”
A frown. “Anytime.” It came out dry and in need of moisture.
His footsteps on the hardwood floor walked away from me and disappeared into the stairwell.
I was left staring at the piano keys, caught in thought about Mom and Dad and a big brother who took far too much onto his shoulders.
What would Mom do?
What would Dad do?
I frowned and hit one of the keys a little too hard. The note bounced off the ceiling and hit me about the head.
I didn’t know what either of them would do, but I knew what I needed to. I stood up and the piano stool clattered to the floor as I followed my brother out of the room.
Perhaps it was time to start thinking about what Scott and Virgil Tracy would do. After all, that is who we are.
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mooncruiser · 3 years
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Heyy!! I’ve been meaning to pin my testimony, so here it is :)
So, my life wasn’t really the greatest growing up. I mention C-PTSD in my bio, and that’s what I’ll get into a bit. I’ll try not to be too graphic, but I can’t guarantee it’ll be totally safe.
There were some questionable things in my toddler years, a neglectful daycare center for 3 months, my dad being in and out of my life due to fear of getting attached at first, him flying off the handle once with me (my mom got on him for it, so it never happened again) but I think the trauma started with my cousins leaving me stuck out in a baby swing twice, a near death experience with a dog bite, and a homicidal attempt on me and my mom by my sister, who was 16 at the time (I’m 5 years old). 
There was also the dog cage incident I believe at…6 years old? Me and my brother were playing and he forgot me on accident. I pretty much accepted at this point that life was gonna chain me up and try to kill me lol, but it let up for a good while, and I had a pretty decent childhood. At 9 years old, there was the torturously loud school program in the gym I had to sit through for 2 hours, I think. 
It was at 10 when things became chronically ongoing. Domestic violence at home from my sister (physical, emotional abuse on me and my family), more physical and emotional abuse at school from my assistant teacher because I was on an IEP for my autism. At 11, I was sexually abused by my female friend who was 12, and her female cousin, who was 13. I was abandoned by my cousins and aunt, and I was being placed in a seclusion room at school during standardized tests (which was sensory deprived solitary confinement) even after I was finished for the day. At 12 years old, I started being emotionally neglected by my mother.
I mean, I was so angry and depressed and secretly suicidal at 10, but by 12 I was severely dissociating (I had been dissociating during trauma at various times prior). I had so much fear and anxiety that by the time I was 13 I’d be feeling like passing out 24/7, so I got on meds, which only helped the more severe physical symptoms, I guess. 
At 13, I started being groomed by this high school girl that liked me. She was a Sophomore, and I was in 7th grade. She noticed the neglect and told me she knew me better. She would give me gifts, teach me to ship gay pairings, gave me a gay pedophilic manga. Shamelessly told me she had sexual relations with her male cousin and his friends who were around my age. I blocked it out. 
I also had a very abusive friendship with a girl online who had BPD. My assistant teacher, who came with me to middle school, restrained and tortured me with the marching band’s loud music in the hallway, which only intensified my dissociative symptoms (I was actually switching alters at this point regularly and having no idea).
I remember at 13 being confused about my gender and sexuality. My mom was no help and just wanted me to hide it from my family and everyone else, for reputation purposes and she didn’t want me bullied. That was actually how I decided to get in contact with my grooming abuser, which I wonder at this point whether that was my fault. I didn’t expect her to really take over like she did, but I was essentially brainwashed into accepting whatever I was feeling for her benefit. I just wanted advice and a friend. 
I was so lonely, I had been desperate for friends for years, and I was desperate for someone to love me in any way, honestly. I was overeating. I’d spend hours daydreaming, in video games or entertainment to escape from school and everything else. During meltdowns, I’d be doing self injurious behaviors. 
So by 14, I come out as a lesbian. Had a couple relationships with girls who just saw me as a sexual object (I remember saying yes to sexual things even though I didn’t want to, just so that they wouldn’t abandon me. Dissociating off and finding it disgusting), would cheat on me with multiple people, ignore me for new friends, etc. 
The BPD friend I dated, when I broke up with her, immediately attempted suicide so that scarred me more into our trauma bond. She’d show me self harm pics she took from time to time. It scared me into making sure I didn’t trigger her again, but u know I never knew what triggered her in the first place, so, like with everything else, I had no strategy to life. It was either fight, run, dissociate or nod yes to everything. She took up the latter lol. 
I came out as trans my Freshman year, and stayed that way into my Sophomore year. I was bitter about dating because of the whole sexual object thing, and full of shame at the same time, thinking no one would want me. I thought I was asexual. I tried out a career high school honestly just to get away from the memories of my old school. 
Some feelings about being trans started to fade, but not entirely, so I went by genderfluid/genderqueer from 17-19. I was excited to make new friends at my new school, but my anxiety kept me from it. I opened up very awkwardly about my dating history to one girl (which tbh I shouldn’t have, but I had been brainwashed so lol) and she told all the girls in my lab, and I was excluded and bullied (and cyberbullied) from thereon. 
I didn’t know it at first, it was so subtle. But once I knew, I tried standing up for myself and told the principal, which made them leave me alone for the most part. They’d glare at me, use me at graduation, cyberbully me one last time 8 months after graduation, and that was it. I still had to deal with domestic violence until I was 22, but once I graduated everything pretty much hit me.
I knew I’d be too stressed out to go to college or work. School indoctrination tried to teach me to be neurotypical and expect this, but it wasn’t happening. I was too afraid to leave my house for a year, and too afraid to be honest online for fear of being watched and bullied, or stalked. I was seriously considering suicide down the line. I thought I had nothing left to live for. I was useless. Nobody cared. Friends moved on to their new lives and I was dying. 
That’s when Jesus stepped in.
