#medieval academy
medievalistsnet · 3 months
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petermorwood · 1 year
Here’s a dish from French Cooking Academy, another of my subscribed YouTube channels.
I like the business of stuffing each chunk of beef with a bit of garlic and bacon; I’ve done this with lamb, using garlic and lemon. Another interesting detail is the use of cinnamon, suggesting a way-back-when influence either from the Moors or having access to spices as they passed through from Dpain Spain or North Africa on the way to somewhere else.
Kokkinisto (Greek) and Tajine (Morocco) also use cinnamon - and cloves, and nutmeg, and ginger etc. etc. depending on recipe. I’ve made both, they’re really excellent.
@dduane​ and I got Very Interested because the use of what Mum used to call “cake spices” is also quite medieval and, in DD’s case, adaptable for the Middle Kingdoms project.
The Corsican one recommends rigatoni, cannelloni or similar large hollow pasta (presumably to hold lots of sauce!) For a more medieval approach I’d try Loseyns from late-1300s cookbook “The Forme of Cury” (that’s “cookery” without the k, so “coo’rey” not “curry”.)
These are often regarded as Richard II-era ”lasagne”, though I wonder if there’s also an association with heraldic “lozenges”, easily created by cutting a sheet of pasta dough slantwise...
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Either way, here’s “Tasting History with Max Miller” (subscribed of course!) having a go at Loseyns, which turn out like mac & cheese with extra spices.
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Max ended up eating them with a stick because forks hadn’t been introduced yet, but IMO a better utensil would be the historical eating pick, like one of these.
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...or even a spoon, especially if the loseyns were cut small with that in mind.
However eating pasta with the fingers - like many other foods - may have been done in the 1300s; it was certainly recorded in paintings from the 1600s...
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...right up to the 1800s...
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...though I don’t think these were dressed with anything more than oil or butter and some grated cheese, and the potential for messy eating was still pretty high. Eating small pasta rather than dangly strands with the fingers was probably much tidier, especially if diners knew the proper etiquette for doing it...
Finally, here’s something from our own store-cupboard, bought out of curiosity during a recent visit to Polonez in Dublin.
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This is pasta cut into little squares; both the front and the back of the pack calls them łazanka...
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...and according to Google Translate, this just means “pasta noodles”.
Can any followers tell me if "łazanka” has any relationship to “lasagna” or “lozenge”? An enquiring mind wants to know! :->
ETA: @seriously-mike​ says “...łazanki were brought to Poland in 16th century by queen Bona Sforza (so) the relationship with lasagna might be there.” See his Reply for more info.
ETA (2): A little bell went off in my head about the shapes in the bag and I suddenly remembered seeing them as something call “torn pasta” - the Italian word is “maltagliati“ - which were made using re-rolled scraps of dough from “formal” shapes; more info at that link.
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non-plutonian-druid · 10 months
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[ID: Five and real person! Delores drawn as centaurs. Both of them are old; Five is commission era. As such, he's wearing a suit and tie, has a neat mustache, and short hair. His horse body is light grayish white. Delores is wearing a nonsensical evening gown, and her centaur body is a large red draft horse with light feathers. They are hugging each other tightly; Delores has to bend down to reach. End ID.]
old married couple <3
i dont have any canon basis for making Delores a draft horse but it brings me joy and there was no chance I was ever going to do anything else. she deserves to be Tall. Also, am contributing one more old Delores to the world, an even rarer creature than old Five.
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babblingbear09 · 2 years
My burning question — does the Commission have some cool alien technology that creates Pneumatic tubes as needed or does sending a message trigger some underpaid worker to go back in time and install one where needed.
Like, I know the Commission has a talking fish and can create bodies and can make candy taste like a decade, but automatically creating Pneumatic tubes out of nothing is very impressive.
But more than that I adore the idea of some low level drone donning overalls and fake work orders grumbling under his breath about “a bowling alley, really!? What on earth is an assassin doing in a bowling alley?” as he tries to keep his cover and fend off real repair men.
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bluelavenderhaze · 2 years
Bluelance and Courtly Love Analysis
Spoilers for up to book 6
There are obvious similarities and allusions to Lance as a representation of Lancelot.
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While Darcy isn't exactly like Queen Guinevere personality wise, her name (Gwen/Gwendalina) is a pretty obvious reference. There are also more general references to Arthurian myths.
