#maxi found out he was getting called up for boxing day and got the stars laundry intern to wash his whites
yamithediaperdork · 3 years
My little brothers revenge part 3
The next 2 weeks flew by after that, with the only strange thing being that Justin started to have A LOT of close call's with getting to the backroom on time and was leaving a ton of skid marks in his pants, and that Justin had also apparently seen the error in his ways and had asked to try and host a D&D session for Alex and his friends to make up for everything he'd done.
Naturally of course Alex wasn't sure about whether or not to trust Justin, but then the bully had gone out of his way to get permission from their parents for Alex to have all of his friends over while they were gone for the session to happen.
"I just think with how rough he's had it lately, he could use a treat, and it'll be a good bonding experience for us since he's kinda too small to play football with me and the guys." Justin had said, acting sheepish.
After that Alex had dialed back the amount of ex-lax he'd been sneaking into Justin's drink's since he felt just awful about trying to make Justin a diaper boy when he was being so nice.
Of course Ben warned him it could just be a trap and to keep up the treatment (and had asked for pictures of Alex next time he had a uh-oh accident as payment for his words of wisdom) But Alex choice to believe in Justin, a choice he would come to regret.
With their parents gone Saturday morning, most of the day was spent with Alex helping Justin go over the rules for the campaign in the morning, and then hanging out and playing with his friends in the afternoon while Justin went out to hang with Grizz and Rayne.
"Man, hard to believe that Justin is being such a cool guy." Lyle said and winced as they were walking back from the park, having played a game of touch football with some younger kids (and having gotten their butts kicked, which only confirmed Alex's belief he was NOT meant to play the damn game)
"areeee you sure he's on the up and up on this?" Kyle asked, rubbing at his arm where a 5 year old had punched him.
"What? Guys come on, it's the four of US vs. him if he tries anything. we can take him!" Alex said full of misplaced pride and swagger even as he had a slight limp.
"..you realize a group of five year olds just whooped us right?" Max asked, Pausing to spit out more dirt from when he'd been driven into the ground.
"Yeah but there was a equal number of them to us and they were all sneaky like ninjas." Alex said, waving a hand. "Sides, worse case go for the nuts. it's like the weak spot on the death star."
"You've been going to your mom's self defense class again haven't you?" Max asked and chuckled.
"...Maybe." Alex huffed.
"heh, just don't" Lyle started.
"Scream out 'he's got my purse!' this time." Kyle finished and the rest of the losers club laughed while Alex blushed and fumed.
"Guys it was ONE time, let it goooo!"
While the losers club was out and playing their little games, Justin and the boys were getting everything ready for the pampering.
as it turned out the old crib wasn't going to be big enough for even just one of the boys, while the old playpen might of fit two at most though it would be cramped.
Thankfully two solutions provided themselves in this, their darkest hour in the form of finding a old car seat of Justin's that looked big enough to MAYBE hold Alex, and a old high chair that would hold Max for sure.
"So..how are we going to hide ALL of this upstairs? I know Alex and his friends are dorks, but their not stupid." Grizz asked.
"Oh, what if we went and put like sheets over them, and tell them their ghosts!" Rayne suggested eagerly.
"...Rayne buddy why don't you go have a juice box." Justin said, patting the hulking boys back.
as the muscle bound boy headed up to the fridge for some apple juice, Grizz and Justin exchanged looks.
"Man, he's our friend and everything, but Jesus.. does he eat paint chips or something?" Grizz asked.
"Go ahead and ask him, I'll go and get the bucket to mop you up after he creams you." Justin chuckled. "Ok ok..back to the problem at hand..We could Make get the high chair in the broom closet, and the playpen all folded up in the linen closet. Car seat, I dunno.."
"Yeahhh whole lotta time to waste between getting them pampered and getting them in they're seats." Grizz agreed then added with a blush.. "and I didn't go though all the humiliation of buying 4 packs of those discount diapers just for them to go to waste."
By now Rayne was coming back down the steps with his juice box and smiled and waved a hand.
"heh, Yes Rayne?" Justin asked, waiting for the stupid idea to come out.
"What if like, you have the playpen and stuff all set up down here but hidden behind some stuff and we just send up the gaming area down here. you can claim you wanna set a atmosphere for the game, capture the feeling of going though a dungeon." Rayne said and smiled big time.
"...H-U-H..Man Rayne, you need to drink apple juice more often!" Justin chuckled. "Good idea!"
"nah, then i get the poops." Rayne said but grinned big time.
"..Noted?" Grizz said/asked with a sweat drop.
It was after supper, and with bellies full of Pizza and root beet, the boys made they're way down the dusty (though not as dusty as before) basement, the twins semi hugging each other as the basement's lights only worked in two of the four areas, casting long scary shadows.
Max was mostly ok, though he could of sworn he'd seen something move out of the corner of his eye.
"Uh..Alex,Justin, you guys sure you don't have rats?" he asked, a twinge of worry in his voice.
"Oh yeah, we get checked regularly, Dad's TERRIFIED of them, it's why we can't go to Disney world." Alex said, laughing though he was getting a little bit creeped out being in the basement after dark.
still he wanted to try and support Justin who clearly was making a effort. plenty of large blankets had been rolled out onto the stone floor and a coffee table was set up in the middle, not on the blankets but they were bunched around it.
there were books and note pads and pencils and dice, all the great makings for a table top game and Alex turned to smile at his friends as they took in the site.
coming around the table and looking at the set up, the boys all whistled and Alex smirked at his friends under the pale light of the basement.
"See? I told you guys we could trust Justin!" he beamed.
"heh, Oh?" Justin asked.
"Yeah, the guys were kinda worried you were gonna pull something." Alex said, rubbing the back of his head. "Buttt I knew you were trying ..to.." Alex trailed off as he saw the look on his brothers face.
"Yeahhh about that, maybe listen to your friends next time." Justin advised.
"Whatever! It's four on one Justin, we CAN and WILL kick your butt!" Alex said, balling up his fists and looking over his shoulder to his friends.
The twins and Max nodded back and got ready to fight but Justin didn't look too concerned.
"oh no, Four little dorks who already got their butts kicked by five year olds and they're threatening me. what ever will I do. Oh woe is me." Justin said, putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a dramatic fashion then grinning and snapping his fingers. "Oh wait, I know..Grizz, Rayne, wanna help me get our soon to be slaves dressed and ready for they're new life's of cooking, cleaning and doing homework for us?" Justin said.
two shadows moved out from behind a pile of boxes and indeed there was Justin's buddy's.
"Oh, by the way, feel free to fight back, but anyone who does gets a spanking. if your GOOD little boys, we'll get you dressed with minimal fussing." Justin added.
Alex of course chose to fight, as did Max since he had to have his buddies back.
the two of them lunged at Justin going for a combo knee and groin attack but Justin caught Alex in the air and just hoisted him over his shoulder with Alex's head and arms over his back and yanked down Alex's pants with his free hand and started to slap the boys butt, getting howls of pain from him.
Max meanwhile had gotten his ankle grabbed by Rayne as he went to leap and was tugged back and put under Rayne's beefy arm and much like Alex, pants were yanked down and his butt was slapped, Max howling away as Rayne giggled and gave Justin a silly grin.
"it's like I'm playing the bongo's!" he giggled childishly.
Lyle and Kyle meanwhile had taken inventory of how sore they already were, how big and strong Justin and his friends were and had just stayed put, holding each other hands while Grizz looked down at them and smirked.
"heh, so your gonna be good boys?" Grizz asked.
Both twins nodded then jumped at the sounds coming from their friends.
"H-hey! stop that! They'll-" Lyle started, looking at Alex and Max who's buns where getting red even with their undies protecting them.
"-Be good boys like us! Come on, Please stop?" Kyle finished, wincing and fighting the urge to bury his face in his brothers shoulder.
"Hmm I dunno.. Alex, are you gonna be a good boy or make your widdle friends into liars?" Justin asked, pausing for a second.
Alex of course had been beating on Justin's back, for all the good it had done him and was now stood in front of Justin, tears running down his face and pants around his ankles.
Likewise, Max was set on his feet, though the tears weren't as free flowing and he gave a glare at the Twin's who suddenly found something VERY interesting to look at at the floor so they could avoid eye contract.
"Hey now, none of that Maxie, those two might of just gotten you out of the 5 minutes spanking we had planned." Justin said.
"F-Five Minutes?" Alex whimpered, and put a hand to his sore butt. it already hurt so much from just 30 seconds!!
"well give or take a bout 30 seconds." Justin said and smirked.
a hissing sound was heard and it didn't take a genius to figure out what it was, as Alex started to sob heavily as a puddle started to form under him where his accidents wasn't being soaked up by his pants.
"well, I'm gonna count that as a third vow to be a good boy..what do you say Max, wanna make it four for four?" Justin asked.
"Rot in hell! I'll never give in!" Max vowed.
Never as it turned out lasted all of anther 40 seconds then Max had a accident too. Following a quick clean up that would keep the boys from making puddles all the way up the stairs, Justin had Alex and Max take a quick bath together to both boys embarrassment, with Justin supervising to 'keep them out of trouble' while the Twin's mopped up the piddle accidents and got the wet clothes in the wash under the watchful eyes of Rayne and Grizz.
since the cat was out of the bag so to speak Rayne and Grizz had the twins help them bring the supplies for tonight's fun up into the living room, the urine smell in the basement being a big deciding factor.
The twins had a very good idea what was gonna happen as they carried the packs of diapers upstairs for the bullies, as well as a bag of dirty socks.
Well ok, the twins knew what the diapers and baby furniture was for, but the socks stumped them.
"Um..Mister Rayne?" Lyle asked, and held the bag up with one hand, the other being used to hold his nose.
"Hmm? me? Oh I'm just Rayne kiddo. what's up." Rayne said, confused at first but then smiling.
"I think I get most of what your planning, but why the stinky socks?" Lyle asked, looking over as Kyle was being a super good helper and getting the playpen set up, even though the look on his face made it clear he didn't wanna be helping at all.
"Oh the socks are for..are for.." And Rayne trailed off, and rubbed the back of his head, then turned to Grizz. "Hey Grizz, what are the socks for again?"
"We're gonna get the babies who aren't doing homework to wear them on both hands, one hand for the ones who are, and use about 3 socks per hand and tape for make shift baby mitts." Grizz called over.
"Ohhh yeahh..So that." Rayne said and smiled brightly.
"B-But why stinky socks? I don't wanna get athletes foot on my hands!" Lyle whined and whimpered.
"Oh! this part I do 'member! it's cuz you won't be tempted to try and tug'em off with your teeth after those socks have been on me and Justin's and Grizz's feet!" Rayne said, ever so proud of himself that he'd recalled that much.
"I..but..Ewwwww!" Lyle whined and started to cry.
"oh hey hey, look, it's just kinda fair if you think about it!" Rayne said, pulling the smaller boy into a hug.
"H-How so?" Lyle sniffled.
"well we're gonna hafa smell you guys when your blort your diapers. So see? it all works out!"
Somehow not only was this NOT a comfort for the twins, but started Kyle bawling too.
With Alex and Max washed nice and clean, they huffed and pouted as they were marched down stairs in just they're towels and were greeted to the site of of Lyle and Kyle (Aka mentally labeled the traitors in both boys minds) sitting side by side in Alex's old playpen wearing nothing but three pairs of dirty white socks on each hand that were taped up at the wrist with green masking tape and at least 4 pairs of white and pink diapers around their hips.
Finishing the look off as a bib around each twins hip, Lyle had Big bird on his while his brother was rocking cookie monster.
"Heh, nice touch with the bibs!" Justin commented. "I was gonna let them keep their shirts on."
"Well you know, I found a box of them in the basement and thought, why not?" Grizz said.
The twins had tear stains on their cheeks and Justin raised a eyebrow at that.
"Did they have to get spanked too?" He asked.
"Oh nah, just had a little sob feast. kinda shocked it didn't happen sooner. they ARE babies after all." Rayne giggled.
"So what do you have picked out for our two little naughty boys to wear?" Justin asked, chuckling and yanking the towels off of the younger boys who yelped and covered themselves despite the fact that A) they had both already seen everything B) so had Justin and C) they we gonna have to move their hands once they were diapered.
"Well I was thinking something retro, and classy at the same time." Grizz said, taking on a snobbish voice and making the other bullies smirk. "Something that screams 'I'm a big dumb baby slave, but at least I can do homework.' You know, a look for the ages."
"I see I see. Looks like you two little brainiac's get to do our homework while we supervise the good boys. And Don't even THINK of fucking it up. We'll be taking all SORTS of pictures of you dweebs in all your big baby glory and won't be shy about sharing it with your classmates." Justin chuckled and then pointed over to the changing mat's on the floor.
"J-Justin come on, do we HAVE to wear diapers?" Alex tried one last time.
"Alex I'm shocked, don't tell me you WANNA run around in the buff all night!" Justin said.
somehow the boy's blush got worse and along with Max he scrambled over to the changing mat's without further argument.
thickly diapered and one hand in the make shift baby mitts (Left hand for Alex and right hand for Max) and sporting Elmo themed for Max and Oscar the grouch for Alex, the last two of the loser's club was living up to it's name.
Max had been put in a old wooden high chair which even as small and shrimpy as he was was still a tight fit and had the bullies English and Social studies homework out in front of him.
Alex meanwhile had oddly easier been strapped into a old car seat and pulled up to the coffee table and handed the Math and science homework.
"Since when do you even get this much homework over one weekend?" Alex had asked, eyes going wide.
"Oh yeah, we asked for extra homework to make up for our falling grades. our teachers loved we were trying. So again. Don't make us look bad." Justin said and ruffled Alex's hair, making the huffy diapered shrimp squirm and try and get away.
"I can't believe I actually thought you were turning over a new leaf." Alex huffed and sulked.
"Honestly, neither could I, but you just wanted it to be true sooo bad~ Though I'm not without a degree of mercy." Justin chuckled and at that moment Grizz came in and set a baby bottle full of milk on Max's tray, then on in reach of Max.
Meanwhile the twins were being handed one each by Rayne and just took them with some difficulties in both hands and started to drink, they they wrinkled they're noses.
"heh, I guess the socks kinda keep you from fully enjoying the moo juice. Ah well, not my problem. I expect that ba-ba drained in a hour little man, I don't need you getting all dehydrated with all the crying and pissing you've been doing." Justin snickered and after handing Alex his ba-ba, walked away.
For a tiny split second Alex was tempted to grab the bottle and toss it at Justin, but then his common sense kicked in stead and he went to work, pausing every so often to drink the oddly sweet milk.
The twins tummies were starting to hurt as they chugged down they're milk but with the lack of room in the playpen and their stinky sock mitten's they weren't sure if they were gonna be able to pick the bottle back up if they put them down.
Since they had maybe already lost they're friends after betraying them before, they had silently agreed to just try and be the best big babies they could tonight since there was no point in getting a spanking now anyways.
"Sheesh, I guess that sob feast they had really dried them up. Careful little guys you're gonna give yourselves gas bubbles!" Rayne said, looking almost legitimately concerned.
"heh, don't tell me you're going soft on us man." Grizz teased, lightly elbowing Rayne side.
"Huh? no, I just don't wanna have to burp them and risk getting spit up on me."
"..You uh, Know their not REALLY babies right?" Justin asked after a second. "So I don't think that's gonna be a worry."
the mental image of being held in the bullies arms and being burped like a oversized baby wasn't exactly appealing to Kyle who slowed his chugging down but Lyle seemed to speed his up.
"..heh, I think one of them WANTS to be burped!" Grizz said.
Tugging his ba-ba out quick Lyle went to defend himself but in stead let out a massive belch that did kinda make his tummy feel better.
Kyle on the other hand took the other option when it came to gas relief as before anyone could say anything about the burp, a muffled long fart came out of Kyle's behind and the boys eyes went wide as saucers making it clear who had cut the cheese.
"Sheesh, couple of Gas holes over here." Justin laughed then wrinkled his nose, taking a step back. "Ugh, If his FARTS smell this bad.."
"yeahhh Maybe we shouldn't of put all that laxative powder in there." Rayne said, rubbing the back of his head.
With THAT announcement all four boys who had been taking a drink, Lyle having just put his bottle back up to his mouth dropped them and looked at the bullies.
"Rayne, they weren't suppose to know about that." Scolded Justin, then he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
"oh..uh sorry. How can I make it up to you?" Rayne said, while all four of the diapered losers club squirmed and whined in their baby prison's.
"Guess who gets to change all four stinkers himself?" Justin asked.
"Grizz? that's not fair he did- ...OH!...oh." Rayne started to argue, but then his face lit up as he got it, then fell as he got it.
Hearing about how the milk had been tainted, Alex grabbed his and was trying to pry the lid off to dump it out when Justin came over and shook his head.
"Ah ah ah, Bad baby brother! I guess you're gonna have to take a homework break so big brother can bottle feed you." Justin scolded, getting Alex out of the car seat and into his lap while Justin sat on the floor, pressing and rubbing the nipple on Alex's closed mouth.
"Open up little man, it's either you drink your special ba-ba and make 'present's for big brother or I get out the enema kit mom got for dad." Justin said.
Alex's eyes widen and he stared at his brothers face, wondering if Justin would really actually use that horrible looking thing on him..then recalling he was currently dressed like a big baby and opened his mouth.
"Good boy! Guess i could of just made you drink it on your own with that threat..eh, Your kinda cute like this. In a total loser big baby sorta way." Justin snickered.
Alex suckled down fast and hard, just wanting to get it over with and glared at Justin, willing himself to be able to make his asshole of a big brother end up crapping HIMSELF before Alex fudged his huggies.
As the cramps started to build in his tummy, Alex didn't think that was going to happen.
Seeing Alex being bottle fed by his brother and Grizz coming over Max gulped and gave a sheepish smile.
"I..Don't suppose you could just take the nipple off so i can chug this and get it over with huh?" He tried.
"heh, I suppose so. at least then I don't have to worry about burping the nerdy baby." Grizz said and started to unscrew the top. "But just so you know, if you try and just dump it out, I'll be tanning your ass for 5 minutes strait, then just giving you a enema."
Whether it was the threat itself, or the fact Max had loaded up on fluids on the way home he'd never be sure, but the poor boy gasped and whimpered as a hissing was heard and he soaked his diaper.
"Heh, We got our first wet diaper! Man, you must have a hair trigger bladder huh?" Grizz asked, and offered the opened ba-ba to Max. "Bottoms up soggy pants."
Whining softly but knowing he was stuck (in more ways then one with his diaper bloating out in the high chair) Max gave a week smile and drank as fast as he could.
