#love parnter
shadow-lag · 4 months
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(This was based of one of those silly redraw-able images I believe, however I'm not 100% bc I can't find said image anywhere)
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(Inspo: smtm0106 on insta)
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aviedoodles · 5 months
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I've always dreamed of having a library with pretentious smoking room vibes: green walls, a model ship with piratey vibes, dope statuary, warm oil painted lanscapes, books in dark wood shelves, and FRIENDS WHAT A DAY, DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE
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ratmanwalking · 5 months
Why does telling someone i love them in my first language have to feel like im putting my had through a meat grinder
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autisticdreamdrop · 2 years
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autistic alien partners
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redysetdare · 1 year
Kind of hate the trend that is whenever Aromantic criticize anything relating to allonromativity or amatonormativity the response boils down to either "Just replace romance with platonic love!!!" (includes ppl saying replace romantic relationships with QPRs) or "Not all aromantic ppl feel this way 🙄 in fact a lot of aros enjoy romance and love!!!! stop generalizing!!!"
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wimdywhimsy · 5 months
ii am ogign to see my partner tomorrow im so happy!!!!!!!!!!! i miss them os much like sosooso much i cant wait to see them !!!!!!!! last time i saw them was a million years (like. last tuesday) ago and i miss them whenevr they arent here because i love them soososo much theyre my favorite person ever and i love them somcuh
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rabbittush · 10 months
I need to watch riverdale so bad this isn’t okay at all
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iamthekarmapolice · 11 months
ok james marsden lovers you were right jury duty is hilarious
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brewerboys · 1 year
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I want to just share how much Jeremy means to me. He is so caring and has a big heart! He is my rock and someone who has stood by me for the past two years and I could not have been gifted with this outgoing and loving human. I love you so much Jeremy and as long as Your next to me we can do anything we put our minds to it. Toujours et pour Toujours. #love #parnter #gaycouples #gay https://www.instagram.com/p/CnqgVvUuVm2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fallingdownhell · 4 months
If it's no bother the whole meeting family and sister being favoured ordeal but with Wanderer, Xiao, Childe and Tighnari please! Yummy comfort...🤤
Honestly.. I did my best with it, but I don't know if I'll do another addition to this from now on. It feels like I'm always writing the exact same thing, and I feel like it's getting boring and repetitive...
Let me know what you think about it, please, because I really don't know.
Characters Included: Wanderer; Xiao; Tighnari
Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; reader has a sister; hurt/comfort; mention of past (child) abuse; mention of child neglect; insults; slight racism against Tighnari; not proofread yet
Word count: 3,7k words
Requested by: @ahtopoteyto
Enjoy everyone<3
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When you suddenly hit him with the question of wether he wanted to meet your parents or not, he was confused and slightly shocked. From what he had gathered over the time you've been dating, you did not have a very good connection with your parents.
You never really talked about them or told him stories about your childhood. The first few times he asked you about them, he vividly remembers how your face became pale and you simply stating that you didn't want to talk about this. So he let it be, not bothering you with it anymore.
So for you to suddenly ask him this after months of not even mentioning anything related to this subject, he found it highly suspicious.
"Where's this coming from so suddenly?", he asks, taking your hand and sitting you down on the couch next to him. He can already tell how much it cost you to simply ask him that question.
"W-well... I just thought that maybe it's something you'd want. I mean.. normally, in relationships, you introduce your parnters to your parents. So, I thought, maybe we should do that, too..?"
You sounded so meek and unsure of yourself, he hated to see you like this. He may not know the full story about what happened between you and your parents, but if it made you that uncomfortable just talking about them, then that's all he needed to know. He would never knowingly put you through something horrible.
So, to reassure you, he circled his arms around you, pulling you against his chest while placing his chin on top of your head as he just held you like this. "Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to do. Our relationship isn't exactly normal anyways. I don't care about meeting your parents. You don't like them, that's enough for me to also dislike them."
That made you laugh a bit, and he also relaxed a bit, knowing that if that could make you laugh, you were already feeling a bit better.
"Even so.. I think you should know why I don't have contact with them anymore..", you quietly spoke after some time.
"Only if you want to tell me. You don't have to force yourself.", was his answer, but you insisted, finally wanting him to know, since you've already kept it to yourself for so long.
