#maybe if there were cool prizes? idk
hassianlovebot · 4 months
i will say though - the hotpot game is really fun to me and i'd love to see it be a staple minigame. maybe it wouldn't be as special and i don't know how other players feel, but i really like it lol
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runningfrom2am · 6 months
leveling the playing field V
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summary: you didn't meet the requirements for the plinth prize, only to find out that you're not just missing out on that- you're missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. your friend wants to help, because maybe you can help each other.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.6k (she's long today DAMN)
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows (we do, kind of). implications and discussion of abuse, so read with caution!!
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a/n: head empty, no thoughts. only this fic. but i should say if you enjoy it please reblog!! it means so much to us as writers, and who knows! maybe one of your mutuals is missing out on their future favourite fic ;)
next part
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You're about to walk out the door, heading to the academy to meet Coryo before the games start. To try and prepare as best you can.
"Y/N, wait." Your dad stops you as you reach for the handle, and you quickly turn to him. 
"Yes?" You know better than to rush him, but you already were running slightly behind schedule.
"Good luck today." He says and you nod at him.
"Thank you."
"And don't let Coriolanus down." There it is. "He is helping you, he didn't have to do that. Don't ruin this for him. If he needs anything, get it for him. If he tells you to jump, ask how high. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." You nod, a pit forming in your stomach. The pressure was on, not that it wasn't already, but now it was so much more real.
"Now, hurry up. Don't keep him waiting." He dismisses you, and you don't have to be told twice.
When you reach the academy, you rush inside. You were always rushing places, these days. The building was almost deserted, it was still quite early, but only two minutes until the time you agreed to meet Coryo in the courtyard. The Games were set to start in just under three hours, and you weren't sure what you would fill that time with, but that is what he asked of you so that is what you will do.
The last you had seen him was only about four or so hours ago, when he walked you home after stopping at the zoo to bring Lucy Gray the arena layout and he gave her a compact. One she promised to give back after the games, after crying over what today would bring. You felt bad, but mostly because you felt it was somewhat inconvenient that she would waste time over tears when you had important information for her on where to go and how to hide. This was valuable to her. Every moment counted if she wanted to walk out of the arena alive.
You spot Coryo pacing the courtyard through the window before you push it open, stepping out onto the path as the cool air brushes over your skin. It was July, but the mornings were still crisp.
"Sorry I'm almost late, I-"
"It's okay." He interrupts you as you get closer. He really only wanted you there for company, and he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep in this time anyway. "How are you feeling?" 
"Fine, if a little tired." You shrug. "You?"
"Fine." He echoes your answer, just standing there staring at you in the silence. He really wasn't afraid of silence- but you were.
"What about your back? Recovering okay? I have some extra morphing if you're in pain." You offer, already reaching for your bag just for the sake of giving yourself something to do with your hands.
Confusion takes over his features. "Morphling?" He asks, brow furrowed. "Why do you have that on you?"
"Migraines, twisted ankles, cramps..." You answer. "You never know when you'll need some." You hold the small tube out to him, but he shakes his head, pushing your hand down. 
He was sore, it wouldn't hurt, but something about taking it from you felt wrong. "No thank you, I'm fine." It would make sense that you would have it, though it was only accessible by prescription. It was likely your dad who prescribed it to you, if only so you could have it on hand. Or because he knows how often you're hurting, or he doesn't want you acting hurt- exposing the irony of having an abusive father who's also the most sought-after doctor in all of the Capitol. Morphling numbs the body, but also the mind. It's highly addictive, expensive to those who could access it, and not for the faint of heart- but you showed no signs of addiction. You must not take it often, therefore there's no real reason for him to be worried.
"Suit yourself." You shrug, tucking the vial away again. "Let me know if you change your mind. We have a long day ahead." 
He nods in confirmation, joining you as you sit down on a bench nearby. "What did you give Lucy Gray last night, anyway?"
"A compact?" He feigns confusion, knowing the true implications of your question.
"Duh, Mister President." You tease. "I meant what was in it?"
Coryo chews on the inside of his cheek, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He has to answer casually, lest face your anger issues when he shows any guilt about cheating. "Uh, nothing." That wasn't a total lie, he just left out the part where he implied that Lucy Gray could find something within the cage at the zoo that would fit nicely in it, something like rat poison.
"Nothing?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at him. "You just gave her that as a gift?"
"Something like that." He shrugs, and your expression reads as though you're not buying it. "If she happened to find something to put in it, something that could help her, that would be just an unrelated convenience."
You freeze, staring at him in disbelief. "Coryo." You whisper, slapping his shoulder to get him to look at you as you read between the lines. "Something like rat poison? That's cheating! Are you kidding me right now?"
"What?" He defends, sitting up straighter as he looks over at you again. "It's my only shot! If she doesn't win, I can kiss the prize goodbye."
"It's not about her winning, Coriolanus. It's about the efficacy of the mentorship! Dean Highbottom said-"
"Dean Highbottom despises me, winning is the only thing I can do to get him to even glance at my mentorship as an option." He argues and you groan, burying your face in your hands.
He watches you, and suddenly feels regret for his decision. If only because you didn't approve of his actions. "Okay." You sigh, dropping your hands into your lap again and sitting up straighter. "Okay. We can work with it. As long as she is smart about it, we won't get caught. And like you said, we didn't do anything. It was just a gift."
"I warned her. She knows." He assures you. Really, there's no harm done unless you get caught. And should Lucy Gray become the victor, your life plan will fall beautifully into place. It will be worth it, you're ashamed you didn't think of such a thing first.
After everyone else arrived, the two of you decided to make a fashionably late entrance, walking into the newly decorated hall, containing many students and professors alike, the large screens against the back wall displaying all of the remaining tributes and the Hunger Games logo, where the games themselves will be aired. You were excited and scared all at once. 
"Y/N, Coriolanus." Dean Highbottom greets you as you enter, taking in the atmosphere. Both of you grace him with just a nod. "I'd advise you to tell your friend Sejanus to find a seat near the door..." He adds quietly before walking off, leaving the two of you confused.
Coryo doesn't seem to think too much about it, just heading down the stairs. You follow behind him, head held high to counteract any of your peer's bitter staring or laughs. Everyone knew you didn't qualify for a mentorship, and to most, you just appeared to be following Coriolanus Snow around like a lost puppy, hoping to get the scraps of his success. 
They won't be laughing when you are Head Gamemaker, that's for sure. But even then, will that not also be the scraps of his success? Him appointing you to the job of your dreams after his inauguration, will that not appear to be out of bias or pity? This isn't a question you have time to let bother you. Your future starts today.
When the games are about to start, you follow Coryo over while he decides which desk to take, deciding on one in the back row close to where you will be sitting. "Good luck." You grin, placing a hand on his forearm. 
He looks down at where your hand is brushing over his coat sleeve and he nods.
You get closer, standing on your tip-toes to whisper to him. "Snow lands on top."
A small smile forms on his face. "Snow lands on top." He whispers back, grabbing your hand for only a moment, afraid of the Dean or Dr. Gaul taking notice. That would only serve to get you both in trouble.
You sit in the first row of benches where Coryo can see you, can easily look to you for help. He's grateful to have you in his peripheral, knowing that you're there, and you're not leaving, is what he didn't realize he really needed.
You both watch silently as the tributes walk out to their designated spots surrounding the pile of rubble in the center of the arena. You were there just last night, but now it looks scarier- even in the light of day. Maybe it's because you know what you are about to witness. All you can do is hope Lucy Gray won't be the first down.
Your heart drops into your stomach when the camera pans to show Sejanus's tribute- the one who escaped, hung from a beam by both his wrists. It's hard to look at, and along with the gasps that echo through the hall and Lucky's commentary, you hear a chair scraping and your eyes land on Sejanus, who's now standing in the middle of the room. He's seething, you can see it in the exaggerated rise and fall of his chest and in the contraction of seemingly every muscle in his body. That's what Dean Highbottom meant- he knew Sejanus would be leaving quickly. You stand as well, your intuition telling you he won't be leaving quietly. Neither would you, if you were in his place.
In a second, Sejanus is throwing his desk and everything on it at the large screen in front of him, screaming in anger. "You're all monsters!" 
You find your feet carrying you toward the screaming boy, but he's shoving past you to leave before you get the chance to talk to him. Hug him, something. You stumble back at the contact, able to save yourself from falling as your eyes follow Sejanus out the door. 
Coryo saw you get knocked back by the force of Sejanus's misplaced rage, and he wanted to check on you. Make sure you are okay, but the games are about to start. He promised Dr. Gaul that you would receive no sympathies from him, and her eyes are burning into both of your backs so he settles for shaking his head at you when you look like you want to follow Sejanus. Doing so would not only leave him alone, but sympathizing with him would align you with his attitudes, however irrelevant to your own opinions.
"Y/N." Coryo says to you, and when you look at him he shakes his head. Stay, he's saying. It's like he can read your mind. But he needs you to stay. 
Surely, Sejanus needs you more. Surely, it would just be a few minutes. Then you remember what your father told you this morning and you smooth your shirt back down, returning to your seat. The games hadn't even started yet, and you're already facing hard decisions.
"You should go home." Coriolanus mutters to you, readjusting his posture in the uncomfortable chair.
"Huh?" You ask, looking up at him from where you're sitting on the floor next to his desk. After everyone else left, there was no use in sitting so far away when you could finally talk candidly about the events of the day.
"Go home." He repeats and you shake your head, attempting to salvage what was left of your hairstyle, which was carefully pinned back this morning.
"I can't, I'll stay. You can go home." You reply, looking up at the screen again. Nothing new had happened in a long time- but you didn't want to miss it if it did.
"Why not?" He yawns.
"My parents are expecting me to stay with you until it's over." You explain. 
Coryo sighs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "I'd invite you to stay with me, but we aren't prepared for guests." Neglecting to mention, of course, the unmaintained mess the Snow apartment had turned into over the last twelve or so years.
"Of course, I wouldn't expect that of you. One of us should be here anyway." You wave it off. "Go home, get some rest."
As soon as he's packed up and left, insisting he won't be gone for long, you make yourself comfortable in his chair with your eyes trained on the screen. You have to stay awake. Lucy Gray could make an appearance any second in search of water, food, anything. You have to stay alert. You can't let Coryo down.
You're jolted awake by the sound of gravel crunching under footsteps, echoing over the speakers from microphones inside the arena. Shit. You fell asleep, you weren't supposed to fall asleep. Immediately you're looking for Lucy Gray onscreen, looking for her body, looking for any sign of her but you see none. If there had been a fight, if she had been screaming, that would have woken you up before footsteps did.
You squint to see what's going on, eyes landing on two figures in the middle of the arena, under the beam that Lamina is lying on, still seemingly asleep. The hair on the back of your neck stands up when you realize who the two people are. Sejanus and Coryo. Your friends. Inside the arena, standing over the body of Sejanus's tribute. You recall that one of the female tributes, Lamina, had killed him and cut him down. You suspected that he asked her to- so what were the boys doing in there?
You can't tear your eyes away- what can you even do? They're talking too quietly for the microphones to pick up. Why are they even there? If Coriolanus had planned this he would have told you. This is too reckless, even for him.
You're not helping by sitting and watching. You have to get there.
Abandoning your bag, you walk as fast as you can manage out of the Academy building before making a run for it, heading in the direction of the arena. You don't even have a plan as to what you'll do when you get there. Do you go in? You'll be risking your life without a doubt. You can't risk calling them, you'll practically be summoning the most violent and angry of the tributes right to them, and to you. 
When you see the arena, there are people standing outside and several peacekeeper trucks. At least people know.
"What the hell is happening?" You ask, walking up to the first person you see. A peacekeeper.
"You can't be here, Miss. You have to go." They start to push you back and you shove them away by the front of their helmet.