The twins meanwhile had been given new instructions by Rayne who had decided if he was gonna have four sets of poopie diapers to change, he might as well get a cute site first.
The nicest of the three bullies (if only due to his lower IQ) he'd understood when Lyle and Kyle hadn't been abler to get they're ba-ba's picked up between the cramped space and the baby mitt and had picked up their bottle's and handed them to the other.
"Um..Rayne? I-I had more of my ba-ba gone." Kyle said meekly. "This is Lyle's."
"I Know, I want you to bottle feed each other, it'll look so cute!" he said and then with a big of shuffling around got them facing each other. "Your twin brothers so you're both close..So go on, help you brother drink up!" He encouraged them both.
Knowing better then to argue, the Twins shifted around and worked out how to get their arms out of the way of the other then both were drinking up, eyes closed and noses wrinkled from the smell of the socks, and the mini poots that were escaping almost constantly now as they were almost finished their ba-ba's.
As such with they're eyes closed they didn't see that Rayne had grabbed Justin's camera phone (After losing three cells of his own, Rayne wasn't trusted with one anymore.) and snapped a few pictures of the cuteness in front of him, and when they finished he fished them both out of the playpen and had them each put a head over one of his shoulders, apparently having gotten over his stance on burping them.
As they felt the big strong pats on their back and looked at each other over the simple giants shoulder, both twins wet their diapers at the same time but just like how they normally talked, one would burp then the other then the first one, back and forth till Rayne was sure he'd gotten all the gas bubbles out.
The twin's weren't sure how they felt about this, since Clearly Rayne was strong enough to support BOTH of them with just one hand making them feel even smaller then before, though it DID feel good to get all that gas out even if they're tummies were still cramping big time now.
"Feel better little guys?" Rayne asked, smirking.
Lyle started to nod while Kyle went to say something, but that was when the ba-ba's special ingredient kicked in. Both twins stiffened and little gasps came out of their mouths but that was nothing compared to the torrent of muck that poured out of their backside as the pink and white diapers rapidly expanded and even with the slits cut in them it was clear they were rapidly approaching a overflow point.
"Sheesh, that didn't take long." Grizz said, holding his nose.
"Oh man, their fucking toxic!" Justin complained.
between the sick sounding wet farts you could HEARD the diapers crackling as they fought to keep up but it wouldn't be till the diapers were fully loaded that they Twins would snap out of their shocked silence.
Rayne went to say something to comfort them but it was like a shrill alarm going off as both twin once again started wailing and crying, and Rayne winced, his own nose wrinkling.
"Uhh.. Can I just go and hose them off in the back yard?" He semi shouted, trying to be heard over the twins.
"Are you kidding? they'd alert the whole block as to whats going on!" Justin said, gagging a little. "Oh Man..I did NOT think this though..."
"Well what did you expect a dirty diaper was gonna smell like?" Alex huffed, though he was making grossed out faces too, plus knew that was his future."Sun shrine and rainbows?!"
"Also it's WAY too cold out to clean them up outside anyways Rayne, you'll make them sick."Max pointed out
"You two, shut up and get back to work. and Rayne..I know we were gonna make them sit in it but for the sake of everyone noses, change them now....and uh, take them to the basement to do it." Justin huffed.
Rayne nodded and off he went with the little stinkers and Grizz turned to Justin.
"Ahhh.. maybe we'll just use the pictures of them, but let them take dumps in the potty..I mean.. " he was saying, moving to go and open some windows.
"Ngggh, you might be onto something there." Justin said, then noticed Max and Alex exchanging looks and smirking. "..what's with the looks?"
"It seems to me, like the balance of power has shifted." Max said with a evil grin.
"Unless you WANT us unleashing hell in our diapers over and over again, you're gonna knock all of this off now, and hand over the pictures." Alex said smugly.
"Are you REALLY trying to threaten us with stinky diapers?" Grizz asked, half amused half in disbelief.
"If you thought the twin's were stinky they don't hold a candle up to Max, and Justin you know how bad I can be when I'm NOT loaded with ex-lax."
"..Mistakes have been made." Justin groaned, face palming.
"Are you kidding me?! I went though all that embarrassment and blew all that money on diapers and we're gonna cave in now?" Grizz huffed, looking pissed.
Max left out a poot and that fresh tears to the bullies eyes.
"Consider that a preview of whats to come." Max said and gave a evil laugh. "and tick tock guys.. us 'babies' can only hold it for sooo long~"
"Look Grizz, I'm sorry but unless you wanna be the one helping Rayne change diapers." Justin started to say, cut off by Rayne's cry of horror from the basement. "Then the plan failed."
"This is fucking bullshit!" Grizz huffed and then stormed out of the living room, grabbing his jacket.
"Grizz come on! wait!"
"No way man, screw you! I'm going home!" Grizz growled back and took off, slamming the door.
"...Well I hope your happy now!" Justin huffed at the big babies.
"Oh, we will be.. but first.. socks off and let us out of our baby prisons." Alex said, then smirked. "and don't worry, I have a feeling the diapers WON'T be going to waste."
For the first time since this little war had started, Justin felt a pang of worry.
In the aftermath, only the twins ended up messing their diapers and once Rayne found out the plan had fallen though he sulked and huffed and stormed off home too to do the extra class work that no one else was gonna do for him now.
The Pictures were turned over as promised and Justin figured Alex just deleted them, never suspecting that they were kept for blackmail power of a sort later on, and while no one else had a smelly diaper that night, all four boys kept wearing one just in case.
The twins were forgiven by Max and Alex after a bit, mostly due to how traumatized they seemed from having made such big stinkies and having to get cleaned up and had sucked on their thumbs when they weren't playing video games with Max and Alex, though they had conked out hard shortly after.
Justin, as the last bully standing, got the 'honor' of taking the shovel and going out to the trail to 'bury the treasure' and was less then happy when he came back and got told to go to bed and rest up, he was going to need it.
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maxmiz · 3 years
Okay, If Max were to propose Mariam on her 23rd birthday, what would it be like? Please write something on this, I am eagerly waiting to see this content written by you.
Firstly, thank you much for the ask @velox-the-knight. I thought I’d do one better and write a short one shot fanfic on this. But I’ve tweaked the facts a little. I’ve made it so that they’re both 28 (23 feels a bit too early for someone like Max to marry idk?) and I’ve not made it on her birthday. But I’ll hope you’ll like this!
Also tagging @stroblitzfalborg, @bakutenmayhem @araingirl @midnightstarr8 @gingericywolf @luxahheart @dangpanterita @turquoisewisteria @tshjortile @hiwataris-bitch and anyone else who would like some Max/Mariam content. Feedback is appreciated from anyone who likes Max/Mariam in the fandom! (This is a hurriedly written short fic, so it may not be great lol)
The path to the dojo was covered in chrysanthemums and a young, blithe man strolled down the road, inhaling the fresh scent of spring into his lungs in the hopes that it would inspire him to finally pop the big question. The golden strands of his hair mirrored the bright beams of the radiant sun above, and twenty-eight-year-old Max Mizuhara strode into his best friend’s house with every ounce of his courage tucked away in a little black box in his pocket. Today was the day that he would ask her to marry him.
The familiar, idyllic setting of Takao’s house greeted him at the entrance and comforted him as he tried to pull himself together and calm his nerves. The oddly mature words of wisdom of his precocious younger sister, Charlotte, surfaced in his mind – if you know she’s the one, then she is. If she’s not, you can move on to other things. Like buying me a Playstation.
His eyes scanned the dojo. He half hoped that Daichi would not spring out of some corner with a bowl of soup in his hand and ruin the bouquet of wild flowers that Max was carrying, by tripping and falling over some rock as usual. Max’s mother, Judy, had not appreciated Daichi’s clumsiness when he had all but destroyed her immaculate designer pantsuit by spilling a drink on it by accident.
I can’t believe that I brought flowers, he thought to himself amused. Max had never really been the flowers-and-chocolates type of boyfriend. Romantic gifts were more of Rei and Takao’s domain. Mariam and Max had always had a jovial, easy-going relationship. They did many things together – from trekking to mountaintops and sleeping under the stars together, to skydiving and dancing at carnivals to which Raul and Julia often invited them. But romantic cliches had never been something that either of them was particularly fond of.
Growing up with parents who rarely lived in the same city, Max had never had the occasion to watch any romance blossom between them. Family dinners were often a cold affair, with his mother being an emotionally distant workaholic and his father being in blissful denial about the crumbling state of their marriage. Even as things had improved between his parents after he had won his first world championship, Max’s faith in romance and marriage had forever been marred by the shadow of his childhood in a dead home.
Yet, here he was, ready to ask the love of his life to marry him, with flowers no less. The irony was not lost upon him.
Oddly, it was his two friends Kai and Hiromi who had suggested that he take flowers with him as he proposed to her. Max could swear he almost choked on his drink as he heard those words leave Kai’s mouth. It made him wonder if, in private, Kai had actually ever given his nature-loving boyfriend Brooklyn any flowers. The thought of a romantic Kai seemed almost as inconceivable to him as the thought of Yuri and Takao’s errant brother Hitoshi hooking up. But stranger things had happened in their world – Balkov becoming a reality show star, for one. He certainly gave the Kardashians some stiff competition in the vanity department. Yuri almost retched at seeing Balkov’s vainglorious Instagram account.
Chuckling, Max looked down at his bouquet as the memory of his last conversation with his friends popped up in his mind.
“You listen to me Maximilian Mizuhara…”
“Actually, it’s just Max,” said Max, cutting her short, meekly.
“Did I say that you could interrupt me?” growled Hiromi, rolling her eyes. “Now, as I was saying…you have to get her flowers! You can’t propose without flowers to a woman who has been raised in the mountains in the lap of nature. Back me up, Hiwatari!”
Kai put down his drink on the table and shrugged. “You heard the woman.”
“You can’t be serious,” said Max, surprised. “And what if she does not like flowers?”
“Then you can take off your clothes and hope that she forgets about the flowers when she sees you in your magnificent birthday suit,” said a drunk Takao, laughing at his own joke without a care in the world.
“Takao!” said Hiromi, smacking him lightly on his head.
“Ow, what was that for?” said Takao, crossly.
“Your jokes are getting worse every day. Soon you’ll give Ivan a run for his money and that is not a compliment. Ask Yuri and Boris. They had to make a jar specifically for him in which he has to drop a penny every time he makes a terrible joke. There was enough money in it by the end of the year for Yuri to buy Julia a gift pack from Victoria’s Secret and have money left over for Boris and Sergei to go drinking expensive wine at Ralf’s vineyard. Do you want me to make such a jar for you too?” said Hiromi, narrowing her eyes.
“If it helps get you your favorites from Victoria’s Secret, why not,” said Takao, playfully.
Hiromi blushed and pretended to text on her phone.
“Okayyyy, get a room you two,” said Rei, laughing.
“Alright, guys, can we deal with my problem before Mr. World Champion here starts his drunken monologue? Is it yay or nay on the flowers? Won’t it be too cliched for Mariam to appreciate?” said Max, frowning.
“Make it so that it isn’t,” said Kai, in a deep voice.
 Make it so that it isn’t. I hope I’m doing this right.
Max walked further into the dojo to see Mariam sitting on the porch, with her long blue strands of hair casually tied up on top of her head in a bun. She was dressed in a white shirt and red skirt, while a tattoo of Sharkrash on her smooth, porcelain skin glimmered under the light of the sun. Max gasped as he watched his beautiful girlfriend concentrate on the book that she was reading, one that Max instantly recognized as his favorite, personal copy of Bitches Gotta Beyblade. Ming Ming had written quite the tantalizing but wonderful biography of her life as a beyblading and singing sensation – and though Max had initially found her annoying during her BEGA days, he had come to admire her over the years. Juggling school and Beyblade while winning Grammys every year was no mean feat.
As Max stepped into the garden by the little pond, Mariam lifted her face from her book and looked at him with a smile on her face.
“Maxie. What’s up? Why are we meeting at the dojo when neither Takao nor grandpa are here? Feels a little weird,” said Mariam, suspiciously.
“Weird? Why is that? We’re always hanging out at the dojo on weekends,” said Max, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
“You know…like we’re trespassing or something while he’s not around,” said Mariam.
“Trespassing? Did your conscience prick you like this when you were stalking me day and night to seal my bit-beast?” teased Max.
“For the last time Max, I wasn’t stalking. I was just gathering intel,” said Mariam, feigning annoyance.
“Alright, Mata Hari, pipe down,” quipped Max. “Ozuma can’t hear you, you know. We both know that you couldn’t get enough of me.”
“Oh yeah, and who was the one putting on all the moves in a collapsing building? Seriously Max, who flirts when they’re almost about to get crushed by a building?” said Mariam, playfully.
“Guilty as charged, m’lady,” said Max, laughing.
Mariam uncrossed her legs and leaned against a wooden pillar casually. “What have you got behind you?”
A romantic cliché, that’s what.
“Hmm, let’s see,” said Max, pulling out the bouquet and presenting it to her.
“Flowers…” said Mariam, surprised.
“Not just any flowers,” said Max, handing her the bouquet.
Mariam looked more closely at the bouquet and Max could see her face lighting up.
“Orchids…from my village in the mountains…” said Mariam, looking touched.
Max knew that Mariam missed her village frequently. Even though she quite liked her life as a marine biologist, free from the shackles of her tribe’s strict and conservative rules, Max often found her wistfully longing for the mountains that she called her home. He knew that if flowers were the way to go, he would personally write to Yusuf and request him to send them to Japan, where he and Mariam were living temporarily after taking a sabbatical from their jobs in California.
“What…what’s the occasion?” said Mariam.
Oh boy, here goes.
“Well…I don’t know how to do this…” mumbled Max, as he slipped his hand into his pocket.
Mariam watched him curiously as he pulled out a little black box.
“Oh…my…” said Mariam, intuitively, the minute that she laid her eyes on the box. “Are you asking me to…”
Max stared at Mariam, unsure about how to proceed with it. He stood quietly staring at her for a solid two minutes until Mariam said, “Uh…Max?”
Kneel, you moron. You can gawk at her later, thought Max as he mentally slapped himself, before going down on one knee.
“Mariam…I never thought that there’d come a day that I’d find myself asking you…or anyone, to marry me. I have never believed in fairytale endings or happily ever-afters. And I don’t believe that being with you is my fairytale ending, because nobody knows what the future holds. But you certainly are the beginning of my fairytale. Now I wish I had Rei’s eloquence to be able to come up with a romantic poem on the spot, but that’s not me. I’m all smiles and jokes and mustard on noodles and we have had always had an unconventional relationship. So, in the spirit of that…” said Max, opening the box, mid-sentence.
Okay, here goes nothing.
Much to Mariam’s surprise, Max pulled out a red, silken bandana from the box and tied it around her forehead.
“I could have got a ring…and I will after this, but I don’t do cliches. Now, I’m 14 years late, but here’s a long overdue replacement for the bandana you tied around my arm when I injured myself protecting you in that collapsing building. I’m tying this around your forehead as a promise to protect you for as long as I can, no matter how many buildings collapse on us and no matter what hurts me in the process. So…will you…marry me?” said Max.
Mariam gasped. She looked like someone had punched her in the gut.
“You know, Takao’s garden has just been hosed an hour ago. My jeans are getting soaked in the mud. Could you answer faster?” said Max, sheepishly.
“Well…yes, you idiot!” said Mariam, throwing her arms around Max and hugging him tenderly.
Kissing her softly on the cheek, Max pulled away and looked into her gorgeous green eyes. He had spent many a night looking into them, but this was the first time that he had seen a touch of vulnerability in them. If anything, her eyes looked even more beautiful now.
“Oh, that was so fucking cute, I’m going to faint!”
“Hell yeah, go Maxie!”
“Max, you dawg…”
Shocked, Max and Mariam looked to the left to see their friends peering at them from behind the dojo and giggling amongst themselves. Kai and Brooklyn did not seem to partake in their laughter, but smiled approvingly at him and Mariam.
“How long have you guys been there?” said Max, going red in the face.
“Long enough, buddy,” said Takao, bellowing with laughter.
“You promised you’d be out,” said Max, embarrassedly.
“And miss this? Never!” said Hiromi, slyly.
“Oh yeah, Kyouju even taped it,” said Rei, giving their bespectacled friend a nudge.
“It’s time for some celebration!” said Hiromi.
“Drinks in the garden?” said Takao.
“On it,” volunteered Brooklyn. Kai joined him to go into the house and fetch the celebratory champagne.
Max looked at his friends and then at Mariam, and smiled. He had finally found a sense of contentment that had eluded him for most of his life.
The beginning of a fairytale indeed.
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antisocial-af · 3 years
Day 20: Kadir/Maryse
Title: Peaceful Times
25 Days of Pairings: Day 20: Kadir/Maryse
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1588
No Major Archive Warnings
SFW, Fluff, Holidays, Book Timeline, Side Pairings Follow Book Canon, Kadir/Maryse is canon in my heart but not in book...yet.
Maryse and Kadir both set up for a reveal and a family meal.
Click Here to Read on Ao3
Maryse pushed into the large abandoned office, struggling with the large cooked ham she was carrying. She peered inside and stood in awe of Kadir’s work while she was cooking. They had both spent all Christmas morning cooking and sprucing up the old room up for a family meal. Kadir had chosen the room with an out of use fireplace, the reliable Shadowhunter even got working earlier on in the day. 
“This looks amazing,” Maryse complimented while making her way to the decorated large meeting table; they had draped a red table cloth with a festive white snowflake pattern and placed some candles down the middle. “Did you get firewood?” 
“Yes,” Kadir pointed to a neat pile by the lit fireplace. “I think I am about done as well with the tree. What do you think?” 
Maryse set the food down on the table and turned to face Kadir and the tree. She looked at all the ornaments and garland wrapping the pine and smiled. Maryse let her eyes drift up to the shining soft yellow star on top and tried to recall the last time it was peaceful enough to entertain the idea of a shared holiday meal. She had mentioned her thoughts to Kadir in passing after a hunt and was surprised with Kadir’s insistence that maybe it would be a good time for them to ease her children into the idea of their relationship. 
Their relationship was still new to them. Maryse wasn’t searching for anyone; they were at a time of constant skirmishes and near death. She didn’t have the time to think of things like that; her children needed her. Still, before she knew it, Kadir had found a place next to her. He was reliable and balanced, a compliment to her sometimes rash nature. 
Maryse hadn’t realized when she started to rely on him for things outside of Shadowhunter’s duties. The dance between them was a slow one; they recently had put a label on it themselves. Maryse and Kadir had Blueberry to thank for that. Babysitting the energetic warlock had pulled them closer rather than separate them as Maryse had feared. 
