#mutter kind kur
elternhandbuch · 5 years
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Mutter-Kind-Kur – Auftanken, bevor es zu spät ist!
Viele Mütter funktionieren immer und überall. Doch die Kräfte sind nicht unbegrenzt. Eine Mutter-Kind-Kur kann helfen!
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mistofstars · 11 months
Lololol im Winter hab ich endlich die Mutter-Kind-Kur beantragt, zu der man mir schon jahrelang mehrfach geraten hatte (mehrere Ärzte unabhängig voneinander), weil es mir auch wirklich schlecht ging zu dem Zeitpunkt.
Frühester deutschlandweiter (!) Termin, den ich bekam, war im August (lol).
Und ich dachte so neulich, Mensch, jetzt ist Juni, und mir geht's ja auch schon ein bisschen besser als im Winter. Soooo schlimm ist es doch gar nicht mehr.
Und dann hab ich den 100 Fragen-Fragebogen des Rehaträgers ausgefüllt.
Man soll ja ehrlich sein.
Und ich hab einfach nur hysterisch gelacht, weil es eigentlich gar nicht so lustig ist, wie "normal" der Wahnsinn inzwischen für mich ist, der alles andere als normal ist. Das ist, wie wenn du dich dran gewöhnt hast, dass eine Axt in deinem Bein ist und du irgendwann sagst, schau mal, blutet gar nicht mehr so doll.
Ich hab quasi fast alles 😂😳😵
Und ich könnte mich ohrfeigen, wie schlecht ich mich um mich selber gekümmert habe, offensichtlich 😳
Ob jetzt Schlafstörungen, Ängste, chronische Schmerzen, psychische Störungen, außergewöhnliche Belastungen, ich kann quasi mit allem dienen 🙈
Umso wichtiger, dass ich das endlich mal angehe. Aber holy shit, es war mir nicht so bewusst, wie viel ich eigentlich täglich leide und wie wenig normal das anscheinend ist 😳
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lukaawrites · 1 year
Ein lautes Hupen ertönt über die Fahrbahnkreuzung. Fuck! Mit voller Kraft trete ich in die Eisen, doch es ist zu spät. Die Straßen sind glatt und es ist dunkel. Ich habe sie nicht gesehen und sie hat nicht auf mich geachtet. Verdammt!! Ich bete zu Gott, dass mein Auto noch stehen bleiben wird oder seinen Kurs ändert. Es ist mir völlig egal, was dann mit mir passieren soll, hauptsache es verhindert das Unglück, auf das ich gerade zusteuere. Ich will die Augen schließen, aber das ist das letzte was ich tun darf! Jeglicher Bremsversuch, jegliche Lenkbewegung ist vollkommen sinnlos. Das Glatteis hat bereits die Überhand über meinen Wagen und über das Schicksal eines unschuldigen Menschen genommen. Alles spielt sich in Zeitlupe ab. Ich darf die Augen nicht von der Straße nehmen und muss somit zusehen, wie ich mit hoher Geschwindigkeit auf eine kleine Passantin zu rase und völlig machtlos darüber bin. Es tut mir leid, es tut mir unendlich leid...
Es wird schwarz und das letzte was in meinen Ohren ertönt, ist ein qualvoller, ängstlicher Schrei, der immer mehr zu einem schrillen Klirren in meinem Kopf wird. Dann ist es still.
Lichter, Stimmen...Schmerzen. Ich öffne langsam meine Augen und werde geblendet. Einen Moment lang kann ich nicht zuordnen wo ich bin...Ist das der Himmel? Bin ich gestorben?
,,Hallo?" höre ich eine gedämpfte Stimme in meinem Kopf. ,,Hallo, können Sie mich hören?" Ich drehe meinen Kopf unter Schmerzen und sehe einen Mann im weißen Kittel neben mir stehen. Ich sehe ihn nur verschwommen, aber er ist da. ,,Sie hören mich. Ist Ihnen bewusst wo Sie sind?" Ich überlege, aber dann wird es mir schlagartig bewusst. Lichter, Stimmen, ein weißer Kittel... Ich bin im Krankenhaus. Und mit dieser Erkenntnis erscheint mir wieder das Bild im Kopf, was ich zuletzt gesehen habe. Wie kurze Filmfetzen spielt sich das Geschehen noch einmal vor mir ab. Tränen laufen mir über die Wangen und ich schlage mir die Hand vor den Mund. Lautes Schluchzen entweicht mir. Ich werde kurzatmig. Jeder physische Schmerz, den ich Sekunden zuvor noch verspürt habe, ist verblasst, belanglos. Ich setze mich schlagartig auf. Wenn ich in einem anderen Zustand wäre, würde ich jetzt vor Schmerz aufschreien, doch das ist nicht von Bedeutung. Ich sehe den Arzt an, der versucht mich zu beruhigen, doch ich kann seine Worte nicht hören. Ich bin wie in Trance gefangen. Er sieht mich traurig und mitleidig an.
,,Das...Kind.." Mehr bekomme ich nicht herraus. Der Arzt reagiert nicht.
,,Was ist mit dem Kind!?" Ich schreie panisch. Der Arzt schüttelt den Kopf.
,,Es war zu spät." Bei diesen Worten bleibt mein Herz stehen.
,,Nein." Flüstere ich leise. Der Arzt legt seine Hand auf meine Schulter, doch ich schüttel diese sofort ab. Ich verdiene keinen Trost. Ich verdiene Verachtung.
Zu spät...
Zu spät. Zu spät um zu bremsen. Um zu lenken.
Ein Aufprall.
Zu spät zu verhindern.
Ich habe heute das Schicksal eines jungen Menschen besiegelt. Eines kleinen Kindes, dass sein Leben noch vollständig vor sich hatte.
Meinetwegen ist es gestorben. Ich hab es zerbrochen wie eine Blumenvase aus Porzellan. Es war meine Schuld.
Zu spät.
Zu spät um es zurückzuholen.
Zu spät um unser Schicksal zu tauschen und mein Leben stattdessen zu beenden. Ich hätte es sein sollen, verdammt, nicht das Kind, ich!!
Mit einer einzigen falschen Lenkbewegung habe ich, dass Leben vieler Menschen zerstört.
Ich habe das Kind einer Mutter, den Stolz eines Vaters, den Freund eines Bruders oder einer Schwester in ein paar Sekunden gelöscht.
Gelöscht wie ein Teelicht.
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sicher-stark-team · 21 days
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agatha-abstinent · 1 year
Tag 2971 / Mami, warum habe ich keinen Papi?
Ich wünsch mir wirklich von Herzen, dass es klappt mit dem Aydan. Klar, man kann sich viel wünschen. Das ist nicht nur ein Wunsch. Da ist ein Bedürfnis, ein Instinkt, ein Mutterinstinkt in mir drin, der ausgelebt werden möchte. Das ist wie ein Muskel, den man gar nicht benutzt. Und was kann ich dafür tun? Ich kann bitten und beten. Ich kann so gut es geht mich ernähren und verhalten. Und dann muss ich loslassen, es abgeben, darauf vertrauen, dass das geschieht, was geschehen soll. Ich bin bereit, darauf zu verzichten, zur Boje zu schwimmen und zurück und zwar so viele Jahre, bis das Kind groß genug ist, dass es wartet oder mitkommt oder dass jemand anderes aufpasst. Ich bin bereit, Sizilien zu opfern, Israel zu opfern. Ich bin bereit, auch diese Stelle weiterzumachen, mich zu bewerben für Entfristung. Dann habe ich wenigstens was Festes, das uns ernährt. Ist denn die Alternative, eine Therapie machen, eine Kur, Abschiedsrituale? Ich sehe da im Moment keine Alternative. Ich bin fruchtbar, ich kann ein Kind bekommen, ich kann schwanger werden, bei mir stimmen alle Hormonwerte, ich habe meinen Eisprung, in meinem Körper ist alles in Ordnung, ich habe einen regelmäßigen Zyklus, das LH-Hormon steigt an, meine Temperatur steigt an nach dem Eisprung, ich spüre den Eisprung inzwischen oft, es entwickelt sich ein deutlicher wässriger Ausfluss. Das ist von der Natur so eingerichtet. Es heißt nicht: Zweifel, Befürchtungen, Bedenken. Das heißt: Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung. Schwanger, gebären, Mutter.
Zurück im Berufsleben bin ich, weil ich nicht darauf gehört habe, was die mir gesagt haben: Wie ist es denn mit der Belastbarkeit, Frau Agatha? Ich bin zurück aus eisernem Willen, weil ich wusste, dass sich das gut anfühlt zu arbeiten. Und ich weiß auch, dass es sich gut anfühlt, Mutter zu sein. Ich höre nicht auf zwei Männer, die in Fruchtbarkeitskliniken arbeiten, und Frauen Eizellen anderer Frauen verkaufen wollen. Don’t do that, hat Aydan gesagt. Das brauche ich gar nicht. Ich bin in Berlin, obwohl meine Familie gesagt hat, muss es denn Berlin sein? Willst du nicht lieber in unsere Nähe kommen? Dann kann man dir besser helfen. Ich denke, dass es für alle Beteiligten besser ist, dass ich in Berlin bin. Ich bin in der Stadt, die ich mir ausgesucht habe. Ich wollte hier hin und ich bin hier geblieben. Ich habe hier Arbeit gefunden.
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lorenzlund · 1 year
Verkehrswende u. Gesellschaftswandel.
Viel zu oft enden auch wir dabe vielleichti immer noch nur in der Sackgasse und/oder befahren die Einbahnstrasse in der komplett falschen Richtung. Ein von uns gezeigtes Verhalten es erwies sich dann auch hier wieder vielleicht als das genau verkehrte! So jedenfalls die Bewertung einiger anderer dann wieder selber über auch oder zu uns als Privatpersonen!
“Der Film ist eine Analyse des Werdegangs selbst Michael Jacksons, hier geschildert durch einen Doktor!! Von der Kindheit an wird uns hier seine Karriere geschildert bis zu ihrem plötzlichen Ende in den 90ern und seinem Tod”
 *Doc Johnson, Bob (Usa)
*Analyse, die : Anal + (e)y(e) + ass, es, -se
“Frankreich im Jahre 1968. Nach dem stattgefundenem Mord an ihrem Vater sucht die junge Julie nun nach ihrer Mutter, wer diese ist. Sie kam als Ziehkind anderer zur Welt”
“Ein Mann erschießt in Virginia acht Menschen, nachdem er offenbar zuvor an einer längeren Psychose litt”.
*Sücht-e, die Sucht, das stark ausgeprägte Begehren von oder nach etwas, + the oder ein Ass. -ose als erneuter Endsilbe könnte aber auch anstelle von Öse Verwendung gefunden haben hier. Im Endeffekt wäre es das selbe! ‘Die offene Öse’. (Psychose, der plötzliche ‘Psycho’ unter den Männern, als solcher würde plötzlich auch er dann wahrgenommen werden seitens anderer, jemand ist oder befindet sich in psychiatrischer Behandlung durch Ärzte wegen eines sehr starken gezeigten Suchtverhaltens auch von ihm, er geht eigens in eine dafür vorgesehene Suchtklinik, dort will man nun auch ihn von seiner sehr starken Erkrankung als Patient auch kurieren, oder hat es so vor! Behandelt aber würde auch er dann als Mann wegen beispielsweise wegen Alkoholsucht, keinesfalls wäre es die Sucht nach Sex auch bei ihm, oder nach mehr davon, vielleicht aber auch nur nur nach besserem, als eigentlicher Ursache oder Grund, warum man es plötzlich für dringend für notwendig hielt erachtete, auch ihn zu behandeln, seitens von Ärzten! Es wird ihm verschwiegen!)
*‘Sein Verhalten, so wie er sich beständig verhält, ist total krank”.
der Kranke, Krankenhaus, das auch eigene Hinterhaus, es diente uns dann sogar als Versteck, es gibt eine sehr große Vielzahl solcher möglicher Gehäuse, und selbst der Hintern von Menschen zählte dann dazu auch! das Freudenhaus.
“Innerhalb dieser Filmdokumentation dienen und kämpfen auf Kurs gebrachte Jugendliche bei oder in der Hitlerjugend!”.
*hit + el + ‘R für: ars (lat.) + Jugend, einer macht Ass vor, der andere tut es ihm nur nach. Der selbst auch: ‘Führer’, einen Er führen oder führen wollen, der dem Autofahrer mitgegebene selbst heutige Führerschein.
der moderne Laptop : the Laphop oder auf den Schoß-Hüpfen, lap (engl.) : Schoß, die Shopping Mall aus selbst England und den USA (dt: die große Einkausgalerie oder Center), ‘S + (sudden) hopping, the
“Wissenswertes und Faszinierendes aus der Vogelwelt. (Bestimmt nicht nur allein für den Naturfreund!)”
“Mit der Hand am Abzug. (Trigger Point, die Serie)”.
