#loki rant?
masonjarart · 7 months
Loki season 2 airing at the same time as some of my favorite queer shows is making me feel so weird. Like bbc ghosts and omfd treat their characters with such love that dispite the tragicness of parts of their story it's not happening because their queer and we know they'll have (or do have) happy endings that they are loved in side their stories and by the people making them it's so beautiful to see. And then there's Loki which I want to love I want to love that show so badly I adored that character when I was younger i (probably delusionally) was looking forward to the first season thinking they'd explore more of Loki's gender fluidity cause as a trans person that would guininely mean so much now seeing the second season coming out it just makes me long for what their story could have been it just could be so much more you know?
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theorderofthetriad · 2 years
anyways... here's why i think Loki and Matt Murdock should be each other's narrative foil(romantic):
• Loki- famously known liar, Matt Murdock- able to tell when people are lying
• Both wear helmets with horns on them, but Matt's are small and practical and Loki's are large and gaudy.
• Matt Murdock- Practicing Irish Catholic, Loki- Norse "God" of Mischief
• Loki- Presents himself as selfish and self preserving, Matt Murdock- Presents himself as selfless and self sacrificing
• Loki- Will flee if he knows he's gonna get his ass kicked for no gain, Matt Murdock- Knows he's gonna get his ass kicked for no gain and does it anyway
• They simply seem like prime material for a "We vehemently dislike each other up until we (whoops!) realize we love each other so much we can't live without the other" type romance that I am always obsessed over.
• Thor would enjoy it, and, frankly, he deserves the entertainment.
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hammerings · 6 months
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loki fans having it rough these days so can i offer you something cute: ponytail loki
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blazethecheeto · 6 months
do the loki writers know what they've done for fanfic writers.
they gave us CENTURIES of off screen bonding with loki and the gang. my brain is already going wild with the possibilities BECAUSE LITERALLY ANYTHING COULD HAVE HAPPENED IN THOSE CENTURIES EXCUSE ME????
i need fics, now.
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cleabellanov · 4 months
"But Lokius isn't even canon! Stop making everything gay!"
The Loki series isn't just about romantic relationships and shouldn't be seen as so. However, there is a lot of subtext. Maybe this ship is not canon, but it was intended to be seen as so by the fans.
If Lokius isn't canon, then why were the last two shots of the series showing Mobius and Loki?
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If Lokius isn't canon, why would there be so much touching and scenes so physically close to one another? (believe me I know they're friends. that just offers a solid base for something more)
If Lokius isn't canon, why is there an OFFICIAL track named like that?
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Why is said track played or incorporated in different scenes of the series? like
-the first McDonalds meeting with Sylvie,
-the back-in-time conversation with Kang
- the ASCENSION to the throne?
Why is the Sylvie and Loki kiss never mentioned, by the producers, in the series per se, or even in the season 1 recap?
Why is Mobius the only one looking at Loki when he leaves down to the temporal loom?
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And the other way around, why did Loki only make eye contact with Mobius in that scene?
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Why is Mobius the only one to notice there is something wrong when Loki is still trying to fix the Loom?
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Why did Mobius/Don on the original timeline, mention he's single, trust a complete stranger, invite him for a drink, AND offer to sell him a quite personal jet-ski?
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Why did Loki, the LITERAL GOD OF MISCHIEF stutter and fix his hair and coat for no one else but Mobius (who by the way is just a jetski salesman on that timeline)?
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Why is the timeslipping Loki had to go through directed to Mobius twice, him being the the only one he doesn't need a TemPad to "recruit"?
Why would Loki bring up Thor and Jane if it wasn't to mirror him and Mobius? (because, as he already was talking to Sylvie, he certainly wasn't implying it's about her. They were arguing, AND Mobius was implied in the conversation. Loki defended him in front of Sylvie, in case you forgot.)
Why would Mobius's voice be the one to echo back to Loki on his throne? let time pass time pass time pass
Why the RAINBOW?
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WHY DID LOKI LOOK AT MOBIUS RIGHT BEFORE THE FAMOUS LINE "IT'S ABOUT WHO"? (important mention: Sylvie was behind him when he said that. why didn't he just turn around when saying it? nope, they know what they're doing)
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Why is the shot cut to Mobi after Loki's "it was more about what I wanted" line?
Why the shot where 7 characters could've been showed (Mobius, Loki, Sylvie, B-15, Casey, O.B., Victor Timely) there are only 2: Mobius and Loki?
