#maybe even like a patreon page or something
rosicheeks · 1 year
Please bless us with you singing a few bars of a song that you love. A happy or a sad one. Something that just gives you the feels.
#honestly I’m thinking about it 🥰🥰#I’m in my car right now and since I’m out of weed I decided I’m going to listen to dad songs and cry#cause I’m an idiot#I’m such a dork guys it’s hilarious#but just gotta decide on the song#I have a buuuuunch of feels right now so I think it would be a good time to sing#but I’m also incredibly insecure about my voice and I try and perfect it#when in reality it doesn’t have to be perfect#it just has to have a lot of heart and soul and love#it’s probably gonna be a sad song cause lol you guys know me#I’m just full of emotions and sadness lately#but I’m going to go listen and watch a few performances first#maybe I’ll get inspired what song to do haha#stay tuned 🥰#cause honestly I would love to do videos one day#maybe even like a patreon page or something#but idk if anyone would be interested in that sort of thing#hahah one day maybe#today gotta figure out a song#my last song I learned (years ago 😭)#was O Mio Babbino Caro (I think that’s the spelling)#but I don’t think you guys want to hear me sing classical 😂#also idk if my phone would pick up the high notes very well#I also still remember a song I learned my senior year shit shit shit what’s the name apartment 14b??????? gonna go look it up hold on#lol I was close???? it’s called the girl in 14G and idk if it’s from a musical but I know it from Kristin Chenoweth and she KILLS THAT SHIT#but I think I still know that song practically word for word#man I wonder if I have that performance anywhere#I also was a HUGE phantom of the opera fan so I know Think Of Me and fuck that other song where she sings at her dads grave ya know#I’m getting distracted hopefully I’ll upload something soon 🥰#ask
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ravens-two · 5 months
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PAC: What your Future Spouse will be like and how will you meet them?
This reading includes:
your FS's personality, vibes, and general info
how and where you will meet them for the first time
songs that represent the vibe of this relationship
The extended reading includes:
your FS's first impressions of you
your first impressions of your FS
a little moodboard
(this first extended reading is available for free!)
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone.
Pile 1
Hierophant, Hermit and Page of Swords
"Love/I said real love, it's like feeling no fear"
How will your FS be like?
Your FS has a lot of earth energy, for me it feels mainly like Capricorn and Virgo, but there's also Taurus here. This doesn't have to be their zodiac sign, I actually think it's more their overall vibe. They're responsible, down-to-earth, grounded and tend to take things seriously. They also seem to be more traditional, or at least they're someone that respects authority and think that you should follow the rules. Despite being traditional, I think that they're pretty open-minded and open to new experiences. In fact, they like to try new things, they give me scientist vibes tbh. It's like they'll try anything at least once, just to see what it will be like.
When it comes to their work they might work in STEM, law enforcement or in management. I also think that they really like to read, mainly non-fiction because they're always trying to acquire more knowledge. If they're not really readers, then this is more of a nerdy vibe when it comes to their favorite hobby. If they love cinema, then they really like cinema and will be telling you about behind the scenes and production stuff every time you two watch a movie.
I feel like they have a hard time expressing their feelings though. It's not that they're thinkers rather than feelers, it's more like they don't feel comfortable being vulnerable, however I also think that they'll do their best to work through this. These people will not cheat on you and they also do not tolerate cheating or any perceived betrayal. They are very loyal. They're in this to actually get married and stay together, not just to play around.
Also, this is very specific but I also think that they're atheists, but they're very attracted to the occult and spiritual - it's like they really want to believe in something, but they can't believe in something they can't prove.
How will you meet them?
I feel like this will be quite different for everyone, but I'm getting two main things. For some of you, you might meet your person through the internet. This could be through a dating app, social media, some of you will even meet them through an online game I'm seeing (I'm actually seeing you being really frustrated with your person, maybe they're playing against you and winning lmao). For this group your relationship might start long-distance or you and your person might have to travel a lot to see each other.
For the other group I see you meeting this person while you're away from home, this almost has an adventure vibe to it. For some, you might be going away on vacation and you meet someone there. For others, this could be a work trip and this person could be somewhat related to your work. I'm also seeing that some of you aren't exactly traveling, but you're out of town, like the city next to yours or something like that.
your vibes in songs
Cherry - Lana del Rey
Like Real People Do - Hozier
Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex
Blackbird - Beatles
Francesca - Hozier
(checkout the first extended reading on my patreon - available for free)
Pile 2
Seven of Wands, Nine of Pentacles, Two of Cups
"put your life out on the line/you're crazy all the time"
How will your FS be like?
Oh right away your person attracts other people's attention and jealousy. They're probably very beautiful, visually striking or they've got money or status. Either way people can't take their eyes off of them. For some of you, this attention isn't for the best reasons. People might feel wary or scared by your person.
This is someone that doesn't take shit from anyone. They are assertive and have high self-esteem. People might try to put them down, but it's literally impossible. I'm actually feeling Leo, Libra and a bit of Taurus vibes here. They're like the brightest star in the room. They also believe that they're the best - not in the sense that they're better than other people, but more in a self-motivation way.
If they've got money and status - like a good job for example (I also think that they're known for their job and they are very good at it) - it's because they worked really hard for it. They don't really come from money, they worked hard for what they have. That's the other thing they are hard workers and will not settle for less than what they have envisioned. They also don't like lazy people or debbie-downers. They firmly believe that everyone makes their own destiny. (for some reason I'm also getting that they like the movie Brave lol).
When it comes to the relationship they love to shower you with gifts, it might be their love language. Also, something that they will do is support your goals and motivate you when you're feeling down.
I also get a bit of a secretive vibe from them, it's almost like they make you look at the brightest parts of them to distract you from the shadows. They sometimes might struggle mentally, I feel like this might come from some childhood trauma or anxiety. Despite this, they're fighters and don't stop trying to get better.
How will you meet them?
Unlike pile 1, I feel like this is a very old-fashioned type of meeting. You might meet in a public place, like going out to a party or to a restaurant or something like that and you see them and they will start a conversation with you and ask for your number.
Others of you will meet your person through someone else, like a friend or a co-worker will introduce you to them. I don't think that this will be match-making, but you two will be instantly attracted to each other.
Either way, this feels like a more traditional courtship type of situation lmao. You'll both take your time getting to know and really dating each other. I feel like this will be very romantic.
your vibes in songs
Art Deco - Lana del Rey
Angels - The XX
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
Yellow - Coldplay
Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones
(checkout the first extended reading on my patreon - available for free)
Pile 3
Tower, Knight of Swords, Eight of Pentacles
"they say I'm too young to love you/they say I'm too dumb to see"
How will your FS be like?
Talk about scorpionic energy. Your person is a force of nature, pile 3. They might have a lot of Pluto or Scorpio influence in their chart. I feel like this is the bad boy/girl pile - in a good way though. If this is a woman she is the embodiment of that dark feminine aesthetic, think Megan Fox for example. In general, they give me dark, edgy, goth vibes. But some lean more towards a romantic, Byron-esque energy. These are the type of people who will seduce you with their gaze and then with their words. They have a very intense sexual energy.
Your person isn't afraid of change, in fact, I think that they crave change. They might start out as being a bit commitment-phobic actually. Your person has also been through a lot, they might be the tortured artist type. They are deep thinkers and love to talk. Like they will talk and talk and talk. Honestly, they're happy to talk about anything, but especially about philosophical stuff or conspiracy theories or that type of thing. Also, as they are so open minded they will be open to talk about anything and are really good listeners. Like, for example, you might love Star Wars but they've never seen it, they're still super happy to talk to you about it and will know about it enough to hold a conversation. They have this gemini energy that they know a little bit about everything. They are very supportive and whenever you have a problem or are feeling down they'll sit you down and ask you to tell them everything.
I get the feeling that they know more than one language and they might actually work as translators, editors or linguists. In general though, I think that this person works freelance and does a lot of different stuff. They want to try as many professions as possible.
They love poetry or music and will either read poetry or sing for you. Again, there's an artist vibe here. They might not be an artist by profession, but they love the arts.
When it comes to their love and emotions they are very passionate. They might express their feelings in really over the top ways. It's like when they're happy they're really happy, but when they're sad they're also really sad. They feel things deeply. Being loved by them is something all-consuming.
How will you meet them?
I actually feel like most of you will meet your person through work. This might mean that you will be co-workers or that you will meet them whilst you or them are working. Let's say that you work as a lawyer for example they might become your client and that's how you get to know each other. Of course, nothing can really happen whilst they're your client, but it will happen afterwards.
For other people, you will meet them during a period that you are very focused on your career and/or you have a lot of work to do. For some people, I'm even seeing that this will be while you're doing your thesis. You're completely focused on something, maybe even feeling a bit stressed and you just meet them randomly. You won't really have time for them right away, but they'll be persistent and keep showing up on your radar until you have enough time to actually get to know each other.
your vibes in songs
Brooklyn Baby - Lana del Rey
West Coast - Lana del Rey
Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo
The Louvre - Lorde
Patience - Guns N' Roses
(checkout the first extended reading on my patreon - available for free)
Pile 4
Queen of Wands, Fool rx, Nine of Swords rx
"I live to love you/and I love to love you"
How will your FS be like?
Right away I can see that your person is very stubborn and strong-willed, pile 4. This manifests in both a good and a bad way. It means that they are persistent and don't change their minds without good reason. But, it also means that once they have their mind set it's very hard to make them come around.
This person is very fiery. Mainly I see Aries and Leo energy here. They are extroverted, confident and some of them are a bit brash, while others are charmers. They are also very confident in their charm and sexuality, and it's probably what will draw you to them at first.
I also see them as wanting to boost your self-esteem and show you off to others. They love some jealousy lmao (you being jealous, and also others being jealous of them and your relationship). They are absolute drama queens/kings. It amuses them to blow things out of proportion and they love it even more when you do it back at them. Okay, the scenario I'm getting is they trying to make you jealous by doing something silly or talking about an old partner, they would then love it if you were super dramatic about it and pretended to be really upset. They like to argue for fun as well. Like, honestly you need to rein them in at the dinner table so that they don't push your families/friend's buttons. They are very passionate.
I also think that they are a bit pessimistic at times, but when they really feel like that they will try to keep it to themselves instead of being overtly dramatic. I also think that they're looking for stability and a serious relationship after a time of not having it.
They really don't like surprises. And might not be too excited about change. They would prefer if everything always stayed as it is. I also, feel like sometimes they have a hard time balancing between feeling adventurous and not feeling like leaving their safe space.
I think that most of them speak really fast, and often without thinking. Which ends up with them regretting their words more often than not. Also, acting without thinking.
How will you meet them?
