#listen i think too much about the worldbuilding and how it relates to historical mythology RICK YOU BROUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELF-
aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Not to get pedantic (oh who am i kidding that’s most of this blog) but I am genuinely fascinated by the potential applications of the established canon in HoO and TOA that the gods canonically have both historic and regional forms, and can appear as specific versions of those forms and have kids of those specific forms, which influence what powers the kid has/what pantheon they fall under/etc etc (and also the implication that demigods can be born under multiple forms of a singular deity). This is somewhat backed up even earlier in the first series when we’re told that Percy has earthquake powers because of his father being Poseidon “The Earthshaker” (which is Mycenaean Poseidon) - which could also tie into why Percy generally takes leadership roles, is hopping in and out of the Underworld a lot, and is apparently particularly powerful for even just a Big 3 kid, since all that would line up with Mycenaean Poseidon being generally put at the head of the pantheon and also being a chthonic deity.
Now this gets really interesting when we start looking at deities being combined and conflated, because a.) the Romans weren’t the only ones doing that and b.) the Romans had their own gods originally, they didn’t just take the Greek ones and slap a new name on them. They merged a lot with their own preexisting deities alongside adopting worship of deities from other cultures as the Romans spread (and the Greeks also did this), and c.) the ancient Greeks and Romans did exist at the same time.
Like, we know in terms of the Greeks and Romans that if their godly parents are “equivalent” then their demigod children are siblings, just like if Greek demigods have the “same” godly parent then they are also siblings. However, very few Greco-Roman gods are one-to-one, and a lot are like three gods in a trench coat, and then if you want to get into historical forms then you can start running into weird things like “Well, if you go back far enough, these two Greek gods may have originated from the same thing-” and also if we’re talking historical forms, again, the Greeks and Romans existed at the same time! Which means there would be historic forms of godly parents that are both Greek and Roman! So like, where do we go from there? Would Hazel be equally siblings to a child of Plutus as she is to Nico because both Hades and Plutus were conflated into Pluto? Orcus was also conflated with Pluto - does that mean when Nico killed Bryce Lawrence, he was killing his half-brother? (cause then that parallels just a couple chapters later when Will faces off against Octavian-) Are there demigods who, depending on their godly parents’ form(s), are technically both a Greek and Roman demigod? If Hermes and Pan possibly originated from the same god, does that mean all the satyrs are siblings with the Hermes kids? If we want to get into all the nonsense of Dionysus’ origins and Zagreus and Hades, does that mean Nico is technically siblings with Dionysus kids? Does Dionysus joke about this during their therapy sessions? Are some demigods in certain cabins siblings with kids in other cabins but each others’ siblings aren’t siblings depending on what form their godly parents were in?
I have a headache now.
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
I'm like a bloodhound that seeks worldbuilding fuel and worldbuilding fuel only— one time I was like “...the fuck is a matriarch tree” and then hours later came back out the other end, head buzzing with mycorrhizal fungi and plants that apparently have eyes. Or I'd sink so many hours just listening to YouTube videos about various mythologies (OSP in particular is a favourite haunt of mine)— I just can't help it. No wonder I zeroed in on you from the first post I saw, lol. I still can't remember what that post was about but eh.
I commend you so much for being so meticulous with the science stuff despite it not being your forte! I try sometimes but... I get lost in all the words and it's hard to focus because my brain would much rather be munching on history or something. How do you get yourself to focus??
I absolutely relate to you about thinking too much about your AU and fleshing it out a lot, I think it's impossible to be normal about your passion projects! That's just how creators are.
Fun fact, I was also the person who sent in the ask about whether the Archivist can also be the Imperial Consort! I'm gonna have a field day with LB, I can tell.
A question for you, what would be the procedure if a Galra were to pass away faraway from home in space, faraway from a planet, would their remains be preserved to be brought home and then the traditional procedures can happen? Or would the act of holding off a Galra's reunion with Sa by holding off the funeral be considered rude? Daibazaal (the home planet of the Galra) is gone, right? What are the current practices for the folk that live on the ships?
And oho, a new culture/science post coming up??? 👀👀👀👀👀 I'll definitely be looking forward to that!