Vicky ist toughe Bombenentschärferin die auf gefährliche Einsätze geht. Gleich zu Beginn wird sie gemeinsam mit Kollegen in eine Wohnung geschickt, entdeckt wird aber nur eine gefesselte Frau”.
“Der Film zeigt auf wie Polizeibeamte, aber selbst auch Staatsanwälte die schrecklichen Verbrechen verarbeiten mit Hilfe von Ärzten und Psychologen, mit denen sie es täglich zu tun haben”.
“(Inspektor) Ballauf begegnet seiner ehemaligen Jugendliebe. Kurz darauf wird die ermordet aufgefunden”.
“Hulda ist Mätresse des Königs. Es geht um geplanten Kinderraub und um einen womöglichen späteren königlichen Erben. Sie will diesen Raub selber begehen”.
“Liz als erfolgreicher junger Sängerin wird vorgeworfen, sie soll ihr eigenes Kind oder Baby getötet haben. Conti als junge Staranwältin eilt nun in die Stadt zurück, um sie vor Gericht zu verteidigen. Selber glaubt sie nicht daran, Liz könnte das so getan haben, eine solch schreckliche Tat wie die wirklich zu begehen! Und so reagiert sie auch mehr als fassungslos, als Liz plötzlich die Tat vor Gericht gesteht! Stattdessen ist sie auch weiter davon überzeugt, selber kann diese es gar nicht gewesen sein! Also beschließt sie weiterzukämpfen und nicht einfach als Anwältin so aufzugeben!”
*(polizeiliche) Zeugenschutzprogramme vor Gericht, der im Gras liegende und dabei versteckt auf jmd. anlegende Schütze, schützen u. schießen, auch dieser Zeuge dürfte so nie wirklich zu einer späteren Aussage vor Gericht gelangen. Möglicherweise auch eigene aufgegebene Vermisstenanzeigen seitens der Bevölkerung, so wie wir sie bislang eigentlich immer nur aus Südamerika und vielleicht manchmal auch woanders her kannten innerhalb von Diktaturen, gegenüber Polizei und Behörden, wie durch dortige Mütter, rechneten sich so erst gar nicht für den- oder diejenigen! (*Denn täte derjenige das so, oder täte sie das, geriete dieser jemand, dann wäre zu befürchten, selber nur in direkte Lebensgefahr beständige eines Tages dabei vielleicht nur noch genauso, es gälte plötzlich nicht viel anders so auch für ihn!!)
*Kronzeugenregelung vor Gericht
*Freiheit als Grundlage für geortete Konflikte. *Originaltext : geordnete; Free-dom, (engl.), der Frei-tod, (dt.), und (persönlich erlebte) Freiheit
‘Wenn sich bespielsweise politische Auseinandersetzungen in Gesellschaften sehr stark zuspitzen, kann selbst das helfen bei deren in Zukunft vielleicht sehr viel leichteren Bewältigung, selber nehmen wir uns diese Freiheit dann vielleicht dazu auch, wir gönnen sie uns dann wie andere immer wiederkehrend noch genauso oder auch!”
‘Worauf es ankommt: In Teams leben, denken und vor allem: leben!!
Darüber unterhielten wir uns mit einer Schulleitung!
“Schwerter richtig einschätzen zu wissen *Wertschätzung und dass wir dem Er notfalls eine erneute Antwort erteilen und dem Ding von ihm *(V)erantwort-ung, aber schließlich oder letzten Endes auch das Davon-Gehen *Geh’ mein Schaft! das ist unser Wertegerüst!!”
“Gab es Widerstände?”
“Da wo Menschen zusammenarbeiten, gibt es auch Reibereien, das gilt so überall. Entscheidend ist aber der Po-fress, dass er stattfinden kann! Originaltext: der Prozess.
“Dafür benötigt werden nachhaltige Lernprozesse auch unter Schülern. Trennungen stellen auch keine Katastrophe dar, sondern sie sind normal und zulässig!! Nicht alle unserer Kolleginnen kamen mit diesen Anforderungen zurecht, es kam dann zur erneuten Trennung! In den wenigen Fällen, wo das so war, traf es auf wechselseitiges Verständnis! Bei uns steht die Qual des Lernens im Fokus! Das aber haben wir so hinbekommen, und auch wir gingen dann zu virtuellen Lernformen über, dem selbstorganisiertem Lernen von zu Hause (*mittels großzügig geschenkter Laptops für den Heimgebrauch, für alle!), das Digitaliseren von Schulen, es fand dann so auch bei uns statt!!” *Qualität, Qual + ‘Zur Tat schreiten’, nötigenfalls dann halt wieder auch einmal zur erneuten! D-ass, .de als sogar auch Länderkürzel des Internets, (D) für Deutschland, ‘D-ass kriegen wir hin!!’
“Tatort Schule, so gehen sie mit Schaft-Taten *begangenen Straftaten an ihrer Schule um. Souverän und rechtssicher”. Kriminaloberkommissarin Petra R. (Polizeipräsidium Düsseldorf)
“Dicke Luft an Schulen. Wie sie mit passiven Agressionen von Schülern und Schülerinnen richtig umgehen”. Therapeut Harald G. *Der selbst Belüfter oder das grosse Belüftungsgerät für Klassenräume, eine Zeitlang waren oder wurden auch sie dann den Schulen zwingend noch genauso dadurch vorgeschrieben!
“Schule digital weiterentwickeln helfen, so erstellen sie ihr Konzept für die Schule der Zukunft”. Hans W., Vizedirektor
“Wie entwickeln Sie ihre Schule weiter: Vom alleinigen Lern- zum dann auch Lebensort! Mit mehr Schulkultur begeistern!! Mithilfe digitaler Lösungen! Damit gefördert wird mehr Kompetenz auf allen Ebenen!” *com Potenz, com, sp.: mit
“Routinen verabschieden und gänzlich neue Wege gehen. Mithilfe der Digitalisierung. Die Kreidetafel als Dinosaurier des Schul-all-tags.”
“Schließen sie sich dem Aktionsplan Bildung an für nachhaltige Entwicklung und verleihen sie sich so Kernkompetenzen! Machen sie sich fächerübergreifende Projekte zu ihrem Auftrag! ” *Kerl, Bursche, der, ‘Wenn uns etwas plötzlich selber vielleicht sehr stark auch juckt!’ the Po + juckt * a Product, Warenprodukt, bar (engl.), bar sein fern von jeglicher Vernunft! (nackt)
*Wertschätzung, Verantwortung tragen, Gemeinschaft, ein Er, während die ebenfalls sehr häufig Verwendung findende Endsilbe -ung gebräuchlicherweise für ‘das Ding’ steht oder ‘sein Ding’, das eines Mannes.
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einervon80millionen · 2 years
[alles selbst mit Bleistift durchgestrichen]
[warning: depri thoughts but real]
Holy Shit: 51,5 kg. Ich hätte in einer Woche fast wieder 2 kg abgenommen, aber nein, ich war gestern bei Yalo und habe ‚gefressen‘ und heute auch. Ich muss abnehmen. Yalo ist auch gerade dabei und hat die gleichen Probleme – sie ist eben meine einzige und beste Freundin. Apropos Freunde… ich habe keine. Niemand aus der Klasse mag mich noch und ich will auch nicht auf glücklich tun. Das Schlimmste ist, alle merken meine schei* Laune. Die einzige ist Yalo, sie kann mich aufheitern. Nicht mal meine Eltern mögen mich noch… natürlich: blablabla sie würden mich lieben – aber nur weil ich ihr schei* KIND bin! Meine Schwester heiratet jemanden, ist ja schön, ich fühle mich jedoch im Stich gelassen. Malek aus Rhönradturnen mag mich nicht mal mehr, er steht jetzt auf der Seite von Bea… arrgh ich versuche immer nett zu ihr zu sein, und sie macht mir immer schei* Vorwürfe, dass ich die Übung nicht kann und sonst auch nichts. Bea steht jetzt an meiner Stelle, von Malek gesehen zu werden. Egal. Schei* drauf. Obwohl er mir am Anfang schrieb, dass er mich mag und, dass es ihm so vorkommt, als ob wir uns schon immer kennen. Nicht mal mehr anschreiben tut er mich! Wie ich alle hasse. Mit dem schei* Typ von Gustav laufe ich nicht mehr, das ist einfach nur so ein kranker Bastard. Immer auf heilig und Muttersöhnchen tun, und mich dann versuchen auszunutzen, um Nacktfotos von mir zu kriegen! Ja, ich weiß, blablabla ich verwende Schimpfwörter, na und? Wen interessierts? Genau, niemand! Mia macht sich sogenannte ‚Sorgen‘ um mich und lebt ein tolles Leben ohne mich… ich würde am liebsten ein neues Leben anfangen… Ich glaube, ich ziehe das Ding durch, mit Yalo magersüchtig zu werden, um den ganzen Schmerz nicht mehr zu fühlen! Klingt echt perfekt! <3 Ich bin einfach nicht für dieses Leben und Beziehungen oder Freundschaften geschaffen… Nicht mal in der Schule bin ich gut und versage jedes Mal… aber das kümmert mich nur noch wenig. Sogar meine Mutter schiebt ihre Launen auf mich, weil ‚ich ja nicht in einer Familie leben kann‘. -> Sag ich’s doch, ich bin ein Verlierer! Nicht mal für meine fuc*ing Familie bin ich gut genug, weil ich einfach nichts kann. Das einzige was noch übrig bleibt, ist Sport. Doch nicht mal das macht mir mehr Spaß, weil ich einfach keinen Erfolg mehr sehe. Und auf Weihnachten freue ich mich auch nicht, da tuen immer alle so auf glücklich, und auf ‚eine heile Familie‘ , boar wie ich das hasse! Ich will endlich auf diese schei* Kur, um niemanden mehr von hier sehen zu müssen. Und dann am besten in eine Drogen-Geschichte und sterben. Passt doch. Naja egal. Würde sowieso keinen von meinen Verwanden stören. Da würden die ein bisschen trauern, und ich würde endlich zu Opa und den anderen kommen. So ist das eben… Nacht.
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cadenkraut · 7 years
Urlaub? (Teil 1) Was meint ihr mit Urlaub? Alleinerziehende Mütter mit 3 Kindern und ohne Großeltern in der Nähe kennen dieses Wort nicht. Ferien? Was meint ihr mit Ferien? Meint ihr die anstrengende Zeit im Sommer, wo die Schule zu hat, und der Kindergarten und -laden auch? Wo man 16 Stunden am Tag Programm machen muss, und das Baby wacht trotzdem noch zweimal in der Nacht auf und muss gestillt werden? Die ersten beiden Wochen kommen meine Eltern, aber dann? "Ne Mutter Kind Kur", sagte Karla, eine Mitmutter vom Spielplatz. Wir verbringen gewissermaßen unseren Sommer gemeinsam auf der morschen Holzbank neben dem "Piratenschiff". "Na sooo krank seh ich nun auch wieder nicht aus...oder?" Karla grinst. "Nein, dass musst du auch gar nicht. Du gehst zum Arzt und erzählst, dass du immer schlapp bist und ständig erkältet." "Und das klappt?" Karla nickt. Dann kramt sie in ihrem Riesenrucksack zwischen Windeln, Feuchttüchern, Apfelstückchen, Trinkfläschchen, Tempos, Ersatzjäckchen und Kreuzworträtselheft nach ihrer Geldbörse. "Ich geb dir mal die Adresse von meinem Arzt...", sagt sie. Als sie mein skeptisches Gesicht sieht, schaut sie verträumt in den Himmel: "Stell dir vor du setzt dich an den gedeckten Tisch, musst nicht kochen. Die Kinder werden betreut, mindestens den halben Tag..." "Oh schön", sag ich, "mach weiter!" "Du hast mehrere Stunden Zeit..." "JA!" Gemeinsam schauen wir in den Himmel, träumen. "Machst Wellness oder liest mal wieder ein Buch..." "Meehr!" "Du hast Zeit, zum Friseur zu gehen..." "Woo ich krieg voll die Gänsehaut!" "Und dann .. dann liegst du im Strandkorb und da kommt schon wieder dieser braungebrannte Typ mit dem... mit dem..." Karla wird ernst, richtet sich auf. Ich auch. "Wie lange... ich meine, ist Paul weg?" "Drei Monate" "Lang her alles..." "Ja" "Irgendwie ging die Geschichte am Strand weiter" "Irgendwie, ja. Hast du die Nummer gefunden?" Sie hält mir eine Visitenkarte hin. "Gleich morgen mach ich einen Termin!" Und dann machen wir uns ans EInsammeln der Kinder und Mützen und Förmchen und Schaufeln, und jaa: Der Ast, der aussieht wie ein Schwert, kommt auch mit!