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Why is Mobius the only one to tell Loki he can be someone good, and the first one Loki actually believes despite his tendency to do the other way around in the past?
Why does Mobius finally find insight, and reinvent his whole life at the TVA because Loki helped him do so? (they're not even the first Loki variant he faced, but something clicked this time)
Why does the bloody sleeve, representing Loki being hurt by Sylvie just because he "wore his heart on his sleeve" disappear on episode 2? (because he finally understands who he needs to be next to)
Why did Mobius risk his life on the first episode?
Why did Loki go to past Mobius for the final advice, not to the present one, not to Sylvie?
Why did Loki ultimately sacrifice his life for the ones he loves?
And why is Mobius left alone, with the door locked, after Loki leaves in the Loom's radiation?
Why would there be so much endearing looks, and smiles at each other, if not for a conscious acting choice?
Why why why why why if it isn't canon?
Nothing is for nothing. Especially in television, where everything counts from the light to the angles and the way the lines are spoken.
We don't need to see two characters kiss to know they are made for one another. In fact, I think implied canon is so much better for now, because it leaves free interpretation for the fans, and nothing to strike on for the haters.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact that the ending is still tragic, although it holds its sweet from bittersweet. But remember: there aren't tragedies without love.
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holdfastperseus · 6 months
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Maybe loki will finally figure out a way to get his ass up from that tree and come back idk.
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grimalkinmessor · 2 months
I LOVE me some characters who lie. Little lying liars, fibbers, untruthers. The biggest liars on the planet. It's in their blood, in their soul, they'll lie about anything from what they had for breakfast to what they feel about the death of a loved one. They'll lie to anyone and everyone. They'll lie the most to themselves. They'll lie because it's all they know how to do, all they've ever done. And when they tell the truth it's only to ever further the reach of the untruths they've already sown. And they lie the worst when they want to be believed. When they want someone to figure out the truth. Because they can't tell it to you themselves. Riddle-makers; you'll have to find the answer yourself. You've got to be crafty enough to find it.
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demonsandpieohmy · 7 months
Tom Hiddleston saw the jokes about Loki’s hair flips in the first season and decided to just go apeshit bananas this time around
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strawberrywinter4 · 2 months
Oh, nothing.
Just thinking about Loki finally finding comfort in Mobius’s arms.
Just thinking about the way if Loki were to discard his responsibilities of being the God of Stories and he and Mobius could just be with each other.
Just thinking of the way Mobius would comfort Loki, would repeat in whispers, “I know, honey, I know,” as Loki would grapple onto him for unneeded leverage when finally reuniting with him, when finally realizing that maybe he could live the life he desires without conflict with the man he loves.
Their kiss would be so passionate, both of them trying to grasp onto the thought that they’re with each other.
I feel like Loki would shed tears, definitely. All the burden of glorious purpose that was previously weighed on his shoulders now dissipating slowly as Mobius holds him closely, securely.
It would be an overwhelming moment that Loki wouldn’t know how to take it in. But Mobius would be there, shushing him softly, because he knows, he knows.
Yeah… just thinking how Mobius is such a significant asset to Loki’s character.
Thank you for coming to my rant.
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riririnnnn · 2 months
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*picks up Loki*
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My sweet summerchild.
Now rest of you, come here.
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I'm about to change the trajectories of your lives forever and no, I'm not talking about soccer.
I'm not a therapist or a psychologist, but I'm sure 99% of my problems will fix themselves if Noa and Chris just squished me between their tiddies.
Like, come on man, please!
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Just watch me eat up Blue Lock's electricity budget as Ego uses his electrocution gun on me while I trespass the building to bend the laws of universe to make Lavinho and Snuffy pregnant.
I'm deeply embarrassed.
I'm sorry.
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lemonwisp · 4 months
Me in English today when my teacher says form and function (it was about sonnets)
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Loki’s sacrifice wasn’t for any one person
I’m just about finished seeing people say “Loki sacrificed his own happiness so Sylvie could be happy!!!” bitch no
lemme tell you why that’s bullshit
Loki saw that if he didn’t do what he did, then the entire fucking multiverse would die
unimaginable amounts of people, unimaginable amounts of branches, all gone. Dead. Outtie 5000.
when he said “I know what kind of god I need to be” he didn’t just look at Sylvie and go “for you”
he looked at both Sylvie AND Mobius, then followed it up with “for all of us” so we all know he wasn’t saying that he was doing it for just one of them
then in the aftermath, as I’m sure Loki can see from their throne, Sylvie is happier than ever. She didn’t want Loki in the first place, and was constantly trying to get away from him. That’s reason enough to say he didn’t do it for her, and isn’t continuing to do it for her, because she doesn’t even care that he’s suffering.