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On my re read of the series I noticed how much Darcy and Orion's relationship follows the principles of Courtly Love, especially those established in Chretien De Troyes Lancelot, The Knight of The Cart.
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The points about Darcy being inaccessible and their love being dangerous to consummate are obviously established from the first book onwards, but the rest takes place over the series, as they both develop their love for each other. Lance doesn't start out as a noble knight but has to become that for Darcy.
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He eventually becomes a knight worthy of her by recognising her as his Queen, swearing himself to her, sacrificing his social position for her, and fighting on her behalf. These are pretty standard Courtly Love tasks that knights perform.
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Disregarding the general characteristics and focusing on the last three that are specific to Courtly Love, it becomes clear that this applies to Lance in a similar way to Lancelot. Both notably offer complete loyalty to the woman they love and are willing to endure shame for her.
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As well as Lance becoming a better person due to Darcy.
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I honestly really appreciate the research the authors did to accurately depict Courtly Love instead of just using names similar to Lancelot and Guinevere for a cute reference. I never expected that when I started the series.
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inkstaindusk · 2 days
Hold on was Aira really the only first year as of !! (not counting Kohaku who doesn't go to school) does Aira not have any friends in class
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chameleon777-me · 1 year
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I am pleased to announce that I am the voice of 'The Academy Healer' in an ASMR film titled 'The Lord of War & Heartache: The Academy.' 'The Academy' can be viewed at the following link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=i6z38DncrQw This production was just released today and I am grateful to have been involved in it. I hope more opportunity comes from my involvement in this wonderful project. #asmr #film #series #academy #adventure #fantasy #paranormal #magic #medieval #medicine #adventuretime #voice #voiceactor #voiceacting #actor #acting #actorslife #entertainer #entertainingathome #entertainment #performanceart #performingathome #character #healer #health #wellbeing #mentalwellness #mentalwellness #diversity #collaboration #education https://www.instagram.com/p/CncXVUap7cr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fleurtyherald · 1 year
Gioco dell'Ocha ~ Italian Game of the Goose
Gioco dell'Ocha ~ Italian Game of the Goose #sca #renaissance #games #gleannabhann
(as researched by Giata Alberti aka FleurtyHerald) This is a “path” game from the Italian Renaissance, invented by the Florentines and given as a gift to the Court of Naples from the Medici. Akin to the modern game titled “Life”, players use pieces to move along the path according to rolls of the die or instructions on the board. Players take turns rolling two dice and moving their pawn around…
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toneacademy · 2 years
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wotc washing all mention of discrimination in their game lore is bad i think
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medievalistsnet · 1 year
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wolfwrenweek · 8 months
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What is WolfWren Week? Five days in November (Nov 6-10) dedicated to the relationship between Sabine Wren and Shin Hati from Ahsoka. Check out our About and Rules for more info. A detailed explanation of our daily themes can be found on our Prompts page and down below! Don't forget to tag your works with #wolfwrenweek and #wolfwrenweek2023 ♡
The below themes are intended to be used as inspiration for fandom creators participating in WolfWren Week. Each day has a unique motif and a corresponding collection of related prompts to pick from. You are welcome to use one or more prompts from within the same category for your creations.
NOV 6 devouring heavenly bodies | a day for possessive love. Biting, Blood, Scars, Wounds, Obsession, Jealousy, Rivalry, The Hunt, Murder
NOV 7 intricate rituals | a day for sacred acts. Courting, Body Worship, Sparring/Dueling, Makeup and Hair, Tattoos and Piercings, Collars and Restraints, Armor, Mandalorian Culture
NOV 8 between two lungs | a day for tender intimacy. Belonging, Domesticity, Cuddling, Dancing, Firsts, New Beginning, Healing, Hurt/Comfort, Only One Bed, Confessions, Force Bond, Found Family, Promise
NOV 9 howl of affection | a day for the spoken word. “Are you blushing?”, “Who did this to you?”, “Going somewhere?”, “Wait!”, “Who’s that?”, “Let me help you.”, “I hate you.” — “I know.”, “I can help you.”, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.”
NOV 10 dreams and madness | a day for bending reality. Sith AU, Flower Shop & Tattoo Artist AU, Clone Wars AU, Role Reversal AU, Band/Musician AU, Modern Day AU, Medieval AU, Soulmate AU, Imperial Academy AU, Time Travel AU, Padawans AU, Werewolf AU
While you are encouraged to use the prompts shared as inspiration, they are not mandatory. If you have a concept for something you really want to make that does not fit any of these, you are still welcome to participate during the event week!