I guess I started being curious about God again for the first time since I was 12. I always believed in God, was grateful to Him for being there for me during the domestic violence and never blamed Him for it. I found out about worship music and was thrilled, and a question came up. Was being gay a sin? My grooming abuser taught me that God made me gay, so it was alright. But I wanted to know for sure this time from the Word. 
To my surprise, she was wrong. The Bible said it was indeed, a sin (the practice, not so much the identity aspect). I couldn’t piece together why, so I struggled with it for months. On my 20th birthday however, when I got done creating fanart of a gay pairing, I felt strongly convicted by the Holy Spirit that it was wrong. So I went to God.
I said, “If it is wrong, please change me so I can make You happy, because I love You. In the meantime, I won’t do anything in support of it for a while. If it’s not wrong, don’t change me, and I’ll know which way is right because I trust You.” When I look back on it, it was a pretty crazy prayer. Lots of people have said they couldn’t “pray the gay away”, and I do wonder what the difference was with me.
After 3 months, I stopped to check if I still felt anything, and the feelings were gone. My gender dysphoria was gone, too. I was way too afraid to tell anybody yet, but I remember when I did, one of the first people I told was my grooming abuser. 
She was livid, tried one last time to intimidate me. Another time we crossed paths (she came out of nowhere saying hi, said she worked at that market, complimented me and walked away smiling) and I was triggered, I messaged her and told her how she hurt me and I couldn’t bear to be around her anymore, but I hoped she’d have a good life. She didn’t respond online, but she complained to my sister that I thought she was a predator, and by the end of the conversation tries to get her to tell me she said hi. When she had kids, she was planning on raising them to be nonbinary. Her husband was abusive to them, so she ended up losing them. She never bugged me again. 
I was blown away by how God had changed me. How He opened my eyes to the truth. I prayed for Him to open my eyes to whatever else I had been blind to, and He slowly began lifting off the amnesia surrounding all my traumas, urging me towards recovery with Him. I realized I might have OSDD-1b recently as well, which is strange that I could have possibly had DID prior to losing my amnesia? 
I have been on this journey ever since, journaling, blogging, researching, and finally in a wonderful therapy called EMDR where I truly release the traumas from my body, hear God’s new positive beliefs to replace old negative ones from my childhood, and experience loving extraordinary visions while processing that teach me to focus on Jesus, trust Him more, love and pray for my enemies, and have a real satisfying relationship with Him that’s unattainable with anyone on Earth, along with daily Bible study. 
The picture on the left was me at 16 in my old life, the one on the right is me in my new creation :) God bless all of you, thank you for reading this far 💕💖
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poge-life · 4 years
UnderBelly{ Sweet Pea: Chapter One
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Stephanie "Stevie" Jones was standing at her so called "locker" when her pinked best friend joined her, "Yes, Toni?" Stevie turned her attention to look at her, who just sent her a smile.
"Your brother is coming today so I can show him around. How ya feeling?" Toni asked, as Stevie turned back to her locker, grabbing her jacket before shutting it and turning back to Toni
"Fine. I see him all the time at home now. Not really different. Except for the fact that now we'll literally be spending every second together. But, now you guys get to deal with another hot head." Stevie explained, linking her arm with Toni
"Wanna come with? I'm sure he'd feel better with a familiar face to help show him around." Toni asked, looking over at the brunette. Stevie shook her head in response, "Can't. I'm supposed to meet Sweet Pea at lunch."
Toni smirked at the mention of their tall friend and Stevie nudged her before turning to walk to the stairs that led to the cafeteria, "Wipe the smirk off your face Topaz. He's just a friend."
"I'm just saying. You two have been hanging out a lot more recently. Before, you two couldn't even be in the same room together without me and Fangs having to hold you guys from beating each other." Toni laughed, causing Stevie to glare at her.
They both turned to walk into the Cafeteria before Stevie stopped at the doorway. She felt a smile make its way across her face at the sight in front of her. Sitting on top of a table where other serpents sat, was Sweet Pea; laughing at whatever was said.
Toni couldn't help but smile at Stevie, knowing how happy she was when she was around Sweet Pea.
"I gotta go grab your brother. Save me a seat?" Toni saluted and turned to walk back up the stairs they just came down from. Stevie shook her head at her pink haired friend and turned to put on her jacket.
At southside high, if you weren't wearing a serpent or ghoulie jacket, you were up for grabs by the ghoulies. But with Stevie being the daughter of Fp Jones, meant that no one even dared to try anything with her.
Stevie made her way to where the Serpents were sitting, causing Sweet Pea to hop off the table and smile at her, "Hey there, princess."
Stevie groaned at the nickname and shoved past her tall friend, "We've talked about this. I hate that nickname." She plopped down on the bench next to Fangs, who sent her a smile and she winked at him in return.
Fangs Fogarty was the newest addition to the Serpents. Having joined at the start of the school year and Stevie thought he was absolutely adorable. He was attractive, she would give him that. Despite having just joined the serpents, him, Stevie, Toni, and Sweet Pea were basically the four musketeers.
Sweet Pea sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side, "Actually. You talked and I listened. And I decided that I'm gonna keep calling you that until I come up with something better."
Fangs had sent both of his friends a look at the sight of them being all lovey dovey at the lunch table. Sweet Pea and Stevie both threw up the middle finger and turned their attention to the conversation that took place before Stevie sat down.
While Stevie was distracted, she didn't see her brother or her best friend walk into the cafeteria but Jughead did notice his sister. Or rather who his sister was with.
"Who's that with my sister?" Jughead asked, pointing to said girl. Toni turned her head to see who he was pointing at and let a smile make its way across her face. Stevie was laughing at whatever Fangs had said while Sweet Pea groaned, flipping him off
"Sweet Pea. He's helped her with everything going on with your dad. He's a good guy. He has a temper. But he's okay." Toni explained
"She sits with you guys?" Jughead asked in confusion and Toni sent him a look of confusion
"She's a serpent. Why wouldn't she be?"