And so, you told him about all the things you went through when you were younger, still living with and depending on your parents. You told him how you were the oldest child of your parents, and for a while, everything was good. There were normal, loving and even spoiled you a bit as a child.
But when you were 6 years old, your parents decided to have a second child, and so, your sister was born when you were 7. And suddenly, it was like you didn't exist anymore.
Your parents focused all their love and attention towards your baby sister, leaving you to figure things out by yourself. They at least still provided food for you, but anything else you were left to your own devices.
By the time you were 12 years old, you were practically living by yourself, though you were still in your parents house. You were cooking your own meals, doing your own laundry, managing school stuff and all that your parents were supposed to do for you.
Your sister was only 5 years old, she was just a happy child and didn't know about the clear favouritism and neglect going on. She was just a sweet child that wanted to play with her sister. You couldn't hate her, since she didn't do anything wrong.
From time to time, you tried to get your parents attention, either with your grades or other achievements, but they always brushed you aside to focus on your sister, since they claimed she needed their attention more than you did.
It hurt, and you kept on trying and trying, until eventually, you realised that it had no sense and you just stopped. You knew that they would never love you like they did with your sister. So, as soon as you could, you started a part time job to save up some money, so you could leave when you needed to.
The older you and your sister got, the more she also became aware of the favouritism. Luckily, it didn't grow over her head, and she tried her best to get your mom and dad to focus on you, too. But they never did. Instead, your sister spent time with you, which you were really greatful for.
When the time came, you were old enough and had enough money saved, you left your home. You told no one, except for your sister. She was sad to see you leave, but she understood why you did it, and wished you the best of luck. Even to this day, you hold some sort of loose contact to her.
Your parents however? You haven't heard a word from them since you've left. You weren't even sure if they've noticed your dissapearance, if they even remembered that they had an older child. But you were glad, you didn't want anything to do with them in the first place.
While listening to your story, Wanderer felt himself get more and more angry on your behalf. How dare they treat their own child in such a way? What kind of a parent would do such a thing?
He was gritting his teeth, clenching his fists. He wanted so bad to make them pay for what they did to you. But then he focused back on you, still in his arms, sobbing as you were telling him your story. No matter how much you reassured him that you were fine, it was still affecting you.
So instead, he focused and channeled his anger into the love and worry he had for you. He tightend his hold around you, planting a soft kiss to the top of your head. "I'm sorry you had to live through something like that. But that's all in the past. You're here now, with me. You've achieved so much for yourself and by yourself, so you can be proud of you. And I'll be by your side for each and every step in the future. I won't let something like this ever happen to you again. And if you ever want me to pay your parents a little visit... let me know."
That last statement brought him a small hit to his side, but he merely laughed it off.
You'd always be his number one. Forever and always..
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Having an Adeptus as your boyfriend, the Guardian of Liyue himself at that, you tried to spend as much time with him as you possibly could. For you, that meant spending ever second of your free time in or around Wangshu Inn, sometimes even spending the night there despite having your own living place.
Xiao appreciated this gesture of yours. You knew that he liked the Inn as his place of operation, and you didn't want to force him into spending time at your place, when he would only be anxious the entire time. So it was a compromise you were willing to make.
Today was a nice summer day. You were dressed in soft clothing, allowing the occaisonal gust of wind to cool your skin down as you were standing on the top balcony of the Wangshu Inn, observing the scenery before you. Xiao was currently out somewhere, so you had decided to wait for him here.
While you were observing, leaning your body against the railing, you suddenly felt the presence of someone behind you. Before you could turn around, a pair of arms came around from behind you, encircling your body as his hands found purchase on the railing, next to yours.
You immediately recognized him, a smile spreading as you felt his body leaning against yours, his soft lips pressing against your exposed shoulder.
"You should be more careful. I wouldn't want you to lean to far over and falling to your death.", he mumbled, staying close to you, searching for the physical contact.
You loved how openly he showed his love and affection to you when it was just the two of you, no one else around to witness this soft moment of his. "I'm sure you'd catch me before anything could happen to me.", you reply, intertwining your hand with his.
"And you'd be absolutely right."
You smile but don't say anything more as you stay with him like this, enjoying the way his body feels against yours. If only this moment could last forever...
