#like someone was outside my window a couple of days ago but the camera didn’t go off and I’ve been super on edge ever since
arbordean · 2 years
idk this crazy neighbor shit hasn’t been good for my mental health. Like at all
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surveysandthings · 1 year
Tell me about the first five photos you have on your phone or camera. The 1st is a calendar I made, the next 3 are pictures/videos of my dog loving the new bed we got her, and the 5th is an anniversary picture of my husband and I!
Have you got any half or step siblings? All my siblings are half siblings but I don’t have any step siblings, thankfully.
When was the last time you were disappointed? A couple days ago, I invited my mom to see an artist we both loved when I was a kid in concert and she declined for reasons I knew were a lie, which was extra disappointing because she’s going out of her way to see my little sister’s favorite artist that she doesn't even like. 
When was the last time you had wet hair? Thursday night I think.
Do you like kids’ movies? Oh yeah!
Have you ever known someone online and then met them in person? If so, which website did you meet on? Yes, my husband! And I met one girl off Bumble BFF but it didn’t work out.
Have you ever been to the beach? If so, tell me the name of the beach you last went to and when. I have! We went to Santa something island in Florida wayyyy back in 2012.
When was the last time you were sick and what illness did you have? I had a cold back in April.
When did you last wash your hair? ...Thursday night.
Who did you last speak aloud to and what did you say? My husband, he was asking me which game he should play.
Do you know anyone with a serious anger management problem? My family for sureeee.
Do you have a calendar in your room? Nope!
What color is your wallet? Black.
Have you ever been to Manhattan? Newp.
Are you wearing any jewelry right now? What are they? I’m wearing my wedding rings on my left ring finger and then a super thin little gold chain ring on my right ring finger.
Did you get swine flu? I did, actually. It was fucking awful and to this day, it’s the sickest I've ever been.
Do you know anyone from Alabama? Not personally!
How bright is it in the room you’re in? We have a massive living room window and it’s daytime with the curtains open but it’s overcast outside so it’s perfectly lit but not blinding or anything.
What can you smell right now? Nothin!
Have you ever bought a game from a site like Big Fish Games or Shockwave? I think so!
Have you ever had a snow day? Oh yeah. They were more frequent when I was a kid but we had a huge blizzard in April and we were snowed in for days.
Have you seen all the Lord of the Rings movies? I think so actually.
Do you have an unhealthy obsession with colored furry throw pillows that are different shapes and sizes? Mmm, no.
How often do you change your underwear? Every day to every other day, depending when I put them on the previous day. Does that make sense?
Doesn’t it bother you when guys in your family / household leave the toilet seat up so that you wind up almost falling in when you’re sleepy and dazed at 3:00 AM and need to pee? My husband always puts the toilet seat down and I never wake up in the middle of the night to pee.
Approximately how many books do you have in your house? Um...less than 10 for sure.
Have you ever had to call the cops on someone else before? I called the cops because it was like 90 degrees and someone had left their dog locked in their car.
Have you ever been to court for something other than a traffic ticket? I got married in a courthouse if that counts.
Don’t you hate it when people suddenly love a celebrity when they die? It’s weird but whatever.
What type of math are you the best at? Addition I guess?
How’s the weather? It’s cold but not as cold as it usually is this time of year. Supposedly there's a blizzard on its way here this week but it could miss us so we’ll see.
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glassartpeasants · 3 years
If you don't make a happy ending for couldn't care less you better keep bob with you at all times
Couldn’t Care Less .2
Shigaraki x GN!Reader
Warnings: Angst, death, blood, abuse, gore
“i hope that blue haired fuck got what he wanted. I hope that handyman freak dies alone.” You say to yourself as you walk down the alleys way of Musutafu. The smell of the dingey and moldy alleyways flood your nose as the laughter of happy couples ring in your ears. 
How come they got they’re happily ever after but you didn’t? It wasn’t fair. You did everything you could to be there for him. Yet he still treats you like shit, all because you cared about him? And then he thinks your cheating all cause you ask a male friend for advice! What an insecure asshole.
A vibrating in your pocket brought you back to reality as you realize your phone was ringing. Letting out a sigh you answer,
“Come pick up your shit.” Oh, you thought you blocked this fuck.
“Keep it asshole. I don’t want anything that smells like ‘lonely bastard who only gets action from his hand’  on my clothes.  Burn it, decay it, I couldn’t give a shit less.”
“God you were always so dramatic. And there’s no reason to be a cunt.”
“And there was no reason for you to be an insecure dick. You either block my number or im calling the police and ratting on you.” A silence fell over the phone. Nothing was said until you finally spoke up.
“Jeez your pathetic. I’ll do it myself.” He was about to say something, insult your most likely before you hung up the phone and blocked him not seconds later.
“Now he’s outta my hair. I can finally feel some sort of calm.”
3 weeks later
After a day of coming back to your musty apartment you decided it needed a little bit of cleaning, considering you haven’t been their in about 4 months. You paid up front all the time even when you weren’t living in it. Just in case ya know?
You swept up the floors, vacuumed the carpet AND shampooed it.Cleaned the tub, shower and sinks, cleaned out your empty refrigerator, washed all you sheets and what clothes you left there. It wasn’t much so you knew you had to get some more before anything else. That and groceries.
 After all that was said and done, you sat down on the couch and just relaxed. Well you tired, that was before Shigaraki popped into your head again. It wasn’t a sort of loving way, it was a hatred sort of. The thought of his stupid face made you just want to punch a wall, pretending to be his face.
But you ignored it as you turned on the Tv, hoping that would get your mind off him. Nothing interesting except the news. Always talking about violence and war. Same old thing over and over. Blood, death, tragedy.
“This world is a cruel unjust place. The only way it seems to be recognized in this world is death or doing horrible things. Nothing good every comes to fruition.” You grumble before walking to your room and plopping down on the nice clean and still warm sheets. The nice smell of lavender slowly dragging you to sleep.
A loud bang hit your door which ripped you from your slumber. You were questioning on checking it out before you heard something that made your heart stop,
“If there’s anyone in the house kill them, we can’t have people knowing we ransacked this place.” You slowly get off your bed before moving slowly and quietly to your window. Your push your fingers on the glass and you gently push it up. Grabbing at the sides of the window you pull yourself out of it, not before hearing a gunshot and a burning pain inside your calf.
“Fuck! They’re getting away!” You could hear them from inside the house.
“Did they see you?!” You fell from your window onto the ground. Thankfully your apartment was on the first floor so it wasn’t a high drop.
“Not that i know of! I did shot them in the leg so they shouldn’t have gotten far!” You try your hardest as you run towards the main street. Cutting through alleyways, going as fast as you can as you hear they’re footsteps behind you. Looking up closely you see a hero, knowing he was your only chance you scream for help.
“Help me please!” The hero’s head turned towards you and ran towards you. You guess the robbers heard your cry for help because they’re footsteps seemed to be heading back your probably trashed apartment.
“Oh my! What happened?!” The sound of the hero’s concerned voice calmed you down a bit. 
“Some people tried to rob my place and i tried to get out of there silently but they must have came into my room and saw me leaving and shot me in the calf!” You wince as putting pressure on the wound burned hotter than hell.
“Don’t worry! I’ll get you to the hospital in no time!” You felt relieved before hearing a crunching sound, you looked to your left and see a familiar patch of blue hair in your peripheral vision. You ignored him before getting picked up by the hero and was carried to the hospital. The blood loss from your calf slowly dragged you into unconsciousness.
After waking up you notice the white room you were in. It was pristine to the touch and smelled of lemon cleaning products. The bright lights hallways peered inside your room from the crack of your door.
Looking around the small feeling of pain crept back into your leg except not as painful anymore. Pulling back the covers you notice bandages and a small bit of blood that stained through the bandages around your wound.
“Ah fuck that’s gonna scar. It’s gonna be a pain to heal too.” You say to yourself as you pull back the blankets and wrap yourself up in them. 
Right as you were falling back asleep the ringing of your cellphone brought you out. Grumbling in annoyance you grab it and look at the caller id. It was a number you didn’t recognize so you just let it ring thinking it’ll be the end of it. That was until it started ringing again. You sighed in frustration and picked up the phone, not wanting it to ring longer since it was in the dead of night at the hospital and you wanted people to be able to sleep.
“What the hell do you want? It’s the middle of the night.” You annoyed voice rang into the other side of the phone.
“Why tf were you talking to a hero? Did you fucking break your end of the bargain?” You were confused at first. You definitely knew the voice behind the phone. Then you remembered earlier that day when you saw him in the shadows.
“I was literally shot. You think im not gonna ask someone for help?” You rub the bridge of your nose.
“I don’t believe you. You always were a two faced bitch.”
“Oh jesus fuck, thanks for the insult. Glad to know what you always thought about me.”
“I’m going to kill you you backstabbing bitch.”
“Love ya too. goodnight and goodbye Shigaraki.” You hung up and blocked said number. You weren’t going to lie, hearing him spill such an insult and threat hurt you and made you very weary and afraid if he would actually go through with it or if he was just saying that to scare you.
You knew what those hands could do and you knew how painful that death would have been. You were hurt more than you liked to admit, at the beginning of your relationship he wasn’t aggressive or mean at all towards you.  He’d try to get you flowers or your favorite type of drink. He called you pet names that would make your heart flutter and beat, you don’t know what you did wrong for him to change so suddenly. It was like on day he flipped a switch, and you never knew why.
You tried recalling the day where it started and remembered that everyone was annoyed or being rude to Dabi, you didn’t know why and when you asked Spinner or anyone else they just said it was national, be a bitch to Dabi day. You laughed and shrugged it off ignoring it before walking up to your boyfriend giving him a kiss on the lips, only to be pushed into the wall and ignored. You just looked at him in shocked and it had only spiraled down from there to where you are now. 
Something had to be wrong. You knew it, Dabi had to have something to do with Shigaraki’s switch in behavior. You looked around the room for any camera and when you noticed that there were none, you called up the burnt male himself. He surprisingly picked up on the first ring.
“(Y/N)? I haven’t heard from you in 3 weeks. Or was it four? Doesn’t matter, where have you been?”
“Dabi, i need you to be honest with me, did you say something to Shigaraki?”
“Dabi, five months ago Shigaraki flipped a switch and went from a caring boyfriend to an actually nightmare. I need to know if you or anyone else said something to him.” Dabi was quiet on the other line before sighing,
“About that time range i made a joke about sleeping with you, everyone knew it was a joke but apparently Shigaraki didn’t. I didn’t think he’d treat you like he did. Im sorry.” You fell silent. All this shit treatment because Shigaraki couldn’t a joke. Sure it pissed you off that Dabi made such a stupid joke but you were more mad at Shigaraki that he just treated you like shit instead of asking you and confronting you about it.
“Thank you for telling me. Do you know where Shigaraki is now?”
“He left about an hour ago, why?” Shit. You knew this was the only hospital close to your place and Shigaraki knew that too. You got up from your bed and locked the door before going back into your bed, watching the crack under your door incase the light was blocked.
“Dabi, I just want you to know that i forgive you.”
“What? What the fuck are you talking about-” Your phone went silent as the battery died.
‘Shit shit shit shit!’ you thought to yourself as you beg for the phone to turn back on. But you fell silent as the light from the outside of your room was blocked.
“(Y/N), I know you're in there, open the fucking door before i decay it down.” You said nothing in fear. You were glued to your bed as you faced the door.
But that fear was nothing compared to seeing him actually decay the door.
“You stupid snitch. i should make your death as painful as possible.” he said as soon as he stepped inside your hospital room. 
“Shigaraki, I didn’t snitch I promise. Why don’t you believe me!” You say as you get off your bed and try to get as far away from him as possible. The pain of the bullet would making you wince.
“Why would I believe a cheating bitch like you?” Before you could speak a four fingered grip wrapped itself around your throat. Shigaraki was always fast, you should have known that you were gonna die even if you tried your hardest.
“I didn’t cheat on you!” You try to pry yourself from shigaraki’s grip.
“Dabi says otherwise.”
“Are you really going to believe him?! You didn’t even talk to me or ask me about it! Just went straight to believing him!” The grip on your neck got tighter.
“then why was they’re a hickey on your collarbone?!”
“You gave it to me! It was fading out!”
“That doesn’t change the fact you snitched!” His pinkie was grazing closer to your skin.
“I never snitched, I was robbed and then they shot me. If you went to my apartment you would see i was right.” He said nothing just staring at you with cold dead eyes. 
“Look! I have bandages wrapped around my calf!” Shigaraki looked down before saying something back.
“It was something the hero’s did so they could protect you in this shit hospital.” I was at that moment you knew, nothing you said would change his mind. You shed not a tear while looking him in the eyes
“I wish I never met you. Fuck you Tomura Shigaraki, I hope you die alone and I’ll see you in hell.” You move your head so his last and final finger touched your skin.
The pain of your skin decaying and falling off was much more painful than you thought it would be. You can remember screaming in pain but, it felt more of a emotional scream rather than one of physical pain. but it seems you weren’t the only one screaming.
The sounds of Shigaraki wailing and screaming your name reached your ears before all you heard was silence and saw nothing.
Shigaraki scrambled to try and grab you and even put you together, but your bloody ashes stuck to his hand. Remains of your existence covered his clothes as he screamed in pain. 
“No no no no! Wait please! I didn’t mean it!” He cried as his tears fell onto your ashes, the tears collecting the ashes and forming a grey tear drop. He wasn’t thinking clearly, he’s sorry! He didn’t want to kill you! 
Bile rose from his throat as he puked all over the ground, inches away from your ashes. He grabbed your ashes trying to pick them up to hold what was left of you. But all he got was the remains of your smeared all over his hoodie. He shook violently as  memories of you guys replayed in his mind, your happy face and the way you use to love him and care for him.
But now, you were nothing more than ashes on his sleeve, reminding him that he was now truly alone.
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mcu1shots · 3 years
could you please make me a tony xplus size reader story and getting proposed to but telling him no because she's insecure about her body and him seeing it? it would mean alot im in a dark spot right now.
Of course! Here you go, I hope you enjoy and feel better soon!
Notes/Warnings: insecurity, self doubt, mentions of being a playboy, implications of body negativity, fluff, angst, Plus Sized!Reader
Word Count: 2,351
Nothing More Perfect (Tony Stark x Reader)
Of all the things you had heard about Tony Stark you had never imagined him to be quite the way that he was. He had always presented himself as the playboy billionaire, hosting large parties and being seen with many women. It was always all over the front page of every gossip magazine who Tony’s woman of the week was, it almost had become a game at one point of which celebrity or model would be the next one to fall to his charms. But everything changed a short time ago after the attack on New York.
Everyone had seen how Tony flew directly into the portal that led to… well, perhaps only the man himself knew the answer to that. Ever since then he had become… different. Parties hosted in his honour were still as rowdy as ever, but the inventor himself was barely there for a few minutes, enough time to enjoy a couple of the drinks being served, before he disappeared for the evening. Gossip columnists no doubt mourned for the stories that they used to have from him, for no longer did he have his classic ‘woman of the week’ but he was barely seen to be forming connections with anyone. That is, until someone sent in a picture of Tony with a woman.
That woman was you. It had been around two years ago now when the press found out about you, and all it had taken was someone’s untimely photo of him kissing you goodnight in the hallway of your apartment complex. Before that you had always been very careful not to tell anyone but your close friends about your relationship but, Tony being Tony, insisted that he had to kiss you one last time before your night together ended. And who were you to try to resist that?
The gossip columnists, no doubt bitter from the stories that they had been starved from for so long, had a field day writing about you and Tony, you found paparazzi at your work and it was hard to escape the articles. You remember Tony clearly telling you “everything they’re saying is just for the story” as he urged you to never pick up a magazine or read a single article, even going as far as to suggest blocking results from anything that would come up on your computer or phone.
And for a while you were successful in ignoring anything that the press said about you. You listened to Tony’s suggestion and turned a blind eye to any article about your boyfriend just in case it mentioned you in any way. You were struggling enough with self image without the words of journalists all fighting to get the most clicks on a story, Tony was helping you through everything and you didn’t want to jeopardize that in any way.
Things went well after that, you ignored anything that you saw about you and Tony’s relationship. And since the press already knew about you, you were free to have a normal relationship. Well, as normal as it could be when you’re dating a famous billionaire and superhero. Anytime you did something in public there was the risk of the press writing about it, but Tony’s nonchalance about the entire affair rubbed off on you and you allowed yourself to turn a blind eye.
Well, most of the time.
Sometimes, when Tony was away and you were left to your own devices for a while, it was hard not to go on social media and glance at the headlines that were advertised all over your feed, some of the articles seemed kinder than others, and some just seemed to be going for that dramatic effect. Those were the hardest ones to see, those were the ones that unraveled all of the work you had put into loving yourself. And you tried not to read them, you really did, but sometimes you weren’t all that successful.
Tonight was one of those nights, Tony had some Avengers meeting and would be away for a few days. He had invited you to come with him but you had declined, you always felt out of place in those meetings, surrounded by heroes more perfect than you could ever be. Captain America was genetically modified for perfection, Black Widow was trained from infancy to reach that level of perfection, and Tony had built himself into a perfect hero with his iron man suit. It was hard not to feel self conscious around all of that.
Though perhaps you should have gone with him, as you sat in the bedroom you and Tony shared at his Malibu estate. The window was open, allowing the warm night breeze to flow through. It was a beautiful evening, you should have been outside enjoying yourself, perhaps sitting on the beach and watching the stars, but instead you were sitting on the bed looking at your laptop, staring at one of the not-so-nice articles that had popped up on your screen. You hadn’t even clicked into it, but the title and thumbnail was enough to fill you with a wave of insecurity.
You had to force yourself to tear your eyes away from it and put the device on the edge of the bed. You swung your legs off of the side and stood, stretching out your arms and allowing a deep sigh to escape from your lungs. You should have taken his advice to block out those articles from appearing, but it was too late for that now. You rubbed a hand along your face, feeling more emotionally tired than anything else, and decided you needed some water and a bit of a walk around the house to clear your mind.
So that’s exactly what you did, after shaking out your legs which had started to fall asleep from how you had positioned yourself on the bed, you headed downstairs to get some lemon water from the kitchen. However you were confused when you heard the soft sound of music coming from the living room. Wondering if you had forgotten to turn something off, you changed your path and headed there instead.
And there was Tony, a piece of paper in his left hand and a small box in the other. He seemed to be reading over a speech of some kind which was unusual to you as you had never known him to actually prepare a speech in advance, usually able to come up with something magnificent on the spot, even with cameras and microphones pointed at him. His eyeline raised and caught on you as you stood at the edge of the room and he quickly shoved the paper into his pocket and got on one knee, opening the box.
“Y/N,” he paused to remember the words he had just been rereading for what felt like the hundredth time, and yet seeing you illuminated by the dim lighting of the moon and the stars that filtered in through the large windows, he forgot it all. “I had a whole speech prepared for this, of how I love you so much and all of that sappy stuff. But, it all boils down to the question of… will you marry me?”
You were stunned into silence as you watched him, the seconds seemed to tick by as he waited for your response, a grin still placed upon his face. But you weren’t in the best mindset right now, the image of that headline and thumbnail plastered in your mind. What were you supposed to say? You knew what he wanted you to say, he wouldn’t have asked the question if he wanted you to decline, but how could you say yes? How could you ever be good enough for the Tony Stark?
