#meg 2.0 was always one of my favs
acecroft · 5 months
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genthekick · 3 months
What your fav dbd character says about you (from a Yui main) - survivor edition:
Once again, this is only for entertainment purposes, don’t sentence me to death pls
Dwight - bald Dwight ftw
Meg - Beyoncé should sing: “Who run the world? Meg!”
Claudette - why do you keep fucking up the generator??
Jake - macho macho man
Nea - the OG lesbian
Laurie Strode - who? Seriously, does anyone play her?
Ace - you make me angry, but you’re trying
Bill - peepaw will save you!
Fang Min - we could go two ways: toxic or saviour of the world
David King - you look angry, but you’re actually aight
Quentin - who? 2.0
David Tapp - Tapp that gen please
Kate Denson - the saviour of the game AND my heart
Adam Francis - what a legend, he will die for you
Jeff - does anyone play him? 2.5
Jane Romero - tell me the truth? Do you actually play her cause she’s good or is it because she’s thiccc?
Ash - I admire you, I would like an autograph
Nancy Wheeler - will carry the game
Steve Harrington - will try and help, but at the end of the day, you’ll hear him scream on a hook
Yui - not to be biased, but… mum, she’s the one!
Zarina - Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Showstopping. Spectacular. Never the same. Totally Unique. Completely not ever been done before.
Cheryl Mason - you do NOTHING! Get out of the basement!!
Felix - you pop out of nowhere, making me almost shit myself
Élodie - you look like you know what you’re doing
Yun-Jin - props to you surviving in a bright fluffy jacket
Leon - unless you’re a bot, you’re my guardian angel
Mikaela - I thought she was the ultimate survivor until she started running… so so slow
Jonah Vasquez - a who now? Also how do you see through those glasses in the mist??
Yoichi - a legend that I never see
Haddie - you’ve gone through some shit
Ada Wong - you are the moment
Rebecca Chambers - always dies first
Vittorio - father?
Thalita - you don’t exist
Renato - you only exist as a bot
Gabriel Soma - if you explode a gen one more time, istg…
Nicholas Cage - either legendary or A COMPLETE ASSHOLE
Ellen Ripley - you remind me of my mother
Alan Wake - my best friend, my saviour, my will to live
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alghulnyssa · 3 years
i know meg is your fave fave, but who are your other spn faves?
no but its funny because my taste is very bad 🤠
my favourite character is meg 2.0 and my second fav is kaia so yes that indeed brings us to a total of ten episodes with my favourite characters from a show that has exactly three hundred twenty seven episodes don't be like me kids
but god i love meg and kaia so much i mean meg has been one of my all time favs since i was like 14 (actually fun fact i watched goodbye stranger on my 15th birthday thats always a very fun story) and last year in the weeks leading up to galaxy brain i was Not doing well
also honorable mention to all of the wayward sisters i love them all so much but idk if its they're-my-favourite-characters i love them or it-would-have-been-my-favourite-show i love them anyways we deserved wayward sisters
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reddieandwaiting87 · 5 years
Get to know the blogger: Edition Supernatural
21 SPN Questions Tagged by @alexa-alcantara
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
Way back in the day!! 2005. Though can’t remember the month. To be fair it was 14 years ago.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
Really the TFW shit needs to die. It was said ONCE in S5 by Dean and he was being sarcastic. Also I believe alot of Destiel/Castiel twats use it as a way to shoe horn in Castiel and put him on the same level as Sam and Dean.
So yeah the TFW shit can go away. But back to the question. I love Dean but its always been Sam for me. Loved him since the pilot.
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
Castiel, obviously. I used to like him back in S4/S5 when he was an actual character and Misha was actual trying to act. But now he is a waste of screen time and the more they force him into eps and how important he is to Sam and Dean. The more forced and fake it becomes.
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
Again with the TFW shit? Lol I think a Destiel/Minion did these questions.
The Impala she is the REAL 3rd lead after all and unlike some doesn’t let the boys down or hurt them. =3
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
Ruby 1 and 2. I also like Rowena, Eileen, Ellen, Sarah, Meg 1.
7. John or Mary?
John every day of the week. Mary is awful, she is never around when needed, she will jump on any free dick just to be away from her sons. Samantha can’t act which plus that and the bad writing makes Mary come off as an uncaring dead eye bitch.
Also not a fan of being told how amazing characters are (the best hunter in the world? OK Jan.) but when it comes to actual showing it, they are useless/need saved.
Bringing Mary back was the biggest mistake the show ever did.
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: (from 1x01) Oh he is so good looking and adorable and so smart.
