#mrs nurfington
queeniecamps · 6 months
hiii your art is really cute, but it kind of seems like you slimmed down some characters? muscle moms is really cute but it looks like they're really skinny
The original piece was from, like, 3 years ago, and I totally agree, i didn’t do em any justice there LOL
Nowadays I’d draw em more like this (but, like, I still need majooor practice)
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artist-emerald · 4 months
Since it's Valentine's Day, I thought I'd repost a bunch of old ship coms from my massive collection.
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1. Grojband (oc x canon) Marvin and Mina [by Starr on deviantart]
2. Adventure Time (oc x oc) Marcus and Evelyn Abadeer [by @hotlegs101art ]
3. Camp Camp (oc x canon) Em and Mrs.Nurfington [by @ghostymeat ]
4. OK K.O. Let's Be Heroes (oc x oc x canon) Heather, Wally, and Cosma (with their babies, Icarus and Europa) [by @ilonacho ]
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Nurf: Oh, hey mom, can I get my ear pierced? Mrs. Nurfington: Yeah, but you can't get it on the gay side. Nurf: What do you mean, "gay side"? Mrs. Nurfington: If you pierce your left ear it's like the gay side. You have to pierce your right ear. Nurf: So wait, which ear is the gay side again? Mrs. Nurfington: The left ear. Nurf: Okay, I want the left ear pierced then.
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plotandburn · 1 year
Harry gets adopted by
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Now before we start i would like to adress some things:
the following parents won't be included in this plot bunny farm:
A. Mrs. Nurfington: there's no mention of Nurf's dad so he either dosen't know Nurf exists, compleatly abandoned Nurf or died and,since Nurf dosen't appear to have any relatives other than his mom who is in jail there would be no one left to raise Harry even if she did adopt him.
B. Gram Gram : ok based on the fact that Preston's parents are never mentioned they either died or Preston was an accidental & unwanted pregnancy. Preston, like Nurf, dosen't seem to have any other relatives aside from her and i'd imagine raising one kid is already hard enough for her as it is, she wouldn't be able to raise two.
C.Jermy's parents : ok, they would probably be able to raise him but....Holly shit! they low key look even more inbread than any purebloods in the Hp saga plus Jeremy is weird and gross and i'm pretty sure most of the fandom is not a fan of him so...no thanks.
D. Max's parents: they seem to be at best emotionally neglectfull and at worst abusive and since i don't have a clear reading on them, i decided to leave them out of this.
E. Cameron Campbell : who is not fit to raise anyone and wasn't even on the list. (that was only the best image i could find)
2. regardless on the idea chosen they must feature the following:
A. Harisson is a Squibborn (or in J*ke rowlling's words: Muggleborn): in "Mind Freakers" he casts a spell that causes Max to vomit a chain of tied up scarves & other magical items and in "Parents Day" his parents mention that "he made his brother dissapear" so claming that this nigga would be a muggle should he live in the Hp universe is....laughable at best. The others? Sure, they can be as muggleish as the person who writes the stories wants them to be but there's no freaking way that Harisson wouldn't be classed as a wizard.
B. Nikki has werewolf genes or the genes of some type of magical creature:
Nikki seems to have a unique bond with wild animals, even managing to tame an eagle named Timothy in "Scout's Dishonor." She also makes mention of her plan to possibly become the alpha of a wolf pack upon escaping the camp.
Nikki can speak a bit of squirrel, as shown in the episode "Squirrel Camp", but she is rusty and doesn't fully understand what is being squeaked.
In "Camporee" it is revealed that she is even capable of cross-species communication, by barking at a wolf to subdue it, then unleashing it on the Wood Scouts and Flower Scouts.
She has also been shown to exhibit dog/wolf-like traits, such as biting David's hand in "Escape from Camp Campbell", and barking & growling at Max when confronting him in "Camp Cool Kidz". In the hunt for Neil in "Reigny Day" she also declared she'd act like a bloodhound to search, getting down on all fours and sniffing the ground.
In "Reigny Day" Nikki is seen somehow telepathically communicating with David as he laments losing his award to Dolph. Specifically, she notes that "he really looks like Hitler." (Camp camp wiki)
She also seems to have a weird ass conection with nature, what with her needing a bag of dirt when she is forced to be away from it for long periods of time so, while she dosen't necessarily have to be a witch herself, there's no denying that she is defintly not 100% human either.
3.No reader-inserts, self-inserts or unhappy endings are allowed.
4.spanking, watersports, extremely underage ships or parent/child incest are only allowed if portrayed on a negative light.
