#literally go outside. interact with real gay people
hidingoutbackstage · 3 months
I fucking guarantee you that the people who made the death island renders do not know what the toothpaste flag is because they are people who have jobs
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eisforeidolon · 5 months
In regards to that post [X]:
We could talk about the same old fallacies - OMG, Dean's siren is a guy! Yeah, a brother. OMG, Dean was supposed to say I love you in the Crypt scene! Yeah, it was removed and replaced with what the writer explicitly said was the less OOC version of what he meant anyway, "We're family". We could talk about the blatant absurdity of statements like "Dean liked men it happened on my screen" which bear no resemblance to the SPN that aired. But we've done that before and others have got this reiteration of it well covered.
So I wanna focus for the moment on this particular even more repulsive gem: "Like he literally doesn't need to verbally tell us he's bisexual we just know. He may not know but we do. This is an unmovable fact sorry."
It tells us a few things. One, this person is a fucking idiot. Two, this person, yet again, thinks that ~*interpreting*~ sexuality from the way someone looks/stands/makes eye contact/eats pastry/whatever numbnuts conspiracy bullshit you like? Is more valid than how a character identifies and is identified by those who created him. People can just look at you and know what your sexuality is better than you do, there's nothing repulsive about that idea at all! I've got a mountain of shiny pennies that says if Dean had literally never interacted with a man for the entire span of the series, they would have insisted it was because he was so afraid of how much he wanted to fuck them. There was no way the writers could have written Dean that someone like that would have accepted as actually heterosexual, because that's not what they personally wanted, so that's not what they were going to see.
I'm not saying there aren't things that might be said about how relatively questionable some of the gay jokes in SPN are, especially in the early years in terms of making queerness a punchline. But if we're going to talk about that? We need to do it not only in the cultural context of 2005 rather than 2023, but in the context of portrayals of real world men - and particularly those in fairly rural settings who aren't going to be particularly conscientious in the way they rib each other. Which becomes a whole other discussion about where to draw lines when you're writing fiction and dealing with things that might be realistic but also potentially offensive.
Furthermore, I'm not saying there aren't things that might be said about how SPN continually used romantic tropes for platonic relationships and how it's not entirely absurd for that to land different with the audience when the characters are not blood-related. Except that discussion needs to include not just how maybe the writers shouldn't have treated it as such a joke that a relationship between two male characters might have been possible, but also how fans should absolutely not have equated a relationship being theoretically possible with any specific relationship they wanted being owed to them. Especially in the context of those romantic tropes being used so so so much more between brothers all the fucking time setting the tone. As well as how it's not just problematic to treat the possibility of homosexual relationships as a joke, but problematic to insist literally any closeness between two male entities is gay, reinforcing all kinds of nasty toxic stereotypes about sexuality and masculinity which underlay a lot of modern adult men's issues with expressing their emotions and having genuinely close and open relationships outside of their romantic partners. I've seen fans wonder how heterosexual dudes can watch this show and love the brothers' relationship without seemingly noticing the weird undertones of how claustrophobically intertwined they are, and I think it's very much that when it comes to wanting a fantasy of platonic closeness, they're looking for realism as much as most women reading trashy romance novels are - but that's a whole other digression and this is already too long.
At the end of the day, not only was SPN not created in the cultural context of Very Online Tumbrites in 2023, convinced that nothing should ever be is heterosexual and every fictional story should be about them and what they want? The fact their ostensible original point misses is the real world and most other media of 2023 aren't like that either! Some of these shippers come across like they've literally never seen two adult male friends interact with each other or any actual love stories in media - and it's not just early 2000's television characters getting this treatment from entitled shippers who want to use representation as a weapon against creators as to why they're owed things they absolutely aren't.
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quodekash · 7 months
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...why do I feel like she doesnt actually like him but she just thinks she likes him
I mean its entirely possible she does
but im just putting it out there that she might not
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again, its very possible she does actually like sailom
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oh honeyyyyy
my boy :(((
he sad :(((((((((
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well now im sad
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lmaoooo the super slow dramatic shots as he questions everything
she's just a lesbian kang, calm down bro
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and valid. I would sit that attentively if it were me as well, june is too too pretty hOW IS SHE SO PRETTY
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bro was just offered a footy position by a senior, and he's thinking about sailom. gay as all hell
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also lmao he's good at catching balls
that sentence will definitely send both of them into insane amounts of gay panic
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also: she better be about to make a joke about like "oh well, im heartbroken now. i thought you could spend time with me, but it turns out your heart is only for kanghan, as i expected" and we can all watch sailom gay panic
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oh. she was serious.
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oh :(
its a metaphor :(
i usually love metaphors but this one is sad
i didnt expect to get so invested in this sailom/pimfah thing
i think i just love pimfah a lot
shes so important to me
and so is sailom
and so is kanghan
i get unhealthy emotional attachments to fictional characters and also to real people and because of that i cant let anything go and i hoard things and memories and people for fear that i will be left alone
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the grabbing each other's shirts??? the rain??? the yelling at each other????
this is literally that scene from the pilot trailer
where they yell at each other about hating the other, and then kiss
(i think about that scene probably more than is strictly necessary)
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h- he
he tOLD HIM????
(yes dr seuss i did- sorry, now is not the time for sanders sides references)
well i think i just died
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boy is Shook™️
i mean valid
but his expression is so funny to me and im laughing again
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his older brother senses are tingling
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i love them so much
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✨i ran out of images✨
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rollercoasterwords · 9 months
why are you invalidating people’s real concerns in this fandom? you’re naive if you think that “the fandom” doesn’t have opinions they all agree with that become popular. sure people have their own opinions, but honestly that’s very rare and not seen. you and i both could list popular headcanons in the fandom that people mostly take as canon. remus and sirius have turned into a straight couple, especially with the headcanon that sirius is now a girl. as a woman myself i love sirius as a girl but i hate how the fandom treats feminine sirius. sirius doesn’t have any depth anymore besides being remus’ love interest and sirius is always in the wrong and sirius is always the bad guy - just like society always blames women for everything and men always get a pass. literally look at the fanart. remus’ disabilities have been completely erased. remus is drawn as this huge super manly guy towering over little dainty feminine sirius. in fanfics remus is verbally abusive to sirius bc oh he’s a man and has anger issues. remus is a slut who everyone was in love with but eventually settles down with sirius. these are all stereotypes. idk why you’re trying to tell people this isn’t a thing in the fandom when it literally is.