I'm not getting a place/physical circumstance as much as the other piles. But, I think that you will meet your person after you have been through a really hard time. Perhaps you have been struggling a lot with anxiety and are now recovering and then you randomly meet them. I feel like you'll know it's them because they will give you a feeling of calmness and peace.
For others I think that this will be a really difficult situation like the loss of a friend, family member, pet, or even a job. It will take you a long time to recover and you will still be quite vulnerable when you meet your person. You might also be a bit anxious about getting into a relationship at first.
your vibes in songs
Music To Watch Boys To - Lana del Rey
Religion - Lana del Rey
More Than Words - Extreme
She - Elvis Costello
National Anthem - Lana del Rey
(checkout the first extended reading on my patreon - available for free)
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bogleech · 2 months
Also going to finally make a pinned post for all my stuff:
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BOGLEECH - my tumblr blog is named after this website I created around 2002 and still update. Thousands of pages worth of content focusing on creature design as well as real biology. My review of the original Legend of Zelda monsters might be the most straightforward example of my articles. Links to some of the most popular content:
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POKEMON REVIEW ARCHIVE: - I rate and review each and every single Pokemon, in Pokedex order, on its merits as a creature design. I also do so as someone whose favorite animals are all parasites.
DIGIMON REVIEW ARCHIVE - same, but more chaotic.
CREEPYPASTA COOKOFF ARCHIVE - for several years I hosted a yearly writing contest before it grew too big for me to keep up with. There are over a thousand user submitted horror, fantasy, sci fi and surrealist stories here emphasizing unconventional, original ideas you seldom see from the "creepypasta" community!
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The original "MORTASHEEN" Monster Archive - since the early 2000's I've created and illustrated more than 800 creatures and counting for my own monster-catching world, now set for release as a tabletop RPG setting.
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AWFUL HOSPITAL: SERIOUSLY THE WORST EVER (page one): an interactive comedy-horror-sci-fi webcomic I started in 2014 about a medical facility that could maybe be better.
Some of my other internet stuff:
PATREON - constant work makes my patreon updates inconsistent, but the content backlog goes back years with a huge amount of exclusive art and writing. I try to put up new exclusive stuff whenever I can.
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ETSY - I design all sorts of original enamel pins like these, plus I sell zero-maintenance terrarium plants (just leave them in a jar!), original books and other things!
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COLOR THE ABYSS (available on the above etsy!) - a 30 page educational deep sea coloring book! Includes a few famous favorites like giant isopods and hagfish, but mostly focuses on less popular, often much weirder animals.
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UNBELIEVABLE BUGS - also regularly restocked in the etsy store, 30 of the strangest and most surprising arthropods most people have likely never heard of, illustrated by myself and @revretch, written for even the youngest kids to understand (but will likely teach you something new at any age)
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My Itch.io and Ko-fi - both sell digital versions of my books, including some creepypasta collections and my first novel, "Return of the Living," about a world of entirely ghosts suddenly dealing with the appearance of ghost-hunting monsters.
TWITCH CHANNEL - I now try to stream something at least monthly, sometimes weekly when possible, from horror games to books and art.
YOUTUBE CHANNEL - archives my twitch streams and other little things.
INSTAGRAM - look at pictures of my huge weird collection of toys and Halloween collectibles
BLUESKY - I'm going to put mainly just updates to my stuff on here. SEE ALSO:
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HUMANS-B-GONE - a science fiction animated series by my partner @revretch, about a world of kaiju-size, technologically advanced insects and arachnids to whom vertebrates like us are just pesky little "gubs." Also has a tumblr account @humansbgone FINALLY, HERE'S MY GUIDE AND RESOURCE TO MAKING YOUR OWN INTERNET WEBSITE IN A FEW MINUTES WITH NO KNOWLEDGE OF CODING
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cozycottagetarot · 1 month
PAC: How Can You Break The Cycle
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Messages From Elle: We did it guys!😮‍💨
This PAC Covers:
What is the cycle?
What keeps it going?
What will it take to break it?
What could that look like for you? (Patreon Extended)
‼️ THIS READING IS MEANT FOR SELF-REFLECTION AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY -- While this reading does broach topics relating to mental health & mindset, contain a bit of advice and reflective questions, IT'S IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM MEANT TO REPLACE PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OF ANY KIND. Please use your discretion, think carefully before you act and only take what resonates be it a little, some or none at all. ‼️
Reading Masterlist | Patreon | Paid Readings -- Open 🥂
PILE 1 (Brick Wall)
Current Energy
Cards: 10 of cups, The Empress, The Chariot
I feel as though you’re currently in this energy where things couldn’t be better…. But then why are you here? I know that's my job to figure out but still. I feel like you’ve been making strides to create the life that you want. You’re charging forward, becoming more disciplined and things are starting to feel warm.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: The Wheel of Fortune, Nine of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Four of Wands
The cycle that needs to be broken is one of constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. You’re tired of fighting or always fending off the downward turn of the wheel of fortune and while you may try to keep your faith that things can get better and stay better, you're always expecting things to get bad again. You could be worried the new beginning won't start, the relationships won't come, or the financial abundance won't find you. I think this fear or vigilance has such a tight hold on you, that you end up not taking action. You may need to readjust your game plan. You don't allow yourself to relax. You don't allow yourself to celebrate your wins… you're always in this state of hyper vigilance.
What keeps the cycle going?
Cards: The Sun, The High Priestess, Two of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles
I don’t think you really allow yourself to be happy. That may be the current energy I was picking up on as well. When things are going great you don’t really let them go great. I also think you’re neglecting the things that are really important to you inside… maybe so much that you don’t even know what those things are anymore. Not knowing how to navigate this internal world of yours keeps fueling this cycle of 'oh, what bad thing will happen next?' You may also have a hard time making decisions or generally deciding what you want, floating back and forth between options. This back-and-forth stops you from actually putting in the work it takes to succeed and enjoy the FULL results, therefore keeping the cycle going. Another thing I picked up on is maybe the wheel keeps turning back and forth as well because from going back and forth all the time, you’re never really getting to move past the lessons you may need to learn in order for you to reach your desired outcome or abundance.
What will it take to break this cycle:
Cards: Seven of Cups, Five of Cups, Two of Cups, Ace of Pentacles
If you want to break this cycle, you have to make a decision on what exactly it is you want. It might mean leaving behind something, but you have to remember that so much more also awaits you in the process. Stop dwelling on what has gone 'wrong' before, especially if it’s past events that influence your lack of decision. It's okay to have that vigilance and use the past to better navigate the future-- HOWEVER, it's also important to get honest with yourself about whether it's a valid concern or a fear talking. It's time to change your mindset to focus on what can go right. I think also there will be someone available to help you once you make a decision about what you want to pursue. The alternate I'm getting is that you have to allow yourself to lean on others if you want to break the cycle. This could be through personal and professional relationships. But you have to actually decide yes, this is what you want. It doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to change as you grow, but first, you have to plant the seed. Once your seedling sprouts you can cultivate your plant however you’d like. There’s a lot out there available to you but making the decision to move towards it is where it begins.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next pac!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 2 (Statue)
Current Energy:
Cards: King of Wands, The Star, The Tower rev, Queen of Wands
I see you showing up as being in a hopeful energy and that good fortune of some kind is coming your way. A good balance of masculine and feminine energy. There’s a sense of resisting something internally, however. A transition of some kind that you're wanting to make. It seems like it could be good for you and a lot of different areas in your life would improve, but what you know or are accustomed to might clash with what you want. However, you have what it takes to succeed. If you were drawn to pile 1, after reading this pile consider checking it out as well.
The cycle that needs to end:
Cards: Eight of Swords, The Devil, Ten of Swords, Knight of Swords
I feel like you’ve got a gloomy inner world. Very melancholy. You’re turning a blind eye to the things that are holding you back and draining your energy. It feels like you almost escape it but it gets you every time. You might not take the best care of yourself mentally or physically. With all the swords it could be a mental thing too and it’s important that you get (professional) help and take those steps (of taking better care of yourself). The cycle that needs to break is you getting stuck in this energy.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: Four of Swords, Eight of Cups rev, Ace of Wands rev, Ace of Cups
You don’t rest. You won’t walk away from the things draining your energy. You won’t open up your heart and you won’t do anything with your creative sparks... more or less.
It’s so important that you take a moment to take a good pause and regroup. You could find yourself turning to poor coping mechanisms and that's not good. You can't try to leave a bad situation either if you don’t know what made it bad. You also have to sometimes stick things out. If you tried breaking a habit and it didn't work, it doesn’t mean you’re doomed to always have that habit. That’s a bad way of looking at things, and while it’s understandable to feel that way, you still need to work on it. You’re allowed to connect with your emotions and create as well... There's a need to review your plans/goals as well. You can be successful, but may lack the resources to easily be so... that’s also understandable but you can still work with what you do have. You may also lack confidence in you abilities to achieve your goals. You can manifest so many things you want but you have to believe in yourself and open your emotions to be able to connect with the feeling of what you want. It’s easy to say I want XYZ, but if you don’t figure out what that’s going to feel like, then how will you know when you’ve got it? It’s easy to get caught up in material things but the last thing you want is to wake up one day to a life that looks exactly like you wanted it to, only to realize it doesn’t FEEL the way you wanted it to.
What will it take to break the cycle:
Cards: Judgement, The Hierophant, Knight of Wands, Page of Cups
It’s time for you to get it together. Get serious about moving on to the next phase. I feel like it’s all going to work out based on the cards but you really do have to stop holding yourself back. Find a support group. Consider finding creative/artistic ways to express yourself. Step into a leadership role because there’s a good chance you can lend the wisdom you’ve acquired to others… This could be through a social media platform, sharing your writing, attending a local community event, etc. Work on making sure how you’re living aligns with your beliefs and vice versa. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Give yourself your all. I also feel like this is one of those situations where you have to remind yourself that sometimes motivation follows action.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 3 (Broken TV)
Current energy:
Cards: Wheel of fortune, Queen of swords, Queen of pentacles, Two of wands
Your current energy is that you've shifted to a 'really good' energy or you're about to shift to a 'really good' energy. The Magician isn't here but that's kind of the energy I'm picking up on here too. Either being very faithful right now that everything is going to work out for you or that's the energy/mindset that you need to tap into. There are options available to you... You need a plan of some kind. You feel unable to move... unequipped even. Thinking about (or needing to) your long-term future. With the two queens, I think you're leaning into one of the two embodiments of the queen, maybe even both. You might have a hard time seeing yourself as either.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: The Hanged Man, The Tower, The World, Judgement
The other piles were definitely what I would consider a cycle on a loop that needed breaking but yours feels less like a cycle and more like you're just... stuck. You're ready to or have 'level/ed up', but it's as though you're stuck in limbo. This could be because you've gone through a 'tower moment' recently (say within the last year give or take) that's left you stuck in limbo. Or it could be a fear of having a 'tower moment' that is leaving stuck in limbo. Regardless this cycle is one of you needing to bring something to completion.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: Knight of Wands, The Emperor, The Sun, Eight of Pentacles, The Fool
You might be rather impatient. When you do things you may expect to see results immediately...that sense of 'oh, I did this tasks once, why don't I feel better 👀'. It could also be that you might not plan out your goals thoroughly or you may not be very clear on what it is that you want to do/achieve. I feel like since you don't take that moment to strategize and figure out what actually needs to be done, this cycle keeps going. You may just charge forth into whatever you think will bring you happiness. However, this means you can't put in the work required which can bring you back to a place of fear and doubt. This can create anxiety and likely catastrophizing which brings us back to that fear of a 'tower moment'. It could also simply be a case of being too laid back? On the flip side, while it's always good to have faith that things will work out, it's important to remember that a lot of times, you still have to play a role in that.
