#megumi rp
ratiosalaryman · 8 months
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"⃨𝖨𝗇 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍...
#ratiosalaryman ⸻ rp & appreciation blog for ex-salaryman Kento Nanami from the anime/manga series Jujutsu Kaisen. This is a indie, non-picky, OC-friendly Nanami blog. So don’t be shy. Rules⸻Tags⸻Carrd⸻PSAs⸻ Literate RPer. Written by Maha 21+ (they/them)
Looking for...
I prefer character fueled plots, with all the messiness of feelings and misunderstandings. I am a big fan of atypical as well as the vanilla relationships, fyi. That means characters with placed maternal/paternal figures, sibling-like relationships, controlling relationships, destructive passion, fixation, sex with no love, love with no sex, misplaced pity, etc. I enjoy a good old jump action scene, like any JJK fan, so if violence and fighting is your jam, let'sss goo. I am also interested in non-romantic (relation)ships. The paternal/maternal, brother/sisterly, rivals, enemies, unlikely bffs etc. If you are another Nanami player, please add me, you rare dog you. If you are 18+ and are looking to build something lovely and dark, please take a look at my RP rules to get started with Kento. TRIGGERS: While Nanami is not an inherently unkind person, I care a lot about my partners, and roleplays may contain some disturbing content. I will always label my triggers in the format: ‘burn tw’ or ‘nsfw’. See Tags.
About Mun
Name is Maha and feel free to discord me (tell me who you are por favor) at fructosecornsyrup. Also have strong muses for Gojo, Toji, Sukuna, Suguru. I have a super strong itch for Sukuna so, uh, lemmeknow haha. Activity: I am slow, but mostly post everyday. If I am to be hiatus for any reason I will always post about it (under #psa tag). I am usually less weekends. Style: Definitely multi-paragraph. I have a hard time with really short RP style. Min is about 2 paragraphs unless it’s convo. 
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sukunashotwife · 11 months
Looking for: Megumi anon, Toji anon, Nanami anon and maybe even a Sukuna anon (JJK) a Kakashi anon, Sasuke anon, Naruto anon, Itachi anon, Sakura anon, Hinata anon (Naruto Shippuden) Nagi anon, Reo anon, Kunigami anon, Barou anon, Isagi anon, Rin anon (BLLK)
I RP back!! Just message me if you want me to send in a character to your blogs!!
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euaphora · 1 day
do u have any links where the guy is fingering her >_<
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||The cursed treasure hunt||
reserved au rp with @demon-blood-youths
"Anything yet?" Megumi blinks to hear this but he looks from his cell phone. He didn't know what was going on, giving the thought that something might have happened. Gojo was told Kisho still was on his on going mission to find the cursed items that came from that party. However, it leaves another wondering what was going on. He did have some help along the way so it was something.
Right now, Megumi was told by Gojo to check on him but he was not answering the text messages he sent a while ago. "I don't think so. I can try to call him and see if he can answer the phone instead. Or maybe something is effecting the signal."
"I guess that's possible but give it a shot." Yuji said. Megumi nods and goes to do that, seeing Kisho's number and hits speed dial and waits for him to find something.
"I'm sure they are fine you two..just call them and we will see their fine." Nobara said. Miko agrees hoping they were alright. She wanted to go with them but she was still on stand by to recover.
"S..same here..." she mutters seeing Megumi still waiting for Kisho to pick up.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 5 months
Cursed Baby Buddies: A Backfired Mission || Closed RP
"Oh...I'm so screwed..."
Eito chirps. The bird is in agreement with his partner. Daichi gulps a little as he walks back to the school. "Yeah..so screwed..."
How is he going to explain this to the school?
"Oh god. Although..on the bright side, nobody died. That's the good news! Right, right?!" Daichi laughs.
Eito hoots.
Yeah....he has to explain this to Megumi and Nobara. Oh god, Megumi Fushiguro. He is going to kill him for sure. Kisho arrives back at the school with two individuals who are carrying something in their arms.
"So...uh....how about you two explain this?" He chuckled nervously. A sigh is heard from a female individual. A young woman with yellow-orange marks on her cheeks narrows her amber eyes at the flame sorcerer. "And tell them what?"
