#more AUs try to get lore actually written
kiwibirdlafayette · 5 months
oh yeah before i forget happy fuckin new year!! The mianite posting will continue. I am not going to get better hope yall stick around for the third year in a row of Me (tm)
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
Biting the Hand That Feeds au FAQ (Vampires + donor au)
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Any general content warnings for bhtf au?
Yes. A normal amount of fnaf warnings, a normal amount of vampire warnings. For someone who doesn't know I elaborate... For vampire stuff, the most obvious ones are blood, hypnosis, bites, and animalistic behaviour. Less obvious - slightly suggestive themes. For fnaf - fnaf's usual violence, dark themes, a drop of gore and murders. The lore is uh. Very dark. I will try to decrease the amount of all of the cruelty but man. People who know, know how hard it will be. But I will tag everything properly so don't worry.
Is there a fic for your au?
No. And currently, I'm not even planning on writing one.
How do I find the story?
For now, we have two comics that are directly connected and one that doesn't have a specific place in the story but is about canonical lore.
[ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ x ]
In future, we will have more and I probably absolutely will forget to update this post so I recommend checking the tags. Here's the tag list
Tip: don't click the tag. Tumblr hides half of the results. Type it in the blog's search instead :)
Are the comics the only canonical thing about au?
No! I answer asks and draw a lot of doodles with bhtf au all the time and 90% of them are canon. You can, yet again, find everything in the tag list linked in the previous question.
Can I draw/write fan stuff for your au?
Yes, please!! I'm always happy to see fanart and fan writings and literally everything that you do! Just tag me when you post and use a fanart or fanwriting tag for au specifically so I don't miss it!
Can you include my characters in your story?
No, unfortunately, I cannot. The story is already written and I don't have any "space" for background characters either. Maybe it will change but currently, things are like this.
I asked a question with an interaction with my characters and I never got an answer, why?
I don't accept such requests. I'm not ready to spend my time drawing other people's characters for free(if I personally don't want to, of course)
Is there any limit to how many questions I can ask?
No, not at all! You can ask all you want just please make sure your question wasn't answered before. There is a big possibility I will just simply delete it if it was answered beforehand many times. Check the ask tag for it.
What about limitations? Any boundaries?
Please no questions about tickling🧍‍♀️ I got so many of those it already makes me uncomfortable. And for some reason, a lot of people send asks that include violence towards my characters and while I don't really feel uncomfortable with this I just idk what to answer and why are you even doing this lmao
What questions I should avoid?
Well, not really avoid but I will mention it anyway.
The things I have planned to draw right now:
- Sun and Moon and y/n's first meeting
- The creation of Sun&Moon
- Why S&M are sensitive to light and darkness
- How they hunt
So no need to ask me about these. I will show it, I promise.
What about sexual themes?
I understand that I post a lot of suggestive stuff and it may appear I allow such a thing but no.
You can create content with it tho, I don't mind for the most part. Just be ready that I may not reblog it, as my Tumblr is a SFW place. It's always 50/50.
Romantic themes?
I do draw some kisses and cuddles when I feel like it and you of course can send ideas for cute interactions but in the story we're very far away from it lol.
My question gets ignored even though I followed everything that you mentioned here. Why?
Answered in main FAQ.
Can I share the ideas for your au with you?
YES!!! Yes, yes and yes! I'm very open to that, like yes! The only thing that I definitely want to mention - you should expect that I actually can take your ideas and use them. Some people are protective of their ideas so if you're like this you probably should not share them with me :)
The information that you're using for your au is wrong.
Happens sometimes yeah. I know nothing about any medical stuff for y/n so I usually improvise. After all it's an au about robotic vampires man, this information is absolutely wrong. But! You're free to drop feedback/constructive criticism in my inbox!
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Will be updated later
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chubs-deuce · 1 month
Is there any fanfic or lore on the Dawn Morningstar?
Hello! :D There is quite a lot actually!!!
I have yet to get my fanfic for her to the point of being post-able but there is an attempt being made :')))
I have however so far been gifted three(!!!) insanely adorable oneshots about her by others:
Something Unspoken by @shardetector
Scars by @/incantatrice-hex13 (didn't know if they want to be tagged, the fic itself is listed under Anonymous) this one I even made fanart for, here!
Fever by @hazbinstohell
Most of Dawn's "lore" thus far is spread across various ask responses I've written out over time or the occasional lore dump I posted alongside art, here's a list of everything noteworthy that came up so far:
The ritual that created Dawn
How the hotel residents reacted to Dawn and some extended thoughts about the ritual that created her
How Lucifer reacted to Dawn
Alastor as a father
Charlie as a mother
Dawn's relationships with the other hotel residents
Dawn changing her parents' sleeping arrangements
Dawn going full demon form for the first time
Dawn's safety and social struggles
Dawn's personality over time
potential emo/goth phase
would Dawn become an overlord - her personality as an adult
What about Charlie's and Vaggie's relationship in this AU
question of Vaggie's romantic partner since it's not Charlie
Why there won't be Husk x Angel Dust kids
Alastor's and Niffty's dynamic in the AU (or in general, but the question was asked regarding the AU so it still applies)
The jokingly concocted "Dawn's first boyfriend" arc
There's some more nuggets I dropped here and there as well but these were largely what was most worth mentioning.
Here's a brief summary of the remaining info nuggets I didn't bother linking so you don't have to open a million other posts:
Because Alastor sacrificed one of his shadow minions to create Dawn, it reforms as her own, sentient shadow. Normally this kind of bond has to be contracted via a deal, so this is rather extraordinary.
Charlie and Alastor aren't actually together yet when Dawn gets created, since she was kind of an accident. I don't know yet when they'll get together in the grand scheme of things, but I know they're going to be slowburn idiots about it.
Dawn's main weapon would probably be staff-based, since her mother's trident and her father's mic staff have that quality in common.
Dawn's magic is mostly fire-based and she can to a degree manipulate sound as well (i.e. mimicry, completely removing noise, boosting sound in volume selectively, manipulating pitch etc) but unlike her father, she cannot manipulate radiowaves.
She loves any and all animals with sharp teeth, most of all sharks - she's raised to despise Vox however and will try to harm him on sight
She had pica disorder as a child
I hope any of this this included the kind of info you wanted <3<3<3
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demigod-of-the-agni · 11 months
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>:) very well, my people (currently screaming because i wrote a response but i accidentally CTRL+Zd everything out of existence lmao)
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The Mythic Mumbattan AU is me pouring the following ingredients into an explosive mess:
Hindu mythology and Indian culture overload
college!Spider-Man shenanigans
revamping the original Spider-Man: India plotlines and expanding the lore
character studies!!! my favourite :)
a potential and self-indulgent crossover with another indian superhero (if we ever get there)
the horrors.
Pavitr and his personal cast!!! just!!!! THEY!!!!!!
(keep reading if you want more goodies >:D)
So the CoffeeBean is a coffeeshop that existed in the mainstream Marvel universe and in real life but that's another thing; the cast below frequently drop by to hang out with one another. The Mumbattan-equivalent of the CoffeeBean is actually the TeaHouse which is another real life thing but shh and so in-universe they're called the TeaHouse gang, but in my heart they'll always be the CBG 😌
Everyone goes to Brihanmumbai State University (BSU). Lots of crazy things happen here. Pavitr's relationship with the others is always in flux but ultimately they're super close with one another (fuck it, they might as well be poly). Their personalities I try to keep as close as I can to the mainstream universe E616 comics, but I'm being creative and letting a few things from the SMI comics and ATSV influence them:
Pavitr Prabhakar — Tamilar (Tamil); he has the charm and skills from his ATSV counterpart and the smarts from his SMI counterpart; he can be a bit of a jerk and a flake, but he tries to be a good friend, and is much more open than he was in high school.
Meera Jain — Kannadiga (Kannada); basically how I've written her in tibim: everyone's first impression of her is that she's carefree and seems to not worry too much about life. She secretly deals with a lot of self-doubt and personal fears, but the gang's presence is enough for her to push them aside.
Gayatri Singh — Gujarati (Gujarati); she's probably the most quiet of the gang, but undeniably the kindest. She's more similar to Pavitr, in that she's stubborn and quick to judge. She's the glue of the gang and always willing to extend a hand to others
Hari Oberoi — Maharashtrian (Gujarati/Marathi/Hindi); the son of the man who tried to bring literal hell to earth, but other than that he's okay. He's a people-pleaser despite having everything, and struggles with his own self-image and who he should become
Ekansh "Flash" Travasso — Goan (Marathi); the high school jock who's grown more understanding and compassionate. He knew Pavitr the longest, so they have quite an interesting collection of interactions. (ALSO I'M SO SORRY I WROTE THOMPSON IN THE ART POST INSTEAD OF TRAVASSO 😭 maybe i should go back and edit that)
Spider-Man is Spider-Man'ing. Mumbattan loves him (sort of. Inspector Singh has mixed feelings). But another question: why is that every where Spider-Man goes the demons of yore all start showing up and begin wrecking havoc? Why is that? I am taking the magic in Spider-Man: India and dialing it up to five million — horrors and magic of every kind! I can get my hands real dirty and /really/ push Pavitr to his limit >:)
That is all for now. There will be more characters, but they'll show up in time. Lots of stories too, all old and new and revamped and crazy, but they'll be told when they're ready. Perhaps this is enough to satiate everyone's hunger? (unless you want to know something else, then by all means go ahead and ask!!!)
