#mabel ; resources
wazzuppy · 10 months
mabel pines transparents!
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casper-spills · 6 months
✧ ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔖𝔭𝔢𝔠𝔦𝔞𝔩: 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲? ✧
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01. Green witch
The Green Witch embraces nature by drawing on the energies from the earth and of untamed things. They commune with the land, with stones and gems and they reley on plants, flowers and herbs. They call to nature for guidance and respects every living being and they have a strong belief that humans must give back to world and protect it. They tend to be animal/environmental activists and they will go the extra mile to spread awareness.
The Green Witch makes their own ritual tools from found objects in nature and they make sure these are ethically sourced materials. They might also work with Animal Guides and Plant Spirits. The forest is the Green Witch's sacred temple and they often spend time hiking or visiting parks and gardens.
Books I recommend:
The Green Witch ~ Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Encyclopaedia of Magical Herbs ~ Scott Cunningham
Occult Botany ~ Paul Sedir
The Treadwell's Book of Plant Magic ~ Christina Oakley Harrington
Wortcunning ~ Nigel G. Pearson
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02. Crystal Witch
Crystal Witches focus their magick on healing and manifesting. Crystals are known for their healing energies due to their ability to raise one's own vibration. Crystals emit this constant vibration, that when met with a lower vibration, has the ability to raise, in turn, providing healing qualities through an energetic level, which can therefore fast track our own physical healing.
Crystal Witches may also be drawn to rocks and stones alike and generally appreciate the gift of nature. They may also be attracted to the study of geology and often work with chakras/practice chakra meditation.
Books I recommend:
The Power of Crystal Healing ~ Emma Lucy Knowles
The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Crystals ~ Cassie Uhl
The Crystal Workshop ~ Azalea Lee
Crystals for Witches ~ Eliza Mabelle
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03. Kitchen Witch
The Kitchen Witch’s potion is a soup and they’re magical wand is a trusty wooden spoon. Cooking becomes a sacred art for the Kitchen Witch. A Kitchen Witch may not often dedicate a specific time and resources to ceremony, instead they work intuitively rather than ritually to find the magic in everyday life.
Kitchen Witches personalise their space with great intention and care. They instantly know when a space resonates with them or not. They often cook with whole, organic foods and they may also grow their own food. They also tend to enchant ingrediants before using them in a dish and they might sometimes make dishes to treat illnesses.
Books I recommend:
Potions, Elixirs & Brews ~ Anais Alexandre
The Wicca Cookbook ~ Jamie Wood & Tara Seefeldt
Wicca in the Kitchen ~ Scott Cunningham
The Magick of Food ~ Gwion Raven
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`04. Sea Witch
A sea witch is a practitioner of witchcraft whose spiritual focus and magical practices are closely tied to the sea and its elements. They use the potent energy of the ocean as a force to drive spellcraft, cleanse the soul and renew the spirit. Sea Witches forge a deep bond with the sea and its inhabitants, working with its energy to manifest their intentions and achieve their goals.
Sea Witches are naturally sensitive and empathetic. The ocean is their sacred space and often times they might live near the ocean or are very drawn to it. They are also very drawn to stroms and enjoy the rain. They might study oceanic mythology and sea animals. They also often collect seashells, pebbles or other beach treasures and may use them in their craft.
Books I recommend:
Sea Witch's Companion ~ Levannah Morgan
Sea Magic ~ Sandra Kynes
Water Witchcraft ~ Annwyn Avalon
Mermaids ~ Skye Alexander
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05. Divination Witch
The Divination Witch focuses primarily on divination practices such as tarot & oracle, pendulum, scrying, runes, tea leaf reading, meditation, and connecting to your inner guides/higher being. To them, it’s most important to incorporate these divination practices to their everyday life, or at least in ceremonial rituals.
A Divination Witch may draw power from the earthly elements, mediation, or with the help of seasonal changes that open portals and lower the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds. For those highly in-tuned with their intuition, have the ability to hear, see, or sense what others can’t, find themselves as an empath, and have the uncanny ability to predict the future.