But alas, it didn't last nearly as long as you'd want it to. Soon enough, you could hear some shouting from below, coming from the reception. You heard the Boss Lady, Verr, call after someone. "Sir, please! You can't just barge up there!"
But whoever that man was, he just ignored her as both you and Xiao could hear the heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. With one last look at each other, you break apart to an appropriate distance, figuring that whoever this was was probably here to seek the help of the Adeptus.
However, as the man arrived at the top balcony, your breath got caught in your throat as you recognized the man standing in front of you.
His eyes found yours, and you saw a glimpse of something wash over his face that you couldn't quite name. Xiao also noticed this, choosing to remain silent for now, but closely watching both of you. He may not know who this man was, but it was obvious to him that you recognized him.
"Dad?", you then asked, still hoping that this was just some bad dream you'd wake up from any second now.
"(Name)! I finally found you! You weren't at home, so I've been searching everywhere for you."
The man, your father, made a step towards you, but as soon as he did, you also took a step back. The motion didn't go unnoticed by Xiao. You were clearly uncomfortable with your father being here, so he was preparing to step in the second things threatened to go out of control.
"What do you want?", you ask him, not wanting to spend any more time in this mans presence than you absolutely have to.
"What, a father can't visit his child?", he asked, letting out a chuckle, but everyone present could tell how fake it sounded.
"Just tell me what you want already."
Your father threw you a glare, but relented nonetheless. "Fine then. Your mother and I were hoping for a bit of financial aid from you. Your sister wants to study at the Academiya of Sumeru, but we lack the money to help her with that. We heard that you were doing pretty good for yourself, so, naturally, you'd help out your family a bit. Right?"
The last word sounded almost threatening, like refusing would cause you serious consequences. You knew that tone in your fathers voice all too well, having been "disciplined" by him most of your life if you ever dared refuse him.
This entire situation was almost laughable to you. You haven't had contact with either your parents or your sister in years, since you finally left their home for good. And now, after years of silence, they suddenly remember you, only to come crawling and begging for money. Which they plan to spend on your sister.
As it always was. It's always been her over you.
"..No.", you say after a few seconds of silence. Hearing your answer, your fathers forced smile drops and he stares at you, like he couldn't believe the word that just left your mouth.
"What did you say?", he asked, his voice ice cold and you flinched a bit, hiding a bit behind Xiao as you were still scared of this man, but you refused to subject yourself to him again.
"I said No. I'm not giving you any money."
Your response was hanging in the air for a bit, when suddenly, anger started to show on your fathers face and he then began lunging towards you, one arm raised as if to slap you.
"You ungrateful, little-!", he yelled and was about to take a swing at you, when suddenly, within the blink of an eye, he was laying on the floor, face pushed onto the ground, with Xiao standing over him, restraining your fathers hands.
"You will not put your hands on them. I won't allow it."
Your father was cursing and screaming, trying to escape the hold Xiao had him in. But the more he struggled, the more force Xiao put into holding him down, which only worsened the curses thrown at the both of you.
Witnessing this, the reality of what would have happened to you if Xiao wasn't there with you sank in, and you felt your knees giving out, sinking to the floor as tears subconsciously began to run down your cheeks.
Noticing this, Xiao quickly reassed the situation as he leaned down to your father. "Leave. And don't you dare ever come back. If I see or hear you bothering them ever again, I won't be so mercyful next time."
Then, he let go of your father and rushed to your side, checking in on you. Your father cursed some more as he finally got to his feet again and quickly left the scene, and hopefully, your life as well.
You on the other hand, were a mess right now. Tears running down, you were sobbing as you held onto Xiao like your life depended on him. He let it happen, soothingly running a hand along your back as he just held you, letting you cry it all out.
After you've calmed down again, he just has to talk about what just happened. "I take it this happened more than once to you?", he asked softly, referencing the moment your father tried to lay hands on you.
You couldn't say the words, so you just nodded as a response. Xiao felt anger rising in his chest, but he held it under control focusing on you, since you needed him right now.
"What else has he done to you?"
And so, with shaky breath and lots of pauses in between, you tell him about all the abuse and the clear favouritism of your sister you've been going through your entire childhood, up until the day you ran away from them for good.
Xiao was in shock that parents could do such a thing to their own child. And even if he wanted to go out and make them pay for their actions, there's nothing he could do. He was bound by a contract to protect the people of Liyue. He couldn't harm them. But he could protect you..