"Stevie? She's not a serpent."
Toni rolled her eyes at the beanie wearing boy and crossed her arms over her chest, "She's been one for while now. Right after your mom left. Probably around the time you left."
"Why didn't she tell me?" He mumbled and turned to walk away. Toni shook her head and made her way over to her friends, "Why didn't you tell your brother you were a serpent?"
Stevie sat up straight and turned to look over at Toni who raised her eyebrows at the girl. Stevie sighed and ran her hands thru her hair. "He gets enough shit about our dad being a serpent and being from the southside. I didn't wanna add fuel to the fire for Alice Cooper to take a dig at me too. I mean, I'm surprised she doesn't know and hasn't outed me to all of Riverdale."
"You guys live with each other. How'd he never notice?" Fangs asked, furrowing his eyebrows
"Jug left after our dad went off the wagon when our mom left. He just now moved back in when dad turned himself around. Besides, I'm always with you guys or at the wyrm so he never got a chance to figure it out." She shrugged, leaning back into Sweet Pea's side.
Toni and Fangs shared a look before turning to face their two friends who glared at them.
"Anyways, we all have a bio project due and her and I are going to the library while you two figure how you're gonna help." Toni spoke, grabbing her bag as Stevie did the same and stood up
"Wait, we have a library?"
"You didn't tell me you were a serpent." Jughead spoke as Stevie walked into the kitchen of their trailer. She sighed and set her bag and jacket on the table
"You weren't around after Dad fell off the wagon. Even though he was here, he wasn't really here. He was either drunk or passed out on the couch. They've been a family to me over the last few years." She explained, looking over at her brother who just nodded
"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your brother? Do mom and dad know?"
"Because you've already been through so much! You were crushed when mom and JB left. And you left as soon as stuff with Dad got bad. I became one after you stopped living here. Dad was barely there and I needed protection. What better way to get that then joining the serpents. They've been here through everything. When the sheriff department came in here and trashed the place, they were there. When dad got arrested, they were there while you were off living in the Northside!" Stevie exclaimed, standing up to walk to the sink, her back to her brother.
She took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling, tears threatening to fall, "You've always been so judgemental about the serpents. I couldn't have you judge me too." Stevie spoke in a quiet voice
"I'm not judgemental about the serpents." Jughead started before Stevie cut him off
"You won't even sit with us at lunch!" She exclaimed, turning to look at him
A knock at the door prevented them from arguing anything further. Stevie sighed and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Sweet Pea with Toni and Fangs on their bikes behind him. He raised his eyebrow at the sight of her bloodshot eyes, "you okay princess?"
Stevie cleared her throat and wiped at her eyes, "Yeah, I'm fine."
"If you say so. You ready?" He asked, crossing his arms and she nodded
"Just gotta grab my stuff." She turned to the kitchen and grabbed her backpack and jacket, " I'll see you at school, Juggie."
Stevie shrugged her jacket on and placed her backpack on her back, shutting the door behind her as Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "You sure you're okay?"
"I'll tell you later, promise. Anyways, did you use the notes I gave you for your bio test?" Stevie asked, looking up at the tall serpent. She took note of his appearance. He had a green t-shirt on with his denim/flannel serpent jacket on. His hair, which was usually gelled off to the side, was kind of messy today. Not that she minded.
"For like all of 10 minutes. I don't need to study. Collins is an idiot. He'll pass us no matter how we do on the test." Sweet Pea scoffed, walking them over to his bike before removing his arm from her and throwing his leg over his bike, Stevie standing next to him.
"Doesn't matter. You still need to learn this stuff if you wanna graduate next year." Stevie huffed, running her fingers through his hair. If it was anyone who wasn't Stevie, he probably would have broken their wrist, but Stevie was the only person he allowed to touch his hair
Toni and Fangs shared a look with each other, rolling their eyes at the two before Toni called out, "C'mon love birds! We still gotta go to school."
Stevie sat next to Toni in their English class with Jughead at the desk next to them and Sweet Pea sitting on top of the one diagonal from Jughead. Toni and Jughead were really the only ones paying attention to what Mr. Phillips had to say as Sweet Pea was on his phone and Stevie was doodling in her notebook. Very rarely did Stevie pay attention in her English class, mainly because she already knew everything he had taught.
The entire class was startled by Sweet Pea's sudden outburst.
"What?! Dammit!"
Kicking over the chair in front of him, he stormed out of the class and Stevie rolled her eyes and started packing up her bag
"Stevie..." Mr Phillips started before she cut him off by waving her hand at him.
"I'm already on it."
It wasn't the first time Stevie was sent after Sweet Pea after one of his outbursts. Everyone knew about his temper and how it was suicide mission for anyone to try and stop it. Stevie was often called out of class by either fellow serpents or Fangs and Toni who had texted her and told her about him storming off in a rage.
She pulled her bag over her shoulder and saluted the class before running after said serpent.
Stevie found him outside, kicking the crap out of a trash can. She rolled her eyes and rushed down the steps, "Pea? Hey! Look at me!"
Stevie dropped her bag and grabbed his face in both of her hands causing him to stop his assault on the trashcan and to turn his attention towards her.
"What happened?"
"Those damn Ghoulies. Fucking Malachai showed up at the wyrm, trying to get some of the other serpents to run JJ for him. They refused so they swung first." He explained causing her to nod her head, "Hey! Tall Boy and Hog eye can take care of the wyrm. Right now, you just need to calm down! You can't just go running out of class every time the ghoulies do something that piss you off!"