Books I recommend:
The Book of Divination ~ Michael Johnstone
I Ching or Book of Changes ~ C.G. Jung & Richard Wilhelm
Tarot Card Meanings ~ Brigit Esselmont
Chakra Healing ~ Margarita Alcantara
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06. Lunar/Cosmic Witch
A Lunar Witch has a fascination and connection with the skies, stars, moon and planets are unparalleled. With the fundamental belief that what happens above in the cosmos is a direct correlation to what happens on Earth, Cosmic Witches focus their study on astrological transits, moon phases, and intertwining that with their own natal birth charts. A strong belief is that as we are born, we are given a blueprint, a snapshot of the skies, that presents past, present and future forecasts of not only ourselves as an individual, but as a collective, sometimes generational viewpoint too.
They draw their power from the Moon and perform certain spells and rituals depending on the phase of the moon.
Books I recommend:
Moon Magic ~ Aurora Kane
Moon Spells ~ Diane Ahlquist
Moon Magic ~ Diane Ahlquist
Witchs Moon ~ Edain McCoy
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✧ 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔨𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 100 𝔣𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔰! ℌ𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔶 ℌ𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔫! ✧
Special thanks to @rainychibikko @googiekook @attymi @miraclekay97 @julyourwitch @honeytarotmind @honnuey @notakitsune @mercurialstime @artscapismsworld
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the1920sinpictures · 5 months
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1916 Actress Mabel Taliaferro. From Mikki's 1900-1919 History Resource, FB.
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dulcemaiden · 7 months
Lord Canopus, revealed
So, we have received confirmation in ch. 204 that Doll is Lord Canopus, as many in the fandom have theorized. I personally believed this too, not because Vega was most likely Layla/Al (and canopus was the only left), but because her personality fits with the japanese chart about blood type personalities. By now we know these canopus/Types B: Lizzie, Doll, Redmond, Lau, Bard, Wolfram, and all the corgi class students like Mabel and Ginny.
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"Type B blood people are creative, cheerful, independent, laid-back, and adventurous. They are quick thinkers and spontaneous, as well as passionate and strong-willed. They do things at their own pace, and mostly end up going their own way because they are not good at follow orders, so they are known too as the "rule-breakers". They are honest and caring at heart, and make friends easily because they are loyal and non-pretentious. On the other hand, their negative traits include being “wild,” selfish, unforgiving, irresponsible and unpredictable. When type B blood people focus on something, they put their all into it, and they are unlikely to let go, even if the goal seems unachievable or impractical."
There are interesting things in the symbolism of canopus too:
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Canopus was the helmsman of the Argo Navis, the ship of Jason and the Argonauts, who served King Menelaus. Canopus is described as a handsome young man who was loved by a egyptian prophetess, but never reciprocated her feelings. While visiting the Egyptian coast, Canopus was bitten by a serpent and died, and Menelaus then built a monument to his memory on the shore where this happened, around which the town of Canopus later grew up. In this town was worshipped the egiptian god Osiris, under a peculiar form: that of a vase with a human head. Osiris is a god who is in among other things, the Lord of the afterlife, the dead, resurrection and life in ancient Egyptian religion).
Osiris is the name of the group/company Undertaker was supposedly working with on his bizarre doll/resurrection project during the Campania arc. It is curious too the way Canopus died (it will implicate Doll's fate in the future?... although for now I see it unlikely).
About Doll's role in the plot, I don't think she will be killed (in this arc), because I think our Ciel will see her again, it would be a poor choice on Yana's part to reintroduce Doll just to kill her off so quickly, what would be the point then? And we still don't know why Undertaker revived her either. The "Stars" require a lot of work and huge amount of resources to function properly, and her blood type is rare (not as rare as Sirius but still rare), so why Undertaker gave her such preferential treatment is a mystery. I don't think he has revived her just to mortify OCiel, there must be another reason.
