#lucan oc
pigeonwhumps · 1 year
First day part 1
Sam and Lucan masterlist
Taglist: @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @onlybadendings @whumpofdory @haro-whumps
Lucan's first day living with Sam.
Divided into two parts because I feel like I've been starving y'all of Sam and Lucan content and I wanted to give you some. Lucan's been brutalised in the auction house enough for the time being.
CWs: past rape, past slavery, pet whump, non-human whumpee (faerie), conditioning, past food and drink denial, past electric shocks
“I think he was raped.”
“Who was?” asks Amanda sharply.
“Sam, I cannot express to you how little that name means to me right now.”
Ah. “I... haven’t told you yet, have I?”
“About Lucan? No.”
“He's a faerie. Until last night, Caroline Jones' pet-class slave.”
Amanda sighs. “Is this why the news is talking about her house burning down? Sam, what did you do?”
“You know I had that interview with her yesterday? Well, she brought Lucan with her, and it was awful. She wouldn't even let him have a drink because he didn't 'deserve it'. She was boasting about not giving him solid food. He was so scared, Amanda, I couldn't just leave him there!” They swallow hard. “And when Luke brought him here... we had to cut his hair, because part of it was burnt, and he started crying when I said I wouldn't do so without his permission. That he could cut it himself if he preferred. You know how much hair means to faeries. Between that and the name Caroline gave him... how much has he been violated over the years that treating him with basic respect makes him cry?”
“I don't disagree with you taking him in, Sam, I never would. I'd be a hypocrite if I did.”
“So. You said he was raped?” she asks through a mouthful of something.
“Oh shit, I forgot you were working today. I'm so sorry.”
“You're lucky. You caught me on my break. Tell me why you think Lucan was raped.”
“He offered himself up to me. I went in this morning to see if he wanted breakfast, and he just... offered himself. To be raped. And I don't, I mean, Caroline doesn't seem the type but...”
There’s silence from the other end of the line for nearly a full minute before Amanda says, “do you remember those giveaways she held? There was an advert for one in the paper once.”
They do remember now. It was a line of print in an article about Caroline, urging people to visit her Instagram page for a chance to win. Top prize: the use of her pet for the weekend. “You used it for kindling.”
“Well, I don’t have a litter tray to put it in.”
“Or a cat.”
“Or a cat,” she agrees.
“So you think that Lucan’s been raped by one of those winners?”
“One or more, I'd say. You know what the people who try to win those things are like. And as long as it's not permanent, visible damage I can't see her caring.”
They swallow. They don't even want to think about it, but they have to. “Will you do me a favour and examine him? Not just because of the rape, I mean he has scars and injuries everywhere, and I want to make sure nothing's too serious.”
“If anything was infected you'd probably know by now, but I'll come over later. Has he eaten yet?”
“No. I was going to make him eggs as soon as I'd woken him, but then... well, this happened.”
“Okay. Feed him and try and make him comfortable. The less scared he is when I do the tests the better.”
“He'll still be terrified, but I'll do my best. I was going to do that anyway, I don't want him scared of me.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you happen to have any tips? For taking care of him, I mean, I know you've treated slaves and ex-slaves before, and you know Kara, so I was just wondering...”
"Yeah, actually. Give him some rules. They don't have to be anything big, but he needs some kind of structure. And try not to feel rejected if he stays scared, or doesn't believe you won't hurt him. Judging by what I know happened to Kara, he has good reason to feel that way.”
“Cheers. Well, I'd better let you get back to what you were doing.”
“I'll see you soon then.” She hangs up and they clutch the mobile like a lifeline as they head towards their room. Hopefully Lucan's dressed this time.
Lucan dresses himself carefully, pulling on the sweatshirt and too-short tracksuit bottoms. He wraps the scarf back around his neck and he immediately feels better. Warmer. The warm, soft weight around his neck is comforting. Then he kneels on the floor, waiting for Master to return.
He doesn't understand. If Master didn't want to use him like that, why did they give him a bed? The small relief he feels at not having to do that is overriden by his fear. Master told him to rest some more and get dressed. What's Master got in store for him that's bad enough that he has to rest first? Old Mistress never let him rest on a bed. Master's punishments must be more severe than hers, then.
Punishment for what? What's he done wrong? He hasn't done anything that Master hasn't ordered him to since he arrived.
Luke, maybe?
It doesn't matter what your opinion is, 12735, says a handler in his head, if your owner says you need to be punished you need it and that's the end of the matter. So get down there, take the punishment, and be damned grateful she's bothering to teach you.
Lucan swallows. He knows he needs to be punished, he always does, he just... doesn't understand anything here.
The door creaks open and he tenses, eyes on Master's fluffy socks as they approach.
“Hi Lucan. Um, you can look at me if you like.” Lucan glances up briefly. Master doesn't look too angry, but their arms are still lean and muscly and if they choose they can hurt him badly. It doesn't matter if they're not angry now, that can change. Lucan looks away quickly. “Oh, well, you don't have to. But you're dressed, that's good. I've made us both breakfast, if you want some. Come with me.”
Lucan crawls along behind Master until they reach the kitchen.
“Great. Great. Why don't you stay there while I sort out breakfast?”
Lucan stops by the door and waits, patiently, waiting for the trick and the pain, watching as Master bustles around the small kitchen, fetching bits and pieces. He wonders what they're going to do. Surely it can't be actual, good, solid food, he's done nothing to earn that. What's Master doing to give him?
Sam glances at Lucan intermittently as they prepare the food, doubling back to fetch cutlery. The faerie looks worried. Sam still has no idea what's going through his head, but at least they can provide him with a warm breakfast.
“Do you like eggs? I forgot to ask earlier.” Lucan nods and Sam smiles. “Excellent.” They busy themself with the toaster, then pour out a glass of milk, setting it on the floor beside the faerie. “You can drink that, if you want. I'm sorry, I didn't offer you anything last night, so you must be thirsty. I didn't mean to, it's just... last night was a lot. Anyway. Drink, if you like. There's nothing in it to hurt you.”
After a nervous glance up at them, Lucan takes the glass in both hands and sips at it, then seems to change his mind and downs the milk. He looks surprised.
“You really are thirsty, huh? Would you like some more?” Lucan nods and bows as Sam hands him another glass. He drinks that one in one gulp too. Sam smiles slightly and turns back to the eggs, placing one carefully in a garish novelty eggcup, talking to Lucan as they do so. They can't stop themself rambling.
“I wasn't sure how you eat them so I've cooked both eggs differently, there's a hardboiled one and a dippy egg with soldiers. I've cut the top off that one already because the only cutlery I have that won't hurt you is a plastic ice cream sundae spoon, no idea where from. Fine for the inside of the egg but it wouldn't cut through the shell. Oh, speaking of shells, I've left the one on the hardboiled egg, you can eat it with or without the shell. Um... I want you to eat it whichever way you prefer. It would... make me happy, if you did that.” Sam hopes they've phrased that enough like an order that Lucan will do it. It makes them uneasy but Lucan needs to eat. Once Lucan's breakfast is plated they pour a bowl of Coco Pops for themself, then carry both over to the table. “Will you sit up here and eat?” Lucan darts a glance up at Sam, then lowers it again and shakes his head. Sam carefully doesn't sigh. “Right. I'll just have to sit on the floor with you then.”
They sit down against the wall, balancing the bowl on their legs and placing Lucan's plate and the carton of milk in front of him. The faerie flinches.
Sam reaches up a hand, careful to keep it within Lucan's line of sight, and scratches his scalp. The faerie melts into it.
“You're good, Lucan. Wherever you choose to sit, you're good. I like sitting on the floor anyway, it's always good to have some floor time.” He nods towards the plate of eggs. “Go on. Eat. And feel free to pour yourself another drink if you want one, or just drink the milk from the carton.”