Dean: ( 1x01) Hot and funny with a cool car.
Cas: (4x02 I think) I thought he was cool. But from S6 to now I just hate him more and more. He is useless, a shitty friend and just is there to get beat up or fuck up and get away with it.....again.
Jack:  I HATED the whole Lucifer his a sprog idea back in S12, as its been done to death and done so much better. After seeing Jack in S13, I was shocked how quickly I liked him. I still do enjoy his character, I just think he gets a bit too much story lines though.
9. What’s your favorite season?
S1 and S2 will always be my fav but since I have to pick one it would be S2. I love powers!Sam and the special children and YED.
10. What’s your least favorite season?
 The later seasons can’t hold a candle to S1 and S2 but S10 is the worst by far. Demon!Dean and Mark of lame Dean was just Dean being an asshole but 100%. And that for a whole season was not fun to watch. There was also too many side characters. Even Sam’s hair looked shit.
11. Opinions on Destiel?
Why is there a Destiel question on this? We are talking about the actual show not fake ships. Anyway its a awful ship that as no moments nor is it romantic. When you have to use one character beating the shit out of another character as proof of love and your ship then thats your first clue you have an issue and your ship is fanon.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
Well this confirms a Destiel fan and Minion did this.
No Supernatural does not queer bait. There might be some fan-service here and there but thats it. Destiel fans not getting their way and then crying about it. Isn’t queer baiting. Just entitled shippers being assholes.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
Season 1-7, don’t even need to think about it.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
Yellow Eyes, Azazel. The first and best villain
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Lucifer is so fucking done and so is Nick. They need to start dropping the dead weight from the show.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
Both Sam and Dean have been threw Hell and back. I will say I think Sam as gone though more trauma though.
As for Castiel - Don’t care. He was watching TV while Lucifer was using his ugly body then act’s like he can’t bear to be around Nick. He can fuck off.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
The pilot and Mystery spot. There are more but dont wanna list them all. XD
18. Do you like case episodes?
Of course!!! Anyone that calls them fillers are morons. MOTW eps are great, we need more of them and less side character drama I don’t care about.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
TFW again? Oh boy.
Sam Winchester.
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
I love horror and love hot guys so win win. lol and its nice to get a show that isn’t about a couple of teenagers breaking up and getting back together or drama shit or a boring police show.
To have a show be about the love of two brothers and no sappy boring love interesting. Fighting monsters and doing anything for each other is a breath of fresh air.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
I would kill Castiel, Charlie-sue 2.0, Mary, Nick, all the other angels, Micheal, Garth.
I would bring no one back. This show as enough old dead characters no one asked for coming back.
Tagging no one
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pray4jensen · 6 years
I LOVED last weeks ep! I was so happy to see Gabe come back but my heart broke seeing the state he was in.. and it felt so right to see Team Free Will working together again.. And my other favorite characters? Where do I begin?? Crowley, Charlie, Bobby, Donna, Jody, Rowena, The Wayward Sisters, Jack, Kevin, Meg 2.0, Mick (BMoL), Eileen, Gabe... how bout you? And as for ships? I'm a BIG Sastiel girl (brotp for life!) Crowstiel is another brotp of mine & Saileen and Megstiel are my two main ships
Gabriel!! He’s definitely a character that I really loved back in the earlier seasons. For me, I loved him as the trickster (that first episode where he appears is one of my favourites), but I have to admit that I’m kind of wary about him returning. I feel, that as much as I missed Gabriel, his character arc was completed, and there’s a little bit of worry there, I suppose, that his return will change the way that I perceive him.
My favourite characters have always been Sam, Dean, or Cas, at different moments. I loved Sam first, from season 1-3 (I thought that Dean was…an asshole, because of the way that he behaved when he met Jess in the pilot; it made me really wary) but!! but!!!! Dean stole my heart towards the end of s3. just,,,the way that he handled the knowledge that he was going to hell (and also when Sam died the first time, back in s2, I think that was really a point where my feelings started to change about him). 
I loved him pretty fiercely from s4-s9 but I feel that the Mark of Cain changed Dean in a way from which he never returned. After that, s10 and onwards, Cas has been my fav. which has made me, I think, a lot less warm towards the show, because now the episodes that interest me are the ones where Cas appears, and it’s tough because even when he’s there, it’s almost as if he’s not because he doesn’t get much meaningful screen time.  
So yeah, overall though, I do love them near equally because at some point or another, they’ve all been my favourite character. Apart from TFW, I loved Bobby, and Rowena and Eileen are two characters that I also enjoy a lot. Cassie, Missouri, and Kaia have also been favourites.  
ahhhhh sastiel!!! Yes, that’s a brotp that I can get behind. And saileen,,,i die for saileen. I ship deancas pretty hard, but saileen is definitely my number 2. 
