#madly mauve
chicinsilk · 11 months
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US Vogue July 1962
Anne De Zogheb wrapped in a three-panel stole in pink silk organza with ruffles. By Doro. David Webb's brooch, earrings and ring. The lipstick is called "Madly Mauve", the nail color, "Naked Pink" - these are two of Revlon's pale and mixable summer colors.
Anne De Zogheb enveloppée dans une étole à trois pans en organza de soie rose à volants. Par Doro. La broche, les boucles d'oreilles et la bague de David Webb. Le rouge à lèvres s'appelle "Madly Mauve", la couleur des ongles, "Naked Pink" - ce sont deux des couleurs estivales pâles et miscibles de Revlon. 
Photo Bert Stern vogue archive
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 months
beefy james will follow chubby reader anywhere
especially when they’re at a formal event and she looks so pretty in her dress and she pulls his tie to get him to follow her 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yes!! Beefy!james and chubby!reader are that ‘walk him like a dog’ tiktok audio!!
James hasn’t spent a moment with you since you got here. Usually you’d be fine with it, he’s busy at his fancy galas but you really miss him and he’s wearing a pretty black suit that fits him perfectly and you want to squeeze his arms a little.
“You doing okay, doll face? Looks like you’re burning arrows into Coach Fennel’s head.” Sirius leans on the bar with his hand cupped around a glass.
“I wish I was. Maybe then I’d get a moment with James.” Sirius smirks, you and James are as equally obsessed with each other as people could get.
“Think I can help you with that, doll.” Sirius downs the rest of his drink and is off towards the coach before you can say a word.
You have enough time to order a cherry soda before you smell the expensive raspberry and leather scent of his cologne before James holds onto your hips.
“Heard you were missing me, angel.” There’s all sorts of amusement in his tone and you fight the pout because he looks too handsome.
“I was, haven’t seen you at all since we left home.” You sound a little petulant but James doesn’t mind.
James drinks you in as you take a sip of your drink. You’re in a lovely deep mauve dress, the silk of it molding to your curves and falling over them like it was made to. God you look like something right out of his imagination, perfect and gorgeous and all his.
His hand holds the column of your neck, thumb pushing into the hinge of your jaw making you look up from his broad chest
“I’m sorry, pretty baby,” he’s laying it on very thick. “How can I make it up to you, hm?”
Your hands trail up his arms and shoulders, squeezing as you go. “Kiss me?” It’s innocent enough, and James takes the bait leaning into you.
The kiss is sweet, he can taste the cherry soda on your tongue and leans in a little more to chase you. He moves to pull away but you grab him by his tie.
“No,” James chuckles at the wicked little sparkle in your eyes.
“M’heart, you have to let go of the tie or we’ll be leaving now.” You giggle madly, kissing him again, hand still clutching on his tie.
He suffers another hour before he lets you whisk him away, hand in his tie again and everything.
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bucknastysbabe · 5 months
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You chose the highborn route, be prepared for a night with your sweet sworn sword.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Criston is unhinged, Targ!Princess reader is a little manipulative, soft domme, pet names, slight Degredation, fuck the thoughts outta your head, sub space for Criston, edging, overstimulation, hand jobs, praise kink
Lowborn route
Dividers by: @plutism
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Criston had slunk into your chambers that night, eyes dark, posture defeated. You, the object of his desire and forbidden lover opened your arms as always. He knelt by your bedside, letting your smaller hand caress a stubbled cheek, the other palm smoothing errant curls.
“What’s wrong sweetheart, dear babe, coming to me like a kicked pup.”
His voice quavered when he replied, “Don’t want to think. I think too much, it’s driving me mad.”
“Think about what?,” you asked, Criston’s agonized expression making your chest clench. He was of the emotional sort— prone to bouts of anger or deep self-hatred, despondency.
“You, my Princess, it’s always you.”
Figured, he was madly in love lust obsession with you. You’d have to fuck the thoughts out of his pretty head. It would clear the knight up until the next time he got lost in the forever fog of honor, duty, love, oaths, guilt and shame.
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“You can hold it,” you smiled down at the poor thing.
Criston was a sloppy mess. Long dark hair sweaty, lips swollen and wet, eyes wide with hot tears. Even his olive skin burned a shade of mauve. Pre-cum soaked his trembling belly, slick oil all over his cock and balls. To you— he was a masterpiece.
Your sweet little Kingsguard who cried and followed you like a puppy. Sick with love. Would do just anything for you. Like now. You’d been keeping the man on the edge from having two orgasms now. His thighs shook from underneath, white teeth biting down on a tender lip as he held off the release.
He whined long, eyes pouring fresh tears. Criston’s voice cracked as he babbled, “M’so close- closeclose oh gods princess- please stop mmh I’m going to pop!” Your hand slowed to a stop, cooing, “Good boy, letting me know, such an obedient puppy.”
He sniffled, “Th-thank you princess.”
You watched his breathing slow down before beginning to jerk him again. You used one hand to pull down the excess skin on his shaft, the other circling his purpling cockhead with a flat palm. The brunette began to sob, almost sounding like a pained laugh. He tried to shy away, writhing, hands firmly tied behind to prevent that from happening.