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juno-of-the-sky · 3 years
pink in the night / tetsurou kuroo
eleven times you and tetsurou kissed throughout your lives.  [based off of mitski’s pink in the night, i strongly recommend you listen to that while reading]
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tags: lots of kisses (no duh), traditional couple things, gender-neutral reader word count: 3,092k my hand slipped a/n: wow look my first work! obviously i made it about kuroo because he’s one of the easiest ones for me to write LOL— anyway i hope you enjoy! requests will be open soon as well in case there’s anything specific you’d like to see <3
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Kuroo’s lips were chapped.
There were a lot of things you could’ve been focusing on at that moment, but his lips were chapped against yours, and that was the main thing. Or, it was the main thing until the weight of what you were doing — kissing Tetsurou Kuroo — really sunk in, and then it was everything. It was his chapped lips; his palms, resting so gently on your cheeks, his thumb rubbing circles into the apples of them; the pitter patter of the rain hitting the puddles on the concrete and the umbrella above the both of you that you were holding.
In only a moment, you’d managed to notice so much and so little at the same time.
Kuroo was the one to break the kiss — you had to hold back from dropping the umbrella and pressing your hands against his neck and pushing him into your lips because you just had to have him again.
“Ah, sorry,” The messy-haired boy muttered. When you opened your eyes with a confused, incoherent murmur, he was staring down at the ground, his cheeks dusted with pink. “That was… impulsive, my bad—” “Kuroo,” You breathed. “That was amazing.” He was silent for a second, before a slightly shocked, “Really?” “Do it again.”
He chuckled, putting his loving gaze on you again for only a second before stealing another kiss. This time, you took note of every detail.
And I know I’ve kissed you before, but I didn’t do it right
“Oh, come on, that was a lame kiss,” Kuroo rolled his eyes, slipping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you closer to him. The sudden force knocked you off of your feet slightly, but you were happy to be close. 
“It was not,” You insisted, squinting your eyes in the sun to see him accurately. Upon your declaration that the kiss of the night before — your first kiss with him, no less — had been the best in the world, Kuroo was annoyingly set on proving you wrong. “It was a great kiss.” “My lips weren’t even moisturized,” He said, shaking his head. “You have meager standards, (Y/N).” “If it was so bad, then kiss me again to make up for it.”
Kuroo was silent, unmoving for a second before slipping his arms around your waist and lifting you ‘till you were level with his lips and kissing you.
If last night, someone had told you that the next day you would have a kiss that was even more amazing than the one you shared with Kuroo in the rain, you wouldn’t have believed them.
Now, kissing him in the sun with your arms around his neck and his arms around your waist, you definitely would’ve.
Can I try again
“Do you wanna be my partner?” The bouquet of pink roses in your hand seemed to glow a million times brighter as Kuroo stared at you with that smile on his face — confident, mostly, but with undertones of a sort of innocent shyness.
“Y—You mean to ask me?” You squeaked.
“Obviously. Who else would I ask?” He responded with a light chuckle, shaking his head. “You’re the one who… y’know.”
It all seemed so impossible — how in the world did Tetsurou Kuroo fall for this next-door-neighbor-type person? Yet, you felt like you were glowing pink, pink with adoration and affection and…
“Yeah,” was your final, whispered response. “I’ll be your partner.”
Kuroo smiled even wider, reaching out his arms — but before he could do anything, you went in for the kiss you knew he was planning. He hummed, surprised, which made you pull away momentarily.
“What are you doing?” He said, eyes closed and forehead pressed against yours. His hand was tracing up the back of your neck. “C’mon. Stop being a tease.” And his hand pushed against your neck, and then you were in your favorite place in the world — with your lips pressed to Kuroo’s. The serene hill the two of you had been sitting on, watching the clouds go by, was a lovely backdrop for this romance, this early love that was starting to form between the two of you.
You weren’t just glowing pink — the whole world was.
Try again
Kuroo had his head pressed against the wall when you found him, tears pouring down his cheeks in unrelenting streams. You didn’t know what was wrong, but there was something — Kuroo didn’t just cry like this. He’d never cried. It was such a strange sight to behold, but it wasn’t a bad one.
You sank down on the brick wall beside him, placing your hand on his knee. Through all of the tears, he gave you a side-glare that could’ve been full of a lot of different emotions.
“Hey, Kuroo, it’s okay,” You said, squeezing his knee. “It’s gonna be okay, alright? You’re not alone.”
He spat out something incoherent, his voice sounding nasally and hoarse like he had to force the words off of the tip of his tongue. 
Gently, you slipped your hand under his chin and lifted his head slightly to face you. He stared impassively at you, despite the tears still rolling down his cheeks before the tiniest glimmer of a smile appeared on his chapped, broken lips.
Your hand ran through his uncombed hair like clockwork; your other hand fit in the spaces between his fingers perfectly. You kissed him, but this kiss was different than your previous ones. It was gentle, full of affection and attention and warmth and love; that was the strange, fluttering feeling you felt in your chest every time you kissed Kuroo. It was love.
And as you pulled away from each other, you couldn’t help noticing that against this wall was where you had your first kiss.
You figured it was a good enough wall to say something else noteworthy.
“I love you,” You whispered, the three beautiful words rolling off your tongue like marbles from the depths of your heart.
Kuroo was silent, and for a second, you thought you’d messed up. You were assembling an apology in your head before, so quietly you almost missed it, a chuckle.
“I love you, too.”
Try again
“Well, babe, we did it.”
The air had a chill to it, despite the June evening — you nodded, teeth clattering together, and pulled your jacket tighter around you. Kuroo noticed this and turned to you, chuckling. “Are you that cold?” “It’s freezing out here,” You said, nodding frantically. “The memories here are good, but I’m starting to think it wasn’t worth it.”
“Here,” He said, pulling off his jacket and handing it to you. “‘m not cold.”
“Aw, Kuroo, you’re too nice.” “What can I say,” The boy grinned, already looking older despite high school graduation having been only a few hours ago. “Only the best for my babe.” “Maybe we should come up with a better pet name. That’s kind of basic, isn’t it?” He shrugged. “I guess it is. What are your ideas?”
To this, you didn’t have an answer. Kuroo had been calling you Babe for… a while — there wasn’t anything else you wanted to hear from him. Just not Babe.
And before you could convey any of this, Kuroo’s face was only inches away from yours, his hand on the back of your neck. “Maybe if I kiss you,” He suggested with a mischievous smile on his face, “You’ll come up with an idea.” “Bring it on—” Your proposition was interrupted by lips on yours, and for the millionth time, you were in your favorite place in the world. This was the beginning of the rest of your lives, wasn’t it?
And as you kissed Tetsurou Kuroo, you wondered how many more times you would kiss him. 
No matter how many times those lips connected, you were confident that you would never, ever get tired of it.
Try again
“Ew! Don’t kiss me!” You laughed, faking more disgust than you held for him. Kuroo sighed dramatically, holding his hand to his head like a Shakespeare character. “What do you mean you don’t want kisses from your boyfriend?” He asked broken-heartedly, shutting his eyes tightly. “How rude, Sugar.”
“It’s because you’re all sweaty and gross,” You said, still laughing and taking a seat against an empty box to drink some water. Moving into your new house had been a task, to say the least, but Kuroo’s presence made it a lot more tolerable. You couldn’t wait to have that comforting presence with you every day in this new beautiful home. “I’ll be happy to kiss you once you take a shower.”
“That’s too long,” Kuroo pouted like a five-year-old, drawing out his vowels and sitting next to you, leaning against the same old cardboard box. “I wanna kiss you now.”
He was too cute when he was all whiny like this — despite the sweat covering every inch of exposed skin on his tall frame, you leaned in and pecked his lips. They were more moisturized than they’d been in high school, you noticed.
“Thank ya’, Sugar,” He said, beaming at you. “Love you.”
“Yeah, I love you too. Now, let’s finish this up so we can go take a shower.”
And again
Kuroo was crying, you were crying — but instead of waves of sadness and grief that you would usually feel in this situation, it was only warmth and happiness and love.
His sliding of the ring onto your left hand was sloppy because he was too excited to look at your face and kiss you. And as you kissed, his arm slipping around your waist to pull you closer to him, he couldn’t help his face breaking into a smile even though your lips were still firmly connected.
You were his.
He was yours.
And there, holding you in his arms kissing you — his fiance — like there was no tomorrow, he had never been prouder of the fact. You broke away the messy kiss — not because of the kiss itself, but more of the fact your tears had somewhat merged to create a weird flow of engaged couple tears that were now streaming down both of your faces. You looked at Kuroo — your fiance — and beamed.
“Tetsurou, I love you.”
“I love you, too, (Y/N).” Even though you had heard those words a million times, hearing Kuroo say them at that moment was the most beautiful sound ever to grace your ears. You couldn’t wait to have him say it to you a million more times, now that you had an engagement ring around your fingers.
And again
“You may now kiss the—” “C’mere!” Kuroo, the eager boy, was apparently too good to hear the officiant declare you officially his spouse and launched into you in a passionate, loving kiss. You squealed his name a few times, caught off-guard, but that died out into soft hums of satisfaction as you melted into the kiss. Kisses had always been something so unique, so sacred to your relationship — and now you were married. How was one to believe it?
“I love you,” He declared as soon as he pulled away, taking your wrist and holding it up like you were a wrestling champion. And to the whole room, he declared like it was a judge’s ruling, “(Y/N) and I are officially married, and I’m proud to call myself (Y/N)’s husband! I love (Y/N)!” “Tetsurou, you’re embarrassing me,” You laughed, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly. “Oh, grow up,” He rolled his eyes, collecting you into his arms and kissing you again. Then, before you could say anything at all, he took your hand and nearly yanked you down the aisle with him in a sort of dance.
“Tetsurou!” You started to scold, but he cut you off with another kiss on the lips, easily a few seconds.
“Can’t complain if I’m kissing you,” He said with a smirk. “Congratulations on having the best husband in the world.”
“You’re the worst,” You laughed as you caught up with his pace to sprint outside. “I love you!” “Happy wedding day, Sugar!”
And again
“(Y/N),” Kuroo said groggily, tugging on the leg of your sweatpants as you tried to slip out of bed without him noticing. The morning was new, sunlight casting an ethereal glow through the thin curtains of your bedroom you’d shared for years. Today was the fourth week you got to call Kuroo your husband, and you adored every single second of it.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” You said tiredly, rubbing your eyes. “Can you let go of my pants?” “No. Stay a little longer.” “I have to go to work, Tetsurou.”
It was a fact you didn’t like, but a fact that was true nonetheless — work was taking you away from your poor husband. But work was pretty significant, you’d say.
“Please?” Kuroo pleaded, using his puppy dog eyes that he wasn’t that good at, but you always melted for regardless. It was like an A for effort sort of thing. “Just a few more minutes, Sugar.” “Sorry,” You shook your head. “Gotta go to work.”
“Give me a goodbye kiss, then.” With no hesitation, you pinned his arms to the headboard and planted a kiss on his cracked, dry lips. 
“Happy?” You asked, already pulling away before his strong arms broke your grip and wrapped around your back, pulling you onto his chest and making you collapse on it.
“Another one,” He demanded in a whisper. Rolling your eyes, you complied. “One more?” He asked. “Just for good measure.” “Tetsurou,” You whined irritably but kissed him again — a long kiss to keep him satisfied. This seemed to satisfy his need, and he leaned back as he watched you leave the room.
About an hour later, you were about to leave the house when you heard his tired voice from your bedroom, “Love you, Sugar. Have a good day at work.”
“Love you too, sweetheart!” 
This was an excellent start to your day; you thought as you closed the front door behind you, the cold air embracing the skin that wasn’t covered by your work clothes. A perfect start.
And again
Kuroo was up in front of you like a puppy called to attention as soon as you entered the house, and he was quick to notice the muffle on your mood as you said a tired hello to him and collapsed on the couch, kicking off your work shoes.
“How was your day?” He inquired, sitting next to you and slipping an arm around your shoulders. His hand smelled like disinfectant wipes, you noticed. You sighed, shaking your head slowly. “Long.” “I can tell.” Affectionately, he lifted your arm to slip into your embrace and nuzzled into your shoulder. It had been years since you’d gotten to call Kuroo your husband for the first time, but you had never, ever gotten tired of the little things in your marriage — doting cuddles and tender kisses being high on the list of little things.
You were proud of your marriage and your relationship — not a day was boring with Kuroo, even after the initial stages of newlywed wore off. Every time you looked at his smile, or even just his face that was beginning to differ with age, you were reminded of how much you’d stuck on the line for this man. Honestly, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Sorry you had a rough day, Sugar,” He murmured, planting kisses on your collarbone. “Wanna talk about it?”
“There wasn’t anything in particular. It was just… long, you know?” “Yeah. You’re probably tired, aren’t you?” “Super.” “Well, I made dinner for you,” He smiled. “I got hungry early, but you know I like to eat with you. So, when you want to eat, it’s ready.”
Silently you closed your eyes and thanked whatever deity had blessed you with this angel of a husband, of a person named Tetsurou Kuroo. And while your eyes were closed, he took the opportunity to kiss you.