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genericpuff · 6 months
LR is really, really good but I just wanted to say something- this is probably more about the readers than LR itself, but when it's said that LR is so much better than LO artistically (which it is!!), like say in terms of writing, pacing, and art - I think it's also not an apples to apples comparison, since LR has LO to draw inspiration from and a lot of external reactions to LO to learn from for what to do and not to, while LO is both time-constrained and (when it started out), didn't have much basis to compare to.
(The SA plotline is one example.. many criticize RS and say she shouldn't have written it in the first place but that's the thing - she actually didn't know. While I agree it's really shitty and RS has definitely ignored a lot of criticism she should take into consideration, the conclusion that she shouldn't have written it in the first place wasn't something that she knew about until after fans pointed it out. She definitely is mishandling it now, but I think writing that in at the start was born out of actual ignorance - different from her problems now, since she's now actively ignoring and shutting down the feedback she does need to get better. This blowing up educated a lot of people- probably not you specifically- and opened up a lot of dialogue for things that Rachel likely didn't have access to at the start of LO. and has no excuse for now.)
Anyway, yeah - Love Lore Rekindled, thank you for creating it! Genuinely, I do - this ask isn't meant to be a bad thing against you at all, nor do you need to reply to it.
Not a bad thing in the slightest, I honestly agree with you! The reality is that LR wouldn't exist without LO, so to try and compare them feels kind of like... it defeats the point?
Like obviously Rekindled was made with similar intentions, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend like Rekindled wasn't made out of spite over what could have been, but at the heart of it all, it doesn't exist to 'flex' on LO, really it's just to help recapture that joy and beauty that the original comic had that I fell in love with in the first place. It's only because I loved the original concept and foundation of LO so much that it exists. That's also why I call it an "AU" of sorts, as a sort of "alternate reality where LO didn't turn out the way it did" experiment lmao Mostly by maintaining the consistency in the original art style and paying off those earlier plot threads that didn't payoff the way we were anticipating or were dropped entirely. Sure, it's trying (and in some ways succeeding) to be "better" than LO, but that definition of "better" and how it's applied was what we were hoping to get out of LO in the first place.
So yeah, when people say "the art/writing is so much better than LO's!" part of me tries to take it as the compliment it's undoubtedly intended to be, but also I'm like "ack, that's not the point!! the art still doesn't look exactly like LO, I'm failing!!" LMAO I suppose that's part of the magic, but it doesn't fully align with my original goals or intentions. That's the struggle of art stylization, you can try and mimic another person's work as much as you want, but you can never mimic the them that's in their work, just like how you can't remove the you that's in yours. I want to be at peace with my own work and what I put into it, so I try not to compare them too much and just treat them as their own unique separate things (even if one of them is directly trying to resemble the other). It's okay that Rekindled doesn't look or read exactly the same as LO, but in saying that it's 'better' defeats the point of why Rekindled exists in the first place and diminishes LO's part in the process. LO has to exist - all of its best and worst parts - for Rekindled to exist, so putting LO down just to raise LR up... isn't that kind of what we criticize all the time within the comic, how it can't seem to hold up its best parts without putting down others? Why can't they both have their own things worth appreciating on their own exclusive of one another?
This is also why I generally ask people to not share Rekindled with the general Lore Olympus hashtags or post about it in the fan groups (and why I don't mirror it on Webtoons) because I just like... don't want it to come across as some "booo you like LO??? go read this instead!" type deal. I want people to be able to enjoy Rekindled as its own standalone story as an extension of LO, in the form of what could have been. There's a very thin line in the sand between Rekindled being just what it is and it being used against the fans as if it's a crime for them to still genuinely enjoy LO. I can't enjoy LO in good faith anymore, but that doesn't mean I make Rekindled for the sake of ruining that good faith in others. I was a fan too, once upon a time, so Rekindled is just as much for the fans as it is for the people like me who started off loving this comic just to be disappointed in the end and yearning for the "what if" that could have been.
And yeah, it's absolutely an advantage that I have in my court that I have the knowledge of knowing what LO started as and where it went wrong to work off of, an advantage that Rachel didn't have. It's like when I look back on my original pages in Time Gate: Reaper and think "man, I wish I had known xyz when I made these so they could be better!" but if I hadn't made them like that the first time, I wouldn't be able to reflect on them now knowing I've improved. In that same regard, Lore Olympus had to run so that Lore Rekindled could crawl. And I'm forever thankful to LO - and Rachel - for giving us something we could all connect over to such an extensive degree that Rekindled could exist at all.
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blueisquitetired · 20 days
Astral Shards AU
TLDR: The Boys are in space and they have a Bad Time. (Lady Sneasler is there too)
(This is technically a No Man's Sky AU, but you don't need to know anything about the game to follow along just fine)
Welcome to the pitch! All art for this AU will get their own posts, so everything here will be in game screenshots. There's also a lot more to this story then just what's written here (As this is, you know, the pitch) so please leave any questions, thoughts, or ideas in my inbox. This bad boy isn't getting a fic anytime soon, so it's tumblr only for now!
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(In game models of the boys. I'll post a drawing of their actual designs sometime in the future)
Post proper under ReadMore!
This is honestly half fic if I'm being honest.
Length: ~3,000 words or so. Sorry not sorry.
Disclaimer: I don’t know every single No Man’s Sky lore detail, and I’m not going to scour the wiki for every piece of information and spoil the whole game for myself, so not everything will be 100% lore accurate. And I’ll be ignoring the giant late game twist (if you know you know) because, as cool as it is, it’s very much a twist that consumes all narratives set in this universe, and I’d rather not make my story *also* about that. (Also, as with all AUs not currently written down in fic form, details are subject to change)
Anyway did you know the No Man’s Sky protagonist suffers from amnesia?
Picture this- Ingo wakes up on a frozen planet next to a crashed starship. He's a bit confused and lost- but his space suit is damaged and that kinda takes priority. Because of that, it takes him a hot minute to figure out he has no memories- but as he’s gathering the materials needed to not die he figures it out
The starship recognizes him as its owner and he feels relatively confident in his ability to fix all of this jazz, so he did exist before... but besides that he’s kinda stumped
But this place sucks- he’s constantly freezing to death, stuck either recharging his hazard protection with sodium or siting in his (still wrecked) starship until he warms up enough to go mine stuff with his handy dandy laser again.
And he’s alone
It’s very lonely
(He’s not supposed to be alone)
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So the tentative plan is this: fix the starship enough for space flight, launch into space, and then fly to this solar system's space station. (which he has a gut feeling exists. “Every solar system has one” he mutters to himself. He’s not sure how he knows that)
It’s….. slow going. But it’s going
There’s a lot of mining involved, a lot of looting crashed space junk, a lot of mind numbing boredom as he goes to the same spaces over and over and-
And then he sees something weird in the distance.
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(This is a monolith. In game it’s used to learn space language words and history and to get  l o r e. I’m taking advantage of it)
It’s kinda a hike over there, and it uses up a lot of his sodium reserves, but eventually he comes face to face with….. whatever this is
So he walks around it, trying to figure out what it is, before eventually finding a platform he can interact with.
Stepping up to it, he’s filled with strange sensations and knowledge, a story of an alien race that is familiar yet he hasn’t actually seen yet-
And then the world shatters in front of him
He steps back in shock as a tear in reality forms, a crack in the cosmos widening and fracturing, the sound of breaking glass as everything s h a t t e r s-
And then everything is fine
He stands there, dumbly for a moment, mind reeling….
Until he notices something that wasn’t there before
A shard of purple glass
Carefully, he picks it up, holding it up to his visor-
It whispers
It’s faint, too faint. He can’t hear it well- but it’s important. The whispers are familiar and he needs to know what they’re saying.
So he treks back to his ship, filled with a purpose he hasn’t had in his entire remembered life.
It takes a bit to wire his radio receiver to accept strange reality shards as a valid form of input, but eventually he figures it out. Connecting the last few wires and attaching the shard to it-
“Ingo, where are you? Please respond.”
That’s- that’s- that’s his brother!!!! His TWIN!!! Ingo doesn’t know much but he knows that’s his brother and he’s not supposed to be alone and what happened, why did he crash and why is his twin not here, where did he go? What happened?? He needs to find him!! He needs to find him NOW!
This lights a fire under him
Suddenly it isn’t “hey let’s fix my ship because I have nothing better to do” it’s “I have to fix my ship so I can find my brother” he’s working in overtime
He visits the monolith once or twice too, hoping to get another hint, another clue, maybe even respond- but it has no more answers. Reality is stable, and there are no more shards of glass
It takes forever and the fixed spaceship is…… not great- but at least it flies.
It works well enough, and Ingo has enough oxygen for his life support and enough fuel for his ship to get to the space station- even if it’s on the other end of the solar system.
Ingo…. reeeeaally wishes it was better put together, but this is the best he can do for a previously totaled starship.
So, he lifts off.
And things go great at first!
His radar manages to locate the space station without much trouble, and his pulse engine should get him there fairly quickly.
He charts a course and gets going, little purple shard tucked into his suit. (He’d listened to the message on repeat hundreds of times. Over and over “Ingo, where are you? Please respond.” He’d combed through his ships logs as well, but they were almost all corrupted, left with nothing but fragments of his brother’s voice. This was his only true connection)
And then the engine dies
The engine dies and Ingo is in the middle of nowhere, ages away from any planet, stuck in the middle of empty space with no hope of getting anywhere.
