#magi eight generals
teatitty · 1 year
This is still the best promo art the anime ever got btw. Ja’far as the laughing carefree drunk, Alibaba just INHALING food while Sharrkan tries to protect his own from Masrur. I wanted more of this so desperately
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Also please just look at these two idiots and tell me they don’t give brother vibes I dare you
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myspecialinterest · 1 year
this looks redrawable…
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randomhobbyist · 2 years
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Global Factions – The World Beyond Casper
For more on the Local Factions, click here.
On Earth there are eight global factions—seven supernatural ones (The Court of Blood, the Revenants, the ILN, the Magi, the Fey, the Outsiders, and the Natural Order) and one that stands in opposition to the others (The Slayers). Supernatural beings either belong to a faction or choose to be factionless.
A Note on Faction Membership:
Beings have a right to membership with the faction that best aligns with their identity. For example, a ghost has a right to be a revenant, an angel has a right to be an outsider, etc.* However, beings can change their faction at anytime by requesting admission. Membership cannot be claimed until one's admission has been confirmed. Most groups are open admittance, but some require proof of certain powers/abilities (Outsiders) or letters of recommendation (Court of Blood).
* If an individual fits with multiple groups—for example, a centaur—they are meant to pick which faction suits them best (so, if the centaur identifies more with beasts, they can choose the Natural Order, if they identify more with humans, they can choose the ILN)
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The Court of Blood
Desire, wealth, hunger—the Court of Blood portrays itself as the pinnacle of indulgence and excess. But what goes on behind the ornate gilded doors of this highly stratified, cutthroat, aristocratic society? What, or who, is the true source of their bloodbath?
Member Types: Vampiric entities including strigoi, chupacabras, vrykolakas, vetala, dhampirs, leannán sídhe, bruxes, rakshasas, adze, ramanga, lugat, patasola, chonchons, tiyanaks, etc.
Connections: The Court was formed some centuries ago after most vampires broke ties with their previous faction, the Revenants, to start their own society free from their undead kin. The two factions still despise each other and there is still much hostility between them, particularly between the older generation and Feilan, the Revenant leader. The Court gets along very well with the Magi and can be civil with the ILN. The older generation's attitude has alienated most of the other courts, though the newer, younger leaders have made efforts to amend centuries of distaste and distrust.
Notable Members
Prince Rafael (strigoi, royal)
Adriana Silva (patasola, courtier)
Augustus Darvell, aka Lord Darby (strigoi, noble)
Misha Kotova (dhampir, knight)
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The Revenants
Death, cold and unfeeling, drips from everything this faction touches. Most of the members are merely shambling, wailing, destructive shadows of their former selves. There are no beating hearts to appeal to, and as far as others can tell, no kindness warms these graves.
Member Types: The undead (excluding most vampires) and other beings associated with death. Includes ghosts, zombies, shinigami, dybbuk, shadows, banshees, will o' the wisps, eidolons, kuntilanak, etc.
Connections: The Revenants openly despise both the Court of Blood and the Magi. They are indifferent towards the ILN and Fey but have strong relationships with both the Natural Order and the Outsiders. The Revenants are also the only supernatural faction to have a working relationship with the Slayers, though it is underpinned by strong, mutual disgust.
Notable Members
Feilan Grave-Speaker (draugur, leader)
Shai (shadow, advisor)
More on these characters here.
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The International League of Nonhumans (The ILN)
Composed of beings with the common experience of being other, the ILN is the closest and most protective faction. It deals with little internal drama and, in general, its members are there to support and look out for one another as they attempt to lead "normal" lives.
Member Types: Nonhumans or mortals who are born/become something beyond human but still consider themselves humanoids above all else. Includes shapeshifters, lycanthropes, hybrids, some cryptids (mothman, owlman), etc.
Connections: The ILN has a strong relationship with the Natural Order and a mutual respect for the Fey. They aren't hostile towards the Court of Blood or the Magi, though there are long histories of vampires being prejudiced towards nonhumans and of mages experimenting upon them. So, even though the newer leadership for both groups promises that they've changed their ways, most nonhumans are wary when dealing with these factions. In general, the ILN tries to avoid the Outsiders and the Revenants (mostly out of fear for what they both do and represent).
Notable Members
President Lumo (naga, leader)
Sheriff Cy Hassan (lycanthrope, regional leader/advisor)
Sheriff Hafsah Akil (sphinx, regional leader/advisor)
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The Magi
Enchanters, seers, artists, scholars. The Magi are once ordinary people in pursuit of the impossible—aligning themselves wholeheartedly with the supernatural as they seek out the hidden secrets of the universe, learning to bend reality to their command.
Member Types: Human magicians and spellcasters.
Connections: Get along very well with the Court of Blood and fine with the ILN. The Magi idolize the history and abilities of the Fey, though the Fey don't return any of the admiration. The Magi are interested in the Outsiders but this interest makes the Outsiders skeptical of them. They don't like the Revenant leaders and have a tense relationship with the Natural Order since it argues that they've failed the planet—though many beasts need the glamours the Magi produce to venture into human society. The Magi are also seen as the antithesis of the Slayers and these groups harbor an intense mutual hatred for one another.
Notable Members
Magister Luther Weiss (political leader)
E. Milton (magister's apprentice)
High Priestess Sybil (spiritual leader)
More on the Magi here. More on magic and alchemy here.