So, he takes you in his arms again, holding you close to him as he softly speaks into your ear. "I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you. From now on, you won't have to worry about them any longer. I'll protect you. From them and any other harm that tries to make their way to you."
And you knew that he meant every word he said. You knew that you could trust Xiao with everything, most importantly your life, and he'd guard it as his most treasured possession. With him by your side, you finally felt safe for the first time in your life...
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Working as a Forest Ranger has always been a lifelong dream of yours. Doing so with the love of your life by your side was that dream actually coming true to you. Sometimes, you just stare at Tighnari, wondering what you did to get so lucky to have him as your partner. How you deserved him in the first place.
He always laughed a bit and softly reprimanded you, but he never did so with ill intent. When he did that, you could always see the genuine love he held for you in his eyes, clear as day.
When it came to your relationship, everything happened a bit slowly, as per Tighnari's request. Since his species only has one partner their entire life, he wants to make extra sure that this will work out.
You take your time with going on several dates, where he explains to you the basics of his kind, what to do and what not to do, with him and others of his kind. But nothing he told you ever scared you away from him. If anything, it made you fall for him even more.
Then came the day when he wanted you to meet his parents, before you were making things official with him. You were nervous to meet them, but luckily, his parents instantly took a liking to you, especially his mom. She was over the top with her sons choice in a partner and the both of them gave you two their blessings.
The day after, you finally made things official, telling everyone of your friends that you were dating, and everyone was congratulating you. Word also spread among the other Forest Rangers, and soon enough, you were also bombarded with congratulations from them, as well.
Life was going good, but there was one thing that Tighnari was still thinking about.
You've met his parents, but he's never once met yours. Matter of fact, you don't even talk about them all that much. He's asked you one or two questions about them, but he soon came to the conclusion that this wasn't a topic you were too fond to speak about.
He did ask you why that was, but when you only gave him vage answers and excuses, he dropped the topic, figuring that it wasn't too important anyways. The main issue was your relationship, not some outside opinion. He thought that you'd come around and tell him more once you felt ready to do so.
Unbeknownst to him, that day would arrive much sooner than he anticipated.
One day, as Tighnari was about to head out for one of his patrols, he noticed you standing at the entrance to Gandharva Ville that led to Sumeru City, talking to two figures he didn't recognize. He thought for a second before he decided to head over to see what was going on.
As he got closer, he began to pick up on some signs of distress coming from you, which already set him a bit off edge. Then, he picked up on the voices and realised that you were arguing with those two individuals. He didn't know what it was about, but that wasn't important.
".. you understand, (Name)? We only want the best for you, so-!"
"Excuse me. Is everything alright over here?", Tighnari interrupted the conversation, and as you turned around to him, he couldn't help but notice the relieved look on your face. He gave you a sympathetic look before turning back to the other two visitors, who looked upset at being interrupted so rudely.
"And who are you?", asked the man, while the woman nodded along with him. Before Tighnari could say anything, you were already at it.
"This is Tighnari, Leader of the Forest Rangers, and my boyfriend. Tighnari, those are my parents.", you said as you vaguely gestured with your hand between them.
Tighnari's eyes widened as he heard you introduce them. He cleared his throat before extending a hand to your parents. "It's nice to finally meet you."
However, instead of taking his hand, your father simply ignored him, while your mother looked at him for a second, before scoffing and focusing back on you. "Seriously, (Name)? You got involved with someone like him? You could do so much better for yourself.", your mother said, looking at Tighnari with disgust, specifically at his more animalistic features.
"..Excuse me?", Tighnari asked again, retracting his hand. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. When he looked back to you, he saw you gritting your teeth, yet when you spoke again, he heard the strain in your voice as you tried to remain polite with your parents.
"Like I already said, I'm happy with my life here. I'm happy with Tighnari. Nothing you do or say can change my mind about it."
"Quit being stupid already, (Name)! Now that your sister isn't taking over the family business anymore, we need you to come back and take over. We also found a suitable marriage candidate for you. If you would just-!"
"I said No!", you interrupted them again, this time however, all the politeness has left your tone.
"I know you only never bothered me about coming back till now, because you were betting on my sister to take over. You'd never force her to do the things you want her to do, but doing it to me is fine for you?