"Don't touch me! My friends are in there and I need to know what's happening right now!" You're trying to keep your voice down, but you need answers- urgently. 
"Miss Y/L/N," You hear Dr. Gaul's voice and the peacekeeper lets you go, motioning for you to go over and join her where she is standing with the Dean, and people you recognize as Sejanus's parents are standing by a black vehicle nearby.
"What's going on?" You ask again, firmly as you walk up to the group.
"Sejanus got inside, we don't know who let him in. Coriolanus went in to coax him out."
"What? Why not send peacekeepers? Coriolanus could die in there and you let him go anyway?" It's hard to even believe they would allow a student to walk into harm's way like that. And not just any student, either. Coriolanus Snow.
"If we sent in peacekeepers Sejanus would run. Coriolanus is the only one he would trust so they could leave unnoticed." Dean Highbottom explains.
You scoff, pointing into the gates. "Then why are they still in there?"
"Sejanus is in a difficult place right now, Miss Y/L/N-"
"Yeah. Fuck this." You roll your eyes, taking off your blazer and dropping it on the ground before rolling up your sleeves, and making your way over to the gate.
"Miss Y/L/N, you can't go in there." Dr. Gaul half-heartedly tries to stop you.
"Watch me." You state and the peacekeepers open the gate, letting you in. She must have allowed them to, otherwise they wouldn't.
You're mindful of your steps, trying to be as quiet as possible. You hop over the turnstiles, your landing making the two boys' heads snap toward you.
"It's just me." You whisper, knowing they can't see you in the dark but the large open space will still carry your voice.
"Y/N?" You hear Coryo reply, clearly confused.
"Yeah. We have to go, come on. Come with me."
"Go back!" He hisses. "You can't be here!"
"Neither can you!" Now is not the time for fighting. For once, he needs to listen to you.
He just huffs, turning back to Sejanus, you're assuming to try and talk him down. 
"Okay, I've got a plan." You say this time walking back through the bars, triggering the mechanism. 
Enjoy the show!
You try not to wince at the loudness of the voice, knowing by now that any nearby tributes must have heard that. If the Coral's pack had heard, clearly being the biggest threat, they'd be here soon so you pick up your pace, running back to the bars that surround the arena in one large circle. 
Coryo is calling you to try and get you to stop, to leave, but his whispers don't make it to you anymore.
"Give up?" Dean Highbottom asks you from the other side, and you pick up a large rock from the ground.
"Nope." You shake your head, beginning to walk around the outside, far from the entrance before you start banging it against every bar you walk past. Just for fun, you begin to sing one of Lucy Gray's songs. Maybe, that will be less obvious of a diversion. 
When Coriolanus and Sejanus hear the ruckus you're making outside, the banging accompanied by the sound of your voice moving slowly around the outside of the large arena, they look at each other in a mutual panic. 
"Sejanus, please. We have to go now." Coriolanus pleads with him, and he looks back down at Marcus for a moment before nodding.
"But we're taking Marcus with us." 
"Okay, whatever. Yes." Coriolanus agrees desperately, already grabbing the boy's legs.
They start to carry him toward the exit, picking up pace as they hear that your diversion has worked, echoing voices working their way around the outside of the arena. That's Coryo's primary concern- until they hear what can only be attributed to a war cry from behind them, another tribute with a large knife sprinting after them. 
Wordlessly, they both drop Marcus and start to run.
Once you heard what you were sure was Coral's group running up behind you, still out of view, you changed your tune.
"Gem of Panem, mighty city, through the ages you shine anew!"
With this, you hear their confusion and anger increase tenfold, along with their speed.
You start running, dragging the rock along every bar.
"Come back, Capitol Princess! What are you so afraid of?" You hear Coral's familiar voice shout at you, getting closer. 
They're laughing now, following you around the outside of the arena. Hopefully, Coryo is out because now it's a race. You're on the opposite side now, and have a long way to go to get back around. You ditch the rock, picking up a full sprint.
You can hear them gaining on you with every step, and you ditch your pride and start to yell about halfway back. "Open the gate!" You scream, hoping someone can hear you, and open it for you to make a quick escape. Every inch you have on the three tributes following you counts, and you're losing that valuable space very quickly. You've never been much of an athlete.
You round the side of the building, seeing the gate partially open, and Coryo is standing there holding a hand out to you. "Y/N/N! Come on!"
As soon as you get close enough he grabs your arm and pulls you through, yanking you back as the peacekeepers slam the gate again in the faces of the tributes. Barbarically they slam their weapons against the bars, making you jump as you crash into Coryo's chest. He's got his arms around you now, holding the back of your head protectively as they eventually give up and walk away, stalking off like a pack of wild animals who had lost their prey; except you don't think they planned on eating you. Just killing you for the fun of it, to leave your family and the city tortured the same way it was over the murder of Arachne Crane.
You're breathing heavily and you can hear your heartbeat pounding in your head, maybe it's his. You can't even really tell. 
"You shouldn't have done that." He mumbles to you, gripping onto you as tight as ever.  He wants to scold you, tell you that you were too reckless for your own good. That you could have been killed; but he can't. He doesn't care. In this moment, he is only concerned with one thing. "Are you alright?"
You inhale, trying to focus on slowing your laboured breaths as you nod against his shoulder. You couldn't speak, even if you wanted to. You couldn't argue with him and tell him you were only trying to help, and you would argue that you did.
"Coriolanus." Dr. Gaul says, walking up and looking him over. "You'll need stitches, come back with me to my lab." She instructs and he lets you go.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks, pushing your hair back out of your eyes to look at you more clearly. You just nod, biting on the inside of your cheek.
"Fine." You assure him quietly, heart still racing behind your ribs. "Go get stitched up."
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binsito · 9 months
disk 2.0
part one is here!
pairing: bf!bang chan x fem reader x perv!changbin
word count: 3.0k (my longest fic this far AGhhh)
synopsis: changbin knows he should return what he wrongfully stole but he can't help but want to steal another one of chris' cds..
rating: mature, includes: unprotected sex, swearing, usage of the word "cockslut", "daddy", "babygirl", "good girl", "princess", "sweetie", mentions of masturbating, some fingering (f receiving), mentions of alcohol and consumption (they just crack open a cold one), little bit of oral (f & m receiving), breeding, chan is sharing his gf with changbin, filming/usage of a camera, voyeurism/exhibitionism dynamics, cuckolding lowkey??, degradation, humiliation, shame.. i think that's it but idk man they be fuckin!
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put the cd back.
that's all changbin had to do.
put the cd back and act like nothing ever happened, like he didn't watch chris fuck the shit out of his girlfriend.
like he didn't see her puffy cunt ooze with his cum, like he didn't hear the pretty moans she let out for her "daddy", like he didn't see chris bring his heavy hand to her ass cheek, marking her so prettily as he pumped into her from behind with his thick cock.
chris would never know a thing, would never even notice the cd was gone in the first place, changbin was going to toss it back where he found it and take this little secret with him to the grave.
it seemed so easy.
it almost made changbin giggle how fucking effortless it was going to be.
absolutely fool-proof.
he was getting away with such a sneaky little deed, if it was this easy, why didn't he just take another? channie had so many.. he had probably forgotten about them anyways.. they were thrown in a box so carelessly, for god's sake. it wouldn't hurt to just take another..
he had to control the twitching in his cock as he walked into chris' apartment, disk buried in the pouch of his hoodie as he greeted his friend.
he welcomed him in so casually and changbin couldn't help but stiffen in his pants, tugging his hoodie down discreetly to hide his growing erection.
however, as he carried a conversation with his friend, he felt ashamed, guilt washing over him at all the dirty things he had thought about chris and his girlfriend. he knew he shouldn't take another cd, he should leave them as is and never pull that stunt again but he was far too gone, wasn't he?
if he was going to be a pervert, might as well commit to it, right? he already had his mind set on taking another one, had already imagined what could possibly be on another video and he would be incredibly disappointed if he backed out last minute like a wimp.
so as they started moving the last couple of boxes, changbin was bubbling with excitement knowing he would soon have the opportunity to nab another cd as soon as chris would turn away and give him a second alone.
a second was all he needed.
he wasn't going to be picky, any of the cds from chris' collection would make changbin a very, very happy man.
he would be content with whatever he could get, anything would do.
when chris tells him he's going to the bathroom real quick, changbin has to act like he's not fucking elated, like he almost didn't jump up and cheer.
he had to be cool.
had to be quick.
he waited until chris was out of sight and quickly started looking for the box, however much to his dismay, it was no longer among the other boxes.
it was gone.
chris had probably packed it up already on his own, maybe it was in the truck, maybe he had given them over to his girlfriend?
changbin felt like he could collapse.
his excitement fizzling down to disappointment and frustration.
at least he could keep and rewatch the one he already had but he was just so greedy, he wanted to be nosey and see what else chris was hiding.
dammit. he thought angrily, he was so close, fingertips grazing his sweet little prize only to have it ripped from his hands.
he could cry.
he tried pretending like everything was alright once chris was back, helping him continue to load up the truck and carry all his music equipment safely.
a smile on his face as he chatted with chris while he was internally screaming, wishing chan had left the box out again like he previously had.
"bin, you should come over once i settle in to check out the new place yeah? i'll cook, i know you won't turn that down." chris giggles changbin smiled and nodded "of course man, i'd love to come over." "perfect, next friday yeah? it'll motivate me to actually unpack and get shit organized for a guest."
"sounds good, i'll be there."
but what changbin hadn't expected when he came over that friday was for chris to have company.
his pretty girlfriend sitting on the couch with a smile.
you greeted him and gestured for him to sit down. "welcome! how are you? i haven't seen you since that trip we all took over the summer."
changbin tried pushing down any thoughts he was having about you, how pretty you sound talking to him, how much prettier you would sound gagging on some cock.
his cock, preferably.
but you were chris' girlfriend so that would be off limits.
you kept a steady conversation with him as chris came back out from the kitchen, smiling and handing changbin a beer.
"how's the place? you like it? she helped me clean up nicely, got rid of all that dust and shit" he sat next to you, arm around you as he sipped his own beer.
"yeah the place looks great, chris. congrats." changbin smiled at his friend.
"hope you're hungry, we made some delicious pasta from scratch."
"we?" you spoke up and giggled
chan just laughed, knowing he tried to help but just made a mess so instead you had him wash dishes.
"dinner should be ready in about an hour. i prepared dessert too" you spoke up "oh thank you, i knew chan wasn't going to be the one fixing us a meal" changbin joked.
"he's getting better, no more burnt chicken. just needs to clean up after himself and be more careful"
chris just smiled and kissed your forehead softly, he loved you so much. you made him incredibly happy and he loved showing his affection towards you openly, especially around other people.
changbin was no exception.
"baby why don't we put on a movie or something while we wait?" "oh, sure!" you wiggled out of his grip and walked over to the tv, grabbing the remote to turn it on
"i think you'll like this movie bin, not sure if you've seen it yet" chris said
"what movie is it?" he asked but chris just smiled at him, letting the video buffer as you took your seat next to him again.
the video loaded and changbin's eyes widen as soon as he saw what was on the screen. beer almost spilling all over him as he watched you in pretty lingerie that had been carelessly ripped by chris, sprawled out for the camera to take in your wet folds, chris tracing them with a finger as he chuckled behind the camera.
"c-chris- i think- i don't think-" changbin didn't even know what to say, quickly covering his eyes with his one free hand. was chris doing this on purpose? was it an accident? he shouldn't feel turned on, pressing his legs together in hopes to tame the angry boner he had sprung.
"open your eyes binnie.. don't be shy now." chris spoke, his tone strong and a little condescending
"at least tell us if the cd you stole was good.. was it good, binnie? did you cum to it? you must've.. i saw you waiting for me to leave to take another. i hid the box before you came over though.. wanted to catch you. i knew i wasn't crazy when i saw one missing." he giggled so nonchalantly, the humiliation of being caught making changbin's cock pathetically rush with blood.