What will it take to break the cycle: Cards: The Star, Justice, Three of Pentacles, Knight of Cups
Have hope, yes. Dream and believe that good things are meant for you and those good things will find you. BUT, balance that with meaningful/conscious action. You must consider the long term. What is the end goal going to look/feel like? What is the journey of getting there going to take? Some of you already have the knowledge you need while others may still need to acquire it. Regardless, learning and implementation will help break the cycle. You have what it takes, but you have to stay the course. It's also important that you use action rather than simply ideas to motivate you. Fall in love with the act of doing.
I also feel like you should make a love list. I initially thought of that while going my first glance at the cards.
Also, do me a favour and take a nap, please! ✋
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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PILE 4 (Hammer)
Note: If you're someone who reads what cards were pulled, I mistyped the Seven suit for Current Energy and The Cycle so now that I'm editing, I realised I have no idea which suit the card belonged to hence the (?). Okay, that's all!
Current energy:
Cards: Seven of Swords(?), Queen of Pentacles, Three of Wands
It's time for you to broaden your horizons, however, you currently have to tread carefully. You could currently be job searching or looking for scholarships etc. There's a lot of opportunities available to you or becoming available to you. But you need to be diligent and read the fine print and get the details to make sure you won't be compromised in the process. It's important though that you be able to maintain a balance between your home/personal and academic/career life. You're in an energy of needing to remember to put yourself first.
The cycle that needs to be broken:
Cards: Two of Swords, The Emperor, Page of Swords, Seven of Wands (?)
The cycle that needs to break is one of constantly being at odds with everyone. I feel like you’re constantly bending over backwards or breaking your neck to try and appease others-- and no matter what you do, it’s not enough. I think this might potentially resonate more with those who are academics. When faced with a decision between what will benefit you vs what will benefit someone else, you have a tendency to either not make a decision of choose the option that will benefit someone else instead. This could be because you either live under someone with authority over you (like a caretaker or family) or you're in a position where you feel like you have to take care of others (siblings/family, partner).
I feel as though for some of you it could also be a romantic relationship? I'm not familiar with 'channeling' through music, but find myself doing it a lot lately. The song 'Lifetime' by Livingston just resonated with part of this pile for some reason. When asking if it’s a romantic situation, I got the cards: Eight of Pentacles, The Devil, and Justice rev. I’m also getting 'the right person, but wrong time'.
I think if it's someone with whom you share romantic feelings for, it's a situation where the relationship likely feels imbalanced and like hard work, but you don't feel like you can step away. If that resonated then that could be it. It could also be any unfair relationship dynamic.
What keeps the cycle going:
Cards: The Hanged Man, Ace of Wands, Death, The Moon, Eight of Swords
I think you’re in a cage of your own making, but not because you can’t see. You can see, but what you’re seeing isn’t clear. Because of this, you tend to end up pressing pause on moving forward. There's a lot of creative energy around you... for some, it's that it's a creative field waiting to accept you. However, you're too afraid to actually go for it and give it your all so I think you keep 'pulling the wool' over your own eyes. I think if there are people around you in opposition to you moving forward, you might see it as a convenient excuse to not move forward and transform into the next stage of your life. It's almost like the cycle doesn't need to be a cycle. You know when you're listening to a song and you keep restarting it 'cause you keep getting interrupted? And sometimes it's just you being extra because it wasn't even your favourite part you're just kind of nitpicking? Yeah, same vibe I'm getting here.
If the relationship resonates: I think you may need to let go of (or loosen your hold on) because they could be holding you back to the point they're dragging you down. Things are shifting for you, especially internally. You could be trying to hold it back though, but in doing so you could burn up and out. You’re seeing what really is and maybe you don’t want to. That’s the part that keeps this cycle going. I see images of a phoenix rising too.
What will it take to break the cycle:
Cards: Queen of Wands, The Chariot rev, Judgement, Three of Pentacles, The World, The Lovers
It’s time to use the things you’ve learned. Let go and let the cycle close. Trust that you’ll find love again or that you’ll find inner harmony. Trust that it will all work out in your favour. Take steps, even if it's baby steps to doing whatever it is you want to do. I feel like I said this already in a different pile, but even if you can't make a complete switch yet, start engaging in the things you want to do or eventually pivot too in small steps. You can always research or engage with it as a hobby for the time being. Also finding balance between who you are and how you show up to the world. Remember you have a lot to offer and it's going to do everyone a whole lot more good in the long run, the more authentically you can show up.
Want to know what those steps might look like for you? Consider checking out my Patreon for the extended version as well as early access to my next PAC!
Regardless, if you'd like a free mini-reading to clarify any part of this PAC, feel free to send me an ask with your initials and pile!
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
how do you come across to others (first impressions)?
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check out my patreon here
pile one 🥪
cards: the world, 7 of swords, 10 of swords, 9 of coins, page of wands
people view you as someone who’s very complete within themselves and someone who’s a very well-rounded individual. people feel as though you’re one of the good people within the world who are actually genuine about their kindness and nice gestures/words to people. many people with trust issues seem to be able to trust you a little easier than others and you challenge their self-limiting beliefs. particularly their insecurities and things that they worry about regarding themselves. you restore their self esteem by picking up on certain attributes of their personality and their mindset specifically. which is something that they don’t experience often. you seem to be able to see through the bs. the bs being their ego in these first interactions. you have a very sly way of calling certain things out - mainly things that you don’t agree with and when you do, it’s backed up by logic. this seems to be a juxtaposition to what people see upon the very first instance that people meet you. from the outside, you seem to be very kind, sweet, nurturing (so people assume that you’re dumb), but if someone says something false or ignorant - morally wrong in your eyes - you have no problem in calling them out. you’re the person who says what everyone in the room wants to say but won’t say due to fear of conflict. you’re assertive in many different ways but “submissive”-seeming too. that’s why i’m feeling like many people may not trust that what you show is everything to you. there must be more submissiveness but most of all more assertiveness that you’re not showing too. and people are interested by that. obsessed by that even. a lot of you guys have to deal with people challenging you as a power play in situations. even people who you’ve never met in your life. and this is because you have a mix of feminine and masculine energy that is perfectly blended. you can’t see where it starts or where it ends. and that makes people highly intrigued but scared too. you could experience a lot of runner and chaser dynamics in your relationships - not just romantic. a lot of you may have pluto or lilith (maybe even uranus too) conjunctions to your ascendant in your birth chart - but with the planet/asteroid just before the ascendant, resting at the end of the 12th house (in the placidus house system or the whole sign house system for early-degree ascendants). this results in the blending of the 1st house and 12th house energies within your birth chart, and describes how and why you are able to be chameleon-like and switch up in situations. as well as people’s curiosity about this as a result. you guys are definitely one of a kind types of people. no matter how basic you dress or feel like you look. your energy is always going to be felt by anyone and everyone that comes into contact with you.
pile two 🍤
i’m just gonna be honest - and i want you guys to believe it because it’s basically the overall energy of this reading - people believe that you have something that most other people want to have. this is a physical thing so it could be money, physical appearance (natural beauty and a natural appearance specifically), stability within self due to self esteem, etc. this is something that is shown in the physical realm though. people don’t have to speak to you to see it. it’s either in the way that you look or your mannerisms and the way that your energy influences the way that your world looks - whatever that may mean to you. You seem to be someone who is extremely emotionally fulfilled by small things throughout a conversation or throughout your day. small things seem to bring you genuine happiness. your energy feels rich and heavy - but comfortable to be in. i’m picking up on taurus energy with this pile. or you could have a second house stellium in your birth chart. it’s assumed that the type of happiness and confidence that you portray could only manifest in someone who has achieved a lot. therefore you’re seen as someone of value. “high value”. people can just look at you and know that something about you or your personality or mind is “rich”. and i’m not specifically talking monetary (although it could be). i’m seeing richness in terms of the quality of something. like rich-tasting chocolate or cake 😭. people see you as a whole snack, pile 2. i heard that people want to figuratively “sink their teeth” into your energy. that sounds creepyyyy. i’m not feeling creep energy from this (although you could experience that often too 🙃) but for the non-creepy people, they think about you in a “deep” way. they want to get to know you deeply before they even talk to you a lot of the time, so they think about you a lot. more than they usually would about someone. again, i’m feeling obsessive energy, and a lot of these people don’t even know why they feel this way. your natural appearance and natural beauty could draw people into you. even people who wouldn’t usually consider you their type. you got people thinking that you’re their soulmate and i’m picking up on Pisces energy from that heavily. dark energy in general tbh - all of the water signs, houses, and planets in astrology, so these could be significant in your chart. damn, pile 2. 😂
pile three 🍿
cards: fragmentation, fated to suffer, perchance to dream, addicted, bride in a cage
significant numbers: 27, 25, 28, 11, 21
hi, pile three. welcome to your reading :)
for some reason, i was told to use oracle cards for your pile (one of the darker oracle decks that i have).
i’m feeling like people view you as someone who has been through a lot, especially upon first impressions. you seem to obviously be struggling with something and that observation evokes different intentions out of people. some people view you as someone who they want to help and attempt to save, and the more ill-intentioned people view you as someone who’s easily lead astray and gullible. i heard “confusion” so you might look naive and always lost. there are many different sides to you - you have a dreamy temperament mixed with depressed? you just don’t seem very happy as a person, but even so there are childlike qualities that shine through in your conversations with people or your reactions to things. with how you perceive things and view the world. as well as how you communicate? something about your voice or the way that you speak is very childlike and endearing. your beauty also stands out to people but there’s a guardedness surrounding you. like you’re “off limits” to the people who are attracted to you. people view you as a prize of some sort, but a prize that they can’t have. the childlike aspects of your personality let’s people see into your kind nature a little bit, but it seems like you’re someone who prefers to always be alone and maintain a distance between you and others. others feel as though it’s basically impossible to get to you. unattainability is a huge aspect of what people think of you when they first meet you, so i’m assuming that many of you are pisces/neptune/12th house dominant people. there’s also an energy of addiction here, and i’m getting two different messages about this. either 1) people get addicted to your energy or 2) people seem to be able to pick up on an addiction that you have. particularly a drinking addiction for many of you. others of you have an addiction to keeping other people at bay, not letting anyone get close to you. throughout this whole reading, i’m seeing a lack of confidence. people are confused about what your insecurities are. your insecurities aren’t obvious to others but your low self esteem is. nobody can really tell what you have to be insecure about. which is why they can tell that you’ve experienced a lot of hardship. you seem to always be sleepy or tired. just out of it in some way as you go around your daily life. again, like a child. and it’s quite endearing, even after people realise that you’re someone who zones out a lot and has a lot on your mind. you’re put on a pedestal by other people, which is odd because a lot of people view you as very quiet and reserved. maybe a lot of you barely speak, but your energy speaks for itself. you’re seen as someone who’s clearly going through a lot or someone who has been through a lot, yet you still manage to stay very connected to your inner child. and for that, many people view you as someone who they want to help, nurture, and put back together. but again, there are others who want to take advantage of who they see. i feel like you guys do a good job of defending yourself from those types of people, but please stay safe.