No debris, no friendly ships, no nothing.
He’s going to die out here.
He's going to die out here and his brother will never know, will never see him again, will think he just forgot him-
He has a nice panic, looking at his limited supply of oxygen and mildly freaking out
(Majorly freaking out)
But at least he has his radio.
He doesn’t…. know any frequencies or anything, doesn’t know what to tune it too, but he has to try something.
So he just, turns it on and hopes for the best.
“Hello this is Ingo. I am stranded in deep space and require assistance.” No response. Tune the frequency one more decimal point “Hello this is Ingo. I am stranded in deep space and require assistance.” No response. Turn the dial-
And so on and so forth.
Eventually, his wordy message turns to just a hoarse plea of “help”, and he’s started switching the stations willy nilly, no longer one decimal at a time.
He’s going to die out here.
Hours of this, hours of desperately pleading into the vast depths of space-
The frequency changes without his input.
“….help?” He asks hesitantly, staring blankly at the radio transceiver. How did it do that? Why did it do that? Why was the display filled with random symbols instead of numbers-
“With what?”
Ingo jolts upright in his seat, adrenaline rushing through his veins and his heartbeat in his throat “I am stranded in deep space and require rescue.” He wheezes out, his throat sore and dry
“Oh yeah that’s no good. You sound awful- you must have been stuck there a while.” There’s the sounds of buttons beeping and fingers tapping before- “Ah found you. We’ll open a pocket near your location. Sit tight.”
And then reality warps and-
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That’s new
It’s uh…. A bit too far from his ship though. It’s a nice, rational distance away, but his ship can’t move.
But it’s close enough he could probably jet pack over there.
Making sure his shard is close to his chest and firmly secured, he opens up his cockpit and leaps, propelling himself into the docking bay-
And oh
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Artificial gravity kicks in, and he falls to the floor in a crumpled heap right by the entrance.
Impossibly, a ship flies in a mere moment later, even though there had been no ships anywhere nearby Ingo before. Several more soar in and out as he ungracefully shuffles to the station proper. Somehow.
And by the stars, is it loud.
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(Please imagine this area being far more busy than it is. I took this photo on a weekday, but even on its busiest days it’s still a game that probably maxes out at lobbies of thirty or something. Since, you know, it’s an indie game)
After weeks of total isolation, the sheer hustle and bustle of hundreds of people is far too much to handle, the echoing reverb of ships landing and taking off sending spikes through his skull.
But, as uncomfortable as it is, it’s still people- and Ingo is so so glad to have company
“You okay?” A young voice asks as he clambers up to the parking space nearest to the entrance. “You took quite a tumble there.”
There's a short being on the platform, one that helps Ingo up. It's a youth, maybe female- and she almost seems to be the same species as Ingo. (Ingo has the feeling that he doesn't meet members of his own species much... or ever)
“Everything is operational.” he reassures, standing at full height and towering over the girl. He hunches down slightly, as to not seem intimidating. “I am just relieved that I am no longer trapped out there.”
The girl nods and gestures him forward, walking towards the station proper and expecting him to follow. He does
“Yeah I bet! If your ship wasn’t even working well enough to fly in….” She shakes her head. “Well enough of that. I’m iteration Akari! What’s your name?”
“Ingo.” He replies, a little more directly then he prefers. His voice is still hoarse. “What is this place?”
“The anomaly!” Akari replies, as they get closer to the crowd proper. “I guess this is your first time then?”
“Yes it is.” What in the world is this place? And where are all these people coming from??
“Then you should meet with iteration Adaman and Irida!”
Akari begins leading him past the crowds and towards a curving ramp.
“Iteration?” He asks, noticing the pattern in their titles.
“Oh yeah uhhhh… I’ll let one of them explain that.”
Akari chatters to him as they walk along, pointing out different landmarks and explaining their purpose
Eventually they reach a wide room that seems to overlook the entire station, just as bright and colorful as everything else.
“Hello!” A voice calls, and an alien decked in dark blue greets him. “You took quite the fall there! Are you alright?”
He is iteration Adaman apparently, and iteration Irida stands nearby. She waves when Ingo and Akari approach.
They are the leaders of this place- the founders of the anomaly. A place between dimensions, a safe haven for people like them- one's who are alone in the worlds they inhabit.
They ask about his lack of spaceship and Ingo tells them of his plight, eventually explaining his goal.
“I need to find my twin.” He explains, pulling out his shard of glass. “I remember little, but I know we are not meant to be separated. I fear for his safety.”
“A twin???” Irida sounds completely shocked, the plants she was monitoring forgotten as she turns to the group. “That’s not possible.”
“It could be.” Adaman counters. “In the infinite reaches of spacetime anything is possible.”
“The odds of such a thing are so astronomically low. Do you mean a brother in arms? A family chosen by bond alone?”
“No?” Ingo responds. “He looks like me.” He saw his reflection in the ice, his brother whispering in his ears. They shared a face.
“Impossible. Mathematically impossible”
“Improbable Irida. Not impossible.”
“The odds are far too low-"
“Plenty of people have siblings. And plenty of twins exist.” Ingo interrupts, irritation coloring his voice. “It is not that rare.”
“But not travelers.” Akari pipes up, finally joining the conversation. “Travelers are always alone.”
“That’s what you are.” Irida explains. “A traveler. We all are actually- everyone here. A being cursed to wander the stars, one with no home of their own. They may stop and rest, may find a place to settle down- but there is no place that is theirs, no community for them. No sky they rest under calls them its own.”
“Only one can exist at once.” Adaman adds. “Every dimension can only host a single one.”
“Hang on.” Ingo shakes his head. “That does not track. You just said that everyone here is a traveler. Which contradicts your earlier statement.”
“We are in an in-between space.” Irida explains, her tone pitying. “We founded the anomaly so travelers could find each other. So that the iterations could finally interact.”
“So we wouldn’t always be alone.”
“I…. I need to sit down.”
Adaman pulls up a chair and Ingo slumps into it, his head and helmet falling into his hands
“You can stay as long as you need.” Adaman reassures, his tone soft. “Our home is open to all, a bastion of safety.”
“I cannot.” Ingo sighs, before straightening back up. “I must find my brother.”
He holds out his shard of glass, reflections of multicolored light gleaming off it.
“This is the only clue I have”
“May I?” Adaman holds out his hand and Ingo hands it over reluctantly, watching as he holds it up to the light. His face falls as he examines it.
“Oh dear. Irida is this….?”
“Yes.” Irida's tone is grave, somber and mourning. “A shard of the glass world.”
“Your brother is almost certainly gone.”
“No!” Ingo leaps to his feet, his hands clenched in fists. “He is not! He sent me that message-“
“There are many in between spaces.” Irida interrupts. “We are in one, a stable pocket that hides us from the world, from the gaze of the Atlas.”
She frowns.
“Larger ones are far less stable. Refractions, cracks. The-"
“-world of glass.” Adaman finishes for her. “Any living being unlucky enough to fall in there will cut themselves on its fragments, their very being torn to shreds. Your brother would not survive."
“Not necessarily.” Ingo counters, his voice tight. “If I could get him out-” 
“He would be nothing like he was before, shattered beyond compare.”
“But he would be THERE!” His voice is loud and booming, his throat stinging in pain. “I refuse to let him suffer and die in there. I refuse to just…. give up on him! I will get him out!”
“It will be difficult.” Adaman hands him his glass back. “To find a way in will be tricky enough, but to find a way out….”
“How do I get in.” Ingo holds the shard to his chest. “How do I find him.”
Adaman frowns, drumming his fingers on his arm.
"Entering the world of glass shouldn't be much trouble. It's a vast space, and opening pockets in spacetime is our specialty."
"But finding him is the actual problem." Irida adds, her face grim.
"Yup. Which makes your encounter at the monolith even more strange." Expression contemplative, Adaman once again holds out his hand. "May I see your message again?"
Tentatively, Ingo places it back in his palm, still reluctant to part with something so precious. Adaman hardly seems to notice, casually turning it back and forth in his hands as he re-examines it- before eventually scanning it with a tool on his table. Data streams onto his screen, and he hands the shard back to Ingo before examining what he received.
The group is silent as he scrolls through the data, a tension in the air.
".... I think you could probably find more of these shards. Going off of your account of the event and the frequency of the shard itself..." He trails off, expression contemplative. "They seem to be... tuned to you somehow. Connected somehow. Maybe it's related to you two being 'twins'."
He hums.
"Maybe your predecessor was split into two. Maybe you are connected more than you know."
Ingo has... questions about that, but he keeps silent for now. Better not to interrupt him and break his train of thought.
"If you can find weak spots in your universe, places where the boundary between the world of the living and the world of glass is thin... Maybe you can find more of these."
"And then what?" Irida asks, her tone annoyed. "What good would more of those do?"
"Why, that's where you come in my dear friend!" Voice light and face playful, Adaman turns to his partner and grins. "With enough data points, I'm sure you can triangulate his location!"
"And send this man on a suicide mission?"
"I will find a way." Ingo interrupts the two before their argument to escalate, his determination swelling. "A way to travel there without losing myself. I will not go in unprepared."
"You heard the man!" Adaman claps his hands merrily and Irida groans. "He's already made up his mind! Better to help him where we can, hmm?"