Your silence and stillness was broken as you took a step back, shaking your head. You couldn’t bring yourself to say the word ‘no’ but by the way the inventor’s face fell you knew he got the message. “I’m sorry, Tony…”
You turned on your heels and rushed back up the stairs, unable to look at him any longer. Unable to offer him an explanation as you weren’t sure you could even get the words out. Tears rolled down your face as your mind was flooded with thoughts you hadn’t dared to allow for a long time. But your insecurity was like a bucket of water, catching drips of self doubt. That bucket had slowly been filling up over the past two years but the last drop that had been placed by that stupid article was what caused it to overflow, your tears were only proof of that.
Tony had to admit that wasn’t the reaction he had been expecting from you, not in the slightest. He had been expecting tears, of course, but one of joy as you proclaimed that you loved him too and would be delighted to marry him. He shoved the box into his pocket and followed after you, he would accept your denial of his proposal but he couldn’t leave you to be upset on your own, what kind of man would that make him?
He followed you up to the bedroom that you both shared but you had locked yourself in the ensuite bathroom before he could stop you. “Y/N, hey, come on, love, talk to me,” he begged, knocking on the door. But he received no response from you. He sighed and ran a hand over his face, trying to think of if he had done something wrong. Then he saw it, the laptop still placed on the bottom of the bed, screen glowing in the darkness of the room. He paused, looking at the door and considering what he should do. But he figured that you wouldn’t be opening it any time soon and so he stepped away to see what you were looking at. Immediately he knew why you were so upset, seeing the headline and the image plastered across the width of your screen, a pop-up ad for one of those gossip companies that existed only in the depths of the internet. He knew about your struggles with confidence and self worth, and he was able to use his genius mind to put two and two together.
He closed the tab on the screen and then closed the laptop, not wanting you to see that again. He walked over to the bathroom door and knocked softly. “Y/N, my love, I know what the world says about you sometimes, how cruel they can be,” he began, resting his hand against the door, his face inches away from it and his eyes closed. “But as I close my eyes and I think of perfection, all I see is you, every part of you, no exceptions. My entire career I’ve tried to make something perfect but never would I be able to make anything that could compare to the perfection of you. We don’t have to get married, but please, please, come out here so I can hold you. I love you, Y/N, all of you. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
There was a pause, that agonizing silence as Tony tried to figure out if you believed him or if you could even hear him, there was a chance you were tuning him out and he truly was just talking to a door. But then he heard the click of the lock and stepped back as the door opened to reveal his beauty.
“How can you say that, Tony?” You asked, your voice shaking as you wiped tears from your face, your eyes were red from crying and you sniffled.
Tony lay his hand on your cheek, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb and smiling softly at you, it was the kind of smile that seemed to be reserved for you and only you. It wasn’t some cocky grin or a smartass smirk, it was just… Tony. “Because I mean it, my love. Because, whatever I do, I will never find or make anything as perfect as you.”
You shook your head and closed your eyes, finding yourself unable to look at him, unable to face him. A shaking sigh fell past your lips as you exhaled and tried to think of how to articulate your thoughts to him. “The rest of the world doesn’t seem to agree with you, Stark,” you pointed out in a quiet tone.
Tony chuckled and stepped towards you, pressing a tender kiss onto your forehead. “Maybe not, but I do pride myself on being the smartest man in the world. They don’t call me a genius for nothing, you know.”
And there he was, the Tony that you knew so well. The confidence that he had in himself, that he had in you. And a smile slowly came onto your lips and you nodded a bit at his words. “Then… yes.” You told him, opening your eyes to look up at him.
For a moment he looked confused, an eyebrow raised. “Yes?” He repeated, asking for clarification on what exactly you were agreeing to.
“I’ll marry you, Tony Stark,” you said, leaning into the warmth of his hand and reaching out with your own to hold his free one, giving it a gentle squeeze.
And his smile grew, one that was bright and warm and reserved only for the two of you at that moment. “See what I mean? Perfect. I love you, Y/N Stark.” He said, tilting up your face and pressing a soft, chaste kiss onto your lips.
“I love you too, Tony Y/L/N.” You countered as you looked up at him, your red eyes now filled with love and happiness instead of doubt and despair.
Tony chuckled at your response. “Touché.”
You simply nodded and pulled him closer. “Now, kiss me properly this time?” You asked sweetly, pulling him close to you.
A grin passed his face and he nodded, leaning towards you. Before your lips met in a kiss he spoke, keeping his tone soft and his warm breath fanned across your face, “As you wish, my perfect fiancée.”
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 || werewolf!Lee Bodecker x reader
summary: being the sherriff’s department’s crime scene photographer means seeing terrible things.  following lee bodecker into the woods means experiencing terrible things.
word count: almost exactly 4k
warnings: smut (noncon but she comes around eventually, if you will), werewolf sex (so...pseudo-bestiality??? but like... not really??), breeding kink, knotting, some a/b/o tropes?, kinda some degradation?,  violence, vague-ish description of gore
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Something undeniably wicked was lurking in the woods behind Knockemstiff, Ohio.  That much was obvious.
It wasn’t your first gig as a crime scene photographer, so you knew what to expect; or, you thought you did.  This town was nothing like Toledo, though, in all the worst ways.  You’d left the big city in hopes that you wouldn’t have to see another drive-by shooting, another stockbroker who jumped out of his office, another mafia job left out in the street to serve as an example for would-be testifiers.  You’d left to escape some of the brutality that the urban environment brought.  And to be fair, it wasn’t anything like that, but it wasn’t at all better.  
You’d never seen a cut this deep before.  You’d never seen a body nearly turned inside out.
“It’s that damn bear,” the officer nearby announced, his words failing to distract you from your task of photographing the bloodied remains.  “This happened a couple months ago, body just like this turned up.  Thought we shot the damn thing but I guess we got the wrong one.”
“That can’t be right,” you frowned, stepping back and lowering the camera from your face; it looked worse when it wasn’t seen through the viewfinder, it looked more real.  “Bears might maul people, but they don’t… eat them.”
“They do if they get hungry enough,” he sighed.  
“Do you really believe that?” you pressed.
“I need to.”
The conversation was still echoing in your head as you drove back to the station, which was still bustling despite the day being just about to end.  
You stopped by your desk to grab a folder from your top drawer, "FOR SHERIFF" written in big letters on the front.  Tucking it under your arm, you navigated through the officers and secretaries mulling about to the back hallway of the station, finding the last door on the left and knocking even though it was already halfway open.
“Good evenin’ little lady,” Sheriff Bodecker greeted with a smile when he looked up at you, “got somethin’ for me?”
“Photos from yesterday,” you explained, stepping inside and setting the folder down on his desk.  He opened it and flipped through your shots, nodding slightly.  
"Looks good," he praised— gruff and monotone, but praise nonetheless.  "I think it's enough to prove who was driving recklessly and who was just driving."
"Think they'll be all right?" you asked, remembering how one of the car crash survivors looked as they were being wheeled into an ambulance.
He sighed a little, setting the folder down.  "Seems so, last I heard."
"That's good…" you trailed off, toying with the strap of your camera nervously, studying his face as he looked down at some paperwork in front of him.
You were a career woman, working in a male-dominated profession, and you had so much to prove… but god, if you didn't sometimes fantasize about the Sheriff in ways you knew you shouldn't.  In spite of the fact that you were sure he wanted an obedient housewife, and that that was something you could never be, you'd been known to daydream about another life where he wasn't your boss and you weren't so worried about what other people thought and the two of you could be together.
Or, on other occasions, you just wished Knockemstiff was as liberal as Toledo, so you could have a fling with him and not worry about everybody calling you a harlot.
Either way, it could never happen.  You worked with him and he worked with you; he was looking to settle down and you were looking to start your life.  It was a basic incompatibility.  That didn't stop you from letting your gaze linger on his hands, admiring how strong and thick they were.  God, you wish he'd just grab you—
"Anything else I can do for ya?" he asked slowly, that deep voice making the question sound just a bit more dirty than he likely meant it.
"No, that'll be all," you decided, giving him a polite nod before you slipped out of his office.  
Sometimes, it felt like the only chance you got to really think during the day was when you were alone in your darkroom.  The photo development equipment here was significantly more primitive than what the Toledo Police Department had been able to provide, but you didn’t mind; if anything, it brought you back to your roots, when you were just a newbie photographer who wanted to make compelling art, take photos that would end up on magazine covers or beside hard-hitting journalism.  
That dream had been dashed quite some time ago, but you really did enjoy your job more often than not.  Sure, it came with a lot of gruesome imagery, but at least it was important, and interesting.  
You couldn't be sure what time it was— with no windows and no clocks, and with hours always flying by when you were developing film— but the lack of any noise from outside your darkroom made it clear that it was quite late and everyone had left.
It was odd, then, that you did hear a noise from outside the room, like floorboards creaking.  You were ready to blame the old building settling until you heard it again.
“...hello?” you asked hesitantly, the sterile echo of your voice only making you just that much more paranoid.  “Is someone there?  I’m just here developing my film…”
The red lights cast everything in an eerie glow— bright enough to see, but not enough to assuage your fear.
You opened the door to your darkroom slowly, careful not to let too much light in, and peered down the dark, empty halls.  An uneasy feeling awakened in your gut and you swallowed nothing before hesitantly stepping out into the dark.
Another creak from around the corner made you turn, walking towards the noise and considering calling out again but suddenly afraid to speak at all.
A man's form appeared in front of you out of nowhere.
“Oh!” you gasped, but you sighed a bit when you recognized the badge glistening on his chest.  “Sheriff, shit, you scared me…”
“Sorry, little lady,” he breathed, “didn’t know you were still here…”
“Come in, if I leave this door open too long it’ll let light in,” you explained, pointing to where the street lamp outside shined into the window and ushering him past you into the darkroom.
“What’re you still wearin’ that damn camera for?” he asked, pointing to your hip where it was slung at your side from over your shoulder, making you giggle a little as you shut the door behind the both of you.
“Force of habit.  Never know when something worth photographing might take place,” you explained, returning to the tub of ammonium thiosulfate where you were dipping another glossy print.  
“If somethin’ worth takin’ a picture of happens while you’re stuck in here, I think you’ll’ve got bigger problems than not having your camera,” he smirked.
“Fair enough,” you scoffed.  “Let’s hope I never need to take pictures like these—” you tilted your head towards the pictures you’d hung to try— “unexpectedly.”  Lee sauntered over to where you’d motioned, pulling one the more developed photos from the clothespins.  “That’s the body we found in the woods,” you informed him, “I’m surprised you weren’t called in— it’s pretty gnarly.”
“Sweet girl like you shouldn’t have to see stuff like this,” he shook his head, sighing somberly.  
“I can handle it,” you shrugged, “Believe it or not, I saw worse working mob cases.”
“I’m going with ‘not,’” he answered quickly.  
He was right not to believe you, and you weren’t sure what to say now that he’d called your bluff.
“What… what perfume are you wearing?”
The question threw you off but you figured no harm could come from answering honestly.  “I’m, uh, I’m not…”
He stepped closer, his footsteps soft but audible on the carpeted floor as his form settled behind yours.  Your breath caught when his fingers trailed over your arm and he leaned in, pressing his face to the side of your head as he breathed in.  “You smell good,” he stated plainly, deep voice vibrating in your ears and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“Um… thank you…” you answered, hearing your voice waver.  
Just when you thought he might make a move (was this already a move?), and just when you thought you might actually reciprocate if he did, he pulled away.  “I should… I’m sorry, I oughta— I have work to get done.”
Before you could even begin to wonder what he was talking about, he had already slipped out of the darkroom and back into the hall.  Oddly enough, you were sure you heard him start running the second the door was shut.  You considered shrugging it off and getting back to work, but the more you thought about it, the more you were worried.  Most of all, you wondered if he had seen something in your photographs that gave him a lead on what killed the poor old man.  
That possibility needed to be investigated further.
So, you powered down your equipment and left the darkroom, leaving just in time to see the Sheriff stumble out of the back door of the station, seeming to be limping slightly.
Too curious now to stay away, you followed his path and pushed the door open with your weight, seeing him making a mad dash for the nearby treeline.
“No, Lee, the woods—!” you warned, horrified to imagine that he could meet the same fate as the man in your photographs.  You weren’t dressed well enough for the weather— already the evening breeze blew against your bare legs and made you shiver— but you forged ahead regardless.
The moon light was just enough to illuminate your path at first, but as the clouds moved and the tree cover grew thicker, squinting just didn’t do enough to help you see.  Generally, you weren’t afraid of the dark, but this was different… it was cold, and you were alone; but you didn’t feel quite as alone as you would’ve liked to.  You called out for Lee, only hearing the gentle rustle of the leaves and the occasional snapping of twigs on the ground.
At about the same time you considered turning back and using one of the station phones to call some officers for a search, you heard something.  A whine, maybe, or a whimper.  You weren’t sure what it was; it only just barely sounded human.
“Lee, are you out there?” you called, whipping your head around wildly.  
In desperate need of light to navigate your way, you had a moment of insight and reached for the camera slung by your hip.  You relieved yourself of the shoulder strap, pointed the camera ahead, and opened up the flash.
CLICK.  A brief moment of light gave you at least an idea of where you were standing.  It was impossible not to notice how similar it looked to the background of the photos you had just been developing.  You realized, then, that you’d worried so much for Lee’s safety in these woods, but hadn’t considered your own.
Lee, at least, had a gun.  You just had a camera.  Both could shoot, but only one could protect you.
CLICK.  You moved in the direction that you remembered as clear.  It was even harder to see in the dark after the bright light had burned your eyes slightly, and you longed to reach out ahead to feel out your path yet found yourself too terrified of what you might touch.  You could hear the flash charging between shots, you knew well enough by now what it sounded like when the camera was ready to shoot again.
CLICK.  Something white reflected back in the distance, so you moved that way, nearly tripping on a root for your trouble.  
The cloud over the moon finally blew away, and just barely— finally— your eyes could make out the shape of Lee, leaned against a tree and breathing deep and fast.  His back was turned to you, but even then you could see he didn’t look well, his back bending and swelling with each panting breath that grew louder as you stepped closer.
“Oh my god, Sheriff?!” you squawked, sprinting closer.  “Are you alright?” you asked loudly, but when you reached out to touch him he spun to look at you, eyes wild and teeth bared.
“Leave,” he growled between panting breaths.
“You… you’re…” you tried to begin, but you were speechless as you tried to imagine what trick of the light could make him look like he was getting taller, like his eyes and face were shifting.
“GO!” he bellowed.
You stumbled back, dropping your camera but too terrified to even hear the bulb shatter as it hit the ground.  Your legs couldn’t move right, your eyes couldn’t look away from what you were seeing, and what you were seeing… you couldn’t describe it, couldn’t understand it.  
It didn’t look like what scary stories and picture books told you a werewolf was.  It didn’t look like an animal; it sure as hell didn’t look like a person.  Disturbingly, it still looked a bit like Lee, even though his Sheriff’s uniform was tearing at the seams from his morphing, swelling body.  His cries were broken and twisted as his face seemed to be overtaken by teeth— so many teeth— and dark fur.  
Ultimately, one last command to "go" was lost to a howl.
You finally managed to get your brain and body on the same page, turning and scrambling to run away, hearing him chase behind you.  
He walked on two legs but ran on four, his snarls coming closer and closer as you made a mad dash for the distant light of the police station.  Cold wind blew past you as you sprinted, coming to a sudden halt as you tripped and landed on the ground.  Leaves crunched under your hands and feet as you tried to stand back up, but he was already above you, tossing you to the ground again and pinning you at your shoulders.
You tried to kick him away once he'd turned you into your back, but it was laughable— pitiful, even.  When he curled his lips back to brandish his glistening fangs, growling deeply, you were too stunned to fight.  But you could beg.
“Lee, please, please don’t eat me,” you sobbed.
“I didn’t turn to feed,” he informed you, and it almost sounded like Lee, aside from the depth and roughness that shook you to your core.  “I turned to mate.”
“No…” you whispered, denial more than rejection— and as you looked down between your body and his where he hovered over you, you choked on your breath at the sight of his cock, erect and reddened and.... for lack of a better word, enormous.
You weren’t excessively familiar with human cocks (not all the rumors about the new girl who moved here from the city were true), but this one seemed different than what you’d seen, most notably in the size but additionally in how you could see it pulsing and throbbing.  His teeth were bared as his claw-laden hands grabbed your legs, lifting and spreading them.  Your stupid dress just fell away and exposed you easily, like it didn’t even care that he was a monster.
Your panties were already damp, like you didn’t even care that he was a monster.
A deep breath in through his snout-like nose made it clear he was picking up your scent.  He grinned and you shuddered.
You’d seen how deep those claw marks could go, so you were surprised when he was delicate enough to tear your clothes off without ripping your skin.  The fear that he could or would, though, kept your heart pumping plenty fast— or maybe that was because of his dark blue eyes scanning your nude form hungrily.
He adjusted your hips as he held you with his… paws, one might call them, pulling you closer and bumping his thick, swollen head against your entrance.
"No, you can't—" you stammered, not sure if you meant morally or physically.  There was no way that would fit in you, right?  There was no way Lee would force himself on you… right?
The noise you made when he pushed into your channel was, ironically, animalistic.  His intrusion stretched you wide and filled you deep, and he wasted no time in setting a brutal pace that slammed his rough, strong thighs against the back of your soft ones.
Fear paralyzed you, made you unwilling and unable to fight back.  He was all claws and teeth— where could you reach to try to push him away, without the extremely high risk of him just biting your weak little hand off?  No, it was better that you just laid there, whimpering and sobbing and trying with all your might not to moan at the feeling of being fucked, hard, in the woods, by a beast.
His tongue on your neck was an odd sensation, another way he forced you to acknowledge that this wasn’t normal— because no human tongue was this long, this thick and hot, nor surrounded by sharp teeth that grazed your jaw and cheek.
“Gonna breed you,” he informed you coldly.  It made you squirm beneath him with renewed vigor, desperate not to be filled with the seed of— well, of anyone, but especially not this thing.  Could it get you pregnant, were you even biologically compatible?  You didn’t want to find out.  
“Please, no,” you whimpered.
“If you hate it so much then why is your cunt sucking me in so tight?” he whispered gruffly against your ear before licking it, too, with that cursed tongue.
His question was probably rhetorical, but either way you couldn’t answer it— you had no idea why your body was submitting so easily, why your walls welcomed him so eagerly, why your legs wrapped around his hips to pull him closer.  Further, you had no idea why you were about to come.
Numbness and sensitivity warred across your body, everything feeling tighter and hotter and heavier until you finally snapped and your body shook and convulsed.  His arms reached beneath where your back was arching, and you clutched at his shoulders as your fingers weaved into the fur you found there.
Of course he didn’t stop when you reached your peak, he wouldn’t stop for anything now, so you were forced to take him just as deep and hard as always even as your body went limp and became overwhelmingly sensitive.  It was clear, then, that your pleasure was only collateral damage to him; he was using your body for whatever he wanted, to sate his biological drive to impregnate something.  Like everything else about this, it was disgusting yet annoyingly arousing.
It's hard to say how long you laid there, limply jolting with each of his thrusts, dripping your arousal onto the cold earth beneath you, moaning weakly as you alternated between pleading for mercy and pleading for more.  You watched the clouds blow through the night sky, afraid to look up at his monstrous face, at his pointed ears and shining teeth.  Occasionally you glanced down and noted the way your stomach bulged from the size of him; you couldn't look at that anymore because it would either make you sick or make you come again.
