sabiartrin · 4 months
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Triumph of the unconscious
You can check the full version on my Twitter (link in bio)
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aaronashea · 2 years
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norts-trolls · 1 month
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Before i got food poisoning i was working on icons for my TH these little ones go a lot faster than my big ones so sajsaklj i was sticking to these.
Pathos and Leemurs design are by @/indig0trolls
Savior design is by @/cybernatedbeholder
Aku and Trisha's designs are by @/greedkinggreaser
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steddieas-shegoes · 4 months
you're gonna go far
for @strangerthingsocweek prompt 'songs' inspired by you're gonna go far by noah kahan
rated e | 1,337 words | cw: semi-public sex | tags: getting together, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, falling in love
Meg’s life wasn’t rough growing up. It wasn’t perfect, and she could’ve done without the dad with an alcohol problem and getting bullied for being the only out queer kid in school, but she was still loved and given everything she needed.
But she had a mom who was just trying to keep it together while her dad fell apart, and siblings who needed more attention than her. She took care of herself more often than not just to avoid being another task her mom had to complete.
So when she got a call from a record shop in Boston in response to her application, she took the chance and she left. She packed up her car, she kissed her brothers and sister on the cheek, and hugged her mom for a lot longer than she ever had before, and she left.
It was tough for a while. Living on your own in a major city with only two part-time jobs kept money tight.
But her boss at the record shop liked her and would always put her in charge of local band appearances and events, even sent her to a conference in Chicago for her to network in the industry. He believed in her even more than she believed in herself.
During that conference, she met a new producer at a local studio, a guy who wanted to focus on rock, metal, and punk bands. Without even thinking, she told him about a band local to her, Corroded Coffin, who always had the biggest crowds at the bars and small venues they played. She told him about their sound, more metal with a surprising hint of bluegrass if you listen closely. He was intrigued.
They were signed to the record label a month later and part of their contract stated she would be considered part of the band as their manager.
The recording process was long, but it gave her time to grow closer with the band, get to know more than just their music and personality on stage.
Like how Jeff was the baby, but the most mature, and the one who usually made them focus again when they got off track. And how Gareth was shy outside of the group, but in it, he was the life of the party. How Freak truly preferred being called Freak instead of his real name. How Eddie prioritized his relationship with his boyfriend, Steve, over almost everything else because that was his reason for doing everything else.
And how Robin quickly became her reason for doing everything.
Meg learned quickly that where the boys went, Steve went, and where Steve went, Robin went. It was only a matter of time before something happened.
Something was fucking in a closet at the studio while the guys were in a meeting.
“Fuck me, how are you so good at this?” Robin said as her head hit the wall behind her, hands tightening on Meg’s shoulders.
“Which part?” Meg asked just to be cocky. She knew exactly which part. Hearing Robin say it, or moan it, would be better.
“You’re gonna kill me,” Robin’s voice gave way to a much louder moan than this closet could contain. “I’m so close.”
Meg had two fingers inside her, pumping slowly enough to drive her crazy but hard enough to make her come, while her thumb rubbed circles around her clit. She was good at this, years of perfecting it on herself finally paying off when she moved to Boston and now Chicago.
“You’re close? Then come. I’m waiting,” Meg smirked. She watched as Robin’s eyes closed and her lips parted around a whimper. She’d never been with anyone as responsive as Robin was. Even just a kiss to her neck had her knees shaking.
She was perfect.
“You look so fucked out on my hand, baby. Bet you’ll love riding me later,” Meg whispered against her jaw before nipping at the skin. “Bet you take it so well. Bet my cock was made for you.”
Robin squeezed around her fingers as she let out a high-pitched moan. Meg used her free hand to cover Robin’s mouth as she moaned through her orgasm, biting her own lip to resist making a desperate noise.
She wanted to fuck Robin against the wall for hours, and then she wanted Robin to fuck her against the wall until they couldn’t stand on their legs anymore. She wanted them to get so lost in each other, everyone at the studio would leave for the night and forget they were there. She wanted to taste every single inch of Robin now, when she was leaking over her fingers and her palm.
Nothing could stop her from doing that, at least.
When Robin shifted from small whines to panting, Meg moved her hand from her mouth and licked into her mouth. Robin was barely aware of anything until Meg started to pull her other hand from between her legs.
Robin’s thighs squeezed together, trapping her there.
Meg’s eyes widened.
She may have completely misjudged Robin Buckley.
“Again? Now?”
“That’s what I said.”
Where was the woman who barely made it through their first conversation? The woman who blushed and looked away anytime Meg tried flirting with her? The woman who couldn’t even look at a picture of Meg in her bathing suit without stuttering through an awkward apology about not wanting to objectify her?
Meg dropped to her knees and looked up at Robin’s nearly black eyes.