Lucan takes a tentative bite of the hard-boiled egg, shell and all, his face brightening as he seems to realise it's not going to hurt him. He eats it quickly, hunched over it slightly. Once Sam realises that he's definitely going to eat all his food, they start on their own. The coco pops are a bit soggy now, but still tasty.
Once they've both eaten, Sam stands, taking the faerie's empty plate and leaving it on the table with their own. Then they sit down opposite Lucan, who glances up at them tentatively before letting his gaze fall again.
“So. I think we should lay down some basic rules. Is that okay?” Lucan nods. “Okay. Good. So, firstly, you need to know that I will never rape you, or do anything to you sexually. I will never, ever hurt you like that, or let anyone else do so, and if anyone tries you're to tell me, Lucan, as soon as you can. Because raping you isn't acceptable. Understand?” He nods again. “Good. Good. That's the most important one. Okay, so the next rule is that I want you to eat at least twice a day. Three times would be ideal, but given how much it looks like you've been eating I'm not sure your body would be able to manage that. When was the last time you even ate solid food?” They pull out their phone and open the notes app, sliding it across the floor to Lucan. “Here. Write it down.”
Lucan takes the phone, thinking, and writes, New Year's Eve, Master.
Sam swallows. Christ. That was months ago, it's autumn now.
“Yeah. You definitely won't manage solid food three times a day. But I'm not buying you those shakes, they're disgusting and I very much doubt they're filling. We'll just have to build up to it. And you can just call me Sam.” Lucan bends his head, hands braced on the tiles. “Hey. I'm not going to punish you for not calling me Sam. You didn't know, and I imagine it's a big change. I bet you haven't called anyone by their name for years, have you?” Lucan shakes his head. “Thought so. I'm not cross, Lucan, I promise. Why don't you sit back up properly so we can finish going over the rules?”
Lucan obeys, sitting back on his heels, trembling slightly. Sam scratches his head.
“Good. That's good. You're okay Lucan, I won't hurt you.” When Lucan looks a little better, Sam withdraws their hand and sits back. “The next rule is that I want you to remind me to eat. I'm not very good at it. Come and fetch me when you're eating, no matter what I'm doing or what time it is. That rule doesn't apply if I'm not here, obviously. There's plenty of food in the cupboards and the fridge, you can eat anything you like. You can cook, too, if you like. Can you cook?” Lucan nods. “Great. I'm a terrible cook. That doesn't mean you have to, but if you want a cooked meal feel free to make one. Oh! You can fetch a drink whenever you like. There's milk in the fridge and squash in the bottom cupboard, and obviously water in the tap. Please drink whenever you like, I don't want you getting dehydrated. That starts from now, by the way. Umm...” Sam pauses. They didn't think this through ahead of time. They should have. What other rules can they give Lucan? “Okay. I want you to try standing or walking for at least ten minutes each day. I noticed last night that your muscles aren't used to standing, which is fine, so we'll build up the time from there until you can walk properly instead of crawling everywhere. But for now, I want you to do something on your feet for at least ten minutes a day. If you can't manage it in one block, don't worry, you can spread it out. Okay?” The faerie nods, looking slightly confused. Well, there's nothing Sam can do about that. “Good. The last rule then is that you can sleep and use the bathroom whenever you like. You don't need to ask my permission. I'm guessing that you probably have before, but you don't need to here. I often get distracted or have to go to work stuff and don't end up finishing until late, and I don't want you staying awake because you feel you have to wait for my permission.” Lucan nods, and Sam rubs his head, feeling awkward all of a sudden. “That's everything, I think. Sorry, I tend to ramble a lot when I'm nervous, or when I'm not actually too, but... did you get all that?”
Lucan nods firmly. Yes, he got it. He heard the rules, he knows what he has to do. He didn't hear what the punishments will be, though, but that's okay. Maybe Master... Master Sam likes to keep him on tenterhooks. Maybe they think Lucan will behave better if he doesn't know the punishment. That's okay, that's their right.
He knows what he has to do, but he doesn't understand. And he knows he doesn't need to but... these rules are so simple. There's so few of them. And they don't seem unpleasant at all. What's the point of them? What does Master Sam even want with him? They apparently don't want him for sex, and they haven't given him much to do... surely reminding them to eat and cooking sometimes can't be all they want him for? Why go to all the trouble of stealing him for that?
And why is Master Sam apologising? Everything Lucan's owner does is right, he knows that, they don't need to apologise.
Still. None of that matters. Master Sam will tell Lucan what he needs to know, when he needs to know it, and that's all that matters, 12735, you piece of faerie scum, stop trying to think like a person. So he nods, phantoms of electric shocks skittering over his skin.
“Good. Good.”
They look uncertain now and Lucan decides to test the rules. Master Sam didn't punish him for calling them by the wrong name earlier, they sat down with him and were... strange, and although he doesn't understand why they like to sit on the floor they haven't lied to him yet. So, feeling his thirst even more than he did before the first drink, heart pounding, he unscrews the carton of milk and carefully pours some out. With a quick glance at Master Sam, who nods encouragingly, he drinks it, determined to savour it this time. He doesn't know how long Master Sam will let him drink regularly for – maybe until he looks to their liking.
As soon as he puts the glass down, Master Sam reaches out, and Lucan flinches, expecting something painful from their muscular arms that could hurt a lot but haven't yet – they must be adding up their disobediences and hesitations so they can punish him for all of them efficiently, and maybe that time is now – but it doesn't hurt. All Master Sam does is scratch his scalp, and he melts.
“You did good, Lucan. You're okay. You're doing good, you're good. You always are.”
But is that last part praise or a threat? Lucan can't tell, and even though he can't help but lean into Master Sam's touch, it scares him. He'll have to do his best not to disobey so that threat doesn't become a promise.
Even though it inevitably will.
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my-maehem · 1 year
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“If this is your first night at dueling club, you have to duel.”
Watched Fight Club for the first time recently and this was the first thing I thought of— what? I’m not obsessed with Hogwarts legacy… what you on about?
Tumblr… why you gotta make them blurry T^T
Lucan doesn’t really look like Lucan, but… all well!
Enjoy my crossover ~🍪
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spellbooking · 9 days
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𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐕𝐀𝐘𝐍 ✦ Healing what is broken does not come without the cost of blood. Lucan devoted his heart, soul, and healing prowess to the whispered lies of his wretched father. Baptized in blood, Lucan prays to the god of murder in hopes to live up to the title of "chosen". He will tear down anyone in his way even if he has to see the world burn to ash. (insp. by @hartsvale)
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judathians-art · 11 months
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Lucan’s public whipping is at 12pm
(orig tweet under cut)
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hollowwrites · 9 months
Crossed Wands Headcanon
I like to think Crossed wands isn’t that exclusive Lucan is just really strict and kicks people out a lot. I also had so much fun writing Crossed wands stuff in my Ominis x MC fic wanted to explore what other students fighting style would be.
Ominis, Sebastian, Leander, Garreth, Natty, Imelda, Poppy, Anne, Lucan
He tried out because Sebastian begged him.
The most graceful duellist you would ever lay your eyes on.
Never misses. Never loses. IF you are lucky and get even a single hit on him, he goes FERAL. He is a naturally talented wizard due to his Slytherin blood so he will OBLITERATE anyone who tries it.
Is the only known ‘member’ other than MC to have beaten Sebastian.
Didn’t join officially because he didn’t want people to assume Gaunts are savages
Only returned to Crossed wands once. And that was to spar against Duncan when he was invited to join.