5.Peter Petigrew and Dolores Umbridge must be bashed
6.Dumbledore must be gay and atracted to Grindewalt and Grindewalt alone.
7.poor grammar is not allowed (you don't need a beta but at least use grammarly some form of grammar corrector)
8. You are not allowed to bash Severus Snape, Sirius Black,Draco Malfoy or Remus Lupin
9.Hagrid can only be paired with Madame Maxine and no one else
10. Mad Eye Moody and Amelia Bones can't be paired with anyone
11. Minerva Mcgonagal can only be paired with Poppy Pomfrey or anyone on the staff that she never taugh herself.
12. Crabbe and Goyle can only be paired with Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Milicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, each other or an Oc.
Now with that said let's kick this off from worst to best:
Harisson's parents
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Ok so i have seen a headcanon that the only reason why Harisson has his magician outfit is because his family is Amish, wich considering their reaction to his magic is very likely as i doubt they would ever consider buying the outfit for him so this would be the only way he would have acess to it.
Thus, whoever choses to write this fict will have to either been raised in an amish comunity or be extremely familiar with it for the fict to be accurate.
Now, i'd imagine that, prior to both Harisson and Harry having bounds of accidental magic they would be very good parents: kind,nurturing and all that jazz but once the acidental magic happens they would treat Harry just like they treat Harisson.
Meaning that, while Harry wouldn't be phisically abused or treated like a slave, he would be severely emotionally neglected and,most likely become extremely dependent on Harisson as he would be the only person in his family to show him even an ounce of affection.
Thus, this fict would most likely call for a softharry as i'd imagine this type of enviorement would make him latch out into anyone that gives him even an ounce of attention. This Harry would most likely be a Hufflepuff as being ignored would make him value kindness above anything else. Recomended ships would be : Cedric,Luna,Cho,either of the Weasley twins or Percy...or...pretty much any character you can think of that would be able to dott on him.
2.Stuart Houston:
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Ok so...there's no confirmation that either Adolf or his dad are actually nazis despite Adolf himself being inspired by Hitler so it's up to the writer to make them nazis or not.
Regardless, I'd imagine that, if Harry were to be raised by him, he would, in his desperate need of parental aproval, grow up to be a text book definition of toxic masculinity, abhorring anything that could be considered unmainly so the whole fict would be about him learning to be more chill, wich would be very interesting,not gonna lie. This Harry would stick to his canon house as he would most likely value bravery above anything else. Recomended ships: Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Cho, Fleur, Charlie, Ron and Draco.
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Ok so unlike the two previous candidates, the problem with her wouldn't be anything she says but mainly...what she does. You see,anyone who watched the parents day episode would definetly see that she has a penchant of not keeping tabs on Nikki and the fact that she was not at all bothered by a shit ton of people seeing her having sex with Carl tells me that Nikki definetly saw her having sex on more than one time,plus her on/off relationship with her husband is not healthy for any child.
The writer would have to be familiar with how early exposure to sexually explicit content and parental fighting can affect a kid as Harry would grow up with alll the problems that early exposure to both may cause so...nedless to say, he would be a very problematic kid.
I'd imagine that he would end up sticking with his canon house and as for ships...well....i'd imagine he would date a shit ton of people so the sky is the limit.
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Ok so, now we are reaching the best parent candidates. So if Harry were raised by Carl we could get one of two outcomes,but regardless of wich is chosen, i have no doubt that Harry would grow up to be a ravenclaw:
A. Harry gets super into philosophy and bonds with Carl: so ...fuck this would be so boring! (heavily philosophical ficts are boring,at least to me). regardless, I'd imagine Harry would end up interested in magical philosophy and probably theorize that Voldy likeHitler, lives by a distorted version of Trotskyism and as for ships....uh...idk Luna???
B. Harry gets super into science and bonds with Neil and his mom: Now this would be interesting! I'd imagine that Harry would read upon a shit ton of magical theory and probably question a lot of the problematic views of the wizarding world and probably come across my conclusion that muggleborns=squiborns as well as inventing a shit ton of stuff to help make the lifes of wizards more easy as i'd imagine he would help Neil on more than one ocasion and eventually become an inventor himself. Recomended ships: Hermine or Percy Weasley.
5. Space kids parents : another ravenclaw Harry. I'd imagine Astronomy would become one of his best subjects and he would eventually grow up to teach the subject himself. Recomended ships: Luna,Draco,Hermione,Percy or Astoria.