Y’all know I’m a Lokius shipper, but I don’t even think Loki did it for him, either.
Mobius is suffering because he feels alone without Loki, and is afraid that Loki, too, feels alone. So again, Loki isn’t doing it for him, or continuing to do it for him. It aches to see his friend (and possibly lover) aching the way he does.
this isn’t about fucking romance. This is about saving the multiverse and protecting those they hold dear, even from far away.
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p4nishers · 6 months
loki really said he BELONGS with mobius. im dead on the floor
no but actually can we talk about that. like the choice to not only exclusively show lokius' conversation when they cut the others short (in other words, shifting the focus COMPLETELY onto mobius, bc even with sylvie, it wasn't about her or trying to get her back. we only fully saw loki's devotion to mobius and that is. sickening .) but then they make loki have this whole conversation with sylvie (which i absolutely adored btw such a brilliant scene in a every way) with no romantic underlying tones from them, not even talk about them as a couple but the first thing they do in the scene is argue about MOBIUS. like. what. and sylvie leds loki to admit that they dont want to be alone and they dont know where they belong with their friends back on time line, WHEN JUST A MOMENT BEFORE THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT MOBIUS BEING BACK ON THE TIMELINE AND LOKI SELFISHLY WANTING TO GIVE HIM THE CHOICE TO CHOOSE. like they really genuinely said they dont belong without mobius and actually can we talk about THAT for a second?? how their whole life, they felt like they didn't belong. they were in thor's and odin's shadow, living in a place that never truly accepted them. and then they get brought to the tva, where they are SUPPOSED to be pruned but are saved by mobius. just the fucking subtext of that ALONE. but then u think about the fact that no one outside mobius really wanted loki there and u have to sit down for a minute bc mobius made them feel like they belong for the first fucking time ever. like. oh my god. mobius loves them to the point of BEING someone to belong to. im flatlining.
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blazethecheeto · 6 months
you know what i loved about the finale?
all this talk about sylki vs lokius, and everyone fighting over betting which one will be canon-
when in the end, this show was never about romance. it was about love, but it was never about romance. it was always about loki learning to heal and to be loved, and sacrifice, and hope, and a bunch of cool sci-fi shit!! it was about him not wanting to be alone.
(but ultimately in the end, he has to be)
when loki turns to sylvie and mobius, they desperately try to open the door to stop him, because of course it's them who see him for the last time. it was always them. he says 'for you' because they were the two most important people to him this entire series.
when i went to look at people's thoughts on that scene, i just saw everyone arguing like HELL about who loki meant, hating on each other's ships, being devastated lokius wasn't canon (same, but in the good angsty way, not in the we hate the writers for doing this) etc.
guys! that wasn't the point of the scene! he loves them both, he was saying it to both of them. he didn't want to kill sylvie, and he couldn't watch mobius die again.
season 2 has exceeded season 1 for me in so many ways, but especially because of the scrapping of romance. it's been incredible to see these relationships become vague and blurry, the line between friendship and love and romance completely up to the viewers. it's been heaven for me, who ships both sylki and lokius.
anyways the finale was amazing, this show is amazing, and this season was amazing. i really really hope there's a third season or that they show up in other marvel projects IMMEDIATELY.
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gloriousburden · 3 months
people getting mad and offended at the fact that some of us don’t like loki’s characterization post tdw (aka we dislike ragnarok/iw) like ok you literally approve of loki constantly being made fun of, not being taken seriously, and not having anything he’s been through the past however many years being elaborated on… as well as him making jokes (during a play he supposedly wrote) about his jotun heritage when he was literally deeply ashamed of it, and when asgard is very discriminatory to frost giants… none of us really care to hear of your thoughts on loki in the first place if you approve of that bullshit and think any of it makes any fucking sense
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andy-888 · 7 months
Going through twt ep3 screenshots i thought... Do yall realize that Loki and Mobius went through lots of attractions so Loki probably listened to Mobius history facts rant and didn't said a word just 2 episodes after X-05 told him he didn't care about his 1 little JetSki fact? Loki even tasted a Terran food for him bc Mobius was so excited. I'm in tears
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