“Hn- oh- hnghhh,” was his eloquent little reply.
You soaked up his pleas, pussy throbbing at how desperate he got. Leaning closer and pressing your tits against muscled chest you playfully asked, “You gonna pop pup? You hurting? Oh poor Ser Criston, can’t even control himself. I bet you rut your pillow every night, whining for me like the puppy you are.”
He nodded tearily, thick brows furrowed. You could tell the knight he was a stupid aurochs and he would agree. But he wasn’t. Criston was sharper and stronger than he let on. Just liked being used like a flea bottom whore to abate his wild delusions.
Pressing your lips to his cheek you taunted further, “The gallant Ser Criston, unhorsed Daemon, rendered Strong to Brokenbones, the only knight to see live combat here. Yet my hand has you pinned.”
He groaned in frustration, wrists pulling at the bound rope. Criston gritted out, “I- I’m holding it, I’m…oh, it’s all for you!” Patting a wet cheek you sighed, “I know, so strong and valiant. Couldn’t ask for a better shield, mine so true and chivalrous.”
This situation was not chivalrous, but Criston’s desire to please and be polite was. He whimpered softly, lips puckered into a pout. You kissed the swollen flesh, hand still easing him along. He opened his mouth for you, silently begging for a kiss.
Relieving your flat palm from his over-sensitive prick, Criston’s body settled some. You awarded his pretty mouth with a searing open-mouthed lip lock. The brunette arched into your tits, mouthing at you eagerly, letting your royal tongue force his into submission. You loved the shiver forced down his spine when you suckled on a sweet tongue.
Criston began to whimper again, belly tightening, cock leaking so so so much pre. You sped your hand up, pulling away to his agonized noise. Nuzzling at his cheek you purred, “You’re just perfect baby. Not having any more nasty thoughts? Just how full your poor balls are hm? How your princess always takes care of her sweetie?”
“Gooooooods yes,” he moaned.
He was drooling now, unable to stop cute hitching of breath, having achieved his perfect little empty headspace. You cooed further, “Pretty puppy, good puppy, been so obedient. Do you want to come for me?”
He babbled, “Whatever you w-want, mmm, close close, princess please, my angel!”
Swiping a hand across his swollen cockhead you ordered the man to let go. By the gods he did, so wonderfully. Sobbing and mouthing at your neck, thighs jumping in tune with his cock twitching and spitting pearly essence all over his tight belly. He cried your name, some swear words, mainly indecipherable crying gibberish. Tongue and head too thick with heady pleasure.
You eased him through the intense sensation, sliding your smaller palms across his heaving sides. “That’s it Criston, good, good, let it out.” He’d stopped releasing but needed a good little cry into your neck. You scratched at the sweaty hair on his nape, murmuring sappy words.
After taking a deep inhale, Criston childishly blinked and stared at you, waiting for something. You smiled softly and purred, “Relax Ser Cole, I’ve got my puppy taken care of. Just lie down, let me get these ropes off.” He slurred out an ‘m’kay’, tired from the ordeal. You smiled down at his relaxed face, glad to keep your knight complacent and sweet for a bit longer. He smiled softly, utterly drained with bone-deep pleasure.
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cosmererambles · 1 year
I’m just saying, Kelsier would be a fantastic lover.
More under the cut
I'm just saying that, he'd be fantastic at giving head. I just feel he'd give you so many orgasms. He'd be grinning the whole time, this incredibly sexy feral grin. Imagining him with only one eye, spike jutting out the back of his head, grinning madly as he pleasures you...damn.
Damn I wish I was Mare/Mauve.
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nimblermortal · 2 years
Brandon Sanderson is not funny
(putting behind a cut because I am going to insult both Sanderson and the Name of the Wind fellow)
Every joke he makes makes me want to (a) tear the book apart at the binding and (b) fix his prose. His prose is not good. The jokes make me notice how not good it is, and the editor brain goes, “Well what if you did X? Y? Z is lengthy, but better” and every single one of them is better because the prose is not good to start with.
What can be said for it is that it is very easy, so I can probably swallow all of Warbreaker in a few days, which I will do because it has my dander up and by god I will finish this book.
And if no one adopts Nightblood by the end then I will have another bone to pick with Sanderson’s writing abilities.
Edit: It reminds me of Name of the Wind, a book I also did not like, in the way it reads like it was written by a man who has not partaken of the world. (Which, side note, I am guilty of!) But it will have things like “Parlin moved not like a person of Hallendren but like an animal.” Okay. How do animals move? Is he slinking? Is he slipping like an otter? What about one of those dancing birds? Is he flapping madly like a crow or soaring like a buzzard? I don’t need this level of specificity about a character who is disappearing, but I need something, somewhere to make this world feel more real. “People of Idris don’t wear colors” okay cool so they decorate with intricate textural patterns then? No? You think that humans just. Just forego decoration entirely. Because caution/culture forbids use of colors? You... you did see what Islam-dominant countries did when forbidden to depict humans, right? You’ve seen the fractals? “People of Xth Awakening have perfect pitch but for colors. That means this character can tell this red is two and a half shades from perfect red.” You have quantized color? Why? Because it means you don’t have to think about what perfect color pitch means? If a shade is the unit of color, if it’s the most precise way to break things down, why is there such a thing as a half shade? What does “true red” mean anyway? If you have such perfect sense of color, why are things Red or Yellow or Brown and never celadon or taupe or mauve or golden or ochre? Because none of this actually has any thought behind it and I am going mad for lack of stimulation.