6. Neris' Parents:
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Ok so, however writes this one would have to be super into larping and RPG as i imagine that, if Harry were to be raised alongside Neriss he would play RPG and larp...like.....a lot! i'd imagine his entry into the wizarding world would be a lot like when Nico Di Angelo found out he was a demigod in the Percy Jackson series (only without the early loss of a loved one). This Harry would probably also stick with Gryffindor and the recomended ships would be: Ron, either of the Weasley twins, Luna, Ginny, Cho or anyone you can think of that would take to RPG and larping as much as Nerris does.
6.Agents Miller:
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Ok so another Gryffindor Harry. This Harry would grow up to be into punk,skating and spying wich would make for a hella interesting story! i'd imagine he would have his hair dyed like Ered and be away less impulsive than he is canonically as i'd imagine his dad's would instill in him, the habit of think things trough as you can be a sucessfull agent if you are too impulsive so Sirius more likely wouldn't die!!!....or at least,not in the way he does on canon. Recomended ships: one of the Weasley twins, Ginny, Fleur or Charlie Weasley.
and....that's it but before i conclude i would like to make one less coment:
regardless of the parents chosen, Harry would, obviously spend his summers at...
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undeadghosty · 4 years
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I got with the absolute most Big Brain Moment Ever
kid/adult shippers/supporters DON’T interact
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Nurf's mom who adopted Nikki and Nurf is now an overprotective brother to her for anon !
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askmythicalcampcamp · 7 years
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I made more edits and I don't know why
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campcamp-theories · 7 years
Why is Nurf’s name Gaylord?
 I feel like the reason for Nurf’s name is probably because he was initially a mistake child from his mother’s bad choices, so when it came to signing his papers, she just put whatever name came to mind. 
 His name could also be why he experimented with other guys in the past, due to harassment and teasing from other bullies, leading to his bad rep. 
 The other alternative is that his mom is well aware of his interests, so she calls him Gaylord as an affectionate teasing name, but the way she calls him that in the show, I feel like it is his actual name. The wiki even has his name listed as Gaylord.
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  At least in the finale, we can tell she really does love her son. She is attentive to what he says and always talks to him fondly. 
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how to break mom out of prison no violently 
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odinson2477 · 4 years
Chapters: 18/18 Fandom: Camp Camp (Web Series), Destiny (Video Games), Assassins Creed Odyssey Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Daniel/chrysis Characters: Max (Camp Camp), David (Camp Camp), Nurf Nurfington, Gwen (Camp Camp), Nerris (Camp Camp), Harrison (Camp Camp), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Quartermaster (Camp Camp), The Drifter (Destiny), Chrysis (Assassin’s Creed), Daniel (Camp Camp), Neil (Camp Camp), Nikki (Camp Camp), Zavala (Destiny), Cayde-6 (Destiny), Preston Goodplay, Cameron Campbell (Camp Camp), Edward Pikeman, Billy “Snake” Nikssilp, Stephen van Petrol, Sasha (Camp Camp), Erid, Mr. Honeynuts (Camp Camp), Ana Bray, Ikora Rey, Jasper (Camp Camp), Saint-14 (Destiny), Osiris (Destiny) Additional Tags: my own characters - Freeform, Swearing, Polytheism, The greek gods exist in this, Everyone is a guardian so don’t worry, Don’t Like Don’t Read, dadvid, Past Child Abuse, Adult/kid shippers stay away or I’ll beat you Series: Part 1 of Camp camp The Fallen Son au Summary:
There was one boy that could instill fear into anyone he met, there was no one who he could not break, he was known as a godslayer, the boy who ruled the cult of kosmos, the one who wouldn’t trust even the gods themselves, he had a hundred titles no one else can recall, except for one last one that everyone knew…The Fallen Son
(Takes place after red war, curse of osiris and warmind)
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astro-b-o-y-d · 5 years
Wild Camp Camp idea: Nerris' mother is a lawyer and thus she is the go-to person for custody help, ranging from rehoming Harrison to Carl and Mrs. Nurfington trying to adopt Nikki in time for their wedding. And while Nerris is prone to pulling the puppy dog eyes to get her mom to agree to help, she doesn't need to; Nerris has found her party and her mom has taken it upon herself to protect them.
Oh, that’s adorable ;;
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queeniecamps · 3 years
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Fullbody commission for @artist-emerald!! Thank you so much for commissioning me!
Commission info
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artist-emerald · 3 years
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A very blessed commission made by my gf @ghostymeat of my Camp Camp oc, Em, proposing to Joann Nurfington while everything around them goes horribly wrong.🙏🙏🙏
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Mrs. Nurfington: So you're saying wanting to do something... isn't a good reason to immediately do it?