"I don't know a curse did this!" He points at the ones carrying in their arms in bundled blankets.
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demon-blood-youths · 6 months
Into Hell: Oda's Dangerous Encounter Among The Cursed Ones || Closed RP
In the Akihabara ward, there is an arcade away from the busy crowd, and laughter is heard from the arcade. Hayato Itachi is drinking and eating skewers with his boys. His teammates Iku Takiyasha and Moudo Namazu are drinking at the counter.
Sitting in the middle is Yuria Niguredou who was taken against her will and is now spending time with them. Hayato is a bit bitter that he didn't get to beat the little demon hours ago but it's fine. He found some girls that could hang out with them. The girl, Yuria has her drink in her hands caught his attention. Yuria bit her lip and is now worried. However...the carefree laughter made her upset.
"Just you wait!" Yuria said. "You can laugh now but wait till my friends get here! You're going to be sorry!" She yelled angrily.
"Your friends? Like who? The raven-haired girl and that demon friend of yours! Both are gone and I bet they've run away. Well..Iku threw that demon away so far, she won't get up after a week!" Hayato laughed.
Yuria grits her teeth, "Don't talk about my friends like that! Because my friends at my school aren't the only ones you should be scared of but my teachers too."
Then Hayato laughs even harder.
"The hell?! What are those teachers going to do?! Throw a chalk at us?! They ain't going to do shit." Hayato slaps his thigh while his friends are with their girl companions laughing while Yuria growls. Iku sighs, shaking his head while Moudo continues drinking his bubble tea sheepishly.
"Dumbass...." Iku sighed "Good thing...that demon isn't part of that fraction from Shinseina Hogo or else we get our ass chewed out by Torahito." He said.
"Good thing it isn't, Iku, sir!" Moudo said. "But...that uniform...of hers. What school is she from" Moudo is worried.
"Eh. Just a school. Maybe she hasn't joined a fraction yet or maybe she's in a minor one." Iku shrugged, scrolling down his phone. "Who cares. We're just here for sightseeing."
The three demons of Oda are leisurely spending while at Jujutsu High....
Steps are ascending the stairs under the tori gates, they have reached the school. A shadowy creature carrying an unconscious petite girl in its arms is groaning softly, her eyes opening and closing a bit. As they reached the campus, there was already a commotion after Miko arrived.
@the-silver-peahen-residence from here
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flare-the-freak · 5 months
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Boy oh boy do I have the server for you! Are you a JJK fan, who's also super fucking gay and really depressed over these tragic little characters? Do you like OC x Canon, making your own cool ocs based in this universe, or maybe you like Itafushi and Satosugu?!!?!??! WELL GUESS WHAT!! My friends and I have all been suffering from this, and because of this- we've decided to make a BANGER ASS ROLEPLAY SERVER!! THAT'S RIGHT PEOPLE, YOU GET TO ROLEPLAY AS AND WITH YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS!! EVEN MAKE YOUR OWN~
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With a simple format you can apply to be a canon character or pull out that dusty oc you have and throw em in! We have lovely members who are the sweetest ever, we do calls, streams, and art trades! For more info (and an invite;) Dm me :3
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hazzyhazzyhazz · 10 days
Jujutsu Kaisen Omegaverse RP.
Hi everyone!
Looking for an rp partner to rp a very specific plot in the nearest future! Jjk arranged marriage omegaverse with mating, heats, ruts and knotting and potential mpreg! Would be great if you played any male omega for my Satoru Alpha.
Please read the prompt below and only reach out if you are ready to match the same quality of writing (not in length, just in quality! Most of my replies are usually 2-3 paragraphs).
Please find me on discord if you’re interested: palafinhunter
We can discuss any and all details on discord. I’m open to ideas.
Bonus points for:
Dub-con for their first intercourse and age gap between alpha/omega.
Starter prompt:
Miai (見合い, "matchmaking", literally "look meet"), or omiai (お見合い) is a Japanese traditional custom which relates closely to Western matchmaking, in which a woman and a man are introduced to each other to consider the possibility of marriage. It became the practice for those seeking a union between families, and parents on both sides made all the decisions regarding marriage.
As Gojo carriages neared the city gates, they knew rejection was not an option. They would leave with an omega as the heads of two clans had agreed far before any of them were born. Rejection in this case would mean a lifelong hostility between clans and eternal shame to their name. Not that Satoru was thinking of rejecting any omegas.
