#maybe not really psychoanalyzing but more like
ahoyimlosingmymind · 22 hours
i just feel like the Sokeefe confession should have been more spontaneous. A running into each other's arms, blurting out "I love you"'s, out of breath, faces flushed, tears in eyes-- there's a pause where they take the time to really look at each other, to see and feel how different this 'i love you' feels, followed by a kiss. And it's still just them alone, and they still discuss what they did in the books, the whole "I don't want to ruin our friendship" "Too late now" "Don't let me mess this up" segment- you know, the stuff that stands out from that confession.
The in book kiss and confession just had too much prep imo. I don't ship them anyways, but I really wasn't a fan of the way it was written. Like Sophie planning on it for days, the pages of build up- it kind of took something out of it for me. One of the shining parts of Sokeefe, even though I don't like them together- is how they live in the moment with one another, the affection comes easy, and the kind words aren't scripted and planned. The confession didn't feel how Sokeefe feels- which is spontaneous and comforting. The original scene had the comfort without the spontaneity.
I get that Sophie's a character who overthinks and all, but we've also seen her rush into things she's passionate about without a second thought, even when she knows there's danger. That's the way that her and Keefe are similar, and that aspect of their relationship was just missing in chapter 42.
I may not ship them, but I wish it had been written differently.
and maybe I just don't get it BECAUSE I don't ship Sokeefe, maybe I don't really understand their characters and their relationship because I haven't really psychoanalyzed it the same way someone who ships them would.
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cabbagecrunt · 1 year
me when i try to write a diary entry about my day but get distracted and start psychoanalyzing my mome
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robbyykeene · 2 years
my man terry for the character bingo
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I have sooooo many feelings about terry silver but i think my most controversial one is that…..I don’t actually think they should’ve included him in the show. At least not in the way they did. Like I love and am fascinated by the character, but I just don’t think that the way Silver was incorporated was conducive to story this show was (originally) trying to tell. And tbh in trying to make him more grounded I feel like everything that was the most interesting about him to me—namely his relationship with Kreese—became incredibly inconsistent with what we saw in the movie. And it’s not that I disliked their dynamic in s4 bc I think it was actually really interesting, but it just made no sense when looking at the movie or the flashback scenes in the show itself. But anyway!
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snekdood · 1 year
Idrc if you wanna find the politics in every piece of media you consume but personally i dont really care to all the time like idk. Like idk sometimes i just wanna enjoy shit w/o constantly thinking about the underlying politics or whatever? Sometimes its hard to ignore if its super rw based but still, a lot of other shit i just feel like im investing more energy into this shit than was intended for most ppl like idk. The underlying political implications of spirited away. Idk i just dont really care lol
#its a movie about an emotional journey so uh thats kinda my focus there bud#also ngl it does feel like ppl bring up this argument so they can keep coming to conclusions abt what the creator meant by whatever#when sometimes its not for that reason or not that deep. idk. i do feel like some of yall are married to being paranoid that whatever ur#consuming will somehow make you take on entirely different politics?? idk. but ill be real consuming things w not perfect politics only#really solidifies in my head that im right when i *do* actually think its worth psychoanalyzing. or maybe i end up neing wrong#in my assumptions. either way. im ok w critical thinking and then also not feel this weird need to shit on the media constantly#like i loathe family guy. some of the jokes are funny. most of the show is horrible. i dont talk about it bc i dont care.#im sorry lol like. what do you want from me#ive already thought about what about the show i dont like. its politics etc. and i dont watch it. but thats bc its kinda hard to ignore#the constantly shitting on everyone energy of the show. w other shit like idk. dora or something like?? im not spending my time#looking for the political flaws really?? probably there to learn spanish lol#ig i personally find tearing apart media all the time and finding its flaws to be like. a hobby people engage in. but they seem to see it#like as... political action..? ig i can see that being good for something like harry potter or whatever. but sometimes its like idk what u#guys fuckin want from me. you want me to analyze every fucking thing i watch always and forever? because for me the problematic and#off putting politics come off bery obviously when they come up. but as far as a lot of childrens shows go? idk. ig id be more focused#on the plot than the politics..?#ig its bc i kinda feel like... this isnt political action to analyze media all the time.......#i think a better use of your time is learning what you can actually do to change peoples minds to be more progressive personally?#ig if you do that w a piece of media often co opted by rwingers or something like that then its cool but idk#ig i worry about shit like. 'spongebob is a fascist' type takes lol. ig i dont feel like this is like... a great way to move ppl to the#left. esp since the only ppl who are gonna read your media analysis on tumblr is other leftists who already agree with you :|
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crazyw3irdo · 2 years
girl help i cannot stop fucking thinking about wkm
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the-witchhunter · 3 months
I’ve had an interesting thought swimming around my head that I swear I’ve been meaning to write
You know what would be an interesting combination of characters?
Jazz and Harvey Dent/TwoFace
Specifically a Dent just getting back on his feet, released from Arkham and trying to learn how to exist in the world with his condition
I’m thinking a reveal gone wrong, Danny has disappeared to ancients know where, so Jazz cuts ties and Stays with her Uncle Dent, or maybe her bio dad if that’s more your game. Just an soaking wet and miserable Jazz showing up at his crappy apartment saying she’s his daughter or niece and him resisting the urge to flip a coin because he has enough on his plate as is, only to let her in telling her they’ll talk about it in the morning and point her to the shower so she can clean up and dry off
Why do I think this would be an interesting combo?
Jazz’s interest in psychology. A lot of times, as a fandom we depict her as an expert, and in a future timeline where she went to school and has been practicing psychology maybe, but default Jazz? She’s not an expert
Jazz wants to be a brain surgeon, psychology is an interest of hers but her understanding is very limited. She quotes Freud and Jung and has some amount of academic knowledge of the field, but she clearly doesn’t understand that psychoanalyzing friends and family and offering unwanted psychiatric advice is actually rude and something she shouldn’t do. She lacks understanding of actual therapy and is clumsy in applying her knowledge to people she knows
And I find putting her in proximity of someone with DID and probably PTSD would really be an eye opening experience for her
Because Dent might humor her, TwoFace will call her out. They both have hung around Harley to know enough to tell her, “maybe don’t take Freud so seriously” because man does everything go back to sex with Freud, and maybe quoting a guy that says she wants to boink her dad is not as strong of a point as she thinks it is
And the thing is, Harvey would likely still be receiving therapy as an outpatient, potentially taking meds to help deal with his conditions, likely a mood stabilizer or anxiety med to manage PTSD symptoms, so she’s front seat of him learning to live as a regular person in Gotham with his condition. She’s gonna see his good days, his bad days, the side effects of his medication, and it’s going to change her idea of what psychology is. It’s not just quoting things at people, it’s not just saying “this is good for people” but she’d see what it being put into practice would look like
Maybe that’ll push her away from the subject. Maybe it’ll make her more inclined to study, to learn not just about it as an abstract but how to actually apply it to help people. Learning about actual therapy practices. Maybe living first hand with mental illness would be the push to switch from neurosurgery to clinical psychology in her future plans
Also I just think that Dent would be empathetic and do what he could to help her, meanwhile TwoFace would help her cut loose a little, get a little chaotic and have some fun
You can’t tell me there’s not something fun about her and “Uncle Two-y” having a night on the town that only results in a little property damage. Relax Harv, they didn’t do anything too illegal, because they didn’t get caught or nothing
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official-darkforest · 2 months
What’s Jayfeather and Alderheart’s relationship like in your au? I always imagined Jayfeather choosing to tutor one of his siblings after Hollyleaf, Cinderheart, and Lionblaze kind of did and he realizes five days later he was mislead into thinking this would be fun but now he just has a little 13 year old on his hands. But I don’t know how well that translates to another time period
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kinda! i think with how the timelines overlap a lot closer (to make sure that characters are within reasonable age differences between each other) alder and his sister were born earlier and are only just barely younger than ivy/dove, so jay/lion/holly’s childhood overlaps with alder/spark’s a little bit. i’d say with squirrel’s fertility issues (probably PCOS or some other unspecified reproductive disorder) they probably have a pretty significant age difference but not to the same degree as the books where jay was a grown ass adult (theres a 5 year difference between them in canon! that means he wouldve been like fucking 35 or so human yrs LMFAOO) by the time alder was born. maybe 10 yrs at the most. dandelion and juniper were born between that but unfortunately didnt survive long
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as for their relationship, they were pretty okay. jay was probably fresh into college by the time alder got diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. squirrel/bramble probably pressed jay about it but he dismissed them because he was still a student at the time and nowhere near a professional yet. alder idolized jay a lot growing up because he “didn’t let his disability hold him back”. there qas a lot of inspiration porn type of thinking on alder’s end and honestly the rest of the family kinda perpetuated it as well so its not just him. its not intentional either but yknow. at a certain point (and a lot of long conversations and arguments between the two about it) alder stops idolizing him to such an unhealthy degree and doesn’t fall into the ‘if my disabled brother can do xyz then i have 0 excuses’ line of thinking as much as he used to. while alder isnt the biggest fan of jay trying to psychoanalyze him mid-argument, he takes his word into consideration anyways
jay likes to say he thinks alder is irritating (in the younger sibling kind of way) but honestly spark was worse than alder when she was a teenager. jay just interacted with alder more since he was quieter and less overstimulating, especially when in the Deepest Pits Of College Homework Hell. also hes bluffing he really does enjoy alder’s company. he’s hard on him because he wants the younger to succeed, evem if hes a bit mean about it sometimes.
alder eventually becomes a pharmacist instead of a psychologist, finding the work of the former much more attuned to his needs and his likes. he’s still helping people. by the 2010s-2020s, he’s even filled and compounded a few medications jay prescribed to his patients!