You gurgled and choked as you felt his cock swelling inside you— bigger, wider, until your body was stretched beyond its limits.
"Take my knot," he instructed darkly, "my little bitch."
Disturbingly, you realized he probably wasn't calling you that to insult you: it was literal.  You were his breeding bitch, a womb to carry his litter, and you whined at the way it made your gut sink in shame.
His noises were more animal-like than ever while he came inside you, thick come all but pouring into you as he panted and growled.  Funny thing was, it just didn't stop: he kept coming for so long, giving you so much while the knot kept every drop inside.
You'd never felt so full in your life, of anything, let alone hot come that made you feel warm and sticky and dripping wet.
The knot kept you plugged and showed no signs of going down as he caged your body in, nuzzling into your neck.  He could bite you now and end it all, but you weren't afraid of that since he seemed to have found a better purpose for you.  His heavy breathing made his back rise and curve above you, his clawed hands pinning your wrists beside your head while he started to lick and nibble at your ear, neck, and collarbone.
You didn't even notice that you'd fallen asleep until you awoke in the wee hours of the morning— that time just before sunrise where there's light but no real color in the sky yet— with Lee asleep on top of you.  Regular Lee, that is, naked with no fur whatsoever and a normal cock that had softened inside you.
Okay, maybe "normal" was a strong word considering it was still pretty big and deliciously thick despite not even being hard anymore, but at the very least totally human.
"Lee," you whispered harshly, shaking him to try to wake him up.  "Sheriff."
He stirred, and his cock moved inside you; the subtle stimulation on your sore insides made you moan lowly and involuntarily squeeze your walls around him.  That got his attention, and you heard his breathing change beside your ear before he groaned a little.
"Mornin'," he greeted, his grin audible in his tone as he sat up slightly and looked down at you.  You reached up and brushed your hand over his chest, happy to find a much thinner layer of hair there than last night.  "Of all the times I woke up in this forest with no fuckin' idea what happened the night before… this has got to be my favorite."
"What's the last thing you remember?" you asked.
"I told you to run… I must've caught you, huh…"
You nodded and bit your lip.  
"You know I can't stop, when I'm like that… I didn't mean to—"
"It's okay," you sighed, "you didn't— it wasn't you."
"But it's my seed in you," he remembered, his words sending a little tingle up your spine.  
He must have felt it, must have seen your eyes widen or heard you gasp a little, because he grinned proudly as he looked down at you.
"Oh, you really love it, huh?  Love bein' mine…"
His hands held your arms tight as he pinned them down, making you whimper a little while he leaned in to suck on your neck.
"Love bein' bred like a bitch, ain't that right?"
You heard the deep, desperate moan before you even realized it had come from your mouth, his chuckle beside your ear making your heart twist.
"Yeah, I can tell… who knew you were so dirty, little lady?  Sweet girl like you shouldn't be gettin' off on being ravaged in the woods by a monster."
"Y-you're not a monster," you protested weakly.
"I eat people," he reminded you, letting go of your hands which you instantly weaved into his hair.
"Well, that's… everybody's got flaws, that's all."
"Yeah?  And what's yours?" he teased.
"I've got a crush on my boss," you answered with a grin, "and I came harder than I ever have in my life being fucked by… what are you?"
"The clinical term is lycanthrope."
"Right," you nodded, "that."
"And what would a pretty girl like you have a crush on me for, hm?"
"I dunno," you smiled coyly, running a finger down his chest, "guess I just thought you were cute…"
"Cute?!" he scoffed incredulously.
"Yeah… and sweet… you know, you go around actin' all tough and stuff, but I think you're really just harmless."
He cut you off with a growl as he lightly bit at your neck, holding your arms down again and tightening his grip on your wrists until you yelped and giggled happily.  "Oh, honey, you have no idea yet just how monstrous I can really be…"
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chocominnie · 3 years
One Last Time 02  —  Pjm. (M)
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, Exbf!Jimin, model!reader, sad au, fluff, tons of smut, angst
⇢ Synopsis: Your idol ex boyfriend Jimin cheated on you. You two have been broken up for a while now and the media has been keeping track of you and him. You’re trying to get over him, but the things that happen inbetween makes you re-think the entire breakup, and so does Jimin…
⇢ Song : xxxxx
⇢ Previous : 00   01
⇢ Word Count : 
⇢ Warnings: dominant jimin, makeout sessions, this is honestly a sad angsty au, cheating, pregnancy, unprotected and protected sex, a bunch of sex, no really a LOT of sexual themes too, I know I’m forgetting some but sorry in advance!
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Authors note: This is my mini series for the summer! Get your tissues, things to take your anger out on, and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Shall we begin?
Your eyes shoot open, chest heaving heavily as you let out a blood curdling scream. Not this again. The same dream over and over again each night. It leaves you sleepless. The time on the clock on your nightstand reads 3:04 am. Just only four hours ago is when you fell asleep. But a full night’s sleep hasn’t happened for a year so why would it matter anyways.
Once you catch your breath you unplug your phone from the charger and read some of the notifications. From your window, the night-time critters sing their songs along with the persistant owl that’s somewhere around the apartment complex. You’d only noticed him, the owl, just a few months ago when your cat started meowing with his hoots. 
A missed call from your uncle. 
Immediately you unlock your phone and dial the number. Bringing your index finger to your mouth you gently nip on it waiting for it to answer, The rings are agonizing to you. If something has happened you only wish and pray it wasn’t as bad as you think. He’s the only parental figure left in your life.
‘‘ Princess! Hello I was just calling to speak to you earlier. But I realized you are five hours ahead of me and you had probably went to sleep.’‘
His soothing voice calms your emotions making you let out a tiny breath of air. Thank god.
‘’Hey Charlie.” You sigh. Looking towards your left, you spot Clara purring quietly next to you. You can’t help but to smile while bringing a hand over to rub her head with your thumb.  She’s so small under the shining moonlight from your window.
Her white coat shines brightly amongst her, making you remember the first night you had brought her home. All she did was sleep, and it worried you because you had no prior expierence caring for anything, let alone a small animal. Clara only drank kitten milk and slept back then. Occasionally being awake enough to nip at your fingers whenever you pet or touched her.
Now she’s a bit bigger and walks around the apartment like she owns the place. Quite the little attitude she has, but its too damn cute for you to scold her whenever she does something wrong. 
“ Yes I did fall asleep from after a gathering at someone’s house.’’ You continue on, bringing your knees to your chest after opening the curtain of your window fully.
The moons brightness illuminates the entire room, but not so bright for you to complain though. ‘’ Oh- was it Jimin’s? Tell him I said hell-’’
You bite your lip hard at his name. He doesn’t know and you wont even dare to let him know. Knowing him, your uncle would have a fit and oppose to come back to Seoul to ‘set the record straight.’ to Jimin. That’s the last thing you want to do, cause trouble.
‘‘ It was his brother’s house warming party.” You say, lowering your tone in your voice. You look at the nightstand for a couple of seconds just before opening the top drawer of the wooden, polished piece. Your hands shakily pull out a picture of you two together.
It was taken at  Marne-la-Vallée, France right infront of Cinderella’s castle. That was the day that you and Jimin had to went to Disneyland in Paris, France. You cant help but to think, with the picture in hand, that it was one of the best nights ever. It was also the same night your virginity was taken.
‘‘ Oh.. I know that tone. Are you two arguing at the moment.”
You shrug, “ I mean you could say that.’’
No you cant.
‘‘ Alright alright I won’t talk more of him. Let’s change the subject.” He chuckles deeply into the phone.
‘‘ How’s Europe? Anything new happening on base?”
‘‘ Same old Same old. It’s been what? 2 years since I’ve left Seoul? The food is different over here. They don’t have kimchi pancakes sadly.”
You can only imagine the frowny face he makes at you whenever he doesn’t approve or like something. It always turns out to be funny.
You giggle into the phone shaking your head slightly, “ Of course. You are in Europe Charlie. Where are you getting food from anyway if you are on base?’’
‘‘ I can go off base to a certain mileage when I am off duty. I just have to report back in time. But you do know that you can always come live on base with me...’ He trails off.
Oh boy. Here he goes. He’s always talking about moving you on base with him. Hell, he’s been talking about it since before he had to go to be based in Europe. By then you were twenty years old and old enough to live by yourself. Growing up in Daegu, Korea since you were six, you felt as if Korea was home to you and you definately weren’t ready to leave yet.
Especially, after losing your parents here. Around eight years old, your aunt and mother were on the way to pick up your father from the airport. With your mom and dad also being military and based in Korea with your dad’s bestfriend, your uncle Charlie, your father had been called to take military leave to go and be based in Korea for the National Guard.
On the way back from the airport, a drunk driver had struck the car knocking them off the road and colliding head first into the railing of the bridge. All bodies were reported dead upon collision, including your aunt. Charlie didn’t take the news well at all, and so did you. Only eight years old and still a bit new to a foreign country. It was devistating for you and Charlie. Charlie did what was right and stepped up to be your legal guardian while taking some time off from the military. Till this day, he treats you like his sacred little daughter and you can’t ask for anyone better than him.
 “You are old enough to live on your own and housing is avail-”
You jump at his voice on the line again, being too spaced out from the tragic memory. Before he can go on any longer you cut him off. ‘‘ Im fine with the apartment you left me. Im paying the bills on time and taking good care of it.”
‘‘ Alright fine. But that option is always available you hear me? I will always be ready for you to come with me.’’
‘‘ Okay Charlie” You groan.
‘‘ Alright.. sweetie it’s getting late on this side and it’s already 3 am on your side. Get some sleep okay? Don’t you have a model shoot thingy or something? You have those a lot.’‘
‘‘ Yes i actually do in a couple of hours. It’s been a while since I’ve did a shoot. Please eat and sleep well. Don’t injure yourself.’‘
‘‘ I promise. You promise to do the same right?’‘ He says, rustling movements are in the background.
‘‘ Yes I promise. Good night sleep tight..’‘ You smile as you wait for him to finish the rest.
He chuckles one last time on the other end, ‘‘I’ll always love you, goodnight‘’
Beep Beep Beep
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You in a racy light pink lingerie with white duvets and sheets is the concept of your comeback. It’s supposed to symbolize the “Night After’’. Camera’s click and directors yell and praise you in your subtle yet damaging moves and facial expressions. You want.. no need for this comeback to be successful. Not only did your manager schedule this, but she is making sure that they release this same very day.
Nobody in this company’s industry has ever did this before. But you, you are sort of the special one. The special foreigner as they say. It’s not like you don’t like it but you don’t like that they label you as that. Stylists, employee’s hell even anybody who works there treat you as a princess. It’s not bad, but it’s just weird.
‘‘ One last one. Give me a sexy yet innocent look mama.’‘ Elliot, the director says, smiling wide at you.
You slip a finger into your mouth and do a little pout with your lips.
Elliot busts out into a roar of happiness with his hands clapping furiously. ‘‘That’s it mama yes! That’s just what we needed!’‘
Adjusting his microphone earpiece, he turns around to greet and thank everyone, ‘‘ Alright everybody this concludes our shooting! You all worked so hard today. Make it home safe, eat well.’‘
Finally. You sigh out in relief and close your eyes. It’s been a long day. Almost 6 hours of shooting. Three Videos, and five swap outfits for each session of shooting for the ‘’ Night After’’.  As everyone heads out and starts cleaning up you bow your head slightly and thank them.
A stylist brings you a satin robe to cover yourself in. You thank her and put it on just before getting up from the bed and walking towards wardrobe. Once you are done putting on your clothes, your manager leads you straight out the exit. Outside awaits the car that drives you everywhere. Literally everywhere.
‘‘ Tomorrow somebody has put in a special request for you to appear as the main lead girl in their music video. It’s short notice and I told them I would have to bump some things around and notify you. But they are paying us and you good money to be in it.’‘
Money? Sounds like a plan.
‘‘ It’s fine. Who am I shooting for?’‘ You say, fluffing your hair just a little while inspecting yourself in the rear view mirror.
Your makeup is still intact with no ruins and the contacts they had given you suited you very well. A hazel with a slight bit of teal. Suddenly the car moves off into the busy streets of Seoul. You can’t help but to notice every couple that walks along the sidewalks. They seem so happy, glad to be around each other.
On the floor of the car lies your little mini backpack filled with all of your items and belongings. Picking it up, you begin to dig through it looking for some hand lotion to soothe your semi-dry hands. Once you find it you gently start to squeeze the tube.
‘‘ Kim Namjoon.’‘
You freeze. Namjoon? The same Namjoon from the group? Joonie? It’s been well… a year since you’ve seen him in person. Hell since you’ve seen all of Bangtan Sonyeondan together. Except for lastnight when Hoseok and.. that guy showed up.
You sigh already knowing the answer from the question you are about to ask.
‘‘ From…?’‘ You ask then put the lotion back in your bag. Slowly you rub your hands together to moisturize.
Your manager quickly flips through the daily planner, ‘‘ Bangtan Sonyeodan but this is for one of his mixtape songs.’‘
Thank goodness.
‘‘ That’s fine. What time will the car be arriving tomorrow?’‘
‘‘ 8 am on the dot. You need to be there by 8:30. I’ll be tending to one of my other models tomorrow so you will be alone. I can send som-’‘
‘‘ No no it’s truly okay. I know how to manage things myself. Besides, I learn from you.’‘ You reassure her with one of your winning smiles, laying your head on her shoulder.
‘‘ Aigoo what am I going to do with you?’‘
The day ends very well. The movies you’ve been watching have kept you occupied. But not occupied enough for you to keep crying at all the sad parts in the chick flicks. Breakups, someone had died, someone had even just spilled something onto the floor and that was enough to send you into tears.Only because when the main lead boy rushed to help clean it up, it reminded you of Jimin last-night helping Isabel.
‘’What is going on with myself.’’ You blow your nose into a tissue for what seemed like the thousandth time today. Clara lets out one of her meows beside you then goes back to grooming herself.
You place her onto your lap and begin to run your fingers through her fur over and over again. Such a soothing effect to you as you stare into space sulking in your thoughts.
Why is it that you weren’t enough for him? Why is it that every single little thing reminds you of him? You gave him your all and he gave you his but what happened? Where did you go wrong? Cooked, cleaned, satisfied his needs. You guys had even started to plan out what you wanted out of a family. When you wanted a baby and what you would name it. It was fun. The whole relationship was fun. Right until that scandal.
Ding.. Ding.. Ding.. DI-
You unlock your phone immediately to stop that annoying dinging noise. Not surprisingly it’s a text from Jeon Jungkook.
Kookie : Im coming over I’ll be there in exactly 3 minutes.
Kookie: Don’t think about leaving either.
Kookie: Im bringing someone with me.
Kookie: We need to have a serious talk babycheeks.
You roll your eyes at the nickname he’s given you. No matter how many times you tell him you want him to change it, he declines. There’s no point in asking anymore.
Why would he want to talk anyways and who is the person he’s bringing. Eh.. it might just be Ryan they seem to do everything together as a team.
As soon as you step foot out of your bed the sound the door clicking makes your head shoot up. How in the living hell does he know the password to your house? Rage takes over you. That’s something that you hate. When people invade your personal space. In this case, personal home.
‘‘ Jeon fucking Jungkook!’‘ You scream, abruptly stomping your feet all the way to and out your bedroom door. Suddenly you stop at the sight of the two faces staring back at you.
Jungkook’s expression holds a concerned yet upset face while the other just stands there calm and cool. But you on the other hand are way besides that level.
Your eyes must be filled with rage and the expression on your face is no good. How dare he disrespect you like that? Bringing him into your home, knowing the bad blood between you two. Oh, they both have something coming towards them. You begin to walk to them again making each step make the floor shake.
‘‘ Get out. Both of you. One you invade my personal private home..’‘
You grab both boys by their collars, making sure to grip the one on the right’s harder than usual. ‘‘ Two, you fucking invite him over here.’‘ You drag each of them towards the exit. Which is going good until Jungkook rips your hands away from his shirt and takes you over his shoulder.
You’ve had enough of him and his invasive ways. Pounding on his back with your fists, you make sure to scream into his ear. “ Put me the fuck down Jeon Jungko-”
You hiss at the stinging sensation on your ass. Did he just? Jimin stands there awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. You make sure to make eye contact with him and roll your eyes. Something that always had and will piss him off.
‘‘ Hush. I told you all of us needed to have a deep talk about you.’‘
Jungkook plops your frail body onto one side of the couch in which he sits next to you. He motions for Jimin to come sit across from the both of you but you aren’t having it.
‘‘ Don’t you do it.” You glare at him. Jungkook sighs harshly only to pluck your forehead two times. You whine and rub it with your index and middle finger.
Jungkook shakes his head in disapproval, ‘‘ When are you ever going to learn? Jimin sit down now.”
‘‘ Truthfully.. I feel as though I shouldn’t be here so-”
“ Good. Get out you are unwanted.” You snap back causing him to give you one of his long stares with no facial expression at all.
Jungkook glares at you just before getting up to throw his hands in the air full of disappointment. “ Enough! “
Yelling. Something else you don’t like to hear being done at yourself. You finally sit still and quite avoiding any eye contact with the both of them.
He sits back down and clears his throat. Jungkook gives Jimin a look before continuing on.
‘‘ I gathered us here to talk about you..”
‘‘ Why. Im fine. How many times do I have to say it. Im fine im fine im fine im fucking fine!’‘ You exclaim, getting more mad by the second. When will people accept this?
‘‘ Baby.. ’‘
Your eyes shoot up to him and his soft voice. You didn’t want to but you did because his voice to you is like candy that melts into your mouth.
‘‘ Don’t call me that. You have a girlfriend at-least be loyal to her rather than what you did to me.’‘
‘‘ Fuck is anybody going to just sit here and listen? Can we at-least get to the source of the problem? Huh?’‘ Jungkook leans back into the couch clearly pissed by your attitude.
Jimin’s the first to speak and holds a firm eye contact with you, almost daring you to break away from it.
‘‘ Fine. Im just going to cut straight to it then. Why are you so jealous? You aren’t okay at all. I seen the way you looked at us yesterday. You wanted to break down so bad but you didn’t. It looks like you’ve been dropping weight day by day why aren’t you eating well?’’
You’re taken a-back by his jealous comment. Although you are you just cannot admit it. You are jealous. You do want him back. You cant bear to see him with another girl but you. But the fact that Jimin is concerned makes you really hope. Just hope that there is something left of you still in his heart.
‘‘ Jealous? Jealous tuh.” You scoff, leaning into Jungkook’s arms where you rest his head on your chest. You only do this just to see Jimin’s reaction and by the look on his face he doesn’t enjoy that move one bit.
‘‘ Yes jealous. I mean why else would you put almond extra-
‘‘ Woah. No need to go there. We established that it was a so called accident lastnight.” Jungkook does finger quotes into the air and looks down at you.
You lift your head up and furrow your eyebrows in annoyance, “ So called? So you really believe that I did it on purpose. Wow Jungkook. Escort yourself out.’’
He sighs, wrapping his arms around you securly in hopes of you settling down a  little, “ Honestly it’s not like that. I wasn’t there to see you bake them nor was I watching her eat it. Im just saying that you knew Jimin was coming and obviously his girlfriend was going to come too. It’s a little sketchy is all.”
