#midam oneshot
the-rad-pineapple · 1 year
Survivor's Guilt
It's just Adam and Michael on a routine supply run.
Adam hates Michael.
First off, he wears this dark overcoat thing with these long laced-up boots that make him look like he's trying to be an anime character or something. It definitely doesn't look cool. And he's a little too good at killing that Adam always wonders what he did before. To be fair, Michael is kind of a badass, but it's still strange. Like, who is this guy? Adam's heard every rumor, and asked everyone he could, but none of the stories match or make sense. It's frustrating.
Adam tried to get out of the supply run in every way he could think of. He tried to trade shifts. He tried to sleep in too late. But a lot of their people have a terrible cold, so anyone available isn't well enough to trade with him. And, to top it all off, Michael woke Adam up bright and early. He didn't want them to be late. They have to be on time apparently. Adam isn't sure what for. There aren't a lot of places you have to be on time for anymore.
They have to go through an abandoned mall Adam's been wanting to check out, so that's kind of exciting. Adam's trying to see it as a positive thing. Apparently, Michael's been through there a few times already. So, it should be fine.
Which means it isn't.
There's a breeze in the air, making everything a little cold. They're just on the edge of spring where any day now things will start to be warmer. It brings a buzz of impatience that hums just beneath Adam's skin. They travel on a small, worn path in the dead grass. They're still close to camp, so Adam feels safe enough not to pay that close attention to his surroundings and lets himself fall into the comfortable rhythm of walking. His brain is peacefully quiet. It's a rarity, so he allows himself to enjoy it.
His medicinal pack hangs lightly on his back. He carries it everywhere, so he feels wrong without it now. But he can never get used to his holster. It's strapped to his right thigh and starts to become heavy and annoying almost as soon as they begin walking, so he takes the pistol out and slips it into the back of his waistband.
"What are you doing?" Michael hadn't even looked at him. Adam has no idea how he saw that. Fucking annoying.
"It's comfier here."
"It's more difficult to get to there. Put it back."
As if Michael actually cares. He just likes bossing people around. Sure, Michael can get away with it at camp where he has more of a leadership position (that he's unfortunately really good at), but he's not getting away with it alone with Adam. "No."
Adam watches Michael grind his jaw, but he keeps his lips pressed closed. He still doesn't look at Adam. The small bit of satisfaction that settles in his chest makes Adam have to bite back a smile.
They walk for a few more minutes, and Adam allows himself to relax again, but then Michael says, "You're going to get killed."
Will he just shut up? "Okay," Adam says briskly. He hopes Michael gets the fucking hint and leaves him alone.
Of course he doesn't. Michael stops and spins to look at Adam. His hair swirls at the suddenness of the movement and frames his face. His eyes are sharp and fierce.
Heat builds between Adam's legs.
"This isn't a game, Adam."
Adam swallows. He sighs to try and feign nonchalance.
The way he says that. The situation in Adam's pants is about to be fucking noticeable.
Adam rolls his eyes but takes his pistol out from his waistband and makes a show of returning it to his holster. He looks Michael in the eyes. "There. Happy now?"
"No. But this is an improvement." Michael is always so literal and serious. And it's…okay, it's a little endearing. It levels out the hot intensity he has when he's ordering people (Adam) around. Michael swiftly turns back and begins walking again. Adam follows.
They branch off of the path somewhere Adam's never been to before. His heart flips in excitement at the prospect of something new. He doesn't realize he's walking faster until he's beside Michael. Michael glances at him with this cool, calculating look he has. Michael can do this thing where he doesn't show any emotion on his face when he's taking something in. It's usually the look he gets when thinking up a battle plan. Adam's seen it in action. It's kind of hot if Adam is being honest. …But it's also been a while since Adam had any type of interaction like that, so who really knows.
They keep walking. And walking. And walking. Adam gets bored until Michael slows down a little.
"When we get there, I'll go upstairs, and you'll stay downstairs. Understand?"
Adam frowns. "Why?"
"Because you'll be keeping watch for me."
"But I want to come with you." The second it leaves his mouth, Adam cringes. He sounds like a whiny kid pleading with his mom.
"No. It's more dangerous upstairs, and we both know I'm a better fighter than you."
His words cut, and Adam feels quick rage stab through his chest. "Fuck you. I'm a good fighter."
Michael sighs in exasperation. "I never said you weren't. I'm just better."
"You're an asshole," Adam spits.
Michael stops and stares. He's standing completely rigid. His eyes are cool and closed off again. He's entirely expressionless.
Michael asks, "Are you done? Because we actually have something to do here." His annoyance fills the air with taught tension.
Seriously, fuck this guy. Adam brushes past him, making sure to clip him on the shoulder.
Bitterly, "You're a child."
Adam continues to ignore him.
Michael catches up to him, and they keep walking in tense silence until they leave the small woods and step onto asphalt. Adam slows.
The mall is huge. It's been a while since Adam's seen a large building. It's sun-bleached. The windows on the front doors are smashed. There are only a few cracks on the outside. It looks relatively untouched. Maybe just a little old and worn. It seems like it should be nostalgic, but it's all so different now that Adam feels nothing.
"Do you remember the plan?"
Adam jumps and immediately feels his face heat up in embarrassment. "Yeah. I stay downstairs."
They make their way through the parking lot. Weeds spread out from the cracks. The only car is a burnt Subaru. Adam wonders how it caught fire. He envisions violence and desperation and the forms of twisted bodies devouring fresh flesh. His mom used to drive a Subaru. He tears his eyes away.
