#master oc text post
whumpty-dumpty-doo · 2 months
“We Are TroubleD” Masterpost
Welcome to the "We Are TroubleD" masterpost! Here you will find a list of things related to my OC whump fic "We Are TroubleD"! If any links aren’t working, please let me know!
Story Overview:
Two college boys have their peaceful lives ripped apart when a ransom-seeking stranger abducts D, the son of wealthy parents. The kidnapper gets more than he bargained for when T, D’s roommate is home during the invasion. In captivity the friends must lean on each other to survive their harrowing situation and find a way out of their shared hell.
18+ - contains mature themes
Series content warnings, Chapters, FAQ and more below the cut!
Content warnings:
Please note that each chapter/entry will have its own individual content warnings listed at the top of its page. Not all of these elements will appear in every chapter (especially the more intense and mature things, those will come much later in the story and will have clear warnings, so you should be safe for a while if you want to avoid that stuff!)
Overall warnings for this story’s content include (but aren’t limited to):
abuse (physical, emotional, and mental), blood, bondage, cages, captivity, crying, distress, drugging, dub-con, emotional whump, fear, forced participation (in sexual and non-sexual acts), gaslighting, hunger/starvation, hurtful language, injuries, insults, kidnapping, manhandling, non-con (both sexual and non-sexual), pet whump, physical violence, shocking, sickness, stress positions, swearing, things that are neither safe nor sane, thirst, threats, restraints
This list will be updated as things come up or need to be removed.  
Character Profiles:
Coming Soon!
Canon story:
Coming soon!
Misc. entries and one-shots (some might be worked into the canon story later):
Listed in chronological order, even if they were posted out of order due to an event/whump prompt.
Saturdays Are For Soup - (Pre-Capture) - T pushes himself too hard and needs a hand from D. - Day 9 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
The Capture (D's POV) – D comes home to an unwelcome surprise after a night out on the town – Day 1 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
It's Never Enough – D and T are in need of sustenance, but their captor likes to play sick games – Day 2 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event! --- 3 part mini story ---
Cut Me Loose – Part 1 of 3 - A crazy stroke of luck allows the boys a chance to escape if only they can cut through their bonds. – Day 3 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
A Shocking Offence – Part 2 of 3 - T must find help if he hopes to save both D and himself. – Day 4 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Feeling Bushed – Part 3 of 3 - With their captor so close, T must be very careful to avoid being spotted. – Day 5 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event! BONUS CHAPTER!
Feeling Bushed - Trailing Behind - You never know who's watching...
A Breathtaking View - D is desperate to buy T more time to find help - Day 14 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak no Evil - D's captor returns from searching for the escaped T, and D is left wondering just what happened to his friend. - Day 8 of WoW's Birthday Whumpe Event!
White Out - D slowly loses himself mentally, physically, and emotionally. - Day 6 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Reunited and Ignited - Things heat up when D and T's reunion does not go how they hoped it would. - Day 15 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Burning For You - D has T's back, but who's got his? - Day 13 of WoW's Birthday Whump Event!
Alternate Universes (AUs):
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Are “T”, “D”, and “Their Captor” really these character’s names? For now, yes, but probably not forever! They are stand-in placeholder names until I can think of proper names for these guys. I wanted to get the entries that I wrote for WoW's Birthday Whump Event! posted in time, so they don’t have names yet. Can’t rush those things, yanno? Hopefully when I’m ready to post the actual canon story they’ll all have real names!
How old are the characters in your main story? D and T are college age, though Iʻm not sure what specific ages yet. Theyʻre both beyond legal drinking age, and D is slightly older than T. Thatʻs all I know for now, as Iʻm still writing the main canon story.  They might be older or younger in side fics/AUs. If so, Iʻll state it in the post of the story entry itself.
Why is the “D” capitalized in “We Are TroubleD”? Because right now the characters stand-in names are “T” and “D”, so “T”rouble"D”! “We” are T and D, and they are in trouble because they are whump characters.
How often will you update the canon story? Hopefully frequently once I get it off the ground, but you can never really predict that. Iʻm going to try to have as much as I can done of the whole story before I start posting in earnest, so hopefully once it starts going you wonʻt have to wait long!
Can I draw/write about your characters? Sure! Though it might be a bit challenging without references or profiles for them yet. Fingers crossed Iʻll have those made for the future! The one thing I ask is that if you create anything with my characters, please link back to me and donʻt claim them as your own. Thanks!
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askthekoopsandjr · 2 months
Hi!! I haven't exactly answered a question like this, but I have left information on Suzie here and there. I'll use this as an opportunity to make a sort of "master post" with his information.
Suzuka is a 20 year old dragon-turtle Koopa, a species in scarce numbers (who age much slower than humans). He was born to Hikaru and Takashi Koopa, and has two younger sisters named Tina and Kiriko. His family on his mother's side is reputable for their family owned business of three generations, 大輔のトラディショナルウェア (Daisuke's Traditional Wear, founded by his great-great-great grandfather), a shop dedicated to handmade cultural crafts, clothes and accessories. He works and lives at their small shop/home with his mother and sisters in a busy place called Fōku City ("Folk City"). It is expected of him to inherit ownership of the shop when his mom retires, which won't be for many more years.
He and his relatives are Japanese. In this mysterious world that holds familiar places like the Mushroom Kingdom and the Dark Lands, they are all connected by pipes to the real world (obviously). Depending on where you are in this world, the pipes will lead you to the correlating location to our world. In the case of Fōku City, a pipe would lead to somewhere in Japan. It's not known how the creatures within the pipes have matching cultures, languages etc as us, it's just the way it is.
Suzuka's only other known relatives that are alive would be his grandmother, Sakura Koopa. As per Japanese culture, it is expected to care for the elderly... But his grandma refuses. She doesn't even live in the shop/house, she has her own apartment right across the street. She's always preferred to do things her own way, never letting anyone help her. Suzuka finds this behavior very strange, while his mother finds it very frustrating. Lol
To give a better idea about his family, here's a brief summary for them:
Hikaru Koopa: Only child growing up, now proud mother of three. She is very hardworking and will do *anything* to provide for those she loves. She may seem as though she has no patience for anything that isn't work related, but that is far from the truth. She is kind, happy, and remains calm, despite what inner stresses she bears. She is open minded and open hearted, and would enjoy your company over some afternoon tea.
Tina Koopa: Suzuka's younger sister at 16 years old. She is an aspiring pop singer with a quirky and short-tempered attitude. She doesn't take anyone's crap, and has eternal confidence in everything she cares about. She paints her claws red to strike your eye, determined to stand out regardless of where she is. She typically works alone, but enjoys collaborating with Suzuka when making music.
Kiriko Koopa: Suzuka and Tina's youngest sibling, age 9. She is an energetic young child who can't seem to sit still. She's very active, always finding something or someone to play with. She is very happy and excitable, wanting to talk to everyone on her street if she can. She's still learning the art of her family's craftsmanship, some of which includes sewing, jewelry making, painting, etc.
Takashi Koopa: Oh boy, how do I drop this bomb on you... To put it simply, he's a deadbeat dad. He and Hikaru divorced after Kiriko hatched, when Suzuka was 14. His own children couldn't tell you much about him, as he was largely absent and unset on a personality when parenting. None of them have seen him since the divorce. Good riddance.
Akihiko Koopa: Suzuka's deceased grandfather. He passed when Suzuka was five, but his mother and grandma could tell you endless stories of him.
Alright, now about Suzie!!
Identity: Gay, asexual, apagender, and autistic. He/Him. 6 feet tall, still not done growing. Speaks English and Japanese.
He is a very talented craftsman who's passion in life is making music. His favorite instrument is the electric guitar, but he can also play the drums, a number of Japanese instruments, and has recently taken on the piano. Suzuka favors the guitar because that was the very first instrument he ever held; his father's acoustic guitar. His dad at least cared to teach Suzuka music as a child, which led to one of the many talents he bears today. His preferred genre is rock/metal, and his favorite band is BABYMETAL. He sings, too! His voice is as beautiful as his instruments.
His other hobbies include sketching, cooking, writing poetry, and learning.
His favorite things are: exploring, the colors magenta and warm yellows/oranges, pomegranate flavored blooming tea, the Spring and Summer seasons, and the food yakisoba.
Personality: You might think Suzuka has a lot to brag about with his many talents, but that couldn't be further from the case. Suzuka is one of those people that you meet who you claim to be the nicest person you've ever met. He is very humble, perhaps a little too much... But even so, he is an extrovert. He's almost always smiling, and any instances of him being angry are rare like a blue moon. He will always find a way to get along with you, even when it seems impossible.
The closer you get to him, however, the more you can see where his insecurities lie, and there's quite a few of them. He roots from what was once a shy, flustered and awkward kid with few people he could truly call his friends. His social awkwardness and lack of social awareness was apparent to everyone, it seemed, and as such he was often treated differently. It did not help to be told that the way he looked and the things he liked were a bit girly by father. It's not that his life was miserable and that he's depressed, it's just that he struggles more than you'd expect.