There’s no fixing what he said. Him adding onto his explanation just made things sound worse than what he’s trying to say. You don’t have time to be ganged up on, nor like it at all. It’s best if they both just leave, to not turn nothing into something.
‘‘ Get out. Now. Before I call and tell Ryan what you said and then she’ll definitely deal with you.’‘ You say, removing yourself from off of him and onto the other side of the couch with your legs crossed.
Mad isn’t even the word to describe yourself right now. You’re just a mixture of all emotions.
Jungkook now looks of sorriness written all over his face. You bite your lip and shake your head while pointing towards the door. He sighs heavily and takes one last look at you while removing himself from the couch. You watch him slip on his coat and shoes.
Jimin gets up from his spot on the couch, ‘‘ I’ll be leav-”
‘‘ Sit down we aren’t done talking.” 
He looks at you with his eyebrows furrowed, sitting back down slowly.
Jungkook keeps his head down as he wraps his blue scarf around his neck. Poor baby, but he shouldn’t of said it. “Please better yourself and talk it out with each-other. Im leaving.”
‘‘ Make it home safely.. Kookie.” You sigh once the door closes behind him. Now you’re here. Face to face with Park Jimin.
The same Jimin who cheated on you. The same Jimin you haven’t seen in a while. You take a few moments to take in his appearance. He seems to have re-gained his muscles that are peaking through his black, longsleeve shirt. His thighs are still thick, just like his luscious lips. Of course he changed his hair color to black. But who knows, he might change it again.
‘‘ You’ve been doing well?’‘ You say, voice low but enough for him to hear. You drop your eyes to your lap instead of keeping intact with his.
‘‘ Yes. But you have not. Im disappointed in you. Why are you doing this to yourself? Don’t do this because of me.”
‘‘ Jimin you don’t know the feeling. You don’t know how it feels to be left wondering why you weren’t good enough for someone. Why they had cheated on you. You don’t understand at all and wont ever.’‘ Your voice cracks on the last sentence and you an feel the lump in your throat become sore.
He bites his lip unsure of what to say next. Those words had hit him good inside. ‘‘ Im sorry. I truly am. But you know the reason why we had to end it. I fucked up bad and the media was making the scandal bigger and messier day by day. It was better to just call it off.’‘
One by one your tears start to drop. You nose begins it’s running trip but you sniffle it back up.
‘‘ You could of denied it. You know you could of made a statement and denied it. But you felt something for her didn’t you? Didn’t you?’‘ You semi-yell, sobs already starting to take it’s way over.
He bites his lip once again and ruffles his fingers through his hair, “ Baby..’’
You wipe your tears with your hands making your face even more puffy from the crying. “ I am jealous. I am I admit it Jimin. But do you know i have been suffering for one year and two months? I can’t sleep at night because im so used to your touch at night. I look at every couple in Seoul and think to myself, Dang they seem so happy. What’s their secret?’’
Jimin sits up, making eye contact with you with tears welling up into his eyes. It hurt’s you more than yourself to see him crying. It always has.
‘‘ Please don’t do that. Don’t do this to yourself. Please get help from someone to try and move on. Please. I don’t like to see or hear you make yourself suffer.’ He begs, getting up from his seat and coming towards you.
Jimin sits next to you, hesitantly opening his arms up to you. Would it be wrong to embrace him? He’s being too sincere, but thats what you want right? You decide to just do it, and lean into him only for him to pull you in closer into his chest.You just lay there crying and sobbing while he runs his fingers through your hair. You shouldn’t be doing this. He has a girlfriend. But it feels so right.
‘‘ What does she have that I don’t? Why couldn’t you love me the same way you love her “  You cry into his chest, soaking his shirt with your tears. 
You’d been waiting for this moment to just let it out. Let everything out.
‘’ Please don’t make this harder than what it is right now. Just try and forget me and move on. Please.” Hypocritcal. How does he expect you to get over him when he’s the one whos holding you so tight right now. Soon enough his sniffles join yours in harmony.
You raise your head up and look him deep into the eyes while you wipe away his tears, “ Don’t cry Jimin. I’m the one supposed to be crying over you. Don’t cry.’’
He takes your hand away from his face and wraps his fist ontop of yours, “Please promise me you will move on okay?’’
You shake your head no, “ I can’t make that promise.”
He doesn’t say anything. He gently cradles you in his arms and lifts you up. You don’t think to where he is going. You just close your eyes and grab onto his shirt firmly not wanting to let go.
Soon enough you feel the cold sheets over your bed. He covers you in the duvet and leans down to your forehead.  A kiss. Your fist is still locked onto his shirt in which he tries to pry it away but you don’t want to let him go. He sighs and raises his arms up as he takes off the shirt revealing an extra plain white wife beater under it. Taking your other hand, he wraps your hand into another fist onto the shirt to where both of your hands are holding onto it.
‘‘ Please better yourself for me baby. Sleep and eat well. “
Is all he says before turning off the lights and walking out your bedroom door.  You can hear him putting on and zipping up his heavy coat but you just don’t make a sound.
The apartment door clicks and beeps letting you know he’s already gone.
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calumxkisses · 3 years
Dancing In The Sky | a.i.
pairing: ashton irwin x reader
genre: fluff to angst
warnings: death (not main characters)
summary: request - Hi!!! It’s very morbid but, I really want one with ash or cal, where they’re in one of the boys house just the boys and their girls, and then the reader receive a call in the middle of the conversation telling someone in her family is dead and she just in shock and she tells them, and the he hugs her and she breaks!!! Thanks
a/n: recently my granny had to be rushed to the hospital and i thought i was going to lose her - luckly it didn't happen. i felt this request particularly close. i always say 'i love you' to my grandma before hunging up on the phone (we live pretty far away from each other) and i thought about what would happen if i forgot to say it, not knowing it would be for the last time. i'm sorry to anyone of you if this triggers you. i love you.
you should read this imagine while listening to: before you go
The light coming in from the window on your right illuminates the whole room, it’s late afternoon but the sun shines almost as if it were noon. The scorching heat has now passed, there is a breeze that cools the air and spreads the scent of the grill in the garden, alternating the scent of grilled vegetables and steaks throughout the house. The pool water is still moving, the inflatable flamingo is wedged near the pool stairs and you can still see the tracks of Michael's wet feet near the diving board.
Halsey's songs are repeated at a low volume, but the guys sing them out loud and a smile forms on your face as you see how they are always ready to support their friends, not only publicly with tweets or instagram stories, but also in private, enjoying music like normal people do.
You hold onto the sweatshirt Ashton gave you as you grab your cell phone from the sofa and put it in your shorts pocket. Your hair is still wet from the shower you just took and it’s leaking few drops of water as you head outside, where your friends are starting to set the table for dinner.
You don't know how it happened, you have vague memories, but you feel grateful to have them around you, to have the opportunity to consider them as a second family, to be able to hug them and to be able to laugh with them. It is a fortune that not everyone has and you make sure you don't waste this opportunity.
“Honey!” Ashton yells, shaking his hand up and looking at you with an amused look. A few tufts of hair fall in front of his face and with one hand he tries to move them back, only to find them in front of his eyes again. His swimsuit is now dry, his chest is red from staying under the sun all day but his tattoos still manage to stand out in the tan and a huge smile covers his face.
Seeing him so happy, confident, at peace with his mind and in love with life, warms your heart and you almost feel like crying of joy in seeing him like this.
You wiped his tears, hugged him under the covers and held him a million times as his demons took over, when mirrors became enemies and food scared him.
You turned off his cell phone every time he read comments about his body and spent sleepless nights keeping him company while he vented his frustration by playing the drums.
You held out your hand to him while accompanying him in his battle against himself, you kissed him as he went through hell and his joy was worth every single tear.
You are proud of him, of the way he went back to wearing his favorite t-shirts and of the way he has come to love all his flaws, even though you're still sure he doesn't even have one.
As you leave the house, a cool breeze passes through your hair and you instinctively close your eyes to be able to appreciate the moment of coolness in the terrible heat of the last few days.
When you open your eyes, amazement takes over your body: the sky is not simply blue like the water in the pool you've been in all afternoon, but pink and orange clouds cover it completely; the sun hides behind them, tinges the sky with more intense colors and you feel your soul leave your body at the sight of so much beauty.
The sunset is so mesmerizing that you don't even feel the need to pick up your phone and take a picture of it, it's so beautiful that you're sure not even the best cameras would be able to capture such a marvel.
It’s a pink and orange sunset, bigger clouds are the backdrop to smaller more intense colors and the skyline of the city is slowly tinged with black, the lights of the buildings begin to see each other more and the world slows down as it prepares for the quietest hours.
The sunset arouses familiar, nostalgic, certainly not typical emotions in you; it’s so beautiful that you feel like you are living a dream, you pinch your arm lightly to make sure you are awake but Ashton's laugh reminds you that it is reality and, with that melody in the background, you understand that the difference between dream and reality is not that big.
And even if it were a dream, you know that dreaming never hurt anybody.
As the sunset surrounds you in a warm hug, a small white butterfly begins to flutter around you, spinning around and bringing a smile to your lips. The insect is small, but in the orange sky it stands out in an important way, making you feel like a Disney princess. You stretch your hand up, raising your forefinger and inviting the little butterfly to lean on it and, without fear, it leans on it, resting its wings and showing itself even more beautiful than you thought.
It’s white but at the corners of its wings it has black spots, its gaze seems to be directed towards you as its antennae move delicately. A sense of awe and wonder makes its way inside of you and you slowly bring the butterfly closer to you so you can admire it better, noticing how safe it continues to feel with you.
“Is everything alright?” Sierra asks as she sets the plates on the table, she's too busy to notice how you seem to be in symbiosis with the butterfly.
“Yeah.” You whisper while the insect continues to stay on your finger, motionless, leading you to feel a sense of peace in the moment you are living.
Suddenly, while the blue sky is giving its space to the dark night, the butterfly takes off and, after making another turn around you, heads towards the sky and merges with the lights of the stars.
You walk back to your friends, still confused about what just happened, and you see Michael trying to move the fire bowl to the corner of the pool. “Mike, if I were you I'd be more careful, you're not the luckiest person when it comes to fire.” You smile and you hear your friends laughing out loud as a grin appears on Michael's face.
“Don't worry, Crystal has seen enough tv shows about doctors to know what to do if I get burned again.” He replies looking at his girlfriend and laughing.
“Shut up and come here,” Crystal responds by pretending to be offended. “Dinner’s ready.” her lips try to hold back the smile that is forming on her face.
You sit on your boyfriend's lap while Luke sets the meat on the plates and Sierra pours the beer into your glass. Ashton pushes your hair to the side and kisses you on the neck, giving you goosebumps and getting winks from his friends.
“You’re terrible.” he replies while looking at them and squeezing his hands on your lap, his head resting on your back while he rolls his eyes and smiles. Everyone burst out laughing and the sound of their laughter still feels like the most beautiful melody to you.
As you are about to take your first bite, your phone starts ringing and vibrating inside the pocket of your shorts. You put your fork down and stand up, being careful not to trip over Ashton's feet as he gives you a questioning look. You give him a kiss on his head and you go away slightly from your group so you can hear better.
Your mother's voice is low as you bring the phone to your ear, a smile forms on your face to hear the sound of her voice but the world collapses on you a few seconds later, when her words become understandable while she cries.
The conversation is short-lived, it is mostly made up of your mother's sobs and words you never wanted to hear. Your mouth opens slightly and your heart seems to stop. And when she closes the call, you have a hard time figuring out if you are having a nightmare or if you are still in reality.
“Was that your lover on the phone?” Calum smiles as you stare at your phone screen as soon as you hang up the call. You look up and see everyone's gaze on you as your eyes start to pinch.
“It was my mother,” you take a deep sigh as you try to find the courage to speak. “My grandmother died a couple of hours ago. She's gone and-” and the words die in your mouth.
Your friends' smiles quickly transform as their brows rise and their eyes lose their light. Crystal is the first to hug you, in less than a second her arms are around you but it's all so surreal that you can't even find the strength to move your body. You hear whispers, but your ears are muffled as Ashton takes the place of your best friend and holds you close to his chest, kissing your hair and whispering words of comfort.
It all happens so fast that you struggle to metabolize, it seems to you that the whole world has stopped or is going too fast, it is hard to try to understand as your mind repeats your mother's words all over again.
You talked to your grandmother the day before, you described to her the weather and you told her all the projects you had in mind, including going to see her as soon as possible. She had told you some stories from her past because she knew how much you loved hearing stories from other times and then you said goodbye to her in a hurry because someone had rang the doorbell.
You didn't tell her you loved her and your heart breaks even more at the realization that she left without knowing the affection you felt for her.
Did she know you loved her? Did she know that she was the most important person to you? Did she know you were grateful for all the sacrifices she had made to make you happy? Did she know you were proud of her? Did she know you loved the way she kissed your hands? Did she know how much you cared about her? Or did she pass wondering if you loved her?
If that were the case, you would never forgive yourself.
Part of you, however, is aware that behind those wrinkles and trembling hands, there were years of wisdom and intelligence and that, even when she was sick, she knew that you loved her unconditionally.
You still remember how she was the one who taught you to ride a bike when your parents were too busy working, how her hunched back bent even more as she pushed you along the street outside your childhood house, letting you go on your own when you learned, while still lying to you about how her hands were attached to the bike, to make you feel protected.
You certainly still remember the way she bragged about you, how she proudly used to tell all the ladies at the grocery store that you were her niece, her greatest joy and the best gift she ever received.
And, if you close your eyes and focus, you can still feel the warmth of the old fireplace in her home, of her hands holding yours while your face was resting on her shoulder. You can still hear the sound of burning wood, of her sweet voice singing melodies belonging to past eras while, between one verse and another, her lips kissed your head and whispered words of love.
Most of all, you have memories of how her arms wrapped around your little body when there was a thunderstorm, when the screams inside your house got too loud and when you saw her again after weeks, with your hearts coming back to beat in unison and your lungs beginning to breathe again.
Now that she is gone, who would be by your side? Who would teach you to cook and sew?
You would no longer hear her heart beating when you leaned against her chest, you would no longer hear the sound of her breaths when you slept next to her, you would no longer wake up with the smell of the flowers she grew and, above all, her dry, wrinkled lips would no longer whisper “I love you” to you.
All the fights, all the moments when you were bothered by her calls and all your snorting about the boredom of being with her bring a pang to your heart that tastes of guilt and arrogance, of shame and wasted moments that won't come back.
She was now gone, her heart had beaten for the last time and her eyes had stopped shining and the more time passes, the more her absence starts to hurt.
While your friends are around you to not leave you alone and Ashton hugs you tightly while caressing your hair, everything seems to start to make sense: the butterfly that just moments before had leaned on your hand, the sunset so beautiful and intense - she was there, she was giving you her last goodbye with all the delicacy possible.
She was reassuring you that she will always be there for you, that she will be in the sunsets under which you will fall asleep and that she will be the butterflies that will fly around in the sky, to reassure you that everything’s gonna be alright.
And with this new certainty and a weight in your chest that will slowly go away, you let yourself go, the tears begin to roll down your face and the sobs echo in the silence of the evening, as the stars light up the sky and God gains a new angel.
Ashton knows it won't be easy, that it will be months before that pain will become more bearable and that family lunches and dinners will be harder, that that empty chair around the table will be a stab in the heart every time.
But he also knows that you are strong, that you will be able to overcome everything, that sadness will turn into a smile when you’ll remember her and that, whatever happens, in a way or another, he will always be there next to you, just like your grandma used to be.
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ao719 · 3 years
Another Five Years
A/N: My what-if wheels started to churn at the end of the last chapter about Tatum and MC, and here we are. Thank you to those who preread in part and whole!
Pairing: Tatum x MC
Warnings: None really, just some angst and language.
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Kennedy stands in front of the floor-length mirror in the bedroom of her hotel suite, staring at her reflection. She has on a knee-length black sheath paired with matching pumps; it’s a simple look, nothing over the top.
She reaches over, grabbing a glass off the vanity, and takes a sip of her sweet tea jubilee; it’s her second one already. She’s trying to calm her nerves and clear her head of the questions running through her mind.
“Are you ready yet?” a voice inquires from the suite’s common area. “I’m starving, and you promised me a buffet!”
Despite the anxiety she’s feeling, Kennedy smiles and shakes her head. He always knows how to make her smile. She gives her reflection one last look-over before turning towards the door with her glass in hand.
When she enters the room, she’s met by his smile as he takes in her outfit. “Looking good,” he winks playfully.
“Thank you. And thanks for coming with me tonight, Blaine.”
“Like I’d let you go into the lion’s den -- no pun intended -- alone.” He smiles as he leans down, kissing her cheek.
Kennedy tosses back the rest of her drink and sets the glass down on the bar cart as she lets out a breath. “Ok … I’m ready.”
Blaine can see the trepidation in her expression. “Are you sure about that? We can skip it and have a night out on the town, Rutherland style. You could even go see your mom.”
“No. I’m not going anywhere near my mother right now. She’s starting the campaign, and I’m not subjecting you to that. That’s the whole reason we stayed at a hotel instead of the state manor, remember?”
“Hey, I’ve grown on her and Rutherland the last few years.”
“Yes, after she won her third term. Now, all bets are off. You remember how insufferable she was five years ago. We couldn’t even do a project together without her breathing down my neck.”
“That was before she got to know me. She thought I was nothing more than the rival troublemaker back then.”
Kennedy chuckles. “Yes, but she’s been harping on me for the past year about this,” she motions between them, “and ‘setting the record straight.’ Now, with the campaign starting back up, that’s all we would hear about because she would say that it could help her. I’m only doing this tonight at her request because she thinks it’ll make her look good, even though she didn’t come out and say it. At this point, I know how to read between the lines.”
Blaine’s expression softens as he stares at her. “Ok, as long as you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” she nods, her tone laced with determination. But she’s unsure if she’s trying to convince him or herself.
“Alright. The car is waiting out front.”
Kennedy and Blaine step off the elevator and make their way through the hotel lobby. They can see the crowd of press gathered outside with their cameras ready for them. It’s nothing they’re not used to, alone or together. Both their security teams form a protective barrier around the pair as they near the doors, and Kennedy feels Blaine gently grasp her arm so he can guide her quickly to the car once they’re outside.
As soon as the doors open, the flashes start, and their security starts pushing the reporters back as they yell out to them.
“Kennedy! Blaine! Over here!”
“Kennedy! Are you looking forward to the reunion tonight?”
“How long are you in Rutherland for?”
“Blaine, when are you going to pop the question?”
“Any wedding bells for you two in the near future?”
Kennedy and Blaine do what they always do: Ignore them. They make it to their car, and Kennedy slides in first before Blaine slips in behind her and shuts the door. Both their heads of security are in the front seats, and they take off the moment they’re safely inside.
Kennedy lets out a breath as she settles back in her seat. “You alright?”
“I’m fine,” she nods, looking at Blaine and offering a smile.
“So, Miss Monroe, how are you feeling about the reunion tonight?” Blaine holds out his hand for her to speak into the imaginary microphone; Kennedy laughs and playfully pushes his hand away before she looks out the window.
I am scared, tense, and completely on edge, she silently answers the question to herself.