She felt Kadir walk up behind her and wrap his arm around her waist. Maryse turned and rested her head against his shoulder. They were both out of their standard Shadowhunter gear and in a pair of odd sweaters Clary had assured her were part of the mundanes’ Christmas traditions to wear. 
“They’ll be here soon. I should go get their presents,” Maryse sighed, taking in the decorations Kadir had carefully strewn around the room to make it look festive and welcoming. 
“I’ll go get them. It’s better if you are here to greet them, in case they are early,” Kadir volunteered.
“My children early?” Maryse laughed and smiled. “Alright, you can go get them. I’ll finish setting up the food.” 
Kadir smiled and pulled away, placing a chaste kiss on Maryse’s cheek before he went off to retrieve the gifts. 
She looked around the room and decided she should put up the fireplace protector in place. Maryse didn’t want Max getting any ideas while the get together was going on. She hopped the enchanted train set she had purchased from the Shadow Market would keep the little warlock entertained. Rafe was still a wild card on what to get; she had to question her son-in-law through some drinks on what her newest grandson liked. Magnus had mentioned Rafael’s love for Spanish lullabies and light up sneakers. Maryse resolved to find something in the Shadow Market as well. She was pleased when she passed a Seelie’s booth with music boxes; of course, she got it checked over by Magnus and Catarina, but purchased a light metal box that played the tune of ‘Arrorro Mi Niño. 
A fire message shot through the air, snapping Maryse from her thoughts as her hand reached for the small paper. 
‘Is portal good, or would you rather we made a Lightwood-Bane entrance? -Magnus Lightwood-Bane’ 
Maryse sighed with a smile and sent back that a portal would be fine. Her son-in-law had taken pride in using his full last name whenever he could. Maryse could recall how boldly Magnus had written his full name on the Shadowhunter documents. 
“Hey, mom, look who we found,” Jace called out as Clary walked in, carrying two presents. Jace behind her had more than ten, and close behind him was Kadir balancing even more gifts. “Wow, you went all out!” 
Maryse walked over and pulled Clary into a hug, and greeted them. “Of course, I did. Honestly, Jace put the presents down; you are going to fall or something. How are you, Clary?” 
“No fair. How come Clary gets a nice greeting,” Jace pouted and went with Kadir to start putting the presents under the tree. “Is Alec here yet? He’s the one that texted me not to be late earlier.” 
“You almost were if he hadn’t texted me too,” Clary reminded him as she smiled at Maryse. “This looks lovely, Maryse. I can’t believe you did this all by yourself.” 
“Thank you, but I didn’t. Kadir helped me out,” Maryse confessed with a small smile. “He set up the room whi-” 
A portal opening behind her cut off Maryse’s words, followed by a curse from Jace. 
“Got it,” Kadir called out before Maryse and Clary could fully see what had happened. 
“Sorry!” Max’s voice called out. 
Maryse watched as Max was now on his uncle Jace and Kadir was balancing even more gifts than before. 
“Maxie! Dad said we couldn’t just run through portals,” Rafe scolded his brother as he passed through the portal. 
“But Rafe, I saw Uncle Jace! It was safe!” Max fought back with a pout. 
“Dad still says no, Maxie.”
“Boys,” Magnus’ voice follows as the warlock passes through accompanied by Alec, who is shaking his head at his children. “We are here to have a meal with family, no fighting on holidays, remember?” 
“Sorry, Ayah.” both boys responded. 
“All good boys, just remember good children get hot chocolate and movies before bed,” Magnus added, reminding them of their promised reward if they behave.  “Maryse! What lovely decorations, look darling a mistletoe.” 
Maryse looked over to Kadir, and both raised a brow; neither remember putting up mistletoe in the decorations. 
“Are we late?” Simon called out from the door holding Isabelle’s hand. “Sorry, we had patrol before this, so we had to clean up. I don’t think ichor would be a nice addition to the menu.” 
“Si,” Izzy sighed and smiled as she walked forward to hug her mom. “It smells so good in here. I can’t wait.” 
“Kadir, are you joining us?” Alec asked as everyone had settled inside. 
Maryse walked over to Kadir and stood by him. She looked up at him as her children’s and their partners’ eyes watched them both. 
“We actually have an announcement to make,” Maryse answered for them both. “Kadir and I have been seeing each other for some time now.” 
“Was it before you babysat Max?” Jace asked first. 
“No, we were still trying to figure things out at that point,” Maryse answered as she felt Kadir squeezed her hand in his. The support allowed her to keep going. “It is all still very new.” 
“That means,” Simon started and stopped as he looked to be in deep thought. “Clary wins!” 
“Wins?” Maryse and Kadir both asked, confused. 
“Shame. I was planning to get some free babysitting days from winning,” Magnus chimed in with a sigh. “I was betting it takes you both till New Year’s.” 
“Excuse me?” Maryse asked again. She was aware that her children were prone to different types of bets, but she wasn’t aware that some would involve her. “Did you all bet on this?” 
Isabelle and Jace looked immediately to Alec, knowing that tone of voice from their mom. 
“We want you to be happy, mom,” Alec started as he discreetly glared at his younger siblings. “We knew Kadir was someone worth your time after we picked up Max. I know how many  accidents  can happen when babysitting Max. Still, he shook it off.” 
“So you did bet on this,” Maryse concluded as she sighed. “Please don’t bet on my life events.” 
“I don’t think it’s so bad,” Kadir said, wrapping an arm around Maryse pulling her closer. 
Maryse looked up slightly and blushed at his words. She heard the not so quiet giggles and whispers from around her and cleared her throat. 
“Alright enough about my love life! Let’s get ready to eat before the food gets cold.” 
“It’ll be great to have you, Kadir,” Isabelle smiled before hooking her arm around Simon. “My brothers have told me some about you, but it will be nice for us four to have a conversation later. Come on, Si, I think mom made baked macaroni. You have to try it.” 
Maryse shook her head, slightly mortified at the idea that her children might attempt to give Kadir the shovel talk. 
“This is… not as bad as expected, “ Kadir mentioned to Maryse as they stood to the side watching the festivities take place “not as chaotic,” Kadir smiled, placing a hand on Maryse’s shoulder.
Maryse leaned into the touch, “well, of course, these are my kids.”
“Maryse,” Kadir chided her playfully. 
Maryse sighed. “I know, I know, I’m surprised as well all the chaos in our lives, this is nice.”
She took his hand and pulled him to the table where their family awaited. 
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
Sims 4 Patch Notes
UPDATE: 4/16/2019 – PC / Mac
Happy April, Simmers. Nice to meet you! Maxis hired me as a freelance writer to work on these game update notes. (Side note — if you find a problem, blame SimGuru Graham — he’s my editor.) In all honesty, it’s a pretty sweet gig. I got to see the new Expansion Pack, Game Pack, and Stuff Pack that the team is working on, and did you know that they bring in bagels on Fridays? But hey, enough about me. Being a freelancer, I’ll be gone again before you know it.
Anyway, funny coincidence; there’s actually a brand-new Freelancer career arriving in this update that’s free for all players. I was playing around with it earlier, and go figure… my Sim self earns more money as a freelance writer than I do! Geez; guess I’ll have to live out my fantasies of getting rich through The Sims again. Looking beyond the new, free features though, I’ve got to say… those SimGurus really knocked it out of the park with this one. Just look at all those lovely fixes to many of the top discussed community issues!
Well, let’s get to it, shall we? Here’s everything you’ll find in this April update. Have fun!
Yours truly,
Sue D. Nym
Freelance Writer Extraordinaire
Freelancer Career
Freelancer is a brand-new type of career. Sims can choose to be a Freelance Artist, Programmer, or Writer, and will work through an agency that will connect them with a variety of gigs. Unlike other careers, there’s no defined work schedule to worry yourself over. Need some extra Simoleons? Smash through a few gigs in a single day and get paid! Need some time off? No problem – plenty of gigs will be waiting for you when you’re ready to get back to work. Your office is wherever you want it to be. Perhaps a quiet corner in the local library, or maybe you’d prefer a home office decked out in the new set of office furniture? You’re your own boss, so the choice is yours! Completion of gigs across the different agencies will lead to a variety of rewards, and ever-increasing pay. Really, it’s the best Sims career Maxis has ever made. [Sue, please… remove this. No editorializing. – SimGuruGraham]
New Objects
This free set of home office furniture and decor is ideal for your burgeoning Freelancer Sims!
Bookcase: Edgier LadderCase
Desk: Anglette Desk
Desk Chair: The Professional
End Table: A Cute Anglette
Decor: Not So Simple Pen Holder
Decor: Hand Reference Model
Decor: Robo, The Friendly Circuitry Kit
Decor: The Note Book
Laptop: FreeRoam Portable Computing Device
Wall Decor: Better As A Pair Of Paintings
Wall Decor: Supreme Freelancer Award
New Clothing
Freelancers tend to want comfy, but professional outfits. We’ve got them covered with the following new pieces of clothing.
A cable knit cardigan outfit
A sweater and skirt outfit
A layered sweater
A pair of flats
A collared sweater
A button up shirt
A crewneck sweater
A pair of drawstring pants
In collaboration with Moschino, your Sims can now enjoy an item from the Moschino X The Sims Capsule Collection. The new Freezer Bunny hoodie can be found in the Create a Sim catalog.
Immaculate White Shelf
I could have buried this down in the Fixes & Updates section, but… it’s kind of a big deal. There’s now a plain white version of “The Immaculate” shelf available in Buy Mode!
[Note to self: Sue seemed super excited about this. It sure seems like something we should do more of… – SimGuruGraham]
The Sims 4
Sims will travel to the correct venue when invited out to an event by a NPC Sim.
Fixed an issue where the UI would occasionally indicate that a Sim was at work, when they were actually at home, which would block access to the Sim’s inventory.
Sims will no longer receive random phone calls from other Sims between the hours of 8pm and 10am, allowing them to enjoy a full – and speedy – night’s sleep.
Fixed an issue where multiple music tracks could end up looping and playing simultaneously.
Expecting parents will once again be able to “Take Family Leave” via their phone to take time off from work.
Fixed an issue where a Sim who had cheated with another Sim romantically, were then unable to successfully propose to that Sim and get married.
Fixed an issue where Sims in the eSport Gamer branch of the Tech Guru career were not earning money when programming video games.
The Pick Up Serving Together interaction will no longer cause one of the Sims involved to fail to route to the food.
Fixed an issue where interactions on the Digitalistic Sketchpad object would disappear if a Sim’s actions were canceled while they were picking up the Digitalistic Sketchpad.
Updated the Digitalistic Sketchpad object so that creating paintings on it will satisfy Aspiration goals and work tasks that involve painting.
Fixed an issue with the Lin-Z Smart Speaker, where the interaction to hire a Gardener would remain unselectable, even when the home had a garden that needed tending.
Sims will now look at the Lin-Z Smart Speaker when speaking to it.
The “Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel”, that’s unlocked via the Painter career, will now provide an Inspirational emotional aura, instead of a Focused emotional aura.
Fixed an issue where staircases were not rendering properly while held by a mouse cursor.
Updated positioning of overlapping Search & Reset buttons in a player’s catalog within the Gallery.
Adjusted icons of Lunar New Year recipes to better display what food you’re looking at within an inventory.
The children’s Yin & Yang Necklace will no longer clip into their neck when wearing a shirt that’s tucked in.
The “CleanRoom” wall pattern, which was previously missing a name for its 5th color variant, has now had that specific color variant named “Like Sand”.
Added the ability to click through different pack art on the main menu for any of the packs you currently have installed.
A new content alert icon has been added to individual careers within the Select a Career panel, to help players find new careers that have been added to their game.
Note: If a save file created prior to this update contains a Sim that’s already in this bad state, simply traveling to another lot with that Sim will permanently fix this issue.
As far as I’m aware, this is the only instance in the game where a color variant has been given a unique name. Huh… neat!
Fixed an issue for Mac users with Intel integrated graphics, where the mouse cursor would not move properly after adjusting the shape of a Sim’s body in Create a Sim.
Removed an outdated file that was causing a false error message to appear for 64-bit Mac users that said, “The Sims 4” is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.”
Get To Work
Scientists will once again wear an appropriate outfit when going to work even if StrangerVille is not installed.
The “Chemical Analyzer” object can now be purchased from Build Mode without having to use a cheat.
Fixed an issue where selecting the Randomize from Gallery option until receiving an alien Sim, and then further randomizing that specific Sim, could result in a naked alien Sim.
Made updates to the list of valid objects that can be selected as the outcome of the SimRay’s “Transform Object” interaction.
City Living
Fixed an issue where objects from multiple festivals were appearing on top of each other in the neighborhood simultaneously.
Apartment landlords will now leave the apartment immediately after addressing a tenant’s complaint.
Added the ability for Sims with the Vegetarian trait to hire a Vegetarian Caterer by clicking on Stoves or Refrigerators.
Vegetarian Sims will no longer enjoy eating Mud Carp.
Cats & Dogs
After installing this update, Sims who adopt an animal after befriending them will be able to become companions with them and lecture them for misbehavior.
Fixed an issue where hungry pets would not eat from food bowls autonomously.
The pet toy box will no longer have its position rotated in a random direction when a Sim returns home from an active career.
Fixed an issue where the “Litter-Matic Scoop-Free” litterbox wasn’t looking clean after cat poop had been removed.
Fixed an issue with the Pet Adoption Agency, where they would occasionally show up at a Sim’s home without any pets to adopt, and would simply stand at the home’s front door and not do anything.
Note: Sims who have already adopted an animal after befriending them, in a save file created prior to this update, will continue to experience this issue. We’re investigating a separate fix for this issue in existing save files.
We’ve placed the magic gnomes responsible for this in the naughty box alongside SimGuruNinja.
Updated the Gardening career so that Sims will earn more than 10 Simoleons per completed work shift.
Fixed an issue where on days where no holiday was set to occur, a Sim’s work schedule would update to falsely indicate that the day was a Holiday just prior to going to work, causing the Sim to stay home for the day.
Fixed an issue where NPC Sims were not autonomously using the skating rinks that appear in certain neighborhoods.
Toddlers will no longer attempt to queue up behavior to “Run Inside” during bad weather conditions if they’re already inside.
Fixed an issue where Sims voices could not be heard when Singing Together around a Holiday Tree if City Living was not installed.
Get Famous
The Acting career task to “Get Into Hair and Makeup” can be successfully completed once again.
Fixed an issue where celebrity Sims who had been set to use their normal walkstyle were switching back to using the celebrity walkstyle after traveling to certain types of venues.
Three star celebrity Sims will no longer use the celebrity walkstyle.
Dine Out
Players who have City Living installed can now add the Siopao and Ensaymada dishes to their restaurant’s menu. Yum!
Vampire Sims created after installing this update will be able to continue to gain points after reaching the rank of Grand Master.
Fixed some circumstances where Vampire NPCs could appear at a venue and prevent the player from being able to save the game.
Fixed an issue where NPC Vampires would have their Vampire Energy drained after completing a load, which was causing them to idle in place instead of performing their expected autonomous behavior.
Note: Vampires that already exist will continue to experience a problem with gaining points after reaching Grand Master. We’re investigating a separate fix for Vampires in existing save files.
Fixed an issue where Sims that had been shared to the Gallery after completing Act 1 of the StrangerVille Mystery would be blocked from progressing in the mystery when downloaded from the Gallery into a new game.
The following environment objects, which were created for StrangerVille, have been added to the Build Mode debug catalog to allow placement on lots. Players must enter the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they can be seen in the catalog.
Added proper images to the Officer and Covert Operator branches of the Military career.
Removed the “Question about Spores in Lab” interaction for Sims who have already acquired the Modified Hazmat Suit.
Removed the “Heart of the Pack” styled look from Create a Sim, as it was authored using clothing that’s only available to Sims that have joined the Military career.
Updated the pack information panel on the main menu to not display world objects under the Build Mode Items.
10 different cacti
3 different Joshua trees
3 different RVs
2 clusters of rocks
2 junked cars
A group of desert flowers
A military truck
A tire
A parking stop
My First Pet Stuff
Fixed an issue where deleting/selling the rodent habitat could cause the game to become unresponsive.
Holiday Celebration Pack
The Crown Roast platter will now show a partially eaten state when half of its servings have been taken.
I’d like to adjust the wording here, as this issue was not specific to stray pets and there may be confusion. The bug was happening if you became Friends with the pet before using the Adopt interaction. You HAVE to become Friends for Adopt to become available on a stray, but some users were encountering this by petting their computer-adopted pet a bunch of times before hitting Adopt.
124 notes · View notes
thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (April 16th, 2019)
There’s a new Sims 4 PC update available via Origin!
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game!
UPDATE: 4/16/2019 – PC / Mac
Happy April, Simmers. Nice to meet you! Maxis hired me as a freelance writer to work on these game update notes. (Side note — if you find a problem, blame SimGuruGraham — he’s my editor.) In all honesty, it’s a pretty sweet gig. I got to see the new Expansion Pack, Game Pack, and Stuff Pack that the team is working on, and did you know that they bring in bagels on Fridays? But hey, enough about me. Being a freelancer, I’ll be gone again before you know it.
Anyway, funny coincidence; there’s actually a brand-new Freelancer career arriving in this update that’s free for all players. I was playing around with it earlier, and go figure… my Sim self earns more money as a freelance writer than I do! Geez; guess I’ll have to live out my fantasies of getting rich through The Sims again. Looking beyond the new, free features though, I’ve got to say… those SimGurus really knocked it out of the park with this one. Just look at all those lovely fixes to many of the top discussed community issues!
Well, let’s get to it, shall we? Here’s everything you’ll find in this April update. Have fun!
Yours truly, Sue D. Nym Freelance Writer Extraordinaire
Freelancer Career
Freelancer is a brand-new type of career. Sims can choose to be a Freelance Artist, Programmer, or Writer, and will work through an agency that will connect them with a variety of gigs. Unlike other careers, there’s no defined work schedule to worry yourself over. Need some extra Simoleons? Smash through a few gigs in a single day and get paid! Need some time off? No problem – plenty of gigs will be waiting for you when you’re ready to get back to work. Your office is wherever you want it to be. Perhaps a quiet corner in the local library, or maybe you’d prefer a home office decked out in the new set of office furniture? You’re your own boss, so the choice is yours! Completion of gigs across the different agencies will lead to a variety of rewards, and ever-increasing pay. Really, it’s the best Sims career Maxis has ever made. [Sue, please… remove this. No editorializing. – SimGuruGraham]
New Objects
This free set of home office furniture and decor is ideal for your burgeoning Freelancer Sims!