Kuroo’s kisses tended to be hungry, full of need and want — this one was gentle, giving you the comfort you so desperately wanted. And, as he kissed you, you melted into his embrace.
You loved Tetsurou Kuroo so, so much. And, there, on that couch, you got a feeling that you hadn’t gotten since high school.
The world felt as if it was glowing pink.
And again…
Kuroo was still asleep next to you. As he breathed softly, you took note of his bedhead — all these years of marriage, and you’d never even seen him touch a comb.
You couldn’t fall asleep — insomnia had become a sad commonality for you, and tonight was another one of those sleepless nights. However, you were more than content just to watch your beautiful husband sleep the night away.
He was so perfect, and you loved him so much. You’d always loved him from the second you laid your eyes on him. Even if he hadn’t kissed you that one rainy evening, you’d still love him; even if he hadn’t given you that bouquet of pink roses and asked you to be his partner, you’d still love him; even if he hadn’t let you comfort him that night, you’d still love him; even if you hadn’t graduated high school together, you’d still love him; even if you hadn’t moved in together, you’d still love him; even if he hadn’t proposed to you, you’d still love him; even if he wasn’t as much as a devoted husband as he was, you’d still love him.
You loved Tetsurou Kuroo with your entire heart, and there was nothing in the universe that could change that. 
“Tetsurou, I love you,” You whispered, running your hand along the cheek that wasn’t pressed against the pillow. “You’re perfect.”
His aged face twitched a little, which made you smile. And then, whispered, an almost inaudible, “I love you, (Y/N).”
That ever familiar warm glow filled your heart — pink. You were glowing pink; he was glowing pink; the whole world was glowing pink.
Like it was a prayer, you whispered, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” over and over again — you counted in your head. Nine times over.
And there, holding Tetsurou Kuroo, your husband, your soulmate, the love of your life, in your arms — the pink world felt perfect.
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elternhandbuch · 8 years
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Buchtipp: Sandra Girod – Manchmal will man eben Meer
Manchmal will man eben Meer – Mit viel Humor erzählt Sandra Girod vom Alltag aus der Kurklinik, dabei schließt man die Charaktere immer mehr ins Herz.
0 notes
bunnirs · 4 years
Scarlet Crossroads:
Chapter 2: Breaking The Ice
Scarlet Crossroads Masterlist
It felt like hours before most of the exam contestants arrived. Of course, you happened to be exceptionally early, being only examinee 113.
You wish you could’ve said waiting was boring, but a few of the other examinee’s made it extremely difficult to settle down.
There was a wide variety of other characters, their personalities most likely to clash further into the exam, dragging you into the crossfire.
One man stood out to you. He was short, rather full looking, and had an ugly ass beard. Maybe he was a child… seeing as he certainly acted like one. This child of a man was Examinee #16, Tonpa the Rookie Crusher.
It was obvious to you that he was bad news. I mean, he reeked of mold and broccoli. (Well, you thought it was broccoli, but you could’ve been wrong on that. You were hoping, no praying, that it wasn’t the case.
He shifted uncomfortably underneath your stare, somehow growing nervous as he tried to speak. It seemed your aura was suffocating him, how typical.
Anyone who isn't strong enough to withstand it seemed to have that reaction. This just proved he was up to no good.
Your Nen Ability was something close to a Trump Card of sorts. No one would know it existed until it was too late. This poor man had already succumbed to it though, seeing as he was choking on his words.
With a quick inhale, your aura dispersed, leaving the short man to choke on the air that shot into his throat.
“You run a mile or something? Asthma?” You said curiously, a sly smirk seemed to pick at your lips, a laugh growing in your throat.
“No, no! I’m just thirsty! About that, what about a drink? You must be thirsty from your way here? What about we become pals? My name's Tonpa! How about you girly?”
Ew, okay gross. Did this man just call you.. girly? Yeah no, he’s not worthy enough to hold your drink, much less give you one.
With that conclusion, you gave him a forced smile, your eyes narrowing as you stared him down. “That’s really nice of you to offer, but I don’t take things from strangers.”
“Oh huh, really? That’s too bad!” He thought aloud, his expression faltering as he paid close attention to your expression. With each second your eyes got darker, the sides of your mouth twitching as you grew aggravated. Damn, something was up with you. “Your mother must be proud! The whole ‘Stranger Danger’ lesson worked huh?”
“Ah.” You paused, your smile dropping. Looks like the muscles in your face were sore now. Just great. “I didn’t have a mother.” You spoke calmly as you shifted your weight to the other leg, looking down at your fingernails.
With that realization, his eyes almost poked out of his head. He began to spew apologies, falling to the ground in a bow. It was painfully obvious that it was a forced reaction, but you took pleasure in watching him kneel. Okay maybe that’s coming off as too strong? Yeah, maybe it was just funny to you.
With that, you turned on your heel, signaling him off with a mere wave of your hand. Damn old men, they really did freak you out. Usually Chrollo or the Troupe would’ve killed him on sight, but they weren’t with you. The familiar faces began to run through your mind, distracting you from the small white blurr standing in front of you.
In a split second, you could feel your aura activate itself as you collided with another examinee. As if it didn’t startle you, the small kid seemed to be falling off his board. Everything seemed to slow down for you, his surprised face turned into one of anger, and his pupils locked with yours.
You quickly shot out your hand, grabbing his wrist, holding him up so he wouldn’t fall on his back. His skateboard flipped in the air, but it seems he had already caught it. You thought to yourself, ‘Hey that was kind of cool’, and let go of his small wrist.
He shifted uncomfortably, his hair covering his blushing face, his hands clamping up into small fists. “Hey why don’t you watch where you’re going?! If I was someone else, you would’ve been dead the minute you touched me! But you got lucky this time, I don’t really want to pick a fight with anyone just yet.” He smiled confidently to himself, laying his board back onto the ground, his left foot pushing it back and forth. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t come after you, you old hag! Man, people like you won’t ever pass this exam! Especially when you can’t even walk without bumping into people?!”
You didn’t even get to open your mouth before he jumped back on his board, weaving through the crowd, blowing the small strands of hair from his face.
What a spoiled brat. Who the hell does he think he is? Telling you that you won’t pass the exam? Hell, you’d blow through this thing like it’s nothing. All you had to do was get your hunters license, and then shove it into that kids face.
Yeah, sounds simple enough.
That declaration of yours was made almost an hour ago, and now, waiting was getting old. For said hour, you’ve been sitting against the wall, playing with a small rubix cube. Instead of its natural colored squares, small little pieces of duct tape covered the surface. What was written on said tape, were the names of each troupe member.
You remembered Pakunoda spending an hour just writing the names down, wanting them to be spelled perfectly so you could read them correctly. This was years ago, probably when you were nearing age 5, the withered adhesives almost giving up.
Seeing as there were no school opportunities for you, Pakunoda mostly took charge of your education, wanting you to be as smart as possible. She really was motherly in a way, even when she denied it.
Her teaching certainly worked its wonders. Even though you came off as an idiot, your mind worked faster than what was natural. You could tell peoples moves before they even acted them out, which seemed to help greatly in the troupe’s line of work.
It seems they raised you to be a Phantom Troupe member, the spider tattoo being embedded in your mind, almost like a nightmare. It was truly Ironic, considering that you hated the very idea of joining the Spiders.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the elevator, and the doors slowly opened to reveal a group of three.
They were oddly fitting for a friend group. One of them was obviously a child, his innocent face matched his horrible sense of fashion. Next to him was a rather greasy... business man? He looked to be at least in his late twenties? It was an understatement to say that his limbs were of average length, because damn, those arms were long.
Your eyes then glanced over to his other partner. He was shorter, but much younger looking. He looked to be your age, which was very exciting for you. You never had a friend that was actually close to your age. Maybe you’d sneak in a word or two during this?
The longer you stared, the more you noticed about him. He had blonde hair that stopped right behind his ear, his eyes were soft, a calming grey color. If you stared at them any longer you were sure to get lost. It sounded cheesy, but you ignored that thought.
To be honest, everything about him screamed Mom friend, almost reminding you of Pakunoda in a way.
You watched as Beans, the Secretary that approached you not too long ago, gave them their badges. They were numbers; 403, 404, and 405.
They were likely the last ones to get here, which was good news in your book. Finally, the Hunter Exam was about to begin!
A few more minutes passed, and you shifted uncomfortably as you watched Tonpa walk up to the group. You didn’t necessarily care about the two older ones, but the kid seemed to bother you.
That’s when you decided to take your chances and try to rescue the trio. As you thought to yourself, you figured you most likely wouldn’t make it in time to stop them from drinking it, so you did the next best thing.
Your mind spewed apologies as you looked down at the rubix cube that resembled your childhood. With one last glance, you lined it up with the kids' drink. With a strong over handed throw, it spiraled towards the can, completely tearing through the thin metal.
Juice had sprayed all over Tonpa’s face, it’s orange contents seeping into his clothes. Maybe, just maybe, that would help him smell better.
With a quick smile, you cautiously jogged over. You held up one hand, waving as you came in peace. The closer you got, the more you noticed the blonde boy’s eyes. They seemed empty almost, like they were hiding something behind them. Tough childhood huh? You could relate.
You stopped as you got in front of them, rubbing the back of your neck as an act of nervous behavior. Good act. Keep it up. “So sorry guys, sometimes I forget I’m surrounded by other people! I kinda just threw it y'know?”
“That was… so cool!” The smaller boy piped in, his eyes adorned in admiration. “My names Gon! Gon Freccs! What’s your name?”
“Oh.” You were generally surprised by his positivity, seeing as you just knocked his source of hydration from his hands. “The names Y/N.” You held out your hand, taking the kids palm in yours. “Sorry for spilling your drink.. but I can’t say it was purely an accident. This guy has been trying to mess with people, I just felt like I had to warn you.”
With that, the blonde boy and his accomplice poured their drinks out, a disgusted look on their faces.
“Oh really? I thought it smelled weird! I’m glad to know I wasn’t having allergies or something!” Gon muttered the last part, rubbing the surface of his index finger underneath his nose, as if to wipe something off.
You nodded, a small smile reaching your lips. “Well Gon, and his…” you paused for a minute, your eyes meeting the blonde boys. “Accomplices? Besties…? Caretakers?”
“Friends is a better word.” The grey eyed boy said quickly. “My name is Kurapika, and this?” He gestured with his hands, pointing at Leorio’s stomach. “This is Leorio.”
“I think I can introduce myself, you damn blonde!” Leorio interrupted him, yelling in his face, his finger pointing into Kurapika’s chest.
“Oh, it’s quite alright. Seeing as I got it the first time” You said quickly, not wanting to hear it again.
You ignored the taller man as he started to spew nonsense, most of its contents having to do with insults directed towards you. Your small smile seemed to falter, suddenly remembering the very item you had used to save them was not in your hands.
That’s when your eyes dropped to the floor, searching for the old rubix cube that contained most of your memories of home. You felt your heart spike, the feeling of disappointment taking over.
On the outside you remained stoic, your shoulders merely shrugging as you let out a small groan of annoyance. “Damn, I lost that old thing again?”
“What thing?” Gon interjected, standing on his tippy-toes as he rocked back and forth. “You mean that toy?”
You cringed, your teeth grinding together as you glared him down. “That ‘thing’ is not a toy, it’s something very important to me.”
“Must not be ‘very important’ if you throw it at people.” Leorio retorted, rolling his eyes as he adjusted his suit sleeve. Why he wore it to an exam was beyond you.
“Well, no matter how important it is, I’m sure you’d like it back?” Kurapika cut Leorio off, trying to prevent whatever fight was about to break out between the two of you.
“Huh?” You broke your gaze with Leorio, only to meet the cold, empty eyes of Kurapika. “Well of course I’d want it back. It is mine after all.”
Leorio started to grow annoyed, most likely with the fact that you were ignoring him. “Hey! Don’t give him that crappy attitude! We’re being nice to you, so don’t overstay your welcome!”
“..You make it sound like I’m at your house.” You looked to him, your face forming into a scowl.
This sent the overdressed man into a blushing mess, his words coming out as broken stutters, his hands fumbling with the hems of his suit. It seems he did that a lot.
“Please ignore him.” Kurapika sighed, obviously embarrassed by his friend’s behavior. “But regarding the object of discussion, I think you should have it back.” With that, he reached his hand out, your rubix cube in his hand.
Your eyes quickly rushed down towards it, your hands quickly snatching from his own, scared that if you touched him, he’d know everything about you.
You let out a soft sigh of relief, putting the cube back in your small bag. Unbeknownst to you, the tape that once held your brother's name, was now somewhere along the ground.
“Thanks.” You muttered, your fingers tingling from where they had brushed against his. “..So, why not break the ice a little? Why are you guys trying to become Hunters?”
The small child opened his mouth to answer, but it seems it was cut short by a blood curdling scream.
You all turned your heads to the noise, being greeted by the sight that was Hisoka.
