10uptop · 1 year
Check out Top 10 UFO Sightings.
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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🔳So the last post we focused on divine feminine energy, Venusian energy. Adoring the delicate and light side of our sister planet, Venus. Today's post will focus on the yang to Venuses yin, Mars. The red, fiery and frisk planet of our solar system.
🔳In ancient Rome Mars was said to be the God of War and represented the military power as a way to bring prosperity and peace in Rome. He is also the father to the notorious Romolus and Remus, the founders of the great city of Rome. It is believed that when war would hit Rome, the proud father Mars would help the military win over.
🔳In the astrology world Mars is the depiction of masculine energy, just like how Venus is for feminine energy. They both represent this youthful power of the two genders. Being also close to the Sun, Marsian energy is organic, primal if you will. There isn't a lot what happens behind closed doors, no mystery to be explored. Mars represents this ongoing life energy, competition, agression, assertiveness, our sex drive, actions and desires. Mars is what keeps us going and gives us courage to keep going.
🔳Of course it's master is Aries, the cardinal fire sign. Aries is the sign who brings back spring into our hearts after a long and cold winter. It takes a lot of effort waking every creature from it's hibernation period, so there really has to be  a lot of drive and determination. Aries is also depicted as the Ram of the zodiac. This animal is known to live in flocks, always having a leader. The leader takes good care of the group, even fighting to death for it's territory. The Ram is known for it's power, exerting 800 pounds from just a simple headbutt. So of course Aries will firstly be described as "heads on first".
🔳Aries is also known as the baby of the zodiac, since he is first on the list. This meaning he has alot of wisdom and knowledge to acquire. These fire babies do not like being told what/how to do something and in that they can hurt themselves the most. Aries is also the sign of passion and motivation, confidence and bluntness, optimism and drive. They are naturally ambitious and love to take charge of the situation even though not knowing much ahead. Even though they love to be in charge, every Aries always has that moment where they question themselves are they truly doing good, but nevertheless they still keep going. They adore being loud, friendly, spontaneous, passionate and above all adventurous. If you ever want to go on a fun trip, get yourself an Aries to hang around. These Rams light up the room with their witty humor and charisma, wanting to befriend all. Aries really is the extrovert of all the signs, that's for sure.But they do get a bad reputation for being overly aggressive and explosive. Aries has a long way to go, patience really can be a friend to them, but they despise it. Their impulsive manner can cause damage quite rapidly in their life.
🔳The biggest lesson I want every Aries to learn is to dive deep into the emotion of fury. Fury is a wild anger most Aries are known for, but they use it sometimes in the wrong way. This emotion is a sacred emotion, known to break worlds apart. So when used wisely, at the right time and the right place it can cause a good outcome. Other than fury, Aries needs to learn to be less selfish in ways where their hobbies, activities, friends or family come first. Be sure toask questions, learn from others and your own mistakes, journal and write down everything. I know it can be hard staying at home, not wondering all over the place, but make sure to have one reflection day for a better you, Aries. A lot of the time people will describe you as an only angry, kaotic, selfish and annoying sign but will forget to see the passion, loyalty, openness and friendliness of your sign because the bad can sometimes overshadow the good.
🔳The other sign that was traditionally ruled by Mars was our dear mysterious Scorpio. Now why would astrologers brand a watery sign such as Scorpio to be ruled by the firey planet Mars? Even though we can say that Scorpios are very similar to water signs because of their strong emotional intelligence and psychic, "sixth" sense abilities Scorpio also derives a lot of caracteristics from his ancient ruler, Mars.  Scorpio is also a passionate leader, who will win you over with their charisma and dedication. They are very direct with whom they trust, passionate with their lovers and outstandingly loyal to their family. Scorpios are not afraid to take action just like Aries but they do it in a calmer, more thought threw manner unlike our baby Aries. The caracteristic both Aries and Scorpio hold are their courage. Courage for change, action and their belief system. But nevertheless they are very different, since Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto. The planet of the underground and death.
🔳Mars can also have destructive tendecies when positioned in the wrong house/sign. Mars in traditional astrology is considered a MALEFIC planet. Meaning it can govern unfavorable influence in an individuals chart.
🔳If in a fall or detriment it can also bring some confusion to the table. Mars is how we express ourselves and how we approach day to day situations. As said above it is our natural energy of "doing", so when put in a house or sign where Mars feels homesick it can sometimes  be challenging. This does not mean the end of the world...it means you have to find the wisdom and courage to light your Mars up, even if it doesn't come naturally. But do have in mind to pick your fights wisely. Do not exhaust your self and take away your integrity and peace. That's the lesson every Marsian native should have in mind.
Let's get into some of my observations for our Marsian individuals, shall we!
🔘 Aries rising are so hot and funny and they absolutely know it! They seem very open and kind to the public. A good sense of style aswell.