He's had a longing in his heart to share his love with someone he could call his own for a long time. Obviously, he's achieved that now, but before Ludwig, he had never dated in his life. Not to say he never found anyone he was interested in... Just don't ask him about that.
Overall, Suzuka is a happy koopa who knows the joys life has for him, even when everything seems so Impossible.
If you've read How Suzuka Met The Royal Family on my Wattpad, you already know how he and the Koopalings became friends. Well, after having dinner with them that night, he was actually texted by Iggy first! Iggy asked when they could meet again and if he liked robots... As you can guess, this leads to a cartoon episode summary that ends up bringing everyone closer to each other. But Izzy, how does he visit them so often if Fōku City and Bowser's Castle are a two days travel apart by foot (and Suzuka doesn't have access to a vehicle)? The Koopalings have magic that they use to open portals to teleport. Lol.
It is a concern of Suzuka's for what will happen to the family business when he takes over. He absolutely wants to, don't get him wrong, but seeing as he's going steady with Ludwig... What does that mean for the future? What if they eventually *live* together? Ludwig's family is his family, now, what if-? ... The list goes on.
There's a million other things I could say, but those are stories I should make individual posts for. Sorry for throwing this big ass answer at you 😭
Edit 5/7/2024- Here's the link to how Suzie met the Koopalings https://www.wattpad.com/story/344144914-how-suzuka-met-the-royal-family , and here's the link to a short fluff story with pre-Suzuwig https://www.wattpad.com/1434161538-cheep-cheep-beach (and also the audiobook where I hired voice actors to read it which includes David Goldfarb heehee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdP3KT34Hxc&lc=UgxpwSUYXxw2jEPbrRV4AaABAg )
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j3sterc0re · 8 months
I must know more about Cogsworth and Ms Fortune. More specifically, I need to know about their love life. Do they find love or are they happy to stay single? If there is a love interest, is it a canon character? :3
This ask has me thinking so much about them omg
I think Cogsworth wouldn't really be interested in having a relationship, I'm thinking in his past life he already had a wife and he'd be the type to say "there is only one person for me and they are long gone."
However he would be very supportive and try to help the others with their relationships (he's a great wingman!)
As for Fortune... that's a tough one..I may need to think about it more but it would be cute for her to have someone! She's definitely the romantic type. (As for if it's a canon character... we'll have to see ;] )
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Daniel: 🍩
Seven Seven: 🍀
Seraphet: ✂️
Candy Raptor: 🧠
🍩 - Who is Daniel's arch-nemesis/rival?
Daniel: I don't have arch-nemeses. My life is already hectic enough. Unless you count my government, but it is against me, not the other way around.
🍀 - What originally inspired Seven Seven?
This color palette!
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And the fact that 7 is perfect suit collar material lol. And characters from children shows with seemingly silly superpowers that can bend reality (Umizumi I'm talking about you)
✂️ - What is one of Seraphet's worst memories?
Seraphet, physically aged 9: Hmmm... When I was eight, I really, really wanted a doggy, but my Dads didn't allow it, cuz "Messire lets you pat his dog", and "we already have Behemoth bringing in dirt and soot", and all that. So one time I saw this hellhound and I tried to pet it — it was on a leash, I thought it'd be fine — but it bit me! It hurt a lot and I cried.
Aged 17: I guess the worst time I've had was when I ran away from home at 14. I was in my rebellious phase, and it's hard to have a rebellious phase when your parents figure out solution for anything. So in the moment, I thought... Why not run away to Heaven? I really wanted to make sure Dads knew why I was leaving, so... I don't know why I told them that. I was mad attached and didn't realise. At least they didn't worry as much? Either way, I went to Uncle Samael, and he got Gabriel to get me up. And that gave me an advantage, cuz he gave me permission to be There. Otherwise I would die. But I still struggled from headaches and sore muscles, because the magic inside of me was suppressed. So I couldn't really do as much as other angels could. And I got really homesick. In the end, I lasted a week and ran back home in tears. I guess the only good thing was the Archangels telling me about Dad. Most of it I already knew, but, y'know, it was nice to hear they cared about him.
Aged 37: ... I knew this boy, when I first visited Moscow. He was a sweet kid. We played a lot and I managed to convince him that I, Dads, Behemoth, Hella and Messire were imaginary, so he didn't tell anybody else about us. I visited him every time I had the chance to. I watched him grow old, forget me... Last time I saw him, he was in his bed, barely moving. The day I stayed nearby. I held his hand. His old, bony, veiny, covered in moles, colored of clay... He went cold at night. I wished so much Samael would take him. But Gabriel came instead. And so, he said last goodbye... I cried a lot that night, holding his lonely hand.
🧠 - What do you like most about Candy Raptor?
The fact he pushed me out of my comfort zone!! I made it my goal to make an eyestrobingly bright OC, and while he's a lot more pastel than I envisioned, it's still a success to me!! And he's just a very simple guy based on me nibbling chocolate so there's that lol
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littletrash1027 · 4 months
About your Zeti OC, Zéroth, which Deadly Six member, instead of Zavok, does he get along with the most?
he'd prolly get along with Zik the most. he meets Zomom with Zik and he's cool with the big guy, but he bonds a bit more with the old zeet, since they'd have more in depth conversations with each other. whether it be during training or simple discussions during battle planning, they seem to be on a similar wavelength in temperment.
also, he does meet Zazz eventually, but he's a bit too feral for Zéroth tolerance in companionship. (not to mention Zazz bites his hand [not out of rudeness] when they first meet, so bad impressions amuck). the rest he doesn't get the chance to meet.
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gramophoneturtle · 2 years
Mother and Father TWEWY OCs
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A Master Post of Mother and Father, two TWEWY OCs that are Joshua's parents. I've split the list into what is spoiler free and what contains spoilers, but they involve post/late game TWEWY/NTWEWY spoilers so proceed with caution!
Last updated: 2024-02-11 - A Supportive Trans Parent
General - Spoiler free
Mother Live2D VTuber Demo
Father Live2D VTuber Demo
Father Live2D VTuber Updated (2023-01)
Father and Mother - LandiTube PNGTubers [2023-08-24]
Pattern on Father's Gloves and Socks
Father wearing some Splatoon 3 clothes
Halloween Costumes 2022
Father and Kitten in a Mood
Mother for an Ask Doodle
Father for an Ask Doodle
Haz's Fashionable Shoes
Father's Glove Shifting (hand up sprite) [23-09-14]
Father and Null hug [23-12-25]
A Supportive Trans Parent [24-02-11]
General - Spoilers
Introduction post
Cycling of Coat and Gloves
Height Chart [WIP]
Height Chart/1st Full Body Sprite + being in LP opinions
Father action pose practice with his coat tassels
Mother action pose practice with her suit jacket
Father pose practice, clothing layering, Noise symbol
Father has an unhealthy obsession with cat shaped Souls
Father's Splatoon 3 Locker
Cat Comcatibility
Some Mother WIP/Abandoned Drawings (2022)
Father's Wings
Q & A with Mother and Father from October [2023-11-04]
Family Stuff - Spoilers
Craft An Angel
Haz's New Shoes
Totally Not A Gift On A Totally Not Special Day
Mother and Father Are Watching
Comforts for Father
Forgive Me (Father and Joshua post TWEWY) [2023-12-17]
A Composer History Lesson for Joshua (Null) [2023-10-22]
Composer Neku - Spoilers
Meeting the Parents
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lordsooga · 2 years
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He’s something alright
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
Number 10 for O, Number 2 for Miles 2.0 ;)
10. What is your favorite trait regarding your oc?
This is a good question. For Orsinio, I'd say it's his resilience.
He's been through so much with Nemesis, Hell, the Discordance, a narrow brush with smen, and so on. He carries a grief not only for his brother but his lost connection to home and the person he used to be. He's done things he isn't proud of (he killed all 3 major rivals in Nemesis) and there are people along his path that he wasn't able to save that he blames himself for, and he's Catholic, so he has issues with guilt as well.
It would be easy for him to give up. At the point of his character journey where he was tempted by seeking, it would have been easy to surrender to it. Without getting into the grit of his struggles with mental illness, it's a surprise he hasn't spent longer in the Royal Beth. It's easy to indulge reckless/self-destructive behaviors instead of confronting emotions and trying to be better. There comes a critical point in his character arc where he gets a wake up call and makes the choice to stop running from his past, make peace with it, and move forward. Grief and guilt are part of him but do not define him, and he deserves to make a nice story for himself despite being cast in a tragedy. Healing is far more difficult and powerful than any temptation he could have given into.
It would be easy for him to be ruthless. It would be easy to stop feeling bad and lean fully into the violence that he knows he's capable of from Nemesis. He's smart and skilled enough with magic that he could be cruel indeed to get what he wants. But at the end of the day, despite everything, he still tries to do what he thinks is the right thing. He is a morally gray character with a greater good mentality, but when it ultimately comes down to making a decision, he's inclined to do what will keep his loved ones safest. He's made mistakes in the past and he's seen a lot of horror, but he still chooses to be kind. He loves boldly in a world that says love is weakness or currency. Even after all Miles did to him (which is another story, all you need to know right now is that Miles was the seeker doing the tempting), he still lets them crash at his place when they're in need. He sometimes thinks of himself as a bad person, but he very much is not. (Sometimes, murder is okay.)