assuming this is about the two anons i responded to two days ago, one of which was saying they did not like my particular characterization of r+s in a fic and asking me to rewrite it and the other of which was responding to it. both of my responses were focused around saying that my characterization didn't even fit the dynamic being complained about and saying the terms in which that complaint was being stated were odd in the first place (assuming one character being shorter than another automatically makes them feminine, calling a gay relationship heteronormative, asking to making a non-canon-compliant fic more canon compliant, etc). if someone has a real concern with my specific fic that is not premised in gender essentialism then i have yet to hear it; otherwise, i'm not sure how you want me to "validate" that concern unless you are also asking me to rewrite my fic. in which case, the answer is still no lol
and i genuinely do not think "the fandom" is monolith in which everyone agrees on everything; calling me naive is not going to change my mind. i agree that there are popular hcs, sure, but even those are not monolithic in their application and can be filtered and avoided--i know this because there are many popular hcs that i filter and avoid to the point that they are virtually nonexistent in my fandom space. i suggest others do the same with hcs they dislike because i genuinely think that's the best way to approach fandom: curate your space for your own peace of mind.
your experiences with fandom are not singular and are not representative of everyone's. from where i'm sitting, writing sirius as a girl is not a super popular hc--i've seen the hc from time to time, but overwhelmingly i've seen it in the context of r/s femslash, not people writing them as a straight couple. and even then, i still mostly see r/s written as gay men in the vast majority of fics i read and like...posts the people i follow make on tumblr.com. i don't use other platforms to interact w marauders content nor do i stray outside my small circle of mutuals' posts, so if this is some mega-popular hc elsewhere i am simply unaware. from the actual fics posted on ao3, though, gay r/s still seems to be dominating the wolfstar fandom. and to then say that sirius has no personality past being a love interest and always being blamed for everything--again, this is genuinely not something i see. i have never read a fic where sirius is a one dimensional love interest or where it's just sirius-bashing; i'm sure they exist out there somewhere, but i have not found them to make up a majority. maybe i've gotten lucky and miraculously managed to avoid the numerous fanfics where sirius is this caricature you're describing, but personally i think it's more likely that this is an extreme representation of the way people write the character. if you'd like to send me some of the many fics where this is happening to illustrate what you mean, though, feel free.
remus's canonical disability is lycanthropy. that has not been erased in any of the fics i've read that are set in the magical universe. in every non-magical au i've read, he has been written as a disabled character as well. there are plenty of people in this fandom who are not erasing disability as an aspect of his character. if you're not able to find those fics i would be happy to recommend some, and i'm sure others would as well.
i have not seen the fanart you're referring to where remus is drawn as a super manly guy towering over dainty feminine sirius. i'm sure it exists out there, but most of the fanart i personally see doesn't portray them that way--it is definitely not the only way these characters are drawn.
none of the fanfics i've read have had anything that i would characterize as verbal abuse between remus and sirius. nor have they had remus as "a slut," (not crazy about your tone here, tbh) though he is sexually active in some fics i've read with people other than sirius. personally i don't mind characterizations where the two have had or do have sex with other people before getting together. in fact, i prefer it to fics where they only ever sleep with each other, as it more accurately reflects my own experiences w the world (ie, most people are not virgins until "settling down" with one person etc).
all of the things you're describing here can be stereotypes, sure. but i personally have not seen an overwhelming number of fics characterizing r + s this way. i'm not saying it doesn't exist; i'm saying that i have curated my own space to avoid any such one-dimensional portrayals and encouraging others to do the same, because there are tons of people who are not writing the characters this way. "the fandom" is not a monolith, and if you feel like there are certain hcs that are super popular it's possible you've become stuck in a feedback loop where you're seeing them over and over again when in other parts of the fandom they are virtually nonexistent (case in point: i was blissfully unaware of all of this discourse until i started getting these asks). personally, i find it more useful to just block and unfollow people who are posting stuff i don't like, because i don't really see a way to try and police what people are or aren't allowed to write about when it comes to gender in fanfic that doesn't eventually devolve back into gender essentialism. if the concern is that you're noticing what appears to be a certain standard of femininity or masculinity elevated over others, then i personally find it more helpful to have conversations breaking down gender roles + gender essentialism more broadly (as opposed to sending people anonymous messages about how everyone is writing sirius too feminine and remus too masculine), which is something i already do pretty frequently on my blog.
this is the only ask about this whole discourse i'm going to answer; any complaints that "the fandom" as a whole is doing something are not something i'm interested in entertaining because the fandom isn't a monolith and 90% of the time the complaint in question is not even something i'm seeing based on how i've curated my space. i really don't know what to tell you beyond that--if there are things bothering you about what you're seeing in your fandom spaces, coming into my askbox is not going to fix it and will most likely just end with me blocking you, because i have better things to do with my time than deal with other people's discourse.
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onegianthotmess · 3 months
Amelia’s Ikemen Vampire Contact List
The contact names and group chats I would have for these chaos men.