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genericpuff · 25 days
Webtoon Canvas is pay-to-win now, I guess.
DISCLAIMER: All of the series I show here is for the sake of comparing statistics and criticizing Webtoons' Super Likes system. I have nothing personal against these series or their creators and I do not want anyone to get the impression that I am encouraging any sort of action against these creators. The following rant is merely my own observations and opinions concerning Webtoons itself as a platform.
I found out today that Webtoon has implemented a Super Likes ranking board.
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This does exactly what it sounds like - it ranks Canvas series based on how many Super Likes they have. Whether or not this ranking board is on a weekly rotation (like the Originals rankings) or just overall, I don't know, but something immediately felt off with this system and it took very little time at all to realize what was really going on here.
When you actually click on the series listed here, it'll tell you how many Super Likes they've accrued overall. The first thing that made me raise an eyebrow was the fact that the Super Likes listed in the ranking boards isn't the same as what's listed in the comics' landing pages, but I chalked that up to a simple delay on WT's end as I can assume the ranking board doesn't refresh at pace with whatever Super Likes are coming in.
But the real red flag was this:
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Limitless : Untold is a series with 1,657 followers and seems to get an average of 35-45 likes per episode.
But it somehow has 1,715 Super Likes?
Anyone who's run a Patreon, Ko-Fi, Ad Revenue, or any other sort of revenue-based system with their content will probably realize how that doesn't add up. The reality is that regardless of how many readers / followers you have, only a small fraction of them will actually spend money on your work or to support you. Not every person reading an Originals series is FastPassing. Not every person reading a webcomic is supporting the creator on Patreon. This ratio is even apparent outside of income-based statistics - for example, not every person who follows will read new updates each week and hit the like button (which is why you can have a comic with 1700 followers that only gets a few hundred views and a handful of likes per update). This ratio can be influenced by all sorts of different things, but one thing that doesn't typically happen is for the ratio to flip itself in this fashion.
To put it bluntly: how can a comic with a high of 45 likes in the past 3 months possibly accrue 1,715 Super Likes since it was launched just last week? You've probably already come to the conclusion on your own, but for those who haven't: there's very strong evidence to suggest that creators are buying their own Super Likes to get on this ranking board.
That's assuming the worst of this, though - after all, maybe some of these creators just have super supportive friends who are tossing them a ton of Super Likes? It costs $1 for 5 of them, in this example the amount of Super Likes comes out to approximately $343 (assuming my math is right lmao) which isn't massive amounts of money but it's, again, still really impressive for a comic with only 40 likes on average.
Bu Limitless : Untold isn't the only one in the rankings board that's like this. In fact, the top three spots are occupied by webtoons with the same tilted ratio.
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But then, suddenly, after those top three positions, the following webtoons Super Likes totals that make a LOT more sense and reflect the usual ratio more accurately:
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The Little Trashmaid, one of the most popular Canvas webtoons of all time and the first one to hit the 1 million subscriber mark in the Canvas section has only accrued 355 Super Likes so far... and you seriously want me to believe a comic like Limitless : Untold with only 0.08% of its readership is somehow genuinely earning five times the amount of Super Likes?
I want to make it clear yet again that I have nothing against the series that have managed to break the system in their own favor. None of this is meant to "slam" them or judge their work or anything of the sort, I'm simply comparing the numbers here and coming to a very reasonable conclusion as someone who's well aware of how ratios like this tend to work in webcomics and content creation. It's just not feasible for the top three comics in the Super Likes ranking boards to organically earn that many Super Likes relative to the sizes of their audiences, especially when compared to the bigger comics that are only pulling in a fraction of that amount. The ratios of Super Likes : actual likes for those bigger comics actually looks reasonable and expected, the ratios for the smaller comics that are sitting at the top are not.
If anything, Webtoons has created a broken system and these creators are simply using that system to their advantage. And I'm not necessarily going to fault them for that because I can get wanting to do whatever it takes to get eyes on your work.
But it does raise the question of what kind of system Webtoons has cultivated here - a system where creators are resorting to Super Liking their own episodes to bump themselves up in the leaderboards.
And before anyone asks me how I can be so sure that these creators are Super Liking their own works - I literally opted into the Super Likes system myself and proceeded to Super Like one of my own episodes.
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(this is like the one helpful thing with my work still being on WT even though I'm not updating there anymore, it lets me test shit like this LOL)
So yes, this is a thing that creators can do and it would certainly explain the massive discrepancy in the ratio of Super Likes : regular likes for these smaller series.
This is literally pay-to-win. And who do we have to blame for this? Webtoons, full stop. Not only for implementing a ranking board for an optional monetization service while still allowing creators to use that monetization system to support themselves as a way to climb up that ranking board, but for creating this gross psychological dependency on the platform as the "only way" to build an audience, to the point that people are now paying Webtoons out of their own pocket just to have their thumbnail visible in a ranking board and maybe get some extra views (and 49% of their money back if they hit that $100 threshold). And on top of all that, further putting on the pressure of competition and 'exclusivity' among many budding creators who are doing what they do for free and for fun. Why are creators now being forced to compete in a metric that's solely determined by how much expendable income their own audience has?
Sure, at least this means creators can get themselves into a ranking board by their own power unlike the other categories that are hand-picked by Webtoons and / or determined by daily stats, but at what cost? The literal financial hit of paying for advertising with extra steps, and the ethical dilemma of essentially paying for potential views with microtransactions. This is no better than paying bots on Instagram to follow your profile and inflate your worth to those who aren't following you. None of it is real, it will not legitimize your work to throw money at Webtoons just to have your thumbnail visible in a ranking board. These are microtransactions meant to benefit Webtoons, not you, the creator.
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gb-patch · 9 months
Our Life: Now & Forever Voiced Nickname Feature
We all remember the Voiced Name feature in the Our Life series. That's a classic. It's gonna be included in Our Life: Now & Forever. People will be able to request voiced names of their choice by supporting the upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
But we know not everyone who wants a voiced name will be able to get one for various reasons. If none of the names chosen by others end up working for you, we've got a comprise prepared: the Voiced Nickname feature.
It's possible to go by a nickname in Our Life: N&F. You can choose who is allowed to call you by that nickname and even have a special nickname exclusive to your closest friend and/or partner. There's an option to type in your own entirely custom nickname, or there will be the choice to use one of the preset voiced nicknames.
Nicknames will not be something you back for; they'll be chosen by us developers and through popular player demand in order to have a broad selection that will make as many people happy as possible. There's going to be 30, potentially more, voiced nicknames to choose from.
If you can't have a name you requested yourself said out loud, you can still have a semi-personalized experience by picking out one of the many fun voiced nicknames. Maybe you want to hear Qiu call you cutie, or Tamarack call you dude, or something else!
And just like the voiced first names, you can change your nickname as time goes on. Also, you can have both a voiced name and voiced nickname active, if there's options you enjoy for each type of name.
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Our Life: Now & Forever is a nostalgic Visual Novel where you create your own character and grow from childhood to adulthood with your two closest neighbors. It’s currently in development by GB Patch Games.
Kickstarter Pre-Launch Page
Steam Page
Itch.io Page
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yukidragon · 4 months
I'm a bit curious was it ever confirmed that Shaun and Ian interacted with one another or met before the eventual breakup between Ian and MC. If not what are some of your headcanons on this matter would they have gotten along at all?
Actually, yes, it has been confirmed that Shaun and Ian knew each other before Ian and MC broke up in this comic posted over on the official Sunny Day Jack twitter!
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Credit as always to Sauce for their awesome artwork and for giving us this hilarious glimpse into college age Ian and Shaun. Consider supporting them and the rest of the SnaccPop Studios team by joining the patreon for even more lore tidbits I can't even mention publicly. Just remember, don't share anything privately posted!
While a lot of teaser/development art should be taken with a grain of salt, if it appears on one of the official pages, it's a pretty safe bet that it's canon to the timeline of the game.
So this comic, also drawn by the awesome Sauce, while hilarious, may or may not be canon.
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I think it's a pretty safe bet to say that Ian did not pass Shaun's vibe check.
The first comic certainly makes it clear that Shaun didn't find Ian attractive considering the way he reacted. Maybe it's due to jealousy (I don't think Shaun wants to think about his crush having sex with someone else) or maybe it's because of Ian's bad taste in anime. Who can say?
Content Warnings: This post contains talk of cheating, jealousy, drinking in excess, (unintentional) self-harm, near death experience, SA, issues with sex, and toxic relationships.
I suspect that these two just didn't get along. Between Shaun suffering from jealousy due to his crush and the two of them having different tastes, they were probably only friendly to one another for MC's sake.
I would imagine that Shaun's opinion on Ian took an extreme nosedive when they found out Ian cheated on MC.
Man... can you imagine how much pain Shaun has been through? He had to watch his best friend/crush be happy with someone else... then get devastated by being cheated on. The worst part was if he had bad vibes from Ian from the start, but he ignored his gut feelings for MC's sake.
When it comes to my personal headcanons that I use for Sunshine in Hell... Shaun and Ian had friction since the first day Alice introduced the two of them.
It wasn't just Shaun being jealous of Ian either. Ian was jealous of Shaun too!
Ian has always suffered from a low sense of self-esteem. Shaun, by comparison, is much more well put together, more outgoing, and has this natural charisma that draws people to him. Shaun is just so likable that he gets a lot of attention and friends. For years, Ian was the exact opposite of that, which led to him being bullied and degraded often.