Tonight is Kennedy’s 10-year high school reunion. She had no intentions of attending, but when she mentioned getting the invitation to her mother, she immediately insisted that she go. She told her how it would be good for her to go and catch up with her old friends, but Kennedy knew that her mother had ulterior motives for pushing her to attend. She just wanted Kennedy to talk her up to her fellow Rutherlandians because of her upcoming campaign.
Kennedy’s reasoning for not wanting to go was simple: Tatum.
It has been five years since she last saw or spoke to him. She still remembers the night he left and walked away from her for a second time as if it happened yesterday.
When Tatum enters Kennedy’s room, he won’t meet her eyes. And she knows something is happening, having overheard a piece of his conversation. But she plays dumb. “What’s going on?”
Tatum clears his throat, still looking down at the ground. “I’ve just got a call from Winston. They found a new assignment for me.”
Kennedy can feel her heart plummet at his words. “Do you think someone found out about us?”
“As far as I’m aware, no one knows.” Tatum finally looks up at her, and there’s a sadness in his eyes that she’s never seen before. “I’m guessing it’s because I put in a reassignment request months ago.”
“You asked for this?” Kennedy says as a look of surprise fills her expression. He wants to leave. “Are you that unhappy as my head of security?”
Tatum’s head shakes back and forth as he takes a step towards her. “No. I’m not unhappy, Kennedy. I filed that request back when I was first assigned here, back when all I could think about was returning to the military career I’d worked so hard for.”
Realization hits Kennedy. “And this is your chance to do that. To follow in your mom’s footsteps …”
Tatum nods somberly. “They’re offering me a promotion. A big one. I didn’t expect it.”
“I guess people just don’t say ‘no’ to that sorta thing, huh?”
“Just a month ago, this news would have meant everything to me. But now …”
“I can’t stand the thought of losing you,” he says, his voice just above a whisper as he looks back down to the floor.
They spent five years apart, and she had only just gotten him back. After years, they finally expressed their long-held feelings for one another, and Kennedy thought this was their chance. And now their time is being cut short, and he’s being pulled away from her again. And she wants to ask him to stay. But she can’t. She knows it would be selfish of her. She knows Tatum all too well, and he wouldn’t think twice about staying if she asked him to. But he’s worked so hard, and she can’t let what she wants come between him and his dreams. This is everything he’s ever wanted.
“You should go. I want you to go.” It hurts her to say it, but she can’t be responsible for him not taking this opportunity. He deserves it more than anyone.
Tatum glances back up at her. “What about you?”
“The rest of the security team will keep me safe.”
Tatum stares at her, and she can see the storm of emotions in his eyes. He’s silent for a long moment before he takes a deep breath and nods. “Then this really is goodbye …”
Kennedy still feels that ache in her chest as she recalls their final conversation. Tatum left that night, and she didn’t hear from him again. She has no idea even now where he’d been sent for his new assignment. When Kennedy asked, she was told she wasn’t privy to that information. She thought perhaps he would reach out to her eventually, hoping that they would still keep in touch.
Kennedy never expected another five years to go by without a word from Tatum. It hurts and makes her slightly bitter.
After Tatum left, she spent a month wallowing in self-pity. The only time Kennedy left her dorm was to attend events on behalf of her mother to help with her campaign and to go to class. And it stayed that way until Blaine decided to take matters into his own hands.
Blaine knew the moment he saw the new security detail with her on the day of her mother's campaign fundraiser why she was closing herself off. He knew about her relationship with Tatum. Kennedy had told him about their history as childhood best friends, and the years they spent apart when Tatum first enlisted in the military. And she had eventually confided in him about Tatum being the one in those photos with her that caused the scandal and that they had been seeing each other in secret.
In the beginning, Kennedy tried to save face and act less hurt than she truly was in front of Blaine. “I’m ok.” “It is what it is.” “We weren’t anything official.” “It’s better this way.” Eventually, Blaine got her to open up about how she was really feeling. Kennedy broke down one night, and Blaine was the one who was there, listening to her cry about Tatum, what had happened, and how much she missed him. How she loved him. And Blaine was the one who was there, telling her it was going to be ok.
Blaine was the one who was there for her through it all.
During their remaining two years at Vancross, despite the protest from both their parents, Blaine and Kennedy grew inseparable. They were friends, then friends with benefits, and after graduation, they were officially a couple.
The new relationship was deemed controversial initially; being together when their countries were political rivals was seen as a bombshell of epic proportions. Blaine and Kennedy didn’t care. They didn’t let the public’s opinion or that of their parents sway them. They were happy and in love.
Over time, their parents found that their relationship was actually a good thing. The two of them being together halted rumors and scandal-ridden articles regarding Blaine as a troublemaker and shed him in a different light. The Ardonian public, who once dubbed the First Son as someone who was unable to settle down, witnessed a new side to him. Rutherland eventually accepted the relationship as a gain for them, seeing the blossoming romance as something that could bring together the two countries that had been at odds for years.
Despite neither wanting or planning to follow in their parents’ footsteps, Blaine and Kennedy became known as a political power couple simply by association.
Even now, they are constantly splashed across tabloids, but they give the press nothing to go by concerning their personal lives. They never talk to reporters about one another or their relationship, and they never answer questions. Everything regarding them as a couple is left up to speculation. They have always hated the press and their lack of respect when it comes to giving them any sort of privacy, so not giving them any information turned into a game for Blaine and Kennedy, knowing how much it irritated them. It’s been three years since their relationship came out, and the press only grows more impatient with them for their lack of information surrounding it.
The car stops outside of the oceanside building where the reunion is being held, and Kennedy can feel the trepidation wracking her body as she stares out the window. She’s unsure if Tatum is even going to be there tonight, and she can’t decide if she hopes that he is or isn’t. She’s not sure what scares her most: seeing him again or never seeing him again.
And she lacks understanding about how one person, after all this time, can still have such a hold on her. She went five years without talking to him. Then another five years. How can she still feel this way about Tatum Mendoza?
“Kennedy?” Blaine’s voice pulls her attention, and she looks up; he’s standing in front of her. She hadn’t even realized he had gotten out of the car and opened her door. “To get inside, you’re going to have to get out of the vehicle,” he teases.
“Right,” she nods as she takes a breath.
Blaine can see the anxiety in her eyes. And it is no secret to him as to why she is feeling this way. “Hey,” he says as he takes her hand, squeezing it gently. “It’s going to be ok.” She nods again, but he knows the uncertainty of his words is lingering. “Come on, we’ll go right to the bar. Loosen you up a bit.” Finally, she smiles, and he returns his own before helping her out of the car.
The press is standing behind a barricade that surrounds the building's entrance but far enough away to give Kennedy and Blaine plenty of breathing room. They shout questions and snap photographs of the pair as they walk inside. Again, Kennedy and Blaine ignore them entirely.
Once inside, Kennedy heads to the table to check in. Blaine is met with stares, but he pays them no mind. It’s nothing he’s not used to, especially while being in Rutherland. When she’s finished signing them in, Kennedy and Blaine head towards the first ballroom.
“You know, I pictured your lion mascot to be a bit more fierce looking,” Blaine jokes as he points to a banner hanging above the entrance of the ballroom; written across it is ‘Rutherland High Lions’ with their mascot set behind the text.
“What was your mascot?”
“A wolf.”
“That’s not that fierce. And lions are better.”
“You wish, Rutherland,” he smirks. They enter the ballroom and are met by chatter and laughter as Kennedy’s classmates catch up with one another. “And what do we have here?” Blaine says, but there’s humor in his tone. He’s looking at a photo wall filled with pictures of Kennedy’s class throughout the years, from kindergarten to senior year. “Let’s find little Monroe, shall we?” he chuckles. She can’t help but smile at the amusement in his eyes as they look at the photos.
As they scan through the pictures, Kennedy sees the first one of her and Tatum. They’re in the third grade, sitting on a carpet in the library, all bright-eyed and grinning. She looks away, trying not to focus on it, but finds another from sixth grade; they were partners in the science fair, and they’re posing with their project and first-place ribbons. Then she sees one from the ninth grade inside the gym during a pep rally. She feels that ache in her chest as she stares at it; he’s in his football jersey with his arm slung over her shoulder, and she’s nestled into his side, both wearing large smiles. That’s when she knew, at 14, that she first had feelings beyond friendship for him. She finally manages to peel her gaze away, but it lands on another photograph from their tenth-grade fall festival. It’s her and Tatum riding on their class float.
That ache grows as she forces her eyes away, only to see another picture a moment later, and then another, and another. It’s like a montage of her and Tatum’s long history playing out in front of her. There are dances, football games, and parades, and in each one, they’re together.
We were inseparable.
Kennedy's eyes stop on one from their eleventh-grade homecoming dance. Tatum is at her side; his arm is around her waist, that damn foam sword gripped in his other hand; he’s wearing a triumphant smile. She can’t help but laugh to herself at the memory, remembering how he had defended her honor when her date had stood her up that night.
The last photo she sees causes a lump to form in her throat. It’s their senior prom. Unlike the other photographs, this one is candid. They’re not looking at the camera but one another. And the look on both their faces is like they’re the only two people in that crowded room. This was the last photograph they had taken together before Tatum left to start his military training two weeks later.
“You look like you could use a drink,” Blaine says.
Kennedy lets out a breath and clears her throat, trying to rid it of the lump. “Yeah … I really could.” Blaine offers her his arm, and she accepts it before they head to the bar.
Tatum stands near his car in the parking lot; his hands are stuffed into his pockets as he stares at the building across the street. He hasn’t been able to stop wondering all day if Kennedy would be here tonight, but when he sees the barricade keeping the press away from the building, he knows she’s inside. She’s the only reason they would be there.
If he thought he was nervous before, he was wrong. His heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of his chest. It’s been five years, and not a day has gone by that he hasn’t thought of their last conversation. As much as he thought he wanted that promotion, as hard as he worked to get it, he’s been nothing but miserable. Walking away from Kennedy for a second time has been the biggest regret of his life. He only left because she told him to. He did it because that’s what she wanted him to do.
Tatum’s jaw tenses as he fights back the surge of emotions that hit him. When he put in for the reassignment request, it was because he thought he’d be happier. He had worked hard to be considered for that position, but it was more than that. More than what he’s just told Kennedy.
When he first found out that he was being assigned as Kennedy’s head of security, he struggled with the feelings that he thought he had let go of over the past five years, but they were still very much there. He didn’t think he was capable of putting them aside to do the job he was assigned. But now, he doesn’t trust anyone else to protect her. And now, his feelings for her that he’s kept to himself for years are laid out in the open. And she said she felt the same. Tatum thought when he told her about the reassignment, Kennedy would ask him to stay.
Instead, Kennedy says she wants him to go. And he doesn’t protest … because it’s what she wants.
Tatum feels his chest constrict as he struggles to hold Kennedy’s gaze. “Then this really is goodbye …” At his words, he hears her breath catch, and he sees her eyes well with tears. “Kenz, I-”
Her lips cut off Tatum’s words, and he instinctively wraps his arms around her. Her fingers thread through the hair at the base of his neck, and he pulls her body flush against his. He feels the first tear slip out, and he kisses her deeper, pouring everything into it that he can’t say. There’s no point. This kiss feels like goodbye because it is. And he has no idea when he’ll see her again. If he’ll see her again.
They slowly part, and Tatum keeps his eyes closed as he rests his forehead against hers. “Just … don’t forget me,” she whispers.
Tatum clenches his jaw, trying to get his words out over the lump in his throat. “Never did, never will …”
Tatum runs his hand down his face as he tries pushing the memory away. When he arrived at the military base the day after their goodbye for his orders is when he learned his new assignment was classified. He wouldn’t be able to reach out to Kennedy because it was against protocol.
Instant regret filled him.
Tatum spent three years on that assignment before he was finally sent back to Rutherland. And that’s when he learned of Kennedy and Blaine’s relationship; it was hard to miss the constant media coverage surrounding the pair. He thought about reaching out on more than one occasion, but he talked himself out of it every time. He figured it would be better to leave well enough alone. Perhaps he was giving their history, the fleeting relationship they had, and their feelings for one another too much credit, but he didn’t know what reaching out would do to her. If she was truly happy, he didn’t want to interfere with that.
And now he finds himself moments away from seeing her again at their 10-year high school reunion. He’s unsure what to expect, not only from her but himself; his mind and emotions are all over the place.
“Ready?” her soft voice pulls him from his thoughts.
Tatum turns and lets out a breath as he nods; he holds his arm out, and she smiles at him as she links hers through his. “I’m ready.”
After some hellos to a few old friends, Kennedy and Blaine take their seats at a table. Blaine leans over to her as they look out at the crowd. “So, give me some fun, old-school gossip on these people,” he says in a low voice.
“Ok,” Kennedy chuckles, noticing the mischief in his tone. She scans the room filled with her old classmates, and her eyes fall on a redhead. “That’s Jennifer. But she goes by Jeni, spelled J-E-N-I.”
“Ugh, that’s the worst.”
Kennedy starts to laugh when she sees him roll his eyes. “Jeni wanted to be popular in high school and always tried way too hard.”
“Kind of like right now? I mean, she’s wearing a tiara.”
“Exactly,” Kennedy snorts. Her eyes then fall on a man, standing with a group of others near the back of the room. “That over there is Marcus. He married his high school sweetheart.”
“I take it that’s her next to him, the one whose ass he’s caressing?”
“No. That’s her sister.”
Blaine lets out a bark of laughter. “Marcus, you dog!”
“That woman over there,” Kennedy says as she subtly points to a table. “That’s Kelly. Kelly used to babysit the gym teacher’s kids our senior year. They ended up having an affair.”
Blaine’s brows raise in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah. It was this whole thing … but she failed 10th grade and had to repeat it, so she was 19 when it happened …” Kennedy shrugs. “And that guy next to her is Patrick. For a senior prank, he listed our principal’s house for sale by owner on a listings website. He priced it way under the market value and scheduled an open house for the day of our graduation ceremony. Over a dozen people were waiting in his driveway when he got home,” Kennedy laughs.
Blaine nods his approval. “Sounds like my kind of guy.”
“Let's see, who else …” Kennedy starts to scan the room for more stories when she suddenly stiffens next to Blaine. He glances at her and notices the look on her face before following her gaze. When he sees who’s at the doors where Kennedy is staring, he understands immediately.
As Kennedy stares at Tatum, the first thing she notices is the beautiful woman on his arm, smiling at him as they step further inside the room. It’s been five years, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to her that he has someone in his life. When her eyes move back to him, she feels her chest tighten. He’s scanning the crowd; he points to a few people, and the woman he’s with smiles and nods to what he says.
And then he looks towards her, and their eyes meet. It’s as if time stands still for a brief moment; everything and everyone around Kennedy fades away.
When Blaine places his hand on her arm, she’s pulled from her momentary daze. “Breathe,” he whispers. And she does; she lets out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding as she looks at him. “You should go say hi.”
Kennedy looks back at Tatum, who is still staring at her. She has thought about this moment for weeks now and what she would feel and do when and if she saw him tonight. She told herself that they could talk. They had gone years without speaking before. But seeing him only brings back those memories of him walking away from her that last time to the forefront of her mind: the hurt, the sadness, the longing to talk to him, to see him.
Their last goodbye was much different from their first.
And Kennedy doesn’t think she can bear another goodbye from him. So she decides at that moment that maybe it’s best to just avoid the hello. She’s only avoiding the inevitable, after all.
“Not right now. I’m going to grab another drink.” Kennedy rises from her seat and makes her way towards the bar.
Tatum stands near the back of the room with a drink in hand. He’s been trying to work up the courage to approach Kennedy for an hour now. He tells himself he’s just waiting for the right moment, but he knows he’s just making excuses because he’s nervous and uncertain.
When he first locked eyes with her across the room, his entire body tensed. He swore his heart momentarily stopped, and he pushed down that instinct and urge to run to her. They’ve been sneaking glances ever since.
Tatum can’t help but worry that perhaps she doesn’t want to talk to him. When she does glance his way, and he catches her, she doesn’t smile; her eyes just hold his gaze for a moment before she looks away. When they parted five years ago, it wasn’t on bad terms, but it wasn’t necessarily good either. It was complicated. And he knows there’s a good chance that she’s hurt and angry that he hasn’t reached out. That was also complicated, at least for him, because three years of that silence was out of his control.
As Tatum glances over to see where Kennedy is, instead of her, his eyes fall on Blaine, who is making his way towards him. “Mendoza,” Blaine smiles, extending his hand. Tatum takes it, giving a firm shake. “It’s been a long time. How are you?”
“I’m good,” Tatum nods, dropping his arm back to his side and slipping his hand into his pocket. “How about you?”
“Can’t complain.” Blaine takes a sip of his drink before looking around the decorated room. “Your date seems to be enjoying herself,” he chuckles, motioning towards where she’s hovered in a corner on her phone. “How’d you two meet?”
“Just old army friends. She’s not in anymore, but she happened to be in town for work and offered to tag along.”
Just friends. Good to know. “So how’s it feel to be hit with all this nostalgia tonight?”
“It’s, uh … something,” Tatum half-smiles. “How about you? Must be weird to be at the high school reunion with the daughter of your country’s once-political rival.”
Blaine holds up his fist. “Go Lions,” he chuckles. “Honestly, it hasn’t been too bad. We were met with some stares when we first arrived, which we expected and are used to. But all in all, I can’t complain.” Blaine and Tatum both look over to Kennedy, who is near the bar speaking with a blonde woman.
“Well, I’m glad Kennedy has someone supportive to come with her tonight ... and who makes her happy.” Tatum offers a small smile, but Blaine sees right through the force behind it.
“We’re not together, Tatum.”
Tatum’s brows furrow as he looks at Blaine. “I’ve seen the tabloids over the past couple of years. I thought that you two-”
“We’re not together anymore. I’m only here as her plus one tonight as a friend … which is something we mutually decided we’re better off as a year ago.” A year ago. Tatum hasn’t seen anything in the tabloids that even suggested the once seen as controversial turned political power couple had ended things. “And you haven’t seen anything in the tabloids about the breakup because Kennedy and I like to piss them off by not telling them anything. We’ve impressed even ourselves with how long it’s gone on without them figuring it out,” he chuckles.
Tatum rubs the back of his neck, feeling a slight wave of embarrassment and something else. Relief? “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize … I thought-”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Well, that’s good you two can still be friends.”
“We started that way and didn’t want that to change. After two years, we ended things on good terms and with a deep respect for one another.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
Blaine looks at Tatum pensively. In all the time he’s had with Kennedy over the past five years, as friends and something more, he’s always sensed something was missing from her life. A piece to a puzzle. And he’s always known deep down what -- or rather who -- that piece is. He knew of their relationship and her feelings for Tatum. He was the one who was there helping to pick up her shattered pieces when he left.
And Blaine knows that even after all this time, inside her chest beats a heart that’s hanging on only for him. Kennedy’s heart belongs to Tatum. It always has.
Blaine and Kennedy had been together for two years, and he never doubted her feelings for him. Not once. He loved her, and he knew that she loved him.
Just not in the same way she loved Tatum.
There’s a connection she shares with Tatum that’s rich in history and memories and rich in a longing they’ve held for one another that spans years. When you compare it to anyone else, himself included, it might as well be a lifetime. And while Blaine may no longer be in love with Kennedy, he loves her as a friend, and he wants her to be happy. He wants her to have that chance at what he knows she’s always wanted.