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And some things start to make sense now, just at this part. I don't think the relationship between RCiel and Doll is good at all, since RCiel wouldn't tolerate someone who hold such a big grudge against his brother, and Doll wouldn't like the idea of dealing with the brother of the one who killed her and her family. So it makes sense not to mention Canopus as a candidate for his butler.
Besides, the butler of RCiel would need to be a fighter, and unlike Lizzie, strength in combat doesn't seem to be Doll's strong point, who also seems to be in a delicate state. Polaris fought AGNI and won, Layla(Al) almost beat Ronald if it wasn't for William's intervention, but Doll just walk and collapse? Like with RCiel, that could be because of a low blood supply.
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What will happen now?
Regarding what will happen next, I was somehow expecting a confrontation between Doll and Finnian, but in her current state that seems impossible, since she probably can barely move, so the whole conflict will happen between Finny and Snake.
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Doll is an important part of Snake's character. She is the first person who reached out for him, and in his memories she is the most prominent figure of his "circus family". The worst thing is that Snake has been serving loyally to the one who ordered her death, and him forgiving OCiel after finding out seems unlikely. There are inocent children involved too, so the situation is really complicated. It will all depends on what are Snake's priorities and loyalty, but I wonder if he will bear with the idea of killing Doll, I highly doubt it (I hope he and Finny save the kids though).
On the other hand, I expect Finnian not to die and return to OCiel and Sebastian, but he could learn from Doll the truth about Sebastian's nature. At first obviously not believing her words, but the seed of doubt would be planted, as he could remember Sebastian's strange behavior in the Emerald Witch arc. Finnian could confirm this later, causing a huge conflict between the servants and Sebastian, who would want to protect their master from him, and complicating things for our Ciel.
In addition, we must consider that Meyrin and Bard have already achieved 2 victories for OCiel, will this be the occasion where RCiel will win a game?
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telekinetictrait · 8 months
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"Here am I the creature you made through your loving; by your passion you created the thing that I am. Who are you to deny me the right to love?" (The Well of Loneliness – Radclyffe Hall, 1928)
remember how i said that styles in the 1910s were moving towards comfort? yeah, take that and multiply it by ten, and you've got the 1920s. the quintessential flapper girl is the queen of this era, with her short skirts and shorter hair, but that wasn't the only thing that marked the decade. silhouettes became "boxier", and moved towards androgyny (well, as close to androgyny as possible). some women were even wearing pants – in their day to day lives! like many other trends, the hemlines of skirts would reach their shortest in the middle of the decade, before slowly falling back down again. cloche hats were all the rage, but many women went hatless instead to show off their new short hairdos! in many ways, the carefree nature of this era was a direct response to the brutality of world war one and the despair of the spanish flu. having faced death, the new generation spurned prior social taboos, showing that off through their fashion.
1800's / 1900-1909 / 1910-1919
cc links under the cut
see my resources page for genetics!
mabel : waxesnostalgic's small brimmed hat with roses / simsfromthepast's 1920s lace dress / waxesnostalgic's french heel mary janes
mckinley : waxesnostalgic's early cloche / rusty's tie ribbon blouse / oydis' joan skirt / plumbjam's wool leggings / simtone's oxford heels
merope : the-melancholy-maiden's 1920's wavy faux bob / ladybolet's old hollywood eyeshadow (tsr download) / its-adrienpastel's solitaire dress / waxesnostalgic's french heel mary janes
mhairi : meghewlett's poppy hair / emmastillsims' white long pearls curbs recolor / missrubybird's casual 20s ensemble recolors (NOTE: the link to the shirt mesh is broken!!! use this one)
mickey : s4simomo's missed oppotunity hat (download here) / buzzardly28's high school years hair made bgc / ladybolet's old hollywood eyeshadow (tsr download) / curbs jacket (Chaqueta_BraceAcc_2) / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
mjellma : okruee's verona hair / needleworkreve's garbo eyeshadow / crypticsim's cloud blush / rusty's salvatore necklace / happylifesims' party fur coat / its-adrienpastel's caprisol dress / ohwiepowie's only a little bruised knees / charlene heels (tsr download)
mladenka : retropixels' chorus curls hair / happylifesims' miss fisher hat + outfit
moxie : hezzasims' pennyroyal cloche hat / okruee's paris hair / happylifesims' 1920s day dress #3 / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
murigen : simmister's maxified franzi hair / historysims4's mrs. hat + not so formal dress + cute comfly shoes
myrtle : simmister's maxified caitlyn hair / linzlu's middy top (download here or here) / missrubybird's simlaughlove skirt recolor / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
thanks to @waxesnostalgic @simsfromthepast @oydis @simtone @the-melancholy-maiden @its-adrienpastel @meghewlett @emmastillsims @missrubybird @buzzardly28 @okruee @needleworkreve @crypticsim @happylifesimsreblogs @hezzasims @simmister @historysims4 and @linzlu
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threegoblinart · 8 months
Apparently my state (Iowa) now requires parents give permission for all nicknames/name requests for kids (even if it's a shortened version of their given name like Joe for Joseph) because this is a good use of time and resources. In order to comply I think I'll submit some parent approved nicknames ahead of time.