The mall casts a large shadow, and it's cold without the sun. They reach the doors and crunch through a pile of glass. The loud sound rings alarm bells in Adam's head, but Michael pays it no mind, so Adam follows.
And then they're inside.
The entire atmosphere is different. It's quiet but big. There's no breeze, and it's warmer in a stuffy, indoors way. Sunlight flows through the doors and the skylights on the tall ceiling. It's serene. It feels as if Adam's stepped into a cathedral.
Michael is close enough that Adam can feel his body heat. Michael shifts and gently squeezes Adam's arm.
Adam stares in alarm. Did Michael hear something? Is something coming?
Michael gives his arm a second reassuring squeeze while pressing his index finger to his lips.
Adam swallows and nods.
Michael nods back before releasing Adam's arm. He's somehow colder without Michael's touch and nearly shivers.
He watches Michael skirt towards the wall. He has one hand on his own pistol. He cautiously looks into each empty store he passes. He's fast and quiet. He rounds a corner, and Adam sees him start up a flight of stairs before he's lost behind a wall blocking Adam's view.
Adam leans against the wall nearest to him and really takes in the scenery. It's been so long since he's been somewhere new. And somewhere from before.
All of the storefronts are broken and smashed. Miscellaneous products are strewn across the floor. There's a broken lava lamp in front of a Holister. A torn BTS poster lays beneath a bench. Purple Victoria's Secret panties are beside Adam's foot, and he nudges them. They're torn. And there's blood on them.
He pushes off the wall to look at something else. He glances up at the skylights and catches a glimpse of the moon. She looks the same as she always has.
Adam keeps his breath quiet and strains his ears for any sign of Michael. Nothing.
Something sparkles in the corner of his eye, and he turns to look. There's something on the floor near a Zale's at the very end of the hall. A ring? A watch? Adam wants it. He pauses to listen one more time. It's silent, so he makes his way towards the sparkly thing.
And Adam knows he's technically supposed to be lookout, but Michael is so quick and efficient that Adam knows he isn't really needed. The only thing he's good for is patching up a wound, and he's not even the best one at that. So he isn't being as quiet as he should be. Unlike Michael. Michael's always quiet. He's always vigilant. Adam never is. If it's his time to go, then so be it. Adam won't stop it. He might even be inviting it.
He definitely is when he's noisily walking down the tiled floor of the mall, his eyes glancing over to the dry fountain in the center. It's surrounded by elevators. It must've been quite a sight when it was fully operational. Even now it's beautiful. Maybe even more so with its emptiness and the cracks filled with green and yellow dandelions. There's a shuffle and a grunt—an unmistakable grunt—that turns Adam's blood to ice. And that's when he spots them.
There's a small huddle of zombies in the Claire's right next to him. They look odd in there. All unclothed, decaying flesh surrounded by purples and pinks and glittery things. There's a fleeting moment where Adam thinks they didn't notice him. But then the one next to the piercing chair snaps its head in his direction. It screeches and bursts towards him. Its horrid screech and thundering footsteps echo through the entire building. The ones next to it immediately follow.
Adam's heartbeat skyrockets, and he runs as fast as he fucking can in the other direction. There's no way he can take them on. They're too quick, and he's too close.
He's running past the Holister when he hears one of their breaths close. And then closer. Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's right there. It's right fucking there. He fucking feels its breath. And this is it. This is fucking it. This is how he dies.
Isn't this what he wanted?
A deafening bang so loud that Adam can't hear.
He keeps running. He doesn't stop. But the noise throws him off so badly that he misses the doors. He isn't sure where he's going, but he spots the stairs and runs up them. He chances a look behind himself and nearly trips.
Michael is somehow behind the zombies, pistol in his outstretched hand. A dead zombie lies by the Holister. It's the one that almost got Adam. The rest of the zombies have turned to the source of the sound. The moment stretches into an eternity until the zombie closest to Michael lunges at him.
Four down. The remaining three are nearly upon him. And then Michael takes out a fucking machete from somewhere in his fucking overcoat thing. He swings, and the first one's head falls to the floor. He dodges the second and manages to swipe as it passes him, beheading that one too. But the third one is close and manages to tackle Michael from behind. Adam's heart stops.
No, no, no, no, no, no!
Not Michael.
Oh, god, please no.
Not Michael.
read the rest on ao3
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babyblue-mind · 3 months
ummm what are your top 5 books that youve read recently? or if you havent read books then fics? (or both 🤨?)
yeah i haven’t read many physical books lately lmao! i’m partway through Trent Dalton’s Love Stories and it is so good! i also just finished up reading Bobby Singer’s journal by David Reed!
and the rest… will be fics
the order is a little loose since i’m bad at ranking stuff lol!
Bobby’s journal! made me so emotional at parts, i love all the sam, dean, and john bits, and getting a deeper look into Bobby’s past was so interesting and SO sad.
Love Stories! i just can’t recommend it enough I’m reading it for school and it’s so, so good. I’m excited to read some of his other books, i love his writing style
Faraway So Close by trinityofone on ao3 (2009)! I read this when i was partway through spn, it’s a short one but it really got to me. Beautiful stuff. (destiel)
Contentment by Rory_Reggie_Rose on ao3 (2023)! a midam poem that changed my life.
All Suns Set by chellefic on ao3 (2010)! a fic about Dean dying of old age. i have a different molecular structure from reading this fic. also a oneshot!
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ghost-facer · 1 year
Getting more for my Midam oneshot done. I haven’t written this much for it since November!
