#liz forbes' best season is one
philtatosbuck · 11 months
in your opinion, what's the best season for each mfg character?
glad you added the in your opinion part because i have wild opinions concerning mfg apparently. and i'm taking this to mean ONLY tvd seasons not legacies
off rip elena's best season to me was season two (an argument could be made for season three but i do like her attitude in season two best) because imo it's the season where she's trying her best to actually take control of something to do with her own life (does she succeed? not without loss)
bonnie's best season for me is season two also (i'm biased towards the first three seasons for her as well) but i can hear arguments for season three and SOME of season four
caroline's best season is EARLY season three because she loses just about all usefulness and solid characterization (what little she had to begin with) after that (otherwise it's season two i guess but idrc about her in season two)
stefan's best season is probably season three actually. i liked when he was a bitch idk
damon does not have a best season that motherfucker is annoying for all eight but the one he was most tolerable in is season one solely because he was meant to be an antagonist and he served that purpose well. in the following seasons it was set up that he wasn't an antagonist anymore but still did antagonistic shit So. pass
tyler <3 light of my life <3 he was a continuous serve after season one idk. season two was great season three was a win season four treated him like shit but he was still doing so well. i guess season five fucking sucks for him. season six came in clutch though and then it fucking tapered off until they had him killed AGAIN in season eight. final answer season three i fucking guess
matt probably season four (i don't actually remember a whole lot of what's happening in season four for matt i just know mattbekah happened)
enzo's best season was season six for me no offense to season 7 & 8 enzo but i tapped out by then
alaric's best season is hands fucking down season two
jeremy's best season is season four. the curse and hunter shit was stupid but at least he got to kill people i guess :/
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The F.A.L.L. List - August 22 - November 22
May I present: the FALL list! FALL is my latest seasonal booklist, short for Financial And Life-skills Literacy, which delightfully forms an acronym that matches the season! I really wanted to focus on developing my Being a Better Adult Skills this fall, so I made this short list to help keep me motivated on my quest! All of these were chosen because, according to reviews, recommendations from friends, and pre-existing booklists, they offer some tidbits of wisdom or advice on how to be a better adult (or human!).
Take Care of Your Type: An Enneagram Guide to Self Care by Christina S. Wilcox
Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World by Niall Ferguson
The Best Investment Advice I Ever Received: Priceless Wisdom from Warren Buffett, Jim Cramer, Suze Orman, Steve Forbes, and Dozens of Other Top Financial Experts by Liz Claman
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo
Grit: The Power of Passion by Angela Duckworth
Becoming Better Grownups: Rediscovering What Matters and Remembering How to Fly by Brad Montague
Books in orange font are those that I’ve already read during the challenge period (I started on August 22), and books in purple are ones I’m currently reading. I’m a bit late in posting this, but I’m closing it out on November 22nd, so I wanted to share while I still have a bit of time left with the list!
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Considering you’ve watched vampire diaries what are your thoughts on Damon? Is he redeemable or just a psychotic rapist through and through?
(Let it be known: I stopped watching in early season 4, and remember none of it. I’m a TVD seasons 1-3 gal only.)
To say a person is irredeemable is to say they are beyond saving, which I refuse to believe. So, no, I don’t think anybody is irredeemable, Damon Salvatore included.
That’s not to say I think he’s an especially good person.
When we’re introduced to him in season 1, he’s the bad boy but not actually so bad that he’ll scare away the fangirls type of guy. He rapes, abuses, and feeds from seventeen-year-old Caroline Forbes, I’m not sure about the timeframe but he kept this up for at least a couple of weeks. 
Now, one can argue he had his humanity turned off at the time, so these actions don’t represent him, but- well, I have doubts about that humanity switch, for starters, suffice to say I hate it, but more importantly, Damon never shows even a lick of regret for his actions. Caroline is best friends with the girl he claims to love, for better or worse she becomes part of his friend circle, and yet Damon never shows even a hint of remorse for what he did. He never even brings it up.
To the contrary, he repeats the exercise in season 2, when he supposedly has his humanity turned back on (I honestly forget, there was so much back and forth with that ridiculous switch). He puts Andie Star through the exact same ordeal of being his sex and blood provider. Only, with Andie it’s painted in a softer, totally not abusive light, because he makes her be his therapist as well and treats her like a girlfriend. A very obedient girlfriend who can’t ever say “no”, but it’s better than what Caroline got so hey! More damningly, Damon doesn’t seem to realize what he’s doing to Andie is bad.
Andie then gets fridged so Damon can have manpain, which... I have no words. None.
Point being, while all the characters in The Vampire Diaries become more or less remorseless killers as the seasons go by (the murder of Finn comes to mind), Damon stands out in that he on a very fundamental level does not show basic human empathy towards others, Stefan excepted. There’s his obsession with Katherine, and later Elena, which isn’t love so much as this stunted manchild being unable to recognize affection for others and ascribing it to epic romantic love. There��s his friendships with Alaric and Liz, but if Alaric had been a woman I guarantee you Damon would have banged it out with him, they wouldn’t have hit the friend stage. As for Liz - Damon, you raped her daughter. The fact that he is then shamelessly able to associate with her mother, to gain her trust and make her think he’s a friend, is... I’ve no doubt that Damon was sincere, that he cared for Liz, but this says so much about his casual disregard for others. He doesn’t understand, or he’s too selfish to acknowledge, that he has does not deserve this woman’s high regard.
This is really a nutshell of a meta, but the point I’m trying to get across is that Damon seems fundamentally incapable of some basic empathy. He’s not evil, rather I’d say he’s deeply messed up.
I’d say get the guy a shrink, except he’d kill the shrink. Rape her first if she’s a lady shrink, but still kill her.
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC readers,
We have decided to create a list of KC stories that were updated during the week which we plan to share every Friday. This is one of the ways we plan to promote different KC authors and stories in our community. 
For our first weekly releases, we have collected stories on FFN and AO3 that were updated during the week of April 16 - April 10! We hope you enjoy the new stories.
Happy reading!
He's got you mesmerised (while i die)
Author: klavscaroline
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: You gave him your sweater, it's just polyester. But you like him better a.k.a. unrequited carolijah (high school au)
Date of update: April 10 2021
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (chapter 20)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. Hope you enjoy it. All feedback is more than welcome. Good or bad.
Date of update: April 10 2021
Black Roses (Chapter 29)
Author: xKlaroStylesx  
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Vampires, witches and werewolves are welcomed at the Whitmore Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted but that doesn't mean they all welcome each other. Ambitious student witch Caroline Forbes shares a mutual loathing with arrogant yet mysterious vampire Klaus Mikaelson. A spiral of events occur when their two dueling worlds collide and a life changing connection is formed.
Date of update: April 13 2021
Our darkest moments (Chapter 8)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Discovering her entire life has been a lie, Caroline is determined to find out the truth and travels to the small town Mystic Falls in search of answers. Meanwhile, in the woods outside of Mystic Falls, a "monster" prays on unsuspecting young woman. In time the connection between the two becomes clear... Dark Klaroline!
Date of update: April 14 2021
A Failed Sacrifice (Chapter 3)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: She ruined the sacrifice to save her own life, and in order to survive she turned to the only other vampire who'd been able to survive the wrath of Klaus Mikaelson. She gets away, and learns from the master, but when Klaus eventually catches up to her, her life will never be the same again.
Date of update: April 16 2021
Always Finding Trouble
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Raiting: M
Length: Drabble
Summary: Assassins in love were so cliche, but here she was. Married, even.
Date of update: April 10 2021
In Your Hands
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Raiting: E
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 6. The date.
Date of update: April 10 2021
The blood in your mouth
Author: perfectpro
Raiting: T
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: After Liz Forbes's untimely death, Caroline finds herself at the helm of her mother's empire. She's been trained for this role, but Klaus Mikaelson is a man she hadn't known to expect.
Date of update: April 10 2021
Author: wincefish16
Raiting: Not rated
Lenght: Drabble
Date of update: April 11 2021
Give Me A Sign (Chapter 2)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Raiting: M
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes is happy that she left founders' parties, competition over guys she'd known since elementary school, and even Mystic Falls itself behind years ago. She's not second-best to Elena anymore. Even Liz would be proud of her new life working on the side of the law. Mostly. (If you need to compel someone into giving up stolen goods, is it really a crime?). Of course he's the one person from her past who comes looking for her. Klaus does that.
Date of update: April 11 2021
The Wolf II (Chapter 31)
Author: Yokan
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: The Guerreras' threat still looms over the Mikaelson house as Caroline tries to adapt to life as a vampire, away from her daughter. But an unexpected family reunion makes everything worse, taking away the little peace Klaus, Caroline and Elijah managed to find after the war that nearly broke them. [It's The Originals Season 2, but Caroline was a witch, had Klaus' baby and now she's a vampire. Klaroline, obviously.]
Date of update: April 11 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 5)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: April 11 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 9)
Author: Phandancee74
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side. A fic that integrates Malivore and the larger supernatural universe into TVD from the start.
Date of update: April 11 2021
Humanity (Chapter 8)
Author: FandomizedArtist
Raiting: Not rated
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Now with the power of an Original vampire Lucien had everything, everything except his complete revenge on the all mighty Klaus Mikaelson. With the help of a witch he had tracked down the only woman who in thousands of years Klaus had fallen in love with. Miss Caroline Forbes. Adding her name to his list of evil todo’s he created the plan to kidnap, drain the vervain and compel the newbie vampire to be his. In this fanfiction Klaus does have hope but Caroline did not have Alaric’s twins.
Date of update: April 12 2021
Magics Miracle (Chapter 5)
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline is in Paris with out her humanity after the death of her mother. It seems her friends aren't happy with her new state so they inform the one person capable of turning her emotions back on. Klaus. When a prophecy about a second Tribrid comes about in New Orleans, shock to sweeps through the city. It seems nature doesn't consider Hope such an abomination after all as an even greater one is about to be created. The hands of power are changing and when they're done even the worlds most powerful witches won't be able to stop it.
Date of update: April 12 2021
We are young (Chapter 11)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: T
Lenght: One shots
Summary: Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused. Edit: Now a series of one-shots!
Date of update: April 12 2021
When Blood Calls for Blood
Author: Cupcakemolotov
Raiting: M
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: At sixteen, Caroline helped kill monsters. Hers, his, and theirs. Ten years later, and Klaus returns to Mystic Falls with unfinished business.
Date of update: April 12 2021
The War of Succession
Author: BelleMorte180
Raiting: E
Lenght: One shot
Summary: When King William I dies without a living male child, the whole of England spends two generations at war over who is the true heir to the throne, sending the houses of Lockwood and Mikaelson into battle. When the love of her life is slain in battle, Caroline realizes that her hand is betrothed to the victor since she is the only grandchild of the late king. Upon her wedding to the new king, she vows that she will hate him for all eternity but time is a fickle thing and so it the heart. Written for Au Season Enemies to Lovers. Kind of based off the War of the Roses.
Date of update: April 14 2021
Some ancient call that i've answered before (Chapter 2)
Author: klarrolines
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: According to Greek mythology, humans were created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. Or all the lives throughout time that Klaus and Caroline found each other in.