“Fine, but my hand’s tired. I’m using my tongue,” she said leaning in to place a softer than necessary kiss right under her bellybutton.
“Only if I can go after,” Robin sighed out.
“Think we can make that happen, Robbie.”
Meg hadn’t been home in years.
She called her mom every other Tuesday, usually tried to time it so she could catch one of her siblings.
But this Tuesday, she was passing through on her way to a meeting in New York with the band and a video director for their first single.
As soon as she walked into her childhood home, she was bombarded with hugs. Her mom came around the corner as all of her siblings and a couple cousins fired question after question at her.
No one had noticed Robin standing awkwardly, silently, by the door.
Except her mom.
“Who’s this?” She asked not unkindly. “A new friend in the band?”
Everyone around Meg immediately stopped talking and turned towards Robin, who absolutely hated every second of this, but loved every bit of Meg.
She wiggled her fingers in a wave. “I’m Robin.”
“Robin’s my girlfriend,” Meg added, not wanting Robin to feel like she had to hide. They’d talked about it on the way already, but Robin was still unsure of what she could say and do in front of everyone. “She’s friends with the band, too.”
Everyone crowded around Robin, asking her a million questions. Meg smiled to herself. They had a signal for if Robin truly got overwhelmed, but she seemed okay.
“How’d you find someone so cute in Chicago?” Meg’s mom asked, nudging her shoulder.
“Technically it was Boston. Lots of cute women in Boston.”
“Ah, but this one seems more than just cute, sweetie,” she said knowingly.
“Yeah.” Meg nodded, watching as Robin accepted a friendship bracelet from her youngest cousin, Penelope. “She’s my everything.”
“Everything, huh?”
“All of my reasons, mama. She’s all of them.”
Meg’s mom had never been one for physical touch once her kids had grown out of the need for kisses when they got hurt. But now, she pulled Meg into her, kissed her cheek, and pet the back of her hair.
“Then I’m glad you brought her back to us.”
And no matter how far Meg went, no matter the distance between herself and her home, her family, she always took Robin back home to visit.
She didn’t mind coming back now that she’d made a name for herself, now that she’d found a way to live.
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icterid-rubus · 10 months
Went to see The Trench with my ma and her friend and it was just the three of us alone braying it up in the theater and catcalling Stratham. Truly how that film is meant to be enjoyed.
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tomorrowusa · 13 days
The latest far right fad is raw milk. Perhaps they regard Louis Pasteur as a woke socialist. Seriously, government health advisories about raw milk only make it more attractive to the conspiracy theory fringe.
Commentators on sites like Infowars, Gab and Rumble have grown increasingly vocal about raw milk in recent weeks. They see the government’s heightened concerns about the dangers as overreach. “They say: ‘Bird flu in milk! Bird flu in milk! Oh, it’s the scariest thing!’” Owen Shroyer said on the April 29 episode of his “War Room” podcast from Infowars. He added: “They’ll just make raw milk illegal. That’s what this is all about.” Public health officials have long warned Americans of the severe health risks that can come with drinking raw milk instead of pasteurized milk, which is heated to kill bacteria, viruses and other germs. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found more than 200 disease outbreaks linked to unpasteurized milk from 1998 to 2018, leading to 2,645 illnesses, 228 hospitalizations and three deaths.
The far right, including anti-vaxxers, seems to have an affinity for pathogens. Either that or they feel that pathogens don't really exist and perhaps were made up by Hillary Clinton and George Soros. Whatever they think, don't expect them to make sense.
Contrary to claims, there’s little or no evidence that drinking raw milk provides health benefits, including protection from certain infectious diseases, said Dr. Megin Nichols, the deputy director of the Division of Foodborne, Waterborne and Environmental Diseases at the C.D.C. The Food and Drug Administration says pasteurizing milk kills the virus. The F.D.A. said in a statement that there are no scientifically proven benefits to drinking raw milk and that “the health risks are clear.”
Epidemics get rightwingers agitated. The latest bird flu outbreak has them acting like mad cows.
Matt Gertz, a senior fellow at Media Matters, a left-leaning watchdog that looked at the trend this month, said raw milk promotion had been intensifying on the right since the start of the bird flu outbreak. “What you have is a bunch of right-wing influencers who know that they can build substantial audiences and retain their audiences and excite their audiences by telling them that what medical authorities are saying about raw milk, about bird flu, is not credible,” Mr. Gertz said.
Basically the wingnuts are telling people: Don't trust science, trust Infowars instead! Paranoia is good for clicks.
As for bird flu, there is clear evidence of it being easily transmissible between mammals.
