#mentioned ferdinand von aegir
askhubertvonvestra · 1 year
Boops nose, how have you been?
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...I see you missed these antics.
But I have been well. With the support of our allies, progress with the war has been both swift and decisive.
Although I suppose that doesn't quite answer your question. Dorothea and Petra have brought it to my attention that I rarely respond accordingly when questions involve me directly, so. I have been collaborating with Linhardt on his more engaging studies, and Bernadetta has been joining Ferdinand and I for tea as of late. Byleth has gladly roped me into their training sessions with Caspar, claiming that we will be good influences on one another. Begrudgingly, they were not incorrect on that front. Naturally, this has been encouraged by Her Majesty as we both pursue greater independence and free time outside of our duties.
Likewise, it would be excellent news to know that you are doing well. May only the best cross your path.
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diezmil10000 · 6 months
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A girl like you
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versión original en español, Una chica como tú
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whumperofworlds · 7 months
Whumptober Day 1: Fingers
Now on AO3!
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
A/N: WHUMPTOBER BEGINS! I'm super excited to share these with y'all!!! It's my first time doing Whumptober so I'm excited to do this! All prompts will be either OC related or fandom related, and they will all be posted on AO3, so stay tuned for more!
I don't own anyone in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
Content: poisoned, stabbed with an arrow, mentions of emeto, blood.
@whumptober Day 1: Safety Net | Swooning | "How many fingers am I holding up?"
Hubert didn't think anything was wrong after the battle. Things were going well against the Slitherers—Byleth's plan had gone well, and everyone was alive and safe.
Hubert met up with the rest of the Black Eagle Strike Force, before he started a head count. Lady Edelgard was there, along with her wife, Byleth. So was Bernadetta and Yuri. Even Caspar was here (though Linhardt had something to do with him being here instead of running off).
Everyone was here.
Except for…
"Ferdinand isn't here," Hubert pointed out, his heart nearly stopping as dread hit him. Where was Ferdinand? Was he alive? No. The last time he saw him, he was fighting against Thales. He seemed like he was handling himself well. Unless…
The mere idea of Ferdinand being captured or worse, killed, frightened Hubert more than he would like to admit. They were courting for just a few short months, and both of them promised that they would live for the other's sake before they officially marry. Ferdinand never broke promises he kept.
Edelgard gritted her teeth, glancing towards her wife, who's eyes were filled with concern. Byleth immediately spoke up, "Then we must split up and look for him. He should not have gone far."
Hubert merely nodded, before he teleported away to the last place he saw Ferdinand. Once he arrived, he saw the body of Thales lying on the ground, blood pooling around him… but no Ferdinand in sight.
Where was he?
"Ferdinand?" Hubert called, glancing around. Shambhala was quite a large area, but Hubert knew that Ferdinand didn't go very far, with Thales now dead. He had to be nearby.
"Ferdinand!" Hubert called again, his heart pounding. Did one of the Slitherers get his lover? No. Ferdinand was strong enough to handle them. He wouldn't go down that easily. …Right?
"Ferdie!" Hubert screamed, desperation in his voice now. Surely him calling Ferdinand by his pet name would catch the ginger's attention.
Silence. But he heard a moan from somewhere.
"H-Hubie…?" Ferdinand's voice was weak, scaring the raven haired man more than needed. What happened to Ferdinand?
Hubert glanced around, looking for any sign of his beloved. "Ferdie! Where are you?!" He cried, his heart pounding so hard he swore he would have a heart attack.
Hubert jumped at the sound from behind him, before he turned. A lance—Ferdinand's lance—laid on the floor, and Hubert could see the bloody fingerprints on the handle.
Hubert rushed up to the lance, glancing over it for a moment before turning his head to the left. In between two buildings was a flash of long orange hair, blood pooling around the body. Sticking out of the body's shoulder was an arrow radiating a purple glow.
Hubert gasped. It was Ferdinand. And he was hit with a poison arrow.
"Ferdie!" Hubert cried, forgetting the lance as he rushed towards his fallen love. He knelt down to Ferdinand when he was close enough, before cradling his broken body in his arms. He was careful not to tousle his wounded shoulder, as he looked over the ginger's pale face.
"H-Hubie…" Ferdinand whispered, his voice cracking due to the sheer pain he was feeling. He breathed heavily, trying to fight to stay awake.
"Ferdie, dammit," Hubert cursed, helping Ferdinand's head so it would lay on the mage's lap. He brushed away orange, sweat stained hair from Ferdinand's face as he tried to keep his own breathing under control. He shouldn't be panicking now. He had to get Ferdinand help, and fast.
He lit up a Fire spell, before he threw it up in the air. The spell exploded once it hit its furthest point, the embers flying everywhere. Surely, one of the Black Eagle Strike Force members would see it and rush to their aid.
"H-Hubie…" Ferdinand gasped, tears now pricking at the corners of his eyes. Hubert gritted his teeth—seeing his beloved in that much pain broke his heart in many pieces.
"Shh," Hubert whispered. "Don't talk, Ferdie. We'll get you help."
Seeing Ferdinand's heavy breathing and his struggle to stay awake made Hubert worry the more time passed. Where was Edelgard? Byleth? With so many members of the Black Eagle Strike Force, someone had to see the signal by now.
"Ferdie," Hubert spoke, his voice firm. He moved slightly so he could hold one hand up for Ferdinand to see. Hubert held up three fingers, before he asked him, "Ferdie, how many fingers am I holding up?"
Ferdinand looked at his hand, squinting at it. Hubert gritted his teeth. Not a good sign at all.
"F-four?" Ferdinand guessed. "I-I cannot tell."
Hubert knew that Ferdinand was at the late stages of the poison. He needed to get him help, and soon.
"Hubert!" Hubert recognized the feminine voice of Edelgard a few feet away. "Did you find Ferdinand?!"
Hubert breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. Help had arrived.
"Yes!" Hubert called. "But he's been poisoned! Do you have Linhardt or Manuela with you?!"
"Both of them are here with us," Edelgard answered, her voice closer now. "Hold on! We're coming!"
Hubert merely nodded, taking Ferdinand's hand. He glanced down at his beloved, frowning as he squeezed the ginger's hand slightly.
"H-Hubie…" Ferdinand croaked, tears now falling down his face. "I-it hurts…"
"I know, love," Hubert soothed, "just keep your eyes open for me."
"S-s-so tired…" Ferdinand whimpered, hiccuping as he tried to hold in a sob.
"Ferdie, look at me," Hubert spoke in a firm tone. Ferdinand slowly glanced up at his love to meet his eyes, though Hubert could tell he was struggling. "I need you to stay awake, okay? Linhardt and Manuela are coming."
"I-I-I…" Ferdinand whimpered. "I'm trying…"
His voice was growing soft, and Hubert gulped as his heart pounded in his chest. Ferdinand didn't have much time left—each minute that passed, Ferdinand grew weaker. Where were Linhardt and Manuela? Dammit, where were they?! They should be here by now! How much longer—
"There they are!" Linhardt's voice broke Hubert's panicking thoughts. Hubert could hear footsteps approaching before Manuela and Linhardt appeared. When Linhardt saw how much blood Ferdinand had lost, and how some of it was discolored, he nearly fainted on the spot. Manuela glanced at him, her eyes indicating that Ferdinand needed help now. Linhardt, understanding the look, nodded weakly before he and Manuela rushed forward to the duo. Manuela helped Hubert pick up Ferdinand, carefully pulling out the arrow. Ferdinand hissed as the arrow was fully out of his shoulder, and blood sputtered from the wound. The blood looked more purple than red, which Hubert gritted his teeth in disgust. He had made poisons to kill people, yes, but he had never seen the poison get to this stage.
As soon as the arrow was pulled out, Linhardt took that moment to cast a healing spell to heal the wound. He looked away, nearly gagging at the look of the blood as he did so. Once the wound was nearly closed up, Manuela wrapped a small white cloth around Ferdinand's shoulder, and she could see the blood seeping from the wound. She helped Hubert bring Ferdinand back to the group, who all looked on in worry.
"Ferdinand…" Edelgard gasped, a hand over her mouth.
"He'll be just fine," Manuela reassured, "his body needs to get rid of the poison before he can heal properly. For now, we need to go back to the monastery."
Hubert sighed in relief. Finally, Ferdinand was going to get the help he desperately needed. He looked down at his love, seeing that he was unconscious. But his face was starting to gain a little more color. That was a good sign, at least…
Three days. It was an agonizing three days for Hubert. He knew that Ferdinand would survive the poison, but he couldn't help but worry over him.