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WIP Whenever
Taking inventory of my WIPs folder, and I'm starting to understand why I never seem to finish anything. I jump around too much 😅
WIPs for which I have, at minimum, started to bullet-point plot and character notes (by fandom):
None But Shining Hours: midam sequel to "The Game of Us." Michael and Adam living their little post-resurrection life, featuring a Michael learning to take joy in life's quieter labors.
Artificial Nocturne: Raphael sequel to "The Game of Us." Raphael growing a garden for themself as they take up a position caretaking the Empty, and getting the rest and recuperation they deserve.
[untitled]: sabrifer sequel to "The Game of Us." I'm not actually sure this isn't two fics trying to be one fic. On the one hand, there's whatever Gabriel and Lucifer are doing whenever they're haunting the bunker, and Sam, and each other. On the other hand, there's the separate setting entirely of Lucifer taking responsibility for upending the structure of Purgatory, and examining what it means to be a creature created irredeemable. Need to work on this more because it is at all times scrabbling at the walls in my brain.
[untitled] oddly philosophical bondage kinkfic featuring [REDACTED]. This one meant to be sexy when I started writing it but these assholes just won't stop talking to each other long enough to get to the good part. Woe.
Stranger to Flight: midam oneshot featuring both Michael and Adam being incredibly weird about the concept of immortality.
[untitled]: Gabriel resurrection postcanon longfic. Canon-compliant AU. Gabriel finds himself deposited unceremoniously on the bunker's doorstep, and has to reconcile a headful of conflicting memories about how often, when, and whether he was alive or dead. He's uncertain if he's real, or if anything is; he remembers the many, many "draft" versions of himself Chuck wrote, and he's stuck in a body that doesn't answer to his whims like it used to. This is technically a sabriel fic, but it's so much more about Gabriel's relationship to embodiment and existence… one day I will finish this, and publish it, and then probably just die satisfied.
First Rites: midam oneshots about their "firsts." First kiss, first decision Michael makes for himself, first fight they have after the cage… heck, when I figure out how to write them baking a cake, Michael's first birthday.
Eastern Midnight Time: samifer fic that I will someday finish and bestow upon Sin like a flower crown for inspiring it. The premise is an allegory about sacrificial goats wrt the book of Leviticus, and the idea of Sam as "the scapegoat"/the goat "for Azazel," in contrast to Dean, as Michael's vessel, being a more pure/godly sacrifice. The premise here is a ~s4/5ish Sam road trip fic, and the lengths to which he would go to feel worthy again; about helping people as he moves, collecting sins as he goes.
Witcher (all media):
Metamorphosis, and Other Gifts: Eskel/Salma the Succubus fic that keeps stubbornly resisting me writing the final chapter. Eskel's relationship to his own monstrousness (and the idea in general of what it means to be a monster) makes me feel tormented. I think this might be the next thing I finish.
[untitled]: Ciri longfic. What if, in the aftermath of TW3, the Lady of Space and Time had a crisis of conscience and took up mutiverse-jumping? What if she pulled the members of Geralt's hansa from their deaths at Stygga Castle at the last possible moment, and brought them into the post-game future? Wouldn't that be awful for everyone? GLAD YOU ASKED. It definitely would! There would be unintended consequence! Crises of identity! Angoulême and Ciri having just the worst heart-to-hearts! I can't wait to sit down and work on it one of these days.
[untitled]: series of sequential/interconnected one-shot fics for Meve/Reynard/Gascon (Thronebreaker). I'm not exactly sure how many of these there are going to be yet, but I have notes for at least three of them. I do so love my OT3.
[Bonus!] Dragon Age:
[untitled] Whooo boy, is this self-indulgent. This is a gigantic fic that exists (… I use this word loosely) to tear a big goddamn hole in the fabric of the universe and let me write a story to the effect of: "if you sunder spacetime such that you have five or six Wardens with intact memories up to the Tower of Ishal, three or four slightly different versions of the same Hawke, and a half-dozen very angry Inquisitors, how badly can they screw up working together and saving the world?" God, it's so much. There is no chance of this seeing the light of day prior to Dreadwolf, though, so I wouldn't look for it any time soon.
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Midam - Illusions
Just one of my favorite things I have written for these two bcs the tag is too small.
It was loud around him. Too loud. The sounds were horrible, sharp, loud and jarring. It felt like his head would explode. He felt like his guts would turn around and he couldn't stand on his feet anymore. He fell to the ground and his hands are pressed against his ears. Too loud! Too loud! That was the only thing he could think of. Adam tried to look up, to the place where the sound came from, but it was impossible. The strong, strange light blinded him. He looked into the lights for only a second, but his eyes felt already dry and burned; unfortunately he couldn't rub them, his hands were already placed on his ears and he was sure his head would explode if he would put them away. That was the moment he thought it couldn't get any worse. Well, he was absolutely wrong. Suddenly his whole body started to hurt. And it was hot, freaking hot. He thought his body would burn. Adam couldn't open his eyes but pressed himself against the wall with the back that he could find behind him. But something pressed him against the wall even harder. His head was thrown back and hit against the stone walls. He gasped for air when the dull pain started to spread around in his head. But that was not the only pain he felt, something seemed to touch him on the arms. Adam wanted to scream but there was no sound coming out of his mouth and he slowly started to lose control over his body. Somehow it felt numb but he still felt the pain. Is my body burning? I am dying, right? I always thought dying would feel different. Not that hot. And I thought I wouldn't feel like every piece of me would be ripped apart ...