I'll cut it here because otherwise I wouldn't stop talking about my special boy, but I just love how he never gives up and chooses to be good despite how easy it would have been to slip into being a villain.
2. Why does your oc look the way they do? What are your reasons for their appearance?
This one requires some brief explanation first. So on a meta level, I had Miles as my seeker character who knocked, and after a few months I decided I missed them too much so I made a new account for them. But the in-universe explanation for why they're back is because of some hand-wavey discordance doubling that I won't get into right now, that's for another post. Is this really the same Miles? What does it mean to be yourself? Also for another post.
Miles has blonde hair because I thought it would be funny for my villain character after getting too annoyed at Victorian era obsession with light hair/features. Their eyes were once sapphire dark but have since lightened to a more glacial blue color. They're very tall and thin and I say shaped like a spaghetti noodle. Femme presenting because it's my OC and I get to make them gender.
They've fairly recently returned to London, at rock bottom. There's a frostbite scar across their cheeks, and their hair is short from when they cut it towards the end of SMEN. They'll be growing it out long again, like they prefer. And, they have one white streak from the experience to match with the Professor, though you'd have a hard time finding it with how light their hair already is.
A final note: Miles 1.0 did the Mr Cards HD ending. Once again, that's another post, but as a result, they still have sharp teeth and pointed ears. Most of their scars from SMEN are gone, however. They are not the Miles who knocked. They have plenty of scars though from other ocs committing violence against them for being terrible
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greetings-inferiors · 17 days
Hello I am stealing @ammstify's format of having a post per character mwahahaha
Miyuki Kawashita is One of the protagonists for my Personal Persona Project (hehehe PPP), Persona: Green (Name is probably sticking lol). She's a 19/20 year old second year uni student, quite tall and slender, a bit too slender, almost to the bone, with short hair (she got that Bi Bob). She’s also straight-up-not-having-a-good-time™️. She’s quick to snap and gets frustrated pretty easily. When faced with adversity she gets angry at it, herself, or life. But normally she’s just kind of ready to get out of wherever place she’s being forced to be, so being forced to tutor some guy (what’s his name? Kou-something?) as part of a Uni scheme is her worst nightmare. Later on, when she’s in the party who all have weird zany personalities, she acts as the straight man in most scenarios, being the most “normal” amongst the dumbasses, but she warms up to their antics. The party members she tends to be closer with (and so form social links with) are those that are chiller (like Kouki and Shin) or those that come to her for help (like Yoshie and Johnny, who won’t stop bothering her /begrudgingly affectionate). Her “style” reflects her personality, she really doesn’t care for what she wears, normally wearing a hoodie and jeans, similar to Tsuneko (a trait that won’t stop Yoshie from pestering them to come on shopping trips. It does lead to her getting a better fashion sense though). Even though she’s not old enough at the start of the story (the age for smoking being 20 in Japan I believe), she does smoke when she gets too stressed, and leverages her height and stress-addled student complexion to try and join strangers for a smoke break, a trait that may get her roped into misadventures of the cognitive variety. But enough about personality >:(
Her Persona is Lancelot, of the Moon arcana, who is a trusted knight and comrade of Arthur, but also one often characterised as a dark knight, as he goes on to betray him. A morally grey type, if you will. He is a knight in dark purple-black jagged (like lightning) armour riding a horse (or at least the head and front legs of a metallic horse thing), wielding a jagged deep blue and black lance (shut up I know Lancelot only really used a sword shut up it fits the name and I don’t want both protags wielding swords stfu) that looks as if it has been flash frozen by dark ice. His element is ice, and has access to a lot of spells that grant buffs to herself at the cost of health. It’s quite a selfish persona in that way, harming to help herself, which will contrast to the character development she gets later on.
Miyuki herself wields a lance (it first manifests when she tries to stab Safie from far away when she provoked her into summoning her weapon lol), and the foliage that lets her summon Lancelot manifests as vines wrapped around her wrists, linked like shackles. Her fighting style focuses on all out offence, her weapon and persona’s long reach not letting enemies get away.
At the start of the story her father has just been convicted for the murder of her mother (dramatic, I know), though her mother was not good to her at all (leading her to almost believe she wished her mother’s death to happen). She’s lost faith in humanity, having only been around horrible people and convinced she’s horrible herself, a belief goaded by a mysterious man on his smoke break outside the courtroom. Being forced to interact and work with the optimist Kouki and the rest of the party slowly leads her to come to see the good in humanity, and that she isn’t inherently evil because of the people who birthed and raised her.
If I had to sum up her relationship with each of the party members (this will make sense once I’ve finished everyone’s profile lmao):
Kouki: the strongest bond on the team, these two almost become platonic soulmates. Kouki’s empathy and similarly intimate relationship with mortality lets him connect with her and see through her walls in a way that not many of the other party members are able to. They both have a similar sense of humour too, which is a bonus lol
Safie: Gets on her nerves, but Miyuki’s trying to get her to warm up to her sister, Agatha, so begrudgingly tries to play diplomat. They probably have the most similar fighting style, so they form this weird bond, almost a professional relationship.
Nenji: He’s kinda lame, so she tends to pick on him a fair amount. She doesn’t mean much ill will, think of how Morgana picks on Ryuji, but as I’m trying to write an actual character (I will take any and every opportunity to bash Morgana), it can go too far, and as Nenji’s quite unconfident he’s not the best at speaking up for himself. Later on into the story their relationship becomes a lot healthier when they set boundaries for their banter and it becomes a lot less one sided.
Shin: As the eldest of the group, Miyuki relates to him more than the others, and she’s definitely thankful for his much chiller personality. They get along like a housefire for this reason, hanging out with Shin is like a break from the others. But she isn’t above teasing him when he’s being clueless too.
Yoshie: Finds her too loud and bright, but as the only other (human) girl on the party when she joins Yoshie looks to Miyuki for her inter-team romantic exploits. She also doesn’t mind having clothes bought for her, so she doesn’t complain (too much) when whisked on shopping sprees. Is a big fan of whenever her inner demon comes out, compared to most of the rest of the party who are a bit terrified.
Tsuneko: Miyuki finds her fatigue detrimental to the team, and gives her a hard time for it, but backs off when she’s a.) just as capable as any other team member, being indispensable as the navi, and b.) is going through her “learning to respect people” phase. Once she has warmed up to her she finds solace in another chill party member, a trait seemingly more rare to find.
Johnny: He, for some inexplicable reason, thinks she’s the coolest most badass woman alive, and won’t stop pestering her to get “coolness” lessons. First advice? Don’t fucking call them coolness lessons. Second piece of advice? PLEASE stop wearing those sunglasses inside. No they don’t add to “the look” please everyone’s looking at you weird oh god NO WHY IS YOSHIE WEARING PINK SHADES ARGGGGH SAFIE DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THOSE STAR SHAPED GLASSES, WHY ARE WE IN THE GLASSES AISLE (basically the rest of the team join in on Johnny’s antics because it winds up Miyuki, how the tables have turned)
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Three Generations - Rooster
Pairing: Rooster / Fem!Reader (Wife!Reader)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Rooster is a Dad; Female Reader with No Name or Physical Description, No Y/N, Third Person POV; OC Bradshaw Kid without Physical Description (minus a reference to his smile being similar to Rooster's)
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: Rooster is married. Maverick found out when the paperwork got filed with the Navy, but he doesn’t have a chance to ask Rooster about it until after the mission
Master List
Sequel: A Day with Duckie
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Maverick remembered the text that he received from Ice about four years prior to the mission.
The kid’s married.
Three little words that felt like bullets straight to Maverick’s heart. Bradley was married. Married. Maverick shouldn’t have been surprised, really. Bradley was more than old enough for marriage. Especially for a naval officer. But it still hurt, it still stung that he wasn’t there to see it.
Ice gave him Rooster’s wife’s name but he couldn’t find many photos of the two of them together. Rooster’s wife’s profiles were all set to private, but Maverick did find some photos posted by one of the bridesmaids. He printed them out and hung them up in his hangar, next to his old photos of Rooster. Even if he cried like a baby while he did it.
It wasn’t until after the mission, when they were sitting alone in their hospital room together, that Maverick had a chance to ask Rooster about his wife.
“You got married?” Maverick asked Rooster quietly.
Maverick gestured to his own left ring finger, which made Rooster fiddle with his gold band. Staring down at his wedding ring for a moment, Rooster tried to figure out how to respond properly to Maverick’s question. Nodding slowly, Rooster turned back to Maverick.
“Yeah, I did,” Rooster answered quietly.
“Congratulations,” Maverick replied softly.
“Thank you,” Rooster returned, fiddling with his ring again.
“How did you meet?”
“She was in the Navy. She worked in intelligence, though. We met through mutual friends and I asked her out. We went on a date to a karaoke bar and never looked back,” Rooster explained, smiling at the memories. “I asked her to marry me about two years after that.”
“And you’re happy?”