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The Fey
The fey is the most diverse faction and has little universal control over its members. Fey come from many different worlds, each with their own cultures, and tend to form insular courts that vie for power against one another. But, if there's one thing fey understand, it's magic, and it's the wielding and lending of unique powers that defines the members of this faction.
Member Types: Inherently magical creatures from this realm and beings from other inner planes. Includes fairies, elves, imps, sprites, goblinoids, nature spirits, oni, changelings, etc.
Connections: Generally speaking, the Fey are ambivalent towards the Court of Blood and see them as harmless pretenders, perhaps more amusing than anything else (like a soap opera). They don't like the Magi. They see them as trying too hard and looking to use the fey for knowledge and power. They like the Outsiders and are accepting of and respectful to the ILN (after all, many nonhumans are descended from fey). The Fey don't care much about either the Revenants or the Natural Order.
Notable Members
Empress Minori (kitsune, court leader)
Han (trickster spirit, advisor to Empress Minori)
More on the fey here. More about fey councils here.
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The Outsiders
Raw power and wild absurdity define the beings of this faction. Most Outsiders are ultimately disinterested with the sociopolitical landscape of this realm/planet. Their faction is an infamously lawless one that removes itself almost entirely from the politics of Earth. If an Outsider is present, you can assume it's satisfying some personal curiosity or furthering unknown and unknowable plans.
Member Types: Beings from outer planes or other planets. Includes elementals, celestials, infernals, djinns, phoenixes, sandmen, extraterrestrial aliens, some nightmares/nightwalkers, etc.
Connections: The Outsiders are generally the least concerned with other factions, though they are often the subject of interest from other factions. The Outsiders have a strong relationship with the Revenants mostly due to a fostered respect for the Grave-Speaker. The Fey and Outsiders can get along pretty well. They actively dislike the Magi since they try to harness their powers (sometimes, and always ill-advisedly, by force).
Notable Members
Faiza (ifrit, representative)
Oriana ("mermaid"/alien, representative)
Aoi (ningen, caretaker)
More on infernals here and more on celestials here.
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The Natural Order
"Beasts. Monsters. Creatures." It doesn't matter what others call them. The Natural Order is composed of beings that remain true to what they are—intentionally or naturally—and do not bend to the ideals or expectations of human society. They are what they are and will protect what they came from.
Member Types: Monsters of the natural world—the beasts and plants native to this environment or who have chosen to call this place home. Creatures, sentient flora, sasquatches, legendary animals, mishipeshu, impundulu, myconids, minotaurs, fenghuang, dragons, etc.
Connections: The Natural Order gets along well with the ILN and the Revenants. They despise the Magi and hold a strong grudge against them for allowing the continued destruction of the environment. They also consider both the Magi and the Court of Blood to be insufferably pretentious. They tend to avoid the Outsiders and the Fey. The Natural Order's interests and concerns lie with this world alone.
Notable Members
Lahuán (tree, leader)
Pabu (yeti, advisor)
Sifiso (impundulu, advisor)
Iphis (satyr, advisor)
More on monsters here.
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The Slayers
A militant organization that praises hatred and glorifies violence. But it's all in the name of something... good. Right? The Slayers are the anti-faction, sworn to hunt down and destroy all supernatural forces in order to keep people safe. Humanity is in a silent war against apex predators, but slayers will be prey no longer.
Member Types: Humans and demi-humans.
Connections: The only faction with whom the Slayers have a working (if incredibly tense) relationship is the Revenants. Not much is known about the nature of this relationship, though there is plenty of speculation (rumors abound about the Revenant leaders selling out beings that don't agree with them or pose a threat to their power). The Slayers consider the Magi to be the antithesis of their order and consider all members of that faction to be abhorrent traitors to humanity.
Notable Members
"The Guardian" (demi-human, leader)
Joaquin Osorio (human)
Other posts about the Slayers here and here. More on the faction in general here.
Images from Unsplash
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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In the year before the decade change, they set the cats among the pigeons. We were so innocent. We pitied the poor Chinese, welded into their high apartment buildings. We saw video of them calling out their windows for food and help. We saw the Chinese in Italy dying at an unholy rate. A man from China flew to the Northwest, here, and became ill.
They are closing schools now. There are about a tenth of the schools that used to exist. Birth is rare and treacherous. Still men and women do make love and a few children come to birth. Some of them die a few days into life. A healthy child is a rare sight. Their play is carefully watched.
We don't have professional sports now. Too many were dying on the field. It became too horrifying. Most colleges and high schools have given up the tradition of team sports also. Living teen children are too precious. We hope some of them survive their early adulthood. A whole generation is weak and fewer than their parents' generation, or indeed their grandparents' generation. Boomers are stronger than their grandchildren. There are very few great grandchildren.
Goods and services are impossible. Groceries and pharmacies are only open for eight hours on weekdays. Most have self-checkout. No one wants to be at the check stand. Amazon is still standing. Most goods are handled by online shopping. Then we wait for the arrival of a shipment to our houses. Official shopping is done with gov. supplemental funds. It is never enough. Few of us have actual jobs. But they need some of us. We know how things work.
We didn't know it but, WWIII was waged against us. We thought it would take place in the usual way between tanks, guns and jets. There was a lot of Kabuki about Russia, Ukraine and China in the year 2023. But we didn't understand that we were their enemy and that they, the invisible and visible magi were our actual destroyers until it was too obvious to shy away from. The virus, but more, the vaccine, was the means of waging that war. For several years early on people believed and lined up for the shots. Around 2024 even the loudest proponents became silent. That was a relief anyhow.