And suddenly, everything was silent. The pain was gone and he slowly started to feel strangely comfortable. It wasn't hot anymore. It wasn't loud anymore. He couldn't feel anything at all. When he tried to move his hands away from his ears nothing happened. Where they even there? Adam slowly tried to open his eyes but again nothing happened. Where they even closed? They had to be, he couldn't see anything. Or was it dark around him? Where am I? He tried to say that out loud but he couldn't. Now the blonde boy started to panic. What happened? Was he really dead? Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Adam cursed. That can't be! No! Shit! I can't feel anything! Oh ... wait ... There was something he could feel; he could feel something. Something warm and calming. He instantly thought about a cold, rainy day in autumn where you would sit in silence on a sofa in the living room, reading a book and listening to the raindrops on the windows. That was something he often did when he was younger. It made him feel calmer and he was even able to see that picture in his mind; himself sitting on the sofa in his old home in the living room with one of his favorite books. He was even able to feel the soft material behind his back and underneath him; the cover and pages on his book in his hands. It was relaxing and he finally could feel his body again. Adam smiled and stretched his back. Everything was alright again. Then he heard a noise behind him and he looked up, to the door. A dark haired man walked into the room and smiled at him. Who is that?! Why is he here?! He started to feel nervous and scared. Why was a stranger in his room? The stranger walked over to him. "Hello Adam." He placed his hands on his head and kissed him on the cheek. Adam relaxed again. He needs more sleep. How could he not recognize his own boyfriend, Michael? "Good morning, Michael."
Michael stood up in his new vessel. He made sure that the owner was alright and would always be. Okay, usually the angels never chose a dream in which the owner was in a relationship with the angel that possessed him, but he liked the human. He had been watching over him for a very long time. "Everything will be fine, Adam. I promise."
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sam2hell · 3 years
A Ball of Fluff (to keep you save)
Adam finds a hellhound puppy and wants to keep it.
Requested by: @susanoosama01
Pairing: Midam
Characters: Adam Milligan, Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer, Raphael (Mentioned)
A/N: I changed the Request a bit, but I couldn’t write it any other way.
I hope you like it! (Read under the cut or on Ao3) „ I can’t convince him. Help?”
„Sorry Kid, I don’t have a say in this”
Adam huffed and threw a glance at Gabriel.
„As if you cared about that” Lucifer laughed from where he was sitting at the Kitchen Table.
„Mike is still angry with him, cause he destroyed his Plants” Adam explained.
Lucifers laugh only got louder at that.
„What about asking Raphael? Mike always listens to them” Gabriel suggested.
„They side with him. “With your current living situation, it wouldn’t be wise to bring another living being into your Household” Then they showed him Statistics of Dogs that end up in Animal Shelters again after being adopted by People who are not ready to take care of them. “
Gabriel and Lucifer chuckled.
„They even had Pictures of Sad looking Puppies” Adam whined.
„Yeah, yeah that’s really cruel of them” Gabriel giggled.
Adam flipped back onto the Couch with a groan and threw his Arm over his Eyes.
Gabriel patted his knee in sympathy.
„I’ll Order Pizza, maybe that will lift your Mood. Luci? You want some too?”
„Yep, Extra Olives on mine”
.„You’re a crime against Humanity” Adam and Gabriel muttered simultaneously.  
„That’s my Job”
The Next Week, Michael had just returned from his Duty in Heaven, Adam got a call:
„Hey Kid, are you free for like 20 Minutes? You are? Good, meet me in the Park” Adam stared at his Phone, were Lucifer just hung up on him.
He sighed, threw his Handy on the counter and continued washing the Dishes. Suddenly Michael appeared before him and handed him an Apple.
„From Heavens best Apple Tree” the Archangel smiled shyly.
Adam Leaned over and Kissed his Cheek.„Thanks, Halo”
He leaned against the Kitchen Counter and bit in the Apple. His Phone dinged. A Text from Lucifer:
“Where are you?? Come on, don’t ignore meeee!!! I’ve got a surprise for ya” Adam finished the Apple, kissed Michael and said:
„Gotta go, Luce needs my help”
„Okay, say hi for me”
„Will do. Bye”
Adam rounded the Corner and raised an Eyebrow. Lucifer stood there and something moved behind his Legs.
As the Human came closer, a Ball made out of Fur came raising towards him.
He crouched down and catched the Puppy in his Arms.
„Hello! Who are you?” He giggled as the Puppy licked his Face.
„I didn’t pick a Name for him yet. Feel free to choose”
Adam froze and looked at Lucifer in disbelieve.
„Wait. Do you mean I can keep him?” „
Jup, I’ve got enough of those” the Archangel grinned.
„Of those… This isn’t a Hellhound, isn’t it?”
Lucifers grin got bigger.
„No Luce. As much as I would love to have a Dog, I can’t keep him. Mike would kill me”.
„Ugh, don’t listen to him. He always whines about keeping you save and a Hellhound is a Perfect Guard Dog. Especially with our kind of Enemies”
.Adam hated himself for thinking that, but Lucifers point was logical.
He really could use a Guard Dog. Sure, he could easily defend himself with basic Combat when Michael was gone, but he often felt uneasy alone.
That was one of the many Side-effects of a Ghoul Attack and being trapped in Hell.That’s also why he spends so much time at Lucifer and Gabe’s Place. „You’re right” Adam sighed defeated, „But how do I get Mike on board with this?”
Lucifer flashed him a smile: „Got you covered”
 Adam didn’t know how Lucifer did it, but he convinced Michael to keep the Dog.