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For the tiny scene prompts! Vacation + the OCs of your choice
--Joy (@italiangothicwriteblr)
Thank you for the ask, Joy! I'll do Griffin and Xiani from 'Ballad of Empires' for this!
He found her at the shore of the lakes. The couple had retreated to the spring palace, wanting a few days of peace for themselves. Here, they were no emperor and empress of one of the strongest realms. Here, they were just a man and a woman, madly in love.
Griffin Vangelon gazed at the woman he loved. She looked beautiful in the dying light which reflected in the lakes. Xiani wore a floor-length grey dress trimmed with pearls and gold braided soutache trim under a purple overdress. Over this she wore a cape with broad shoulders made of several layers of faint mauve coloured veils. She looked gorgeous, bathed in the golden light. He himself bore the colours of the family of Vangelon, an umber tunic with matching pants, the tunic embroidered with fine, almost invisible evergreen.
She gazed at him for a few seconds before she looked back at the lake and its flower fields. His left hand wrapped itself loosely around her hip, holding her close. They stood there tightly embraced while the sun slowly set behind the lakes and flower fields. It was a beautiful moment, one he wanted to cherish forever. Griffin observed how darkness battled the light of the sky. Red and a vibrant yellow littered the sky mixed with sprinkles of dark blue. Soon, millions of stars would litter the night sky. The declining sunlight bathed the room in rose gold and intensive apricot, bathing the couple in light.
He knew that they'd retreat back inside soon enough but for the moment the couple enjoyed the time together, with no duties to attend. His brother Obil and Cadan held the empire's reigns while they were gone for the week. A week full of rest and soft whispers among themselves with no prying eyes.
A vacation that shall be in their memories never fading away.
(asked by @wearfinethingsalltoowell/ @italiangothicwriteblr )
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glitchender · 2 years
ah, to be a three eyed deity with color changing eyes with black in the white part, skin paler than snow, wearing black skinny jeans and black shirt and black sneakers and green sweater and mauve scarf and a white cat mask, with a long coat made of shadows that I can summon inky tendrils from with which to grab my enemies with, angry at the world for not listening to my rants about some other deity who made me and wronged me, blissfully unaware that I’m to bring about the return of the creator of the universe, and the people around me are afraid of what I might do next, maybe a little vandalism of city statues depicting the most powerful deities, maybe a little soul stealing so I can eat them for fun, maybe I’ll do one good deed today, maybe even do nothing at all but just painting the deity who looks fairly similar to me because we’re the same kind of deity because I’m madly in love with him, or maybe I’ll just walk around the city as a deity among mortals.
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nugget-from-neptune · 2 years
𝔸𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕔 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥
Sanemi as a Boyfriend....
Muichiro version...
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The type of boyfriend who... treats you the same as if nothing happened, but behind closed doors he lets his guard down and looks at you with nothing but love in those mauve eyes of his. 
The type of boyfriend who... makes sure to listen to you ramble on whatever is on your mind, busy or not he lets you know that he is listening to you and to continue on your ramblings. If you were to suddenly stop he’ll look at you with those eyes of his with a furrowed brow and huff saying how you didn’t finish telling him what you were rambling on about. 
The type of boyfriend who... looks out for you from the distance, not wanting to see you injured but it is bound to happen and if he could prevent it he would gladly do it. 
The type of boyfriend who... respects your privacy and makes sure to hold down his abrasive tongue towards you. He doesn’t want to say something that he will regret later so he holds down and tries to rationalize his thinking. 
The type of boyfriend who... groans in annoyance whenever you drag him to your antics. Although he may seem like he is not at all interested in whatever you are doing, deep down he is happy and making sure that your smile stays on your pretty face.
The type of boyfriend who... doesn’t step in your fights, you picked it so you deal with it. The minute the other party starts to get more aggressive or get their buddy and start to corner you, that’s when Sanemi also steps up and puffs up his chest. Even if you could deal with them, it’s better for him to be ready and to back you up then to not be ready. It’s also another way to intimidate others who start to mess with you, but you didn’t hear it from me
The type of boyfriend who... scolds you for your reckless actions. Doesn’t matter if you aren’t injured, majorly injured, tall, short, awake or asleep he will sit you down and let you know that what you did was stupid and to not do that again. Can you blame him for looking out for you? He lost his whole family and doesn’t want to see you go through the same fate as they did. 
