#morgan heywood
soapkaars · 2 months
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Peter Lorre in drag again, this time it’s Morgan Heywood from The Patsy, who I’m certain, having been a Broadway executive, may have indulged in once in a while. He's angry because he has to work with Jerry Lewis.
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andydufresneswife · 2 years
I have no idea how many people on here have seen Shawshank Redemption and gained the biggest crush on Andy Dufresne 🤭 this account is long overdue, it’s only now that I’ve found motivation to actually write so PLEASE LEMME KNOW IF YOU’RE INTERESTED IN READING ANDY DUFRESNE OR ANY OTHER CHARACTER HCS OR ONE SHOTS 😍I’ll open my inbox in the next following days if you have requests, for now I will judge who will read my posts from the amount of ‘likes’ then I can share some of my own ideas first :) THANK YOU🌻
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fatecantstopme · 1 year
I Can't Lose You
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Summary: The BAU team is hunting a sadistic murderer and you go undercover to reveal his identity and catch him in the act. Things don’t go according to plan and so much is revealed about you, your team, and your boss…things that will change all of your lives forever.
Warnings: Mentions of murder and prostitution. Cursing. Kidnapping. Use of pet names.
A/N: The reader in this story is named Isabelle Heywood. I needed to name her for ease of writing purposes. You'll see what I mean and I'm sorry if this bothers anyone. This will be a series because the story completely got away from me...but I'm obsessed with it. Please read the warnings for each part individually!
Part Two
You woke to the sound of incessant wringing. You rolled over and stared at the glowing numbers on your alarm clock; it was only 3am. You sighed in annoyance and picked up your still ringing phone. You squinted at the bright screen and saw the name “Aaron Hotchner” across the screen. You knew why he calling you, but you wished it was for a different reason. 
You sighed again as you answered the phone, “Hey boss. You do know what time it is, don’t you?” 
The voice on the other end of the phone made your heart flutter. “I know it’s really early, but we’ve got a case. It’s urgent.”
“Define urgent.” 
“We don’t have time to brief at the BAU. The case came directly to me from Strauss. Wheels up in 30 minutes.”
You swore under your breath. “On my way, sir.” 
You hung up the phone and dragged yourself out of bed. You had about 15 minutes to get yourself together before you had to leave. You headed into the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked completely exhausted. You regretted letting Morgan and Garcia goad you into going out last night. 
“So much for having Sundays off,” you muttered to yourself. Your only consolation was that Morgan and Garcia would be equally tired. 
You pulled your hair into a bun and jumped in the shower. You were used to getting ready in a hurry and 10 minutes later, you were ready to go. You’d learned not to bother with a lot of makeup when you first joined the BAU 5 years ago. It was rare that you were given much time to get ready in the morning, so you cut out the nonessentials. 
You took one last look in the mirror, running your fingers through your hair to smooth it down. “Good enough,” you sighed. 
You grabbed your go-bag and headed down to your car in the apartment building’s underground garage. The drive to Quantico was quick and 10 minutes later, you were pulling into your usual parking spot. 
You got out of your car just as Morgan pulled up. He got out of the car and turned towards you. “You look like shit,” you said lightly.
“I feel like it too,” he grumbled. “Why’d you let me drink so much?”
You laughed. “No one ‘lets’ Derek Morgan do anything.”
He chuckled. “You have a point.”
The two of you walked into the building together and met up with the rest of the team waiting in the lobby. You smiled at everyone in acknowledgement. 
“You two look awful,” Emily Prentiss said with a knowing smile. 
“You’d look just as bad if you’d have come with us last night,” you said playfully.
“I had a hot date with Sergio,” Emily joked.
You rolled your eyes and turned to Reid. “What’s your excuse, Spence? Too cool to hang out with us?”
“I was at a live reading of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’. It was actually quite fascinating, they—”
You held up your hand to silence him. “I’m sorry I asked.” 
The group laughed. David Rossi looked at you and Morgan and shook his head. “I’m too old for those late night shenanigans.” 
“Nonsense,” Morgan started. “You’re only what? 85?”
Everyone laughed, including Rossi. “Just wait, Morgan…revenge is a dish best served cold.” 
“He’s Italian,” you joked. “Better watch out.”
“Hey guys!” JJ said brightly as she walked up to the group. 
Garcia trailed behind her looking much worse than you and Morgan. She had sunglasses on and she shushed everyone when they said ‘Good morning.’ “Too loud. Too bright,” she mumbled. 
“Yikes. I think she had too much wine,” Morgan said. 
You nodded your agreement and looked around. “Where’s Hotch?”
Rossi shrugged. “I think he’s still dealing with Strauss. You know how she can be.” 
You scoffed. “Do I ever.”
Just then, Hotch came striding up to them from inside the building. Even with the dark circles under his eyes, he was still incredibly handsome. You felt your heart begin to race and your stomach filled with butterflies. You got that feeling every time you saw him, even after all these years. 
You would never tell him how you felt…you couldn’t. Hotch was a strict, by-the-book kind of guy and he was your boss. You knew nothing would ever come of you telling him, so there was no point. Plus, you could even lose your job. No one else knew how you felt…even though you were dying to talk about it. You’d loved him for the last 3 years of your life. No one else could ever compare. 
“Alright guys, we’re a go,” Hotch said as he joined the group. “Garcia, you can get started on the files I left in your office.” 
Garcia nodded. “Yes, sir.” She headed into the building while the rest of you headed towards the tarmac.
Hotch was walking behind everyone else, so you slowed down to match his pace. “Hey,” you said softly. “Did you sleep here?”
He looked at you and sighed. “Yeah, I had a lot of paperwork to do.”
“Hotch. The paperwork can wait. What about Jack?”
“Jack’s with his aunt this weekend.”
“Still…please tell me you didn’t spend your entire day off in the office.” 
“I didn’t,” he insisted. “I went out for lunch.” You glared at him and he sighed. “It really was important.”
“Nothing’s more important than family, Hotch. And that means you need to actually get away from this place occasionally.”
“I know.”
You shook your head and walked up the stairs and onto the jet. You chose the seat beside Morgan, Emily and Reid sat across from you. Hotch took a seat toward the back of the plane by Rossi and JJ.
Hotch waited until after takeoff to begin the briefing. Once the plane was comfortably in the air, he moved closer and perched on the arm of an empty seat. 
“This case is highly sensitive,” he began, “and it’s likely that the locals don’t really want us there.”
“What happened?” Emily asked. 
Hotch passed out files and continued talking. “Three months ago, a prostitute was brutally murdered, her body dumped in an alley.” 
You opened your file and began looking at the pictures within it. “She was completely nude, stabbed multiple times, and thrown away like garbage,” you said.
“The unsub likely views her as garbage,” Morgan added. 
“There’s been an identical murder every week since,” Hotch said.
“Every week?” you exclaimed.
“Why weren’t we called in sooner?” Rossi asked.
“Why wasn’t this in the news?” asked Reid. 
“The locals have been keeping the murders under wraps,” Hotch answered. “They’ve had a suspect since the third killing, but they don’t have enough to arrest him.”
“Who’s their suspect?” JJ asked.
“Senator Mark Jacobs,” Hotch responded. 
“The Senator Jacobs?” you asked.
“None other,” Hotch said.
“I’m assuming that’s why we’ve been called in,” Rossi commented.
“Yes…we’re expected to rule out the Senator’s involvement unless there’s irrefutable proof he is responsible.”
“That’s not how this works,” Morgan said angrily. 
“I agree,” Hotch’s frown deepened. “Which is why we’re going to work this like any other case. We’re the fresh eyes, so let’s see what we can find.” 
Everyone settled in and started reading through the files. Hotch went back to his seat in the back of the plane. He was facing your direction and you could feel his gaze on you. You pretended to be focused on reading, but it was impossible to concentrate under the circumstances. 
After a few seemingly unbearable moments, you felt his gaze leave you and you instantly relaxed. You glanced up at him and found that he was writing intently, his focus entirely on the paper in front of him. 
You got up and went to sit across from him. He looked up at you and covered his notes in a not-so-subtle manner. You raised your eyebrows, but didn’t say anything. 
You sat down and asked, “So if the locals don’t want us there, why are we going?”
“Politics,” Hotch answered simply. “As much as I hate it, we don’t have a choice in the matter anymore than the locals do. We’ll have to make it very clear that it’s their case and we’re only there to help…we want to catch this guy regardless of who he is.”
You smiled at the passion in his voice. “You don’t have to convince me, Hotch.”
He gave you a small smile. “Sorry, I get carried away sometimes.”
“You’re a passionate person, there’s nothing wrong with that.” 
He blushed and looked down. You loved it when he did that. His usual stoic expression quickly returned and he looked up at you. “What do you think about this case, Heywood?”
“Honestly, sir, I’m trying not to form an opinion before I get all of the facts.” If he was going to be professional, then damnit so would you.
He nodded. “Smart. As always.”
You blushed at the compliment and looked down at the file in your lap. “I need to go through this,” you said before making your way back to your seat. 
Morgan looked up at you and smiled. He patted the seat beside him and you plopped down in it. You opened the casefile and began to acquaint yourself with the facts of the case. You tried to push all thoughts of Hotch from your mind, but you found it exceedingly difficult. 
You could feel his eyes on you periodically and it was just enough to keep you off your game. You thought it was strange behavior for him and you were unsure of why he kept looking at you. Normally, Hotch was completely focused on the case, but something was clearly on his mind. 
You started to wonder if you’d done something wrong, but you figured he would have just told you. Maybe it had nothing to do with you at all and you were just making things up because you wanted it to mean something. 
Then the worst thought occurred to you…what if he knows? Your mind started racing and you began to analyze every interaction you’d ever had with the man. You couldn’t think of any time that you had tipped your hand. The team was family and as such you cared deeply for each other. As far as you knew, you’d never done anything that a family member wouldn’t do. 
You sighed inwardly and tried desperately to clear your mind. You needed to focus on the case. You finally managed to relax and absorb what you were reading. 
An hour later, your thoughts were interrupted by Hotch’s voice announcing that the plane would be landing soon. “Now that you’ve all had a chance to go over the details of the case, I want to hear your thoughts.”
“This unsub is definitely angry at someone. There’s a lot of overkill,” you began.
“The victims are all high-risk, which makes them easy targets,” Reid added. “But other than their occupation, the victims don’t seem to share any other similarities.” 
“There’s no DNA evidence, despite the fact that all of the women had sex shortly before they died,” Emily said. “The unsub is careful; cleans up after himself.”
“He views these women like garbage,” Morgan said, echoing his earlier statement. “He might think he’s cleaning up the streets.”
“Isn’t Senator Jacobs all about crime control?” Rossi asked.
Reid nodded. “His campaign was run on a tough-on-crime platform. He focused primarily on drug-related offenses, gangs, and prostitution.” 
“I think that warrants looking into the Senator,” you said to Hotch.
He nodded his agreement. “Reid, JJ, and Morgan, I want you to go to the most recent crime scene. Rossi and Prentiss, I want you to canvass the streets. See if any of the other girls in the area have seen anything. Heywood and I will get set up at the station.” 
You felt elated at the prospect of working with just Hotch. You looked up at him to find him gazing at you with such intensity that you were certain he could see straight into your soul. He seemed to realize you caught him staring and he frowned before looking away. You felt your heart sink a little, but you push down any feelings of sadness and put your focus back where it belonged. 
When the plane landed, the team separated, heading to their respective destinations. On the drive to the station, Hotch was completely silent, which was normal for him, but something about this silent felt strained. 
“What’s up with you?” you finally asked. 
“What?” he looked at you in confusion. “I’m fine.”