Still, they needed goods and services, so there are farms, largely poorly run mechanical food factories. There are also special dark farms that run the old way, so that there are good things for them. There are factories for their needs and department stores for them to shop in. We don't have the money, even if they would let us in. You must have a special invisible tattoo on your left cheek for the doors to open to you. There is a reader at the door.
On the street level there are two types of people. We are the survivors walking a tight rope for life. Then there are the bees. Worker bees for the comfort of the powerful and elite. Many of them were what we believed were illegals coming here on their own. But they were brought here to take the place of natives. They mind things for their owners and keep the streets nice to look at. We don't drive cars. They outlawed normal gas runners. There are cars tucked everywhere, unusable. We walk and ride the rare and unreliable buses. They drive fine strange vehicles.
All real houses of sincere worship were closed in 2025, for offensive language and racism. They house third world migrants in them now, also in the hotels and some of the closed high schools and larger buildings of all types. There are home meetings. It's hard to get an invitation to one because of the danger of betrayal.
We make our own music. We use everything up. We make our own food at home. We plant gardens and hope that they escape notice. We keep chickens. We mend clothing. There are tons of used stuff. Everywhere you look there are the material possessions of the dead. We look funny in our secondhand outfits. We try to stay away from medical care. Too many of us go into a hospital, but never come out. We think euthanasia is the main treatment there.
In 2026 President Harris signed a directive making medical care the business of the government. You don't want to end up in a hospital unless there is no other choice. Better to die in peace at home if you must.
There are no more funerals. They outlawed them. Each town has its own crematorium. We are not sure what they do with the ashes. When a family member dies and is processed, the family receives a document officially acknowledging the death.
They tell us we are happy. But we are very weary. Everything changed after the great Reorg. We try to tell the children how life was. You can't blame them for thinking it has always been like this. There is not much in the way of history taught, just stories about how much better it is now. We try to keep our children out of the govco schools. For one thing, schools are literally not safe for a child. We teach them the basics at home.
We have a black underground economy. We have our own currency. They destroy anything they find having to do with our means of buying and selling. But we just start up a printing shop somewhere else and issue new bills, dated when they were made. Old ones lose value quickly. There is a lot of barter where it makes sense. We know we will probably not be able to keep this up forever.
Forever. We know who we are waiting for, and we see the signs. Against all odds, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is in the the hands of the Israelis. They made a new temple and started the sacrifices again. There is no peace there. A strange malignant figure is being spoken of.
Even so, come Lord Jesus. December of the year 2030.
Much more to come
(By Pbird--@How to Meow in Yiddish)
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gaycicada · 2 years
Behold!! My first ever animation that I made a few months ago! Spoiler, there’s going to be a lot of Ares on here cuz she’s my baby and I love her.
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(Infodump below)
Ares is an oc of mine for an rp universe called Magi where within the fissures of mundane society are covens, collectives of mages, druids and wizards known as Magici or Magi. Magi covens can be as small and seemingly normal as the cafe down your street or as huge and obscure as the lost city of Atlantis (Which is in fact a coven that exists in this world).
Magici harness the electromagnetic energy of Mana found in their nerves to create Magic, which comes in many forms, but are generally separated into eight categories/elements (Terrestrial, Hydrolic, Alchemical, Airial, Celestial, Organic, Light and Darkness). One of those eight is Organic or Flesh magic, the power to mold flesh, bone and blood to ones will. Organic magic is often spoken of conspiratorily. Though it grants profound healing of flesh wounds and providing great strength, it’s capable of great harm and horror in the wrong hands. Ares, evidently, has the wrong hands.
She's honed the art of flesh magic for decades and has risen a coven, The Evis Sarka, around this magic. Ares is capable of morphing her own flesh and bone to utilize in combat, intimidation or merciless killing. She can change her countenance to something terror inducing, form blades from her own blood, or even alter her respiratory system to exhale a poisoning gas.
She's also gone to great lengths to make her physical form the ideal epitome of power and strength, being 8ft tall and weighing around 400 pounds.
Ares isn't unstoppable however. Her mana runs thin due to her body being a reconstructed corpse and has to be kept alive with mana reserves, so she cannot afford to waste an atom of mana. To save on mana Ares has given up many things that aren't crucial to her survival such as melanin, hair, and reproductive organs and has put that mana to better use; like powering her giant heart and four sets of lungs. This giant also needs quite a lot of sleep and food to function properly.
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muddshadow · 2 years
find the word tag
returning with more words to find !! twice-tagged by @baroquesse thank ye !! i’m inviting @athenswrites​, @brain-wanders , @circa-specturgia , @the-void-writes , and @tate-lin​ to find these words...  wind , want , waver , watch .
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GRACE // at the bottom of the waterfall
Scarlet fronds lashed her cheeks. She shoved past twisted trunks and stumbled over underbrush and carved through the drooping leaves. Her hat tore free some paces back, but Ysabelle didn’t hesitate. Vicious determination burned her onward. “Where are you, parasite?!”
“Magi good for one thing,” the voice came—crackled like a cooking fire, hissing like raw embers, somewhere on her left, “and that iss dead! hah, hah—” Ysabelle whirled and slashed her palms again.