Duncan forfeit…obviously…didn’t even make an attempt
Can get away with a LOT because he’s charming.
If be blasts you into a wall, it takes one conversation and you’re apologising for being in the way
One talk with Lucan and he’s laughing, all is forgiven
Lucan let’s him get away with some BS because they’re friends (and because Sebastian is the best and puts up a good show)
Did panic when you beat him DADA that his position in Crossed Wands would be compromised
HUGE relief when you decide to partner with him instead of rivalling him
Has a weakness to crowd control spells
Doesn’t know why just can’t seem to repel them
Is surprisingly good at getting out of them though, probably from practise
Froze him? He’s out of it in seconds before you can cast your next spell. Floating? Doesn’t even care. He’s either casting whilst floating or he’s on the floor before it matters
Is usually how he gets a hit in from people underestimating him
Isn’t as bad as people make out. He’s just a bit of an idiot. Think Neville vibes
Is a Pureblood wizard so very talented after being exposed to magic his whole life
Fighting isn’t his thing, gets really bored in match’s and just starts levitating people and doing nothing about it. Just let’s them float and laughs.
Got REALLY bored and started tossing potions around. Giggled like a mad man when the fireworks display of potion carnage enveloped the stage. Received a warning for it
Was permanently banned after he downed a Maxima and Focus potion before a duel with Sebastian. Almost beat him. They only noticed he’d took the potions cause he was violently shaking afterwards. Sebastian found it hilarious.
Almost as graceful as Ominis…almost
No one bothers using Expelliamus as everyone knows she can cast without a wand
Terrifying to go up against
She smiles sweetly the entire time, laughing sometimes
Will call you pet names
Everyone thinks she’s being snide but she’s genuinely just happy
Happy to lose, Happy to win, Happy to draw
Utterly terrifying
Literally could not care less about Crossed Wands.
Tries out in fifth because quidditch got cancelled and she had a gap in her routine
Tries to use her broom in combat, finding it easier to cast from it and gain the upper hand
Receives a warning for doing so
Teaches Lucan some new cuss words after shouting at him for giving him a warning
Lucan is now in love with her
Oh it’s just Perculiar Poppy, she’ll do no harm right?
Wrong! She was raised by poachers being cruel has been bred into her
Got banned after she hung Astoria Crickett by her hair for fifteen minutes
Screamed the entire time about how it’s not nice when it’s happening to you and calling her a Kneazle
It took Sebastian, MC and Natty to drag her away
Would assume she’d be similar to Sebastian
If it’s even possible, she has less patience
Her and Sebastian are total opposites when it comes to duelling
She’s more similar to Garreth (this is why I ship them)
Is a bit more fond of potions than wand work. Never really took to it.
Gave up and agreed to watch Sebastian from the sidelines with Ominis
“Me duel? No no no, I’m a showman. I appreciate the craft. I could duel…but I won’t”
Everyone mothers him.
If he does ever spar, the person on the receiving end always feels bad for whatever they do to him. Giving him a big hug afterwards.
MC once blasted him into a barrel
He thought it was fantastic
MC hugs him and refuses to let go until it’s their next duel
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diffident-drifter · 9 months
I refuse to accept that the Tenno are only a little scarred with the void-touched metal, so I'm making Operator Lucan's entire right arm under his suit void metal
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xmdart · 6 months
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character sheet for an upcoming comic to have some visuals 🤧
ft lucan, daneliya (Twitter@SayItWisely), leander, oliver, manon, andrew
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tikattu · 1 year
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"lucan caprenius - a fine battlemage, disowned noble and an assassin, at your service."
my new eso character needed some lore art done ❤️
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seedsinmygarden · 8 months
Coming Out as MTF Trans To HLC
As someone under the nonbinary-transgender umbrella (I'm still figuring it out), I hoped to bring the coming-outs to life in the way that it should happen. You are the best you that you could be, and I see you. I'm so proud of you.
Word Count: 667 words
Tags and Warnings: Fluff, some angst, mentions of transphobia.
OMINIS GAUNT: He doesn’t quite understand right away thanks to his upbringing, but after some explaining and educating, he has a solid grasp on it! Gladly accepts MC with open arms, and tells her that if she faces any transphobia, he can get those students expelled before they can blink.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He’s talked to Sirona about her experience in coming out when she was younger, so he understands how daunting it feels. Sebastian reassures MC that she is safe with him, and will clock anyone that disrespects her.
AMIT THAKKAR: Amit is curious and will ask questions as respectfully as possible, and he’ll end up going on to read about others’ experiences in hopes of helping her be more comfortable. He is happy she trusts him to come out to him, and is always an open ear to listen and open arms for a hug whenever she needs the comfort.
GARRETH WEASLEY: This Weasley boy… He lets his usual jokey personality dissolve momentarily as he understands the courage it took MC to come out to him. Garreth doesn’t quite have personal experience or conversations on the topic (whether that be with someone in general or a transgender person), but that doesn’t stop him from trying his best! He’ll cheer MC up when she faces a tough path, and he’ll be there with her when she comes out to his aunt to change her dorm room.
NATSAI ONAI: Instantly welcomes MC to the girls! She will absolutely help her with finding any resources she needs, even going above and beyond to find multiple of them. Anything to help MC. :)
POPPY SWEETING: Like Natty, Poppy will instantly welcome MC to the girls and as with Anne, will invite her on the next girls’ trip out to Hogsmeade! She’s much more brave in standing up for her when she needs it, and will swoop in for the save on Highwing should MC ever need it.
IMELDA REYES: Imelda thinks MC is so badass for it. It takes a lot of courage to come out, especially in a time where being anything but cisgender was not as widely accepted in the muggle world. She validates MC in ways that don’t need words— kicks anyone who deadnames or misuses pronouns, welcomes them to the girls locker rooms of the Slytherin quidditch team (if MC is in Slytherin and on the team!) and makes sure they’re comfortable overall.
ANNE SALLOW: Anne was there when Sirona told Sebastian about her experience, and she accepts MC with open arms. Literally, she’ll hug her, and then invite her to the next girls day out to Hogsmeade!
EVERETT CLOPTON: As someone with a trans mother, he understands quite perfectly! He thanks MC for trusting him with such information and will gladly help her towards resources and books that his moms used to help the family grow a stronger bond. (He even asks MC if she would like to talk to his mom about her experiences, and will gladly pass on any letters back and forth.)
LEANDER PREWETT: Unsure of how to react at first, but lets her know that he’s supportive!! He truly means well, and he’ll show that support it in ways that aren’t the most verbal— like making it a habit to have hairpins or ribbons on hand for her hair, or correcting anyone who deadnames her.
LUCAN BRATTLEBY: Immediately offers to style her hair!!! This kid has five little sisters and has become the designated hairstylist in the family because they all beg him to do it, and other girls never let him do it. He doesn’t hesitate to place her in the women’s bracket of the Crossed Wands duels as well, when there’s gender-specific tournaments.
PROFESSOR FIG: It takes him a bit to switch from calling her his son to his daughter, but he gets it down within the week! Wholeheartedly accepts and still loves MC for who she is, and he is so proud of who she’s growing to become.
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pwpe-the-shabuir · 2 months
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Took me a bit to finish this one lol.
The blue Dragon is the one from this https://pwpe-the-shabuir.tumblr.com/post/739968587710775296/oc-art-my-ocs-kira-and-talerion-the-blue-frog
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bluescarfvivi · 4 months
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Merry Christmas to @transientday/@nerv0usm3chanic!!!
After participating in the MSA Holiday Secret Santa event for so many years, I was SO ECSTATIC to find out I FINALLY got you as my Secret Santa! I've been wanting to spoil you with some graphic goodies!!