Date of update: April 14 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 3)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday.
Date of update: April 15 2021
World Enough and Time
Author: perfectpro
Raiting: E
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: Caroline is perfection in and of itself, and Klaus thinks that he could search the world twice over and never find a creature so endlessly fascinating, so perfectly enigmatic that he is still finding things to learn about her a thousand years later. Or, what gift is suitable to celebrate the passing of a thousand years?
Date of update: April 15 2021
Author: wincefish16
Raiting: T
Lenght: Drabble
Date of update: April 15 2021
Reasons Not to Date a Mikaelson (Chapter 2)
Author: kcatdino
Raiting: T
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Bonnie and Caroline gain a new roommate for their freshman dorm when a vision leads them to tracking down a pregnant Hayley in the Rockies. Also, Bonnie may or may not have raised a certain dead Original instead of Jeremy and Klaus takes a job at Whitmore teaching, to be annoying. He’s very good at it. This is a season 5 rewrite where the Originals never leave for New Orleans. But you know, with comedy.
Date of update: April 15 2021
Quiet Light (Chapter 4)
Author: coveredinthecolors
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes sets off to the Bahamas with her boyfriend, Elijah, where she'll finally meet his brother for the first time. But as it turns out... she knows Klaus Mikaelson a little too well.
Date of update: April 16 2021
AO3: Contingency Plan (Chapter 3) FFN: Contingency Plan (Chapter 3)
Author: Eliliyah  
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: When Stefan's idiocy threatens Caroline's carefully laid plans, she has no choice but to turn to Klaus Mikaelson for help. Unfortunately, the criminal king of Philadelphia won't be swayed by simple seduction and has a different kind of proposition for her. It's a good thing she has a contingency plan. Never try to overthrow an empire without one. Dark Klaroline Mafia AU. COMPLETE
Date of update: April 11 2021
AO3: Last Love FFN: Last Love
Author: kirti_01
Raiting: M
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Klaus had promised to be her last love, was sure that Caroline, will come to him. Maybe in a year, or a 100, perhaps. But Caroline decides not to wait for that long. After graduation, Caroline moves in with Klaus to give her feelings for him a chance. And Elijah finally lets go of his obsession with Katherine and finds himself attracted to a university student, his student, a human named Samara.
Date of update: April 12 2021
AO3: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 153) FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 153)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: One shot
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. *2019 KC Award - Best one-shot series* Chapter 153: The Blonde Identity. Spies on opposite sides always had one mission, and nothing should ever compromise an operation. But Klaus always had a weakness for a woman who wore murder in her eyes.
Date of update: April 14 2021
AO3: Always and Forever (Chapter 8) FFN: Always and Forever (Chapter 8)
Author: WingedLadyColette
Raiting: E
Lenght: Multi chapter
Summary: Always and Forever is put to the test when the Mikaelson siblings  all gather together once more to throw the balance of nature into disarray when the Petrova Doppelganger reappears once again in a little Virginia town of Mystic Falls. But that's not the only thing that catches the big  bad wolf's attention.
Date of update: April 16 2021
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theeoriginals · 3 years
what's your ranking of tvd characters (main, minor, etc. of your choice)
ok im gonna do all the characters i can think of off the top of my head, excluding the cast of the originals (ranked least to most, btw)
10. matt/tyler — fuck them, hope they die (again) they would call me homophobic slurs and laugh about it, and matt is a republican
9. liz forbes — she gets points taken off for being a cop but rip girl we share a nickname
8. alaric — the only reason he’s this low on the list is bc of matt davis. also. why did he let his previous student have his babies. what the fuck
7. elena — self explanatory, she’s whiny and annoying and gives big “all lives matter” vibes i don’t fuck with her
6. katherine — look. i love her. she’s iconic. (see: profile pic) but i think y’all let her get away with a LOT in the show that you wouldn’t have if it was elena who did it
5. caroline — human caroline SUCKS but vamp caroline is superior and she’s truly one of the best vampires in the show, her control is amazing
4. damon — season one damon actions are 🤢 but his attitude is 👀 but the character development is 10/10 he became the favorite salvatore in season 3
3. kai parker — easily one of the best “villains” of the show, i hated jo and did not shed one tear when she died so. team kai <3
2. stefan — love a sensitive man with a killing streak, he’s a king. also, paul wesley marry me challenge
1. bonnie — i think y’all know why bonnie is #1. she’s literally the reason anybody survived as long as they did & even tho i didn’t like her behavior in season 1/2, she ended up being the only character to have consistent, good development that followed the show amazingly. julie plec fucked her character over so much and i hate her for that bc i can’t imagine all of the potential bonnie had before she ruined it
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cupcakemolotov · 3 years
When Blood Calls for Blood
Hmm. This was supposed to be a mafia story for the AU Season that @klaroline-event is putting on, and instead descended into the depths of blood magic and werewolves, and some horror. Your guess is as good as mine as how that happened. Anyway. Hopefully this still works for Crime week. People ARE murdered.
Here you go. You can read it on A03 if you prefer.
Warnings: Blood Magic, Werewolves, Necromancy, death, some gore but not a lot, discussion about sex but no actual smut in this.
The brandy in her glass was excellent, but she hadn’t expected anything else. Klaus had come a long way from the boy next door with skinned knees and paint smeared fingers. That it’d been nearly a decade since she’d seen him hadn’t changed nearly as much as she’d have liked. Same tumbled curls, same dimples, same charm that lingered like a second skin over the sharper, harder parts of his smile. But now, his thinness had filled out into lean strength and he’d grown into the shape of his nose, the curve of his jaw. 
Caroline hadn’t expected to like the look of him as much as she did after all this time. Had hoped some distance would dull the want that had once lingered between them. She also hadn’t anticipated the way his gaze could still trace against her skin with the same intensity of a touch, but now with a new, markedly adult male appreciation that hinted at all sorts of fun things. Dangerous things, thoughts she’d pushed away much easier with the naivete of a teenager than she was finding herself able to do as a grown woman. 
Klaus had never been easy to ignore.
“Let’s skip the pleasantries, shall we?” She asked once he’d leaned a hip against the desk next to him when she’d chosen not to sit. She didn’t know this man as well as she once had and she wasn’t prepared to be that vulnerable. Not yet. “We both know what you sent Elijah to tell me you wanted. I want to know why you think I should go along with it.”
A hint of a smile curved his lips. There was a strange sort of affection in his gaze which surprised her, in this childhood home of his, this house of horrors that had birthed monsters. She wished Enzo was there, to tell them if there were ghosts. If the rotting bones of Mikael beneath their feet still suffered.
“I’ve missed your directness, love. Most people are too afraid of me to try it.” His lashes lowered for a heartbeat, and his voice deepened. “And far too terrified to offer such blatant disapproval.”
Caroline gave him an unconcerned look. “I agreed  to this meeting because we were once friends. Not because I bought into the spiel that Elijah was selling. I walked away from this kind of life, and I had very good reasons to do so. You know that.”
A flash of something wolf-yellow glimmered faintly at the edges of his gaze, but she didn’t flinch. Klaus was dangerous. So very, very dangerous. Here, in Mystic Falls where they’d both spent their childhoods, it was almost possible to forget the lessons Chicago and New York had already learned. But Caroline had learned to deal with Klaus and his caustic mix of power and temper years earlier. A little of the wolf wasn’t enough to warn her off. 
Though it did intrigue her. Before, his control had been something held together by tenterhooks, his rage palpable. She had wondered if he’d buried it deep in his bones, left it to fester in muscle and marrow, but that glimmer told her he’d made a different choice. 
She was glad.
“Blood calls to blood, love.” There was something in his voice, a note that was sharp and apologetic both. “And you are Bill Forbes daughter.”
Caroline wrinkled her nose at the reminder. “I’m going to need more brandy if that's the angle you're taking. Thankfully, he only provided half my genetics, and none of my looks.”
The hard line of his shoulders eased, her words answering some unspoken question. “I know.”
Her expression sharpened. She did not like that he was able to read her so well. “If you’re not going to get to the point, I will leave.”
His laugh was soft, and unexpected. And it did nothing to lessen her mad. Reaching up, he briefly rubbed his neck and when his gaze returned to hers. The blue was gone, awash with gold and wolf. Inexplicably, her own tension gave, if just a little. She might no longer know the man, but she understood the wolf. 
“Elijah says you are well informed of my ongoings.”
She rolled her eyes. “As if that’s hard. A werewolf with the bad taste to be born to a witch, and who the poor manners of eating other witches is not, exactly, an unknown creature in the local gossip. Mystic Falls does so love it’s little horrors. It’s not like it’s hard to figure out where you’re going or where you’ve been.”
His dimples creased his cheeks. “That’s true. And yet, here you are.”
The implied threat was said teasingly. Caroline deliberately took a sip of her brandy. “If your wolf had wanted me dead, it would have made the attempt that when I was thirteen and tossed you three pine trees to save Enzo. If the man had wanted me dead, Elijah would never have sworn a binding saying this meeting was done in truce.” Her smile was sharp. “At least not knowingly. My magic is not kind when it comes to broken vows, and he hates me.”
His gaze narrowed at the blunt reminder, but his voice held no hint of anger. Just a hunting triumph. “I found Rebekah.”
And everything snapped into place. Setting her glass down, she stared at him. “And Elijah couldn't have led with that?”
“He doesn’t know.”
“He doesn’t…” Caroline stared at him for a long moment before tossing back her drink and moving towards one of the chairs. Ten years. It’d been ten years, and she understood everything those words meant. “Fine. I’ll bite. What is going on?”
To her surprise, he chose the chair next to her. His gaze holding hers, he deliberately tipped his knee lightly against her own. “Rebekah is in New Orleans.”
Her brows furrowed and her words were honest as she tried to ignore the feel of him against her. That sparking challenge in his eyes. “But you looked there years ago.”
That slow, thoughtful smile curled on his face again and she wished she hadn’t finished the brandy. “You have been tracking me.”
Caroline sighed and for the first time, looked away. She did not want to speak of the need to know he was still alive, to trust that he’d find some kind of reason after the death of his step-father. The wolf could have easily poisoned the man with its hate as the man could have destroyed the wolf with its rage.
“My father… the things he did.” Her words died and she shrugged. “I miss her too.”
They were survivors, her and Klaus. Enzo and Rebekah, though they were missing. Witchborn and powerful, they were the last remnants of bloodlines and blood feuds that should have never existed. Klaus, with his wolf and his rage. Enzo, with his affinity for the dead and his wicked sense of humor. Rebekah, the living embodiment of her mother’s hopes and wishes, but without the same darkness. And she? She was her father’s daughter, for all the Liz Forbes had done her best to temper it. 
“Then you’ll help me.”
And that blatant satisfaction, the roughness of his wolf in his voice warned her that he thought he had won. She let her gaze return Klaus’ face, and the force of temper clashed against his. She did not like being boxed in. He needed to remember that. “Will I? What I owed you was a blood debt and that was paid in full. What my family did to yours was terrible, but what Esther did to my mother was also terrible. There are no debts between us, not anymore.”
Enzo might argue that point, but her wiley best friend had been missing nearly as long as Rebekah. 