Irida shakes her head.
“Fine. I’ll rig you up a scanner. A way to find unstable areas.”
"And then you can gather more of those shards!"
“But you’ll need to go all over.” Irida huffes.
“Not just yellow stars. Red, green, blue. You’d need to build an intensive warp drive, which is expensive and requires so much materials and nanites and you don’t even have a ship-”
“We surely have an extra we can spare.” Adaman interruptes, flashing Ingo an apologetic look. “And while the trials will be difficult, I’m sure your determination will see you through. Akari?”
“Yes?” Ingo startles as the girl speaks. He had forgotten she was there.
“Can you check the hangers for a ship we could gift our friend? I’m positive we have a few that have been abandoned.”
“Of course!” Grabbing Ingo’s hand, the girl leads him onward. “Let’s find you something good!”
Unfortunately, ‘something good’ was a tall ask when looking through old abandoned spaceships. Most had been left behind for good reason, old piles of junk that barely flew and would require extensive repairs. Certainly not anything close to the state of the art traveling ship Ingo would require.
“Okay this isn’t looking great,” Akari started, no doubt noticing Ingo’s discouragement. “But you could probably break one of these bad boys down for parts and then buy a better ship? Work your way up?”
“I suppose.” Ingo frowned as he brushed his hand over one of the ships, a part coming off under his hand.
“Or maybe….” The girl trailed off, and Ingo gave her an inquisitive look. “I mean it’s kind of a long shot- but I do know a ship that has all the required technology you’re looking for already.”
“Really?!” Hope bloomed in Ingo’s chest, his hands shaking in excitement.
“Yeah. But uh, don’t get your hopes up too high. She’s really picky.”
‘She’ was a ship by the name of ‘Lady Sneasler’, a living breathing organism that happened to also be a spaceship. A marvel of biology that was like nothing Ingo had ever seen before, a pure wonder and the most beautiful thing Ingo had ever laid eyes on. And he told her as much.
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(Living ships are a very canon thing in game and they are so cool! I'll post some art of Lady Sneasler later, but for right now, here's my personal in game living ship, Darling)
She was flattered, and was even more flattered when Ingo broke into an excited ramble as he examined her thoroughly, reverently running his hands up her flank when she gave him permission. She was a prideful one apparently, and had refused a pilot for centuries- but Ingo’s genuine wonder managed to easily win her over.
And so Ingo got himself a ship.
Thus, the two begin their cosmic journey together, traveling through the galaxy to gather all of Emmet’s messages and eventually save him.
It’s long and arduous, rife with danger and trials... but eventually they manage to force their way into the world of glass, and pull Emmet out.
And boy howdy is he messed up….. but that just means they get a healing arc lol.
But yeah, that’s the basics! Feel free to ask questions if you’re curious, (I have a lot more I haven’t shared yet) and I hope you enjoyed! There’s a very decent chance I might end up writing a fic about this in the future, but that’s so far off that you shouldn’t hold your breath.
Thank you for reading!
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desiredcaramellatte · 6 months
Do you think you could do some crk self aware au stuff?? The tag is painfully dead.. if not feel free to delete lmfao
That aside, during Cookie Odyssey, I was **convinced** that soulstones we're going to come into play somehow, it was like my major theory during ch.2, and nobody could convince me otherwise but it never happened. Giving the soulstones an in lore explanation would've been fricking awesome imo..
Can we get some HCs of the player (or their in game kingdom) basically having a monopoly on soulstones while the cookies are left scratching their heads as to not only how they work, but also how the reader got what is technically a part of their souls.
Write for anyone really, idm that much. I generally like the Creme Republic though-- whether reader is still behind the screen or knows the cookies are self aware is up to you really.
That would be very cool if they actually had a lore explanation :0 I thought the soul jams were soul stones first time I heard about them tbh, they just linked together in my mind, also reader is so real for trading monies for souls
I have never written self aware before so apologies if it sucks-
Anyways enough of my ranting, hcs yes
Self aware cookies & reader
(Who has a soul stone monopoly)
Gingerbrave & friends
Gingerbrave is one of the least confused cookies regarding this, to be honest. Mainly because he doesn't really care enough/doesn't notice to really question it. You gather these little trinkets that make him stronger! Cudos to you from this boy.
Wizard, on the other hand, is confused as hell of this process. Where do these stones come from? Are they truly linked to the Cookie's souls? Does that mean that they are not fully themself and/or complete until they are fully leveled, even if they only materialize with twenty of them?
Wizard just wants to know. He has asked you multiple times over, getting confused by your answers and delving in deeper whenever he can. Exactly WHERE do they come from? He's obsessed with finding out by this point.
Strawberry really doesn't mind. She's a little confused where they come from, but, like Gingerbrave, she doesn't question it too much. She does like to occasionally made theories, but she doesn't really like to share them.
If you're good friends with her she may share some of her theories with you, but none of the wild ones, and only if you ask.
Clotted Cream
WHOLE ASS ENGROSSED. He wants to know everything about the soulstones. Where do they come from? How would one even 'farm' these and how does farming a soul even work?
More specifically, he is trying to find a connection between soulstones and souljam. They do almost the same thing and have very similar names- they're both linked to the soul, and make cookies stronger.
He has spent many restless nights awake thinking about this.
Much like Wizard in that he's harassing you for answers, but he does asks questions more subtly.
Clotted Cream has flipped a few tables (with occasional assistance from Financier) before, mainly when he gets annoyed enough at not having a verifiable answer to this.
It is what it is. She accepts this. She's got dragged into the theorizing by Clotted Cream.
Chilling, mainly. She doesn't really mind not care. Likely to thank you for doing your best to collect them and to make everyone, including her, stronger.
Black Raisin
Intrigued by the sparkliness of most of these soulstones. Much like a crow, she is attracted to shiny objects. Her crow friends are too.
Black Raisin has a small hoard of soulstones that she's occasionally found, of all different sorts of cookies. The sparkler the soulstone, the likelier she and/or her crows are to snatch and hoard. If the soulstone is just a pretty rock then she'll also hoard those too.
If you really need a soulstone she will likely give one to you. How often and/or how many depends on her connection to you.
She's farming them with you by this point.
Yoinks you.
She wants to have conversations about this. She wants to know what they are and where they come from. She will offer you tea and scones while the two of you converse.
When she first found out that her stones are Super Epic, she was very proud of herself.
Probably sends you back with some every time you come visit her.
Captain Caviar
Doesn't believe they exist. They're just rocks. Nothing more.
He will stand by his claim to the death. This WILL be the hill he died on. Captain Caviar does not believe soulstones exist.
Probably has made some propaganda about soulstones being fake. Socks, hats, jackets, you name it, he's likely made it with the words "Soulstones do not exist, numbskull" in big letter on it. Except shirts.
Pure Vanilla
Very much like Oyster. Will likely join in on your conversation time and/or will invite the two of you over for his homemade tea and treats!
Most likely to understand how Soulstones work due to him wielding Souljam, which is the most similar thing to them. Also the fact he has lived for a long time and has gathered many knowledge on the subject.
Probably has a book on the subject somewhere.
He likes to sit and watch the Ferris Wheel Landmark rotate. He likes the motion.
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timestillstands · 3 months
Tube tied
Fnaf dca(Sun) x Reader
Notes: Uhhh hihi !!! Um. this takes places in my dca au(this is an au acc) but it doesnt carry lore to it. uh. This isn't actually written well cuz I'm a pathetic aro that has no idea how to write kiss scenes. um. this was beta read but Idrc abt editing so 😁😁 enjoy or sumthin u didn't see this at all oOoOOoo
You walked into the daycare, treading lightly with the silence surrounding you. You knew in advance that kids were all over the place, so you were guessing that a game of hide and seek was going on, given how you couldn't spot more than three kids without looking, some blatantly obvious, but still trying anyways.
You creep to the right of the daycare, God forbid a child catches you and ropes you into anything. You were not spending any more time here if you could help it. You needed to find Sun, to tell him what Vanessa told you.
You crouch down, nearing the jungle gym. You hear sudden sharp shrieks and laughing, and you jump, head swishing towards the source of the noise. You felt a sudden tug of the arm, pulling you down and dragging you into a tube. A reminder of the past sent shivers down your spine and your heart picked up the pace as the world streaked past. You felt a thump on the top of your head and you hurried to slap a hand over it, before the hands of your captor grabbed it.
"Shhhh. Stay still or you'll get us caaaaught." Sun giggled softly, his hands wrapped loosely around your wrists. You wriggled around nervously, tightly cramped in the plastic tubing. As if to reinforce his words, he pulled you in a bit closer.
"Sun I-" You started, before he hushed you again.
His rays wiggled in and out with the room given, and his face came closer to your own. "We don't have much time, Nightlight. I thought we could get this through quickly, without all this time wasted." His eyes narrowed with a gently tone, yet his smile stretching excitedly.
You were about to ask what he was talking about when his hands traveled, one down to your spine and the other tracing along your neck.
"Tut tut. Be a little more patient, we're getting there, we're getting there." He whispered, smile thinning giddily.
Your face heated up and you tried to pull back a little, your efforts doing next to nothing for you.
You hissed, "Hey, hey, Sun my guy- calm down. Wait wait wait." Your smile fizzled and your eyes tried to avert from his, which were gazing at you with curiosity before he squinted. "Hmmm. Nope. I think I want my kisses now." Sun confirmed firmly.