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sanjisboyfie · 5 months
me psychoanalyzing sanji x male reader some moreeee
-> i'm actually sanji's #1 lover, especially after re-reading wci i'm so deeply EMPATHETIC WITH THIS MAN and i fear his content will consume my entire blog.
warning : sanji is really insecure and has rlly low self esteem sorry
sanji probably gets jealous very easily. like...concerningly very easily and each time he feels himself getting jealous it's literally borderline insane. it practically drives him to insanity.
oh my god this + his history with how fliratious he was with others, it drives him up a wall. he realizes quickly that his past actions on how he treated others before he got into a LOYAL relationship with you haunts him to this day.
everytime he sees you interact with anyone, man or women (for some reason, his jealousy is driven up even higher when it's a woman, though), he feels like he wants to take you into his arms and stake a very obvious claim on you as his and him as yours. it's a seemingly very childish thing, but to him, it's the most serious situation in the world. he doesn't want you looking at other women, he doesn't want you looking at other men - he wants to feel like he is enough for you and the best way you can do that is by giving all your attention to him.
and his jealousy only grows the more and more your attention isn't on him.
then the envy starts bleeding into guilt and overthinking. because to him: you're his one and only, there's never going to be anyone else after you - and if there was anyone else before you, well, they're nothing in his mind anymore. you are his entire being. it's like you're the sun and he's every other planet - his life and worth all revolve around you. all of his thoughts, from the moment he wakes up to when he sleeps, are just you. you're his everything.
when he starts seeing you talk to anyone else but him, it makes him overthink all of his past actions that led him up to this point. are you finally going to leave him? did you find someone better? is his past as a womanizer going to make you realize you don't want to be with him anymore?
then he goes through a phase where he dotes on you especially hard. he repeatedly tells you every single second of every single day, he loves no one but you and that he loves you with his entire being. it's concerning, to hear him so devotedly speak about his love for you as if he is going to disappear the next second. but he's only speaking like this because he thinks that ^ is going to happen, but it being you instead of him that disappears.
he fears that everyday he wakes up, you're not going to be beside him. you'd wake up in the middle of the night and realize you deserve better (because you do, in his mind, you deserve much better than him) and you're gonna leave him and the crew. and there's going to be no way they can find you because they are drifting on the ocean and just like that, you're going to be gone forever.
so yes, sanji does have a jealousy problem, but it's so much more than that. it stems deep, deep, deep down to his own self-esteem and his guilt on his past behavior. please be nice to him or his mental might completely crumble at the thought of you thinking he's just some sort of womanizer and lovesick fool.
he just needs constant reassurance and convincing that you're going to stay with him and a lot of affection and he might, maybe, maybe, just be okay. he just really needs you to be there for him.
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ohara-n-brown · 5 months
Fuck it imma start weaponizing Autistic stereotypes like they're swords.
You want to infantalize me? Psyche I'm Sherlock Holmes now. You're Watson. How does it feel? 🤨
You wanna overanalyze my Autistic traits?? Okay I'm House now. I'm smarter than you. I'm psychoanalyzing you back. Since we're playing doctor now. Let's unpack YOUR neurotype shall we
Walking around like a completely unmasked Wednesday Adams. No expression whatsoever. Laughing at a joke? Never heard of it. Main Character syndrome? I don't care. I'm weird? Obviously. I'm cringe? A ridiculous concept made for shallow people.
If that's what you think we are, I'd rather that over the infantalizing overanalyzing bullshit ngl
Cause in Sherlock and House everyone around them seems to understand that this person doesn't communicate like them so just let them be as they are
Like it'll always baffle me that neurotypicals will wrongly have all these autistic characters who are savant like geniuses with asshole egos and no time for your bullshit
And then they get around actual autistic people and never consider 'hey maybe this person is smarter than me. hey maybe this person just doesn't find me amusing. hey maybe this person is really observant, or really talented, or knowledgeable, or monotone BECAUSE THEY'RE AUTISTIC'
It's like they can't put two and two together. It's like they cannot connect the two.
Its like autistics only have the potential to be funny and smooth and cool on TV. No more.
I'm reclaiming the narrative. I'm Sheldon Cooper now. You will listen to my infodump. You will listen to my bad jokes!!! Bazinga bitch!!!! 😩
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neptunes-sol-angel · 4 months
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Fetch is indeed happening, now let's find out why.
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Pile One
You are so fetch because you are miraculously unambiguous with your style and personality. When it comes to your physical presence, whenever people finally get comfortable and certain about your look or demeanor, you switch it up on them like it’s nothing, because it isn’t to say that you actually pay attention to how you’re perceived, it’s just that you don’t conform to any assumption that implies that you lack layers or range. You’re a time traveling trendsetter that’s bold and mysterious where if people are lucky enough to get close to you, they learn something outlandishly new about you whenever you meet up, like for an example, discovering that you had an emo and goth phase when you were younger or you participating in peculiar competitions that showcase your talents and knowledge. You are so fetch because you have this glamor about you that makes your mistakes or the things that you don’t pay much attention to something that people rave over and find aesthetically pleasing. Another reason why you are so fetch is because of your ability to predict certain things in the advice that you give to people or the jokes that you make that are related to pop culture that end up actually happening.
Pile Two
You are so fetch because of how you bounce back in life. Nothing can keep you down whatever life or other people may throw at you, you really do dazzle others and shine regardless of how many times you’ve been tossed into the dirt. People find you to be inspiring, they may even be silent admirers wondering how you’re able to do it, and it can be frustrating to those that envy you because what you have can’t be replicated. You’re so fetch because not only do people follow you like a leader, your independence and courage to go into the unknown or path that most people fear is what makes you intimidating. This could also represent the depths within yourself that you’re willing to psychoanalyze, maybe you’re good at doing shadow work and passing on what you’ve learned to others. Maybe despite you being the person who is admired for your light, you understand how equally important the shadow is, and how darkness is capable of being a nurturing guide just like how light is capable of being deceptive. Your honesty and cadence when writing, speaking, and counseling others is also what your reputation of being fetch entails too.
Pile Three
You’re so fetch because of how positive and eye opening you are. You may feel self-conscious when people look at you, but they’re not looking at you to insult you, they look at you because there’s something that you acquire that reminds them of all the ways that they’ve changed themselves in order to please others or form an image that’s distant from who they actually are. Your confidence is fetch. Your wittiness is fetch. Your look is fetch. The fact that less is more for you is fetch. Even your love is fetch. People may assume you haven’t experienced anything bad in life because of this good energy that you carry on you, but the truth is, your mind is wired differently to the point where you carry on despite the pain you’ve endured. Your presence could be inexplicably related to what people consider as magical because you remind others of how good things in life exists and that there is always a possibility to make a life of comfort, joy, and peace despite what our traumas have told us.
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desolatespring · 11 months
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CW: yandere themes, threats of murder, dubcon/noncon, mentions of dacryphilia, overstimulation, and edging, oral sex (f receiving), dom Chrollo, 18+ Commission for @tomatop It took awhile to pick up on, but you eventually began to notice the subtle cues Chrollo inadvertently laid before you. In a way it almost humanized him, and that you thought, was even more unnerving than just accepting him as a monster. Viewing Chrollo as human was a cruel conclusion you struggled to come to. Despite the insurmountable power, and cold calculated behaviors, he was still a man. On rare occasions you came close to feeling bad for him, never true empathy, but pity.
Tonight was one of those instances. His usual methods of producing verbalized emotional turmoil, or as he liked to call it “banter” had ceased to work a few days ago. You remembered an article you read soon after graduating, and the term “stonewalling” stood out to you. It consisted of simply refusing to answer questions or responding to someone as an act of self preservation. Chrollo seemed to feed off your responses to him, you hoped by cutting him off from them he’d simply starve. Anything from a forced smile to you screaming in frustration was enough to temporarily satisfy him, providing him with enough material to psychoanalyze you for days, if not weeks on end. So, you decided to limit his resources.
You sat cross legged on the floor, back leaning against the bed, with a book in your hand. Under normal circumstances you loved reading, but alas, nothing with Chrollo could be considered normal. The only reading material you had he had supplied you with, was it really necessary for you to be reading “Fahrenheit 451” for the third time? You swore you’d go insane if he compared you Clarisse McClellan even once more.
When you first started reading Chrollo was at the head of the bed, reading his own novel, but after a few chapters he’d invited himself to lay down right behind you, his hand “accidentally” brushing your hair on occasion as he turned the page. Not long after this you could feel his eyes on you. The chill that tended to run up your spine under his scrutinizing gaze never came though. This is what told you something was off, even without turning your head you could almost feel emptiness radiating from him, threatening to swallow you into the abyss. That alone was almost enough to make you capitulate, ready to beg him for forgiveness for ignoring him.
Forcing yourself to focus on the pages in front of you, you successfully set these feelings aside. That was until the once sporadic brushes against your hair became more frequent. Out of the corner of your eye you could see that fingers that once touched you with an unspoken confidence became riddled with doubt. The touches were much more gentle, you could tell he was deep in thought.
That caused you yourself to think. Was he getting bored of you? If he was you considered yourself to be found guilty of treason, willing to receive capital punishment. No longer having an interest in you would surely be cause enough for him to kill you. You saw first hand the way he quickly disposed of his fortunes after heists. Once they served their purpose they were discarded and he moved onto his next target. Surely you’d meet the same fate if he no longer felt a need for you.
The realization had you speaking before you could stop yourself, “Did you finish your book?”
Just like that the emptiness you felt earlier was replaced with substance, you could practically feel the arrogant grin tugging at the corners of his lips.
“No. Is yours too difficult to understand? I could explain it to you.” Almost instantaneously you regretted opening your mouth, maybe death would be better than having this cretin belittle you.
Deciding you’ve already had enough of the conversation you begin to focus on your story again. Your escape is short lived as the book is snatched from your fingers.
“What made you speak to me again?”
You sigh before turning to face him. Of course he would ask. Maybe trying to seem like you had his best interest at heart would temporarily win him over.
“You seemed disappointed.”
He pauses before responding. “Elaborate, there’s more to it than that.”
You purse your lips. Shit. I should’ve thought that one through better. “I assumed if you were disappointed with my silence you’d grow bored and just kill me.”
He seems satisfied with your answer. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise the king of deceit saw through your original deception.
Rolling onto his back he faces the ceiling with his fingers intertwined below his chest. His breathing is steady and his eyelashes flutter shut, casting a small shadow on his cheeks. In this moment all you think is how unfair it is for someone so evil to possess such attractive features. Wasn’t it said Lucifer was the most beautiful of God’s angels? you muse.