It seems someone had bumped into him, seeing as they were now in a fetal position on the ground, their arms missing as they disintegrated into little flowers. At least the flowers were pretty.
If matters couldn’t get any more interesting, the large door that you presumed was a wall opened, revealing who looked to be an Examiner.
He wore an all purple suit, his white hair almost looking like a soft lavender. His mustache seemed to cover his mouth, hiding whatever lurked inside of it. His name didn’t matter to you, frankly, none of these people did.
Atleast, that’s what you kept telling yourself.
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lo-55 · 3 years
Shattered Chains or Fate Ch. 6
Isle of Towers, Glass, and Stone
     The answers might lie within.  
   Great. Now the problem is, how does he find those answers at all? How does he go ‘within’ when most of the time he’s going ‘outside’ of his body. Projecting his soul was one thing. He’d done it a dozen times, if not more. Going inside of it? Or his mind? Or whatever within the cryptic asshole of a mage had suggested, was a totally different matter.
   “Fucking everyone’s so damn cryptic all the time,” Ichigo scowled, pacing around the house. The cat was still there, watching him with her tail twitching back and forth.
 Ichigo still doesn’t know who she’s working for.
   There’s about three mage families in the country that are prominent. Tohsaka’s work with gems, the Matou are mostly fallen, and he doesn’t know anything about the other one. Ichigo should probably be more concerned, but he’s got bigger things to worry about right now.
   Mainly, figuring out how to find his answers on the inside.
   Ichigo kept walking in circles, trying to figure it out. Over and over, he walked around and around. In a spiral.
   Finally he sat hard on the floor and leaned back.
   Jeanne would pray. But she was guided by a god, and an Agent of Counterforce (or some approximation of it).  Sanzang followed the voice of buddha/her future self. And Ichigo…
   Ichigo has an ever cryptic sage telling him to look inside himself for answers, like something out of a bad movie. Hell, his life at this point might as well be just that. Who else gets into these kinds of situations constantly?
   Just him, that’s who.
   Ichigo tilts his head back. He’s spent time outside his body. How will he get inside it?
   “A backwards… Rayshift?”
   Is that even possible? It’s the best idea he has. Ichigo closes his eyes and thinks of Rashifting. The first time it had happened, he had been on the verge of death. Mash had been all but a corpse at his side. Fire had licked across them and CHALDEAS had glowed bloody above their heads. It had vanished, the red turned blue and bright and the fire clearing for a few brief seconds between Chaldea and Fuyuki.
   Ichigo breathes, focusing on that.
   On the blue, the soft light and the feeling of being weightless. On the knowledge that someone, even if it wasn’t Roman anymore, was out there looking after the integrity of his soul. He breathed in, tasting the air, tasting no ash.
   Ichigo breathed out.
   He thought of the feeling of Rukia’s gloved hand pushing him out with a rough pop. He thought of the feeling of Kon, sliding into his limbs and chest and head until he was squeezed with no room and no place to go but out.  
   Ichigo felt the swirl of the shift, the gravity, the whirlpool of energy.
   The swirl to the halo of the past. Out, out, out.
   Ichigo breathed in and pulled the whirlpool with him. He inverted the spiral of blue and white and light and gravity and twisted it not out of himself but      in    .  
   It was the feeling of falling. It was the feeling of flying. It was a pull that he didn’t quite understand, the tug of his instinct dragging him out of danger.
   It was the feeling of cement under his feet. It was the feeling of glass against his cheek.
   It was a pale blue sky, with smokey puffs of rain clouds floating high above him.
   “The fact that you are not more afraid of this man really only leads credibility to my idea that you are insane . He’s at least ten times stronger than all of your companions.”
   Ichigo glances sideways, and Kyo. He leans against the wall, watching Karna with something like respect, or maybe admiration in his gaze. Ichigo can understand. Even from as far away as they are, he can feel the heat radiating off of the son of the sun god. It blooms against his skin, but doesn’t scorch him. Not yet, in any case.
   It feels strange. This Karna is not the Karna that Ichigo had met and fought against and within his dream of Trifas. They were the same, at their core, but this one didn’t know him. This one wasn’t his friend. This one hadn’t fought a vampire and a near endless supply of false Servants with him.
   Instead, this one was here to stop him from going to Edison. To stop him from forcibly beating sense into the insane american presi-king.
   It would have been intimidating, but even now Ichigo can tell that Karna doesn’t actually want to kill them.
   Like all of those heroes born in the Age of Gods, Karna is insanely powerful. Before him Ichigo is little more than an ant to be stepped on. This Hero of Charity is a legend in every sense, and his reputation is earned. The spikes on his collar speak of danger and death. The spear in his hands pulses with the power and radiates heat like pavement on a summer day.
   Karna is the child of a god, and they are, in the end, little more than human.
   Kyo isn’t. He’s strong, Ichigo knows that too. He’s at least as strong as some Servants, and Ichigo is certain he’s stronger than he’s letting them think he is. Not only is he strong, he’s smart, and good as playing at being harmless. Even if Ichigo is the only one who can see him regularly, he won’t drop the fake smile on his lips.
   How annoying.
   “You should withdraw at once!” Nightingale calls to their foe. Ichigo has no intention of letting him stay an enemy, but for now he can’t do anything. They have to beat him first, and then beat Edison over the head.
   “Perhaps you’re right. I am infected by an illness called ‘loyalty’. Figuring that out so fast, is it because you’re a nurse?” his head cocks just so.
   Nightingale huffs. “No. You’re just easy to understand.”
   Ichigo watches Karna deflate, looking upset. “Oh no, we ruined his mystery,” Ichgo couldn’t help teasing.
   Mash looked equally put off. “He seems somewhat depressed…”
   “Thank you for pointing that out. But no matter. He asked for my help first, and that is all I need to know. The king of inventions knelt before a worthless man like me and asked my help. Besides,” A smile, as warm as his magic, spread across Karna’s face. “He reminds me of a friend. And I am only human, don’t forget.”
   “‘Only      human’    says the demigod,” Ichigo mutters to Kyo, who snorts elegantly. “We should get this over with.”
   “You can’t hope to win,” Kyo argues, but he’s clearly getting used to ichigo’s stubborn nature.
   “Fucking watch us.”
   Ichigo draws up, prepared to fight-
   And Karna turns and walks back down the hallway, called away by Edison.
   “Huh. So it’s going to be a trap?” Ichigo muses.
   “ ‘ow can is be a trap, if ya know i’s gonna happen?” Cu asks, propping his elbow on Ichigo’s shoulder and leaning on his master. Ichigo scowls at him and shoves him off, but it’s more playful than anything else.
   “If it is a trap, it’s wiser for you not to spring it,” Kyo ads.
   “Okay, fine. You’re invisible. Go in there and see what we’re up against.” Ichigo points towards the high door to the throne room, at the end of the hall. Kyo just gives him a look.
   “Do I look like a servant?” Kyo arches a brow at him regally, and Ichigo shoots him a baleful glare. “Fine. But I expect you to do something for me, in return.”
   “Oh joy,” Ichigo rolls his eyes as Kyo walks through the walls, towards the presi-kings throne room. Now he owed a dead man a debt. Just once in his life couldn't one of these people be cooperative? He’d kill to have Chad here with him, even if it was just as emotional support in all this madness.
   “Poor master,” Mash mourns. “You look rather mad when you stand there talking at thin air.”
   “Hmm?” Medusa cocks her head. “I don’t know, the longer I’m attached to him, the more I think I see faint shadows about where he’s talking at. But that could be my imagination…:
   “It could make sense,” Ichigo admitted, “I have poison resistance thanks to Mash. Maybe you guys get to see dead people.”
   “Master,” she says slowly, “      We     are dead people.”
   Ichigo scowls. “Don’t be a smart ass.”
   “It’s better than a dumb ass.”
   He jumps when Kyo’s voice comes from behind him, smooth and full of amusement. Ichigo turns to scowl at him, but the man is unphased.
   “It does seem like it will be a straightforward confrontation. My, you must all be terrible at assassinations.”
   Ichigo smacks his arm when Robin winces, missing the fact that Robin must have been able to hear the jibe at his failure. With a frown at Kyo, he leads the way to battle.
   * *
   He’s laying on a building. Sideways on a building, if he wants to be picky about it.
   Ichigo sits up, slowly, looking down at the streets. It’s not the weirdest thing to ever happen. But still weird. Below him looks like a small Karakura town, and outwards are other skyscrapers, and towers of stone and glass. He can recognize turrets of castles that crash haphazardly into pillars of a familiar roman theatre. A flag with a fleur de lis floats in the distance, small atop a dusty building of the Old West. Between some wind long mountain roads that hitch into the metal and stone unnaturally. He can’t see the street, it’s flooded with water and dark shapes move beneath the surface.
   Ichigo stands, slowly, trying to focus on staying attached to the building he’s on. He doesn’t dare jump. He might die.
   He might actually be dead for all he knows. Did he just accidentally kill himself? This doesn’t look like any afterlife he’s ever heard of…
   It was certainly not Kur. Ichigo hopes he hasn’t died. He has promises he needs to keep, and dying would be a conflict of interests right now.
   All around him are remnants of places he’s known, of his home and the lands he’s seen. The sky scrapers reach high into the sky, like the fingers of some great giant trying to grasp the clouds themselves.
   Ichigo turns his face to the sky. There’s no sun, and far off in the horizon storm clouds brew in dark, angry shades of grey.
   “Okay. This is not great,” he says at last. “Where am I?”
   Something ruffles the back of his neck, like wind only the air is still and he spins around on his heel, until he sees something dark and flicking behind him. A person. A man, in a black coak that billows around his ankles. It’s edged in red.
   “Hey, old man!” Ichigo spins to face him fully. “Who are you?”
   “Who am I? I am _____”
   Ichigo stares. He couldn’t hear him. He heard every word but his name. Why? What cut it off? There’s no wind, no sound, nothing that would do that.
   Even though the strangers face is largely impassive, Ichigo can still see the slightest slanting of his eyes. His disappointment.
   “I see. How sad, even now you can’t hear my voice. You, who knows me better than anyone else.”
   “What are you talking about?” Ichigo crosses his arms over his chest as the man walks down the pole he’d been standing on and onto the side of the building in front of Ichigo. The distance between them feels like a chasm. “I’ve never met you before.”
   Snow flutters around them, small flakes that stick to nothing. It’s just a playful flurry, flickering cold across his skin before it disappears again.
   “You’ve known me all your life, even if you don’t know it. And I have known you. I know why you’re here. You’re looking to become another Shinigami, aren’t you?”
   Ichigo pauses, but nods in the end. Who is this man? How does he know this? He does feel familiar. More familiar than Chad. More familiar than Mash, even. Why…?
   “The old man in the hat said it’s possible, but I have to die. And I can’t do that. I have a promise to keep, so I have to stay alive and save Rukia before I fulfill it. And to do that, I need power I don’t have. Rukia lent me hers, but that’s gone now. There’s no one else anymore.”
   No Rukia. No Mash. No Medusa, or Cu. No Romani.
   Just him.
   “I have no one else to rely on. I have to stand on my own two feet. I have to fight with my own two hands.”
   “That’s not true.”
   The man walks towards him slow, his heels clicking on the glass of the building.
   “Rukia’s power may be gone, but Urahara Kisuke was no wrong when he declared that you have your own Shinigami powers. And you do not fight alone, Ichigo. I fight with you. I always have.”
   There’s a vicious vow somewhere in his level voice. A yearning that Ichigo almost misses.
   “I don’t understand. Who are you?” Ichigo shakes his head, trying to make sense of everything that’s happening.
   The man looks at him, and opens his mouth to repeat his name.
   “I am _____”
   * * *
   They’re the only ones awake.
   Ichigo is used to late nights. Sleep is hard to come by these days, and he usually only gets it when he’s too tired to even think, or when Mash’s solid shield lays beside him. The others are doing better than he is. They’re heroes and legends and myths. They have stronger hearts than he does.
   Ichigo walks quietly, not so far from the camp that he’ll get himself killed, but far enough that his movements won’t disturb his friends. Medusa is on watch at the perimeter, and she tosses him a somewhat concerned look, but doesn’t try to interrupt him when he sits beside Kyo.
   He’s got questions. About a million of them about the afterlife, but he doesn’t really have time for all of them at one time.
   And one top of questions about the afterlife, he has just as many about Kyo himself. He’s a mystery. He’s not a heroic spirit. And really, he has no reason to be following Ichigo around besides the fact that Ichigo has forcefully dragged him along.
   Not that Kyo couldn’t get away if he wanted to. Ichigo is no fool. Everyone here could kill him with a napkin.
   Kyo doesn’t acknowledge him when he sits beside him. Instead he keeps his eyes on the sky. On the stars haloed by the light in the sky. Even with it, there’s a thousand stars in the sky that Ichigo would never be able to see in Karakura. There’s too much light, even in a small city to be able to see this many stars.