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percywinchester27 · 7 years
Supernatural survey
I was tagged by the absolutely amazing @deanssweetheart23
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? Season 11 was running then I believe. Yeah, I’m pretty new.
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with? Dean Winchester had me the moment he said that “Easy tiger.” Ain’t gonna lie.
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love? Probably Meg. I really loved Meg 2.0
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with?
You can’t really make me choose between Sam and Dean. Put a gun to my head, and then we’ll see about it. :P
5. If you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose?
Cas my baby <3 It would be so awesome to go out with him once.
6. What would you do on the date?  Honestly, I’d take him to an amusement park. Something tells me he’ll be very happy there <3
7. Which character would you most want to be like? Loving like Dean. Forgiving like Sam.
8. Which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead? Bobby or Charlie. But Eileen </3
9. Which character would you most like to punch? Ketch! Boy, do I want to punch that smug face. Also, Dick, Zachariah, Uriel and Raphael.
10. Who is your absolute favorite character?
Ummmm... I’m gonna have to go with all seasons of Dean here, and season 10 on wards Sam <3
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst? Hands down Leviathans. I wanted to gut that dick.
12. Which character are you most like?
As much as I’d wanna say Dean here, I am going to go with Sam. I know what it’s like to desperately want an out, and still having to stay back for a loved one. Also I am the youngest and a world class nerd. So... ;)
13. What death hit you the hardest? Bobby. Benny. Charlie. Ellen. Jo. Eileen.
14. What season finale hit you the hardest? 5, 8, 9 I guess
15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes? (In no particular order and I love way more than these. These are the ones I could remember)
Tall tales
Hell house
Mystery spot
Changing channels
Like a virgin
Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie
Pac-Man fever
Regarding Dean
16. What’s been your favorite season? 3 and 11 for most parts, but I loved 12, 2 and 1 will be forever my fav. You get the point. Basically the ones in which the brothers weren’t hiding a secret.
17. Who is your favorite angel? Cas, of course! Followed closely by the beloved Gabe <3
18. Who’s your favorite demon? Crowley
19. Who’s your favorite evil character? Alistair, Azazel. The actors playing them nailed the character.
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships? Megstiel, Saileen and Dean and Jo *sigh*
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor? Rich and Rob! They are phenomenal in respective roles
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show? “A wise man once told me...Family don’t in blood...” I HAVE found family here <3
23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you chose?
Hands down Danneel! It is overdue! Cast her as a demon or Dean’s one night stand, but it needs to happen... Like yesterday!
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included? Some Greek god! Aphrodite would be cool. Kil her lol :P She doesn’t let my Sammy be happy!
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with?All of them, they gave us all those amazing GIFs
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with? If not Jess, umm Sarah? Or even Madison!
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments? The make up on the pillow story. Cracks me all the time. Jensen’s speech at Jib8. Jared’s worst outfit and train story. J2 generally being Dorks and Misha doing accents lol :P
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character described? The one who gets to kiss both Sam and Dean somehow lol.
29. What do you hope to see in the next season? Brothers being badass brothers, trusting each other and saving the world. And their mother. Also Cas, Crowley and Rowena back.
30.-40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John? Always Bobby
Bela or Ruby? Bela
Jess or Madison? Jess
Jo or Lisa? Jo.
Charlie or Kevin? Charlie
Balthazar or Ash? Ummm Ash?
Cas or Crowley? Cas
Ben or Claire? Claire
Jody or Donna? Awwww... *sigh* Jody!
Sam or Dean? Bring that gun, then we’ll talk ;).
Tagging: @sdavid09 @grace-for-sale @plaidstiel-wormstache @kas-not-cas @bellastellaluna
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markofcastiel · 7 years
Tagged by the absolute sweetheart @castielismyfavouriteangel​
1. What season did you start watching Supernatural?
Season 1, back when they were babies ;u; I stopped around season 3-ish and then restarted it when I caught the episode where Cas entered the show. After that I went back to see what I’d missed and became way too addicted.
2. Who was the first character you fell in love with?
Dean. His shit eating grin caught my heart like a flytrap.
3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love?
Meg. Meg 1.0 was such an asshole (even tho I loved her style and thought the actress was super pretty) but then came Meg 2.0 being damaged and deep and calling Cas a unicorn and I just ;_;
4. Which character would you most want to be in a long - term relationship with?
Cas. He’d be the best hubbie. He’d probably bring me honey and plant flowers that attract bees in our yard and try to make my favorite dishes. He’d suck at cooking at first but then read 50 books about it and become the best and I’d egg him on and be his #1 supporter in everything. I’d crack “he’s such an angel” jokes all day and die a little each time he smiled.