After mice drink raw H5N1 milk, bird flu virus riddles their organs
Despite the delusions of the raw milk crowd, drinking unpasteurized milk brimming with infectious avian H5N1 influenza virus is a very bad idea, according to freshly squeezed data published Friday in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison squirted raw H5N1-containing milk from infected cows into the throats of anesthetized laboratory mice, finding that the virus caused systemic infections after the mice were observed swallowing the dose. The illnesses began quickly, with symptoms of lethargy and ruffled fur starting on day 1. [ ... ] Before the mouse data, numerous reports have noted carnivores falling ill with H5N1 after eating infected wild birds. And a study from March in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases reported that over half of the 24 or so cats on an H5N1-infected dairy farm in Texas died after drinking raw milk from the sick cows. Before their deaths, the cats displayed distressing neurological symptoms, and studies found the virus had invaded their lungs, brains, hearts, and eyes.
So we have bovines, rodents, and felines all being infected by H5N1. Several primates (i.e. humans) have also been infected. But generally, humans whose health practices are influenced by the germ theory of infection stand a darn good chance of avoiding it.
Fortunately, for the bulk of Americans who heed germ theory, pasteurization appears completely effective at deactivating the virus in milk, according to thorough testing by the FDA. Pasteurized milk is considered safe during the outbreak.
As with 17th century patriarchy and religious practices, the fringe right seems eager to return to the medical dark ages before germ theory and vaccination. In the century between 1870 and 1970 life expectancy almost doubled because of related discoveries. The far right seems to have some sort of death wish.
Vote for pro-science candidates. Support groups like 314 Action which are dedicated to electing candidates with a science background.
About Us - 3.14 Action
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lablass-2882 · 4 months
Happy Cody Day!
So, in Honor of Cody Day (2/2/24), that I completely didn’t.....somewhat.... forget about until last minute.  I attempted to draw some cute fan art of Cody with all his nieces and nephews from my Clone kiddo Au.
I didn’t like it.  It just wasn’t working the way I wanted it to.  So, I tried something else.  And that looked terrible.  So I went for attempt number 3 aaaannnnd.... you can guess how that went.
Here is a cute little short story instead featuring Cody and one of his nieces from my whacky AU.
Story below the cut.
“Sorry.” Cody mumbled.
“They don't have to be....kandos” A small voice mumbled. (Perfect)
“Ba’vod is almost done. This will only take a moment.” (Uncle)
“Gar said megin eyn hour’ago.” The small voice retorted. (You said that an hour ago.)
Cody huffed as he stared down at his messy work.  Despite weeks of careful planning, endless research, and diligent practice..... he really sucked at braiding.  In particular, he sucked at braiding hair.  There was something about braiding hair chaffed him to no end.  His braids were always uneven, messy, and, quite frankly, just inadequate.  He was just really bad at it.  He always had been and he expected that he always would be.  Much to his young and fidgety niece’s bad luck.
Now, Taliyah, or Tally for short, was trying her best to sit still.  But she was also a ten-year old child who really, really wanted to go play with the other kids in the yard.  What had started as a simple request for twin braids in her hair had turned into a battle of attrition for the young girl.  She had been so blissfully unaware of Cody’s utter disdain for braids.  And now, two hours later, her patience was reaching a breaking point. So, in a moment of defeat.....Cody throw in the towel and let the messy braids win.
“Alright, I guess that will have to do.” He huffed out.  “So, how do they look?”
He handed Tally a small mirror to look at her braids.  Her pale purple hair was so different than Cody’s own.  It was softer than the hair of the clones and had more of a wavy curl when compared to the tight curls that he and Vod’s sported.  This made his usual styling techniques and tricks ineffective on most days.  Especially braids.  But Tally didn’t seem to care about the messy braids or their uneven alignment, as a bright smile blossomed across her face.
“Val're Kandosii! I Love it, Ba’vod Kote!” (They’re perfect.)
Whirling around to face him, Cody was met with a tight hug and a wide toothy grin that made his heart melt.
“Ori'vor'e, ori’vor’e!” (An excited thank you expression.) The young girl chimed.  “Now I have braids too.  Just like Aurora and the ashi’vods.” (other kids)
Cody hummed and nodded along with her excitement.  He honestly thought that he could have done better, but if his niece was happy.  That was all that mattered. 
“Now, these won’t last all day, okay.  I don’t think your hair is long enough to leave the braids in like the others.  If they start to get loose, come and find me to fix it.  Utre’la?” (Means alright or clear.)
“Ultre’la.” Tally nodded.
Cody doubted that the braids would last for very long.  Not with how the kids played, it would be a miracle if they stayed for the rest of the day.  Plus, Tally’s hair really wasn’t long enough for tight braids. Aurora, Neo, and Ulh’ta all had hair similar to him and his vods, and it could hold tight braids.  While most of Tally’s hair had been chopped off during her surgery. It was starting to grow back, but at a snail’s pace.  He had tried to explain that to her when she asked him about putting braids in her hair....... but her pleading eyes broke down any resistance he had. So, this old clone soldier dug out his styling tools and attempted to make his ad'ika happy. (niece, nephew, child, etc.) Maybe Rex was right, and he had grown soft.