First up is a Lucan/Vivi aesthetic board because I love those two so so much!! The punk vibes are immaculate and I had tons of fun finding pictures that matched the energy of our two chaotic muses!!
Second is a thematic promo card for the boys' blog! I tried making it look like an old, rusted sign you'd see hanging up in a junkyard, or those old local mechanic signs you find in very small, Southern towns. It was SO much fun getting to make this one and mess around with texture brushes!
I hope you like your gifts!! They were so much fun to make!! Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year, Transient!! Love you lots <3 <3!!
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Sam and Lucan masterlist
Lucan comes to live with Sam.
CWs: pet whump, dehumanisation, blink-and-you'll-miss-it implied non-con, mentioned shock collar use, mentioned caning, unsafe and inaccurate use of hydrochloric acid
“What the fuck, Luke?”
Lucan kneels on the floor, skin burning under his clothes, listening to the angry hissing, letting his gaze flick up to the two people every so often. He doesn’t know how he’s made them angry, he doesn’t understand what’s going on, and his hair still smells of smoke.
“It was an accident, alright?”
“An accident. You set fire to her house accidentally.”
They sound unimpressed. He thinks their name’s Sam. And the other one’s definitely Luke. Maybe... maybe he did something wrong while he was here earlier. He swallows, feeling the press of soft leather against his throat.
“Alright, fine, I was angry. You would’ve been too, if you’d seen the conditions he was being kept in.”
“He was in a cage barely big enough for him, no blankets or soft floor or anything besides those thin clothes he’s wearing.” They glance over at him and he wishes he could disappear. Mistress bought these night-clothes because she thought they’d look good, but they’re so thin as to be translucent. He hates them, even though pets shouldn’t hate things. “The only things in his room were punishment tools. The shock collar was charging by the wall. I simply fiddled with the electrics a little.”
“Why’s his hair burnt, then? Didn’t you get him out of the way first?”
Luke shrugs. “I tried, but the fire moved too fast for me. I’m not an arsonist by trade, you know.”
“No, you’re a conman,” mutters Sam, making Luke laugh. “Alright, thanks. I’ll take it from here.”
Luke glances again at Lucan, something like pity in his eyes. “Good luck then. Both of you.”
“And you.” Once the door shuts behind Luke, Sam sighs, raking a hand through their short brown hair. They crouch down in front of him, and Lucan scans them quickly. They’re less put-together than they were earlier, hair mussed, shirt sleeves rolled up to reveal lean muscles. Lucan swallows. Sam could do him a lot of damage with those.
“Hi. I’m Sam, but... I guess you know that. I use they/them pronouns, which I’m not sure you know.” Lucan nods. He does know, his Mistress went on a long rant about ‘people like that’ after she’d sent the email. “Oh. You do. Good. Um... can you talk?” Lucan shakes his head. “Okay. Right, well, we need to find some way to communicate, I need to know your name. I won’t call you Puck, I saw how you felt about that yesterday. Can you read and write?” He nods, somewhat hesitantly. He can certainly read, and he used to be able to write, although he hasn’t done so for so long he’s not sure anymore. “Great. I’ll fetch a pen and paper, and you write down your name for me, okay?” He nods again and Sam hurries off, reappearing a second later with a pad of lined paper and a pen. Lucan’s not sure why they keep asking him things, he has to obey anyway, but he takes the proffered pen in a loose grip. “It doesn’t have to be your real name, and I certainly don’t want your true name, just... give me something I can call you.” Lucan swallows. He shouldn’t hesitate, he knows that, but he’s not sure what to write. He hasn’t heard his name for so long but... if Sam doesn’t like it, if they use it to tease him or insult him...
But then Sam wasn’t like that yesterday. And although this must be an act, this kindness, they seem to be trying not to humiliate him.
Slowly, shakily, in large, clumsy letters, he writes Lucan.
Sam smiles, and he thinks he’s at least done something right.
“Lucan. Nice name. And you do use he/him, right?” Lucan nods. “Good, good. So, Lucan, I think the first thing we need to do is clean you up and find you some new clothes. It’s a small flat, but I’ve pulled the sofabed out, you can either take that or my bed. And I guess... do you know why you’re here?” Lucan shakes his head. Sometimes Mistress lends him to people for a few nights, but it’s always after a giveaway, he knows to expect it even if she never explicitly tells him. He doesn’t think that’s what this is. Sam sighs. “Right, well, firstly, you’re not going back to Caroline. You’re staying here, where it’s safer. And you’re not here to be a pet, or any other type of slave. You’re here to recover, and be a person. You’ll be living with me from now on, I hope that’s okay.” Lucan bows his head in submission, the world settling back into place somewhat. He has a new Master now.
That brings its own set of problems, though. What does his new Master want? How can he please them? Now he knows he’s staying here for good, he needs to work out how to act, and Master hasn’t given him any clues at all.
Sam watches Lucan bow. They’re not sure what to do really, how to get Lucan to treat them as an equal, not his owner, but seeing someone bow at their feet, so full of fear, makes them feel sick.
“You don’t have to bow. In fact, please don’t. I’m going to take that collar off, okay?” They reach forward and unbuckle the red leather, wincing at the bruising and burns.
They should treat the wounds, shouldn’t they? But they don’t have anything to treat them with. What are they meant to do? The injuries aren’t too bad, right? They’re not going to lose Lucan. Not so soon after he’s arrived.
Okay, they need to calm down. Lucan’s scared, and this isn’t helping. He’s just had his whole life uprooted, even if it wasn’t a particularly nice one, and he needs Sam to get it together.
They take a deep breath and swallow. They can do this.
“I don’t have a first aid kit or anything, unfortunately, so we’ll have to make do.” They look up from Lucan’s neck to see him trembling, head tilted back slightly, giving Sam access to his neck. “Lucan, what–”
They stop. The new burns on the front of his neck. Sam taking off his collar, despite the fact that pet-class slaves are rarely left uncollared. “The shock collar was hanging from a hook on the wall.”
“Lucan. Lucan, drop your head, and look at me if you can.” Lucan does so, not making eye contact but watching them enough for them to see that he’s terrified. “I don’t have a shock collar. I’m not going to put one on you, or hurt you in any way. I took your collar off so you’d be more comfortable, not to punish you. Understand?” Lucan nods, but Sam doesn’t think he does, not really. They sigh. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up. Um... you really don’t have to crawl, you know.”
Lucan doesn’t take the implied invitation to walk, crawling along on all fours behind them as they head for the bathroom, running a warm bath. Nothing too hot. Then they sit down on the closed toilet, the faerie kneeling at their feet. There’s something they have to do first.
“Can I take a look at your arm, Lucan? The one with the bracelet on.” Lucan bows and offers up their arm, and Sam takes it gently, studying the bracelet. It’s stainless steel, presumably with some sort of lining that’s not toxic to faeries, and there’s a rich blue digital display on each side. One reads CAROLINE JONES and the other 12735. It’s the same colour-coded ID bracelet that all slaves wear, that they didn’t really register he was wearing earlier because it’s so common on faeries. It doesn’t quite sit flush to the skin, and according to what little research they’ve been able to do it will have been welded together while already on Lucan’s body, making it near-impossible to remove.
Near-impossible. Everything has a weak point, and hydrochloric acid corrodes steel. They pull a bottle out of the cupboard, along with some thick plastic sheeting and protective equipment, and open the window as much as possible.