Blaine tosses back the rest of his drink before looking at Tatum. “Look … during our relationship, I never doubted Kennedy’s feelings for me. I know she cared about me. I know she loved me. But there was one thing that always stood in our way …”
Tatum ignores the pang in his chest at the details of Kennedy’s feelings for Blaine. “What’s that?”
“I wasn’t you.” Blaine can see that Tatum is taken aback by his words, evident by the surprise that fills his expression. “It wasn’t something that was ever brought up between us. She never even came out and said those words to me. I just … I knew deep down. Don’t get me wrong, we were happy when we were together. She was happy. But despite all of my charms and these damn good looks of mine,” Blaine smirks as he rubs his chin, “I knew that I could never compete with the biggest what-if of her life.” Tatum stares at Blaine, feeling his heart thunder in his chest. “You’ve been torn away from each other twice now. Don’t let her go again, Tatum.”
Tatum swallows thickly as he turns his head, and his gaze finds Kennedy, still standing near the bar. Was Blaine saying what he thought he was? Did she still feel the same way about him that he did about her, even after all these years? Could they finally have their chance, a real chance? What if Blaine was wrong? More and more questions fill his mind as that familiar longing for her flourishes inside him.
Blaine leans over next to Tatum, his eyes now on Kennedy as well. “Um, I’m not sure if you got the memo,” he whispers, “but this is the part where you’re supposed to go to her.” Tatum snaps out of his daze and looks over at Blaine, who gives him a nod. “Seriously, you should go talk to her …”
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lokilickedme · 3 years
Somebody help me chill, this is insane.
(under the cut because long and also pretty traumatic, for me at least)
Crazy neighbor, remember her?  Her son destroyed a piece of equipment we had attached to one of our trees at the fenceline last week, she denied it and called us insane liars - that’s the most recent craziness in the ongoing saga of the neighbor from hell.  I was sitting here reading my dash tonight and happened to glance over at the monitor for the surveillance camera husband got me the other day to watch that exact spot (where the equipment was smashed) and guess who I see bent over looking through the fence peering very closely at that exact spot?  Neighbor’s equally insane son, who we know did the actual dirty work.  And I, stupid like I am, took a screenshot of him and then immediately jumped up and ran outside in the dark in my pajamas (nearly 9pm, pitch black, their porch light is off because obviously they’re doing something they don’t want to be seen doing) and I ask “Excuse me, what are you doing?”
This lunatic immediately starts SCREAMING at me - I mean top of his lungs SCREAMING abusive threats, calling me a stupid psycho whore bitch, yelling at me to get my ass back in my house and generally just acting completely off his rocker unhinged nuts - and then his mother comes out and comes over to the fence and gets in my face while I’m just standing there and tells me to mind my own business.  I say I am minding my business, I saw him looking through the fence at my property right where we had vandalism happen last week so I came out to find out why he’s interested in my property.  She laughed in my face and said “No he wasn’t, he was standing right here looking at his phone like this” and she does this little pantomine of someone looking at their phone, which is funny because she wasn’t out there when he was doing it and there are no windows on that side of her house at all.  I ignored her and asked “What are you looking for?”  He kept screaming incoherent animal noises and insults from behind her so I asked again, “What are you looking for?”  And that crazy woman grinned at me and said “We’re just looking to see what kind of new devices you’ve installed!”
OMG.  She didn’t even take a breath in between lying and then contradicting her own lie.  And she’s grinning smugly at me the entire time, gesturing around pointing at our property cams and mosquito light (it flashes and apparently she thinks it’s watching her) and my bedroom window - which means she’s been snooping.  There is a cam sitting in my windowsill, aimed at the spot where the device was smashed.  Every bit of this equipment is on our property, some of it behind a privacy fence.  I tell her it’s none of her business what kind of devices we’ve got on our property, but she just yammers over me, and of course numbskull is still ranting like a psycho behind her, screaming at me to mind my own business and get back in my house and leave them alone.  At this point he’s pulled out his phone and shoved it over her shoulder toward my face and is recording me, which is just...fucking hilarious...because I’m literally doing nothing but standing there in shock and awe at how nuts these people are, and he’s still screaming abusive curses and names at me while he’s recording.
Anyway, for about 4.5 minutes we stood there with them shouting over me (I know the exact time because it was later discovered that our doorbell cam recorded audio of the entire event) and a little ways into it he screams “I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!”
At this point psycho woman finally turns around and says “Addison Case!” and pushes him back.  He lunges at me and she tells him to go call the police (??what??  I mean...I wish he had...my phone was in my hand frozen solid, locked up because of the glitchy surveillance app I had to install to see the camera, or else I would have called them myself - but my god they really thought I was the one the cops needed to come for??).  Meanwhile I’m just standing there on my own property in the dark in my pajamas, all 5 feet and 120 lbs of me, while this rabid animal - he’s a 21 year old college boy - is lunging at me and screaming nonstop, calling me a fucking whore bitch loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear it while his phone’s camera light is in my face blinding me.  Crazy lady smiles that smug shit eating grin of hers and tells me to get back in my house, leave her alone, and move the hell away so she can live in peace.
Wow.  Just...holy shit.
This is the person who has allowed her dog to attack my very small 8 year old son on our property and send him to the hospital with injuries last year, then attempt to attack him again 2 weeks ago (he is now 9 at the time of the second attack) - again on our own property (in our back yard this time, in our front yard the first time), has allowed her dogs (multiple) to bark all night long and keep us awake (she leaves them outside and then goes away for the weekend and they bark the entire time she’s gone), then she had her crazy violent son destroy the BarkBox we put in our tree on our side of the fence last week (we put it up as a humane way to get the barking to stop without having to listen to her call us insane liars every time we complain about it).  Yet...she kept repeating over and over and over for us to leave her alone and stop harassing her.
All I could even do was stand there shaking my head.  It was surreal.  And frustrating, because they wouldn’t even let me get a word out without screaming over me, and she was doing that infuriating Karen thing where they shove their hand at your face and grin smugly while they’re telling you what you better do or they’ll call someone to make you.
I actually started laughing, it was so ludicrous.  She’s committed all those vile offenses against us and we’re the ones that need to leave her alone.  We’ve had to file four police reports against her and we’re the ones that are making her life miserable.  I just can’t stop thinking about that Liar Liar movie where the repeat offender keeps calling his lawyer to complain that the cops won’t stop arresting him and the lawyer finally yells THEN STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!!
It’s just like that.  My god.
SO -
She tells him to call the police again, and this limp dick shoves that phone light right up to my face and says “You think she’s worth calling the cops over?  Look at her, she don’t look worth it to me.”  And bitch starts laughing.  My god, these people are subhuman, I swear.  I’ve never seen anyone act like this in my life, over a person doing literally nothing to them.
So she finally orders her rabid son (who is just about foaming at the mouth, I swear he’s making these barking animal noises at me, it’s weird as hell) into the house and they walk away, with him still ranting like a madman until the door closes behind them.  I immediately go inside my own house and call my husband, who was way out at the back of our property in our camper (he self quarantines each day after work out there to protect us because there have been a lot of covid cases at his workplace) and he didn’t know anything was happening.  He immediately runs up to the house and I tell him I caught neighbor’s thug son messing around at our fence and that when I went out he threatened to kill me.
Tom grabs something - I don’t even know what it was, I think it was this piece of board that was sitting by the door, we’ve done a shelving project recently and a couple of leftover pieces have been there for a few days - and he stalks outside toward neighbor’s house.  I hear him yell COME OUT HERE BOY!!! and I stg you guys, if I wasn’t on the phone calling 911 I might have thought about getting naked right there and then because damn.
So anyway, let’s not go there.  This is serious by god lol (look for this to show up in a fic soon though because material like this doesn’t get handed to you for free every day).
I call 911 and say the neighbor’s son just threatened my life and for them to come quick because he’s still over there but I know he’s going to leave any second (this is his mom’s M.O, the two times the police have tried to go talk to her she gets in her car and leaves before they can get from my house to hers, and I know he’ll do the same because COWARDS).  Tom comes back and says the little pussywillow wouldn’t come out of the house.  He’s breathing fire, you guys.  Pure fucking fire.  I tell 911 to get somebody out quick before the kid leaves, and just about 2 minutes after I hang up he does just that - we see him blast past our house in his truck and he’s gone, and then the police arrive about 3 minutes after.  I’m so mad I can’t see straight.  If they’d been able to see him in the state he was in, they’d have arrested him on sight.
Two squad cars (big SUV’s) pull up and block her driveway with full lights flashing, which makes me laugh because suddenly we’ve got neighbors coming outside to see what’s going on.  I meet the officers outside, and the crazy bitch next door does the same, yelling “Hello Officer!” and waving to them as they’re coming up to my porch.
They talk to me and Tom for a long time, I tell them everything that happened, they interview Big (he and Little were inside the open door and heard it all), we fill out our statements and talk with them more until one officer goes next door to talk to neighbor.  We can hear her dripping her fake sugar and spice while they’re talking on her porch and my husband loses his shit - he heads toward her house and yells “We got the entire thing on recording, don’t even try to lie!  Your kid, threatening to kill my wife?!?”  (he’s referring to the camera in my bedroom window, which actually only recorded about 2 minutes because I don’t have it set up correctly yet, but they don’t know that). The officer yells at him to get back, which, yeah - he shouldn’t have done that, but for god’s sake the woman’s peckerhead son just literally threatened murder on a member of his family, this is the final fucking straw and he’s mad.  And as he’s coming back across the yard the officer that stayed with me points at our new doorbell camera, just freshly installed as of about two weeks ago, and asks if it’s on.  We haven’t even really figured out how to use it yet, but yes, as far as we know it’s on.  The incident happened around the side of the house, but the doorbell records audio.
God bless technology.
I invite the officer inside the house and Tom gets his phone, pulls up the app for the doorbell, and starts skipping through the recording looking for the right timestamp.  Up till this point all they have is me saying the guy screamed a lot of abusive profanities at me and threatened to tear my head off, and they’re taking me serious but probably not that serious, you know?  Neighbors fight all the time, wars start over barking dogs, things get exaggerated, we’ve all seen the TV dramas.
Until Tom finds the segment on the footage and starts playing it to them on his phone.  It’s kind of quiet because we were a good distance away, but you can hear the guy screaming just like I said he was.  The officer asks if we have a speaker we can play it through so he can hear the words more clearly, because he needs proof of threat and that’s entirely in the words.
You guys, I’m tellin’ ya, sometimes you get a chance to fucking SHINE.  My husband is a musician and this cop is asking him if he’s got a good speaker.  So within minutes Tom’s got this huge venue-style amplifier designed for broadcasting music to the back wall of a freaking stadium pulled out into the livingroom and he’s hooking his phone up to it, and then he hits play and the other officer comes back from next door to join us and I can tell by the annoyed look on his face that neighbor bitch has likely charmed him and shed a plethora of persecuted tears and spewed her lies about how we’ve been harassing her forEVER and I think for a second that it’s a total loss now, he’s made his mind up in her favor.
And then...away we go.  Tom cranks the volume on the speaker and they both lean in to listen closely.
Just about a minute into the recording they have their proof - thugnuts screaming I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!
Both officers nod, close their notebooks, and the second officer makes a phonecall while the first one turns to me and says “That’s terroristic threatening and it’s a class C felony.  You’re going to need to go to the PA’s office with all the reports you’ve filed against them so far and all your evidence from tonight including that recording and hand it all to them.  They’re likely going to issue a no-contact so that he can’t interact with you ever again.”
This is a victory, but it’s just the first step, and I feel sickeningly disheartened that it’s all in my lap to do everything.  I want them to go demand his whereabouts from his mother and just go get his ass and haul him in.  But no, I have a ton of legwork to do now because these horrible people won’t fucking stop.
After several more minutes of me asking questions about what exactly we need to do and where we need to go, etc etc (I’m competent but I’m also fucking rattled, someone threatened to kill me tonight and I’m blanking hard on the instructions he’s giving me) they finally wrap it up and leave.  They’ve been in my house for a half hour waiting for me to finish filling out the report (I had to ask for more paper because honey I’m getting ALL the details in there) and I can just imagine how freaked out neighbor is when she sees what time they finally move their cars from in front of her driveway.
And now I’m coming down from the weird calm that I had through the entire event, and my heart feels like it’s going to EXPLODE.  I had heart surgery two months ago, do I need this??  The pathetic part is that I know now just how stupid those people are, and I know this won’t be the end from their side by any means.  We’ll start finding more stuff broken, or he’ll start climbing over the fence back at the back of the property to steal stuff from husband’s tool shed, or my tires will get slashed.  These people are that dumb and hateful, they proved it tonight.  He said if we had animals he would kill them, and then he made the same threat against me.  How stupid does a person have to be to stand there with his phone out recording himself ranting and making threats against a woman standing in her own yard in her pajamas?  Big tough man there.  And his mama grinning at me the whole time, telling me I’m crazy and she’s concerned for her own safety because of me, while her son is standing right behind her threatening my life.
I’m just...my god, I don’t even know what to think.  I thought people only acted like this in TV dramas, seriously.  I’ve seen some shit in my life but this particular brand of stupid has up till now evaded me, but now it’s been in my face and I’m sort of in shock.
I don’t like guns.  At ALL.  Tom has always had at least one hidden carefully away, safely locked up away from the house, but now there are two inside my house in immediate grabbing range.  He insisted that I let him show me how to use them.  Rules were laid down for the boys - never touch, never, don’t even get close to them - and now there is a box of shotgun shells on my fireplace mantel and a singleshot rifle by the door.  I hate this so damn much.
Don’t pick it up unless you’re ready to use it, he told me.  Without even thinking, I said back, “If I touch it it’s getting used.”
My god.  I told the cops that the drug lord that lived over there four years ago was a better neighbor than this woman.  They didn’t even laugh.
I guess they’re right, now that I think about it...it isn’t funny.
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rafivadafreddy · 3 years
Kissing Secrets
A fivr part story about our favorite ADA Rafael Barba and his FBI gf.
Summary: What happens when the SVU squad meets Rafaels’ girlfriend, but under not so great circumstances?
Word Count: 2,373 Warnings: Cursing, angry couple, Spanish, angst, talk of rape and drug case.
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Dating never came easy to Rafael Barba. But when he found someone with a job as hectic as him. It was perfect. Neither expected much from the other, when one had to cancel the other would understand. 
Of course, Y/N would be more than understanding. She had two bachelor degrees under her belt and after long days and nights with the 20 weeks of New Agent Training with the FBI at Quantico. She, just like Rafael, worked hard to get where she was. Trying to make a name for herself. Starting at twenty-five and becoming a special agent before her twentieth eight birthday, Y/N knew she would make it.
Y/N and Rafael met when she was looking for a job, needing to complete two years of work experience to become a special agent. Working as a rookie cop in a district in Brooklyn. Well, one night an angry cuban man walks into the precinct. His fancy three piece suit was a mess and he claims he was assaulted. Knife wound to his arm, Y/N was the cop to take care of him.
One thing led to another, Rafael left the precinct with a smile. Having left his number behind for the cop. To ‘call’ if she had any questions about his assault. Of course, Y/N was able to find the guy who assaulted the ADA and was able to get his phone back from the man.
Almost three years passed and they were still happy with the other. Dinners, nights in and a couple who were in love with the other. Y/N met his mother and his abuelita, things were perfect. So, when Y/N graduated, celebrating the fact that she made it through the FBI academy. Thankfully, Y/N was able to stay at the federal bureau of investigation in New York City.
A few months into her new job, Y/N felt as if she was on a high. It was her biggest case yet and it was hers… well, her’s along with her partner, Agent Shawn Carter. Having been staying overtime the past month, getting together evidence and witnesses to take down an organized sex trafficing crime involving a drug lord that’s on their most wanted list, Y/N wasn’t about to let anything get in the way of her bringing every last one of them down. Especially when the last victim she was notified of was a thirteen year old. 
“Hola mi amor…” Y/N smiled at the call of her boyfriend. Rafael had been her rock the past few years as Y/N worked on getting into the FBI.
“Hola mi corazón…” she heard him chuckle into the phone. “Dinner tonight? Think you can make it?”
Glancing at her watch, Y/N thought about it. “I think so yeah. We’re going to pick up a perp right now and if it all works out. I’ll be able to spend all night with you.” She told him and sighed. “I’m sorry for being super busy lately.”
“Hey, none of that. I understand. It 's your job. My girlfriend, the badass FBI agent.” the two laughed and Y/N smiled.
“My boyfriend, the hot shot ADA. I’ll get out early to have dinner with you. No matter what, you’ll come first tonight.” She told him, noticing they were nearing Manhattan.
“Now, now… You know you always come first when we’re together.” Y/N could hear the smirk as he spoke and she just laughed.
Saying goodbye with many ‘i love you’s’ Y/N put her phone away and sighed, the smile feeling permanent on her lips. 
Ten minutes later, the black car pulled up outside the Special Victims Unit of the 16th precinct. Both Y/N and Shawn looked at one another before nodding. It wasn’t going to be fair and it wasn’t like they knew. But the SVU team had picked up a perp they had been watching and started an investigation on him. Something Y/N couldn’t let happen. No this was her case.
Walking into the building and getting directions to the SVU floor, Y/N walked with her head held high. The skinny jeans she wore, along with the blue button down shirt. She made sure to have her badge clipped to her pants. Gun in its holder and ID already out in her hand.
“Can I help you, agent?” a woman asked, making Y/N turn to look at a blonde who walked over. That caught the other detectives attention. 
They were already wondering why the FBI was there. 
“As a matter of fact you can. I’m special agent Y/N L/N and this is my partner, Agent Shawn Carter. I’m afraid I’m here to collect the perp you have in custody along with everything you have against him.” she told the women, except her eyes were on a brunette woman. Whom Y/N knew was in charge. She did her research before storming into the precinct this way.
“Why should we do that? This is our case, don’t see why the Feds want a low life like him.” another detective spoke up and Y/N looked over at him. From his voice and stance, it was obvious he was angry.
“Calm down, Amaro.” the brunette finally spoke up. “Olivia Benson.” she introduced herself and Y/N shook her hand. “Now, you say you need this guy. Why? From what we’ve gathered, he’s just a scum who likes underage girls.”
With a sigh, Y/N nodded. But she didn’t say anything when a familiar voice spoke up. “What’s going on here?”
“Ah! Barba, you’re going to love this.” The Amaro fellow looked amused. “The FBI is here to take our case.”
“Oh yeah? On what grounds?” Barba asked.
“On the grounds that he’s a suspect in an ongoing Federal case.” Y/N said, turning to look at the man she just told she loved, not even half an hour ago. “Miguel Hernández raped and murdered a thirteen year old girl three days ago. And I know you guys picked him up cause he was caught in the act of raping another victim. Now imagine my surprise when I found out that SVU caught him. Even though notice went out to contact the FBI if Mr. Hernández is picked up by officers or detectives of New York.” she spoke, informing all of them, even though her eyes stayed on Rafael.
“He also has information about Lorenzo Torsney.” Shawn spoke up for the first time. 
“Wait, Torsney, the guy linked to the sex trafficking ring with the underage girls? The same Lorenzo who’s rumored to be the new Drug lord of New York?” some guy spoke up, his thick accent catching Y/Ns attention. 
“That’s the one.” Both agents spoke at the same time. “So, Lieutenant. The case files and Miguel if you please.” Shawn said and followed Bensen into her office to grab the paperwork to make the transfer. 