The type of boyfriend who... remembers the little things. You wanted to go to a the ramen shop that opened up in the village you patrolled? He’ll take you there for the weekend. You complained about how you lost your earing? Suddenly there it is and a back up pair of earrings. It's the little things that don’t get past him, it just shows how much he cares. 
The type of boyfriend who... stares at the ceiling at the dead of night, his head filled with thoughts of you. Nothing bad. just him and how you changed his life. He is glad to be able to call you his and to have a possible future with you. 
The type of boyfriend who is madly in love with the person you are as a whole. Doesn’t matter if you have a scar across your face, lost a limb, or if you have a bunch of insecurities, he will make sure to remind you that he loves you for who you are and to not listen to the murmurs of the people. He wouldn’t trade you for anything he is just glad that you are with him. 
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Liked the story and want something similar, or something different? Requests are open currently and only 4 slots are available!! Much appreciated for the likes and don’t forget to reblog!!!
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rookvonhunt · 2 years
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Name : Suzano Kai
Gender : Female
Age: 18
Birthday : July twentieth
Starsign: cancer
Eye color: turquoise
Hair Color: deep mauve
Homeland : jubilee port
Dorm : hashikore
School Year : third
Class : 3-E
Club : None (the alla breve fanclub)
Best Subject : Practical magic
Dominant hand : right
Favorite food : mochi
Least favorite food : super spicy peppers
Likes : Alla Breve, her two other fangirls , modifying her uniform
Dislikes : scary things , fighting , the twin keys , the red light district in Arachninox, seeing alla breve upset
Hobby : sewing
Talent : flailing around
Suzano has no unique magic.
Suzano was the first girl to join the self proclaimed "Alla Breve fanclub". As she calls it. The other two do not. She's madly in love with them and makes no move to hide it.
Some would call her a useless bimbo. They would be right.
Suzano was initially sorted into Mysticana , but transferred upon meeting those in hashikore and wanting to be cool like them.
A crybaby. She cries at the Slightest provocation and doesn't stop until either madoka smacks her upside the head or alla breve picks her up to coddle her.
Though she's typically useless on the battlefield, her cowardly nature and flailing way of battle has earned her more wins than the pillars are ready to admit.
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angelsnuffbox · 2 years
Hello! I have no idea if I'm doing this right! Whould you be open to recieving an ask about your deleted works later? And if not you still have so many lovely fics! I love your works dearly but the one I'm currently rereading is "Tadfield's Finest" : 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 13 and any other question you would like to answer.
Hi anon! Yeah, deleted works are alright if there's anything you'd like to know more about :)) 2: What scene did you first put down? I can only write fics in proper sequence so the very first scene lmao 3: What’s your favorite line of narration? I think the part where Aziraphale shelters a soaked Crowley with his umbrella and Crowley tells him how he got that bruise on his cheek! “Slipped and banged my head on the sink, alright?” Crowley grumbled, averting his gaze. It was the most uncool thing he’d ever seen Crowley do, but his heart still stirred at the sight. The flash of anger he’d had mellowed down to light amusement, slipping easily into a kind of fondness that could only be justified by someone so madly in love as he was. He liked it, Crowley admitting this to him.  It made him feel like he had a piece of Crowley with him. 4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? “Don’t want you to think I’m doing it because I’m nice.” His (Crowley's) cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “I do it because it’s you. I mean, surely you know that.” 5: What part was hardest to write? I honestly don't remember anymore which specific scene was the hardest for me but I think a more general answer would be ALL the smut scenes because this was my first smut fic ever and each time I posted an update I was SO nervous about what people would think about it. 9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? Umm so confession i guess but Tadfield's Finest came from an older idea I had for a Bill Masters/Alec Hardy fic that never came into being 😂 I chickened out of writing it and then later on decided to rehash the whole thing as a Good Omens human AU, so I guess you can imagine an alternate version would be somewhat the same story but with Hardy as Crowley and Masters as Aziraphale 11: What do you like best about this fic? I love that it's a mix of a lot of my interests! Ineffable Husbands, Broadchurch (STILL my favorite show ever), detective/mystery fics (because before GO i mainly wrote for murder mystery genre fandoms), and high fluffy romance with a happy comforting ending. It's also the fic that really got me into writing Good Omens, so even though I periodically forget this story I'm still very fond of it for being a huge step for me as a fanfic writer :) 13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading? This was so long ago so I don't remember exactly, but I THINK it was a lot of Japanese 80s city pop. Off the top of my head, some songs I recommend are 'Misty Mauve' - Tatsuro Yamashita, 'Tell Me, Tell Me' - Mariya Takeuchi, and 'Dream in the Street' - Noriyo Ikeda When writing, I also like to look for 2 to 3-hour compilations of city pop music like this one :)) I find that when I listen to English songs it distracts me cause I'm also writing in English, so Japanese is always my go-to for that 😂 (and also, because I'm formally studying Japanese, it kind of helps me learn the language by osmosis) Thank you so much, anon! You made me relive a lot of happy memories with this x Tadfield's Finest Ask me about any of my fics!