She noticed his breathing had slowed down and she took this time to look over his face. If you weren't paying close attention or looking close enough, you wouldn't even notice that he had very faint freckles on the bridge of his nose, running across his cheeks. He had black outlining his deep brown eyes with specks of gold in them. He also had an indent of a dimple by his mouth that only showed when he smiled, which he did when he was around Stevie.
"Enjoying the view, princess?" Sweet Pea smirked, causing Stevie to snap out of her thoughts and remove her hands from his face, reaching down to grab one of his large ones in her small hand.
"C'mon. Let's go down to the quarry. We need to get Toni if I have to deal with you and Fangs together." Stevie spoke, turning to grab her bag and lead Sweet Pea back inside of the school.
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Listed: His Name Is Alive
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While Warren Defever’s name is perhaps less recognizable than that of his band His Name Is Alive, he’s also been connected with a seemingly endless array of other projects: Princess Dragon-Mom, Elvis Hitler, ESP Beetles, Control Panel, and far more. This doesn’t get into his recording and production credits for the likes of Michael Hurley, Iggy and the Stooges, and Mdou Moctar. Forever associated with Michigan’s weirdo-underground music scene, Defever has recently been issuing a series of long-buried recordings as His Name Is Alive. In February, the Disciples label released Hope Is a Candle, the third and final volume in the "Home Recordings" trilogy exploring Defever's teenage tape experimentation as well as A Silver Thread (Home Recordings 1979 - 1990), a four-volume collection of many of Defever’s solo home recordings prior to His Name Is Alive releasing their debut album Livonia on 4AD in 1990. In his review of A Silver Thread, Tim Clarke writes “For a collection of home recordings, what’s most striking about this music is how fully realized and carefully executed it sounds, comparable at times to contemporary artists such as Grouper, Benoît Pioulard and Tim Hecker. This is not the 1980s that I remember.”
Defever gives us his “What Else Is New” list, a set of personal snapshots, memories of a life spent in music, warning the reader that “the descriptions don’t always have an obvious correlation to the video, but welcome to my nightmare brain.”
In The Line of Fire
I started performing when I was five. My grandfather was a self-taught musician from Saskatchewan in Western Canada and he showed me and my brothers how to play banjo, guitar and fiddle. One of my earliest memories is having a full size 127 lb. accordion placed onto my lap and my grandmother voicing her disappointment when I refused to play. I did learn slide guitar from her later though. I have many, often terrible, memories of performing at square dances with his band and we would play old timey country music, folk songs, polkas and waltzes. There were also gigs at the trailer park, old folks homes and a convent. Although my grandfather believed that popular music died with Hank Williams in 1953, he still found room in his heart for Lawrence Welk and Slim Whitman.
Meet Me By The Water
By age ten I had a tape recorder and was using it to capture the sounds of nearby lakes, thunderstorms, and my older brothers LP collection played at the wrong speeds. I recently found the cassette, Echo Lake (1983) which features waves crashing onto the beach on the Canadian side of Lake St. Clair but it was recorded right after I got an echo pedal so it’s got a heavy dose of dreamy delay. Tape loops of the next door neighbor raking leaves and shoveling the driveway would be repurposed a few years later as rhythm tracks on the first His Name Is Alive LP, Livonia (4AD, 1990). Detroit in the late 70s and early 80s had totally insane radio and one of the highlights was Met-Ezzthetics, a late night show on WDET hosted by Faruq Z. Bey who also played saxophone in Griot Galaxy. Shortly before his death he played with His Name is Alive and we had a chance to formalize our student-teacher relationship.
Search For Higher Energies
In high school I was studying Bach Chorale harmonization and counterpoint during the day but recording and touring with the band Elvis Hitler at night. The other guys in band were older but at 16 I was a familiar sight at shitty Detroit punk clubs and Hamtramck dive bars, the nerdy teenager reading a book or doing homework sitting at the bar waiting ’til midnight or 1am for our slot to play our hellbilly hits, “It’s A Long Way From Berlin To Memphis,” and “Hot Rod To Hell.” I was still trying to make sense of the post 1953 music scene and when I met the guy with a giant afro and shiny super hero outfit complete with shiny cape I had no idea he was Rob Tyner of the MC5. We released three records before I was twenty one and played shows and toured with Devo, the Dwarves, the Dead Milkmen, Reverend Horton Heat, the Beat Farmers, Helios Creed, Babes In Toyland, the Cro-Mags, Corrosion of Conformity, the Frogs, the Gories, Pussy Galore, the Unsane and way more I can’t remember I was just a kid. It was some kind of education.
You Don’t Have To Go Home But You Can’t Stay Here
When I signed with 4AD I thought I was a composer and they let me write my own bio, so I called His Name Is Alive the work of a “fucked up, irresponsible teenage composer.” I had only been writing music for three years. When I heard “Tom Violence” by Sonic Youth I thought for the first time in my life, “I think I could do that.” In 1988 I made a mixtape with Tracy Chapman’s Fast Car, Leadbelly and some of Big Star’s third album and I tried to arrange it like it was an album, then I made my own album in that same shape, it was called I Had Sex With God and I sent it to 4AD. Our first album contained three of the first five pieces of music I had ever written. Within a few years I was playing festivals for contemporary classical composers and new age artists who were thirty or forty years older than me. His Name Is Alive played the Musicas Visuales Festival in Mexico with Harold Budd, Paul Horn and Jorge Reyes. The mayor of the city presented me with a guitar but then dramatically walked out of the theater during our performance realizing he had made a terrible mistake. I remember the surreal moment when from across the room Harold Budd walked in and greeted me as “Mr. Defever.” He had a cold and was sniffling during his set, the audience thought he was crying. I recorded his show and when I got back home to Livonia I added my own guitar to some of his songs and then edited the tapes, looping my favorite parts and editing out the parts I didn’t like, also adding additional layers of reverb and echo. More recently I did a concert in a five hundred year old temple in Japan where the unamplified meditation music never rose above a whisper and the monk had to turn off the furnace because the heat molecules were too loud. The show was recorded and released under the name Mountain Ocean Sun and features Ian Masters and Hitoko Sakai.