🔘 Aries moons are a lot in my perspective. If handled well this placement can be very idealistic, passionate, quick and energetic...but they can be very short tempered and loss interest fast if not kept active and interested. They love a good rant with others and love to see their partner or friend laugh and explore with them. Very driven and very blunt.
🔘 Aries mercury are very quick on their tongue, of course. They can be very good writers in my perspective. Autobiography is calling for a Aries mercury. They are very direct with their words and don't think a lot before speaking.
🔘 Aries in the first house can be an amazing placement or a complex one. If a planet such as Saturn is placed here it can bring a lot of self reflection and problems with insecurity. It can also feel as if you want to take action for yourself, but are afraid to.
🔘 Aries venus I've wrote in the Venusian post, but I'll write it again here shortly. Aries venus fall in love very fast, love primal energetic sex and can come off as "vanilla", but that doesn't mean it's bad just very straight to the point. They are also lovers of any head fondling and scratching, kisses around the neck and ears and they love their lovers to be vocal and not shy!
🔘 Mars in the 7th house need to be in charge, they don't want their partner telling them how/what to do. They also might get married later in life. The assert their needs and wishes within the relationship with ease, if not in a air/water sign. They really need to learn compromise and to not act out at every inconviennce.
🔘 Mars in the 9th house can be either go getters in school/collage or the procrastinator. They also love traveling all the time. I've met a few who change their address every once and awhile or love backpacking!
🔘 Mars in the 12th house can repress their natural instincts a lot of the time. Very secretive about their actions and can have some issues with repressed emotions aswell. It can also attract the wrong people, even violent people. Solitude can be difficult at times for these natives.
🔘 Aries in the 11th house is a very loyal friend to have around. They are extreme extroverts and people pleasers. Not a very peaceful social life. They love to party, get to know new people and don't have a difficult time getting to know others.
🔘 Aries in the 4th house need a good family where they can speak and act freely. They are very hands on with their family. Love to take their family on trips. They will go to the end to defend their family.
🔘 Mars square Venus can be a tricky aspect. It means challenges in balancing your soft side and masculine side. It can bring a lot of anger and hate into a relationship. The lesson here to learn is to communicate deeply your deepest emotions with loved ones, not to just turn your head the other way. This can also mean you have very very high standards in relationships and partners often times can't fulfill your expectations. It also creates a lot of frustration and passive aggressiveness in relationships. The goal is to work though the tough times and not want everything to be picture perfect.
🔘 Mars dominant people are in my perspective people that you can smell miles away. They are so sure of themselves, always competing, also doing some sort of sports or activities, always speak up in school or in friendly surroundings, always on the hunt for new things and new people. I also see this in Sun, Pluto and Moon dominant people, they are really easy to spot!
🔘 Mars square Jupiter individuals have a lot of enthusiasm and energy, if not handled well they can become very tired and needy. I've met a few people how have problems with insomnia with this placement because they cannot figure out how to deal with all this energy.
🔘 I've also met a few Aries sun with Capricorn moons that are really into stripping. They know their clients love them and they love the money they get from it!
🔘 Aries sun men have a very fragile ego along with Leo, Gemini and Libra men. They get very mad if you put your cards on the table and want something more in the partnership. Don't you dare interfere with their independence and free spirit lifestyle. I've also noticed Aries men love dogs and when they get there's it's always some high energy dog like a husky, border collie, dogo argentino etc.. Not big cat lovers.
🔘 Chiron in Aries can mean a lot of shame in the individuals life. They've felt very worthless in a past life and feel like they are incompatible of leading or being up front. They also felt like they couldn't be themselves and had to be the chameleon of the group a lot of the times.
🔘 Mars is Cancer is the death of me, if we're being honest. For the girls I haven't really seen big problems other than people taking advantage of them and not giving them the chance to glow. For the guys it's so destructive, they are so sneaky and manipulative at times and never say how they feel. They can become quite aggressive and emotionally abusive. But if handled well, they can be the most laid back fellas ever...I've never seen that to be honest, the only one's I've ever seen are the one's that feel very left out of the male group so they act in violence to show domination and security. The guys can feel like the have been neutered and are not enough of a man. But in reality they are made to hang out with the girls and just chill, there's no shame in that.
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josieschronicles · 7 months
Dear readers,
Because of my (surprisingly and out of blue) amazing productivity I ended up having a lot more time for watching new movies and tv shows lately so I decided to share my top favourite movies (majority of them you have definitely watched and if not I highly recommend it) and also a small list of films and tv shows I want to watch.
My recommendation: (films)
- Oppenheimer
(Unlike many popular beliefs this film does not glorify atomic bombs, this film depicts Oppenheimer’s conflict of inventing one, how it was an amazing discovery but could also potentially end the human kind. Christopher Nolan is a genius and casting Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer was the best decision ever)
- Inglorious Basterds
Definitely one of the best films ever. Can’t find any flaws (might be my subjective opinion but idc sue me)
- Interstellar
Another one of Christopher nolan’s masterpieces. Don’t know a person who hasn’t watched it and disliked it and i hope it stays that way.