“You’re acting strangely, so I wanna know where your head is at.” You could practically see the wheels in his head turning as he tried to make up an excuse. “Don’t bother trying to lie, I know you too well.” 
He let out a long sigh. “Today is Haley’s birthday,” he said slowly.
Your eyes widened. “Oh Hotch. I’m so sorry, today must be tough.” 
He shook his head. “That’s just it. It’s not tough. I don’t feel sad. I mean, I do miss her, but it’s not like it used to be. Today is just a day to remember her, not mourn her. I—I just don’t know how to feel about that.”
You looked at him with a reassuring smile. “It’s okay to not feel sad. It means you’ve finally healed. Haley will always be a part of you, but it doesn’t have to hurt.” 
He looked at you with that intense expression again and you felt your pulse quicken. When the light turned green, the moment passed, and he looked away. You were both silent for the rest of the drive to the station. When he parked the car, he didn’t get out right away.
“Hotch?” you prompted gently. 
“I need to tell you something,” he began. “It’s important.” 
He shook his head. “Not now. Tonight. When we get to the hotel.” 
You stared at him and your mind raced. You had no idea what he wanted to tell you, but now you needed for it to be evening. You desperately wanted to know what he had to tell you. You did your best not to panic as you got out of the car and followed him into the station.
A detective met you inside. Introductions were made and you were shown to the conference room where you could set up. You and Hotch worked in silence as you set up the boards and got everything organized. Your nerves were starting to get to you, so you took a few deep breaths to try and relax. 
“Are you alright?” Hotch asked, looking at you with concern.
“Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?” you lied. 
He raised his eyebrows and looked at you skeptically. “You just took several deep breaths. That’s not exactly ‘normal’ behavior for you.” 
“Profilers,” you mumbled under your breath. “You can’t just drop a bomb on me and expect me to function properly,” you said louder.
“Drop a bomb on you?”
“The whole ‘I have something important to tell you, but not now’ bit you pulled in the car.”
He looked down. “So I shouldn’t have said anything?”
You sighed. “That’s not what I’m saying. I want you to be able to tell me anything. I just can’t help but wonder what’s so important and why it has to wait.”
He looked at you almost affectionately, his expression catching you off guard. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when the lead detective walked into the room. You saw Hotch’s mask slide firmly back into place and it was clear that he was once again in work-mode. 
The detective glanced between the two of you as if he could sense that something was up. After a glare from you, he cleared his throat and said, “My guys would like to brief you on the case as soon as possible.”
“Is there more that we need to know that wasn’t in the files?” Hotch asked.
“Not necessarily, but they’d like to ensure you’re up to speed and on the same page as them.”
“On the same page, referring to Senator Jacobs?” Hotch asked.
The detective caught the tone in Hotch’s voice. “I think it’s important that you understand all the facts.”
“And I think it’s important that we find the facts for ourselves. It won’t do any good to have fresh eyes if they’re all biased,” Hotch argued. 
You could see that the detective was going to argue back, so you stepped in. “What he’s trying to say is that we need to remain the impartial third party. We want to catch this guy as much as you do, but we need to be certain of who the unsub is before we go after a sitting Senator.”
Hotch looked at you and you couldn’t quite tell if he was grateful or annoyed, or possibly both. 
The detective, on the other hand, nodded in agreement. “I see your point. I’ll tell them to cool their heels until your team has a chance to come to your own conclusions.”
“Thank you, detective,” you and Hotch said at the same time.
Hotch shot you another look and you blushed and looked down, clearly deferring to his seniority. After all, he was your boss. 
The detective left the room and an awkward silence settled on the room. It made you crazy because things were never awkward between you and Hotch. You’d been friends for too long for there to be any awkwardness. 
The silence was broken by the ringing of your cell phone, which you gratefully answered, “Heywood.”
“Hey it’s Morgan. This crime scene is definitely just a dump site. There’s nowhere near enough blood for her to been killed here.”
“That’s not a surprise. Thanks, Morgan.”
“Anytime, hot stuff.”
You chuckled as you hung up. Your banter with Morgan rivaled Garcia’s, which was why the three of you were so close. Derek Morgan may have been one of the most attractive men you’d ever laid eyes on, but he wasn’t the one you wanted. He’d never hold a candle to Hotch.
Speaking of Hotch, you looked up at him, intending to update him on what Morgan found. His frown had deepened and his expression was cold. It surprised you, but you carried on. “That was Morgan, he said—”
“I heard what he said,” Hotch cut in icily.
Surprise lit up your face, mixed with hurt.
Hotch seemed to realize that he’d been unnecessarily harsh and his expression softened. “Let’s get to work on the profile, okay?”
You nodded and sat down on the edge of the table. The two of you bounced thoughts off of each other as you waited for the others to return. 
**********After Profile Delivery
“You literally just described Senator Jacobs,” one of the officers called out.
“The Senator does fit the profile, yes, but he’s not the only one. A number of people in this room also fit it,” you said. 
“Are you saying one of us did it?” another officer accused. 
Hotch stepped forward. “That’s not what Agent Heywood is saying. She’s simply pointing out that members of the law enforcement community also fit the profile, which means you can’t single out one person.” 
“Just because someone fits the profile, it doesn’t mean they did it,” Reid added.
“That being said,” Rossi began, “we do believe Senator Jacobs warrants further investigation.”
“We’ll be looking into him, as well as pursuing some other leads,” Emily said. 
“What other leads?” someone asked. 
“We’ll discuss those when we have more information,” Hotch answered. “Thank you.”
It was quite clear that the discussion was over, so the crowd of officers began to disperse. You looked around at the faces of your team. You could see the exhaustion on everyone’s faces and you, yourself, were starting to feel it too. All the coffee you’d been drinking all day had finally began to wear off. 
Hotch apparently noticed the same thing and said, “Let’s call it a night. We’re all exhausted.” 
Everyone agreed and began to pack up. Within 5 minutes, the whole team had piled into the Suburbans and were on the way to the hotel. Thankfully, the drive was short and you arrived within minutes. 
You checked in at the front desk and headed up to your respective rooms as a group. Everyone said goodnight to each other and headed off to their rooms. You tried to catch Hotch’s eye to see if he still wanted to talk, but he didn’t even look at you. You sighed and headed into your room, shutting the door behind you.
You started to get ready for bed, washing your face, brushing your teeth, and letting your hair down. You changed into shorts and a t-shirt for comfort. You were about to crawl into bed, when there was a quiet knock at your door. 
You crossed the room and opened the door to see Hotch standing there, still fully dressed. He’d taken off his suit coat and his tie, but that was it. You suddenly felt very exposed, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. 
You let him in and quickly grabbed a hoodie from your bag. It made you feel a little better about your current attire, given the company. 
Hotch was eyeing you with an appreciative expression, but it was mingled with something else you couldn’t quite place…nervousness, maybe? You’d never seen Hotch nervous, and that made you nervous. 
After a few moments of awkward silence, Hotch began to speak. “I didn’t want anyone else to know I was coming over here.”
“I—uh, I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
You nodded, but remained quiet. 
He took a deep breath and looked you in the eyes. “This is very hard for me,” he began. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this for quite some time, but I never knew what to say.” He paused and looked down. “From the moment I met you, I knew you were different. You have the kindest soul out of anyone I’ve ever known. You have this strange ability to make me laugh and you always know exactly what to say.” 
He finally looked up at you. “When Haley died, you were there for me…more than anyone else. More importantly, you were there for Jack. He adores you.” 
That made you smile, but you still didn’t say anything. 
“What makes all of this so complicated is that you’re my subordinate. I shouldn’t look at you as anything more than a great coworker…but I can’t help it. You make me feel things I never thought I’d ever feel again. You’re the reason that I’ve been able to accept Haley’s death and even move on from it. My life is better with you in it.” He paused. “But I understand if this is too much for you, or if I’m overstepping, I apologize. I just can’t keep going on like this and pretending everything is normal. You need to know the truth.” 
Your breath caught in your chest as you waited for him to continue. 
He took a deep breath. “The truth is that I’m in love with you, Isabelle Heywood. I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”
Your eyes widened and you stared at him in surprise. “You…you what?”
“I love you,” he repeated softly. 
You exhaled sharply. “You love me?”
He nodded. “With all that I have.”
You continued to stare at him, still in a state of shock. You’d wanted this moment to happen for years, but now that it finally had, you had no idea what to do. 
He shifted his weight and you realized you hadn’t actually responded to his declaration.
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out. “I’m just really surprised.”
He nodded and waited for you to continue. The hope on his face warmed your heart. 
“When I first met you, I thought you were way too uptight. You never smiled, you rarely joked, and you spent more time at work than you did at home. Honestly, I didn’t like you that much.” You paused. “But then I started to get to know you. I pushed you to come out of your shell, I learned more about you, and I quickly discovered you are so much more than you seem. You’ve got a big heart, you’re passionate, you’re brave and heroic, but you’re also kind and gentle. You love your job, your team, and your family in a way that I deeply admire.” 
You smiled at him and he smiled back. “What I’m trying to say is that I’ve loved you since the moment I realized what kind of man you are underneath the gruff exterior.”
His eyes widened and he grinned. The smile lit up his whole face. Suddenly, he pulled you into his arms and kissed you passionately, sucking the air from your lungs. Your heart pounded in your chest and you couldn’t breathe. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. The feeling of his hands on your body drove you wild and you desperately wanted more. Eventually, you had to come up for air, but it wasn’t long before his lips found yours again. 
The kiss was even better than you had imagined, and lord had you imagined it. He gently pushed you up against the wall and trailed kisses down your neck. You were both breathing heavily and you could feel the desire radiating off of him. He kissed you again and your body responded with a hunger you didn’t know you had.
“Aaron,” you whispered as he kissed your neck.
He smiled against your skin as his lips caressed your jaw, your cheek, and your lips again. He pulled back and stared at you, his eyes heavily lidded and full of desire.
With his mouth away from your skin, you had a moment of clarity. You gently pushed him back and said, “We can’t do this here. Someone might hear.”
Realization morphed his features and he stepped back. “I’m so sorry—I didn’t mean—”
Your smile silenced him. “You have nothing to apologize for. We can pick this up later.”
He smiled too, causing your heart to flutter.
You stepped forward and gave him another kiss. “By the way,” you said softly. “I love it when you smile. There’s nothing hotter.”
He smiled again and returned your kiss. “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You chuckled softly and took a step back. “So…what exactly does this mean?”
He looked perplexed. “It means I want to be with you.” 
“Even though it’s against the rules?” you asked softly.
He took a step toward you and grabbed your hand. “I’ve spent my entire life living by the rules; following all the policies. I can’t live like that anymore if it means living without you.”
“But Hotch…you could lose your job.”
“Call me Aaron, Isabelle,” he said gently. “And I hope it doesn’t come to that, but I’m willing to step down if it means I can be with you.”
You gasped. “I would never ask you to do that. This team needs you as its leader.”
He smiled. “You’re not asking, I’m just putting it out there.”
You looked down at his hand entwined with yours. You desperately wanted to be with him, but not at the expense of his job…or yours. “Maybe we should keep it a secret.”
“What?” he exclaimed.
“Just for a little while…until we decide what to do.”
“Are you sure that’s what you want?”
You nodded. “Absolutely. It’s safer for both of us this way.”
“Alright,” he paused. “Does that include the team?”
Your expression was pained as you nodded. There was no one on this earth you wanted to tell more than them, but you didn’t want to put them in a compromising position. 
“It’s safer for them…plausible deniability and all that.”
“You know they’d never tell anyone.”
“I know…but I don’t want to put them in that position. It’s not fair to them.”