Energy Dealer
Both my parents were born in Canada, my mother in Saskatchewan, my father in Ontario. I have dual citizenship as my father was American and my mother had Canadian citizenship. I spent summers, holidays and weekends in a tiny cottage on Lake St. Clair that did not have a telephone and had curtains instead of doors separating the two rooms. Myrt Fortin who lived next door would receive phone calls for my mom, walk over to our place and yell into the window, “Hey wake up your ma, your dad’s on the phone.” My mom took a lot of naps, so she was always asleep when something important was happening. I remember always getting cut on broken glass while swimming in the lake or getting stabbed by one of the neighbors and having to go wake up my mom to take me to the hospital.
Lord I Don’t Believe You Exist
When I was ten my parents sat me down and told me it was time that I got a summer job. There were only two businesses in town, a gas station and a hardware store so I walked up to the hardware store and asked the owner for a job and immediately fell to the ground crying. Completely fell apart. He asked me why I wanted to work in hardware. I didn’t know what to say, I was only ten but I knew not to tell the owner that his store was stupid and I didn’t think he could handle the truth. It turned out he also owned the gas station so that didn’t really work out. Later that summer, I began working for the Pickseed Corporation as corn de-tasseling season was just beginning. All the moms would drop off their kids in the church parking lot in Tecumseh, just outside of Windsor, around 4:30am where an unmarked windowless cargo van was waiting that had cinderblocks and 2'x4' boards instead of benches so they could squeeze in the maximum amount of children. There were three job requirements to work in a cornfield, the child (it was only children, no adults) needed to show up with a baseball hat, a thermos with water and a large black plastic garbage bag. I think this was before sunglasses were invented. Upon arriving at the cornfield, we were separated into pickers and checkers, younger kids each taking a row of corn (a row could extend a mile or more) and a slightly older kid would organize and manage several of the younger kids. In the morning we were instructed to poke two arm holes and a head hole into our garbage bags and put it on like a raincoat because the corn was covered in dew and kids wearing wet clothes would walk slower than dry kids. So almost every day there was a point, usually around 11am when the dew would dry and we would be roasted alive from the summer sun coming down on our ridiculous shiny black plastic outfits. We worked from sun up until sun down. I received three dollars and thirty five cents an hour. For all you city folks, corn is planted in alternating rows of types of corn so that when the top part of the plant is removed, or “de-tasseled,” it can seed or cross-pollinate easily. It’s a terrible job with a high turnover rate and every day I would hear the sound of kids in nearby rows that had given up hope, sat down in the middle of the field and crying for hours. The following year, at age 11, I was promoted from picker to checker, and was put in charge of a group of about ten sixteen year old’s.
Sleep It Off
Mostly I like to record – His Name is Alive has over a hundred releases and I’ve done another fifty records under various names, Control Panel, Warren Michael Defever, ESP BEETLES, ESP SUMMER, Forest People, Infinity People, Jeepers Creepers, Layla al-Akhyaliyya, Mirror Dream, Princess Dragon-Mom, the Dirt Eaters, the Fishcats, the Whales, plus way more I can’t remember probably because the names were so dumb. I’ve recorded about four hundred records for other bands at my house or other studios. I’ve worked on records with Danny Kroha, Ida, Fred Thomas, Elizabeth Mitchell, Wild Belle, Michael Hurley, and when I was a teenager I helped record the first Gories album which was especially unique as I was the junior assistant engineer who helped move their equipment into the dirt floor garage next to the studio where it was decided the acoustics would be way worse. Also, I helped collage about a hundred Destroy All Monsters tapes from the 70s for a couple of their releases which led to remastering a bunch of tapes from the John Sinclair White Panther Party archives. I’ve done remixes for Thurston Moore and Yoko Ono and when Iggy and The Stooges started touring again I got a phone call from Ron Asheton seeing if I would help them record demos for their reunion album with Mike Watt on bass. They wrote the songs together while they were recording in Niagara’s basement sort of simultaneously. Iggy didn’t have a notebook with all his lyric ideas, instead he just sang about whatever happened that day – one song was about the airline losing his luggage, one about ATM machines and another was about reading in a newspaper that Ray Davies of the Kinks had been shot in New Orleans. In the end they weren’t terribly excited by my suggested song titles including “No Shirt” (you know because it’s like “No Fun” plus you know Iggy never wears a shirt) and they didn’t seem to love the mixes that I did that sounded kind of like those crappy Raw Power bootlegs.
Cost Of Living
Two summers ago I recorded an incredible concert by Mdou Moctar live at Third Man Records in Detroit. They’re wild hypnotic Hendrix style jammers who live in the desert. The band didn’t speak much english but I think I was able to communicate to them how excited I was about their amazing fingerpicking and hot guitar solos after the show by screaming and replaying the best solos over and over again and then screaming the word fuzz and pointing at their fingers. It’s insane and having seen them a few times since then with a different drummer and the addition of a bass player, I’m convinced it’s their best album. It’s wild but it’s still not Tchin-tabaraden wedding wild.