Son can be called **firstmiddlelastname*"!!!!, Gandalf the Grey (NOT the White, he has not defeated a Balrog yet and is aware of this), Old Man McGucket and Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots and Keeper of the Allspark (please use the entire title, per his request).
Daughter can be called *shortened first name, *cute family nickname*, Mabel Pines, Your Royal Highness and Hela - Bringer of Destruction and Ruler of the Underdark (please use the entire title, per her request).
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musubiki · 8 months
do you have any lore about the crow witch's guild? i'd love to learn more about them please! i'm especially curious about augury because he left his sister to join the coattails.
So the crow guild backstory goes like this:
a sweet family consisting of three siblings: augurie (the oldest), murda (the middle child) and corven (the baby). for reasons unknown, their parents are no longer with them and so its just been the three of them together for quite some time, and they are very close. This guild follows the close family trope where your siblings are essentially your best friends and theres no one closer to you than them (think dipper/mabel)
Notes about the blackbird family: all of them are insanely smart (stemming from how crows are very smart animals). sometimes way too smart for their own good, and fighting them is always the kind of battle where its supper hard, not because theyre particular strong but because they have ridiculous amounts of strategy on the fly (in this case, murda is ALSO very strong)
They are one of the only guilds in the story where the guild master is not actually the witch (ie, shes not the "leader"). murda trusts auguries judgement more than her own, so she delegated the role of guild master to him
something to note before continuing is that in tcwg, theres a witch stereotype of "not having a son before a daughter". im not sure if this is something magic can influence exactly, but having a son first is always a worry because more often than anyone would like, the firstborn goes down the route of "it fucking sucks that just because i was born a male, i cant inherit this amazing power and have to watch it go to my stupid baby sister" (since males cant be witches anymore), and ends up doing something dumb like joining the coattails
anyway, this is (seemingly) exactly what happens here. at some unknown point in time after murda is already a witch, the rumors have it that her and her older brother had a falling out, and he has since joined the coattails.
another sidenote: the coattails now, in nature, are not something you can easily just...sign up for. most of them are unthinking and serve a single purpose of farming witches magic-- some have evolved enough to become sentient, and in some cases if you serve a similar cause as determined by the sentient ones, you can have the opportunity to corroborate with them (so far only notably achieved by amanita and augurie)
so after augurie leaves, he convinces the coattails he is an asset and that the purpose of the witch king appeals to him as it entails that males will once again be able to hold magic and he can kill his sister to get it. they buy this and he becomes an admin, ie he can lead legions and access resources they have
Corven stays with murda as her only guild member and they live in Ardovs Quarry (urban rainy town in the north of the kingdom), and are currently trying to get their brother back
When mochi and lime pop into this main quest, this is essentially how it goes:
corven met mochi and lime once before for an unrelated side quest, and considers them to be friends (even though they only met once but this is the tcwg style)
murda is reluctant to ask them for help, claims this is a family matter and its none of their business, and getting involved will cause nothing but trouble (true). but theyve exhausted all other avenues at that point, so with a little persuasion from corven, she agrees to let mochi and lime help
theres numerous steps to tracking down augurie, and every time they get a lead and encounter him he seems to be doing something that inches him towards some overarching goal (the in-betweens of the main quest are still up in the air, but its essentially bonding time for the two guilds)
the final confrontation is when they finally track him down to the "root" of the coattails located in the ruins of the old kingdom of the first witch king.