— I probably need a signature of some kind, don't I
anon this is SUCH a mood actually
As to how I get myself to focus, I'm truly flattered that you think I have control over such a thing, but the truth of the matter is I just chase the intense serotonin high of whatever task is presently delivering it until that is no longer the case, and then I move on to the Next Fascinating Thing......... y'know, like a neurotypical person.
((this is a good part of the reason why some asks remain unanswered for a greater period of time than others, because I physically cannot force myself to craft a proper response to anything until my horrible little goblin brain deems it shiny enough))
The archivist/consort post was also you???? Damn, okay, you've really been single-handedly fueling my worldbuilding as of late haven't you asdvsvcdghsvdfk your contributions are all very much appreciated ♡
So as I said in my post on galra funeral rites, the only phenotype that culturally favours burials over cremation are the Dox, due to their major religion—Eiyyka’an—dictating that just as the jungles in which they historically made their home provided for their people in life, so should they, in exchange, provide for those jungles in death. Of course, Daibazaal is no more and the Empire extends far beyond the confines of a single planet besides, but the ultimate site wherein their body will be laid to rest is usually one of three places. The most traditional is Feyiv, as for the modern galra this has been their official homeworld for (according to my calculations regarding galra lifespans) over sixty generations, and this choice is particularly popular for aristocratic families who boast a personal plot of land that has been cultivated with the flesh of their ancestors; the most common is whichever alternative imperial planet they personally grew up on, as that would be considered the planet that they predominantly owe their flesh to as the place that sustained them in life; the least common (but not unheard of) option is one only really taken by those who spent more time in artificial colonies than not, which is to be buried in the greenhouse of said artificial colony to provide nutrients for the fresh produce.
This last one, as I'm sure you can imagine, is controversial in some circles—particularly for the Jaev who believe that the body must be delivered to Sa's embrace whole for the deceased to have any chance of triumphing in what is considered to be their final battle, thereby proving themselves as worthy of being revived as one of Her chosen—so it is of course required for Imperial colonies to make note of whether any given food (be that plant or animal) has been cultivated on galra burial sites.
This brings us neatly on to the Jaevaji Faith as the major Aalk religion, the followers of which embalm their dead by slathering them with a special clay that is then engraved with the deceased's greatest deeds, before traditionally lowering them into one of Daibazaal's great lakes of magma. Again, with Daibazaal being long gone, one could use any volcano in an Imperial territory of their choosing, usually one with some significance or tie to the family, and though this may draw out the death rites of a given individual depending on how far away they are from one of these locations, the embalming process (with a little help from a cryopod if required) does an excellent job of preserving the body for as long as is necessary. The most popular alternative, however, is simply launching the prepared body directly into the closest star, as while it's less traditional, the general feeling is that if their ancestors had this option available to them, they would have thoroughly endorsed it.
Finally, the most widespread method of disposing of the dead as popularised by both the Byal & Kyx: cremation. All imperial territories, artificial or otherwise, will have a crematorium in the vicinity—the profession itself is a highly respectable one—though these can vary from the more traditional funeral pyre, to that with which humanity is more familiar. After the body is reduced to ash, where the family chooses to disperse them is incredibly personal, and while many choose to return to Feyiv, or another Imperial planet if they deem that their home, it is equally common to simply scatter their loved one's remains out amongst the stars.
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ettawritesnstudies · 3 years
WIP influences tag
thanks @kittensartswriting and @siarven for the tag! I think the rules are just that you ramble about a few influences for your WIPs so I’m going to do this for The Laoche Chronicles as a whole, including both Storge and the main trilogy that I really need to name. 
Life stuff! 
Sometimes (a lot of the times) reality is stranger than any fiction I could come up with, and so one of my favorite things to do is take scary and relevant irl situations and then recontextualize them in a fantasy world to get a different POV (and give the characters dealing with them a happy ending). For example in Storge: what would a world look like where sexism and racism don’t really exist, but there’s serious systematic oppression based on magic and religion? How does a healthy vs unhealthy family deal with a crisis? how does a society get so polarized? For Laoche: I was sitting in Calc AP my senior year listening to my friends complain about the upcoming test when someone said “I’d kill to get into X program” and my first thought was “hmm. what if?”