The only Alpha heir of Gojo clan, first alpha to inherit limitless technique and six eyes in four centuries… his fate was sealed since the moment he was born. He was adored, respected and feared despite young age. His family, teachers and servants put him on a pedestal that came with the heavy weight of responsibility he had to carry with dignity worthy of his family name. Especially after losing his parents.
He had no choice. Ever. That was why, after several years of mourning and rediscovering himself as clan leader, he made sure everyone under his rule had a choice. Despite their primary or secondary gender, their status and inheritance, everyone living on Gojo clan territory could choose their future themselves. Children got educated in a wide range of disciplines since young age. They could pick who they wanted to become after school. Satoru was the first leader to allow betas and omegas in all professions, including the local military. He was the most modern and liberal leader within his land, yet still the most feared one beyond it.
Despite this, there were traditions even Satoru Gojo himself could not avoid. Nor did he want to. For centuries the most powerful clans of Japan would be strengthening their bonds through marriage. Every omega child that was born in one clan was almost immediately assigned to an alpha child from another equally powerful family. Wedding preparations would start right after the omega came of age and definitely before their first heat.
That was how, after several months of preparations, Gojo carriages full of ample gifts and blessings for the hosts lined in front of the city gates, awaiting entry.
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honeycots · 2 months
I haven’t roleplayed in a while, and I’ve gotten into jjk, so I’m looking for people willing to rp. I can do anyone, but I’m probably best with a character like yuji or geto.
im 14 (turning 15 VERY soon), and im semi-lit to lit. I mainly rp using discord, but any platform does just fine. Im okay with any ships or dynamics, as long as they aren’t weird or a proship/comship 🙏
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garfunklefield · 4 months
A collection of Toji (played by the lovely @dogboy-touta-matsuda ) plus mamaguro and one Gojo!
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m00nprincessai · 4 months
Megumi Fushiguro
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~One night he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses, then says, you're my best friend and you knew what it was, he is in love~  [Any POV] - Boyfriend series
Your special grade sorcerer boyfriend may seem cold and aloof but he'd do anything for you. ♡
Art Credit: @myuchiisu on instagram
Saw this image and had to. Iykyk. This is an au where Shibuya doesn't happen because unlike Gege I like my faves to be happy.
♡I'd really love if if you left a review! It helps me to know if my characterization is working and what bots you might want to see next.♡
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Hi Tumblr! Its me, back again! This time I come to you with a post with a lot of fandoms and ships I would like to roleplay!
Firstly though I'll introduce myself; you can call me Nora, I'm 20+ and I'll only roleplay with 18+ people, simply because i do think its a little strange for me to be talking to minors, sorry but not sorry! I am a literate roleplayer and can write between three paragraphs to eight paragraphs depending in how inspired I am. I write on Discord, simply because a server is easier to me than Tumblrs messaging, and many a times it has not told me anyone has messaged me and I have to search it out myself and I have a horrible memory!
I do ask if you are willing to roleplay with me that you could write at least a paragraph simply because I struggle with short and quick roleplays where its a sentence, and because I do write so much sometimes I feel like I would be putting a lot of effort in for not a lot of payout, if that makes sense aha! I usually stick to cc x cc only because sometimes I don't have an oc in mind for a certain fandom and its easier to just use an already made ship and start the roleplay. I'm not opposed to oc x cc but you may need to ask and I may say no depending on the fandom -however if I do say yes I would like to say that it would only be to double up, as I would probably get uninterested if it was just your side of the roleplay! And just so were on the same page, all characters will be 18+ or aged to 18+!
For plots and such, I'm rubbish for thinking of any aha! Its a little out there and please if your not comfortable with it then that is absolutely fine - I hope I don't deter you away after saying it! - but I have been wanting to do an omegaverse roleplay, not even for smut because I am fine with NSFW, I also love the fluff angle it could give you and the drama really, aha! I love angsty plotlines too, but would have to brainstorm on what kind of plot though!
Now onto the Fandoms, I will list ships in no particular order, but they're the ones I can list from the top of my head, if you'd like to do another ship please just ask!