Bookcase: Edgier LadderCase
Desk: Anglette Desk
Desk Chair: The Professional
End Table: A Cute Anglette
Decor: Not So Simple Pen Holder
Decor: Hand Reference Model
Decor: Robo, The Friendly Circuitry Kit
Decor: The Note Book
Laptop: FreeRoam Portable Computing Device
Wall Decor: Better As A Pair Of Paintings
Wall Decor: Supreme Freelancer Award
New Clothing
Freelancers tend to want comfy, but professional outfits. We’ve got them covered with the following new pieces of clothing.
A cable knit cardigan outfit
A sweater and skirt outfit
A layered sweater
A pair of flats
A collared sweater
A button up shirt
A crewneck sweater
A pair of drawstring pants
In collaboration with Moschino, your Sims can now enjoy an item from the Moschino X The Sims Capsule Collection. The new Freezer Bunny hoodie can be found in the Create a Sim catalog.
Immaculate White Shelf
I could have buried this down in the Fixes & Updates section, but… it’s kind of a big deal. There’s now a plain white version of “The Immaculate” shelf available in Buy Mode!
[Note to self: Sue seemed super excited about this. It sure seems like something we should do more of… – SimGuruGraham]
The Sims 4
Sims will travel to the correct venue when invited out to an event by a NPC Sim.
Fixed an issue where the UI would occasionally indicate that a Sim was at work, when they were actually at home, which would block access to the Sim’s inventory.
Sims will no longer receive random phone calls from other Sims between the hours of 8pm and 10am, allowing them to enjoy a full – and speedy – night’s sleep.
Fixed an issue where multiple music tracks could end up looping and playing simultaneously.
Expecting parents will once again be able to “Take Family Leave” via their phone to take time off from work.
Fixed an issue where a Sim who had cheated with another Sim romantically, were then unable to successfully propose to that Sim and get married.
Fixed an issue where Sims in the eSport Gamer branch of the Tech Guru career were not earning money when programming video games.
The Pick Up Serving Together interaction will no longer cause one of the Sims involved to fail to route to the food.
Fixed an issue where interactions on the Digitalistic Sketchpad object would disappear if a Sim’s actions were canceled while they were picking up the Digitalistic Sketchpad.
Updated the Digitalistic Sketchpad object so that creating paintings on it will satisfy Aspiration goals and work tasks that involve painting.
Fixed an issue with the Lin-Z Smart Speaker, where the interaction to hire a Gardener would remain unselectable, even when the home had a garden that needed tending.
Sims will now look at the Lin-Z Smart Speaker when speaking to it.
The “Pre-Owned Painter’s Easel”, that’s unlocked via the Painter career, will now provide an Inspirational emotional aura, instead of a Focused emotional aura.
Fixed an issue where staircases were not rendering properly while held by a mouse cursor.
Updated positioning of overlapping Search & Reset buttons in a player’s catalog within the Gallery.
Adjusted icons of Lunar New Year recipes to better display what food you’re looking at within an inventory.
The children’s Yin & Yang Necklace will no longer clip into their neck when wearing a shirt that’s tucked in.
The “CleanRoom” wall pattern, which was previously missing a name for its 5th color variant, has now had that specific color variant named “Like Sand”.
Added the ability to click through different pack art on the main menu for any of the packs you currently have installed.
A new content alert icon has been added to individual careers within the Select a Career panel, to help players find new careers that have been added to their game.
Note: If a save file created prior to this update contains a Sim that’s already in this bad state, simply traveling to another lot with that Sim will permanently fix this issue.
As far as I’m aware, this is the only instance in the game where a color variant has been given a unique name. Huh… neat!
Fixed an issue for Mac users with Intel integrated graphics, where the mouse cursor would not move properly after adjusting the shape of a Sim’s body in Create a Sim.
Removed an outdated file that was causing a false error message to appear for 64-bit Mac users that said, “The Sims 4” is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.”
Get To Work
Scientists will once again wear an appropriate outfit when going to work even if StrangerVille is not installed.
The “Chemical Analyzer” object can now be purchased from Build Mode without having to use a cheat.
Fixed an issue where selecting the Randomize from Gallery option until receiving an alien Sim, and then further randomizing that specific Sim, could result in a naked alien Sim.
Made updates to the list of valid objects that can be selected as the outcome of the SimRay’s “Transform Object” interaction.
City Living
Fixed an issue where objects from multiple festivals were appearing on top of each other in the neighborhood simultaneously.
Apartment landlords will now leave the apartment immediately after addressing a tenant’s complaint.
Added the ability for Sims with the Vegetarian trait to hire a Vegetarian Caterer by clicking on Stoves or Refrigerators.
Vegetarian Sims will no longer enjoy eating Mud Carp.
Cats & Dogs
After installing this update, Sims who adopt an animal after befriending them will be able to become companions with them and lecture them for misbehavior.
Fixed an issue where hungry pets would not eat from food bowls autonomously.
The pet toy box will no longer have its position rotated in a random direction when a Sim returns home from an active career.
Fixed an issue where the “Litter-Matic Scoop-Free” litterbox wasn’t looking clean after cat poop had been removed.
Fixed an issue with the Pet Adoption Agency, where they would occasionally show up at a Sim’s home without any pets to adopt, and would simply stand at the home’s front door and not do anything.
Note: Sims who have already adopted an animal after befriending them, in a save file created prior to this update, will continue to experience this issue. We’re investigating a separate fix for this issue in existing save files.
We’ve placed the magic gnomes responsible for this in the naughty box alongside SimGuruNinja.
Updated the Gardening career so that Sims will earn more than 10 Simoleons per completed work shift.
Fixed an issue where on days where no holiday was set to occur, a Sim’s work schedule would update to falsely indicate that the day was a Holiday just prior to going to work, causing the Sim to stay home for the day.
Fixed an issue where NPC Sims were not autonomously using the skating rinks that appear in certain neighborhoods.
Toddlers will no longer attempt to queue up behavior to “Run Inside” during bad weather conditions if they’re already inside.
Fixed an issue where Sims voices could not be heard when Singing Together around a Holiday Tree if City Living was not installed.
Get Famous
The Acting career task to “Get Into Hair and Makeup” can be successfully completed once again.
Fixed an issue where celebrity Sims who had been set to use their normal walkstyle were switching back to using the celebrity walkstyle after traveling to certain types of venues.
Three star celebrity Sims will no longer use the celebrity walkstyle.
Dine Out
Players who have City Living installed can now add the Siopao and Ensaymada dishes to their restaurant’s menu. Yum!
Vampire Sims created after installing this update will be able to continue to gain points after reaching the rank of Grand Master.
Fixed some circumstances where Vampire NPCs could appear at a venue and prevent the player from being able to save the game.
Fixed an issue where NPC Vampires would have their Vampire Energy drained after completing a load, which was causing them to idle in place instead of performing their expected autonomous behavior.
Note: Vampires that already exist will continue to experience a problem with gaining points after reaching Grand Master. We’re investigating a separate fix for Vampires in existing save files.
Fixed an issue where Sims that had been shared to the Gallery after completing Act 1 of the StrangerVille Mystery would be blocked from progressing in the mystery when downloaded from the Gallery into a new game.
The following environment objects, which were created for StrangerVille, have been added to the Build Mode debug catalog to allow placement on lots. Players must enter the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat before they can be seen in the catalog.
Added proper images to the Officer and Covert Operator branches of the Military career.
Removed the “Question about Spores in Lab” interaction for Sims who have already acquired the Modified Hazmat Suit.
Removed the “Heart of the Pack” styled look from Create a Sim, as it was authored using clothing that’s only available to Sims that have joined the Military career.
Updated the pack information panel on the main menu to not display world objects under the Build Mode Items.
10 different cacti
3 different Joshua trees
3 different RVs
2 clusters of rocks
2 junked cars
A group of desert flowers
A military truck
A tire
A parking stop
My First Pet Stuff
Fixed an issue where deleting/selling the rodent habitat could cause the game to become unresponsive.
Holiday Celebration Pack
The Crown Roast platter will now show a partially eaten state when half of its servings have been taken.
80 notes · View notes
wonwoosthetic · 6 years
He Thought The Ice Changed Him, He Was Wrong || Steve Rogers
First of all, I want to thank @coffeebooksandfandom for the idea of the title of this imagine, as I was struggling to find the perfect one :) <3
I just want to clarify that I don’t write any smut scenes, so in this imagine the friends-with-benefits relationship is being mentioned, but not described very specifically.
I’m not necessarily happy with the title of this imagine - any suggestions? Please!
Thank you so much for the request, I hope this is somewhat how you imagined it :)
I’m seriously living for Age Of Ultron Steve Rogers - he looks so freaking good in this movie OMG!
Request by Anonymous: Okay, so know I was hoping if you could write about Steve, were the reader and him start some friends with benefits relationship but reader has real feelings for Steve and heard him when in Age of Ultron he said that the man who wants a relationship and settle down stayed in the ice, so the reader now is depressed and start to get distant for Steave but then he notices and realizes that he loves the reader Like a lot of angst with a happy ending Sorry if it's very specificHope you write it
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: none
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“The Guy Who Wanted All That Went In The Ice 75 Years Ago”
Steve and you became close in the last couple months. Very close. Closer than you ever thought the two of you would get. BUT, you had stayed friends – well, let’s call it friends with benefits. It started at Tony’s party and got really serious as you stayed at Clint’s farm when you had to share a room. The both of you decided on sleeping with each other without any feelings – but you were far off that. During your stay at Clint’s house, the feeling you had had for Steve ever since the party, grew. You didn’t want to tell him anything about it because, to be honest, with what you had at that moment was quite fun and ruining everything by telling him that you love him will potentially end everything. The only person to know about your ‘special’ relationship with the Captain was Natasha – you told her right away, she would have found out anyway. But, not only did she know about the two of you, she got curious about the way you had been talking about Steve, so then the agent also found out about your actual feelings towards the blond.
You had never thought, you would ever be in a position like that, where you would be torn apart between having a fun no-strings-attached relationship with a super soldier and actually being in love with him. But you being you, decided not to tell him, the feeling was yet there and a glimpse of hope as well.
--- After The Happenings Of Age Of Ultron ---
You were training with some of the agents at the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters – jumping jacks, sit-ups, push-ups, running, and a lot more. That day, you hadn’t seen Steve yet. After last night’s event in your room between the two of you, he must have gotten up early. Every soon-to-be agents and actual agents were dressed in black workout clothes, including yourself. All of you were running around, down one of the streets that were surrounding the building, as you were just about to pass Thor, Tony, and Steve. The God of Thunder raised his hammer and got sucked up into the sky, making everyone in your group stand still and watch the burned stain in the grass which he had left.
The star-spangled man and the playboy kept on walking and talking as you slowly walked past them, slightly out of breath, hearing just a tiny bit of their conversation – but it sure was enough for you.
“Well, it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book”, Tony joked “Build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blows it up.” “The simple life”, Steve commented. Tony tried cheering him up “You'll get there one day.” “I don't know. Family, stability... The guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago”, the Captain answered honestly “I think someone else came out.”
You stopped in tracks. All the hope you had left inside of your body – gone.
Tony noticed you standing still, while all the other agents ran off “Hey, (Y/N), everything alright?” Hearing your name, Steve turned around. You snapped back into reality “Hm? Yeah-yeah… Bye”, you waved them off and started catching up with the rest of the group. “Bye, (Y/N), I’ll miss you!”, Stark shouted after you.
You ran. Ran as fast as you could, overtaking everyone. You had to clear your mind, everything was going way to fast. Suddenly you found yourself in the woods, in front of a narrow creek. Stopping to catch your breath, you noticed how dark it had become and you started asking yourself ‘How on earth did I end up here?’ Quickly, you got yourself back together and started making your way back to the headquarters from where you would head off to the Avenger’s Tower. While you walked and jogged there, you had had a lot of time to think about what had happened before. Although you and Steve decided on keeping it at a friends-with-benefits relationship, feelings couldn’t help but start forming inside of your body – you hadn’t felt those feeling in quite a while, if not never. You knew an actual relationship would maybe not work out, but that ‘maybe’ was what had kept you going – believing that maybe one day, the two of you would live together in a small house, maybe a big one, together… as a couple, married, with kids… You had always dreamt of three… three kids, with Steve’s blond hair and possibly your (Y/E/C) eyes… Two boys and one girl, possibly two girls and one boy, but all boys or all girls, uff. No, the main thing would be them being healthy children. Who are you acting for? This would never happen. The blond hero had just clarified that the man who wanted a family and stability disappeared 75 years ago. That was it.
--- The Next Day ---
You woke up at 5 a.m., very early. The sun was in its process of rising, so you decided to start the day and got up. After making your bed, you opened your door quietly and tiptoed into the kitchen, ready to make a good breakfast. No one was up yet, so you thought. As you entered the kitchen, you dragged your body right towards the fridge, taking out eggs and milk as the cold ingredients for some pancakes. You got everything else from the cupboards above you. The breakfast was frizzling in the pan as you started hearing very silent footsteps and suddenly two arms hugging your waist from behind and putting their chin on your shoulder.
“So, I was thinking… maybe we could disappear for fifteen minutes?” Steve whispered into your ear seductively. You wriggled out of his grip and walked past him to the fridge to grab the orange juice box. The super soldier looked at you confused and taken back. “So?” He didn’t let go of the subject. You started acting oblivious “What?” He gave you a weird look “Could you leave the pancakes alone for fifteen minutes?” “No.” You simply answered, avoiding eye contact. A long “OK”, left his mouth as he exited the kitchen to go back to his room.
--- A Bit Later ---
After you had finished your breakfast, you thought that it might be a good idea to work out when nobody (besides Steve) was up yet. You quickly changed into some workout clothes in your room before heading off to the gym you had in the Avenger’s tower. As you were boxing and sweating, a body made its presence in the room, making you turn around. “Morning Bruce… what are you doing here?” The tired scientist looked at you “I saw someone was here and just wanted to make sure you were alright, because jeez, it’s only six”, Bruce explained. You smiled at him “Thanks for your concern, but I’m very well.” He nodded “Alright… Well then”, he was about to leave, when he turned around and came over to where you were standing “I also wanted to tell you about what Tony and I have been working on. So,-“, and he started talking about all of the cool new experiments he and the Iron Man were doing at that mo. You had stopped boxing to concentrate on his stories when suddenly a silhouette appeared in the door
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“Oh, sorry, i-“, the Captain was just about to leave, when Bruce interrupted him “No, no, Steve! You can come back in here, I was just about to leave.” “Yeah, me too”; you passed Bruce and were about to walk through the door when Steve grabbed you by your upper arm “Can we talk?” He looked you deeply into your eyes. You gave him a death glare “No.” And walked away.
You got inside your room and jumped into the shower in your ensuite bathroom. The hot water made you able to clear your mind, thinking about how to avoid Steve in the best way possible… or maybe the best way to ‘break-up’ with him. Nothing came to your mind. Nothing. The tall blond was important to you - too important. He had stolen your heart within weeks and hadn’t let it go just yet. You can’t just call things off with him, everything would turn incredibly awkward and unbearable. After washing our hair and body, you got outside of the shower and put a towel around your wet body. In your room, you walked over to your dresser and decided on your outfit for the day to be a maxi flower skirt and a loose t-shirt you tied at the rim, accessorizing it with a couple of necklaces and bracelets. You took a look at the clock hanging on your wall and saw it was already eight a.m., so most of the Avengers should already be up.
Walking back into the living room, Natasha passed you “Hey, (Y/N)”, she grabbed your arm “What did you do with Steve?” You gave her a confused look “What do you mean?” “He seems to be quite a bit pissed off and annoyed”, the agent explained. “Oh, and that has to do something with me”, you rolled your eyes annoyed. “That’s not what I said, I only thought it could be.” “Yeah well, I don’t know and don’t care”, you admitted and kept on walking.
As you entered the living room, Tony and Laura were sitting on the sofa chatting “Hey, Laura, what are you doing here?” Clint’s wife stood up and approached you “That’s just the way I want to be greeted”, she joked. You smiled at her “You know what I mean.” She hugged you tightly “I know.”
“Yep, good morning to me as well, thanks”, Tony made himself presented himself. After the two of you separated, you turned to Tony “Good morning, TONY”, you greeted him sarcastically. He gave you a proud smile. Taking a seat on the sofa, you accompanied the two adults and started talking to them. “But seriously, what are you doing here, Laura?” “The kids wanted to see their favourite heroes again”, Laura admitted just as little footsteps were able to be heard from the hallway. “(Y/N)!!!”, the two little Barton’s screamed and ran up to you – you stood up, kneeled down and hugged them. “Oooh, guys, I’ve missed you”, you told the two. “We’ve missed you too”, the little princess said as she leaned back to look at you. The kids started telling you all about what had happened ever since you left the farm when Tony had to give another remark “I’m here as well, you know… why the heck does everyone ignore me today?”, he threw his arms up as he stood up, to go over to the bar on the other side of the room.
During your pleasant talk with Clint’s kids, another presence made it into the room. You looked up and, of course, saw the last person you wanted to see at that point. “Uncle Steve!”, Cooper and Lila ran into the super soldier’s arms. “Hey, little ones! How are we?”, he sympathized with them, before looking up to see Laura and me on the sofa “Good to see you, Laura.”
You didn’t want to be in the same room with the tall blond, not being able to look at him without hearing his statement over and over again ‘I don't know. Family, stability... The guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. I think someone else came out.’ ‘I think someone else came out.” ‘Someone else came out.’
