#loki's route
pparkerized · 8 months
the scene where loki and mobius narrowly escape death together, wrapped in each others arms was SO gay. but of course they had to ruin it with loki immediately bringing up sylvie afterwards.
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lokiusly · 2 months
delulu hours: if lokius were to be the steggy of this multiverse saga, what would be THE song that plays at the end?
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unityrain24 · 1 month
love love the idea that loki feels like such a failure and the fact that he isn't dead is even further proof he's a failure. it just cements the feeling into a fact into his brain. he's a failure at everything, even death. he can't do anything right, not even fucking suicide
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To be clear this is not a prediction of a queer romance in the show because I'd never put my hope in a Disney/Marvel production like that but.
I don't know whether to side-eye Loki S2 or myself for the fact that my genuine read on it four episodes in is that the natural culmination is Loki having to choose between Mobius and Sylvie. And choosing Mobius
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kiestrokes · 9 months
Look Biker Hwa doesn't even have to be a whole fic. Build the world just for me to live in it. You can ask @minisugakoobies! I'm mentally homeless and constantly running away from my problems. Let me squat in your brain.
Luce I hate that you’re finding out like this, but you’re already in my brain. Let me just turn on the fairy lights ✨
@chans-room -knocks on the drift room- lets go bestie, you too!
Let me just grab you three a blanket, and tuck y'all in for story time -pulls up wip-
Brothers Biker Bestie!Hwa (tentatively named Halazia): “Okay, let's go.” Seonghwa stands, letting you slide down his firm thighs until your feet hit the floor of the motorcycle trailer.
“Where?” Sol shakes her head, in attempt to clear the smoke from the fires that Seonghwa had started there.
“To the apartment, I’m not going to fuck you in the trailer. Not yet anyway,” he adds with a smirk.
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khaivin · 7 months
jokes aside, i teared up when loki understood why he wanted the tva back. i felt so happy for him when ob pulled the pens together and called everyone loki's friends. even though i have some things to say about the show there are a few moments (few and far between tbh) that shows us that loki has really grown as a person and has learned to be vulnerable and open. he has friends, and he misses them, and wants everything to go back to how it was, to spend time with people that gets him. i really want the show to end with him finding a place for himself, a place that gives him satisfaction and happiness, even if they go towards the route of establishing the tva as it was and they give him a brief moment before he's pruned for the sacred timeline to be maintained.
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highfantasy-soul · 7 months
On the one hand, I love weekly drops for episodes because you get time to sit with each section of the story and really dig into it.
On the other hand, some people don't quite understand that characters can say/believe something at the beginning of the series and then - gasp - grow and change through the episodes so that by the end, they don't believe that thing anymore!
Also, what a character believes isn't necessarily the 'message' the writers are pushing - the character could have a flawed world view that turns out to be in need of change.
Anyways, apropos of nothing, Loki s2e4 was great, huh? Nice little debate about philosophy between two characters - neither of which has the 100% right idea at the moment and events might transpire to get one or both of them to alter their 'goals'.
Almost like media isn't there to be a guide to life you need to follow word for word but rather an exploration of fantastical problems and how flawed characters deal with it through their own, limited frame of reference
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muggle-born-princess · 9 months
MK1!Kitana: "I must protect my sister, Mileena."
Me: "So, are we finally getting a Mileena redemption?"
I haven't watched all of the trailers, so please don't think Kitana actually said that. I am basically going by what their bios are saying. I apologize if anyone thinks that Kitana said that at one point.
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misty-moth · 4 months
I pulled a kitty this morning ≽^♡⩊♡^≼
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lokiinmediasideblog · 2 months
Watched the Joker 2 trailer and was reminded that Joaquin Phoenix's Joker and Tom Hiddleston's Loki look so much alike.
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bicayaya · 2 months
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great way to start the morning, lol. their reactions are so funny to me for some reason
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gaiabloom · 2 years
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it's like orv but worse
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p4nishers · 7 months
I think this is the first time Balder's ever been mentioned? But it was definitely also a Thing in the comics- he was one of Thor's closest allies and most beloved friends before Loki killed him, and often shows up alongside Sif and the Warriors Three. I imagine the movies didn't include Odin's children beyond Thor and Loki so as not to complicate things, but a retcon to them having a brother who Loki killed before the events of the first Thor movie might work.
yeah you're right that would make sense i would love it if they took it further tho bc that story is genuinely one of my favorite norse myths ever and i think it would add even more to loki's character to have them kill someone purely out of jealousy. i really would like a mention of him again i'm so fucking curious on where they would take his and loki's story bc in mythology loki is ODIN'S blood sibling (weird af, right?) so they're technically an uncle of some kind to balder, but in the mcu since loki is thor's (albeit adopted but all the same) sibling it would make them also siblings with balder and for loki to kill their brother is just like such an intriguing thing to think about and i want to know how they would incorporate balder's murder in loki's story SO BAD
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lightneverfades · 2 years
LOKI Theme | EPIC VIKING VERSION (feat. Ezio's Family) [Danheim Style]
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the-mjolnir-owner · 8 months
Does Loki need you more than you need him?
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“I’d say we need each other equally.”
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