#muriel has adopted a human
ineffableaddiction · 2 months
I’m on a writing kick today. This is the last one… I think.
Crowley brought the boxes containing his plants into the bookshop and carried them upstairs to the spare bedroom that Jim had once occupied. He arranged them in the room according to the amount of light needed, and moved around books that could potentially get wet when the plants were misted.
The empty boxes set aside, he looked around the room, thinking that there should be more… something. This wasn’t quite how he’d imagined moving into the bookshop would be. Well, not that he ever REALLY imagined it.
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stabbydragon · 5 months
Everyone's head canons are valid, but personally I don't think that Aziraphale and Crowley will stay friends with Anathema, Newt, the Them, Nina, Maggie, etc. They're immortal and human lifetimes are a tiny fraction of what they've already lived through.
I think that after they both got too attached to some mortals millennia ago (authors for Aziraphale and scientists and philosophers for Crowley) they both individually decided to never get too close to specific humans. If it was another angel or demon (like Muriel) they would have no qualms with it, but most of the other immortals they know besides each other are shit so they have limited options.
This is why Crowley puts so much distance between himself and, say, his plants, and why Azi gets attached to places (the bookshop, Maggie's record shop) and communities (queer people) instead of individuals.
I can, however imagine Adam tracking them down some decades later to ask about why he isn't aging. They help him figure out that he's immortal and work through the psychological effects of that realization.
Once everyone he knew dies and he has nobody left to turn to, Aziraphale and Crowley basically adopt him and he moves in with them and becomes Muriel's younger brother. The four of them become a weird little family, and maybe they adopt an immortal duck or something.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
muriel hands crowley the cup of cocoa with a slightly nervous smile, sinking down opposite her with their own.
with summer fading into autumn, teaching the angel how to make a proper hot drink has been a distracting enough hobby, although it has involved tasting a lot frankly disgusting liquids over the last few weeks. she leans back in her usual armchair, tentatively bringing the mug to her lips before taking a sip. it is a tad too hot, a non-issue for a demon, but surprisingly close to perfection.
"good job," crowley says softly, swallowing the bitter response worming its way up her throat. muriel's responding smile tugs on her lips, and she quickly hides it behind the white porcelain.
outside, the clouds continue to empty themselves above london, and the rain drums a steady staccato against the bookshop's windows. during the first few weeks of aziraphale's absence, crowley had cycled through every emotion known and unknown to humans, switching rapidly between accidentally causing anger-filled blackouts (and on one memorable occasion setting a car on fire), and curling up in a dark corner of her flat to cry.
by now, the deep ache in her chest is almost comfortingly familiar, and it is easier to breathe through the waves of rage and betrayal, though she still prefers staying coiled up on the cushions as a serpent with suppressed feelings and urges.
crowley catches muriel chewing on their bottom lip, a nervous tell they have quickly adopted in their time on earth, and raises an eyebrow, her golden eyes unconcealed.
as much as she wants to take out her heartbreak on every living being in a twenty mile radius, if there is one who definitely does not deserve it, it's muriel.
"i was just wondering- do you think if, i mean when, aziraphale comes back i can still stay here?"
well, now that is an interesting development.
she lets her gaze wander and takes in the recently dusted bookshelves, the pile of unread novels next to the couch in the backroom, the newly acquired plants decorating the room, and eventually lands back on the angel. lingering on the undoubtedly human clothes and soft, open hair, both going completely against angelic dress codes, and this time crowley does not hide the small smile blooming on her face.
"yes. you can stay for as long as you like."
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melvisik · 10 months
Ok, we all know the Metatron needed Aziraphale and Crowley separated. It's a scene that’s launched a thousand metas and speculations like the Coffee Theory and Aziraphale Lied. So now, here's a slew of what are undoubtedly reiterations: There’s the distinct impression that Mr. ‘To-speak-to-me-is-to-speak-to-the-Almighty’ Metatron has gotten a little too big for his britches. Various reasons could account for this - maybe he thinks it's impossible for him to do wrong because he’s literally on the side of the angels. Or he’s been doing this so long hearing radio silence, he’s gotten into the mindset that the Almighty has somehow chosen to disappear, like that sense of all-importance when your boss has been gone for an infinitely long time and you’re left calling the shots. There’s also a tiny probability that Metatron has ‘vaulting ambition’… In any case, the Metatron is not shy about pushing the agenda, using anything from bribery to authoritarianism to accomplish it. He’s downright dismissive of Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael and condescending towards Muriel, people he knows he’s already got well under his thumb. With Aziraphale however, he changes tactics- bringing him coffee, the illusion of a hefty promotion, and throwing in Crowley’s reinstatement as the clincher. There’s been so many beautiful posts and analyses illustrating Metatron’s deviousness, describing his actions as exceedingly exploitive. There’s a high probability that he manipulates Aziraphale not out of the belief he'll be an asset, but the fact that Aziraphale and Crowley together is a liability. The music over that dark side-eye carries a foreboding implication:
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The Metatron does not care for Crowley.
Many proposals have been offered as to why this is, such as the theory that it was the Metatron who cast Crowley from Heaven for asking too many questions. Or perhaps the Metatron doesn’t necessarily see Crowley as a singular threat, but his influence on Aziraphale is another matter? Or it might be their influence on each other that his heckles raised. We've all seen it - where Crowley was ready to bolt when his mistake was caught and Armageddon seemed inevitable, Aziraphale remained steadfast in his determination to stop the War. But when Aziraphale gets it into his head that following a cause blindly is the best thing to do, Crowley snaps him out of it. They accomplish their goals together. Looking back over it, the predominant thing Aziraphale and Crowley did to help stop Armageddon was give Adam the pep talk he needed to defeat Satan. Before then, the Metatron believed he had just another good little angel in Aziraphale, a featherbrained minion who did as he was told. But then Aziraphale was gradually tempted by a demon, not necessarily into doing wrong, but into disobedience. Perhaps that is what Crowley represents to the Metatron, and the Metatron needs to be rid of it. The mix up was an honest mistake, Arthur Young being at the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time. But, of course, who was the other party involved in that mistake? Who first got it into his head that Armageddon should be stopped? Who held time to give our heroes a moment of reprieve for that pep talk? What if all the angels suddenly decided they didn’t want to obey anymore, like Aziraphale did? What if they follow his example? What if they don’t want to fight? The Metatron's got to nip that rotten apple in the bud…
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Heavens, we can't have that now, can we? "The point is not to avoid the war, the point is to win it." Well, that old chestnut didn't exactly work on Aziraphale, did it? The Metatron can’t order Aziraphale about anymore as if Aziraphale were a diligent foot-soldier. Both Aziraphale and Crowley have indeed gone native, adopting the most human thing of all: free will. Now, from a rudimentary understanding, neither angels nor demons can technically force a being with free will into doing anything. But they can persuade them one way or the other. Metatron knows this, and by god, he is good at it. Dozens of posts explain just exactly how he does this reaching right into Aziraphale's heart and fears. And in true angelic fashion, never does he even bother to acknowledge that Aziraphale " ...[doesn't] want to go to Heaven," or advise Aziraphale to consider what Crowley would want when presented with the opportunity to restore his ‘divinity.’ It's almost a parallel with Sitis - does she want to give birth seven more times? It doesn’t matter. “God” wants Job to be rewarded for loyalty, and Sitis was a conduit for that reward.