“Put this on.” Lucan slides the industrial-grade mask over his mouth and nose as Sam does the same, checking the fit of them both. “Right. Lucan, I’m going to wrap your forearm in this, under the bracelet. I need you to tell me if it doesn’t cover all of your skin, and I need you to be honest with me, because I’m going to use 38% concentrate hydrochloric acid to remove that bracelet. I’m guessing by your reaction just now that you know what it can do to flesh.” Lucan nods, and Sam picks up the plastic, slotting it under the bracelet and winding it tightly around Lucan’s forearm. “Is everything covered?” He nods again. “Good. Do you know which area of the bracelet was welded together? That’ll be the weakest point.” Lucan points immediately to the side, and Sam can’t see a difference but they trust Lucan knows, turning the bracelet so that area’s facing upwards. They pull a pair of disposable gloves on. “Here we go then.”
And they pour the bottle.
Lucan tenses as the acid runs out, looking surprised when it doesn’t touch his skin. Was he really expecting Sam to pour acid on him?
“I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to hurt you,” they murmur, setting the bottle down and watching the bracelet as they pull off the gloves. “Keep your arm held like that, I’m going to fetch some clean clothes. If you need anything, knock hard on the bathtub.” Lucan nods, and Sam hurries to their room. Lucan’s a foot taller than them, but very thin. Too thin. They have some oversized sweatshirts that might fit, and they grab a couple. Plus spare underwear, just in case. They’ve been trying not to look at Lucan’s body but it’s very much visible under those pyjamas, and they’re not sure if he’s wearing any underwear. Not sure what state it’ll be in if he is, given what they know about the effects of shock collars.
They sigh. Caring for Lucan is going to be even more of a struggle than they first anticipated. And they don’t even know what to feed him yet. How often has he eaten solid food in the last few years, anyway? Shaking their head, they head back to the bathroom (via the kitchen to pick up a sharp knife), where Lucan’s kneeling in the same place they left him.
Kneeling. Like he’s something lesser.
The bracelet on Lucan’s wrist is corroding nicely, and they smile at his wide-eyed look. “Nearly there. I’ve got you some clothes for afterwards, I don’t have any trousers that’ll fit, we’ll have to order something, but you can choose a sweatshirt. Or not!” he adds hurriedly as a flash of fear crosses Lucan’s face, breathing speeding up. “I can choose. What about this one?” They hold up a grey sweatshirt with a Bayeux Tapestry health and safety joke on that Amanda gave them for Christmas one year. Lucan nods. “Good. Good.” They snap a new pair of gloves on and pick up a knife, sending the faerie flinching back, eyeing it warily. Sam curses – they should’ve guessed. “Hey, hey. Easy. It’s not for you. I just need to cut the bracelet off, now it’s probably corroded enough.” Lucan doesn’t calm down though, and Sam has to hold their arm tightly to stop the shaking while they cut through the bracelet. They have to use a lot of force to get through the steel, and maybe they didn’t wait as long as they should have but they’re impatient to remove it.
Finally the bracelet falls away and Sam catches it, dumping it in the plastic bin next to them. Then they carefully remove the plastic from Lucan’s arm, making sure no acid rolls off onto his skin, and throw that away too. They shut the lid and set it outside the bathroom door.
“Right. I’ll deal with that later. That didn’t hurt anywhere, right?” Lucan shakes his head. “Good. You can remove your mask now. And, um, you need to have a wash, so will you take your clothes off?”
Lucan removes his clothes clumsily, fumbling with the buttons, and Sam takes them to set aside (possibly to burn later) when they notice something and stop, horrified.
There’s thin slivers of metal spread around the inside lining of the clothes, which earlier they’d taken to be a pattern of some sort in the fabric, not looking closely. They look to Lucan’s back, which as well as the numerous scars and bruises has a few slivers scattered about, the skin covered in small burns. They wouldn’t be surprised if that was repeated all over his body.
He’s been burnt with iron filings. On the inside of his clothes.
“Well, fuck.”
Lucan flinches. He wonders what he’s done wrong now. What’s wrong with him. Is it his skin? He knows it’s not the prettiest, not without make-up on.
“I’m not angry at you, Lucan, I just– she burnt you with iron?”
Lucan nods, frowning. Why’s Master shocked? That’s the SSA-recommended method of punishing fae slaves. Do they not know?
Maybe they don’t. Maybe that’s why they’re treating him like this. Once they find out, he’ll be back to being treated like normal. That’s the only thing that makes sense.
Thee is another possibility. But he doesn’t want to think about that.
“Right. Change of plan. Amanda’s going to kill me for this, so we’re never going to tell her, okay?” They pause spreading towels around the floor to look at Lucan, who nods. “I need you to stand in the centre of the towels. If you can’t, I’ll help you, but I want to wash off the iron filings before you have a bath. Can you try and stand? Lean on the sink if you need to.”
Lucan stares for a moment, struggling to understand Master’s latest command. He hasn’t stood for any length of time in years. Pets don’t stand, and he doesn’t want his kneecaps broken again. But Master wants him to this time, so his kneecaps will be fine. Probably. Hopefully. He crawls over to the sink and levers himself up on shaking legs, about to collapse when Master wraps an arm around him to hold him up.
“Easy, you’re doing well. I can’t wash you properly while I’m holding you though, so if you lean fully on the sink I can do your back.” They let go and Lucan leans over the sink, gripping the edge tightly, bracing himself for the harsh shock of cold water.
The water hits his back and he gasps but... it’s warm. Blasting, pummelling his bruises, but warm. The spray travels down his back and legs and he can feel the remaining iron detaching.
“Turn around.” Lucan does so, and Master looks away as they spray his front. Then they hang up the shower-head again and put an arm back around Lucan’s waist. Lucan fights against the skin-crawling sensation of someone else’s bare skin touching his. Master’s just helping him, and even if they weren’t, even if they were acting like some people have, it wouldn’t matter, because he’s theirs now anyway. Master can do what they like with him. So he needs to stop trying to flinch away. That’s what got him sent to be retrained the first time, and he never wants to go back there.
“Let’s get you into the bath. I don’t want you crawling over the iron filings.” Master half-carries Lucan to the bath and he climbs in, grateful to be allowed off his feet again. He should be grateful for a great many things, actually, Master deigning to take extra effort to wash the iron off for one thing, but he focuses on this. A warm bath, off his feet. He feels very naked without his collar and bracelet, moreso than he ever has, but he’s not sure he wants to put them back on. Master will make him, though, the collar at least. The bracelet he’s not so sure about, he thinks that’s completely broken, but without either he won’t look owned.
He wonders what colour his name-tag will be this time. His old Mistress owned a variety to match different outfits but Master doesn’t seem that type of person. Maybe they’ll take their cue from the one he was wearing earlier, red leather and a small silver tag. Or maybe they’ll want something completely different.
“You’re thinking too much. You’re a pet, 12735, you’re there to obey, not think. Do you need a reminder?”
Lucan shudders as his handler’s voice reverberates around his skull. He’s right, of course. No more thinking. Not unless he wants to be retrained.
It does feel odd breathing freely though, without either leather or plastic at his throat.
He’s startled away from his thoughts as Master scratches the top of his head, and he pushes into the touch automatically, starting to relax as the dopamine hits. He hasn’t had this much, even though he likes it. He’s not a good pet.
“I thought this might help,” murmurs Master, “you liked it earlier. Whatever it was that scared you just now, I hope you know that you’re safe here.” Lucan nods. He has a roof over his head and someone to punish him when he needs it. He’s safe. “Good. Good.” Master scratches down his scalp. “I, um, Luke texted me. Caroline survived the fire. Her house was burnt down though. I don’t know whether you wanted that, but... you should know. You’re the one she hurt.”
Hurt? She didn’t hurt him, that’s how pets are treated. But he nods anyway to show he understands, careful not to dislodge the hand in his hair.
“I assume you know how to wash yourself, but I want to make sure your injuries are cleaned properly. I won’t touch anything private. And, um, your hair needs cutting. I know it’s not right for me to do that, so you can cut it yourself if you want, but the damage from the fire needs trimming. I’m sorry.”