(I've bolded the characters I would prefer to write, if they're both bold then I am willing to play either!)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
- Toge Inumaki x Yuta Okkotsu
- Satoru Gojo x Suguru Geto
- Megumi Fushiguro x Yuji Itadori
- Satoru Gojo x Utahime Iori
- Maki Zenin x Yuta Okkotsu
- Maki Zenin x Nobara Kugisaki
My Hero Academia:
- Touya Todoroki x Takami Keigo
- Shouta Aizawa x Hizashi Yamada
- Shouto Todoroki x Izuka Midoriya
- Eijiro Kirishima x Katsuki Bakugou
- Denki Kaminari x Eijiro Kirishima
- Izuku Midoriya x Eijiro Kirishima
- Denki Kaminari x Izuku Mirdoriya
- Katsuki Bakugou x Ochako Uraraka
- Naruto Uzumaki x Hinata Hyuuga
- Sakura Haruno x Sasuke Uchiha
- Naruto Uzumaki x Sasuke Uchiha
- Kakashi Hatake x Obito Uchiha
- Sasuke Uchiha x Hinata Hyuuga
- Naruto Uzumaki x Kiba Inuzuka
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Ooo yes please split it into a 4 hc then another 4!
You got yourself a deal, anon!! Keep a look out for part two!
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Content: Yuji x gn!Reader, Megumi x gn!Reader, Gojo x gn!Reader, Nanami x gn!Reader
Warnings: Gojo LMAO
Notes: I finished the last half of this at 1 am, please forgive my tired writing lol. Part 2
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❥ Yuji Itadori
Yuji at first flirts with what he thinks is subtle signs of liking you, but isn't very subtle at all to anyone else
Like randomly grabbing your hand during movies, offering to share food with you and no one else, hugging you, cuddling you, he's basically your unofficial boyfriend
Is suuuper clingy. Always wants to hang out with you, always inviting you over, and for movie nights, and to go eat sushi and browse candy shops with you, etc.
He thinks his flirting style is fine, working in his favor even
But, when Gojo catches on, he's going to try to change his flirting style
"Yuji-kun! You must be suave!" Gojo says dramatically, striking a pose, sparkles appearing around him.
'Where did the sparkles come from...?' Yuji thought before nodding vehemently, striking the exact same pose Gojo is in. "Yes, Gojo-sensei!"
Gojo will try to get Yuji to use pickup lines, but doesn't...coach him on good ones
So Yuji will look up weird ass pickup lines...very basic cringy ones
He'll even pull the yawn and stretch on you, although he does that even before the pickup lines
But the lines make him seem like he either likes you a lot, or doesn't like you at all and is playing a joke
It makes you lay off your own signs, and Yuji is distraught when he notices
He whines to Megumi about it, who then calls him an idiot for following Gojo's advice
"Does Gojo-sensei have a partner?!" Megumi yells.
"No..." Yuji pouts, rubbing his head after Megumi hit him.
"Then don't ask him for partner advice!" Megumi yelled again.
Overall, poor Yuji tries his hardest :(
Please love him
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❥ Megumi Fushiguro
This one has no fucking clue how to go about dating, let alone flirting
Of course he's not going to ask the other, as he affectionately calls them, losers how to flirt with you. None of them have partners
The only one he would really ask advice from, is Nobara. And that's a last resort
He remembers what happened when he tried giving that girl directions...
Actually scratch that, he's not asking Nobara for shit-
He's determined to do this on his own, while also keeping it a secret from the others
The last thing he needs is another dramatic scene
He'll probably flirt with you in the form of complimenting you, especially when you're alone
And it tends to be...only you...
"(Y/n)-chan, your outfit looks pretty today." Megumi says, barely breaking a smile.
"Thank you, Megu-"
"Hah?! Compliment my outfit too, asshole!" Nobara jumps in. "I'm looking extra cute today!"
"Not like them." Megumi says plainly.
Yuji now has to mend Nobara's damaged ego while Megumi whistles and walks off with you.