NOW--interrupting to talk a little about auguries magic guild item: its a scythe that reaps magic. theres little potion bottles on the end which can hold up to three different kinds of magic power that can be used independently for a short time after theyve been activated. so far in his scythe he has taken (throughout his time in the coattails) the following magic power: the magic of the snake witch, toad witch, and spider witch. the crow and cat are there with him, so all those together, they have the magic force equivalent to the witch king (for a short time, anyway)
at this point its revealed that auguries plot goes like this: the witch king brought the coattails to life with his magic, so the only way to properly control them or, as augurie corrects, to end them, is with the equivalent power.
augurie joined the coattails in order to get close to them, track down the root (which has been hidden for centuries), gather the main witches magic without putting them in danger directly, take it to the root and reverse the coattails origins spell as best he can. god knows where he even learned this was all possible, but thats the genius of the crow guild
im unsure if murda was in on this plot from the beginning, and pretended to have a falling out with him to enact the whole thing INCLUDING bringing mochi there for the cats power, or if she was oblivious to his intentions and he was acting alone and actually genuinely broke her heart to make the story more convincing
anyway, they actually are able to reverse the coattails origin spell!!! (lime and corven almost fucking die for real fending off an army of coattails while augurie/murda/mochi reverse the spell). the way it actually turned out is that any coattails still in the overworld still had their old "mission," but if they are purged and returned to the root, then augurie has full control to give them a new mission (which will eventually serve as the witches army against the witch king), so after the completion of this quest, the coattails are much less of a threat
afterwards, augurie returns to murdas guild and continues to look into the return of the witch king. he serves as the strategist/healer for the group and is like that main quest guy you go back and report to when youve made progress advancing the storyline that goes "Ah... so all these things happened when you went to [place] huh... no time to rest, heres the next step-"
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i-am-blue15 · 2 months
Which one of the Mystery Walkers is the strongest and the fastest
Raz definitely and obviously checks all the boxes when it comes to strength, speed, and agility compared to the rest of the Kids. It took him time to attune his athleticism to his new four-legged body but once that was done, he can kick some serious ass with both physical AND psychic prowess.
While not absurdly strong and fast compared to Raz, Coraline is shown to have above-average strength and speed, along with her quick wit and resourcefulness. She is shown to display these traits as a wolf pretty well and having enhanced senses really works in her favor.
Both Dipper and Mabel can gather strength and speed when the situation calls for it. As wolves, they work together as a double threat to anyone or anything that opposes them.
Wybie has acquired some strength as a result of tinkering and inventing and could probably hold an opponent down that's roughly the same size as him.
She may not be that promising in terms of physical skill but that doesn't make Lili any less dangerous when she has her tenacity, fangs, and fire.
Though being more athletic as wolves, Norman and Neil I'm afraid don't really hold a candle when confronting enemies and mostly act as support or backup when there's a need for more numbers or crushing teeth.
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streaminn · 7 months
Okey , so now , not only does Wednesday has to do a séance to conjure Mabel's ghost and ask for her blessing and has to prove herself to her; Wednesday has to ALSO contend with the shenanigans of young May's protectiveness toward Enid, especially since May had to deal with the like of Cairo before Wednesday found them.
=w= damn
BUT May's shenanigans appear only as the like of Addams sibling's affection, so Wednesday thinks May actually likes her (and respond in kind???) and the rest of the Addams are totally enamored with the young girl.