5. If you could go on just one date with one character, which one would you choose?
Dean “best night of my life” Winchester.
6. What would you do on this date?
We’d go to the movies, probably for Guardians of The Galaxy or Wonder Woman, eat a bunch of junk food (and actually watch the movie cus we’re both too nerdy to miss it). Our cheeks would hurt from giggling all night at stupid puns. When he dropped me off, before we left the Impala, I’d lean in and kiss him- and then invite him in with a cheeky grin :P
7. Which character would you most want to be like?
Charlie. She’s so awesome and I want her tech skills ;u;
8. Which character would you most like to see brought back from the dead
^^^^^^^ CHARLIE ^^^^^^ (still not over it)
9. Which character would you most like to punch?
Tony freaking Bevell. Ugh. She deserves it.
10. Who is your absolute favorite character?
All of TFW. But with a special spot in my heart for Cas, let’s be honest.
11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst?
Lucifer, I guess, since he started EVERYTHING. Everything bad that happened in the show began with him. The worst villains for me were Azazel and Alistair + the whole Apocalypse arc but it was caused by Lucifer.
12. Which character are you most like?
I think I’m a mix of Donna (with the cheeriness and trying to be optimistic  even when you’re dying inside) and also Charlie (with the tech geekiness, fandom nerdiness and the LARPing).
13. What death hit you the hardest?
Cas, when he walked into the lake, cus I really feared he wouldn’t come back (and maybe Misha wasn’t even supposed to come back but did just because of all the fan uproar that was created at the time).
14. What season finale hit you the hardest?
Swan Song, man. Swan Song. But Sacrifice is right up there too.
15. What are your ten all - time favorite episodes?
Honestly it’s hard to pick just 10 (so i didnt) but here are some of my favs:
The Man Who Would Be King (6.20) Swan Song (5.22) Baby (11.04) Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets (12.10) The End (5.04) A Little Slice of Kevin (8.07) Hunteri Heroici (8.08) Changing Channels (5.08) Sacrifice (8.23) Free To Be You And Me (5.03) Survival of the Fittest (7.23) Lazarus Rising (4.01)
Can you tell I’m destiel trash? ^^’‘
16. What’s been your favorite season?
Season 5? Idk, tbh. There are always good and bad eps.
17. Who is your favorite angel?
Aside from the obvious (Cas) it’s Gabeee!! (and also Balti aaa)
18. Who’s your favorite demon?
19. Who’s your favorite evil character?
Rowena all the wayyyy
20. Do you have any Supernatural ships?
ALL OF THEM. Destiel is the OTP though
21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor?
Ruth Connell! SHE’S SO FUCKIN PRECIOUS i wanna hug her silly ;u;
22. What’s your favorite quote from the show?
"How important is lipstick to you, Dean?”
23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you chose?
Lin Manuel Miranda as actual Hamilton in a AU time-traveling episode.
24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creature would you like to see included?
Sasquatch. Dean would make jokes about it being Sam in disguise the entire time and Sam would have his Bitchface on at all times. Cas doesn’t understand and reassures Dean that his brother is fully human.
25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with?
Rhonda Hurley. Bless her for the best canon ever #pantykink
26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with?
Jess ;;_;;
27. What are some of your favorite convention moments?
The entire resume-off (”as long as the animal is asleep”); “What’s it like being REALLY attractive?” Jensen replies, very seriously, “I should probably take this one”; “Would you just drink your fucking water”; the “Influence”; Jensen singing; Jared stopping all the trains; Misha’s deadly fart; every time Dmitri crashes a panel and Jensen does his unicorn laugh and of course... ROARING. NESNEJ.
28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character described?
I’d be Diana, the actual goddess. TERRIFYING, POWERF- “Wait, why is she petting every animal she sees? Sammy, I don’t think this is our big baddie...”
29. What do you hope to see in the next season?
AU Castiel, Dean pining and suffering and BEING HONEST ABOUT IT, Jack actually being a good guy or at least redeeming himself (unlikely, but a girl can hope), Castiel coming back, Destiel hug, Mary coming back and finally doing right by her boys, SAMMY BEING A LEADER!!!