Another parallel between the story of Job and Aziraphale is an upstanding individual who staunchly wants to follow the Almighty's path, but he has a companion who’s more on the independent-thinking side - when something they care about is threatened, they acknowledge Heaven’s cruel treatment. The distinction here, however, is Job had the chance to speak to the Almighty themselves, not just the ‘mouthpiece,' and he had a decent pair of guardians looking out for him. Crowley and Aziraphale did the right thing by him and his family in keeping the children safe, while the other angels (and most definitely the Metatron) were content to let them die. It’s like neither angels nor demons (barring two… well, four now) have any concept of emotional connection. But the Metatron does understand connection, and for him it's a magnificent tool. He deliberately uses it against that once good little foot-soldier who’s gone AWOL. Not once does he try and convince Aziraphale that he’s strayed, but he maneuvers him into thinking that he and Crowley going back to Heaven is his own choice. Aziraphale likes doing the righteous thing, actually having an impressive work ethic when it's something he believes in, and what could be better than working as top boss in the Head Office of the Good Place? Aziraphale might see himself not only being the source of 'doing good,' but the one who can do the best thing there is and make changes for the better in Heaven itself. As discussed many times, the Heaven Aziraphale thinks he could create is the epitome of goodness, and, most of all, it can be a safe space for Crowley and him to be together. Aziraphale already assumes that this is what Crowley would want, and that Crowley’s retains ‘unhappiness’ as a Fallen due to no longer being an angel. The Metatron knows otherwise; not one person in the fandom believes he didn’t already know the outcome- that Crowley would say no. Again, there are so many brilliant posts highlighting why the Metatron had no intention of Crowley becoming an angel again. There’s the question if he even can. In fact, can the Metatron or any angel decide if an angel will Fall or a demon…er, Rise? That might present an alternative reason as to why Gabriel was demoted instead slated to Fall, because Metatron technically doesn’t have that kind of authority. In any case, it’s a ‘bluff’ that Aziraphale falls for hook, line, and sinker, and this time not even Crowley is able to convince him to stay. Now Aziraphale is driven by a cause he believes in, and perhaps he assumes that once he can prove to Crowley that he can change things in Heaven for the better, Crowley just might change his mind. By the same token, Crowley also might be holding onto that little shred of hope that Aziraphale will eventually come to his senses. It isn’t the first time the Head Offices have had them separated after all, and for all we know it’s not like it’s suddenly forbidden for them to talk to each other (though it probably won't be encouraged either). The Metatron, however, perhaps intends for the very opposite – to have Heaven change Aziraphale, which can only be possible without Crowley. Not that Aziraphale matters to the Metatron in the Great Scheme of Things (beyond his stubbornness being a force of nature), but at least he won't be fighting against the so-called Great Plan.
Then there’s the theories on the Metatron's motivations for this - for example, he could be concerned with how powerful Aziraphale and Crowley are together. And whether or not this popular theory proves to be true (though it carries a ton of weight), he can’t risk an interfering tag team preventing Armageddon again anyway; the Second Coming is approaching, and the Metatron is trying to be ahead of the curve this time. Gabe and Beez? Probably aren’t his top concern since they just want to run away from it all, not exactly the most active threat to the Great Plan. In fact, maybe the Metatron took into consideration the small chance that Aziraphale might just take Crowley up on the suggestion of going off together (prompted by the Archangel job offer in the first place), and the problem would be solved regardless.   It's also likely that the Metaron expects Aziraphale can be pressured or swayed back on board. With Aziraphale implementing that kind of determination on the side of Heaven again, maybe this time Crowley will retaliate or even abandon Earth altogether out of anger or heartbreak. Either way, the Great Plan will go forward. It's a win-win in the Metatron's mind. Game. Set. Match.
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Edited for clarification.
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
I need some fix-it fics after season 2. Anything that continues straight after S2 and has a happy ending or alternate endings to S2 where they actually know how to communicate
We have started a #fix-it tag! Here are just a fraction...
Heliotrope (flower of undying love) by scatterbrained_salamander (G)
It had started off so simple. “Ah, well. He always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions, too,” Metatron had said, oblivious to Aziraphale’s inner turmoil. Aziraphale had given a false smile, and let the conversation drop. Aziraphale had figured it was just the Metatron, trying to sympathize with Aziraphale’s rejection. Surely he didn’t actually think that about Crowley. Not deep down, at least. Or: Working Heaven isn't quite what Aziraphale had pictured. After months of coping with the too-high expectations of Metatron and Co, and months of monotonous paperwork, Muriel comes in with an unexpected report. Someone had left flowers on his bookshop's doorstep.
Another Round by AverageContentProducer (T)
Crowley is quiet for a moment before responding. “Angel,” he says, voice low. “I don’t think the apology dance is getting us out of this one.” - The art of repair can be a tricky one. In certain instances, one may find that fixing that which has broken requires a person (or an entity, as it may be) to adopt a non-linear mode of thinking. This is not an undertaking for the narrow of mind, nor for the faint of heart. It is a very, very delicate operation. Which is to say that, sometimes, under truly dire circumstances… you may find that the solution calls for breaking things even further.
The Day After: Early in the Morning by the Sea by Eigen_Licht (T)
“... ’That doesn’t mean I will let you off the hook this easy. …I still want that apology dance.’ ‘Of course, my love’” Later, on a cliff by the east coast of Sussex, the night sky above them, Aziraphale and Crowley finally talk.