So one day Alice, his childhood friend and partner, is super excited to introduce Ian to her new friend. Shaun and Alice have a lot in common, and it was very visible in the early years of college when Alice was in the middle of her pastel goth phase. Shaun and Alice had a love for horror movies, cats, the goth aesthetic, and a whole bunch of other things. They clicked so quickly, and it scared Ian a little.
It didn't help that Alice had trouble making friends like Ian did. They had that in common, something that gave them a sort of understanding that no one else could intrude on. Now that they were in college they started making more friends, and that was a good thing, really! But Alice clicked with Shaun about as fast as she did with Ian.
In the 1st grade, one day Alice mustered up the courage to talk to Ian in order to cheer him up. After that they started talking every day and they were besties ever since. From there, they started dating. She's never really clicked with anyone else so fast like she did with Ian...
Until Shaun, that is.
Ian kept comparing himself to Shaun, unfavorably. He kept worrying about Alice falling for Shaun instead since, well, clearly Shaun had so much more than Ian had to offer. Why wouldn't she? What didn't help his insecurities was the fact that they had been a couple since high school, but they still hadn't had sex yet.
I integrated the comic into part of Alice and Ian's troubled sex life. The depicted instance was Ian's attempt at making things romantic so that they could finally go all the way.
It took them a while to start being sexually intimate due to their mutual lack of practical knowledge and Alice's SA trauma. She was very cuddly with Ian, not afraid to kiss him or go into a make out session, but she struggled to go further than that for a long time. It left Ian struggling with insecurities, fearing that he wasn't attractive to her despite her constantly reassuring him that wasn't the case.
Really, it was that insecurity and self-blame that pushed Alice to go further than she was ready for, to pretty painful results that she learned to just accept as part of the experience.
Alice is the type of person who can't be comfortable with people touching her unless she trusts them. However, when she gets close to someone, she can get pretty cuddly, even with her friends, giving them hugs often. So, for Ian, seeing his girlfriend get comfortable hugging another guy... someone he might have noticed looking at her a certain way...
Well, getting cockblocked on his rocky road to losing his virginity didn't help Ian see Shaun in a more favorable light.
Really, this was an incident that pushed Ian to be a bit more possessive of Alice. He was already struggling with the fact that his partner was sharing a dorm with someone else, but for Shaun to just casually walk into her bedroom like that without knocking? Ian certainly had permission to come in there without Alice knowing since he's her boyfriend, and he was planning to surprise her with a romantic evening, but how long had Shaun been just letting himself into her private space so casually?
Ian didn't believe that Alice was cheating on him, but what if Shaun decided to take advantage of her? What if this casual blurring of their living space led to feelings blooming?
What if Alice realized that Shaun was so much better than Ian in every way?
This led to Ian asking Alice to move into an apartment with him, even if it cost them money. He was able to feel more secure when they were living together, and he could be the one going into her bedroom at any hour of the day to be with her instead of someone else.
Shaun did try to befriend Ian, but it seemed like every time they hung out, something would rub him the wrong way. He did his best to be happy for Alice and Ian in their relationship, but it wasn't just Ian's shit taste in anime that struck Shaun as a red flag.
It didn't take Shaun long to notice a pattern in Ian and Alice's relationship. Ian would be down on himself, even cry and apologize for being inadequate, and Alice would reassure him. It seemed like every day, he saw this happen at least once. He tried reassuring Ian as well when he could, but after a while it gets tiring to try and lift someone up who keeps dragging himself down. Shaun would suggest Ian try therapy, and Ian would insist it wouldn't work, he was hopeless, and it wasn't worth wasting money on.
It was only when Alice showered Ian with love, and when their mutual friends bent backwards to cheer him up, that Ian would perk up again.
Shaun saw the red flags going up, how Ian was so needy for Alice and it was wearing on her. She went out of her way for Ian all the time, doing so much more because Ian "needed" her.
What made it worse was that Shaun saw how unbalanced their relationship was, how Alice gave Ian so much more than Ian gave back. Because Ian was so clingy, Alice had to often cancel meet ups with friends at the last minute, citing that he was having a bad day and needed her. Yet, on days when Alice was feeling like shit, she just kept powering through, pretending nothing was wrong. It took Shaun a lot of effort to pry her into leaning on him, and he'd even go out of his way to do stuff for her without her asking, like buying her lunch when she was so overworked she forgot to bring any.
Shaun worried for Alice because she was his friend, and she didn't deserve this sort of treatment. It was like she had become Ian's emotional crutch. Regardless of his attraction towards her, regardless if they could ever get together, he wanted her to be happy.
Shaun's opinion of Ian slowly deteriorated over time, but it turned into downright hate when Ian cheated on Alice, especially after she almost died because of it.
It was just a normal night when Shaun got a phone call from Ian. It was about Alice of course. It was the only reason Ian ever called Shaun - to check up on Alice. That night was different because Ian was in a panic. Alice wasn't picking up for him, which was unusual enough, but Ian was insistent that Shaun needed to check on her to make sure she was okay.
It was lucky that Shaun had the spare key to the apartment Alice and Ian shared. The sight of her lying unconscious in a pool of blood in the bathroom is a scar that'll forever be etched in his memory.
Shaun spent an entire night terrified, wondering what had happened. Did Alice try to kill herself? Why? She might have been missing Ian after he moved across the country, but she always reached out to Shaun and others when she wanted company. What happened that night? When he mentioned Alice's state to Ian, he just wailed that it was all his fault and Shaun couldn't reach Ian after that, as Ian was busy trying to book a flight back home to see her at the hospital.
Shaun had to be the one to call Alice's family too, but he had no answers to give them. The doctors would only let family or her legal partner see her for a while. It was only the next day that he learned that it was all because Ian had cheated on Alice, and she drank to dull the pain, only to hurt herself under the influence of alcohol poisoning.
Shaun could've kicked himself. He saw the problems in their relationship, but he didn't think it was his place to say anything. He worried his jealousy was coloring his perspective, seeing things too negatively. Now he wished he pushed harder like his gut told him, got Alice to see that the relationship was no good for her.
When Alice forgave Ian and tried to make it work, Shaun couldn't just sit back and let it happen.
So, yeah, Shaun's opinion of Ian in the present day is very negative. He views Ian as a toxic, manipulative, cheating scumbag who didn't deserve Alice. It was a relief when he managed to help Alice see that too so that she could finally end that toxic relationship. He was there for her so many nights when she cried over Ian and missed him. He saw the pain Ian put Alice through, and it just made his hatred of Ian grow.
Ian is grateful for Shaun being there to help Alice and even getting her to the hospital, but that doesn't get rid of his jealousy. Shaun and Alice are still talking even though she never picks up the phone for Ian anymore. He sees their exchanges online. They're still close. Shaun could one day sweep in and...
Ian can't let that happen. He can't let Shaun steal away the person who means so much to him. He can't let Alice just let him go like this. He just has to apologize to Alice, keep apologizing, and everything will be fine.
Sooooo... yeah, suffice to say, Ian and Shaun do not get along, and I doubt that they ever will... at least in my headcanons.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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mysticheathenn · 4 months
Who Are You Meant To Be?
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Hi there! Remember to take what resonates and leave what does not. This reading does not supplement seeking professional help.
Take your time when choosing your pile. Ask yourself the question and choose the picture that you can’t stop looking at. Listen to your intuition.
Patreon Link
Ko-Fi Donations This is a Patreon Reading for both tiers.
The extended reading includes:
Who are you meant to be?
What is stopping you from progressing?
Pile l:
Who are you Currently? (Tarot: Page of Cups, 2 of Cups, King of Wands, The Wheel, 3 of Wands, The Magician) This pile feels like my go-getters pile. Whenever you want something you will stop at nothing to go out and get it. You have a lot of fire and water in your pile of cards meaning you are empathetic, caring, sensitive, and loving.  You are a natural giver, wanting the best for those around you, and love to see the best in people even when they show you their worst. I think some of you this is your downfall a little bit. Maybe you like to ignore the red flags and bare your soul for people who wouldn’t do the same for you. You are also a wanderer and explorer, always wanting to know more about the world, your passions, those you care, for, just anything you have a curiosity for you want to know more. Maybe you’re even a huge daydreamer and for some of this can also be your downfall. It gives me 500 days of summer in the scene where Tom has his fantasy in his head of how he wants things to go vs how things actually go and is crushed even though he knew his fantasy was a slim shot he still felt it could have happened. Extended Reading on Patreon (Who are you meant to be? What is stopping you from progressing? & Advice)
Pile ll:
Who are you Currently? (The Priestess, 5 of Pentacles, Queen of Swords, 9 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups (reversed))
Pile ll I just want to give you a big hug because you are the type of person who doesn’t fully believe in themselves. Some of you feel that you don’t even deserve nice or great things. For some of you, I feel someone like a toxic family member, friend, or ex-partner planted these thoughts in your head while for others I feel you slowly started to develop these thoughts yourself. The scene in Black Swan where the mom says “What happened to my sweet girl? And Natalie Portman’s character says “She’s gone.” For those who resonate with this life has hardened you. Maybe you used to be optimistic about life but life and those you met along the way really did a number on you. Some of you may even not see the beauty in life anymore or even the potential that you may have because you are just so low in the dumps. Some of you may even deal with severe depression and anxiety. For some of you, it's passed down, for others it's due to your circumstances like being unemployed, lacking money to live life without constantly surviving, etc. Please be easy and nice to yourself, life may be hard but that doesn’t mean you make it harder by giving up on yourself and life. Remember you are not your circumstances, mental illness, or what people think of you. Your current situation is just a pit stop, not a life sentence.
Extended Reading on Patreon (Who are you meant to be? What is stopping you from progressing? & Advice)
Pile lll:
Who are you Currently? (6 of Swords (reversed), Hanged Man (reversed), 8 of Swords, The Hierophant, 2 of Pentacles)
Some of you may be drawn to pile number ll, only a few of you but pile lll you feel trapped. Stuck as if you don’t know who you are, where to go or be in life. Some of your are possibly afraid to be your authentic self maybe.I feel some of you may have chosen the pile in another reading I did a week or two back where I slightly spoke on a similar issue. Some of you may also be drawn to pile number l as well because I see people pleasing as well amongst a few of you but overall, what I feel currently for you is you aren’t sure who you are. You remind me of this video I once saw about how people are out here with personalities from the internet because they can’t think for themselves, so they follow the masses in hopes of stumbling into something and I get that feeling for you pile ll. You aren’t sure who you are, what you want to do with your life, where you want to go, what kind of people you want around you all you know is that where you are currently isn’t what you want anymore. It reminds me of the SpongeBob meme where that fish goes through life living day by day the same routine in and out just miserable because they lack passion or some sort of direction. For those who don’t know what I am referring to here’s a link to a YouTube clip of the meme http://tinyurl.com/2jutee6y . Maybe some of you are going through the motions of life unsure of how to live because you follow the influences of TikTok, friends, and family, but I feel some of you are slowly starting to see that not even the material you soak in and people around you are actually living or know what the f*ck they are doing or want in their own lives. They are just sheep following the machine to the slaughterhouse because they feel it’s what they are supposed to do.