Licked By Lions
Jonathan Richman walks into Ethan and Gretchen's studio and asks if I can remove all the rugs, take the acoustic treatments off the walls and strike the baffles which normally separate the instruments, drums and amps, so the room will have the most echo possible, he has also invited about ten friends including Johnny Bee Badanjek the drummer from Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels and Mary Cobra from the Detroit Cobras to dance, sing and play percussion in the studio while he records. He has two vocal microphones set up at either end of the room and has brought his own microphones for the drums along with his own desired placement for them. He notices a tamboura near the control room and asks if I know how to play it or if I know how to tune it. Within seconds he’s tuned it and proceeds to sing Indian classical music accompanying himself on tamboura drone for about thirty five minutes. It’s beautiful and very surprising. He asks me if I recorded it, I lie and say no. Later he asks me not to play it for anyone. We record for hours. Some songs are quite long – ten and fifteen minutes, some are medleys of oldies or soft rock hits from the seventies segueing into new songs of his. It’s a confusing session as it’s not clear when songs are starting and ending and he often plays guitar and sings nowhere near a microphone. The distance between him and the microphone seems to have some meaning, there’s some formula to when he chooses to walk away in the middle of a verse but I am unable to determine the secret code. At the end of the session three or four songs are deemed usable, edited and mixed, although, sadly, an attempt at a completely insane and unexpected fuzz guitar solo is left unreleased. (The Harold Budd piece is at the opposite end of this spectrum.)
Calling All Believers
Shortly after Tecuciztecatl was released, I received an email from Dr. James Beacham at CERN inviting us to perform at a series of concerts that would combine experimental music with experimental science at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. He didn’t contact our booking agent, which would be how we generally receive offers for gigs, instead he sent an email to me, which would be how we generally receive crazy messages from our completely insane fans (murderous, delusional, poetic, threatening messages usually). I assumed the invitation was fake or a prank and replied that we would prefer to wait until they had successfully opened a pathway to interspatial dimensions and we’d play on the other side or that if that was unlikely to happen at a convenient time then perhaps we could set up our equipment right on the edge of a mini-black hole and perform as the Earth is being destroyed so we could release the concert film “Live At The End Of The World.” After a few messages back and forth, it was clear that he was legit and I apologized for being such a jerk. Soon I discovered poetry within the language of particle physics as well as a certain beauty in the idea that these scientists have devoted their lives to dreaming, searching and discovering basic principles that connect all things in existence. The song “Calling All Believers” refers to this devotion. “Energy Acceleration” compares the scientists to monastic life in medieval times and mystics trying to find and define the line between this world and the next and at the same time invoking the incredible amounts of energy needed to create the collisions experiments. The Patterns of Light LP was released in 2016 on London London Records and is about interpreting visions of light, trying to find universal truth with whatever tools available, it’s about the search for how everything works, why it works and how it got that way but also about being inspired on a basic level by the way a thing looks and how all your senses take in a thing. A thousand years ago Hildegard Von Bingen was writing about this same thing in letters, songs, medical texts, and had even developed her own language to use in her mystical writings, similar to Magma drummer Christian Vander using his own language for their concept albums or French black metalists Brenoritvrezorkre and Moëvöt.
The Light Inside You
We get a lot of letters from fans, mostly weirdos though. I think it started when we released Song of Schizophrenia, that sort of connected us to a certain demographic I suspect. Here’s a recent typical message we received. “Growing up in Panama City, Mouth By Mouth and Livonia were like passages to other realms. I drank a ton of cough syrup at the time but those albums helped make life more livable. I was about to go to art school for sculpture and graphic design and the textures I heard on those records had actual shapes to them. Most music I knew at that time was flat or linear. I got them on cassette via mail-order from an ad placed in a bmx magazine. Mouth By Mouth arrived just before going to work at the amusement park and I was able to listen to it twice on the way thanks to the never-ending beach traffic. As luck would have it, I worked on “The Abominable Snowman” ride, basically a tilt-a-whirl inside a dome with lots of fog machine action, blue lights, mirrors, and lots of air conditioning. It took about 10 listens that day before it wasn’t as weird as when I first put it on. Maybe it was my bubblegum flavor/robitussin combo slushie on top of no-doz that pulled it all together, but it was probably a weird ride for a lot of vacationing beach tourists and townies when all they really wanted to hear was “Naughty by Nature” by O.P.P. I had no business running those rides at the age of 17 but I really loved how disorienting that ride could be with all the mirrors, the fog, the cold and for the final 90 seconds the ride would go in reverse. I had a buddy named Kevin that did acid at work and would repeatedly run the mini-train off the tracks and all the riders had to walk back through the woods for about a half mile that summer.”
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catsnuggler · 3 years
I'm answering my own questions in response to this post.
Answers under the "read more" because this got long.
1. Do you identify as an apostate, exvangelical, ex-(denomination), heretic, or something else? I identify as ex-mormon (straight to the point), apostate (because that's what I am), and heretic because it sounds a lot more charged than apostate, in my opinion, even though technically a heretic is someone who is of a particular persuasion but refuses to accept the established religious dogma of that persuasion. In technical terms, I'm an apostate, but my dad, who is still Mormon but differs from the church radically in religious and political beliefs, is the heretic, not me. But, again, I just like the word. It brings to my mind an angry Crusader about to attack me, charging me with heresy and exclaiming that I'll be punished for my sins and treachery against the One True Faith - and to think of myself as an enemy of Crusaders is badass. Even though I'm really just some weak guy who sits around criticizing things.
2. How would you describe your current beliefs? Deconversion was as much a political as a religious process for me. I had to turn away from the liberal democracy at best, conservatism at most common, theocracy at worst political outlook of Mormonism, toward anarchist communism, which resonates best with my political desire for global liberation from both sociopolitical and economic tyranny. Additionally, the church is founded on colonialism, and warming up to decolonization is also part of my deconversion.