Cepheus, they Named the Pup after the only Constellation Michael ever created, already made himself a Home.He adored Michael and followed him around everywhere. Even through they bought him two Beds, he loved sleeping on the Window Sill.That way, he also could watch Michael work in the Garden.
Adam leaned against Michaels Shoulder, Cepheus sprawled out between them, as they watched a Movie.He never felt more at Peace.
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mik-ael · 3 years
Ugly Christmas Sweaters
im really bad at titles.
so, school is over, therefore i can dedicate all my free time to midam! which probably isnt really healthy but whatever. anyway, here’s a little one shot inspired by my recent post of whether michael would be a knitter (we agreed he would be). 500+ words, pure fluff.
,,There. Finished," Michael declared proudly, as he cut the yarn from the hat that was sitting in his lap. Adam smiled at his boyfriend, from where he was laying on the couch with his feet also in Michael's lap.
,,Let me see?" He gestured at the hat, and Michael passed it to him. Adam examined the hat lovingly. Michael knitted it himself, after discovering a small haberdashery during their early Christmas shopping. The kind lady who owned the shop showed Adam all the different yarn and string they had, while Michael pointed at the ones he liked from behind her shoulder. Adam bought every single one, including some knitting needles that the lady recommended. That evening, Michael sat himself down on the couch and diligently taught himself how to knit. Adam made them hot cocoa and mostly just watched the archangel, sometimes helping him when he got stuck.
Michael was so far enjoying the human experience of living, and Adam happily indulged him in any activity that he wanted to try. Adam himself never knitted or crocheted or anything similar, but he remembered long winter evenings when his mother sat on the couch while he was reading, needles flashing in her hands as she made him a warm scarf or hat.
This one that Michael just finished was mostly made from a warm dark red yarn, with a white brim and white pom pom on the top. It was a simple but elegant design, and felt nice and warm on touch.
,,Will you try it on, please? I don't know if I got the size good," The archangel asked nicely.
Adam got a better idea. Before Michael could do anything, he abruptly sat up and placed the hat on his boyfriend's head.
,,There! It fits perfectly. And you look really good in dark red, by the way."
,,Don't worry, I'm making you a matching one. And a scarf, because from what I've seen of humans sick with the common cold, it's very unpleasant and I don't want you to catch it before Christmas," Michael said very matter-of-factly. Adam smiled at his boyfriend's concern, but couldn't resist the playful jab.
,,I thought I couldn't get sick, you know, archangel inhabiting my body and all? You sure it's not just an excuse to knit me a scarf?"
,,Maybe," Michael replied. ,,but just so you know, the common cold really is an unpleasant sickness, and plenty of people..."
Adam silenced him with a quick kiss, and then snuggled into his arms.
,,I'm joking, Mic. You can knit me anything you want, I'll gladly wear it."
,,Even if I make you a traditional ugly Christmas sweater?" Michael smiled down at Adam innocently.
,,Sure. But you have to make yourself a matching one. You know, like a traditional couple." Adam closed his eyes and relaxed in Michael's embrace.
,,Since when do we resemble anything traditional?" Michael joked, placing a kiss on Adam's forehead before picking up his yarn and needles and starting another hat.
They stayed like this most of the afternoon, enjoying the other's presence while Michael's knitting needles quietly clicked in the silence.
,,You know, if you do make really ugly Christmas sweaters..." Adam started some time later, opening one eye and looking mischievously at Michael.
,,I think we found our Christmas gift for the Winchesters."
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gayliensav · 3 years
The final chapter is here! Ready Now, Chapter 13: “A Promise (Epilogue)” is not live and available on AO3.  Thanks to everyone who read this and a special thanks to the midam discord who helped me through the entire process of writing and posting this! This fic has practically been my baby since I outlined it the night 15.19 aired. I do have a few oneshots planned for this universe and another upcoming midam multi-chapter fic as well. Hope to see you soon and thank you for reading!
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midamspn · 5 years
just a midam centric soft high school au oneshot where everything’s ok and everyone’s happy :)
they deserve to be happy honestly. especially bc canon put them through literal hell for the equivalent of a thousand years
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Okay but ever since I started Jessica Jones I am tempted to draw a Midam oneshot related to the Jessica-Kilgrave dynamic. I know their (Kilgrave/Jessica) ““relationship”“ is the worst but imagine all the angst
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junkyuubaby · 5 years
Team a+ Jihoon reaction to you wanting to hug them
Reaction for the members: Midam, Seunghun, Yedam, Byounggon, Junkyu, Hyunsuk, Doyoung and Jihoon
requested? No
💫If you guys want to request a oneshots or reaction feel free to do so.💫
You would walk up to Midam and lay your arms around him. He started smiling and put your arms around you pulling you close. He wouldn't let you go for a few minutes because he just loved hugging you so much. He just felt so save and loved hugging you.
Seunghun and you would be laying on the couch watching one of you favorite movies. In the middle of the movie you crawled over to him and layed down cuddling up to him and hugging him tightly. He had to stop himself from squealing. He hugged you too and pulled you even closer to him.
Yedam was currently sitting in his room with you.He was studying for his next exam and looked really stressed out. You crawled over to him and koala hugged him from behind. As soon as you layed your arm around him he immediatly relaxed. He took one of your hands in his and kissed it before going back to studying again.
It was the day where Byounggon got chosen to be a trainee again after finally making it in the treasure team. He came to your house late at night and you saw his tear strained face and hugged him tightly. You brought him inside and spend the rest of the night cuddling with you.