Y/N on the other hand went to look at the window that showed into the interrogation room. Hearing footsteps, Y/N smiled at the male and nodded to the detective seeing the coffee he got her. “Thanks…”
“Ah, Dominick Carisi, Jr. but everyone calls me Sonny.” the thick accent said and Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“I get the feeling, no one calls you, Sonny… Sonny.” she smirked and looked at Miguel again.
Thankfully he got quiet after that. Though what Y/N failed to notice was Rafael standing in the doorway. “Excuse us, Carisi.” he said, in his ‘this is my mad, but trying to stay professional” voice.
Sonny couldn't get out of the room faster, not that Y/N blamed him. She would have ran as well.
"You couldn't have told me on the phone that you were coming to pick up the guy from my case?" Rafael whispered, looking real mad. 
Yet, Y/N just rolled her eyes. "Tu caso? Last I heard, you were still working in fucking Brooklyn! Que diablos, Rafael!" She hissed at her boyfriend. "You changed fucking districts and never told me?"
"Oh, that's rich. Coming from the one always canceling our dates!" 
"¡Vete a la mierda!" Y/N narrowed her eyes. "Who canceled the last THREE dinners? Wasn't me, that's for fucking sure." She scoffed and pushed past him. 
"Real professional Detectives.." Y/N rolled her eyes at the SVU team all scrambling back to their desks. Pretending like they wern’t eavesdropping on Y/N and Rafael. 
"Y/N, vuelve aquí, ahora." 
Only, Y/N ignored him. Pulling out her phone, she had to put in a call for another agent to come out to the district and collect Miguel. All while ignoring Rafael. Who was trying to glare her into submission.
'Good luck, papi. Not gonna work now.' Y/N thought and  looked away from the detectives. Answering emails and texts on her phone. Already getting a location of where Shawn and her needed to go after leaving SVU. 
As Miguel was getting put into cuffs, both around his wrists and ankles. Y/N watched, making sure nothing would go wrong. Turning to the detectives, she gave them a sad smile.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t let you guys have this case.” she told them, sounding sincere. “If he wasn’t important to catching Torsney, I would have let you keep the case.” she added, thanking Shawn as he handed Y/N her FBI jacket.
Hearing two different scoffs, but from two cuben men. Y/N rolled her eyes and shook Olivia’s hand. “It’s fine, at least you’re getting him off the streets… and something tells me, you interrogating him will make what we did look like preschoolers.” she smirked and Y/N shrugged.
“Let’s just say, the cameras are not on all the time.” Shawn spoke up and Y/N shook her head. 
“Yes they are, thank you for giving me a heads up to watch all the interrogations you do from now on.” she narrowed her eyes and told him to go wait in the car. Saying goodbye, Y/N turned and made her way out. 
Getting into the car, Y/N rubbed a hand over her face and told Shawn they were needed over in the Bronx.
“So… that was your boyfriend. Huh?” the male next to her spoke up after a few minutes of silence in the car. 
Of course, with her telling him to shut up the car ride continued on quietly.
Hearing her phone let out a ping Y/N grabbed it and read the text from Rafael.
Papi: So, I guess we need to talk later.
Y/N: Yeah, I’ll tell you when I get off. Don’t know when that’ll be. There was a bomb over in the South Bronx. Was put on the case to deal with it.
Keeping the reply simple. Wanting Rafael to know she was mad at him. Not even replying to his ‘stay safe’ and not cause she didn’t want to. But because they had arrived and the scene they saw. It was a complete mess. 
News crews were filming everything happening, people being put into ambulances and being taken care of.
“OK! What do we know?” Y/N asked, tying her H/C hair up into a ponytail.
As they were getting information, Y/N looked around. Not knowing cameras were pointed towards both her and her partner.
Turning to the officer telling them what had happened, Y/N frowned. “What time was the explosion? Exactly.” she asked and Y/N felt like she paled when being told it had been Nine minutes.
“We need every emergency vehicle headed here stopped outside the perimeter, and evacuate the building.” she commanded and stopped when the Battalion Chief spoke up. 
“I got half a dozen guys inside checking structural damage, twice that many going door-to-door --”
 Y/N just cut him off. “Have them grab anyone they see, and get out. Now.” her confidence leaves no doubt and the man nods. Talking to everyone he can and getting as many people out as possible.
With Shawn helping out on the other side, also helping people move away from the building the explosion went off in. It left Y/N to run after a woman who was running towards the apartment building. Crying about how she wanted her son's body
Y/N was able to get her away, but when the second explosion hit, both her and the woman were flown forward. Y/N being knocked out.
Rafaels’ POV:
He was getting shit for not saying anything to the team about his FBI girlfriend. Not like he knew if they were even going to be that later on when they talk. But still, he sat there and let them poke and joke around. The team had gotten takeout and were relaxing since there were no other cases. Rafael deciding to join them (not like they gave him much of a choice in the matter)
“Hey, Barba… didn’t you say Y/N was out in the South Bronx?” Rollins asked, causing Rafael to turn away from Liv and look at the blonde detective.
Moving his head to see what she was looking at, Rafael felt a chill in his stomach as he watched the News on the TV. They were covering the story of what was happening.
The team were all quiet listening to the man speak, the camera moving to where Y/N stood with her partner. Rafael watched as she took charge of the situation, he felt proud of her. But he had a nagging feeling, seeing everyone move quickly at whatever command she gave.
“By the looks, Agent Y/N L/N of the FBI gave orders to evacuate the building. Will there be another explosion, how does she know to get everyone out of the building? Whatever it is, everyone seems to be listening….” but Rafael turned the man's voice out. 
In the background he could see Y/N running towards the woman and he shot up out of his seat when the second explosion happened. Cutting short the camera. No one was moving or saying anything as they just watched Rafael, who looked on the verge of a panic attack.
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart
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127-mile · 3 years
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Pairing: Jaehyun x gender neutral reader.
Genre: Horror | Angst.
Warnings: Strong language, fear inducing.
Plot: You allowed Johnny to host one of his infamous movie nights at your place, and if the way the movie was filmed is interesting, it starts to look a little too real when Johnny recognizes the car he parked in front of your house. 
Word count: +1.5k.
A/N: This is part of the Cliffhanger collab hosted by @nakamotocore​ | prompt found on @/creativepromptsforwriting. | this is not really scary.
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Jaehyun wraps his arms around you, and he puts hin chin on your shoulder, heaving a long desperate sigh. "Why did we think this was a good idea?" he asks and you shrug. "I told you it would be a bad idea to let Johnny have one of his movie nights in our house." you nibble on your lower lip when you see Yuta pushing the coffee table against the wall. "Guys, do you happen to have more blankets?" Haechan asks.
"There are some in the cupboard upstairs." you answer and the young man squeals with delight before sprinting up the stairs. "We have the goods!" Taeyong says as he closes the door behind him, arms filled with snacks and drinks. "Bro, if you drop any of these bottles on the floor, I am going to end you." Jaehyun says and Taeyong shrugs as he puts everything on the ground in the living room.
"Johnny has a bigger television, and a bigger house, why did he even ask in the first place." he mutters and you wish you had an answer to that, but it's Johnny and you stopped trying to understand him a long time ago. "Do not answer any of his calls next month."
"Come on guys, come sit down! I found this incredible movie the other day and I'm sure you'll love it!" Johnny exclaims, and you have no choice but to head for the living room, Jaehyun on your heels. He flops down on the only available armchair and he pulls you on his lap by your wrist. "What are we watching?" Taeil asks from his spot on the ground, eyes half-lidded.
"An horror movie!" Johnny sounds way too excited for what he is about to put everyone through, and you chuckle when Mark whines. "Why do we always have to watch horror movies? I always spend the night trying to protect myself from a creepy serial killer, or from some demon we might have summonded while watching!" even in the dimmed lighted living room, you can see the way his cheeks flush at the laughs that instantly surround him. "Shut up."
"This one is not that scary, I promise." Johnny says as he sits down next to him, either to comfort him during a jump scare, or to scare him even more when he least expects it.
Johnny starts the movie, and at first, it is incredibly hard to focus on whatever is happening on the screen with Jaehyun's hands playing with the hem of your hoodie, his cold fingertips brushing against the skin of your stomach. "Stop it!" you whisper, slapping his hands away, only for him to grin. "Stop talking, I'm trying to watch the movie." he adds in a low voice. Little shit, you think.
"This is boring." Haechan mumbles, and you unfortunately have to agree with him. Usually, 20 minutes in a movie is enough for you to have your dose of hemoglobin for the year, but this time, nothing really happens. The way the camera is used makes it looks like some sort of livestream, and yes, the point of view is interesting, but there is nothing to see but the street the character is walking in.
"Were you trying to bore us to death with this movie?" you ask, and Johnny shakes his head. "I don't understand, this is not even the movie I watched the other day. I probably got them mixed up or something." when he makes no move to grab the remote and change the movie on the website he is currently on, you turn on Jaehyun's lap to nuzzle your face in his neck. Maybe you'll be able to get the hours of sleep you are missing because of work.
"Eh, doesn't this house look familiar to you?" you do not bother trying to find who just spoke, but a long hum can be heard right away. "Yes, it does, that's weird. Maybe the movie was made somewhere we went before." this is clearly not reassuring, but curiosity takes over, and you turn your head to look at the screen. The house does look familiar, and it brings an unpleasant shiver down your spine.
"What the fuck, that's my car!" Johnny suddenly stands up from the couch, nudging Mark who drops the bowl of popcorn on his lap and on the carpet. "Oh dude, watch out!" you are more interested about the mess Mark made than by Johnny's words. "Guys, that's my fucking car, what the fuck?" you roll your eyes when Jaehyun shifts under you. "When did you film that John?" he asks.
"What? But I didn't film anything, what are you talking about?" Johnny almost sounds offended that his own best friend thinks he would be fucked up enough to film something in a deserted street in the middle of the night. "Coming from you, I was expecting a better quality." you add after your boyfriend and Johnny narrows his eyes. "Fuck you!"
"Okay, I get that we caught on your little prank early on, but you don't have to be mean to Y/n." Taeil adds, and to be honest, you are surprised to hear his voice when he has the habit of falling asleep before the movie even starts. "But this is not me! I didn't film this movie! And if I did, how would I have it published on a website?"
You do not have an answer to that question, but when you hear Haechan gasp, you straighten up. "What's wrong?" he opens his mouth a few times, but no sounds come out which is a little worrying as he is known for being pretty loud during movie nights. "Guys."
"There is someone in the street. With a camera." you stand up and Jaehyun follows suit. "What are they doing?" Haechan's head moves from the window, to the television he must be comparing what he is seeing. "They just turned to the house." his voice is barely above a whisper, which makes it hard to hear what he is saying.
"Johnny, if this is one of your jokes, please, make it stop, this is not funny." you say and Johnny shakes his head with vigor. "This is not me, oh my god, how many times to I have to tell you!" he is either an incredible actor, or he is saying the truth, but it is difficult to find out which one is the right answer.
"They are moving."
The living room becomes silent, and all of the eyes turn to the television and indeed, the person is moving. "Johnny, if this is really not you, what happened in the movie you watched?" you ask quickly, and Johnny thinks about it for a moment before opening his mouth. "It started like this one, in a street, filmed like some sort of livestream. The guy found a house, showed the silhouettes moving behind the curtains."
"And? Johnny, what happened next?" you are starting to sound frantic, but you don't even care. You know you should remain calm, to avoid scaring the youngest but it is impossible. Your heart is pounding in your chest, and you wouldn't be surprised to see it jump out of your chest. "He rang the bell." you are going to punch Johnny if he keeps adding suspense to a situation that does not need some fucking suspense. "Someone opened the door and he asked if he could use the phone to call a tow truck."
Jaehyun takes your hand in his when you clench your fist. "Calm down baby." oh, he is so getting punched later. "And he killed everyone." you swallow hard, mouth suddenly dry and if Jaehyun was not behind you, you would have fallen with how bad your legs started to shake. "Johnny, I'm begging you, if this is you, stop everything." this time, this is not you who asked, but Mark, half hidden behind the couch.
You know you should not do it, and yet, you turn your head to the television and your breath hitches in your throat when you see the red-colored door of... of your fucking house. And when you are about to open your mouth, the bell echoes against the walls of the entrance. "Guys..." you whisper and you meet Johnny's gaze. "He knows we are here." he articulates, and you nod, of course he knows.
You let go of Jaehyun's hand, and you walk to the front door, ignoring the pleas of your friends.
"Excuse me, are you here?" the voice comes from outside of the house, and it also comes out of the television although with a second or two of delay. "My car broke down a couple of streets away, could I use your phone? I'll be quick, I promise." you feel bile going up your throat when Taeyong opens his mouth, and even though he whispers the next words, you can hear him as if he had just shouted them right in your ear.
"I didn't lock the door when I came back."
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heliads · 3 years
Best Kept Secrets (Part Two)
Based on this request: “Wanda and the reader are married and the reader mom is Agatha but the reader does not know that…Then Agatha watches the reader having a good time with her family and Agatha is happy but sad because we get another flashback of the reader snapping their finger in order to destroy thanos and his army.”
part one / masterlist
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Cameras continue rolling, boom mics lower. Episode begins.
Y/N looks around, at their family gathered nearby. There’s a white and red checked picnic blanket tucked around them, a water bottle sloshing noisily in their lowering grasp. Y/N’s wife, Wanda, is speaking to their two twin sons, Billy and Tommy, who are delighted over a grasshopper they’ve spotted among the emerald stalks beneath their feet. To any unsuspecting passersby, the scene would look perfectly normal, and it should be so, yet there’s still a cloud of unease lingering over Y/N’s face. For a second, Y/N didn’t think they were back at the Westview park but instead in some unfamiliar place.
It had happened just as Y/N was reaching for the water bottle. They had been kneeling, right hand outstretched, and then the scene had shifted around them. The sky had turned an ashy gray, the dew-drenched grass broken up into rubble and debris. Y/N had been kneeling in that same position, hand outstretched, but there was something wrong there, something that had filled them with this strange determined terror…
Y/N is jolted back to reality when their young son, Billy, turns to her with a concerned expression. “Is everything alright? You look too unhappy for a fun picnic.” A gentle smile slips onto Y/N’s face like a well-worn glove. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. I was just finishing up my lunch. Speaking of which, it looks like you boys are done eating as well. Is there anything else you’d like to do while we’re here?” Tommy nods excitedly, bounding up from his position on the picnic blanket. “I saw the coolest dragonflies and bugs around us.” 
Wanda laughs. “Doesn’t that sound interesting! Here, take these. You can catch us some insects to study.” With a flourish of her hand, Wanda turns two wooden serving spoons into identical butterfly nets, and hands one to each twin. They look at each other in excitement then dart off into the grass, swinging the nets with enthusiasm, if lacking somewhat in coordination. Y/N gives Wanda an amused stare. “What about the spoons?” Wanda waves a hand dismissively. “I can turn them back later. Sure makes packing easier to just change all the cutlery into toys.”
The audience laughs at that, and Y/N grins. “Speaking of which, let’s speed up the packing of the picnic basket.” With a gesture of their hands, all of the plates and utensils fly into the wicker basket in a flurry of purple sparks. Wanda nods appreciatively. “I’m going to have to learn that trick.” Y/N stands up, glancing around her at the paths leading out of the park. “Just curious, did you see Agnes walking around? I could have sworn I saw her just a few minutes ago.” Wanda frowns. “I don’t think so. Are you looking for her?” Y/N glances around one last time, then shrugs. “Not anymore, I guess.”
Billy, having just successfully snared a dragonfly, calls over to Y/N. Y/N walks over, admiring the insect with their son. Billy considers it one last time, then turns over the net and releases it. Y/N watches it go. “That’s a good choice. As much fun as it is to study interesting things, you always have to let them go in the end.” Billy nods sagely. “You know, I finally get why you and Mom work so well together.” Y/N smiles questioningly. “Why is that?” Billy stares out over the park, looking for more winged insects. “She always has so many thoughts in your head, and yours sometimes don’t show up at all. She’s noisy and you’re quiet, and it works out.”
Y/N tilts their head to the side, looking over at Billy. “What do you mean, I’m quiet?” Billy shrugs. “I can’t hear as many of your thoughts. It kind of reminds me of Agnes, actually. She does the same thing.” Y/N’s brow furrows, but they still allow a fond expression to cross their face. “Look at you go, using your powers. I think it’s amazing that you can tell all that already.” Billy beams, glad for the compliment, then races off after a recently sighted butterfly.
Y/N watches him as he chases after it, raising his net high in the air to successfully entangle the butterfly in the woven fabric. Y/N’s smile disappears from their face, however, as they watch the butterfly struggling in the net. As it flutters around, looking for a possible escape, the bright violet of its wings seems to darken, almost vanishing into empty gray. With every flutter of its wings, the purple leaches from the butterfly.
There’s another sight in Y/N’s eyes now. Y/N can still see that electric purple hue circling around something, can still see it trembling and disappearing into nothingness. But the violet isn’t clinging to a butterfly’s wings this time. No, it’s around a hand, Y/N’s hand, and it’s vanishing as Y/N’s heart rate seems to slow, because as the purple fades away so to does she, which means that Y/N is-
Y/N’s eyes widen, dragging them back to reality as Wanda walks up next to them. Wanda frowns at the look on Y/N’s face. “Are you alright? You look worried. I thought Billy specifically requested that you have a good time.” Y/N laughs at the joke. “As much fun as that sounds, it’s a lot easier to change someone else’s emotions than to fix your own.” Wanda makes a face at the camera. “You have no idea.” Laughter ripples down from the audience, and Y/N looks around for a second as if trying to find out its source. 
Wanda puts a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, gently steering them back to face her once again. “You are feeling alright, yes? I just want to make sure everything is under control.” Y/N looks back at Wanda, but their expression is still tinged with unease. “It always is with you around, isn’t it?”
Cameras cut to B-Roll footage. Screen fades to black, but shortly opens on a new scene- Wanda and Y/N’s bedroom.
Y/N lies awake, staring at the ceiling. Beside them, Wanda sleeps peacefully, but Y/N seems unable to share in her quiet rest. Y/N closes her eyes, as if considering something, then slips silently from the blankets and out of bed. Wanda starts to stir, but then Y/N flicks her hands towards the cameras, and they turn away, shut down. Wanda returns back to her deep sleep, no longer concerned.
Cameras are unresponsive. Scene cuts to black.
Y/N quickly dons a pair of comfortable clothes before heading out of the house and down the block. They can still hear Billy’s voice echoing in the recesses of their head- I can’t hear that many of your thoughts. It kind of reminds me of Agnes, actually. She does the same thing. Y/N knows why Billy can’t hear their mind, it’s because of Y/N’s magic, but why would Agnes have the same ability?
After a couple of quiet knocks, Agnes’ front door opens. Agnes looks startled to see Y/N standing there, and hurriedly gestures for them to come inside, quickly shutting the door behind them. “Not that I don’t love spending time with my closest of friends, but can I get a reason for this late-night visit?” Agnes glances around her, but Y/N holds up a hand. “Don’t worry about the cameras- I shut them off. Nobody can see us right now.” Agnes’ head jerks up. “You know about the cameras?” Y/N inclines their head. “Only every now and then. I think I lose my memory of them sometimes because certain people want me to forget.”