He sighed, trying to look over the paperwork he was working on to no avail. Whenever he tried to focus, his thoughts returned to Ferdinand. He knew that Manuela and Linhardt could take care of him, but Hubert's intrusive thoughts kept coming back. What if Ferdinand had complications and died? He couldn't live without his beloved, especially since this whole thing was entirely his fault.
"Promise me you'll stay alive so we can marry, Ferdie."
"As long as you do the same, Hubie."
He remembered that promise oh so clearly. Ferdinand never broke promises; surely he would keep fighting for their sakes… right?
A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He shook his head to get rid of his thoughts before he turned his head to the door.
"Who is it?" He called.
"It's me, Manuela," the feminine voice called. "May I come in, Hubert?"
Manuela. That meant that something had happened to Ferdinand. Hubert gulped down the lump in his throat that kept coming back. Did that mean that Ferdinand was…
"Come in," Hubert spoke, waving a hand at no one in particular.
Manuela entered then, her hair messy and her clothes disheveled—apparently, she was working herself to the bone trying to keep Ferdinand alive. She sighed, wiping off the sweat from her brow before smiling.
"He'll live," she spoke.
Hubert's heart skipped a beat. Ferdinand was going to live? He had never thanked Sothis for miracles, but this time, he quietly did so. Ferdinand was going to live. He would be okay.
"He needs more time to rest," Manuela said, "his body is currently flushing out the poison in his system, but he will be fine."
Hubert merely nodded, a small smile cracking on his face. Oh, thank Sothis.
"...Can I see him?" Hubert asked, his mind begging, hoping, that she would say yes.
She nodded, to which Hubert mentally sighed in relief. "Just note that he's still out of it."
"Thank you," Hubert only said, before he rushed out to the infirmary. He had to see Ferdinand now—paperwork be damned.
Upon seeing Ferdinand's pale face, Hubert's heart nearly stopped. He looked so deathly ill, and yet he was still smiling in his sleep. How in the world can this man deal with such pain and still smile? Hubert had to admit he was quite strong for that.
"Ferdie?" He asked, an intense frown on his face.
Ferdinand startled from his slumber, his head turning to face his lover. He smiled, but Hubert could tell it was strained. His eyes were half-lidded; tired as expected. "Hubie…" Ferdinand whispered. "You came to see me."
Manuela wasn't kidding that he looked out of it…
"Yes, of course," Hubert replied with a nod. "How… are you feeling, Ferdie?"
"Sick," Ferdinand chuckled, but stopped when a coughing fit began. He was even gagging; Hubert guessed that he had been vomiting up the poison, judging by the bucket near his cot. "But Manuela and Linhardt said that I'll be up and about in a few days. So don't worry about me, love."
"Ferdie…" Hubert sighed, guilt hitting him. While he was glad that Ferdinand had survived the entire ordeal, his guilt remained. If only he came with Ferdinand to fight Thales; he would have protected him from the poison arrow. Ferdinand wouldn't have nearly died.
"Don't blame yourself, dear," Ferdinand's voice broke his train of thought.
Hubert shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. "Wh-what?"
"I know what you're thinking," Ferdinand said. "You think it was your fault. It's not, Hubie, I promise."
"Still…" Hubert trailed off for a moment. "I should have come with and protected you. Then you—"
"None of that, Hubert," Ferdinand gently scolded, his voice firm. "If anything, it was Thales and the Slitherers who caused this, not you. They're gone now, so there's no need to worry about them. So no more blaming yourself, okay? I hate to see you beat yourself up over something not under your control."
Hubert sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. Yes… Ferdinand was likely right. "...All right. As long as you're still with us—with me, I'll stop."
"Good!" Ferdinand chuckled, his smile growing wider.
Hubert sat with Ferdinand for a few minutes, occasionally placing a hand on the ginger's forehead while talking nonsensical things.
"Is there something you need, Ferdinand?" Hubert asked.
"You being here is enough for me." Ferdinand replied with the same smile Hubert loved so much.
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moeblob · 2 years
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Have some various ‘Nands.
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bananabraiined · 9 months
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It's the tea party's noble standard.
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purplechickygal · 2 years
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Making my writing debut with the most angsty shit I can think of for my fave Adrestian Trio and Lorenz 🥲🥲
Please check the tags before reading because this fic gets really sad (since it does get into AG spoilers)
Now join me afterwards to cry and replay SB cuz AG ends right when Ch 9 ends 🙃🙃
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"The fact that she looks up to Manuela Casagranda, opera sensation, enough to actively get into swordplay because Manuela did a role with swords? The fact that in her conversations with Manuela she mentions that she admired the costume dresses Manuela would wear in her roles? The way she grew out her hair in that EXACT style in the timeskip? Girlies this is an egg who has no idea trans women exist! Make way for the legitimate daughter of House Aegir!" -Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open!
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randoimago · 2 years
Okay so I rediscovered the only-one-bed trope and honestly am screaming over it rn but also don’t know what characters to ask for this so do you think you could please do your top three Fire Emblem Three Houses characters in that sort of situation? Thank you!!
Only One Bed Trope
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Characters: Ashe, Bernadetta, Dimitri, Ferdinand von Aegir
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Oh the only-one-bed trope, I love it. As for my top three Fire Emblem characters... I think I'm going to do four characters, one being Ferdinand for reasons (Rest In Peace Billy Kametz)
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At first he's confused when he sees that the room you're supposed to be staying in has one bed. He had thought he had asked for two?
Ashe offers to go back and ask for a new room, but you mention that it could be a hassle and Ashe reluctantly agrees. He doesn't want to potentially take a room from someone else that needs it and also doesn't want to overwork the inn staff...
Offers to sleep on the floor so you can take the bed. He's flustered at the idea of sharing a bed, but also he has slept on stone before when he was just a thief in the streets. He can sleep on an inn floor.
You state that you can just share the bed and he's still a bit flustered. Triple checks that it's alright with you because he doesn't want you feeling obligated. There's some happiness in his chest that you trust him enough to share the bed, but he promises that he'll try to stay on his side of the bed during the night!!
You two end up cuddling and when you wake up, you're both flustered but neither want to let go since it's so warm. Ashe ends up just giving a sheepish smile and apologizing and stating that you should get ready to join the others. Through out the day, there are many times you glance at the other, wondering if this was the spark of something new. Neither of you could deny the fluttering in your hearts.
She's panicking when there's only one bed. Bernie thinks someone tricked her and did this to make her flustered and embarrassed. When she realizes she's speaking her thoughts out loud she gets more flustered and embarrassed because you heard what she said.
Bernie quickly tells you to ignore her and to look away. She's shy and doesn't want you judging her. Of course, she hasn't said any actual feelings towards you, just that sharing the bed is embarrassing. But still, please don't hate her!
States that she can sleep on the floor. Her dad has made her do it before as a punishment for not being able to hold books on the top of her head long enough. She can sleep on the floor again.
Of course you don't let her do that. You suggest sharing the bed and Bernie gasps, immediately asking if you plan on killing her. You aren't and you would never and Bernie trusts you. She does, she just can't help but have her mind wander in that direction. Would apologize and hope you aren't mad at her.
Her panicking causes her to stay awake most of the night. She can't help it. You're sleeping in a bed next to her and even if you're facing opposite directions, you're still so close! And she doesn't have a stuffed animal with her to cuddle with! Eventually she does end up falling asleep and cuddles with you, she'll panic in the morning. But for now she's having very pleasant dreams.
He is silent when he sees that there's one bed. His brain is moving too fast, trying to process it and wonder what caused the mistake. A nervous laugh leaves his lips and he offers to go see about getting another room.
Except there are no other available rooms and you're both stuck in this one bed room. Dimitri's throat is dry and he knows his face is a beet red. But he takes a deep breath, tries clearing his throat, and suggests that you sleep in the bed and he'll sleep on the floor or take a chair to sleep in.
You disagree with his suggestion. The future King can't sleep on a dirty floor (it's not actually dirty, the inn would never) or a chair and hurt his back. You offer to take the floor instead and Dimitri frowns.
It becomes a standstill between you two. Neither wanting the other to have back and neck pains in the morning but also nervous about sharing the bed. Dimitri is the one to take a deep breath and state that you can move some extra pillows or maybe get another blanket to put in the middle of the bed so you both stay on your own sides.