“You’re right you know? I feel like we’re at a standstill lately. I could replace you.”
Your breath hitches as you freeze. “I-I’m sorry?” Your voice sounds hoarse as you stutter.
“There is a way you could make it up to me. Buy yourself some time at the very least.”
You look at him reproachfully, waiting for him to explain further.
“You hardly resist when I touch you now.” He opens his eyes and turns towards you, watching for your reaction before continuing, “you could indulge me in some of my other… fantasies. Unless of course, I have to find someone new.”
The implications of his words causes your blood to run cold. Not only would your life be cut short, at this point that might be your preferred alternative, but he’d also find someone new. Taking a shaky breath you accept his offer. Someone new? Jealousy didn’t fuel your readiness to agree; you couldn’t bare the thought of anyone else falling victim to this man, not due to your own selfishness.
Sensing your forfeit, a satisfied smile chisels itself onto his alabaster skin, “come here.”
You hesitate before standing. Once you’ve risen you look down at your feet, each step looking like it was recorded in slow motion and looped back on repeat. All too soon your shaking knees collide with the side of the bed and you climb on top to kneel in front of him.
His hand reaches out, tucking the hair covering your face behind you ear. It slides down to underneath your chin as he gently lifts your face towards him. “Good girl.”
Under any other circumstances the action would have you swooning, but the butterflies in your stomach have turned to bile and you force yourself to keep it down. Pestilence sat before you, touching you with the delicate hands of a lover, while you became riddled with the plague.
Pulling you closer his lips hover centimeters from yours, the fresh smell of mint and cologne stinging your nose. If you weren’t so stunned you might’ve pulled away, but now it was too late as he finishes closing the distance between the two of you.
His lips were warmer than you expected. Softer too. Although the soul in Chrollo may have died long ago, his body was still alive and breathing. With a start you feel his tongue grazing your lower lip, his silent plea for you to reciprocate his actions. Swallowing your pride you lightly part your lips, begrudgingly allowing him access.
Once again he surprises you, the restraint he exhibits in this moment is unparalleled. Nothing is too rough or too fast, if it were anyone else you might even find it pleasant.
The taste of mint spreads to your tongue and you hesitantly put more effort into pleasing him. The hand on your chin relocated to rest on the side of your face while the other grips your hip. There’s no real force behind it but you know pulling away just got rendered impossible.
He continues to deepen the kiss as he guided you to straddle his lap. Once he’s sure you’re comfortable he begins leaning back, coercing your body to be on top of his.
Both hands are now on your hips and his fingers begin creeping under the waistband of your shorts. Using a little more force he guides your hips lower and motions for them to roll against him. Despite the voice in your head telling you it’s wrong, you follow his lead and cautiously grind against him. Overtime it becomes more natural and you resist the pleasantry less.
It doesn’t take long for you to feel the way his pants begin to stiffen, adding more pressure to your clit. You inhale sharply, abruptly breaking the kiss. Chrollo uses the opening to his advantage.
“Hm, it’s a wonder how you denied yourself for so long, look at how you’re taking charge.”
The mockery causes your cheeks to flush in anger. Before you have the chance to argue that he’s the one making you do this, his lips are back on yours.
Satisfied with your silence he pulls his mouth from yours, now beginning to trail kisses down your neck. As he reaches your collarbone he gives a light nip before easing your shirt off of you.
You curse yourself for not wearing a bra, now leaving yourself far more exposed than you’re comfortable with.
It seems to be spur of the moment decision as he flips you over onto your back, opting for himself to be the one on top. His fingers wrap around your wrists and he has the strength to easily hold both of your hands with one of his own.
He now freed hand begins to fondle your breasts before he gently begins sucking one of your nipples. He releases it with a pop and blows on the wet skin, the cool air causing you to shiver and arch your back.
He looks at you with a knowing smirk. You shoot him down with a glare. He clearly isn’t deterred since he’s now sliding your shorts off of you. He snaps the waistband of your panties against your hips before removing those too.
You being fully nude when he’s still in a button down and black trousers only reinstates the power imbalance you know exists. You’re completely vulnerable to him, and he’s just observing you. It’s hard to tell if his arousal is coming from you or the humiliating position he’s put you in.
“Unbutton my shirt.” Your glare softens to more of a pout as you listen to his instructions. You try unclasping the buttons as fast as possible to get the inevitable done and over with.
“I didn’t realize how badly you wanted this. Slow down.” You look back up to him and the expression on his face can only be described as taunting. He knows damn well why you’re in a rush, and it has nothing to do with excitement.
Nonetheless you slow your pace and maintain the eye contact with him, making your discontent as apparent as possible.
The moment his shirt is discarded he’s grabbing your hips with more intensity and pinning them down to the mattress. His grip is bordering on painful but you try not to show it, deciding to just take it in stride and lay there.
He slowly lowers himself between your thighs, making sure to keep his eyes on you. At this point your will starts to crumble and you look away, suddenly wanting to give him as little to work with as possible.
Chrollo seems unbothered by this, admittedly probably expecting it. The next thing you notice is the feeling of his warm tongue licking a long, sensual stripe up the length of your inner thigh. You subconsciously try closing your legs at the contact. But in an instant his hands are leaving your hips and moving to your legs to hold them open.
He continues to trail up your leg, occasionally leaving sloppy open mouthed kisses and bites. Every time he gets close to your pussy he switches to the other leg and starts the process over. After a few repetitions you lose count of how many times he’s done it.
Despite it being Chrollo, you start to desire more and the teasing is getting to you. Suddenly, you’re struck with a sickening realization. He wants you to beg him for it. You whine in frustration at the thought, temporarily forgetting he’s there to hear all your noises.
“Is something wrong, my dear?” His words slightly hushed by the way he spoke them into your leg.
“Stop teasing…” you mumble, hoping that’ll be enough to satisfy him. It wasn’t.
He stops altogether and props himself up on his left elbow to see you better. “I can’t understand you darling, please look at me when you’re speaking to me.”
You huff and sit up slightly. “I said stop teasing.” Your words are even quieter this time and you can tell by his grin that you’re blushing.
“What would you like me to do instead?”
You bite your lower lip to avoid screaming at him. He seems to have mistaken it as a sign of arousal though because he grin only grows bigger.
“I-I um, I want you to eat me out…”
You can practically see how the gears turn in his head. Thankfully, this half hearted attempt at dirty talk seemed to be enough for him.
Not giving you time to react, he drops his head back down and licks along your slit before taking you clit between his lips and sucking gently.
“Ah-” you yelp in surprise and tilt your head back, not wanting him to be able to see any of your expressions. As you lay back down he only doubles down on his endeavors. Your back arches and much to your chagrin you can’t hold back your soft moans.
His tongue swirls around and over your clit until he finds a rhythm that you clearly enjoy. You go to reach for his hair but last second your fingers opt for the satin sheets instead.
You’re to blissed out to think much of anything when he reaches up and sticks two fingers in your mouth. Assuming it’s just a kink of his you decide to indulge him.
As he pulls his fingers out of your mouth his thumb trails down your lower lip. Your eyes widen and your whimpers get louder as he abruptly begins to finger you. Taken aback by the bold gesture you cuss him out.
“Fuck you.”
“We’ll get there.”
You scoff in annoyance but it’s quickly silenced when you feel his fingers begin curling inside of you. Between this and the love letter he’s writing with his tongue your orgasm begins to build.
You’re fairly certain you can feel him smirk against you as he comes to the same conclusion. Your back arches of the mattress and you string together a mantra of words.
“Chrollo- I’m, fuck I’m close.”
And just like that his fingers are gone and his mouth is pulling away. You sit up, confused. Shame washes over you at the sight of him. He’s perfectly composed, leisurely pulling his cock from his pants, while you’re forehead is covered with a sheen of sweat, cheeks red, and your mouth is slightly agape.
He looks up and seems rather proud of himself for leaving you with such a dazed expression. Now freed from his pants he grabs your calves and yanks you to him, resulting in a nervous giggle leaving your lips.
“Lay back down.” His tone is softer now and he nudges your shoulder, motioning for you to recline back.
You give him one last hesitant glance before doing as you’re told. The sound of him spitting in his hand before lightly stroking himself causes you to grimace. How alluring.
You’re pulled from your thoughts as he leans over you, staring into your eyes as he lines himself up with your entrance. This is the most life you’ve seen in the empty sea of grey. His pupils are blown wide with lust and there’s a glimmer of something else in there but you can’t quite put your finger on it. If he was anyone else you might’ve mistaken it for love.
He’s careful as he enters you. Watching your face for any signs of discomfort. The sudden look of care throws you off guard and you feel almost dizzy as your emotions muddle together.
You let out a shaky breath once he’s fully inserted himself, forcing your muscles to relax despite the slight sting from how he stretches you out. Once you adjust to his size he sets a slow, steady pace, gradually picking up speed as you settle into it.
He brings himself closer to you, resting his face in the crook of your neck which he makes sure to mark. His breath tickles as his teeth graze along your earlobe.
Being too lost in the moment to care, your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him deeper into you. The low groan he lets in response causes a pleasurable shiver to run through your body. Clearly appreciating your submission his hand snakes up and his fingers curl around your throat, giving it a light squeeze. When he hears no protests and only a high pitched whimper in response his grip tightens.
He sits up straighter at this and tosses one of your legs over his shoulder. The change in position causes your eyes to roll back as he ruts himself deeper into you, making sure to hit every spot that makes your leg shake around him.
For the second time you feel your orgasm approaching but this time he shows no sign of stopping. Instead, opting to coax your through it.
“Mm, I knew you’d take me so well, sweetheart~” his voice is husky and his cheeks flushed a light pink. If you weren’t so close to cumming you’d probably laugh at the sight of Chrollo looking flustered.
Instead, his words send you over the edge and your hand latches onto his forearm. The grip of his hand around your throat once again tightens as the way your nails dig into his skin. He groans as your walls squeeze around him.
He continues fucking you throughout your high and by the end of it your babbling from the overstimulation. He removes his hand from you throat and delicately places it in your hair, his pace slightly slowing as he sees you growing overwhelmed.