"channie told me what you did.. so cute.. come on binnie.. tell us how it felt?"
the video played in the background, sounds of your pretty moans filling the silence while changbin struggled to find words to speak.
"i-i'm sorry.." he said weakly "i-i really am i thought it was music b-but it wasn't.. i c-couldn't stop watching.. f-fuck it was just so hot.. i-i'm sorry-"
"don't be sorry, binnie.. you liked it right? hm?" you asked him, smile on your face that was making him squirm in his seat. his eyes shifting from you on the screen full of cock, to you in front of him, crawling into chris' lap. your eyes not leaving changbin's, his mouth salivating at the sight in front of him.
chris gripped a fistful of your ass as he kissed your neck. "you gonna put on a show for our guest babygirl?" chris mumbled into your skin, kneading your ass gently
"you're so sweet baby.. always so welcoming hm? good girl. daddy likes it when you're nice to his friends."
changbin felt his mouth go dry, hands shaking in his lap as he shamefully watched how chris sloppily made out with you in front of him. low grunts leaving his friend's pretty lips as you rubbed down on him.
"come closer binnie.. come look.." you beckoned him over, his feet moving faster than his brain could, quickly leaving behind the alcohol his friend had kindly offered him. he sat right next to the two of you, watching how chris expertly took your shirt off. he wondered how often you two had sex.. a lot right? given by the collection you two had curated.. chris seemed very knowledgeable and quick with his actions, almost as if it was muscle memory. like he trained himself to be able to handle you, like he trained you to be so good and perfect for his cock.
changbin's brain was so fuzzy, eyes scanning your body as chris discarded your clothes, before he knew it you were only in your panties. chris sucking eagerly on your tits while his hands played with the waistband of your underwear.
changbin was dying for a taste, wanted to touch how soft your skin was, wanted to give you goosebumps and tug on your hair and spank you until you cried out for him to stop.
chris had bent you over his lap, ass in changbin's direction so he could get a clear view. pulling your underwear aside so he could see your cunt on display. "see this, bin? she's always so fucking wet. she touched herself when i told her about what you did. came all over her own fingers.. heard her moan your name."
chris held your asscheeks open so changbin could see your pretty hole clenching around nothing "she's a bit of a cockslut.. but nothing i can't handle. look how easy she takes this.."
with that, he pressed two fingers in, your cunt sucking him in just how he knew it would. he pumped them a few times before bringing them out slowly, letting changbin see the slick coating his fingers
"here.. taste. it's the sweetest pussy you'll ever have." chris said as he held out his fingers for changbin to take.
all pride aside, changbin leaned in and took chris' fingers in his mouth, rolling his eyes back at the taste and humming. "good right? told ya so.. such a perfect cunt.." he emphasized his statement with a harsh spank. you whined as you felt chris pull you off his lap in order for him to get undressed. he threw his shirt off and pulled his pants along with his boxers down just enough for his cock to spring free.
"can you show binnie how you good you ride daddy's cock, babygirl?"
he didn't have to tell you twice, quickly clambering into his lap again as you lined him up with your aching hole. you pressed down inch by inch, feeling the nice stretch of his cock. changbin's cock was growing impatient, he needed to feel some type of relief even if it was just his fingers. he began tugging his pants down to fist his cock, whimpering at the feeling of finally getting some friction.
"you better not fucking cum, changbin." chris scolded
changbin quickly dropped his hand, not wanting to anger his friend and make him stop.
instead he focused on the pace you had set on chris' cock, how your tits bounced with every movement, the concentrated look on your face and the way you bit your lip whenever you hit a spot that felt so good. the way you dug your fingers into chris' shoulders, how he guided you with his rough hands, his curly hair beginning to stick to his forehead.
all that alone could make changbin cum untouched.
chris trailed a hand down to where you connected, rubbing your clit to help you build up an orgasm, his other hand reached for your hair as he tugged your head back, barring your neck for him to leave a love bite.
the room echoed with noises from the video that was still playing in the background alongside your sweet whimpers as chris worked you up.
all music to changbin's ears.
it was too much for you, having chris touch you and changbin watching you come apart, your orgasm ripping through you as you chanted chris' name.
you tried collecting yourself, calming your breathing as you pulled off chris' cock but your legs felt like jelly so he helped you and gently set you besides him.
he had stood up and opened up a drawer underneath the tv, pulling out his camera and setting it on the table in front of everyone. "hope you aren't camera shy, binnie." he teased
once chris had finally set up the camera exactly how he wanted, he decided it was finally time to let changbin have a turn. he was his guest after all and chris always made sure his guests were comfortable and taken care of in his home.
"how do you want me binnie? tell me, sweetie.. i wanna please you.." you purred
you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited to have him inside, his cock looked delicious.. thick and so hard.. poor thing must've been struggling, his cock throbbing for attention. chris could be such a meanie.
"c-can.. can i.. taste you? want you on my face.." he said shyly
you tugged him down on the couch, having him lay beneath you as you positioned yourself on his face, caging him in.
as soon as his eyes met your pretty cunt, he was gone.
all the shame and humiliation he once felt (even if it had turned him on so badly), had completely vanished.
he was hungry.
he held you open, licking up a long strip up your cunt before he began to suck on your clit.
he was making you shake, arms feeling so wobbly as you held on to his thighs to prevent yourself from toppling over.
"oh god channie.. he's so good with is tongue.." you whimpered, kicking your head back as you let out a whiny moan.
"i think he likes the dessert you prepared for him, princess." chris teased.
you leaned forward to take changbin's tip in your mouth, sucking just harsh enough for him to buck his hips up at the pressure.
chris grabbed the camera and brought it towards you, filming the way you began to bob your head on changbin's cock. he gripped you by the hair and tugged you off, spit connecting you the the tip of changbin's cock.
"you like being a slut with binnie? like having fun with two cocks?"
you could barely even answer as you felt changbin working you up to your second orgasm, chris gripped your hair tighter to make you focus.
"can't even fucking think straight.. so damn cock hungry.." he spat
"binnie, why don't you give her what she wants hm? why don't you you fuck her nice and dumb for me?"
he pulled away from your sopping cunt, giving you a few hasty licks before chan set down the camera, grabbing you and positioning you on your hands and knees over the arm rest.
"she's all yours, binnie. take good care of that cunt for me."
chris watched as changbin lined himself up, gripping on to your hips as he rubbed his tip against your folds.
your back arched when you felt him breech your hole, his thick cock easily pushing its way inside of you, pressing so deeply it kissed your sweet spot perfectly. you felt so fucking full of him already and you were glad he was going to put that fat cock of his to good use.
he had to concentrate hard to not bust right away, your cunt wrapping around his length so good, he thought he was seeing stars.
he set a steady pace, breathing heavily as he watched his cock sink in and out of you, a ring of cream forming against his base.
"fucking like bunnies.. so cute.." chan groaned as he stroked himself to the sight of his girlfriend being treated so nicely by changbin.
"s-shit.. chris.. where do you want me to cum? i-i think i might soon.." changbin whimpered
"keep it inside of her.'
changbin swore he was having another vivid wet dream.
chris wanted him to cum inside his girlfriend?
chris wanted him to fill her with his seed?
breed her and leave her stuffed full of him?
changbin closed his eyes tightly, it didn't matter how hard he tried to clear his head and focus, he was a weak, weak man.
"i'm close too, binnie.. touch me.. wanna cum with you.." you pleaded.
he took a shaky breath as he pressed his chest flush against your back, allowing him easier access to reach over and rub your clit.
his thrusts becoming sloppy as he bit into your shoulder to ground himself. he could feel you clenching on him, consistent moans leaving your lips as you got closer and closer to your peak.
it wasn't long before you turned into putty underneath him, cumming with his name on your tongue which was enough to make him shoot out as well. he kept still making sure every drop seeped into you and did not got to waste.
he kissed your shoulder gently before he carefully pulled out as to not spill on chris' couch.
"stay still babygirl.. daddy wants to fuck binnie's cum into you. make sure it stays in you real good, kay?"
this would not be the last time changbin would make a cameo in chris' homemade sex tapes.
unfortunately, it came at the expense of dinner being ruined that night due to negligence. blame it on changbin and his horny antics.
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please refrain from reposting, modifying, translating, copying or stealing my work. - © binsito
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swmmi-kti · 10 months
Trophy? Pet or Spouse?
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Pairing: Aizetsu x Gn slayer reader
CW/ Summary: Reader is referred to as a pet, Angst. Talk about preparing human meat. (idk dead dove?) Nothing too graphic but reader is also referred to as a trophy.
Demons Don't kidnap at all. They are conniving, cruel, foul and they only ever do things for them. They don't care about anyone else but themselves. Only caring about their next meal. Every creature, simple minded or not, does the things they do for reasons one could never understand. 
And well that’s where you were. You were a slayer. You were a slayer for over two years. And well that had changed.  If it hadn’t been for the simple fact that you had been taken as a prize for a demon. 
You didn’t know how it happened. Really it was anyone's guess. You were fighting one moment and when you suddenly felt your life in danger for the first time. You willingly let yourself be consumed by a demon. 
You were just a slayer. You weren’t going to be able to defeat one of the twelve kizuki let alone upper moon four. 
You were alone when it happened. Fighting with everything you got and were being surrounded by the four clones. You were giving up. Your body was giving up. So you closed your eyes and waited. 
You weren’t winning, you knew your limits.So you waited for a blow, A screech, possibly lightning that immobilized you. But nothing came. So you opened your eyes. Meeting the cool toned blue eyes of sorrow. 
His spear just mear inches away from making contact with you. 
“What the hell is taking so long?” 
At the moment you stopped to accept death it seemed all your energy had left you. It seems You were exhausted. You kept your breathing as calm as you could keep it. But your arms are clearly trembling, your sweating heavily 
And even then it was admirable submitting to someone like Aizetsu. 
He found it beautiful. 
“Aizetsu? Cmon im hungry” 
Now even you were as confused as the other three. Tilting your head to the side as you looked at him. 
“Soo….. is he always like this or?” you asked randomly as if you just had a good spar with a friend of yours. 
The other three didn’t even seem to care that you spoke to them. Only looking at the clone as he flipped his spear down. 
“This one is mine”
And well that's how you found yourself now. In a wicked way you were now tied to the demon who spared your life. At the Expense of being his prize. 
You grew to learn that Aizetsu cared for you. But it was more of as if you were just a pretty flower that he found. Maybe some fancy pottery, something other than human. Something like everyday life utilities. 
A pet. 
You wanted to ask for help, Tell someone that you weren't killed in battle. But unfortunately your crow was killed So there you were in this run down shack in the middle of nowhere hoping to have a slayer come by chance. 
If anything you also took up the role of a spouse as well. Aside from nice decoration like how sekido puts it. Aizetsu was rather kind. He wasn’t an angel by any means. But he was gentle with you. And not that he did share you with the rest of them. Or even the main body
But he was soft with you. It made you wonder why. Why exactly were you here and what use are you to him? Were you to be a spouse? A nice little pet or what? 
You wanted to ask exactly what was expected of you. But you feared speaking. Not that He ever gave you any reason to be afraid of him. But it wasn’t your place to speak. Afraid to say all the wrong things, afraid to ask what you were to him. 
Lucky for you he never made you kill for him. Lure food to him whenever he was away from the main body. But he did make you prepare it for him. To his liking. You would often find yourself praying over bits of meat sickened to your core that you, a slayer, were now kept to prepare the very beings you swore to protect. 
Luckily it was just cutting and or making such a nice plate for him, his counterparts or the main body. As when he tried to make you eat or cook it you couldn’t help but cry and throw yourself sick. 
Tonight thankfully he had come back along with the other three. You were thankful and at the same time ready to be yelled at to come along with their plans. However Aizetsu placed his delicate hand on your backside guiding you into the room that was fixed up just for yourself. 