“Okay.” He kissed your forehead affectionately. “We’ll keep it a secret.”
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“Anything for you,” he whispered back.
He wrapped you in a hug and you laid your head on his chest. The two of you stood like that for a while, just enjoying being near each other.
“You should probably be getting back to your room,” you said regretfully. “We’ve got a long day tomorrow and we’re all exhausted.”
He sighed. “You’re probably right…I just don’t want to go.”
You laughed softly. “If it’s any consolation, I don’t want you to go either.” 
He smiled down at you and kissed the top of your head. “I think that actually makes it harder.”
You reluctantly separated and he headed for the door. You followed him to close the door behind him. He paused and turned around to give you one last kiss goodnight. “I love you, Isabelle.”
You smiled warmly. “I love you too, Aaron.”
He smiled one more time before slipping into the hallway, shutting the door quietly behind himself. 
You locked up and slid into bed. Your mind was racing and you had no idea how you could possibly fall asleep even with the exhaustion. You couldn’t believe what just happened…you were so excited you could hardly stand it. You were dying to tell Morgan and Garcia, but you knew you couldn’t. 
You sighed and closed your eyes. You could feel the tiredness creeping up on you and you began to drift off to sleep, your last thought was of Aaron and the way he smiled when you told him you loved him too.
At 6am there was a knock on your door. You groaned and dragged yourself out of bed. You threw the door open to find Reid standing in the hall, fully dressed. 
He walked right in and you grumbled, “Do you even know what time is it?”
“I’ve got an idea.”
“An idea so important you have to barge into my room before dawn?”
Reid looked at you in surprise. “It’s almost dawn?”
You raised your eyebrows. “It’s 6am.”
“Spence…” you began, “did you even get any sleep last night?”
He shook his head and you sighed. “You can yell at me later, Iz. This is important. I think I know where the unsub is taking his victims.”
“How? Where?”
“Well, I was studying a map of the area where the bodies have been found. The only place that’s near all the dumpsites is an old abandoned warehouse. It’s be the perfect place to torture and kill these women.”
“I’m going to ignore the creepiness of that last statement and just say ‘good work, Reid’.”
“There’s a problem though.”
“And what’s that?” you asked.
“Senator Jacobs owns the warehouse.”
You inhaled sharply. “Shit. Well we can’t just go barging in there without probably cause. It’s private property owned by a freaking Senator.”
“Exactly, which brings me to my idea.”
You nodded and waited for him to continue. 
“We need a reason to enter the building…and it would make matters easier if we could catch him in the act.” Reid paused. “I think you should go undercover.” 
You took a moment to process his words. “You want me to pretend to be a prostitute?”
“Only until he takes you to the warehouse.”
You thought for a moment before nodding. “That actually might work.” You jumped up. “Come on, let’s talk to Hotch.”
“Uh, Izzy.” Reid points to your wardrobe and you realized you were still in your pajamas. 
“Right. Let me change first.”
Five minutes later and the two of you were knocking on Hotch’s door. 
He answered the door looking mildly annoyed. When he saw you, his expression softened. “What are you guys doing up?”
“Reid found something.” 
Hotch stepped back to let the two of you enter. Reid explained what he found and Hotch listened intently. “So we can’t enter the premises without a warrant,” Reid concluded.
“And no judge is going to sign a warrant based on Reid’s intuition, no matter how good it may be,” you added.
“So what do you propose we do?” Hotch asked.
“We catch him red-handed,” you answered.
“By sending Isabelle in undercover,” Reid responded. 
Hotch looked between you and Reid in surprise. “No—no, absolutely not.”
“Hotch, we don’t have any other options,” you pled.
“I’m not putting you at risk.”
“It’s my decision.” 
“I’m the Unit Chief and what I say—”
“No one else can do it,” Reid interjects. “JJ doesn’t have the necessary field experience and Emily isn’t the unsub’s type. It has to be Isabelle.”
Hotch looked crestfallen. “There has to be another way.”
“I’ve thought of every possible variation. This is the only way.” 
Hotch looked down and shook his head.
“Please, Hotch. People’s lives are at stake,” you said softly.
He looked up at you, his face a mix of emotions. He sighed and his mask slid firmly into place. “Fine. We’ll need the day to prep you.” 
You nodded. “I can do this.”
“I know you can, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Hell no,” Derek said emphatically. “No way in hell, over my dead body…need I continue?”
“Come on, Derek,” you began.
“No, Izzy!” He looked over at Hotch. “You can’t seriously be okay with this.”
Hotch’s face remained impassive. “I’m not, but Reid makes a good point.”
“I don’t care what Reid says, we’re not sending Isabelle into the den of a sadistic serial killer,” he argued.
You sighed. “It’s not your decision to make, Morgan.”
He glared at you and you returned the stare. Neither of you backed down until JJ stepped between you. “Okay, both of you need to relax.”
“Relax? How am I supposed to—” 
“Enough,” Hotch cut in aggressively. Morgan shut his mouth mid-sentence and watched his boss. 
Hotch sighed. “Look, I know this isn’t the best idea, but it’s all we’ve got.” He looked at you and you nodded. “And Isabelle is okay with it. So instead of arguing about this, let’s prepare her to make this mission a success.”
Rossi stepped forward and looked at you closely. “I have the utmost faith in you, Isabelle. I just want to make absolutely certain that you are completely comfortable with this.” 
You looked at him and gave him a small mile. “This isn’t my first time undercover, Rossi. I’ll be fine.” 
He nodded. “Okay then. We should get started.”
Everyone gathered around the conference table. The next three hours were spent going over the plans for that evening. You could feel your anxiety ramping up as more time passed. This certainly wasn’t the most dangerous undercover mission you’d been on, but it had been years since you’d last worked incognito. You knew your team would be there and they’d have your back no matter what, but this was still extremely dangerous and there were a lot of unknowns. 
“Hey, gorgeous. You still with us?” Morgan asked. 
You looked up at him and nodded. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
You could feel everyone’s eyes on you and you knew they were all profiling you. Especially Hotch. The intensity of his gaze made your skin feel like it was on fire. 
“Guys, stop,” you said firmly. “I can practically feel you all profiling me.”
Most of the team had the decency to look embarrassed, but not Morgan. He continued to give you the same concerned look.
“D,” you said gently. “I’m good.”
It was a few moments before he finally nodded and you released a breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding. 
“Is everyone clear on the plan for tonight?” Hotch asked. 
“JJ and I will be on the street with Isabelle so we can see who picks her up,” Emily began.
“Rossi and I will be parked down the street to keep watch,” Spencer added, “We’ll follow at a safe distance once Isabelle gets picked up.” 
“Morgan, you and I will trade off with Rossi and Reid to make sure that the unsub doesn’t realize he’s being followed. Once they get to their destination, we’ll keep watch and wait for the signal,” Hotch finished.
“I’ll have a tracker in my shoe so you’ll know where I am at all times,” you said. “Once I’m in the car, JJ and Emily will get into the surveillance van with Hotch and Morgan.”
Hotch nodded. “Good. As for the extraction plan—”
“Wait for my signal, then infiltrate,” you said. 
Hotch nodded again. He peered at you intently. “If we don’t hear from you in thirty minutes, we’re coming in.”
“An hour,” you countered.
“Isabelle—” Hotch began.
“We need to catch him doing something other than sleeping with a prostitute, Hotch. Give me an hour, okay?”
Hotch closed his eyes briefly. “Fine. One hour.”
“Hotch—” Morgan started.
Hotch cut him off with a look that clearly said who was in charge.
“Easy boys,” Emily said to ease the tension. “Us girls need to go shopping. We need appropriate outfits for tonight’s…festivities.” 
JJ nodded her agreement and the three of you practically raced out of the room. The men began to bicker the moment you’d shut the door behind you.
“They’re being way too overprotective,” you said.
“They’re your family, Izzy. Of course they’re being overprotective,” JJ insisted.
“I think they’re worried that I can’t do this.”
Emily shrugged. “They don’t get it. Derek and Hotch are alpha males. They instinctively want to protect their female.”
“That’s a disturbing way to put it,” you said with a laugh.
“Eh, you know what I mean.”
“How do you explain Rossi then?” JJ asked.
“His concern was more compassionate. He’s worried about the girl he sees as the daughter he never had. I think that’s an acceptable reaction,” Emily replied.
“And this whole thing was Spencer’s idea, so it’s no surprise he’s okay with it,” you said.
“Doesn’t mean he’s not worried,” JJ said softly. 
You just nodded. 
Emily picked up on your mood and said, “Alright ladies, enough about them. Let’s go get us some skanky clothes.” 
You and JJ laugh. “Garcia would love this,” you said.
“You know she would find you the most outrageous outfit,” JJ said.
“Yeah she would,” you paused. “She’s going to worry about me.”
“She always does,” Emily said softly. “The only thing you need to focus on is keeping yourself safe.”
You nodded. “I know, I know. You’re right.” You took a deep breath. “Okay, where do we go to find prostitute-worthy clothes?”
Emily gave you a wry smile. “I know just the place.” 
You and JJ exchange glances and a chuckle as you follow Emily out into the parking lot. 15 minutes later, you find yourself in a Target parking lot.
“I figured Walmart would be a bit too trashy,” Emily said with a shrug.
You rolled your eyes and JJ laughed. The three of you headed into the store and began to scour the clothing section to find just the right outfit. After trying multiple items on, each of you walked out with the perfect ‘never wearing this again’ outfit. 
“You know, the boys are going to die when they see us in these outfits,” you said.
“Especially Hotch,” Emily said with a laugh.
You raised your eyebrows questioningly. “Why Hotch?”
“Well for starters, he’s a bit uptight,” Emily said. “A little bit of a prude.”
“He is not a prude,” you said lightly. 
Both Emily and JJ stared at you. You laughed and said, “Okay, he’s rather uptight. This might give him a heart attack.”
“Just wait until Morgan see you,” JJ teased. “He’ll die of delight.”
“Oh stop.” You gave her an affectionate swat on the arm. “It’s Spence who will really freak out.”
“Oh my god,” Emily cracked up. “I’m picturing his face and it’s gold.”
The three of you laughed all the way back to the station. You left your bags in the car and headed inside. 
Rossi, Reid, and Morgan were still in the conference room. They were all talking animatedly and laughing. You looked around for Hotch and finally found him in the Captain’s office. It looked like they were having a very heated discussion. It was clear that Hotch was agitated. 
“That can’t be good,” you said, nodding toward the office. 
“Hotch looks pissed,” Emily agreed.
The three of you entered the conference room to try and get the scoop from the others before Hotch came back. 
“Hey boys,” you said. “What’s up with Hotch?”
“Apparently one of the idiot goons out there was chatting with a member of Senator Jacobs’ security team. He mentioned that we had a plan to catch this serial killer in action,” Rossi answered.
Your jaw dropped. “Shit. Did he tell the guy our plan?”
“Thankfully, no,” Rossi said.
“We’ve kept to ourselves most of the day,” Reid added. “No one but us knows what’s going to happen.”
“Still…” JJ started. 
“I think we should call it off,” Morgan said.
“Morgan, no,” you said.
“It’s too dangerous, Iz! What if Jacobs is the unsub?”
“As long as our plan isn’t compromised, then we’ll be fine,” you said. “Maybe the security guy didn’t say anything to Jacobs.”
“Oh he told Jacobs everything,” Morgan said.
“How do you know?” Emily asked.
“Because Senator Jacobs called Hotch to personally congratulate him,” Rossi said.
“Holy mother…I can see why he’s so pissed,” you said.
You heard a door slam and the entire precinct looked up to stare. Hotch had just stormed out of the captain’s office and was headed outside.