   The whole milky way stretched across the sky, a painted band of blue and white and pink towards the edge of the horizon.
   “Is it the same?” he finds himself asking. Kyo makes a sound of question in the back of his throat, so he elaborates. “The sky. Is it the same where you’ve come from?”
   “Seireitei,” Kyo says the words slowly. “The stars are the same, but that’s about it.”
   “How do you mean? Isn’t it supposed to be a paradise? Like, Heaven? Elysium? Tian? Valhallah?”
   “Are you going to keep listing off afterlifes until I give you a real answer?” Kyo cocks his head, looking somewhat amused.
   Ichigo shoots him a crooked grin. “I absolutely will.”
   “My, you’re a pest.”
   “And you’re rude. Fields of Yula, asphodel, f      olkvangr-    ”
   Kyo claps his hand over ichigo’s mouth to finally shut him up, and Ichigo scowls at him without heat and with smugness.
   “Soul Society isn’t exactly like those stories,” Kyo’s smile is somehow soft and bitter and sad at once. Ichigo doesn’t know what to make of it.
   “So it’s no paradise,” Ichigo surmises.
   Kyo’s brow pinches and his mouth twists. “No. Not quite.”
   “Is there some rule saying that you’re not allowed to tell me?”
   “No,” Kyo says slowly,” But it is, ill advised. We are taught to tell the souls to pass on that they will find a good place in the next world. A paradise. So they don’t fight us going into a world not so unlike their own. “
   “Wow you make death sound inviting,” Ichigo says dryly. He manages to startle a laugh out of Kyo before he sobers again, looking to the stars.
   “The closer to the seireitei you get, the better the quality of life. In the first few districts people generally want for nothing, and are elbow to elbow with nobility and their retainers, if they aren’t one of those things already. Most nobles live in Seireitei itself, safe in their walls. But further away…”
   “Further away you find the poor, the downtrodden. Poverty is prevalent. Rukongai is separated into districts. Past the fifty ninth districts, most people can’t even afford sandals.It’s violent and bloody out there, and the people who have the most power are the ones least likely to help.”  
   Kyo’s hands curl and his mouth twists.
   Ichigo leans back on his hands. “You should get tips from Robin for overthrowing governments.”
   “I couldn’t do that,” Kyo shakes his head, but there’s a light in his eyes that makes Ichigo think that the idea has already crossed his mind at least once. “This is actually my first trip to the human world. I was supposed to arrive in Kyoto, but something went wrong, and now I’m here.”
   “It’s probably because Kyoto no longer exists,” Ichigo figures, solemnly, “The only land that exists at this time is here. The United States. Everywhere else has been completely obliterated.”
   They had to reverse that. They had to stop this war.
   * * * *
 They’re caught between a rock and a hard place. Literally.
   Ichigo and his Servants, minus Scathach who’s gone ahead of them, are cornered by monsters only Ichigo and Kyo can see and touch.
   Kyo is strong. Incredibly strong. He’s already cut down more of the swarm that Ichigo would have ever imagined, and blasted even more with fierce spells of blue and red energy. Yellow chains, and dark crescents. But they just keep coming, and now there’s even stronger ones ripping their way through the sky. They’re smaller and more distinct than the first wave, and as powerful as fifty of them combined.
   Even Kyo is struggling against the dozens of them that rip through the sky.
   Then it happens.
   One of them targets Ichigo and Kyo appears in front of him, striking it down. A second comes screaming in from the side and tears into Kyo’s sword arm.
   Blood splatters against Ichigo's cheek.
   “Kyo!” Ichigo lunges for him, but Kyo puts up his good hand, stopping him.
   “Stay where you are! You’ll only get in the way if you can’t fight. Damn, why are they all here at once?” Kyo grits his teeth and lifts his left arm, shooting off more spells, but without his sword, he’s struggling more to keep up.
   Ichigo burns with the feeling of being helpless. He can’t stay there and do nothing.
   So he does the only thing he can do.
   He shoots forwards, to Kyo’s back, and claps his hand on Kyo’s shoulder. He pours all the spirit energy he possible can into Kyo’s body, until he’s glow with it, blue and white. Kyo looks back at him, stunned.
   “Don’t just stand there!” Ichigo barks. “Hit them!”
   Kyo nods, once, looking dazed, and lifts his arm at the monsters closing in on them.
   “      Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens.”  
   Blue swirls in front of him, a ball of raw power that flashes and lashes out at the edges, dragging burn scars into the ground and drawing blood off of Kyo’s arms.
   “      Hado seventy three! Soren Sokatsui!”  
   It tears away from Kyo and Ichigo in a devastating force, ripping through the ground and shredding all the monsters in front of them into nothing more than burnt husks.
   Ichigo has time enough to register Kyo looking at him with a new light in his eyes before he falls to the ground, the world going black.
   * * * * *
 “I see.”
   The disappointment is back in the man’s face, and it makes Ichigo’s skin crawl. He doesn’t know why. This is a perfect stranger, he shouldn’t care so much what he thinks about him. But he does. It feels gross, a bur under his skin that he just can’t shake.
   “You still cannot hear me. Very well then. Perhaps you will hear my voice once you have unlocked your Shinigami powers.”
   “Uh huh. I don’t suppose you have a key for that, do you old man?” Ichigo asks, crossing his arms over his chest. The man cocks his head ever so slightly. His hair waves in time with his coat and he taps the window beneath him with the toe of his shoe.
   “This world exists inside of you. Inside of your mind. Inside of your very soul. Somewhere in here, somewhere in all these windows and bricks and everything else you’ve ever made a home for in here, you will find what you seak. You will find your shinigami powers somewhere here. Somewhere within.”
   “Just like that man said…”
   Ichigo is glad for the opportunity, but he doesn’t want to be the one to tell Merlin he was right. The Mage of Flowers will be even more smug than he already is, and Ichigo does not need that at all.
   “Fine. I just have to find it then.”
   He had no idea how he would do that. If this was inside of him, what would happen if he broke something? What would a shattered window do to he himself? He could only speculate, and he didn’t like any of the things he thought of. So he’d have to go by it delicately.
   Was that possible? The only way into the buildings would be through doors that are now thoroughly covered in water.
   Needle in a haystack much?
   Ichigo runs his fingers through his hair and tilts his head, closing his eyes in thought.
   If he was shinigami powers, where would he hide?
   Nowhere in the brackets of mountains. Nor in the theatre, or the tall castle towers. Nowhere that he was a Mage.
   That ruled out a lot.
   This guy said he’d always been with him. Did that mean he was a shinigami this whole time? Why hadn’t they come to him earlier? During the wars? In Kur?
   On the banks of the Karakura river.
   Ichigo shook his head and opened his eyes again. The old man was staring at him. Waiting. Watching. It was a little creepy. Ichigo’s hair brushed his shoulders when he turned his head to the side, looking down at the water.
   Somehow, he had to find his Shinigami powers.
   It had to be somewhere in these blue buildings. Maybe…
   Ichigo knelt down, knocking at the window under his feet curiously. It was totally solid. There didn’t seem to be so much as a hinge to open it. But inside, there, something white fluttered around.
   “...fuck it.”
   Ichigo punched his hand through the glass, ignoring the way the shards bit into his arm, and grabbed it. When he pulled his hand back he found a ribbon in his grasp.
   White ribbons. Like the ones Uryu had shown him before.
       That's it!  
   Ichigo jumped back, as high up as he could. He landed on the air, the way he had as a shinigami. This was it. This was how he could find it. He scoured the building, the windows, looking for anything that wasn’t blue and white. Anything. It had to be somewhere.
       C’mon. Red, red, red-  
   Ichigo drops back onto the building, understanding dawning. He makes his way over to the strange man and reaches out, grasping the straight sword he’d been standing on before. He pulls, and in his hand comes away a red ribbon that wraps around his wrist. As he pulls the sword from its sheath it flashes with pale blue light, until he’s holding a massive sword almost as long as his body.  
   Ichigo grins sharply at the old man, a name blossoming on his lips. They speak as one, voices merging.
   Ichigo swings the sword to the side. It feels effortlessly light despite how large it is. It isn’t the foreign feeling of Rukia's power. This is his, and his alone.
   When he looks down, he’s wearing Shinigami clothes again. If Kyo could see him now.
   “Congratulations, Ichigo. You are, again, a Shinigami.” His voice is low and even. Ichigo glances at his eyes, half hidden by sunglasses.
   “Thanks. Although to be honest…. I was kind of hoping I’d be a Quincy, like my mother.”
   He doesn’t miss the startled jerk of Zangetsu’s head.
* * * * * *
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sicher-stark-team · 21 days
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Little Pet Pt Nine. 💋
All parts can be found under the MrShigaraki tag
Warnings. Human experiment, drugs.
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“Ku....kur....kuro......KUROGIRI!!!!!!” Yelled the very upset, confused leader.
He threw one of the stools yelling and Kurogiri went around the bar to console his leader , all that could be heard was Shigaraki’s yelling and incoherent talking. Toga was hiding behind Twice and Dabi was looking at the dusted note on the bar. Well shit, they left . They really left.
The day before the League had left to kill Kai for what he had done to you only to be ambushed . While the League was immobilized Kai went to the hideout to pay you a visit. He gave you two options: come with him and subject yourself to experiments . Or kill Shigaraki in exchange for your quirk back. You couldn't kill the man who saved you from the very monster you were terrified of . So instead you left a note for MrShigaraki, explaining yourself and leaving for his home.
Kai subjected you to many experiments , he gave you quirk enhancer drugs when you had no quirk to see what would happen. You had passed out from the drugs the first time. When you woke up you had Kai over you putting on new, clean gloves giving you a disgusted look, as if it was your fault your blood got on him. The second time he cut open your stomach a tiny bit to slip drugs into you personally , there was no need for this.. he just did it because he could. You begged and begged but all Kai said was.: “want to lose your vocal chords?” You instantly got quiet, whimpering deep in your throat, he stitched you up of course , eventually. Third he injected a red liquid into you that made you see flowers , vines, you were heavily drugged and hallucinating . You saw your quirk before your eyes, growing beautiful white flowers with blue vines circling around them. When he asked you what you saw you told him
“Flowers… vines… my quirk… MrShigaraki.. the blue is.. him.” You tried to lift your arm but it was strapped to the table.
Nemoto was in the room with Kai , he walked over to the table to see you muttering about your quirk to Kai. Kai looked over at Nemoto waving the empty syringe around.
“So if someone gets injected with your blood they hallucinate and tell the truth about their quirk. They are mentioning that crusty fool too”
Nemoto shrugged it off tapping your forehead so you'd look at him . “Why the man?” He asked you.
“I… i… ov..e-“
“Forget it, it's not important,” Kai said, dropping the subject. “We have to wait and see how long this hallucination lasts,” he sounded annoyed, angry.
Nemoto was about to take his leave when he got an idea. When he pitched it to Kai a smirk creeped up his cheek, he agreed on the idea.
“Uhm.. Tomura..” Toga said quietly.
Shigaraki had his arms folded over his chest leaning on Kurogiri, he looked like a shaking mess. He said nothing when Toga said his name. Just leaned into Kurogiri more.
“Well we can't sit here and dick around. Lets go get kid” Dabi said, breaking the silence in the room.
“We need some kind of pl-“
Shigaraki turned away, tuning Dabi out, pressing his face on Kurogiri.
Pet. Are you ok-ay? Are they hhhhhurting you? Is that BASTARD hhhhhurting you?Why did you LEAVE? Why didn't you TELL me. I'm very … angry.. upset.. you said you wou-ld… nevER leavVE ME. I gave you so much, i let you go outside, i gave you a new room i… I SAVED YOU. Ive been so good to YOU. My Pet.. i tried to keep it a secret but.., but.. i.. i HATE THIS. ITS NOT FAIR TO ME.
Pe- “Tomura Shigaraki?” He was nudged slightly.
Shigaraki looked up, his face a mess, his eyes looked wet and he was biting the inside of his mouth.
“Tomura Shigaraki. Did you hear Togas' plan?”
“No, tell me, Kurogiri.” He said straightening himself out to face everyone. He had to get you back , he can't just sit here and cry about it.
Kurogiri explained the plan and Toga was looking very , very excited. She was also holding a vile full of blood now. She must've gotten it during Shigaraki’s black out. He agreed to the plan , it should work. I'm coming Pet. I’ll get you from that bastard.
Meanwhile you were crying and screaming, fighting the restraints burning your arms and legs against the rough fabric. Setsuno had been called in to hold your eyes open while Nemoto showed you dead plants. It was awful, you were scared, you felt like you were dying with the plants. The Hallucination made Nemoto look terrifying . All he was was a plague mask in a hood holding dead plants to you.
You struggled everytime Setsuno dug his nails into your skin to shut you up. Kai was by the examination table, watching with a happy grin on his face.