Sleep happens eventually but Dimitri's nightmares wake the both of you. He apologizes and tells you to go to sleep while he reads a book or something to keep from returning to said nightmare. Instead you, hesitantly, remove the barrier between you two and cuddle up, telling him that now that you're touching then you can protect him in his sleep. Thank goodness for the dark otherwise you'd definitely see his flustered state. He can't deny the good night's sleep after that.
Lets out a loud, nervous laugh when he sees only the one bed. He has read his fair share of romance novels that he can't help thinking of what comes next in the cliché. Instead he clears his throat and states that you may have the bed while he takes the floor. A true noble would never let someone else suffer, after all!
You agree to taking the bed, but are also hesitant because where would he sleep? Ferdinand states he can get another inn room, it shouldn't be any trouble to do so. Except it is because none are available.
He's hesitant to go back to your room because of the bed situation and also doesn't quite know what to do. He tries to find Edelgard to explain the situation and see if the future Empress has a suggestion, to which she calls him an idiot and tells him to just go to your room and come up with a solution.
While a bit offended, he does what she says and goes back. You're a tad confused but understanding and so you offer to share the bed. Ferdinand gasps because you two aren't even married, you can't share a bed! But if he does have neck pains then it'll make training the next day all the more difficult so he sucks it up and promises he'll stay on his side.
A promise that ends up broken as he can't control his body in his sleep. You end up waking up due to him quickly jumping away from where you had been cuddled up together. He is apologizing and you are half awake, not knowing what happened before he sputters about going to get some tea for the two of you and quickly running away. You two can talk later but for now, he needs to hide his flustered face from you.
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frickingnerd · 10 months
dating ferdinand von aegir
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pairing: ferdinand von aegir x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship, simp!ferdie <3
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ferdinand is the type of boyfriend who's absolutely obsessed with his s/o!
he'll brag about you to everyone who's willing to listen, until they get absolutely sick of listening him gush about you
he just can't stop talking about how good you looked the other day, how strong you are, how much smarter you are than everyone else or how much he just loves you
he also isn't much different around you
he'll hype you up whenever he sees you put on some new clothes, no matter how bad they actually look
he'll even gush about how cute your morning hair looks or how adorable you look in your pajamas
he's also constantly buying you flowers or other little gifts
as soon as he finds out you like something, he'll buy you as much of it as he can find! 
you mention you liked that one tea brand you two had the other day? he'll buy every last one of those from the market! 
you looked at that expensive but cool looking sword at the market for just a second too long? he'll immediately buy it for you! 
ferdinand just wants to make you happy and the best way he knows how to do that is by praising you and making you gifts!
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cafe-lovesick · 1 year
Which Three Houses Yandere would be the hardest to avoid/easiest to make fall in love with you?
Ooh, this is a fun one! I love Three Houses, and I've been playing it again recently. I'll do the easiest and hardest yanderes for each house, starting with the Black Eagles!
TW: Stalking, kidnapping, mentions of violence, manipulation, gaslighting, Sylvain being a manwhore, implications of having children in the Lorenz segment
Reader is primarily referred to with gender neutral pronouns! Minors, please DNI.
Black Eagles
Easiest to Avoid: Bernadetta von Varley
To be honest, I almost wanted to say Linhardt. He hates fighting, is usually either asleep or researching, but...let's be honest.
Bernadetta becoming a full blown yandere would require her to be outside of her room for more than maybe five minutes at a time.
It is entirely possible that you two just never meet. If you don't seek out Bernadetta, she will almost certainly not be seeking you out. Even if you catch her eye, she'll probably just watch over you from a distance out of curiosity.
Should you choose to go out of your way to try and interact with her, you'll still (probably) be fine. Unlike some yanderes who will actively pursue a relationship with you or try to attack anybody they perceive as a threat, Bernadetta is very non-confrontational.
Will she leave you alone entirely? No. You'll still have an obsessive stalker who follows you whenever you're alone. And once Bernadetta has fallen for you, she falls hard and fast. You're not getting rid of her, even if she never snaps and goes full blown yandere.
There's a simple solution: just don't bother Bernie, and Bernie won't bother you. Hopefully the first few times she runs away screaming when you try to speak to her are enough to deter you.
Hardest to avoid: Ferdinand von Aegir
None of the Black Eagles are horribly difficult to avoid, unless you count Hubert. He's just unlikely to fall for someone, so it comes down to luck, really.
Ferdinand would probably be the most difficult of all of the students. While avoiding him wouldn't be an impossible task, why would you?
Ferdinand may have a bit of an ego, but he's still very genuine and sweet. Once you get past all of his talk about chivalry and his 'noble duties', you just might find that he's one of the kindest people in the Empire.
That's part of what makes him more dangerous in comparison to his classmates. It's easy to get along with Ferdinand. And given how friendly he is, he'll probably be the first one to approach you.
The other issue comes from the fact that Ferdinand tends to view the world with rose colored glasses before the war. He's more on the delusional side of things when it comes to yanderes.
To you, he's the obsessive classmate who just won't leave you alone. The one who follows you everywhere on the battlefield, mercilessly slaughtering anybody who dares to lay a scratch on you.
But for Ferdinand?
He's the knight of the story, and you, his love interest. Someone to be protected. Saved. Watched over.
Why should he feel guilty? They were trying to hurt you. Truly, they were the lowest of low.
Ferdinand can't accept that he's fallen too deep, that what he's doing is wrong. So he falls even deeper into his fantasy of playing the knight in your story.
And once the war begins, it won't be long before he decides to whisk you away from danger.
Blue Lions
Easiest to Avoid: Mercedes von Matritz
I was considering giving this spot to Felix or Dedue, but I just can't see Mercedes going completely yandere and locking her darling away from the world. She'd sooner destroy herself than give into any of those selfish wants and desires that claw at Mercedes whenever she sees you courting someone other than herself.
Mercedes has seen the best and worst humanity has to offer in her life, and she's come out stronger for it. Probably one of the most well adjusted people in the Officer's Academy.
Even if she falls for you, it's pretty much harmless. Unless you count baked goods showing up on your doorstep once in a while or being invited to choir as dangerous.
Mercedes hates the idea of hurting someone, even for you. And even though it would break her heart, Mercedes would even be willing to accept seeing you with another person.
She loves you. She just wants you to find happiness, even if it takes away her own.
Another yandere attempting to kidnap you and hide you away would probably be one of the only things to make her snap.
If she has to, Mercedes can and will kill them to protect you. She just prays that someday, the Goddess will be able to forgive her.
Hardest to Avoid: Sylvain Jose Gautier
While not the most dangerous of the Blue Lions, he'd probably be the easiest to woo.
And that's not to say he's easy to seduce- the others just either have a functioning moral compass, or far too much going on to notice you as easily as Sylvain would.
In comparison, Sylvain will probably be actively trying to get you to have tea with him from the first conversation.
Does he have good intentions? Goddess, no. He's probably hit on eight different people in that day alone. Don't let any of his pickup lines about destiny or true love fool you.
There's a few different ways you can catch his eye, too. Should you approach him first and attempt the non-Sylvain method of getting to know someone (read: trying to learn about someone and befriend them instead of trying to get a one way ticket into their bedroom) for some reason, he'll definitely be intrigued. Certainly suspicious at first, but once Sylvain knows you're really just in it because you want to know more about him, he'd certainly appreciate having a friend he actually knows and trusts.
That's just one way, though. If Sylvain is convinced that you're really not interested in his noble status, you'll find that he's actually a pretty decent guy.
Well...not entirely decent. He's still a bit of a skirt chaser, but it slows down as he falls further and further into his obsession with you.
And there's also the issue of him potentially becoming just a teeny, tiny bit possessive when it comes to you. And also the problem with Sylvain getting into verbal arguments with anyone he thinks is being a little too friendly.
They've obviously got bad intentions. They're trying to hurt you. They want to hide you away from the rest of the world, or flaunt you around like some kind of trophy. He's convinced that the world is out to get you.
Sylvain's natural distrust of people devolves, getting worse and worse until he finally snaps.
Unlike someone like Ferdinand, Sylvain is well aware that what he's doing wrong. But Sylvain doesn't care if he's a monster in your eyes.
Not when the rest of the world is so much worse. He'll be damned if he allows the light in his life that is you be snuffed out. At least to him, you'll be more than just a crest, a title, or some stupid trophy.