You dreaded ever being in the same room. It seemed that whatever good karma remained speared you ever having to deal with the bad things that come with demons. Aizetsu had told you he never needed sleep. But on days like those many he would lay on your lap looking intently at you making you fidget. 
“Human.. Please sit” 
You listened. In the time you had been kept you never ever could speak to them again. But you just had to ask 
“May..” you watched as the demon jumped a little, startled obviously “May i ask you something?” 
Aizetsu’s gaze lingered as he squinted before sitting down in front of you face to face. No matter how many times you looked at him face, the same shiver ran up your spine. He rose his hand signaling you to continue
“What exactly am i to you?” You questioned “Sekido puts it as nice decor to be your little trophy but you treat me as if i am a dog and then treat me as if im a domestic partner and while i appreciate that you haven’t killed me and actually get me food when i get hungry i must ask what do you want from me?” 
There was silence. And in all the time you’ve been here you have never felt so uncomfortable then now. 
“I had understood that…human spouses are to do what you’ve been doing this entire time. Have i been wrong?” 
You were dumbfounded. You obviously expected the other three to be right about you being just a little treasure for the demon that could not kill you? But a spouse? “I … I mean no but. Spouses speak to each other. They treat each other with love if the circumstances allow it. Usually one isn’t afraid of the other”
Aizetsu looked at you now. His head resting on your lap as it should have been had you not opened your mouth. This time his eyes bore into you. Almost ripping you to shreds. But you couldn’t look away. 
“I’m sorry you fear me. Tell me what is it that i’ve done wrong” 
“You are a demon” 
“And im a human”
“I think thats very explanatory. I mean i was a slayer before…before this” You gulped down your nerves as you looked at him and asked again. “What is it about me that you find special enough to keep? Im sure you met countless of slayers such as myself”
There was an uncomfortable silence. His hand resting on your cheek as you two continued looking at each other. And there were many many things Aizetsu could tell you about what he liked, or why he kept you. The foolishness of it all to care so much about such a pathetic life of a slayer.  And maybe in due time you could learn to see it all or maybe he could learn to tell you it all. 
But in that moment all his mind and heart could say was 
“You have such wonderful eyes” 
And maybe that was good enough for now.
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
The Dixon Problem
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 1 (The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning series) ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: swearing, mild violence ❧ Word Count: 5k
❧ Summary: Not everyone is happy with the Dixons’ presence in the camp, especially Shane. When things go haywire, the only solution is a compromise, and to let Daryl know you care.
❧ A/N: I realize I’m posting this after a weird little argument over the ethics of zooming in on a man’s crotch but here we are. This is a fanfiction blog, believe it or not. Anyway, here’s another fic set in the same universe as The Beginning (I really like doing these ok), and this one takes place between Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. I really wanted to do some oneshots that would’ve happened before they got together because idk it just seems to cool to read about them before they kissed at the CDC and sort of build up to that. I find it fun to hint at their burgeoning attraction to one another, and how they’re both kind of in denial about their little crushes lol. We all know it was love at first sight. Also I loved writing Daryl fighting with Shane it was so fun. Daryl should’ve punched Shane in the show don’t @ me.
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A deep huff escaped your lips as the back of your hand wiped the dripping sweat from your brow. The sun was a few hours from setting, but Georgia summers were unforgiving, and even a setting sun would prove to be dangerous if you didn’t hydrate.
Taking a sip of water from the crinkly plastic bottle, you watched Lori skillfully sew up the rips in one of Shane’s shirts. It was a skill you had neglected, but at one point, you were pretty good with a machine. Hand sewing was something else entirely.
“You’re so good at that,” you said. “How’d you learn?”
Lori smiled as she looked at you, staring in awe. “My mom sewed, my granny sewed, and I wouldn’t be surprised if my great granny sewed, too.”
“That’s sweet… Maybe you could teach me sometime?”
“Sure, but I thought you were trying to get Mr. Crossbow to teach you how to hunt?” She spoke with a crooked smile, on the verge of laughing. You failed to see what was so funny, frankly.
But mostly, you were embarrassed. The warm blush on your cheeks and the butterflies doing somersaults in your belly betrayed you, though you just pretended none of it was there.
“Well, he, uh, said I should learn how to fight first. He said he’d teach me that, though.”
“Mhm… Why are you laughing?”
Lori lowered her head until her hair covered her face, but you heard a few snorts and giggles from beneath the dark curtain.
“You’re so cute,” she said. “That’s all.”
“Cute? Why am I cute?”
“You just are…” She leaned closer to speak in a quiet voice. “I bet Daryl thinks you’re really cute.”
You scoffed, trying to laugh it off as you awkwardly nudged her shoulder with yours. “Stop. That’s not funny. Not true, either. I think he finds me annoying.”
“Oh, really?” she asked. “What about the little rock he cracked open for you? That doesn’t sound like the actions of a man who’s annoyed.”
That “little rock” was now your prized possession. You had one half, and you’d let Daryl keep the other. It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world to you. That rock was a geode, something your father would’ve added to his extensive collection. Maybe you were thinking too much into it, and maybe it was cliché, but you liked to think that it represented the last beautiful thing in the world. You kept it by your cot, on full display so it was the first thing you saw each morning. Sometimes, the translucent purple shards would catch the new light that streamed through your tent in just the most perfect way.
“He was just being nice,” you said. “Daryl’s… really nice. I mean, he’s a little… grumpy, but he’s got a good heart. I can tell. I wouldn’t have brought him here if I didn’t think so.”
Before Lori could respond with another teasing quip, you both flinched at the sound of Daryl, the man you were just talking, and thinking a little too deeply, about. His voice was raised, one decibel away from being a yell. It sounded like it was coming from the center of camp, near Dale’s RV, so you both jogged over, anxious to see whatever was causing Daryl to yell a series of curse words and a few other words you couldn’t yet make out.
“Stupid cop!” you heard, now getting closer. “Who the hell do ya think you are?! This ain’t Miami Vice.”
You stumbled upon Daryl, with his chest puffed up and his hands moving vigorously along with his hostile words, in some kind of argument with Shane, who only shook his head with his hands on his waist as the bowman hurled insults his way.
“Listen, Dixon,” replied Shane, who was visibly also beginning to lose his temper, “we gotta maintain some order ‘round here. Now, I don’t give a shit ‘bout what you and your white trash redneck brother used to get up to in bumfuck nowhere, but there’s women and kids here, and I don’t want this shit ‘round ‘em.”
Oh, noble Shane, you thought to yourself, but then again, you still had no idea what the men were arguing about, so maybe he had a point. Still, you did take some issue to being compared to a child, but you weren’t about to jump in the middle of a fight between two burly, hotheaded men for the sake of feminism.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?! It ain’t nothin’, Merle goes off into the woods to do it! Ain’t no women or children gonna get hurt. You’re just as stupid as you look, Columbo.”
“It ain’t them seein’ the drugs I’m worried about,” Shane replied, getting closer to Daryl until their chests were nearly touching. “It’s you and your ugly ass brother.”
Drugs? You knew Merle had a stash of drugs, including crystal meth, and most others figured it based on, well, everything about him, but you didn’t think Shane would pick a fight with Daryl over it. Maybe Merle himself, but not Daryl. Merle wasn’t even there that day, having taken his turn to go hunting, though he never brought back nearly as much as his brother. You weren’t sure if it was because Merle wasn’t a very good hunter, or because he just didn’t care enough to bring back food for your group, but either way, it was clear which brother was better.
“Man, that’s bullshit,” he replied, narrowing his eyes at Shane. “You wanna see a threat then look in the mirror. There’ll be a big arrogant prick starin’ back at ya.” Daryl punctuated his sentence by shoving the other man backwards, but before Daryl could strut away as he planned, Shane shoved him back.
“Watch yourself,” Daryl warned, voice low and raspy. “I don’t want your pig blood on my hands.”
He tried to brush past Shane, but the man was fuming. He shoved Daryl back once more, knocking him to the ground.
A puff of dirt swallowed his body as you let out a small gasp of disbelief. No one in the group had gotten physical with anyone like this yet. Maybe it was only a matter of time before it happened. After all, a group of several strangers under incredible physical and mental stress in the middle of the end of the world was a recipe for disaster, but you’d hoped it wouldn’t happen so soon.
All you could register was the sound of Daryl’s grunting before he sprung back up to sock Shane across the face, disorienting him. He soon struck back, but Daryl ducked and delivered a blow to Shane’s stomach.
Shane had managed to deliver a few blows of his own, but at this point, all you could focus on was thinking of a way to break them up without getting hurt yourself.
“H-hey!” you shouted out, along with Lori and several other women who’d gathered around, yelling to the men to stop. “Stop it!”
Dale was frantically climbing down the ladder of the RV, then greeted the scene with wide eyes. “Hey, hey! Break it up!” He managed to get his arms between the two of them, but he could only keep Shane back. Daryl even tried to get around Dale so he could deliver one last blow to Shane’s face, but T-Dog came up behind and pinned the enraged man’s arms back.
“Get offa me!” he yelled to T-Dog, then turned his attention back to Shane. “I’m gonna beat your ass, you hear me, bacon bits?!”
Dale stood between them, holding his hands out to keep them both at bay. Their chests swelled with heavy, panting breaths as their faces molded into their own unique scowls. Shane’s was terrifying, much more than Daryl’s. His dark brown eyes didn’t need to narrow at all, they were just as terrifying in their wideness. His mouth wasn’t agape, it was sealed shut as the breaths pumped out of his flared nostrils. He stood completely still, like a ticking time bomb. You’d never been more terrified of the man.
Daryl paced back and forth for a few feet on each side of him, his face much more natural looking, but still enraged. At least you could make some sense of Daryl in his anger. He didn’t send a shiver down your spine like Shane did. Well, and maybe you were a little partial to Daryl now, since he’d shown you kindness. In any case, the awkward silence that permeated the stiff, humid air was excruciating.
“Just calm down,” panted Dale, arms still outstretched between them. “What the hell is going on here?”
Shane huffed before speaking. “I was just tryin’ to have a civil conversation about the drug use goin’ on in this camp.”
“Drug use?” questioned Lori. “No, no way. No drugs, not around the kids. That’s the last thing we need right now.”
Daryl turned to look at Lori, not with anger, but confusion. He seemed troubled, unable to reconcile something in his head. His eyes squinted shut as he wiped his nose, which had just begun to bleed from the punch. He spat a glob of pinkish saliva onto the dirt ground, then turned back to face Shane.
“Talk to Merle,” was all he said. His voice was quieter now, almost timid, but still with an air of defensiveness.
He turned back again, in the direction of his tent. You met his glance for a moment, at which point he seemed to stop in his tracks. His foot backstepped, flashes of blue still on you until they averted to the ground. When he regained his focus, he moved quicker, more determined. Still, his confidence seemed drained after he looked your way, but all you could pay attention to now was Shane, who was walking directly towards you, huffing and puffing.
“What the hell were you thinkin’, bringin’ those meth heads here, huh? You stupid or somethin’? I thought you were some kinda… librarian.” He ended his sentence with a sarcastic chuckle.
Before you could respond, Lori spoke up, and thank God she did. You were still petrified by Shane’s aggression, and Lori knew him from before the fall. Maybe he’d actually listen to her.
“Stop it, Shane,” she scolded in an almost motherly tone. Fitting, since the argument between him and Daryl seemed more like that of children than two grown men in their thirties. “It’s done. No point in arguing about it.”
For your part, you took a moment to collect your thoughts, then spoke to Shane with as much bravado as you could muster. “It’s because of Daryl that we’re not starving to death,” you said.
Dale stepped forward, hand outstretched slightly to gesture towards you. “That’s a good point, but what about the drugs?”