This sort of stuff is the driving force behind the themes in all of my stories. No matter how fantastical it gets, it’ll always have that relatable basis in reality to ground readers in the story.
This is going to get long so there’s more under the cut...
Mythology and religion:
This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one given how many religions and variations on religions I worldbuild for this world but the way people understand the supernatural and approach concepts like faith and hope and a higher power fascinate me. Also a really weird thing that I’ve noticed reading modern literature as a devout Catholic (especially YA novels) is that it’s very commonly sterile and secular for some reason? I only realized this after going back to classics this year like Dracula and being surprised when characters write prayers into their diary entries. This shouldn’t have surprised me becasue that’s something I do, but after consuming so much modern media and then going back to it, I found myself weirdly missing how much faith was intrinsically baked into society back then, for better or for worse, because it adds a really interesting dimension to how characters view the world. 
which leads into my next point...
The Sword and Serpent Series by Taylor Marshall and pretty much anything Hannah Heath has ever written (names are links to their books)
I don’t actually like Christian fiction like 90% of the time. A lot of it is written by writers from different protestant denominations which is fine, but sometimes the theology has me going ????, or the genres are just not my thing, and regardless of the denomination it all runs the risk of being really really preachy. (sorry, Narnia, that means you too). These two writers are outliers and I want to be like them when I grow up. 
Hannah Heath is a scifi/fantasy/dystopian writer who actively goes out of her way to tell good stories that also happen to have a Christian theme so that they avoid that preacher pitfall, and her worldbuilding and prose are spectacular. She also tackles a lot of hard themes and is a huge disability advocate which is incredible! I haven’t read all of her works yet but I’m slowly working through them. Skys of Dripping Gold made me cry a few different times and it’s a novella. 
Sword and Serpent is a trilogy historical fiction retelling of the St. George and the Dragon that ALSO deals with the political climate the Roman empire in 333AD and it’s FANTASTIC. There are saint cameos everywhere and if you know their stories it’s really cool to spot them even if you don’t recognize their period-accurate names, and it does a great job of showing how much the underground church relied on each other to survive. The character arcs and dynamics are amazing, the way it blends mythos and reality is amazing, and my (unfairly underrated imo) confirmation saint, Catherine of Alexandria, is a main character in the 2nd book so what more could you want??
Rangers Apprentice by John Flanagan and The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander
moreso for Laoche than Storge but these were my favorite book series in middle school when I first came up with the story and their general genre inspired a lot of what Laoche eventually would become. Grand adventures with epic final battles, a small band of heroes trying to save a kingdom becasue they have the knowledge of how, and earning the trust and help of other people through their heroic actions. Swords and magic and bows and knifes and cool capes/cloaks and horses and castles and all that good Fantastical Medieval Aesthetic stuff I absolutely ate up as a kid. Also Alexander’s mastery of voice with the different characters and Taran’s character arc and the platonic love and banter in RA  have me dying every time every time I reread them. Good quality fun all around
The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson
Didn’t influence me in time for Storge but now I’m rehauling everything in Laoche becasue I’m ~inspired~. I can’t speak to the extent to which it’ll influence me yet but I expect it’s going to be a LOT. Thanks Jana XD 
Honorable Mentions:
J.R.R. Tolkien because what list of influences for a Catholic high fantasy author would be complete without him? This explains itself I think
Avatar the Last Airbender and everything about the way it handles themes and characterization. Also self explanatory because it’s the best
So many??? people here on writeblr! I am so inspired by everyone who is brave enough to put their writing out there and I have read stuff on here that’s better than published books. It would take too long to name everyone, but just assume that if you’re reading this and you got this far in the post I mean you.
A lot of classic literature? Not a direct influence per se but the writing style is something I want to emulate. Some of my favorites are The Count of Monte Christo, Dracula, A Tale of Two Cities, Frankenstien (sans Victor’s incessant whining), The Divine Comedy, A BUNCH of scifi stuff by Jules Verne and H.G. Wells I loved in middle school and need to reread, and Little Women. 
movies and music should also probably go here but that’s a rant for a different day. I take more general vibes and aesthetics from those. 