Napoleon Bonaparte - Panty Sniffer👀☹️
Either this name or “Trashy Fanfic Author✍️💕” would be my contact name for him
IRL Napoleon wrote a self insert love novel, so I’m saying Ikemen!Napoleon did that
It would probably switch between those two, if I’m being honest
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Fucking Germaphobe✋🙄
Pretty self-explanatory
I’d make fun of him for it and he’d probably yell at me for sneezing and coughing around him-
Leonardo da Vinci - The Bisexual Cat Man💗💜💙🐈‍⬛
One, this man sleeps like a fucking cat
Whenever and where ever he wants
Two, you can’t tell me Leo and Comte haven’t at least had one maybe maybe not drunk night of sex together
Also, it’s a historical fact that Leonardo da Vinci, in real life, was most likely gay
But I’m saying Ikemen!Leo is definitely bisexual
His sex drive doesn’t discriminate-
And there I go rambling again, this isn’t my headcanons on what these sexuality of these weirdos is, it’s what their contact names would be in my phone-
Arthur Canon Doyle - Attention Slut Writer💃✍️
He doesn’t charge for attention, he gets it for free-
Also we’d probably just end up sending each other weird memes that we find while we’re up and on the internet at, like, one in the morning
Vincent van Gogh - Bubba😇🎨💛
As I’ve stated before, the van Gogh brothers have unofficially adopted me, so I’m their baby sister now
And I’m pretty sure people would ask if I’m actually related to them since me and Vincent both have the baby face curse-
Theodorus van Gogh - Bubba🖕🥞💙
Again, unofficially adopted older brother
Except we’re assholes to each other because that’s how we show our love to each other
Even though the bitch calls me a damn hondje-
I’m using salt instead of sugar in his pancakes for a month-
Dazai Osamu - Window 🪟
Seriously that’s all I got
He just climbs in through the windows to get into rooms, even my room
He’s a weirdo, but so am I, so I can’t really judge him-
Isaac Newton - Apple Pie 🍎🥧❤️
I’m his mom friend, I’m allowed to tease him
Also it was either this or “Fucking Nerd 🤓” and I didn’t want to be that mean
Also I’m the only one allowed to make apple pie for him because I don’t make fun of him for it outside of one tiny comment-
William Shakespeare - Wilhelm Shookspear🎭📝🍐
Tbh, I’d mispronounce his name just to piss him off
And then I invite him over to piss off Theo so that Will won’t be mad at me because I find him at least decent
Also, he’s Vincent’s bestie, why would I keep my unofficially adopted big brother away from his bestie he’s probably kissed while drunk once or twice
Le Comte de Saint-Germain - Mommy Comte🥰🥰
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, Comte is the mother of the mansion and Leonardo is the chill as fuck dad
Also, the residents are his children
It’s literally canon that he unofficially adopted them
Sebastian/Akihiko Satou - Husband 🥰
I could’ve been mean, but I love him too much and he’d revoke my affection privileges for a week and replace them with twice as many forehead flicks
Meanie bobeanie
But I love him-
Vlad - Strawberry Shortcake🍰💐🥀
It was either this name or “Dusty Old Man😐”
And he’s pretty as fuck, so that name didn’t really fit in my opinion-
I give him free strawberry desserts, he gives me free flowers to decorate the mansion with
It’s a win-win, really
Johann Georg Faust - Pyromania💥💥💥
Tbh, I’d make fun of him for his death all the fucking time
Mutual agreement that we insult each other and try to kill each other half the time and the other half we civilly interact with a sprinkle of petty insults
It’s fun!
Charles-Henri Sanson - Baby Blues💙💙
He has pretty eyes, what do you want from me?
Also he’s a babie, he needs love!
I’m borderline adopting most of these idiots at this point but I don’t care-
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
okay first of all im not convinced that rudy didn't buy tickets only bcuz louise annoyed him about it and he vaguely recognized the bands name from one of his dads old records FJDMDNSMSMSJ
why doesn't tina get to go to the old man concert w/ gene louise and their friends 😭
love how both concerts that tina mentioned going to were boyz 4 now concerts and that BOTH of them were actual episodes in the show. this is why catching up on bob's burgers lore is so important. these are the things you'd miss!!!!
NOOO NOT THE KING BREAKING HIS PAW this is a code red emergency
EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT QUINCE BURGER BANGER NAME‼️‼️ have the bobs burgers writers seen the hawk and chick bb/eeaao comparison gifsets. do they even know that they made me cry. i want you to know how much i love and support you even if you stop fighting monsters with me someday and do taxes instead. okay sorry i got distracted
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okay MAYBE i missed them saying that the concert had paid entrance or something but this is a block party?? could they not just go downstairs and watch the band outside. like it might not be premium seats but at least they'd be going to their first concert ?
most normal louise and rudy interaction
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why is tina being the voice of reason here LMAO like at least google how to capture an injured raccoon or something
OH ITS NOT THAT HARD. GOOD WHEELS ON THIS THING obsessed w/ teddy in this subplot(??) i missed him
i feel like this episode has the same problem as the st patrick's day episode where despite the episode's title and description trying to make the subplot the main focus of the episode its also Clearly the subplot to a more important storyline. which is fine bcuz they're both entertaining in this episode but its gonna be confusing as hell in the future trying to find this episode 😭
"maybe it would be easier to watch the concert from the street" IM SAYING LIKE?? literally what was louise's plan here. im obsessed with her
girl. all this for like six pieces of candy
THIS HAS NO REASON TO BE SO STRESSFUL im shaking im so worried about little king trashmouth... if anything bad happens to him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. that would literally be bury your gays. to me
not bob having another burger related existential crisis ☹️☹️
bob has failed to realize he could cook literally ANY other food if he really wanted to. but i will admit he likes cooking the burgers. and tbh?? what he described sounded like an autistic dream so maybe he simply does not understand the vision like me and u bob. maybe he just doesn't get it
"is that magic marker?" "what makes you say that??" "my.... eyes?"
actually where the HELL did they get those shirts they're too big to be louise's but wayy too small to gene's this is the actual mystery in the episode. possibly maybe tina's old shirts or something??
today we learned that linda buys her wine from the liquor store on their block which was Probably obvious but cool to see it confirmed
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also kinda funny to say this when big bob is Literally in next weeks episode and seems happy enough running his diner.... like bob have you considered maybe you LIKE cooking for people and thats okay?? your dad does too. some people are happy to do one thing forever and thats not like a Problem unless you're unhappy
awww they're such cuties dancing together
"Well there are moments, you know... when the band locks in, the crowd is with them and everything they ever loved about playing music comes flooding back in a rush of pure heavenly emotion. All that crap."
"But... all these decades later, they still have them? The moments?"
"You tell me."
😭😭 WHY DID THIS PART OF THE EPISODE MAKE ME WANNA CRY I HAVE TO GET A VIDEO OF IT OR SOMETHING. WHAT THE HELL too real for creative people..... omg. this season has a lot of moments like that about the creative process like gene's song etc
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THIS EPISODE WAS VERY CUTE?? very silly subplot w/ linda and the raccoons and then louise and gene and their friends. bob's little crisis in the middle there got to me harder than anticipated (i think they could have easily made that into its own episode but considering they've done similar concepts in the past i dont hate that they didn't flesh that out as much as they could have. we already KINDA know where bob is coming from here) and the ending clip with bob singing was soo silly im gonna need to post that too. fun episode!