You shook your head profusely. “I don’t know anything about any drugs.” That wasn’t true, you knew Merle was getting high, and that he was a dealer, but that honestly didn’t matter to you much at this point. As far as you were concerned, everything that had ever separated the human race from each other was out the window. Drug addicts were no different from Mormons now. Granted, Merle could be unpredictable, and you hated him, frankly, but Daryl and Merle seemed like a package deal, so you’d have to deal with both of them if your group was to reap the benefits of having a skilled hunter.
Plus, you might’ve fostered a bit of admiration for him. Friendly admiration, of course.
“Well, I just ain’t havin’ no crystal meth in this camp,” replied Shane. “And I’m about this close to killin’ your buddy, so’s as far as I’m concerned, this is your problem to solve if you wanna keep them here.”
Diplomacy wasn’t your strong suit, but if it kept Shane from kicking out the Dixon’s, you’d try your best to find some common ground.
“Compromise,” Dale said with a nod. “(Y/N), you should talk to Daryl, ask him to talk some sense into Merle when he gets back to camp. We give them shelter, they get rid of the drugs.”
It sounded more like an ultimatum than a compromise, but you were perhaps the only person who’d had any meaningful contact with the slightly more tolerable brother, so you put aside your reservations to head to the Dixons’ camp, several yards away from the rest of the group.
He was on one knee as he chopped the head off a squirrel on the sawed log he was using as a butcher block. The sound of the axe slicing through the flesh and digging into the wood was so powerful that you flinched, alerting the hunter to your presence.
Though he didn’t look your way. He simply set aside the axe and continued skinning the creature as if you weren’t there.
“You want a piece of me, too, woman?” he asked. “Whatever you gotta say, I ain’t in the mood.”
You bit your lip as you stood still, thinking of what to say. Daryl was tricky, you knew that. Sometimes he was nice to you, and sometimes he wanted nothing to do with you. No one in the camp knew how to deal with him, really. You only knew a little because you somehow found yourself trying to ingratiate yourself with him, but why? You still weren’t exactly sure.
“May I sit down?” you blurted out, thinking that might be the first step to talking to him.
He looked up at you then, with a suspicious glare.
Just as you were still trying to get used to talking to him, he was still trying to get used to your desire to talk to him in the first place. Why would a woman like you want anything to do with a man like him, anyway? Surely you had an ulterior motive, though he couldn’t deny there was something genuinely kind and soft about your face. Maybe even, dare he say, pretty? Not just physically, though he was painfully aware of that, but through and through, you were quite lovely. Well, that’s how it seemed, anyway.
Merle always said that women couldn’t be trusted, that if they weren’t childlike and dumb, they were manipulative and cunning. Nothing else, nothing in between. Of course, Daryl had a hard time believing that. People weren’t that simple, and Merle’s authority on the topic of women was questionable at best. Still, old habits die hard, and maybe he was just a little skeptical of your intentions. After all, no woman or man had ever shown this much interest in talking to him.
Daryl was, for all intents and purposes, a loser. He still felt like one, though he had to admit, when you brought him to your camp, insisting that your group needed him, he did feel a small sense of real, genuine pride, for the first time in his life. Maybe he had something to offer, something good he could do. Maybe you really wanted him there, and he wasn’t just a loser with a bad temper and a meth head brother.
His deeply ingrained insecurity, though, told him otherwise, and that you were only kind to him because of what he could offer your group, not because you actually appreciated him. But then again, the rest of the group had all but ignored him since he arrived, and you were the one who’d spoken more than five words to him at a time. That had to mean something, right?
“I want to talk to you,” you said simply. “So, can I?”
He chewed his lip as he looked you up and down, as if inspecting you. Wordlessly, he nodded, then lowered his head again to focus on the mutilated squirrel.
As you cleared your throat, you sat yourself on a dinky camping chair across from the fire pit. Both of you were silent for a little while, with only the sounds of flesh tearing from the muscle of the little furry critters Daryl was skinning. You watched with furrowed brows, though at a certain point, you had to stop looking, otherwise you’d get a little woozy, so you lifted your gaze to the top of Daryl’s head, covered in short, choppy brown hair.
Surprisingly, just before you were about to say something, Daryl spoke first. “I ain’t no meth head,” he said abruptly. “I don’t touch that shit.” Not anymore, he thought, but something stopped him. Could it be… embarrassment? Maybe shame. All he knew was there was a part of him that cared what you thought, for some odd reason. He’d trained himself not to give a damn about anything, though it was in his nature to. Why was your presence bringing out his sensitivity? It was a blessing and a curse. It hurts to care, he’d always thought. Nothing good could come of it. He cared once, before he knew how cruel people could be.
“I never said you did.”
“S’what you all think,” he replied. “Y’all think I’m some kinda… stupid redneck bastard.” Wouldn’t be wrong, a voice inside him retorted.
“I don’t think that.”
He finally raised his eyes again, glowering at you. “You will.”
It shouldn’t have hurt you, but it did, just a little bit. “I bet you I won’t.”
He shook his head and stood up to retrieve the red rag that was often dangling from his back pocket. Wiping his hands, he nodded towards you. “What’d ya really come over ‘ere for? They send ya over to kick me out?”
You shook your head immediately. “No, no. Not at all. Just… You need to tell Merle to quit with the drugs.”
Daryl scoffed, almost a laugh. “Askin’ Merle to give up crystal’s like askin’ him to cut off his own hand. ‘Sides, ya don’t think I’ve tried? Ain’t no use in it. Might as well jus’ kick us to the curb ‘cause it ain’t gonna happen.”
His apathy frustrated you, and you let out an exasperated, now quite irritated, puff of air. “So you’d rather live out in the woods by yourselves than in a group, with people who will look out for you?”
“None of these people will look out for me,” he scoffed.
“Well, I would.”
He looked your way again, this time not suspicious, but confused. “Why’d ya bring me and Merle here in the first place? All ya got to show for it is bein’ yelled at and bossed around by that asshole Shane.” He spat the man’s name out in obvious distaste.
“I told you,” you said, “I thought you would be able to help us… And you saved me. I’d be dead right now if it weren’t for you.”
He lowered his head again, busying himself by cleaning between his fingers with the rag in the hopes of distracting you from the obvious blush on his cheeks. When he didn’t respond, you realized you hadn’t asked him a similar question.
“Why’d you save me, anyway?” you asked, your voice a little more quiet, as if afraid of him even hearing it.
After all, you were a complete stranger, why should he have helped you? What you knew from human nature was that people often only helped others if they knew there was something in it for them. True altruism was hard to come by, and often not evolutionarily beneficial. Those who helped others and put themselves in danger often died out before their lineage could carry on. Well, that was your vague memories of anthropology class resurfacing, but it still applied.
Indeed, you yourself hadn’t been acting out of true altruism. You had decided to bring Merle and Daryl into the fold because they were hunters, and they could benefit your group by providing your people sustenance. But Daryl’s motivations were less clear.
He swallowed hard as thought for a moment, himself now forced with the reality of facing that question. Why did he help you?
For the next several moments, he transported himself to that day just a month ago, when he was trudging around in the woods outside Atlanta, listening to Merle ramble on about some drunken memory, a relic of his “glory days” that he seemed unable to forget about. They had no destination, no idea where they were going. They’d tried the refugee center in the city, but that had been overrun about as soon as it was set up. Merle was quite content to rough it, and so was Daryl, so long as there weren’t flesh-eating monsters roaming around.
When he heard the rather faint sound of a woman screaming, somewhere ahead in the maze of aspen trees dotting the humid forest, something in him switched, and though he remembered the muffled sound of Merle’s protesting, all he could hear at the time was the scream getting closer and closer.
Soon he was in a small clearing, setting sight on a decrepit creature. Below it were two squirming legs, belonging to the screaming woman who was just inches away from becoming something’s lunch.
Without hesitation, he lifted his bow to shoot, snagging the creature in the head until it fell less than gracefully onto your chest. Pushing the body off, you faced him, mouth panting and eyes hazy with tears.
He tried to think of what he thought then, but it was difficult to put himself in that position again. He only remembered your face, how scared you were. You seemed so fragile, and yet somehow brave enough to look him in the eye. Most of all, you were peculiar to him, different from anyone or anything he’d seen before. Of course, there was nothing particularly strange looking about you, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. You were just… special, with a calming aura of warmth around you, something he was instinctively drawn to for whatever reason.
So, how was he supposed to explain that? You seemed special, important, warm… Creepy. He knew that would’ve sounded creepy. He was already embarrassed from Shane’s display earlier, and his stomach stung to think of you seeing that cop strike him across the face, to appear weak. Once again, he wondered why he cared in the first place.
He finally settled for a somewhat satisfactory explanation. “S’just what people do.”
Indeed, he would’ve done it for anyone. That wasn’t the issue Daryl struggled with, he knew right from wrong, for the most part. He struggled with understanding why you looked at him the way you did, and why he found himself wanting to keep you safe even after the creature attacking you was long dead.
At least you seemed happy with that answer, as one corner of your lips upturned into a small smile. “Well, I am sure some people wouldn’t have done anything. I’m really grateful… And I really don’t want you to go. Merle… I will put up with him if it means you stay here, but if you could please talk to him, try to get him to at least hide the drugs better and maybe go further away from camp to do it, I’d be even more grateful.”
Though he had no idea how he was going to get Merle to agree to changing anything about himself, he couldn’t deny that you were convincing. Something about your wide, almost pleading eyes. Somehow, making you happy seemed to make him happy, too.
“I’ll try,” he said. “But I ain’t promisin’ anything. Merle don’t care ‘bout what I got to say.”
“Well, he should,” you said as you stood to your feet. “He’s your brother… I have a brother, too. We used to talk all the time, though we sort of lost touch before all this.” You gestured around vaguely, ending your sentence with a small nervous chuckle.
Daryl almost didn’t speak, didn’t want to ask what he was thinking, but the look on your face as your lips began to droop and your eyes became vague made him wonder if maybe you needed to talk about it.
“Where is he?” he asked simply, though he immediately began to regret it when he noticed you shifting awkwardly where you stood. “I mean… I, uh… Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you replied with a shake of your head. “No, it’s fine. He’s, well… I don’t know where he is. Last time we talked he was in Atlanta. Actually, that’s why I was headed there when it happened.”
“It’s okay,” you replied with a shake of your head. “No, it’s fine. He’s, well… I don’t know where he is. Last time we talked he was in Atlanta. Actually, that’s why I was headed there when it happened.”
It seemed to be a universally agreed upon signifier. The fall, the turn, the apocalypse, the plague… Everyone called it something different, but what it all came down to was The End, or The Beginning, depending on who you asked.
“Sorry,” was all he could reply, though he found himself going further, speaking more than he normally would’ve. “Hope he’s all right.”
That meant more to you than anything anyone had ever said to you since the world turned. You hadn’t told anyone about your brother, and you weren’t sure why you decided to tell Daryl, but it felt right. In a world where everything was suddenly wrong, lots of things still felt right, all of which had to do with him. Strange.
“Thank you. I do too. He means a lot to me… I’m sure your brother means a lot to you, too, so I understand why you care so much about him. He’s lucky to have you as a brother.”
If Daryl wasn’t so strangely calmed by your presence in this moment, he might’ve protested to the assertion that Merle meant a lot to him, but he supposed he really did, whether or not Daryl liked it.
As he shifted his shoulders, he raised his hand to scratch his neck, chewing the inside of his bottom lip all the while. The unique little nervous mannerisms he had were already becoming part of your ever-growing encyclopedia of quirks Daryl displayed, and you had to say you found that quite endearing. Indeed, you truly felt that Daryl could become a friend. You wanted him to be a friend.
It reminded you that Daryl spent almost all of his time alone. Whenever Merle was gone or at the edge of camp getting up to his illicit activities, Daryl was by himself. You figured he had to get lonely, and surely the sole company of a man like Merle would eventually drive him insane, even if he was his brother.