You left me with no choice by Wullam343 (NR)
"Just explain this to me, angel," Crowley growled. "If you know how things are going to turn out if you try this, why are you so hellbent on risking everything you have, even OUR FRIENDSHIP to defy heaven?!" "BECAUSE I WANT TO PROTECT YOU!" Aka i absolutely refuse to accept how the season ended so for my mental health i had to write this as a coping mechanism
everywhere by vivahate (T)
Something in Crowley snaps. He’s hearing what his heart needs, what it’s wanted to hear for ages, yet instead of long-sought relief all he feels is anger so bright and hot, he feels like he might catch on fire. A growl rips from his throat, unbidden and he stalks out of the room, out of the house, out into the raging storm. It is no match to the storm brewing inside. He doesn’t bother counting. It will do nothing. Lightning passes through him and he roars along. It hits a tree nearby and the emotional release only leaves him all the more empty. Even now he can feel Aziraphale’s presence, watchful, careful. His angel in despair. But still looking out for him. - (or; Aziraphale uncovers what Heaven was actually trying to accomplish by appointing him as a leader, grovels and gets his priorities straight. And the world does not end this time around either.)
tender is the night by Path_Finder (T)
“I confess, I’ve never had the opportunity to do something like this,” Aziraphale says. Crowley huffs in amusement as he grabs Aziraphale’s hand, guiding it up and letting his hand come to rest just behind Crowley’s shoulder blade. He places his own free hand on the small of Aziraphale’s back. Crowley can feel the rustle of Aziraphale’s breaths, too infrequent to be truly human as if he keeps forgetting that it’s something he’s supposed to do. “Is this...alright?” the angel asks. Crowley can only manage a nod. -/- Aziraphale and Crowley share a slow dance together during the ball. Confessions ensue.
- Mod D
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more incorrect maggot-infested good omens quotes
most of these are from my deranged discord server of maggots, with a bonus from a tumblr reply section coz why not.
oh, maggots of mine.
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MURIEL LOVE THEY'RE NOT DUMB THEY'RE JUST DON'T KNOW HUMAN THINGS (sigh yes the original message above was, in fact, directed at me) (but unlike muriel i do not have the excuse of never having been on earth)
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(above could go either way, I rather think Muriel is adopting Crowley after the final fifteen. well. perhaps they adopt each other.)
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well the ones i know are mentioned (WHO IS CLEARLY NOT HUMAN???) @ivory--raven and @lxvenderjewel.
...im afraid to check the server. i hope the cannibalism has halted at the very least.
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wearecrowley · 9 months
Can you imagine Muriel meeting Maggie? They would introduce themselves as a human police officer ("Ello, ello, ello!") and Maggie would give Crowley a confused look and Crowley would mouth the word "Angel" to her, as if that's a valid explanation, but Maggie would just roll with it because after the events at the bookshop she has seen. some. shit. so when Muriel apologizes ("Sorry, I'm not actually human police officer. I was deceiving you.") Maggie mentally adopts them on the spot and welcomes them to her music shop.
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courage-doodles-blog · 4 months
What is Barry's relationships with Courage The Cowardly Dog characters
Barry and Courage - Courage and Barry are rarely close friends to each other. Barry does look up to him for his bravery, although the two have a thing in common which is having anxiety[also my lil headcanon for Courage.] Courage is shown to be very protective of him
Barry and Muriel Bagge - Barry and Muriel show love and care for eachother, with Barry thinking of her as a grandmother figure to him. Muriel shows support and cares Barry for his health and happiness. She treats him the same way she treats Courage
Barry and Eustace Bagge - The two don't show to get along well, Eustace verbally abuses, enjoys making fun of and tormenting him just how he does with Courage.
Barry and Computer - Since being a sarcastic ai jerk to Courage, he was the same to Barry when the anxious cat first met him, in which makes Courage defend the cat against the ai. However, when Barry came to him after he got ab#sed by the spider crime mob leader Toxin. Computer suddenly felt a bit of sympathy for the poor fella. He started to be aware when Barry said about his anxiety, that he meant that he has anxiety. Computer becomes a mentor/guardian to Barry, teaching him ways to control his anxiety
Barry, Bunny and Kitty - The lesbian couple are shown to be really good friends to Barry. Sometimes the two babysit him and they act like aunts to him. Barry does respect and care for the two equally. Bunny and Kitty are shown to be really proud of Barry for saving their adoptive daughter Bunitty from Mad Dog
Barry and Shirley - Barry does show respect for Shirley. But he tends to worry about the curses she carries onto others
Barry and Charlie the Mouse - Though the two don't interact more often, they are really good friends. Charlie does help him on what issue is happening and offers him some advice as help
Barry and Katz - Katz is shown to hate the nervous cat while Barry fears him mostly. Katz even shows any intent to kill, torture or harm Barry or even manipulate him into going into his scam businesses
Barry and Le Quack - The two are enemies. Le Quack does manipulate/exploit Barry to join his side and get him to do crime sprees.
Barry and Cajun Fox - Cajun Fox mostly finds the nervous lil cat as an ingredient for his Cajun cuisines, he mostly attempts to kidnap him for that, Barry is terrified him because of his deadly taste for humans and anthropomorphic animals.
Barry and Black Puddle Queen - Barry does fear the Queen of the Black Puddle. She wasn't aware the fact that Barry is a child
Barry and Clucthing Foot - Despite that they don't interact more often, Barry does consider Clutching Foot as a threat to him
Barry and Weremole - Barry is pretty afraid of that beast. But despite that, he doesn't know when he first saw one until Computer gave him the info about them. As for Weremole, he will just straight up maul him to death
Barry and Banana Suit Dealer - The two have interacted a little. When Banana Dealer convince him to buy a government top secret, Barry politely declines. The two are shown to be neutral
Barry and Freaky Fred - At first Barry appears to become friendly with Fred, but he was traumatised when Fred having his intent to shave Barry's fur off. But then Barry heads to the Home For Freaky Barbers where he(Fred) is kept in for his life to reconcile for being traumatised of him
Barry and Mad Dog - Barry really hates Mad Dog for what he did to Bunny, Kitty and Bunitty. Though he did save Bunitty's life after he slammed his(Mad Dog) face into the windshield
Barry and Cruel Veterinarian - Barry really hates this man's guts! He even was aware of what he is going to do with Courage. And he also knew that he hired Toxin to kill him alive
Barry and King Ramses - The two don't show interaction with eachother. But Ramses shows honour and respect after Barry gives him back his slab
Barry and the Cat Thieves/Jim and Paul - Barry dislikes the duo, since their both thieves and they wanted to have King Ramses' slab for themselves. When they Barry holding it, they asked him to give it to them. But Barry declines and he does the right thing by returning it to the King
Barry and Courage's Parents/Henry and Teresa - The three haven't met eachother, but if they would actually meet eachother for the first time, they would really get along well
Barry and Fusilli - Barry became a victim of Fusilli's puppetry, The crocodile got him into his show but then he was disappointed by Barry quitting performing for him
Barry and Ma Bagge - Barry doesn't really like Ma Bagge because of her disliking of cats
Barry and Hunchback Of Nowhere - Barry doesn't show fear at his "ugly' appearance, he is very supportive and tells him about respecting their differences