/ @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love ♥️
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esabri · 4 years
German in English wie as ich I seine his dass that er he war was für for auf on sind are mit with sie they sein be bei at ein one haben have dies this aus from durch by heiß hot Wort word aber but was what einige some ist is es it Sie you oder or hatte had die the von of zu to und and ein a bei in wir we können can aus out andere other waren were die which tun do ihre their Zeit time wenn if werden will wie how sagte said ein an jeder each sagen tell tut does Satz set drei three wollen want Luft air gut well auch also spielen play klein small Ende end setzen put Zuhause home lesen read seits hand Hafen port groß large buchstabieren spell hinzufügen add auch even Lande land hier here muss must groß big hoch high so such folgen follow Akt act warum why fragen ask Männer men Veränderung change ging went Licht light Art kind aus off müssen need Haus house Bild picture versuchen try uns us wieder again Tier animal Punkt point Mutter mother Welt world in der Nähe von near bauen build selbst self Erde earth Vater father jeder any neu new Arbeit work Teil part nehmen take erhalten get Ort place gemacht made leben live wo where nach after zurück back wenig little nur only Runde round Mann man Jahr year kam came zeigen show jeder every gut good mir me geben give unsere our unter under Name name sehr very durch through nur just Formular form Satz sentence groß great denken think sagen say Hilfe help niedrig low Linie line abweichen differ wiederum turn Ursache cause viel much bedeuten mean vor before Umzug move Recht right Junge boy alt old zu too gleich same sie she alle all da there wenn when nach oben up Verwendung use Ihre your Weg way über about viele many dann then sie them schreiben write würde would wie like so so diese these sie her lange long machen make Sache thing sehen see ihm him zwei two hat has suchen look mehr more Tag day könnte could gehen go kommen come tat did Anzahl number klingen sound nicht no am meisten most Menschen people meine my über over wissen know Wasser water als than Anruf call erste first die who können may nach unten down Seite side gewesen been jetzt now finden find Kopf head stehen stand besitzen own Seite page sollte should Land country gefunden found Antwort answer Schule school wachsen grow Studie study noch still lernen learn Anlage plant Abdeckung cover Lebensmittel food Sonne sun vier four zwischen between Zustand state halten keep Auge eye nie never letzte last lassen let Gedanken thought Stadt city Baum tree überqueren cross Bauernhof farm schwer hard Beginn start Macht might Geschichte story Säge saw weit far Meer sea ziehen draw links left spät late laufen run unterlassen Sie don’t während while Presse press Schließen close Nacht night realen real Leben life wenige few Norden north Buch book tragen carry nahm took Wissenschaft science essen eat Zimmer room Freund friend begann began Idee idea Fisch fish berg mountain Stopp stop einmal once Basis base hören hear Pferd horse Schnitt cut sicher sure beobachten watch Farbe color Gesicht face Holz wood Haupt- main geöffnet open scheinen seem zusammen together nächste next weiß white Kinder children Start begin bekam got gehen walk Beispiel example erleichtern ease Papier paper Gruppe group immer always Musik music diejenigen those beide both Marke mark oft often Schreiben letter bis until Meile mile Fluss river Auto car Füße feet Pflege care zweite second genug enough Ebene plain Mädchen girl üblich usual jung young bereit ready oben above je ever rot red Liste list obwohl though fühlen feel Vortrag talk Vogel bird bald soon Körper body Hund dog Familie family direkt direct Pose pose verlassen leave Lied song messen measure Tür door Produkt product schwarz black kurz short Zahl numeral Klasse class Wind wind Frage question passieren happen vollständig complete Schiff ship Bereich area Hälfte half Stein rock bestellen order Feuer fire Süden south Problem problem Stück piece sagte told wusste knew passieren pass seit since obere top ganze whole König king Straße street Zoll inch multiplizieren multiply nichts nothing Kurs course bleiben stay Rad wheel voll full Kraft force blau blue Objekt object entscheiden decide Oberfläche surface tief deep Mond moon Insel island Fuß foot System system beschäftigt busy Prüfung test Rekord record Boot boat gemeinsam common goldenen gold möglich possible Flugzeug plane statt stead trocken dry Wunder wonder Lachen laugh tausend thousand vor ago lief ran überprüfen check Spiel game Form shape gleichsetzen equate heiß hot Fehl miss gebracht brought Wärme heat Schnee snow Reifen tire bringen bring ja yes entfernt distant füllen fill Osten east malen paint Sprache language unter among Einheit unit Macht power Stadt town fein fine sicher certain fliegen fly fallen fall führen lead Schrei cry dunkel dark Maschine machine note note warten wait Plan plan Abbildung figure Stern star Kasten box Nomen noun Feld field Rest rest richtig correct fähig able Pfund pound getan done Schönheit beauty Antriebs drive stand stood enthalten contain Front front lehren teach Woche week Finale final gab gave grün green oh oh schnell quick entwickeln develop Ozean ocean warme warm kostenlos free Minute minute stark strong besondere special Geist mind hinter behind klar clear Schwanz tail produzieren produce Tatsache fact Raum space gehört heard beste best Stunde hour besser better wahr true während during hundert hundred fünf five merken remember Schritt step früh early halten hold Westen west Boden ground Interesse interest erreichen reach schnell fast Verbum verb singen sing hören listen sechs six Tabelle table Reise travel weniger less Morgen morning zehn ten einfach simple mehrere several Vokal vowel auf toward Krieg war legen lay gegen against Muster pattern schleppend slow Zentrum center Liebe love Person person Geld money dienen serve erscheinen appear Straße road Karte map regen rain Regel rule regieren govern ziehen pull Kälte cold Hinweis notice Stimme voice Energie energy Jagd hunt wahrscheinlich probable Bett bed Bruder brother Ei egg Fahrt ride Zelle cell glauben believe vielleicht perhaps pflücken pick plötzlich sudden zählen count Platz square Grund reason Dauer length vertreten represent Kunst art Thema subject Region region Größe size variieren vary regeln settle sprechen speak Gewicht weight allgemein general Eis ice Materie matter Kreis circle Paar pair umfassen include Kluft divide Silbe syllable Filz felt groß grand Kugel ball noch yet Welle wave fallen drop Herz heart Uhr am vorhanden present schwer heavy Tanz dance Motor engine Position position Arm arm breit wide Segel sail Material material Fraktion fraction Wald forest sitzen sit Rennen race Fenster window Speicher store Sommer summer Zug train Schlaf sleep beweisen prove einsam lone Bein leg Übung exercise Wand wall Fang catch Berg mount wünschen wish Himmel sky Board board Freude joy Winter winter sa sat geschrieben written wilden wild Instrument instrument gehalten kept Glas glass Gras grass Kuh cow Arbeit job Rand edge Zeichen sign Besuch visit Vergangenheit past weich soft Spaß fun hell bright Gases gas Wetter weather Monat month Million million tragen bear Finish finish glücklich happy hoffen hope blume flower kleiden clothe seltsam strange Vorbei gone Handel trade Melodie melody Reise trip Büro office empfangen receive Reihe row Mund mouth genau exact Zeichen symbol sterben die am wenigsten least Ärger trouble Schrei shout außer except schrieb wrote Samen seed Ton tone beitreten join vorschlagen suggest sauber clean Pause break Dame lady Hof yard steigen rise schlecht bad Schlag blow Öl oil Blut blood berühren touch wuchs grew Cent cent mischen mix Mannschaft team Draht wire Kosten cost verloren lost braun brown tragen wear Garten garden gleich equal gesendet sent wählen choose fiel fell passen fit fließen flow Messe fair Bank bank sammeln collect sparen save Kontrolle control dezimal decimal Ohr ear sonst else ganz quite pleite broke Fall case Mitte middle töten kill Sohn son See lake Moment moment Maßstab scale laut loud Frühling spring beobachten observe Kind child gerade straight Konsonant consonant Nation nation Wörterbuch dictionary milch milk Geschwindigkeit speed Verfahren method Orgel organ zahlen pay Alter age Abschnitt section Kleid dress Wolke cloud Überraschung surprise ruhig quiet Stein stone winzig tiny Aufstieg climb kühlen cool Entwurf design arm poor Menge lot Versuch experiment Boden bottom Schlüssel key Eisen iron Einzel single Stick stick Wohnung flat zwanzig twenty Haut skin Lächeln smile Falte crease Loch hole springen jump Kind baby acht eight Dorf village treffen meet Wurzel root kaufen buy erhöhen raise lösen solve Metall metal ob whether drücken push sieben seven Absatz paragraph dritte third wird shall Hand held Haar hair beschreiben describe Koch cook Boden floor entweder either Ergebnis result brennen burn Hügel hill sicher safe Katze cat Jahrhundert century betrachten consider Typ type Gesetz law Bit bit Küste coast Kopie copy Ausdruck phrase still silent hoch tall Sand sand Boden soil Rolle roll Temperatur temperature Finger finger Industrie industry Wert value Kampf fight Lüge lie schlagen beat begeistern excite natürlich natural Blick view Sinn sense Hauptstadt capital wird nicht won’t Stuhl chair Achtung danger Obst fruit reich rich dick thick Soldat soldier Prozess process betreiben operate Praxis practice trennen separate schwierig difficult Arzt doctor Bitte please schützen protect Mittag noon Ernte crop modernen modern Elementes element treffen hit Schüler student Ecke corner Partei party Versorgung supply deren whose lokalisieren locate Rings ring Charakter character insekt insect gefangen caught Zeit period zeigen indicate Funk radio Speiche spoke Atom atom Mensch human Geschichte history Wirkung effect elektrisch electric erwarten expect Knochen bone Schiene rail vorstellen imagine bieten provide zustimmen agree so thus sanft gentle Frau woman Kapitän captain erraten guess erforderlich necessary scharf sharp Flügel wing schaffen create Nachbar neighbor Wasch wash Fledermaus bat eher rather Menge crowd mais corn vergleichen compare Gedicht poem Schnur string Glocke bell abhängen depend Fleisch meat einreiben rub Rohr tube berühmt famous Dollar dollar Strom stream Angst fear Blick sight dünn thin Dreieck triangle Erde planet Eile hurry Chef chief Kolonie colony Uhr clock Mine mine Krawatte tie eingeben enter Dur major frisch fresh Suche search senden send gelb yellow Pistole gun erlauben allow Druck print tot dead Stelle spot Wüste desert Anzug suit Strom current Aufzug lift stiegen rose ankommen arrive Stamm master Spur track Elternteil parent Ufer shore Teilung division Blatt sheet Substanz substance begünstigen favor verbinden connect nach post verbringen spend Akkord chord Fett fat froh glad Original original Aktie share Station station Papa dad Brot bread aufladen charge richtig proper Leiste bar Angebot offer Segment segment Sklave slave ente duck Augenblick instant Markt market Grad degree besiedeln populate küken chick liebe dear Feind enemy antworten reply Getränk drink auftreten occur Unterstützung support Rede speech Natur nature Angebot range Dampf steam Bewegung motion Weg path Flüssigkeit liquid protokollieren log gemeint meant Quotient quotient Gebiss teeth Schale shell Hals neck Sauerstoff oxygen Zucker sugar Tod death ziemlich pretty Geschicklichkeit skill Frauen women Saison season Lösung solution Magnet magnet Silber silver danken thank Zweig branch Spiel match Suffix suffix insbesondere especially Feige fig ängstlich afraid riesig huge Schwester sister Stahl steel diskutieren discuss vorwärts forward ähnlich similar führen guide Erfahrung experience Partitur score apfel apple gekauft bought geführt led Tonhöhe pitch Mantel coat Masse mass Karte card Band band Seil rope Rutsch slip gewinnen win träumen dream Abend evening Zustand condition Futtermittel feed Werkzeug tool gesamt total Basis basic Geruch smell Tal valley noch nor doppelt double Sitz seat fortsetzen continue Block block Tabelle chart Hut hat verkaufen sell Erfolg success Firma company subtrahieren subtract Veranstaltung event besondere particular viel deal schwimmen swim Begriff term Gegenteil opposite Frau wife Schuh shoe Schulter shoulder Verbreitung spread arrangieren arrange Lager camp erfinden invent Baumwolle cotton geboren born bestimmen determine Quart quart neun nine Lastwagen truck Lärm noise Ebene level Chance chance sammeln gather Geschäft shop Stretch stretch werfen throw Glanz shine Immobilien property Spalte column Molekül molecule wählen select falsch wrong grau gray Wiederholung repeat erfordern require breit broad vorbereiten prepare Salz salt Nase nose mehreren plural Zorn anger Anspruch claim Kontinent continent
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vitohegv474 · 3 years
Was am besten an Tageslichtwecker App ist -- 2020
Die Lichtwecker wichtigsten Kaufkriterien. Auch für Sonn- und Feiertage ist eine zweite Weckzeit sehr praktisch. Du startest daher mit einem Tageslichtwecker erholt in den Tag und wirst nicht plötzlich von einem schrillen Ton aus dem Schlaf gerissen. Schlafen Sie wie ein Stein und sind morgens nur schwer aus dem Schlaf zu reißen, dann kommt es auf eine ausreichend helle Beleuchtung an. Achten Sie darauf, das Ihr Lichtwecker eine Lichtstärke von etwa 300 Lux besitzt. So werden im Vorfeld Angaben zu den technischen Daten gemacht. Manche Lichtwecker stören den Radioempfang. Das Vergleichsergebnis im Lichtwecker Vergleich basiert zum größten Teil auf Kundenbewertungen, Qualität, Leistung und Preis. Mit einem Lichtwecker k n auch Sie ausgeruht und.. Doch wie weckt denn jetzt der.. der unter dem Begriff Medisana 45100 SAC Licht-Wecker geführt..