You were so close to screaming. You weren't sure you signed up for this. What was even happening right now? Was this safe? Would management figure out? If they could, how??? Oh god. Were you doing this?
You were. You were very much doing this. You were so caught up in your nervous thoughts that your body had gone into auto pilot, succumbing to Sun and his insistence.
Your lips touched the silicone softly, the metallic smell along with distant finger paint prominent. You left the kiss on his forehead, backing up quickly after you realized, so fast you nearly hit your head on the plastic again, Sun's hand stopping you and pulling you back to him without hesitation.
He let out a bashful snicker and both his hands were cupping the sides of your head.
The little pecks and kisses around his face had him fidgety and nearly had you coughing from choking down laughter. At some point you had given up on escaping and wrapped your arms under his torso, your fingers grasping his hook loosely.
You buried your face into his ruffles to muffle the laughter that was starting to hurt your sides the more you stifled it. You looked up at him with a toothy smile, "SHHH! I'm gonna need to unplug your voice box if you keep it up!" You teased.
He pressed his forehead against yours. "Oh~ hooo. Hooo- I'm afraid you might need to, Jitterbug-!" He chortled back, eyes thin with joy, his smile stretching as far as it could without it becoming uncanny. "We are so gonna get caught if we can't get it together." He threatened playfully.
You put another smooch on his nose and admire the meek expression he has on. "You're the actor! I think I at least get a pass, daystar." You huff at him with an undeniable shit eating grin.
He held a finger to your mouth, mirroring it to himself. "Alright, alright. We can continue this later special friend, I promise." He said, switching his attitude in the way you'd memorized him doing for over half a year into something stern and fitting the mock fight. "Let's focus on this game first." His voice box crackled out from below you. It felt weird to have no one else talk about that. His voice box was in his upper torso, a fact that you hadn't noticed until you looked at his blueprints. It wasn't anything big, but it really put a lot more into perspective when you looked at him better.
You hid the remaining titters into the fabric of his ruffles, eyes squeezed shut to avoid overwhelming tears from flowing out with the excitement. "Ok, ok. Ok. I'm fine now. I'm fiiine. Haha. Ok. Oookay. Ha." You huff out, wary of your volume.
You shuffled a little, moving downwards. You didn't mind having the comfort, but it was a little too tempting. You didn't have access to your stuff right now, you weren't gonna let yourself slip up now. Especially not now. That would be embarrassing. And maybe job-threatening.
Vanessa said you worry too much about your job and not enough about you. Which was crazy, because Sun said that stuff too. Even if they are right, you're fine. Right now you're fine, so there's nothing to worry about.
God, if these kids didn't find you soon you might actually take a nap, which was starting to feel way too enticing for your liking.
You could tell Sun was starting to feel that lanky feeling that he was too big for the tube now, given the way he was acting. Aside from that, you just really needed those kids to show up so you could both be in a better position. How'd he wiggle in anyways? How did you fit too? Ok, whatever. You're too tired to think about that. You knew better than to question what happened in this place.
More notes: I'm going to make/finish a moon sequel soon and etc etc. cool. that one's gonna be fun(I'm drowning)
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try02line · 2 months
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The Owl House: Hunters’ Bane
So, this is the cover page of what will be a smol comic inspired by the story written by @randomaccount95 and @migmiger , a sort of AU for the WIttebane lore. I will actually soon enough make a pinned post with all the information about all my projects bcs I have too many going on and I need some order in my life. ANYWAY, more or less the plot goes like this:
Caleb (18) and Philip(13) are two young orphans who live in Gravesfield, and who have a goal in mind, becoming great witch hunters (as per their city tradition)! Unfortunately, Philip is still too young to join the hunts, and as such is forced to stay at home while his brother leaves with the other hunters. Not this night tho, as Philip decides to sneak away and follow his older brother into the forest. What either doesn’t know, is that for the first time they will run into an actually witch! Trying to capture her, the two brothers will accidentally cross a magic portal that takes them to the Boiling Isles. Stranded there with no way home and the mysterious witch no where in sight, the Teo brothers need to survive in this unknown dangerous world until they can find a way home. What they don’t know, is that in the Boiling Isles, there is a practice that is just as popular as witch hunting back at Gravesfield, which is, Human Hunting. From predators to preys, will the two Wittebanes be able to survive and find their way back home?
The story is actually VERY long, I have made just a couple pages for now that I will post in the following days, and I am not too sure if I will continue it. Let me know tho if you’d like for this to become a steady series and get new pages let’s say every week or so :3
You know, making comic pages really makes me gain so much respects (even more than what I already had) for comic artists bcs is SO HARD.
Planning how to make a page, where to put the speech bubbles, the composition, the lineart, not make it boring it takes SO LONG, I would say each page takes me from 2 to 3 hours and a half, which is A LOT
Still, is quite fun, and is good training for different angles and compositions!
This lil project was also partially inspired by the small comics posted by @captainmera which are truly always a pleasure to read and look at, and helps to feed my Wittebane brainrot.
Let me know what you think about this project!
Have a lovely day 🦊
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inkdemonapologist · 3 months
Thoughts on the BatIM books not being canon?
Originally typed up an answer based on the one TheMeatly tweet about creators being given “freedom to make things their own” when telling stories in their world, and that the games decide the canon. I thought that “the books aren’t canon” would be a bit of a reductive takeaway from that – like, I read it as the idea that the books don’t determine the canon, and aren’t beholden to some grand future plan to make sure they fit with the games, so they aren’t a trustworthy predictor of what’s going on in the games and in the case of contradictions, the games win. Like, the books can’t be counted on for theorycrafting, but that doesn’t mean Buddy or Abby are “noncanon” Bendy characters – just that they’ll never intersect with the games. But recently Mike Mood tweeted that “if it’s in a book, it’s not canon” pretty directly, so I guess Adrienne has just been writing a Bendy AU all this time??? Lmao.
I still think this is sort of not surprising after BatDR. Before BatDR actually came out, I was advocating pretty enthusiastically for little references to book characters – I know this was sort of controversial at the time, because people were worried about the idea of making the books “required reading” and references you don’t get if you don’t READ UP ON THE LORE – but I don’t think this would be necessary. If you give Dot an audiolog that’s like “I may just be an intern here in the writing department, but even I can tell there’s something fishy going on. I’ve got to investigate. Wally’s always losing his keys in [hint for the player], I bet I can find them” then if you’ve never read the books, that audiolog tells you everything you need to know, isn’t tangled up in any Book Lore, introduces the character as if she’s new, while also being a fun chance for the book readers to be like YOOOO MY GIRL IS HERE. Even just a schedule that says Joey has a meeting with Abby Lambert, or Ms. Lambert’s name on a desk somewhere in the art department, or a couple of animation cells on desks with characters from Crack-Up Comics, would be a fun wink to the book readers EVEN IF you want the canon to not be tied up with the books. Heck, you’ve got the non-audio-log memos in this game, you wouldn’t even have to give book characters a canon voice.
But, when BatDR had NOT ONLY no acknowledgement of the books, but also….didn’t even seem to be going in the same direction? I think the writing was sort of on the wall --
-- the people writing the games aren’t taking the books into account and the books aren’t going to be referenced here. The only question was whether the books were written with the plans of the games in mind and… I’m gonna be real. The idea that the Bendy franchise doesn’t really have Plans as such and so the books are just guessing and theorising, but the games reserve the right to go off in a completely different direction if they want to is, uh, not that surprising either. Bendy and the Ink Machine has never really seemed like a thing that had a grand plan, to me, it was just fun to pretend that it did – and then when the books were actually GOOD, it sold the idea of trying to puzzle that world together even more.
So there’s a cynical part of me that’s annoyed about this being mentioned now, you know, after 3-4 different books have been purchased by fans who were interested in learning some lore while waiting for BatDR, and now that BatDR’s out it’s like “oh, well, we’ve never felt this was CANON canon” when before it wasn’t really sold that way. If this has “always” been true, then all the “is Joey gay” questions could’ve been so easily dodged by admitting that the books were doing their own take rather than determining canon, but that fans are free to accept that interpretation. Adrienne answered one AMA question about what would become of Dot in a way that implied she didn’t know, as if she’d created this character who now existed in the world and it was up to the creators of that world to determine her fate. All of this combined with that one clarifying tweet about how EVERYTHING IN THE ORIGINAL BATIM IS STILL CANON before BatDR’s release creates the picture of intentionally selling on original BatIM’s love of theorycrafting and lore-collecting because that’s what would keep fans engaged. Either they were carefully Not Mentioning that the books aren’t canon during a time when they needed the books to sell, or the decision to treat books as “noncanon” is more recent than TheMeatly claims.
But despite my complaining, I do think this is like… wise. BatDR makes it clear that writing a Mystery With Deep Lore isn’t really what they want to do with this franchise now, if it ever was, and so now that BatDR has done reasonably well they can go ahead and admit it. If they want to be able to just hand a comic project to some comics people and not have to collaboratively run every design through their own art department to make sure it’s one they’d be willing to use in the games if that character ever appears, then it’s nice to go ahead and tell fans point blank that these designs are an interpretation by a third party, not The Canon, and should be treated as such. I think it’s not a bad way to run things, to give these other creators freedom to do their own thing with the material.