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pudgy-planets · 2 years
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RJ stood atop the apex of an unmarked canyon, bombarded by the relentless, sweltering heat of the afternoon sun. A light sheen of perspiration coated his forehead, dripping down the sides of his face. Despite the arid, near inhospitable conditions of the valley, the young Martian seemed no worse for wear. He took a deep inhale, gulping breaths of air that burned his lungs, but remained composed. In a strange, familial sense this desert felt the closest place to home or at least a combination of the sort.
The desert-like conditions were reminiscent of the Planet of Love, Venus, while the dust and grains of crumbling sand reminded him of the Planet of War, Mars. His status as the first Martian-Venusian of the modern era gave his existence uniqueness, a title that couldn’t be revoked by one soul.
The brunette exhaled slowly, steadying his breathing. It was now or never. Junior extended his arms, the slits of his eyelids shutting in focus. His entire form began to glow, strands of mauve hair supernaturally rising into the air, revealing the front of his head. A symbol manifested in the center, a reddish-orange insignia combining the royal emblems of his parents.
What was once a perfectly blue sky, not a singular cloud for miles on end started to... c-crack? The fissures continued dancing across the heavens like snakes chasing down their prey. This resumed until finally, everything shattered. As if reality itself crumbled to ash, the decrepit canyon was no more, leaving only a void filled with countless celestial bodies.
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Planets, stars, wayward asteroids, and frigid comets darting across the cosmic sea. A hyper-dimension in which he alone reigned supreme. Hovering in the seemingly endless space, he performed a quick survey of his craftsmanship, his greatest phantasm. Once satisfied with his work, he raised his arms above his head, forming an ‘X’ shape. Dark eyebrows furrowed, lips curling into a sadistic, heartless smirk. This was where the fun began.
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Like a guillotine at the gallows, his arms swung downward, sending the tranquil space into a chaotic frenzy. Stabilized stars undergoing rapid core compression, igniting megaton supernovas illuminating the cosmos. Endless planets and moons alike collided with one another, galaxies disassembling themselves as their atoms were scattered across the vast universe. An orchestra of destruction, fueled by contempt and disdain.
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All the while, RJ watched the devastation unfold, unbothered and unaffected by the cosmogonical events before him. He was laughing. And laughing. And laughing. His voice echoed into the farthest reaches, cackling madly where no else could hear. Whoever the bastards responsible for the torture faced by himself and his family these past few months were, would face the full extent of his inextinguishable rage. In the back of his mind, complete mental annihilation, decimating their body to the point beyond repair, possibly even death itself wouldn’t be a suitable punishment. By the end of this, they’d know what true suffering was like.
The illusion of gargantuan proportions would cease soon enough, returning the environment to its original state, as if it never occurred in the first place. Reliving some much-needed stress throughout the ordeal, RJ simply teleported back to the comfort of the Hikawa shrine, the rush he experienced still etched in his mind and heart. He couldn’t wait until the day of reckoning.
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cicaklah · 3 years
struggling with my makeout dimension fic so here's some headcanons I wrote instead about the oxventurers romantic selves:
can go from nonchalance to madly in love from a standing start on cold tires.
Easy and proud of it, very keen to just make out with whoever, whatever alignment, sex, race, the heart wants what it wants,
has a heart made of glass that has yet to be crushed, somehow.
canonically fucks,
everyone is vaguely sexually fascinated with him because he's a giant gold dragon man,
will absolutely tell you about his order in the afterglow and has had moderate success with accidental post-coital recruitment to la vache mauve
hides inexperience under bravado and cool hats,
is very sexy but has no idea what to do about it,
has definitely had sex before why would you imply otherwise,
has a girlfriend and a boyfriend in canada actually, you wouldn’t know them. (geth has a canada, all worlds have a canada)
isn’t asexual, just isn’t a horny teen.
has absolutely had sex in all her animal forms but its not a big deal, doesn't mention it because the others would be weird about it
Has dibs on Dob for procreation purposes at some point in the next 50 years. Dob knows about this and is honoured.
incurable evil romantic,
refuses to make out with anyone unless she either also wants to kill them, or unless they’re doing it over the bodies of their vanquished enemies.
dreams of being trapped in a tower by her enemies, only to be rescued by good, pure prince riding on a white horse, who then she corrupts and takes his kingdom for her own
Secretly very excited about a mid-battle interlude in the makeout dimension, if she can work out how to banish herself there.
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wutheringheights78 · 2 years
i also am madly obsessed with the double r mugs how much were those? do they seem quality?
okay bestie i will tell you all about it
the mugs are chefsware/HR coors from the 1950s/1960s. they were made in black, brown, and a reddish mauve colors (as far as i could tell). the black and brown ones are shown in a few double r scenes
they're pretty rare! i found 2 sets of 4 brown cups in good vintage condition on ebay for $225 each. single brown cups were selling from $70-$95 on ebay. i found 6-7 listings for single brown cups and one listing for a single mauve cup on ebay + the 2 sets of 4 cups for $225. on ETSY, i found the set of 4 black cups i bought for $100. there was also another listing from a collector selling one cup at a time for $88, but will bundle a few together if you want black rather than brown!
as for condition / quality, all of them seemed to be in good vintage condition for diner cups from the 50s/60s! quality on them seems high, as they're still in good condition for being so old and made of hard ceramic. you're buying a 50-60 year old cup, so it's going to be slightly more fragile than your average coffee mug!