I'm done with that. I have my life here, doing what I always wanted to do, with the love of my life with me." To undermine your words, you stand next to Tighnari and take his hand in yours. The action fills him with pride, as well as the fact that you're standing up for him to your parents.
"So, you can either accept that fact, support me and still be a part of my life. Or, you can leave, and never bother any of us again."
You finish your little speech, your mother gasping at your words, but your father quickly takes her and ushers her away, leading them back to the city.
As the two walked away, you let out a deep breath, relief washing over you as they walked away. You were still holding onto Tighnari's hand when he spoke up again. "I take it that was why you didn't want me to meet them, am I right?"
"I'm so sorry about that. I know I should have told you, but I never wanted you to have to go through that. I already don't have a very good relationship with them, and I didn't want it to affect you, as well."
Hearing that, Tighnari smiled as he turned towards you to take you in his arms. "Thank you", he whispered into yours ear.
You nodded against him. You'd always stand up to your parents again, without another thought, if it meant you were doing it for him...
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forgeofthenine · 7 months
So I learned somthing very interesting, its possible for humans to become tieflings through either some kind of infernal/magic stuff or a resurrection spell. Lets say human partner did so via magic spell gone wrong and is now a tiefling. How would Zevlor and Dammon feel about their partner now being a tiefling? Would they teach their parnter what it means to be a tiefling?
I love, love, love this prompt. I was looking forward to writing it and definitely got a few ideas in my head when I saw it come in. I hope you don't mind that I added Rolan!
There is a small amount of angst in here but there is comfort!
The bachelors when their partner accidentally becomes a tiefling
Drops whatever he's holding when he sees you
He has to blink a few times to believe what he's seeing
Doesn't even speak as he comes up to brush his hands over your horns, not quite knowing if they're real at first
Once you being a tiefling settles in for Dammon it's one of the few times you'll see him genuinely angry
Not at you specifically, but he's angry about what happened
Please leave him to work his thoughts out in his forge for a couple hours
Once he's calmed down and ready to hear what exactly happened, his things get set down and he finally trudges inside to you
He'll wrap you up in his arms and rest his head on yours as you explain, pressing little kisses to the top of your head every so often
Dammon really doesn't want you to worry too much or for him to make you think he loves you any less now and he tells you as much
It takes some adjustment for him, but in time he actually comes to like your new features
He loves seeing tiefling instincts instill themselves in you, the way you wag your tail like a child, or how your ears twitch when you feel a strong emotion
Takes advantage of how sensitive your tail is take that how you will
It ends up becoming a bit endearing to Dammon despite his initial feelings
I'm sorry but this man is about to cry
After seeing and experiencing the persecution of his people having you now about to experience that puts him through so much pain
Please just hold him when you talk about it, at least just hold his hands as you talk him through it
He's so quiet as you tell him, and he listens so attentively to everything you say
Zevlor has never held you tighter than he did your first night as a tiefling
He just wants to protect you
Expect him to later ask that you either find a magic teacher or stop practicing magic outright
It takes him the longest to get used to, it's a very rough adjustment for him at first
Once he does, expect him to wrap his tail around yours all the time
Anything to feel close to you
Zevlor is also so helpful when you have questions about your new anatomy, even if you interrupt his work to ask things
He loves sharing with you what being a tiefling means
Another situation that he screams
This man is shocked
Absolute freak out on his part
I'm not even joking when I say that you need to sit him down and actually calm him yourself
Rolan is silently fuming the entire time you tell him what happened
Similarly to Dammon, he is so angry at the situation though he's upset with you to start with too
Definitely asks why you didn't come to him for help
He feels so bad that he wasn't there for you, wonders if he's actually enough for you
You'll find Rolan in his study late that night, looking over every book he has about the subject that could help him turn you back
Lure him back to bed with kisses and promises of you holding him
Just about pulls out his hair trying to find a fix for the situation, and he never quite gives up
Once Rolan adjusts to everything he's actually very open to teasing you
Taunts you if you knock your horns against his while leaning your heads together, laughs when you ask for help putting on pants because your tail won't cooperate
He likes to kiss along the ridges on your back whenever he has you shirtless
These days, Rolan always sleeps better when your tail wraps around him and keeps him beside you
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wri0thesley · 1 year
Yandere childe would go crazy for a chubby darling! Like not just for honree but also because what else is the image of domesticity than coming home to his plump and chubby partner. I feel like he’d definitely enjoy squishing his parnter’s thighs, any excuse he can get he’ll make them sit on his face. Ngl I am just stuck thinking about this man eating out his parktas they’re in the middle of cooking. Nothing turns him on like his partner existing. Honestly I’d be his little breeding cumdump, I’d be in the kitchen makin him warm meals and greeting him at the door. My breeding kink is simply to powerful for me to resist this man I will give in SO easily
i don't even think childe has to be yandere to go insane over a soft chubby partner. i think his eyes wander to anyone soft and curvy and squishable (and fuckable--), almost all of the time. oh, when he has an actual partner, he's devoted - but he's also insatiable, so good luck trying to get anything done!