You and him were sitting in his room as he practiced singing to last dance. It was already pretty late and you got sleepy and tired. You leaned onto his shoulder and fell asleep some seconds later. You hugged him and pulled him really close to you in your sleep. Junkyu had the biggest smile on his face and decided that it was enough practicing for one day.
You were sitting in the dance room as Hyunsuk practiced the boomerang dance. You were tired and got sleepy. He noticed how tired you looked and walked up to you sitting down next to you. You hugged him and cuddled up to him. Some minutes of you two just enjoying each other company passed as Hyunsuk realized that you had fallen asleep. He carefully packed his stuff, picked you up and carried you to the dorm of him and the boys.
It was after your twos first date. He still brought you to you house and said goodbye to you.He was about to leave when he felt your two arms wrap around him and hug him tightly. He blushed deeply and hugged you back. You broke the hug after a few minutes and said goodnight to him. Doyoung was standing there with a smile on hs face and his cheeks red.
'Goodnight cutie'
You went to see the ep 9 performances. Troughout the whole evening you were cheering for Jihoon. When the concert ended you waited outside. When you saw Jihoon walking towards you you ran up to him and hugged him tightly. 'You did amazing today sweetie.'. He hugged you back and thanked you before giving you a loving kiss on the lips.
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ao3feed-castiel · 4 years
the angel (and the one)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2u3k0KW
by feliciagay
Michael had always believed he was great at keeping secrets— practically an expert at it. But, of course, the one thing he didn’t want to be general knowledge, ultimately became it.
(Alternatively titled, the ten times Michael’s ‘crush’ on Adam Milligan was shoved in his face.)
Words: 6325, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 23 of anna’s midam dumps
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Michael (Supernatural), Adam Milligan, Raphael (Supernatural), Lucifer (Supernatural), Gabriel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Chuck Shurley, Amara (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Castiel (Supernatural)
Relationships: Michael/Adam Milligan, Michael (Supernatural) & Everyone, Michael & Raphael (Supernatural), Lucifer & Michael (Supernatural), Gabriel & Michael (Supernatural), Michael & Sam Winchester, Michael & Dean Winchester, Michael & Chuck Shurley, Amara & Michael (Supernatural), Jack Kline & Michael, Castiel & Michael (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, Michael (Supernatural) Loves Adam Milligan, Pining Michael (Supernatural), Michael-centric, Michael is Not Sharing a Vessel With Adam Milligan, idk how he got his own vessel but he did!!, probably at some point when the rest of the archangels were resurrected!!, this au should be canon, Self-Indulgent, LMAO THIS IS SO SELF INDULGENT, Aunt Amara (Supernatural), Chuck Shurley Being an Asshole, Chuck Shurley is God, i refuse to call him chuck, he’s god not chuck, Lucifer (Supernatural) is an Idiot, seriously, Good Sibling Raphael (Supernatural), Female Raphael (Supernatural), Jack Kline is a Ray of Sunshine, i wrote this while i was sick and sleep deprived, merry late christmas and happy new years, Michael (Supernatural) is So Done, Protective Adam Milligan, kind of, Protective Michael (Supernatural), They love each other, Dean Winchester Not Being an Asshole, a surprising first for me, BASICALLY EVERYONE SHIPS MIDAM, that’s all this is, Gabriel Being Gabriel (Supernatural), They're all in the Bunker too, because they can be, that’s my reasoning, i’m so sorry this exists, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Alternate Universe - Crack, that’s literally all this is, these tags are a mess, this is like me dumping all of my oneshots/scrabbles and turning them into one monstrosity, this is that monstrosity, this is a monstrosity, Meet the Family, lmao kind of, Archangels, i love tjem, shut up there’s no angst, in metatron’s words: this is a mess-terpiece, this is unedited (as per usual)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2u3k0KW
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shadowedlamplight · 5 years
Tags Masterpost
Figured I ought to make one of these for organization purposes. Some tags will have descriptions or explanations, others won’t.
List under the cut so I can edit it more effectively.
General Art Cassie Speaks Chapter - a post for a multi-chapter fic Edit - video edits and such, not edited posts Fic - any fic, not necessarily written by me Mine My addition - something I’ve written added onto someone else’s post Not a Chapter - a post or announcement about a fic, but not a chapter of that fic Not a Fic - same as the above, including posts regarding fics in general Not Mine - a fic or story that is not written by me Oneshot Poetry
Fandoms Harry Potter Sanders Sides Supernatural
Characters & Ships Harry Potter: Lily Evans
Sanders Sides: Character Thomas Deceit Logan Patton Remus Roman Virgil ---- LAMP Prinxiety
Supernatural: Adam Milligan Dean Winchester SPN Castiel SPN Gabriel SPN Lucifer SPN Michael Sam Winchester ---- Destiel Midam
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ghost-facer · 1 year
Almost done with my Midam oneshot. It’s taking me way longer than I expected, but I’m actually really proud of it so far and feel like it’s one of the best things I’ve written.
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Arranged - Midam
From the 90th chapter of my Midam-Adamandriel-Michifer Oneshot book on Wattpad (_Doctor_Pond_ ‘Supernatural Multi ship collection’) because there is not enough Midam on Tumblr
Kingdom AU
The seven-year-old Michael was sitting on his chair at the grand table in the hall of his kingdom; looking around nervously. It was the first time he was allowed to take part in the annual and traditional festivity that the three different kingdoms celebrated to revive their peace contract. It was loud around him and many different people arrived. The young boy with the pitch black haired moved closer to the back of his seat and looked around nervously. He wasn’t used to all of that and he wasn’t sure if he even wanted to participate next year, even though he knew he had to.