“I’m going to go check on him,” you said.
“You’re a brave, brave soul, Isabelle Heywood,” Rossi commented. 
You rolled your eyes and hurried out after Hotch. He almost never lost his temper, so this intense display of emotion surprised you. You found him around the side of the building, pacing back and forth. 
“Hotch?” you called out tentatively. 
He looked up at you and the cold fury in his eyes made you take a step back. He realized it was you, and his expression softened. He stopped pacing as you walked towards him. 
“What happened?” you asked, even though you already knew.
“One of those idiot cops jeopardized the entire operation!” Hotch said angrily.
“Jacobs doesn’t know the plan,” you said softly. 
“Does it really matter? If he is the unsub, he’s going to be on high alert.”
“You’re right, he will be,” you agreed. “But if it’s him, then he’s also a sadistic killer. He won’t be able to resist his urges.”
Hotch looked down at you, and you were surprised by the fear in his eyes. “How can I put you in danger when I’m so terrified of losing you?”
You shook your head. “You’re not gonna lose me, Aaron.” You reached up and gently rested your palm against his cheek. “I’ll come back.”
He closed his eyes and leaned against your hand for a moment. “You can’t promise me that,” he said softly. He took your hand and pulled it down, but didn’t let it go.
“You’re right, I can’t make that promise, but I can promise that I will never give up. No matter what happens, I will fight to come back to you.” 
He inhaled sharply and nodded his head. “That’ll do,” he whispered. 
You’d never seen him so vulnerable before and it was pulling at your heart strings. You could feel his love for you. It was so intense that it overwhelmed you. It was also a testament to his ability to hide his emotions. You’d never noticed and as far as you knew, no one else had either. 
Aaron Hotchner hid himself away from the rest of the world and you worried that if something happened to you, he would never show his vulnerable side again. Your heart practically ached with all the years of unexpressed love that you’d kept bottled up inside. 
“When all this is over,” you started softly. “I want to tell you something.” 
He raised his eyebrows. “You can’t tell me now?”
You shook your head. “You’ll have to wait until we catch this guy. It’s just a little incentive.” 
“You’re right…” he said softly, “that is cruel.”
You laughed and flashed your brilliant smile. He leaned down and kissed you gently. Butterflies floated around in your stomach and your heart beat faster. When you parted, both of your faces were flushed and his eyes were burning with desire.
He took a deep breath and pulled you into a hug. “Thank you,” he whispered into your hair.
You pulled back and looked up at him. “For what?”
“For coming after me. For calming me down. For being you.”
You laughed softly. “You’re quite welcome.” You squeezed his hand and let go as you made your way back to the front of the building. “So what did you say to the captain?”
“I told him that his officer put one of my best agent’s lives at risk. Then I yelled a little bit.”
“A little bit?” you asked skeptically.
“Okay, probably more than I should have.”
You nodded. “Go apologize.”
He paused and stared at you. The two of you were right beside the door and you could feel the stares through the glass. 
“I’m serious, Aaron. It’s not his fault one of his officers is an idiot. Plus, yelling never solved anything. So, go apologize, please.”
He looked at you and sighed. “You’re right.”
You smiled. “I know.”
He rolled his eyes before he once again slid his mask firmly into place and entered the building. You followed, but headed towards the conference room as he headed to the captain’s office.
“What did you say to him?” Emily asked, staring across the room.
“Is he apologizing?” Morgan asked incredulously. 
You laughed and punched his arm. “Yes, he’s apologizing. Not all men are savage animals who can’t admit when they’re wrong.”
He rolled his eyes and crumpled some paper into a ball, which he proceeded to throw at your head. You ducked and the paper hit Reid, causing him to jump and the whole room to laugh. 
“Rude,” Reid said to Morgan. 
You bent down and wrapped your arms around Reid’s neck and kissed his head. “Come on, love. It was pretty funny.”
Reid laughed. “Oh, I will get you back, just you wait.”
“I’m trembling,” Morgan joked.
You straightened up when Hotch entered the conference room. He nodded to you and then addressed the rest of the team. “I’m sorry about that everyone. But the plan is still on for tonight.”
“Are we sure this is still a good idea?” Morgan asked.
“Isabelle’s still okay with it and Jacobs, if he is the unsub, has no idea what our actual plan is.”
“We profiled that the unsub would kill again, so it’s a safe bet that his urges will have him on the hunt tonight,” Reid added. 
“Alright. Let’s go over the plan one more time just to be sure,” Morgan said. 
The room groaned, but Hotch agreed, so everyone sat down to discuss it.
**********At the hotel
“I’m pretty sure I’ve never shown this much cleavage in my entire life,” you said with a laugh.
“Girl, I used to go to clubs practically naked in Europe,” Emily said.
You all laughed.
“Not all of us can be as cool as you,” JJ added.
“Aww, you think I’m cool?” Emily asked with a grin.
“Doesn’t everyone?” you joked.
“You’re right,” Emily said as she dramatically flipped her hair over her shoulder. 
The three of you burst out laughing. You grew sober again as you looked at yourself in the mirror. “I look like a prostitute.”
Emily came over to stand beside you. “A very high-end prostitute,” she said. “And besides, isn’t that the point?”
You sighed. “I know. It’s just slightly horrifying.” 
JJ laughed. “Honey, we all look like prostitutes. I’m just glad Will isn’t here to see it.” 
Emily nodded. “Perks of not having a boyfriend. I don’t have to worry about what anyone thinks.”
You blushed slightly as you thought about Hotch’s reaction. You didn’t really want him to see you dressed like this…but it was for the job. He’d have to understand.
“You’re blushing,” Emily pointed out.
“Thanks for the info, Em.”
She laughed lightly. “Anytime. Now, who are you thinking about?”
“Spence,” you answered automatically.
“Reid?” she asked in surprise.
“He’s like my little brother,” you said. “I don’t like the idea of him seeing me dressed like a hooker.” 
It was true, but it wasn’t exactly the answer to Emily’s question. She, however, didn’t need to know that. 
“Don’t worry, Iz. I doubt he’ll judge you. Besides, I don’t think there’s anything you could do that would ever taint his view of you.” 
“He looks up to you,” JJ added. “You’re the big sister he never knew he wanted.”
You smiled. “Thanks guys.” You took a deep breath. “Are we ready to do this?”
“I think the more accurate question is, are you ready to do this?” Emily corrected.
You nodded. “I think I’m ready.” You straightened your shirt and headed for the door. 
The three of you went across the hall to Hotch’s room, where the rest of the team was gathered. You took another deep breath and opened the door.
Four heads immediately swiveled in your direction. Your entrance was met with stunned silence. 
Rossi was the first to recover. “You guys look…”
“Like 2 dollar hookers?” you asked.
The tension in the room lifted and the boys laughed. 
“Well I was gonna say ‘nice’, but I doubt that’s an accurate term,” Rossi said with a smile.
You made eye contact with Hotch and you were surprised to see the discomfort on his face. You gave him a small smile, which he tried to return, but it looked forced. He looked away and you glanced around to make sure no one saw the exchange. Everyone was chatting, not paying attention to the two of you at all…or so you thought. You were unaware, but Emily had seen the exchange and she filed it in the back of her mind to bring up to you later.
Suddenly a phone started ringing. Morgan looked down at his and smiled. “Hey baby girl, what’s cooking?”
“Well, my chocolate delight, let me tell you. I’m a bit peeved that you haven’t called me all day. I’m wasting away at my keyboard, feeling useless,” Garcia whined. 
Morgan laughed. “Sorry, sweet cheeks. We got a little busy over here.”
“Fine, fine. You’re forgiven. Now, let me talk to Izzy.”
Morgan looked surprised. “Okay, hold on.” He handed the phone to you. 
“Hey, Garcia,” you said. 
“Take me off speaker.”
You did so before putting the phone to your ear. “What’s up, PG?”
“You’re going undercover?” she demanded. 
You sighed. “Who told you?”
“Reid called me.”
You shot a glance at Reid, but he was blissfully unaware. “It’s not a big deal,” you began. 
“It’s a huge deal, Isabelle Heywood! You could get yourself killed!”
“I know, Penelope. I’ll be careful, I promise. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.” 
“I worry, you know that.”
“I know. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want you to worry.” 
“Well don’t do it again. I need to know what’s happening to my family, Isabelle.”
“I promise I’ll keep you in the loop.”
“Good,” she paused. “Stay safe, Iz,” she said softly. 
“I will, Penelope.”
“Okay. Now give me back to Morgan.”
You handed the phone back to Morgan. You didn’t hear what was said, but you could assume. You sat down and took a deep breath. You did your best to focus on the task ahead of you. 
On the phone, Garcia ended the call with, “Keep her safe, Derek.”
“I’ll do my best, baby girl,” he said before hanging up.
“Alright,” Hotch said. “We need to get moving. Is everyone ready?”
A mixture of nods and ‘yes, sir’s’ answered his question. Everyone filed out of the room, you and Emily at the back of the group. 
“Hey,” Emily says quietly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“I—uh—I saw you and Hotch…”
You tensed up. “What are you talking about?”
“When we first came into the room…the way he looked at you.”
You sighed. “It’s nothing, Em. It’s just Hotch being Hotch.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so. He didn’t look at me or JJ like that.”
You shrugged. “Nothing’s going on, Emily. We’re coworkers—friends. That’s all.” 
She didn’t look convinced, but she nodded. “Okay, Isabelle. If you say so.” 
The two of you moved quickly to catch up with the rest of the team at the elevators. Once you were down in the lobby, you got a lot of judgmental stares from both guests and hotel staff. The men gawked and the women looked at the three of you with disgust.
Hotch led the group, with the girls in the middle, Reid on one side, Morgan on the other, and Rossi bringing up the rear. Each of them had a protective stance as if daring someone to say something. 
At one point, Morgan yelled at an especially creepy man, “What are you looking at?” The man backed up and you managed to get outside and into the vehicles without further issue. 
Hotch drove the three of you downtown. He didn’t look at you the entire way down. As you neared the destination, he pulled over. “Okay ladies. You’ll have to walk from here. The van will be parked down the street, so as soon as Isabelle gets picked up, start moving.” 
JJ and Emily nodded.
“Stay safe out there and watch each other’s backs.”
“We will,” you said as you opened the door. 
JJ and Emily got out and you were halfway out of the vehicle when Hotch grabbed your arm. You turned to look at him and found his face filled with emotion. 
“Come back to me,” he whispered, too softly for Morgan to hear.
Your breath caught in your chest and all you could do was nod. He released you and you slid out of the car and shut the door. You smiled at the girls and pretended that everything was fine. 
“Let’s do this,” you said as you started walking down the street. Your high heels were uncomfortable and your skirt was so short, you were afraid that your underwear was hanging out. The three of you remained silent until you could see other street-walkers just up the road. 
“Get into character, ladies. It’s go time.”
The other two women nodded and you all headed into the lion’s den together. A couple of the girls eyed you suspiciously, but no one said anything. You paid attention to your surroundings without being obvious, absorbing everything you saw and heard.
You paid strict attention to the Johns that pulled up, having to quickly assess them to determine if they could be your unsub. An hour in, and no one had stuck out to you.
You walked over to Emily and said, “Hey Casey, got any bites?”
She sighed and shook her head. “Nothing good yet.”
JJ slid up beside you. “Nothing good for me either.”
“Well don’t give up just yet, Vikki,” you said cheerfully.
JJ smiled. “How ‘bout you, Lilly?”
“Not a damn thing,” you responded. 
You parted ways again to continue your observations.