Unlike them, Sylvain loves you for you. But if the ropes tied around your wrists and the cloth he put in your mouth before dragging you halfway across Fódlan to your new home is anything to go by...
Let's just say that there are healthier ways to show affection than kidnapping.
Golden Deer
Easiest to Avoid: Lorenz Hellman Gloucester and Marianne von Edmund
I couldn't decide on which one would be the easiest to avoid, so I'll be writing for both of them for different reasons.
As for Lorenz, it's like a night and day difference depending on whether or not you're of noble birth.
During the Academy phase? Extremely easy if you're a commoner. Lorenz is pretty dead set on finding a noblewoman to marry, so good luck trying to get his attention. The same applies here if you're a noble who can't give birth.
If you are, however, capable of "having the honor of carrying on the Gloucester bloodline", in his words, expect a letter. Or two. Or three.
He sends them to everybody and anybody who this applies to. Do not write him back. Please do not write him back. Please, for the love of Saint Seiros herself, do NOT express any interest in him whatsoever. Did you leave him that letter within a few days of him sending that to you? Expect a reply very, VERY quickly. In person.
If you do the opposite and write a response telling Lorenz exactly where he can shove his letters, you're also safe. Or just telling him you're utterly uninterested in him. He'll move on pretty quickly.
After the war, however, his views on nobles and commoners will have changed quite significantly. While still rather easy to avoid, it's no longer impossible to win the affections of Lorenz if you weren't born to a noble family.
There's a new problem, though. While he'll no longer jump the gun and insist you get engaged upon you expressing the slightest bit of interest in him, Lorenz will also be less likely to back down if he falls for you. The idea of losing you in the war absolutely terrifies him, and he's not above kidnapping you if you get seriously injured or attempt to join the opposite side in the war.
Just view it as being on house arrest. A very, very long house arrest. And even when he does trust you enough to let you outside of the house, Lorenz will be by your side the entire time.
Marianne is also especially easy to avoid during your time at the academy. When she's not busy praying to the goddess, she's probably busy hiding from other people.
Even if she developed feelings for her darling at the academy, it'd be a very long, difficult process. Like with Bernadetta, you'd have to constantly go out of your way to interact with her. Marianne might even be more likely to avoid you if she develops feelings for you.
Her self loathing runs deep, and she's convinced with every fiber of her being that being around you will only bring death and misfortune. Who would wish that upon the person they love?
Despite that, Marianne would most certainly watch over you in combat. She always seems to show up out of nowhere to tend to your wounds, leaving as soon as it's certain that you're safe again.
To allow herself any more than making sure you're alive and well would be selfish of her, she thinks. Anything else, and you'd just end up miserable or dead. In her mind, that's the only thing that will come from being around her.
During the war, though, she'll be more willing to spend time with you that isn't silently watching over you from afar. Her time at Garreg Mach helped Marianne start to come out of her shell.
And even if the two of you do pursue a relationship, it'll be hard for you to notice anything wrong or out of place.
In fact, she makes sure of it.
Marianne keeps you safe. You never seem to run into much trouble, whether on the battlefield or off.
It's best you don't figure out the extent she'll go to protect you. You'll be much happier if you never discover just how many lives she's taken from people she deemed a threat to your well-being...or what she'll do to keep you by her side.
Hardest to Avoid: Claude von Riegan
I'm not sure if this would come as a surprise to anybody, really.
Claude is good with his words. He's charming, easygoing, funny...and very intelligent.
Not only would he be one of the absolute hardest yanderes to get away from, but he'd be one of the most difficult to avoid. Even if you don't know much about Claude, he makes it his business to find out about the people around him. A darling from one of the other houses would have less difficulty, but it still wouldn't be easy.
When you grow up having to sleep with one eye open and constantly watch people to learn if they're holding a dagger behind their back while they talk to you, it's kind of a necessity to be smart if you want to be alive, too.
Out of everybody in this list, Claude is by far the worst one to get out of the bunch. Should you catch his eye, it's not a matter of IF he'll have complete and total control over your life.
It's all a matter of when.
He wouldn't be likely to fall for someone that's specifically out to try and woo him. Claude would see through it immediately- the same goes for anybody attempting to manipulate him, too. Unless you're as smart and resourceful as Claude, it's going to be impossible to trick him.
That being said, though, he might end up curious about someone attempting to deceive him for their own gain. Claude enjoys your little game of cat and mouse.
Especially the part where you think you're the one in charge. He's the one making the rules here. It's been that way from the very start.
You could potentially gain his curiosity if you're at the exact opposite, too. Claude would love teasing a serious, chivalrous darling. Besides, it's always funny seeing how you immediately put your guard up when he's around. Like that could do anything to deter him from the object of his affections.
From the very start, he's aware his feelings towards you are more sinister than just normal affection. But does it bother him? No, not really.
Kidnapping wouldn't necessarily be something he's morally opposed to, either. It'd just be a bit of a blow to his pride if he had to resort to doing so to keep you by his side.
Manipulation. Subtle threats. Deception. Whatever it takes to keep you by his side, he does it. And Claude enjoys it.
Why in the world would he ever want to keep you locked up?
After all...it's so much more interesting watching you try and break free of him when you're not being held captive.
He'll tell you that you're just being paranoid. You're trying to make him look like the bad guy, when really, Claude just wants what's best for you!
He knows you don't buy it for a second, but that's what he wants.
Nothing would make him happier than watching you give up, watching you admit defeat and willingly stay by his side.
The two of you have all the time in the world, in Claude's eyes. Why not indulge in his little game for a while?
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indigowallbreaker · 7 months
35 from the Angst prompt for Edelgard with Ferdinand
This one got long so it's going under a readmore. I really REALLY like how it came out and it's my hope you like it just as much, anon!!
[prompt rules]
[more Beagles stories]
35: “Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want pity.”
Garreg Mach Monastery was a place of worship and learning. Within its walls were classrooms, stables, a holy altar, sleeping quarters, a library-- and many other useful rooms besides.
It did not have a dungeon.
For that reason, or perhaps due to her many injuries, Edelgard was being held captive in the infirmary.
The other beds and their patients had been moved before she arrived. It was just Edelgard, her bed, Manuela's desk (empty; she'd checked), and a window someone had nailed haphazardly-- thought effectively-- shut. At least it was comfortable. The Church would have had every right to shove Edelgard into a sodden chamber in Abyss as consequence for starting and losing this war. She wondered if that was Rhea's mercy or Professor Byleth's influence. Neither had visited her since bringing her back to Garreg Mach almost a week ago.
In fact, Edelgard had very few visitors. Most notably Manuela came by a few times a day to deliver meals or check on Edelgard's health-- taking a direct hit from the Sword of the Creator did not leave the body unscathed, even if the Professor had held back at the last moment.
A week after her imprisonment, and two weeks after the fall of Enbarr, Ferdinand von Aegir appeared in the infirmary doorway. Edelgard arched a brow as he shut the door behind him and approached her bed. He looked determined, face stone as he stopped a few feet away. In school he had carried with him a kind of glow of confidence. Now, that glow was all but gone. Edelgard found she missed it.
"There is something I must ask you," Ferdinand declared. Edelgard waited, eyes trailing over him for any sign of a weapon. "I would appreciate if you answered honestly."
"That depends on the question." Edelgard's voice came out strained, she knew. Injuries and lack of a conversation partner had dulled her throat somewhat.
"I was in the room when Manuela gave the Professor a report about your physical examination." Edelgard frowned but did not interrupt. "She mentioned some old scars. Across your chest, arms, even your back."
"I am aware."
Ferdinand tensed. "Who did that to you?"
Edelgard looked away, taking the bite out of her reply. "Why the concern? Are you worried your father has more sins on his hands?"
"I am not thinking of him, I am thinking of you."
"Why is that?"
"Because Manuela says the scars are too uniform to be from an accident." Footsteps on hardwood as Ferdinand had moved closer. "She said they looked methodical. Almost as if..."
"As if I had been experimented on?" Edelgard looked up at Ferdinand. Upon reading his expression, however, she wished she hadn't. "Don’t look at me like that, I don’t want pity."
Ferdinand ignored this and sat at the edge of her bed, eyes narrowed as if trying to see the scars himself through her clothes. How long his hair had grown. It fell in waves to the middle of his back, looking slightly less kempt than his shorter hair back at school. She briefly wondered if this was just another way Ferdinand was trying to prove his superiority-- grow his longer hair than Edelgard's. The absurdity nearly sparked a smile across her face.