But this question is more specifically about religious beliefs, so, onto those: while most exmos are atheists, I'm a hard polytheist. I worship the Norse gods right now. I don't do so regularly, nor do I think they're the only ones deserving of worship; the idea that this or that god is unworthy of worship just because they're outside of ones tradition is an idea I've also had to reject. No, it's just that the Norse/Germanic gods are the ones I felt most pulled to. Generally, us Norse (neo)pagans/polytheists/"Heathens" also practice land worship and ancestor veneration, but given the settler-colonial context I'm part of, I'm still dealing with psychological as well as overarching political barriers with regard to such practices. The Norse god I feel most attracted to is Odin, although I do have to resist the "he's basically God" view that's been drilled into my head and is reinforced constantly by culturally Christian ex-Christian Heathens, particularly those of what we call "brosatru" and "(br)odinist" persuasions.
I've also had to unlearn a lot of antisemitism and islamophobia either directly taught as part of Mormonism, or otherwise commonly accepted in Mormon culture.
3. Have you gotten emotional support from friends in deconverting/deconstructing? Would you like more support? Have you found any online? Yes, yes, most definitely. The most support I got from @sleepyowlet. I can thank her for opening my mind up to anarchism, communism, and heathenry, while remaining respectful and understanding. I already had questions, she simply encouraged me and provided an alternative perspective, one which I ultimately found refreshing and made the most sense to me.
I haven't known too terribly many ex-mormons in person, though, and that would be rather refreshing and healing; bonus points if we've come to about the same politico-religious conclusions, yet still bear unique viewpoints to open the others' minds. That's more support I wish I had.
The /r/exmormon subreddit is somewhat helpful, and I'm also looking in the #exmo/#exmormon/#apostake etc tags on tumblr to find others to talk about this with.
4. Was any person, book, or something else instrumental in your deconversion? I don't like the guy, but... oh, hell, what was his name? The atheist with the talkshow, he's also an islamophobic asshole. Bill Maher, I think his name is? I saw a documentary by him that left me depressed and atheist for about a week, maybe two weeks? Which increased the questions I had. I was also already friends with a lot of atheists, growing up, so I was constantly exposed to non-mormon, non-Christian viewpoints. I mentioned Owly, of course. I haven't read many books. And, oddly enough, one of the most instrumental individuals to my deconversion is my Mormon dad. He is an odd duck, as previously mentioned, in the Mormon faith. He's very sad, because as I grew up, he taught my siblings and I all the bad things he knew about the church, but he did so to inoculate us so we wouldn't learn anyway down the road, with no previous idea of, say, how the Mountain Meadows Massacre really happened, and spiral into a faith crisis. He wanted to be living evidence that, though the other Mormons keep themselves blind and thoughtless, thinking that doing so is faith and righteousness, that one could be Mormon and still have a heart and mind. Unfortunately for him, and fortunately for myself, my older sister, and my younger sibling (not my older brother, though, as he is still a firm believer), his revelations to us led in large part to us leaving the church.
5. Who have you told about your deconversion/change in beliefs? I'm guessing this post is about people I know in meatspace, particularly close friends, folks still in the cult, and/or family members. My old bishop knows, one of the guys in the stake presidency who knew me back when we used to be in the same ward together knew because he was the one who fucking blabbed about me requesting my records be removed from the church to my dad, fuck you "Brother" [REDACTED]. Though I didn't tell him, technically, it just ended up in his lap after I got the lawyer to send the request, and breaching my request for fucking privacy, he told my dad. Asshole! Anyway. Anyway. Any fucking way. I've told my grandparents on my mom's side - well, bio-grandpa and step-grandma. Bio-maternal-grandma died years ago, one year after my mom died. I haven't told my dad's side yet, strangely, even though they live much further away and so I'm thus in far less physical contact with the convert side of my family than I am the pioneer side, who are just to the East/Southeast in Idaho, Utah, and a few in Arizona. I'm not sure how many I told I'm pagan, because I forgot, but they at least know that I'm not Mormon. I know I told my grandparents I'm pagan, though.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio | @/rennellnotreynolds | 300k followers | currently havin a midlife crisis at thee moment so cheers! 🍻🏋🏼‍♂️🤨
23 (24) years old
Born & raised in Chatham, England there’s no other place like it to him. Sure when he went on holiday to the villa, it was quite nice but nothing ever beats home. He genuinely believes that he’s meant to be in this place since it’s all he’s ever known & doesn’t think he’ll live anywhere else
Raised by his nan & is an only child. Was at risk of being placed in foster care until his paternal nan came forth to raise him
His father and nan did not have the best relationship due to the way he chose to live his life and Gary was kept away from his nan until he was about 10 years of age
Does not like to talk about his birth parents due to the trauma, which is why he feels like his nan is his everything. His savior and why she means so much to him
His nan once told him that he favors his mother, Gail. He never had the chance to really know her, but was aware that she was very unhappy with herself &, “chose to be with the stars” just before his 5th birthday
That’s one of the reasons why he finds himself always looking up at the stars, usually when he’s drunk out at the docks by himself, he’ll try to talk to his mom, to know her better
I feel like he’s either a cancer or a Libra?
Update: Cancer sun + libra moon + Taurus rising
Went to uni for a semester and thought about architecture as a profession but ultimately felt like uni was NOT for him and eventually juggled around with jobs until he landed into the crane operator field which he found himself to be great at
For as long as he and his nan can remember, he always loved playing with cars, ships, building Legos, (I’m American idk if this is a thing there too or it’s something different/similar so my apologies lol) and putting things together. He never cared for reading instructions, Gary’s a hands on type of guy/learner and it’s how he best communicates
He likes heights, so this job wasn’t an issue it was just getting through the program for 2-3 years that was a pain in his ass but he was determined + knew this was what he was good at and stuck with it.