But, well, as for me and my feelings… I liked the books. I got into this franchise backwards, from a fansong and fanfiction that made me care about characters from a game I’d neither played nor watched, and then finding the concept of Sammy’s ink addiction in DCTL compelling even if I’d only heard bad things about DCTL at the time – I started writing Taste of Ink in hopes of getting this out of my system so I could move on, haha. And then Illusion Of Living came out, this incredible picture of everything I wanted from the franchise, and unfortunately nothing else has ever quite measured up. Maybe that makes sense; a lot of Bendy fans had a hard time getting through TIOL. I think I wanted a different franchise all along, and back when there wasn’t any new content in the True Game Canon, it was easier to play out the thing I wanted in the leftover ruins of this one. But then the original creators came to restore those ruins, and it was a cool thing they built, but it wasn’t anything like the ruins I’d had so much fun in anymore. I’m… genuinely proud of how much I contributed to this fandom, and so thrilled that people have enjoyed what I made here. If you weren’t following me a couple of years ago I really do recommend looking back through my blog because I made A LOT OF CONTENT………. Early on I got an ask of “does ur back hurt from carrying the entire bendy fandom,” which obviously I couldn’t post because there were definitely other creators carrying it with me, but tbh there were very few of us back when I fell face-first into this obsession and I have to admit that ask gives me some warm fuzzies to this day, haha. Like, there was a little stretch of time when the version of BatIM that I imagined helped to keep the fandom afloat! But it, like the books, was never the direction that the franchise was going to go. The BatIM I loved was was collectively dreamed into existence by people who found that game’s premise compelling.
I still love Bendy. I don’t think I ever will stop. This franchise made such a huge impact on me for reasons that are still KIND OF MYSTERIOUS LMAO. I still care a LOT about this world and these characters, but I don’t know if I’ll make much more canon-adjacent fanstuff here. Cthulhu AU is giving me the human batim content I crave and several of the AUs I’m involved in have sort of become their own thing. Maybe someday I’ll figure out how to capture whatever it was in BatIM that took over my brain so intensely for more than 3 years, but I don’t know if I’ll find it in the franchise anymore.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 11 months
I saw your ATSV reaction post and wanted to chime in a little about Miguel and Spiderman 2099. Because I love him but also your reaction to him is 100% correct, and I am also lowkey mad about people jumping straight to 'he did nothing wrong'-ing/fetishizing him.
Like, Miguel is trying his best (as Spiderman) but he's not a nice person! His arrogance and hot temper are major tenets of his character. His comics run is Mostly him fucking up his interpersonal relationships, finding out new horrible layers to the bad things that happen/ed to him, and then reacting poorly to those things (then dying) (he got better). I thought it was actually very fun of Sony to make him the Spider Society guy because he's the last person I would put in charge of anything. Like there's some fun commentary to be made on the fact that Miguel's canon lore also very much does not line up with the average Spiderman's backstory, while he's being written as placing himself in a position to act as arbiter-of-Spider-People, when he only Became a Spiderperson himself as part of a cascade of Reacting Poorly To Things.
(Be a corporate genetic engineer in the Horrid Capitalist Future -> trying to make A Spider-Man -> first human test goes horribly because your evil boss won't listen to you about the feasibility of your work -> try and quit via emotional outburst -> your boss gets you secretly addicted to illegal future drugs that are 100% addictive because they bond to your DNA or some nonsense -> your boss blackmails you into continuing to work on the person-melting Build-A-Spiderman genetics machine -> you decide to use the genetics machine to reset your DNA to before you were addicted to genetics-altering drugs -> your jealous co-worker sets the machine to give you 50% spider DNA instead -> you are mutated into a Horrid Spider Man -> you react to his by trying to kill yourself -> you live because your bullshit spider mutations save you -> all this and your drug addiction isn't even cured -> have the revelation that Capitalism Is Bad -> later find out your evil boss is also your dad)
It's unfortunately 100% in character for him to react to being happy and then incidentally destroying his own happiness (which, I have seen some wild takes about the whole 'replaced himself in another dimension' thing, but let's be real Miguel doesn't think he Deserves to be happy, so it was probably a BIT more complicated than him just being like 'hey free AU') by aggressively trying to police the multiverse because he's unfortunately a genius and also unfortunately just incredibly angry and aggressive and fueled by his own deep self-loathing and guilt.
Which is a long-winded way of getting around to the fact that Miguel using cult tactics on the Spiderpeople is because Miguel is using cult tactics on Himself to justify his actions (to himself) as part of (get this) a further cascade of Reacting Poorly To Things.
I'm personally still staggered by the fact that they made Miguel the Spider Society guy, like, I am really hoping this pans out in BTSV because, yes, Miguel has a storyline about messing around with the timeline, but that was Time not Dimensions, so I do want there to be a reason beyond 'who is the most maladjusted and traumatized and ill-tempered Spiderperson to be our antagonistic authority figure?'
Sorry this got long but ATSV has really unlocked new depths of hell for me in terms of 'niche comics character that doesn't get much attention now suddenly getting lots of attention'. I want to talk about my little guy but also my little guy needs to be appropriately contextualized and not belt-sanded into a dreaded fandom archetype.
god there's nothing I love more than a rant off a comic book fan whose little guy is being interpreted wrong. I spend most of my time in DC spaces so getting to reach across the aisle with empathy to a Marvel dude feels great, really bringing people together.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 4 months
Haunting With Dinosaurs (0)
Danny is summoned by a powerful occult practitioner named Victor Veloci, who wants him to bring dinosaurs back to life. It sounds absurd, but Danny is bound to him and cannot refuse, even though he can't actually bring dinosaurs back to life. Instead, he merges the ghosts of five dinosaurs with the bodies of the five human sacrifices Veloci used to summon him, restoring them to life as dinosaur halfas. And that's only the beginning.
Written for @crossoverdanuary Week, Day 4: Any Fandom Dino Squad | Element
Read it on AO3 also, Watch Dino Squad on Youtube it sucks (affectionate)
Danny is slightly aged up to be 18 and a recent high school graduate, also this is a ghost king Danny AU, and obviously Phantom Planet didn't happen, but other than that, no major changes have been made to DP lore in this fic.
As for Dino Squad, I've made some pretty significant changes, but they pretty much boil down to: This is a supernatural AU, so it won't have canon-typical Dino Squad made-up science. All other changes are explained in the actual fic as they come up.
I'm lowkey assuming that the majority of people who read this will not have seen Dino Squad, so I've made sure to describe all the DS elements a little more thoroughly than the DP elements so those of you who haven't seen Dino Squad can understand what's going on.
Next Chapter
[Warning for death, coercive control, and semi-graphic violence]
Danny was getting real sick of summonings. He'd been warned that after he officially became the ghost king, more people would try to summon him, but if he'd known it would be this bad, he would have fought harder to abdicate the title. 
At least back when he was just Danny Phantom, ghostly superhero, he would be summoned to girls' slumber parties right here in Amity Park. As the ghost king, he kept getting summoned by whack-jobs and cults on the other side of the world. Plus, whack-jobs and cults never wore skimpy pajamas or asked him to play truth or dare with them. 
Being ghost king didn't have any perks.
Sometimes he could ignore a summons, if it was weak and he focused really hard on it, but not this time. This time, whoever was summoning him was powerful. The pull to answer was stronger than he'd ever felt before. 
He could barely resist it long enough to rinse the toothpaste out of his mouth before he was forcibly torn through space and transformed into his ghost form, crown, ring, and all. Then he was floating in the center of a summoning circle.
Wherever he was now, it was dark, maybe a basement, or maybe a cave. He didn't hear any dripping water or echo, so probably a basement. The only light came from Danny himself and five dim, candles with green flames burning low. Normally that wouldn't bother Danny, who could see in the dark as if it was daylight, but something about this darkness was unnatural. Even he couldn't see through it.
It smelled like must and blood. So much blood he could taste it when he opened his mouth, and nearly gagged.
"Finally, I have you," a voice said. It was deep and slightly accented, although Danny couldn't place what it was. Almost British but not quite.
Danny swallowed and braced himself for the metallic taste in the air before he opened his mouth again to ask, "Who are you? Why did you summon me? And can you turn a light on?"
He squinted into the darkness, trying to make out the figure standing there The light he gave off revealed only silhouettes, but it looked like just one man, tall, with a dignified stance.
"I have spent centuries perfecting this ritual to summon you here and bind you to me," the man continued. 
Then he spoke words in an ancient language. Not Latin. Older. Almost primeval. 
Danny hissed as he felt a burning sensation wrap around his wrists. Through his gloves he could see a red glow circling them. It became brighter and hotter for a long minute, until finally, it faded. 
"What is this?" Danny demanded harshly.
"A binding spell," the man responded, holding up his hand to show a faintly glowing red sigil on his palm. "You are now bound to me. You will come when I call; you will do my bidding. You belong to me, ghost king. You belong to Victor Veloci."
Danny backed away slowly, only to stop when he reached the edge of the summoning circle and hit a barrier. 
The usual freaks never knew enough to actually keep him in the circle, let alone bind him to themselves. This guy was the real deal. He wasn't just another whack-job who got his hands on a summoning ritual; he actually knew what he was doing.
It had finally fully dawned on Danny that this was not his typical summoning. This was really, really bad.
"What do you want from me?" he asked, carefully keeping his voice steady.
"I want you to resurrect my friends," the man, Victor, said.