don't try and squeal and slap at his arms when he manhandles you onto his face. don't say 'ajax, i'm heavy, i'll hurt you!' - that's a challenge in his eyes, and he'll prove he can take your full weight and then some by keeping you sat on his face until you're trembling and boneless and soaking his face in your arousal and begging him to let you lie down, you just need a moment--
and yeah. breeding kink a mile wide. he wants you everywhere and all of the time. making dinner? cleaning? just sitting there? reading a book, watering a houseplant? well, for one thing, he loves all of that domestic stuff and wants to help you - but right after he's fucked you full of his come, okay?
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Anakin kink headcannon
Here is my veiw on Anakin's kinks. This one was fun. He is a sick little puppy, i love him so much 🥲🥲
Warnings: smut takl, kink talk (tried to make this more gender neutral please tell me if i failed miserably)
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Anakin is a precious boi. Confusing. But precious.
It takes alot to fully understand anakin as a parnter. Sure he is cocky, playfull protective and pretty scary when his temper is aroused.
But in the bed room he is pretty needy and sweet, oh so easy to break.
If we are honest he becomes a feral little whore.
Mommy/daddy kink. Thats it. Thats the elephant in the room. Despite being the chosen hero without fear he is desperate to find that one partner who will let him be the apple of their eye.
And who also takes care of him, and is stern enough to stop him from thinking too hard. He needs to have the weight lifted from his shoulders sometimes? You know?
Needs to be needed. In all aspects of life he lives to serve, he needs to be wanted and appreciated. Rewarded even.
Definitely a chest man, whether his partner is male or femal theres something about titties.
He isnt even too sure himself. He loves to lay on them, snuggling up into your chest leaving kisses on them listening to your heartbeat below.
Yes, he is a sucker for titties and sucks the titties more often than not.
To rial him up all you gotta do is show some chest and give him a stern look and he is ready freddy!
Praise kink for days! DAYS! Tell him he's a good boy and 'making mommy/daddy so proud' and he will be putty in your hands.
Also filthy. He has a knack for lacing his pleading with dirty talk. Like the nastiest shit
Some of which even makes you blush. He wants to be your filthy little whore, to have his hair pulled and face slapped. 'Use me' is on of his favourite things to moan in your ear. And obviously you ablige itxd be rude not to~
He has asked to be spat on.
But its not all scratces and sobbing, oh no he also enjoys the way you litter his face with sweet kisses and shower him with affection afterwards.
The chosen one is obsessed with making his partner cum, he lives for it! The need to please and receive his partners approval drives him.
But sometimes he is a little too eager. There has been times where he tries so hard to be the bestest boy and forces you across the finish line one time too many.
Youd be laying their in a daze tasting colours after being forced into multiple orgasms;during which you were unable to speak to order him to stop.
He'd become the most attentive he's ever been, scurrying about the room collecting anything and everything he could think of to help you relax. Juice, datapad, blankets pillows.
Fuck he'd even fetch some body lotion and start trying to coax you into having a massage from him.
He will do anything and everything because he is just that type of partner.
He has and ingrained need to earn approval and praise from everyone he holds dear to him, and if you start feeding that need in the bed room? Well congratulations you just earned yourself a jedi general for the forseeable future.
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yakuzacanons · 12 days
Hello! A smutty Ishin! request please! First time with a virgin s/o (or just first time together) for Nagakura Shinpachi, Todo Heisuke and Inoue Genzaburo 😚 Thank you!