Extended Reading on Patreon (Who are you meant to be? What is stopping you from progressing? & Advice)
Thanks for checking out my reading. I appreciate all of you, until the next reading.
Stay Safe and Be Blessed.
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moons-of-dewclan · 2 months
You don't have to lock it behind patreon. You can send things like WIPs, early pages (maybe days or so earlier than the Tumblr itself), or life updates there instead. Plus, people can just... Pay you to pay you. Pay because they enjoy the content. Not because there's anything they get out of it. You don't HAVE to give anyone anything to have a Patreon or Ko-fi up, sometimes people just want to support authors they enjoy. I know if I had income I would.
JUST SO PEOPLE KNOW no comic pages will be locked away forever! patreon and kofi will be way early access and extra content. and i’ll just have to dedicate my extra non-drawing-comics-and-commission time to the communities that gather there!
you guys will aaaaalways get the story whether you can join patreon/ko.fi or not. it’ll just take longer
i am a massive broke-ass who enjoys small things in life and i’d be gutted (even if i was understanding) if i suddenly couldn’t afford to see something that brought me joy anymore bc i couldn’t afford it. i don’t plan on hitting anyone with that!
also ngl ‘sometimes people just like to support artists’ never occurred to me ALDSLLJ
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 7 months
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Note: I had to repost this cuz I accidentally deleted the first one lol. Anyway, this is such a cute request, anon! ❤️ I had so much fun writing it, and I hope you'll enjoy it. Lmk if you want a second, smutty part 🤗;
Pair: Leon Kennnedy x Reader;
Type: fluff, but things get heated at the end;
If you want to commission me check my Ko-Fi. I also have a Patreon page if you wanna check it out. Thanks! ☺️
The day was about to end as the sunset blessed the sky with its beautiful amber rays. The patio was slowly becoming crowded as more people finished work by now, but Leon wasn’t bothered. He took a sip from his cocktail and watched the sunset, lost in his own thoughts.
Even if it’s been a week with no calls from work, he still waits for the familiar ringtone to disturb his peace. He brings one arm to his bicep and gently brushes his fingers over a certain spot. The pain was gone. All the bruises healed from his last mission.
“You alright?” You asked, seeing as he might not be here.
“Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just... everything is calm and peaceful, you know.”
“And I take it you’re not used to it.”
“Nope. Usually, I would’ve been hit by this table by now instead of having dinner at it. Some big, scary monster would’ve chased after me, and so on.”
“Hmmm, I guess that’s true. If you want, I can chase you around with this knife and give you some adrenaline if you miss it.”
Leon chuckled and shook his head.
“No, it’s alright. It’s not that I miss the adrenaline, it’s the fact that I keep expecting something bad to happen any time now.”
"Well, stop it. Hunnigan was very clear when she told you that no one would bother you in your free time. There are plenty of agents; they can manage.”
“I guess you’re right.”
He took your hand in his and squeezed gently while smiling at you. The gentle breeze moved your hair from side to side slowly and delicately. Leon stared at you for a few seconds, admiring how beautiful you looked in that golden light that highlighted your beautiful features.
“One thing I’ll never get tired of is having such great company.” He said it softly while looking at you. He took another sip from his cocktail.
You smiled and looked away for a few seconds, but you didn’t move your hand. The way he was looking and talking with you made you blush.
“What?” He said this as his big thumb began to caress your skin. “I mean it.”
“I know; I enjoy your company too. It’s just that such moments like this with you are rare, and when they finally happen, it feels surreal.”
“I know… Don’t worry, I promise I’ll try to make them happen more often.”
A full moon replaced the sun, and stars filled the sky. You and Leon went for a walk after the meal you just had. The breeze was still gentle, but the air was colder, so Leon gave you his jacket since you forgot yours home. You were holding hands as you walked on the crowded boulevard.
“Wanna get yourself something nice?” He asked as you passed in front of some stores.
“Hmm, no. Maybe later.”
Leon spoiled you this week a lot. He bought you various gifts, took you to expensive restaurants, and made sure that the hotel where you were staying was one of the top. You paid too for some meals and tickets to tourist attractions, but it was mostly him to use the wallet. Despite telling him there was no need for such treatment, he ignored you and continued to pay.
He also went everywhere you wanted to go. He didn’t say “no” once during your vacation. He just enjoyed your presence, and as long as you were happy, he was happy too.
"Are you sure you’re not cold?”
"Yeah, I’m fine; don’t worry about me.” He chuckled as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to him. Then he pressed a kiss on your head.
“You’re such a gentleman, Leon.”
Under the soft glow of the moonlight, the streets were bathed in a gentle silver light. Both of you found a quiet corner of the city and allowed yourselves to be caught in the magic of the night. The distant hum of traffic and the occasional city sounds provided a subtle backdrop to the moment.
Leon couldn’t take his eyes off you, smiling the entire time like someone who had experienced love for the first time.
The air between you became charged with an unspoken connection. Leon looked deep into your eyes as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
The streetlights cast a warm halo around you, creating an intimate space in the midst of the urban chaos. The night held a certain stillness, as if time itself had slowed to allow you to savour your romance.
You placed your hands over his shoulder, then went behind his neck as you leaned forward, closing the gap between your bodies.
The anticipation hung in the air, a delicate dance of desire. Leon finally closed the remaining space, and your lips met in a tender, long-awaited kiss. With closed eyes, you let your bodies be consumed by the intense lust that this magical moment brought.
The moon dispersed its bright light as if it were aware of this gentle moment, subtly urging its sister stars to gather and cast their shine in the beautiful moment that was unfolding beneath them.
Your mouths melted together in a union of passion. Neither of you felt like pulling out any time soon. Leon’s hands began to gently caress your waist, shifting the fabric of your shirt as they moved up and down. Your hands began to play with his hair, running it between your delicate fingers.
“Leon…” you said in a needy voice.
“I think we should go back to the hotel…”
With a sigh, Leon pulled away. A smile shortly appeared on his lips as he cupped your face with his hands.
“I think you’re right.”
He kissed your lips one more time and grabbed your hand, guiding you back to the hotel through the crowded street.
Tag-list: @lunarastrobabe @skylar-todd @rokurodokuro @brownsugarwrites @yourallyse @ravenrune (if you want to be added DM me 🤗)
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jupitermoontarot24 · 4 months
18+💗 What's Your Valentine's Day Plot?
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Hi guys! Welcome to my page and Tarot readings! follow for more content! Feel free to leave feedback and suggestions !
This reading is your Valentines day Plot! Follow my Patreon for the 18+ portion for the SEX, their FEELINGS afterward and how to PREPARE! also EXCLUSIVE 18+ content
Pile 1💟🔥
Hi pile one I hope you enjoy your reading. Subscribe to my patreon to find out how the Sex goes on this special day, their feelings after Valentine's day and How to prepare for this date! + Channelled songs
Background Messages: I feel as though this is someone you already know in some type of way maybe a past person or ex .You might want to wear lipstick with this person, they're going to be staring at your lips and I think if you wear lipstick or lip gloss is going to make them want to literally kiss it off of your face so keep that in mind .Right off the bat I think that this is going to be a surprise it seems like you're not prepared for this but this person is. It's like this element of surprise,maybe you buy yourself some candy and you're planning on having a day in or eating good food but then all of a sudden somebody shows up or somebody reaches out and they have something planned that they've had planned all along. You could be in a kind of a frenzy trying to figure out what to wear and how to style your hair even to the point where this person is going to be like “okay like I'm here” but they might be waiting on you for a little bit longer than they should. So watch out for that
The day and the person:It seems like it takes place early evening and it'll transition to the night but it will probably start around the time the sun sets.I was almost hyperventilating when I started this reading very mildly so I feel like this person is going to be really nervous, as nervous as you are so don't feel bad about being nervous. This is somebody who's been in your energy field either way so if you're not dealing with anybody right now then this is somebody who's been stalking your pictures, your page, who's been watching you and plotting for a long time. Okay pile one you got fanss ;)  They are really obsessed with your energy. They stalk you heavily but not in a malicious way. This person sees you as marriage material and I think they just keep an eye on you to make sure no one else has snatched you up. When It comes to the actual date I feel as though either this person sees you as a tease or you will be teasing the heck out of this person to the point where this person almost feels drunk like they feel flabbergasted I don't know if you guys will drink or if they just feel intoxicated off your energy but this person feels like they almost don't know what's going on and not in a bad way just like they might be tripping over their words they might just be really flustered and discombobulated almost. There is definitely sex involved here on this night. Subscribe to my patreon for a full page on what that will be like as well as What to do to prepare for the date, the sex and Their feelings afterwards !!!
Pile 2💗💗
Hi pile 2 I hope you enjoy your reading. Subscribe to my patreon to find out how the Sex goes on this special day, their feelings after Valentine's day and How to prepare for this date! + Channelled songs.. Your person had some shady energy pile 2 later in the read when their feelings came out so I would read that if you are able, Enjoy!!!!
Background Messages: Pile 2 you seem like you could already be in a relationship/situationship maybe even a long-term relationship at this point. You give me the vibes that you could already have V Day plans or already know that you will have V Day plans forsure. Something about an outfit with you, so either you will go pick out lingerie with your person or by yourself or your person gets you some type of Outfit or lingerie to wear for them that night or that day. Something about this pile feels serious like I barely laughed.
The day and the person: It seems like your person might have to work or you so maybe you guys have dinner the night before or have brunch/breakfast together that day and then they/you go to work and then you see them later that night. They might bring you flowers and stuff like that and you are waiting at the house for them but there is some type of date/dinner/food involved.If your person does have to work they're going to be thinking about you all day and if they have a penis they will be rock hard/super wet but this person is going to be thinking about you all day but there's some type of waiting.Your person seems really touchy they might like to eat but this person comes up as the emperor so they might own a business or they just work really hard, or take it as it resonates.I think they're going to come back and wake you up at night so they might work long hours, you could have a kid together. I won't be surprised if this person might get off a little early but they're definitely going to be counting down the minutes till they get home.They are really excited to get home but they know how to prioritise work and family/relationship. There is a possibility of sex here. It feels as though you guys will talk very intimately and lay together very intimately like maybe chest to chest going to skin contact. There is some shady info I got from your person on their feelings afterward tbh  and what you should do to prepare for this was really shocking like honestly pile 2 so I would check that out.