“You’ll help me,” Klaus repeated, unbothered by her irritation. Her temper, the surge of power that came with it, had always bothered him as little as his wolf had unnerved her. “And in turn, I will help you.”
“And what,” Caroline drawled, “do I need your help with? I’m perfectly capable of burying bodies on my own these days.” She wiggled her manicured fingers. “I don’t even have to break a nail to do it.”
That flicker of affection again, tempered by determination. He reached for an envelope that sat on the edge of his desk and handed it to her. “I’d have helped you regardless, but this might make things more comfortable between us.”
She snorted even as she opened the envelope to pull out a single sheet. “Things have never been particularly comfortable between us at all.”
Caroline ignored the deeply satisfied noise he made and looked at the picture. Enzo’s face, battered, bruised, stared up at her and she went motionless at the tangle of anger and fear that swept through her. “How…”
She’d looked. 
“It took finding Rebekah.” A bitterness in his voice she understood. “And once I did, I knew where to look. The scattered pieces of our past are not easy things, love.”
Mute with rage, she glanced back at him. 
“When the Witch Council attempted to end the feud between our families, they were not prepared for the realities of what that would mean.” His teeth gleamed behind his lips. “They were ill prepared for our families' hate, I imagine our cooperation never occurred to them.”
Caroline snorted. They should have been prepared for all of it. Feuding witches were no small thing. Though in her more charitable moments, she allowed that some things just could not have been foreseen. Not the fallout from Ester’s affair, not Bill’s jealousy, not Mikael’s malice. 
Rebekah should have been safe. They should have all been safe. None of them had been. 
“They should have done better.”
His smile held teeth. “Yes.”
It had been her and Enzo, who had held Mikael with their magic while Klaus had shifted to wolf to rip his step-father apart. Enzo, who had commanded the dead man to dig his own grave in the study Mikael had been so fond of. Later, Klaus had opened a bottle of expensive bourbon and they had gotten drunk listening to the sound of a shovel moving dirt.
It had taken hours to repair the foundation with magic.
Mystic Fall was full of so many nightmares. 
Her gaze returned to the picture in her hands. And something turned cold and brittle in her chest. “That is the symbol of St. Augustine.”
She stood then and paced toward the window. When she spoke, her words trembled with magic. Behind her, the desk shuddered. She hadn’t been this close to losing her temper since the day she walked into her home to find it smelling of blood and her mother’s death. Had found what she had been meant to see. 
 “The Augustine Society belongs to the Witch Council.” Her fists clenched. “And have Enzo.”
She knew the Augustine Society. The horrors the Witch Council offered them. She knew, because her father had also belonged to that society before blood madness had taken him. And they had possibly the greatest necromancer of her generation, trapped. 
Fingertips brushed lightly down the bare nap of her neck. The touch was possessive, careful. An old trick, to anchor her. It made it no less personal. “So it is.”
Caroline closed her eyes. She hadn’t heard him move. “What did my father do, that you cannot claim your sister?”
“It’s a blood bind. I cannot break it.”
“No,” she murmured, letting the soft touches of his fingertips focus her. “You wouldn’t be able too.”
“But you can.” His words were lethal in their softness, coaxing in their delivery. “You're more powerful.”
“Flattery,” she said. Then she sighed. “But you’re not wrong. Still, the witches of New Orleans will never allow me into their city.”
They’d never allow Liz Forbes' daughter in their heart of power. The thought brought a faint smile to her lips. So strange, for a city to fear her mother’s blood.
Strange, but not unwise.
“I didn’t plan on asking permission.”
She turned to face him then, letting the window at her spine hold her weight and studied his face. Such arrogance, but not unwarranted. A full coven might face the nightmare he gave shape too with his bones, but perhaps not. Klaus had cut quite a swath through the witch families in the US. 
His mother’s perfect monster. 
“A blood bind will not be easy to break, not after so many years since it was cast.” She considered what it meant, how far gone her father had been in his madness. “I will likely need a sacrifice, and that is a magic I have sworn not to use lightly.”
“You won’t fall to the same madness.” The assurance in his voice was so, so arrogant. “I will not allow it.”
Caroline gave a bark of laughter. “You cannot know that, cannot expect to dictate such a thing.”
“But I can,” he disagreed. “I’ve seen your magic, Caroline. I’ve witnessed the price of it, the horror of it, and justice of it. Esther’s death was not easy. I know what you are.”
“Ester deserved more,” she said. “But we work with what we have. And I am no longer, sixteen, Klaus. What anchored me as a teenager will not work for the adult.”
Then it’d had been enough to cling to his wolf. To bury her face and hands in the thick pelt of his fur while she rode out the drowning horror, the unrelenting ecstasy of her magic, to let the sensation of fur on skin be the distraction from the siren call of endless power. The blood she wore on her skin.
She’d always liked his wolf. 
Blood magic was dangerous. And witches who practiced it always, always lost themselves. Caroline’s father had been no exception. She would likely not be either. Thankfully, she wasn’t just her father’s daughter. 
“And what,” Klaus asked lightly, eyes deepening to the blue of the man, something as dark as the working of her magic coloring his voice. “Do you need?”
Her nails dug into her palms and she lifted her chin. “What are you offering?”
Klaus’ head lowered until his nose nearly brushed hers, his mouth tantalizing close to hers. “Anything you want.”
Her teeth sank briefly into her lip and she sighed. “We both know how my father chose to feed his need and how well that worked for him.”
Satisfaction and a want so blatant and greedy on his face, she struggled to suck in her next breath. “Steven knew what he was doing when he agreed to join your father’s bed. He was aware of the risks. So am I.”
Her voice shook only a little when she spoke. “Rebekah’s temper is no small thing, Klaus. If she wakes up to me fucking her brother, I don’t think she’s going to be pleased.” 
His hand lifted to curve along her jaw, thumb brushing tantalizing across her lips. “Elijah can secure Bekah, once she is free.”
And Elijah would just love that. “So you are planning on telling him you found her.”
“Of course,” he agreed. “Both he and Kol will be needed for this. Even if only a mirage, we must show the world where our loyalties lie.”
Caroline winced. “They still haven’t forgiven you for not kiling me, then.”
When Elijah had appeared at her home to request her presence for this meeting, she’d almost hoped. 
“As they are not strong enough to oppose me, their opinions of your magic do not matter.” His jaw tightened. “From either side of your family.”
“Klaus…” She caught his hand. “They are not wrong. Blood magic is an abomination, not counting what my mother left me with her death. Killing me would likely make the world a better place.” 
His eyes flared with his wolf, and his words were near violent with intensity. “I disagree. Am I too, not an abomination? You protested quite viciously when my mother attempted to do just that.”
His voice sounded the same as it always had, when he spoke of her murdering his mother. Delighted satisfaction with a hint of growl.
Caroline rolled her lip tightly between her teeth. This was what her mother had never understood. What Esther had miscalculated. This tugging in her chest, as she thought about a world without Klaus. The way he dared her with his eyes and his worlds to repeat herself, to suggest he would allow the world to exist without her. The thing that had left her walking away from him, uncertain what lengths she could allow herself to go to preserve it. 
The boy who had painted her flowers and the man who understood the depth of what she could become, what she feared. 
But he’d found Rebekah. Enzo.
“You understand that if I agree to this, it won’t end with rescuing Rebekah and Enzo,” she said slowly. Likely wouldn’t end with her willing to walk away from him a second time, and the bloody future that promised. “I’m not that forgiving. If the Augustine Society was part of this, if they supported my father? Enzo will want them dead and so will I.”
“Oh, sweetheart, as if I’d object.” His mouth curved. “But why stop there? Not when we both know the Witch Council had to be involved.”
So much destruction. So much blood. Carefully, she reached up with her free hand and traced the shape of his mouth while he went carefully motionless. “It would be helpful, if the sacrifice had a tie to Bekah.”
His lips pursed against her fingers for a moment before he moved just enough to respond. “The Salvatore’s are in New Orleans.”
And that terrible anger, that thirst she’d managed to choke into behaving for ten years unfurled in her chest. “What a coincidence.”
And Klaus, whose monster knew her own, just smiled. “Isn’t it just?”
“How are you planning on explaining my presence in New Orleans?”
Mischief, sudden and startling, crossed his face. “The witches can hardly object to my bringing a date to Mardi Grais. The same as I have done for the past four years, in fact.”
Caroline blinked, and tried not to think about the twist of jealousy in her gut. “I am not pretending to be in a relationship with you.”
“Who said anything about pretending?” His eyes laughed at her but his words were serious. “Shouldn’t you take a man to dinner before post ritual sex?”
She glowered at him, just to be contrary. “No.”
He shrugged, unperturbed.“We’re still sharing a room.”
She choked on a sudden laugh, at how easy and playful he made this. As they weren’t courting madness and the wrath of the council as they freed their family. As if everything was just a matter of them going out and conquering their enemies with his teeth and their magic. 
Simple, really. 
“Are you sure this is what you want?” Caroline questioned. “This… this will change everything.”
Klaus lowered his head, pressing his forehead to hers and smiled, dimples bracketing a smile made of sin and blood lust that struck her in her chest. The smile of a predator well satisfied.
“Yes, I think it will.”
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misssophiachase · 4 years
Caroline as Meredith grey and klaus as Derek sheperd if u watched grey’s that is
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I did watch part of it nonnie. I’m more of a Resident girl but really loved the first 6 seasons. I’ve always loved the way they met so the idea isn’t solely mine but it is SO very Klaroline. 
How to Save a Life
“How is it that you’re hungover on our first day? That is so my territory and, I’m not gonna lie, I feel a little left out.”
“If you’d like my hangover then you’re more than welcome to it, Kat,” she groaned, rubbing her temples in the hopes it would stop the excruciating pain ripping through her head. They’d been friends since medical school and she still never failed to surprise Caroline. 
They were changing for their first shift as interns at Seattle Grace Hospital and instead of feeling nervous excitement, Caroline was nursing one hell of a headache. Unfortunately, the aspirin she’d taken was yet to take effect. 
“What the hell are you doing in here still? I needed you in the ward yesterday, children,” the loud voice boomed from what seemed like nowhere. 
“Who is that?” 
“Lorenzo St John. They call him the Dictator, he doesn’t mess around.” They looked over to see a fellow intern placing a stethoscope around her neck. “I’m Bonnie Bennett.”
“Well, I’m Katherine Pierce and this hungover mess is Caroline Forbes.”
“On your first day?” She asked incredulously, her brown eyes full of concern. 
“It’s a long story,” she growled, wondering how she got herself into this mess. 
Yes, that’s right. She’d been ridiculously nervous the night before and decided to de-stress at the nearby bar. What followed was too much tequila and too much sex. 
Actually, the sex was more than okay given the guy in question. He was hot, a little cocky for her liking, but after a few drinks it didn’t seem to matter. So much so, that she was still imagining just how good he felt. 
“Get your asses out here STAT,” the ‘Dictator’ bellowed. 
What followed was a stream of cursing and insults. Caroline was trying to stay focused but it was difficult given she wanted the earth to swallow her up. Her fellow interns didn’t know it, but given her legacy the pressure she felt was immense. Her mother, Dr Liz Forbes, was one of the best brain surgeons and had practiced at this very hospital. 