“Daryl?” you asked, moving closer as you tried to telepathically direct his gaze up at you.
He did, and a flash of silvery blue eyes that caught little sparkles of light from the sun looked up at you. His eyes were quite deep set and narrow, making them seem at first glance to be cold and uninviting, but that wasn’t really the case at all. Now that you saw them in full view, there was mystery there, something waiting to be revealed. You had a feeling whatever it was, it was something lovely. Your curiosity made you eager to get to the bottom of it.
Even the strange softness of his often rough, gravelly voice struck you. As he licked his chapped lips, you found yourself trailing your eyes to his light stubble, sparse on his cheeks but more concentrated around his lips, which weren’t particularly full, but beautifully sculpted as if by delicate, intentional little hands. You found his face much more tolerable than his brother’s. Handsome, even. Perhaps not an A-list Hollywood movie star (certainly no one so clean-cut as Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt, both of whom you had at one point hung posters of on your closet door in the mid-nineties) but he had been blessed with good proportions and a pleasant visage that you only dwelled on for a moment until your subconsciousness took the image into its darkest recesses. The last thing you needed to do today was to admire a man’s physical appearance, though it did tempt you for just a few seconds. Maybe a few more.
“You should really join us for dinner tonight,” you said. “You know, around the fire… Dale’s going to make something special. I have no idea what, he says it’s a surprise.”
When his breath seemed to hitch and his muscles flexed in seemingly anxious response, you quickly tried to explain yourself. “I mean, I know it’s awkward, with the Shane thing… but Shane has watch during dinner tonight. Maybe you can just… talk to me, and Dale, Andrea, Amy, Glenn, Jacqui… We all sort of congregate, talk a little bit. I’m sure they’d like to get to know you more.”
He found himself wondering how to respond, how to tell you that he hated talking, especially to people he hardly knew. Then again, he liked talking to you. That was clear to him.
“Maybe… I dunno.”
Though you didn’t want to pressure him, it was hard not to try to convince him. You were shy sometimes, too, but the older you got, the more you realized that you needed people, and that couldn’t be more evident than right now, when people were hard to come by.
“All we have is each other,” you said. “You told me that the world’s never gonna be like how it was, and you’re right. We should never take people for granted anymore.”
He’d never wrap his head around the way you spoke sometimes, how you could be so articulate and intelligent, and at other times, so high-strung or bubbly or aloof… You were about as hard to read to him as he was to you.
“I’ll try,” was all he replied.
“That’s all that matters.”
When he briefly lurked around the fire that night, exchanging a few brief words with Dale and Andrea (and you, of course), you felt like you’d gotten somewhere further with the temperamental hunter.
He didn’t stay for long, and hardly ate any of Dale’s “mushroom mash,” but it was something, and though the day started with a fight between Shane and Daryl, it ended with the latter feeling just a little more welcome.
Most of all, you had no regrets about bringing Daryl Dixon to your camp. You had a feeling it was the right thing to do.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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bluewinnerangel · 11 months
(This would probably do very well in gif form but here's a block of text instead lol) Ok so the visuals in the Daylight music video that go with the lyrics are really fun, and I wanted to post a bit of a thing of it here.. i probably miss some maybe obvious ones or nods/metaphors an whatever, and there are things shown that relate to the lyrics but not exactly at the time he's singing it that I don't mention, but basically almost every lyric and visual directly relate. And that's really cool so I'm gonna list what I seem. I am failing to come up with a word for it that most likely exists but as @theirloveisgross said "My art school ass loves this" so we're calling it the myartschoolasslovesthis overview for now for now:
Ok so Lyric + visual shown while he's singing it that relates:
I'm on the roof - hes on a roof
You're in your airplane seat - he crouches like as if he sits down on a chair (in the air)
I was nose-bleedin' looking for life out there - he walks out of the celeste venus shes expert not novice camper thing
Readin' your horoscope - girlie in the back reading bigass book she's holding up in the air
You were just doing cocaine - walks by white powdered face bunny girlie
in my kitchen You never listen - stands in front of knife'd daggered wall and shows angrywrittenalloverherface devil girlie wanting to throw more
I hope you're missing me by now - she throws another and misses
If I was a bluebird, I would fly to you - walks past more circusmembers who are up in the air and he does a lil fly dancemove
You'd be the spoon Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you - lil dip dancemoves, the others up in the air are now hanging face down also both with orangey head thingies very honey very dippy (also most headdresses and accessoiries are honey-ish colored like theyre all dipped in it)
(here its a bit thats not that much directly doing something with the lyrics but ill keep up vaguedescribing whats shown, basically every line he finds a new circus-person he interacts with/mimics:) Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (Ooh) - me the annoying bluegreen clown stops him
Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight (Ooh) - weightlifting stongwoman and hes acting tough showing his muscles
Daylight, you got me calling at all times (Ooh) - screaming through a thing with someone on the other end who is annoyed on the other hand covering her ears
Ain't gonna sleep till the daylight (Ooh) - gets into a box covered in sky and clouds and pretends to sleep in it - then bambamchaos till the next verse-
Out of New York - he's also waving to a girl in a marching band costume on stilts above him and you see the "a prize every time" sign behind them i have thoughts about this none are remotely direct and obvious anyways
I'm on the comedown speed We're on bicycles - well. hes on a bicycle.
Saying, "There's life out therе" - points to the sky
You've got the antidote - circusact with a snake wee venom
I'll take one to go, go, please - ?looks in distorted mirrors
Get the picture, cut out my middle - crawls at like.. middle-length.. like he cuts himself im half in length.. in between people hoolahooping on their middles
You ain't got time for me right now - there's the sign again behind him that says "a prize every time" (and then past "cleanliness(?) and "peep show" idk bro)
If I was a bluebird - view of a girl in blue with feathers shot from below so the background is just sky
I would fly to you - idk some dance of the bluebird trying to get to harry and being held back by the other blue birds
You'd be the spoon, Dip you in honey so I could be sticking to you - theyre dancing around him and he seems confused and then he starts running away past the mirrors and theyre going after him.. its kinda like the bluebird wants to fly and stick to harry and harrys running away?
Yeap. cool. that was it for the lyrics and the matching visuals and from there it just turns to chaos (what a music video tends to do at that point). coolcoolcool
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shadowsandsunset · 2 months
Spoilers for s7e5 9-1-1 under cut:
So I'm watching live and I am missing parts because of a tornado warning but:
Opening? Funny as hell. Poor Eddie. His poor balls.
Karen and Hen preparing for a baby with Chim and Maddie and then not getting a baby? But a little girl age 9? Interesting.
Buck being awkward and closeted with Tommy.
Eddie interrupting? Marisol moving in? Ooooof.
Tommy being like "I don't think you're ready" ow my heart. He's absolutely right to do so. Love Tommy!
Hen and Karen meeting the little girl.
Tornado warning. Ugh. Btw, I'm out of the path of the tornado warning, it's further south of me but I'm getting the warning anyway.
Buck going to Maddie for advice and then playing the pronoun game "this person".
Maddie catching on... "Now you're more than an ally"
Then.... "it's the same Tommy... Eddie's friend..." With a frankly judgy stare Lmfao
Maddie is giving good advice even if taken off guard but being supportive like we knew she would be. Maddie is awesome.
Then Eddie and Marisol in bed in the next scene...her boxes everywhere.
Also hello shirtless Eddie, welcome back, good to see ya.
Marisol was almost a fucking Nun??? Eddie making jokes about being spanked...
Back to the little traumatized girl with Hen and Karen. Karen and Hen are such good moms. This poor kid tho. I don't know what has happened to this kid but goddamn, my heart.
Ooh Buck what are you doing with Eddie... Eddie is being weird about the nun thing lol and talking about his reservoir of Catholic guilt
"like sea monkeys" "no"
Something something tornado warning
"I haven't been able to...you know...since I found out"
"which is why you're so pent up"
Buck backing out of telling Eddie about his recent sexual exploration...
Hen and Cap talking about the traumatized girl. This is heartbreaking. The whole situation is heartbreaking. Poor Denny, he's such a a good kid. But like...why isn't this girl in therapy of some sort? Shit. Like...shit. I hate the US healthcare system. But something is going on and like...idk.
Again, this tornado warning is annoying. I'm missing half the convos and my closed captions aren't working properly.
Hen and Karen are struggling, which I understand, and I think they're trying but with cases like this...
Now Eddie and Cap are talking about Marisol... And his commitment issues... I swear to God Cap was going to say "military, your job, ... Buck" lmfao
"I would probably go to confession, wouldn't want to get on her ex's bad side...the Lord"
Dog attack? Parallels to the little girl? Ooh, heavy handed metaphors...
Wait, does Hen just know dog CPR? Cool.
Oh yay, the dog doesn't die! Hen is now committed to helping the little girl.
Mara is the little girl's name, Athena is helping... The girl's parents were criminals, died to OD. The girl called 911. This poor kid.
Buck and Eddie... Ooof. I'm not spoiling this. I love you all. Ok.
I will say Eddie didn't seem super surprised about it but the fucking tornado warning drowned out half of the scene. I am pissed. I'm going to have to rewatch this later.
Buck is the cutest little bisexual and I love him. I really do.
Eddie...and Marisol. Nuns. Moving In. Not moving in. Blah blah don't care. Sorry not sorry.
More with this new kid and Karen. God, Hen is lucky AF. Karen is amazing and I want to marry her.
Buck and Tommy! Yes. Yessss. Awwww. I love them. Buck is growing up! Tommy is fucking amazing. He's so gentle and kind and and awwwww.
The boys showing up for the wedding like that... lmfao. Omg. We gotta wait two weeks for The Hangover: 9-1-1 edition.
This episode is not what we wanted for Buddie but uh... There is still time? Maybe? There's always fanfiction.
Also? Tommy? I like him. I hope we keep him.
Also? Friendship is never a consolation prize. If they ever end up together or not, the love is there and that matters. The love always matters.
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sorenphelps · 2 months
I need to know more about Hungary! 8, 14, 22, 26, and 29 please ❤️
Hi there! Here we go, it took way longer to answer than expected...
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
It's a tricky question on my end, because I am partly Vietnamese on my father's side, so I'm usually not assumed to be Hungarian at all (even tho that as I'm getting older I'm looking more and more Caucasian). I'm assumed to be Chinese, because Asian=Chinese in most people's minds here. (It's actually a pet peeve of mine, but that's another question.) I think Hungarians in general get confused with Slavic/Balkan people? Maybe Germans? Idk, when abroad they often think my mother is either Russian or French, while my bf is thought to be Austrian (which is fair enough, because his ancestors are from Austria/Germany).
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Already answered here.
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
Proud: We are ridiculously good at some sports, we are I think the 14th in most Olympic Games medals per capita list at the moment. We also have a lot of Nobel prize winners (we are the 13th I think?), and generally a lot of cool things were invented by Hungarians (e.g. Rubik cube, matches, ballpoint pens, Vitamin C, the basis of computers, the basis of Microsoft Word and Excel, etc.). I also think our language is badass, it's in the top10 hardest languages to learn. I also really like how diverse our gastronomy can be, and the so called ruin pubs are good stuff.
Ashamed: Politics... And the general attitude of people, I mean when I can see a sign printed out in Hungarian in hotel cafeterias abroad, saying "Please do not steal!", I feel like denying where I'm from.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Hungary is mostly non-existent is Hollywood, but since a lot of American movies/TV shows are actually produced in Hungary, recently we are mentioned by name more (see the Black Widow movie for example). Sometimes our language is used as like an evil devil "language", or we are just vaguely referred as "East European" or "Post Communist" or part of the Balkan. We are depicted as uncultured poor people and/or criminals. Not the most flattering portrayal, however there is some truth in all.🤷🏻‍♀️
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Oh boy, it's easier to list the ones we don't hate. XD We have a mutual friendship with Poland, but that's about it? Hungarians hate everyone (including themselves). We were very, lets say, unlucky with our history, so we are a country who is surrounded by itself population-wise. Therefore we hate every neighboring country (I think maybe Romania the most?). We are historically super bad at picking sides (I mean we always were on the eventually losing side of every big conflict), so it's no wonder that nowdays we try to be good with Russia, China, Turkey, Trump's USA... As I said, politics are bad here.