They way you now spasm with each thrust as tears prick at the corners of your eyes is enough to bring him to his own release. His hips stutter and he waits a moment before pulling out, relishing at your final whines, a symphony you’ve orchestrated just for him.
After you’ve both cleaned up he ticks you into bed, laying down beside you. Despite your earlier actions you still stiffen when his arm wraps around your waist. The silken sheets that helped ground you earlier now holding you prisoner.
“You know, I was only bluffing earlier. I don’t think I could ever get tired of you. A day with you could supply me with a lifetime of musings.”
It takes a moment for his words to set in, but once they do you’re sitting upright, anger bubbling in your throat, ready to be released.
“You mean that was all just a ploy to sleep with me?” Your fists clench at your sides, eager to collide with him.
“Of course it was. Now go to bed.” He replies lazily, flicking off the lights.
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naomihatake · 8 months
In search of freedom (Ch. 3)
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3. A change of heart
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Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4
⠀⠀⠀⠀She's been searching for freedom her entire life and everytime she thought it was laying right in front of her eyes, she was mistaken. She was running around the East Blue, seeking herself and her dreams, meeting people she never forgot. No matter how much she traveled, she could only catch a glimpse of peace before realizing everything would crumble at her feet.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Maybe it was destiny that brought her on that ship with three strangers — foolishly, that's what she tried to believe when the moon shined beautifully and hope settled in her chest, squeezed by the same ribcage where feelings were blooming.
Pairing: female!reader x OPLA Zoro Roronoa.
Warnings for this chapter: anxiety, tarot readings, canon typical violence, tension, mutual pining
Word count: 8k (um? It wasn't supposed to be that long, but I'm not unsatisfied at all)
Theme song: “Hoist the colors” by Bobby bass (click on the link)
A/N: I tried my best to add Zoro's perspective in this part. I don't know if I did a good job or not, but I'm experimenting with writing specific characters and personalities. I think I understand him a tad bit more than I did last time — in case you haven't noticed, I love psychoanalyzing my favorite characters and Zoro is one of them. The last chapter felt quick paced because of the fight, but this one is slow paced; I wanted to stretch the tension that way.
The reader is referred to as "Witch" because I have no intentions of using "Y/N".
I'm open for comments and opinions <3
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"He has quite the bounty on his head," the witch commented as she looked at Buggy's wanted poster. 
Zoro's fingers gripped tighter at the hilt of his white sword after he huffed. 
"I should've killed him."
"And how were you supposed to be paid for it when you're a wanted man yourself?" Luffy laughed at him. 
Another huff left the swordsman's lips and he averted his eyes with a scowl. 
"I guess that's also right."
He tore the poster from the wall and squeezed it in his fingers, the paper getting destroyed right in front of his eyes. 
"Stupid clown," he muttered. 
A light chuckle got his attention; the witch who stood with her arms crossed right next to him didn't seem lively at all. Ever since they stepped on land in the Syrup Village, color drained from her face and she was constantly fidgeting and playing with her fingers. It was weird; the swordsman didn't spend much time with the other three, but they weren't impossible to read. 
She didn't seem the type to be so awfully quiet. She had smart comments sitting on the tip of her tongue and it wasn't necessarily hard to make her smile; if anything, Luffy's smile was so contagious and it influenced her greatly, Zoro observed. The straw hat wasn't the only one in that situation — each one of them was. The witch somehow knew what to say and how to treat them, how to approach a topic. 
Maybe that's why she was called a witch. For the life of it, Zoro didn't like to read between the lines and his usual blunt personality drew people away because they misinterpreted it as rudeness. Did he care? Not really. So why did he suddenly think too much about it? Why was he thinking of ways to get a word out of her mouth? 
The woman his eyes were fixated on didn't hear Nami when she appeared, coming back to earth only after Luffy nudged her side with his elbow. 
"Let's go find a ship."
She only nodded and followed along, burying one hand in the pocket of her pants. He saw when she bought a pocket knife from a stand and hid it. Zoro guessed her fingers were always curled around the knife for safety reasons, even if her fear seemed irrelevant — nothing was suspicious in that village. 
They were the only suspicious people around there. A navigator who is a thief, a green-haired tall man with three swords attached to his hip, a pirate who wore a straw hat and a beautiful witch. 
Beautiful, indeed, even if that word alone didn't do the woman enough justice. Not only the way she looked was pretty, but the way she carried herself, how stable she was on her feet, the sparkle in her eyes, the taunting mischief of her gentle smile. 
A smile that has been gone for half of a day, now replaced by anxiety. Even a blind man could see the unsettling feeling she was carrying. 
Zoro didn't realize when he took the opportunity of looking at her hair bouncing with each step after he chose to walk behind them all. He shook his head and shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants, moving his gaze away. His mind shouldn't be wandering on useless things. 
Nami stopped in her tracks once they reached the dock. 
"We don't need something flashy, we have to sneak it out of here without anyone noticing."
"You mean we're gonna steal a ship?" Luffy furrowed his eyebrows. 
"Yes?" the navigator frowned. "Wasn't that obvious already? How else are we gonna get a ship?" 
"We can ask for one!" he beamed.  
"So you think that just talking with someone would bring us a ship?" 
The witch only sighed and shook her head at the other two's argument. 
"Fine," Nami gave in after looking for too long at Luffy's puppy eyes. "But if it doesn't work, we do it my way." 
Instantly, he walked away in search of a ship. 
"So, what's the actual plan?" Zoro asked nonchalantly. 
"You two look around and see how lax the security is around here. I'm gonna look for a ship and if we have enough luck, we will bribe Luffy into stealing one."
"I wish you luck," the swordsman smirked. 
That's how they split up, Nami heading in a different direction while the witch walked straight up ahead with one hand still in her pocket. He approached her after a few long steps, merely looking at her from the corner of his eyes. 
"If you keep walking around so stiff, people will guess we have something to hide."
"The only thing I have to hide is a pocket knife. On the other hand, you have three swords and no one looked at you suspiciously yet." 
Finally, she said full phrases. However, there was no change in her expressionless face. 
"What's up?" he fully turned his head towards her. 
Those beautiful eyes looked up at him curiously. 
"Is someone suspicious?" he asked. 
"No, just the air." 
Once again, she turned her face away before he was able to read what she was hiding. It didn't seem like something big or dangerous, but she was definitely acting shady. 
On top of it all, she wasn't exactly paying attention to her surroundings, since she didn't notice the two marines walking around the corner. Zoro wrapped an arm around her middle and placed a palm over her mouth, shoving the both of them between two buildings. 
Her fingers grasped at his wrist and if she wouldn't have reminded herself to let go of the knife, she could've cut him. 
"You could've just warned me," she whispered to him after she moved his hand away. 
They both noticed their situation way too late. Her back was pressed against his chest and his arm was holding her securely next to him. His fingers burned her skin even through the large shirt she was wearing. The air got knocked out of her lungs and for a moment, she remembered the second reason for her unsteady feelings — him. The pirate hunter she didn't like thinking of because it was better that way. 
When Zoro noticed the marines went away, he let go of her, even if too slowly. He let his suspicions get the best of him. 
"What are you hiding?" 
The witch — who just grabbed at his arm to move it away —  was in that moment frozen on the spot. 
"Nothing important."
From behind her, he couldn't see the way she frowned. 
"You're like a walking ball of anxiety." 
"I told you, it's just a shift in the air. Nothing important," she gritted her teeth, getting irritated. 
Why was she distant? Did she think he wouldn't believe in her intuition? — that's what she'd probably call it. 
She moved away after what felt like years, but her shoulders relaxed. It seemed like she figured out God-knows-what. 
"I don't like the energy. It feels like I'm gonna die soon."
"Did you see a black cat?" 
"No, I feel something crawling up my throat."
She resumed her walking and he kept up with her for the second time that day.
"Everything seems fine. I saw only those two marines and they were awfully relaxed," Zoro changed the topic. 
"Then, just like Nami guessed, the security isn't exactly top class," the witch responded. 
They walked around in silence, spotting Luffy on a ship with a goat figurehead. The swordsman could see the happiness bouncing around the straw hat who just called out at them. 
"Guys! I found it!" 
"Did you think for more than two seconds before choosing it?" the witch arched her eyebrow, amused. 
"Actually, one glance was enough to know this was the perfect ship for us."
"Why am I not surprised you were right?" Nami sighed. 
"He will sell it to us," Luffy pointed at a young man who walked behind him. 
"Um, actually, this is not for sale," he tries to smile, rubbing at the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
His golden-brown skin glistened in the early sun rays, which most probably meant he was working on something. 
"And I'm not a salesman," he added. "But my friend owns this ship." 
They found out his name was Usopp and the friend he was talking about was a girl who was celebrating her coming of age on that day. Kaya not only invited them to dinner, but insisted they could sleep over, considering they were “Usopp's friends”. The witch was still getting used to being called a friend or comrade, since she doesn't remember the last time that word was met with serious intentions. 
The girl's mansion was… big. It was like a labyrinth and even if Zoro was bad at directions, she thought it started to rub off on her the moment she walked towards the dressing room after taking a bath. The lights weren't particularly bright and the sun was setting by that time. The curtains were tied together, leaving space for the warm golden lights to bathe the hallways. 
Mystery clung to each artifact and painting. It was beautiful, yes, but there was a certain aura of that place that unsettled her. 
Not to mention the staff — she never thought it would come a day when she'd say “these people are weird”. For the past two years she's been traveling alone around the Blue East and she met dozens of people, one more intriguing than the other. However, that butler was suspicious. She wanted to believe he was just a father figure for Kaya and he was protective of her, but she couldn't. 
From the moment when she entered the dressing room — she's surprised she even found it —, she decided to answer some questions of her own. 
She shuffled her tarot cards in her hands, meticulously arranging each card that fell, putting them in order. It was confusing her — it was the second time she does the same thing, with the same question in mind, and she received the same ambiguous answer. Why did the cards have to be particularly hard to guess on that day? 
She ran her fingers through her hair and ruffled it, accidentally tugging harshly enough to make her frown deepen, but she held back a hiss. Maybe some pain would help her focus, instead of letting her mind waver. Luffy, who sat cross legged on the carpet, just like her, was analyzing her reactions because he had no clue what she was doing. 