~In the van~
Hotch and Morgan had been sitting in silence for most of the previous hour. Hotch was too busy trying not to worry about you to have a conversation. He couldn’t quite make you out from this position, but your tracker placed you across the street.
Morgan had been fidgety for the last half hour. He was clearly restless, but Hotch had a feeling he was really worried about you too. 
Finally, Morgan couldn’t stand it anymore. “What if something happens to her?” he blurted.
“Nothing’s going to happen to her, Morgan.”
“You don’t know that for sure, Hotch.” 
Hotch sighed. “I’m worried about her too, you know. We just have to trust her skills. And we’re all here with her.” 
“I know. It’s just…” he trailed off. “She’s just so incredible. I can’t help but adore her.”
Hotch glanced at Morgan, but his focus was across the street. He felt a surge of jealousy, which he pushed down immediately. 
“I love her, Hotch. I really do.”
Hotch took a moment before he responded. “I didn’t know the two of you were together.”
Morgan barked out a laugh. “No, no. We’re not together. Isabelle’s too good for me, but that’s not what I meant. I love her like family. Sure, I’d date her if she wanted, but I’m not quite her type.”
Hotch visibly relaxed, which didn’t escape Morgan’s notice. He raised his eyebrows, but decided not to say anything. After all, Hotch was his boss. He was a little surprised that Hotch had feelings…in general. So it was almost shocking that he had feelings for you specifically. Not because you were unlikeable or anything, but because you were Hotch’s subordinate. Morgan knew Hotch was a rule-follower by nature. There was no way he would break the rules, even for someone as incredible as you.
Hotch was about to say something when a large SUV pulled up across the street. “We’ve got movement,” he said. 
Morgan lifted his binoculars to try and get a better look. “The windows are tinted. I can’t see anything.”
“Damn,” Hotch said. “Reid, Rossi, do you have a visual of who is in that SUV?” he asked over the radio.
“Negative, Hotch,” Rossi responded. “We can see the girls though. Izzy’s going up to the passenger window now.” 
~Back on the street~
A dark SUV pulled up to the curb and you took a step forward. The windows were tinted and you couldn’t see into the car at all. You could see Emily and JJ out of the corner of your eye. They were watching you like hawks and you were glad for it. 
The passenger side window rolled down and a man leaned his head out. He pointed at you with a smile. “Hey there gorgeous. Come a little closer.”
You smiled and walked up to the car. “Hiya handsome. What can I do for you?”
The man smiled. “Well darling, it’s not for me. I’ve got a very special client that wants to meet you. You have to be very discreet. Can you do that, baby girl?”
You bristled at the nickname, but you didn’t show it. Instead you gave him a seductive smile. “Discreet is my middle name.”
“Perfect,” he grinned. “Get in the back and tell me your name.”
“Lilly,” you responded as you opened the back door. You could see JJ and Emily move closer, but you didn’t look at them. It was important not to attract attention.
You slid into the backseat and shut the door. You were quite certain these men weren’t your unsub, but you had a feeling they were going to take you to him. “Who’s this special client?” you asked sweetly.
“You’ll see real soon, darlin’.”
You smiled and sat back. You calmed your nerves by taking in everything about the vehicle, the two men, and the landmarks you passed on your way to meet this client. You remained silent and that seemed to suit both men.
~In the van~
The moment you got into that car, the rest of the team sprang into motion.
Reid and Rossi followed the SUV while Hotch and Morgan picked up JJ and Emily. Hotch’s grip on the wheel was so tight his knuckles were turning white. No one spoke until Rossi radioed and said the SUV was heading west, which meant it was their turn to follow.
“Copy that. We’ve got them,” Morgan responded.
The SUV traveled west for about 1.25 miles before turning into the drive of a luxury hotel. It was the kind of place where the staff were paid to be discreet and the rich came to do the things they couldn’t do at home.
“They’re at the Conway Hotel on Pike,” Hotch said to the team. “We’ll set up down here and watch the front. Rossi and Reid, you watch the back. Wait for Izzy’s signal and we’ll all go in.”
“Roger that, Hotch,” Rossi responded.
The nerves in the van intensified. They were all wishing they had eyes on the situation. For now, the best they could do was wait. Your tracker said that you were in the hotel. They just had to have faith you would be okay. 
~In the hotel~
You stared at your reflection in the metal walls of the elevator. From the outside, you looked completely composed, as if this was something you did every day. On the inside, however, you were nervous, and frankly a little scared. You had a good idea about who this ‘client’ was and you hoped your team made the same assumptions. 
You were led off the elevator and escorted to a room at the end of the hall. The door opened almost immediately after your arrival. You stepped into the room and gasped in surprise. Sitting in a chair in the front room was none other than Senator Mark Jacobs.
The Senator stood up and walked toward you. He was a very imposing man. Roughly 6’2”, former football star, and still in excellent shape despite being almost 50. Most women (and even some men) would say he was very attractive, but all you felt when you looked at him was revulsion. You did your best to hide your true feelings and focus on your persona.
“Do you know who I am?” he asked you. 
“Yes, Senator, I do.”
He smiled. He walked around you. You pretended to appreciate his gaze, even when it lingered on your ample cleavage. 
Once he’d finished his inspection, he turned to his security personnel. “She’s perfect, boys. Wait for me in the other room while I get down to business with our guest.”
The guards left and all of his attention was on you. “What’s your name?”
“Lilly,” you replied with a sultry smile. “And what would you like me to call you?”
“You can call me ‘sir’.” He took a step towards you. “I’ll give you $5,000 for the night if you let me do what I want with you.”
You were surprised by the amount, but you didn’t let it show. “$8,000 and you can do anything.”
He smiled. “I like a woman who knows how to bargain. You’ve got yourself a deal, Miss Lilly.”
You bit your lip and took a step towards him. “Okay, handsome. What do you want to do first?” You placed your hands on his chest and fiddled with the buttons on his shirt. 
He said nothing, just watched you with hungry eyes, so you began to unbutton his shirt. Your hands slid down his smooth chest to his muscled abdomen. You pushed him onto the couch and climbed on his lap. 
“Kiss me,” he demanded. 
You felt your heart begin to race and bile rise in the back of your throat. You swallowed it back down and pressed your lips to his. It disgusted you to be intimate with him, but you had no choice. His hands slid up your ribcage and under your shirt. He yanked your top off over your head and buried his face in your breasts. You ran your fingers through his blonde hair and let out a fake moan.
Just then, the door to the room opened. 
“Oh shit!” a man’s voice said. “Sorry, Senator. I didn’t know you had a girl with you.” 
You turned around and your heart stopped. The man’s jaw dropped when he saw your face. You scrambled off the Senator’s lap and took a step back. 
The man standing before you was Detective Brady, one of the officers working on this case. “Do you know who she is?” he demanded.
“What are you going on about, Brady?” The Senator asked in annoyance.
“She’s an FBI agent! She’s one people down from Quantico working the prostitute case!” 
Your heart was thudding in your chest as you thought about your options. You could feel the disposable cell phone in your back pocket. All you needed to do was hit the call button and it would connect directly to Hotch. 
“I don’t know what he’s talking about,” you said as your hand slid into your pocket. You tried to press the send button just as the Senator took a step towards you. 
“What’s your name, girl?” he growled. 
“Lilly!” you said emphatically. 
He squinted his eyes at you and you stared back at him in defiance. At least, you hoped that was the expression on your face. 
“Her name is Isabelle Heywood,” Brady insisted. “I can prove it to you.”
Your heart continued to thud as Brady pulled out his cell phone. He pushed a couple buttons before handing it to the Senator. You heard Hotch’s voice, then Morgan’s, and then your own. You realized Brady must have filmed the presentation of the profile. You took a step back and tried to determine your next move. 
The Senator handed Brady the phone and looked at you again. Your hand was still in your back pocket and you just managed to press send before the Senator grabbed you.
~In the van~
Hotch’s phone rang and he glanced at it to see who was calling. “It’s Isabelle,” he said aloud.
Morgan nodded and the van fell silent as Hotch answered the call. He put it on speaker so everyone could hear, but muted his end.
“Now, what are we going to do with you, Isabelle?” a man’s voice asked.
“Get your hands off me,” you said angrily. 
“Oh my god,” Emily said.
“He made her,” Morgan added.
“We need to move, now!” Hotch yelled as he jumped out of the van. “Morgan, you’re with me. Emily and JJ, stay out front in case they try to come down.”
He and Morgan ran into the building. “Rossi!” Hotch yelled into his radio. “They know who Isabelle is. We’re going in. Stay in the back and make sure they don’t escape that way.” 
“Got it. Go get her Hotch.”
They ran up to the front desk. The woman behind the desk eyed them warily until Morgan flashed his creds. “A woman escorted by two men came in roughly 15 minutes ago. We need to know what room they’re in.”
“I’m sorry, sir, but I can’t give you that information.”
“She’s in danger. We need to know,” Morgan insisted.
“I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“She’s an undercover agent!” Hotch said angrily. “If you don’t tell us what room they’re in right now, she’s going to die.”
The clerk turned white and glanced down at her computer. “Room 305.”
Hotch was already running towards the stairs. Morgan thanked the clerk before chasing after him. When they reached the room, they didn’t even bother to knock. Hotch kicked the door in and the two men rushed into the room. It was completely silent, not a soul in sight. 
Hotch went to check the bedroom while Morgan checked the living area. “Hotch, you need to see this,” Morgan called.
Hotch came into the living area. On the floor was a pile of clothing…your clothing. Your shoes were off to the side and the disposable phone you’d used to call Hotch was sitting on top of the clothes. 
“No…” Hotch said softly as he took in the scene. He seemed to be frozen in place as he stared at your shoes. 
“They’re not here,” Morgan said into his earpiece. “Anyone have eyes on them?”
“Negative,” Emily responded. 
“Negative here too,” Rossi said. 
“Call in back up. They’ve gotta be here somewhere,” Morgan said.
“What about the tracker?” Reid asked.
“Her clothes, shoes, and phone are all here,” Morgan replied.
“Shit,” Emily mumbled.
“We’re going to search the building. Cover every entrance and make sure they don’t leave,” Morgan ordered. He looked over at Hotch who was still frozen in place. “Hotch?”
“She’s gone. The unsub has her,” he mumbled.
“Hotch, snap out of it. We need to look for her,” Morgan insisted.
Hotch looked up at him in surprise. For a moment, Morgan could see the vulnerable man underneath the hard outer shell, but his normal stony face returned almost instantly. “It couldn’t have taken us more than 3 minutes to get up here, so they can’t have gone far,” he said.
“Agreed. Maybe they took the other stairs. I doubt they would have taken the elevators,” Morgan said.
Hotch nodded and the two of them rushed out to the other staircase. There was no sign of anyone and they made it all the way down to the lobby just to be sure. 
“Shit!” Morgan exclaimed. “Hotch, there’s an underground garage.” He pointed to a sign and the two of them ran down the final flight of stairs. 
“What if they have a second car?” Morgan asked.
“We have to hope they don’t,” Hotch answered. 
One minute later and they’d found the SUV…it was completely empty. Hotch cursed under his breath. They went back up to the lobby and met with the rest of the team. 
“I think they had a secondary vehicle,” Hotch said.
“What--are you saying they got away?” JJ exclaimed. 
“Yes, and they have Isabelle,” he responded.
Reid went pale. “But…I promised her we’d keep her safe.”
“We all did,” Morgan said gently.
“We have to find her,” Reid said urgently.
“I know kid, but we have no idea who has her, what they’re driving, or where they’re going,” Morgan replied. 
“We know who took her,” JJ said. “We heard his voice.”
Hotch nodded in agreement. “It was Senator Jacobs.”
“Are you positive?” Rossi asked.