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happy-lemon · 10 months
No Rules Legacy - Favorite Generational Gameplay
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The margin between one and ten was really, really slim. I loved this legacy from start to finish, and there were no boring generations for me. I especially loved exploring parts of the game I'd never tried before. This is a long one, so 👇
GENERATION 6 - I'd never really explored the equestrian aspects of the Pets EP, and playing with Alexandra and Buran brought out my latent inner horse girl in a big way.
GENERATION 8 - I'd also never tried the singer career of Showtime (or really any of Showtime tbh) and there was no better sim to guide the way than Fable Solomon. Pairing her with a hot former Grim Reaper was also fun, but helping her become a pop sensation was a blast.
GENERATION 1 - Nara got the legacy off on a wild foot with all her university shenanigans. Because I typically pair my OC sims with Jeffery Dean, I really wanted her to end up with Jacob Salaman, but he was the literal worst. Still, it was fun to watch their lust-hate relationship implode. And Jeffery got the girl in the end.
GENERATION 3 - Daisy wins the prize for making me laugh the hardest at any gameplay ever. All I wanted was for her to have three kids with three guys and then choose one as a spouse. Instead, she had two sets of twins and two more kids with the three guys. And the best of them hated children. Her generation was pure chaos every second and I loved it.
GENERATION 7 - The subplot with resurrecting Anna was me, trying to write myself out of a corner, and it was bonkers. But Keahi raising Fable on his own was incredibly special. And maybe some of my best writing. IDK.
GENERATION 2 - Kana and Noel's outdoor lot was my first attempt at off-grid play and it was great fun. I loved their relationship, loved watching Noel rise through the ranks at the restaurant, and Kana was the cutest little pregnant mama I've ever seen.
GENERATION 10 - Despite kind of rushing it at the end because my save was so unstable, Dylan's generation was great. I loved giving him a lifelong friend group at college and exploring all the different ITF futures, which I'd never really done before.
GENERATION 9 - Scuba diving is my absolute favorite in-game activity and it was really great to see the diving career through to the end for once, and Mara loved diving more than anything.
GENERATION 4 - I hadn't ever gone beyond casual nectar making, so that was pretty cool. In achieving her lifetime wish, Noelle made a LOT of wine, so I sold off most of it as the generations progressed. But Dylan still has one bottle of every nectar she made and some of them are worth a small fortune.
GENERATION 5 - Poor Mateo didn't really have a lot to do. It took him almost no time at all to collect the minor pets, and because he was a loner, having an actual job stressed him out. He was happy spending time with his family and it was lovely, even though it wasn't the most exciting gameplay.
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citizen-zero · 6 months
gen Xers and boomers made fun of millennials for wanting participation trophies but like. first of all YOU were the ones giving them to us. second of all. those participation trophies were for you! you as the parents!
you’re the ones who didn’t want to teach your kid the lesson that they wouldn’t always be the best and wouldn’t always win but that their participation was still meaningful. you’re the ones who didn’t want to reward earnest effort if it didn’t result in success. you’re the ones that said shit like “you don’t want to end up as a burger flipper” as if that isn’t a perfectly respectable job that plenty of people would be happy to do forever as long as it doesn’t suck. like, you’re the ones that drilled in the idea that you better be high performance high power and high pay or else you’re next to worthless. you’re the ones that keep harping on the idea that if a degree won’t potentially lead to a lucrative career then it’s worthless.
we all knew those trophies were bullshit. like, yeah, okay, there was the initial burst of dopamine when they handed you something that fooled you for a second into thinking you’d won, but then you’d remember that you hadn’t and all the other losers had gotten one of these cheap plastic things too, so even your consolation prize wasn’t actually all that special and the real winners might be getting actual prizes to boot
and then on top of that, like….it was a useless item. it’s not a toy you can play with or an item with practical use and it’s not something you’d care to display bc it’s a generic piece of junk. At least if you gave me like, an event-branded pencil and notepad as a goodie bag I could use that to doodle or play tic tac toe or MASH or something. Or a cool t-shirt, if the design is good enough then that would actually feel like you’d gotten a real prize (and honestly if the kid’s family is poor enough it’s one more piece of decent clothing they have and didn’t have to pay for).
Like. Idk. I never once asked for or wanted a participation trophy in my life, they always felt like hunks of junk that I was now burdened with. I feel like they were an attempt at boosting our self esteem and making us feel good about trying but it just felt condescending. it’s like the adults thought that we would completely fall apart at the seams. like oh you lost? Here’s a fake trophy that means absolutely nothing and doesn’t actually demonstrate any recognition of your accomplishments. We’re giving it to you because we can’t be bothered to teach you how to recognize your own worth in the face of failure because we think anything less than perfect victory is akin to total failure so here’s a pacifier you big baby. you fucking loser.
The participation trophy is for you, the parent who can’t stand the fact that not everyone is going to agree that your child is the best person ever in the world. it’s for you as the parent who won’t recognize that your kid still did their best and learned something from the experience and maybe even had fun doing it, and those are rewards all on their own.
If you want to boost someone’s self esteem you praise them for what they did well and you let them know that you’re still proud of them. and then you take them to get McDonald’s or ice cream or something. Like goddamn.
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shytastemakerthing · 11 months
Hello! I saw that your matchups were open and I’d like some please?
For twisted wonderland, some romantic and platonic maybe? Idk. I kind of don’t know what I’m doing lol
Things about me bc that’s probably important:
- I am very……..very scatterbrained. I can remember what happened 10 years ago but not last week. Yesterday is nothing to me. My memory is either crystal clear or blurred completely, there’s no inbetween.
- Sometimes whether it’s late at night or just after a good movie I have what I call “crack energy” where I’ll start laughing hysterically at the most mundane things or at random things that I say.
- I have a lot of nervous tics, like picking dead skin on my fingers and rocking on my feet but I also have a few verbal ones as well (idk what else to call them, I make these random noises that change slightly depending on my mood).
- Depending on the circumstances I can either be extremely adaptable and rise to the occasion (like emergencies or when someone needs first aid) and in others I end up having a lot of anxiety than is healthy to the point where I’ll start to shake/count money wrong (the line at DQ starts to get pretty long). But either way, I’m very good at trying things out at least once.
- I?? I love frogs and snakes and all sorts of critters. I also love macabre decorations like animal bones used to decorate picture frames? I live for that. Mushrooms have been among my favorite types of fungus for years, I love seeing how people have studied them.
- while I’m not the most athletic person, I do take a Brazilian jiu jitsu class twice a week and I’m close to testing for my final belt in a self defense class. It’s really fun, but violent (In my first class I learned the guillotine choke which has become my favorite since then).
- No matter what happens I try to look on the bright side of things, although with a slightly morbid twist. Like, for example, “if this campsite floods and we’re swept away, at least we’ll be a cool news story to read about” or something. Also, I love to travel and visit people.
- I am very affectionate, but when a certain time of the month rolls around I am very VERY emotional, and it’s awful the two days leading up to it. When I’m really angry at something I have what my family calls a “death glare” that my brothers are apparently terrified of. It’s only something I can properly pull off when I’m properly mad, and I I can’t think about it either or else it doesn’t work. If I’m not angry, I might be crying over something small (usually the result of a whole bunch of other things spilling over into a breakdown.
- I have a weighted stuffed octopus and it’s become one of my most prized possessions. I have a lot of stuffed animals but it’s become my favorite bc I love feeling weight on me for some reason.
Hope that was enough, have a good night amazing human!!!
Hello and thank you for your request!! I hope you are well and in regards to this request, I did both a romantic and platonic match up!
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I match you with........
Jade Leech
🍁 As soon as he heard about your love for mushrooms, you gained an invitation to join thr mountain lovers club as well as an invitation to come and help him take care of his terrariums pretty fast. He is committed.
🍁 You both often find each other swapping cacts about various mushrooms that you have learned about all while watching each other as if you both just hung the stars in the sky (Floyd sees this and gags..... he's lonely)
🍁 Speaking of Floyd, Jade has had tk take care of him for a good long while and his own personality so needless to say, he can handle you being scatterbrained better than anyone else. Honestly, he says that Floyd is so much worse so this is actually pretty nice.
🍁 To help with how your brain can be in recalling much of anything, he has left quite a few little sticky notes all around for you to find with needed information. Every single day, there is one on your door reminding you to take necessary breaks and to eat something.
🍁 Now, these anxious habits of yours? He has plenty of much better alternatives for you to help with this, mostly goes for picking your dead skin. He would happily whisk you away for an easier and far more relaxing mean of getting rid of it, free of charge. He is very well intune with your emotions and anxiety to know when it all begins even before you do. Anxiety has gone down because of this eel.
🍁 He does not mind your affectionate nature (again, Floyd), and to be honest, he quite loves it. Just make sure there is no one else around to see such softness and we will be just fine.
🍁 And when that lovely time of suffering arrives (IYKYK😭), he has everything that you need before you even say it.... EVERYTHING. Water? Check. Snacks? Grabbed all of your favorites on the way here. Pain mess? He keeps them even in HIS dorm. If a mess has been made? He has already has a warm shower running for you and while you're standing there, he has already changed the sheets and got dirty ones in tbe washer, fresh sheets on the bed, followed by your favorite drink, snack, book, and/or movie ready. Then helps you wash up, gets you in fresh clothing and now you're relaxing comfortably in bed wktn your loving eel.
🍁 Overall, if there is anything you need, Jade will a absolutely have it ready for you. He loves when you hike with him for new mushrooms or surprise him by showing up at the lounge, or even just your presence alone, he is very much happy.
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I match you with......
Azul Ashengrotto
🐙 I saw that you have a weighted octopus plushie and that settled this debatebfir me as for a platonic matchup. (I want one now but y'know....*cries in broke*)
🐙 Azul would be the absolute KING at heloig through your nerves and anxieties. Look, he may not look it, but he has plenty if these issues himself, and he has found many helpful ways to work through them that he will be sharing with you, free of charge because you're able tk keep Jade in check, which also helps to keep Floyd in check.
🐙 He saw your weighted octopus plushie and nearly lost it because it was probably the best thing that this poor boy has seen (somebody please give the octopus a hug, he needs it). He has gotten you more.
🐙 As his dearest friend, as he likes to refer to you as, you do get discounts at the lounge. And ONLY you. It's not much as he still wants to bring in the madol, but hey, something is a lot better than nothing.
🐙 Speaking of Madol, if he hears your struggling a hit lately, of are just running a bit low and are in need of some things, he is on his way to your aide, no contract needed (honestly, he stopped trying after a week after seeing you would never sign one, and you're also dating his vice housewarden, who happens tk be his right hand mand, who also happens to be his childhood best friend).
🐙 I can see Azul as someone who would like some macabre things. He lived under the ocean, the ocean is a very dangerous place, and you use what you have. Skeletal remains are among those things, so this live of yours would not bother him. He'd even help you collect.
🐙 Overall, a friendship with the hoursewarden of Octavinelle and the leader of the infamous trio has quite a lot of benefits for you. Not that you are complaining. Great perks, discounted food, and so much more. It's certainly worth it.