Pile 3😜😜
Hi pile 3 your pile is juicyyy enjoy
Background Messages:You might go somewhere that's not in your city or in your state or even your country. This person could be older because of the school girl outfit. This gives me uncharted territory like when you have your first kiss w someone it's just explosive, this is what this gives me so maybe you don't know this person that well andthis will be you guys first vday.They like your hair and your attitude if you have a spunky attitude or a intimidating attitude they really like it.
The day and the person:Your person might like cartoons or you like them but I want to say there might be cartoons playing so maybe you'll be at this person's house instead of going out and there might be cartoons or anime playing in the background when you get there. There is a spirit baby hanging around you guys so be careful on this night because you could conceive.Definitely a date night vibe,it gives me candle lit dinner at the table type vibes with drinks and maybe smoking if you're into that. I said that in pile one so if you were drawn to pile one maybe read that. They love to talk, they might have Gemini placements. They're going to want to pillow talk, then talk before sex there's going to be a lot of conversation going on with this person. They really want to make sure you're comfortable so they're going to be talking to you a lot and asking you questions.This whole date feels comfortable it feels very at home it feels intimate I think you guys will be comfortable in your own skin this person might not be as dressed up as you are but that's okay.So there's this sort of energy of like claiming so I think that if this is you guys first Valentine's Day or is a new lover this person is going to want to claim you. This person will take this as them claiming you so you're not going to be single after this if you guys were in some type of talking stage or situation. There will be a lot of hot steamy sex this night!!! This is the only pile that has guaranteed sex so Subscribe to my patreon to know the details, to know more about this person (they are possessive lol), their feelings after vday and how to prepare for this date! Don't get caught lacking pile 3!!
Pile 4💕💕
Hi pile 4 enjoy!! <3
Background Messages: 
you give me Patrick putting on boots like I think you mean business on this Valentine's Day in whatever way that resonates for you. Maybe you are a freak or maybe you really like this person. You will have a really nice outfit. I think you dress nice all the time even your everyday clothes are cute and I think this person is going to want to dress up more to match you cuz they know you're going to look really good.This could definitely be a sneaky link relationship I think you and this person have been getting intimate but I don't think that many emotions have been shared yet like you could just go to this person's house at night or vice versa they might have kids or you might have kids and maybe that's why it's been a sneaky link for so long oh I said for so long I didn't mean to say that so that may resonate.You look nice when you wear curls in your hair or braids or twist they really like your bottom half your boobs as well if you have them. Might be third parties on both sides.
The day and your person: You and this person might not be that deep into a relationship yet but I think they still might get a little jealous if you're still talking to other people.Lorenzo? Maddy? There's something really tight about this relationship. Maybe you guys don't tell people many details about your relationship or about this person. Something is taboo or hidden or a secret that gives me some type of scorpionic energy.I'm not sure if you guys have much of a date it seems more of like a rendezvous night which is okay but yeah I think they bring you gifts definitely probably money too.There's something like on the down low it's hard to tap into tbh. I think you'll make this person food or you will eat or they'll make you food something like that. It's a lot of sexual behavior so subscribe to my patreon to see what the Sex will be like, What to do to prepare and Their feelings afterwards thank you!!!! PILE 4!!!!! 
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petrssecrethideout · 1 month
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"Bro, do you wanna hear about something crazy?"
"I mean sure, go ahead,"
"Alright, so I was just relaxing, scrolling TikTok,"
"Already a bad idea."
"I know, I got beef with that fuckin' algorithm let me tell you. I follow a couple of bodybuilders, post a couple of gym vids and suddenly my For you page is filled with the biggest assholes alive. Anyway, I'm scrolling, and I see this guy, he's doing that whole 'alpha top dog' thing even though he's not that big."
"Okay wait pause, how big is not that big?"
"I don't know, I have more muscle in my arms than he has in his whole body, real gym influencer type."
"Alright, for anyone listening to the pod at home, I should probably just say that this guy could be anywhere from 150-300 pounds from Dale's description of him, okay? He's not good at judging what normal guys look like anymore."
"Yeah, okay, you got me. Anyway, this guy keeps going on about his great advice, so I stick around to hear it. You wanna know what he said? 'Stop Cumming, its killing your natural testosterone' What kind of bullshit is that!?"
"I mean that is a big part of the current fitness world, these guys will say anything to get more followers, and a lot of their followers are so desperate for progress that they'll take whatever advice they're given."
"It's a shame, because he's also wrong! I tried that whole 'No Nut Whatever' and its been the only time in these last 5 years that I've plateaued."
"... Really?"
"Yeah! If I'm not cranking a load out every day I can kiss any potential gains goodbye."
"Like after my workouts, when I got a huge pump going, I just have to crank one out, like what good workout would it be if I didn't"
"Dale c'mon,"
"And its not like I can just hit up a guy on Grindr and go to town every time I need to, there aren't enough guys on Grindr for that."
"Uggggh dude, we are never getting a sponsor with you talking like this."
"What, so all the straight alpha dudebros can talk about semen retnetion and get a ton of followers, but I get censored for talking about jacking off and getting tons of ass?"
"Yeah, we will."
"Well then, listeners, go subscribe to the patreon so that I can talk about my actual tips for growing, and so that you can help Mark get bigger. I'm telling you, I'm gonna make this boy huge with your help. Audio listeners make sure to check the videos so you can see this boy get huge. Now bro, help me out here. You don't want those Tiktok gymfluencers to win do you? How often are you jerkin off?"
"Oh god I can't believe I'm answering this... A couple of times a week maybe?"
"A week? That's fucking crazy. My average is like 4-5 times a day. More if I'm really feeling horny. If I'm being honest I jerked off a few weeks ago on the pod, like I forgot to before I came here. One of the comments mentioned something about my grunting that episode."
"Jesus christ dude, how do you even manage that?"
"Well, you gotta work up to it. I couldn't do that starting out, but once I started growing I was so horny I had to do something about it. I think that's what these guys don't get. You gotta get those balls working, give them a reason to keep making that sweet testosterone. How are you supposed to do that if you aren't jacking it? Honestly dude, I feel like I gotta prove these guys wrong now."
"What, you're gonna be a cum warrior?"
"Hell yeah man, I'm gonna be fighting the war on jerking it, on the side of jerking it!"
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lenixsocial · 1 month
Watcher (and why nothing matters anymore):
So, in case you've been locked away under a proverbial bridge for a few days, Internet personalities Steven Lim, Ryan Bergara, and Shane Madej (known as Watcher) have elected to begin their own streaming service and ditch YouTube.
On the surface, that mightn't even seem like news at all.
After all, this sort of thing seems to happen all the time: The Try Guys left Buzzfeed to create their own company, Rhett and Link took the dive and diversified into paywalled entertainment a few years back with Mythical Society. Both of which however still rely on YouTube itself to generate views on the main channels, which funnel viewers into a FOMO type situation where "you can't miss" a special airing on the app (Mythical Society) or Patreon (Try Guys).
Watcher, in its infinite wisdom (stupidity, carelessness, unparalleled greed - take your pick) has decided that YouTube is pointless, and has moved ALL their content behind a paywall, claiming that the service was amping up to provide "TV quality programming", leaving only old content and the first episodes of the new shows up on their YouTube page as a subtle tease as to what you could get for $6/month.
It's now quite apparent from reading the comments section of their (now infamous) YouTube video, their official subreddit, and the tag on X that the fans were...not thrilled. The fingers began to be pointed within minutes. Name calling soon after. Then this blossomed into dissertations on why this was a horrible idea.
Then we found out that there was no app. Just a website. So you're paying for website access. Not a full blown streaming service to rival Netflix. Oh, and they don't even have their own servers, the videos are hosted by Vimeo. The deeper the comments section dug, the nastier the attacks got. Steven soon became the whipping boy. His past, his interviews, scanned and mercurially dug up for juicy tidbits (although all anyone gleaned from these was he's rich, was born rich, drives a Tesla in LA, likes fancy food, and has friends whom he values who are racist and possibly sexist and will not sever ties with them).
Then came the cries of incongruity. Shane Madej repeatedly said to "Eat the Rich", and here he was schilling for a platform that cost $6 a month. The cries began to pirate all of the new Watcher content because maybe he was under duress and was secretly telling them to do so. Fact is, I don't know if he was or what, but I'm certain he's under contract and wants his job.
Then came the videos from other internet users analyzing the video, and comparing this to the Try Guys situation with Ned a few months back. Both are disasters, each in unique ways with different players, and such like but here's the vast difference: none of this will even matter in a month.
Let me explain: We are in the total free fall stage of Watcher's Internet Streamer Service. What they do in the next 24-48 hours is crucial. If they revert back to their YouTube channel and apologize, they'll be fine. People will probably poke fun at them, but they'll be forgiven, eventually. But if they don't and they keep on, ignoring the fans, dousing the haters, and make it a month, I doubt we will see any resistance outside of a terse article or two.
Why? The collective memory span in this day and age is extremely short, many have likely already made judgment in their head and have passed said judgment. Therefore, they'll avoid the channel, and the streamer and will be blissfully unaware of any changes. Those who have joined up and paid will remain members, and those who have elected to remain subscribed will likely remain so and will watch the free content until they can afford the $6/month.
The thing is like it or hate it, if they decide to do nothing and ignore the public at large, they most likely will be fine. Maybe they will not have the hugest subscriber base, but people will forget about this. Something else major that is more salacious will spring up in the months ahead. Will there be lingering anger? Sure, but like I said before, these people have already passed judgment so they're already gone.
In an era of "nothing fucking matters" when your choices are sometimes entirely out of your direct control and are (at best) two sides of the same coin, it should be of absolutely no surprise to anyone that there is a fairly good possibility even after all that has transpired that nothing bad will happen. Lest we forget that old adage: "there is no such thing as bad PR".
Personally, I feel $6 is a tad much for a non-app based web streamer with little to no content. It was disingenuous to announce its launch internationally where even more people can't afford it, and some can't even view it. Steven wasn't upfront with who was in charge and now it really does seem like he's using the subscriptions to fund his international gallivanting. It's clear nobody wanted TV-show quality Ghost Files to take place in another country, nor did they want an old show revived with votes when you pay the first month's dues. They say it's a case of Watcher "not reading the room".
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reanimatedheart · 2 months
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Hello! Welcome to the official Reanimated Heart Tumblr.
(This Pinned is Under Construction. Still figuring out the tags...)
Reanimated Heart is a character-driven horror romance visual novel about finding love in a mysterious small town. There are three love interests with their own unique personalities and storylines. Play the demo on Itch now!