Before tears started forming in your eyes, you got up and excused yourself “Sorry”, and walked back to your room, leaving Laura and Tony concerned, and Steve wondered what he had done wrong. The moment you reached your room, you opened the door, walked inside, closed it behind you, and threw yourself onto your bed, letting the tears just spill out – there was no stopping them. You were crying for a good ten minutes before a knock happened on the other side of your door. Trying to ignore the person didn’t work out since they kept on knocking “What?!”, you asked annoyed. “Can I come in?”, the voice of the Captain echoed through the door. You didn’t answer, thinking that he might walk away, but he didn’t. The door opened, and the blond super soldier entered with a concerned look on his face. “What had been going on with you?” No answer. “(Y/N)… you’ve been acting weird all morning, tell me”, he demanded. Still no answer. “Come on, I’m serious. I can’t just let you sulk here, not knowing what happened.” You quickly straightened up and looked him deep in his eyes “You want to know what my freaking problem is?!”, you screamed into his face “It’s you!” His facial expression screamed shock. “I can’t talk to you, or see you, or even think of you without my heart breaking into a freaking million pieces because you are the reason!!!” You let all of your frustration that had been building up ever since yesterday, out. Trying to calm yourself down and get the words together, Steve’s eyes started filling up with tears as well, seeing you suffering so much because of him. “I-I… I just… I d-I don’t want… I don’t want this… anymore”, you finally admitted. “What is this?”, the soldier’s voice was trembling slightly. “THIS!”, you brandished your hands around “This! All of this! Us! Whatever this is between us! I don’t want it!” “I asked you months ago and you agreed”, he stated. “Yes, but… n-not… not anymore”, you looked at him, tears running down your cheeks. Steve approached you slowly, you kept your gaze low “What is it that you want?”, he asked with a soft voice. You didn’t know what came over you, but you let everything spill “I want an actual relationship, a serious one. I want to go on dates and laugh with the person I love”, you took a deep breath “I want to celebrate the smallest holidays like Valentine’s Day and each others birthdays. I want to have a family, a dog, kids, a house, with the person I love…I-“, you were about to continue when he interrupted you by taking your hands in his “And who is that person you love.” Your complete tears covered face and red eyes looked up to him, lips trembling, unsure if what you were about to say would be the right decision. After taking another deep breath, the answer was about to come out of your mouth… but you just couldn’t. You tried avoiding his gaze again. Steve grabbed your face gently “Why didn’t you tell me?” “What was I supposed to tell you? You don’t want that…”, you sniffed. His eyebrows furrowed “What makes you think that?” “Oh, please, Steve… I heard you and Tony. The man that wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago. A-and… and another c-came”, you couldn’t even finish your stuttering – Steve pressed his lips onto yours, his hands still on your cheeks. Taken back, you slowly started kissing back. After the passionate kiss, filled with love for each other, you separated to look at each other’s tears filled eyes. “That guy came back when he met you.”
Credits to @coffeebooksandfandom for the amazing title, LOVE IT :)
Guys, HELP, I can’t put any more gifs in this post - why not? I tried everything and it just doesn’t work :( Please help
Thank you so much for taking your time to read this, I hope it was worth it! :) Also, a big thanks to the person to request this, I’m so sorry, I took so long, but I still hope you enjoyed it.
Please ignore all of the spelling and grammar mistakes I made ;)
Hope you all have a wonderful day/night :) <3
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Maddie, I need kindergarten/daycare teacher Ben Solo in my life like I need Adam in a brocade dinner jacket.
(This was initially going to be a prompt fill and now it’s a whole thing that I’ll be posting to AO3)
“You’re a teacher?”
Ben doesn’t look like a teacher. At least not like any teacher Rey has ever had.
Finn covered her halfof rent last month.
Rey thought she’d havegot a research job by now, or at the very least, an internship she could dopart-time while working somewhere else for what would hopefully be more thanminimum wage. She doesn’t need a career just yet, just something that looksdecent enough to talk about if she ends up getting any interviews for any ofthe schools that have asked for secondary applications, but apparently that isasking too much. 
It’s taking a bit toolong to get hired.
Finn might have tohelp with the next month too.
She owes him one. Sheowes him thousands of times for everything he’s done for her since they satnext to each other in that physics class he ended up dropping when he decidedpre-med was not for him, but she definitely owes him at least one. 
Finn has been teachingfor about a month now, at the ritzy elementary school on the other side oftown, the one that looks like something out of a movie. It’s the sort of placeshe would have killed to go to as a kid, a place where they send thesixth-graders to a wilderness camp every year and the textbooks were written inthe past decade.
It’s the kind ofschool that has enough money to throw a carnival to welcome back theirstudents.
The kind of carnivalthat apparently needs volunteers.
It’s eight on a Fridaynight. Finn has been passing out by nine every night since he’s started, wornout from keeping up with a class of thirty third graders, but he’s wide awakeright now.
Apparently, it’s timeto collect.
“I don’t think I’mqualified to run a first aid tent.“
The Great British Bake-Off drones on in the background when Finn asks herto fill in for a parent volunteer who dropped out the night before. If shemisses Mary Berry complain about a “soggy bottom,” then that defeats the entirepoint of the drinking game she found when drafting cover letters got a bit toooverwhelming.
“It’s not like you’regoing to have to operate on anyone,” Finn says. “We just need a warm body tohand out band-aids. You can say it’s clinical experience. It’ll look good onyour resume.” 
Someone ends updropping their cake, a confection that looks nothing like the tastefulillustration they had been shown at the beginning of the episode. and they bothreach for their glasses of the cheapest wine she could find at Target.
“I will pay you infriendship- “
“We’re already friends.”
“Then I will also payyou in takeout afterward,” Finn tells her. “Whatever you want. My treat.”
“Indian food or I’ll quit.”
“Whatever you want.”
She was always going to say yes. Finn knows that. She knows that.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate the bribe.
“Fine,” she says. “I’ll do it.”
“Thank god.” Finn letsout a sigh and sinks back against the couch they found on the side of the roadwhen the college kids moved out of their apartments at the end of the schoolyear. 
It’s still a prettydecent couch. It hardly looks like it came from the street.
“I already signedyou up.”
The school Finnteaches at is nice. 
Like really nice.
Nice enough where shefeels bad for showing up in jeans and a t-shirt that she got from doing a 10k afew years back.
The moms are allwearing Lilly Pulitzer in shades that run the gamut from aqua to lavender. Afew of the more daring ones are in green. All of them have blow outs and roundsunglasses perched on their heads complete with iced coffees that seemed gluedto the inside of their hands. 
The dads are all inthe same light blue button down tucked into the same pair of khakis. It’s likethey all agreed on a uniform beforehand and she pities any kids who get losttoday because they are going to have a hell of a time.
She follows Finn througha balloon archway toward a makeshift fairground covered in orange and bluedecorations. A handful of kids wave to him when Finn makes it onto the campus,calling out his name like he’s a rock star trying to make it out of an airport.They are all thrilled when he waves back at them and it’s worth it to volunteereven if it’s just to see how happy Finn is now that he’s in his element.
There are roughly ahundred different booths with different carnival games and kids already liningup to win stuffed animals and way too much candy.
It might be the bestparty she’s ever been to.
The first aid tent ison the corner of the makeshift fair grounds, just across from a ring toss gameand right by where someone is setting up a popcorn maker.
The department chairFinn works with, a swanlike woman named Amilyn, is already waiting. She’s got ahead of pink hair with a matching pink stud in her nose and a maxi dressunderneath a flowy rust-colored cardigan. There are Birkenstocks peeking outunderneath the hem of her dress with pink leather straps, ones that lookwell-worn like she’s been holding onto them since Lilith fair.
There was a car in theteacher’s parking lot covered in political bumper stickers urging passersby to“Coexist.”
One guess as to whoseit was.
 "You must beRey,” she says. There’s a unicorn already painted onto her face, but somehow,she makes it work. “Finn has told me so much about you. I feel like I knowyou already.”
She must look panickedat the notoriety because Amilyn smiles in an almost maternal way.
“Only good things,”she tells her. “Let’s get you set up.”
Rey is given a firstaid kit with plenty of band-aids and a cooler filled with water bottles andjuice. There are two folding chairs with “Chandrila Elementary” embroidered inblue fabric on the back and a little trash can just behind the table.
“If you need anything,I’ll be at the face painting booth pretending I know how to draw.” Amilyn givesthe tent a once-over. “Seriously, don’t hesitate to let me know if you needanything.”
“It’s ok,” Rey tellsher. “I’ll be fine.”
When Amilyn leaves thetent, it looks like she’s gliding.
The DJ- the schoolseriously hired a DJ-is playing a “Hey Ya!” at a volume so loud that Rey canbarely hear herself think. There is no chance any of these kids know whatsong is playing, but that doesn’t stop them from dancing. They’re all too youngto care about how they look, dancing just because there is music and because itseems fun, and she lets herself focus on something other than waiting for anyof the places she’s applied to call her back.
It’ll be ok.
If it’s not, there’sonly six hours to go.
Running the first aidtent isn’t that bad. Definitely worth the promise of as much takeout Finn iswilling to put on his credit card.
A handful of kids comein with banged up knees from falling on the black top, in need of bandages andjuice boxes before they’re ready to get back to the fun. They’re allsurprisingly well-behaved, all saying please and thank you without anyprompting from the parents who all seem way more worried than they do.
One of the moms stopsby and asks if she has anything for a migraine. When she offers up an Advil- byfar the strongest thing she has- the mom reluctantly accepts.
It’s pleasant. Boring.
Until one of the dadsstops by.
He definitely doesn’tlook the other dads.
For one thing, he’ssoaking wet. His dark hair is dripping, but still long enough to reach where acollar would be and the shirt he’s wearing- a bright orange monstrosity withthe words “Chandrila Coyotes” emblazoned on the front- sticks to his chest. Hischest is broad- big in a way that makes her think he must spend every freemoment in the gym- and she can pretty much see all of it with just how wet heis. His arms look like they might burst through the fabric. She can only hopeshe’s there when they do.
Instead of khakis,he’s in black swim trunks that cling to his thighs. His surprisingly muscularthighs.
The swim trunks clingto other parts too. They are doing an excellent job.
The only thing thatmakes him seem remotely mortal, is just how horrible the color contrast is. Helooks like he’s some sort of walking billboard for Halloween who wanted tostart the ad campaign about two months early, but she finds it in herself toforgive him for the misstep.
He’s definitelydifferent from the other dads.
She tries not tostare, but she must be staring, because it’s like she’s forgotten how to speakuntil he clears his throat.
“I cut my arm onsomething.“ 
He has a nice voice.Deep. The sort of voice people would pay good money to have narrate a naturedocumentary.
She remembers just howwords work and then promptly embarrasses herself.
“Is that how you gotcovered in water?”
“It was my shift inthe dunk tank.” He says this like a dunk tank was the obvious answer, but she’snever really spent much time around kids, so it might very well be. “Someasshole sixth grader spent ten dollars trying to knock me in.”
“I thought that wasthe whole point of a dunk tank.”
He looks at her withexasperation, practically rolling his eyes, and she shrugs her shouldersbecause it’s the only thing she can think to do.
“Can you just look atmy cut?”
She motions to thefree chair and her mystery patient takes a seat. He is too big for the chair,the same way he’s too big for his shirt, and when he holds up his forearm forher to inspect, it’s a wonder she can actually focus on the cut.
He is wet, but whenshe takes his arm, he’s warm.
The cut isn’t too bad-nothing that won’t heal in a couple of days so long as he doesn’t pick at it-but it’s the most blood she’s seen all day, so she can’t really fault him forcoming by. She lets the evaluation take longer than it needs to be, studyingthe muscle in his arm before glancing down at his hands.
He has nice hands,this mystery DILF, big hands that might be larger than her face. There isn’t aring on his finger and she didn’t think she was at that point yet, to ogle strangemen and wonder if they’re married, but apparently, she is. It’s a realizationthat makes her feel a little old, but she doesn’t have enough time to dwell onit when he speaks again.
“What’s the prognosis,doc?”
“I’m not entirelysure,” she says. She’s still holding onto his arm, but he doesn’t pull away, soshe keeps holding on. “But I think it’ll have to come off.”
He smiles at that,revealing teeth that are big and white and imperfect. His eyes crinkle up allsmall and she is so pleased with herself, so pleased to have earned this smile,that she can barely stand it.
“I figured as much.”His voice is completely dead pan when his face fades back into an exasperatedneutrality. “Just give me some whiskey and a stick to bite on and we’re good toamputate.” 
“I don’t have anybooze with me.” 
“That’s a shame.”Mystery DILF lets out a melodramatic sigh, but his lips still curl up at theends, the ghost of a smile. “I’ll just settle for gangrene.”
She smiles before shereaches into the first-aid kit and pulls out a fresh baby wipe to mop up theblood.
Mystery DILF watchesher when she cleans his cut, in a way that makes her acutely aware ofeverything that she’s doing, every brush of the wipe against his muscularforearm, every time she sucks in a breath. The way he looks at her makes timeslow down somehow, until the dulcet tones of “Gangnam Style” blaring in thebackground fade completely away.
It’s overwhelming, notin a bad way, just overwhelming and so she tries to make conversation becauseit feels like she might float off the ground.
“How old are yourkids?”
“I don’t have any kids,”he scoffs. “I work here.” 
“You’re a teacher?” 
He doesn’t look like ateacher. At least not like any teacher she’s ever had.
“Would I be at anelementary school carnival if I weren’t?” Mystery not-DILF says. “I’m herebecause I have to be. Trust me, I have better things to do.”
He hasn’t beenbleeding for a few minutes now, but she can’t stop touching his arm.
“Most people likecarnivals.”
“Most people don’thave to deal with parents bugging them the entire time,” he says. “We’ve onlyhad two weeks of classes and I already have at least five different peopleasking about their kid’s college readiness. It just starts earlier eachyear.“
“What grade do youteach?”
She’s thinking sixthgrade. It’s a nice image, the thought of him unraveling the mysteries of theancient world, using his deep voice to introduce kids to the classics.
She snorts, and helooks like she slapped him.
“It’s notbullshit,” he says. “I promise.”
“You don’t seem like akindergarten teacher.” She struggles to find the right word for what she’strying to convey, to reconcile the thought of this man with his broad shouldersand deadpan expression surrounded by screaming kids that just barely come uppast his knee. “Kindergarten teachers are supposed to be…”
“Supposed to bewomen?” He says with a smug expression. “I get that a lot.”
“That’s not what I wasgoing to say.” 
“What was it then?” Heraises his eyebrows expectantly. “Enlighten me, doctor.”
“They are supposed tobe nice.”
“I happen to bevery nice.” 
“I don’t know,” shesays with a shrug. “You just called a kid an asshole like five minutes ago.”
“I’ve known that kidsince he was five. I know for a fact that he is an asshole,” he tells her.“That doesn’t mean I’m not nice.”
He doesn’t seem like amean person, but she doubts that this man is nice.
Nice men don’t wearshirts that cling to every muscle. Nice men don’t look like him.
“How did you end upworking the first aid tent in the first place?” He asks. “You just decided tobe a Good Samaritan for the day?”
“My roommate just startedworking here last month,” Rey tells him. “He guilted me into volunteeringbecause he knew that I didn’t have anything better to do.” 
“Who’s your roommate?”
“Finn Abejide,” shetells him. “He’s teaching third grade.”
“I know who he is,”the guys says. “I didn’t know he had a roommate.” 
He says this likehaving a roommate is some grand revelation. Which is bullshit.
Lots of people have roommates.
“Well now youdo.”
She lifts the secondbaby wipe from his arm and reluctantly lets go.
“What type of band-aid do you want?”
“Surprise me.”
She chooses two of thebandages from the most sparkly of the boxes she’s been provided.
Not because she thinkshe’ll be embarrassed. If he chose to wear that shirt, then he’s definitely pastthe point of embarrassment. But because it amuses her. Because the quickershe picks out a band-aid, the quicker she can get back to touching him.
She gently adheres theband-aids- purple ones with horses printed all over- and he smirks when helooks down.
“Twilight Sparkle,” hesays. “Excellent choice” 
“How do you know MyLittle Pony?” She zips up the first-aid kit. “They’re a little after your time.”
“I spend most of myweek with five-year olds,” he says. “I have forgotten more about My Little Ponythan most people will ever know.” 
He leans back in hischair and there’s no real reason for him to stay- he’s no longer bleeding andhe’s all patched up, so she uses the only tool left at her disposal.
“Do you want ajuice box?” She reaches into the cooler, fishing for what’s left of herhaul. “I’ve been giving them to every patient.”
"Sure,” he says. “Whynot?”
She hands one to him.When he takes it, his fingers brush against hers.
His hands are way toobig for the juice box-it’s meant for someone tiny and everything about him ishuge- and when he jams the straw in, a few droplets splatter on her shirt.
“Sorry about that,” hesays sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to get you wet.” 
He realizes what he’sjust said just about when she realizes it.
His mouth gets allsmall like he just sucked on a lemon and she is not blushing, why would she beblushing. That would be stupid. 
The silence that hangsbetween them is almost painful. The conversation that follows is even worse.
"This is good juice.”
"It came with thetent.”
“Still goodthough.” 
He finishes the juicebox in another lengthy sip. When he’s done, he crumples it into a ball and aimsfor the little recycling bin in the corner. The crumpled juice box landswith a thud.
When he stands up fromhis chair, she has to crane her neck up just to take him all in.
"I’ll see youaround.”
He leaves her with anod, the sort of stilted one guys use to greet each other on the street, andshe nods right back.
It’s only after he’sgone that she realizes she never got his name 
The booth is prettymuch dead for the rest of the day and so she watches the ring toss game sinceher phone is essentially dead.
A little boy, probablykindergarten age but there’s no way she really can tell has spent the lastthirty minutes trying to win a stuffed animal. His aim is terrible, bad enoughwhere half the rings land on the ground, and she can hear the beginnings of atantrum when her Patient Zero swoops in.
He’s basically tallerthan the booth so it doesn’t take him that long to land all three rings on thebottles set up behind the partition. The woman behind the booth hands him astuffed animal alligator and then he crouches down so he’s eye level to thekid.
He hands the alligatorto the kid- a dark haired little boy with skinned knees- and the boy sweeps himinto a hug. Her patient hugs right back and she looks away when he catches herwatching.
She looks for him whenthey walk back to Finn’s car, hoping to get a name or maybe even another smile.
But Patient Zero isalready gone when they leave 
Finn buys enoughtakeout to last them through the weekend.
"I promise Ididn’t mean to abandon you-“ Finn opens one of the containers and the smell ofsamosas fills the air. Her stomach rumbles like she’s just remembering thatshe’s hungry and she looks forward to the food coma that is sure to come. “-Ihad to convince like twenty of my kids to ask for balloon animal snakes becauseI couldn’t figure out how to make anything else.”
"It’s alright.”She spoons half the Chana Masala onto her plate. It might the happiest she’sever been to see a chickpea. "One of the teachers got hurt so we hung outfor a bit.
"Who wasit?”
“I don’t know,” shesays. “A guy teacher.”
“Was it Mr. Yoda?”Finn asks hopefully “Because I want him to be my grandpa. I will give him theadoption papers to sign if I ever figure out his first name.“
"This guy wasn’treally grandpa age.” Her mouth is still half full. "I didn’t get his name.He was a kindergarten teacher. Tall.”
“Are you talkingabout Ben Solo?" 
“You know I don’t knowwho that is.” 