Trees splintered—and much too close. Shrapnel slit her cheek and spit over her clothes. Ysabelle stumbled gracelessly, and the wisp laughed again. It boiled her blood hotter. She tasted the sparks on her tongue now.
CORNER // at the bottom of the waterfall
“Have all the supplies sorted by the time I come back,” she commanded, glancing to her left. “Your money is in the kitchen. I counted every silver, Louis sticky-hands, so return the change to me! Anyway, I’ll be very late, I have to travel further than I prefer and…” Ysabelle glanced left again. “Oh. Another thing. Make sure you aren’t followed while at the market.”
“Yeah, that’s what you always say…”
“I mean it more severely today. It’s the right season for bounty hunters and oath-bringers, and I don’t want one to corner you looking for me, you understand?”
Louis stared blankly. “I don’t think…”
Ysabelle averted her eyes. “Forget it. Just focus on collecting my list. I’m really counting on you.”
LIFT // to forget a prince
A campfire greeted them through the trees. By now, twilight bruised the sky and a damp fog veiled the forest, and it thoroughly exhausted Kon from any good mood he might’ve managed. Especially as the crossed the camp’s boundary unquestioned.
Reclined against a tree, Monik lifted the rim of his hat. “Intruders?”
“We might as well be,” Kon said. “Shouldn’t you be keeping watch?”
Bundled in a wool blanket without a weapon in sight, mahogany skin warmed by the fire and expression lethargic, Monik dropped the hat back over his eyes and replied, “I am keeping watch.”
END // to forget a prince
Nara glided aside as the necromage tackled Deya. Nearly pulled a knife across his throat. But the man chose his victim poorly – Deya was built like a battering ram, and he bucked the necromage from his back and hurled him against the floorboards. Bones crunched with the impact.
Before the necromage could collect himself, Deya pressed a heel firmly into his sternum. “No need to exert yourself,” he seethed at Nara.
“You had it handled.” Necromagy devoured any who practiced it, and the man was already breaching the afterlife. Pus swelled at the corners of his eyes, peeling knuckles exposed bone, mind conquered by the mushrooms.
It didn’t stop Deya from interrogating him. “I’ll end your misery if you talk.”
TYPE // bloodhounds
Rowan gripped his forehead. He wracked his mind for a stray detail, something he may have accidentally learned through eight and a half months pursuing a name—but his memory was generously described as sloppy and more accurately as dogshit. Not all his story was fiction; he really did need to find a Neve Pah’hanna. But Neve, unfortunately, was a good-for-nothing nobody, and those types were harder to sell to strangers for sympathy.
KEEP // bloodhounds
Another six minutes passed, then someone came for her guard. They shared an urgently whispered conversation. Neve powered down the blowtorch, but her ringing ears didn’t catch any words.
“We have to check on something,” they explained after breaking apart, shoulders rigid and voice more so. Neve pondered the implications of something as Guard told her, “Just keep working. Be back in ten.”
Security withered as Guard and five others disappeared down the trail of wagons. Neve watched them scale one of the collapsed slopes, advancing into the canyon, last echoes rippling through the black cliffs.
BEHIND // trystan
After a contented nod, Gabriel lays a couple bills on the table and shimmies from the booth. “Try to look… you know.”
“Not like shit.”
“Right.” He goes to leave.
“Gabe,” I stop him. “I can’t promise the answer you want.”
“Just promise you’ll remember to come.” Then he abandons the restaurant.
I’m alone with my meal. I guzzle down a good half of it, but the thoughts in my head turn my tongue sour, and I have to lean back in the seat and knead under my eyes. My headache won’t quit. A new nest of nerves stirs in my stomach. I hate recognizing doubt, I hate hesitation sinking through a decision. I hate the hooks in Magdalena’s words, and the way they dangle behind every thought.
WATER // trystan
Sebastien whirls around. He doesn’t even think, just lunges.
He does.
“Be Still.”
He is. He viciously tries for the opposite, froth at the corners of his mouth and vein straining in his neck, but Sebastien stands paralyzed anyway, arms casual at his sides, unmoving as the devil glides inside with razor heels and a waterfall jacket.  
The domination spell doesn’t reach his tongue. “Fuck you, Mags. Fuck you for being in my house. Fuck you for breaking my nose—”
“Darling, I’ve seen it broken three times already. There’s no fixing it.”
MIND // at the bottom of the waterfall
Louis didn’t mind the jab. His thoughts had wandered, jaw loose and cheeks rounded again. “Mom used paper butterflies too,” he said.
“Oh. Yes.” They suffered a terse silence, Ysabelle resistant to nostalgia and Louis quite lost in it, but the aching in his expression spoiled her immunity for a moment. “You know,” Ysabelle cleared her throat, fighting awkwardness, “I actually stole the idea.”
Louis furrowed his brow.
“Yes. Shamelessly. But I was the clingy younger sister, and Seraphine graduated to magi years before I managed it. Naturally, I had to do everything the same way she did. I don’t know if she minded. Your mother was…” Ysabelle struggled to find a word.
When she couldn’t, Louis said, “You never talk about her.”
SENT // at the bottom of the waterfall
Ysabelle glanced once behind her with a strange twitch her in her brow. She might have been broken glass; skin ashen pale and foggy, high-paned cheeks with a cutting jaw and especially piercing black eyes. Louis emptied of any prepared words. He felt only a fever.
“Well, what do you want?” She ushered suddenly. “Are you selling something? Is this another prank? It’s very hot today, so you’d best get on with it.”