“One hundred percent.”
“Then he’s taking her to the warehouse,” Reid said.
“Let’s go,” Hotch said and the team raced to their vehicles.
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aggravateddurian · 6 months
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Brother's Shadow | The Bitch from Heywood Saves Christmas
Gather around children, while I tell you the story of the time La Perra de Heywood had to fight the Present Scavs on Christmas Eve.
Full story below, told to us by everyone's favourite Godly servant, Sebastian Ibarra.
Warning: contains the Padre trying (and failing) to censor canon-typical violence to an audience of children.
It was a dark and stormy Christmas Eve in Heywood, acid rain fell from the heavens. The rain was so heavy, not even AVs could fly. The skies were filled only with the rumbling of storm clouds.
Not knowing this, Santa's AV was caught by surprise. The storm disabled Santa's sensors. Taking the opportunity to ruin Christmas for every kid in Heywood, the detestable Present Scavs shot down Santa's AV.
It was a disaster! Presents for all the good boys and girls of Heywood were scattered across the Badlands. Santa could think of nothing else to do but contact God's earthly servant in Heywood to save Christmas before it was too late. He called the Padre, who called the best merc in Heywood for the job: Vicky Santiago, the Bitch of Heywood...
"But, Padre, isn't it mean to call people 'bitch'?"
"Well, yes, but that's what she calls herself. When you're older, and you join the Valentinos, you'll understand."
'Twas not long before she made her way out to the Badlands. While her techie friend helped repair the damage to Santa's AV, Vicky was already on the trail of the nefarious Present Scavs. They had stolen all of Heywood's presents, and taken them to their camp in the Badlands. They had opened up the presents, and were playing with their toys... but that was where they had made their critical mistake.
For you see, Santa had gifted some of the children of Heywood with Nerf guns... and now, these guns, and their ammunition, were just lying around the camp.
There were too many for Vicky to take on all at once. She had to use stealth. She snuck around the camp, knocking out the guards and stealing their nerf guns. Soon, they began to realise they were under attack, and a nerf gun battle ensued. Vicky quickly dispatched them with her superior nerf gun skills, and soon found herself face to face with the leader of the Present Scavs.
He was the size of three fully grown men, and his arms had upon them deployable candy canes. It would be a hand-to-hand battle.
"What happened, Padre? Did she defeat the Scav boss?"
But of course! The Scav boss may have been bigger, stronger, tougher and even faster, but he lacked something Vicky didn't - Christmas spirit. With the power of God at her side, she easily dispatched the Scav boss by making him eat the whole candy cane. He was filled with Christmas cheer, and he surrendered the presents back to Santa... who then flattened the Scav camp with a missile strike from his AV.
That year, the kids of Heywood got twice the amount of presents.
Now, run along back to your families. If you're good, and your parents pay their protection fees to the Valentinos, next year I'll tell you the story about how a Mox BD editor and a netrunner teamed up with Morgan Blackhand to stop Saburo Arasaka from cancelling Easter...
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easthavenhq · 5 months
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With the 1 year anniversary of East Haven's opening, we have decided to have an event that centers around a wind storm that is blowing it's way through town, inciting chaos where ever it goes. The event will start on January 5th at 12pm (noon) and end on January 15th at 12am (midnight). No new starters should be posted after January 10th.
You were placed into groups that are listed below. You will be expected to write with at least one character in that group that you normally do not write with. You are still free to do other threads with others in the group, but are required to at least one.
Participation for this event will be mandatory. Acceptances and checks will be held as usual. Reminder: Injuries need to be in by January 3rd*. You can find the form here. Details of this will be posted on the 5th.
Characters and locations are listed under the cut and will be updated with acceptances & unfollows. Please use the tag easthavenevent007.
East Haven Memorial - Maple Hills
Stevie Wagner - Kayla Johnny Wagner - K Sunny Hussan - Jennie River Jackson - Star Sarah Ruiz - El Gale Peterson - Nadine Callum Jackson - Madison Alec Kincade - Justin Aubrey Miller - Lital Wesley Levitt - K
City Hall - Downtown
Nate Clairmont - Kayla Brody Evans - Jackie Aarin Duskin - K Chantel Bedford - Katelyn Ann-Marie Seigert - Jennie Maggie Sommers - Kayla Mallory Sinclair - K Verity Wagner - Mat Max Diax - Star Isabella Castro - JimJam Andrew Jackson - Nadine
Willow Springs Apartments - Downtown
Ashi Hussan - Kayla Emre Ediz - K Orion Blakely - Justin Jude Sanchez-Khalid - Star Amerie Chen - Mat Dana Allen-Lopez - K Apollo Williams - Desi Riley Day - Marie Celine Ediz - Gigi Beyza Senkan - Kayla
Heywood University - Downtown
Liliana Santos-Blake - Nadine Cami Quintana-Lopez - Marie Cristian Hernandez - Dix Asher Spring - Kae Wyatt Wheeler - K Prue Cassidy - Kayla Marcus Reyes - K Alex Fontenelle - Madison Frederick Sullivan - Star Genevieve Hernandez - Beki
Fire Department - Downtown
Connor Bowen - K Penelope Ruiz - Nadine Benjamin Jackson - Justin Harlow Hanlon - S Eddie Castro - Kayla Ari Seong-Paterson - Katelyn Keely Seigert - Desi Brady Levitt - Jennie Roman Rhodes - G Javier Rivera - Dix Renee Thompson - K
Mount Aston Lodge - Mount Aston
Josiah Huddington - Katelyn Neena Wagner - Gigi Dilara Baysal - K Malik Farouk - Jackie Travis Jackson - Kayla Samuel Bradford - S Cameron Hatcher - Dix Mason Paterson - K Josh Pryce - Nadine Diego Castro - Star
Gas n Go - Sutherland Park
Shane Marshall - Jay Alice Cheung - K Bridget Levitt - Kayla James Morrison - Sam Quentin Levitt - Nadine Hunter Renner - Star Bee Bowen - El Estella Harris - Lital Julieta Alvarez - K Alliannah Vaughn - Katelyn
Animal House Shelter - Maple Hills
Evren Osman - Katelyn Morgan Fontenelle - K Alaric Farrow - S Lance Browne - Justin Roberta Rhodes - Kayla Gavin Gunther - Jackie Chanse Ainsworth - Kae Chloe Austin - Madison Mateo Torres - K Isla Ricci - Mat
South Pines - Primrose Heights
Abraham Wilson - K Julian Heywood - Nadine Luciana Medina - Kayla Owen Bentley - Star Ricky Thompson - Jennie Luna Morales - Lital Simon Heywood - Marie Matt Wheeler - Kayla Valentina Delgado - K Rohan Belton-Stone - Justin
Old Maple Way - Maple Hills
Dean Walker - Dix Nicole Peterson - Kayla Haven Sinclair - Katelyn Oliver Hensley - JimJam Aster Moon - G Hazal Senkan - K Kanyon Webb - Jackie Aindreis Blythe - Marie Yasmin Ansari - K Sydney Heywood - Gigi Demir Ediz - Lisa
Tequila Cowboy - Sutherland Park
Donovan Morgan - Star Marcel Vaughn - Mat Amayah Fontenelle - Nadine Abel Morgan - K Teagan Weatherford - Katelyn Jaslene Clairmont - K Maverick Bennett - Dix Sofia Carmichael - Kayla Romeo Clark - Jackie Graham Winters - JimJam
Maple Hills Mall - Maple Hills
Parker Campbell - K Xia Huang-Clark - Kayla Viktor Pierce - Dix Lenny Clairmont - K Nancy Lee - Kayla Nora Sinclair - Beki Tyler Day - Star Summer Cassidy - El Ali Webster - Sam Daniel Kwon - Nadine Harrison Lee - Jennie
Moose Lodge Rentals - Primrose Heights
Nick Wagner - Kayla Eli Browne - K Vivek Virani - Jackie Charlie Davis - Star Waverly Erickson - Em Cael Montgomery - Nadine Adem Sahir - Madison Jeremy Lieberman - Kayla Jo Spring - Marie Logan Walker - K
*We did change this so we could have time to talk to and plan these injuries.
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Kinktober 2022
Obviously this is all smut so 18 plus only, no ageless blogs, etc etc you will be blocked
The Kinktober prompt list I’ll be using
Word count for each fic
Praise + Lipstick with Steve Harrington
Mutual Masturbation + Formal Wear with Dick Grayson
Touchless Orgasm + glasses with Adrian Chase
Aliens + Vehicles with Jaal
Biting + Sex Party with Ray Palmer, Nate Heywood, and Zari Tarazi
Hair-pulling + Mommy/daddy with Kev Atwater
Face-fucking + Office Sex with Derek Morgan
Blindfolds + Being Loud with Conner Kent
Lingerie + Spitting with Sean Renard
Wet Dreams + Spreader bars with Dominique Luca
 Dry Humping + Seduction Otis
Phone Sex + Latex with Deacon Kay
Finger Sucking + Dressing Rooms with Steve Harrington
Role play + size difference with Ray Palmer
On the floor + Recording with Nancy Gillian
Overstimulation + Boot licking with Jim Hopper
Mirrors + Bladder control with Adrian Chase
Fellatio + Ice cubes with Kelly Severide
Chasity Caging with Frenchie 
Glory hole + smoking with Frenchie
Fingering + Blood with Crockett Marcel
Panty hose + cream pie with Kevin Atwater
Handcuffs + feathers with Kim Burgess
Accidental Stimulation + food play with Behrad Tarazi
Voice Kink + Gags with Kevin Atwater
Beach sex with Frenchie
Massages + Suspension with Jay Halstead
Breast worship + cum dumpster with Poly!20 squad
Lap dance + toe sucking with Adrian Chase
Pillow talk + humiliation with Otis
Spitroasting + Wrestling with Eddie and Buck
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samxbradford · 8 months
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NAME: Samuel Wade Bradford ALIAS/NICKNAME: Sam, Sammy (only by friends and family), Seven AGE: 31 RESIDENCE: Astra Heights, Downtown, Kismet Harbor, OR TIME IN KISMET HARBOR: since 2020 OCCUPATION: Club Promoter and DJ at High Pulse & part-time mechanic at Extra Mile Mechanics FACECLAIM: Jannis Niewöhner
tw: abuse, physical assault, death, substance abuse (drugs/drug overdose, alcohol)
DATE OF BIRTH: APRIL 18th, 1992 HEIGHT: 6'1" HAIR COLOR: Brown EYE COLOR: Blue/Green TATTOOS: One on the left side of his neck, one on his back - more Info will be added later PIERCINGS: None PLACE OF BIRTH: Chicago, IL GENDER / PRONOUNS: Cis-Male (he/him) SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Heterosexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Heteroromantic RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, protective, creative, honest NEGATIVE TRAITS: abrasive, impulsive, disrespectful, tactless, loud-mouthed SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Korean ALLERGIES: Bullshit ILLNESSES/IMPAIRMENTS: Asthma, sensory processing sensitivity (not officially diagnosed)
FATHER: Isaac Bradford (estranged) MOTHER: Bernadette Beauchamp † (estranged) SIBLINGS: Dae-Hyun 'Daniel' Kwan (older half-brother) PARTNER: None CHILDREN: None EXES: TBA FLINGS: Aurora Jackson FRIENDS: Genevieve Hernandez, Maverick Bennett, Nora Sinclair, Orion Blakely, Verity Wagner, Archie Morgan FRENEMIES: TBA COWORKERS: Maverick Bennett, Maddox Cage ANNOYANCES: Simon Heywood, Rhys Morgan PETS: Goldfish named 'Trevor' † (2001 - 2010)
Bernadette Beauchamp had never been good with handling loneliness. She hadn't asked for much in life. Just enough to have her life contently. A husband. A child. A white picket fence. Though fate had different plans for the young woman, who'd had her first son at the age of twenty, with a man who would not live long enough to see his son grow up. Living in Chicago, she raised her oldest son by herself, tried to offer her boy everything she could, though her loneliness still reigned her heart and made her search for love in all the wrong places. Stumbling from one relationship to the next, she settled for things she did not deserve. Mistreatment and toxic behavior were her life for the following years to come. This all seemed to change however, once she'd met Isaac Bradford. He seemed different than all the others. He was loving and attentive, caring and willing to provide for her and her son. Four years after meeting, they welcomed their first and only child together - Samuel.