“Extremely,” Rooster replied without missing a beat. “Her and Kai, they’re my whole life.”
“Kai?” Maverick asked curiously.
Rooster, seemingly realizing his slip, shrunk a bit into himself. He looked nervous. Incredibly nervous. Fiddling with his wedding band again, Rooster slowly turned back to Maverick.
“Kai is my son.”
“You’re a dad?” Maverick asked, unable to stop the emotion from dripping into his tone.
Not only had Maverick missed Rooster’s wedding, but he also missed the birth of Rooster’s child, and all of the little milestones along the way. And that ache in his chest quietly intensified, though Maverick tried to not let it show.
“Yeah, I am.”
Rooster reached for his phone, pulled up a photo, and passed his phone over to Maverick. He grabbed Rooster’s phone and stared down at the photo. And Maverick would have been lying if he said that he didn’t get a little choked up at the sight of it.
Rooster and a woman that Maverick knew was Rooster’s wife were standing together with a little baby boy sandwiched between them. A little boy that had his father’s smile—albeit one with a few missing teeth—and a matching Hawaiian shirt. Rooster’s wife smiled widely at the camera with her cheek smushed against the top of her son’s head.
And Rooster looked happier in that photo than Maverick had seen him since before Carole passed, even though Rooster wasn’t looking in the direction of the camera. No, Rooster was far too busy smiling at his little family.
“Are they coming to see you?” Maverick asked, handing the phone back to Rooster.
“Yeah, uh, their flight lands tomorrow morning. Phoenix said that she would pick them up from the airport and bring them here,” Rooster explained, placing his phone aside. Rooster paused before turning back to Maverick. “And . . . can you . . . can you not mention the part about me defying a direct order and everything that happened afterwards?”
“I won’t,” Maverick promised, earning a thankful nod from Rooster. “But, at some point, Brad, I think that you should be honest with her about it. As much as you can, given the sensitive information, anyways. Not that I’m in any position to give anyone marriage advice but . . . you should be honest with your wife.”
“I will,” Rooster returned quietly. “It’s just that she gets really stressed when I’m in the hospital. I don’t want to overwhelm her.”
“Are you scared about her reaction?”
“A little bit,” Rooster admitted honestly.
Maverick chuckled, reminiscing about how Goose always looked when he was worried about telling Carole about whatever shenanigans they got into back in the day.
“I’m sure that you’ll be fine.”
Maverick and Rooster were discharged from the hospital the next day.
Phoenix, along with Rooster’s wife and Kai, were supposed to pick them up. Rooster spotted Phoenix’s car and walked after it. The passenger door flew open and Rooster’s wife. She walked around the car to see that Phoenix was helping Kai out of the back seat.
Kai slid out of Phoenix’s car and immediately perked up when he spotted his dad quickly making his way over. But knowing her son, Rooster’s wife snatched him by the back of his shirt before he could run out into the parking lot.
“You have to hold Mommy’s hand when you’re in the parking lot,” she reminded her son.
She looked up and down the road before leading Kai across it. But once Kai safely stepped up onto the sidewalk, she released his hand and let Kai run to Rooster.
“Daddy!” Kai yelled happily, running into Rooster’s waiting arms.
Bradley bent down and scooped Kai up. Holding Kai to his chest, Rooster pressed a kiss to Kai’s hair as he rocked his son back and forth in his arms. Almost like Rooster was trying to soothe himself with his son’s presence.
“I missed you so much, Kai.”
Rooster pressed another kiss to Kai’s head before turning to his wife. She looked like she was trying to hold it together and just barely managing it. But when she caught Rooster’s gaze, she let some more emotion show. Wordlessly, Rooster held out an arm to her and she immediately ran into his embrace, officially reuniting the family of three.
“I’m alright,” Rooster assured her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m okay.”
As Rooster reassured his wife and son that he was fine, Maverick walked around them to stand beside Phoenix. After his wife and Kai were soothed, Rooster turned to introduce them to Maverick.
“Guys, this is Maverick. Mav, this is my wife,” Rooster stated, wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist.
“The man who pulled your papers?” Rooster’s wife asked sharply. Maverick winced at her tone.
“We got past that,” Rooster assured his wife, which caused her to immediately relax.
“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you then,” she replied with a much warmer tone. Rooster’s wife walked over to give Maverick a proper hug that Maverick was happy to return. “And to put a face to the name after all the stories.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well,” Maverick replied, releasing Rooster’s wife.
“And this is my son, Kai,” Rooster added, bouncing his son lightly on his arm. Smiling at his son with complete and utter adoration, Rooster nudged him in the side. “Kai, this is Maverick.”
“Hi,” Maverick greeted Kai softly.
“Hi,” Kai returned shyly, resting his head on Rooster’s shoulder.
“Mav’s a pilot like me,” Rooster explained to his son, causing Kai to pick his head up again. “And he used to fly around with your Grandpa Goose.”
“Really?” Kai asked his dad, earning a nod from Rooster.
Kai stared over at Maverick with newfound curiosity and Maverick tried to not choke up at the clear similarities between Kai and Rooster. Kai wasn’t so much his dad’s twin, but he had that same expression and look in his eye that Maverick saw all the time on a younger Bradley. Offering a small encouraging smile to Kai, Maverick decided to approach.
“Yeah, your Grandpa Goose used to sit in my back seat,” Maverick replied, nodding along. “And he was the best at what he did.” Trying to not burst out into tears at the fact that he was talking about Goose while Baby Goose was holding Grandbaby Goose, Maverick managed a small smile. “Your grandpa’s callsign was Goose. Your dad’s is Rooster. What bird do you want as your callsign, Kai?”
“Mommy calls me ‘Duckie’,” Kai informed Maverick, ending his sentence with a giggle.
“Yes, because he’s impossible to pull out of the water once he’s in,” Rooster explained, shaking his head playfully at his son. “And he pretends that he can’t hear us.”
“No,” Kai giggled, clearly lying.
“He’s also a great liar,” Rooster quipped, tickling Kai’s stomach.
Kai squealed and pushed his dad’s hand away, but he couldn’t stop giggling. And Maverick tried to not burst out into tears again. Baby Goose had a baby. The little baby that he used to babysit and take for extra ice cream had a little baby of his own now.
God, Maverick was getting old.
After spending the day with the rest of the Dagger Squad, Maverick and the Bradshaw family of three retired to Maverick’s quaint residence in town. Rooster grew up in the house after Carole’s death and his old bedroom was perfectly preserved from that time.
It was only about a half an hour before Kai’s bedtime when Rooster approached Maverick in the kitchen.
“Can you watch Kai for a second?”
“Yeah, of course,” Maverick agreed, nodding along immediately. “But why? Where are you going?”
“I just thought that I should tell her,” Rooster explained, keeping his voice low. “There were too many close calls as it was with the rest of the Dagger Squad, so I need to tell her. About the mission and . . . my little stunt.”
“The couch is very comfortable,” Maverick joked, earning a tired sigh from Rooster. “You’ll be fine.”
“I hope so,” Rooster replied, straightening up.
Rooster thanked Maverick before the two rejoined Kai and Rooster’s wife out in the living room. Rooster managed to find an old Connect 4 game in the cabinet and his wife tried to teach Kai how to play. They were sitting around the coffee table with Kai studying the layout closely.
“Can I play with you, Kai?” Maverick asked, moving to sit down beside Kai.
“Yeah,” he mumbled, not taking his eye off of the board.
Maverick saw Rooster lean down to whisper something in his wife’s ear before she nodded. Turning to Kai, Rooster’s wife leaned over and tapped him on the shoulder, causing Kai to look up.
“Behave for Maverick, okay?”
“Okay, Mommy.”
Rooster and his wife got up and headed out of the room to talk. Kai turned to Maverick once his parents were out of sight.
“Why did they leave?”
“They just needed to talk about some things. Adult things. Nothing fun,” Maverick stated, causing Kai to nod with a slight pout. Maverick moved to take the seat that Rooster’s wife was sitting in and picked up a yellow piece. “Did you take a plane to get over here, Kai?”
“Yeah,” Kai stated, smiling up at Maverick.
“Do you like flying?”
“Has your dad ever taken you flying before?” Kai shook his head dramatically, causing Maverick to nod along. “You just fly with your mom then?”
“Yeah. Daddy gets scared,” Kai informed Maverick, leaning on the coffee table.
“Well, it’s a little scary when you’re a pilot and someone else is flying the plane,” Maverick replied, very well acquainted with the control freak tendencies that popped up when a naval aviator flew commercial. “And your daddy just wants to make sure that you and everyone else is safe.”
“Mommy tells him to relax,” Kai replied, emphasizing the word with a wave of his hand.
Kai must have seen his mom do that exact routine at least a thousand times because he seemed to know the part by heart. He had the expression, the wave of his hand, and the tone down perfectly. Maverick couldn’t help but laugh.
“Does he listen to her?” Maverick quipped, failing at hiding his amusement.
“Sometimes,” Kai answered with a giggle.
“Like you?”