"You would knowwho he is. He’s a dick.” She studies each portion of the last samosa beforefinally taking the one that’s about three millimeters thicker. Finn pops theother half in his mouth but that doesn’t stop him from ranting. “He’s the onlyguy even close to our age and I think he’s said like three words to me since Istarted. I literally have not seen him talking to another adult.  It’slike he’s made it his mission in life not to make any friends.”
 "I don’t know.”
She reaches for thelast samosa and thinks about the man who won a crying kid a toy.
“Heseemed nice.”
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Robyn Banks
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A drag performer, recording artist and truly independent spirit, New York-born Robyn Banks is a queen who plays by her own rules. A lover of performing, she’s someone we’re going to be seeing--and hearing--for some time to come!
Thotyssey: Robyn, hello! Thanks for talking to us! So, DragCon has come and gone... did you partake?
Robyn Banks: Yasss! I went for Day Two as well as Day Three. Day Two was AMAZING! I also was there with Drag Queen Story Hour, so that made it even more special.
You’re a Story Hour queen?
Yes. I just actually had my one year anniversary with them.
Congratulations! They've done great work with exposing kids to both gender fluidity and literacy. Isn't it great to do important things as a queen besides just entertaining folks in bars all the time?
I really enjoy it. It’s one of those things where you really get to see how smart children are. Every time I do a reading, I am just either amazed or super emotional. I actually enjoy when I have a reading, and then a bar gig in the same day.
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We have some bar gigs to talk about! But first, let's get the background on you! Where are you from, and what were you like as a kid?
I was born and raised in Harlem, New York. As a child, I was always very outgoing. I wanted to be on TV so bad, so I would do and say things from shows such a Buffy, Saved by the Bell, Charmed, etc. 
I had a really good childhood. I hated being active, though... the thought of hurting myself was the scariest thing ever. So I never rough-played with the boys--always played Double Dutch or hopscotch with the girls. 
My teenage years, I went to Harvey Milk High School, which at the time was an all-gay high school (now it’s an alternative school). I discovered drag there, and was always in the halls filming things with my flip cam. I graduated school president. Then I went to college for early childhood education. So, working with children is something I’ve always wanted to do!
Were you always musical?
Yes. So my mom plays a ton of instruments, and my dad is still a DJ. My mom taught me the beauty of hearing music, and taking a song apart and just hearing everything about a song individually. I was obsessed with Mad TV, and I loved when they did music video parodies. And I wanted to do just that. I was always funny. And I was always able to make up a random song on the spot!
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How exactly did drag come into your life?
When I was in high school, I was asked by a dance teacher to fill in for a Tina Turner number... and I was handed a wig and a black dress! After the show, I was told how I had really nice legs (something i had been told my whole life). I was then told that I should do drag, but I had no idea what it really was yet. 
The school was having its first “Miss Stars Pageant,” and my friends all said I should do it. I figured, hey, I love to dance and act a fool, but over all just entertain, so why not? I did a number. My friends backup danced for me. We had to incorporate a safer sex message into it, so I made a evening gown out of condoms and I won!
I saw you also recently wore a gown adorned with MetroCards... do you often use found or used objects to make your looks?
Actually, no. I just try to go big for big events. The MetroCard gown was something I wanted for the first DragCon, but I knew the cards wouldn’t fly well since DragCon was in LA. I saved all those MetroCards for three years. I try to think outside the box and use interesting things to make a big statements. I have no idea what I’m doing next year!
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I’m sure it’ll be extraordinary! So, there are a few other Robyn Bankses out there...  have you had to duke it out with any of them yet?
No, they don’t want it! Just kidding. No, I’ve never met one. But I was recently at a bar and met a queen, and she’s like “Damn, you came all the way out here from Colorado?” And I’m like, “No, I live in Harlem.” I then looked up that Robyn Banks, and it was an older white woman! And I was asked by a person if I used to be a stripper. Googled her, and it was a big booty African American woman named Robyn Banks that was a stripper! God I wish I had her body!
It only takes a few pillows! Were you / are you a regular of the weekly competitions like Star Search, Drag Wars and Look Queen?
I was introduced by Vitani to Drag Wars about two years ago, and that year I was there faithfully. And then I was there about two weeks ago, and it has changed a lot. And I love that there’s just so many new faces! I’ve never done Star Search, and I did Look Queen back in June and won. So that was fun.
I love those compilations, but I don’t know... I realize I just enjoy performing, acting a fool, just being me. There’s so much pressure when it comes competitions. But there are a few thoughts in my head about possibly doing a few next year!
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So you are actually part of NYC drag history... you were the last queen hired to host a weekly show at Boots & Saddle Drag Lounge! 
OMG, yes! I was.
You had a weekend happy hour show for the last few months of that bar’s existence. What was that whole experience like for you?
It was amazing. Honestly, it was also a lot of work. I give it to the girls who have more then one weekly show. That was my very first one. The first month, I was so confident... like,”I got this, I can do it.” But to entertain for two hours... it was a lot. I was used to just doing a 3-5 minute song. I learned a lot from doing that, and I’m forever grateful to Robert for giving me that chance, and to DJ T-Boy  for really guiding me through the first month.
You’ve said that doing that show helped you fund the making of your album Jawbreaker. When did you start writing those songs?
I started writing for the album mid-2016. I went to film a show which was then canceled, and then I went through a breakup after being in my first adult relationship. So then I took a break, and in 2017 started writing. But it was super depressing, and my producer was like, “Nah you can have one song on there like that, but you gotta use that fuel to write bangers.” So we scrapped all 7 songs and started over. Doing the show and starting to be In the drag world helped me see what people were dancing to and enjoying. Originally, I wanted to call Jawbreaker “La Discotek,” but there wasn’t enough dancie songs on it.
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What was this canceled show you were involved in?
It was a reality show for MTV called Last Square Standing we made back in March of 2016. And then when we got back a week later they canceled it, only to revise it. It had one season, and then it was canceled officially. That was, like, the third show I had that was canceled!
Wait, third!?
Yeah, I did a MTV show in high school called Dissed. They showed the first three episodes, and then it was canceled! But they sent it to me on DVD.
Wow, MTV sucks!
Yeah, lol! I really want Big Brother. I auditioned for it three times--once in drag, before Courtney did for Big Brother UK. So, we’ll see!
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Do you have a favorite track from Jawbreaker?
Oh, God! Well, I honestly love “Karma,” cuz it was something I wrote about my ex. I had told my producer the story [behind the song]. and he said it needed to be a trap song. I had never done trap music, so “Karma” is also the song that I struggled with the most out of my whole discography. But I love it even more that Lola Michele-Kiki is on the remix!
That’s going to be available soon... the remix track with Lola and its video.
Yes, we shot the video along with a ton of other NYC drags back in August and September. I’m just waiting for iTunes and a few other [downloading platforms] to approve the single (or maxi-single) to finally give it a release day! Meanwhile, I’m hoping for a GLAM this year for my single “Back It Up,” and then go for another with the "Karma” video!
What was the most surprising thing for you about the recording process?
How good I sound. Let tell you something: producers are the way of the world. When I recorded this album, I didn’t want it to seem like I was another drag doing music. I did music as a boy under “Manny Montag,” so I was excited when I record my first album Robyn cuz I got to do music, parodies and drag. If I played you the demo I got for “Karma,”you would be like, whoah! That why I’m also a fan of a capella, cuz it’s just amazing what a producer can do with your vocals. Just ask Lola, lol!
Werk! Any ideas for future recordings?
I originally wanted to extend Jawbreaker into a deluxe, but I’m just now really getting into dance music. Plus, I enjoyed working with all the NYC girls during the video shoot, that it’s given me an idea. I stared working on new stuff. I felt like Jawbreaker was an intro into who Robyn Banks is. But the next album...  she did not come to play! I will tell you that the name of the next project is Drag Mafia.
So, onto a serious topic for a moment... we’re in the middle of a shitstorm right now with The Manhattan Monster Bar dealing with outraged pushback from the nightlife community after some racist policies of management have been exposed (specifically, the general manager made a comment in a text about how the black dancers featured in an event poster should be replaced with “beautiful” ones in order to minimize black patrons). What are your thoughts about all of this? How should the Monster make this right, if that is even possible at this point?
Well, I pride myself in belong a black drag queen. And I am always excited to see my black sisters of color doing the damn thing. So first, shout out to Honey for exposing them. But also, shout out to Zarria for getting that spot at the new Boxers. I feel like this: there aren’t enough black drags out here that are really booming, and really making that stand. 
Don’t get me wrong... I’m in love with all different types of people--age, skin color, types of drag. However, there needs to be more of us having a shit ton of shows per week. I’ve been begging a certain bar owner for two years for my own one night, and all I get is “we’re booked...” But there’s a ton of new girls who ask, and BOOM they get it. And I have yet to see a black girl have there with her own show at this venue. It just sucks, cuz at the end of the day we all just wanna entertain people, but also have our craft be taken seriously. 
So for the issue at the Monster, I feel that the black community wasn’t taken seriously. Now, the owner said sorry and the general manager has been removed. But where’s the apology to Honey? To the black dancers? To the BLACK community? I’m sure The Monster isn’t going anywhere. But my mom used to go, and she said at one point about 70 percent of it was filled with ethnic people. Like, even RuPaul pops in there randomly!
Yes! They definitely don’t seem to understand who their patrons actually are. Disgraceful!  We can only wait and see if they will be able to recover from this.
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In the meantime... you have some gigs coming up at Stonewall, starting with... Sucia’s birthday show this coming Sunday! 
Yes, I’m super excited about it! She is a good Judy. We often get ready together, and kiki... it’s fun. She helped with the "Karma” video. She shot and directed my music video for “Back It Up,” and she has a movie, Neon Boys, coming out next month. 
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Then I’m [back at Stonewall on Saturday, October 13th] with Ari Kiki for Riot...
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[... and back to Stonewall on Sunday] with Catrina Lovelace for her first Invasion...
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I also have a few Drag Queen Story Hour readings this month, as well as our second annual fundraiser event. So, October is busy! And here I thought I’d be able to grow my beard out!  Also,the "Karma” song will drop this month, the remix will follow it next month, and the dance remix video will drop on New Years!
Congratulations and have fun with it all! What are you gonna be for Halloween?
Aye, I don’t know yet. I feel like with drag, it’s always Halloween. But I just got my own apartment last month, so I think I’ll take this year to just stay home with my dog, watch some movies, and just have some Me Time. I know I do have a DQSH reading that morning, so maybe I’ll be a cute bumblebee or something kid friendly. 
When I was a kid, we weren’t allowed to celebrate Halloween. I didn’t really celebrate 'til 2016 after my breakup, when my friends dragged (haha, drag) me out to have fun. I don’t know, maybe my mind will change.
Werk! Anything else? 
My favorite Halloween song is "The Monster Mash,” and my favorite Christmas song is "Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” so I’m trying to get the rights to re-record those, lol!
A busy musical bumblebee indeed! Thank you, Ms. Banks!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Robyn Banks’ upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Also, purchase her music on iTunes. On Point Archives
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It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas
November 28
What a busy couple of days! And as much as I hate to admit it, I am really enjoying the task given to me by The Man, decorating the Tower for Christmas. On Saturday, after a very long, very well deserved sleep, I woke to three cats still sleeping on me. Spazzie held me down for a good 20 more minutes until I had to get up to pee. Afterwards, I fed them and started looking around for something to wear. It appeared that my ‘movers’ hadn’t bothered to separate anything, Sunny’s stuff was mixed in with mine. After opening a few boxes that were odds and ends, I finally found a box of clothes. That was all Sunny’s. Lucky for me she and I wear similar sizes. I pulled out a black maxi skirt and red top and went in for a shower. Hmmm, that was the loveliest, hottest, longest shower I’d had in months.
As I was brushing out my hair, I felt something tug on the skirt. It was the gray kitten, and yeah, he was adorable. Too adorable for his own good! I put him on the counter and he slid down into the sink. And I took him with me into the kitchenette. Lifting the little guy (I checked) to my face, I saw that there was indeed a tag. A cute red star, and engraved on it was the name “Bucky.” I figured maybe Sunny had got the kitten as a present for the Sergeant, maybe because he was missing the foot on his back left leg. And since I didn’t have any food in the fridge (or a fridge, for that matter), I supposed I would have to go up to the common area and get something to drink at least. I scooped up the kitten and took him with me. Maybe I would run into the Sergeant.
It turns out that was a really good choice, too. When I walked into the common room, he and the Captain were in the kitchenette. The Captain greeted me, and I plopped the kitten on the island in front of the grumpy soldier. He kept saying that the kitten wasn’t his, but it was very apparent that it was. That little furball crawled all over him! After a few minutes, the owner of the infamous coffee mug entered; it turned out to be the other guy from last night, the one I hadn’t recognized. And strangely enough, he still had my post-it note stuck on the mug! He laughed about it, but reminded me in all seriousness to never wash the cup. I was also introduced to another woman who lives in the Tower. Apparently her and the cup guy have known each other forever, and they are sort of “partners without really being partners” in the field. I guess that makes them Avengers too.
Pepper and Natasha took me to lunch to make up for everything about Friday night. It was nice to get out of the Tower, away from The Man. Nice to have some girl time and do a bit of window shopping. When we got back, I went to my new apartment to start sorting through the boxes. I was a few boxes in when who would show up with the key to Sunny’s apartment but The Man Himself. After a while, he came out with the real reason he had come down. He wanted me to decorate for Christmas. At some point before Sunshine + Kittens came on the scene, he had fired the decorators that did it last year and had forgotten to hire a new group. That was something he was talking about in the common room right before lunch, and a point of discussion between Pepper and Natasha. And I was paying attention. So I made him sweat a minute, then I agreed to do it, but only if he agreed to my terms. I made it so I get paid exactly what the company who did the decorating last year got paid, but he is footing the bill for the temps I hired and the decorations. So I’m getting much better than what the folks from last year did.
First thing I did was call Miss Fleming and told her what I was going to need. She asked what the job paid, and I had to check with Pepper about that. Not so much about what The Man is willing to pay, but for how much would be fair. And I had 6 people in the lobby at 9 am Sunday. Decorations, well... I was given the name of a local store with which Stark has an account. I went against all recommendations for a color scheme and went with basic elegance – crystal and pearl, all white and some very pale pale blue. I even found a beautiful crystal-like star for the top. It took until mid-afternoon to finish the tree and the other lobby decorations. Afterwards I went upstairs and gathered a couple of people to come and give me their opinion (Natasha and Dr. Banner). Both agreed that it was just perfect, and gave the lobby some more class. Pepper joined us after a few minutes, and she was thrilled. She even approved my idea for an Angel Tree, where employees could choose the name of a child who would otherwise not have a Christmas and fill their wants list.
Then I decided that since I was hired to decorate the Tower… well the top floors were a part of the Tower, right? That was my plan for Monday after I got the rest of my work done. And it’s exactly what I did. When I got most of the chores done, I spent the afternoon going from store to store, buying decorations and lights, but not a tree. That night I mentioned this to Dr. Banner, and he offered to go with me to pick out a tree for the lounge. We went right after dinner, and the corner lot actually delivered it after they closed! It was interesting, the tree was about 15 feet tall. I hadn’t considered what I was going to have to do in order to get it all decorated. I got Steve and Bucky (it feels really weird to call them by their names), to help me get the tree in its stand. And as much as I would have liked to get it all done before they knew about it, I ended up saying we’d wait until Sunny got back. Then we’ll  have a decorating party.
That made me check my phone. She should have been back Sunday, but she still wasn’t home. I also hadn’t heard from her. My phone wasn’t getting any sort of reception, which I found odd in one of the tallest buildings in New York. Steve mentioned that The Man keeps a tight rein on all electronic signals in the Tower, so I had to go ask him to fix my phone and laptop to where I could have access to cell signals. It was aggravating to ask, but he was pretty cool about it. I was still aggravated that nobody had mentioned this before. As soon as he tweaked it, and I had restarted it, it was almost like some kid was running his finger across a set of wind chimes repeatedly. Texts and emails and voicemails from Sunny. Sounded like she was having as rough a trip as I had. She was lost somewhere in New Mexico, I think that last one said.
Hopefully all will turn out ok. I am looking forward to Sunday, my first day off since we moved in. I fully intend to sleep in, go to brunch somewhere, and do some Christmas shopping. Now I have to go do laundry in the basement still….
 Tags: meeting the residents, calling Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes Steve and Bucky feels weird, Tony fired the decorators, and didn’t hire new ones, nobody wants to volunteer, girls brunch out, unpacking, the gray kitten belongs to Bucky, his tag says so, kitten loves Bucky, Bucky the guy, O Christmas Tree, Lights, ornaments, I got a great deal, hired temps from ACME, because I’m not getting that high, Angel Tree, crystal and pearl, white and ice blue, tree for the lounge, impending decorating party, where is Sunny?, Is she lost?, did she get on the wrong plane?, does she have the kids? Did she lose them too?, The Man fixed my phone, wind chimes from hell, time to wash towels, in the basement still
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illyriantremors · 7 years
Beneath the Stars Chapter 2
Chapter I
AO3 Linkage
Summary: The start of Feyre's senior year brings with it a lot of unexpected stress as she prepares for the reality of college applications and finds out a startling revelation from her dad.
Chapter 2
The last bell of the school day chirped sharply in my ear. It was a little unsettling to have to skip my first session of AP Studio Art for a mandated senior assembly, but I kept reminding myself I’d get it back on Friday and that wasn’t so long to wait.
With a graduating senior class just over a grand, the school administration couldn’t fit us all into one space to discuss our impending college admissions. Hell, I didn’t know how they were even going to fit us all into the football stadium for graduation. Rehearsals alone were a nightmare I wasn’t looking forward to.
Thank goodness June was still several months away.
So to rectify the situation and still bore us to tears with endless chatter and a twenty-five page packet I was not prepared for, our principal assigned each senior a period of class over the first week of school to skip so that smaller groups could convene and go over the college application process.
It was exactly as boring as it sounded.
And also terrifying.
“They really expect us to do all of this?”
I whispered to Tamlin as my fingers flicked through the pages of our University Admittance: A Prythian High School Guide. On the podium, senior class counselors took turns shouting into the mic going over the pages in excruciating detail.
“Aw, come on, Fey - it’s not so bad.”
I glanced over the four pages weighing the pros and cons of the SAT versus the ACT alone and rolled my eyes. Tamlin had already taken both and received the equivalent of an O Level Owl in each.
“I’ll help you study - if you’re nervous about it,” Tamlin said, noting how I hadn’t left the state testing page yet as our counselor moved on to essay writing. Apparently, we’d need to meet with our English teachers for at least two sessions to go over our essays.