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zevranunderstander · 10 months
i have so many thoughts right now, but if gerudos were real, like, there are so many aspects of their culture that would be way different and its not even just that they dont make sense because the writers didnt properly think about them, they don't make sense because of the explicit desire of the writers to sexualize them and because the assumptions the writers had were so deeply western & christian that they just assumed them to be the default and oughhh i hate it so much
a culture of desert people would not fucking wear silks and expose tons of skin & hair all the time. especially OoT designs make no practical sense? its literally just so that they look hot and the following games kind of kept that design (they didnt appear in a lot of titles afterwards so this wasnt a super established part of the zelda canon, they clearly could have chosen a more practical design for their clothes for botw and totk, but, yk, they didnt)
and like. a society that doesnt really get the concept of "men", Why On Earth would they be monogamous and heteronormative? why would they care about men? like? even if your answer is "for reproduction", why would they strive to be in a *relationship* with a man? like? men arent exactly native to the regions they live in? why would *every* woman hike out to find some dude to date?
and like. i thought it was SO interesting that ganondorf has 2 moms, right? like, even though theyre twin sisters and not a lesbian couple, why WOULDNT a society like that raise children among sisters or friends or as a group, outside of relationships? but the concept never comes up again and they all apparently travel hyrule when they are old enough and look for a husband. (and you know its just like that because they couldnt even *consider* people thinking there was anything gay going on there)
and why would the gerudo make a man their king? thats kinda like if we as a society noticed an intersex person and immediately made them the pope? people usually do not really LIKE people that arent Like Them, and dont just make them their leader? only a person having a very patriarcial worldview (which just DOESNT MAKE SENSE for the gerudo to have) would decide that the only man born would be their leader?
and in every instance where you encounter gerudo talking about men, they clearly see them as weaker than them, like, you see this in so many interactions, that gerudo think of women to be the Stronger Gender, so why does that not apply to male gerudos? like? ganondorf is kind of a Sorcerer Who Has A Sword, so why would a folk of warrior women think of him as inherently superior to them and stronger than them in some way?
why would they even consider one instance of another gender to be something that should be split into a binary and identify it as a different identity than them?? why do the gerudo have a preconceived notion that male gerudos should wear different types of clothes than women??? why does ganondorf have different pronouns??? why do the gerudo have gendered language at all??
and for the newer games specifically, why would the gerudo be so boy-crazy? like, dont get me wrong i genuinely liked that they didnt just make them Tough Mean Women in the new game and allowed them to also be a bit silly and whimsical, but there would have been other ways to do that than making them Literally Obsessed With Men?
i think its fitting that a person who hasnt socialized much with men might be a bit akward and might not know what to say or might not be able to relate to them very well, but then why do they not seem to be bothered by talking to women of other races? i mean, they might be all women but theres probably more reason to be akward around a zora if you never met one than there is reason to be akward around a man if you never met one? does that make sense?
also. why on earth would men not be allowed in their town. WHY do these women go out and find husbands, but then the husbands are not allowed in town, that makes literally zero fucking sense. like i said these people shouldnt really care about gender as a binary in the first place, and instead just maybe be really bad at differentiating between genders. but why would they care that much that men dont enter their town?
like make it make sense nintendo
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zalcolm · 7 months
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@lumiidere Sure thing! I decided to do both Víctor and Victor just to make sure I didn't make a mistake.
he/they, cis male (for the most part; possibly demiboy), bisexual (male lean)
Dating Luca! Before he asked Luca out, he would usually just look at Luca with a deadpan stare with cheeks redder than his glasses. This creeped Luca out at first, but he got used to his awkwardness after realizing Akira was actually in love with him.
Bad at social interaction. Which is why they don't talk that much, due to them being a little bit socially awkward.
Doesn't like showing how he really feels that often. Only to people close to him or in extreme circumstances. Often, people like Misaki or Luca can somewhat tell how Akira truly feels about something even when he's not showing it.
Despite his personality being more catlike than doglike, he actually prefers dogs. In fact, his favorite color is brown because of his pet pomeranian.
TERRIFIED of insects. Akira's not really the type to run around and scream, but when there's a bug in the room they sure as hell will. Do not ask them about what happened to Oscar's late pet tarantula.
Usually wears jackets, except in summer. Doesn't really get hot that easily.
he/him, cis male, unlabeled sexuality/questioning
Homeless, lives in his car. Doesn't really have a place to live. Sometimes he stays over at his "friend" Víctor's house or his older brother Steve's apartment. Usually the former since Steve doesn't really like Ian that much.
Plus-sized. He's rather tall, so he's only somewhat overweight, but he's big nonetheless.
Snores VERY LOUDLY. Another reason his brother Steve doesn't want him in his apartment. Víctor doesn't really seem to mind this, as they usually go to sleep before Ian does.
Very hairy. Chest hair, arm hair, you name it. He almost never shaves.
He doesn't have any kids himself, but has earned the title of "dad friend" of his friend group despite them all being similar ages. He even makes dad jokes.
he/him, trans male, gay
29 years old, Birthday is May 17th (Taurus)
Amputee, since birth. Has a prosthetic leg, but usually wears long pants so not many people actually know that about him.
[The rest of these headcanons are copied and pasted from DeviantArt] Was an orphan until he was 10 years old, but adopted into a (mostly) loving family. His younger sister, Elisa, isn't the nicest and they get into a lot of fights but they're still on somewhat good terms.
Pacifist. Doesn't really like hurting other people unless he has to. His pacifism really helps some but sometimes hurts others. Elisa once screamed and asked Luca to kill a spider, but he just scooped it up and put it outside.
Takes a lot of naps during the day. Eepy boy.
His wardrobe is the most diverse array of clothes ether. He has masculine clothing, feminine clothing, unisex clothing, you name it. Most of it is green, but also has outfits of all different colors.
He paints his nails. Usually black or dark green.
Víctor (Wii)
they/he, nonbinary, gay
Has a HUGE crush on Ian. The only thing is, they're way too embarrassed about it to confess to him. He's afraid that he'll be looked down upon by his peers for dating him.
Autistic. Gets sensory overload in noisy places, and you can often see him wearing noise-canceling headphones at places like parties.
Very impulsive. They do a lot of things without thinking twice. They even got into a fight with Shinnosuke once. Víctor won, but still regrets beating him up.
Furry. He tries to hide this, but literally everyone in his friend group knows this. LOL.
Sometimes wears feminine clothing, but usually just sticks to casual clothes.
Loves the smell and taste of cinnamon.
Victor (Wii U)
he/him, trans male, questioning
He doesn't go outside very often. Usually he just stays at home unless he needs to be somewhere. He has a job, but his job doesn't require him to go in person.
OBSESSED with robots. Fictional or real ones. However, he's not very skilled in engineering.
he/him, cis male, bisexual (slight female lean)
Despite having average proportions in canon, I headcanon him to have a tall and skinny body type. Somewhat frail, but don't underestimate him.
He only gets an average of 5 hours of sleep per night. He's barely making it through the days.
Coffee drinker. His favorite is just...regular black coffee. He'll insist he's not a caffeine addict.