- Marsian
Now this is not objectively amazing film like 3 mentioned before but it’s one of my personal favourites. It’s a sci-fi film about an astronaut who is stuck on mars. Spoiler alert: he survives. Highly recommend it.
- Dictator
This is nothing but hilarious. 10/10
- Peaky blinders
- BBC Sherlock
The best sherlock out there. Don’t agree? Bite me. You are wrong
- Gossip Girl
- Brooklyn 99
- The big bang theory
My to watch list:
- Anthropoid
- Dunkirk
- Jango
- Dead poets society
- The great debaters
- Black swan
- The riot club
- School ties
- Gilmore girls (currently watching)
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pray-montana · 4 months
stop ruining everything YOU'LL BE SAVED ANYWAY
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dimensionsix · 1 year
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sayhoneysiren · 1 year
mars and saturn are necessary for boundaries and self protection
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deceiver-a-day · 7 months
The Exile of Arcade Marsian
• [x] sends Arcade Marsian away
• [x] does not allow Arcade Marsian to return
• [x] prevents Arcade Marsian from participating in business and politics 
• [x] does not kill Arcade Marsian 
• [x] does not give Arcade Marsian the opportunity to raise an army 
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bi-sapphics · 1 year
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marsian transmasc & sunset bisexual lumity icons using dana terrace's art (and fan variations)!!
art credit: x x x x
F2U. credit appreciated but not necessary (u should credit the artist/s, though). like/rb if u save. <3
DNI: butch/femme gatekeeper, exclusionist, biphobic, don't believe in anti-transmasc oppression (don't necessarily have to use "transandrophobia"), etc.
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pridewishes · 2 years
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250x250 || marsian || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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luvrevuearchive · 1 year
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rb and credit if using ♡ @transmymble
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amyylinchen · 2 years
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I collect photos of my most beautiful graphic errors 😌
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positieveonrust · 1 year
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Meccano marsian!
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marsianinspace · 2 years
I am just a Marsian
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gemsofindology · 1 year
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These beautiful Pics are of a 1.1 Mile wide Astroid hit #Marsian Occean 3.4 Billion Years ago causing Megatsunami as high as 4 KM #Archaelogy #Archaelogical https://www.psi.edu/news/megatsunamimars https://www.instagram.com/p/ClsucnbyzYJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jackxcinema · 2 years
“THE EXPANSE” IS SIMULTANEOUSLY EXCELLENT & UNSATISFACTORY IN GENERAL, I TRY TO AVOID WATCHING SERIES THESE DAYS Since the fundamental problem of a series is: it always goes on. Whether it is released old school in a schedule “TV-style” or dumped all at once”Netflix-style”. Either you constantly wonder in the back of your mind, how the series will continue, or you simply click “next” after the…
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
11th house: our ideal friends and how we are percieved in social settings.
This post will talk about the type of relationships that you like to hang out with according to the planet or sign that falls in that house, since one of the themes of this house relates to friendships and what type of person you appear to be in social events or gatherings.
As always, take it with a grain of salt, I hope it resonates with any of you and please don't copy or repost this post without giving the proper credits to the owner.
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Aries/Mars in the 11th house: you tend to attract people who are athletic, energetic, driven, enthusiast or, at the very least, you enjoy to hang up with people who have this kind of energy. On the downside, you could atract people who are agressive or violent. You are the most happy when you are able to spend activities with your friends that helps you to canalize your marsian energy such as sports. With Mars in that house, depending on how well developed that energy is, people look at you either with a little bit of fear since you show an aggresive side sometimes or they admire the driven energy that you posses.
Taurus/Venus in the 11th house: you are someone who likes to hang out with caring, responsable and reliable people. Spending time with people who shares the same passions, the same hobbies like cooking, art, photography, etc, isa big bonus too. The friends that you keep close to you not only posses some of this qualities but they also are a reliable source who can provide security to you and your self-esteem in the best of the cases. For example: they always keep your secrets safe. On social events, people look at you as someone caring to others, beautifull, maybe a little reserved but trustworthy. Be mindful of being too generous that people take advantage of you and viceversa.
Gemini/Mercury in the 11th house: you like to hang out with people who are smart or, at the very least, someone with whom you can talk a lot about different topics, no matter if both of you share the same opinions or not. The most important thing for you in a friend is having a mental estimulation between the both of you. You can also atract with ease a lot of people who are naturally chatty or gosspis a lot about everything. Being the ruler of the third house (the house of school) in the eleventh, it is possible that many of the connections that you have today comes from your school days. On the other hand, you may appear chatty, smart or someone who enjoys gossiping in a social gathering.