Nurf: Yeah.
Mrs. Nurfington: Man, I wish someone had taught me that before prison.
Nurf: People tried. Mostly judges.
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Camp Campus AU: Part 2
Finally! It’s here, after like a week! This took longer than I thought it would, these characters are really hard to draw but I think I’m pretty satisfied with what I have right now. Since I finished this, that also means I dedicate more time to asks, specifically those that requests drawings! That also means I can focus on drawing comics and stuff revolving around their relationships, which I’m excited. I’m really excited to continue with this project and see it grow, and I’m so glad you’re all here to see it with me! You have no idea how grateful I am for all of the love that you’ve all sent so far! Thank you so much. Anyway, without further ado, here we go!
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Maxwell/Max : Like many of his peers, Max hasn’t changed much since his time at Camp Campbell. Max is still as vulgar as ever and maintains his pessimistic outlook on life. However, many people think its all just an act now to keep up his reputation. Since Camp Campbell, Max’s life has honestly taken a turn for the better. He has a healthier home life, loyal companions, and Mr. Honeynuts. He is generally happier than he was 7 years prior. The only inner conflict Max truly struggles with now are his budding feelings for his best friend and whether or not he wants to jeopardize their friendship. Also Max is often teased for his “baby” hands, they’re really really small. 
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Cornelius/Neil : Intelligent, cocky, and overly sarcastic, Neil plays the role of the parent when it comes to handling Nikki and Max. Unlike his friends, Neil was the only one who matured both physically and mentally and feels as if its his job to make sure Nikki and Max don’t wind up killing someone else or themselves. As mentioned before, Neil and Nikki remained close even after each summer brought an end to their Camp Campbell experience. The reason being his dad and Nikki’s mom eloping and combining the families. While Nikki is eager to invite Neil into her life as the older brother she never had, Neil harbors a sort of resentment towards his dad as a result of his parents’ divorce. Although he is glad to spend time with Nikki as well, Neil is still consciously struggling with his parents’ divorce and can’t help but to think that Candy is a homewrecker, even though he had admitted before that his parents’ relationship was awful. Outside of his home life, Neil can be a bit stuck-up and act like a know-it-all at times. He still harbors a deep loathing for Harrison, now mostly because Harrison claims to be a flat-earther. He’s also still incredibly annoyed by Space Kid, although he has no reason to be. Neil also runs a tutoring business at school in order to make a profit, but unfortunately for him (Or maybe fortunately) Tabii’s his only reoccurring customer. Neil is also Erin’s vice president in the Student Council and they seem to make a great team. He also has custom-made glasses because his nose is so fucking big.
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Preston Goodplay : Preston is the stereotypical school thespian. Like at Camp Campbell, he’s outrageous and posses a larger than life attitude. He’s both over-dramatic and overemotional, but refuses to take any form of criticism. Preston is often cast as a main role in any school production and even takes it upon himself to critique his underclassmen in the drama department. Despite coming off as a total wacko, Preston is very talented and each performance that he gives is full of energy. Preston is very particular about his passion and is quick to anger if things don’t go his way. Preston acknowledges his relationship with his of his Camp Campbell peers, but doesn’t really willingly share his interest with any of them because of his fear that they might fuck it all up. However, he and Nikki do bond over some musicals that they both enjoy, although Nikki is usually more interested in the violent parts than the actual plot. 
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Rudolph “Dolph” Houston : Dolph is the youngest of the cast and the only underclassmen in their friend group. Dolph continues to remain in high spirits and prefers to think positively than reflect upon the negative when faced with difficult situations. After High school, Dolph plans on attending a local Art College in order to truly embrace his career as a professional artist. Growing older, Dolph, like any other boy, went through puberty and grew facial hair. However, he ended up accidentally shaving it in an incident at Camp Campbell one summer and it never grew up correctly after that. Although an innocent mistake, the uncanny resemblance to Hitler disgusts Neil and causes him to keep his distance. Ironically being the youngest of the group, Dolph is a good friend with sole senior Ered. Dolph, like Nikki, has a great admiration for Ered and respects for activism. Using his artistic talent, Dolph often agrees to make protest signs for Ered or even help her vandalize the town to get a message across. Overall, Dolph is the same sweet boy he was years ago. 