Despite his mischievous grin, he actually takes things seriously...most of the time. However, he does enjoy the occasional mishap.
He plays the piano. In fact, he's more skilled at it than Rin.
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imaginedmelody · 1 year
please feel free to talk about any of your middle aged gays wips I would LOVE to hear about any of them 👀💖
Beloved, this is literally my love language and you KNOW that 💖💖💖 A few of these are either not quite middle-aged or only one of the two members is, but here we go:
Allen Hynek & Michael Quinn, Project Blue Book- Listen, I know Allen Hynek was a real person, but the version of him in this TV series is very fictional and my version is even more so 🤣My top WIP right now is an aromantic-Allen fic which I am going to tentatively say is ALMOST done. It's what I'm usually working on in sprints (and I'm going to say something bold here: there's one passage in this that may be some of my favorite words I've ever written.) This pairing has the cocky fighter pilot/nerdy professor dynamic we've all been waiting for. The show is enjoyable if not outstanding, cancelled 1 season before it should have ended, and the fandom is not nearly big enough.
Irving & Burt, Severance- The ULTIMATE canon yearning! I've been working on a fic about them for months, but the fact that there's so much mystery associated with this show means that trying to write a romantic interaction with them outside of Lumon is proving complicated, lol. I've written pretty much all of it except the part that requires any explanation of the logistics of this show's universe. IDK, I am just deeply drawn to the vulnerability of two people whose knowledge of each other is confined to this very limited existence, stepping outside of that place's boundaries and discovering each other in the process. This fic has Irv and Burt flirting over classical music as well; between pieces I'm going to mention in the fic and other non-classical pieces that remind me of the pairing, I'm tempted to include a playlist along with this when I publish it.
Ted Lasso & Trent Crimm, Ted Lasso- Okay, okay, I don't have any solid WIPs about these two at the moment (there's one I started a long time ago that is in sleep mode until I figure out what I want to do with it), but Season 3 premieres March 15th and Trent Crimm apparently plays a "significant role" in it, so you KNOW I will have ideas in the very near future. I enjoy writing these two so much; they have such unique voices and that is so much fun to play with as a writer. Plus this trope is like grumpy/sunshine if the sunshine was secretly a clinically anxious mess of a human and the grumpy's harsh exterior was only a facade and he was unexpectedly very willing to have an open mind and see the good in someone.
Murray Bauman & Alexei, Stranger Things- (Alexei probably isn't quite "middle aged" here, but I'm including this anyway) Another underrated pairing, but I love their dynamic. Two people on opposite sides who could very easily be bitter enemies, but who (in the show, in canon) instead bond with each other so quickly! They snark and sass, but Murray is quite literally the only person who speaks Alexei's language, in personality as well as in actual words. I've already written fic for them, and I thought that was gonna be it, but I have more to say, lol
There are so many more middle-aged gays I love but haven't written for too! Truly we are in our best era with all of these wonderful pairings.
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dream-critical · 1 year
Mercury you are Incredibly fucking correct about the way older people in the fandom act my GOD. I've been in a couple adults only fan spaces and holy SHIT you'd think adults who were here for like allllll of the other youtubers doing horrid stuff, who condemned CMC for doing The Same Thing As Dream. Would find this shit weird but they Don't! Moving from DSMP centric circles to Life Series/Hermit/Empires centric ones was like an ENORMOUS shock bc while there are still bad eggs in those spaces there are FAR fewer adults making every aspect of how they engage with these block guys about how bad they wanna fuck them or see them fuck each other. DSMP spaces I was in went "Nah it's Normal that Dream's giving out a phone number for fans to text him and get a real reply because broadcast celebs did that" and ignore that most celeb replies are automated entirely and also don't typically humor messages calling them sexy gay dogboys or daddy or any of that shit.
Back when that was happening there were Not grooming allegations about Dream yet but it was like a month at most after the CMC situation and anyone who like Thought about it for more than a moment could noodle out that like. Even if there would never be accusations against Dream, he sets the foundation for what a LOT of people will consider normal content creator behavior until the next big thing unseats him in like ten or so years. The idea that private snapchats or a text line that only you and the other person see unless one party publishes the messages are Normal Things to hand out to your primarily tweenage audience is like. Bad. Like even if he DIDN'T groom anyone he still sets the standard that privately talking to a grown man just shy of twice your age with 20 million followers is a normal and good interaction! The other adults in those spaces should have been seeing SO many more fucking red flags in the moment! It should not have been me and three other people who weren't OBSESSED with the man who were the only ones concerned with that!
And by GOD the RPF discussion. I spent months being told that I was just being an anti or a hater for agreeing that Dream repopularized super public RPF and RPF being sent to creators and blockign over RPF being abnormal. Like. My credentials here are I've been in Youtuber fandoms before and since falling in and out with the DSMP. I grew up on DeviantArt in the heyday of Septiplier and Phan getting sent to the content creators. I saw the culture change enough to have a significant pushback against shipping those guys from Buzzfeed Unsolved by 2019. I've BEEN online and I know that Dream and George encouraging ship content being sent to them and made hyper public like Drastically changed how often I found RPF on my timeline. YES shit was bad during SMPLive. It was SO much worse ten years ago and it's getting back to those levels as more kids migrate out of the DSMP/DTeam fandoms and act like content creators need to see their fanfic or fanart of them being used as Sex Objects. And being told I was just making shit up or hatemongering against Dream for noticing the Real pattern in how the public treats RPF? It made me feel unhinged then and it still makes me feel unhinged now.
anyways long rant over it takes me 0 whole dollars to think critically abt how I engage with people's Minecraft DND characters and how I engage with the actual creators and adults who act like that expectation is Censorship Of Queer People are dumb of ass.
I literally couldn't have agreed more with you anon. I wasn't in the fandom back when SMP live was a thing, but i do have experiences with fandoms where RPF is completely normalized outside of the dsmp. I'm kind of gonna go on a rant of my own as well here. But like
It's frustrating to see how these people, Idols, content creators, celebrities etc are dehumanized and often just seen as an object to project all of their emotions, whether it's frustrating, lust etc on to.
Like they genuinely stop seeing them as people, even if they don't want to admit it.
It honestly isn't even just about sexual content, stuff like writing rpf fics and assuming certain people's roles within the lives of the ccs they like is also weird
Like how you can find rpf fics where the ccs parents are abusive. How you can find fics where the significant other of the cc is cheating which is why they leave them for their friend and discover they were in gay love all along. or Fics where its revealed that "actually this specific moment that happened irl on stream was a sign of abuse and the people who claim to be the friend of X cc are actually toxic and don't deserve them" And its just like??????