But the nervousness disappeared when the other two royal families arrived. He looked at their children with a curious expression but he was too shy to say a single word to them. But that changed when someone was shoved over to the chair next to him. The five-year-old blonde boy, from the family that arrived last sat down next to him and smiled at him with a curious expression on his face. “Hi! What’s your name? I’m Adam, Johns son. Okay, not actually his son, they adopted me. Are you adopted? Which family is yours? What’s your name? Did I already ask you the last question?” Michael looked a bit overwhelmed when the other child started to talk to him fast and happy. He seemed to be a very outgoing and confident child, unlike Michael. Michael was confident but not really outgoing. He preferred it to be close to his family and didn’t like it to meet new people, but the younger one looked at him with such an innocent expression on his face and in his light blue eyes that he couldn’t just ignore him. “I’m Michael …” “Nice to meet you, Michael!”
 Honestly, if he looked back at that day Michael was sure that it was one of the best memories he had. He was still friends with Adam, even though 13 years passed by and they only saw each other for one day a year, but that didn’t change the fact that they started to get closer. Both kingdoms said that they were happy that they got along with each other so well, because that was a good sign for the future. If two of the rulers were friends, there would be a higher chance that they would life in peace with each other. Well, they didn’t know how close they were. Michael literally developed a crush when he was 14 and he still wasn’t over him. It sounds easy to get over someone you have feelings for if you only see them once a year, but it wasn’t easy for Michael. He had to think about the festival and Adam constantly, there was almost no space left in his head for something else; something maybe more important. Even though there wasn’t anything more important for Michael than his closest friend and crush.
 Meanwhile Michael stood in front of the mirror inside his room, looking at himself; checking if his clothes and hair were looking good. He was going to meet Adam again, he couldn’t not care about his appearance, even though the older one was pretty sure that Adam won’t ever see him in the way he wished he would. But hey, at least he could hope for it.
  Around 45 minutes later Michael was sitting on his chair at the table inside the hall, the same hall. Table and place where he and Adam met for the first time. The young adult was feeling nervous but tried his best to hide it. But that wasn’t as easy as it had been anymore when the other families arrived; especially not when he spotted Adam. Michael closed his eyes and took some deep breaths, trying his best to calm himself down. “Michael-“ He opened his eyes again quickly when he heard the blonde ones voice. There was something different about it, something he never heard before. After opening his hazel eyes again he started to feel worried. Adam was looking pale and sick, looking around nervously. “Hey, Adam, are you okay?” Michael stood up quickly and walked over to his friend, forgetting about his nervousness instantly. “I- We-“ It was obvious that Adam tried to find the right words but it wasn’t possible. He closed his mouth again and looked around again quickly. “Can we … Go to a place where not so many people are? Please?” The older one wasn’t able to say no when he looked into the light eyes, that were filled with stress and incomprehension. “Sure.” He laid an arm around the taller ones shoulder and walked out of the room with him as fast as possible.
 Around five to ten minutes later they were sitting in the highest tower of Michaels home, the tower that was once used to watch the stars. Now no one used it within the last ten years so Michael doubt that someone would find them there. He watched the person he developed feelings such a long time ago with a worried expression. Adam was still not looking good. “Are you sick?” The younger one shook his head and sighed, looking at the ground. “I just- I received news that, how can I say that …” He was quiet for some seconds again, trying to create an explanation in his head. “Well, my brothers … They are dead …” Slowly Michael nodded, not really understanding what Adam was about to say. His brothers were gone for years now, that couldn’t be the reason why he was so upset, could it? “Yeah … I know …” He answers slowly, not exactly getting the other males point. “My father … My father wants me to marry one of your parents’ children that are around my age because we two are so close and he wants that our kingdoms will keep contact, even after his death.” Adam bursted out, still looking to the ground. That was the moment Michael thought he would die. His heart stopped beating for a second and he held his breath. Then, when it was beating again he felt a sharp pain inside his chest, followed by the tightening feeling he already knew so well. Adam would marry. His father would arrange that. He would marry one of his siblings. “E-eh …” Michael wasn’t able to say anything at first, he was just sitting there in shock, staring at the teenager he loved; the teenager that would soon be someone else’s even though he loved him. “What … Are you going to do now?” He asked, realizing how weak his voice sounded. The one with the black hair wouldn’t be surprised if he would start crying within the next seconds. “I- I don’t know.” Adam looked up again and ran his fingers through his already disheveled blonde hair; a look that Michael absolutely loved. “I mean- there is someone I would be interested in but- but they are probably not going to say yes so I don’t know what to do.”
  And after this sentence Michaels heart shattered again. His crush wouldn’t only marry someone; he was also interested in one of his siblings. Someone that would probably say yes if he would ask them to marry him because who would say no to him? It would be impossible for Michael to say that. But while he felt like someone ripped out his heart with a fist made out of ice, he tried to act tough. Adam was the one that came to him, he should be there to support and comfort him. “Hey …” He said with a warm and soft voice, standing up and walking over to his friend; sitting down next to him. “I am sure that she will say yes if you ask her out.” He felt the tightening pain inside his chest again and took a deep breath after that, this wouldn’t be easy at all, but he should get used to it as soon as possible. Meanwhile he heard Adam chuckle weakly. “Bold from you to assume that it is a she …” Usually Michael would freak out on the inside if Adam would say something like that, but right now he couldn’t. “It’s not a she?” The other one shook his head. “No, it’s not … I’m more into guys …” “Oh, pardon, I will correct myself. I am sure that he will say yes if you ask him out.” The only response that Michael got was a sigh while the taller one leaned his head against Michaels shoulder. “I don’t think so …” He sighed again and stared out of the window. “I don’t think that he will ever love me …” “I am sure he does. Just ask him …” “Now?” The one with the black hair nodded. “Yes, I believe in you.” Adam smiled at him and stood up slowly. “Thank you …” Then, slowly and shy he started to leave the room.