Tagging (no pressure though!): @andiwriteunderthemoon @abalonetea @inkwell-attitude @zielenbloesem 
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
Are you bored with your life? >> Not generally. Existential boredom happens sometimes, but it’s not necessarily chronic.
Have you ever seen a spirit? >> Maybe.
What's the most supernatural experience you've ever had? >> Friend, I am a supernatural experience.
Do you ever feel the presence of God? >> Some god or another. Usually Wednesday.
Would you rather have wings like a fairy or a fin like a mermaid? >> I think wings would be marginally more useful to me than a fin. I rather like having legs.
Which season would you like to be the goddess of? >> I’d rather not be trapped into the role of being the god of anything specific, especially not a season.
Do you have any spiritual gifts? >> I don’t know. Never really thought about it.
Would you say you are a spiritual? >> A spiritual, hah. Nah, I’m just whatever I am.
Do you believe in angels and demons? >> I knew a couple of angels. One was from Night Vale. His name was Tobias and he was very poetic. Even [especially?] when he was talking about cannibalism.
Do you believe in fairies, genies, or mermaids? >> I’m willing to believe in any of them.
Do you believe that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth? >> Sure.
Does the book of Revelation make sense to you? >> It does, now. It took me a long time to realise that it’s very possibly allegorical (and very possibly about the fall of Rome). In that context, a lot of things in Revelation make a lot more sense to me, and it became easier to swallow besides. But even as a mythological End of Days, or a turning point in mythic time, it makes a lot of sense, too -- there’s at least a few Ragnarök-esque elements in there. For a while I thought of Babylon as the US, and that also makes sense. So, yeah. Revelation makes sense to me. 
What's your favorite mystical creature? >> Me.
What's your favorite supernatural book series? >> The Dark Tower saga.
Have you ever encountered an angel? >> Yep, already discussed earlier.
Do demons manifest around you a lot? >> No. I mean, they’re welcome to hang out, but generally I think they prefer more malleable quarry.
Have you ever cast out a demon? >> Nope.
Are demons afraid of you? >> I don’t know, I’ve never asked. 
What's your favorite gypsy name? >> I stay away from the use of the word ‘gypsy’, personally.
If a genie appeared to you right now, what would you wish for? >> Nope. I don’t fuck with djinn. They’re much better at wordplay than I am.
What would you say is the most unique about you? >> I don’t know, I don’t really think much about that sort of thing.
If you were to write an original song, what would it be about? >> I don’t know.
As anyone ever asked you if you were an alien? >> Yeah, I’ve been asked that. Or straight-up told that. It varies.
As anyone ever asked you if you were an angel? >> Maybe. I don’t recall.
Do you think you would rather be a mystical creature or a human? >> I yam what I yam.
Do you have supernatural powers? If yes, what can you do? >> No, I have paracosmic powers of creation. Which isn’t supernatural because it doesn’t affect the rules of the physical world.
Do you know any witches? >> Sure, I know plenty.
Has anyone ever cast a spell or curse on you? >> Not to my knowledge. But, I mean, possibly.
Do you know how to break a curse? >> I’m sure I could figure it out with some research.
Do you curse others? >> Nah, I’ve considered it in times of duress but... nah. 
Would you rather time travel to the past or future? >> I’d rather not, period. Time’s an ocean, anyway. I’m not tryna drown.
Do you wish you had the power to switch your emotions on and off at will? >> I mean, I don’t have enough problems with my emotions that this would be necessary. I kind of can switch them off.
What superpower do you most wish you had? >> Matter manipulation.
Are all of your needs met? >> Not all of them, not all of the time, but for the most part I’m not suffering terribly in the needs department.
Do you feel like your life is worth living? >> I mean, it doesn’t matter if it’s worth it or not, I’m living it anyway.
If you're gifted, does anyone know it? >> Gifted with what?
What do you do with your gifts? >> ---
Do you feel you live in a place where your gifts are honored and celebrated? >> Man, I don’t even know what you’re talking about, tbh.
Do you wish people acknowledge you and treated you with respect? >> Sure. Most of the time they do, anyway.