“It’s okay,” an unknown voice whispered in her direction. “You’ll learn to block him out.”    
She whipped her head around to meet the voice, not realising just how much of a bad move that was given her self-inflicted health issues. The head spin was confronting but after it finally subsided her gaze focused on her fellow intern and decidedly cute brunette.  
“And how do you know that?”
“Trust me,” he replied mysteriously. “The Attendings might not be so easy to ignore though.” Caroline’s mind was foggy anyway but his comments only confused her further. She decided to ignore that for now. 
“I’m Caroline Forbes,” she offered, holding out her hand. 
“Kol.” No surname provided but that was the least of her worries at that present moment. 
“So, how do you have all of this intel on day one?” Before he could respond, they were interrupted by Lorenzo’s voice. 
“Nice to see the children are still gossiping,” he chided, given them both side eye as he came to a stop. Caroline would have found him and that cute accent attractive if he wasn’t such an overbearing ass.
She was always a sucker for accents, last night was case in point.
“This is Doctor Mikaelson,” he introduced. “He’s the premiere brain surgeon in the northern hemisphere and we are lucky to call him our own at Seattle Grace.” 
It wasn’t the navy scrubs and white coat that grabbed her attention, it was the Doctor in question. Those crimson lips and blonde curls were so very familiar and not in a good way. 
Caroline felt the nausea overcome her all at once. Yes, she was in a hospital but it seemed like the places to empty her stomach were limited. She took off in a sprint, running to the nearest bathroom and trying to block out the consequences. 
Ten minutes later she found herself on the floor of the toilet cubicle trying to pretend this wasn’t happening on her first day as an intern. She just hoped her mother wasn’t looking down from heaven at that particular moment. 
“Are you okay?” She knew that voice all too well and apparently it belonged to the attending she happened to sleep with last night.
“Why do you care?” She moaned. Maybe she should have been more respectful given his god-like status at Seattle Grace but she was too far gone to care. 
“I might have fed you too many tequilas and for that I’m sorry,” he offered, his tone sincere. “It takes a few years as a surgical intern to know your limit.”
“You lied to me.”
“I don’t recall you telling me anything personal either, love,” he shot back. “But I wouldn’t take last night back for anything.”
Caroline immediately felt emboldened to stand up and confront her one-night-stand. She was shaky at first but knew this was necessary. She opened the door, surprising him given the shock reflected in his blue eyes, only accentuated by the colour of his scrubs.
She shook her head, determined to concentrate even if he was making it difficult and she still had some residual dizziness. 
“Last night never happened, you got me?”
“I know the tequila is messing with you but...”
“It can’t be anything,” she pressed, lips pursed. “You are my superior and I don’t want any favouritism, got it?”
He seemed to falter, his eyes scanning her face for some kind of alternative reaction. She wanted to believe the feelings were non existent but she wasn’t so sure. 
Caroline was struggling given how much she wanted to kiss him again but instead stayed firm. Her career meant everything. Sure, she was attracted to him and the sex was out of this world, but they couldn’t pursue it. 
“Noted,” he smiled, albeit sadly. Caroline was pretty certain the dimple he flashed wasn’t by accident. “I’m only here to show you how to save a life, right?”
Caroline nodded numbly in response, trying to ignore just how close he was and how much she wanted to kiss those tempting, crimson lips. 
It wouldn’t be the first or last time she felt that way. Nor would it be the last time they lost control and gave into their feelings. 
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New Gilmore Girls ocs
In honour of finally finishing the show (and the first episode of AYITL), I decided to redo my list of non-introduced gilmore girls ocs so that there’s a proper record of them with a couple of name changes
1. Evan Mariano — Story Of A Girl or Chasing Shadows — Jess’ twin sister, sent to live with her uncle Luke
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2. Catalina Pérez — Wildflower; x Tristan, later x Jess, endgame tbd — disaster child is sent to stay with family friend in Stars Hollow, attends Chilton
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3. McKenna Doose — Last Summer; ship TBD — Taylor’s niece who dated Jess back in New York
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4. Jane Forester — Long Time Coming; possible Jess ship — Dean’s twin sister
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5. Marlena Marley Tinsdale —Find My Way; Jess or Logan ship — Sherry’s younger sister, has lived with Sherry since she was 13
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6. Cosette Gerard — Loveless; ship TBD — Michel’s daughter from a one night stand, moved in with him after her mother got sent to rehab
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7. Kitri LaCosta — Best Years; ship TBD — Miss Patty’s daughter, very dramatic
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9. Princess Emmeline Forbes — Bravado; Finn or Finn and Logan ship — daughter of a princess, 13th in like for her throne, attends Yale but took a year off to party with Logan, Finn, and Colin
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10. Annabel Harkness — When Tomorrow Comes; Logan ship — Her grandmother is Emily’s younger sister who has been estranged from the family since before Lorelai was born due to her own teen pregnancy scandal
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11. Holland Bass — Breakaway; Jess or Logan ship — Mia’s granddaughter; she has spent her life travelling with Mia but she asks Lorelai to take her let her stay at the Inn (until Luke finds out)
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12. Cameron Danes — Nowhere Girl — Liz’s daughter, Jess’ half sister, Jess refuses to move to Stars Hollow without his little sister because he doesn’t trust Liz to take care of her
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13. Ilsa Gilmore-Danes — Of Love And Longing — Lorelai and Luke’s daughter, the result of a one-night stand when Rory was a baby.  Officially lives with Lorelai but both of her parents have always been very involved in raising her
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14. Willow Dell — The Road Not Taken; x Jess — Babette and Morey’s only daughter, town golden girl, appoints herself as Jess’ welcome committee when he moves to town
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15. Lorrie Gilmore-Danes — Hey December — Luke & Lorelai’s daughter, story takes place in A Year In The Life when she’s a young teenager
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16. Brielle Livingston — Fragments; probable Rory ship — Paris’ step sister, moved to Hartford just before the start of season 1, misses her older brother Brooks who still lives in New York with their dad
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17. Austin Geller — Fragments; Jess or Logan ship — Paris’ twin brother, becomes close friends with his new step sister, trying to figure out who he is besides Paris’ Brother
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18. Sienna Elliot — Long Way Home (?); possible Jess ship — left Chilton in sophomore year to move to New York, is the reason there was a spot for Rory at Chilton, dated Jess Mariano twice and is still his best friend, ends up roommates with Paris and Rory at Yale
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Forever Tag List: @themildestofwriters @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz @juliesdahlias @seaweedhufflepuffocs @bravelittleflower @the-october-reviewer @foxesandmagic @perfectlystiles @papergirlverse @anotherunreadblog @peacheydelanhoes @darkwolf76 @randomfandoming1 @ocfairygodmother @itsjustgracy @witchofinterest @villanele @ultraocfury @guardiansofheroes @malice1329 @mystic-scripture @ochub @xmelia-pxnd @zoeliemyers @butcherofblackwater @fragilestorm @eddysocs @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @ocappreciationtag @vivis-ghost-wife @fiercefray @stareyedplanet - want to be added? shoot me an ask!
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unlikely-alliance · 4 years
so it took me nearly a year but I finally finished my tvd rewatch! when it originally aired I only watched until about season 3 and then I caught episodes here and there, so this felt like a first watch for the most part. it took me months to watch the first 4 seasons and then I watched the last 4 in the past month or so. s6 was definitely my favorite, and I’m definitely glad I finally watched it all the way through because it was a fun time even though right now I feel like my soul has been crushed. I already have 2 steroline videos started & I can’t wait to work on them!!
I decided to take notes during my watch because my memory sucks especially when I’m binge watching something so I thought I’d post them here for the laughs. please note these are my personal opinions and I mean no offense to anyone (I’m not the biggest klaus fan for example) and also it’s mostly just me gushing over steroline so... fair warning! 😂
s1 - s5:https://unlikely-alliance.tumblr.com/post/633630144612958208/so-it-took-me-nearly-a-year-but-i-finally-finished s6 - s8 below the cut
stefan stop ignoring caroline’s calls you DUMB FUCK oh it was elena nvm ignore away asdjsk
oh fuck caroline is leaving him a voicemail.... call her back, fucker!!!!!!
domestic damon and bonnie.... ok ok ok
now that I know matt davis kinda sucks irl I am really pissed that alaric is here
bamon giving me the romcom content I deserve! I will be seeking out fics to expand on this storyline
this fucker made caroline SOB stefan I am so fucking mad at you you dumb fuck
oh so this john cena looking community protector motherfucker is a psychopath, awesome
elena: do you have feelings for stefan? caroline: yeah I think maybe I did BISH!!!!!!!!!
damon getting snarky with kai after he hit on bonnie 😏
damon to kai: don’t ever lay a hand on her me: shocked_rihanna.gif
am I supposed to believe that stefan really liked ivy??? where is the chemistry??
so when are alaric and enzo gonna bond over damon being their one and only best friend
bonnie getting damon home safe even if she can’t go with him 😭😭😭😭😭
this stamon reunion scene giving me all my rights
damon looking at bonnie’s picture and calling her voicemail to hear her voice NOOOOOOO FML “I might miss you a little bit” fuck my fucking life!!!!
lowkey loving tyler and liv this is the first time in a while he hasn’t been unlikable af
enzo: she’s got a thing for you, mate OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN
^and stefan’s look on his face is all like he never realized she would actually feel that way about him and he can’t believe he actually may have a chance ugh!!!!!!
that steroline ‘why did you have a thing for me I’m sorry I didn’t see it I hate you’ scene UGH the angst is so good but also so annoying and it’s all stefan’s fault!!
the soundtrack this season is popping — two weeks and another love in the same episode???
jo and kai are siblings??????
kai and jo are TWINS??????
liz forbes calling stefan to help her and caroline decorate for christmas.... dare I say, oh captain my captain!!!
kai genuinely freaks me the fuck out
I feel like every episode enzo’s motivation just changes to whatever is convenient for the plot 😂
stefan grabbing caroline’s hand and caroline’s breath catches and they’re saying so much without saying any words at all 😭😭😭😭😭 they invented love! they really did! AND THE LOOKING THROUGH THE WINDOW FROM THE PORCH PARALLEL TO SEASON 2 I AM NOT OKAY!!!!!
god this liz storyline is making me so emotional
caroline grabbing stefan’s hand 🥺
kai: by the way, how much does that suck? ...about patrick swayze? I think this is the hardest I’ve ever laughed at this show, wow
bonnie watching clips of her and damon goofing around while ghost damon watches 🥺🥺🥺
steroline hugs 🥰
kat this season really said let me show all y’all how acting is done!
the way that steroline’s first kiss is the most iconic moment of this entire show, I’ll say it!
can caroline and liz catch a goddam BREAK!!!! FUCK!
