#more fic writer asks
rmd-writes · 21 days
5, 14, and 17, please, Rae!
Thanks Courtney!
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
There’s silence while she waits for her dad to speak and it feels heavy, like the air is pushing on her.
14. where do you get your inspiration?
Anywhere really, sometimes it's something I've seen on social media, other times someone has mentioned a prompt that I couldn't stop thinking about, or seen fan art that's inspired me. Often I'll be mid-conversation with fandom friends and something they've said makes me start thinking about a potential fic. Sometimes it's spite 😉
17. talk about your writing and editing process
tbh they're kind of the same thing! I edit as I write which is sometimes an issue because I get stuck editing instead of writing. To force myself out of doing this, sometimes I use the gdocs headings so that I don't scroll through the entire doc and can just click on the outline instead to get to where I was up to.
The process itself is something like:
1. come up with idea 2. flesh it out in someone's DMs (usually @welcometololaland) which may or may not involve messages or voice notes that say things like "ignore this I just had to get it out of my head" 3. copy notes from DMs to my private writing discord and/or google doc 4. outline (may have already occured at step 3 if I'm not doing a detailed outline) 5. write (almost always chronologically unless a scene or dialogue comes to mind fully formed) 6. edit 7. complain about writing/having no time to write/words not working etc etc 8. edit 9. write more 10. edit 11. send snippets to friends and/or add them to gdoc for validation (this one is ESSENTIAL. I am not a writer who can write on their own without constant feedback) 12. repeat steps 5-11 until fic is done. 13. full edit as if I'm beta reading someone else's fic + coding if necessary (there's a whole separate process for that, it involves threatening to throw whatever device I'm working on out of a window) 14. send to beta (sometimes I do this before 13 if I need to stop looking at the doc) 15. final edit 16. post to ao3 and inevitably find typos that I somehow missed 17. edit 18. go to sleep and hopefully wake up to nice comments
[more fic writer asks]
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kiwiana-writes · 21 days
Hi! For the fic writer ask thingy- 2, 23, 25, please!
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
Rafael my beloved. I already published a little something something from his POV here but WHOO BOY it's an interesting one to find my way into!
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
Horny, chaotic, loving
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
Bookbinding/ficbinding, sewing, D&D, I want to start going to the gym again cause I fell out of the habit during covid lockdown and never got back to it... fuck, probably more but you ever read a question and immediately forget everything you've ever done? 🤣
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tathrin · 8 days
4 and 30? For the fic writer ask game !
Questions taken from this ask game. Thank you so much for asking! (And may I say, that's an excellent choice of questions to pair together, thematically.)
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
Legolas and Gimli make it all the way to the Undying Lands before they start smooching, because it's not until they get there and meet some folks who didn't know them the whole way through their relationship, and thus aren't already inured to the two of them being Like That, that one (or more) of said folks asks Legolas "how long they've been wed" and Legolas is like "omg what? haha no, we're not...married...we're...oh."
So he asks his mom if she thinks Gimli like-likes him, maybe? Because he never thought about it before, but now that he is, he thinks that would be really cool actually!? Do you think there's any chance that this guy who literally left everything and everyone he ever knew and loved to come here and live with me forever in a place where no dwarf has ever been before, leaving behind all of his people forever, might sort of fancy me a bit too...?
Legolas's mom facepalms herself into the Halls of Mandos.
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
I'm going to share two, because I know that most everybody hanging around tumblr with me these days is here for LotR stuff, so I want to link one of those, but I also cannot not link the Best Thing I Have Ever Written, which is a Star Wars fic:
Okay, and then returning from that galaxy far, far away and back to our regularly-scheduled hyper-fixation Middle-earth, we have this fic where I went outside my usual areas on several counts, and which I think came out really well, and also has a lot of really fun Celebrimbor Lore that I want to come back and do more with someday:
*note that the latter fic contains both (mild) torture and smut, although the first chapter has none of either.
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chainofclovers · 17 days
3, 8, 16, and 27 for the writer’s asks! 💖
Hi! Thank you!
3. how you feel about your current WIP
Depending on how actively you define WIP, I have between 3 and 5 stories that count as true active WIPs.
I'm writing a thing about Nora studying in Italy and being visited by Rebecca & crew that I just need a bit more time to work on and I think I'll really be in a flow!
I've got a Keeley/Ted-centric story that I've been actively thinking about since last September so I have so many weird 3D life memories of thinking about this fic in different places and I feel anxious about whether the actual in-docs version of this story could live up to it.
I've got the third installment of Boy-Crazy Rebecca going and it has been frustrating but I had a realization that what I'd been thinking of as two separate stories (three and four in the series) needed to be combined into one, with the plot of "story four" as a framing device for story three. So I have hope again lol.