Do you wish you had the power to stop harassment? >> I’ve not wished for that specifically, no. But I’d imagine it’d be useful.
How old were you when you found out Santa wasn't real? >> I was never taught about Santa in the first place. It’s really too bad -- that whole legend is historically and mythologically fascinating. But it’s never too late. Plus, I have Russian Santa now (Nicholas St North, from the Guardians franchise -- Rise of the Guardians and Guardians of Childhood).
Can you relate to the story of Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer? >> Not really, lol.
Do you hate inequality? >> Not necessarily.
Do people hate you because of your gifts? >> LOL wut.
If you had to give yourself an exotic name, what would it be? >> I do have ‘exotic’ names.
Do your family and friends have any superpowers? >> Not to my knowledge.
Are you a hero or a villain, or neither? Are you a commoner? >> I am a trickster.
Could you ever be a hero? Have you ever done anything heroic and brave? >> Being a trickster means I can fulfill a variety of roles. So yes, I could be a hero, if I found it prudent. (Most of the time, I don’t. ~)
How many villains do you know? >> I don’t know if I know any self-proclaimed villains. I know some self-proclaimed monsters, does that count?
What do you think of this quote: The Gospel is the only story where the Hero dies for the villains. ? >> That’s an interesting quote.
Do you think it was stupid of Jesus to die for the villains? >> I don’t pass judgement on martyrdom. It serves a purpose.
Have you ever rebelled against God? >> Well, rebelling against some notion of God (consciously or unconsciously) is how I spent most of my adolescence and young adulthood, but I’m mostly over that now. I met different gods.
Do you believe Jesus dies on a cross to save us all? >> I think the mythical figure of Jesus Christ certainly did. Whether there was an actual man named Yeshua who did all of that is a matter of much debate, and I tend to err on the side of “probably not”. But he’s a figure of myth, which makes his historical existence pretty irrelevant either way.
Would you be happy if you died right now? Why or why not? >> Hell fucking no, what the fuck. I’m having a ball, leave me alone, Death.
Are you scared of what's going to happen when you die? >> Sure. I try not to give it too much thought, because there’s no definite answer and obsessing over it isn’t going to give me a definite answer, it’s just going to waste my fuckin time.
Have you ever asked Jesus to save you? >> Yeah, I tried that. I don’t know if he was listening or if he did anything, but I did try it.
Have you ever been baptized? If so, where were you baptized? and did it mean anything to you? >> I was baptised at age, like, 6 or 7. I vaguely remember it because the whole thing was lowkey disturbing to me at the time, but I couldn’t do anything about it. It was at an AME Baptist church in Elizabeth, New Jersey. It never did end up meaning anything significant for me, although the baptism allegory did come up again a couple of years ago, during my last todash episode.
Do you enjoy reading about Greek or Roman mythology? >> Absolutely!
Who is your favorite Greek or Roman god or goddess? >> Dionyssos.
Which goddess power do you think you'd like to have? >> Meh.
Have you ever read the Daughters of the Moon series by Lynne Ewing? >> Never heard of it.
If so, what was your favorite book in the series, and who was your favorite character? Which character do you relate to the most? >> ---
Do you feel like you are special? Do others treat you like you are special? >> I’m about as special as everyone else on the planet... which, as you well know, makes the whole thing a paradox. And yeah, some people treat me like that sometimes. I’m special to individuals, which is all right.
Do you enjoy reading Bible stories? >> Hell yeah, I do.
Do you believe in the Bible stories? >> I believe in their mythological potential, in the strength of parables, and in the longevity of the myths in general. I also think most of them probably relate to actual historical events, but were just mythologised.
Do you know anyone who can read minds? >> Nope.
Have you read the Harry Potter books? If yes, did you like them? >> Yeah, and I’m in the middle of a reread right now. I... I do like them, even though I spend a lot of time dissecting the worldbuilding. I wouldn’t even bother if I didn’t enjoy something about them.
What is your opinion on fantasy? Is it of the devil, or is it ok? Do you think it's good? >> I love fantasy.
Why do you think people gave the Harry Potter series such a hard time, when it's fiction? >> Because people are afraid of going against the laws of their religion; because people are afraid of losing control over their children’s spiritual lives; because it was a weird time in the world (and maybe even in mythic time) and people have been very reactionary towards media for a long time anyway. Who knows, man. It hasn’t lessened HP’s impact on culture and society, so.