Barry and Bigfoot - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry, Storm Goddess and Duncan - The three haven't met eachother yet
Barry, Benton Tarrentella and Errol Von Volkheim - Barry does fear the two, however he isn't convinced on joining their productions
Barry and Duck Brothers - They appear to be on good terms
Barry and Dr Vindaloo - Barry respects Vindaloo, he does go to him whenever there's something wrong with him
Barry and Di Lung - Barry appears to not like Di Lung due to his inventing creation of Mecha Courage
Barry and Goose God - Goose God shows a despise against the small cat as he won't let Muriel see him and he doesn't understand the fact that he is a god
Barry, General and Lieutenant - Barry does show loyalty and respect for the two loyal members of the government. But however their wrestling whenever Barry goes over to them for help leaves the poor fella in dismay
Barry and Nowhere Newsman - They don't interact more often, although it is shown that Barry shows respect for him
Barry and Space Chicken - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Floyd - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Schwick - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Stitch Sisters - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry, Dr Zalost and Rat - The three haven't met eachother yet
Barry and The King of Flan - The two haven't met eachother yet
Barry and Perfectionist - The two haven't met eachother yet
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myapathyhaspeaked · 11 months
i have mixed feelings about the prediction that “aziraphale and crowley are going to adopt muriel” because like, yes muriel is very naive about everything earth and is probably going to need a+c’s help navigating at least a few times (and also they seem quite precious lol), but it’s not because they’re young it’s because they’ve never been to earth. gabriel’s corporation looks older but he is also shown to have little idea of how to pretend to be human since he doesn’t like going to earth. i think it’s safe to assume the angels are all of similar ancient ages even if their corporations look of different ages. my point being, idk if it would really feel like parent and kid rather than new trainee and veteran *insert work position here* with a side of “oh bless their heart”
also small side tangent, would muriel even know enough about dads to be like “these guys are like dads to me”. like, i doubt they don’t know the concept of a father figure, but i doubt the angels have any parent figures other than maybe God? so idk if they would really think about a+c and be like “im getting father vibes”
that said, while i don’t think their going to be like parent and child, i do like the idea of their relationship being “older coworker that is nice and showing to ropes to them and they have respectful admiration for them” and “very new trainee they feel protective over because you know what that’s not their trainee that’s now their work kid”, yknow? i mean tbf aziraphale and muriel were technically colleagues before the failpocalypse, and since the arrangement a+c have basically been doing the same job lol.
also the first time muriel is a passenger in the bentley and crowley has to quickly stop he automatically does the parental instinct arm barrier, obviously
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ineffableaddiction · 2 months
Part 15: New Beginnings
A Good Omens Fan Fic
Crowley pulled into a vague spot by the curb near the bookshop, opened his door and looked around. He didn’t see Muriel. Aziraphale was almost at the door, when he suddenly stopped and turned towards Crowley. “I’m afraid I don’t have any keys.” He tried to smile, but Crowley could see the devastation of being locked out of his home, their home.
Approaching the entrance, Crowley took his set of keys and handed them to the angel. “Keep them.” It’s not that either one of them needed keys to enter the bookshop, but it was the lack of having them that saddened Aziraphale. He took the keys Crowley offered and unlocked the bookshop.
“Alright then, I should probably go find Muriel.” Crowley announced, walking into the bookshop and closing the door behind them.
“Yes, that would probably be best.” Aziraphale walked through the shop into the back room, where he stored some of his favorite books. Crowley followed.
Aziraphale was writing something. Crowley waited, and then read. “Little miracle? Allow us to talk freely?” Crowley shook his head. The last time they tried a little miracle it didn’t work out as expected.
“I really should find Muriel.” Crowley took off his shades and set them down on a random surface. He wasn’t sure if Aziraphale would be there when he returned, making the leaving part of that plan almost impossible to accomplish.
He took a step towards Aziraphale, not really knowing why. They stood in silence, quietly staring at one another, with the pending separation at the forefront of their minds. Aziraphale closed the gap between them. “I…”
After a moment, Crowley answered quietly. “Me too.”
Aziraphale initially meant to step away, but without thinking brought his hand up and touched Crowley’s cheek. “Oh, Crowley… I…”
His face betrayed every feeling he was having, and Crowley’s reciprocated. Neither knew how to express what they were to each other, but still they both knew.
Aziraphale felt the tears and tried to fight them. Slowly, gently Crowley leaned in and wrapped his arms around his angel. Aziraphale clung to him, and they held each other like it was the last time they’d be together, because it just might be. With the closeness, Crowley became more aware of the danger they might be in. He stepped back, and looked at Aziraphale. He mouthed “Ask me now.” and walked into the main room of the bookshop. Aziraphale followed.
“Crowley, I was rather hoping that you would reconsider my previous offer. It still stands.” Aziraphale looked at Crowley, who was already hiding behind his dark glasses. “Come back to heaven with me!” He begged as best as he could.
There was some back and forth, his plead was quickly rebuked, and Crowley left. Aziraphale sat down in his chair, waiting to see what would happen next.
What neither of them realized was the the intensity of their physical and emotional connection changed something around them. Even if someone was trying to watch them, it would have been impossible unless they were physically present. A cocoon of something flowed from them, surrounding the bookshop and expanding, encapsulating most of London and parts of an isolated road in the countryside.
This phenomenon, on a large scale, had only occurred three times previously. The first was in Rome, around the time an emperor had been killed. The second was during the revolution in France. The third, in London, had been protecting the bookshop for over eighty years.
But this was the most expansive. Both Crowley and Aziraphale’s main concern during their recent time together was protecting the other. The strength of their commitment to their group of two created its own miracle when they gave part of themselves to the other freely.
While both of them may not have noticed, others definitely did. And some of them were not happy.
After wandering around the neighborhood, when Crowley found Muriel they were sitting at a cafe, coffee and scones on the table in front of them, and an unknown human that Muriel appeared to be having an intense conversation with sitting at their side. He stood nearby, observing them for a brief time.
“Muriel, it’s time to go back to the bookshop.” Crowley said, drawing both of their attention. His head turned towards the human. “Who’s your friend?”
Muriel was beaming. Crowley briefly wondered what was wrong with them.
“This is Aimee. We’ve been talking for awhile now and she knows a lot of things.”
The human smiled at Crowley, and he felt that she through his glasses. She asked if he wanted to join them.
“I have to go back to the bookshop,” he declined the invitation, “But thank you.” Looking back at Muriel, “You should be coming back too.”
Muriel stopped smiling and looked a little sad. The human put an arm around Muriel saying, “Don’t be sad! We can meet up tomorrow if you’d like! What’s your mobile?” The human grabbed their mobile phone and got ready to enter a new number.