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oddogoblino · 5 months
little bit of context here, i work in an arcade. however, theres more to it. its like a big ass warehouse with yes, the arcade, but also laser tag, and mini golf, and bowling, and go karts, and a food place, and party rooms, and also a small bar with a few bowling lanes and arcade games in the room with it. where i work is the arcade section (redemption counter, which includes mini golf, & laser tag). (theres also a carousel in the back by go karts but its been out of order for a while bc it just doesnt wanna be fixed or smth)
so what id be doing is taking aaaaallllll of that, and tossing everything except the arcade and food place. expand the arcade a little bit, put in more old arcade cabinets (like in security breach, those type of arcade games), and turn the food place into a cute cafe that also has like baked sweets n stuff.
starting w the human!trolls one, i think poppy would absolutely be one of the ones doing the baking in the cafe. and if shes not baking, then shes decorating them (my arts n crafts bby <333 ). branch tbh i think would work redemption counter and probably hates his job, but you know he only stays bc hes got a bigass crush on poppy. yeah.
i dont have much else rn. may change branch a lil bit, considering i havent quite worked out the details of the arcade itself (like, physical tickets ? or do they stay on a play card like we have at work ? do they even need a prize counter ? would he maybe be an arcade tech and fix games ? idk yet)
anyways thats all ive got for the moment. whatcha think
But ooOOOOOOOO COOL!!! 👀 They just working 9-5 (haha get it? Reference to i think the first movie-) and at a funky arcade and Branch maybe even just has multiple jobs there to fix your not knowing where to but him issue.(joke)
Oh oh, maybe you can use Poppy's friendship group for other roles you were considering Branch for though :0 Poppy would absolutely be the type to try and befriend her coworkers...
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kaz-identified · 6 months
Destiny AU - Rule of Wolves
Wolf On High, Fox Far Below
Deal's a Deal.
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There was tension in their steps as the pair entered Spider’s lair. Faolan had never liked this place.
“It’s done,” Ripley growled.
“So it is. So it is! Alright Guardians,” Spider hissed, sitting up. Faolan grimaced at the way he spoke. Venom laced every word. “As promised, you can have a prized bauble from my lair,” he motioned around, haphazard. “As compensation for your… heroics.”
Ripley’s eyes were hard, her jaw set. Faolan sighed, ducking a bit behind the taller Guardian, hand twitching to the dagger at her hip. If things got messy she wouldn’t have time to grab her bow. A knife would be faster. Cleaner. Ripley took a half step forward, eyes defiant. Faolan eyed the Fallen about the room. Two guards. Long spears. If one managed to hit either of them, the one left standing would pull double duty fighting AND protecting whoever went down’s Ghost. Not to mention making sure Crow wasn’t caught in the scuffle. That would make this whole thing all for naught. Feign left, stab right. That’s the trick. Sweep low and dodge in close so the spear’s length becomes a hinderance, hit in the leg so they can’t move. Toss a knife at the other one’s shoulder. She probably wouldn’t be smart to kill anyone… but she would be ready if it came to that.
“I want him,” Ripley nodded to Crow.
He looked a bit startled, looking between the two Guardians and Spider. Faolan’s hand grabbed at her knife.
“Cute, real funny,” Spider half chuckled, half spat.
“You said anything in the room,” Ripley reminded him. Faolan could see her reaching for a knife too.
She felt to ensure she had a snare bomb ready as the two guards readied their spears, arc energy crackling along the spearheads. Distract, disorientate, disengage. Rules of a non-lethal combatant. Her hand closed around it as the guards took steps forward. Spider laughed. A vile sound. Faolan shuddered. She offered a glance between Ripley and Crow. Crow looked worried. Ripley looked determined. She could see the old rage from hunting the Barons flaring up beneath the surface. So… she’d have to keep a cool head if the other two panic. Crow’s the priority. Grab him, get him moving out the door first. But Glint’s shell’s rigged… take out Spider. His death could cause problems but she’d deal with those later.
“You really want… my little bird?” he growled. “Fine. You can have him.
Then get Ripley moving so she doesn’t cause a diplomatic incident. Get them outside, wait a few hours. Take out Spider in the night. Real quiet like. Make it impossible to track. Use a spear. Frame one of his guards. Make it look like a coup. Easy.
Her hand tightens on the snare.
“Fine.” Spider spat. “Have him,” he looked over at Crow. “Fly away,” he hissed, dismissively.
Crow nodded, and stepped behind Ripley.
“And you?” Spider asked, looking towards Faolan.
She scanned the room. “I want one of their spears,” she requested, voice light. She could feel Ripley’s questioning eyes. She’d explain later. Maybe.
Spider rolled his eyes, but motioned the guard on the right to surrender the weapon. She took it, inspecting it. She’d have to be careful if she needed to use it. Practice to make the blow look like it was made by someone experienced.
Spider glared at the three Guardians. “Now get the hell out of my lair,” he spat.
Faolan cast a look back as they left, eyes glinting through her helmet’s visor. She’d be back. Of that she was sure.
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"Hey what is this?" Idk. I was talkin'. Had an idea. wrote it.
"What is Rule of Wolves?" I have a Destiny AU where there two Young Wolves. Faolan Ashford and Ripley Hayel. My Guardian and my friend Jupiter's. Rule of Wolves is that.
"What is Wolf On High, Fox Far Below?" Ripley's the Young Wolf. Faolan is the Young Fox. Cause Ripley's incredibly loyal and fierce. And Faolan. Is Faolan.
"Does Fao kill Spider???" No. But she's ready if she has to!
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distortedclouds · 7 months
Maybe part of what makes Annie attractive to men (apart from her looks of course) is that in aot is that theres a sense of mystery surrounding her too? Idk like people in the aot world don’t know much about younger life, anything about her real parents etc and like she has the sense of making you want to dig deeper and learn more about her
for a moment there I thought you were talking about IRL men and I was about to yell at you that they do NOT, in fact, like Annie beyond her outwards appearance
but in aot Annie and Mikasa are the only two where it's explicitly stated that they have multiple admirers. But I agree, with the military all being a bunch of 13 and 14 yo boys, it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. Though it's ironic that it's the one who saw right through her mysterious facade was the one falling most madly in love with her
As for post canon, I am team Annie will be getting a lot of (unwanted) attention from men around her not only because she's gorgeous, but yes, her personality makes people wanna get closer to her only so they could crack the code and understand the ice beauty rather than actually wanting to get to know her
It's tiring, really, because a lot of people do view her as a game/nice prize to be one part because she's "cool"
I feel so bad tagging you in two asks in a row but @moonspirit 's VBEOW has a really interesting character (read, asshole) who is "crushing" on Annie for all the wrong reason, and I think it captures the thought you have here perfectly, anon!
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edith-is-a-cat · 2 months
OMG!! i love crystals so muchhhhh that's got such a good vibe you captured me perfectly :D
i also love minecraft foxes especially the Rotund Ones in that one mod. i'm so excited to see more arctic foxes in game because those are my favorite :) i would keep your netherite sword safe!!!
also dw i'm not worried :3 i don't mind anxiety, i have it myself. i'm not the most social person in the world but online i tend to be more outgoing. i'm kinda getting back into the tumblr scene after a year or two of neglecting it so i'm a little anxious here and there too lolol. patting your head! don't drink too much energy stuff~
in return, i am telling you to look up blue tiger's eye crystals, since you seem to like blue and you are also a cat. :) they have really cool banding and it's so reflective and pretty. one of my favorite crystals.
THE NOISE I MADE I LOVE READING LONG ASK THEY ARE SO SWEET 💕 (My older sibling made a noise back at me from downstairs 😭)
yes all the photos have flash on because im a "one of those creatures who've evolved to spend their entire existence in a pitch black cave that's closed off from the world" (direct quote from my friend) an i never have any lights on i just run into things
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WUGH WHAT MOD EXACTLY??? IM GOING TO WRITE IT DOWN AND HOPEFULLY USE IT ONE DAY!! (I haven't gotten minecraft on my pc yet, ive wanted to mod minecraft for a while but couldn't bc forever on an ipad, but i have modded stardew valley and it wasn't as scary as I thought it was! Now i can live happily with my 6 wives!! Plus ive been wanting to mod Deltarune for the Ribbit mod! but its more scary and complicated since there isn't as big of a modding community around it, ill figure it out though!!!)
also if u were like a little fox in minecraft i would give you a special nametag using my magic §!! (you can get that symbol by holding down &!! idk if your keyboard is the same but that how i get it!! It changes the text color depending on what letter you put by it!!!) Also i would construct you the best enclosure ever (or just plant a forest!!)
WUGH SO REAL if real life was like being online everything would be so cool (and maybe suck a bit more?? people get more voiced online for better and for worse ;~;)
+ I got back into tumblr like!!! October 2022, well i was never really into it but I did have my first blog that i never really did anything with (its now my reblog account)
also on the energy drink note my chem teacher said i had a problem 😭 (I dont!!! I exist like a month without any!! (I love her i showed her my can locker where i had filled my school locker with energy drink cans and shes just like "cool bud" SHE ALSO WAS ONE OF THE TWO TEACHERS TO ASK FOR OUT PREFERRED NAMES I LOVE HER))
On the blue tiger's eye note!!!! Yes. please. give. I need them i have so many things to decorate!!!! I need to put up shelves around my bed so i can look at my random stuff i adore!!!!! (the only thing i have up on my wall is something i drew for my art class and my Undertale heart locket aka one of my most prized possessions... sadly the the music box in it doesn't work anymore i played it so often, cries, it broke when i was trying to wind it for the little kids at my old school)
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ToT - chapter 10 - just some comments
warning: some topics here may trigger you, so read it at your own discretion
My 120k deck was enough to clear chapter 10 and I just can't believe it hahahah hell yeah! 🥳 
my comments do not follow any order btw ahahaha. Sorry for that! When I get too excited sometimes that happens XD
Now I know why people were saying that tot's main story is getting darker. And I agree. But I love that. The angst!! And it's so hard to trust people now. Even the boys. I don't mind taking home shady marius tho 🤭🤭🤭 Give me! He is mineeeee
I just feel this huge distance right now between the boys and rosa. And it seems that this will just get worse in future chapters. I wonder if one of our boys will become a traitor. If they aren't already.
Vyn saved Rosa's life and that was so cool. I loved their acting in the sauna ahahah. I was very tense reading that especially cuz I hate saunas lol.
Artem's acting is also getting better. He should be happy he got Rosa as his prize lol. Congratulations Artem. You should thank Vyn for that 🤣🤣
Idk if it's just me but I'm so mad at jerome hahaha. I mean, we don't know exactly what he is plotting, but I just can't stand him acting all friendly/cute when he talks to rosa. It looks as if he is mocking us!
Maybe he does care about the patients, but I just can't believe anything he says at this point. I hope NXX investigates him in the next chapter 😤😤
Also, what is Vyn's family connection to that facility jerome worked at? I forgot the name of the place, but according to Marius, Vyn's family has some sort of partnership with this facility who may be involved in shady business.
And talking about Vyn, his uncle is hot. But apparently he is a douche >.<. He 'trapped' vyn in his house? Did I get that right? What for? So many questions...
And who is the guy who was threatening Felicia's husband and his family? As you can see I already forgot the name of her husband 🙃Come on! I'm so curious!!! It may be the same guy who tried to kill Rosa, but it doesn't make sense that he exposed his identity to Rosa. Yeah, he probably thought she was going to die there, but still... A pretty dumb move if he did that.
Another moment I reallyyyyyyyyyy liked was the car chase. Artem is such a good driver btw. Boy got some skills, I must say it xD. It was very brave of him to put his life at risk to protect MC from the crash.
And I have to mention Marius and Vincent's convo. They are so stupid hahahaha. When they were talking about that dude who assaulted Mar, what was his name again? lol, vincent asked marius why he didn't send the info himself to Rosa and Marius asked him who was the boss, I laughed so hard. Marius is so dramatic sometimes 🤣🤣🤣 And he was so ready to seek revenge (and so was I) but the guy killed himself. I still don't understand why he assaulted marius. What he was trying to achieve there? Someone pushed him to do that? Does he have some connection with Gerard? And where is gerard btw? I hope he is okay...
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