Do you believe the Bible is fiction or non-fiction? >> I believe it’s myth, which exists beyond the boundaries of “fiction” and “nonfiction”.
Are you prophetic? >> I don’t know. That’s something I’d only be able to conclude in hindsight, and I haven’t really bothered looking back to find out.
Do you speak in tongues? >> Nope. I remember being really disappointed that that never happened to me in church. 
What are your spiritual gifts, if you have any? >> Hm.
Are you intuitive? >> No more than average, probably.
Have you ever had a premonition? >> Probably.
Have you ever had deja vu? >> Sure.
Do you see into the future? >> Nope.
Can you read minds? >> Nope.
Can you see spirits? >> Maybe. I don’t know.
Can you hear voices? >> I hear the voices of people in headspace.
Do you believe in the supernatural? >> Sure.
Why do you think churches ignore the supernatural so often? >> It’s often about power and control. To restrict the human experience to only what the religion in question dictates as possible -- only priests can commune with God in a way that goes beyond praying into the void, stuff like that -- is to create an illusion of dependence on the church, which keeps people coming back. It’s kind of unfortunate, really. 
Would you ever go see a medium or psychic? >> Nah.
If someone were advertising "free healing miracles," would you go see them? >> I’d probably go to a revival featuring a faith healer because those look fun as shit, but I wouldn’t pay any money to them or anything. I’d just want to see, lmao.
Would you like to receive a prophetic word? >> Eh, I could do without.
What would you like to be healed of, if anything? >> Meh.
Do you feel guilty about anything currently? >> No.
Do you hear from God? >> At least three.
Do you spend time with God often? >> I curl up in the backseat of Wednesday’s car as often as possible. It does take a lot of mental focus on my part, though, so maybe not as often as I could.
Can you feel the presence of spirits in the room? >> Right now? No. Doesn’t mean they aren’t there, though.
Have you ever had a nightmare? >> Sure.
Have you ever had a prophetic dream? >> Probably.
What is the meaning of your name? >> Which one? Apparently “Mordred” comes from the Welsh “Medraut”, which likely comes from moderatus (Latin) meaning exactly what it looks like. Mordred, the Middle Way between Red and White. Seems legit.
Do you feel like your name's meaning fits you? >> Well, apparently I do. :p
Do you think you are a good person? >> No, I think I’m a person. ...Hell, sometimes I’m not even sure I’m that.
Do you think God would consider you a good person? >> I think Wednesday probably thinks I’m a right bastard just like him and his friends. Ravens of a feather, and all.
What do you think Heaven will be like? >> I can’t fathom Heaven. Every description I’ve heard of it makes no sense to me, so I figured it’s not supposed to.
Are you ready to die yet? >> Hell fucking no, stop asking me that.
Do you feel like your life is fair? >> I don’t care if it’s fair or not, I’m still making the best of it.
What would your life be like if you had an unlimited supply of cash? >> I have no idea, that’s unfathomable.
Do you believe Halloween decorations come alive when no one is looking? >> LOL no, but that’d be neat.
Do you celebrate Halloween? >> Sure.
Do you think renessaince faires are of the devil? >> If they are, the Devil has great taste.
Have you ever encountered an ogre? >> Not outside of a video game.
Are you an alien? >> Maybe.
Can you take a joke? >> I can take and give them.
Is there a cartoon character you wish you could meet? >> Sure, Dethklok would be fun to hang out with.
If you could have a date with a cartoon character, which one would it be? >> Charles Ofdensen (Metalocalypse). Although I kinda consider him a Me-Character, so that’d be funny.
Have you ever had a doll that looked like a person you knew? >> Nope.
If you had a voodoo doll, who would you punish? >> I don’t mess with that.
Do you enjoy watching horror movies? >> Hella.
Can you bend over backward like the girl in The Exorcist? >> Nope.
Is your house haunted? >> Most likely not, but who knows. Apartment complexes see so many people come in and out over time, and at least some of those people will probably leave something behind.