"What do you see?" he asked in a hushed voice.
"Why are you whispering?" Zoro asked. 
The swordsman hasn't moved since he came into the dressing room and sat on a comfortable chair. He flexed his arms when he crossed them over his chest and threw one or two glances at the swords leaning against the armrest. 
"I don't know," Luffy whispered again, snapping his head towards him. 
She didn't pay attention to them at all. She had to admit that she felt better than an hour ago, before having the opportunity to take a bath, the reason why she was wearing a dressing gown only. It was so soft and the material felt perfect against her flushed skin, her collarbones exposed entirely. 
She was completely unaware of the gaze locked on her. The woman had no clue a specific swordsman was thinking more than he usually does. There was an inner battle he couldn't fight by using his three swords style. He occupied himself by focusing on the material things; the carpet was soft. 
Just as soft as her body when he glued her back to his chest to avoid those marines. 
"What do you think?" Nami smiled proudly after she appeared from behind the room divider. 
"You look like Nami," Luffy shrugged. 
The witch chuckled at the response. She didn't smile once since she entered that mansion, but she couldn't help her reaction. Instead, she raised her head to the orange-haired woman whose shoulders fell at the answer she received. 
After a few seconds of thinking, the witch decided to give her a real opinion:
"It compliments your body, but it isn't necessarily flattering — maybe you can find a few other options?" 
Nami nodded, moving around to search for something else. 
"I kind of feel bad for Kaya… she must feel lonely in such a big house," Luffy commented. 
The witch decided to avoid the conversation, her eyes stuck once again on the few cards splayed over the carpet. She took in a deep breath and then sighed. It made sense, but it didn't feel like a complete answer. She decided to turn the rest of the deck upside down and take the card on the top. 
"Dammit," she cussed out. 
It confused her even more, so she just put the card back in the deck. 
After a minute of spacing out, she managed to focus on the other three in the room. 
"Rich people don't feel emotions the same way we do," Nami said flatly. 
"She seems kind, though," the witch hesitated as the words left her lips. 
"That's a big word," Nami probably rolled her eyes, considering her tone. 
"Probably. She seems better than the butler, by the way."
"Have you guys seen him before?" Zoro asked, shifting in his seat. 
Immediately, the witch moved her head towards him. He answered a question she didn't even ask and her fears felt validated for a brief second. So he also found that man suspicious. 
"No, but I don't like him at all," the witch responded firmly. 
"How come you can talk so easily about people you just met? No offense."
Nami was still looking around for a dress when she talked. 
"It's not that I'm being judgmental — I can't assume what those people did or not. However, tell me, what about the staff makes you go 'oh, yes, they're good people'?" 
"Good point," she pulled her lips together in a straight line. "They're weird." 
The shuffling through clothes stopped, which meant Nami found something. Except, it wasn't for her, but for the swordsman who caught the caramel silky shirt that was thrown into his lap. 
The witch let out another long exhale and closed her eyes. She hoped she could ground herself in a way or another, despite the unhelpful air surrounding the entire house. It was suffocating and it felt as if there was a heavy press on the crown of her chest, making it hard to breathe. 
Seconds passed and the only thing she found in the depths of her thoughts was doubt and uncertainty. Nothing felt right, but she couldn't point out exactly what gave off that kind of aura. Slowing down her breathing didn't help either. 
By the time she gave up and huffed, Nami and Luffy were out of the room. She saw the glimpse of a red silky dress pooling around someone's legs. Said person was Nami, surely. 
A dress. Maybe it would be easier to hide a knife in her thigh holster. 
"You're staring at these cards like you're gonna find out something, but I doubt you found anything," Zoro got her attention. 
Once again, her fingers gripped at the strands of hair. Putting her confusion into words left a lump in her throat. 
"I don't know what's going on and it's annoying. I don't have time for life lessons."
"Going on with what?"
"This entire mansion, maybe?" she looked at him. 
His gaze made her skin tingle and she didn't know if she welcomed that foreign sensation or not. Everytime he talked, he managed to get her out of her thoughts, and she was both grateful and angry about it. For some reason, his stoic personality was safe in that maze. 
"The butler is hiding something, that I know for sure," she whispered this time. "I never saw him, but something doesn't feel right at all. Protecting Kaya? It sounds like bullshit to me, Zoro."
She was stubborn about the opinion she has of that man and maybe it was wrong, but did she really care? 
The swordsman didn't expect the sound of his name rolling off her tongue to stir something inside of him. It almost stung, her voice craving words in languages he's never spoken on his ribs. He paid attention, even if on a normal day he wouldn't listen to superstitions and the words of a probably insane witch. 
Except it sounded like she was the most sane of them all. 
"It probably won't make sense for you, but he's lying about something. He's not just a butler," she continued after glancing back at the cards. "He's fooling everyone and he's doing it well. This isn't what I'm actually concerned about — there's another lie I can't point out. The cards don't help. It feels like I'm being deceived, but for a good reason."
"By who?"
"I don't know. Or maybe I just want to avoid the answer."
She always hated her suspicious nature, the way her trust could be gained only by a few, and all of these people have been gone for years. She shouldn't be like that, it would be better if she'd have some faith in the people around her, if she'd allow herself to believe in them and their words. The ability to trust was a desire — something she wanted, but didn't have. 
Zoro's body tensed and his frown deepened when he realized she was suspicious about one of them. At the same time, her attitude didn't match up because she seemed to despise her own suspicions. 
Why was he so concerned about her? Yeah, right, he has no clue. Amazing. Perfect. 
"I hate this," she muttered under her breath. 
The witch put all of her cards in the deck and threw it on a chair after she stood up. Her eyes fell on the variety of clothes and she wondered what the fuck she was doing there in the first place. 
Why was she there? She didn't promise to stay with Luffy. She had the opportunity to remain in Syrup Village for a while and then leave, just like every time. What was she doing in that mansion, looking at too many clothes hung in a huge room? 
"Aren't you also gonna change?" she said without turning towards him. 
"Do you even trust us?"
The question had the same effect as the tight embrace she was pulled into a few hours ago. Her breath hitched and she hesitated, fingers clutching at the material of her dressing gown. 
The truth was other than what she thought of this entire time; yes. Yes, she did, and that was the most dangerous situation of them all. 
"I wish I didn't," she whispered. 
It was inexplicable, the faith she had in humanity after meeting Luffy. She would clutch at her heart and talk about how humans don't deserve her trust, she would talk for hours about how mischievous people are, that they adore taking advantage of others. 
So it was normal to despise that feeling of longing, the desire to get attached to people, the need for a connection. It was normal to fear a bad ending and it was even worse that she thought such a thing couldn't happen anymore. 
That was why the tarot cards confused her. They told a story different from the one her soul knew. What betrayal? What secret? Who was in pain they couldn't express? And why did she get the feeling that it wasn't exactly betrayal? 
Her answer probably satisfied Zoro, since he got up from the chair and took a black suit he noticed minutes ago. He didn't say a word, but his shoulders were relaxed again. 
The witch was the last one to arrive downstairs, in a room that seemed like a living. She found it uncomfortable to wear a dress in a house filled with strange people, since it held her speed back and it wouldn't be exactly easy to defend herself. She opted for a dress she could move in, only squeezing her waist and chest, fluttering around her knees. It was long enough to hide a knife in her thigh holster. Getting discovered wasn't on her to-do list, but she had to ensure her own safety. 
While she changed, her mind wandered… would any of them help if something happened? Her guess was that yes, they'd jump into action. 
Without noticing, after she walked down the stairs, she gravitated close to the swordsman. She was with her back at one of her comrades, never out in the open, sharp eyes scanning each corner of the room. The table in the middle was strong, she figured out after she tapped her nail over the surface. If there were guns involved, she could use it as a shield. 
"You should try these!" Luffy spoke with his mouth full of cookies as he looked towards her and Zoro. 
"I have everything I need right here," the green-haired man responded with a smirk. 
There was a glass of cocktail in between his fingers and he took a long gulp, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Only now, the witch took her time to gaze at the expense of his shoulders, the suit fitting him perfectly. Considering how casual he dresses, it was surprising to see that kind of formal attire hugging his body so deliciously. The usual cockiness of his smirk was still present, just like the hand shoved into the pocket of his black suit pants. 
Roronoa Zoro was more attractive than she liked to admit. His sharp jawline and the smallest bump at the base of his nose, the tall stature, those deep brown eyes sparkling in the light of a candelabra — damn, he looked like he'd been sculpted by the gods, despite the lack of belief he had in such almighty beings. The air was tight when she inhaled and she almost felt bad for ogling at him — almost, because the first time she met him, she was busy sweeping the floor with some Marines. 
A feeling of control and steadiness oozed out of him, pulling her closer like a spell. For the briefest moment, her shoulders relaxed at the reminder that she's not alone there, that there are three other people she can put an ounce of trust in. That was the least she could do at that time. 
With her arms crossed loosely over her stomach, the witch watched the interaction between Nami and a businessman — he looked and acted exactly like one, but lacked the mischief. 
She missed the glance the swordsman threw at her, a look that lasted for too long to be friendly, but short enough to miss it. No, he thought to himself before taking another gulp of the liquor in his glass. He doesn't have time to indulge into such things. 
The witch sighed at her own observations; she should unwind for a little while. She picked another glass of cocktail that was on the table and sipped, furrowing her eyebrows. 
"It's sweet," she mumbled, surprised after licking her lips. 
"Don't confuse sweetness for how strong it is," Zoro chuckled. 
That simple sound made her heart skip a beat or two, bringing an uncomfortable sensation in the pitch of her stomach. 
"Beginner's mistake, I suppose," she shrugged. 
Too bad she wasn't exactly a beginner. 
The talkative Usopp and Luffy stopped, which caught her attention; these two were the loudest people she's ever met in her entire life. Kaya was walking down the stairs, her slim arms curled around one of Klahadore's — the butler. 
Only now, the witch took her time and looked at her. The pastel pink dress drained the life out of that girl, as if her pale skin didn't do that enough. Her cheeks were sunk and her smile seemed fragile like glass. She still remembers the cough that ripped through Kaya's lungs like an old knife. 