Maverick was about to ask Kai another question when Rooster’s wife’s voice echoed around the house. The door to Rooster’s old bedroom did little to muffle the shock and sheer incredulousness of Rooster’s wife’s question.
“You did what!?”
“Have you ever seen the moon, Kai?” Maverick asked the toddler, quickly getting up to his feet.
“Yeah,” Kai replied as Maverick scooped him up into his arms.
“Well, looking again wouldn’t hurt,” Maverick reasoned, setting Kai on his hip. “And maybe we’ll even see a few stars too.”
“Oh-kay,” Kai agreed with a sigh, laying his head on Maverick’s shoulder.
“And where was your brain during all of this!?” Rooster’s wife snapped loudly.
“Yeah, let’s go look at the stars, Kai,” Maverick stated quickly, hurrying out the back door.
“Was that Mommy?” Kai asked, staring back at the house.
“No, I don’t think it was her.”
Sequel: A Day with Duckie
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exactlycleverpirate · 4 months
Master Post
For easier navigation, see the links below to my various Love and Deepspace Content. More under the cut. Lots of spoilers throughout.
Also, I am willing to take requests, if you want me to write or post something from the game, theorize about a particular aspect, or request a fic. I will try to write it up as I have time and inspiration. I make no promises though. Rafayel is my favorite (obviously), but I like them all. Just my preference, but I will only write one LI x MC pairings. No poly relationships or OCs for me. I'll consider NSFW requests, but nothing with minors, dubcon, noncon, etc.
Timelines (and related in game content):
Timeline from Xavier's Perspective Part 1 and Part 2.
Old Timeline
Rafayel's Timeline Redux Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7.
Rafayel's Timeline Redux Repost (All in one post)
Proposed Timeline for MC
Trying to Make Sense of Rafayel's Timeline (old)
Love and Deepspace: the Story So Far Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Journey Seeker
The Necklace
Doctor Bios
Love and Deepspace Prologue
Love and Deepspace Chapter 8 Epilogue
Repeating Pattern
Other In-Game Content:
Failing a Deepspace Trial with Rafayel
Cute Emojis and Max Pokes with Rafayel
Rafayel Affinity Level: 69, 70, 71
Happy Birthday Rafayel!
Rafayel Humming Cropped
Rafayel's Lvl 70 Secret Time "Treasure"
Rafayel Text Combat Rating
Rafayel's Teary Emoji
Theories and Observations:
Motifs in Love and Deepspace
Myth Ending Thoughts
Half-baked Theories
Eternal Sleep
Rafayel Tho
Rafayel's Expressions
Reactions to Injuries
Rafayel Event Ending
What Happened to Lemuria and Rafayel
Why Did Rafayel Do That?
Primary Conflict
Wavyleaf Sea Lavender (probably really Forget-Me-Nots)
Wild Theories About Rafayel
(Over) Analyzing the Love and Deepspace Theme Song
Rafayel Wants to be Wanted
Theories About Xavier and Caleb
Rafayel REALLY Wants to Marry You
Rafayel's Birthday Card Thoughts
Behind the Ice
Mt Eternal/Tower of Thorns Discussion
Who Met MC First
Theories About the Creatio, Philos’s Core, and Rafayel's Heart
Aeternum Vinculum
Tipsy Confession
Fanfic/Headcanon Requests
Fanfic/Headcanon Request!
Angsty Fanfic/Headcanon Request Filled (here) (here) (here) (here)
NSFW Fanfic Request
SFW Fanfic/Headcanon Request Filled (here)
Rafayel Fanfic Request
Just For Fun
How Rafayel Sings
Relax Time with Rafayel
Rafayel Board
Virgin or Not?
Rafayel's Tears
Rafayel Playlist
So are we going to talk about this?
How old is Rafayel?
My Boys
Boast Post
Follow Up to Ebb and Flow
For the girl constantly trying to get herself killed meme
Rafayel Spotify Playlist
Rafayel Threw the Game
My Current 5* Levels
Rafayel I will not hurt you RP
So Cute!
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wingwaver · 11 months
A few tips for new Tumblr users wanting to write here
Yo if you're here from Reddit or Twitter or some other site and just wanted to give this a shot you may have seen some blogs that are dedicated to writing headcanons or short fics or even original works for their own OCs and you may be thinking "hey I wanna give that a shot! I like to write!" then I have some tips to make it easier on you and people who see your content.
1. First off, if you're writing a pretty long piece the you should probably put it under a read more, it'll look like this on mobile
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and this on desktop
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or you can write :readmore: on a line by itself and press enter.
2. Now if you're gonna write for a whole bunch of different fandoms and you wanna make a master list then I suggest making an actual list with the fandoms you write for and then making more lists with the actual content as a you go along because you can only have 100 links in one post (I know that sounds like a lot but as someone who has around 300 Transformers things written trust me you fill up a post quicker than you expect, especially if you take requests from other people). The way I typically do it is like this
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The first pic is the MASTER master list that lists everything I write for and when they're underlined like that it means they're links. The second pic is after clicking the G1 link, it's a separate post that has the actual fics and headcanon links. Note the 6/100 in the tags, this is how I keep up with how many things I've added. You can of course just use the numbers options from here
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or just number them manually from your keyboard like I'm doing with this post. Adding links has no barring on what else you add to the post so you can add yourself some fancy header or divider pics if you want.
3. Adding links! Links can look like this https://www.tumblr.com/wingwaver/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons?source=share or like this https://wingwaver.tumblr.com/post/721887224846778368/test-post-for-reasons depending on whether you're linking from mobile or desktop/browser Just highlight the text you wanna add a link to and a the little chain will move to the end, click it and paste your url you want to link to and press add link, then press post/save draft/save (whatever the blue button says)
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Now you've successfully linked a post to another post!
4. Tagging! To get your fics and headcanons seen to build an audience you usually wanna tag the stuff correctly. If you're posting a fic about Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney then you'll tag it with #Ace Attorney, #Miles Edgeworth, and #Phoenix Wright in the tags area. But it's also a good idea to mention if it's a ship or general fic in the tags too. If so then putting ship names and #Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright and #Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright in the tags will help everyone know this is a ship fic. Tagging with characters or fandoms that aren't apart of the fic just clogs the tags for people looking for content of said characters and fandoms so it's very looked down on here and will likely get some of your stuff reported for spam so only use the relevant tags. Also tagging for triggers can be tricky here because of how fucky tumblr is but please don't tag censor tags. Tagging things like #a**** or #a*use or even #abu$e doesn't work here because people who have #abuse blacklisted will be able to see this content because it wasn't tagged properly. Also if you're writing for OCs or reader inserts it's common courtesy to tag those appropriately too. Someone looking for a reader insert may not want to read an OC and vice versa. Also many people filter those out so try to add tags like #x reader, #*fandom name* x reader, and #*character name* x reader for easier filtering. Also people cruise those tags too so it'll help people who fo want to read that content find your stuff!
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torakan · 1 month
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i’m sorry…
should i make them happy?
(btw it’s my first time making some kind of a comic hihi)
mb they’re gonna be my OCs in the future who knows…
edited: i didn’t plan on doing this a series but apparently this is a part one…
edited again: haha this is now a master post lol
part two
part three
part four
part one (text version)
part two (text version)
part three (text version)
part four (text version)
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wishingstarinajar · 8 months
💫 Info Pin! 💫
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Heya, welcome to my blog! I am Wish, a hobbyist artist and fanfic writer who likes Undertale skeleton dudes, robot dudes, bunnies, and space and autumn aesthetics! 🦴🤖🐇🌌🍂
Please browse my blog at your own leisure and make sure to curate your own online experience, thank you~✨
Blog Info:
✦ Asks: Open! Feel free to ask me or my OCs any questions. I might doodle an answer if inspiration strikes. Check out my FAQ first though!
✦ FAQ: You can read it here.
✦ Tags: I use them actively! This includes character tags for easier searching and little thoughts/comments not included in the description. My main tags:
Art tag: #wish art
Answered Asks tag: #Q and A
Text/info/ramble post tag: #wish talks
✦ Undertale AU Master Post: There are several Tumblr side blogs for my Undertale AUs and characters. If you want more info on any of them, you can find the list here.
✦ Other side blogs:
@wishingsparkjar (Transformers related)
@sliceofaether (Final Fantasy 14 related)
@alys-the-eliatrope (Wakfu related)
PS: ❌ Please DO NOT repost, edit, trace or sell my art and designs, or role play as my characters. Character AI bots of my characters are not accepted. ❌ I don’t ship my characters with strangers, only very close friends. Sorry! ✔️ I support gift and fan art. Please tag/credit me so I can give it all of my love!
✧ Check out my Carrd for my commission status and where else to find me.
Thank you and have a nice day or night!
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liebgottsjumpwings · 3 months
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Summary: Faye Fischer and her newly acquired friend Ken Lemmons spend a sunny afternoon at Thorpe Abbotts, Faye thinks about the past few years and is then (not so) rudely interrupted by a certain curly haired pilot. Who had managed to make her blush several times some days ago.
Warnings: general war violence, implied minor (and not canon) character death.