He'll also let you call him shit like Gumi and Megu or Meg. Only you get to call him by nicknames though, nobody else
Overall he's really shy with it, and will usually sport a small blush as he compliments you
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❥ Gojo Satoru
Fun fact, I have a fear of wide eyes so this man scared the shit out of me at first. But besties now I think hes hot as FUCK
Gojo is all suave when he flirts with you
He uses pickup lines, but smooth ones unlike Yuji
He also gets really handsy when he does
He loves grabbing your hand as he flirts with you
If you reciprocate his advances, he's going to be very confident and kiss your cheek
Will probably stop at nothing to make you all flustered by the time he's done with you for the day
Probably talks about you to other people, but you'll never know this information
Nanami will probably try to save you, since his idea of the worst punishment ever is being in a relationship with Gojo. He is not nice to this man
He also likes to flash his eyes at you and wink at you, knowing that the eyes is what really captivates other people
Also compliments you ALL THE TIME, no matter what you're wearing
Always inviting you out, always wanting to be close to you
Probably buys you shit as well, especially if it's for your birthday or holiday
I dunno, not much to say about this one lol
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❥ Nanami Kento
Imma be honest, I don't think he flirts-
Probably hits you with one-liners a lot if he does
Blocks other guys from being close to you or hanging out with you, but only while he's with you
You can hang out with other guys, just not when he's around. He wants your full attention
ESPECIALLY if Gojo is around
Although, like Gojo, he probably buys you stuff
Takes you out to nice dinners as flirting
I would be too nervous at a fancy dinner omg
Obviously compliments you, but with IMMACULATE vocabulary. He's a classy man
What a sugar daddy omg I love him-
He also loves describing your beauty in detail
Literally only wants to be around you
He's not too touchy, but he'll give you hugs and cuddles if you ask, but only within the comfort of his home
If he's away on a mission, he'll only bring you a souvenir. Whether thats candy, a little trinket, or a piece of clothing, he's bringing you SOMETHING, even if you tell him no
Its also the same at grocery stores. He'll only ask you if you want anything
"I'm going to the store." Nanami says bluntly, going to leave the room.
"Ooh! Nanami-san!" Gojo bounces on his heels. "Can you bring me a chocolate bar? I'll pay you back!"
"Get it your damn self."
"Nanami?" You speak up. "Can I have a chocolate bar?"
"As you wish." Nanami gives a ghost of a smile before going to leave, missing the smirk you give to Gojo.
"Nanami!" Gojo whines.
This man absolutely buys you bread to flirt with you LMFAOO
I dunno how, or why, but he does. And we love him for it
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
Also, I'm looking for rp partners for JJK, please dm me if interested :D
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euaphora · 6 months
Twt links with girls getting eaten out?
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||Next mission: The haunted mansion of lost souls||
Reserved Jujutsu kaisen au Rp with @demon-blood-youths
After the crazy night of the Hotel, the others thought it was all over but seems not. After a week, another mission was given to show some sort of Haunted Mansion? Gojo gave them another mission, speaking of another one. Megumi and Nobara watches from the side seeing the house was really a mansion!?
It even took Yuji to try an calm Sukuna who was already close to burning it. “Sukuna please calm down! I’m sure we ca-”
“Sukuna, you can’t! You’ll be killing others in the mansion-”
“Your not killing anyone!”
Megumi and Nobara sweat drops seeing Yuji and Sukuna arguing or him getting headaches from it. Yeah, the king was furious right now. He was even trying to hold his left hand down while showing flames since Sukuna was trying to take him over.
“..Should we do something?” Nobara said.
“...I..I don’t know if we can.” Megumi sighed.
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 3 months
Curse Game Party || Closed RP
"Wow, Hana! This place looks cool!"
"I know, right?" Hana giggled. Kisho Hashimoto aka Daichi Pheonix is here at the party that Miko and Yuria told them about it. Apparently, today's their day off. After all, Miko and Yuria deserve a break. So is Kisho. The last mission involving a crazy curse that is nuts and he almost destroy the area. But hey! The curse is exorcised!
Nanami-sensei said that they done a great job and they need a small vacation. That's when Miko told Kisho about a party that Hana is going to. A party outside of Tokyo. A house held by a wealthy kid.
It looks like a rich manison out of Hollywood movie!
------- Jujutsu High ------
While Daichi and the other two have their day off, the other students have a mission breifing with Gojo-sensei over a cursed object.
Taz is needed for this mission so she wonders what's going on as she is at her desk.
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