Usopp looked at her as if he saw his dream before his eyes. He was love-struck. 
The witch smiled at the realization. A puzzle so easy to solve.
The only thing Luffy loved as much as his dream and crewmates was food. Behind the door where the stairs ended, there was a big table filled with too many plates to count and a variety of dishes. His eyes sparkled as if there was gold. 
A simple minded person, indeed, and maybe that was for the best. 
She couldn't rest. She was on high alert, her heart beating faster each time her eyes glanced over at the butler. The fork in between her fingers stabbed the meat in her plate once in a while, but the knot in her stomach was difficult to undo. The only reason why she managed to remain steady was the swordsman who sat to her left and — by some powers bestowed by the gods — felt steady and safe. His presence pulled her back to reality, stealing her attention. The witch has never been more glad not to be alone. 
"We wanted to talk with you about a ship," Luffy said with a big smile on his face. 
"Right," Kaya smiled back, letting her fork down. "Usopp told me you are sailors."
"We aren't sailors, we are pirates."
Damn it, Luffy! 
The witch gulped, squeezing her eyes shut at their captain's excitement. This was about to end very badly. 
The dinner ended abruptly. Kaya had a coughing fit and she wasn't feeling well, meanwhile, the butler blamed it on Luffy, who got on the table and had an entire speech. They weren't welcome there anymore and were supposed to leave at the first hour in the morning. 
The witch found each opportunity not to be alone, aware it wouldn't be in her advantage in case something happened. When she saw Nami head back to their guest room, the witch followed her. She needed to change out of that dress into something she could run and fight in, like her usual clothes. 
After locking the door behind her, she looked at Nami who was already slipping her arms out of the sleeves of that beautiful red dress. 
"I didn't get to tell you that you look stunning in that, by the way. Definitely the best choice," the witch mumbled as she averted her eyes to offer some privacy. 
"Not really the moment to talk about dress up, is it?"
"I know, but some compliments wouldn't hurt anyone, right?"
Wrong, apparently, since Nami stilled in her tracks. The witch decided to sit in silence for a while, while she changed from the dress as well, pulling on a plain t-shirt and some comfortable jeans she tucked into her boots. 
The woman was aware of Nami who was moving behind her, now holding a pillowcase in between her fingers. It was clear she tried to move fast and leave the room before she could be noticed. 
"Wanna be petty towards that rude butler?" 
"It's not like anyone would notice. She's filthy rich," Nami mumbled through gritted teeth, disappointed about being caught. "Do you have eyes at the back of your head, by any chance?"
"Nope," the witch accentuated the p sound. "Just associating the rustling with the source." 
"Did you eat some kind of sensory devil fruit?"
"Got born with it," the woman joked lightly. 
Only then, she turned towards Nami, who stood tall, head tilted towards her. The witch was convinced about the suspicion she had while doing that tarot reading, but this time there wasn't a turmoil in her chest. The thunderstorm stopped, despite the clouds still covering the sky of her mind. 
"Be careful roaming around with a pillowcase in your hand. We'll get in trouble if anyone catches us, especially the staff. They're creepy as hell."
"The girl hissed at me," Nami scoffed. 
"Gods," the witch placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head. "Do you have any guesses about where the others might be?"
"Zoro drank like two bottles of alcohol, so I'll suppose he's searching for more."
The witch smiled softly at the response, despite the fact that she missed the undertone of Nami's answer. 
"Don't tell me you were curious about Luffy or, worse, Usopp."
An intelligent retort. The witch gulped down and looked away, biting at the inside of her cheek. 
"I mean, Luffy gets himself in trouble all the time, it's not hard to find him."
"Are you acting stupid with me?" 
Nami was grinning like the devil itself. Dammit, did she really have to be so observant? 
"I'm pretty aware I'm smart, actually, so I don't get where this comes from," the witch whispered. 
There was a hue pink covering her cheeks and she was fidgeting with her fingers behind her back, doing all of these gestures unconsciously. She felt like an idiot at that moment, she had to admit. 
Then, as if lightning struck her, she widened her eyes for a brief second. She didn't even know why she was there, in that mansion, surrounded by strangers she wanted to put her trust into. 
"What are you thinking of?" Nami asked. 
"None of us promised to become a crew," she shook her head. "It doesn't matter."
The navigator narrowed her eyes at the witch whose shoulders fell, the shyness she felt earlier deflating. 
"It looks like it matters to you, though."
"That's exactly why I'm saying it," she smiled sourly. "Gotta make myself believe otherwise." 
Silence stretched between the two of them. Two women who had stories and feelings to hide knew when to stop from asking questions, even if it would end up bloody later. It was clear both of them wanted to avoid sensitive subjects, even if the witch barely noticed when Nami started being the interrogator. 
"Be careful, Nami," the witch smiled at her sincerely. "Usopp may be good at bluffing, but I'm better at playing the innocent. If you need someone to gaslight the shit out of the butler, just tell me."
I know what you do is wrong, but I believe you'll make a wise decision by the end of this all. I believe in your reasoning and I hope you can put your trust in me as well. 
"Noted," and with that, the navigator left the room. 
The witch almost got lost in that labyrinth again. She wanted to go to the kitchen, place where Luffy most probably was, but maybe she walked down a bit too many stairs and headed to the wrong side of the mansion. 
She saw a tall figure in the dark basement where barrels full of wine were arranged with utmost care. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Klahadore standing in the way, making one step back. Face to face with him was Zoro, who was ready to draw his sword out of its scabbard, but he quickly got hit in the back of his head by someone.
The witch's eyes widened, but she received the same treatment by someone who managed to sneak behind her back. 
Her head ached, sending daggers all the way to her forehead. The witch let out a guttural groan and her hand flew to her nape, caressing the sore spot.
When her eyes opened, she was greeted by the dead body of Merry, the business man she noticed at the dinner. She flinched, scrambling to her feet, which wasn't an intelligent idea. Her vision blurred black and she felt dizzy, suddenly unsteady. If not for Zoro's grip on her arms, she would've fallen ungraciously on her butt. 
"What the heck?" she mumbled. 
After a few seconds that felt a bit too long, she couldn't understand exactly why it was so cold in that place. Her chin tilted back so she could look up at the night sky. 
They were at the bottom of a well. 
"We have to get out," Zoro spoke in a gruff voice. 
He sighed heavily and let go of the witch, while she looked at him with the face of are you fucking serious? 
"How?" she spoke without thinking. 
After a failed attempt to escape by using a long rope with a big hook attached to it, she tried using her short knives to stick the blades in between the rocks; it didn't work either. 
There was only one option left and she was speechless. 
Her heart sank when she watched Zoro grip at the rocks. He was strong, yes, definitely stronger than her on the physical side, but what if he couldn't climb up? What if he would fall? 
Then I'd catch him. We either die here together or we get out together. 
Her mind was set. She watched him carefully, gulping when she watched him struggle. His weight might do some damage if she dared to be reckless enough to catch him, but he was the only one who could climb those rocks. If she would've tried, she'd surely fall.
Just like she supposed, his fingers didn't grip well enough at one of the rocks and his feet slipped. He lost his equilibrium and wasn't fast enough to clutch onto another rock or stabilize his foot in time, and he fell back. 
Maybe that witch was more reckless than anyone would've guessed. On top of it, she was selfless enough to believe that if he managed to get out and get help, it didn't matter what happened later, so she tried her best to mitigate the impact.
She was right — air got knocked out of her lungs when his body fell on top of hers and she groaned, but at least he didn't break some ribs. Her arms were wrapped around his waist and her fingers clutched at his shirt. Pain traveled through her body quickly and didn't disappear, but the adrenaline paid off. 
"Are you alright?" she asked him in a hurry. 
"You're insane," Zoro concluded, exasperated. 
His back was glued to her chest and he tilted his head to the side to look at her. Maybe, for once, he was right about her. 
"I'd rather break one of my ribs. You're the only one who can get us out," she argued with a frown between her eyebrows. 
The witch looked away and blinked. She didn't want to focus on how hot the air felt, despite the bone chilling cold in that tight space. The butterflies in her stomach could be ignored if she gathered enough self control in time. 
However, Zoro didn't move. He seemed troubled, completely out of it as he continued to look up at the night sky with a scowl on his face. His entire body was tense and he was deep down in his thoughts, especially since he didn't move a finger since he disagreed with her idea of "helping". 
As if struck by lightning, he got back up, following the same steps from earlier. 
"Be careful." 
He stopped in his tracks right after his fingers gripped at some rocks. 
"Move away if I fall again."
"I won't move and you won't fall." 
It pushed him at the edge, mingling with the memories flowing through his mind about his long lost friend, about the girl whose strength he admired so greatly it made him move again. For a brief second, he thought of himself as a coward for overthinking the process. He either got out alive and managed to get her out as well, or they were both doomed — there was no in between. 
Steadily, a tad bit slower than before, he climbed up the wall. His body ached at the effort when he was more than half way through and he would stop for a few seconds before making another move, clutching at another rock that would get him higher. 
Despite being so low, several meters under the ground, her trust in him didn't waver. Her heart squeezed with worry, but she wanted to follow her instinct and how much she believed in him, even if it was unusual. Maybe it was because of his stubbornness, since if he was set on something, there was no way of stopping him. 
He lost his equilibrium for a fraction of a second. Her breath hitched, eyes widening, his name stopping on the tip of her tongue. 
His foot slipped and some dust fell to the bottom of the well, next to her. She breathed out in relief when he was quick enough to grip at another rock. 
The witch didn't doubt him one bit when he finally got out of the well. He kept the rope he found in the well at his waist while he climbed up, so he could help her get out too. 
From up there, Zoro held tightly onto the rope, just as tightly as she did, even if her fingers hurt and she didn't exactly trust her body to be strong enough. She gripped at the cord and climbed the stone wall, gritting her teeth whenever it seemed like she might fall.
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat.  
It was a slow process, which was worrisome from her perspective. She advanced, but the longer she struggled, it felt endless. 
For the record, she believed in Zoro more than she believed in herself — she didn't have low self-esteem either. 