Louis clenched his hands and got on with it. “Seraphine sent me here.”
Ysabelle blinked. She leaned into the door. “Excuse me?”
“To—to apprentice under you. I have the Spark. My mom, er, Seraphine, couldn’t teach me, and… directed me to you.”
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I dont know if you've answered this before but what you think of guns in fantasy world building.
Not generally a fan. I like science fantasy; I might even like urban fantasy if it was more "fantasy world advanced to modern-day technological equivalence" and less "literally our world but fantasy elements are secretly or openly present", and I even kind of like the Warhammer Fantasy approach, but n the latter case guns and cannons are A.) Kept to a level of development commensurate with a late medieval/early rennaisance level that the rest of the setting employs, B.) Integrated into the world; there are industrial and logistical factors around employing guns, and C.) Kept in balance and not just "lol I shoot the guy dead." That Ent doesn't care about your black powder carbine, that eight-foot berserker wearing enough metal to make a suspension bridge doesn't even feel it.
It seems like most people that want more guns on fantasy want some combination of A.) Their special character is the only one with a gun, which is going to somehow be a revolver or other advanced repeating firearm when gunpowder was developed last week, and B.) Guns to shoot straight through heavy armor, which immediately forces a paradigm shift into le epic cowboy gunslinger aesthetic because they somehow don't know guns and heavy armor (and knights wearing it) coexisted for centuries.
Also I just find that sort of thing to be inherently less cool in fantasy than swords and magic, but somewhat incongruous when research and development in most fantasy settings is shown to be focused on magic to the point that most scholars are magi of some sort. I've got gripes about Eberron's handling of tech, but it does indeed have wandslingers in the place of gunslingers; a fantasy setting breaking "le cringe medieval stasis" looks like magitek, not like slapping our technology into the world
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apieceofsushi · 2 years
Hello, and welcome to chaos! Here is a list of various things you may want to know before getting into my blog, including what fandoms I’m in, what and who I blacklist, etc. Enjoy your scrolling, you can do a lot here ;D
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art side blog
ao3 page
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otsukare!! (hello in japanese ^^) if you couldn’t already tell, i am an absolute weeb who doesn’t leave their basement. but i have a few interesting hobbies, so here’s a few facts and whatnot if you’re curious and would like to interact!
uh…what is this blog, exactly?
to be completely honest-
i have no clue! it’s kind of where i just put random thoughts and ideas and reactions…i would say i don’t have too many, but as of writing this i have over eight hundred posts, sooooooo
basically, it’s the chaotic home of one weeb who is in a lot of fandoms and doesn’t know what to do with that information :P
basic info
pronouns: she/her (minor)
favorite food (VERY IMPORTANT!!! 🤪): bagels
hobbies: drawing, writing, learning multiple languages (french + japanese, maybe korean soon….?), losing braincells to games, editing, watching anime and wasting my life (what else is new?), and constantly remembering my inability to touch grass.
what i do that i promote here
yes….very creative….
i am open to requests and maybe commissions too-? although, I’m not very popular so i don’t need to get overwhelmed with those…but basically, I’ll take requests for some edits (in the fandoms listed below), and I’d recommend reading the blacklist stuff and what not. please just be sure to use manners!!
while i haven’t published one in a while, I do write fanfiction on ao3, so every once in a while I may link them to here for you guys to check out, if you’re interested!
i also tend to analyze certain episodes from certain shows (rather spontaneously), so there may be some you know that I have either talked about, mentioned, or made some stupid joke about.
and lastly, I’ll talk about pretty much everything else! yeah….not much organization….I tend to talk a lot about project sekai, and random funny things I find on there. I wasn’t joking when I said this was a chaotic place.
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basic dni
i support most ships except for incest and anything else that is generally weird.
i understand that the ship concerning kagamine len and rin is quite controversial (were orginally put out as siblings but then left to fan interpretation), but generally please do not interact if you are a supporter of the ship.
there isn’t really anything that i like so much above others, but i do like prsk a lot (favorite unit is n25), and i generally like the main ships in given shows from the list below.
keep in mind when requesting
(if that does actually happen at all) please use manners and respect this post when requesting for an edit, if you’re not sure about something feel free to ask before making a request! i would prefer if the requests were for the fandoms that i have stated that i am in, though.
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The purpose of having this key is so that if anyone ever asks me about one of these fandoms, they know where I am/what not to spoil (because I hate it when that happens :,))!
This is also to help me see visually what I should prioritize watching/reading, as there are some fandoms that I am more into than others. i won’t always talk about every fandom on this blog because of that and the fact that this place would be more chaotic than it already is ;;
Green=Finished/Watched All
Orange=In Progress
Red=Have Not Read/Watched
Black(excluding titles)=Don’t Plan On Reading (because my wallet will be empty if I buy everything)
Anime/Manga 86 (Eighty-Six) anime light novels manga Demon Slayer anime manga Kakegurui anime manga Kakegurui Twin anime manga Komi Can’t Communicate anime manga Lycoris Recoil anime manga My Dress-Up Darling anime manga My Hero Academia anime manga Puella Magi Madoka Magica anime manga Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Senpai anime manga light novels RWBY anime manga RWBY: Ice Queendom anime manga Seraph of the End anime manga Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie anime manga Spy x Family anime manga Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun anime manga Your Name movie manga Games Arknights story Project Sekai: Colorful Stage! Feat. Hatsune Miku (main story) leo/need more! more! jump! vivid bad squad wonderlands x showtime nightcord at 25:00
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teatitty · 1 year
Sharrkan and Sinbad definitely argue over which one of them Alibaba looks up to the most and without missing a beat Ali just points to Ja’far and they both collapse to the ground and sob about the betrayal
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xxxavo · 2 years
Summary: The reader is hired by Al-Thamen to assassinate King Sinbad in Sindria. After disguising herself as a new member of his harem she has Sinbad’s fate set in stone until he offers her an unexpected request;
“There is somebody I’d like you to entertain for me.”