30-40. If you had to choose…
Bobby or John? Bobby
Bela or Ruby? Ruby
Jess or Madison? Jess
Jo or Lisa? Jo
Charlie or Kevin? Charlie
Balthazar or Ash? Balthazar
Cas or Crowley Cas
Ben or Claire? Claire
Jody or Donna? Jody
Sam or Dean? Dean
Tagging: (if y’all wanna do it, of course)
@jimminovak, @royalrowena, @hangsabove, @beekeepercain @prayforjensen, @godstiel-collins and anyone else who fancies it
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Anything SPN related? Who are your favourite female characters on the show and why? And on a related note (in case she's not on the list or if she is maybe you can say a bit more about her?) what do you think of Charlie?
No particular order bc that could change depending on the day but; Jo, Bela, Meg 2.0, and Charlie. (I do like others but not in the fav range)
Jo…we got less of her than the others so partially my reasoning is more head canon or “what could have been” than the others. Jo was spunky. I liked her huge crush on Dean (bc who wouldn’t crush on Dean?) but I like that her character wasn’t just some love sick girl. She didn’t blindly follow or agree with him & she stuck up for herself. It also hit me in the feels why she wanted to hunt. She felt like an outsider around ‘normal’ people & didn’t fit in at school. And she was a daddy’s girl who lost her father so young & wanted to hold on to a piece of him the only way she knew how. I also thought Jo was natural. She wanted to be a hunter but she was afraid at first. The show seems to wanna make it look like everyone can be a hunter these past few seasons but that’s ridiculous. This isn’t a job that ya’d instantly be good at & it often feels forced.
Bela: Ok shameless answer is; I had such a girl crush on her & I love her accent. But Bela, like Jo, is a lot of “what could have been” She was definitely more than met the eye. She was a more layered & complex character than just the selfish thief she portrayed. I think if she stuck around she could have eventually been one of the (reluctant) good guys. And her banter with Dean was always fun.
Meg 2.0: She had some awesome lines. I loved how sassy she was & whenever she was around you knew you were in for a laugh or two. And she was damn bad ass. She may have been on the bad guys’ side but Meg had dedication. She threw caution (her life) to the wind & fought for her cause. Then when she lost her cause she was still loyal to the only thing left that she cared about; Cas & killing Crowley. So ‘evil’ demon stuff aside, loyalty is a good & rare quality. It was kinda neat to watch.
Charlie: uhh I kinda feel like I’m in the minority as a Dean girl with my love of Charlie. Ik a lot who are bored by her/think she’s a Mary Sue/whatever. I can’t say the Mary Sue thing is entirely unfounded but I also think when Charlie got introduced should be factored in & I cut some slack. Frankly, the show had a lot more structure in S2 than S7+ when Charlie was around. Also, she got more episodes than Jo. I say Jo bc she’s the one I sometimes see Charlie compared to with, saying Jo felt real & Charlie Mary Sue. I think my only real agreement with that is how quickly they made Charlie an awesome fighter. With her life on the run & computer skills, I can see her quickly taking to other aspects of hunting. But she went from the girl who couldn’t defend herself at all to leading battles w/o any real receipts. Yes, time passed b/t eps & she could have learned shit but then SAY it. Say she’d been training etc. Like when Jo reappeared in S5 Ellen says that they’d been hunting together for a while so we weren’t sitting there like wtf Jo is a vet hunter all the sudden...but that brings me back to the writers & more consistency & continuity in earlier seasons.
Ok that kinda sounded more like I was complaining abt Charlie than praising her (I wasn’t. I was complaining abt the writers) so here’s why she makes my fav list: Charlie is fun. She’s an upbeat sassy little nerd that ya kinda can’t help but like. As Dean said, the lil sister he never wanted & we know what that turned into. Dean loved her. I see hunting being a fitting life for Charlie too. She has the whole tragic past even though her monster was human, she’s used to the nomad life & not having anyone in her life & when push came to shove she cared abt saving other people. In a show with a long history of killing off characters who could have had more Charlie takes the cake. Her death was utterly pointless & I’m still pissed. The shitty writers’ defense was oh it was her time...if that’s true then at least give her a PROPER death. I love how she was fighting to get Dean the cure but that isn’t what she died for. The damn thing was sent & as Felicia Day put it herself: WHY THE FUCK DIDN’T SHE CLIMB OUT THE WINDOW? Yeah, still angry. And not only did I like her as a character but wtf the boys NEED something to care about. All they have is Cas & this season Mary *gags* What’s even the point of fighting to save the world if you don’ care about anything in it? This damn show kills off everyone they get attached to for the ‘man pain’ & ok a few needed to happen for the whole tragic aspect of their world but at some point enough is enough. It’s lost all shock value long ago & for what I just said, it makes no plot sense any more either.
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