liz’s death scene turned me into a blubbering sobbing fucking mess
we’re not gonna talk about how flashback stefan looks 10 and flashback damon looks 30+? okay
now stefan has cold feet and damon’s talking him out of being with caroline???? gtfo
stefan.... buddy.... my guy....... we were doing SO well..... do not make me and caroline hate you again
alaric buddy... you’re proposing already? okay
stefan to damon: I think you were wrong about caroline, I feel something, I think this could turn into something even better than true love BISH!!!! I NEVER DISSED
enzo in 6x16: rufio from hook is my hairstyle icon
bonnie confiding in damon 🥺🥺🥺
stefan stroking caroline’s cheek and saying “please come back” in a pleading whisper... I would very much like a refund ✌🏻😭
the bamon/kai angst is HEAVY
okay... void steroline..... not sure how I feel here
void steroline is fun but like... please tell me it only lasts for a couple episodes because I can’t deal with lasting ramifications 😂😂
why do I have the suspicion that stefan didn’t really flip the switch and he’s faking it 🤔
alaric and enzo finally bonding a little ayyy
okay um I hate that that scene with void steroline feeding on that girl and then making out was so hot and I loved it asdfjdkafl
stefan to caroline: I’ll gladly kill (tyler) for you but I know how much of a jerk he was during your relationship so if you want to do it..... THE WAY I YELLED 😂😂
oh thank god stefan is back I can’t do this much longer
“forgot to hit your turn signal for that segway” damon lmao
oh so now stefan is pretending the switch is flipped, I kinda called it
caroline’s back and I’m crying now y’all have 3 episodes max to sort this out I have had enough angst and I require fluff
stefan smiling at caroline’s voicemail greeting 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 “you should be here. come home.” BYE
not damon’s “I’d give it all up for one life with you” line to elena making me full on sob
does jo have any other friends??? why is her whole bridal party just elena and bonnie?
caroline ignoring stefan’s calls... we’ve really come full circle huh
the steroline hand holds 🥺🥺🥺 ughhhhhhh
kai you motherfucker I thought you changed!!!!!
red wedding who!??? this is mayhem
tyler is gonna kill liv honey the TRAUMA!!!!
they really killed jo??? I’m about to take back every good thing I ever said about this show
kai is a fucker and I hate him for everything he’s done but also.... I just have to say...... klaus wishes he was this good of a villain asdfjska
stefan really said ✨delena and steroline endgame ✨ huh
if this episode doesn’t end with steroline together I’m going to be upset
damon’s gonna let bonnie die?????? well that was a nice friendship
oh nvm thank god
delena dance scene.... the choreography is a little extra....... but okay
this season has not been for the faint of heart... phew!
I’m gonna miss elena 😭😭 I hope damon doesn’t spiral
stefan friendzoned himself... I have to laugh
caroline: is there any version of this plan where you’re not worried about me? stefan: probably not 🥺
damon said bonnie is his best friend 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
steroline kiss let’s go let’s gooooooooooo!!!!
okay... 7x01 was a little rocky without elena but they’ve got the spirit I think
from what I’ve been spoiled of I’m gonna guess that alaric is caroline’s flash forward fiancée and I’m already upset about it
enzo in 7x02: anyway here’s wonderwall
this stefan/valerie flashback is making me think... stefan falls very hard very fast (valerie, katherine, elena) but not with caroline & that’s why she’s his soulmate babeeeey!
I’m trying very hard to care about the heretics. they do have their moments
caroline referring to stefan as something she got that she’s wanted for a really long time 💯
I know bonnie and enzo were going to happen at some point but I was still caught off guard with that flash forward in 7x05!
steroline waking up in each other’s arms! stefan referring to caroline as “my girlfriend”! caroline referring to stefan as “my boyfriend”! we stay winning!
stefan.... don’t be lying to caroline..... let’s not start that now
bonnie/enzo fake dating at lily’s party 🥰
stefan/damon bickering in 7x06 is top tier
damon calling lily out for using outdated racial slurs... ok king
julian/enzo fencing duel is pretty cool
valerie protecting caroline 🥰
history repeating itself with lily... this is so sad
lily teaming up with stefan & damon let’s goooooooo!!!
oh nvm flash forward lily is the one who went after caroline wtf!
the way stefan lights up the second he sees caroline 🥺
mary louise how dare you we were all rooting for you!
caroline: I understand if you want to run for the hills stefan: I’m not going anywhere, because I love you 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
damon to dying lily: you made your bed. have a nice nap. 😯
oh shit it’s not flash forward lily!
not stefan kissing valerie in the flash forward 🖕🏻am I mad? yes. am I furious? ...no
so they made tyler kill liv and then decided his story was not worth telling any more??? where is he?!
they just killed stefan right in front of caroline... AGAIN!
bish I’m gonna need to take a break if the next ep is gonna be stefan and damon enduring their personal hells
damon to lily: give me a chance to let you love me 😭😭😭
um... damon, sweetie...... I think it was real that time
ayyyy tyler!!!
let nora and bonnie be girlfriends
stefan: the only constant I had was caroline 🥺
stefan: I will never be happy until damon is out of my life for good 😧
flash forward matt pointing a gun at caroline..... does he want to catch my hands?
steroline casually saying I love you 🥰
I think steroline is one of the only couples I’ve stayed invested in once they are together, their power
where’s enzo been???
future matt what the fuck are you doing buddy and who the hell is this woman!!!!???
alaric named one baby elizabeth after caroline’s mom 😭😭😭😭😭😭
did enzo really just knock bonnie out? oh I’ll kill him
I’m gonna need alaric and caroline to stop Looking at each other
not klaus trying to gatekeep caroline from stefan.... laughable
fuck that scene was heartbreaking why do we have to go through this
and now damon’s gonna desiccate himself... poor stefan
stefan seeing caroline with alaric and the babies 😭😭😭
and now we’re gonna tack on an emotional af bamon scene???? 7x15 was made to destroy me
the time jumping in 7x16 is giving me a headache
much like last season if they don’t end this season with steroline’s issues resolved I’m going to have a crisis
I can’t believe this whole show is going to end with stefan dying how the fuck am I going to handle that
lol stefan is in a new body wtf is going on now
the vampire in stefan’s body chucking up deuces and jumping out damon’s car window is peak comedy
the stefan/damon brother angst in 7x17 🥺
fuck so we have a sadistic 19th century serial killer turned vampire?! fuck
flashback stefan trying to write caroline a letter fml
fuck he wrote her several letters and she returned them but he kept sending them that’s some strong noah from the notebook energy right there
paul clearly loves playing the unhinged characters 😂
is valerie sacrificing herself for stefan??
no but they def are about to break up 🎊
I am thrilled but that break up scene did make me shed a tear
elena, caroline, and bonnie’s initials on the dorm room door 😭😭😭 god they deserved better
enzo is so soft around bonnie 🥺
enzo teasing bonnie about her guitar skills..... I would like to see him teaching her to play
bonnie/enzo new year’s eve dinner and dance scene = instantly iconic
this present day bamon angst... oof
enzo laying his head in bonnie’s lap and playing guitar for her 🥺🥺🥺 they are really giving me all my rights this episode
ok but she kissed his cheek so are they together or not? why am I confused? so they are engaged but caroline doesn’t love him?
oh cool... a matt flashback episode..... 😑
stefan went to liz’s grave to be there for caroline in case she showed up 😩
matt accidentally shot his own fiancé???? who decided this was a good storyline??
why is this opening the vault scene the scariest thing I’ve ever seen on this show
the way caroline and alaric have absolutely no chemistry 💀
bonnie— oh thank god that was a fucking dream that was terrible
they really stopped trying to fight matt being the worst character on the show huh
steroline on the run together finally 😌
I don’t think I like this bonnie storyline now this is not a fun time
stefan to caroline: I feel... a thaw 😂😂
a stefan/damon hug 😭🙌🏻
followed by a steroline hug! 😭😭😭
they’re really making bonnie kill enzo???? fucking christ
enzo did you really just close that fucking door
I don’t want to go into this last season man, I know stefan’s gonna die in the last episode and I don’t know if I can take it
this damon and enzo shit is already daaark
...what the fuck are they feeding what kind of stranger things mind flayer thing is this
damon reading 50 shades of grey 😂
oooh shit this bitch broke into ric’s house! this season is upping the horror factor for sure
I appreciate the parallels to the pilot
ric pushing caroline to move in with stefan... I will allow him to be a little valid as a treat
delena flashback 😭 ouch
a.... siren? HUH
steroline driving together holding hands just a few episodes after they had that tense drive together 😭 I love it
I love georgie so far
bonnie!!!! stop being mad at enzo!!!!!
“you never lost me, bonnie bennet” THE WAY I INSTANTLY STARTED SOBBING
I accidentally read that bonnie and enzo don’t get a happy ending and seeing all that’s happening now just makes me even more pissed off about that
the parallel of bonnie and caroline gushing over her engagement ring to season 2 bonnie begrudgingly making caroline her daylight ring 😭
man can y’all just give bonnie a break!
“applesauce penguin, bother” WHO DECIDED TO WRITE THIS 😂😂
I can’t remember if I wrote this down already but... if elena shows up in the series finale (and I know she does) does that mean bonnie dies? because if she does, I am going to enter such a depressive state
tyler in 8x03 is looking 💯🔥
“to be a siren’s little bitch” TYLER 😯😂
ok but tyler’s not really dead right? say sike
is georgie gonna be the second siren??? seems a little obvious now. maybe ric’s nanny??
oh yeah it’s definitely the nanny
oh snap it is georgie??
ok bitch no need to call stefan out in such a way for turning damon because he didn’t want to be alone🖕🏻
these fuckers really killed tyler off like THAT?!
that bonnie/enzo setting the cabin on fire scene had me Stressed
that carnival scene 😭😭😭
caroline really took her ring off??? don’t fucking do this to me 😡
ric yelling at caroline 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
I get that we have to have drama in order to have a show but like... did we have to have stefan offer his soul to the devil?? I’m so tired
bro I’m straight up not having a good time right now
I am not prepared for miss mystic falls flashbacks
if ripper stefan lasts beyond 3 episodes max I’m gonna be livid
stefan to caroline: I made a mistake. I’m here to convince you to marry me *pause* NAH — I hate that I laughed at this asdfjaka
“sweet gargoyle, bro” 😂😂
damon to stefan: you’re my brother and I love you 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂
damon’s thoughts on hashtags: I just think they’re neat
damon’s letter to bonnie.... I am unstable
please don’t tell me enzo’s gonna die like that
oh hey kai
human stefan is very unlucky so far
this steroline angst isn’t even fun ugh
kai karaoke singing knocking on heaven’s door may be peak comedy
ok kai calling stefan “stefon” and “steven” may also be peak comedy
stefan’s proposal to caroline 2.0 just healed every wound in my soul & caroline dropping to her knees to join him absolutely sent me 😭😭😭😭
drunk lightweight stefan may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
enzo telling bonnie about where he wanted to marry her 😭😭😭
am I ready for this finale to destroy me? no. am I gonna recover? unlikely.