"Look up," he reminded her firmly. 
He prompted his feet into the ground and held tightly, waiting for her. 
"Trying," she mumbled to herself. 
Slowly, she got closer and closer to the exit. Zoro bent his torso and curled his fingers around her forearm, managing to help her out. 
"Fuck," she cursed. 
Her breath was labored and she was sweating heavily, a droplet falling from her temple to her jaw and down her neck. She let herself on the grass, her arm still in his hand. 
"I owe you my life," she breathlessly mumbled. 
Unconsciously, her fingers were clutching onto his arm for support, even if her knees trembled from the tumult she went through. 
"We have time for that later," he brushed it off. "We have to find the others." 
"That butler isn't new to killing people who stand in his way. We better hurry before he chops us off." 
"His name is Kuro. He was the captain of the Black Cat Pirates and supposedly died three years ago, when Axe-Hand Morgan killed him — the Marine Captain we encountered back in Shell Town."
The swordsman kept his grip firm on her, carefully bringing her back to her feet while he talked. 
"I saw his face on a wanted poster some time ago, but since he was presumed dead, no one cared anymore."
"He looked very much alive to me," the witch retorted. 
"I was with Usopp when I went to get wine and he managed to escape from the butler. Maybe he went to search for help, even if I doubt any untrained person could harm these pirates. Luffy was in the kitchen, eating some weird blue food." 
Zoro let go of her and walked in the opposite direction of the mansion and she looked at him confused.  
"Oi, Zoro, the house is the other way—"
Then, when she looked at the path that went through the forest surrounding the mansion, she felt a pull towards it. She furrowed her eyebrows and continued staring.
"You go that way. Nami is surely still inside."
"You just said I went in the opposite direction, though?" Zoro arched his eyebrow at her. 
"Usopp searched for help, but if we think about it, Kaya said he has a lot of stories to tell. He's bluffing a lot, even if with no bad intentions. Maybe he found someone — if there's no sign of life on the path, come back."
"And you?" 
"I'll find Nami and Kaya somehow." 
Zoro didn't believe in superstitions and higher beings, but he trusted her instinct, so he headed the other way. The witch opened the door slowly, making no sounds. She slipped inside and looked around for an insane pirate who hisses — these two were creepy. 
The young woman flinched when all the light suddenly disappeared and behind her, a heavy metal wall met the floor, stopping everyone from moving in or out of there. Fuck. 
She gripped with both of her hands at the daggers she held at her hip, holding them securely. With slow steps, the witch made her way through the house. The big candelabrum hanging from the ceiling marked the way to enter and leave the house. To the left was the kitchen and to her right was the living room. The guest rooms and dormitories were upstairs. She still remembers which one was her room for the might and the bathroom. 
If she didn't want to die there, she had to quickly figure that place out. 
She heard one single step from the stairs and her attention shot up. Sham looked at her perplexed, but grinned widely. 
"You were supposed to be dead, little mouse."
"Don't confound me with your food," the witch held the knives tighter. 
Instantly, the woman jumped at her with a mop in her hands. The witch dodged the attack with a knife and the one that followed, bending her knees to avoid getting hit again. She tried to cut Sham's leg with her knife, but the maid was fast, jumping back in time. 
Zoro, if you get lost on the way back, I'll wake up from the dead and kill you, she thought to herself. 
"Captain Kuro will kill Kaya tonight and there's nothing you can do to stop him." 
Sham's wooden mop clashed against the witch's dagger and avoided the knife which almost sunk into her shoulder. Sham attempted to make her fall by kicking her legs, but the witch made a light jump before she could fall. 
It would draw attention to her and the cook might appear out of nowhere, but the witch sheathed one of the knives and pulled a pistol, aiming at the hissing woman. 
"I'm too fast for your shitty guns, girl."
Yeah, sure. It was her time to grin at Sham. 
Her eyes followed each of the maid's movements, moving her arm just in time to shoot her side. Sham was lucky enough to move out of the way, but the next bullet scarred her upper arm, another hiss leaving her lips. 
Aw, the kitty was angry. 
The witch widened her eyes when she saw Sham pull a sword that seemed more suited for decor. She had to dodge the next attack, the blade almost touching her neck when she stopped it with her knife. 
"Hey, Sham, do you need some help?" 
The witch gulped at the new voice. It was the cook. 
"I don't really think so." 
The witch jumped back before her neck got cut, breathing heavily. She had to block other attacks while she attempted to find a weak spot, an opening to shoot and do it well. 
The witch groaned when the blade left a deep and clean slice on her left upper arm. It stretched horizontally on the side. The shock almost paralyzed her and blood was quick to flow down her arm. 
She tossed a knife through the air, the tip sinking straight into Sham's right arm. 
A weight sound caught her attention and she turned her head towards the metal wall behind her that was slowly being lifted up by strong arms. Who the fuck could—
Oh, right. They had a bulky swordsman as part of the crew. 
"Took you long enough," the witch muttered through gritted teeth. 
Luffy bent down and smiled at her widely. 
"Sorry for that."
"Keep apologies for later. Go after Kuro — he wants to kill Kaya." 
Zoro followed the straw hat, straightening his back when he got inside. His eyes narrowed when he saw the crimson liquid covering the witch's arm, drawing his swords out. He could use the adrenaline pumping through his veins against the man who launched an attack at him. 
"Go, Luffy. We'll keep these two occupied," he instructed. 
The scent of blood filled the witch's nostrils. She aimed the gun at Butchy and the bullet flew right next to his ear, stopping him from hitting the swordsman. Sham was bold for taking the knife out of her arm and running towards the witch with the weapon in her hold. The witch stumbled and her back glued the floor, both her hands gripping harshly at Sham's arm, stopping the tip of the knife a few centimeters above her eyes. 
"You little bitch," the pirate hissed at her. 
The witch kicked the maid into the stomach with her knee, pushing her off of her. Luffy disappeared and the sound of blades clashing against each other filled the room. 
Zoro used raw strength whenever he attacked Butchy, his swords almost cutting through the man with swift gestures of the wrist, elbows angled perfectly. He had more fighting experience than her and it showed, so she was more than just happy not to get sliced in half by the other two. 
She cussed when she remembered she had only one revolver, the other one left in the room. She had three bullets left. 
Her head got cloudy when she quickly got back to her feet, her breathing labored. She was tired and the only reason why she ignored her bleeding wound was the adrenaline. 
This time, when Sham attacked with the mop, the witch only moved to the side and took advantage of the opportunity to cut with the knife through the flesh, the tip sinking deeper and deeper into the maid's stomach, until her body went limp. 
The witch let Sham fall to the floor and stepped back. She felt her pulse pump through her head, slowing her down. She tried to focus on breathing evenly and eventually not passing out. 
She heard a loud thump — the cook was down and Zoro sheathed his swords. He didn't break a sweat, or so it looked from her blurry perspective. 
A sound rang through the air sharper than her daggers and it lit her on fire. The sound of her name being spoken with worry latched onto Zoro's voice. 
He walked down two or three stairs at once, undoing the bandana from his head and wrapping it around her wound. She hissed when he knotted the material tightly in order to stop the bleeding. 
"Thanks," she whispered, her body still tense. 
"Don't mention it," Luffy smiled widely at Kaya. "We couldn't have let him hurt you or deceive people anymore."
If it wasn't for his rubber body, maybe they wouldn't have gotten out alive, but luck sided with them again. 
"I could never thank you enough, but this is all I can do for you now."
The witch stared at the goat figurehead of the ship Luffy was enamored with. Kaya talked, but the words weren't registering in the woman's ears since a small little creature curled around one of her legs. The black cat mewled sweetly and begged for attention, a luxury it received quickly. The witch crouched down and petted the animal with a smile on her lips, brushing her fingers over the soft fur. The cat purred loudly, rolling on its back and pawing at the woman, greedy for affection. 
"How's your wound?" 
When she lifted her head, her eyes met Zoro's. One of his hands rested on the hilt of his Wado Ichimoji and the other was stuffed into the pocket of his jeans — she learned that was one of his most relaxed stances. 
His bandana was still wrapped around her upper arm and the bleeding stopped long ago. She didn't get the chance to properly clean her arm or tend to the cut, but she felt content. 
"I'll care for it on the ship after we set sail," she said in a soft voice. 
Yes, that was the voice that made his heart hammer in his chest, he remembered. Finally, after a day filled with anxiety and panic, he could watch her shoulders relax, even if he wasn't exactly pleased with her lack of attention. 
"Let's go!" Luffy shouted at them. 
The witch stood up, wincing at the smallest movement of her arm, and that didn't go unnoticed by the swordsman. 
She still avoided his question, he concluded. She said she'll care for the wound, not how it felt. 
He tapped the hilt of his sword repeatedly and took a decision he didn't know if he'll regret later, following close behind her. 
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Tag list: @emelia07 @dimplewonie @tfamidoingwithmylife @murnsondock @the-skys-musical-echo @conspiracy-crows @hallow33nz @ramae17 @gaslysainz @bunntsu @katt58 @katiemrty @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @freyademartel @boofy1998
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reddbuster · 8 months
I have a lot of thoughts about the ways I see the characters and themes of ace attorney discussed within the fanbase so I wanted to try to articulate some things that I notice in the ways the fandom analyzes and tries to apply literary criticism to these games.
Remember that a text can be viewed from multiple literary lenses. The most important to understand as a basis for everything if you're going to analyze a text is formalism, which is based strictly on what is directly shown IN the text. This means the more obvious plot, themes, settings, characters etc. For example, in terms of AA, this means the setting is either Japan or America (I love Japanifornia as much as the next guy and you could argue it's pseudo-canon, but it's not established in either version of the original text itself so it doesn't really work from the view of a formalist). And the theme of Ace Attorney, from the view of a formalist, would be something like "justice is in the pursuit of truth" and maybe a secondary, underlying theme of revenge. So formalism isn't analyzing the text through knowledge of outside factors like cultural elements, audience response, or even the creator(s) of the text itself. Formalism isn't really psychoanalyzing the characters beyond what's necessary to discuss the larger themes of the text. Formalism on its own is pretty much bound to what is directly referenced within the piece of media.