People are reading into things so hard. And I'll admit when I'm hyperfixating hard it's sometimes difficult to differentiate what I feel and what the cc I watch feels or expresses, but I'm aware that that's parasocial behaviour and I ignore it. It's my brain tricking me into thinking I know that person and that they feel and see everything the same as I do. It's not healthy to indulge in that even if it can feel comforting.
And the problem with the dteam specifically is that they encourage this type of behaviour like a lot, and the only reason they do is profit.
Back to nsfw content though, it absolutely is going to become a lot worse and I'm not looking forward to that
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skullhazard · 9 months
Don't mind me, just getting mildly annoyed at this small part in the Pathologic tvtropes page for its blatant inaccuracies (despite the fact that this literally doesn't matter).
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Almost everything here checks out save for two things. First, the "dandy" bit. Daniil is not referred to as "dandy (adjective)" but as a dandy, as in a bon vivant, a fop, etc. This is more of a commentary on his being a snooty outsider from the Capital. It's weird that they misrepresented this specific word (which is in the text, just not in the context they're suggesting here), but when talking about Yulia they bring up her explicit use of "terribly" when she's describing the degree to which she likes Eva (which also is in the text). You'd think if they got one right, they'd get the other right too, but since they didn't, this "dandy" point just feels like throwing stuff to see if it sticks.
Second, the part where it says Daniil "doesn't seem to be very interested in women." This is demonstrably false, particularly in the Haruspex route, where he calls Eva "my Eva." Additionally, there are dialogue options as Daniil where you can basically flirt with Maria and Lara, and while those are just options (and they don't particularly go anywhere because, y'know, the game isn't really that kind of game nor is it interested in those kinds of side stories) they do at least represent things that Daniil would reasonably think to say, meaning they are as canonical to his character as the other options. This is to say nothing of Aspity's taunting of Daniil's lack of "female attention" on his route, which does provoke a reaction out of him.
Look I'll level with you here; Pathologic is neither a game nor a story that relies on strict sexualities of virtually its entire cast. They can all be gay; they can all be straight; the story isn't affected one way or the other (this is not to discount readings of the text which do rely on explicit sexualities of the characters; said sexualities are simply malleable in a wider context and can be focused for analysis at reader discretion). I'm not mad that this some of this information is a little bit shaky at best and inaccurate at worst; I just think it's funny how they're ignoring the Real Actual reason Daniil & Artemy are listed here:
They're two playable men characters in a video game who interact with each other, and whose relationship changes over the course of the game, which you get to experience from three different perspectives. Of course a bunch of people are going to make them kiss; people have made fictional men kiss with far less material.
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domsaysstuff · 10 months
gareth from stranger things for the character ask game?? :D
Shshshsh okay, so this will be mostly my headcanons and whatever fanon things abt him that i liked bc let's be real our boy literally got like three minutes of screentime and also you gave me one of the hardest ones anon because I don't really think that much abt corroded coffin outside their relationship with the rest of the party but!
Give me a character and I will give you my thoughts on:
one aspect about them i love: i love, love, love when people make Gareth a petty little shit? Like yes, hold that grudge and yes, tease your friend on his pathetic gay crush, i believe in a little shit Gareth supremacy™
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: I think a lot of people are making fun things with his character but i have a slight problem with a miniscule part of the fandom. When he broke and told Jason where he could find Eddie I wish people understood that he is also just a child and he at first was all sarcastic abt and it wasn't until Jason got fucking violent that he spilled and it's so understandable that he did? Like you are just a child (16-18 IS still a child), you've looked at a guy who was always just a bark and no bite and suddenly you are on the ground and you don't know what he will do, it might end with a few broken bones it might end with your life, the boy who was just no bite is suddenly a crazed man sniffing for blood and you are terrified. You are just a child. It doesn't make you a coward, it doesn't make you want to stop being someone's friend, it just makes you a terrified child and people who hold it against him just kind of piss me off.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: oh, oh, oh OKAY SO
I'm in love with child of a single mother with an older sister Gareth, idk he just screams to me like a guy who would have a sister, also just something about him and Dustin just kind of getting eachother in that way. Also I think Gareth was the baby of the group before Dustin, Mike and Lucas with Jeff and The Freak both being a year older than him and Eddie ofc being the oldest of them.
one character i love seeing them interact with: obviously Eddie, but second best is Steve. Idk, i just think their dynamic in fics is nice and I wish we would have more Gareth and Steve becoming friends fics
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: like i said, steve but also! i would love more takes on how he would take on interacting with Nancy Wheeler sjdjdjs
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character:
I have this little headcanon that him and Eddie met first when they were just children when Gareth was being bullied and Eddie steped in and then got beaten up instead of Gareth. Like he's eight and there are kids bigger than him and they are looking for an easy target which he is and he think it's the end of the world and then suddenly there is this kid, older than him, one which he has never seen before, which is strange because here everybody knows everyone. At least that's what his sister always says, she always complains about it, his mother calls it teenage angst but you can't help but agree. So he should know him but he's never seen anyone this strange around here before, he would surely remember but he's here. He's scrawny and he moves all funny, like his limbs are moving before he thinks where they're going, he has a big black shirt with some scary print on it on, one that covers almost all of him, his head is shaved and he has the biggest eyes Gareth has seen. He's also yelling. Yelling at the kids to get a better target, one maybe more their age. And so they do. Afterwards when they leave, the boy turns to him and grins, his teeth are bloody, there is a split on his lip and dirt on his face and clothes but his eyes are still shining and the smile is genuine and big. "Had worse" he says and makes it sounds like a joke. He laughs and the boy somehow smiles even bigger. He's taller than Gareth and his back is illuminated by the sun. There is a slight breeze making his big shirt flutter behind him, a little like a cape would. Gareth doesn't know this boy, he must be from somewhere else, he must be a hero, like the one from the comics his sister reads.
"I'm Eddie." He says.
"It's a lame superhero name" Gareth says and Eddie laughs.
"I'm not a hero kid" He says kid in the same way all the adults say it.
Gareth looks at his big easy smile and the bruising forming on his face and the shirt that almost looks like a cape and doesn't believe him.
Years later he wishes he wasn't right.
So, that's it! Thank you anon for this!!! 💗💖
Find out my opinion about a character!