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trixcuomo · 3 years
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Trixany Screenshot Dump! I was forced to hang out with my ex in the Shadowlands Edition! 
(Okay, well Kael and I hooked up the one time but this is the worst punishment ever)
1. Trixany: “Sorry. I have to stop our walkies again because I’m still thinking about those red shoes. WHY do you have red Warcraft Adidas, Kael’thas? How in the heck did you get those??!!”
2. Kaelt’has: “This mist. Reminds me of the time...” Trixany: “Don’t say it.” Kael’thas: “It’s not like you didn’t live through it. So it wasn’t that bad. I mean, I’m the one stuck here and not you Trixany.” Trixany: “I will never EVER streak for you through Terrokkar forest on a dare again, do you hear me? And certainly not through this cesspit.” Kael’thas: “That’s not what you said last expansion.” Trixany: “It was maybe ten expansions ago, or something.” Kael’thas: “Anyway, I don’t care about the romance we lost, whatever powerful feelings we might have had. I am madly in love with these shoes.” *wiggles his toes*  Trixany: “Yeah. I can’t believe Blizzard gave you cesspit-resistant, ruby red Warcraft Adidas knee-highs.”
3.  Trixany: “Hold on, Kael! STOP!” Kael’thas: “What? Is it a Lich? I’m ready to fight--” Trixany: “This is such a Scooby Doo moment with me holding the torch and us solving the mystery. Lemme take a selfie.” Kael’thas: “And no one believes we dated. We used to be so vain, you and I were practically stuck in the same mirror back in Tempest Keep... Uh, Trixany. That is not my good side, you know better than that.”
4. Trixany: “You would think I’d be done listening to you by now Kael’thas, but here we are. I am clinging onto the bottom of a moving carriage and you managed to sit comfortably inside.” Kael’thas: *Beats his feet on the floor of the carriage and grinds his muddy heels into the nice carriage cushions too for good measure.*
5.  Kael’thas: “We’ve stopped again. Are you still thinking about my dead-sexy red shoes?” Trixany: “I’m wondering if there’s a solid Wizard of Oz reference here, somewhere.” Kael’thas: “Possibly.” Trixany: “Except, I don’t know how you could be Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West at the same time.” Kael’thas: “Har har.” Trixany: *Glints* “Also, a flying monkey.”
6.  Kael’thas: “All this effort and sacrifice... And they still have not crossed not even one sin off of my sinstone. What is the point!” Trixany: “Kael’thas. You are a terrible person, but your shoes are so hot. It’s become an obsession. I can’t believe they’ve done this to me.” Kael’thas: “Wait. If these shoes match my sinstone, like aesthetic-wise? We may not have a problem here.” Trixany: “I don’t know, Kael’thas. Do red Adidas shoes go with destruction, genocide, and selling out an entire race of people? Possibly two?!” Kael’thas: “Hrm. Interesting point. I suppose that’s more of a mauve.”
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delldarling · 4 years
Happy May! A male dullahan x female reader, fluff (like teeth rotting sweet and adorable), pretty as a flower
male dullahan x female reader 400 words sfw | fluff. ALL the fluff
Ciaran arrives promptly at 1 o’clock, knocking politely at the door just as the grandfather clock’s chiming fades away. It’s not exactly a surprise - Ciaran is always timely, and if you didn’t already know of his supernatural origins, you would have assumed it to be some kind of strange ability. As it is, you’ve come to rely on it, or at least be comforted by it. Even if the day has gone sideways and strained, you can always count on Ciaran to come when you call, in the exact amount of time he allottes himself for the traveling.
Which is why opening the door leaves you in such a startled state. 
Ciaran’s clothing is immaculately pressed: waistcoat clean and buttoned smartly, trousers and jacket a perfect match of color and pattern, his boots shined just so. The normally empty round of his collar? Is filled near to bursting with cornflowers. They’re a riot of different shades, plum and white, pink, a soft mauve, and the brightest shade of cornflower blue, which match the faint flames of his ‘eyes’ exactly. For a moment you stand stalk still, torn between snorting into the crook of your arm and smiling madly. You finally decide on covering your face with both hands, smiling into your palms as you try to stave off wheezing with laughter. It’s rather hard. 
Ciaran makes a mournful noise, gloved fingers curling around your wrists. He doesn’t pull, doesn’t tug, even though you know he wants to. It wouldn’t be polite. “Must you hide that glorious expression from me?” He asks, leaning close enough that you can feel the warmth of him, can feel- can feel cornflowers, soft petals tickling your forehead as the bouquet of them shifts about in the neck of his shirt. 
“I was momentarily overwhelmed,” you mutter, wrinkling your nose and breathing deep before you let Ciaran lower your hands. You still laugh for a moment when you see the flowers, two of them glowing an eerie shade because of his eyes. 