Word count: a bit over 2500
Note: this was meant to be a little less than 1k word blurb, turned into way more. I hope it isn't too boring as most of it delves into Faye's experiences before the mota canon. That is also because I use my ocs to study certain historical events, so this really is just self indulgence. Please pretty please let me know what you think of it! (This fic is also posted on AO3)
AUGUST 21, 1943, 16:32 
“What kind of name is ‘Just-a-Snappin’ even?” Faye Fischer wondered out loud, only half expecting an answer from the man in front of her as she came to sit up from her lying position in the grass. She squinted, just about able to make out the text on the B-17 Ken Lemmons was working on. Her squint disappeared as he came into her sight, blocking the warm ray of sunshine she had been enjoying moments prior, her eyebrows furrowed into a frown. “You’re gonna have to ask Blakely that one,” answered the curly haired man standing in her sun. Looking at him, she wondered why he would hide those curls under that beanie. Probably so all that working grease wouldn’t get into it. 
Faye shrugged, letting herself fall back into the grass. “Whenever I ask Blakely a question, the man answers with a goddamn riddle,” she let the end of her sentence continue into a sigh. Ken just laughed, his hands firm on his hips. The sun made the edge of his curls shine, almost like an aureole. Visually, him standing in her sun wasn’t so bad, it looked quite pretty. Her skin was starting to miss the warmth of the sun rays, though. Faye’s fingertips tapped on the cap of her camera lens, the Contax II had been laying on her stomach, under one of Ken’s work rags, to shield it from the sun. “Keep standing like that,” Faye ordered him as she removed the cap from the lens, turning on her camera. 
“Aren’t you only supposed to use that for… you know… work purposes?” she heard him ask as she fiddled with the exposure settings. A scoff escaped past her lips as she lined up the viewfinder with her left eye. “Shut up, they made me pay for my own film rolls when I arrived in England, so they’re mine technically anyway” Faye deadpanned in response, snapping a photo of Ken. “Besides,” she continued, putting her camera back under the rag again, letting her head fall back into the grass, “don’t you think the photo I just took wouldn’t go over well with all those war bond leaflets?” She held up her hands, reading an imaginary leaflet “Purchase a war bond so our curly haired cuties can maintain our bomber planes!” she sarcastically called out. It earned a belly-laugh from Ken, who then turned around, readying himself to get back to his maintenance work as he continued laughing, “I hope to God not.” Faye smiled in response, “Yeah, well, I’ve taken more leisure photos on this camera than the OSS would be comfortable knowing. It is only fair because nearly all film rolls were mine anyway,” she trailed off, closing her eyes again as the warm August sun blanketed her. 
The warmth took her back to August, nearly three years back, 1940. To the emerging hills behind Mulhouse, in the occupied region of the Alsace in France. Back then, she too had snapped a photo that the OSS would turn their noses up at. She couldn’t help it, though, the sleepy little cottage the, back then, above ground resistance she was attached to used as their base of operations was too pretty against the sunny hills. Plus, the whole rule against taking photos that do not directly aid the war effort was bullshit anyway. They increased her morale, no? Surely a heightened sense of morale would aid the war effort. Just like her friend, and resistance member Isidore was aiding the war effort by developing the photos Faye had taken recently. His girlfriend, Julienne, a distant cousin of Faye’s neighbors back in Louisiana, the Klotz family, laid next to her in the grass, yelling at her sweetheart to stop working so hard and join them in the warm sum. She still remembered the minty smell of the Ground Ivy that tickled against her cheeks in the field near the cottage as she watched Isidore exit the cottage, some of the successfully developed photos under his arm, he dropped them above the two women. The photographs whirled softly down onto them, like those propaganda leaflets that had recently been dropping from planes over the region. The association made her chuckle. She much preferred these photographs over those leaflets. 
Oh, how she longed back to be in that sleepy little field just behind Mulhouse. Unknowing and indifferent to what was about to wash over her. Over her dear friends. Over her distant relatives, up north in Sélestat.  How she wished to gain that sense of unknowing and indifference once more. The fleeting feeling of walking back home from the shul on those warm August evenings, taking the train from Mulhouse towards Sélestat, being greeted by her grandmother’s second brother, the one who stayed behind in Alsace. Being taken in to his family, learning about their extensive history and connection to this land. It made her feel proud, like her family here. All of that despite the impending feeling of calamity. That feeling grew more and more with each news item about the Germans inching closer. Forcing themselves back into the territory they’ve claimed as theirs for eras. This time, it came paired with a terrifying venom against a group of people so deeply rooted in this region. 
After the annexation of the Alsace into Nazi-Germany, the resistance group Faye had been attached to by the OSS was forced to go underground. Her work, instead of reporting back to the OSS on current events in the border region between France and Germany, became a high-risk operation that aided the Alsatian resistance in its activities against the Nazi occupier. When it happened, the OSS had forbidden her to associate publicly with her family and the community she had built up. They deemed it ‘too riskful’. And because Faye had no choice, she listened to those orders. And just like that, her growing connection with her ancestral home region, her family, the core of her very identity was snapped away. Just as quick as it had flourished. She watched the treatment of her people become more and more dire every day. She watched and she could do nothing but watch. Nothing outward anyway. In secret, she was doing more than she ever had done. Risking everything to make it harder for the Nazis to spread their hatred and evil. In return, she got the gnarly gift of having to distance herself from the recently cultivating bond with her family that lived halfway across the world from her. 
Yes, she still had Isidore, Julienne and the rest of their group. Though, as they were forced to become underground, a painful strain started to form on their friendship. Understandably so, tensions were high, risks were always there and the imminent feeling of doom never stopped looming over the group. 
Which ended up being for good reason. Come the early February days of 1943, Faye found herself with her left cheek pressed into the cold ground where the minty Ground Ivy once grew. The barrel of a Karabiner 98A straight against her right cheek. She still wasn’t sure who gave up their activities to the SS. She wasn’t sure if she cared enough by then either way. Or now, for that matter. In the two and a half years that spanned from that first summer in Alsace to February of 1943, Faye had grown disillusioned to the point that she wasn’t even sure if she cared about living, or dying. Maybe it was for the better that death seemed so close. That it came to her in the form of a German rifle. 
That was until she remembered why her family decided to migrate to the United States. Back in the late 19th century, the Jews of the Alsace were already facing hardships. And it was those hardships that made her grandparents decide that from there on out, their family line would not suffer under those hardships anymore. So they set sail to Louisiana, because their children, and their children, and their children (and so on), deserved a life of flourishing. So it was there, February 1943, with the cold barrel of a Karabiner 98A pressed to her face, that Faye decided that she would honor that wish. She would not die at the hands of those who wished her dead. 
She wasn’t sure how, but she ran, she ran until her feet gave out and Isidore made them duck into a dense shrub. His face stained with dirt, much like hers. And through the dirt on his face, tears traced their paths. Then it dawned on her that Julienne hadn’t made it out with them. Faye hoped with everything she had in her dear friend wasn’t left out, alone in that cold field. But there wasn’t much time for hoping. They had to make it to safety. To a place where they couldn’t be reached by those who were looking for them. 
Switzerland. Within a few days of frantic fleeing, both of them somehow made it to Basel, just over the border. Isidore’s previously tear-filled eyes had turned empty by then. And Faye feared for him. She feared for everyone they had to leave behind. The fear didn’t leave her when she walked away from the hospital she had helped Isidore to, so his wounds could be looked at. Not caring much for her own, and after the OSS had been made aware of her whereabouts, they had arranged a route to England for her. To ‘escape’ the risk she found herself in, according to the OSS. She still scoffs at the mention of ‘risk’, the OSS would never fully know. And so, after a goodbye ‘for now’ and a promise to keep in touch, she departed for the train station of Basel, on towards Bern, and from there, hopefully England. She watched the fields roll by, they were barren, empty of life. She tried to not let it remind her of Julienne too much. Hoping that her friend had somehow made it to safety, like her sweetheart and Faye.
Her memories were disturbed by the warm sun once again being taken away from her. This time, it wasn’t because a certain crew chief by the name of Ken Lemmons was standing in between her and her blanket of warmth, it was because Faye hadn’t noticed the time pass by and the sun having moved behind the officer’s buildings on the air base. She let out a groan at the feeling of her back cracking as she sat up, her camera falling into her lap. Slowly opening her eyes, to her surprise, ‘Just-a-Snappin’ had been exchanged for a different airplane. Though, her eyes were too blurry from the sun shining onto them, to make out the name. These damn pilots and their airplane names. 