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socialbunny · 1 year
my guy Nervous Subject for the ask thing?
Nervous Subject
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay aroace
Gender Headcanon: Spent way longer thinking about this than I should’ve but I feel like Nervous is the type of person to select “Other” under gender options when filling out forms  and Pascal’s like ‘You can’t chose that because that’s how they target you with ads’ or whatever and lectures him about online privacy and Nervous dies on the inside because he’s only filed out one job application in the past hour
A ship I have with said character: Pascal and Nervous is real to me in my heart all the time they’re on the same autistic-to-autism wavelength tbh
A BROTP I have with said character: Literally nobody I feel like he’s one of those people who’s only real friend is their S/O and gets tired when he has to go out and interact with the general public 
A NOTP I have with said character: Him with Circe (or any woman) or Loki I guess I don’t think people pair them together un-ironically though
A random headcanon: Don’t have anything specific to say about him, this picture just reminds me of him
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(^^^ Circe and Loki after finding Nervous in the dumpster outside the gas station)
Ok attempting to be serious  I’m feeling as if it took a long time for Nervous to feel comfortable enough to love someone ‘comfortably’ like my man has serious abandonment issues and has been experimented on since he was a child (??) so it doesn’t really come “naturally” to him. The first time he lets Pascal hug him, Nervous almost crushes the life out of him hugging him back because he doesn't’ realize his own strength. Also he loves Tycho so, so so much but that’s to be expected honestly.
General Opinion over said character: He's really just a little boring guy got a lot of respect for this boring man
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birgosaurus · 1 year
real arcane moments (canon /s), the master list ((AKA i was playing THE SIMS 4 to make some of the arcane cast and..))
[also disclaimer this is mainly jayce and viktor lmao]
jayce thinks he and vi are besties for some reason?? i just wanted to introduce jinx, vi and cait to viktor and jayce (bc they’re two seperate households) and like… upon jayce and vi first meeting, they had 2 similar interests and he was instantly like, “omg…. you!! YOU!! /p”
they talk and it’s vi: .. fitness jayce: YEAHHHH FITNESS *stops conversation to do push ups*
my man wakes up, like, 12pm, which is about the time vi starts working. so he’ll wake up to call her, WHILE she’s at work, to say shit like, “heyyyy this person asked me out 🥺🥺🥺🥺 should i say yes” “idk man IM AT WORK AND I DONT CARE”
also idk why but jinx is nocturnal i literally didn’t even do this myself .she just goes to bed at 5am every morning, EXACTLY when caitlyn wakes up. jinx sleeps in until, like, 3pm. they both have completely different sleep cycles despite living in the same house. I TRY TO GIVE JINX A NORMAL SLEEP SCHEDULE AND IT DOESN’T WORK. SHE’LL ALWAYS WAKE UP AT 3-5AM TO RUN AROUND THE HOUSE FOR A MIDNIGHT SNACK. /lh i was meant to make u two enemies. i was meant to make u hate each other behind vi’s back. why is this happening.
meanwhile viktor and jayce wake up at the same time. go to bed at the exact same time. they’re scarily in sync. are really close. but keep tormenting each other through pranks. jayce will point one way, viktor looks behind him. “BOO.” viktor jumps. they both laugh. THIS SHIT HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. VICE VERSA. and the amount of random arguments they have without my input?????. are y’all ok?.?????
they once got into an argument and jayce kicked over the bin outside. he walks back in. viktor is still on the couch. jayce sits next to him. but there’s music playing. so of course, jayce started angrily head bopping. because it’s important u always dance to music no matter what mood ur in. viktor jus groovin, too, while ignoring him. jayce eventually calms down. happy head bopping :). viktor then tells him off for kicking over the bin. fucking ANGRY. HE STORMS OUTSIDE. AGAIN. KICKS OVER THE BIN. AAGGAAIIN.
also idk i find it funny jayce plays christmas music and vibes while viktor is like “for the love of god shut that shit off right now.” i might’ve purposely made jayce like christmas music. i might’ve purposely made viktor hate it. what of it?
i always have to force viktor to socialise , too. he refuses to talk to anyone on his own BUT jayce. his literal roommate. who talked to him mainly with my input. most of the time jayce will invite people over and viktor avoids them as much as possible. once he walked out of his room, saw cait and vi at the dining table with jayce, stopped, and then decided reading a book in his room would probably be a better use of his time.
genuinely got so confused when i tried to introduce the girls to the hexbros tho bc i got cait to interact with viktor but for some reason, when checking through her acquaintances list later, viktor wasn’t there? but jayce WAS… and they’d only briefly been introduced. DID VIKTOR JUST WAVE HER OFF OR SMTH LMAO???? WHAT HAPPENED I DIDNT SEE
the first time vi and cait properly interacted was when vi went to cook (which she does a surprising amount for someone i wouldn’t expect to cook???) and she LIT HERSELF. ON FIRE. and cait LITERALLY HAD TO PUT HER OUT. can’t believe the “how i met my girlfriend” story is “yeah she lit herself ON FIRE <3 everyone was rlly stressed heehee but i’m just such a quick thinker <3” wow i love gay people
anyway <3 they’re all havign a greit time <3 very normal <3
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unfinishedbusincss · 11 months
your character (anne and any of the ocs!)
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
Yeah, you only THOUGHT you wanted this. Buckle up, buttercup!
The process of writing for Anne actually started before last year. I took a course on piracy back in grad school and my final paper was an argument for reading nonheteronormativity into piracy—something you wouldn’t think is so controversial but I guess homophobia’s a stronger drug than I gave it credit for. Anyway! Of the many points that paper made, it also made a real case study out of Anne Bonny and M. Read—themselves and their relationship with one another. My prof thought it had legs and pushed me to consider rewriting and refining it but honestly with the way actual history scholars are, I doubt my gay little voice pointing out all these gay little things that might make historical figures gay little people will have an impact. It’s literally to the point where one of the sources I use all the goddamned time actually has a note on both Bonny’s and Read’s pages refusing to address the possibility of a romantic entanglement between them. (Like you could have just said nothing, but you saying you’re going to say nothing is sus af.)
Last year I put her on a blog and ended up really loving her, but really struggling to find people who wanted to write with her. At the time, most of my followers were interested in muses I wasn’t as comfortable with, and getting them to interact with a woman character was like pulling teeth. I eventually gave up, grew despondent, got busy, and abandoned the blog. I’ve thought about going back to give up the URL, but otherwise I don’t think I’d go back.