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The door’s shut behind you much quieter than what they had when you had been inside the Fire Pit.
Having entered alone but now leaving with a small, fluffy companion cradled in your hands made you question the intent, but you enjoyed the idea of having something that was yours. Never once had you truly owned anything, the weapons you used in the combat arenas were shared and you were certain the very clothes on your back were always different every time they were washed. Why would they bother making sure you had the same pair every time when hundreds of others had the same perfectly durable wardrobe?
“Cute bird.” The bench you once frequented was now occupied by a yet another face you did not recognize. Allowing your eyes to roam the unknown, you found it was a young man dressed in white, with spikey blond hair and bright green eyes. His face, chubby and cheeky, did not take away from his toned biceps and multiple scars along his neck. Unlike the Master, his white cloth did not consist of blue ribbons to accompany it but instead looked just as ragged as your own clothes. “My eyes are up here, sweetheart.”
Unfortunately for him, he didn’t get to tease you for long. Frankly, you were uninterested and had bigger and better things in mind than playing into his funny little games. Whatever mission he was waiting for, couldn’t have held the same weight as yours.
And so, filled with pride and satisfaction, you turned your head to look down the darkening corridor, walking from him with a smirk and skip in your step.
Al-Thamen had found you and the Master had built you up; Failure was not an option. Any sense of it would simply manifest it. A good assassin always kept their mind focused on the goal. The moment you got back to your shared room; everything was already packed. As suspected, a no from you was not an option. Your room was tiny, only big enough to fit a single bed and a small draw which you could store your clothes, the book’s given to you by the establishment, and any other items that they wanted you to have on your person.
Just Occupy
“I suppose this is it then hm?” Placing the small bird on the brown dresser, you opened up the tan satchel pre-packed on your bed next to a lilac robe that you assumed was meant to be some sort of disguise for when you arrived in Sindria. You’d never really been much of a girly girl, how could you in this environment, so the thought of dressing up excited you. Rummaging through the bag, you noticed there were small little trinkets and oddities, adding to the idea that you were some sort of immigrant, and some pieces of plain paper and a pen. In confusion, your eyebrows furrowed. Was this it? No weapons? No advice? No documents? No nothing? You knew you were going to be on your own for this job, but surely this was some kind of sick joke?
“Tweet!!”You glanced over your shoulder, watching as the amber bird cleaned its fragile wings with its beak. So maybe you weren’t entirely alone but, in all honesty, how helpful was this ‘beast’ really going to be? As if hearing your thoughts, the bird looked to you dead in the eyes and chirped. Was he offended? “Okay killer, I take it back.”
Dressed in thin purple silk with a tiny red bird perched on your shoulder, you left the past behind you in the form of a black pointed tower and headed towards the Heliohapt port in a horse and carriage, prepared for the long voyage ahead of you.
The captain of the ship you had asked to voyage on was very friendly, easy to fall for your story about being a traveler from Reim who was now on their way to Sindria to make a new life for themselves as a migrant. He explained that he was a citizen of Sindria who worked directly for the King’s company shipping products from all the different countries which formed an alliance and now he was heading home.
“Nice to have you, onboard missy!” With an extended hand, the captain hoisted you up onto the deck, gesturing to the men that toiled and tumbled clumsily around the wooden ship, prepping for setting sail. “So, what’s your name?”
“You can keep calling me little missy.” You replied playfully. Your name wasn’t something you felt comfortable giving people, especially on a mission such as this. You never knew who was connected and who might try stabbing you in the back. With a boisterous grin, the captain nodded with a vigour that made you scared his head would fly off his body for a second.
“Alright then little missy. What about that little guy?”
Huh? Turning to meet eyes with the little bird on your shoulder, you rose an eyebrow. You hadn’t even thought about naming your new companion.
Just Occupy
It took roughly two weeks to arrive at the Sindrian docks and honestly if you had to describe the overall experience you wouldn’t hesitate to put it below the whole thrown into a terrorist organization run by cold, uncaring mentors who were constantly forcing you to fight to the brink of death.
The trip helped you to realize two things.
One, you were seasick. Only minutes after departing you had men patting your back and making playful jabs about how your living proof that it’s bad luck to have women on ships. You hoped to learn information about the country you were heading to but you only really got the chance to learn about the men themselves and a few customs in their homeland thanks to your illness.
Secondly, you weren’t built for social interaction whatsoever. You were awkward at best, silent at worse. The men, to their credit, were oh so caring, something you never expected from them. Part of you was grateful for your involvement with the sailors since it helped you come to terms with some of the slang and general atmosphere to expect. Hopefully, it would bridge the gaps and help you come across more natural in your environment.