"You have friends?" Danny scoffed.
"I did." As he watched, Victor's eyes started to glow, amber with slitted pupils. Definitely not human. "And you're going to bring them back. All of them. So we can destroy humanity and return the world to the way it should be. When we were in our prime."
"Back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, you mean?" 
It was meant to be derisive, but Victor smiled, green light glinting off wickedly sharp teeth.
One by one, the green candle flames finally burned out, and the oppressive, unnatural darkness faded away to regular darkness. Now that Danny could see again, all the cards were on the table. He knew where he was, what Victor looked like, and where that smell of blood was coming from.
A corpse laid on each of the five pentagram points. They looked like they were teenagers. A few years older than Danny had been when he'd gone ghost the first time. Probably still in high school, or they would have been if they weren't here, glassy-eyed and still sluggishly dipping blood.
Victor Veloci himself was a well-groomed man with long dark hair streaked with dark red. He wore a burgundy suit, and carried himself like a respectable businessman. If it weren't for the glowing yellow monster eyes, he could have had anyone fooled.
Danny was made to listen as Victor shared his story. It sounded ridiculous. A pair of velociraptors somehow surviving the extinction of the dinosaurs, developing immortality and the ability to transform into humans. But Victor clearly believed it. And after what he showed Danny, it was hard to deny.
He told Danny that, unlike the other velociraptor, he was always supernaturally gifted. He could see the ghosts of the other dinosaurs, even speak to them. They were angry. They wished to return. And he vowed to make that happen no matter how long it took.
"And now, finally, after millennia, I have you," Victor finished. "The king of death, bound to my will. Now, you will bring the dinosaurs back to life so that we may return the world to its rightful state."
"Yeah... that's not gonna happen," Danny said, less than apologetically.
"You must," Victor insisted. 
He held up his palm and the sigil their glowed more brightly. At the same time, the marks around Danny's wrists glowed, but they didn't burn. If Danny were to hazard a guess, he'd say they could only make him do things he was actually capable of doing. So he wasn't in direct defiance of his new master's orders.
"Why isn't this working," Victor hissed.
"I didn't say I wouldn't do it, I said it's not gonna happen," Danny said. "I can bring people back from the dead, but I need blood, and flesh, and bone marrow. I need DNA. I can't bring back a ghost without anything remaining of their physical form, and I can't bring anything back from fossils either. Tough luck, man."
"So what can you do?" Victor growled.
Danny looked down at the mutilated teenagers beneath him.
"I can bring them back," he said.
"I don't care about them."
"I can bring them back and merge them with the ghosts of some of these dinosaurs you care so much about," he continued. "Sort of like an overshadowing situation. You know, possession kinda."
"Will they be able to take their true dino forms?"
"Sort of? They'll still be ghost dinos, but they'll be corporeal at least." 
What Danny was proposing was basically bringing these teenagers back as halfas, except their ghost forms would be dinosaurs. Which, actually sounded pretty epic, honestly. He wasn't actually sure how, or even if it was going to work, but he had to do something for these kids, and he had to do it without directly defying this mad wizard. This was the best he could come up with.
"Your proposal is acceptable... for now," Victor said. "I shall call to the spirits of five dinosaurs for you to use."
He spoke again in that ancient language. Its guttural tones sending a shiver down Danny's spine. Ghost king or not, this stuff was creepy.
A moment later, a pteranodon swooped into the room, perching at the edge of the summoning circle.
Cautiously, Danny placed one hand on the pteranodon's beak, then knelt down to the nearest teen, a kid whose only recognizable feature at the moment was a bright green mohawk. It was hard to look at, so Danny closed his eyes. In his mind, he told the ghost to merge with the teen, ectoplasm mixing with blood as the teen healed and the dinosaur was locked inside them.
For a terrifying second, he just waited. If he'd been breathing, he would have held his breath.
Then, the teen started to breathe. They were still unconscious, but they were alive.
Danny sighed with relief.
"Did it work?" Victor asked.
"It worked," Danny confirmed. "I'm ready for the next one."
In truth, doing that just once had been pretty exhausting. Doing it five times would definitely push the limits of what Danny was capable of. He might even end up passing out and turning human again. And then where would he be? But it would be even more difficult the longer he let these kids rot. He had to try.
The next dinosaur Victor called was a stegosaurus, and Danny successfully merged it with a purple-haired boy wearing a shredded button-up and a tie. Then came the spinosaurus, which he merged with a redheaded girl in cargo pants. Then a T-Rex, which was terrifying, but merged with the boy in the bloodstained Letterman jacket without issue.
By the time the final dinosaur arrived—a styracosaurus, Veloci claimed, although it looked like a triceratops to Danny, not that he was a dino expert—Danny was exhausted. He wasn't sure if he would be able to pull it off one more time. Rather than using his authority to order the ghost, it felt more like begging this time. He was desperate. Almost completely drained of energy. If he didn't turn human after this it would be a miracle.
Much to his relief, he succeeded the fifth time too, merging the styracosaurus with the last teen, a large, African-American boy wearing a robotics club T-shirt.
Somehow, and it really must have been a miracle, Danny managed to stay in his ghost form.
"Alright, man, done," Danny said.
"I disagree," Victor denied. "There are millions of dinosaurs, and you're going to bring them all back."
"Not tonight I'm not," Danny argued. "I don't actually have unlimited power, you know. And doing this takes a lot out of me. It's gonna be a long time before I get enough energy back to do it again."
"How long? A century? Two?"
Danny had been thinking more like a week, but this was a pleasant reminder that the man currently controlling him was apparently from prehistoric times. 
"Yeah, maybe," Danny said, rather than correct him. "If we're lucky."
"I've waited this long," Victor said. "I promised. As long as it takes."
"Right just uh... don't kill anyone until I'm actually ready to resurrect them, okay?" Danny said. "The longer someone's been dead, the harder it is to bring them back."
"I make no promises," Victor replied. "You're dismissed for now, but don't go too far. I'll call you back when I need you." 
He uttered one guttural word, and Danny felt the tense atmosphere around him break. Instinctively, he knew that he could now leave the circle, leave the basement, and he did. Though he swore to himself he'd come back to rescue those kids as soon as Victor left.
Until then, however, there was someone else he needed to find. According to Victor's story, there had been two velociraptors who survived extinction. And apparently, the other one lived in the same city. 
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venomquill · 9 months
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So, after reading @pixlokita's brilliant comic series (which has nothing to do with this above image) and finding they'd played with a winged AU, I had to as well. I just, I had to. It was required. Having written and then trashed a story about winged people (technically bird mutants???) and one with a human with wings, I'd already developed a lot of lore about winged humans. I won't upload my sketch at gunpoint, but I used their character sheet as a reference. I hate drawing humans. Kill meeee this took days. And I forgot the tail! Just look at the pretty wings and oooh cool mask! Ignore the awfully drawn child! Anyhow~
Crying Child (AKA, youngest Afton child, known in the fandom as Evan) Would be European Robin-winged. (Like this or this) Robins are aggressive, and CC is anything but aggressive. However, genetically speaking, he would take after his father, William Afton, who is robin-winged. He's currently flightless, even though he should be learning how to fly at this age. However, his lack of confidence and the bullying from his older brother has made it very hard. He fears failing now more an ever as he's scared it would just give his brother more ammunition against him. Also, in the back of his shirt, you can see those little strips? Those are straps built into the shirt that can be buckled/unlatched and buckled/latched at will. It's the only way someone with wings would be able to put on a shirt. He still needs help from someone to latch it on for him. His mom used to do it, and then William. Then when he forgot, he and Elizabeth would help each other. With Elizabeth gone, he just tries his best. He's learned how to move them around and just press his back against the wall to get them mostly on right. Michael will sometimes tug on his shirt. But Mike's done that to other kids at school, for reasons I'll list below.
Elizabeth Afton (AKA, middle Afton child, Dad's favorite) Would be European Robin-winged, as said above. She would still be learning how to fly by the time she gets turned into ice cream by Baby. I imagine she's William's favorite by the way he literally gave her an animatronic and modeled one after her. (It ended up killing her, but that's another matter) She inherits her father's more aggressive nature and bullies her older brother. Being Dad's favorite, she can get whatever she wants. Michael being an angsty teen and her being a sweet angel, she can blame whatever she wants on him and he can't do anything about it. So he has to do what she wants or else. So Michael takes it out on...
Michael Afton (AKA, oldest Afton child, Mike Schmidt) Would be a cassowary-winged! It took me a second to come up with this one, but it made sense to me. Cassowaries are incredibly aggressive, flightless, and seriously dangerous birds. They're also terrific fathers and the mothers don't stick around. So Mikey takes after his mom and gets to be a cassowary-winged. Mom's gone (Whether she left or gets killed or both is up to the imagination), his wings are so small he can hide them under his shirt by hardly even trying, and on top of it all his little brother will learn how to fly at half his height and his sister rubs it in his face. His wings are dangerous as he has a dewclaw and the quills on what would have been the primary flight feathers are sturdy and sharp. He doesn't need long slits in his shirts and has actually torn the shoulder holes with his dewclaws/quills before. So, as a teen, he's spiteful and lashes out. He has a huge fluffy tail that gets in the way all the time. But when he grows up a little, he grows into that more "protect the children" aspect of a cassowary's nature. I did sketch him out fully, but I spent literal days on CC. Instead, I drew his mask with the intention of a pre-withered Foxy look and referencing FNaF 1's crooked-jawed Foxy. I also found through Nightmare Foxy that he does indeed have a pale muzzle. (Withered, Nightmare, Foxy bro)
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riallasheng · 2 months
Answering an Ask
In an unusual way, because my darn tumblr be broken and didn't show the ask in my inbox! Fortunatly, @edutainer2022 PMed me to make sure I got it! ^^
Hi! Just in case the asks act out, some ask game points for you:
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Platonic and/or familial! While I can and will write romance, there's always a heavy focus on the friendship of the characters, more than the romantic ^^
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
Well, I don't actually write Smut at all (closest I'll come is Lime, and usually I'll only write Orange. I've never actually written even a Lemon, let alone anything more hard core than that), and the closest I get to Crack is 'here is a silly thing that canonically could happen' rather than true crack.