“I don’t have a mobile.” Muriel wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, but the human was asking for it and they didn’t have it, so maybe it was bad.
The human stood up and walked onto the sidewalk. Looking back at Muriel, she teased, “Well, why don’t you show me where this bookshop is so I know where to find you?”
Muriel nodded enthusiastically and joined Aimee on the street, walking towards the bookshop, both deep in conversation. Crowley trailed behind them, a bit confused and unsure of why Muriel was so interested in a specific human for no reason that was apparent.
The two continued talking the entire stroll back. When they reached their destination, Muriel invited her new friend to come in, so the human followed Muriel into the bookshop.
Crowley stood outside of the door for awhile, incredulous. Now they were letting random people into their inner sanctuary? This wasn’t normal. He sighed, and walked in.
His eyes went to Aziraphale, who was being introduced to Muriel’s new pet. The human was excitedly discussing what wondrous things that books were, and the look on Aziraphale’s face let Crowley know the he would be losing this battle. Muriel and the human were sitting on the sofa, Aziraphale was at his desk and they were discussing A Consolation of Philosophy for reasons Crowley didn’t care to try to understand.
He was going to go to his room, but decided against it. If Aziraphale would only be on Earth temporarily, he would spend as much time as possible with him. He made sure all the blinds were closed, and found none open. That wasn’t surprising since the shop hadn’t been open, outside of fifteen minutes, for a long time. He walked over and stood behind Aziraphale’s chair, leaning on its back, and listened to the conversation.
They had just changed topics, discussing The Republic, and the human was actually able to decently converse on it, as far as Crowley could tell, especially based on Aziraphale’s responses. Muriel was sitting beside the human, still smiling but not able to join in the discussion because she’d not read much on philosophy.
The human seemed to realize Muriel’s silence, reached out and placed a hand on Muriel’s arm, asking, “What book is your favorite?”
Aziraphale seemed a bit shocked by the display of affection from a human, and a new human at that. Crowley moved to sit on the arm of the chair, and they exchanged a glance.
Muriel thought for a moment. “I read a book called They Both Die at the End. It was set in the future, and they had people that called humans and told them when they would die.”
Crowley looked at Muriel, and a very confused Aziraphale smiled and replied, “I don’t believe I’ve read that particular book.” Crowley turned towards Aziraphale as he spoke, and Aziraphale glanced towards him nervously.
The human didn’t seem to notice. She hadn’t read that book either, but was asking a happy Muriel more questions, which Muriel gladly responded to. Aziraphale watched them as they had their discussion, smiling contentedly at the scene before him. Crowley felt like he was missing something. The entire situation was just weird.
Aziraphale stood up and excused himself, and indicated that Crowley should follow him.
Crowley smiled at Muriel and the human, still confused but happy to be escaping the situation. He gave a little wave and followed Aziraphale.
When they got to the back room and closed the door, Crowley looked at Aziraphale. “What was that?”
Aziraphale laughed. “Apparently, Muriel has made a friend. Do you see how happy they are?” He was beaming, and Crowley relaxed a little. Aziraphale had always been better with humans, so if he didn’t find it odd for Muriel to bring one home, then it was probably okay. Aziraphale was smiling, which made Crowley happy.
Becoming a little nervous, Crowley asked, “So, what are the plans for tonight? Will you be here in the morning?”
Aziraphale nodded. “I should be able to stay tomorrow, but I do need to leave after that. I have a lot of work to do.”
Letting out a small sigh, Crowley asked if Aziraphale wanted to go to the pub, or possibly have some wine. Crowley could use a drink.
They left the room and let Muriel and their friend know they were departing, then walked to the pub. Crowley ordered drinks while Aziraphale secured seating. He glanced at his surroundings, and felt like he’d been here just yesterday, but knowing this was probably the last visit.
After setting their drinks on the table, Crowley sat across from Aziraphale. He poured himself a glass from the bottle he’d procured, and Aziraphale had a sherry. Raising his glass for a toast, Crowley thought for a moment before saying, “To God’s great plan,” his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Aziraphale stopped smiling and looked at Crowley nervously. “You know, I don’t mind a joke…”
“Alright, alright. So why don’t you start it then?”
After thinking about it, Aziraphale raised his glass. “To us.” Their glasses touched, and Crowley, clearly caught off guard, replied in a voice filled with several emotions. “To us.”
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jknerd · 1 year
(My humanly adaptation of GRINCH^^)
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Full Name: Ethan Grinch 
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Occupations: Holiday Mascot, Monster Celebrity, Krampus’ business partner (both as singer and Naughty Begone Foundation)
Relatives: Max (pet), Martha-May Hoovier (eventual wife), Cindy Lou Hooper (goddaughter)
Interests: Punishing abusive adults and bratty children, Hash brown, solving world hunger (tell NO ONE), Jazz dance, inventing
Ethan Grinch, known as The Grinch or Mr. Grinch, is a “dark fairy” or bitter spirit who despise holidays, especially Christmas. He is also Krampus’ business partner—in both as singer and co-founder of Naughty Begone Foundation—and is occasionally helping him. In previous life, he was once a human born as orphan during Industrial Era of England. The orphanage was too poor to provide every children decent Christmas dinner. With no one to adopt him, Grinch was forced to leave orphanage and work at factories. When returning to help the orphanage, he discovered it was knocked down and replaced with mansion of rich family. Looking for the orphanage family, he wandered. However, he couldn’t find the nuns or the orphans. Discovering abandoned puppy, he named the little one “Max”. But due to the cold weather, they were freezing to death until they were found by Santa Claus, his wife and their son Krampus. Turned into spirits, Grinch and Max were able to reside in the high snowy mountain. However, due to the past, Grinch had never opened his heart to Christmas season.
In Fairly Oddparents AU: While Krampus would go to world tour as famous singer, Grinch would be notified who are the “naughty” adults and children. These informations would give him an opportunity to ruin the Christmas of said people from “naughty list”. Just like “Vick DeVil” sang by Chip Skylark, Krampus had a song named “The Mean One”, dedicated to him. Grinch also occasionally babysits Baby New Year, making sure the baby never cries and sleeps in peace. Martha May Hoovier, the celebrity of Fairy World in this AU, has enormously romantic feelings for him. Eventually, when Krampus got him out of work at Christmas, Grinch was surprised of Martha’s marriage proposal, but he accepted. Much later, according to Jorgen, Grinch and Martha May become fairy godparents of a human girl named Cindy Lou.