Meanwhile, May is like: wtf are those people, why are they smiling when i'm making their lives hell ??!!
Honestly yes!!
May's a tiny inventor, a resourceful kiddo who may have stumbled across bombs and such when it was begrudgingly take your daughter to work day when Enid didn't want to leave may alone when she was younger!!
She's a bit too eccentric, clingy and all the more possessive of her sire.
Enid? Her spine is jello when it comes to the people she loves so she runs her hand through her daughter's hair and gives it a peck of good job when may shows off a self made c4 at age eleven
The wolf never wanted this life for her child, but when may smiles so proudly... Maybe it isn't so bad after all
But as for Wednesday taking it as affection, I can definitely see that. The Addams' is aware that may is trying to drive her away from Enid but since she's so used to her brother's shenanigans, whatever may does is easy to deflect
She's endeared you can say
It didn't help that may had braids just like Wednesday did when she was her age.
It was almost like may was their kid
Ah.. If only
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maggies-cc-finds · 8 months
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✧mabels lookbook✧ basics - hair , lashes , nails , pose 1. shirt , shirt accessory , bottoms . shoes , necklace* 2. outfit , shoes 3. top , leggings , shoes , socks , headphones 4. jumper , jeans , shoes 5. t-shirt , jorts , shoes , socks 6. jacket , jeans , shoes*
the sims resource = *
thank you to all the cc creators! - @kamiiri , @twisted-cat , @moongoblinsims , @helgatisha , @gorillax3-cc , @serenity-cc , @mauvemorn , @christopher067 , @klayde , @akalukery , @backtrack-cc , @arethabee , @solistair , @nickname-sims4 , @sentate , @greenllamas , @kismet-sims , @dettea , @eunosims @darte77 , @wildlyminiaturesandwich
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milkywaymeows · 2 months
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wazzuppy · 9 months
mabel pines transparents! again!!!
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silwermoon-sims · 1 year
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the1920sinpictures · 4 months
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1918 Actress Mabel Taliaferro. From Mikki's 1900-1919 History Resource, FB.
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eregyrn-falls · 2 years
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Earlier I read a post (reblogged by @scribefindegil​) that was about how people criticize stories that feature children having to fight the Big Evil themselves, and often these are criticisms of “child soldiers” and “where are the parents”, etc.  I admit, I’ve had that criticism of some works, myself; and the post is making the point that the people most likely to criticize those aspects of that kind of story aren’t the actual target audience.  Which I get!
I’m mentioning that and linking to the post because I did not want to append this in a reblog of it, since this is not meant to be a refutation of the point, or anything.  It’s just that reading that reminded me of a thing that I Really Like About Gravity Falls, and it seemed like a good jumping off point for summarizing those thoughts.  (In this, a week where we’re celebrating GF leading up to the 10th anniversary.)
You all will recognize the sequence above, of course!
I came to Gravity Falls as an adult; and, while I love Dipper and Mabel, and love watching their adventures and their growth, they weren’t my point of identification with the series.  (I’m putting that as an “and” and not a “so” or “therefore”, because I think it’s perfectly valid for adults who watched  and loved the series to identify with Dipper and Mabel!  I’m just saying this from my own perspective.)
Gravity Falls, obviously, is a balancing act (in the first season especially) with allowing the kids to have all kinds of adventures, some of which are Very Hairy, while keeping the main “parental” / adult authority figure (Stan) sidelined from those events for various reasons.  And the thing is, that worked for me.  While you are watching Season 1, I think, the impression you get is that Stan might be oblivious to some of the supernatural stuff Dipper and Mabel are dealing with; and at least, that’s what the kids believe.  (Of course we know Stan has his own deal going on and we don’t know what that is; and I know people watching S1 really question whether Stan is as oblivious as he sometimes seems.)
That works better for me than “the adults all know about the Big Evil (or the Big Problem or what have you), but they feel they cannot do anything about it and so they will not do anything about it”. 