Sie machen das Aufwachen deutlich angenehmer, wirken sich positiv auf die körperliche und geistige Gesundheit aus, und helfen auch, schwierigere Aufwachsituationen, beispielsweise verursacht durch Schichtarbeit oder Jetlag, zu meistern. Wenn du nicht so viel Geld zur Verfügung hast, kannst du auch schon für kleines Geld einen Lichtwecker bekommen. Das langsam stärker werdende Licht wird dabei vom Gehirn unbewusst wahrgenommen.
Wie Sie bei den Kriterien bereits beguta1chten konnten, kann das Produkt auf Amazon gekauft werden. Denn für diesen Service fallen keinerlei Portogebühren an. Klingt doch nicht schlecht, oder? Hier ist wichtigsten Kapitel auf Dekorationen, wecker langsam licht, wecker licht philips, wecker mit licht aufwachen, wecker mit licht erfahrungen, wecker mit licht und vibration, wecker mit licht weckfunktion. Da die Wahrnehmung des Lichts bis zu einem gewissen Punkt unbewusst ist, beginnen diese Prozesse im Gehirn lange bevor man wirklich wach sind.
Das früher abrupte geweckt werden von Piepstönen oder Radio war mir schon immer ein Graus. Im Folgenden wird alles aufgezeigt, was zu beachten ist. Der Körper und der Geist schalten langsam ab und man schläft schneller ein. Skip to navigation; Skip to main content;.. Sie kaufen wollen Philips HF3330/01 goLITE BLU Lichttherapiegerät,ja.! Nachdem ich schon zwei philips lichtwecker (3510, 3520) ausprobiert hatte und mit diesen nicht zufrieden war, dachte ich, bestelle ich mir mal diesen hier. Wichtig ist, dass Sie einen Lichtwecker genau Ihren individuellen Aufwachbedürfnissen anpassen.
Somit geben sie eine hilfreiche Orientierung für die eigene Kaufentscheidung. Tonton AMIR WakeUp Light Lichtwecker Wecker Wecker sonnenaufgang led Lichtwecker mit oleh chiaramarchitellii3738 di Dailymotion di sini. Das LED-Display lässt sich abschalten und als einziges Modell, enthalt dieser Wecker eine Stützbatterie, um Stromausfälle auszuhalten.
Beurer Lichtwecker Wl 70 Test
Philips Wake Up Light Hf3451
Natürlich sehen Sie im Lichtwecker Vergleich, dass die Geräte doch recht preisintensiv gegenüber einem normalen Wecker oder der kostenlosen Smart-Phone-Funktion sind. Das Problem: Man MUSS das iPhone zum Betrieb und zum Einstellen des Weckers im Wecker stecken haben. Dann kommt hier nun der große Wecker-Test für alle, die noch auf der Suche sind. So wird aufwachen zum sanften Vergnügen. Der echte Lichtwecker Test Kauf Ratgeber Erfahrungen Vergleich Top Preise Top Modelle Günstig & Sicher.. Idealer Tageslichtwecker:.. Das ungewöhnliche Design des Lichtweckers, das an eine Sonne erinnert, wurde mit dem Red Dot Design Award ausgezeichnet. Was kosten Lichtwecker? ★Sonnenaufgangssimulation & 5 Natürlichen Klang: Der Lichtwecker wird mit natürlichem Klang vorprogrammiert und die Lautstärke des Weckers wird sich allmählich erhöhrt.
Philips Wake Up Radio
Wecker Der Mit Licht Weckt
Wecker Aldi Süd
Auf dem Markt gibt es viele von solchen Lichtweckern, die auch als Tageslichtwecker, Sonnenaufgangwecker, Wecker mit Licht,.. Sanftes Aufwachen,.. Egal, wie gern so mancher noch im Bett bleiben möchte, ein ungnädiger Wecker reißt ihn morgens aus dem Schlaf. Analoge Wecker verfügen nicht über eine solche Funktion zum Herauszögern, analog bedeutet: Direkt aufstehen! Stattdessen wird mit diesen Radioweckern die Produktion von Kortisol angestoßen.
Ein Lichtwecker ist als Ergänzung zu einer Lichtdusche auf jeden Fall eine gute Sache. Genau wie beim Sonnenaufgang wird auch der Sonnenuntergang simuliert. Lichtwecker sind schon seit einigen Jahren auf dem Markt und haben für viele Benutzer das Aufstehen zu einer positiven Erfahrung gemacht. Behindertengerechter Umrüstung l Krampfaderbinde l Krankenbett l Pflegebett l Antidekubitusbett l Krankenfahrstuhl l Krankengeld l Krankenhausaufenthalt l Krankenhauswahl l Krankenstock l Krankenunterlagen l Krankenversicherung l Kreislaufgerät „Schiele" l Kreuzstützbandage l Krone l Krücke l Kündigung der Versicherung l Kur l Kurort l Lagerungskissen/-stütze, außer Abduktionslagerungskeil l Landesregelungen zur Beihilfe l Language-Master l Latextrichter bei Querschnittlähmung l Leibbinde, jedoch nicht: Nieren-, Flanellund Wärmeleibbinden l Leistungsausschlüsse l Leistungsübersicht des GebüH l Lesegeräte für Blinde/Optacon, computergesteuerte Lesegeräte mit Sprachausgabe l Lesehilfen l Leseständer l Blattwendestab l Blattwendegerät l Blattlesegerät l Auflagegestell l Lichtsignalanlage für Gehörlose und hochgradig Schwerhörige l Lichttherapie l Lichtwecker(Funk-) l Lifter l Krankenlifter l Multilift l Bad-Helfer l Krankenheber l Badewannenlifter l Linguaduc-Schreibmaschine l Lispelsonde l Logopädie l Luftpolsterschuhe l Luftreinigungsgeräte l Luxations-Gefahr l Polyarthritis l Magnetfolie l Mangoldsche Schnürbandage l Massagen l Maßschuhe l Mecklenburg-Vorpommern l Medizinische Rehabilitation l Milchpumpe l Mitversicherung l Monophonator l Munddusche l Mundsperrer l Mundstab/-greifstab l Mutter-Vater-Kind-Kuren l Nackenheizkissen l Nagelspange Link l Narbenschützer l Neurologische Untersuchungen l Niedersachsen l Nordrhein-Westfalen l Öldispersionsapparat l Organspender l Orthese l Orthonyxie-Nagelkorrekturspange l Orthopädische Bade- und Turnschuhe l Orthopädische Zurichtungen an Konfektionsschuhen l Orthoprothese l Outsourcing der Beihilfebearbeitung l Pauschalbeihilfe l Pavlikbandage l Penisklemme l Peronaeusschiene l Heidelberger Winkel l Pflegebedürftigkeit l Pflegebett in behindertengerechter Ausrüstung l Pflegeversicherung l Plastische Chirurgie l Polarimeter l Potenz l Praxisgebühr l Privat versichern l Prothesenschuh l Pseudoarthrose l Psychotherapeutengesetz l Psychotherapie l Pulsfrequenzmesser l Quengelschiene l Rechtsanspruch auf Beihilfe l Reflektometer l Rehabilitation l Rektophor l Restkostenversicherung l Rheinland-Pfalz l Roedersches Verfahren l Rollbrett l Rollstuhlzuggerät l Rotlichtlampe l Rückentrainer l Rücktrittsrecht l Rutschbrett l Saarland l Sachsen l Sachsen-Anhalt l Salbenpinsel l Sanatoriumsaufenthalt l Sanatoriumsbehandlung l Sauerstoffgeräte l Säuglings- und Kleinkinderaussatttung l Schaumstoff-Therapie-Schuhe l Schede-Rad l Schlaftherapiegerät l Schleswig-Holstein l Schönheitschirurgie l Schrägliegebrett l Schutzbrille für Blinde l Schutzhelm für Behinderte l Schwangerschaft l Schwellstromapparat l Segofix-Bandagensystem l Sehhilfen l Seitenzahngebiet l Sicherheitsschuh l Sitzkissen für Oberschenkelamputierte l Sitzschale, wenn Sitzkorsett nicht ausreicht l Skolioseumkrümmungsbandage l Sozialversicherung l Spastikerhilfen (Gymnastik-/Übungsgeräte) l Spezialsitze l Sphinkter-Stimulator l Spirometer l Sprachverstärker nach Kehlkopfresektion l Spranzbruchband l Spreizfußbandage l Spreizhose/-schale/-wagenaufsatz l Spritzen l Sprossenwand l Sprunggelenkmanschette nach Dr. Grisar (Talocrur) l Standardtarif, beihilfekonform l. Häufigkeit: Bei jeder Neuigkeit (unverzüglich)-Alarm - definition of alarm by The Free Dictionary-a.larm (ə-lärm′) n. 1. Sudden fear or concern caused by the realization of danger or an impending setback.
Fazit: Vereinfachung des Kaufs von test lichtwecker durch Test test lichtwecker. : Payment should be sent within 4 (FOUR) days of auction closing. In der Nacht schaltet sich die Anzeige der Uhr bei Bedarf übrigens komplett aus; eine Funktion, die bei anderen Lichtweckern von Philips häufig fehlt.
Tageslichtwecker Test
Radiowecker Mit Licht
3510 Philips
Philips 3520 Test
" 3. Vor allem im Herbst und Winter, wenn die Tage kurz sind und fast jeder mit den Folgen des fehlenden Lichtes zu kämpfen hat, kann ein Lichtwecker dafür sorgen, dass Sie morgens fitter und entspannter sind. Soll es ein Modell nur mit einer Lichtfunktion sein oder wünscht man sich vielmehr das Gesamtpaket aus Licht, Website Radio und Naturgeräuschen. Der Stiftung Waren Lichtwecker Test 2017 kann beispielsweise auch zeigen, ob der Artikel ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis besitzt und qualitativ hochwertig ist. Testergebnisse von Verbrauchermagazinen wie der Stiftung Warentest können ebenso zu einer Kaufentscheidung beitragen. Alle diese Lichtwecker verfügten nicht nur über austauschbare Lampen, sondern auch über verschiedene Wecktöne und ein UKW Radio Mittlerweile sind diese Austauschmodelle und im Handel nur noch vereinzelt erhältlich. Heller werdendes Licht aktiviert unsere Hormonhaushalt und bringt uns die Energie zurück.
Sie haben eine Frage zu Funk-Babymelder Bellman digitaler Lichtwecker New Design? Mit dem neuen Medisana Lichtwecker WL 444 beginnt der Start in den Tag ganz sanft. Hmmm, also mein Arzt meinte, so ein Lichtwecker könne die Lichttherapie per Lichtdusche wirksam unterstützen und ergänzen. Dieser Lichtwecker wird nur mit Strom betrieben, was heißt, dass man keine Batterien benötigt. Nachts reagiert der Mensch schon auf geringe Beleuchtungsstärkenunterschiede. Schauen wir sich zuvor jens Formgebungsbeispiel aktiv an. Letztlich sollte dasjenige spezifisch ein Gesichtspunkt, welcher für jedes Handelsgut erheblich werden wird. Die Verarbeitung des Weckers ist tadellos, er ähnelt sehr dem Philips Wakup-Lichtwecker, welcher etwas teurer ist. Mal ehrlich: Noch angenehmer wird das Aufwachen höchstens, wenn man von seinem liebsten Schatz mit Morgenküsschen, dampfendem Kaffee und frischen Brötchen geweckt wird!
Dann WLAN aus, und Du hast einen praktisch elektrosmogfreien Lichtwecker. Im Test überzeugt der Philips-Lichtwecker auf ganzer Linie: Die Bedienung ist - auch dank gelungener iOS-App - kinderleicht. So lässt sich eine Winterdepression in vielen Fällen vermeiden. Wecker Wake Up Light Lichtwecker Wecker mit Licht ,7 Wecktöne (inkl. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Fragen zu unseren Produkten haben, fühlen Sie bitte sich frei, uns zu kontaktieren. Dieser online Test soll allen Neugierigen die Kaufentscheidung erleichtern und Fehlkäufe vermeiden. Insbesondere dann, wenn es früh noch dunkel ist, ist es ein ständiger Kampf, und das Aufwachen fällt unendlich schwer.
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