And the other two are kind of non-things right now, barely what you could call paragraph form.
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
I won't cheat and just say the sequel that I'm already writing. I think I'd enjoy writing sequels to anticipate or salt, although I don't have any plans to.
16. favorite place to write
My writing desk! Looking out at my front yard and getting distracted by people and dogs walking by. Usually with a scented candle burning. I try to keep that desk to be a spot only for creating things and communicating with people, so it's an incredibly happy place for me.
27. your favorite part of the writing process
I love the very beginning, when all the glittery ideas/vibes/intentions are at the forefront of my mind and I haven't gotten bogged down by anything yet. And I love the point approaching the end but not yet having to deal with things like the final line or the title. If I'm working with a beta/editor, that point when I've gotten their comments back and have hope that I'll be able to finish the story. Or if I'm working solo and self-editing only, that point when I start to taste the end and feel motivated to write more quickly.
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2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
3. how you feel about your current WIP
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
7. your preferred writing fonts
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
26. are you able to write with other people around?
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
17. talk about your writing and editing process
16. favorite place to write
Jaz my beloved, hello!
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
I normally write from an "omniscient" view point, so I don't really use like "character povs"
3. how you feel about your current WIP
Currently I'm working on my rewrite and I forgot how much I loved working on it. We are on ep. 27 though, which means we're getting to the mental hospital scene soon so that'll be fun. But I forgot how much fun it is to write it as well as liveblog/rewatch. God I love this stupid drama so damn much
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
The only unpublished wip I have rn has a lot of dialogue and not so much paragraphs...but this is the closest "paragraph" I could find
         “You’re right, I’m not” he agreed, just as Chen Yuzhi tripped over a rock and fell, causing him to cry out in pain before he rolled over to see the wolf coming straight towards him, its teeth barred. 
7. your preferred writing fonts
For headcanons, Times New Roman, size 12, for actual fic writing Helvetica size 11
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
Hmm...last fic I posted (not updated cuz updated was 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer) was Second Chances. That fic, from start to finish...took me about...maybe 3-5 days?
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
Hmmm...good question. Maybe a few days...but it's very rare, unless a fic is fighting with me too much. I mainly work on the draft until it's done and then I post it (but I of course go over it one more time before I actually post, just to make sure I didn't misspell or forgot a word or something)
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
Currently really only writing for CSI: Miami (trying to finish my multi-chapter fic, we're almost done), Killer and Healer, and S.C.I. I do have one more fic to post for White Cat Legend but other than that...I'm not really planning on writing for any new fandoms
16. favorite place to write
Either in my armchair by the window or in my bed. I can control the noise at home, so it makes it easy, and I don't have to worry about people trying to read my laptop screen
17. talk about your writing and editing process
Oof...there's not much to talk about. I get the idea, let it ruminate in my head, kind of start seeing scenes play out in my head/in dreams and then I just sort of...write. I've stopped trying to outline stuff because that just seems to fuck with my flow, so we don't do that anymore. But anyways, I just write until I'm content/I've told the story I want to tell, I'll bring up the "post a new work" page on ao3, type out all the necessary information, past the fic into the box, then copy and paste it into my notes app (cuz sometimes the formating from copying it from word to ao3 fucks up my indents) and then do a quick re-read/edit if I miss stuff and then I post. The only time I'll ever send a fic to someone (aka @ahhhnorealnamesallowed) is when I need a second pair of eyes/I'm sick of the fic but other than that...that's kinda how my process works
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Oh, if you've read my fics you know that I research a lot of stuff for anything regarding my case fics, but I think the most interesting one is for my fic Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is where I researched step by step instructions on how to clean a katana. There's never a dull moment in my fics, I promise you that, but that one was probably really interesting...and really in-depth
20. in what year did you publish your first fic?
Lord...like 2012? It was a fic that I wrote for a Kakavege fanart that I saw on Deviantart. I loved it and then messaged the artist if I could write a fic for it. They said yes and even linked it to their art. My deviantart account has since been deleted but that was definitely my first like true fanfic
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
I have no idea how to describe my writing...other than maybe out there, fantastical, exciting?
Idk Jaz, how would you describe my writing?
26. are you able to write with other people around?
Oh yeah, as long as they don't ask what I'm working on nor do they look at my laptop
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
Now...we all know that I'm very proud of 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer (and really, I should be) but I'm also really proud of For All Eternity because I flipped what I normally would do for Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi when writing xianxias/wuxias (I made Jiang Yuelou the immortal this time while Chen Yuzhi is the demon instead of the other way around) and yet I STILL kept them true to their personalities. So...yeah. I'm really happy with that fic and I hope more people read it because it's good (it's also inspired by Chinese Paladin 4 which was Mao's latest drama and my god was he gorgeous in that drama. He was also my favorite character but no one is surprised by this at all)
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unseenacademic · 14 days
2, 4, 8 and 19 for the fic asks? 🩷
2. A character whose POV you're currently exploring? I've written fics from Jed's POV before, but I'm working on a fic written from young Jed's POV which is supposed to be somewhat different, but still similar enough to President!Jed's POV not to seem like a completely different character. How's it going so far? We'll see lol.