ELENA!!!!!!!!!!!! I missed you bish!!!!!!!!
katherine impersonating elena — PETTY 😂😂
nina’s wigs look so bad asdfhska
please don’t tell me that caroline having to leave stefan was the last steroline scene ever
caroline’s voicemail to stefan... I am simply gonna reject this episode in its entirety
I genuinely feel like I’m gonna throw up
“tell caroline I heard her, and I will love her forever too”
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kirythestitchwitch · 4 years
Klaroline Fic Rec Event 2020 - Day 6: Free-For-All
Title: Leave A Light On / You Hold Me in the Dark
Author: @lilbreck / lilbreck
Summary: Bonnie needs Caroline's help to change what has gone wrong and sends her back to shortly after the Salvatore brothers came to Mystic Falls. Heavily Caroline-centric, though it also features Bonnie and Sheila POV's.
Warnings: violence, dark themes, mentions of sexual abuse,, there's a little nongraphic bit of Klaus having sex with other people, one tiny bit of siblingcest
Status: First fic is complete, the sequel is currently incomplete
Why you should read it: More time travel fic! look im a fan. And okay while this isn't like, technically Klaroline fic (yet), the foundations are there!
So Bonnie is dead at the end of S4 and everything seems lost until Caroline is visited by her and Kol's spirits. They propose sending her back in time to change the outcome. Grief-stricken, Caroline agrees and wakes up back on the night of the idk Founder's Ball in S1 right after Stefan drugged Damon and took him away. (spoiler alert: Damon stays in desiccated rapist jail forever) From there, Caroline decides the best way to proceed is to write down everything she knows and take it to probably the only functional adult in Mystic Falls, Sheila Bennett. After some heavy persuasion, groveling, and mutual tears, Sheila agrees to help rewrite history to save her granddaughter. Thus kicks off Caroline getting herself turned, her history upended, and working towards the ultimate goal of getting Klaus on her side to help defeat Silas. How to do that? By helping him break his curse, ofc!
Watching the early seasons through a time travel lense is a trip and i cannot even imagine the time line charts Tanya used to organize this thing. Caroline working her bubblegum machinations on the whole town is a delight. By the time hints of Klaus start showing up, Caroline has her fingers in every supernatural pie in town.
The Klaus that comes to town eventually is every bit the ruthless nutjob that S2 promised us he'd be. First he antagonizes Caroline, and then he tests her. By the time the fic is over, you can see those Klaroline seeds planted absolutely everywhere.
Everything picks back up again in "You Hold Me in the Dark". Klaus is now on his hybrid making crusade with Caroline at his side. Kol is her new bff, and Bekah is pissed no one is paying enough attention to her. Elijah appears to be courting Liz Forbes, and Finn keeps on stopping by for tea. Honestly it is a tragedy that the fic is unfinished and I am still desperately hoping for more, but it's finished up to about the "Our Town" equivalent. Anyways please join me in begging Tonya for more so that she knows she is still remembered and loved and please come baaaaaack.
@klaroline-events okay I am DONE with day 6 now I promise!
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Dancer!Caroline dreams of being a professional dancer in New York. Dated from high school (sophomore year) but broke up a year after graduation over a misunderstanding (well if you hate mystic falls so much, why don’t you go back to New York and stay there) Caroline went to college in New York, Klaus had to stay because Henrik was sick So he didn’t go with her, they try long distance They argue and leads to C thinks K dumped her and K thinking she left him C goes back home when her mom gets sick
Thank you so much for the request! It’s not a long one, but I hope you like it nonetheless! Alternatively, my three-part story Two Slow Dancers (for anyone who hasn’t read it) follows a similar ‘reunion after X amount of years and a bitter break up’ theme (okay, that’s shameless self-promotion but...hey!)
♡ KLAROLINE DRABBLE #35: How Did We? ♡
Caroline knew she couldn’t linger on for too long. No matter how intently she stared at her mother’s sleeping frame, the nauseous reality that was Elizabeth Forbes’ dwindling health never waned. She tried her best to choke back the emotions, but she would just gasp for breath and find herself crumbling once again.
With weighted steps, she removed herself from the room, pausing outside the door, palm against the handle, to collect herself. Her mother was as optimistic as someone with a month left to live could be. Caroline had made the decision to take her leave from the Nutcracker before the season ended when her mother delivered the news over voicemail. She had spent so long getting to New York, but had no qualms in leaving it behind in an instant.
Liz wasn’t keen on leaving the house, her energy reduced by the simplest of activities. Instead, Caroline sat with her as she thumbed through the pages of their family photo albums. There was something bittersweet about seeing the former chief of police reduced to a frail reminiscence of the good old days. Her mother hadn’t been the most present figure in her life and every strangled smile from her at the turning of a page indicated that regret.
At the chime of the doorbell, Caroline finally released the handle and carried her feet reluctantly down the steps. Every creak struck her insides with the looming event on the horizon. She could barely breathe by the time she reached the bottom but the sight in front of her forced a rush of air into her lungs.
Through the glass pane of their door, draped only by a thin curtain (a design Caroline had regularly questioned in regards to their safety), stood the familiar figure of one Klaus Mikaelson. He was a man she had once pinned as the love of her life, but after the sour ending to their relationship, she had begged fate to have other plans.
She knew that in her frantic errands around town, she was bound to run into him, but she hadn’t expected him at her door. Five years had changed him a great deal. Before, he was an falsely secure, fresh-out-of-high-school young adult with no fashion sense aside from the splattered paint that decorated his clothing, but now, he waited for her with a firm posture, his lean figure dressed in an unmistakably Klaus shirt. Even under the new jacket he wore, he was unwilling to give up the henleys, but it seemed to suit him much more than it once had.
Caroline braved the eye-contact that he willed from her. There wasn’t much she could do in the way of avoidance as she came up behind the glass. His hands were clasped behind his back and the way his throat bobbed as she unlocked the door didn’t go amiss. She pulled it back a few inches and glanced down, hoping to compose her bubbling nerves.
“Hi,” she barely whispered, her thin fingers tight around the door’s edge.
He released his hands from behind his back, his parted lips struggling out his words, “I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate for me to turn up like this but I hadn’t seen you in town and—“
“No,” she quickly shook her head and held the door open for him, “it’s fine. Come in.”
His shoes were gentle against the floorboards, but in the silence, they were all she could focus on. She waited until he turned on his heel to shut the door, jiggling the lock until it clicked.
“How is she?”
Her heart couldn’t bare the sympathetic notes of his voice, but she inhaled until a smile was present on her face. With her lips pressed, she turned to look at him.
“She’s...doing okay,” Caroline answered halfheartedly and shrugged her shoulders. She pulled her elbow in by the hand, chewing on her lip as she watched him take a tentative step forward.
“I’m sorry.”
“Thank you.”
Although he said it with sympathy in mind, she knew what he really meant.
He didn’t have to say a word. It wasn’t the first time they were finding themselves in dire circumstances.
Caroline had dreamt of dancing in the big city from a young age; it was the reason she did most things. She had seldom shared the dream with others, but as she fell for Klaus, her dream was starting to see him involved. And he had been prepared to go with her, but with his youngest brother’s declining health, it wasn’t what he wanted by graduation. It was why he stayed and why he hated her for leaving.
When her bags were first packed for New York, they said their brittle goodbyes as though their issues were gone, but long distance was the slow killer of their relationship, culminating in a war of words on her first trip home.
Well, if you hate Mystic Falls so much, why don’t you go back to New York and stay there?
“Klaus...” she mustered softly from within, taking slow steps to close the gap.
“I should have...” his voice trailed into silence as he looked to the ground. Though they lingered in the quiet, he finally directed his gaze at her pained, blue eyes. “I should have said it sooner.”
Before Caroline knew it, he was wiping a tear from under her eye with his calloused thumb. She sighed into his grasp, wrapping her arms around his midsection as he instinctively brought his own arms around her neck. He pressed a chaste kiss atop her head before resting his chin on the spot.
With a heaving heart, she asked, “How did we end up like this?”
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nonhero · 4 years
♡¸.•*  WISHLIST / BY CHARACTER. (updated)
i’m placing this under a read more just so you don’t have to read this unless you want to! there’s a part ii coming next with different characters. the ideas that are ticked are the ones i’m already doing with some of my roleplaying partners. ❤︎
1. ELENA: 
* AU set in season 1 of tvd where damon, shattered by the fact that katherine is not in the tomb, abducts elena & forces her to “become” katherine. this is fifty shades of messed up lol :  ✓, with PURESTHEARTED. ❤︎
* angst angst angst where elena finally has enough of damon’s evil deeds & tells him she never wants to see him again. damon disappears for a whole year until elena gets in serious trouble & he saves her. he then admits that he’s been looking out for her the whole year without her knowing.
* damon helping elena getting over her breakup with stefan (it could be in season 3) by taking her to long walks, watching bad comedy or scary movies & being her shoulder to cry on. alternatively, set in season 1, & damon shows the soft side of him that makes elena think “hey, you’re not that evil...”
* elena can’t stand damon at all & they bicker all the time, but it’s the middle of the night, there’s a storm outside & damon’s car broke down, so they have to spend the night in the nearest hotel which, surprise, is said to be haunted, & it turns out it is...
* AU set in season 2 where damon turns his emotions off bc he can’t deal with the heartbreak katherine caused him & goes on a killing spree. stefan tries his best to stop him but fails, and, in a moment of desperation, reaches out to katherine and asks her to help him. “you’re the one who broke him — now fix him.” she succeeds in 2 days.
* another AU in season 2 at the end of episode 7, where instead of locking her in the dungeon after the masquerade ball, he gives in & brings her to the salvatore lake house, providing her with blood & all the other necessities, only to get double-crossed. again. this boy never learns...✓, with THEIRSORROW. ❤︎
* AU in 1864 — romantic datherine moment when damon admits his feelings for katherine & she’s not running in stefan’s arms the next moment lmao, but stays with him the whole night & makes him feel loved. ✓, with DIABOLUSQ. ❤︎
* enemies to lovers to enemies to lovers. a never-ending cycle. need i say more?
* damon has a girlfriend, katherine has mason (season 2), & yet they cheat on their partner with each other. damon would leave his girlfriend for katherine. katherine? not so much.
* set in season 1; damon finally behaves like a boyfriend, buys her flowers & goes shopping with her. why? he’s bored. & he’s kind of doing it to make elena jealous...
* set in season 2. damon apologises to caroline for using her & is decent to her for once.
* season 3: damon spends a lot of time with liz forbes & caroline hates it, especially when she wakes up one day & finds him in the kitchen only wearing jeans...
* season 1: damon is blunt & tells caroline to stop chasing matt, with the good intention of boosting her confidence up after he sees her crying over him.
* damon & stefan team up...& become the salvatore rippers.
* damon blames stefan mostly for everything bad that happened to him. lots of angst & resentment & even fighting until stefan snaps & makes him see the truth -- he’s the only one who stood & will stand by his side no matter what.
* damon tries to corrupt stefan by tempting him with human blood ( & he succeeds).
* soft moment where the brothers contemplate their lives & childhood & comfort each other.
                                                      TO BE CONTINUED.