Just as he had first helped you onto his ship, the captain helped you off, his calloused fingers gripping your waist and hoisting you down onto the concrete. It was unnecessary considering you could have just leaped down by yourself but now you had an image to maintain. “You going to be alright on your own little missy?” The captain asked after you’d dusted yourself down, swinging the satchel over your shoulder in preparation for whatever was going to come and challenge you next. “You can always tag along with me and my men until we leave in a week’s time. Help you find your feet?”
“I’d like to think I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.” Was your answer.
“And Beast?”
“And Beast.”
“You sure about that?” Sending a glare his way, the captain hollered out a noise of pure humour before slapping a hand down onto your back. “Well then, until we meet again! Good luck, little missy.”
The goodbye was sort and sweet.
Just how you liked them.
It would have been appropriate for you to offer a thank you, but something told you he knew you appreciated everything he had done for you.
Waving one last goodbye to the men, you ventured down the docks of Sindria, grimacing at how busy everywhere was considering it was so late in the evening. You couldn’t walk in a straight line without somebody bumping into you, trying to sell you something.
Fortunately finding your way around Sindria was easy enough. Your goal was right in sight the entire time. The castle was beautiful and no matter where you walked the very top was always poking above high into the clouds, glinting in the rays of the sun. Your new attire and time in Heliohapt helped your resistance to the heat which was key to aiding you to blend into the country’s citizens.
Nobody really paid attention to you though.
What they did pay attention to however was Beast.
Children cooed, women begged their husbands for their own and men simply quirked an eyebrow in astonishment. You assumed that Beast wasn’t a familiar breed of bird around Sindria.
“You can’t sit on my shoulder Beast.” You eventually broke to the bird when turning the corner to face the palace gates. Currently, you were held up in an alleyway, peering around the crook to decide on the best course of action. “You’re drawing unwanted attention.” Unsure what to do with the bird, Beast made his mind up before you. Instantly, the red ball of feathers took flight, abandoning you in a foreign country where all you could do was yell at him.
“Fine then!! I don’t need you!! Good riddance!!” With a huff, you stomped your foot, crossing your arms angrily over your chest whilst grumbling incoherently to yourself. Seriously, that bird was out to get you.
“Um, Ma’am. Are you alright?” With a few blinks, it took you a moment to realize you had leaped from the safety of your hiding position right in front of the two confused soldiers who glanced back and forth to each other, debating to either laugh at you or feel worried for you.
“Oh, um yes. Thank you.” You needed to think of something and fast. “I’m one of the new maids.” Slowly walking up to them, you smiled charmingly, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. One of them almost fell for your sweet appearance, taking a step back and lifting his arm, ready to welcome you in but the other cut in immediately, scoffing at his partner before speaking to you.
“Excuse me?”
“We haven’t been notified about any new maid. Do you have any documentation?”
“Well, no.”
“Then I’ll speak to the faculty tomorrow and if they’re expecting a maid then, I’ll let you in.” Eyebrows narrowing, you sucked your teeth in frustration. Honestly, what were you expecting? They wouldn’t be doing their jobs right if you waltzed into palace grounds at the snap of your fingers.
“Alrighty then~” You sang, almost making yourself sick in the process. “I’ll see you boys’ tomorrow!!”
Sulking back to the alleyway you came from, you leaned against the wall with a sigh. It was clear you needed a battle plan. You had no money, no job, no friends, no weapons, no captain, no bird, no nothing.
“Tweet.” Maybe you could live without the bird.
Pointing accusingly over to Beast who perched himself on a nearby barrel you practically hissed. “Traitor. Do you like the idea of my head on a stick hm?” He simply fluffed out his wings and then flew over to another barrel a couple of lengths away, looking over at you as if waiting. For a moment you debated just turning around and being done with him, but the idea of parting was much too painful. You may have grown too attached to Beast for liking.
Deciding to give him another chance you followed Beast, who hopped from barrel to barrel and from place to place until eventually the evening sky began to darken even more and the only sources of light came from the starry skies and the soft illuminations of the lanterns.
Growing tired and weary of this little game between the two of you, when Beast landed on a table in front of what you assumed to be a closed restaurant opposite a rather lively-looking brothel, you were practically seething. “Beast…I’m seriously losing my patience with you.” He just chirped. Rather cockily too.
Before you could hazard a response, the doors of the brothel swung open, and out came tumbling a man who resembled a race you knew all too well. A heliohapt! One who appeared to have had too much to drink. “Fine!” He spluttered, lifting his face out from the mud with a sleazy grin. “I’ll just come back when you’re not around to spoil my fun! No biggie!” Out from behind him strode a race that you did not recognize, but you would have had to be stupid not to know. A fanalis. Big and broad, with tufty pink hair and hypnotizing red eyes.
“I don’t care.”
“Whatever!!” Stumbling to his feet (With the help from the fanalis who practically tugged him up by his collar) the heliohapt yawned, slurring out. “Where’s Spartos? Swear…” He hiccupped and the fanalis grimaced. His breath must have smelt of pure alcohol. “He said he was coming back…?”
“He went back to the palace.” Palace?
“Well, screw that guy!! He always ends up coming back here anyways when he’s not listening to the King’s orders!” King?
“You don’t give him a choice.”
“Not my fault the women here love me. Now come on. Let’s gooooooo…” Whoever this man was, he didn’t make it very far on his own, almost face planting again. Luckily for him, his friend, having enough of his sloppy demeanour for one day you assumed, grabbed him and hoisted him over his shoulder carrying him off into the night, his expression never changing from the moment he stepped out of the brothel, apart from a slight twitch of his nose.