Sam was a bright child, inquisitive and sweet and his world consisted of daydreams and adventures. He was especially close to his father, who taught him to appreciate music and art. So, the family of four lived in Chicago and Bernadette's dream seemed to come true, until Isaac, ten years after Sam was born, ended their relationship without much of a warning or an explanation. Moving not just into a different city but a different state entirely, Sam got to see his father every once in a while. Though as the years passed the letters and visits became less and less, until Isaac's efforts had come to an end completely.
Now only a family of three, Sam's brother stepped in, supported their mother and aided her in raising the young boy, who, ever since his dad had left, had gotten more fussy, more disobedient. His brother was the only one who could manage to talk sense into Sam, when he started lashing out, though as Sam had reached his teenage years, not even his brother could get through to him, most times. In the meanwhile, his mother had not learned from her mistakes, stumbling from relationship to relationship. Sam had forsaken any true endeavors to build any relationship with the men his mother had dated. Barely bothering to remember their names, as he knew they would not stay around for long. And still, it didn't keep him, as well as his brother, from needing to step in, when first signs of abuse in the relationships arose. And still, Sam was always the shoulder for his mother to cry on.
Sam had paid quite a few visits to the juvenile detention center during his adolescence, always for minor charges. This, as well as being expelled from two different schools for repeated misdemeanor, Sam only finished High School at age 20. Working various different jobs afterward, he moved out. Living in a small apartment, Sam spent his spare time partying. Drugs and alcohol flowed freely and although he was never truly addicted, these substances aided him in coping with everything. The hatred aimed toward his father. The hatred aimed toward the men his mother brought home. The helplessness, when seeing his mother so lost and torn.
It was a usual night, a usual party Sam, now in his mid-twenties, went to with a couple of his friend. The booze was flowing and substances were running high in their systems, though his best friend seemed to have overdone it. As Sam tried to aid him on his way home, his best friend collapsed. Trying his best to keep his best friend awake and alive, he called for an ambulance, though the medics could only determine his best friend's death. Sam refused to be taken to the hospital, chose to wander Chicago's streets instead, until the sun had already risen. It was mere hours after the incident, mere hours in which he hadn't managed to even begin processing what had happened, when he received a phone call by his mother. A rustle on her end of the line was subsequently followed by a loud thud and a scream. Instead of calling for police, Sam took care of the situation himself. His mother's black eye was nothing compared to the injuries he'd caused her current boyfriend. Injuries severe enough for him to be sentenced for four years in jail for aggravated assault. Four years, of which he'd served all.
Upon his release, Sam realized that the tides had shifted and life would never be the same again. His mother had grown distant, shocked to have witnessed what her youngest boy was capable of. Friends had turned their backs to him, for their lifestyles were no longer compatible with his. No longer compatible with the one of an ex convict. The only one who had Sam's back (as always) was his older brother, who suggested Sam leave Chicago. Move to a different place. A quieter place, so he might stay out of trouble. A new beginning.
Living in a Downtown apartment for three years, Sam began working as a mechanic at Extra Mile Mechanics, though has reduced his hours to a part-time position since being promoted to a club promoter and DJ at High Pulse. He still drowns his sorrow in substances and parties. In making music and working out. Trying to stay out of trouble proves to be difficult for Sam, as his abrasive and impulsive demeanor oftentimes get the better of him. Act and speak first, think second. To family and friends, Sam is fiercely loyal and would stop at nothing to ensure their happiness and safety, making others a priority. There are only few things Sam genuinely cares about, which reflects in his behavior. Love him or hate him - there are only few who fall in between.
1992 - Sam was born 2001 - Dae moves to NYC for his internship 2002 - Isaac leaves the family 2003 - Dae returns to Chicago 2012 - Sam graduates High School 2013 - His niece Kim is born 2015 - His nephew Lee is born 2016 - Elliot dies 2016 - Sam gets arrested and sentenced to jail 2018 - His niece Song is born 2018 - His brother's family is in a car crash, of which only Dae makes it out alive 2018 - Has a mental break, believing his brother is dead 2020 - Gets released from jail 2020 - Dae takes him to South Korea 2020 - Sam moves to Kismet Harbor 2023 - Bernadette gets sick and passes away 2023 - Dae moves to Kismet Harbor
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Characters I write about
In alphabetical order Requests open
Aaron Hotchner Alec Lightwood Billy Hargrove Bruce Banner Bucky Barnes Carl Gallagher Chato Santana / El Diablo Cheryl Blossom Clary Fray Clint Barton Conner Rhodes Crowley Dean Winchester Derek Hale Derek Morgan Draco Malfoy Eddie Brock Eddie Diaz Eddie Munson Emily Prentiss Emma Swan Ethan Choi Evan Buckley Fangs Fogarty Fiona Gallagher
Isabelle Lightwood Jace Lightwood James Moriarty Jay Halstead Jonathan Byers Killian Jones Leonard Snart Lip Gallagher Loki Lucifer Morningstar Luke Alvez Magnus Bane Matt Murdock Mycroft Holmes Nathan Heywood Oliver Queen Oscar “Spooky” Diaz Penelope Garcia Peter Hale Raphael Santiago Ray Palmer Reggie Mantle Rosa Diaz Sherlock Holmes Shin Karino Simon Lewis Spencer Reid Steve Harrington Sweet Pea Tara Lewis Will Halstead
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Fandom & Character List
Fics that are currently in progress
(Updated 7/3/22)
Lap Dance Series
Oh Captain
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Clint Barton
Stephen Strange
Pietro Maximoff
Attack on Titan
Eren Yeager
Zeke Yeager
Levi Ackerman
Reiner Braun
Erwin Smith
Bertholdt Hoover
Jean Kirstein
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotchner
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Chuck Shurley
Maze Runner Trilogy
JK’s Wizarding World
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
Young Remus Lupin
Young Sirius Black
Star Wars
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Po Damron
Obiwan Kenobi
The Flash
Barry Allen
Cisco Ramon
Harrison Wells (Any Version)
Wally West
Julian Albert
Legends of Tomorrow
Mick Rory
Ray Palmer
Nathan Heywood
Leonard Snart
Rip Hunter
Final Fantasy 15
Ignis Scientia
Gladiolus Amicitia
Prompto Argentum
Noctis Lucis Caelum
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Sweet Pea
Sons of Anarchy
Happy Lowman
Jax Teller
Chibs Telford
Tig Trager
Juice Ortiz
David Hale
Requests are open! I’ve been in a big slump since my dad passed away so give me some good requests to help me get back into it!
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naporiahqs · 11 days
Off the top of my head, I know we'd love to see Ray Palmer, Nate Heywood (Legends of Tomorrow), Arthur Pendragon, Uther Pendragon (BBC Merlin), Atticus Lincoln, Henry Montgomery, Jack Gibson, Dean Miller, Cooper Freedman (Grey's Anatomy & it's spinoffs), Mason Lockwood, Tyler Lockwood, Niklaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson (TVD & The Originals), Rhysand (ACOTAR), Finn (Adventure Time), Jamie Reagan (Blue Bloods), or Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds)!
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soapkaars · 1 month
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A very quick doodle before I go to sleep of Morgan Heywood telling the main dancers where to stand on the stage. In a nice skirt because he likes being comfortable during rehearsals
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arrows-unofficial-ocs · 2 months
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An AU of the Arrowverse where the multiverse wasn’t destroyed, both Zaris were able to exist outside of the totem, Ronnie Raymond and Earth-1!Laurel Lance are permanently alive, and Oliver Queen was relieved of his duties as Spectre in 2022.