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actualmermaid · 8 months
It's been three months since I made this post about Saints Sergius and Bacchus, John Boswell, classical Western homoeroticism, and Christian homophobia.
Since then I have read both of Boswell's books on the history of gay/queer people in premodern Christianity (Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality and Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe), familiarized myself more fully with the spectrum of charges against Boswell and his scholarship, and realized that he's been the subject of ideologically-motivated smear campaigns by just about every political/religious/academic faction you can imagine. My conclusion: Professor Boswell is a saint, martyr, and important queer elder who does not get the respect that he deserves, and I'm in awe of the sheer volume of the massive genius brain that was somehow crammed into his little blond head.
ANYWAY. This is an official followup to my original post, now that I've read Boswell's work.
I take back my hunch that Boswell's work was not intersectional. He was, in fact, a pioneer in the field of medieval social history, and utilized a wide range of critical lenses in his work. He was inhibited by the lack of documented evidence about some groups (for example, he was frequently criticized for not writing more about lesbians, but he was open about the difficulties of researching lesbians in history and explained what he was doing as a scholar and as a teacher to mitigate this) but he constantly called attention to issues of class, gender, and other social factors wherever they were relevant.
I was RIGHT in noticing that the slight difference in rank between Sergius and Bacchus seems to be an erastes/eromenos indicator! Boswell spoke at greater length and with greater sensitivity about erastes/eromenos dynamics in history, so if you want a deeper look into that, you should read his books.
I was also probably right in noticing that the legend of Sergius and Bacchus is seeded with various forms of Byzantine propaganda! I really wish that I could talk to him about it. :(
Both secular queer theorists and religious queer theologians seem to be most uncomfortable with the fact that Boswell was reporting on historical facts and observable social forces, not idealized concepts of queer people as somehow being more ethical or spiritual than the straight majority. He included evidence of things like abuse, prostitution, and exploitation not because he thought they were cool, but because they were part of the material reality of queer people's existence in the past, just like they were part of the material reality of his own 70s-80s gay subculture.
That was his bottom line: gay/queer people are a normal human variation, and as a historian, he could provide hard proof of their existence and what their lives might have been like. If his work seems "shallow" or "dated" to some more modern queer researchers, it's only because so many people were willing to dismiss his scholarship, reject his work, and abandon his research leads after he died. But, he was actually super smart and his scholarship was actually meticulous, so even his most dedicated critics have been unable to "debunk" him. Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality most recently had a 35th-anniversary reprinting, and he is still being cited as an authority by more recent scholars.
Even though the full strength of the Church and the Academy were leveled against him, his work has proven its own worth. He still deserves to be read and discussed by both professional scholars and enthusiastic hobbyists. And, the Open and Affirming movement in Christianity wouldn't be as strong as it is without his confirmation that "gays and lesbians are normal," as he put it, and not simply a construct of modern society.
Rest in power, Professor Boswell. We won't forget you.
Since I made that post, I have also opened a sticker shop with a bunch of queer Christian saint icons, including Boswell and some of the queer saints he discovered/wrote about. They're pretty cool. You should buy one.
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sixteenseveredhands · 11 days
Doodles Made by a 6-year-old Boy Named Onfim, from Russia, c. 1240-1260 CE: created nearly 800 years ago, these drawings were scrawled onto the homework/spelling exercises of a little boy in Novgorod
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Over the last 75 years, excavations in and around Novgorod, in Russia, have led to the discovery of hundreds of documents dating back to the Middle Ages. These documents were made using pieces of bark from the local birch trees; they include letters, notes, spelling exercises, shopping lists, receipts, and legal documents, among other things.
The most famous examples are the panels that contain the writing exercises of a 6-7 year-old boy named Onfim, whose work was often accompanied by drawings of knights, fantastical beasts, battle scenes, and depictions of himself in various forms.
These are just a few examples:
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Birch-Bark Document no.199: on the back of a panel that had been used for his spelling exercises, Onfim drew this picture of himself as a wild beast, writing "I am a wild beast" in the center of the drawing; the beast is also shown holding a sign that says "Greetings from Onfim to Danilo," likely referring to a friend or classmate.