"Who did this to you?" He asked softly.
Edelgard lifted her chin, levity forgotten. "What does it matter? You must have read Hubert's letter. The Church has more important things to worry about than my childhood."
"I am not thinking of the Church," Ferdinand tone was firm. "I am thinking of you."
This time, the statement robbed Edelgard of any retort. She simply stared at this new Ferdinand. In school, and during their short acquaintance before, Edelgard would never have dreamed of having this conversation. Ferdinand was an annoyance at best and a roadblock for her plans at worst. Now here he sat, pity gone, replaced with the air of a man determined to solve a problem.
Edelgard had only explained this once, many years ago. There had been no need to tell anyone but Hubert about what Slither had done. Even Volkhard had been the one to tell her father after Edelgard had been deemed a success.
Squaring her shoulders, Edelgard spoke. "It is a long story." Ferdinand nodded. He held out his hand, palm up. Edelgard took it, trying to draw courage from his resolve to listen.
And so, Edelgard told Ferdinand of Slither, of their experiments, and of the plans laid long ago that had, ultimately, led to Edelgard being held captive in a monastery without a dungeon.
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askhubertvonvestra · 2 years
Lord Vestra,
There's a petition going around which states that booty shorts should be part of the Imperial Army's male corps' official uniform. Some argue that such a measure would be "beneficial for morale". What is your opinion on this topic of foremost national importance?
PS: Said petition also states that His Excellency, the Honourable Prime Minister Ferdinand von Aegir, should also wear booty shorts a a way to "lead by example" and "encourage more women in the Empire to join the army". Do you believe in such a strategy and, should His Excellency refuse to do so... Would you take on his burden?
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That is categorically moronic.
The Imperial Army must be ready for battle at a moment’s notice. We cannot predict when there might be an ambush or any crisis that needs immediate attention. They simply cannot take the very real risk of wearing something so exposing in a combat situation. Furthermore, the only way this petition could be considered anywhere near the foremost national importance is to save life and limb for our soldiers by dismissing this notion soundly.
We have dancers in our employ. They can elect to remain far from the front lines, and they can improve morale on their own. I have every confidence in them, as should our citizens.
While Ferdinand and... assorted company... would hardly object to the request that he himself wear this attire, I don’t see how this encourages enrollment or demonstrates anything other than... Never mind. This line of reasoning, if you can call it that, is a waste of your time and mine.
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Fundraiser for the Colon Cancer Coalition: In Honor of Billy Kametz
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As many involved in video game and anime fandoms know, last week we lost mega-talented, mega-good-guy voice actor Billy Kametz to stage IV colon cancer. His family has requested that fans who would like to recognize the legacy of Billy and his work make donations to the Colon Cancer Coalition in his name.
I personally don't have a lot of money to spare right now - but I do have a lot of cross-stitching materials, and a desire to do what I can. So... I designed a quick-and-simple little pattern:
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For those who are not Fire Emblem fans, one of Billy's characters was the inimitable, unmistakeable, tea-loving Ferdinand in Fire Emblem Three Houses [and the upcoming Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes], whose most famous line is the very self-satisfied "I am Ferdinand von Aegir!" Nobody could have delivered that line quite like Billy did. And in his honor... we share it.
Since, as mentioned, I'm a little cash-short, I can't donate to the CCC myself - but I can encourage others who have some extra money to do so, by offering up to five hand-sewn pieces like the one above. They're free of charge with a donation.
For a donation of $10 or more, I will recreate the pattern on 14-, 16-, or 18-count white/cream Aida cloth. For a donation of $25 or more, I will also offer a choice of black cloth (14-count) or a wooden-framed cloth (14-count) such as the one pictured above (while supplies last - it will be first-come, first-served, so if you want black cloth or a frame, feel free to send me a message to make sure I still have them available). I will also happily adjust colors as requested on any fabric.
Again, I am doing five only of these. Once I have five requests, I will take no more. I can also only ship to the US. (If you are located elsewhere, and would like one, please contact me - if you're willing to pay shipping costs, we can talk.) To receive one, you must show me proof of donation, including amount.
I cannot ship these until mid-July at the earliest. So if you request one, please be patient. (It takes me about six hours to sew each, and I need to save a bit to cover shipping.)
If anyone would like a copy of the pattern, let me know! That's totally free (no donation necessary).
Message me with any questions. Thank you! And remember...
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gascon-en-exil · 2 months
Hi! This is Blackacre438 from youtube dusting off a tumblr account I haven't used since 2014. Holy moly. If you're still at all interested in talking about 3 Houses (and it's ok if you aren't), you had mentioned a long while ago that among the supports you most wanted to see in 3H that didn't already exist was Dimitri and Ferdinand. Given you're a Ferdibert shipper and an enjoyer of the Fargheus Polycule, how well do you think Ferdinand would fit into the Homosocial knight culture of Fargheus?
Hey there. I do have a ton of FE16 headcanons and miscellaneous content on here if you search that tag going back to 2019-21, but after that point I did mostly run out of new things to say about the game (and started my YouTube channel, which took away a lot of my attention) so it largely dropped off. These days I don't keep tabs on all that much apart from the never-ending discourse, because there are still somehow prolific trolls in the fandom even now. But even so -
Under more serious readings of his character, Ferdinand would likely take well to Faerghus's homosocial knight culture if he had the chance to get adjusted to it. With that said, I pretty much never go for sedate Ferdinand (or Ferdibert) readings these days because the melodramatic, kinky dark comedy route is vastly more entertaining. I've long entertained the headcanon that, even in an AM AU where Hubert survives because Ferdinand advocated for sparing his life, the two of them would not work well in the polycule. Hubert would be as vindictive and evil as ever, and Ferdinand would almost certainly be more interested in his lover than in fooling around with a bunch of guys who to a man aren't kinky enough for his tastes (Sylvain, maybe, and Yuri if we're counting him...the others, not so much).
I can also easily see Adrestians in general looking down on Faerghus's culture of knighthood, including the distinctly martial flavor of homoeroticism that coexists alongside heterosexual marriage - a take on male sexual relationships present in several real-world premodern cultures. If Ferdinand and Hubert are campy theatre gays in a superficially high-culture Empire, they'd likely consider rather primitive a country where the men are all bound together in eroticized brotherhood and yearning to die in each other's arms on the battlefield. And on the flip side, I don't think the Faerghus boys* would really understand Ferdinand's perspective on things like camp or the gender-as-performance appeal of drag - an interest I infer from some lines in his Manuela supports. It goes without saying that they wouldn't get his certified villainfucker tendencies, either, even if a postgame Hubert would be expected to remain on his best behavior (he absolutely isn't).
To go even sillier however, several of us in this corner of the fandom have the headcanon that Dimitri is mostly a bottom because his Blaiddyd-boosted strength would literally kill most partners who try to take his dick. Ferdinand von "huge hole" Aegir would take that in particular as a challenge.
*Dedue is, as always, the wild card here, because he's not actually from Faerghus. I know I've written in the past about how Dimidue stands out from the other Lions M/M pairings in its dynamic and the presentation of their ending, which sees them cohabitate and apparently never marry anyone else. This not only lends itself to a reading of them adopting children and forming a semi-monogamous family unit, but it also speaks to how Dedue is disruptive (in a good way!) to the pre-Tragedy status quo of the Blue Lions. It gives Dimitri and Dedue's relationship a very different texture from that of Dimilix and Sylvix while also giving it more dramatic layers than Ashedue on account of the bits of Faerghus's knighthood culture that Dedue does pick up on (ref: his Gilbert supports, his resolve to take revenge for Dimitri in VW). And as I ship all four of those pairings in some form or another, more variety is great for allowing them to feel distinct while also coexisting peacefully.
That said, I think Dedue would find Ferdinand's penchant for theatrics bizarre if not actually obnoxious, and he absolutely wouldn't trust anyone so enamored of a man like Hubert.
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doggosaurusrex · 2 years
Fool’s Masquerade
On the run from Thales and Duke Aegir’s forces, Ferdinand spots two masks in a marketplace and comes up with an idea.
Takes place during the six month Azure Gleam timeskip when Ferdinand and Hubert disappear.
Word Count: 4572
Content Warnings: brief mention of imprisonment and torture.
Sequel: The Spectre Jail Keeper
Ferdinand von Aegir was not a vain man per se. He was not afraid to get his hands dirty, whether that meant on the front lines of a battlefield or mucking out stables alongside the hired help at the war camps. Although some aspects of his self-care slipped past notice, such as the length of his hair which had grown past his ears some time ago and was steadily creeping towards his shoulders, he was careful to ensure he was well-groomed and presentable in a manner most suitable for a noble.