In Stan’s case, of course, we finally get an explanation for his whole deal, and THEN the show addresses his absence from some of the supernatural problems.  He hangs a lantern on it by saying that he thought pretending he didn’t know would keep the kids from finding out, and keep them safe.  (Who knows if that really would have worked, had Dipper not found Journal 3?  I mean, probably not.  But Stan did not know that Dipper had a source telling him all about a bunch of the supernatural stuff, in his hands.)
Anyway -- what we see during Season 1 is that Dipper and Mabel are very capable of dealing with things themselves.  They’re brave and resourceful.  They’re not stepping up because the adults won’t, or can’t.  In fact, despite Dipper’s protests, they spend S1 hiding most of their adventures from Stan. (Or certainly not bringing him into their confidence; until the very end.)
But what I love is that even though Dipper and Mabel are very brave and resourceful, when push comes to shove (and when circumstances align), an adult steps up, and helps them with problems they can’t (and probably shouldn’t be) handle on their own.  (See Stan’s entrance in “Scary-oke”, above.)
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This is echoed of course at the end of the series.  Once again, we get Dipper and Mabel asserting their bravery and confidence in the idea that they can deal with Bill.  And indeed, they’d just been demonstrating in a bunch of ways that they CAN fight Bill and leave a mark on him.  But I was just so, so grateful that when they said, “Save yourselves! Run! We’ll take care of Bill!”  Stan and Ford immediately protest this.
The adults aren’t going to leave the Big Evil to the kids to defeat, because the adults are too afraid, or too pessimistic, or whatever.  The adults WANT to intervene, and they are prevented from doing so.
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Again, that works for me, because it allows the kids to take action, and contribute, without the narrative having them do so because there’s no other way, or no other choice.
And in the end, of course, it comes back to the adults stepping up -- to deal with the problem that originated with them, a problem that is indeed too big for the kids to defeat.
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And yet, the narrative comes back and allows the kids one more huge moment of agency and triumph, where their optimism and actions ARE responsible for completing the narrative’s happy ending.
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I’m not saying that every narrative has to be like this!  I just wanted to ramble a bit about something I really like about Gravity Falls and the way it handles the empowerment of its kid protagonists, alongside involving adults who do take responsibility and step in to help or to accomplish things that, really, the kids shouldn’t be left alone to deal with.
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messinwitheddie · 5 months
What would be the reaction if the Tallest came in contact with humans? Any first impression? Will they be able to understand each other?(considering the many different languages spoken on earth) will they be amazed to know that there are other life forms that live amongst them? Despite being primitive and lack advanced technology.
What would they think once knowing that humans can grow pretty fast and as tall as 7 feet?
I think all of that heavily depends on which tallest and which human(s).
I know on the show there are a few scenes where Red and Purple saw humans walking around Zim's base in the background of their transmission. They seemed unimpressed; mildly interested in humans only because they can grow tall. We're just a bunch of silly monkeys to them; monkeys that lucked out and evolved on a planet rich in food resources. Monkeys that are keeping Zim occupied for them until a better solution pops up.
Irkens are traditionally xenophobic and racist. They don't seem to consider ANY race or species equal to them, even highly advanced, intelligent ones like Vortians and Inquisitorians or the Meekrob.
In my au at least, the only human Zim really cares about or even respects (and that takes time) is Dib and maybe Gaz/ Professor Membrane. Zim cares about Dib's children/ descendants but mostly because they are a part of Dib. He tolerates Dib's friends and family. He expresses how disposable they are to him loudly and often. Dipper and Todd are Zim's is least favorite among Dib's peers.
That's not to say a tallest wouldn't be capable of having pleasant conversation with a human if given the opportunity. Irken translating devices seem capable enough. Indioms might trip them up, but they could follow along.
Sounds ridiculous, but I would love to write a dialogue between Kimber and/ or Eben* and Purple and/ or Red (my fan ocs for Dipper and Mabel's mother and father). Kimber accidentally contacts them playing around with some tech Dib lent Dipper (shrug).
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Kimber "Oh HIIII!! You're the Purple one!"
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