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Birch-Bark Document no.200: Onfim began writing the Cyrillic alphabet at the top of this panel, but he then stopped to draw a picture of himself as a warrior on horseback, labeling the figure with his name; the drawing shows him wielding a sword while he impales his enemy with a spear.
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Birch-Bark Document no.202: the boy's mother and father are depicted in this drawing, which accompanies another writing exercise.
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Birch-Bark Document no.206: Onfim began to copy a liturgical prayer (the Troparion of the Sixth Hour) onto this strip of bark, but he apparently got distracted after writing just the first few words, and started drawing a row of people along the bottom of the panel instead.
The examples above are just a few of the many documents that have been unearthed in Novgorod (now known as Veliky Novgorod) and its surrounding areas. More than a thousand birch-bark manuscripts and styli have been found throughout the region, suggesting that there was a high rate of literacy among the local inhabitants. Most of these documents were created during the 11th-15th centuries, when Novgorod served as the capital city of the Novgorod Republic; they had been buried in the thick, wet clay that permeates the local soil, in conditions that allowed them to remain almost perfectly preserved for hundreds of years.
I know that Onfim's drawings are pretty well-known already, but my most recent post involved a very similar writing exercise/doodle from a child in Medieval Egypt, so I just thought I'd post some of Onfim's work, as well.
Sources & More Info:
Institute of Slavic Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences: Birch-Bark no.200, no.199, no.202, no.203, no.206, & no.210 (the site is in Russian, but can be translated)
Institute of Slavic Studies: Full Database of Birch-Bark Documents
The New York Times: Where Mud is Archaeological Gold, Russian History Grew on Trees
Russian Linguistics: Old East Slavic Birch-Bark Literacy - a history of linguistic emancipation?
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yuri-is-online · 7 days
... so what do we know about the Clash? (pt. 1)
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The answer is still not a whole lot! But we did get some extra context surrounding the very first mystery we all caught on to surrounding the missing houses. I did some re-reading for this and noticed some stuff about the MC's curse I'll probably put into another post. Tumblr is being a bitch about word/text count so, I'll have to divide this into a few parts, but for now, here is part one of just the facts as stated in game.
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The Facts
The Clash is first mentioned by name in Chapter 10 of the Prologue after Professor Nicholas takes MC away from the Chancellor's Office to be treated in Mortkranken. Cornelius starts talking to himself having noticed that all of this is happening on the day of the entrance ceremony: "General student house reassignments today, prophecy research and Clash clean up ASAP..." We learn at the start of Hotarubi's Episode that there are three defunct dormitories: Dionysia, Ultio, and Clementia leaving seven intact dormitories. Kaito tells us that the general admissions students are sorted "during their orientation." He also tells us ghouls are very rare, and that where they go affects the power balance between houses.
General Admissions students are normal humans, all houses except for Obscuary and Jabberwock have general admissions students, but Kaito tells us that "The academy stopped general admissions for Jabberwock recently..." meaning that they did have General Admissions students at one point. We also know from both Cornelius's lines and the records MC finds at the beginning of Hotarubi's episode that general students were reassigned to different dorms at the beginning of the year. Kaito also tells us that Obscuary is not a dorm you get in via the weighing of souls even if you are a ghoul, and that there is a rumor about their Dorm Captain ("their captain is the one who-"). Obscuary is not referenced by anyone we speak to in the main story ever again, nor are the rumors about its Captain. I suspect this will be revisited in their Episode.
The MC is being housed in the Cathedrale Terminale. Cornelius tells us "It was vacated quite recently." The dormitory resembles a medieval church and is referenced as having statues, benches, and a pipe organ. Before the cats arrive to do repairs, MC remarks that it looks like "something went on a rampage in here" as a lot of the furniture is broken as are the statues. When Jiro and Yuri come to give MC her check up, Jiro tells Yuri that MC is staying "in the old Clementia dormitory." Clementia is mentioned in passing in Episode 2, when a Vagastrom student references needing them for exorcisms, and then again in Episode 5 when MC finds a list of defunct dormitories and reassigned General Admissions students. The dormitory's name is the same as the roman goddess of mercy and clemency. This is something of a theme with the three missing dormitories.