The ghastly illustration nailed to the village bulletin board was not a representation of that.
“Who in their right mind would think this boorish thug looks anything like me?”
“Say that a little louder. I do not think your father’s soldiers heard you. Or perhaps you would like to alert Thales and his miscreants of our location?”
Ferdinand sighed at Hubert’s words but was still unable to tear his eyes away from the poster. The fresh parchment was emblazoned with caption “Wanted! Dead or Alive!” at the top followed by a substantial bounty being offered. A list of offences the nefarious duo had committed were scrawled at the bottom.
There were no names on the poster. They had been at least that successful at keeping themselves anonymous. Only two rough sketches gave any clue as to the identities of the unruly “bandits” that had been wrecking havoc along Adrestia’s eastern coast for the last month. It was the portrait of the man on the left - if what looked to be a child’s drawing of an ogre with scraggly, shoulder-length red hair could even be called a portrait - that had brought about Ferdinand’s state of dismay.
“The nose is completely wrong! And by the goddess, what have they done to my chin! This amateurish drawing is downright insulting depiction of my noble splendor! It is as if they slapped red hair on a mule and declared that a faithful portrayal of their fugitive.”
“Ferdinand, that is a good thing. We don’t want to be recognized!” Hubert hissed through his clenched teeth. He tugged on the on hood of the grey cloak he was wearing to ensure it covered his face.
Ferdinand followed suit with his own cloak, making sure no strand of hair slipped out from the hood. The long red hair was the only thing the wanted poster seemed to have gotten partially right.
“The fact that the drawings are even this accurate is indeed troubling.”
“Accurate?” Ferdinand choked, “In what world are these accurate?”
“Lower you voice!” Hubert glared, “Need I remind you we are still in Aegir territory. It would be of little difficulty for someone to recognize either of us.”
The village was just north of Boramas. The place was moderately populated, known mostly for its humble, yet well-respected market. The village was peaceful at the moment, only mildly touched by the war (a stark contrast to the massacres that had been happening to the north-western towns by the Faerghus border). It was mid-afternoon. Farmers with wagons of produce set up tables in the village square at dawn and were currently busy selling their wares. A sprinkling a artisans dotted the marketplace as well, their hand-crafted trinkets arranged in manner to draw the attention of any wealthy merchants that were passing through on their way to either Enbarr or Boramas. Nobody had cast a second glance at either Ferdinand or Hubert since their arrival.
“Besides,” a wry smirk graced Hubert’s face as he thumbed the bottom of the poster, “Their depiction of myself bears at least a passing resemblance.”
Ferdinand looked from the portrait on the right - of what appeared to be a ghoul with spidery, stick limbs – back to his partner and frowned. This was far from the first time he had heard Hubert use such self-deprecating descriptions of himself.
Before Ferdinand could protest Hubert’s self-assessment, the mage had turned away from the poster. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a crumpled list, and handed it to Ferdinand.
“These are the provisions we will need. Hopefully they will last us long enough to reach Hrym. We should not linger here. And do try not to get swindled this time. We do not have the coin to spare.”
“That happened one time!” Ferdinand bristled, snatching the paper from Hubert. He scanned the scrawled list of items: dried fruit, bread, vulneraries, bandages, the usual.
“Are you going to look for a new tome?” Ferdinand asked. The one Hubert had been using the last few weeks was a frayed, decaying lump of torn pages that he had to restitch together every night in a hopeless attempt to prolong its use. The pages were shrivelled and stained a deep violet. The same deep violet stains that Ferdinand knew were gradually snaking their way up Hubert’s wrists from repeatedly casting dark magic with a damaged catalyst.
Hubert winced. “I doubt I will find one here. Perhaps one of the blacksmiths will have some daggers that may be of use. I’m down to my last two since our last excursion. And I’m sure you could use a more suitable weapon as well.”
             Hubert nodded towards the sword sheathed by Ferdinand’s left hip. It was a rusted, dull, dented thing, pilfered from a fallen enemy. After his lance had been shattered by the axe of a great knight, Ferdinand had to make do with what he could scavenge.
“Very well. I shall procure the supplies and we will meet at the agreed spot in an hour.”
Hubert nodded and made his way towards the blacksmith.
Ferdinand, list in hand, headed towards the marketplace.
It was hard to believe it had been nearly four months since everything had fallen apart. Edelgard’s dream of a progressive empire built on merit rather than crests, Ferdinand’s own hopes of his part in that new world.
Three months since the two of them - Ferdinand dragging his own exhausted, battered body while cradling a barely conscious Hubert in his arms – had clawed their way out of the prison they were being held.
Two months since Ferdinand had barely managed to talk Hubert down from making a suicide charge at the capital.
And one month since the two of them had set out together on their new mission together: to sabotage and obstruct Duke Aegir’s rule over the Empire as much as possible.
Their plan had started small: barricading common roads the Imperial army was travelling and ambushing small military patrols. It was not long before their activities expanded to hijacking Imperial army supply caravans and redirecting the stollen goods to impoverished commoners, setting fire to Duke Aegir’s naval fleets, and robbing the armories of nearby military camps. As much as possible, they ensured that only armed soldiers were to be attacked and that no merchants or other commoners were harmed during their incursions. Just the other night, the two of them had snuck into an Imperial camp and had released a dozen prized war horses from their stables.
             Resupplying was always risky. They pilfered what they could from the enemy camps they raided, but for every incident that they managed to steal a decent number of supplies, there would be times when they would have to quickly abandon their camp and provisions in order to slip away from the bounty hunters that had come too close to finding them. They stuck to mid-size villages when the need to restock provisions arose. Places small and isolated enough that they would not be recognized by members of the nobility or military, but large enough that they did not stand out.
Finding the listed provisions was simple enough. The food was acquired quickly. The medical supplies took longer as the vendor had insisted on selling vulneraries for a price well above their regular value, claiming the war was to blame for supply chain issues and the rising cost. Ferdinand was eventually able to haggle the vendor down to a still costly, but more reasonable price. Items in hand, Ferdinand was about to make his way back to the meeting spot when a colourful glint caught his eye.
             It was coming from one of the artisan’s tables. A collection of what appeared to be costume pieces were arranged on the table. Colourful hats tipped with feathers, capes made of simple cotton but detailed with elaborate embroidery. They were the types of items that would not be out of place being sold by one of the vendors outside an opera house. Costume pieces intended to mirror those that were seen by the characters on stage.
             In the small farming village, they seem woefully out of place. Their fine craftsmanship ignored. The elderly vendor at the table gave Ferdinand a bright, hopeful smile when he approached.
             It was a set of masks that had caught Ferdinand’s attention. Each depicted the face of a bird. They were decorated in sequins and feathers with sharp beaks protruding from the lower halves of the masks. The type of mask that was common at a masquerade ball. The masks were of contrasting colours and designs. One was an eagle, adorned with sequins and plumage of warm golds and reds; while the other was intended to be a crow, tones of sleek black and hints of midnight blue.
However, it was the gemstones circling the eyes of the masks that drew Ferdinand’s eye. The eagle mask had gems of bright amber while the crow mask carried those of cool amethyst.
Ferdinand delicately ran his thumb across the amethyst jewels of the crow mask. Staring at the masks mesmerized, he recalled a story he had heard in his youth.
It was one of his warmest childhood memories. Curled up in bed, warm blankets cocooned around him, Ferdinand would listen to the fables his mother would read to him of brave knights on daring adventures. Stories that he had less time to enjoy as he got older and his childish daydreaming (as his father had called it) was replaced with strict lessons on etiquette and government.
There was one story in particular that differed from many of the other tales of chivalry. It was about a noble who was driven from his home by a tyrannical lord and was forced to go into hiding. The lord of the land had treated his subjects with cruelty: imposing taxes that were unbearably high, demanding food that the commoners were unable to provide and leaving them starve. Seeing how the people of the land suffered, the noble emerged from hiding, cloaked in a new disguise and identity, and vowed to help the common folk. The masked, exiled noble stole from the corrupted wealthy who were profiting from the tyrant’s bloodthirsty reign and gave the stollen riches and supplies to the needy. He became a nightmare to those that supported the tyrant, but a symbol of hope for the people who had suffered under the tyrant’s rule.