Have you ever wondered if your house was haunted? or had nightmares because you thought your house was haunted? >> I’ve lived in an apartment I’ve felt was also occupied by something else.
Have you ever been in the attic? >> No attic.
Is your basement creepy? >> No basement.
Do you believe in ghosts? >> Not particularly, but I’m always willing to entertain the concept.
Do you like ghost stories? >> Sure, some of them.
Do you believe the spirit realm is real? >> I think there’s probably many dimensions to existence.
Do you believe in.... evolution? >> Sure.
reincarnation? >> I think a good argument could be made for it. Eastern philosophies about it seem to make sense.
Heaven? >> I can’t fathom it, which makes it difficult to believe in. Other mythological before-/after-/parallel-to-life realms seem more believable to me.
Hell? >> Same as above.
the afterlife? >> I haven’t chosen a permanent stance yet. Generally I subscribe to the “energy of consciousness is transmuted into something else, and memory does not survive the transmutation” theory of consciousness, so the afterlife wouldn’t really work with that.
salvation? >> From what, though? I don’t think there’s anything in my life I need salvation from, so it seems kinda useless as a concept, personally.
ghosts? >> Eh.
angels? >> Already discussed.
demons? >> ^
fairies? >> Yeah, maybe.
mermaids? >> Mm.
genies? >> Again, if djinn are around, I’m avoiding them.
nymphs? >> I don’t know.
gnomes? >> Hmm. 
aliens? >> Sure.
Santa Claus? >> I believe in the mythical figure of many names and various cultures that got sanitised into Santa Claus for our current version of Christmas.
Mother Nature? >> A world-soul, you mean? Sure, that’s a thing I could believe in. Azeroth has one, after all.
gods and goddesses? >> Yep.
God? >> I don’t know about that god in particular, though. The myth is way too murky for me.
Satan? >> I think if HaShem must exist, then so too must the Adversary. So if I’m going to believe in one, I’d have to believe in the other. They’re a BOGO kind of deal.
Jesus? >> I think Yeshua is one of the coolest mythic figures ever, actually.
The Holy Spirit? >> This is actually easier for me to grok than the Father. The Son’s the easiest, though.
elves? >> Sure, why not.
reindeer? >> There are perfectly natural animals called reindeer, so, I mean.
pixies? >> Hmm.
dinosaurs? >> Sure.
dragons? >> Sure.
prophesy? >> Yeah, maybe. I just don’t really want much to do with it.
premonitions? >> ^
intuition? >> ^
mind reading? >> Nah, mind-reading is pushing it.
speaking in tongues? >> I know it’s a thing people do because I’ve seen people stand right next to me and do it. But I don’t know what it is, and frankly, it’s kind of cool as a mystery.
prayer? >> Sure.
magic? >> Sure.
witches? >> Yep.
villains? >> I guess, yeah.
zombies? >> Mm, nah. Although I guess I can’t completely discredit necromancy. The movie The Serpent and the Rainbow has me pretty convinced, ngl.
werewolves? >> One of my friends is a werewolf.
vampires? >> Another of my friends is a vampire. Well, several of my friends, actually.
satanists? >> Yes, Satanists exist, in a variety of forms (theistic and otherwise).
supernatural healing? >> I mean, hey, maybe. I wouldn’t stop taking medication, though.
miracles? >> Sure, it just depends on your definition of the word.
that we live in an enchanted realm? >> I don’t know, maybe? I’ve no basis for comparison, after all.
that we're in a spiritual battle? >> Eh, I’m not fond of this concept because of the kind of evangelistic folk it’s usually attributed to.
that the book of Revelation is a real prophesy? >> It sure might have been.
that we're in the last days? >> Right now? I mean, here’s the thing about mythic time -- it’s so malleable and often cycle-based that you can point to almost any point in human history and make a very convincing case for that point in history having been a dead ringer for Armageddon. I could definitely point to events right now and make Revelation allegories. But that doesn’t necessarily mean anything -- or it could mean that Armageddon is an allegory for all Endings, including Endings that we as humans experience all the time. That’s the fun thing about mythology, man. It is always relevant.