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Becca Lance-Merlyn
Name: Rebecca Laurel “Becca” Lance-Merlyn
Parents: Tommy Merlyn & Laurel Lance
Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld
Love Interest: JJ Diggle
Carson Palmer
Name: Carson Damien Palmer
Parents: Ray Palmer & Nora Darhk
Faceclaim: Christopher Briney
Love Interest: Alyssa Harper
Canon Character Interpretations
⤷ William Clayton • Mia Smoak-Queen • JJ Diggle • Connor Hawke • Zoe Ramirez
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Abby Cohen-Stein
Name: Abigail Lily Cohen-Stein
Parents: Lily Stein & Josh Cohen ; Martin Stein’s granddaughter
Faceclaim: Kaitlyn Dever
Love Interest: Joseph West-Allen
Alyssa Harper
Name: Alyssa Moira Harper
Parents: Roy Harper & Thea Queen
Faceclaim: Peyton List
Love Interest: Carson Palmer
Bobbi Harper
Name: Roberta Dearden “Bobbi” Harper
Parents: Roy Harper & Thea Queen
Faceclaim: Sophie Nelisse
Love Interest: Al Raymond
Brian Hart
Name: Brian Michael Hart
Faceclaim: Lucas Till
Love Interest: Zoe Ramirez
Ethan Goldberg
Name: Ethan David Goldberg
Faceclaim: TBD
Love Interest: William Clayton
Quinley Lance-Merlyn
Name: Quinley Olivia Lance-Merlyn
Parents: Tommy Merlyn & Laurel Lance
Faceclaim: Sadie Stanley
Love Interest: Lucas Queen
Joseph West-Allen
Name: Joseph Henry West-Allen
Parents: Barry Allen & Iris West
Faceclaim: Mason Gooding
Love Interest: Abby Cohen-Stein
Canon Character Interpretations
⤷ Ronnie Stein • Sara Diggle • Jenna West
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Henry Heywood
Name: Henry Behrad Heywood
Parents: Nate Heywood & Zari Tomaz
Faceclaim: Aramis Knight
Love Interest: Tristan Palmer
Tristan Palmer
Name: Tristan David Palmer
Parents: Ray Palmer & Nora Darhk
Faceclaim: Gavin Casalegno
Love Interest: Henry Heywood
Elena Ramon
Name: Elena Ramon
Parent: Cisco Ramon
Faceclaim: Isabela Merced
Love Interest: Dawn West-Allen
Lizzie Raymond
Name: Elizabeth Caitlin “Lizzie” Raymond
Parents: Caitlin Snow & Ronnie Raymond
Faceclaim: Maya Hawke
Love Interest: Ben West-Allen
Ben West-Allen
Name: Benjamin Wallace “Ben” West-Allen
Parents: Barry Allen & Iris West
Faceclaim: Jay Lycurgo
Love Interest: Lizzie Raymond
Morgan West-Wells
Name: Morgan Joseph West-Wells
Parents: Wally West & Jesse Wells
Faceclaim: Caleb McLaughlin
Love Interest: Ada Queen
Di Lance-Sharpe
Name: Diana Laura Lance-Sharpe
Parents: Sara Lance & Ava Sharpe
Faceclaim: Rain Spencer
Love Interest: Martina Jackson
Canon Character Interpretations
⤷ Nora West-Allen • Martina Jackson
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Nat Constantine
Name: Natalie “Nat” Constantine
Parent: John Constantine
Faceclaim: Milly Alcock
Love Interest: TBD
Sonia Heywood
Name: Sonia Nasreen Heywood
Parents: Nate Heywood & Zari Tomaz
Faceclaim: Iman Vellani
Love Interest: Quincy Lance-Sharpe
Quincy Lance-Sharpe
Name: Quincy Michael Lance-Sharpe (born Lance-Snart)
Parents: Earth-15!Sara Lance & Leonard Snart (bio) and Earth-1!Sara Lance & Ava Sharpe (adoptive)
Faceclaim: Matt Lintz
Love Interest: Sonia Heywood
Ellie Palmer
Name: Elowyn Victoria Palmer
Parents: Ray Palmer & Nora Darhk
Faceclaim: Rowan Blanchard
Love Interest: Tommy Queen
Tommy Queen
Name: Thomas John “Tommy” Queen
Parents: Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak
Faceclaim*: Owen Patrick Joyner
Love Interest: Ellie Palmer
Ada Queen
Name: Adalyn Donna “Ada” Queen
Parents: Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak
Faceclaim: Emilia Jones
Love Interest: Morgan West-Wells
Lucas Queen
Name: Lucas Joshua Queen
Parents: Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak
Faceclaim*: Cameron Chapman
Love Interest: Quinley Merlyn
*so technically in the canon of this au, tommy & lucas queen are identical twins but i couldn’t find a faceclaim that i liked enough to have identical twins*
Al Raymond
Name: Albert Martin “Al” Raymond
Parents: Caitlin Snow & Ronnie Raymond
Faceclaim: Judah Lewis
Love Interest: Bobbi Harper
Dawn West-Allen
Name: Dawn Francine West-Allen
Parents: Barry Allen & Iris West
Faceclaim: Halle Bailey
Love Interest: Elena Ramon
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romanrhodes · 3 months
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biography | wanted connections | wanted & ongoing plots | aesthetic | home - rhodes farm
Eric Rhodes (npc); father
Ryan Rhodes (npc); older brother
[Wanted Connection]; younger sister
Waverly Erickson; distant cousin
Aarin Duskin; professional peer, friendly acquaintance
Benjamin Jackson; brother to ex-boyfriend, professional peer, friend
Callum Jackson; brother to ex-boyfriend, friend
Chantel Bedford; close friend, neighbour
Charlie Davis; farm mentor, neighbour
Dean Walker; friend, best friend of ex-boyfriend
Logan Walker; a journalist who ran a story on him, friendly acquaintance
Elian Browne; drinking buddy
Evren Osman; fishing buddy
Haven Sinclair; friend, grief support group buddy
Johnny Wagner; former babysitter of Johnny, catered his wedding, friends
Julian Heywood; fishing buddy, celebrity friend
Lenny Clairmont; neighbour, the major's wife, friendly acquaintance
Logan Walker; a journalist who ran a story on him and the diner, friendly acquaintance
Marcus Reyes; friendly acquaintance
Nancy Lee; professional peer, friendly acquaintance
Nate Clairmont; the mayor, friendly acquaintances
Nora Sinclair; employer (private chef), friend
River Jackson; nephew to ex-boyfriend
Sarah Peterson-Ruiz; friend, best friend of ex-boyfriend
Stevie Wagner; catered her wedding, friends
Travis Jackson; brother to ex-boyfriend, friend
Wyatt Wheeler; friendly acquaintance, batting cage buddy
Andrew Jackson; recent ex-boyfriend
Aindreis Blythe; former lover (Italy)
Aubrey Miller; childhood friend, one night stand
Jaslene Clairmont; ex-girlfriend (Paris, France)
Julieta Alvarez; former friend-with-benefits (New York), turned good friend
Viktor Pierce; high school sweetheart, ex-boyfriend
Luciana Medina; weekday manager, friend
Joshua Pryce; former weekend manager, on good terms
Verity Wagner; former waitress, on good terms
Sunny Side Up Diner regular customers
Wyatt Wheeler
Aqua Avengers ( kayaking group, spring-summer )
Francisco Fontenelle, Apollo Williams, Andrew Jackson, Aindreis Blythe, Archie Morgan, Tyler Day, Fredrick Sullivan, Jeremy Lieberman
Lake Legion ( fishing, catch and release )
Julian Hawthorne, Aindreis Blythe, Josephine Spring, Fredrick Sullivan, Jeremy Lieberman
LGBTQIA+ ( casual, currently not attending to avoid his ex-boyfriend )
Apollo Williams, Andrew Jackson, Santiago Pierce, Aindreis Blythe, Riley Day, Keely Harper, River Jackson,Tyler Day, Grace Cheung, Luciana Bentley, Prue Cassidy, Donny Morgan
Ready Set Clean ( localised to Driftwood Haven )
Apollo Williams, Andrew Jackson, Santiago Pierce, Aindreis Blythe, Riley Day, Keely Harper, River Jackson, Tyler Day, Grace Cheung, Luciana Bentley, Prue Cassidy, Donny Morgan
Watchful Eyes ( localised to Hawthorne Hideaway & Driftwood Haven )
Noah Sinclair, Gale Peterson-Ruiz, Riley Day, Charlie Davis, Max Diaz, Diego Castro, Frederick Sullivan, Jeremy Lieberman, Stevie Wagner, Owen Bentley
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screamingforyears · 3 months
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“TRICK” is the closing/title-track from @gentleheatband’s freshly dropped EP (@fleshandbonerecords) & it finds the Chicago-based quintet of David Algrim, Sarah Clausen, Tim Mack, Ken Sugawara & Joe Suihkonen bringing 3 sugary mins of gently gazed & preciously twee FuzzPop.
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“PRECIOUS” (@pleasure_tapes) is a brand new standalone single from @___lozenge___ & it finds the Leeds-based trio of Joe Collinson (vocals/guitars), Jacob Marston (drums) & James Heywood (bass) alt_rawking their way across a 2:49 clip of amplified NüGaze.
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@wax_jaw are here w/ a brand new standalone single titled “ATTITUDE” (@abandoneverythingrecords ) & it finds the Philly-based quintet of drummer Ian DiBruno, bassist Greg Blanc, vocalist Shane Morgan & guitarists George Fenton/Sean Vannata living up to the track’s namesake w/ a 2:45 clip of sassed up, post_punked & nü_waving AltRock.
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aggravateddurian · 7 months
"alone", "betrayal", and "mask" for vega?
For @pacificaisstillpacifica. Thanks for your ask! Sorry if it's long, but there's no simple, one sentence answer to these questions imo.
Questions can be found here
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Alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Vega isn't used to being completely alone. Even when there's nobody else, there's always Johnny there to talk her ear off about how much of a gonk she used to be, and how much she's changed. There has been one occasion where Vega was completely alone, before she came to Night City, when she had left the Bakkers. Nomads rely on family to survive, and Vega's six or so months of complete isolation, with nobody at her back to support her, she found the experience terrifying.
One of Vega's greatest fears is that Johnny will eventually fade away as her own consciousness expands and overwhelms him. His presence, even when he isn't talking, creates a kind of noise in her brain that she's used to, that she can't cope with not hearing. Even if Johnny is partitioned behind So Mi's temporary measure to keep Johnny from fading away, she can still hear the noise.
Betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
Betrayal is one of the things Vega is most sensitive to, because she has felt so betrayed by people she thought had her back, or had her best interests in mind, or loved her. Prior to Judy Alvarez, almost all of Vega's relationships ended with a partner cheating on her or betraying her in one way or the other. Her own father (the pack leader of her Nomad family) tried to have her exiled for disagreeing with the Bakkers joining Snake Nation, then of course, there's Dexter DeShawn.
Vega isn't perfect. To save So Mi's life, in 2077 she betrayed the FIA to get her to the Moon. She knew long before So Mi admitted the truth that the Neural Matrix was likely only good for one person. Listening to Reed made her realise that even if he did care about Songbird's life, it was overridden by his sense of duty. She felt no choice but to betray the FIA. It wasn't as if she was an NUSA citizen anyway, as a Nomad, she was basically a stateless person until she became an NC resident.
Until the moment that Solomon Reed learned that Vega and So Mi had teamed up to escape Dogtown, Reed actually trusted Vega. She didn't just betray that trust, she betrayed America. His attempt to taunt Vega on the holo was him lashing out at her, and by proxy, at So Mi, for what he saw as High Treason (So Mi almost got the President killed, and Vega was now helping this traitor escape the FIA's righteous clutch).
Mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Vega wore a mask almost every day of her life since she became V. V was a larger-than-life persona, the name of a Night City legend. Kids growing up in Heywood before 2077 heard stories of how Morgan Blackhand fought Adam Smasher solo the night the towers fell, how Johnny Silverhand pissed off a corporation so much they fought a war against him.
Now, Heywood street kids talk about V, the girl who drove in from the Badlands, died, came back from the dead like the spirit of vengeance, fought Arasaka, defeated Adam Smasher, and went out in a blaze of glory as the American headquarters of the Japanese giant crumbled around her... and now she's back again, and people are wondering which corporation or which gang Santa Muerte's earthly servant has come to punish..
Vega doesn't see herself as V, but she wears the jacket and the haircut because it's expected of her. The streets won't understand what happpened in Arasaka Tower that June night in 2077. Most importantly, street kids need legends to look up to, and though Vega's living a lie by pretending that she's the same V, just after a radical biosculpt to throw off the FIA assassins, Vega doesn't to destroy that legend.
The only people who know the true Vega, the truth about who she really is, the emotions and the hidden fears underneath the V mask are the people closest to her: So Mi, Judy and Dorian. There's also Johnny, who knows who Vega truly is as well, but everyone thinks he's dead anyway, and only a vanishingly small number of people know the truth about him either.
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easthavenhq · 9 months
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On September 16, 2023 at 4:00 pm at The Wilson, please gather to celebrate the marriage of Stephanie Christine Rivers and Jonathan Michael Wagner. The Wedding Party consists of Noah Sinclair as the best man and Aarin Duskin as the maid of honor. Following the groom down the aisle, Noah and Aarin will lead the wedding party. Travis Jackson and Sydney Heywood will accompany them next, followed by Donovan Morgan and Neena Wagner, Nathaniel Clairmont and Isla Ricci, Adem Sahir and Nora Sinclair, and Dean Walker and Penelope Ruiz. They will be followed by flower girls Zoe & Naomi Wagner (accompanied by Summer Cassidy) and ring bearer Logan Wagner. Stevie will be walked down the aisle by her brother, Julian Heywood. Together, they welcome you to celebrate their marriage with a ceremony at 4::00pm followed by a cocktail hour at 4:30pm and reception to follow at 5:00pm. The attire for the wedding is black tie.
More information below
Welcome one and welcome all to the wedding of Stevie and Johnny! It is long overdue so this event will start September 14th at 12PM and end on September 22nd 12AM EST. This is a mini-event so participation is not required but strongly encouraged. Anyone that knows of Stevie or Johnny even in the most round about way would be invited to the wedding. Normal threads do not need to be paused during this event. Acceptances and activity checks will still be held as normal.
Outfit aesthetics are encouraged to be posted for guests attending the wedding. The dress code is black tie for the wedding guests. The weather will be sunny with a high of 76 degrees Fahrenheit and lows of 56 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please post event threads or aesthetics as #easthavenevent005.
Details on the wedding:
Wedding colors: Shades of Blue
Stevie's Outfit: Dress || Shoes || Hair || Veil
Johnny's Outfit: ( x )
The Bridesmaids Dresses: ( x )
The Groomsmen Suits: ( x )
The Bouquet: ( x )
Pinterest: ( x )
Playlist: ( x )
Graphic made on Canva
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