4. A story idea you haven't written yet? My VIPs have various levels of VIP-ness 😅 I want to write a two-part post-ep for "Evidence of Things not Seen", one from Abbey's POV, the other from Jed's, one is banter, the other is pure smut barbecuing. There's another idea I talked about a few days ago: imagine the secret service/mail room staff opening and checking a package delivered to Abbey, containing a very special garment. 😅😅
8. If you had to write a sequel to a fic, you'd write one for... I'm working on a sort-of-sequel to my series of three-sentence fics: what happened when Abbey returned to the White House in "Shutdown" and how did they make up after "Abu el Banat". A sequel to "Breathe" would be interesting, what happens during or after the hearing.
19. The most interesting topic you've researched for a fic? I love doing research! I enjoy learning more about different time periods, the fashion, music, food, social convention etc. So, some of the topics that come to mind: the history of pen development, Notre Dame and St. Mary's colleges in the 60s, most common names in the USA in the 1910s/1920s, women who attended Harvard Med School in the 60s etc. Thanks for the ask, friend! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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zaruba-needslove · 2 years
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Due to recent issue with some people arguing about how ‘AO3 should have algorithm’ and such... I feel like these tweets need to be shared out more. Saw this tweets thread by chance and I had to admit it's a great advice esp on fic writing or fanworks in general.
[Edit] Also since I noticed this post blowing up, if anyone ever tell you that AO3 doesn’t have a function to RECCOMMEND fics you like to others or read other people’s fic recs on the site point them to this post.
[Edit 2] Check source for the original tweet.
[Edit 3] Not OP, but usually when ppl talk about ‘rude or demanding comments’ it usually refers to those that tend to message fanwriters to write according to what they want to be either on the flow of the plot, shipping, etc to the point of harrassment/toxicity. And that would make writing not be fun anymore for some. 
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varyathevillain · 1 year
no joke but what I really want for Buddy Daddies as a fandom is to make fanart and fanfic post present time ep12 where Rei wears an arm orthosis when working.
I think varied disability aids being represented would be fantastic, and personally would write Rei as someone being deeply proud of something he's done for his family, but also understanding with time that using an orthosis also helps him at work and in raising Miri. with a giant portion of mobility/motorics aids being represented by prosthetics, seeing more variety and exploring it in fiction would also help making a step in normalising disability treatments.
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museaway · 26 days
kudos don't determine worth
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rmd-writes · 21 days
24, 25 and 30 for some self love 💜
thanks for aiding the procrastination this fine Wednesday, Lola 💖
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
answered here
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
yeeting myself around a metal pole (aka pole dancing) and getting myself tangled in fabric (aka aerial sling/hammock), complaining about being sore from said hobbies and repeating myself 4324324 times when I ask my kids to do things.
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
the obvious answer is my RWRB lawyer au because even now I still think that it's some of my best writing. But I feel like that's always my answer to this question, so, I'm also very proud of the grindr series because writing three similar fics for three different fandoms (SC, RWRB and LS) based on one prompt was a really fun challenge and I'm really happy with how each individual story turned out but also the way that they follow such similar beats while still being true to each pairing.
[more fic writer asks]
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kiwiana-writes · 21 days
12 and 28 please MJ
12. a trope you’re really into right now
Based on which WIPs are getting traction right now in terms of writing them, Mildly Problematic Horniness. That's a trope, right? 🤣
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Plot. Plot plot plot plot plot. If I can safely meander my way to the end of a fic I'm fine, if I have a beat sheet to follow I'm fine, but as soon as I get stuck on an actual plot point I'm tearing my hair out lmfao.
[✍️ more fic writer asks!]
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tathrin · 8 days
3, 19 and 28 for the fic writer asks!
Questions taken from this ask game.
3. how you feel about your current WIP
Oh my stars I'm freaking obsessed with it, I love it so much. I have deliberately pushed everything else to the back-burner or further in order to keep focused on it, and I've never been able to (or interested in) maintaining that level of focus for so long before.
It's extremely difficult (and genuinely exhausting) to write in a lot of ways, in part because it requires a very specific Tone that can be hard to maintain, but mostly because even I've never tried to juggle THAT MANY details before, but it's also so damn much fun.
I have to constantly resist the urge to just post everything I have at once immediately because I so desperately want to share it all right away, but I know that with the amount of logistical STUFF going on in this story, I absolutely need to leave myself a buffer for adjusting things—so I can't. But it's very very tempting!