Lucan blinks rapidly. He won’t cry in front of Master, not again. It’s just that it’s been so long since anyone knew or cared about fae customs. For the fae, hair’s sacred, only to be touched by those you love, and it’s been so long since anyone took that into account that he was beginning to believe no-one ever would again.
It’s been so damaged, so violated, over the years, though, that he can’t really think of it as his hair anymore.
“Okay, look, why don’t you tap on the wall once for letting me do your hair, and twice for cutting it yourself. Take your time.”
Lucan thinks. His hair’s a bit distant from him now, and maybe that doesn’t mean anything, he should still cut it himself, but... the thought of that sends a shiver down his spine. His old Mistress would’ve punished him for a hair out of place even if she was the one to cause it, he doesn’t want to find out what Master will do if he cuts it wrong.
He taps on the wall once.
“Okay. Hold still. I should warn you, I’m not an expert in cutting hair, it might not come out too straight. You ready?” Lucan nods, trying to ignore the sense of loss as Master’s hand leaves his hair, and feels a slight tugging sensation on his hair, hearing the snip of scissors cutting through it. The burnt smell drifts away slightly as his hair falls to the floor.
“There. Done. It’s a bit wonky, I’ll show you once you’re washed and dressed. Um... I’m going to wash your back now. I’ll try not to hurt you but I need to clean your burns. If you need me to stop, tap twice on the wall, okay?” Lucan nods, knowing he won’t do so. It’s his place to take whatever his Master gives him.
To his surprise it doesn’t hurt. Well, there’s pain, of course there is, Master’s cleaning out burns and bruises and old cane marks, and they wouldn’t be punishments if they didn’t hurt, but it’s not bad. Master’s cleaning is gentle, there’s no rough, impatient scrubbing that’s only enough to rub the make-up and grime off, scrubbing that sometimes hurts so much he wants to cry out, this is soft. They’re cleaning him thoroughly, carefully, gently, and they’re so patient, the whole way through, even when Lucan’s slow to respond to Master’s requests to turn, or lift his feet. Lucan squeezes his eyes shut to stop the tears but it doesn’t work, droplets hitting the water silently. He doesn’t understand why Master’s being so gentle but he aches for it.
“Okay,” says Master, once his hair’s washed as well, “I’ll leave you to wash the rest in private. Once you’re finished, dry yourself off and get dressed, there’s some clothes... um...” – they frown around the room before picking up a lumpy towel to reveal the sweatshirt and underwear from earlier – “here. I don’t have trousers that’ll fit you, I’m afraid. Once you’re dressed, join me in the living room. I’ll leave the door ajar, if you need help knock on the floor or the wall or something twice. Okay?” Lucan nods, and Master exits.
They exit.
Lucan’s alone.
Lucan swallows. He should make this quick – Master will come to check on him at some point, and if he’s not acceptable by then he’ll be punished. He washes the rest of himself quickly and clambers out of the bath, trying not to revel in the novelty of privacy while he’s naked. It doesn’t happen often. He pulls on the clothes Master left him hurriedly. The grey sweatshirt’s very soft and goes all the way down to the middle of his thighs. It reminds him of something he had before, when he was–
No. No, he’s not going to think about that, it’ll just make him sad. He has more than enough to process without that too.
He crawls out into the living room and Master looks up from their laptop with a smile. “Much better. Are you comfortable in those?” Lucan nods and touches his throat absently. His clothes are comfortable (not that he’d say if they weren’t) but his neck feels wrong bare.
All those years he spent wishing he wasn’t collared and now it’s off he can’t stand it.
“Oh!” Master rummages around and pulls out a multicoloured knitted scarf, with they hand to him. “I dug this out for you. In case you want something around your neck.” Lucan winds it around his neck, its soft warmth comforting, and bows his thanks. “Um... you’re welcome? I promised you could see your hair as well.” They hand Lucan a mirror.
Lucan looks in it. His hair is short and choppy now, coming up to a little above his shoulders. Without any signs of ownership he sees a flicker of his old self, which he quickly banishes. No sense dwelling on the impossible.
He swallows. Maybe, if he thanks Master properly, he’ll be allowed to sleep. He bends down over Master’s shoes, and hears a strangled yelp that makes him jump.
Sam lets out a strangled sound as Lucan starts to kiss the air above his boots.
“Lucan, stop.” Lucan pauses and looks up at them, trembling. “You don’t have to thank me like that. I’m happy to give you new clothes and a haircut. You don’t have to show some twisted form of worship to get it. Okay?” Lucan nods timidly and Sam reaches down to scratch the top of his head. “I’m not angry with you, Lucan. I won’t punish you. Just, um, please don’t do it again.”
They were going to ask Lucan to join them on the sofa to help with the remainder of the shopping, but it’s obvious he won’t, so they slide off to join him on the floor, giving him a reassuring smile.
“I want you to see what I’m ordering for you,” explains Sam, beckoning Lucan closer, and the faerie shuffles forward to kneel next to them. They angle the laptop around so he can see, and start scrolling through clothes, keeping a close eye on Lucan’s expression. When Lucan’s eyes light up at the sight of a pink oversized sweatshirt they add it to the basket. Luckily, Lucan’s quite expressive, even if he’s trying not to be, and Sam doesn’t have to add many clothes of their choosing. On the basis that Lucan’s probably going to crawl for quite a while, even if Sam would prefer he didn’t (they’re not sure his legs are strong enough to walk yet though, anyway), they buy some jeans. Hopefully they won’t wear through too quickly in the knee.
Once they’ve added everything they can think of (including the first aid kit and plastic cutlery they added before Lucan joined them), they check out. Lucan looks exhausted.
“Go and get some sleep, Lucan. You can take the bed, turn right and it’s the first room on the left.” Lucan nods, and they think about adding an apology for not having any pyjamas but there’s not much point. With any luck they’ll be here the day after tomorrow anyway, and they’re not sure Lucan will believe them.
Sam waits until enough time’s passed for Lucan to have settled down in their room before calling the search bar back up and typing in three letters.
They hesitate before clicking on the website. Do they really want to read this? Find out this way? Not via abolitionist articles or slave recovery forums, through the government’s own horrific site.
Lucan’s been through the whole degrading, painful process, though, so surely Sam can at least read about it. If they want to help Lucan they need to know what he’s been through, at least a little, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that they don’t have the faintest clue what they’re doing.
Navigating through to the page entitled For Owners, they click on the first document and, swallowing hard, begin to read.
Taglist: @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump
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take-a-quill · 10 months
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(Link to template)
[Admin!Danny: I remember wanting to do this chart ever since the team posted it 😭✨]
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spellbooking · 5 days
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Baldur’s Gate 3 ✦ OCs 2/? ✦ LUCAN high elf | cleric | the haunted one
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judathians-art · 11 months
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Part 3
Ominis x MC
Summary - Before the year kicks off Lucan gathers all available students for Crossed Wands. Not wanting his duelling club to fall by the wayside, he calls upon outside members of the club to make things…interesting.
I loved crossed wands!! Wish more of the students participated. Maybe I’ll write something for how I think each would duel?
Again feel free to swap Evelyn with MC or Y/N
Also I’m completely aware that Snape created the Muffliato charm but I thought about it and I had to do it!!
Warnings - Violence? Just a bit of duelling, just a continuation of before
Word Count - 3150
The next few days were rocky but things were finally looking up. Sebastian had in fact been selected for the Tri Wizard Tournament and after the initial horror, Sebastian was correct. Everyone had rallied around him to lend their aid. Poppy had suggested they tend to some of the nearby nesting Dragons due to the popularity of the Dragon Egg challenge. Garreth had promised to brew any potion that he needed with the inclusion that he would follow the instructions exactly. Despite what happened, frequently, in potions class, Garreth was a skilled Potioneer he just had a tendency to make it up as he went along.