“Caught your attention, have they?”
Ferdinand jolted at the vendor’s voice. The crow mask was still in his hand. The gemstones on the masks, the contrasting colours. They could not have been a better fit.
“Why yes,” Ferdinand replied, “How much for these fine pieces?”
The vendor gave him the price. Ferdinand frowned. He still had some coin left after purchasing the required provisions, but the two masks would consume what little he had remaining. He knew Hubert would be upset if he spent their meagre coin on something so frivolous.
Yet Ferdinand could not bring himself to place the mask back on the table. Instead, an idea formed in his head. One that caused him to smile.
“Here you are!” Ferdinand handed the vendor the coin, “I shall take the set.”
The vendor smiled and thanked Ferdinand for the purchase. The masks were carefully wrapped in cloth and handed back to Ferdinand. Bidding the vendor a good day and tucking the wrapped masks into his cloak, he headed towards the meeting spot with a little extra skip in his step.
The meeting spot was in a wooded area just outside the village. Ferdinand scanned the surroundings but could see no one else there. He placed the rucksack full of provisions on the ground and waited for Hubert.
“You’re late.”
Ferdinand jumped at Hubert’s voice. Even after months of travelling together, he still could not get used to his companion’s uncanny ability to sneak up on him.
Hubert slipped from the shadows, his cloak still curled tightly around him, citrine eyes scanning the perimeter for anyone who might have trailed them. He handed a freshly forged lance to Ferdinand.
“Steel. Nothing special, but it should be an improvement over that dented scrap of iron you’ve been making do with.”
“Thank you,” said Ferdinand, accepting the weapon. The craftsmanship of the lance was simple, but sturdy. Hubert had chosen well.
“Did you have any luck finding a new tome?”
Hubert shook his head. “Tomes aren’t widely available outside the larger metropolises. I will have to chance sneaking into Enbarr or Boramas to acquire one. Or hope the next camp we raid has mage among them. Did you find all the supplies we need?”
“Yes!” Ferdinand smiled and handed his rucksack to Hubert. “And you will be happy to know that I was able to outmaneuver a merchant trying to sell me overpriced vulneraries.”
Hubert tilted his head to the side and stared at something on Ferdinand. “And what is that?”
Ferdinand could feel a blush spreading across his face when he realized what had caught Hubert’s attention. The cloth packet holding the masks had poked its way out from under Ferdinand’s coat as they were exchanging purchases.
“Well…that is…uh.”
Hubert continued to stare at him, expression unchanging. Suddenly Ferdinand’s plan seemed incredibly silly. He sighed and carefully unwrapped the eagle and crow masks to show to Hubert. The other man’s brow creased with confusion.
“Ferdinand, what are those?”
“A matching set of finely-crafted decorative masks, of course!”
“Obviously,” Hubert sighed, “And you felt compelled to purchase these…why? You are aware that our coin is limited.”
“Listen…just hear me out!” Ferdinand sputtered, feeling the blush on his face ignite into a full crimson. He had hoped he would have had at least a little time to think of how to articulate his idea to Hubert.
“I saw these at the market, and they reminded me of an old story.” With far less grace than he had been hoping, Ferdinand recounted the fable of the outlaw noble with a heart of gold. He knew he stumbled over some parts of the story and skipped ahead a couple times in his eagerness to describe some of the masked nobleman’s escapades. A myriad of emotions crossed Hubert’s face, from confusion to exasperation. His expression darkened into something Ferdinand could not quite identify as he reached the end of the story.
“As you can see, the masked nobleman’s tale is not so different from our own and I thought we could--”
Ferdinand blinked at the blunt response.
             “Ferdinand, this is not one of your operas!”
             “I am well aware of that! You do not even know what my plan is yet.”
             “You wish to galavant around is a garish disguise and draw the attention of the people who would wish nothing more than to see your head on a pike!” Hubert’s tone clipped and even; however, his face was twisted with barely concealed rage.
             Ferdinand unconsciously recoiled a half-step back. It had been some time since he had seen Hubert this furious. He had expected annoyance from the man, both from the money spent of the masks as well as the overall theatrics of the plan. Ferdinand had not anticipated this much of a reaction.  
The mage paced back and forth, kicking a rock that was in his path. “Of all the naive, imbecilic ways to end up in an early grave…”
             “I did not think my plan you offend you so much.”
             “Offend!” Hubert snapped. He choked down a couple calming breaths before continuing to speak, “What you suggest is tantamount to throwing yourself into the jaws of a starving beast! And for what? To live out a juvenile fantasy concocted by a mediocre fairy tale?”
             Ferdinand stiffened, the red in his face shifting from embarrassment to anger.
“That is a little dramatic. Our actions would not differ much from what we are currently doing.”
             “Yes, no different at all,” said Hubert, rolling his eyes and still pacing, “Except for the part where our anonymity is stripped away and Thales, as well as your father, comes bearing down on us with the executioner’s blade.”
             “Well…that is what the masks are for!”
             Hubert stopped pacing and turned to stare at him, his glare a piercing blade.
             “Those wanted signs, crude as their depictions were, already show that we are being far too reckless. Based on the crimes they had listed, it would appear that the duke’s soldiers have started connecting together the string of misfortunes that have befallen them over the last month. One more slip on our part and our names will be joining the next set of bounty notices.”
             “If our identities are that close to being compromised, all the more reason we should craft new ones. A misdirection that should keep them occupied.”
             “What we should be doing is laying low for the upcoming weeks,” Hubert hissed, “At least until the attention of the duke’s forces is diverted elsewhere.”
             “And what of the people who need aid now? Not to mention that the duke, my father,” an extra layer of venom coated Ferdinand’s words, “will have time to resupply and reorganize, undoing the little we have managed to accomplish!”
             “Sabotage, with our limited resources, relies on being covert. You do understand what that means?
             “We have been at this for a month and it seems we have hardly made any difference!”
“Need I remind you that this was all your idea!”
“I know that. It is just…” Ferdinand trailed off, tracing the amethyst gems in the crow mask, “I feel we could be doing so much more. I know what has been happening in the empire since my father took over has been weighing heavy on you as well.”
A week prior, the two of them had passed through a hamlet in northern Fenja territory. Every person in the village was dead. Their faces and bodies frozen in agony from choking to death on their own bile. The town well had been poisoned for some unknown reason. Ferdinand still felt a chill remembering the way Hubert’s eyes blazed as he slapped the waterskin, that Ferdinand had been attempting to refill at the town well, from his hands. The mage had tried to maintain a veneer of calm, but Ferdinand had not missed the near-imperceptible way Hubert’s shoulders shook as he crouched to inspect each of the corpses.
Ferdinand took a breath and continued.
“If we were to act more openly in our defiance, we could really inspire the people. Hope is what the people need more than anything right now. We could be that inspiration. To show them that there are still people in Adrestia that care about their well-being and will fight for what is right and just! We may be stripped of our titles and hunted like common criminals, but we are still nobles and it is our duty to protect Adrestia and its people.”
Hubert threw his hands up in the air, growling, “Your incessant need to cling to your foolishly idealistic definition of nobility will only lead to doom, and I will not lose y—”
Hubert cut himself off. He slumped down on a nearby rock, face pressed into one of his hands as he let out of series of sharp, jagged breaths. The other hand rested on his lap, clenched.
The anger Ferdinand had felt bubbling in his chest eased, softening as he watched the other man. Ever since starting their sabotage efforts, Hubert had been nearly silent regarding what had happened to Edelgard and the collapse of her vision of the empire. Ferdinand himself had been at Arianrhod when everything had gone wrong. The inhuman shriek that had rained across the battlefield from the emperor, warped into a nearly unrecognizable beast, still haunted his nightmares.
Nor had the two of them spoken of their subsequent imprisonment and torture at the hands of those that had usurped the empire. Ferdinand fought off an icy tendril of fear at the memory of the dank walls, the rusted chains, the knives digging into his skin, the screams both of them had made as their captors sneered…
On several occasions, Ferdinand had tried to broach both topics, but Hubert was quick to change the direction of the conversation.
Ferdinand moved towards him with careful steps, the same ones he would use to avoid startling an easily spooked horse.
“Hubert…” Ferdinand spoke softly, taking a seat beside him and resting a hand on the other man’s shoulder, “I know you still blame yourself, but what happened to Edelgard is not your fault. And I know she is not lost to us. We will get her back.”
Hubert said nothing. His face still buried in one of his hands. Ferdinand gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“And you will not lose me either. I give you my word.”