In Grimm Adventures of Billie & Manny AU: According to Sado and other reapers, Grinch was described as most anti-social and cruel individual when necessary. When Grinch visited Grima, he doubted that mortal teenagers could ever make her as their legal reaper guardian until he encountered Manny. Both Manny and Grinch take a liking of one another, sharing a lot in common. One of the reapers, named Catrina, is close friend with Martha May, who is Santa’s Toy Factory Worker. Finding the two cute together, Catrina, Billie and Irina would attempt to set them up.
In Courage the Cowardly Girl AU: Unlike Krampus, Grinch wasn’t quite a friendly individual who doesn’t tolerate trespasser. Courage attempted to explain her reasoning in entering his mountain, but Grinch already knew that her entrance in his cave means she asked for his holiday misfortune to be removed from Muriel and Eustace. Grinch made a deal that if she scarified her Christmas season and work for him, he will remove the curse. Learning of his past, Courage received a help from Cindy Lou—the only child spared from Grinch’s grumpiness—to find relatives of orphans he lived with. Due to her dedication and her past as orphan, Grinch decided to set her free before the Christmas Day and lift the misfortunate spell from Eustace and Muriel.
In Danni Phantom AU: Grinch is described as “Bitter Spirit of Holidays” by the Ghost Writer. But Grinch turns out to be Sam’s favorite during his and Krampus’ duo debut. In ghost realm, Grinch resides in same snowy region with Frostbite, hence Grinch has snow/ice powers. 
In AAnA AU: Finding Culdesac as perfect place to make many lives’ Christmas season miserable, Grinch spilled the beans to both Santa and Krampus about bullies of Peach Creek. He was seen laughing when Kevin and other popular kids were turned into ugly scarecrows. Although they eventually learned the lesson, Grinch would always wait for another annual chance to crush their Christmas spirit if they began act the same as usual.
In Hazbin Hotel ’n Helluva Boss AU: Grinch is quite popular with the sinners in hell, mostly the ones who have heard stories or myth about him. Alas, he also becomes one of Charlie’s guests in Hazbin Hotel. Grinch bonded with Husk most of the time and didn’t like Alastor invading his personal space. Eventually, Grinch admitted to Charlie that he hated Christmas because it reminds him of his previous life as orphaned mortal who couldn’t get enough money to save the orphanage from demolition and inability to afford decent Christmas dinner/gifts for the orphans. Feeling better, Grinch leaves the hotel but left decent gifts for each staff. At some point, he hired IMPs to murder the corrupted British family of the noble who was responsible for demolition of orphanage he was raised in.
In Caty & Dolly: Caty and Dolly had hold Christmas dearly, but it wasn't because of Santa Claus, Christmas dinner, gifts, or the tree. Shreck and Logan, the respective love interest of the conjoined girls, tried to figure out what is the best gift for them. Eventually, they find out about their childhood Christmas "guardian", reveals to be the Grinch himself. Witnessing baby conjoined twins, Grinch felt sympathy for them and decided to send gifts to them; warm blanket, two pairs of mittens, and two Santa hats. Grinch then MENACINGLY threatened Shreck and Logan he would personally wipe them out of "Nice" or "Naughty" list "permanently" if they ever upset the girls, indicating he has a power to end them.
In Spongebell AU: Grinch appeared as cameo in McKrabs as a customer during Christmas season. Bell's pet cat Gary was able to recognize him as "inhuman", but his gaze were enough to scare off the poor cat. 
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bluebirdsongs16 · 9 months
Dialogue fic: "Some time later, up in Heaven"
Muriel: You summoned me, Supreme Archangel?
Aziraphale: I've told you, just Aziraphale is fine. And thank you for coming, dear. I wondered if I might ask for your help with something, if it's not too much trouble. *materializes a seat for her at his side*
Muriel: *takes the seat and turns to Aziraphale with a perky smile*
Aziraphale: *tries to keep a cheery disposition, but the longer Muriel looks at him with eyes full of innocence and admiration, feels his façade crumple, betraying his anxiety; he starts wringing his hands*
Aziraphale: The thing is, I have something I need to...confess.
Muriel: *gasps* Ohh, a Confession! I've never done one before, but I'll do my very best. *adopts a very serious, empathetic expression*
Aziraphale: *has trouble meeting their gaze, looking everywhere but at them; to stop his hand-wringing he fiddles with the buttons on his velvet waistcoat* The thing is... *he leans closer, as if shortening the distance his words have to travel will lessen their impact*
Muriel: *also leans closer, lips pursing and brows knitting together in concentration*
Aziraphale: I seem to have...oh, dear, this is so difficult. I, ah...rather recently--in the last 90 years or so--found that I have, that I have. *squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath, letting the rest of the words come out in a rush* f-fallen in love with...withCrowley. Even though he's a demon, I can't deny what he means to me, how he makes me feel. And...and I don't want to. Deny it.
Muriel: *doesn't react, except maybe to blink once or twice, still looking at Aziraphale expectantly, as if he's said nothing at all*
Aziraphale: *risks a glance at them, fearful of their reaction*
Muriel: And? I'm waiting for the confession bit.
Aziraphale: *completely flummoxed by Muriel's reaction, or lack thereof, and unsure how to continue* That...that was it.
Muriel: But I already knew that!
Aziraphale: You...you did?
Muriel: Yeah! I watched you and Mr. Crowley very carefully for a few days, 'cause, you know, Crowley said that's how it works, and I saw it! With my own Inspector Constable human eyes!
Aziraphale: Saw...saw what, exactly?
Muriel: That you're both in love! It was so obvious! You know, you're very good at this business.
Aziraphale: And what business would that be?
Muriel: The business of making love, of course!
Aziraphale: *flushes to the tips of his ears* Ahh, no no, you're mistaken, that's a completely different thing entirely! Something that you did not see me and Crowley partake in on Earth because it didn't--and couldn't--wouldn't--happen. *looks everywhere in the room but at Muriel, face still bright red*
Muriel: *is very confused by Aziraphale's sudden discomfort, because she very clearly witnessed how the angel and the demon make love happen around them on Earth, but doesn't push the point* Well, I know what I saw. And you know what I think you need more than confession, Mr. Fell?
Aziraphale: *looking fearful again* ...To take a swan dive into a pit of boiling sulfur?
Muriel: What? No!! *leaps up from their chair and wraps their arms around him, holding him tight*
Muriel: All love is beautiful, the greatest of Her gifts.
Aziraphale: *is shocked for a moment, but then embraces Muriel back tightly, clinging to them and burying his face in their shoulder as he accepts their hug that's acceptance and understanding and absolution all in one*
AN: Might flesh this out into a fic later on, might not. Just letting the plot bunnies stretch their legs for now. 😅
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impishtubist · 10 months
a fic prompt for good omens…. maybe one where Aziraphale goes back to the shop from time to time and one time Crowley is there (because he adopted Muriel under his wing ofc) and Muriel has to be the buffer between them because they refuse to talk to each other but Muriel gets mixed up and says something they shouldn’t…..