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blairwaldcrf · 4 years
vampire diaries
(look i know it’s how we met but this still feels mean, haha)
Top 5 favourite characters: Caroline, Stefan, Lexi, Rose, Katherine 
Other characters you like:  Bonnie, Elena, Enzo, Jeremy, Anna, Nora
Least favourite characters: Valerie, then over time-- Matt and Alaric
Otps: Stefan/Caroline, Bonnie/Damon/Enzo, Katherine/Elijah, Jeremy/Anna
Notps: Damon/Caroline, Klaus/Caroline, Stefan/Elena
Favourite friendships: Caroline & Bonnie, Stefan & Lexi, Damon /Rose or Enzo or Alaric
Favourite family: Liz & Caroline
Favourite episodes: Umm, definitely the Steroline & travelers episode, the episode of dealing with Jeremy’s body, the episode where Elena drowns again
Favourite season/book/movie: Season 4/5
Favourite quotes: "Because that’s what makes you you” ... “That’s for me to know and you to dot dot dot” ... “Someday you’ll fall madly in love without even realizing it” ....
Best musical moment: Caroline singing at her mom’s funeral
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: every early season Steroline hint
When it really disappointed you: Stefan being the one to permanently die in the finale
Saddest moment: there’s quite a few. four way tie between Elena’s drowning scene with flashbacks, death of Caroline’s mom, Elena going to burn her house down after Jeremy’s death, and Caroline turning her humanity back on
Most well done character death: Liz Forbes
Favourite guest star: probably Lexi or Rose
Favourite cast member: Either Candice or Paul
Character you wish was still alive: Stefan.
One thing you hope really happens: well the show has ended, but I guess if we’re talking the tvdverse in general, I hope Caroline visits the twins
Most shocking twist: Back in s1 finale when Katherine chops John’s fingers off and we find out it was her all along
When did you start watching/reading?: Um, not long after it started airing. I didn’t finish the first book though.
Best animal/creature: don’t think I have a fav. Maybe the wolves
Favourite location: Um, either the college or the boarding house
Trope you wish they would stop using: Shock value for shock value only
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: yeah, i don’t know if there is anything. I like the look of how they vamp out, I guess? Maybe just the characters, because even when the plot was shit you still watched for them?
Funniest moments: Stefan training newbie vamp Caroline, Katherine getting drunk as hell and dancing around with a lamp while locked up in an apt
Couple you would like to see: Damon/Enzo
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a
Favourite outfit: Elena’s black ballgown
Favourite item: n/a
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: used to own a ton of drawings I had created 
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: witch
Most boring plotline: which one?
Most laughably bad moment: Damon hiding the moonstone in the soap bowl
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: As mentioned, Elena’s drowning
Most layered character: Either Stefan or Damon, only because they have hundred years of history
Most one dimensional character: Valerie
Scariest moment: Either Katherine and Elena meeting the first time or Stefan’s second? death saving Caroline and having his heart ripped out
Grossest moment: Damon/Caroline
Best looking male: Either Stefan or Damon
Best looking female: Katherine or Caroline
Who you’re crushing on (if any): n/a
Favourite cast moment: any interview with Paul/Candice joking about how they need steroline and or only want steroline just to piss certain fans off
Favourite transportation: either Stefan or Damon’s car
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the first time Steroline kiss with the sun framing them
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: no one has time for that list
Best promo: n/a
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: when Elena reacted appropriately to finding out Stefan was a vampire by trying to get the fuck away, unlike Bella
—Send me a show/fandom and i’ll answer
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seesgood · 5 years
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obviously, with the events of legacies happening and how tvd / to ended, there’s a huge impact on what kind of  relationships all the characters have to one another. some of them i’ve headcanoned / written pretty extensively about in threads ( the twins, stefan’s memory, klaus, etc. ) but!! this is just gonna be a semi-extensive / semi-comprehensive list of where i see caroline’s emotions / relationships with the people who survived the great tvd / to charcter massacre of 2017/2018
alaric.     as far as people from her past go, ric is obviously the one she keeps in contact with most because of the twins. they’re close, and they’re definitely like The Dream Team of supernatural dealings, but they have their issues as well. i don’t imagine he tells her the full brunt of everything happening at the school bc they both know she’d come back instantly and drop all merge-research on the spot if she thought there was a present danger to the twins. so as much as they lean on one another, there’s always a baseline level of lying that goes along with it. i also imagine they have a tendency to fight a lot and butt heads about certain things as well, especially regarding the girls, his attention to them vs the rest of the school / students ( hope ), how to go about lizzie’s illness, josie’s inability to let herself take priority, and anything going on with the school. she worries a lot about him drinking or doing too much without looking out for himself. and while the girls probably know they tried to romance route, it’s pretty obvious that for the most part, they’re a platonic pair. additionally: the twins know nothing about original-ric torturing caroline in season 3, or killing her father. 
bonnie.     as always, bonnie is her rock. they probably stay in contact a bunch, bonnie is the one she goes to for all magical advice and help and where to go / what to try to fix the merge situation. that being said, however, she very much respects bonnie’s need for privacy and separation from mystic falls. there’s probably always going to be a bit of a strain on their relationship because of the stefan / enzo thing, but it’s not something that ever gets too far in the middle of their relationship.
damon.     strangely enough, damon is probably the person she calls / goes to when she needs someone to kinda...snap her back into gear? he’s definitely not one to put a positive spin on things, or sugar coat them. and while they’ll never be best friends, they share a weird closeness of “hey we both lost like 90% of the people we loved most and that sucks.” he’s the one she goes out with on the anniversary of stefan’s death or her mom’s death, and they probably just kinda sit in mutual silence and drink. any time there’s a change in something big at the salvatore school, she’ll probably ask him for his blessing as well, bc she does want everything to be done in stefan’s legacy and damon is the one that knew stefan best. 
elena.     still her best friend, still super close, but she also recognizes that elena probably wants to just go on and live a normal life and start a family and be happy after everything that happened and she respects that. she’ll definitely babysit elena’s kids and help her out when she’s studying for boards and tests and stuff, but she tries her hardest to keep her continued involvement within the supernatural world far, far away from the doppelganger.
freya.     obviously this one is strictly headcanon based bc as far as canon showed, caroline has never met freya, nor knows of her existence. but! it doesn’t mean they’re not networked, and she’s probably called / texted at least once to see if she has any familiarity with gemini magic and if she knows anyone that’ll be able to help break the merge curse. additionally, she’ll keep freya in her speed dial in case something happens with hope and she thinks she needs a visit from a family member.
hope.     the closest way to describe how she feels about hope is to say that she loves her like a daughter, but very much recognizes that hope is not her daughter and in no way has an interest in replacing hayley as a mother figure. nor would she ever try and step into that role. she recognizes and  respects how important alaric is to hope, and she’s not going to try and step into that, but at the same time she’s also 150% there to support the tribrid in whatever she needs. whether it be someone to talk / vent to, someone who can tell her the non-history books versions of her parents / family, or who just kind’ve gets it.
jeremy.     again, they probably don’t talk a whole lot just because she wants to respect his distance from the supernatural community, but at the same time...he’s the closest thing to a little brother she’s ever had so you bet your buttons she’s gonna be a little bit overbearing whenever he’s in town, trying to make sure he’s happy and okay and has everything he needs, etc.
josie.     her literal rock that she “never has to worry about” and yet always worries about for that very reason. she’ll always carve out extra time for josie just to try and remind her that it’s okay to take the spotlight sometimes, and speak up for herself. she’s really, really protective of her and as much as she knows josie is usually fine, she knows that --- much like elena, and herself --- every soft and caring person has their breaking point and josie, at some point, is going to reach hers.
kai.     if that guy ever sets foot within a hundred miles of the twins, she’s going to skewer him and roast him on a spit.
lizzie.     definitely her mini-me, almost to a fault. it’s probably “obvious” to most people that she and lizzie are close, but i imagine they butt heads pretty often because lizzie has a tendency to make some very caroline choices and as much as caroline recognizes that, she’s also not a fan of it. suffice to say, she’s 100% sure liz forbes is rolling over in her grave laughing and proclaiming that karma is a bitch.
matt.     honestly? they probably fall out of touch, which sucks, but also...matt definitely doesn’t seem to have any interest or desire to stick around supernatural creatures, and she definitely respects that. 
penelope.     oh boy, is...probably not a fan of josie’s ex? just out of solidarity? and as much as she appreciates there being someone out there that is 100% looking out for josie’s interests at all times and is 100% team josie she’s not a fan at all of penelope’s methods of tearing down lizzie in the process. not that she’ll ever explicitly show / state it, because she’s headmistress and supposed to be unbiased here, but...yeah. 
rebekah.     fucking fight me on this, i guarantee they’ve met up in paris at least once or twice to go shopping / drinking / dancing to just kind’ve like...retain a sense of normalcy. they still bicker a lot. they’ll literally never stop bickering. but at this point in her life, she’s probably too tired fighting other battles to keep pretending she entirely loathes the original. pls don’t crush my rebekoline friendship dreams.
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galvanizedfriend · 5 years
What are your favorite Klaroline stories so far?
So a while back I wrote this rec post with a bunch of my favorite Klaroline fics. I think those are basically my favorites, plus the one I mentioned yesterday that hasn’t been finished.
It’s a TVD/Supernatural crossover where John Winchester marries Liz Forbes and Caroline grows up with Dean and Sam as her stepbrothers. From what I understand, it’s a merge between SPN season 4 and TVD season 3, with Angel apocalypse about to hit and all supernatural creatures having to come together to fight Michael (the archangel) or whatever. I hate Supernatural and I LOVED it. The KC bits are SO good and perfect and IC and such a great slow burn!! It’s awesome. Her Klaus is like THE best Klaus I’ve ever read. But the story is unfinished and hasn’t been updated in five years, so it’s pretty much abandoned. :/ It’s called The Birth and Death of the Day by Sunny Daisy on FF.net.