Now, formalism has it's uses, but it also has its limits. It makes an attempt to be objective and unbiased and can give us a good basis from which to make further inquiry, but ultimately, even if it was possible to be completely unbiased (it isn't) art isn't MEANT to be viewed in a vacuum. Often, the creator intends for you to keep these outside facts or cultural biases in mind when viewing media. But even aside from whatever the original intent behind it was, it's also very valid and even important & necessary in many cases to break away from the restraints of the original tone of the narrative and analyze a text from a different point of view.
What I notice a lot in fandom but especially around AA for some reason is that a lot of people will only consider a formalist reading of the text and will be completely unwilling to even consider let alone criticize anything from outside of that context. OR, quite often what people in fandom will do is they'll be willing to apply other literary lenses like psychoanalysis or even queer theory but ONLY to the characters THEY personally deem worthy (hint hint its usually men) and then get upset when people apply this theory to the characters they don't want to think about (usually mostly women)
Anyway the point of this post is there are multiple valid and legitimate readings of a text and female characters are more than just "girlboss" and "the only braincell" ok thank you bye
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basilpaste · 3 months
here it is! the elle thing!!
Loop picked their name on the spot. From the moment they introduced themself — it was something you'd known. It's the name they chose to represent themself with, though! You don't have a right to question it. It wouldn't be fair if it was a name they liked. It would be even less fair if it wasn't. You don't want to push. To risk hurting them.
That's kind of cowardly, isn't it?
Ah… but um. Calling them Loop feels kind of strange sometimes? You usually call your friends nicknames! Loop is your friend, aren't they? In your time stuck in the same two days they've grown into someone you really trust. So it feels too formal when you call them it! Especially when they don't call you your name… ever.
You also wonder if… maybe they called themself Loop in an attempt to dehumanize themself? You don't want to psychoanalyze them, that feels cruel, but it makes sense, doesn't it? Whatever happened to them — the thing that did this to them — you have a feeling that their information on the loops you're trapped in is… more than just bestowed knowledge. It feels awful knowing that someone like them (like Sif, you don't let yourself think) could be trapped like you are now. In what world is that fair?
Maybe they used the name because it was easier. Easier to claim to just be related to the loops. Fundamentally less than human. A guide and nothing more.
You don't like thinking about someone you care about like that. They've let their walls down a lot since you met them! Even if they won't admit it. They aren't as cold as they were when things started. It's comforting to have someone on your side through all of this. You hope that maybe, somehow, you're a comfort to them, too.
So… you finish your prayer to the Change God. Sif passes you right on schedule, finished making their wish. You wave even though they can't see it (it's good to have habits!) and make your way back to the Favor Tree. This is routine, too, but you let yourself hope things will be a little different this time. You have a plan, after all! Something you'll change!
You slip past the low-hanging branches of the tree and sit across from Loop on its roots. They regard you with a simple nod. You wave back cheerfully.
"Hello, Fighter."
Ah! It's go-time. Okay! Play it cool, Isabeau! It's just like any other nickname you've ever given a friend! You give people nicknames all the time! You shouldn't be nervous! Oh crab, why are you so nervous??
"Hi, Elle!"
The flow of the conversation shatters before it's even really begun. You catch Loop's eyes widen just a fraction before they force themself to settle. It seems like reigning in their expression let something else slip, though. They let out a startled laugh. Wildly different from the rehearsed 'teehee' you're used to hearing from them. It's high-pitched and fluttery and when they realize it's happening they slap a hand over the mouth they don't have to muffle it.
It reminds you so much of the first time you called Sif 'Sif' that it makes your chest ache. You push past it. Now's not the time to be thinking like that. You're talking to Loop, not Siffrin.
"L?" They say finally, a barely restrained wobble in their voice.
Somehow — you know they aren't thinking of it the same way you are.
"Yeah!" You nod, "Elle like… E-L-L-E. Like the first letter in Loop! But just calling you a letter felt kind of weird, heh."
They look at you for a long time. You think you've gotten pretty good at reading their expressions, but… you're not quite sure about this one. All you know is that there's a lot of emotion they're working really hard to hide. Oh no! Is this anger, maybe? Did you step in it? Maybe you should backtrack, pretend this never happened—
"Elle." They whisper, holding a hand over the shape on their chest — right where their heart would be.
They turn away from you, "You really are something, Fighter."
Oh. You think they're trying not to cry.
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thewertsearch · 9 months
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AT: [...] mY TAKE ON THIS IS, AT: tHAT YOU CREATED OUR IMPOSSIBLY HARD BAD GUY, wHO WANTS TO KILL US, AT: aND BY ASSOCIATION, i GUESS THAT MAKES, AT: yOU THE BAD GUY TOO, AT: iNSTEAD OF A GOOD GUY WHO'S JUST MEAN, AG: Nice deduction! AG: Wrong, excruci8tingly linear, and laced with the sort of a8solutes morons like to throw around…….. AG: 8ut nice!
"Only a loser deals in a8solutes!"
It's hard to characterize Vriska as cleanly as Tavros is trying to - but we don't need to psychoanalyze her to know she's a liability. Vriska is actively impeding the team's attempts to deal with Jack, and she's not even pretending to blame causality anymore.
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I like where your head's at, Tavros - but if you really want to stop Vriska, then you should drop that lance and run.
Make a beeline for the common room, and explain to Karkat that Vriska caused the Mistake. He'll fly into an incandescent rage, rallying the remaining trolls against her - including Terezi, who can actually stand up to her.
If you fight her yourself, you're fucked. An analysis would be a complete waste of time, and not just because your psionics are useless here. I could give you Bec, and I'd still bet on Vriska.
AG: Tell you what. AG: If you can find me in this la8, you can have at me. AG: I'll even give you a free shot! No funny 8usiness or anything.
Lady, you can survive a bomb to the face. This 'free shot' business is basically just a taunt, and everyone knows it but Tavros.
AT: oK, AT: tHEN, AT: hERE i COME,
Damn it, this is not where you want to be aiming your confidence. You can still reconsider. Please reconsider.
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Or maybe you can take her, I dunno
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Hello, Jade. What business could you possibly have with your other self?
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More extracanonical shenanigans from Hussie, I take it.
Looks like this recap's going to be Vriska-themed. She seems to be controlling Hussie to write it, so I hope it's from her PoV - I have a feeling she'd be a very funny storyteller.
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Not even Fantastica is safe from Lord English.
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THE WINDY THING subsides, and clear skies prevail. You soar to the highest rung, and rule over your echeladder as the HEIR TRANSPARENT.
John's hit the level cap already?
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Davesprite was killing Underlings for months, and he never hit his. Maybe he didn't have access to as much EXP, since his Underlings were only triple-prototyped.
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You can also gain Echeladder levels by completing non-combat objectives - so actually, maybe Davesprite just didn't hit the proper milestones. His session was incomplete, after all.
With the Reckoning ticking down, the Players need to rush through the story, so they're probably just hitting Echeladder milestones offscreen.
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The clouds have returned. The fireflies are still trapped. The spell remains unbroken.
Send all the hurricanes you like, John. Typheus yet lives, and the sky remains his domain.
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graveyardcuddles · 5 months
If you attack ascended Astarion at the epilogue party as a mindflayer, all the rest of the companions will join in the attack with you. Which doesn't make a ton of sense from my perspective because frankly, they should all be just as scared of mindflayer Tav as they are of ascended Astarion, if not even more so. Let's just be real and admit that Astarion, as "mean" as he is when he breaks up with mindflayer Tav, is 100% correct. Tav is not Tav anymore. Ilithids don't have souls. They're not a person anymore. And Tav can prove it by attacking him out of the blue at a peaceful-ass gathering. Even Astarion with how cruel and egotistical he becomes when ascended is still more "human" than a mindflayer because he at least retains his soul and personality, as warped as it becomes. That's all besides the point, though.
My main point it I just find it weird how so many so-called Astarion "fans" revile in this scene and find it so funny how Astarion "gets his comeuppance" in this scene or whatever. And I don't know about anyone else, but I find this scene incredibly sad and tragic. Both Astarion and Tav have lost themselves completely (Tav even more so than Astarion, I would argue). And it kinda baffles me how so few fans of Astarion can see how much he's clearly hurting here as well?
He claims he hasn't thought about Tav in the past 6 months, and he delivers the line in a way that is clearly meant to sting as much as possible. People point to that moment as a "gotcha" moment that Astarion genuinely doesn't miss Tav. But he then immediately contradicts this a few sentences later when he says thinks all the time about what could have been if they had stayed his consort and never became a mindflayer. And that all his power is nothing without Tav by his side (paraphrasing).
"OH he's just manipulating Tav" why would he say anything that would make him look weak or vulnerable? If anything, he should be bragging about how GREAT he's doing without Tav. How awesome his life as a vampire lord is without them. And at first he does just that, the first half of the conversation is all bragging. But the longer he talks to them, the more the little hurtful truths slip out behind the hateful words. Like for as much as fans claim to understand that Astarion will often say one thing but mean another some of them sure are shit at being able to tell when he's clearly covering up his hurt with vitriol.
And again there's something weird about cheering on mindflayer Tav when their turn can be considered just as tragic as Astarion ascending. Like don't get me wrong I enjoy letting a monster do their thing. But it's like this weird double standard where mindflayer Tav's monstrosity is good and cool to idolize and joke about them wanting to eat the brains of their friends but the second someone has fantasies about being Astarion's consort they need to be psychoanalyzed.
And it's also ridiculous that if you even so much as suggest that hey, maybe there's more going on with ascended Astarion than meets the eye, maybe he actually is suffering in his isolation, ect. you get called a delusional idiot because people just really want to believe Astarion is truly a 100% different person from his ascended self when that's simply. not. true. Again the writers have confirmed the ritual didn't consume his soul. The ritual amplified all his worst personality traits that he already had.
I'm not saying you need to love ascended Astarion BUT if you love his character for what he is you should be able to at least appreciate him. You should be able to at least find him tragic and compelling. Kinda annoyed that many fans, who are seemingly uncomfortable with being confronted with this side of him, would rather turn him into a big joke or reduce his full spectrum of emotion to just "smug apathy."
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