Dante is the advisor for Frostheim and Vagastrom. He is a new member of staff, just having been hired this year and assigned to the two most difficult dormitories in the school. During the Clash, Alan Mido, the Dorm Captain of Vagastrom believes that he killed him. Dante is aware of this but does not seem to hold a grudge against Alan. Leo seems to find this assignment suspicious and doubts that Dante is his real name.
Jin Kamurai is the Dorm Captain of Frostheim. He has not been seen by most professors, including the previous Frostheim advisor, for around half a year according to Hyde. Kaito tells us that the rumor is it has something to do with the Clash, he describes it as a skirmish that he was able to stay out of but "everyone ended up with some trauma after that... Until last year, that guy was the definition of a charismatic leader." It is revealed to us throughout Episode 1 that Jin has lost his ability to use his stigma without the MC's help.
His Vice Captain, Tohma Ishibashi, was in Vagastrom until the middle of last year, meaning that we can reasonably line up the events of the Clash, Tohma transferring to Frostheim, and Jin losing his stigma as happening around the same time. The relationship between Jin and Tohma reads as a bit more tense than initially thought to me, Tohma is playing a role and Jin is very aware that he's being used, though he does not seem aware to what end. We also know he is looking for a spy, and cooperating with Alan. He asks him to "not draw more attention to himself" before apologizing, I assume about Luca's actions at the start of Episode 2 when he barged into the pit. All of the dorms are eager to not rock the boat with Darkwick more than they already have. Tohma specifically has put in a lot of effort to maintaining a good relationship with Darkwick's staff, which allows him use of specific artifacts like the skeleton key he uses in Episode 1. We will see this same skeleton key used by Haku in Episode 5, implying the staff has the same level of trust in him.
Whatever happened during the Clash seems to have made Frostheim deeply unpopular, especially with Mortkranken and Vagastrom. Haru says that he specifically is unpopular with Frostheim, but it seems like he might have just meant he doesn't get along with Jin as no one seems to do that. Except for his sugar baby MC. Switching dormitories is something you need special permission for, but the Clash seems to have resulted in a wide scale shuffling of power as we have several references to dormitory swapping between the ghouls. Which brings us back to the topic of the missing dormitories.
In Episode 3 when Haru falls unconscious from not taking care of himself, Nicholas and Hyde discuss Jabberwock's active mission. Hyde asks Nicholas about using the Dionysia kids. Specifically he asks Nicholas if he "found" those kids, implying that they very much have been missing. It is not referenced again until Episode 5 when the MC finds the list of defunct dormitories, we do not know when it was disbanded, why its ghouls went missing, or why Nicholas would be unable to assign them missions. The dorm's name is a reference to a festival held in honor of the greek god Dionysus during which multiple theater performances and poetry competitions were held. It is also the name of a flowering plant.
The final missing dormitory is Ultio, which is first mentioned in Episode 5 when MC finds the list of defunct dormitories. We learn later on in the Episode that they were tasked with running the prison in the middle of Hotarubi's lake. The dormitory's name is a reference to the roman goddess of vengeance. Both she and Clementia are considered abstract deities, and related to the reign of Julius Caesar. The roman emperor was thought to need to balance the vengeance of Ultio with the mercy of Clementia, as Ultio is very specifically tied to feelings of anger and Clementia acts of kindness. Whether or not this means anything to the actual story is unverifiable, but I thought it was interesting and since it is a fact it goes here.
We learn more about the spy from Taiga in Episode 4. He specifically says that this spy is out to make the ghouls look bad. he asks the MC if she "would rather stay ignorant and keep letting him fool" her. This could mean that the MC has already met the spy and Taiga is aware of this, but given the man's memory issues it's more likely this is a figure of speech meant to fire her up. Moby tells the MC in Episode 5 that the Hotarubi ghouls are hiding something, and to be wary of them but well. There's like three other things that could be referring to: Zenji (my beloved), Lyca (which I doubt since he and Cornelius seem content to let the poor boy rot), and Subaru's true stigma. It could refer to the spy too of course, but there's too much other stuff going on in there to know for sure.
It is never stated in game who this spy is spying for, or what the ghouls believe his motives to be. Just that he is out to make the ghouls look bad. In Episode 5 the concept of being "Pro-Anomaly" is mentioned for the first time in reference to Hotarubi, with the rumor being that Subaru is keeping a dangerous one as a pet. From this we can assume that part of the divide between ghouls and general admission students is their views on how the anomalies should be treated. This is further enforced by the explanation we are given of Article 78.