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sheoptimist-a · 5 years
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guard elizabeth and councilman bill forbes’ marriage was far from perfect. maybe at some point, the two were really in love with one another. but as years passed and they grey old, they also grew apart. the only thing that kept them together ( other than the fact neither of them were willing to deal with the long process of getting a divorce ) was their daughter, caroline. with sparkling blue eyes, long blonde hair and a captivating smile, she had her parents wrapped around her little finger since she was a baby. sure, she was a handful. little girl from alpha station, who’s parents worked important jobs and spoke to important people, caroline wasn’t exactly the nicest girl on the ark. but she loved with all of her heart and oh how did it hurt when her own parents broke her heart and trust and—well, her.
her life started spiraling out of control when her father began drinking. at first, it was barely noticeable. just an extra tint of pink on his cheeks or a spark on his eyes. but it was quickly replaced by the stench of alcohol that seemed to stick to him like a second skin. his behavior changed, too. the once focused and well-opinionated member of the council turned into a man who arrived late at meetings, tripping over his own feet and nursing a flask without a hint of shame. about a week after this happened for the third time, bill got home and announced he was removed from the council. the very next day, his wife took his spot. 
from then on, it got worse. caroline saw too much of her drunk of a father and too little of her workaholic mother. she threw herself into her studies and spent a lot of time with her friends because being home was simply not an option. by being absent, she didn’t notice her father had developed a new addiction. so when, during a random room sweep, a guard pulled out a bottle of painkillers from under her pillow, caroline couldn’t fathom how it’d ended up there. only that she wasn’t the one who stole and hid it. she kicked and cried as the guards dragged her out of the quarters, screamed that she was innocent and didn’t know how the pills had ended up there, but it was useless. she was thrown into a cell and forced to wait six months for her eighteenth birthday, when she’d put on trail to see if her crime could be pardoned. she knew it wouldn’t. they were floating people for crimes smaller than stealing medication. she’d die in six months because she was guilty. guilty of a crime she didn’t commit. 
what caroline didn’t know was that during the time she spent on her tiny cell, her father - the one who hid the bottle under her pillow - tried to change chancellor jaha’s mind. he hoped he’d be able to sway the man and get him to pardon his daughter on her trail. it worked—sort of. instead of being floated, caroline was sent to the ground with other a hundred young prisoners just two days after bill’s last conversation with jaha.
under the cut, you’ll find more information about caroline, as well as a detailed description of what she’s up to season by season. if you’re someone who’s currently watching or intends to watch the 100 at some point, i suggest that you stop reading here as there are spoilers everywhere lol. but if you wanna risk it, be my guest! <3
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞: caroline elizabeth forbes
𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: the ark (formely) ; the hundred (formely) ; skaikru (formely) ; spacekru (currently)
𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬: care, blondie, prisoner 307, karoline kom skaikru, karoline kom speiskru
𝐚𝐠𝐞: 17 (s1) ; 18 (s2-4) ;  24 (s5) ; 149 (s6, chronologically)
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: elizabeth ‘liz’ forbes (deceased) & william ‘bill’ forbes (deceased)
𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞: caught with painkillers during a room sweep
𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬: guns, knives, bow and arrow & distraction
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: optimistic, hard-working & loyal
𝐧𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐬: neurotic, controlling, spoiled (mostly in s1!!), & insecure
season one
earth is weird. there are mosquitos and green things everywhere, the sun is too hot but the water on the river near camp is too cold. and not to mention the fact they’re all sleeping on the ground and no one seemed to think about packing some shampoo! so yeah, earth is weird but caroline is sure she can get used to it. but then jasper gets speared and they find out not only they’re not alone, but whoever is out there wants them all dead. she freaks out and wishes there was a way they could all get back to the ark. but there isn’t.
so she has no choice but to learn how to defend herself, be it with a makeshift knife or actual guns. she fights with her fellow delinquents, tries to protect them and herself and the camp but it’s not enough. so when time comes for them to get into the dropship, she obliges without a second thought. they blast off, turn a bunch of grounders into barbecue and she thinks ‘it’s finally over’. but it’s not. the moment they all step outside, smoke bombs are being thrown into their camp. everything is suddenly a pinkish-red and the last thought caroline has before passing out is that she misses the obnoxious amount of green.
additional note: her father volunteers for the culling. it’s his way to make up for what he did to his own daughter.
season two
mount weather is great. it might be because she missed sleeping on an actual bed, eating three solid meals a day and being able to shower properly. caroline likes mount weather but she doesn’t like mount weather’s people - well, some of them are fine. maya is nice and so is the old lady who gave her the last strawberry lemon shortcake during lunch one day. - they look at her funny when she walks past them on the halls and their smiles always seem so fake. still, caroline tries to fit in and get used to living there. 
but then clarke escapes and she’s hurt but can’t bring herself to blame her. so she tries to move on with her life because maybe they can be happy there. harper goes missing four days later and caroline just knows there’s something the wallaces are keeping from them. something important. hell breaks loose a few days later and, before she knows it, she’s chained to a moldy wall and watching as mount weather doctors are drilling her friends to get to their bone marrow. the drilling machine never comes anywhere near her body, but the images of raven strapped down and screaming will forever be seared into her brain. some miracle - aka clarke, bellamy and monty - happens and the people in mount weather are dead and they are free to go home. 
when they finally make to arkadia, caroline reunites with her mother - apparently kane had requested her to stay behind and keep an eye on things - and is engulfed in a bone-crushing hug. they cry and smile and say they’ve missed each other many, many times. it’s all good until caroline asks about her father and liz has to tell him that not only he was the one who hid the painkillers under her pillow, but that he volunteered to the culling. caroline silently cries in her mother’s arms while mumbling ‘i forgive you, daddy’ over and over again.
season three
being treated like a child sucked. even after everything they went through, the adults don’t seem to trust any of the remaining members of the hundred. they boss them around and scoff whenever they try to voice their opinions. caroline manages to tune them out most of the time and focus on learning a bit about medicine and reconnecting with her mother. their relationship is way better than it was when they were in space, however, they still butt heads every now and then, but that’s completely normal when you have caroline forbes for a daughter.
when jaha starts preaching about the city of light, caroline isn’t among the people who buy into it. to her, it screams bullshit and there’s no way in hell she’s accepting the weird chip he seems to never run out of. then people start acting weird and she grows wary; but it’s only when raven stops acting lke raven that she realizes the seriousness of the situation. so she tries her best to help and goes to polis when it’s needed, shooting brainwashed grounders as they barge into the room while clarke is in the city of light. when it’s all over and the people are no longer mumbling about A.L.I.E and the city, caroline take a much needed deep breath to collect herself and starts looking for her mother.
additional notes: she does NOT take the chip. her mother, however, does when jaha threatens to hurt her daughter. caroline is under massive stress during all of this; fretting over her mom’s safety while trying to avoid being chipped.
season four
‘radiation, seriously?!’ is the first thing that comes out of caroline’s mouth when she finds out what A.L.I.E told clarke. but then again, should she even be surprised? ever since they came down, they barely had time to breathe before another bad thing happened. when she hears through the grapevine that jaha might’ve found a bunker that will be able to save them all, she begs clarke to let her go with them. she mumbles something about ‘four people cover more ground then three’ until clarke gives up and lets her join. her hopes are crushed when they make it into the bunker and find thousands of toasted skeletons, but, of course, she tries to hide it. she puts on her best smile and goes back to the camp where she knows her friends and mom will be waiting. when they finally find the right bunker, caroline’s hopes are renewed and she just knows they’ll make through yet another terrible thing tossed their way.
she asks - or rather, demands - clarke and bellamy to let her come with them to rescue raven. caroline had grown to love and admire the mechanic and there was no way she’d leave her behind. john and emori show up not long after and, together and clad in hazmat suits, the five of them leave to find their friend. along the way, monty, harper and echo join them. when clarke announces they’re going to the ark, caroline is shocked. she didn’t think she’d ever go back there, but if that was her only shot at surviving then so be it. she says goodbye to her mom and tries to sound confident and happy even though she’s secretly afraid. she mumbles a heartfelt, ‘ i love you, mom. may we meet again ’ to liz before passing the radio to bellamy so he can say goodbye to octavia; 
caroline stays in becca’s lab to help raven, harper, emori and echo set everything up for their launch. she gets into the ship with her heart racing and palms sweating and as it launches, without clarke inside, caroline is in deep silence just like everyone else. expecting something bad to happen with the hundred year-old rocket or for the death wave to get them. when nothing happens and they’re somewhat safe in space, tears start streaming down caroline’s face as it dawns on her: clarke is dead.
additional notes: back in the bunker, liz joins david miller and writes her daughter’s name in the lottery to make sure she would have two chances of getting her name drawn. however, when unconscious arkadians start to be removed from the bunker by grounders and caroline still hasn’t returned, kane decides to give her spot to liz.  
season five
algae sucks. of course, caroline never tells monty that. she doesn’t have the heart to, not when the two have grown close over the six years they spent on the ring. she grows close to the others too, but especially to echo. the two train together almost every day and the brunette teaches her how to use a bow and arrow - a really shitty one they put together with random scrapes they found laying around -. 
it takes a while but they manage to get to the ground and she’s utterly shocked to find out not only that clarke has been alive the whole time but that she also had a kid. the bunker is open, their people come out and caroline looks and looks, but her mother is nowhere to be seen. she asks multiple people but it’s kane who delivers the news: her mother is dead. it tears her apart and she cries on the former chancellor’s arms for a few minutes before wiping her tears and leaving to find bellamy. 
when bellamy decides to put the flame on madi, caroline is extremely against it. no matter what the girl has witnessed or how strong she seems to be, she’s still just a child. she gives him the cold shoulder for a few hours until she has no choice but to talk to him. caroline marches with everyone else because she knows that’s her only shot at surviving and she wants to keep on living to make her mother proud. when hell breaks loose, caroline manages to escape with some of the wonkru members and return to the dead zone. she tries helping niylah tend to the wounded, but she’s no doctor and fears that she might kill them faster than a gunshot. still, she keeps on trying because they’ve all come so far to die now.
caroline almost doesn’t make it into the eligius ship. she’s trying to support someone who’s injured pretty badly, which means running isn’t really an option. however, when she sees everyone rushing inside the ginormous ship, hope blossoms within her for the millionth time and that’s what fuels her to all but carry the woman she’s helping and lead both of them to safety. 
she attends the meeting where they decide the fate of human race. like everyone else, caroline doesn’t like monty’s plan of using algae. she’s has enough of that thing to last a lifetime. so when raven and shaw suggest cryosleep, she’s quick to agree. of course she knows that, ultimately, it’s up to madi. thankfully, the new heda also agrees and everyone starts getting ready to go to sleep.
before going into her chamber, caroline jokes with bellamy that, when she wakes up, she will be ‘ the hottest 34 year-old on the ship ’. she then proceeds to give him a quick hug before hopping on what’s going to be her bed for the next ten years. or so she thinks.
additional notes: liz dies during the dark year. caroline doesn’t know what happened but she knows that octavia is responsible for her mom’s death so to say their relationship is strained would be one hell of an understatement.
season six
she knows something’s not right immediately after waking up. for one, only a handful of them are awake and then there’s the fact bellamy looks like someone kicked him in the groin. she finds out about earth and monty and harper only fifteen minutes after she gets out of her cryo chamber. she hugs emori while listening to monty’s video logs and by the time he mentions harper’s death, she’s silently crying on her friend’s shoulder. afterwards, they talk. about who should be on the exploratory team, when they should leave and how many guns they should bring with them. caroline volunteers to stay on the ship with raven, but the brunette waves her off and tells her to ‘go have some fun for her and try not to get killed’. so she gets ready and heads to the ground with the rest of the team.
things start going downhill within hours of them being on the new planet and seriously, that has to be a new record !  by the time clarke figures out about the toxin being related to the eclipse, caroline is already starting to feel the effects of it. she’s chained in the same room as jackson and miller, losing it way before they do. she’s the only one awake after bellamy and clarke use the darts on their friends and leave to deal with echo and emori. time seems to drag by, but eventually, the effects wear off and caroline comes to her senses. shortly after, the door opens and in comes abby.
caroline tries to adjust to life in sanctum - yeah, apparently that’s the name of the moon they’re going to live in -, but it’s hard. maybe it’s because of everything she’s gone through on earth, but she doesn’t fully trust russell and is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. eventually, it does. immortality and bodysnatchers are a thing in sanctum and caroline has half a mind to scream ‘ i told you so ! ’ to all of her friends that thought she was being paranoid.
additional note: this will be updated once the season is over. i just wanted to post an overview of what caroline is doing in sanctum lol.
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