  As soon as Michael was alone again he leaned back until his back was touching the stone wall and he sighed; almost ready to cry. Adam was in love with someone else. That shouldn’t be a surprise right? They were just friends … He closed his eyes but opened them some seconds later when he heard a shy knock. While Michael opened his eyes again he already noticed who the person was that knocked. “Adam what are you doing here? I thought you would ask your crush out?” But Adam just swallowed and stared at him. “Michael do you wanna go out with me?” His voice was shaking and the look on his expression was something between nervously and scared. For a second Michael felt hurt because he thought that Adam was just joking but when he looked into the other ones eyes the painful expression started to fade away. He couldn’t find the mischievous sparks inside his eyes that he could usually see when he was joking. His expression was serious and Michael couldn’t hold back the smile that appeared on his face while he stood up and walked over to Adam; taking his hands, intertwining their fingers and shyly kissing the confused teenager on the lips. “Yes. A million times yes.”
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gayliensav · 4 years
Do you have any recently made Midam fics to rec? Thanks so much! Your blog is awesome :D
I didn’t include a lot of recent ones because the ones on my original rec list are Classics to me that I read when I was younger and also I don’t usually read fics until they’re finished because if I read a lot of them at once it confuses my brain and I can’t keep track of things, but these are exceptions to that rule because either they’re written by my mutuals and/or they’re just so good. There’s also a few really good oneshots on here.
fond object of my affection by forestjoshua
Language: English Warnings: None Words: 6,647 Chapters: 1/1
Adam and Michael in the Cage, after the Cage, and so on.
under your skin by Tuometar
Language: English Warnings: None Words: 3,626  Chapters: 1/1
“Skin-hunger” he typed into the search bar.
Adam could feel Michael’s mind pressing against his, very alert, trying to understand.
They skimmed some of the answers and the pieces started to fall in place for Adam.
"People need to touch each other?” Michael asked clearly highly concerned. Adam felt his anxiousness. Michael couldn’t fix this, couldn’t provide this. He could wrap his grace around Adam’s soul all day, but he had no separate body, no arms to hold Adam in.
OR: Adam and Michael have to come up with peculiar solutions to fulfill the needs of a human body.
Me and Michael by Chimera_Cuddles (In-Progress)
Language: English Warnings: Mental Institutions, Hurt!Adam, Hurt!Michael Words: 18,009 (as of 4/30) Chapters: 7/? (as of 4/30)
To punish Michael for telling the Winchester’s about his only weakness, Chuck tears Michael out of Adam. Injured from having Michael brutally ripped from him, Chuck ensures Adam will never find his way out by placing him in a secure facility for patients with serious mental health problems and turning up the insanity.
How can you convince people you aren’t insane when your own words condemn you. When all you can do is tell them, the people locking you up, that you shared your body with an archangel and the reason you had a breakdown was because God took him away and is now punishing you…
You Shall Love Them by Susanoosama01
Language: English Warnings: None Words: 2,423 Chapters: 1/1
God orders the angels to love humans. Michael doesn't understand. What is there to love about these creatures?
The Hardest Truth by stardust_made (In-Progress)
Language: English Warnings: None Words: 28,353 (as of 4/30) Chapters: 14/? (as of 4/30)
"The elation of being topside is wearing off and Adam feels murky with the aftertaste of it, energy leaving his body so abruptly it’s only the presence of a celestial being inside of him that stops him from toppling over his own feet."
Adam and Michael leave Lebanon and start on a new journey together. Adam's POV.
Your Short Order Cook is an Archangel by kingstoken
Language: English Warnings: None Words: 428 Chapters: 1/1
“Why are we wasting our time with this?”
“Michael, we've been through this, we need money to buy things.”
holy, sick, divine by orphan_account (Part of the Divine ‘verse, which is labeled in-progress)
Language: English Warnings: None Words: 1,073 Chapters: 1/1
He’s eleven, and he’s fleeing his small village of Windom as battle and fire rage around him. His mother tells him to run, to get out as fast as he can, and he does. A selfish choice, really, considering he doesn’t even try to get his mom to follow.
He’s twelve, and after a year of being on his own, sleeping on the streets of Windom’s neighboring village, Sioux, and living off what little scraps he can find, Adam is taken in by a man named Zachariah— a priest to Mikha’il; a war god, and a sun god. Zachariah is kind to him, and Adam is young and naive. Zachariah gives him a place to sleep and Zachariah gives him food. He has a home again, albeit one without his mother, and Adam is happy.
He’s fourteen, and he’s pledging himself to Mikha'il. Slicing his hand open and letting himself bleed into the altar; he hasn’t seen Mikha’il, not yet, but he knows someday he will. He asks Zachariah is he’s ever seen Mikha’il in his forty-two years of being a priest, and he simply sighs and shakes his head. Adam has hope, though. Hope Mikha’il will someday show himself to him.
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