Once their silhouettes were far off in the distance, the sound of Beast’s coo caused you to look towards him, face contorting into a look of confusion as he practically stared into your soul. “What?”
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Guide to Masterlists
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just-aleri · 2 years
Magi layouts
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I wanted to do a matching layouts with the Eight Generals but since I can't put more than 10 photos in one post I'll give you the link here
Like or reblog if you use ♡
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randomhobbyist · 2 years
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Masrur (Work in Progress)
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iimuchakk · 4 years
Sinbad: ja’far there’s a moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get it?
Sinbad: hurry because I’m going to cry
Sinbad: ja’far?
Sinbad: JA’FAR
Ja’far: ja’far is dead. your next. love, moth.
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zorlok-if · 2 years
Oh I'm really curious about The Summit! Do you have any more info you feel comfortable giving us?
Yeah, sure! The Summit is another interactive fiction idea that I've worked on (but don't worry, it's not in development, I have too many irons in the fire as it is). It's mostly something I worked on while practicing with and learning Twine. There's actually a blog for the Summit (@thesummit-if) which has some stuff on it regarding the story and characters, but I don't use it much since that story's not actively in development (kind of a placeholder blog). The story takes place in the same universe as Zorlok and has some crossover characters (two of which are featured in this short with Lucía).
The biggest way that I'd differentiate between the two (and this is how it's broken down in Zorlok's journal) is that Zorlok is primarily concerned with local factions (like the fay council, Vigil, the local covens, etc.) while The Summit is about this world's global factions, of which there are eight:
The Court of Blood - mostly vampires
The Revenants - the undead
The International League of Nonhumans/I.L.N. - mostly hybrids/lycanthropes
The Magi - witches and wizards
The Outsiders - infernals, celestials, elementals, and other "aliens" (beings from outer planes)
The Fey - fey creatures (beings from other inner planes)
The Natural Order - beasts/monsters
(The Slayers - human and demi-human monster slayers)
Basically, every few years representatives from the seven supernatural factions meet at Mircalla, a luxury, supernatural-run resort at the heart of Antarctica. This summit is a time for political discourse, celebration, and general peace-keeping.
In the story, you play as a human hired by the Court of Blood (the unofficial hosts of the summit) to help provide insight on a major debate: whether supernaturals should make their presence known to the world at large. However, you aren't just a human (you might not be a human at all). You are a Slayer that's been sent to infiltrate the summit and tear it apart from the inside. Over the course of the game you essentially get to choose which path you want to travel down. Fulfill your duty as a Slayer or side with the creatures you've been raised to revile. It's a more drama-focused (as opposed to comedy-focused like Zorlok) political murder mystery.
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intp-vs-magi · 2 years
Some canon-compliant slice of life headcanons for the Eight Generals/Sindria
Yamlikha and Masrur dated once, seemingly to spite Sharrkan specifically. It lasted about a week before Ja'far told them to stop because it was "disrupting the peace" (Sharrkan wouldn't stop crying to him about it)
Not many people from Sasan moved to Sindria due to cultural and religious customs. So Spartos struggles to find company outside of his overbearing colleagues. He did remain friends with the squad of enbies Sharrkan and Pisti introduced him to.
Sinbad used to wander the streets of Sindria in disguise. Keeping tabs on the general vibe among the citizenry. Sometimes joining the fishermen if he was feeling nostalgic. Until he got too busy for that and resorted to eavesdropping with Zepar's power.
The recipes Ja'far teaches to the palace cooks are the ones Rurumu taught him. It's his way of keeping her memory alive at the heart of Sindria. It’s appreciated by those in the palace that were around when she was.
Sinbad enjoys sparring with the military Generals on occasion and uses it to blow off steam. Or at least he does with Hinahoho, Sharrkan, Spartos and Masrur. Drakon refuses to spar with him or anyone else. Sinbad seems to intuitively understand his reason, but everyone else finds it disappointing.
Pisti taught Aziza to fake cry in order to better garner Sharrkan's sympathy.
Yamlikha installed magical locks on her office door to keep people (Pisti and Sharrkan) from barging in and asking her to heal their random scrapes and bruises when SHE IS NOT A HEALER and there is an ENTIRE MEDICAL WING FOR THAT.
Drakon hoards due to his dragon instincts, but doesn't realize that he's doing it. This usually manifests as him bringing home some shiny nicknack he saw in a shop and immediately forgetting about it. Sahel resells most of it when things start getting crowded. She never mentions it to him because she finds it charming and knows he'd be embarrassed if someone pointed it out. At least they’re stimulating the economy.
Pisti's roc lives in a roost carved into the wall of the canyon that runs behind the palace. It’s name is probably something like Charlene or Margery. She takes it home every year to see it’s mate.
It is widely known that the seeds of the papagoreya fruit must be removed before export or they will leech poison during shipping. In reality this myth is perpetuated by farmers and sindrian merchants in order to keep a monopoly on the fruit. Foreign visitors often brag about getting to taste the fresh fruit “before the seeds are removed.” This conspiracy was Ja'far's idea of course.
Spartos returns home every year to partake in the Pilgrimage Feast. The dedicated party animals among the generals were furious to learn the nature of this holiday. It’s the one day of the year he allows himself to partake in drugs and tomfoolery and he goes and does it without them!
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