Cancer/Moon in the 11th house: you are the nurturing and empatethic group. In social settings, or when you hang out with friends, you prefer the company of those who embody the energy of cancer, of the moon. Someone with whom you can have an emotional connection, someone with whom you can talk about your memories, your past or someone with whom you can confess any emotional problem that you are going through at the moment. In social setting, you could be seen as the mother of the group. The nurturing figure who cares about others wellbeing.
Leo/Sun in the 11th house: you're either someone who captures a lot of attention when you get out in public settings, reunions or meetings with friends, or either you are someone who enjoys meeting people who have a bright personality. Just like the sun. You enjoy spending time with friends who are not afraid of being who they really are, who are confident and spread positivity around, because that makes you feel better and viceverse. You like to make them feel better too. Be careful of atracting egoistical people though. On the other hand, with the Sun in the house, people could look up to you with the same description that I've already mentioned.
Virgo/Mercury in the 11th house: you tend to make friends with people that are responsable, hard workers, detail oriented, intelligent and health conscious, or maybe you appear that way to others. Intelligence is something that you value too because, just like the sign of Gemini, this sign is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. You like to make people with whom you can talk about your day to day life, your work, your health and viceversa. You like to know the same things too. You don't mind to comment or recieve comments from others when you now that they are doing it to help you.Just be careful of not being affected by people who are overly critics and wants to look smarter and viceversa.
Libra/Venus in the 11th house: you like to be friends with people who are caring, loving and put the right balance between give and take. Treating others fairly and respectfully is a crucial element that your potential friends need to have because that is what you value the most. I mean, it's like, if one day I spend a lot of time giving you confort because you need, I will really like to think that you'll be there for me in case I go through something similar. Well, we are not perfect, so be carefull with cutting people off if they don't fit in this criteria unless they really step over your boundaries despite trying to make it clear what you don't tolerate. In social spaces, people see you as loving a fair to everyone.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 11th house: those who have this aspects, you tend to connect with a small group of friends, but when you do connect with someone, you do it with all your will. You defend and protect your friends with all your might and espect the same thing from them. If someone breaks your trust or confidence, you cut them from your life, even though that hurts and transforms you deeply. Only in a few cases there is a second chance but, despite this, they don't tend to be the same because they had breaked your values of intimacy, trust and respect in a relationship. On another view, you could have a transformative time while socializing (this can be both: good and bad), maybe it is easier for you to connect with people that went through traumas or transformative experiences through life. For others, you are someone who looks either intimidating or private in a social setting but, despite this, they can not ignore the fact that there is an inner power within you.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 11th house: these people tend to make friends with relative ease and tend to be popular due to their ability to uplift others through their light energy and sence of humor. Honestly, there have not limit in terms of who they want to be friends with. They can be friends with people that comes from different cultures, countries, religions or beliefs. They don't care much about these things in my opinion (unless the individual has strict rules/beliefs that alows them to only meet certain types of people), because they are naturally curious about the stories they have to tell. Despite this, a sence of humor and stories/knowledge is something that these natives value in friendships.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 11th house: these individuals tend to make friends with people who are either older than them or maturer. They don't socialize much due to circumstances or because they simply don't like it, specially with people of your generation. Be careful with that. And maybe that's because you were the younger sister/cousin and had to interact with much older people so, when the moment came to play with kids of your own age, you didn't know what to do or didn't understood why they were acting so immaturely. You may come across as someone serious/mature in their interaction or responsable and enjoy talking about the older generations, their experiences through life, and struggles.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 11th house: the natural sign and planet that rules this house. The type of people you like to hang up with are those who either share the same humanitarian nature as you or have a rebellious side that they are not afraid to show or they are seen as outcasts by other people. Your friends could belong to the groups such as the LGBT or the feminist movement, but it doesn't have to be. The most important thing is that you like to make connections with people that will accept the unique qualities that you posses, your rebellious side, your humanitarian nature without judgement. In a social gathering, people could see you as rebellious or as someone who brings a unique energy to the space that it's very magnetic if you use it well.
Pisces/Neptune in the 11th house: with Neptune or Pisces in this house, it is clear that you can connect easily with people who either share the same passion as you towards espirituality or are as imaginative as you or maybe they understand you on a soul level. With these aspects, it is possible that you are able to feel the energy or the emotions of the people with whom you spend time with. The downside of this, is that you could attract energetic vampires or people who have problems with drugs or alcohol. You could even hang out with them. Be careful with this, especially if you end up having problems with addictions. On a lighter note, if you had the last problem, this can give you a compassionate look towards people who went through hard process such as addictions and rehabilitation. In a social getting, you may look dreamy, mysterious, tired or ethereal to others.
I hope you enjoyed this post.
Send you love and light.
Tower Girl Anon.
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