It was tiring working 40 sometimes over 40 hrs a week but he’s passionate about his work so he’d never dare change it
Due to this job being a lot physically, he would use muscle cream to help his pain or pay to see a masseuse whenever he could or wasn’t being cheap about it + often buys epsom salt to bathe in 3 or so times a week 
Total penny pincher! I can see him being so, his dad told him all about how to hold onto what he’s got and always look for a bargain but with a gambler for a father, you can only imagine how that worked in his favor
Lives with his nan and doesn’t see an issue with it. His mates definitely tease him about it but know how much the woman means to him but still think it’s a major c*ck block for him but it’s a two for one package deal and anyone who doesn’t understand that doesn’t deserve him
Will probably still live in her house once IF she p*sses
Nan is a big fan of wallpaper and has one room in the flat that has squeaky plastic covering most of her furniture ( she loves furniture shopping) & only takes it off once her lady friends come over with consists of a huge cleaning routine which Gary secretly hates but pushes through it while she plays some old tunes on her jukebox
He finds himself singing those exact songs when he’s getting ready for work and actually enjoys them...but don’t ever tell his mates that!
His nan taught him basic household care & he finds himself scolding his mates for not knowing how to wash their underwear & always taking it to their mum’s or having their girlfriends do it for them
Loves washing clothes on a Sunday in the backyard + hanging them on the clothes line. His nan doesn’t believe in washer machines & makes her own detergent
He’s always down for a rooftop hangout, whether drunk or not. To be up almost as high as the stars is such a feeling or hang out with his mates laughing it up
Occasionally smokes cigarettes when he’s really stressed, he’s not proud of the nasty habit and tries his hardest to hide it from his nan & Lottie but they both know
Is in a on and off again relationship with Lottie. She’s met his nan, they both like each other. And that makes Gary extremely happy
Gary is the laid back one out of the two and Lottie is firey and needs constant reminding from Gary that he wants to be with her whereas Gary feels like that’s something she should already know and he’s told her a couple of times before, he’s sure of it. He doesn’t get why she doesn’t get that
Which results in arguments. Lottie chose to live in England for half of the year and goes back to Australia for the other half. Nan encouraged Lottie to live with the two of them until she decided to get her own place in England, or rather the two of them together. Nan doesn’t believe Gary will leave in fear of her being lonely, which she’s not! By all means, nan keeps busy! But Lottie desperately wants to have her own space with Gary away from nan, even tho she adores the spunky lady.
When they don’t see eye to eye she does what she does best and leaves, which is exhausting to Gary
They’ll go days without speaking until the other cracks. At first it would be Gary but since it’s been a year into their relationship, he’s gotten used to it and let’s her come back to him when she’s ready
He cares for Lottie, he really does. And wants this to work but he just wishes they could be more secure in their relationship.
Was a f*ckboy way back when from 18-20 and rarely there’s his old flings who show up just to cause drama knowing that Gary’s got a new girl in his life that LIVES with him, which Gary dreads that this small town knows his business. He hates confrontation but there’s one thing about Lottie, she’s never going to bite her tongue. So whenever those girls do try it with not only her but Gary she goes off.
Gary is protective too so when those messy girls start shit at the pub, he’s instantly trying to get Lottie away from the issue. Then there’s drinks flying and slap fights happening + hair pulling & they’re getting kicked out of the club/pub or even cops called on them.
“This blows. I thought you said you were trying to be better than this, Lottie.” “Me? What about those slags?! They attack not only me but your character too!” Which adds to a list of the reasons they fight.
Nonetheless they do have their fun moments together, getting drunk by the docks, getting random tattoos, hanging with his friends & their significant others, + going to the theatre
Lottie still thinks this town is very slow-pace, sleepy, cloudy and hardly has sun— which is okay to her some days but other day’s it can be dreadful and much different from her fast-pace life but she finds the little things like spending time with Gary to encourage her to stay
Gary likes playing games when he has his free time, like fortnite, red dead redemption, Final fantasy, & SUPER SMASH BROS & almost always plays with Ibrahim who informs him about new games which makes Lottie want to slam her head against the wall since that can take hours
Keeps in touch with all of the boys in villa and makes sure they have zoom meetings as much as they can because he cares about those boys. Noah tries to schedule them but usually it’s happens at random which annoys him but he gets over it. Gary spent month(s) with them. They’re basically his extended family & that’s saying a lot since he views his home to a high standard and has friends here but they’re nothing like his villa brother’s
Also into woodwork. He didn’t think he’d enjoy it but he likes to do it more when the weather gets crisp and he battles with that over cigarettes to ease his worries in life, then goes and have his daily dose of tea
Finally stopped dying his hair that awful yellow and stuck with it. Marisol was the first to see it, after an accidental FaceTime call which was supposed to be just a regular phone call but whatever? They’d all eventually see it if he EVER decided to post to his IG stories!
She compliments him in Spanish yanking her glasses off leaving him highly confused, “is that good?” “If Lottie doesn’t sit on your— which leaves Gary very wide eyed opposed to his raised brows but Marisol is cut off by Graham clearing his throat
Lottie does indeed like it & shows him how much and later asks his option on what color she should dye her hair next. 3 out of the 13 look the exact same to Gary. But he helps her dye her hair which comes out patchy but there’s no way in hell she’s letting anyone else touch her hair. She’s been doing this all on her own for some time now. Gary’s lucky she even allowed him to help her! So she dyes it back to blonde, all of it, and waits a few weeks to dye it all blue
Gary’s definitely into old boy bands especially LFO & serenades, “girl on tv” to Lottie all the time, likes 98 degrees, Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, Boys II men, & Dru Hill
As for modern day music, he LOVES to work out to tame impala which never makes sense to his mates but he usually works out the next day after getting shit-faced, he’s also in love with lizzo’s music, laundry day, brockhampton, & rina sawayama
Anthem = mac demarco, “Salad Days”
Celeb crush? Julia Roberts, Salma Hayek, Anne-Marie, Leona Lewis, & Noah Cyrus
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