“They don’t suit me then?” Ciaran asks, reluctantly letting go of you to gather the bundle of them from out of his shirt. 
“I never said that,” you tease, taking the bouquet when he offers and then lifting his gloved hand to press a kiss to the back. “You’re as pretty as the flowers already though. Did you want to bring them for comparison?”
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tragicallywicked · 4 years
bella asks alice about the time before she and jasper joined the cullens
Happy birthday to Bella!!!!
So here's a fun little family time. This turned out a bit different, though they do talk about Alice and Jasper’s two years together it’s more of Bella and the fam try to embarrass Alice and then be nice to her cause Esme said so. Very cute Bella and Alice sister-in-law/best friends bonding too. And obvs Jalice cuteness PS.: It's set in 2017 for timing purposes.
Birthdays were my favorite. Even if we couldn't eat cake, we could still celebrate and party. On previous occasions, Bella's birthday had been the cause of commotions in the family. But since we had an eternity of those now, I wanted the impressions to be new about the date. Bella was my best friend and now that she wasn't human or aging anymore, I hoped that she would be glad with a party. Of course, it was just our family. 
She spent lunch at Charlie's while I had the rest of the family organize the house with me.
"Are you sure she wants this?" Rosalie eyed me as she passed on with a pile of present.
"Over on the round table, Rose," I said simply as she rolled her eyes amusedly. "We celebrate everyone's birthday here."
"Yeah, but it's not like she likes it, Alice." Rosalie mocked lightly and I sighed. Of course, they were comparing it to the previous times.
"Sure as hell it's always eventful!" Emmett came in saying it, poking Jasper on the ribs. I rolled my eyes dramatically and waltzed to my love, pecking his cheek.
"Don't mind him, it's in the past," I whispered against his ear. 
Jasper planted a hand on my lower back and nodded, "I know. Thank you." We exchanged a brief kiss and were off to finish up the decorations.
There was a cake that would be mainly for Renesmee, but it was three tiers tall, light pink with petals around it. Some appetizer plates around it as well. Anyone could easily think we were all going to eat and Edward made a remark about that.
"Ness doesn't eat that much food." He mumbled and helped Jasper place some of the helium balloons around the birthday table.
She can have it throughout the week; I thought knowing Edward would catch that, Jacob can have it too whenever he visits.
"Well, Bella hates birthday parties, so you're setting yourself to lose." He murmured with an amused smirk. Irritating, really. That thought only made him smile further, obviously.
"Get out of my head and get to work, Edward."
I joined my niece into wrapping the presents and heard as Emmett made yet another joke to Jasper. I was glad he didn't take it to heart, nor Edward. That's just how family was. It would take them some time to let go of the incident on Bella's birthday a few years ago.
Bella obviously was appalled at the party, but she gave in seeing how Renesmee was happy about the entire celebration. That much I had predicted way ahead when I first decided to plan it, so I was very excited with the outcome.
We sang her happy birthday and opened the presents with no incidents. Bella joined me on the couch as I finally sat back to relax and watch the family.
"Thanks." She mumbled, snuggling to my side for a moment. I smiled and poked her ribcage.
"I knew you would like it in the end." Honestly, sometimes her lack of faith in me bothered me a little.
"I don't like parties." She insisted, making me roll my eyes.
"When you married Edward, I told you that you would have to live with it." I loved throwing parties, so that was something Bella would have to accept.
"How come you never have parties celebrating you?"
"Yes I do, we celebrated my birthday."
"We gave you gifts and you went on a trip with Jasper."
"Believe me, we celebrated me," I smirked and my eyes quickly moved around the room until they landed on Jasper. He wasn't looking at me, but I knew he had heard it when I gazed at the side grin across his lips. When my eyes landed back on Bella, she was rolling hers amusedly, having witnessed the exchange. "I guess my sisters are not as excited as party planning, that's all."
My tone was merely teasing, but Bella seemed to take it to heart. "Oh, Alice. I'm sorry."
"Bella, I was just messing with you." I laughed heartedly, giving her a side hug.
"Ah, right." She gasped and sighed in relief, leaning into my hug. "Hey, when is yours and Jasper's anniversary?"
"You don't have to throw us anything." I clarified after the vision invaded my mind. Bella frowned, clearly distressed.
"Maybe I want to."
"I don't need to be a psychic to know you most certainly don't."
Bella seemed convinced of that much but then added, "Well, when is it? I don't think you ever told me."
"October 16th," I told her, and the date now made Jasper look at me. I gazed at him briefly and beamed. "Of nineteen fifty-two."
"Oh! You'll be married for 65 years this year!" I nodded excitedly, eyeing Bella with joy. They had been the best sixty-five years getting to share it with the love of my life. "I thought you were already married when you joined the family."
I shook my head, "Jasper and I were living in sin." At the time, that was what people thought about a woman and a man living together without being married. "We met in forty-eight and then came to the family in nineteen-fifty. It was Carlisle that suggested we get married because of what people would think."