What she did make out was Ken and what seemed to be a pilot, standing by the plane as Ken pointed out several things on the wing. The pilot nodding, seemingly intently listening to Ken. Faye, after rubbing her eyes intensely, was able to make out more of the scene in front of her. Her sight darted towards the plane again, reading. ‘Rosie's Riveters,’ she mouthed the words. Way better name for a plane than whatever Blakely was thinking with his one, Faye thought. Her gaze moved over to Ken and the still unknown pilot again. Squinting, she could make out the brown curls, kept small and neatly arranged on top of his head. The 100th and their tendency to hide their gorgeous curls irrationally annoyed Faye to no end. She eternally cursed Ken for hiding them behind his beanie, too. She looked back to the nose of the plane, ‘Rosie’s Riveters.’ Oh. Robert Rosenthal. The man that had made her blush the other night without even knowing he had. Robert Rosenthal had arrived at Thorpe Abbotts some two weeks after Faye herself did. She had been sitting with Helen and the other women as she watched him come into the officers’ club, his feet carrying him, dancing towards his crewmates. It was his little twist and the way his jacket moved in the air flow created by it; itt had been the first time she smiled that day. And Helen noticed. Sending Faye a teasing look as she dug the nose of her shoe into Faye’s shin. The action made Faye’s cheeks turn bright red, sinking deeper into her seat, disappearing into the shadow of the curved wall as she let out a soft, intoxicated giggle. 
It wasn’t much later, after Nash had successfully achieved a dance from Helen, that Rosenthal’s eyes locked with Faye’s. The same red from before creeping up from her throat to her cheeks as she gave him a shy smile. His returning smile was beaming, like a direct ray of sunlight across the room. She would receive a few more of such smiles from him throughout the night.
Now, with his pilot’s hat snug under his arm, Faye could see him smile at Ken, a thankful smile. And who wouldn’t be thankful for Ken Lemmons. The man worked tirelessly to send them up safely into the air. But, oh she was sure it was Robert Rosenthal standing there, alright. Yeah, that smile, of which she had been on the receiving end several times now, she recognized it. The familiar, uneasy yet welcomed feeling creeped up in her stomach again. She could feel the flush in her throat. Combined with the hours of direct sunlight she had received over the afternoon, remembering their shared looks made her slightly lightheaded as she rose to her feet. Hoping to quietly leave, as to not gain the perception of both men standing some feet away from her. 
Mission unsuccessful, though, damn it. “Fish!” she heard Ken call her. Her arms dropped beside her body as she turned around, her camera swinging with a little delay. She caught it, so it wouldn’t hit her on her stomach. For some stupid reason, her breathing increased in frequency as she watched the two men walk over to her. She had to consciously try to not take a step backward everytime they took one forward. She tried to keep her eyes strictly on Ken.“You think that is a better name for a plane?” he asked, pointing towards the B-17. Her eyes followed his pointing, reading the text on the nose of the plane for a third time. Before she realized, she already voiced her opinion. “I think naming anything but a pet or a human is a weird thing anyway,” she retorted, eyes dead set on Ken. Next to him, she heard a chuckle. “I’m actually quite proud of ‘Rosie’s Riveters’” she heard the curly haired brunette next to Ken say. There was no fighting it anymore, she had to actually look at him now. And she was sure you could compare the color of her cheeks to the apples they served in the breakfast hall, bright red. Still, like she always did, she came up with a retort; “Well, it’s better than Blakely’s, I guess,” she said, a sly, yet slightly shy smile appearing on her lips. The brunette in front of her let out a hearty laugh, his eyes crinkling. It tugged at Faye’s heartstrings, “Yeah, I’ll take that.” he said. And there it was again, that goddamned smile.
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mumms-the-word · 13 days
In Fathoms Below - Ch. 1
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Ch. 1 - The Adventure Begins
Characters: Gale, Karlach, Wyll, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, Gortash + other OCs; pairing is Gale x fem!Tav Plot: The island city of Nautera disappeared over 4500 years ago, if it ever existed at all. Now not a single, legitimate record of Nautera exists, save for one. The Nauterran Account. Long thought lost, it has recently been retrieved from the depths of Candlekeep’s archives and placed into the capable hands of one Gale Dekarios. With the Nauterran Account in hand and an eclectic team of Baldurians and other allies mounting an official expedition, Gale journeys to find the ruins of Nautera…but hopes to find so much more. A/N: The adventure begins! Gale is setting off to meet with the expedition team, but first...how did we even get here?
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A strong sea breeze ruffled Gale’s hair as he stood on the deck of a ship nearing a small spit of land just east of Waterdeep. The island itself was nothing special, he knew that, but the people located there…they might be able to change everything.
He took a deep breath through his nose, scenting the salty air and wondering if today would be his last day breathing in fresh air for a while. Where he was bound to go, there would be no sun nor sky for some time, no wind to lift the hair from his neck, and no guarantee that he would make it back. But this was a chance in a lifetime. If he didn’t take it, he’d never get another opportunity to sate his curiosity.
Or set things right with Mystra.
Grimacing, he rubbed a hand absently against his chest, where the year-old dark mark of the Netherese orb lay dormant, hidden beneath his robes. For an entire year, he had isolated himself in his tower, trying to research ways to counteract the orb’s insatiable hunger for Weave magic, and failing that, trying to distract himself by researching nonsense. He’d all but mastered the dead languages of Netheril, both Netherese and Loross, and from there had gone on a whim to try and learn what he could of other languages, if only to have access to more reading material. But no arcane text in any language held the knowledge he needed. 
The knowledge of how to cure, stabilize, or rid himself of his greatest mistake, now housed in his chest, functioning as little more than a ticking time bomb.
Instead, he’d found himself absorbed with studies of the magics of old, the magic that existed before Karsus’s Folly. Magic like mythallars, great big orbs of power that could make entire cities float in the sky or submerge them completely underwater, yet allow for humans to walk and breathe air as easily as if they were on the surface. No such power existed anymore, except in histories and myths. Such colossal magic had long since been replaced with lesser magics, adhering strictly to Mystra’s post-Folly rules for the Weave. Not a single mythallar was left in all of Toril after Karsus’s Folly had destroyed the Weave and shattered them all.
Yet in his reading and research, he found himself returning again and again to the idea of mythallars, and specifically to one city that had housed the oldest one. Not a Netherese city, no, but a city that vastly predated Netheril. A city that was rumored to have gifted Netheril with the powers of flight.
It was all legend, of course. An elven city located somewhere in the midst of the sea, halfway between Faerûn and the elven country of Evermeet, home to the very first mythallar in existence. An island that no longer existed, disappearing a few thousand years before Karsus’s Folly, leaving nothing but open sea from Faerûn to Evermeet. No trace of it had ever been found, so these days everyone simply assumed it was an old bedtime story at best.
Besides, according to every human scholar, it was all hogwash. The city, the first mythallar, all of it. It was preposterous to think that the elves had invented mythallars before Ioulaum, the great mage of Netheril, had. Everyone with sense knew that mythallars were Ioulaum’s invention, a testament to human ingenuity, not elven trickery.  
But “everyone” hadn’t been following the clues the way Gale had, tracing connections between myths and histories to find kernels of truth, hints to suggest that Nautera had been all too real, once upon a time. Not only that, but that Ioulaum had been there sometime before he had invented mythallars. It was all hidden in throwaway references, marginalia in old manuscripts that no one cared to read anymore, footnotes long forgotten. But Gale, with nothing but free time on his hands while living isolated in his tower, had followed each breadcrumb meticulously from one to the next, growing more and more confident in the existence of Nautera.
That is, until he hit a wall. All signs pointed to the same source, an old text that, if it even existed, was likely lost to time or kept so deep in Candlekeep’s archives that there was no way Gale, newly humbled and fallen from grace, would ever be allowed near it. The Nauterran Account, it was called. A record written by an apprentice of Ioulaum’s recounting their journey to Nautera and the wonders they found there. If it existed, it was the last piece of the puzzle, the final source that would confirm whether or not Nautera actually existed…and if there really had been a mythallar there, centuries before the cities of Netheril ever took to the sky.
By the time Gale had realized the importance of the Nauterran Account, there was no use in trying to find it. He didn’t know the first place to look, beyond Candlekeep, and with the orb in his chest growing continually more unstable, the libraries and archives of Candlekeep were the last place he wanted to put at risk. His days were drawing to a close. He should have been preparing for a journey deep into the Underdark, or north to a secluded, icy vale, where he could wait out the inevitable explosion of the orb far away from anyone who might get killed alongside him. 
Yet he remained, unwilling to plan that kind of final journey. His thoughts were consumed by Nautera. But without that book, he was at a loss. Nothing else appealed to him. No other research mattered. He spent days either reviewing his notes, landing on the same old conclusions, or sitting on his balcony, looking eastward over the sea, wondering. Wishing. Dreaming. Not even Tara could distract him when his thoughts were on Nautera.
It was on one such dreary day that Elminster Aumar appeared.
Gale hadn’t been prepared for anyone to visit, let alone Elminster of all people. After a brief dinner and idle chatter, Elminster finally admitted he came not for chatter, but to give a message—both a promise and a warning, a gift and a deadline. Mystra was willing to offer what she considered forgiveness…but only on her terms. 
His message was simple. Mystra had agreed to stabilize the orb in exchange for a promise: that Gale would find a use for the orb’s errant magic before her charm wore off. He had, in effect, about six months to find something suitable. But “a use” could mean anything, and Elminster had gravely clarified that Mystra’s charm meant that Gale himself held the trigger to his own demise.
In other words, Mystra was asking him to die at a more convenient time and place.