They had the luxury of a few more weeks of prep before the games began so, for the meantime, classes continued as usual. Sebastian suspected that they put off the announcement ceremony until Evelyn had gotten back from her travels with the hopes she would put her name forward. She hadn’t, much to the chagrin of the Headmaster and many of her fellow seventh years, so the name calling ceremony took place.
Lucan Brattleby had scrambled together as many of the seventh years for the their last Crossed Wands tournament.
“I will not be upstaged by some centuries old cup” Lucan protested “Please we have to shake it up this year. Evelyn. I’m on my knees.” His hands clasped together begging for her participation
“Okay okay I’ll compete” she laughed “Honestly I think you can count on Seb too he’s not going to pass up on the opportunity to take my title AND become Tri Wizard Champion”
“Excellent, I’ve talked Imelda and Poppy into it this year, and I’ve changed the rules too. Anything goes, Imelda said she’d only do it if she could cast from her broom and so long as she stays in the Bell Tower, I’m game” Lucan practically shook from excitement “I was hoping you could try and convince Ominis to duel, you’ve seen him fight right?” He continued in hushed tones looking over at the gaggle of Slytherins collected by the practise dummies.
“Yes. He’s quite formidable, very restrained, and poised too. I’ll see what I can do”
“Ah I could kiss you!! Thank you so much. Rounds start in 10 let me know”
Evelyn began her approach but noticed Ominis walking towards her. He put a hand flat out to stop her, shaking his head.
“Before you say anything, it’s a no” he said smirking
“Oh come on Ominis, don’t you want to take Sebastian down a few pegs.”
“As I told you, multiple times in fifth year, Sebastian never backs down from a fight. I don’t fancy facing that” his eyebrows furrowed as though remembering something “…again”
“But it’s getting so boring facing Sebastian at the top, I could really use some variety” she poked at his chest exaggerating her words “Aaaaand wouldn’t you like to show Sebastian just how much he’s annoyed you these past few years. It’s a great stress relief pummelling him into the ground. Please?”
He could never say no to her.
“Okay fine…” she began clapping excitedly. “If you help me out with something afterwards”
“Of course. I’d’ve helped you anyway. Win Win for me” she bounced up to kiss him on the cheek “Can’t wait to throughly destroy you, Gaunt”
Once the sound of Evelyns footsteps disappeared into the congregation of Crossed Wands fans, Ominis turned back to his other friends, touching his cheek.
“What was that about?” Sebastian said smugly
“Could something actually happen between you two this year? I’m growing bored watching you dance around each other” he heard a soft thwack of fabric eliciting a reaction from Imelda “What? I know you think the same”
“Don’t you think I’ve had this conversation with him before. He says the same thing every single time” Sebastian said
“Can someone enlighten me as to what is going on?” Ominis asked getting more and more aggravated each passing moment
“She kissed you, you fool. I know you’re blind but you’re not stupid” Imelda said equally annoyed
“She…she does it all the time, it means nothing” he lied, that was the first time she had kissed him. It was a friendly kiss though. Nothing more. Right?
“See? Told you. Same response every time” Sebastian said exasperated. “Next he’ll say that they’re just friends and he values her friendship”
“Enough of this! This is getting childish. I’m ending this conversation before one of us says something they’ll regret” he looked in Sebastian’s general direction. He had enough on him that any number of things could spill from his mouth.
As the evening dragged on more and more people filtered in to watch the spectacle. When the duels took place a huge crowd gathered by the portcullis to peer in, some sat on brooms hovering above everyone else to get a better view. As it got closer and closer to the semi finals, the overhead walkways of the Bell Tower began filling with people too, many belonging to Durmstrang and Beauxbatons to see what Hogwarts really had to offer.
The final four ended up being a Slytherin sweep. Sebastian and Evelyn were a given, what with them being the best dualists in the school but Ominis and Imelda had surprised everyone. Ominis ended rounds quickly and decisively with little to no room for error. If you made a mistake, you lost. Imelda had also been found to be quite difficult to hit on her broom, whereas she had no trouble casting from it at all.
Imelda and Evelyn went first. Imelda stood no chance against the reigning Hogwart’s Crossed Wands Champion and every time she mounted her broom or got just barely off the ground, Evelyn slammed her back down, all while protecting her broom. She knew Imelda loved that thing and they had become quite close. A quick Accio caused it to float delicately toward Evelyn’s hands. And with that, Imelda forfeit. Surprising to everyone present, she wasn’t bitter, she jumped up, giving Evelyn’s a quick hug before taking up her broom again for the final few fights.
Next up was Sebastian and Ominis. Sebastian’s tactic was to try and overwhelm Ominis immediately and hope that, that was enough. He cast out a volley of several offensive spells to which Ominis deflected them all. He stood twirling his wand around waiting for the next volley when Sebastian apparated closer to him.
“Come on Ominis, fight back!” He growled through gritted teeth
“Ah but it’s so much more fun listening to you struggle to land a hit”
With another gruff sigh, Sebastian threw out more spells, all ended up deflected or bouncing off a well timed Protego. Ominis laughed, throwing out the first spell and landing it directly at Sebastian’s chest. The Depulso threw him back against the pile of practise dummies and with a final Descendo, the dummies crumpled against the ground, collapsing under the pressure as Sebastian looked to be struggling with gravity itself.
“I yield!!” Sebastian barked “Merlin, I never knew you had that in you” he said as Ominis offered him a hand.
“Yes you did” Ominis squeezed his hand knowingly as Sebastian took it.
“That means it’s Ominis and Evelyn in the final round Witches and Wizards. The Heir of Salazar Slytherin vs The Hero of Hogwarts” Lucan bellowed casting a general Repairo on the stage. The practise dummies ballooned back out and returned to their original position whilst the crack in the stone from Ominis’ unrelenting Descendo sealed itself over.
Whilst Imelda and Sebastian took up their positions, Ominis and Evelyn secured themselves at the front of the crowd. They had they’re heads buried together talking and Evelyn waved a hand through the portcullis to get they’re attention.
“Don’t take this too seriously you two, remember you’re fighting for third” Evelyn flashed them a grin. Ominis let out a singular laugh as she linked her arm with his. They watched the fireworks display of spells volley past them with vague interest.
“Congratulations on that win” she said squeezing his bicep “I’ve never seen someone cast Descendo continuously like that. That crack in the stone? There must have been a terrible amount of pressure on Sebastian. No wonder he conceded”
“You can see for yourself if you like. But I had something much more interesting in line for you” he cocked his head down to her ear so she could hear him over the crowd. His breathe swayed the hairs falling on the side of her face and she felt herself turning red.
Do not let a silly school girl crush destroy your winning streak.
She locked her jaw and pursed her lips. Not that he could see her sudden shift in her face, but it helped her feel more confident in her words
“Don’t let it get to your head though, you’ve just secured second best duellist in the school” her tone was mocking but he could hear the glee in her voice. He laughed breathily down her ear, sending tingles down her spine.
“Shall we see?” He ushered her forward ahead of him to the stage.
She had missed Sebastian and Imelda’s duel completely, but from their faces she gathered that Sebastian had won. He was riling up the crowd for the final duel, pacing in the front row, two fingers sticking forward from his face like a snakes tongue, hissing. Soon, the whole crowd was a sea of serpents, with the Slytherin students getting particularly into the impromptu chant.