Biiiiiig stretch, Ishin time babey. I love Ishin so much, genuinely it lives in my heart rent free.
Nagakura Shinpachi
He's already aware that he's a tank of a man so generally speaking he tries his best to have a more delicate touch with any romantic or sexual parnters. However, upon finding out you're a virgin, he may as well be acting as if he's trying to carry a dozen eggs with his bare hands.
Genuinely one of the best guys to have for your first time, if I'm being honest. He's experienced enough to know what he's doing and can take the lead if you want him to. Will start you off at a slow pace and will always check in with you to make sure you're doing alright.
Even if you're not a virgin and it's just your first time together, he'll still hold back a LOT. He can be quite a bruiser if he goes full throttle and he wants the first time with you to be a good one, especially for you.
He's got this funny thing with lesser experienced partners where he develops this daddy-esque persona, even though he typically doesn't do that. Tons of "That's my girl/boy" or "Good girl/boy..." from him.
Todo Heisuke
Being one of the younger captains, he's pretty spry. More adventurous and a tease than most of his peers. However, his younger age does mean he's somewhat less experienced in comparison to say Genzaburo.
He gets pretty handsy if he knows his partner is a virgin. Lots of carresses and guiding you with his hands. It's surprisingly intimate.
If it's just the first time you two are together, he won't baby you as much and that more aggressive teasing side of him comes out. He tends to be cockier with partners that he knows have some kind of experience, in a literal and metaphorical sense.
Out of the 3, he's the best with aftercare. Also the least likely to fall asleep quickly after sex.
Inoue Genzaburo
The most experienced of the three, even if only due to his older age. At the same time, he's actually a little hesistant to be with someone who's a virgin because he thinks it may be better for them to be with someone closer to their age. It's also just a self esteem thing for sure.
Good at getting a read on his partners, which results in him not being very talkative. Definitely not a tease, like Todo. He has a general commanding aura that just kind of sweeps you off your feet.
Even if you have had some experience, he's still one of the more gentle of the three. His biggest plus is he's definitely the most sensual of the three. You might not get a pounding like you would from Nagakura but you'll definitely be rolling your eyes back in pleasure.
After his first time with a partner, he'll stay awake until you fall asleep. He's not really sure why he does that, actually. Something something his protective nature and all that. It's kind of sweet to imagine the scarred swordsman watching out for you.
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whole-circus · 11 months
hiii!! ^_^ this is my first time requezting i hope it iz ok!
could you maybe do jeff or/and liu with a scene reader? feel free to take a look at pinterest for it, i am a scene boy myself so id really enjoy reading it! theyre basically a 2009 babe honestly, like rainbow hair strands, cool and revealing outfits, they just really love the scene music and style! theyre really cool both looks and personality.
thank u sm, gn reader would be okay! take care :3
Jeff the Killer and Homicidal Liu x gn. scene reader!
➥ Hi and thank you love! Its perfectly fine!<3 Have amazing day/night :3
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☆ Jeff the Killer
Okay, Im this kind of Jeff enjoyer who strongly believes that he was emo or maybe even still is? So..good for you both I guess? (Im drooling at the thought of it). And well, becasue of that there is a really high chance that you have similar music taste! And if not (yet)? Just show him one of your favorite bands/songs and I assure you he would listen to it 25/8 - but be careful, he might be ass and pretend like he doesnt like it (he absolutely loves it). Also! He will be your guy if you are into raves. Jeff doesn't look like person who likes having fun in this way, but suprise! He is pretty fun at events like that! If you wanna dye your hair? Jeff would love to help you with that, but dont be suprised when everything will end up dyed instead - and I mean everything.
☆ Homicidal Liu
Oh my, you are..a lot! But in a good good way! There is many things too look at when it comes to your appearance, bu Liu doesn't complain! He loves you so much..you are so fun to be around. And hear me out - he would let you do makeover! Give him some badass outfit, style his hair, do his make up and he will end up all giggly! Like come on, he would enjoy doing everything with his parnter and he will definitely enjoy it! If you make kandi bracelets or items, please teach him! Liu love all this arts and crafts, and he would gladly spend his time with you like this. And if you can't? You and Liu could learn together if you want and find it cool! He would also love to spoil you when it comes to shopping. You see something you like? He gets it for you!
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