“I’m not nervous,” I said. “This just seems like a chore.”
“It’s only a chore because you spend more time fiddling with art brushes than you do actual homework, Feyre.”
I turned to my left and shot Lucien an irritated stare. “I’m not completely daft, I’ll have you know!” Though I was still whispering, my voice definitely carried the undertone of a shout. “I may not have as high a reading level as you do, but I’m in Calculus.”
Lucien snorted.
“Bravo, Feyre. Calc - A true accomplishment.”
“Whatever, Lukey. This just seems like a lot of work, but I’ll be sure to congratulate you when you get accepted into every Ivy League you apply for.”
“You better.”
Lucien and I exchanged angry smirks and Tamlin hissed, “I’m so proud of you two. It only took you a year to still not get along with each other.”
“You can blame Tam, for that,” Lucien said and I was surprised to hear a little genuine fire behind it. “He has a habit of creating dysfunctional relationships wherever he goes.”
On my right, Tamlin finally looked up from his packet and glared at Lucien.
“Am I missing something…?”
“Application fees!”
My head shot up. On the Powerpoint presentation up on the auditorium screen in front of us, the very same two words our counselor had just said loomed large in big, bold red letters - like they knew this was going to be the worst part and had sent a pre-emptive red flag to warn us.
My hands sped through the packet to find the corresponding page. Cringing in on itself, my body sunk lower into my seat.
The average application fee was ballparked at $65-70 per school and that was just to apply! There was no guarantee you’d even get into the school and assuming you did, you couldn’t attend more than one school. No matter how you looked at it, there was a lot of money adding up in this packet preparing to be wasted.
And rates went up for applications to out of state schools. It was like one massive joke: apply elsewhere and go bankrupt, or stay local and rot in the hellhole you’ve always hated.
Not that California was always that bad. I actually quite enjoyed the wicked heat the southern landscape brought in. And nothing could quite beat having Disneyland and the beaches within easy driving distance no matter how far inland or north you might live.
But my parents - dad, I mentally corrected, since mom hadn’t called once since walking out on us three months ago - could hardly afford groceries. Sixty, seventy, eighty bucks a pop suddenly felt like a choice between my future and hamburger helper for a week.
I thought of other states - upstate New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina - all places with reputable universities, but still far enough away that I could maybe feel more relaxed. My reveries of open skies and fields so far outside the major cities you could actually see the stars was interrupted by Lucien’s quiet notice of my head sinking into my lap as I shrank into the seat.
“You okay, Feyre?”
My eyes flew open. I hadn’t even realized I’d closed them. “Yep, dandy as a lion.”
“That makes no sense.”
“It’s like dandelions, Lukey. Get it? Because they’re dandy.”
“And you two are five-year-olds,” Tamlin said. “Now shut the hell up, I’m trying to concentrate.”
I glanced down at Tamlin’s lap, but instead of our college guide, he was rifling through interview notes. I grimaced.
Tamlin’s obsession.
“Not this already?” I whined. “It’s barely even the first day of school, Tamlin. You promised not to get so obsessed this year.” The look I gave him when he looked up to argue said enough.
“I’m not obsessing,” and he added air quotes around the word. “Ianthe got senior editor this year, but Mr. Hybern is letting her pick her co-editors. There are only two spots and five of us are fighting for them. If I want to be able to add Senior Co-Editor of the Prythian High Monthly to my college apps, I have to be vigilant.”
I didn’t reply and it forced Tamlin to stop reading his notes. He knew how worked up I got over this. We’d fought about it on and off all summer after his obsessive habits with Newspaper staff all junior year.
“Look,” he said, taking my hand. “This is important to me. Don’t you want me to do well? The better my college applications look, the more places I can get in and the more options we’ll have together to find universities close together.”
“Close together? Why not the same university?”
“The odds we’ll get into the same exact schools are slim. You said it yourself, you’re only really looking at art schools.”
I couldn’t fault him there. I was only really looking at art schools.
“Cheer up, Feyre,” Lucien said, stuffing his packet into his backpack and standing up at the precise moment the bell rang to let us out. “If Tamlin’s busy with Ianthe, that just means you get to spend more time with my lovely self.”
“Oh goody,” I said mustering up as much sarcasm as I could find. “You can take me horseback riding through the Hollywood Hills on the weekend. Or - ooh, I know! We can hunt Dementors in the Forbidden Forest. Won’t that be fun!”
“My ideal Friday night.”
“Let’s go home,” Tamlin concluded, but home was really the last place I wanted to be.
I was more than surprised when I pulled into the driveway and found my sister Elain’s car parked. I spotted a bright yellow sunflower sitting next to the steering wheel of her bright blue VW Bug and shook my head.
Because of course Elain’s car would have flowers.
My driveway was nowhere near as long as Lucien’s, but it was still a good trek from the car to the front door and as I stepped inside the over-large mansion I’d grown up in, I was met with yet another surprise.
“Feyre!” my sister said with her usual pep amid a mountain of boxes. “Thank goodness you’re home. I’m so lost with what to do with all these boxes.”
She stood up and scratched her scalp between the delicate gold bands of the headband she’d wrapped around her blonde locks.
It was odd seeing her home. When mom left, it hadn’t taken long for Nesta and Elain to take off for school. Summer sessions weren’t unusual for them especially now that they TA-ed for their professors to earn extra cash towards their PhDs, but the university they attended in LA was close enough that they generally tried to stay home over summer and put up with the commute.
Just not this summer apparently.
I watched her looking around at all the boxes, huffing a big sigh and couldn’t help but be amused by her cluelessness. For being a scientific smartie, Elain could sure be thick about other things. “Well for starters, you might want to go change into some jeans or something. I’m not sure a maxi dress is optimal for this kind of challenge.”
I set my backpack down on a nearby chair and went over to pick up one of her boxes. “What is all of this anyway? You and Nesta finally get sick of University housing and decide to move in together officially?”
Elain gave me a blank doe-eyed stare.
“You know, I’m sure dad is cool with you two keeping your stuff here even if you don’t technically live here all the time anymore. You could probably move to Tennessee and he’d still keep your rooms exactly as they are.”
A nervous chuckle threatened in my throat and promptly died when Elain said tentatively, “Feyre… didn’t dad talk to you?”
I set the box down. “Talk to me about what?”
“Um, he’s in the study. And on second thought, I think I’ve got this,” and she pointed at all the boxes in a gesture that hinged just a little bit on frenzied, “covered.” Then she bit her lip - the telltale sign of an Elain fib. Classic.
“Just go talk to dad, alright?” Her chest decompressed. “Don’t make me be the one to tell you.”
Dad was, in fact, in the study and surprise surprise, there were more boxes stacked about. I wondered how long they’d been there and I simply hadn’t noticed from lack of venturing into this part of the house.
Dad was sitting as his desk when I silently breezed up to lean on the door frame. His head was resting in his hand, his arm propped up on the chair.
Gently, I rapped my knuckles along the wall. He blinked up.
“Care to tell me what this is all about?”
“Oh hell,” dad said with a groan, shuffling to get up out of his seat.
“No - sit, sit,” I encouraged, waving him off. “You’ll hurt your knee again if you fuss too much and besides, I get it.”
“You do?”
I moved to sit on the edge of his desk, my legs kicking back and forth until my heels hit the wooden sides. “When were you going to tell me you lost the house?”
“Oh Feyre,” he said and it was as if I could feel all the air rush out of him like it was my body caving in. A part of me had felt not entirely different in that auditorium at school.
“Do Nesta and Elain know?”
“Yes, but only that we’re moving. They think we’re just downsizing.”
“More important question - does mom know?”
His lips tightened into a thin line, my answer. I nodded.
“You’ll have to tell her sometime. She can’t stay away forever whether she wants to or not. You two are still legally married and no one has filed for any kind of divorce or separation - that I’m aware of,” I added when he shot me a look.
“No one’s filed,” he said. “Don’t give me that worry wart look of yours. I’m tired of seeing it.”
“That’s because I’m the only one who ever gives you the worry wart look. Nesta and Elain, on the other hand-”
“Have different ways of coping than you do. Why do you think I told them so far in advance and not you?”
Genuinely curious and not sure of what he would say, I asked, “Why?”
“Because I knew you could take it. Look at you.” He shrugged at me sitting nonchalantly on his desk and I could see his reasoning. We were losing the house and I hadn’t so much as flinched. Meanwhile, Elain sat in the entryway twiddling her thumbs over cardboard boxes and packing peanuts.
I didn’t want to know where Nesta was.
Did that make me a strong person? Or a really callous one?
“So when are we moving? No wait - better question, part two: where are we moving?”
“Not far. It’s only a twenty minute drive, but the neighborhood is decidedly less… affluent than our current community.”
I snorted. As if that mattered. “Big deal. I’ll get a job. We’ll make it work. I’m sure between you, me, and Mary-Kate and Ashley out there, we can come up with enough to get by.”
“Feyre…” Mercifully, he said my name as a chuckle, but I could see the truth lingering in his eyes. Elain and Nesta were dedicated to themselves, which meant their money was too. But who was I to tell my dad who had a tendency to drink when the cards went down in the wrong direction otherwise.
I’d never had a job before - not a real one. Occasionally, I would babysit for neighbors and with the kind of homes I lived next to, those gigs paid big for a teenager looking to see every new movie known to man over summer. Beyond that, however, nothing.
But while Lucien might have been right about my English grades, I was tough and a quick learner. And I would be 18 in December - no longer so fresh to barely be considered for a job. Surely, I could find something.
“Thank you, Feyre,” dad said, taking my hand and giving it a gratifying squeeze. There was just still that tiny lingering sense of something else that made me pause.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.”
I shook my head. “You have the same look you always get the morning after you and mom have a fight and you drink too much. I know your secrets, old man. Spill.”
“The move is this weekend.”
Cue the onslaught of outraged emojis on my phone.
I jumped off the desk and began pacing. College applications? A new job? Moving - this weekend. And there was still the tiny fact that my mother had left us without a word and never looked back to contend with.
Mindlessly, I scratched the skin along the crook of my arm until the itch went away.
“You really kept this from me a lot longer than I thought.”
“But you handled it like a champ.”
“I better get packing,” I said and found myself out the door before dad could really say anything more. Elain was no longer in the entryway when I stepped outside and I managed to avoid her on my way to my room. I noticed a stack of boxes and packing tape had been conveniently left in one corner of my relatively plain living space.
I pulled out my phone and sent a text to Tamlin.
Are you busy right now?
A few minutes went by before the subtle ping! alerted me to his reply.
Sort of, why?
As the fates would have it they’ve chosen this weekend for my family to make an impromptu move.
You’re shitting me, right? You’re actually moving?
Knowing Tamlin’s house was just as large and important as Lucien’s and that he counted appearances as having some kind of value to every Dean of Admissions in America, I sent the next text with a heavy heart.
Yeah dad sort of lost the house
Yeah that’s what I thought but we’ll make it work. Could you help us with it though? I know its only a few days away but with Nesta around and this huge house to box up I know dad and I would appresiate the extra help.
Yeah, totally! Anything for you, Fey.
Thanks :)
Love you.
Love you too xx
I let my phone hit the floor as I fell on my bed with a huge sigh.
I could do this.
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Armchair Analyst: Josef&#039;s binge, NYCFC&#039;s Free 8s & more from Week 23
August 5, 201810:38PM EDT
No need for a lede this week, let’s just pour up and dive in:
Sunk Costs
Josef Martinez got two more goals this weekend, in what was ultimately a disappointing 2-2 home draw for Atlanta United against a visiting Toronto FC side that’s just about rounding into “uh oh, they’re back” form.
Josef now has 26 goals on the season, is a mortal lock to eclipse the single-season mark of 27 goals (shared jointly between Roy Lassiter, Chris Wondolowski and Bradley Wright-Phillips), is averaging 1.16 goals per 90 (best in league history), has netted each of the last eight goals his team has scored (a league record), and 11 of the last 12 they’ve scored.
All of that is “wow.” But yeah… there’s a kernel of worry there, because Atlanta have left points on the board time and again via their lack of finishing from other sources. Miguel Almiron has vastly underperformed his expected goals numbers, and Tito Villalba hasn’t been the same kind of threat he was last year. If you bunker against this team and do it well (i.e., if you keep track of Josef), you can snag a result even as the Five Stripes control the entire game.
Do it poorly, though, and you end up with a furious ‘keeper:
Am I right to call this a worry for Atlanta? On the year they’re just 2-3-5 against what I consider to be “good” teams, and have struggled against the likes of Portland and Seattle when those particular sides have parked the bus.
Tata Martino, for one, is unconcerned. He lit up when asked about why only Martinez is scoring.
“On the second goal, was he taking a ball from the air, fighting off an entire defense and got a goal? No! There’s ball circulation that ends with [Villalba] waiting for the move, playing a cross, then Josef’s goal. I would be worried if we lump the ball in and let Josef manage himself alone, but this is not the case. Our right wing has eight assists, our left has 10 assists,” he said.
“Look at Josef´s 26 goals getting 24 assists – analyze that.”
All of that is true, even if Tata’s math is slightly off. You can see in the video above that Atlanta weren’t hoping to break down the bunker; they were specifically targeting certain parts of the bunker and forcing the TFC players to come play the ball instead of staying the zone. This was planned, and you’d be dumb not to plan to create chances for the most lethal goalscorer in league history, right?
“Truth is, he has big virtues, but there’s also a play circuit that allows Josef to find empty spaces. Otherwise our opponents only would have to keep him away from getting chances. That would be too easy, so they have to move to fill the gaps he is creating for his teammates. Those gaps are created with our ball circulation,” Tata continued.
“Sincerely I don’t mind and I mean it – he won´t stop making goals. There’s no way to neutralize a No. 9 when you have a team that supports our style of play. You look at FC Barcelona—you can’t keep [Lionel] Messi from making 40 goals per season, because there’s a style of play that allows Messi or [Luis] Suárez to finish in best conditions.”
This is a really good answer to an entirely fair question, and it does the right thing in putting the onus on the opposition to go to the film, unwind Atlanta’s sequences of play, and figure out how to stop putting the ball on Martinez’s head in the six-yard box. You want to stop them, you’ve got to stop him.
BTW. pic.twitter.com/LJ1IJ5FJYp
— Ben Baer (@BenBaer89) August 5, 2018
But it also dodges the issue: Atlanta keep dropping results when they’re the better team, and it’s because if the chance falls to someone not named Josef Martinez, it’s not going in the back of the net.
Off Brand
It was a good weekend for dropped points in the Eastern Conference. Ten teams played, and only one – RBNY – walked out with the full three points.
That includes a 2-2 Vancouver draw at NYCFC in one of the more unexpected outcomes of the year (but, because this is MLS, not even the most unexpected of the week). It’s fair to say that NYCFC have missed David Villa, and it’s also fair to say that his absence isn’t the sum total of what I will lightly term their “struggles.” They lost last week during a brutal stretch, played poorly in a win at Orlando before that, and then surrendered a home result for only the second time all season.
For a team as good as the one from the Bronx, that is “struggling.”
Let’s unpack how and why that happened against a ‘Caps team that had only 27 percent of possession on the day, and played a lineup comprising mostly reserves, and were outshot 22-8.
First, here is NYCFC head coach Dome Torrent’s postgame money quote:
“We found [Ismael Tajouri-Shradi] many, many times on the left side, we played free and this is our intention,” he offered. “Play with the wingers wide and they cross all the time inside. The best way for me to attack is our wingers wide.”
This is somewhat unusual in the modern game, one in which wingers are mostly inverted and fullbacks mostly overlap. But this is not unusual for City Football Group, and the system Torrent’s describing is the same one that Pep Guardiola mostly used at Manchester City last year.
1. The wingers stay wide instead of being inverted, effectively spreading out the entire opposing backline instead of letting them stay compact
2. The fullbacks push up usually in support – as a platform for distribution – rather than as pure overlappers. When they do push into the attack, it’s as often as not to be underlappers, i.e. playing inside the winger rather than outside the winger
3. The midfield has a back point and two playmakers. Kevin De Bruyne called the role a “free 8,” but really they’re just modern No. 10s who have to defend a little bit
4. Because the wingers are wide and the fullbacks are supporting possession, the Free 8s push forward to attack inside channels while the No. 9 occupies central defenders. Simple spacing – the wingers are pulling the backline apart by staying wide, remember – gives them more room to get into dangerous spots
5. That’s how Jesus Medina gets goals like this:
Tajouri-Shradi is the wide winger, Anton Tinnerholm is the underlapping right back, and Medina is the Free 8. This is literally ripped from the Man City playbook.
The problem with this approach is simple: It throws a lot of numbers forward and exposes the hell out of you on the counter. And if your Free 8s aren’t able to put in the requisite defensive work – and neither Medina nor Maxi Moralez did in this one – then you will give up goals on the counter by losing the ball in central midfield and why don’t I just show you the clip?
This is a very different way of approaching the game from what this team did under Patrick Vieira. I respect Torrent’s attempt to put his own mark on the team (even if I think many of his personnel choices are bad), and I still think NYCFC are much more good than bad. I still think they’re one of the three or four best teams in MLS.
But here’s a note my colleague Bobby Warshaw sent me, and I agree with every word:
NYCFC has been great at times – MTL and Columbus wins – but also really bad at times. If they click, they could be the best team in the league; but I’m worried they are tinkering so much and it makes whether they click on a given day random and unpredictable/untrustworthy.
A few more things to ponder…
9. The actual most shocking result of the weekend came in Frisco, where San Jose picked up just their third win of the year – and their first over anybody but Minnesota United – with a 3-1 result over FC Dallas. It marked FCD’s first loss at home this season.
San Jose did well to capitalize on a couple of bad errors from Jesse Gonzalez, and got probably their best central midfield performance of the season. Both Luis Felipe and Anibal Godoy (who I have been vocally down on) were clean on the ball and active off it, and that allowed the Quakes to be both solid and dangerous. It was a nice change, and a much-needed win.
For FCD… don’t look now, but they’re just 4-4-1 across all competitions since Mauro Diaz left.
8. No Zlatan, no party. The Galaxy went to Colorado without their star striker and left with a 2-1 loss, snapping their nine-game unbeaten run. LA aren’t/weren’t really able to control games with the ball, which means their defense has to scramble and make plays. As we’ve seen all season, that’s not, uh, their forte. And David Bingham has done them few favors in net.
Colorado did well to only field three center backs instead of their usual four or five. Bobby will have a nice long look at their new 4-4-2 diamond – and how it’s reviving Kellyn Acosta – this week.