Anne turned into this really special muse that I’m actually very protective of. Not, like. In the sense that I don’t want her to get hurt or look stupid—she should do both, regularly, for my own amusement—but in the sense of…being really fucking proud of the way I write her. She isn’t Black Sails’ Anne Bonny, despite her face claim; she isn’t ever going to be Our Flag Means Death’s, despite that being the group I get to write her most with; she’s just Ren’s Anne Bonny. Born from history and headcanon and exploration and projection. I’m probably pretty full of myself for this, but I’ll out myself: I think I’m the best goddamned Anne Bonny writer out there, and no other Anne is half the Anne I am.
And I say this having recently asked a friend of mine who also writes her to let me write with her sometime. Because I also have a big dumb lesbian crush on her.
I’m lucky to have fallen into the D-RPG I did with her; I still feel like no one actually wants to write with her here except to indulge their weird friend Ren, and I don’t love that feeling. (I s2g Orion, Ken, don’t start!) Even there I feel weird asking for people to tolerate her—especially since they recently had a different Anne who was Very Important to them—and yes, Orion, second direct call-out cause I’m not being down on myself when I say “tolerate,” I mean that I know she’s abrasive and doesn’t make good first, second, or third impressions outside of certain psychopaths and so hers is a matter of toleration—but I’m lucky there. People are nice and they agree to tolerate her. They talk to me and I’m really getting to develop who she is under circumstances that have just…ended up more relaxed despite being frought with danger. Maybe because she didn’t join, and so has (almost*) no one there she wants to impress.
*She did recently meet Izzy and he complimented her piracy so yes she is trying extra hard to impress one of her idols.
And that’s all the steam I’ve got for that one, folx!
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gabetheunknown · 2 years
With that post talking about same gender attraction being what gay and bi are… i gotta ask… given genders are culture … do you think it is cultural to be gay or bi or straight … or do you think orientation evolved and gender is evolved too? If so does that mean sex stereotypes evolved as real…? Does it mean “homosexuality” in other nonhuman species isn’t actually homosexuality because we are just going off of sex and not gender…? Or is there cultural orientation (gender based) AND innate orientation (sex based) in humans? And then other animals with sexes just have the sex based ones.
my sweet anon, I have searched the earth that is my blog and dash for you, but I can't seem to find the post that you are referring to and I will literally forget about everything I reblog or post as soon as I post it
however, I'm going to do my best to make my stance on this comprehensible for the outside world to read. To put my inside brain thoughts into actual legible words if you will, even though I don't think I can fully answer your question
alright prepare for a ramble *cracks knuckles*
now I don't have a lot of experience with cultural differences other than religious differences because I come from a christian conservative environment in rural Netherlands and all I can say about those *ssholes is everyone fully expects anyone to be cishet. you get born cishet, and you stay cishet till you die otherwise you go to hell. I'd say this is a huge (toxic if I may say so) heteronormative cult(ure).
that said, no matter how much my entire family bullied me into being cishet, I'm neither cis, nor het. Despite the bubble they wanted me to stay in, I still met other people, mostly online at the time. and that brings me to the following; I had non hetero thoughts for the first time when I was 11, but did not fully understand till I was 16 because I met other people. I met bisexual and gay people and something just finally clicked.
I am 27 now, and finally figuring out that I am nonbinary and actually way more masculine than I made myself believe throughout my life. I was a makeup artist for fucks sake. And the reason that I am only figuring this out now is because my family is strictly anti trans and I'm currently in a safe environment for the first time in my 27 year old life. I had my first encounter with a crossdresser/transgender woman (I don't remember fully because I was young and didn't understand) when I was 15. It was a unique experience because no people other than cishets ever visited our little village (or townspeople would shoo them out with torches and pitchforks)
People in my hometown weren't exactly encouraged to figure out their personal sexuality or gender identity and I'm afraid this is the case in many many manyyyyy places.
I'm sorry if you expected more out of this, but the only culture I've ever had to deal with is christian conservative and I only really started to get to know myself once I stepped out of that and stepped directly into LGBTQIA culture. I worked as a bartender at a gay bar in the city where I live these days, interacted with drag queens that later became my friends, met men with their own makeup brands, then suddenly a transgender man sat on my terrace when I was working, then I saw Jim in Our Flag Means Death, and Viktor in The Umbrella Academy and it all helped me figure out this repressed feeling in myself. Then I nervously dropped the non binary bomb with my cis boyfriend and his cis mom and they were just like "okay! good! beautiful! you're yourself and whatever that means for you, the most important thing is that you feel happy" and I'm only now realizing that I wore men's jeans as a kid, always played with toy cars, and was way more interested in "boy culture" than I was in "girl culture" if I might say it so black and white because that's how I saw it back in the day.
in the end, I think it's a feeling from within with every individual and the culture you're born in can either help you figure yourself out and love yourself sooner, or help you destruct that part of yourself and develop a deeply rooted self hate for whatever part of yourself that you're trying to repress to receive the bare minimum of affection from those who should actually love you unconditionally.
Who you are and who you feel attracted to, sexually, romantically, or as a friend (I expect anyone to find a type of person more appealing to hang out with than others)
I think the animal kingdom has figured out a lot more stuff about this than we have. I really believe animals don't fucking care who they're with? it's humans that make a huge issue out of sexuality and gender, not animals. It is the humans that go "oh my god those two animals have the same gender ajdkshdlfhal" but they'll still do it. whether we hate those animals now or not.
I do think both gender and sexuality, romantic feelings, or other kinds of attraction to other people, have evolved in a way! Like everything else around us has evolved. my boyfriend always picks a wrecking ball metaphor. if you hold the ball in one position, left or right, it will stay there, then you drop it, and it immediately falls all the way to the opposite direction, then back, and forth and it takes a while until it settles in the middle. We've seen a MILLION types of sexuality and gender identities over the years, I remember seeing LISTS of identities in 2012 and I didn't understand a single one of them, until I learned that gender, and sexuality, and the lack of it, are a spectrum. I believe we're slowly settling in the middle. You actually can't really label any identity in my honest opinion. Of course we do label them and some people strictly fall in that label but like I said before, I first identified as bisexual and later found out I'm actually pansexual, now I don't know which of these two is more true, because it's a spectrum. Truth be told I've always been in relationships with cisgender men. So who knows, and honestly who cares?
Again I'm sorry if this didn't fully answer your question, I might not have understood the question the way you intended it to ask but I'm very open to these kinds of discussions so my inbox is open for more of this!
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