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Neil Armstrong Jr./Space Kid : Space Kid is just as optimistic and upbeat as he was before. However, he’s also gotten a lot smarter. Inspired by his great grandfather, Neil Armstrong, Space Kid decided to take up an internship at NASA and since then has put a lot of focus on his grades. Much to Neil’s annoyance, Space Kid’s GPA is practically the same as his, which is impressive. Although, the constant work has taken a toll on him and has made him absolutely exhausted. His exhaustion explains why he comes to school dressed comfortably in pajama pants (NASA merch of course TM) everyday. But regardless of overworking himself, Space Kid still tries his best to put on a happy face for his colleagues, even if they don’t appreciate it. 
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Harrison : Exerting the same confidence and pride as before while still upholding his magical title, Harrison is the school’s sole illusionist. Although now his tricks aren’t seen as that impressive anymore among his peers, Harrison often attends parties and other small events and shows off his miraculous talent. He hopes that one day he’ll be discovered and whisked away to a life of fame and fortune. Harrison is kind to practically everyone he meets, but his rivalries with Neil and Nerris remain very alive. As a way to annoy Neil, Harrison often lies and says that he’s a Flat-Earther with no intention of listening to Neil’s explanation as to why the Earth is round. Harrison also rivals Nerris not only in magical skills, but also in opinions. As a die hard Harry Potter fan, Nerris had solely read the books and reluctantly turned to the films but found them to be distasteful. However, Harrison had never read the books and enjoyed the effects that the movies had, claiming that they’re superior. And by saying this, the two renew their fierce opposition to each other, but no one can stay mad at each other forever. Having a mostly positive attitude, many might not believe that Harrison actually has a secret, one that lies beneath his iconic white gloves. But it’s too soon to know for sure what it is yet. 
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Gaylord “Nurf” Nurfington : Nurf ended up growing into a model citizen. After many anger management classes and corrective punishment, Nurf has finally turned his life around in the right direction. He and his mom currently live together and support each other, trying to rewrite their bad decisions from the past. Nurf often participates in volunteer work as well as lead a therapy group. He has also experiemnted more with his own identity and is comfortable admitting that he is in fact Bisexual. Nurf is also Quarterback for the school’s team and is known as one of their best players, alongside Nikki. Even though he is on his way to becoming an ideal person, Nurf still displays some aggressive tendencies and is very overprotective of his friends from Camp Campbell. 
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The Wood Scouts (Billy “Snake” Nikssilp/Edward Pikeman/Jermy Fartz/Stephen van Petrol) : The Wood Scouts don’t play a particularly large role in this AU, but they still exist in this universe. Edward’s leader status has deteriorated in the group and has become co-dependent on Jermy and his newfound popularity. Jermy had gotten a major glow-up over the last Summer and is now considered to be the hottest guy attending the school. Because of his popularity, Edward now clings to Jermy in a one-sided friendship and uses his popularity as a way to elevate his own confidence (he wants clouts lmao).Snake and Petrol have both noticed this behavior from Edward and are disgusted by his attachment to Jermy. Edward often neglects his friendship with the two and refuses to associate with them. Snake still has a small crush on Tabii, but understands that she is completely invested in Neil and wants what’s best for her. Petrol plans to enroll in the military after graduation. He also struggles to find shirts that fit him.
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David & Gwen : Here they are! In all of their glory! Unfortunately this time around, David and Gwen don’t play as large of a role in the campers’ lives, but are still actively present in this AU. Summers back, David had fully encouraged Gwen to leave Camp Campbell in search for other job opportunities in the hopes of making her a happier person. With some persuading, she eventually left and the two had little contact with each other since. Since then, David has been running the camp by himself. Now David is the proud father of one. And that one is Max. David had officially adopted Max a few summers ago to help him out of his bad family situation and now lives his life as a proud suburban dad. David then started to rely on Max to help him co-counsel the Camp during the summer, because he though it’d be a great father/son bonding experience and the rest is history. When he’s not a happy-go-lucky camp counselor during the summer, David spends the rest of his time as a Dental Assistant because he loves nothing more than to see people smile. Gwen, however, didn’t find the happiness she thought she would after leaving Camp Campbell. Searching for jobs endlessly, Gwen eventually was hired as a high school guidance counselor but was fired months after because of a incident where she made a student cry hysterically. Gwen was then stripped of her title and sentenced to a secretary position. Although thankful she still has a job, Gwen is as miserable as ever and has to deal with the kids she once knew from Camp Campbell. Most of her time is spent with Max, purely because he’s given a detention every other day, and she couldn’t hate her life more. Hopefully one day Gwen will find the fortune she deserves.  
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undeadghosty · 5 years
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I had a long, emotinal, and cathartic comic about their relationship planned that ended with this joke. But midterms are coming so here’s this instead.
kid/adult shippers/supporters DON’T interact
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