7. Our Face of the Week goes to Seattle head coach Brian Schmetzer, who was super duper pleased with Will Bruin’s stoppage time goal for a come-from-behind 2-1 win at Minnesota:
We feel you, Coach! pic.twitter.com/yucFMrkgaD
— Seattle Sounders FC (@SoundersFC) August 5, 2018
This was all born of a switch to the 4-4-2, which allowed Bruin and Raul Ruidiaz to play off of each other for a few minutes. It’s looked very, very promising thus far in limited minutes.
If I was a MNUFC fan I’d probably be asking questions as to why Michael Boxall didn’t contest the long-ball that led to Bruin’s goal, and why Francisco Calvo didn’t track Bruin at all.
Of note: Adrian Heath benched Christian Ramirez in this one, and there are credible whispers he’s being shopped. A number of teams out there could use a goalscoring No. 9.
6. Real Salt Lake gave themselves a “gotta have it” 2-1 win over visiting Chicago on Saturday night in Sandy.
Midfielder Damir Kreilach – playing a box-to-box role in this one – got both goals for the hosts, and while his defensive deficiencies are always lurking, it’s been fun to watch him figure out this league and his teammates over the course of a season. For example, he knows that RSL center forward Corey Baird only rarely hits the “A gap” between the central defenders, and instead prefers to drift to the back post. That opens up the A gap for a late, Frank Lampard-esque run out of midfield, which is exactly how Kreilach got the game’s first goal.
Chicago are now down to 10th in the East and are under 1 ppg. They have completely failed to build off of a strong 2017 season.
5. Few teams in league history have been able to grind as well as this year’s Timbers. They weren’t great in Saturday’s 3-0 win over a short-handed Philadelphia side:
I hope the Timbers don’t fall for the fool’s gold that was last night’s 3-0 win. A Union B+ team that had no business taking points off any MLS side on the road likely would’ve earned at least a point if they didn’t make egregiously dumb mistakes in the second half. #RCTID
— Chris Rifer (@ChrisRifer) August 5, 2018
But they’re now unbeaten in 15, and picked up just their second multi-goal win of the year. They make you earn every inch, and the Union weren’t good enough to make a dent.
4. Orlando City came back from two goals down, and then came back from one goal down to steal a 3-3 home draw against the Revs thanks to a goal in second-half stoppage.
This game was entirely bonkers, and an entirely bad result for both teams. The Lions already have a bunch of nails in their coffin, and this is very obviously one more. But the Revs… the Revs had this, but once again their inability to defend in their own 18 just destroyed their hopes of creating any sort of breathing room between them and the hunting pack.
New England are now winless in five, have one win in eight, and are 4-6-7 since April 14. Only Orlando, San Jose, Colorado and D.C. United have fewer points since then.
3. Speaking of D.C., they went to Montreal and got a very useful point via a 1-1 draw thanks to a Yamil Asad goal (and how much would Atlanta give to have him back right now?), which canceled out Matteo Mancosu’s opener.
United shifted out of their usual 4-1-4-1 for more of a 4-2-3-1 with Russell Canouse and Junior Moreno on the “2” line, effectively shielding what’s usually a pretty vulnerable backline. Given that, the Impact were kind of flummoxed when it came to consistent chance generation. And given their inability to press, they couldn’t just turn defense into offense.
This was a bad, bad result for Montreal, who are still technically above the playoff line but are actually seventh in the East on PPG, and have a mostly pretty tough schedule remaining. If the miss the playoffs by a point or two, this is the game they should point at.
2. LAFC are suddenly sliding. Following Sunday’s 2-1 loss at RBNY they’re winless in four and have just one win in their last six. Teams have limited their ability to build triangles up and down the pitch – everybody’s got tape to dissect now – and that means Adama Diomande isn’t getting anymore tap-ins, and nobody’s really picking up the slack.
On the defensive side, it’s simple: Mistakes are getting punished. Tyler Miller’s spill led to the first New York goal, and a simple ball over the top led to the second. The season is a grind, and exhaustion leads to both lapses in concentration and physical failures. Expect a different-looking lineup for Wednesday’s U.S. Open Cup semifinal against Houston.
For RBNY, they’re back to 2 ppg, tied with Atlanta for best in the league, and their +21 goal differential is second-best.
1. And finally, our Pass of the Week goes to Sporting KC’s 16-year-old playmaker Gianluca Busio, who got the game-winning assist in his side’s 1-0 win at Houston:
Great pass, and a good interview as well. As he said, he was able to “drift” into Zone 14, and Houston have had trouble tracking movement through there all season in Juan David Cabezas’ absence. 
Houston lost their minds in this one, with three players seeing red and head coach Wilmer Cabrera also being dismissed. Given how far they are from the playoff line, how poor they are on the road and how the rest of their schedule looks, it seems quite likely their hopes of a return trip to the playoffs are just about fried.
Which makes Wednesday’s Open Cup semifinal that much bigger. Win there, and they have a shot at at least salvaging something from an otherwise colossally disappointing 2018.
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MLSsoccer.com News
Armchair Analyst: Josef's binge, NYCFC's Free 8s & more from Week 23 was originally published on 365 Football
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kandadiff · 6 years
Chapter 18 - I can’t control that I want you.
the start over of the new chapter sorry for the wait.
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My voice was gone instead my throat was filled with a large lump. Negan held my hands on his and I just couldn't speak. "I meant what I said, princess" he placed the velvet box into my palm closing my hand around it, his phone started ringing and he sighed quickly silencing it "I want to marry you, you don't have to answer me now but if your wearing it at dinner tonight I'll know your answer." I didn't realize I nodded until he kissed my forehead and stood up. "Take the day to relax. Thomas has the twins so take all day for your decision." I felt myself nod that time and I watched him walk out of the room.
Marriage? Marriage! I hadn't thought of ever marrying someone else. Maximus was the only person I thought I was going to marry. I hadn't ever thought of having a second husband and Negan wanted to be mine. Guilt passed through me as well as flashes of Maxis past through my mind as well as Lucille. I shifted uncomfortably and stared up at the ceiling.
"My sun and stars" I hoped maxis could hear me "if it is foolish for me to marry Negan please send me a sign." The room was silent nothing save for me and Blade cutting up the loaf of bread moved. There was a knock on the door about a half an hour later but it was just one of the maids. She smiled with a giddy look and glanced at my hand. Looks like she knew and no doubt was going to spread around the sanctuary that I wasn't wearing it.
As she cleaned the table I grabbed Blade and my phone sitting on the chair by the balcony. "Hey you've reached Kara-Lina sorry I can't come to the phone right now but leave your name and a brief message and I'll call you back."
"Hey, kit call me back when you can. No one is hurt."
Makayla's phone was off, Katya's was disconnected (she probably forgot to pay her bill) and out of habit I accidentally called your number not realizing until I heard the voicemail.
"Hiiiii! It's Jinks! What's up?" The thought I had about how good I was taking your death was thrown out of the window when I burst into violent tears. My sobs surprised Blade as well as the maid who both rushed over to me. Blade started grabbing at my phone while the maid knelt in front of me.
"Miss are you okay? Want me to call Mr. Negan?" My body shook in sobs angry and sad that you weren't here with me when I needed you. After a few minutes I managed to stop crying and pull myself together enough to shake my head.
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"No, no thank you." I stood up and walked over to my closet. “I- can you tell Ami that I need a car, I’m headed over to visit Simon today.” I could tell she wanted to ask more questions but she stopped herself and quickly walked out the room while I got dressed. -
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You still weren’t healed or healthy enough to walk without your legs feeling as though you were walking through lava so Lulu offered to take you around in a wheelchair to the a gazebo that overlooked the beach. The salty, sandy and slightly chilly air filled your lungs giving you a much needed sense of calm. You had always loved the beach, you washed up on a shore in Northern Canada freezing when you first came to earth that's when you first met Wade Wilson. You figured the ocean was some sort of a savior to you. First it kept you alive there and a week ago it lead you to a place where you were safe, if just for now. 
Of course not everything felt so safe here. You had been around wolves before; Tyler, his family and Maximus and they were always accepting of you. But the wolves here were different, while they weren’t rude they weren’t exactly eager to speak to you. Maxis said “It’s because you’re not a wolf.”
“but Tyler’s family didn’t care.”
“Tyler’s family is a little more progressive. Most old fashioned wolves don’t really trust non-wolves. Unless of course the non-wolves are marked.”
That wasn’t a term you were familiar with so Lulu, who was so talkative around Maximus and nearly mute around you explained in a voice barely above a whisper. “When a wolf find’s there life mate, they bite here” she pointed to the hallow mark between her shoulder and jaw line. “hard and then the wolf’s saliva heals it and if the mark is still there when it’s healed that means they are bonded for life. Then the wolf and his or her partner can feel the emotions and thoughts of the other. Its romantic.” She said wistfully.
That was a few days ago and you couldn’t help but notice the various marks on the men and women who walked past the doctors window when you lay in the bed. Of course that wasn’t the only thing that passed your window especially at night when you were supposed to be sleeping. Yellow eyes stared at you from the darkness, of course it sacred you the first night but after a while you figured out it had to be Jake because when Max shifted in his sleep the eyes would dart to him to see if he was awake the focus back on you. You didn't sleep with the window open much anymore instead when the rooms would get hot you would use the AC. 
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You looked down at the beach, wolves running and kicking up the sand. It was training for all the younger wolves and the injured which is why Maxis was down there with Jericho. Maxis wasn’t healed enough either, he was still unable to shift into his wolf form so he was being pushed hard by Jericho who acted like his gym trainer at the moment. From next to you, you saw Lulu smile and occasionally when he went hard she would cheer him on. You stayed quiet although you were suspicious of her feelings for Maxis. 
Jake however, as the alpha’s son was training about four smaller wolves which consisted of fighting them and he was winning but you didn't want to give him that satisfaction of watching him. You noticed he kept looking up at you two, you hoped he was looking at his girlfriend but you had a knowing feeling that he was actually looking at you. True to his word Max didn’t let Jake be alone with you despite how much he tried to, someone was always in the room with you. He often tried to get Lulu to leave the room but she would always make some excuse as to why she couldn’t. Jake would try to strong arm Jericho who just told him bluntly he wasn’t leaving and Jake wouldn’t even attempt to talk to you much when max was there. 
“GO JAKE!” Lulu screamed next to you and you winced. 
“You know, i’m fine just sitting here” You turned to her “You can go down there if you want.” She shook her head but didn’t speak. Big surprise there. “I’m serious. I’ll be okay, plus you guys can see me and I can see you if you want to spend sometime with Jake-” She gave a sarcastic laugh at that. You sighed and leaned back in the chair. “Fine then, just trying to be nice.”
“I know” she said quietly “I’m sorry.” You sat in silence while she watched Jake and your eyes tried to avoid him. Although out the corner of your eye you saw him looking up at you every few minutes. God he was desperate. 
“I think the smartest move for you to make right now” Emma, Simo’s right-hand woman said while looking at the gruesome photos spread around the table. “Is to publicly commit to that girl. He’s sending a message to anyone who he perceives as threats.”
“Why would he target Simon?” Robin, another man in Simo’s cabinet asked. “As far as Negan knows Simon isn’t a threat.”
“Two of these men had romantic feelings towards Kay and another tried to jump Shawn. This man just threatened Negan.” Emma pointed at the photos of the men covered in blood and other pieces of there body. “It’s not really a secret that Simon has purely platonic feelings for the Queen of the saviors.”
Simon took some of the photo’s in his hand looking them over. Negan was taking any threats very seriously ever since your funeral. Any rogue Negan found, he destroyed in the darkest and most gruesome way possible usually Lucille was the primary weaponed used but someyimes it was other things. “Those idiots were to cocky for their own good.” Simon tossed the photos away from him. “I’ve been careful enough for him not to suspect a thing. Not from me at least.”
Emma smirked as did Robin. “It’s about time the Saviors have a competent leader again.”
“I know” Robin added “I’m not sure if it’s that girl making him-” Emma shook her head as Simon clapped his hand down on the table hard.
“’That girl’ is our key to getting the rest of the saviors in our side. Those people worship her because she provides a buffer between them and that power hungry fuck. We have her we have power.”
Robin gulped and said in a low voice “but what if she said yes to the engagement; she won’t just leave-”
“From what I hear, she didn’t say anything yet.” Emma added “And it doesn’t matter what her answer is. She lost a husband before and moved onto Negan. If she loses another she’ll move onto Simon.” 
Simon gave a nod before the trio where interrupted by a knock on the door. Robin gathered the photos quickly as Simon opened the door. Demi stood in the doorway with a big smile on her face. She stood on her tip-toes placing a small peck on simon’s lips, but when she saw other people around the table she stopped and faltered. “Um sorry for the interruption but someone is here to see you and she says don’t make her wait long.” The smirk returned to the girls face as she ignored Simon’s questions of who was waiting for him instead leading him upstairs to his bedroom.
- (This is in Simon’s 3rd POV) -
“Demi who the hell is in my room?” He was irritated, he hated surprises and being ignored. He felt like grabbing Demi by her brightly colored hair but when she opened the door and pointed toward the balcony he relaxed a bit. He walked fully into the room, a smile replacing his scowl. Demi was about to speak but he shook his head and in a whisper said “I’ll come and get you later, do me a favor and find out who came with her.” Demi looked confused but before she could speak “She came with someone trust me.” She nodded placing a small peck on his cheek before leaving the room.
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Simon turned back to his view of the balcony and smiled at the girl who made herself acquainted with the view , her hair hung down her back with a few lose braids to keep it mostly out of her face. She wore a summer dress with an open back to combat the heat. He smiled knowing he could get used to this walking into his bedroom seeing her looking out at his land. Despite her efforts to keep a low profile she was known (at least in the underground) one of the most powerful women in the city. The people who followed her would follow her to there graves because under Negan she made there lives better and she wasn’t afraid of getting in a fight with the Joker or anyone else who got in her way.
Simon slowly walked over to her savoring the moments but when he passed her purse he had an idea and quietly riffled through it searching for my phone but found the blue velvet box instead. He felt his jaw tighten and turned off her phone anyway trying to put on a happy face when he knocked on the wood paned doors. The smile she gave him warmed Simons heart and told him he was doing the right thing, she was to pure for Negan. He was the gentlemen who deserved her and deserved what she had to bring and vice versa.
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“What?” She smiled turning around fully to see him. “You said I can visit, was it just a polite thing you say and don’t mean?” She teased and he found himself laughing.
“No, no of course not. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon.” She stopped right in front of him and pulled him in for a hug which he warmly returned.
“I missed you Simon, it’s not the same without your smartass comments.”
“Funny” he laughed leading her into his rather large bedroom and to the couch. “I was going to say the same thing to you.”
“Oh haha” she rolled her eyes and he shook his head.
“That’s not lady like, rolling your eyes.”
“I’m not a ‘lady’.” She rolled her eyes again emphasizing the roll.
“You’re a Queen” Simon said with a looking up at the invisible crown “people call you queen of the saviors.”
She shrugged  “people call me a lot of things doesn’t make it true.” She sighed “sometimes I wonder how I even became known as that. I was satisfied with being just a shadow known as Hell Cat. But now...” she gestured around the room. While it wasn’t yet as extravagant as the room she shared with Negan it wasn’t tacky or cheap either. He had good taste and he knew it. “Anyway I came here for advice and even though your close to Negan I’d rather this stay between us.”
“You have my word whatever happens within these walls, stays within these walls.” She breathed a small sigh of relief and nodded.
“Well as you may or may not have known, but it seems half the sanctuary knows. Negan proposed to me today.” He knew of course but feigned surprise.
"Wow.” she stared at him with raised eyebrows “I mean I knew it was coming but I had no idea it would be so soon.”
“you?” She shook her head. “I couldn’t even speak. I mean I guess I knew it wasn’t coming out of no where but...Now?!” She shook her head again. “We have so much other things to deal with. A rogue pack coming after us, assassins, the guy was shot last month, it’s like one bad thing after another just snowballing and this is coming out of no where. I just” she took his hand in hers “need advice. You know Negan better then anyone and you’d give me nonbiased advice. Do you think it’s a smart idea?”
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While his face remained engaged in the conversation in his mind he was doing leaps. He had the power right now to dissuade the girl he wanted on his side to see Negan for who he really was. “You want a drink?” He asked standing up heading over to the small bar. He knew she wasn’t much of a drinker “I’ll water it down for you.” She nodded and he poured two drinks for them keeping the stronger one for himself and giving her the watered down one. He sat by her and took a sip before speaking. “I know you kid, I might not know you as well as I know Negan but I know you enough to know that marriage is sacred to you.” She nodded. “But i’m going to tell you something you might not want to hear.”
“I want you to be honest with me Simon.”
In his head simon smiled like the Cheshire cat but he kept a serious face on the outside. “Negan didn’t treat his wife Lucille the best, she was sick and  he cheated on her at every opportunity he got.” She knew that “he had other ‘wives’ a group of women before you.” 
“I know.”
“I think you deserve better then that. What he has you helped him built and I can’t help but think that maybe he’s afraid not to lose you but to lose what you’ve given him. A family, a thriving business, you brought him back to life once. I don’t want him to take advantage of you.”
She frowned and looked away from him. “He seemed so genuine though, do you think that if I hadn’t given him a family or brought him back to life it would be different.” She was thinking out loud but Simon took her hand in his. She turne back to him. “It’s a lot to think about.” She glanced behind him at her purse. “God I wish Adi was here,” she leaned forward placing her head on his shoulder. “She looked up at him “Thank you again for helping us look for her.”
“No problem kid,” he said looking down at her she sat up.
“God, i feel so silly.” she shook her head and smiled at him and he couldn’t resist the primal urge to kiss her.
- Regular POV -
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I expected him to say something But he lunged forward and grabbed my head in both hands, his calloused fingers rough on my cheeks while the other tangled itself into my hair. He pressed his lips to mine in a rough and needy kiss, his moustache tickling me and he moved one hand to my side and squeezed it causing me to gasp and I pushed him off of me. I expected him to look guilty but he didn’t. “Simon stop!” He did and took his hands off of me I looked up into his chocolate brown eyes.
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“You-“ I wasn’t stupid I knew the way Simon looked at me but I thought we were friends before I was his crush and I hoped this meeting would be more friendly. Clearly I was wrong. But Simon looking at me with large puppy eyes melted my heart and I tried to let him down as kindly as possible. I looked around the room now paranoid that someone was there although nothing seemed out of place from a few minutes before. “You can’t kiss me again.”
“I know.” He said and there was another knock on the door. 
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