Tumblr is being fussy and cutting me off from my beloved bullet points, so I'll have to type up the stuff about the Laurel Crown, Ritsu's findings, and the Institute in the next post. But for the TL;DR of this one: The Clash likely happened during the middle of last year and it is unclear how long it went on for. At some point, three dormitories were disbanded and their students were transferred to other dorms. There is a spy amongst the ghouls who they believe is out to make them look bad, and at least Tohma, Alan, and Taiga are aware of this. And finally, there is a degree of distrust between the Ghouls and the School that seems to have been sparked by how they treat captured anomalies.
next post
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sleepytwilight · 2 months
hii sleepy :D could you write about a sort of like knight summoner from medieval times who thinks the boys are a prince and are bound to them to protect them? idk it came into my brain and i thought it'd be neat :D
Ohh!!! I like this ask!
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When you first summoned him, you really didn't know what happened. You thought he's some kind of magic prince because he suddenly appeared in front of you.
Anyway, Arcturus realize the monster were harassing you and was about to help you until you killed the monster by yourself.
He was surprised and when you bowed to him, he was even more surprised.
You said you'll protect him since he's a prince
He has no idea what's going on and he don't know how you can carry him up like a princess.
Okay but he actually enjoy this kind of treatment.
Okay but you need to stop protecting him every second you feels like he's in danger, he also want to protect you too.
You both ended up protecting each other, how cute.
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Spica thought you were a barbarian for a second until you told him that you're a knight from mid eartheim.
You and Spica didn't get along that well until you know Spica unhealthy sleeping schedule.
Since then you've been by his side, making sure he gets his 8 hours of sleep, eat well, throw away all the coffee-
Spica really don't really like this behavior of yours, it going on like this until one day on a mission, monsters suddenly attack you and him.
Surprisedly you defeat all the monsters because Spica don't have any energy left, he admit it he has been too harsh on you.
He became a bit softer and finally got a good sleeping schedule.
He don't have to know the fact you threatened the students to not make any troubles
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Pollux is the cutest prince ever, just admit it.
When you first saw him, you immediately go into protective mode.
Pollux in his tsundere self said he don't enjoy the fact you're protecting him (he actually likes it a lot.)
He taught you how to use gun since you can't carry the heavy sword around the academy.
Maybe teaching you how to use gun is a bad idea.
He enjoys when you addressed him "Your highness/my prince" he blushing madly fr.
He scared what will you think about him not being the real Pollux but you still want to serve him as his knight.
God how much he cried, he is happy that you didn't change your view on him.
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Why do you want to protect a big strong prince like him? Alpheratz literally asking himself why.
He actually enjoy your company, rather than a knight, you're like a friend who look out for him.
You both have sense of who to protect, both worried about Arcturus and Pollux.
It feels like a one sided friendship, your purpose is to protect your prince. He can't really change your mind can he?
When both of you found out they you two reincarnated lovers, it feels like a new world to Alpheratz.
Now he's protecting you, nothing in the world belong to him but he want to protect his beloved.
If you're a knight then he's a prince, can he ask you to be his beloved once again?
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Sirius feels awkward when you call him "My Lord" or "Master". It feels out of place, he's the one want to address you like that again.
You were Polaris, his mentor. He's just a little sorcerer who want his mentor to be with him again.
Yet you still protect him, you protected him like how Polaris used to protect him. He feels like he's about to break down everytime you asked him if he's okay.
You really love to make things complicated for him.
He realizes that as long you're here, you can't live a free life. He want you to live a life without the need to protect someone, because if you keep protecting everyone... You'll ended sacrificing yourself once again.
He's a prince that meant to betray his knight. It's all to save you don't you know that?
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Well there's two knight, it's either him or you protect. It's like a fight but without fighting.
Vega gave a lot of excuses why he should protect you, his winning chance is 50% because you know better.
You guys protecting each other, like so cute- especially in a mission when you are battling the monsters, you both are unstoppable duo.
You call him "pretty prince" just to tease him. He's a guy with pretty face lol.
When you remember him as your childhood friend, you treat him even more gentler. He'll never get use to you carry him around because you used to carry him when you both were kids.
At last, you both need to separate huh? Vega made an oath before you leave this world, he hopes for you to come back and be his knight.
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