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Okay I honestly can't come up with one that sticks out particularly (I've been writing for a long time, you kind of get inured to the idea of looking-up weird stuff lol) but the results of said searches that amuse me the most are the time that google-ads started showing me nothing but ads for a dragon-dildos website as a result of whatever I had been researching at the time for like three weeks...
Said research, btw? might have involved googling dragons once or twice, but definitely have nothing to do with sex toys. Or sex at all, actually. So that was quite the leap to make.
Also, I learned that there was at least one website that specialized EXCLUSIVELY in dragon-themed dildos (which in the early 2000s was more surprising than it would be today, tbf).
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Hmm honestly probably coming up with the titles tbh! It's sooooo hard, because you can't just slap any title on a story, right? It has to FEEL RIGHT. Sometimes (on extremely rare occasion) a perfect title or chapter title will just pop into my head—but more often than not, this part of the writing-process involves grumbling around for a long time trying to scrape something half-decent out of the ether.
Also waiting to see what people think of the results but that's more a part of the post-writing process shh.
Thank you for asking! Those were very fun choices.
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chainofclovers · 16 days
9, 19 and 29 for the writer meme :)
Thank you! <3
9. start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
The timing of this is insane; the answer is 2.5 hours, but that's just because this morning I very quickly wrote a fill for the TL kink meme, posted it as anon, immediately felt posting on anon was the wrong choice, watched it semi bomb, had a conversation with myself about anonymity and engagement and """""value"""" markers w/r/t writing online, then took it off anon. LOLLLL
Normally the answer would be much longer, somewhere between a few days (writing a couple--or many--hours a day) and a few months (writing an hour or two on some or many of the days). But the accurate answer in this moment in time is 2.5 hours.
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
Even if you weren't the person asking, I think I'd have to say researching the music Rebecca helps Nate record for Ted in "stay open." It involved listening to a lot of classical violin solos and researching the history of some to figure out one that seemed like it would be very challenging but also enjoyable for Nate to learn to play, and that I loved (because I'd need to listen to it a lot), and that hit viewers/listeners over the past centuries with the right sorts of feelings. I was really lucky to find one that's very emotional and striking and that felt like the right length of time--long enough to be an impressive endeavor of love but not so long that you couldn't just listen to it in the car while going on a short-ish drive. @itsagutthing even helped by checking w/a friend on some of the correct ways to refer to the chaconne in conversation. Writing that fic was soooo fun and I listened to that Bach piece so many times and still listen to it pretty regularly!
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
It's either immediate and very easy or it's the very last thing I do and I agonize over it. (Or I just get you to tell me what should be called.) Titles are so hard!
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3, 19 , 29
(I just love reading your answers I'm so sorry if this is getting annoying at all!💛)
Never apologize for sending me questions about my fics I love talking about them! Send them all, I'm always happy to answer!
3. how you feel about your current WIP
Well, my current WIP that I'm working on is my Killer and Healer rewrite and I love her. She is my baby and I'm incredibly proud with the work/effort I've put into her as well as the support/compliments/praise that I've received from my readers about it. It really means a lot
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
I think one of the most interesting topics I've researched is step by step katana cleaning process for my fic Violence Is Never the Answer...Except When It Is. I include a scene where Chen Yuzhi cleans his katana after going on a murderous rampage on a group who hurt Jiang Yuelou. I mean, I research a lot of interesting topics, but this one was one of the more "tame" topics I've researched
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
Eh...relatively easily, honestly, as I mainly either take titles from something that I said in my fics, use song titles, or if I'm writing a fic inspired by a manga/drama, I'll just use that title as the title of the fic. But yeah, it's pretty easy for me to come up with titles. Chapter titles are a little bit more difficult, but not too bad
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xjustakay · 4 months
y’all know that saying “writers are people, treat them like people!!” means you shouldn’t put them on a pedestal they didn’t ask to be put on, too, right……
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muffinlance · 5 months
I really do love your writing and Salvage gets me through when I am sad or depressed. However, I was wondering, how do you cope when someone who wrote a review didn’t like your writing? If you’ve had this before… I had one today and I am dejected. I’m working through my perfectionism and I keep telling myself, “my writing isn’t for everyone and it’s okay.” Any advice?
If it was unsolicited, especially on a fanfic? Delete it, block the person if you feel like, then go do your rage activity of choice before forgetting about it forever. That person is rude and doesn't deserve your time anymore than someone bumping into you on the street.
I've also found it useful to actively think of my fanfic as writing practice, and not even my brain expects perfection from writing practice. It also frees you do Try Cool Things.
Now take this digital blanket and cup of hot chocolate and go reread your nice comments.
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