Hubert’s laugh was sharp and cold, but he still kept his gaze averted from Ferdinand.
“And let me guess. You swear to uphold that vow on your noble lineage. As if your very name could possibly shield you from the ensuring maelstrom threatening to engulf us.”
“Then let me make this vow to you personally,” Ferdinand grasped Hubert’s hand, the one that lay clenched on his lap, “You are the dearest person I have in my life right now and I swear to you that I will not leave your side.”
Hubert was silent for what felt like an eternity. Ferdinand feared he had overstepped and was about to remove his hand from Hubert’s.
Eventually, Hubert let out a deep sigh, but squeezed Ferdinand’s hand back.
“As gallant and stubborn as always,” Hubert muttered, the sharp edges of his tone softening, “I don’t suppose there is any way of talking you out of this foolish endeavour? Very well…”
Hubert released Ferdinand’s hand and stood. Ferdinand felt a small pang of disappointment from the lost physical contact, but it faded when Hubert turned to him with a small smile.
“I have many reservations about this plan of yours, but you did raise a valid point. With our current activities, it will not be long before we are identified as the bandits the duke’s forces are hunting. But perhaps an alias would provide enough of a misdirection to keep them distracted from the truth. At least for a short time.”
“I knew you would see my way thinking!”
“Be that as it may,” Hubert cut in, tone sharp once more, “This is not an invitation to throw away every precaution we have taken. Any raids will be well-planned and prepared. And there will be absolutely no unnecessary heroics.”
Ferdinand frowned, “Surely you know more than anyone how fast even the most well-thought-out battle plan can change?”
“There is the necessary adaptability that is required to survive an ever-changing battlefield, and then there is impulsively throwing yourself into danger with the least bit of discretion. I urge you to learn the difference between the two.”
“Yes, yes,” said Ferdinand, barely restraining the urge to roll his eyes, “I am not so simple-minded as to charge into the heart of enemy territory with no sense of tactical foresight. But this plan…you think it could work?”
“Yes,” Hubert answered after a short pause, “It will take some time to prepare. We will need to be strategic about what locations we attack. We want word of our actions under this masquerade spread, but not so quickly that it could lead us to our capture. But I believe we may be able to bring this fable of yours to life. I can only assume that you have already selected our fictitious identities, correct?”
“Absolutely!” beamed Ferdinand, “We shall be known as the Twin Jewels of the Empire! Here to free Adrestria from tyranny and bring hope to the people!”
Hubert gaped at him.
“I’m sorry. The what?”
“Well,” Ferdinand shifted, suddenly having a hard time maintaining eye contact with Hubert, “I think it is a fine name for two who shine as brilliantly as ourselves. I, with lance in hand, charging our foes with blazing righteousness. You, elegant as the moonlight, dancing between shadows and striking our enemies with unparalleled magic!”
Hubert ducked his head, but Ferdinand could see the touch of colour spreading across his cheeks.
“Absurd. And you referred to me as being dramatic,” Hubert muttered, “Very well, which mask do you intend for me to wear?”
“Why the crow mask of course,” Ferdinand grinned and handed him the aforementioned mask, “I thought the darker colours would suit you quite nicely.”
Hubert carefully held masked. He traced his gloved fingers across the obsidian sequins, over the dark plumage, and around the amethyst gems.
“An omen of death. How fitting.”
“Must you be so morose about everything?”
Despite his comment, Hubert had a small smile as he inspected the costume piece. With a smirk and a small shake of his head, he carefully placed the mask on his face and tied it in place. It fell across his eyes, covering the top half of his face, and ending with the sharp peak of the mask’s beak. The dark feathers that dusted the top of the mask blended perfectly with Hubert’s bangs. Ebony sequins glittered in the sun and the glimmer of the amethyst stones were even more enthralling than when Ferdinand had first seen the masks at the marketplace. Citrine eyes stared at him through the mask.
             “So…” said Hubert with a hint of mirth, “How do I look?”
             “As dashing as any noble rogue to grace the stage of even the grandest of operas.”
             Hubert ducked his head again at Ferdinand’s comment. Even with the mask, Ferdinand can spot a blush creeping across more of Hubert’s face.
             “Well, I suppose I should try mine on now.”
             Ferdinand quickly looked over his own mask. The design was very similar to Hubert’s, albeit intended the mirror the appearance of an eagle rather than a crow. The sequins and feathers were of warm golds and reds instead, the gems a deep amber.
             Fumbling, Ferdinand quickly balanced his own mask on the bridge of his nose and reached behind his head to tied and ribbons needed to secure it in place. He turned to Hubert for his opinion.
             “Your thoughts?”
             A laugh burst from Hubert’s chest; however, it was not one of the sardonic cackles he let out when conjuring dark spikes to skewer his enemies with. It was a rare, genuine laugh. A laugh Ferdinand had only heard from Hubert a handful of times. One that Ferdinand cherished dearly. It was not long before Ferdinand himself joined the laughter.
             “Like a fool,” Hubert replied warmly, “But a fool I want at my side, nonetheless. Well then, I assume you already have something planned for our first excursion as the Twin Jewels. I imagine there is much that we will need to prepare.”
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gildead · 9 months
it's @chounaifu's turn to jumpscare me... with positivity!
Rex’s Gardening Service here. Loamy Soil: Hi Vetra, what’s it like being the funniest person on this god forsaken website??? Okay but seriously, fuck, you are so FUNNY and you’re SO MUCH FUN to talk to on Discord. When you first followed me on Gold, I was like “no fucking way lol” because I could NOT believe that somebody was RPing such an obscure Creepypasta character! I thought he had been forgotten to the sands of time. I still cannot believe that such a silly joke like Banana Proton has become. . . . Canon lore. This is why I love RP, honestly. You help remind me that not everything has to be serious and rigid— that we’re here to have fun and laugh together. Thanks for making me laugh! Sun Light: Let me preface this with: it is SO hard to write muses with horror themes, especially when people are turned off by it. I appreciate your drabbles, and the layers of suspense that are attached to them. I ache for Gold whenever I read them. At the same time, you keep this happy air around him, despite the struggles and hardships he’s faced. It’s a lot of fun. He’s a lot of fun. This blog is a lot of fun. I’m really glad that you’re active here! Drizzle from the watering can: Talk about some of your favorite RP threads!
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gonna answer the RP threads question under the cut because otherwise this post is gonna get long as hell. this isn't even a comprehensive list of everything.
literally anything with wolf and @koopaklaw (and @peachycrown), to the point where a certain Wolf quote still lives in our heads rent-free.
for that measure, literally anything with my main fox at the time, especially when he came to rescue my wolf (the mun knows who they are but i'm leaving them anonymous so the space furry fandom leaves us alone)
Also ANYTHING with Lucina and Henri's Chrom. Literally both of them being trans was such a big brain move on our parts, tbh, but I think a standout has to be Lucina trying to dance around the Morgans' existence with Chrom to prevent fucking up the timeline.
ALSO LUNEA. SHOUT OUT TO LUNEA. that thread was so good.
Ripley's Byleth and my Edelgard talking about church doctrine and how fucked up it is.
Bri's Ferdinand and my Edelgard post-killing Ludwig von Aegir.
There was a really good Edelgard one I did over Discord DMs. Unfortunately, it was with the antisemitic purple rat's Claude, so that one no longer counts.
Triandra fighting both @madeimpact's Pit AND @sternenteile in different threads because I had to change nOTHING about their lore to make things work. They're so versatile.
@gottgenug's jeralt and my shez, especially the one where jeralt finds out about arval. i love the dad.
Basically all of Reginn and Eitri's threads because Book V of had no right having such good worldbuilding. Also I hadn't written a villain in a while back then so Eitri was a lot of fun.
deep cut here, but my Rowdyruff Boys and @molinguish were. so so good.
Another deep cut, and maybe a weird choice considering the context, but during the ending of 2020 when The Great RPC Fuckening of November went down, a certain thread featuring Bunnie squaring off against the antisemitic purple rat and beating his ass was my happy place for an entire month. If you know, you know.
Gold and ALL of his fellow creepypastas shooting the shit has been so good. We need more creepypastas. It's 2023, embrace the cringe.
Of course, Gold and his little found family of @wariodemambo, @rosadolces, @queenshokora, and Papeeno @thetravelershub (feat. Peepaw @emptyzone).
And, an honorable mention since it wasn't a real thread, but:
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