“Ready?” Ominis mouthed from the opposite side of the room. Something about the curve of his mouth and his whole demeanour, frightened her. No it wasn’t fear. Her chest felt tight and her skin was ablaze but she wasn’t scared, more…vulnerable?
“Anything goes…right Brattleby? He asked raising his head high and rolling his sleeves. Had he always been so…arrogant? And why was she okay with it? This sort of behaviour would usually immediately turn her off, she’d seen it with Leander multiple times. But this was different. Regal. Domineering. Attractive?
With the agreement made from Lucan, he cast off the starting flare, hitting the Bell Towers pendulum and the slow chug of the portcullis lowering began. The metallic rattle shook the arena and silenced the crowd immediately.
She turned her head, assessing her surroundings and she noticed, Ominis mirrored her, exactly.
She shifted her feet pacing in the opposite direction and, again, he copied her exact moves.
“Is there something a matter?” He called to her and her eyebrows furrowed.
“Enough of this” she spat, casting out a flurry of spells. As he had with Sebastian he blocked them all but he hadn’t counted on her continuing. Though she’d cast it wordlessly, he knew it was Confringo based on the light aroma of burning wood and the blast that he took to his chest. He coughed out his next breathe, patted down his tie and loosening it as he did.
“Serpensortia…” he sneered and a bright white snake fell from the tip of his wand “Engorgio” it’s tiny lithe body bubbled grotesquely until a huge snake wrapped itself around half of the court. Screams came from onlookers but Evelyn, simply giggled. So he was going to use Parseltongue. Interesting. She heard Sebastian hollering from crowd, the only other person, she suspected, who knew what he was doing.
The snakes body coiled around Ominis’ feet as it’s head hovered close to his shoulder. His fingers skimmed under the snakes jaw as he whispered in its ear, no doubt trying to hide his gift. Was she jealous of a snake right now?
Following up on its masters wishes the snakes jaw unhinged and hissed violently towards Evelyn. It shot out toward her and she laughed maniacally. She was sure the other schools would think she was mad but, snakes were always, such beautiful creatures. And under Ominis’ control she knew she didn’t have to fear it.
“I’m so sorry, Ominis, I’m going to have to kill your little pet here” she wound her wand around her fingers gathering all the ancient magic she could. As she had done many times with spiders, she pulled the beast towards her shrinking it as it flew through the air. The, now tiny, beasts body hit her hand and it flaked to blue ash, dissipating in the cool spring breeze. She looked back at Ominis, a second too late to see the purple light of Accio flying toward her. G
She felt the tug of her collar lift her slightly from the ground, the tips of her shoes dragging across the stone as Ominis yanked her towards him. His fingertips grazed the skin of her chest as he grabbed at her clothing. The telltale sting of his touch seared across her collarbone.
“You really should keep your eyes on me” he chuckled softly “Do you concede?” He asked whipping his wand to press delicately against her temple and bringing her towards him. She writhed against his grasp as she pondered her next move. There was something but it was awful to do…especially to him. Placing her free hand against his chest to stabilise herself, she flicked her wand to his ear.
“Muffliato” she spat and he immediately let go. His hands flew to his ears trying to block out the many voices he was now hearing. He smirked, eyes darting around to try and hone in on her.
“Very clever” he shot back through gritted teeth.
Though on paper it may have seemed pleasant, having his mind filled with her voice, but it was anything but. Whispers and screams all overlapped fighting for attention at the forefront of his mind, each saying a different spell or incantation. Occasionally, her voice would ring forward with his name and he would turn in its direction. An instinct he now wished hadn’t become embedded in his very core.
Evelyn snapped her fingers a few times in front of Ominis to verify if her charm had worked. No reaction. She puffed her cheeks out in a sigh of relief, but she couldn’t help but feel a little bad. She watched his eyes dart around, and his erratic movements trying to seek her out, without his most dominant sense.
“Expelliar-“ she began before being cut short.
His hand flew to around her wrist, pulling her arm up and closer to him. She stood stretched upwards in front of him as she had to his Accio, only now, he dropped his face to hers. He was mere inches away.
“I’ll ask again” he whispered “Do you concede?”
“I still have my wand…Depulso” she barked causing enough of a blast between them both that they each went flying. They both landed and took up their wands.
“Confringo!” They cast simultaneously. The spell colliding mid field and as they both maintained the cast, the flaming lashes continued between the two of them. The roaring core of their spells bled out onto the stone, blackening where it touched. They stayed locked in their tug of war for a few moments before Lucan intervened.
“Enough!” He bellowed full of joy. His voice startling them both, interrupting the spell casting. “I think we have a first here at Crossed Wands today. A DRAW. We can’t stand here all night watching you two trade blows. Congratulations to our reigning and new Crossed Wands Champions!”
The crowd sang out with uproarious applause. Evelyn smiled widely, clapping for her competitors as Ominis walked over to her. He grinned back at her and bowed deeply, before taking her hand. They raised they’re hands high and both bowed to the crowd.
The crowd at the Bell Tower courtyard dispersed quickly. It was late and the Great Halls feast was only moments away. Ominis, Imelda, Evelyn and Sebastian walked together for dinner, occasionally being stopped by another student to congratulate them all on how well they did.
“I’m just saying, if those two are joint first, then I’m technically, technically, still second best in the school” Sebastian argued
“I don’t think that’s how it works. Does that make me third best?” Imelda asked
“Not with that shoddy display in there, Darling” he said mockingly. Imelda scoffed and pushed him through the doors to the Great Hall.
“We’ll collect some food and we can get out of here” Ominis said, squeezing Evelyn’s shoulder indicating he was talking to her. He felt her stiffen up and then immediately relax, her hand lightly brushing across his knuckles.
“Oh I had forgotten about that. It’s late are you sure you want to do it tonight? I don’t mind helping you over the weekend? I’m free Sund-”
“Oh no no you’re not getting out of this that easily. I seem to remember you saying you would ‘thoroughly destroy me’ How did that work out for you?” he teased collecting a few pastries “I’d say you owe me double no-“ he turned and bumped into a figure stood entirely too close to him. “Watch where you’re standing” he snapped
“Oh my you are blind. Mmm well that makes your victory at your little duelling club all the more impressive” a lithe French voice rang out from below him. He furrowed his brows in confusion.
“I didn’t win” he stated matter of factly “My friend here is a formidable opponent. I share my ‘Victory’ with her” his hand gestured to where he knew Evelyn was stood. He felt a silent rage wash over him with the heat emanating from her direction.
Imelda was clutching Sebastian’s arm willing him to listen to this display. He sat mouth agape eyes darting between Ominis, Evelyn and the Beauxbatons student. Imelda grinned evilly watching Evelyn, indulging in the drama of it all.
“You are too kind, too…humble.” The beauxbaton student placed the palm of her hand against his chest, leaning further into him. His neck craned backwards as she spoke up into his face “An excellent display, one I would have obviously expected from the Noble House of Gaunt” she kissed his cheek before leaving, the click of her heels against stone conveying her giddy gait.
A sickening silence fell over the four as they awkwardly gathered food. Ominis was the first to break it.
“What in Merlin’s name was that about?”
“Seems you have an admirer” Imelda’s voice was smug as she looked at Evelyn
Don’t. Start. Evelyn mouthed. Imelda shrugged and took a swig of her pumpkin juice, wiggling her eyebrows as she did.
You okay? Sebastian asked silently, before Evelyn could answer Ominis interrupted
“I can hear you mouthing to one and other! You know I hate that” he sighed “I think I’ve had enough socialising for one day” and he turned to walk away. When he didn’t hear Evelyn’s footsteps behind him, he stopped, turned and extended his hand towards her “Still not getting out of this Eve.” His fingers twitched slightly beckoning her forward “Come”
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