Ahhhh this has been sitting in my inbox for four days and I just. haven't been able to write a proper fic for it. 😭 HOWEVER, please have some thoughts:
Crowley very reluctantly adopted Muriel. At first he wanted nothing to do with Aziraphale's replacement, but Muriel somehow got in touch with him (or Nina and Maggie did) and Crowley is sooooo weak and soft, he can't help but come running when an angel needs his help 😂
Anyway Muriel brings him all kinds of questions, like what to do when customers come into the shop (you kick them out again), how to work the cash register (you don't), what to do about those scary men in suits (Crowley turns into a snake and scares them away), etc.
Crowley stops by once every couple of weeks, and then once a week, and then suddenly he is there every day. Muriel's practical questions about how to run the shop turn into questions about humanity and being human. Now Crowley is there giving human lessons every day to the angel who replaced the love of his eternal life but UGH Muriel is just too adorable and endearing, okay??? He can't help it!
Oh right I forgot about Aziraphale. Um, Aziraphale drops by every once in a while (when he's certain Crowley isn't there) and checks up on the shop...it takes Muriel a while to figure out that he's actually checking up on Crowley. But Mr. Crowley is so nice to them and Aziraphale made him upset, so Muriel is kind of protective of their Mr. Crowley, you know? So they make it seem like Crowley is doing AMAZING without Aziraphale, he's living his greatest life and never thinks about the angel EVER, when in reality Muriel finds him drunk and crying in the back room of the bookshop at least once a week.
So now Aziraphale is convinced that Crowley either never loved him, or that he moved on immediately, and he's devastated. Crowley is also devastated, because it's one thing for Aziraphale to not check up on him (he's a demon, after all, he's not able to love or be loved) but Aziraphale isn't even checking up on his beloved books??? It's like Crowley never knew him at ALL.
Idk how to end this. Somehow they both end up in the shop at the same time by accident and have a blow-out fight that levels half of London and ends in lots of kissing and I-was-wrong dances. Then they get a cottage in the South Downs and move there with their Bentley and their godchild Muriel. The end.
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chaoticace2005 · 10 months
My reactions to Good Omens S2:
Episode 1
-wait Crowley backstory?
-they knew each other? I’m screaming
-okay Crowley maybe don’t brush off your future husband like that?
-angel Crowley is such a nerd
-oof Aziraphale, don’t worry in 6000+ years Crowley will only be thinking that about you
-and yeah of course Crowley is already questioning things
-I’m sure they could object to that
-is starmaker Crowley gonna be something actually discussed??
-also im just now thinking that in s1 only Crowley introduced himself and in s2 only aziraphale did
-yeah… aziraphale is not gonna like the “angle” thing
-aziraphale really just adopted someone huh
-“I’m very good at forgiveness, it’s one of my favorite things” dude you’re too good for this world
-yep Crowley is having an existential crisis
-oh hi Gabriel
-yeah aziraphale is about to be in for a rude awakening
-aww they’re cute
-oh wow aziraphale stop lying
-okay does this guy have both types of amnesia
-okay but there was a fly in the box so… beezelbub?
-okay Crowley I’m sure there’s more reasons than just those 3
-okay he really just chugged that
-aww she’s cute
-oof Maggie
-okay him and Crowley are already killing me
-yeah Crowley is having a mental breakdown
-“hell me take care of him”, shfhsh
-“he’s smoking”
-oh dang the old, lock them in a room together
-okay they’re really a human aziraphale and Crowley
-yep Lindsay sucks
-love how aziraphale is pretending not to look interested
-this is a complete flip from s1 where Crowley has to convince aziraphale to get involved
Episode 2
-oh him and Muriel knew each other
-love how aziraphale really doesn’t want anyone to buy books
-Crowley archangel?!
-the fact that they have to make the place accessible
-oof I thought Jim was just invisible, turns out archangels really are just so self involved
-they have to be matchmakers dhdhdhdh
-yeah I’d be scared too if that Crowley was looking for my children
-Crowley got aziraphale into food?!
-Yeah the angels are gonna be confused about childbirth
-okay was last season just Crowley falling for aziraphale and this one is the opposite
Episode 3
-aww they’re cute
-Crowley’s moving in
-awww they’re cute
-ooh why’s beezelbub so anxious?
-awww Crowley gets quality time with his son
-Crowley really is stuck on the rain
-is this gonna be Crowley and aziraphale taking care of kids throughout the years?
-Crowley is fucking high
-fudgfhdhdh Crowley
-“blessings to twitter and Grindr”… yeah I’ll give blessings to one of them
-protective Crowley!
Episode 4:
-dude, do NOT let her into your car
-“you don’t seem his type at all” babe wtf
-who is furfur?
-ooh after the church?
-how did those bastards not die?
-awww aziraphale is so in love
-oh no aziraphale is going as magician?
-“expert lip reader”…oh this will be good
-Crowley’s doing voices 😂
-“someone you can really trust”
-oof miracle blocking 😭 this is gonna be painful
-“my miracles aren’t working” “neither are mine” god they’re so stupid
-of course he’s never fired a gun before dhdhdhebbd
-how is this magic trick legal?
-ejhdhd démons really can’t read
-“I knew you’d come through for me, you always do”
Episode 5
-doctor who
-Eric dude stop asking questions, you’re gonna get lightning bolted
-Nina definitely thinks they’re an item
-Crowley’s a stuttering mess 😂
-the fact Nina just assumes Crowley could never be straight
-okay I think Nina broke Crowley
-did Crowley set up a fucking date?
-oh aziraphale you’re definitely “smitten”
-oh dude, Crowley maybe don’t spill about the swap?
-“and I did not care for it” oh baby I’m sure you didn’t
-the way Gabriel is dressed up 😂
-everyone is so posh
-oh no Maggie
-aziraphale censored the bloody place
-dude let her say something other “seamstress”
-lmao they’re flirting with Gabriel
-well they danced for like five seconds
-CROWLEY IS A NERD, Aziraphale is gonna fucking marry this guy on the spot
-nevermind he’s just quick in his feet
-“I won’t leave you on your own”
-oh that’s the magician’s partner, I was wondering who they were
-“you’re a good lad” “I’m not actually either”
-“rescuing me makes him so happy”
-I do not think azirpahale is gonna like Crowley just running to heaven
-okay how are they gonna finish this in 50 minutes?
Episode 6
-so Nina and Maggie just keep developing their relationship while locked in places
-warrior aziraphale?