No matter which way Gale turned it over in his mind, “a use for the orb’s errant magic” merely meant a suitable place for him to explode. So much for Mystra’s forgiveness in life. Death seemed inevitable. He was all but certain there was no spell on Toril that could cure him of his condition or siphon off the orb’s power, no scenario in which he would be able to give up the power locked within him freely without dying. And if he failed to find a use for the orb after six months…well.
It probably didn’t matter. He’d be just as dead.
But a command from Mystra wasn’t all that Elminster had brought. Though he had come professing to deliver a message, he had left behind a physical gift. “Some light reading,” he had said, chuckling to himself and passing over the canvas-bound package. Gale had looked cautiously at the old wizard before carefully unwrapping the canvas.
There, in his hands, was the long-lost Nauterran Account.
When he looked up, Elminster was gone, having disappeared without offering any further explanation, leaving behind only a single letter in the chair where he had been sitting. Written in an unfamiliar hand, it was a formal invitation (or perhaps proposal was the better word) for Gale to join an undersea expedition as a resident expert in arcane languages. Though the invitation lacked details, promising them on arrival at a small island to the east, Gale could readily connect the dots.
Elminster had opened up a path for him to Nautera. 
Whether Nautera held Gale’s salvation or not remained to be seen. By all accounts, the city should be in ruins. But if even fragments of their magic survived, if there were tablets to read or accounts to save…perhaps Nautera would have answers for Gale. 
And if not, well…the ruins of Nautera wouldn’t be such a bad place to die. Especially if aiding the expedition to get there meant proving to all the world that Nautera existed and that everything they thought they knew about Netheril was wrong. At the very least, he could go down in history as the man who proved thousands of Candlekeep and Blackstaff scholars wrong about the fabled islands of Nautera. 
That, if nothing else, was consolation enough.
Gale had answered the invitation immediately and wasted no time in packing his things, telling Tara to take good care of Morena while he was away, and to not breathe a word of what he was doing until he returned.
Now, several hours into the brief journey from Waterdeep to this tiny island, with the sea breeze on his skin, Gale was torn between a longing for more of this—sailing off toward a horizon, hoping to see more of the world—and a resignation that his final destination would be the ruins of a city far below these deep blue waves. He sighed and turned to sit on a long crate.
Only to hear and feel something bump within the crate as he sat down.
He sprang up again, staring at the wooden box with a baffled expression. Other than the sailors manning the small sloop, no one else should have been on board. Neither man, nor creature.
Narrowing his eyes, he reached for the lid of the crate. “Tara, you little minx, if that’s you in there…”
But before he could open the box, a sharp whistle sounded off behind him from the upper deck. “Reef the sails! Bring us in nice and steady, mates!”
It was time to depart. Gale cast one last suspicious look at the long crate before turning away to face the rudimentary docks constructed on the island.
Island was a bit of a generous term for the place where the ship docked, considering Gale could see every inch of land simply by turning his head. The island housed only a single stone building and a small pier, but this was where the invitation had directed him, and sure enough, someone was waiting for him on the docks. 
A red-skinned tiefling woman stood there, arms folded, watching them approach. She was tall, easily taller than him, with dark hair and one horn broken off. She sported a variety of black tattoos, but perhaps the most notable thing about her was that she was on fire, and yet barely seemed to notice. She grinned at him as the ship drew slowly to a halt, the sailors hopping off to secure the ropes.
“I take it you’re our expert in gibberish?” she called up to him. “Man with the words and all that?”
“I suppose I am,” he responded, shouldering his pack and walking down the gangplank the sailors had set up. He offered his hand for her to shake. “Gale of Waterdeep, at your service.”
“Karlach Cliffgate,” she said, taking his hand for a very quick but strong handshake. She let go and hooked her thumb over her shoulder. “Come on, the boss doesn’t like to be kept waiting. He’s been itching to get going.” She turned to the sailors. “You know where to store that stuff. Bring it downstairs, nice and easy, yeah? The sooner it’s on the submersible, the sooner we can shove off.”
“You got it, mate,” was the sailor’s reply. 
Without waiting to see if Gale would follow, Karlach turned and led the way toward the stone structure. Gale glanced back at the ship, wondering what was inside the crates, but figuring he’d probably find out soon enough. They were all going to the same place, after all.
The building contained only a small, sparsely furnished room and a staircase that led down into an underground space. As he followed Karlach down below, descending into darkness and emerging in torchlit passageways that seemed to lead deeper and deeper underground, Karlach kept up a steady stream of conversation.
“So, s’this your first time in a submersible?” she asked. “Mine, too, if I’m being honest. I know the boss loves these things, and I’ve worked with him for years, but I’ve never gone down in one of them. Gotta admit, I’m a little nervous.”
“Well, sure. I’m using to tackling things head on, you see. It’s my job. Bodyguard and all that. Assistant to his lordship. Big gal who carries all the smokepowder barrels. Whatever my boss wants me to do, you know? But if I’m trapped inside a bit metal ship…” She shrugged. “Doesn’t do much good to punch the walls.”
Gale decided that he liked Karlach immediately, though he was surprised she would talk so openly about her role on the expedition. It was his understanding that the expedition was rather hush-hush. Then again, they must be two or three levels below the surface by now, and well away from the other sailors. 
“Fear not, Karlach,” he said. “If anything should go wrong in a submersible, I’ll find a way to give you something to hit that isn’t a metal wall. I’d hate for you to feel left out.”
She laughed. “Okay, I like you. I think you’re gonna fit right in with the rest of the team.”
“The rest of the team?”
“Yep. Come on, that’s where we’re headed. Once we’re all together, we’re shipping off.”
The underground passageway soon gave way to thick glass, steel bars, and metal floors, all sloping gently downward. They had emerged in some kind of underwater structure, built out of the side of the island. Dappled sunlight filtered down through the glass ceiling, blue-tinted and faint, while schools of silver fishes drifted silently by, unfazed by the fiery tiefling and the purple-clad mage walking nearby. 
Through the windows, Gale could see a larger glass-and-steel room up ahead, with a branching passageway that connected to a glass-enclosed dock. There, laid out along the side of the enclosed dock, was the biggest submersible he had ever seen. Shaped similarly to the body of a dolphin, complete with fins and a long, trailing tail, it was easily as long as his tower was tall and as wide as a modest estate in Waterdeep. By appearances alone, it looked large enough to house and feed an entire village of people. At one end, the “head” of the body, the structure tapered off into a blunt point. Thick glass made up most of top half of the head, allowing for visibility when navigating the submersible. Or so he assumed. He knew very little about constructs and mechanics.
“Impressive and terrifying, isn’t it?” Karlach asked, glancing over her shoulder at him. “We’ll be inside in a minute.”
“I can’t wait,” he mumbled to himself, though a familiar anxiety thrummed just beneath his skin. He reminded himself that he had a fresh new spellbook with plenty of helpful spells, for breathing underwater, darkvision, and more, and that he would be fine. But even so, the thought of being trapped thousands of meters below the sea with people he had never met before…
It wouldn’t have been his first choice of adventure.
He focused on the task at hand, following Karlach into the wider glass room that connected the passage from the island to the underwater docks. This room was alive with activity, with sailors and workers moving to and fro organizing supplies and getting them down into the submersible. A few, more colorful characters were lounging in various places around the room. Gale was surprised to see a githyanki woman, of all things, among those gathered, as well as a smartly-armored drow woman.
The githyanki lounged casually against a table at the center of the room, arms folded, watching the workers with narrowed eyes, while the drow leaned over a map on the same table, frowning down at it. To the left, a dark-haired half-elven woman stood with a much, much taller, broad-shouldered elf dressed in druid regalia. Both were examining the contents of a crate, which seemed to be full of potions and herbs, and speaking in low tones. Karlach broke off to go talk to a dark-skinned human off to the right, a handsome man who greeted her with a smile and a curious glance Gale’s way. 
The drow woman looked up as Gale drew nearer, eyeing him with sharp, analytical disdain. He could see her crimson gaze flicking quickly between his robes, his pack, his stance, and his face before she straightened and set a hand on her hip.
“Wizard,” she said. “You must be the one with the book.”  It wasn’t a question.
“Excuse me?” he asked, blinking in surprise. 
She ignored him. “Stay here. I will fetch his lordship. It is about time this operation was underway.”
Gale watched her move toward a figure standing at the far end of the room, a dark-haired man watching the proceedings out the window with his hands clasped behind his back. The man leaned his head to listen to whatever the drow woman said and then looked over his shoulder. A quick, charismatic smile stole over the man’s features as he spotted Gale and he quickly made his way over to the table, rounding it to draw nearer to Gale.
“Welcome, welcome,” he said genially, spreading wide his arms. “Just the man we’ve been waiting for. Gale of Waterdeep, I presume?”
“The very same,” Gale responded, trying not to sound as cautious as he felt.
The man continued to smile. His eyes were almost completely black from pupil to iris and his smile, though seemingly geniune, was likewise oily. Gale knew on instinct that this man was used to controlling a room, whether that be through charm or pressure. 
Better to stay on his good side, for now.
“Allow me to introduce myself,” the man said. He placed a hand on his chest and bowed his head. “I am Lord Enver Gortash."
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