Content Warning: Reanimated Heart is an 18+ game! It contains dark subject matter such as violence and sexual content. Player discretion is advised.
This blog is ran by Jack, the creator.
Itch | Link Tree | Patreon | Twitter
My policy for fanwork is that anything goes in fiction, but respect my authority and copyright outside it. This means normal fan activity like taking screencaps, posting playthroughs, and making fanart/fanfiction is completely allowed, but selling this game or its assets isn't allowed (selling fanwork of it is fine, though).
Do not use Reanimated Heart for illegal or hateful content.
Also, I expect everyone to respect the Content Warnings on the page. I'm old and do not tolerate fandom wank.
Who are the main Love Interests?
Read their character profiles here!!
Who's the team?
Jack (creator, writer, artist), mostly. I closely work with Exodus (main programmer) and Claira (music composer). My husband edits the drafts, and my friend Bonny makes art assets. I've also gotten help from outsiders like Sleepy (prologue music + vfx) and my friend Gumjamin (main menu heart animation).
For VOs, Alex Ross voices Crux, Devin McLaughlin voices Vincenzo, Christian Cruz voices Black, Maganda Marie voices Grete, and Zoe D. Lee voices Missy.
Basically, it's mostly just me & outsourcing stuff to my friends and professionals.
How can I support Reanimated Heart?
You can pay for the game, or join our monthly Patreon! If you don't have any money, just giving it a nice rating and recommending it to a friend is already good enough. :)
Where do the funds go to?
100% gets poured back into the game. More voice acting, more music, more trailers, more art, etc. I also like to give my programmer a monthly tip for helping me.
This game is really my insane passion project, and I want to make it better with community support.
I live in the Philippines and the purchasing power of php is not high, especially since many of the people I outsource to prefer USD. (One time I spent P10k of my own money in one month just to get things.) I'll probably still do that, even if no money comes in, until I'm in danger of getting kicked out the street… but maybe even then? (jk)
What platforms will it be released in?
Itch and then Steam when it's fully finished. Still looking into other options, as I hear both are getting bad.
Will the game be free?
Chapter 1 will be free. The rest will be updated on Patreon exclusively until full release.
Are you doing a mobile version?
Yeah. Just Android for now, but it's in the works.
Where can I listen to the OST?
It is currently up on YouTube, Spotify, and Bandcamp!
Why didn't you answer my ask?
A number of things! Two big ones that keep coming up are Spoilers (as in, you asked something that will be put in an update) or it's already been asked. If you're really dying to know, check the character tags or the meta commentary. You might find what you're looking for there. :)
Tag List for Navigation
Just click the tags to get to where you wanna go!
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nayatarot777 · 1 year
how do men vs women view you? • pac reading
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• pile one •
cards: 6 of swords, page of wands, 6 of coins
men see you as someone who isn’t afraid to move away from conflict or anything that stresses you out for the sake of your own mental peace. you don’t jeopardise that for nobody. and you also seem to be someone who is all about learning how to experience certain things in life - leading me to think that perhaps you’re the type to date multiple people, or just not limit yourself to one particular thing or person. you’re extremely balanced in the way that you think and the way that you practically live your life though. from the outside, you could seem quite bubbly or excitable. someone who has a passion for experiencing life - i’m also seeing that men could feel like you’re very passionate about helping the less fortunate too. you seem to be someone who’s extremely charitable with your money, your time, or something else that you practically give away. i’m also seeing that some of you could dress “freely” too, so this either means that you’re happy with your body to dress revealingly, or you’re extremely creative with how you dress and just wear whatever you feel like wearing. your dress sense could even be seen as quite childlike - but it works. you also seem quite adamant on learning thoroughly how to be independent by yourself. and i’m also seeing that men may feel as though you’re someone who makes shit happen in your own life. to the point where you’re able to help others and show others how to help themselves - “leading by example”.
cards: 4 of swords, page of cups, page of coins
3 out of 4 of the pages in the deck have come out, so you guys could be seen as a young person (because you actually are - like a teenager), or that’s your demeanour that you show. with men, the childlike nature is seen through any excitability, confidence, or self-assurance that you might have around them. with women, they view you as someone who’s very introverted and shy for some reason. but they also see you as someone who notices and recognises everything there is to notice in your environment - to the point where it could come as a surprise regarding how much you know and notice. you might get along with men easier than you do women, because i’m seeing that women view you as someone who may struggle with social anxiety or just something that prevents you from speaking much. they see you as someone who just sticks to yourself, really. however, you seem so happy in this solitude. women view you as someone who has realised what truly makes them happy, and you seem to be very emotionally open and helpful to those who you choose to open up to. but i’m feeling a distance between you and them that most women feel. even if you’re a woman yourself, you might be a tomboy or just feel like you don’t have much in common with most women who you meet. they do see you as a very sweet energy - calming too - but they feel like you’d rather be left alone. yk what i’m hearing? it’s probably the women who are really full-on in their first impressions. you may just be reserved but i’m hearing that the way that some women speak to you, or how they approach you may be just too forward and maybe even alike to love-bombing.
i feel you, pile one. there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just very grounded and stable by yourself. both men and women see how independent you are. men just appreciate it more, probably because they mainly observe you at first, i’m seeing. whereas women want to interact with you more perhaps, and when they don’t get the reaction that they like or want, they feel like you must either just be shy or really introverted. when you’re not in actuality. when other people grant you the space to show your personality and open up naturally, that’s when they’ll see the fun and excitable side to you.
thank you for reading, pile one. if you’d like a personal reading, check out my pinned post here for details
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• pile two •
cards: judgement, 5 of wands, queen of cups
men view you as someone who is extremely aware of aspects of life that not many people experience for themselves. particularly creativity and knowing exactly what you want to create. it seems like you’re creating the life that you want under any circumstances, and you seem to be quite defensive when it comes to this. some men could view you as someone who’s quite combative too, and highly aware of when you need to assert your energy in order to defend yourself from another’s. you could get into a lot of ego clashes with men, and that’s because they feel as though you’re aware of way too much. you could also either have a lot of competition or a lot of men competing for you, but it seems like overall, you come across as very self-protective (especially protective over your emotional space, what you give emotionally, etc) around men. i’m seeing you fight off men who don’t live up to your standards 😂. because you know exactly what you want. you’re extremely attractive to men but there’s a resistance there - thanks to how protective you are over yourself. they also assume that you really prioritise self care and put it at the forefront of your life. you could work out a lot, take care of your appearance - whatever it is. i’m also seeing you keep yourself out of petty drama and ego conflicts due to being focused on finding the answers to something significant within your life. to men, you’re quiet and calm, but you’re also on your own particular path regarding what you want and how you’d like to express yourself. you don’t let petty, insignificant energies influence how you feel about yourself and your life path.
cards: 5 of cups, 10 of cups, 8 of swords
for some reason, women view you as someone who’s grieving the loss of someone/some people usually. and they also view you as quite insecure, lonely, or just someone who doesn’t want to be seen. with this 10 of cups, i’m hearing that a lot of women project onto you what they want you to feel like. they could actually project their fears and anxieties onto you. especially because there’s something significant about how sexually attractive you are to a lot of people. i feel like it makes a lot of women feel insecure within themselves. women could actually cause emotional loss in your life to put you into this 8 of swords energy. it’s like i’m seeing women view you as someone who is experiencing emotional loss in the middle of seemingly having a life that is ‘supposed’ to be emotionally fulfilling. for women who aren’t vindictive towards you, they could see you as someone who has almost anything that you could want, but you’re still not happy. or perhaps these are women who know that you’d rather just get rid of certain people around you, going back to the energy of wanting to be alone and not wanting to be seen. women could also feel like you try to hide your beauty - not due to not knowing your beauty - but because of the smoke and mirrors that people put up with you thanks to trying to get close to you because of it. women can definitely tell that you worry so much - but they might not understand why. again, i’m seeing women view you as the “dream” person but someone who for some reason is focusing on people from the past. or some type of guilt or shame. a lot of women feel like you’re doing yourself a disservice through the way that you seemingly downplay yourself.
thank you for reading, pile two. if you’d like a personal reading, check out my pinned post here for details
check out my patreon if you’d like, too
• pile three •
cards: knight of wands, strength, 7 of coins
you’re viewed by men as someone who has no fear. literally. you have a very strong and healthy ego and you seem to make hasty decisions - when you want something, you go after it. you don’t wait for anyone’s permission. you could also have very good control over your ego. i’m hearing that some men have seen you transform from someone who struggled with their impulsive actions to someone who can now control what they say and do. you don’t pop off as much 😂. you’re also very stubborn when you choose to invest your time and energy into something - you don’t give up. especially if it’s related to self development and improving yourself as a person. you’re extremely self-focused but in the best way possible. i’m hearing that you don’t give up on yourself at all. men can tell that you’re someone who wouldn’t fall victim to other people trying to tear you down very easily. at all. you’re focused on overcoming adversities that you face personally, and you’re completely interested in making something of yourself.you could be “more developed” than a lot of other people your age, in one way or another. i’m also seeing that men can see that you have no issue with setting something on fire if you no longer see the point or the value in continuing to invest in it. and once you make a decision, then that’s it. you don’t flip flop and you don’t change your mind 50 different times. you’re someone who also knows how to use whatever tools that you have available to your advantage. you take control over situations and you make shit happen in your favour - or for the sake of your own betterment.
cards: ace of cups, page of swords, 2 of wands
women view you as someone who knows how to direct your life according to what you think would give you emotional fulfilment. you think before you speak, and think about the decisions that you’re making extremely logically. especially when it comes to new connections that you have - either with them or with other people. women can tell that you listen to your intuition about people and you have no problem with deciding to switch up your behaviour or way of communicating if you feel like it’s necessary. i’m also hearing that they feel like you decide to spend your time extremely wisely. you could be the type of person who hates to feel like they’re wasting time. or you’re just extremely smart with who you invest energy into and how much. women can tell that you know how to make rational decisions based on what you intuitively know that you should do, whether the messages that you receive is something that you want to hear or not. you could also be someone who’s extremely curious about connecting with others though, but there seems to always be a boundary put up between you and new people (as there should be). i’m hearing that women may feel like you only associate yourself with people who are constantly taking steps to do the work on themselves and their life, meaning that you only associate yourself with people who are constantly changing or moving in some way. women seem to recognise that you don’t like being around stagnant people. regarding the women who you care about, you take into consideration their opinions and use them as guidance, and you also guide other women quite a lot too. especially when it comes to their emotional awareness and emotions in general.
thank you for reading, pile two. if you’d like a personal reading, check out my pinned post here for details
check out my patreon if you’d like, too
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