that Jesus is coming back? >> He’s probably hanging around right now, smoking a bowl in some backyard somewhere. Hey, the Bible only predicted (and vaguely, at that) a Second Coming. They didn’t say anything about a Third, or Fourth, or so on. He could be on his Five Hundred Thousand and Twenty-Second Coming, for all we know.
that the Blood Red Moons are significant? >> Sure, they’re significant if we make them significant. That’s our power as a storytelling species.
astrology? >> Yep, I love astrology.
that the constellations tell the story of something? >> Well, yes. We drew pictures in the sky and used them to tell stories. We made that so.
that everyone is created equal? >> I don’t believe that everyone is created in the first place, which would mean that we couldn’t have possibly been created equal, either. I think it doesn’t matter either way, how we came to be here. We’re here, and the least we can do is treat each other with some fuckin kindness.
that everybody matters? >> That’s kind of impossible. There are way too many people on this planet for everyone to matter to me, or you, or anyone else. I think we do the best we can to think about as many people as possible, but to try too hard to do that means that you’re just going to end up doing more harm than good.
that life isn't fair? >> Sure, because it’s not sapient. Life doesn’t have an idea of “fairness” because it doesn’t have a brain to conceive of that. We do.
that some people who are poor deserve to be rich and some people who are rich deserve to be poor? >> I don’t believe that because it’s completely illogical.
Do you wish karma were real? >> I don’t know if it’s an actual cosmic force or not. I don’t think about it too much.
Do you make a lot of mistakes? >> No more than the average person, I’d imagine.
How long do you think someone should be punished for a mistake they've made? >> That’s not up to me.
Do you think mistakes should be punished at all? >> I’m not into punishment, myself, but I’m just one person. It seems to be a very popular concept with humanity in general.
Do you like mystery, or do you wish you knew everything? >> I really have no desire to know everything. What little peeking beyond the veil that I’ve tried to do has had a vaguely ruinous effect on me, so I figure I’m better off not pushing it.
Would you rather have horns or a tail? >> Horns, please.
Do you believe in unicorns? >> Sure, why not.
Do you wish you could talk to animals? >> I can. We just can’t understand each other, but it’s not all that important to me to be understood by, like, a cat.
Would you rather be a bird or a fish? >> Nah.
Would you rather be reincarnated as a human or something not human? >> I don’t know. “Not human” encompasses such a wide array of possibilities that I couldn’t possibly say no.
Are you happy? >> Generally? I guess, sure.
Who is harassing you/wronging you right now? >> Nobody.
Who is your knight in shining armor? >> Nobody.
Do you want to be rescued? >> From what? No.
Do you feel like you need to be rescued from the life you're living? >> No.
Do you believe in the story of Adam and Eve? >> The same way I believe in all the other Biblical stories, as I’ve expanded upon earlier in the survey. It’s not one of my favourites, though.
What would you like prayer for right now, if anything? >> I’m good.
What do you need right now that you don't have? >> *shrug*
Who was the last person to really hurt you? >> Oh, who knows.
Are you mad at someone right now? hurt? jealous? missing someone? >> Nope.
Are you a good friend? >> I don’t know.
Which fairytale do you relate to the most? >> I’m not sure.
Who is your favorite Disney princess? >> Moana!
Who is your favorite Disney character, besides the princesses? >> Stitch. Or Claude Frollo!
Favorite non-Disney cartoon character? >> I couldn’t even begin to choose.
Have you ever been to Disney World? >> Nope.
If so, would you say it's the most magical place on earth? >> ---
Do you want to go to the Magic Kingdom? >> I mean, sure, why not.
What country do you most want to visit? >> Morocco would be nice. 
What city in the US do you most want to visit before you die? >> Hm.
What country do you live in? >> The US.
If you live in the US, what state do you live in? >> Michigan.
What's your favorite continent besides North America? >> *shrug*
What's your favorite foreign cuisine? (Mexican, Chinese, Thai, etc.) >> Most Asian cuisine.
Have you ever been on a missions trip? >> No, and I’d never go on one. I don’t like the concept.
Have you ever lived in a foreign country? >> Nope.
What is your dream? Do you have anyone who supports you in your dream? >> I don’t think I have one. I’m just livin’.
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