-dang hes really just using what killed him last season as a weapon?
-“Crowley’s emotional support angel”
-“Jim go to your room” “goodnight”: THIS IS LITERALLY PARENTS TO THEIR KIDS
-oh wait what about his books?
-angel form aziraphale?
-ooh halo
-Crowley is the only one here with any braincells
-if they do a miracle together it works too well? 😂
-beezlebub actually talking to flies
-“you’re perfect” they say, to a fly holding Gabriel’s memories
-are they gonna dance?
-their hands lingered
-“no one’s ever given me anything before”
-THEY GOT TOGETHER: “I just found something that matters more to me than choosing sides”
-Crowley is just watching his husband get to work
-“alpha centauri’s nice”, aziraphale looks at him
-aziraphale is just looking lovingly at Crowley during this entire scene and I’m losing it
-“we need a little us time” “just us. Not you”
-aww he’s putting the place back together
-Nina called Maggie angel
-them recognizing that they can do things at their own pace and not be forced together
-they’re giving him relationship advice
-he put his glasses on :(
-“we could have been us”
-oh Crowley no :(
-“anything you need to take with you?”
-okay I seriously can’t believe at the end of this somehow Aziraphale in the Archangel and Gabriel is the one who ran off to Alpha Centauri with a demon
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helianthusaster · 8 months
I have the TOS brainrot ♡
Have a headcanon!
Semi-spoilers for S2 Ep10: Journey to Babel
So, basically, Scotty and Spock are cousins because they're my favorite blorbos and it works ok!!!
Spock & Scotty's grandparents, Muriel and Patrick Scott, divorced when their mothers, Amanda and Anna Scott were 10 years old. Amanda Scott, later Grayson--her mother's surname, moved to New England (take your pick, I personally get DC vibes) to work for Starfleet while Anna Scott stayed in Aberdeen with their father.
Amanda, after kicking Sarek's ass for "insulting her intelligence" and subsequently marrying him (cause that's totally how that went), moved to Vulcan and had Spock; who canonically left Vulcan at 18 to attend Starfleet Academy.
During the summer, at her request, Spock stayed with his Aunt Anna, in the hopes of connecting with the nephew she didn't know she had until literally 2 hours prior because communications between Vulcan and Earth take Far Longer Than They Should and also Amanda and Anna kinda lost contact 3 years after "The Separation". Through this random arrangement, Anna was able to connect with her nephew, who got both incredibly homesick and lonely during his time on Earth, by teaching him how to play Earth games like Chess and Stramash. He, in turn, opened up a bit and was able to teach Anna a few Vulcan phrases like "hello" and "goodnight", because--contrary to popular belief--Spock was far more antisocial and silent in his early days at the Academy than he ever was on the Enterprise because his Aunt Anna (he called her "Aun'tanna", and she called him "Squawk" in return cause we love a Canonically dyslexic family ♡; Anna having visual and Spock having deep and visual) and her son, Montgomery (or "Won'ry" as Spock called him), worked really hard to undo all of the literal child abuse he had been faced with.
Sarek did his best with what he thought was right for a Vulcan child but did not take into account that Spock is not only dyslexic (canonically) but also autistic (fanonically) and did not know how to accommodate him because it was an Undocumented Phenomenon (The term "Autism Spectrum Disorder" was created in 1988 but was not made a formal diagnosis until 2013; which could not have happened in Star Trek: TOS because it is preceeded by The Eugenics Wars from 1992-1996) in Both Humans and Vulcans, so she defaulted to "spare the rod, spoil the child." (If you don't believe me go rewatch Journey to Babel and tell me that's the first time she's done that to him based purely on his reaction. You know the scene.)
Also, Scotty didn't realize they were cousins until month 3 of their 5 year mission on the Enterprise when Anna brought a photo album with her shortly after they docked for shore leave and showed them pictures of her and her sister as kids. He thought that Spock was just a random Vulcan exchange student living in their house for like 4 years that his mom kinda "adopted".
Spock has drunk Scotty under the table (the equivalent of a full keg of Scotch) before immediately passing out after a single Scottish Jersey (Scotch Hot Chocolate).
And thus, this image was born!
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Operation: Give Spock As Many Friends As Possible (also Operation: Everyone On The Enterprise is Neurodivergent) is in full swing! :D
I hereby dub this hc "S'Cousins"!
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Thinking more about human good omens and. I think i figured a bit out. So like yknow the whole plot where Beelzebub was dating Gabriel but then he vanished and then they meet Jim, his brother he never told them about and then kinda accidentally dates Jim because they think it’s just a really weird Gabriel (jim goes along with it because he thinks Beelzebub is being nice and has absolutely no understanding of social anything and thinks the hand holding and romantic gestures are just them being such a good friend!!) and anyway i think i figured the family dynamic and might write something of it.
Gabriel and Jim are brothers who are not related to Aziraphale or Crowley at all but when they were teens Jim got a job at the bookshop and just kinda. Got adopted. Crowleys a bit mean to him sometimes but in a way where he doesn’t know how to show affection very well and they do have nice moments. Jim lives in one of the rooms above the shop because Aziraphale unfortunately grew fond of the constant company and they’re a little nervous he’s too naïve and might be taken advantage of. They hate Gabriel and he hates them.
Muriel is of course a little fellow they also adopted because look at them Aziraphale. Look at them. We have to keep them. Muriel gets adopted pretty young and Crowley adores them.
Warlock meets Crowley when he’s his nanny and when mr and mrs dowling mysteriously disappear and croak, Crowley takes in Warlock after receiving a very distressed phone call.
Adam is still raised by the Youngs and he loves his parents so much and they love him but he’s basically got a second home at the bookshop for how often he’s there. (Tadfield isn’t really a town in England, and was filmed in Hambleden, and from Soho to Hambleden is a three hour bike ride so he could stay the weekend. It’s even shorter if he drives or uses public transportation). I might have a reason for him and the Them being there a lot but i also might follow sitcom rules where he’s just. There.
Anyway Aziraphale still leaves Crowley but this time they have kids and he abandons them too (gross oversimplification of what happened in the show but you saw it you get what i mean) and they all stay with Crowley in the divorce and the story would largely be Crowley learning to live without Aziraphale and run the shop himself and realising that he’s still loved and has more love to give. That this sucks but by someone he’s strong enough to keep going, even if just to see his kids smile.
Sandman characters show up too as little cameos, and there’ll be some discworld allusions because that was so fun to read.
Then Aziraphale shows up with a baby named Jesús who’s a bit too sweet and kind to be fully human, if you ask Crowley.
Okay Silas I love this so much and I love Aziraphale just adopting people but you killing off the Dowlings is very funny wkakkdmdms
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