Bella nodded; it was a no brainer that people's marital habits had changed a lot. "But you didn't think of marrying before?" I shrugged.
"We were enjoying our time together before we met the family in Calgary. You know how it is when you first do it as a vampire." I smirked, and even if my tone was a little lower, I was aware all the vampires in the room had heard it. "But not just that, we had found each other recently, we were madly in love, but Jasper had gone through a hell lot. I wanted to take my time."
I noticed the presence behind me and smiled. "That's no accurate," Jasper said it, taking the seat next to mine, talking directly to Bella now. "Alice was worried I would desert her if she pressed too hard, even if she didn't ever see it happening." Jasper's hand rested on my knee, and I placed mine on top of his, briefly looking at him.
"Like I said, you had been going through a lot." My eyes trailed back to Bella. "You know that part. I just didn't want to have him think I was trying to manipulate him or push my agenda."
"Did she tell you she got the jitters?" Rosalie said from afar, siting with Renesmee as they organized the gits. I rolled my eyes as everyone was suddenly attempting to make me the embarrassed one. Bella looked extremely surprised at Rosalie's reveal.
"She was worried I could be hiding the decision to leave her at the altar," Jasper added and I groaned.
"I like this, making Alice embarrassed. Go on." Bella chuckled. It was Edward who began approaching us with a smirk.
Don't you dare, I told him mentally, but he couldn't resist.
"She went on rambling that this was a mistake, and it was too soon to marry," Edward told them. I was appalled about this turn of events with my family, brow furrowed in annoyance.
Emmett jumped in too. He was carrying a helium balloon and I saw it happening before he did it.
"Emmett, do not." He inhaled a fair amount of helium and blasted out words that I had said on that occasion. 
"He's the one, you know. I can really ruin it. There won't be anyone else, ever." They all cracked into laughter more at Emmett's voice than the actual words. I had to admit it myself that it was indeed a little funny.
"Oh, you lot, leave Alice be," Esme said as she was with Carlisle by the kitchen counter, organizing the party's leftovers. "She's always throwing all of you memorable events, be kind. Besides, it's completely normal to get anxious at your wedding. We all had it."
"She's right, sorry, Alice." Bella pinched my elbow with an apologetically grin. Emmett passed by me and brushed, more like messed though, my hair.
"It was still funny." He said it and I rolled my eyes.
"It's fine," I assured as Jasper's hand brushed my knee, making me look up at him.
"For what's worth, I was worried you would realize I wasn't worth all that dedication and trouble." Jasper leaned to peck my cheek as I felt the entire room get filled with tenderness, love.
"Get a room, you two." Emmett squealed out, his voice still slightly pitched. It made us both crack up in laughter again.
"It's decided," Bella said. I looked at her, puzzled that I hadn't seen what it was."
"Ah, I like this. Jasper distracts you, and I can actually decide things privately." Her tone only made it more challenging for me. I searched for recent events, choices she was making for the near futures and landed on October 16th.
A beautiful gazebo in our backyard, our family gathered together and some of our friends as well. Not a big party, no. A small ceremony, a celebration very modest and beautiful, like something Bella would plan. She was by the gazebo's steps, in a pale mauve dress that cascaded from bellow her bust all the way to the floor. Next to her was Rosalie in the same dress, both stunning, holding a white bouquet of wild followers. On the other side were Emmett and Edward, dressed in suits and smiling. But my heart raced fast on my eyes fell on Jasper standing inside the structure, my stunning groom.
I walked down the aisle with Carlisle holding me by the arm. And joined my love on the renewal of our wedding vows. Or the making of them for those who didn't know our relationship had been sealed already, long ago.
Bella was clearly frustrated when I came back to my senses.
"Well, so much for gloating."
Jasper, who seemed a little lost, asked, "What's going on?"
"Seems like we'll be having a wedding soon." Edward chuckled.
"It's too closeby to send out invites, Bella."
"No, no, no. You let me handle that." She protested and then eyed Rosalie over her shoulder as if asking for her aid. The blonde joined us quickly now.
"It'll be great, Alice!"
"I have to agree." Carlisle echoed and Esme too was beaming.
"Am I too big to be a flower girl?" Renesmee asked, standing up to come sit with the rest of the family around the couch.
"Of course not, sweetie," I told her and then looked at Jasper. "Are you on board with that? We could always just skip and elope in Alaska, or Vegas again."
Sharing a smile at the memory that got everyone but Edward, with his intrusive thoughts, with a confused gaze at us.
"Tale for another time." Jasper clarified, as a wave of relaxation hit us all. "There's nothing I'd like more than marrying you again."
Bella grinned, and for a second, she looked too much like me, happy and excited. "It's going to be great, you guys. I promise."
I leaned into her, giving her a tight hug, "You're just happy you're not the center of attention anymore."
"You're damn right."
We all laughed.
"I just want to do something nice for yet another birthday celebration." Bella sighed contentedly into our hug.
"Alright, alright..." We were silent for a moment before eyeing Bella. "I always knew we'd be best friends. Happy birthday, Bella."
Send me a Jalice prompt
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