Drama (angst, fluff, serious, comedy, and bunch of other stuff rather than a heavy focus in just one type.) FAR and away my favorite.
Angst & Whump (as old fanwoman is old and I go by the definition that ANGST is mental/emotional 'harm' that may have a physical element or trigger, but is all about the emotions and mind. Meanwhile Whump is physical 'harm' that may have an emotional/mental element or trigger, but is all about the physical). I generally prefer it to be an ELEMENT of a story, and I strongly prefer hurt/comfort, but I do have some instances fics / ficbits that are (mostly) solid angst and I'm more likely to have Angst scenes / elements in my works than Fluff
Fluff: tends to be only sparingly and mixed in admist other things, and even my 'pure' fluff pieces like A Cure for Boredom were cahracter and fan-lore explorations alongside the fluff. Mostly because pure fluff BORES ME ^^;;
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
Ellipses, probably XD I actually try to alter my writing style to a degree depending on who the viewpoint character is, but I am ANYTHING but brief (even though I know brief / less is more is the 'in' thing now). So I tend to have lots of details and asides and descriptions and trend much more towards being VERY wordy
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Oh yeah, many things XD There's always at least ONE 'fix it' in every fic I write. Sometimes small, sometimes BIG... I try to give my reasoning for any / all changes, I do my best to respect that other people may have totally different takes than me. But yeah, there's always fix-its in my fics for things that bug me or that I flat out hate
Heck, in an example that I'm currently writing (well, re-writing as back in the Naughts this darn thing was COMPLETE and now I'm re-writing it from memory XD ). In As the Wyrm Turns and my fanfic Universe in general....
I moved Marineville. I've always HATED that it's canon location for a REALLY LONG LIST OF REASONS THAT ARE VERY VALID DARN IT, so I moved it to Maine (Isle Au Haut specifically). On top of solving most of my list o' issues, it also meant that I could have the Aquaphibians living in or near 'Atlantis' ^^
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onethousandeyeslooking · 10 months
What happens if you give a religious studies major and a creative writing major access to the elder scrolls metaplot? And they're both pathologic fans?
An out of context iceberg of myself and @sethos-diceking 's TES canon we've been working at for the past three months with no regard for what the games themselves actually imply. Have fun trying to untangle this one! I need to get more art commissioned of all three of those main characters soon.
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Alt text: An iceberg image meme, descending into the ocean through 8 layers.
Layer 1: The dragonborn is a dunmer (Dalhyr). The hero of Kvatch is a khajiit (Sunbeam). The nereverine is a dunmer (Servas). "In canon" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Skyrim takes place 100 years earlier (this is in red, signifying it's a rewrite as opposed to possible). Sunbeam and Martin were lovers. Servas is Nerevar. Sunbeam and Servas were childhood friends. Dalhyr cured his vampirism.
Layer 2: Sunbeam was written over with an imperial hero in historical texts. Dalhyr is a direct descendant of Voryn Dagoth. Tim's argonian lore (rewrite). Sunbeam is a demigod. Deranged 3am AUs (flying guar bus of death). Vehk got very drunk and doesn't remember writing the sermons.
Layer 3: Where the tribunal's souls went. Sunbeam was blessed by Kyne, not Khenarthi. Sotha Sil brought back Dagoth Ur. The Mad Sun Cat and the Dragon Eating It's Tail (the world ends). Pelinal Whitestrake was blessed by Akatosh, not shor. The mythic dawn only recently resurfaced (rewrite). "The aedra do not care for the mer".
Layer 4: Nerevar resurrected Voryn (correctly) after the events of Morrowind. The hero that replaced Sunbeam was the guildmaster of the fighter's guild, and later mantled sheogorath. Tim's maormer lore (rewrite). Nerevar is Lorkhan.
Layer 5: The thalmor's ultimate plan is to become the aedra's favored children. Nerevar was testing the tribunal with godhood, they failed. The Mad Sun Cat is not Sheogorath.
Layer 6: Lorkhan planned everything, and the daedra know. The three faces of Lorkhan are Nerevar, Shor, and the Hist. Sunbeam went unwillingly into godhood and that is what turned him into the Mad Sun Cat. The tribunal almost accidentally mantled the aedra. 3 is the sacred number, everything comes in 3s.
Layer 7: The aelyids are the aldmer. Elves = daedric, men = aedric, beastfolk = magna ge. The dunmer translation for daedra is correct.
Layer 8: Elves are from Tamriel, Aldmeris never existed. Vehk knows this is a videogame (in very small text, at the very bottom).
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ya-boy-polaris · 1 year
Hello! Could you do a self aware!Submas au
But its like swapped?
Where the reader becomes the self aware fictional character that falls in love with the player aka Ingo and Emmet. (It can be seperate or the twins liking the same person).
While the twins are big fans of reader for their memorable moments in the game. They even develop a crush on said reader, so much so, they have merch of reader.
Bonus: they also read x reader fanfics of reader
Ohhh this is so cute!!! Ok ok ok lemme try my best. Reader insert character uses He/they pronouns.
Self aware Reader x Submas
You were an ordinary npc in a cute farming gaming that the twins enjoyed playing together: Moondrop Hollow. This game featured not only farming, but fishing, monster hunting, friendships and romance. The twins liked the game and focused on certain tasks specific to them, Ingo particularly loved to fish and Emmet liked to farm, but they both enjoyed monster hunting because you were there. What made you stand out to the twins was that you were the train conductor of the region and a famous hero as well. Your title given to you by the Monster Hunter Guild was: Golden Eye; on account of your incredible archery skills, precision, and accuracy. You are the only train conductor brave enough to venture out into the farthest lands away from the safe borders of Moondrop Hollow, who is undoubtedly safe from harm due to your talents.
But unfortunately, you were never made to be a romantic interest. It's simply not written into the script of the game for you to be able to develop a relationship with the main characters who play as the farmer character. Emmet and Ingo have scoured the internet online in the hopes of finding a mod that would allow you to be a romantic character, but then the two would go into debates over who gets to marry you first.
Naturally, you don't have a lot of dialogue because you aren't meant to even accumulate friendship points. The only times you typically talk are when the twins purchase a train ticket and you lead them to where their destination takes them. They know about your lore after hearing dialogue from the other monster hunters talk about your heroic deeds and the game's initial development online, which went into more detail about your history. Aside from your current talents of keeping Moondrop Hollow safe from monster invaders, you have the most interesting backstory. You weren't always an archer, but a long time ago you were actually an magic botanist, making herbal potions that had the power to heal people. You were called to a divine duty in order to protect the world in sealing away a great evil and became part of a legendary group of heroes. But in the last moments of the fight against the great evil, you and your companions were outmatched. That is when your great leader ordered you to use the dark tome you found sometime during your quest. This ancient book of evil carried the worst of all curses in a language only you could read due to your knowledge in the kingdom's ancient history. Seeing there was no other option, you began to talk in an ancient tongue and sealed away the evil, but in doing so you also cursed your friends and everyone turned into stone. It wasn't until many years later you realized the effects of the curse: you stole the lives of everyone who was within the vicinity, which meant their lifespan was now yours, including the evil you sealed away. Moondrop Hollow takes place in a whole generation after your quest, which meant you were the oldest npc. The few times you did speak, you would simply warn the twins of the danger they were about to face, depending on which area of the world you were dropping them off at. And congratulating them when they made it back alive. One day, the twins were playing on their day off, enjoying their time as usual. Though they had each other, they had no romantic partner of their own but bonded over their adoration of you. They had merchandise from the official store along with some fan-made items sold online. While the twins were playing, you were simply waiting in your train office, mindlessly staring at your dark tome when it whispered to you. A dark swelling force of energy surges from the book and attacks your mannequin body; you suddenly lurch and gasp as you become sentient.
Naturally, you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? You came to the stark realization you weren't alive or real and never were. You were simply the fabrication someone made to appeal to others. You ran from your train office and tried to interact with the villagers down in the valley but they don't talk to you, their expressions all stay the same no matter how hard you try to make them talk. Then Emmet notices you, away from your train office and in town square? You turn your head to see that the farmer character, one of the twins who eagerly rides your trains is standing across from you. They start to move and you freeze in a slight shock before you see them running in a circle around you? Then you hear it, the voice of a man who eagerly yells at another to come down to the village square. You do not know where this voice comes from, it doesn't sound familiar. Then the other farmer, the twin brother, comes running from the beach to see you. He too runs in circles around you but you stand there in a slight shock. Who were these voices? Why were they happy to see you? What did this mean?
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