“May I go play in the yard now? Geedet’te Ba’vod Kote.” Tally chimed. (Please, uncle Cody.)
“You may.” He sighed.  “But be careful and no climbing things.”
“Okay.” She chirped while trying to wiggle out of his grip.
“Especially trees.”
“I won’t.”
“And no hitting the other kids.”
“Shi meh val nynir ni sol'yc” (Only if they hit me first.)
“I promise I won’t.” Tally giggled before running off.  Metal feet clanged against the floors as she ran.  Pausing momentarily at the doorframe before turning back to face him, “kar’taylir darasuum, Ba’vod Kote.” (Love you, Uncle Cody.) And with that, she was off.
Cody signed and went to pick up his tools.  “Kar'taylir darasuum gar too ad'ika.” (Love you too, little one.)
And there you have it. A nice short and sweet like fic.
Apologies for no doodles or drawings. I attempted so many different ideas, but drawing.exe in my brain just wasn't working. So I went with a short story instead.
Anyway, see y'all next time.
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habkeinb0ck · 1 year
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Végre megin szép vagyok
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kezenani · 3 months
azt hittem egy egyszeri melléfogás volt a kalodás rémbari, erre nézzétek kikbe botlottam má megin
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sabiartrin · 3 months
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Sketch of Megin and Runar, not sure if I'll continue
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kekbond · 5 months
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na most annak fényében lett ez átjavítva h Mr. Konzulens még át sem olvasta, amit leadtam, de sűrű elnézéseket kért h a gugi rosszabbik felén álltam má' megin' :')
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norts-trolls · 1 year
Hey Lutark! Uhm... Natani told me to tell you he's your biggest fan as always ... just wanted to pass that on for ya <3
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shes giving him his fair share of love as a thank you for passing on that note
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sorertdugok · 5 months
2016 - elhagyom a tumblit, 4000+ követőt a hátam mögött hagyva és mai napig nem tudom, hogy miért tettem így. 2017-ben silány próbálkozásom vol újra, de elhalt.
2024 - eltelt közel 8 év (az emút nyóc év má megin) és újra itt realizálódott néhány monumentális gondolatom, melyekre ismerős nevektől jöttek a reblogok és kedvtelés célú miamazok. Jól esett ezt látni, meg sok új tumbászt is. Valahol mintha minden ott folytatódna, ahol abba maradt. 1665. Tik vagytok a legjobbak. Xoxo.
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sarenth · 7 months
Urðr is Carved
Urðr is carved It starts as a line of resolve A hint of feeling, Moðr Channels into Víli Becomes a hard line etched by Megin Wood’s Lykr separated by iron Sometimes a swift slash, others a slow, deliberate line Til the carver is finished and the carving is complete Hamingja builds Hamingja Örlog built carving by carving Through the hands of Lykr, Hamr, Hugr Through the…
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1mondatban · 4 months
má' megin' az a qrva tudomány!
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kindorthorr · 29 days
Viking raiders and East Slavs have maintained a good contact throughout history as the Rurik Dynasty of Norse origin ruled the ancient land of Rus’ from its capital; Kiev, where Scandinavian culture began to mix with the local Slavic. Hence the Slavic god Perun and Norse god Þórr were widely honoured throughout the lands of Norsemen and ancient Slavs.
This chant is solely my own. I translated many words and phrases to Old Norse from various sources in order to produce my own chant that I will be using to tribute him and develop the exchange with my heritage.
"Þróttigr hermaðr, er hēdhra þu. Bliðr viezla fyrir þú ek sjá, þinn megin, makt ok ør-grandr.
Er blóta þú með minn megin ok girnd til fit illrrinn. Þrúðugr ok stiltr – þú haldnaturerinnr með þinn Mjǫllnir.
Hlórriði! Dynja, elding, veðr ok baðmr ór fjörlausn. Þórr! Ek trust þinn makt ok abilitr.
Þú eru makt, inn meginrinn ok protectorinn ór mankinð. Þróttigr hermaðr, er hēdhra þu.
Dynja, elding, veðr ok baðmr ór fjörlausn. Hlórriði, þróttigr hermaðr. Þórr, er hēdhra þu."
"Mighty warrior, I honour you. Pleasant feast for you I see, your strength, power and honesty.
I worship you with my strength and desire to fight the evil. Powerful and controlled – you hold the nature with your Mjölnir.
Thor! Thunder, lightning, storm and tree of release of life. Thor! I trust your power and abilities.
You are the power, the strength and the protector of mankind. Mighty warrior, I honour you.
Thunder, lightning, storm and tree of release of life. Thor, mighty warrior. Thor, I honour you."
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