Agnes nods in agreement, then a sudden movement outside in the street catches her eye. Agnes turns her head slowly to face the window and curses softly when she sees a figure moving down the street. Y/N follows her gaze. “Why is the mailman out doing his route? It’s the middle of the night.” Agnes grimaces. “Wanda must have sent him out to see where you were. Even unconsciously, she can still tell that you’re looking into things that you’re not supposed to know about.”
The mailman is almost at their window when Agnes’ hand moves almost imperceptibly, and the man looks the other way, avoiding Agnes’ house completely. Y/N’s eyes dart to Agnes’ hand, at the brief flash of indigo electricity that had danced around her fingers. “You have the same magic as I do. How is that possible?” Agnes faces Y/N with a look like a caged animal. “Why did you call me Agatha on our last visit?” She counters, and Y/N sighs. “I don’t know. It just came into my head. Now tell me- do you really have the same powers as I do?”
Agatha- for it is truly Agatha now- holds up a hand, allowing the purple sparks to flicker between her fingers. “It’s less of a power and more of a learned ability.” Y/N’s brow furrows as they consider this, and then their eyes widen. “I’ve never seen anyone with that same ability, and I shouldn’t ever, unless-” They break off, staring at Agatha. “I thought my mother abandoned me long ago. I thought she was dead. But she’s not, is she? She’s you.” Agatha nods once, and Y/N looks overwhelmed.
“You’ve known all along. You knew that I was your child and you never once looked for me? You could have told me when I first arrived. You could have never left me at all. Why do it then, for fun? Because you were sick of me, even though I was too small to know what you were doing?” Agatha winces like she’s been slapped. “I didn’t want to leave you! I had a coven, a coven with strict rules, and they made me give you up. I didn’t know who you were until a week or so ago when you arrived here, I swear it. I would have found you long ago had I known.”
Y/N’s breathing is harsh in their chest. “Do you mean it? You would have stayed with me?” Agatha nods. “Leaving you was one of my worst regrets. It haunted me every day.” Y/N stands there, as if in a trance, then rushes over, flinging their arms around their mother. Agatha seems frozen in place, then slowly wraps her arms around her child to return the embrace. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I never meant for this to happen.” Y/N nods. “I know. It’s alright now.”
Cameras return with a shower of ruby sparks. Scene opens in the Maximoff-L/N family kitchen.
Tommy is standing alone at the kitchen table, fixing himself a peanut butter sandwich. His brother is off in his room, trying to teach himself a new card trick he’d seen their Uncle Pietro do once. Y/N walks into the kitchen, and glances over at their son. “How’s the sandwich?” Tommy nods, his face a mask of complete concentration. “I have to get it just right. The perfect sandwich is key to the perfect day.” Y/N raises an eyebrow. “I can understand that. How do you know it’s perfect?” 
Tommy carefully smears a last dollop of peanut butter onto his sandwich, reverently placing the two pieces of bread together. “I just know. With the right toastiness of the bread, and the crunchy peanut butter, perfectness was practically inevitable.” He snaps his fingers in satisfaction. Y/N flinches, staring at Tommy’s hand. Inevitable. The snap. Wait-
Another hand is snapping its fingers, another hand clad in a large golden glove. No, it was not a glove but a gauntlet. It’s not Y/N’s hand this time, it’s someone else’s, and someone else’s voice declaring that they were inevitable. And then there’s a voice coming from behind the figure, who whirls around in outrage, and it must be Y/N’s voice speaking now. Y/N replies, but most importantly they snap their fingers as well, the cloud of purple magic over their hand lit up by six gems spangled into the gauntlet on their own hand, and-
Wanda walks into the room again, forcing Y/N to return to the present moment. Wanda takes in the sight of Y/N, about to head through the door. “Where are you heading in such a rush?” She asks. “I was heading to Agnes’, actually.” Y/N says, and Wanda frowns. “Why do you keep bringing up Agnes? First at the picnic, then again here. I mean, she’s just our neighbour, right?” Y/N glances over at her. “Does it really matter? I just want to see her.” Y/N starts to turn away towards the door, but Wanda reaches out an arm to block their path. “Actually, I was thinking we should have a talk. Let’s go into the other room.”
Wanda’s hand is enclosed around Y/N’s wrist, practically dragging them away into a spare bedroom. Once the door is shut behind them, Y/N snatches their hand back from Wanda’s grip. “What’s gotten into you?” Wanda scowls. “What’s gotten into me? Y/N, you’ve been acting very strangely the last couple of days. I think you need to relax.” The word seems charged with some sort of energy, and Y/N takes a step back, as if to avoid it. “Are you trying to mind control me?”
Wanda’s lips tighten. “Why would I do that?” She says, forcing a laugh. Y/N raises an eyebrow. “Well, of all the ways to deny mind control, I have to say that was the least convincing.” Wanda folds her arms across her chest. “You sound paranoid. Why would I want to control your mind?” Y/N starts to pace back and forth across the room. “That’s the problem- I don’t know. I don’t know a lot of things, actually.” Y/N stops walking, and faces Wanda again. “I can’t remember anything about my life before we got to Westview. I know about my powers, and I know about you, but that’s it. Why is everything else a blank?”
Wanda frowns. “Aren’t I enough for you?”  Y/N sighs. “You’re more than enough, Wanda, which is why it hadn’t occurred to me before now. I just keep feeling like something is wrong, and I need to wake up and figure out what it is, but every time I try I feel like you’re always there to stop me from remembering.” Wanda’s concerned expression shifts into a colder stare. “Don’t try to make me the villain. I will always care about you most of all, before anyone.” Y/N can’t return her gaze. “I wish I could believe that, but I keep starting to remember things. I think something happened to me, but I can’t remember what it was. You won’t let me remember what it was.”
Wanda’s eyes flash with ice. “I will do what I want. I’m doing everything to protect you, and I don’t know why you can’t be content with that.” Y/N’s face hardens. “I can’t trust you anymore, Wanda. You won’t let me.” Y/N strides to the door, throws it open. “I’d come up with one last snappy comeback for the show, but I suppose you’re in charge of all the scenes, aren’t you?” With that, Y/N storms away, leaving Wanda standing there in shocked anger.
Cameras focus on Wanda, who is reassuring the twins that everything is fine. Cameras do not pick up Y/N L/N, who is moving quickly towards the barriers of the town.
Y/N’s blood is pumping through their veins, surges of adrenaline making their eyes glow violet with power. There’s something on the tip of their tongue, a discovery that needs to be made. So, Y/N heads for the edge of town, towards the street where they first arrived in Westview. As they approach the city limits, Y/N’s head tilts up in awe. There’s a line designating the edge of town, and beyond that, a tall barrier glistening with magic. No other human would have been able to see it, but the magic of centuries of witches run through Y/N, and their eyes can pick up details that no one else can see.
Y/N comes to a stop in front of the town boundary, and reaches out a hand. Where their fingers touch the barrier, scarlet light is replaced by indigo. With a movement of their hands, Y/N draws aside the barrier as if it were a curtain, the light changing into purple wherever she walks. Through the boundary, Y/N can see the town beyond, but it lacks the charming simplicity of Westview- instead, there are armored vehicles and encampments, all of them military. Scores of soldiers stand guard, watching her approach. Just as Y/N fully steps through the boundary, however, they collapse to the ground.
Pain swirls around Y/N like a storm. As Y/N watches, fragments of their very being begin to drift away. It’s as if Y/N is being eroded by time itself, a statue being carried away to dust and rubble in the span of seconds. There’s a shout from across the encampment, and a woman with dark hair runs up to her. The woman - Darcy, Y/N can read her mind - is restrained by guards, but in a weakened gesture Y/N uses her abilities to pull the soldiers away from her. Darcy sprints up to Y/N, but she seems unable to save them. Y/N croaks out a question. “What happened to me?” Tears fill Darcy’s eyes. “You died in the battle against Thanos. You sacrificed yourself to save all of us.” As Y/N hears Darcy’s words, a sense of clarity seems to enter them, and Y/N’s eyes clear at last, even as her body breaks down into shards of pure magical energy.
Cameras stay on the Maximoff-L/N home, where Wanda and Agnes sit with the twins. Recordings do not pick up the incident currently occurring on the Westview boundary.
Billy turns to his mother suddenly. “Mom, something’s wrong with Y/N. I can hear their thoughts in my head.” Wanda looks up at him. “What do you mean?” Billy looks terrified. “Y/N’s in pain, so much pain. I can hear them screaming. Mom, I think Y/N is about to die.” Wanda and Agnes both rise at the same time, expressions of terror mirroring each other. Agnes murmurs something about having to go, and she quickly disappears out the door while Wanda does her best to locate her spouse. Wanda flings out her arms, eyes flashing scarlet with the magnitude of the power she is about to use. Around Westview, the boundary begins to expand.
As soon as Agatha closes the front door behind her, she instantly vanishes, appearing in the space near the boundary. She stares with an open mouth as the barrier surrounding the town glows an angry crimson, and glides forward across the ground. After a second, the boundary leaves behind a single body, lying alone in the grass. Agatha runs to it, and has to choke back a scream at the sight of her child.
Y/N should have healed. They should have started healing, they should not be in this much disrepair. Y/N is lying crumpled on the ground, watching their body begin to disintegrate away. Agatha kneels over her child. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you getting better?” Y/N smiles up at her. “The power of the Infinity Stones cannot be undone forever. I was called to die long ago, and Wanda can’t reform me for much longer.” Agatha shakes her head, tears starting to course down her cheeks. “I’m not ready to let you go. Not yet. I just found you.”
Y/N’s eyes glow with warmth, and they place a trembling hand on Agatha’s cheek. “We were never supposed to meet, so any hour together was already on borrowed time. I’m grateful to have this much.” Y/N’s head tilts to the side, as if listening to an approaching sound. “Wanda is coming. You’ll have to go before she gets here, because she doesn’t know who you really are.” Agatha is shaking her head in refusal. “I can’t leave you here. I can’t let you die.” Y/N’s hand clasps onto Agatha’s, gripping it tightly. “None of us can really die, not forever. I’ll stick around, even if it’s on the other side. Now go, before it’s too late.” Agatha takes in one last look at her child, then vanishes into the empty air, just as Wanda bursts into view on Y/N’s other side.
Wanda falls to the ground beside Y/N. “I didn’t want this to happen. I should have told you everything. Y/N, you-” Y/N cuts her off gently. “It’s alright, Wanda. I know. I died at the battle against Thanos, and I would like nothing more than to be able to come back and stay here with you, but life has a way of not always following through.” For a second, the dying Avenger thinks it’s raining, until Y/N realizes that it’s just Wanda’s tears falling onto their cheeks.
Wanda forces back a sob as she watches Y/N’s body begin to dissolve away. “What do I tell the boys when you don’t return? How are we supposed to keep going?” Y/N smiles at her, pure and lacking in the bittersweet tinge that had always tainted it before. “The boys will have you, and that’s all any of us needed. You’re the one that will always matter, Wanda, even after I’m gone. I knew that when I met you, and I’ll know it even after I close my eyes.”
Wanda leans over, presses her forehead to Y/N’s. “I love you, Y/N. I love you so much.” Y/N laughs, the sound slightly tinny as their chest turns to ash. “I love you too. I’ll see you soon.” Wanda closes her eyes and kisses Y/N softly. When she opens her eyes again, she is kneeling alone in the middle of a grassy field. Y/N has finally been laid to rest.
Cameras begin to refocus on the Maximoff-L/N home, but there’s a flash of scarlet and they turn off, disappearing into the night. They are no longer necessary. Wanda leaves the studio, tears still drying on her cheeks. It is time to rebuild.
wanda maximoff tag list: @mionemymind​
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Paring: dark!Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: How were you to know who’s a monster, who’s a savior when they all hide behind a mask
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: violence, manipulation, dark themes, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Aged up Peter Parker (obviously). No smut in here, even I surprised myself.
You stared in the mirror, hands clammy as you tried to angle the phone right. The lightening was not perfect, and you twisted, trying to see if you’ll need to turn on the flash. Just as you thought you’d found your position, your phone chimed and you jumped. Clicking on the notification you opened your messages and found another text from the private number.
Be quick
Just above this was the text you’d received 20 minutes ago that had you running into the bathroom and taking your top and bra off within minutes.
Send me a pic of your right nipple
It had started a couple weeks ago with the kidnapping of your boyfriend, Sammy. You didn’t realize he had been kidnapped at first. He worked as a driver for a rich family and they took him away without preamble overnight for visits into next town. You only noticed something was strange when all your calls and texts remained unanswered for two days and you finally made a call to his employers to figure out if everything was okay. It was a shock to realize that the family was in town and hadn’t seen him for two days too. You had jumped into action, barely making sure you were appropriately dressed as you made your way to the police station to report a missing person’s report. You had parked down and were just about to open your door when the first message pinged. You almost didn’t check your phone, but the notification said private number, so you clicked on it. Your world came crashing down.
It was a picture of your boyfriend tied to a metal chair in what looked like a warehouse with blood caking his hairline and mouth gagged. Tears were streaming down his face and you covered your mouth in shock. Another message chimed, this one reading:
Don’t even think of going inside. Turn around and go back to your home
You had whipped your head around, looking out of the window with terrified eyes as you tried to see anyone who looked suspicious or was paying attention to you. Nothing struck you out of the ordinary and you were more determined than ever to go in and file a report when another message popped up.
Go home or I can send your precious lover’s head to you in a parcel
Maybe you should have gone inside, maybe you should have told someone. But when someone is holding a gun to the love of your life, you do what the fuck they say. Common sense doesn’t come into play. Last minute solutions don’t play in your mind. It was real life, not a movie. You drove back to your house in tears, hands trembling. Your boyfriend was not missing, he’d been taken by someone. The drive back home was a blur and you barely made it without hitting someone or yourself. You parked outside and entered your home, locking the door behind. The moment you were in, another text alert:
Good girl
You locked all the doors and windows, the curtains drawn shut. You sat down in the living you, finally finding the nerve to text back.
Who are you? What do you want?
You waited for a reply, your eyes darting around your house. Did the person have camera’s in your house or were you simply followed? Would they really hurt Sammy or was that an empty threat? Should you call his parents? Your parents? Your phone dinged and quickly swiped up to open the text.
I want you to send me picture of your little toe
What the fuck? This had to be some sort of a joke. You were shaking in fear and anger, your hand clutching the phone in a dead grip. You should have gone and made the complaint. It was dark outside now, but you’d go to the police station first thing tomorrow morning. To hell with this person, you will not be scared of them. You took a screenshot of the messages and made sure your house was secure before retiring to your room with a knife. Sleep came late and restless, your worry keeping you from having a sated sleep. Horrible scenarios ran across your mind, each worse than the last.
You woke up early and dressed up. You needed to be at the station as soon as possible, Sammy was in danger. Whoever had him seemed addled in the brain. You were just pouring your coffee in your travelling mug when the doorbell rang. Your heart beat in your throat, your body seizing up in terror. You got your knife from the kitchen, creeping to the door on all fours trying to make the least amount of noise as possible. You leaned up slightly to peep out the peephole and saw a delivery man. He looked normal enough, cranky from an early delivery. You cautiously opened the door a few inches, hiding the knife behind your back.
“Y/n Y/l/n?” He asked and you nodded. He held out a small parcel to you along with a form to sign. You opened the door a few more inches and quickly scribbled your name across the form, taking the parcel with tentative hands. The man walked away without a goodbye and you sighed. Not everyone was out there to get you.
You placed the parcel on the table. It held only the delivery receipt, no other marks on it. It was small, almost like a jewelry box. You looked at the time and thought to open it first. You didn’t wanna deal with sleep deprived officers who refuse to take you seriously at the station. Getting out you scissors you cut the brown paper off and opened the plain carboard box. Inside was a jewelry box like you had expected, but who would send this to you? There was no note and you opened the flap.
It fell out of your hands as you screamed, your hands rushing to your mouth in horror. The thing that had been perched inside like a ring rolled out and fell on the floor, resting at your feet. It was a little toe. A severed, human little toe. And if your hunch was right, you knew who it belonged to. Your phone chimed at that very moment and you swallowed back the bile in your throat when you swiped up.
Next time, listen. I have no trouble sending his head to you.
P.S. Drink that coffee, looks delicious. And be a good girl and forget about the police if you give a damn about your piece of shit boyfriend.
P.P.S I’ll like a pic of your pinky finger
You send him the pic with shaky hands, tears falling down your cheeks.
This is how it went for a few weeks, them asking for pictures of different body parts. Each with a threat of the same part being chopped off Sammy’s body if you don’t comply. Whoever they were, they didn’t call you and you couldn’t call them. You rarely texted, only asking if Sammy was okay and you’ll get vague texts in reply saying, ‘that depends on you’.
The pictures were seemingly innocent enough at first. Your fingers, your knee, your shoulder, hair braided, hair in a pony. But then they got dangerous. The inside of your things, your ass in a pink pair of panties, your nipples. You gave them what they wanted. As long as Sammy was okay, but you didn’t know how long you could continue this. Something had to be done
You were probably making a big mistake, but you had no option. Police was out of question, but they weren’t the police. Not entirely.
The kidnapper could for some reason follow you everywhere, even look inside your home though you had scoured every corner and found no cameras. You needed people more powerful and they were the only ones who could help. You know they didn’t have time for something this small as they dealt with world endangering events, but you had to try. You entered the Avengers Tower, making your way to the front desk. The lady sitting behind looked kind enough, greeting you politely.
“Hello, how can I help you?” She asked with a practiced smile and you nervously smiled back.
“I uh, I want to make a complaint.” You winced as you said that, your eyes darting around. The lady however gave you a sympathetic smile, slipping you a form to fill.
“You can fill this one, but it may take a while to get to them. They can be very busy” She said, and you nodded, taking the form and going to sit on a couch to fill it out. You gave all the necessary information, adding in that you had picture proof. You hoped it reached someone here who could help, if not the avengers then someone from Shield. You got up to submit it when you bumped into somebody, making them drop their papers along with yours.
“Oh, I am so sorry” you apologized, bending down to gather their stuff as well as yours. A hand reached out to help and you looked up in the eyes of Sam Wilson. You blinked and then stammered another apology that he waved away. He got the papers from your hand, looking over and found your form.
“This yours miss?” He asked as he looked over the paper, his brow furrowing as he read on. You nodded and bit your lip. He turned it over and then looked back at you. “Do you have the picture evidence?” He asked tapping the paper and you nodded quickly. You showed him your phone, with the messages and pictures. He frowned, his handsome face pinched.
“Can you help me? They sent me his severed toe. For all I know he isn’t even alive now.” You croaked and Sam looked at you with kind eyes.
“Y/n, isn’t it?” He asked and you nodded. “Well, this looked very creepy and bad. I’ll take it up to the team okay? See if someone can spare sometime on it. Here, take my card. Call me if they approach you again.”
You almost sobbed with relief, glad that something seemingly good finally happened. You thanked him and pocketed his card, hoping you made the right call. It didn’t matter now anyway. You were in deep. Either the kidnappers find out and threaten you, possibly killing Sammy. Or they piss their pants and leave you the hell alone. You just wanted this to be over.
You returned to your flat with a lighter heart, having a full dinner after ages. You had the avengers on your case. The avengers. The guys who took down aliens and planet-wiping asshats. They will put an end to this, you were sure. You slept better that night too, heinous dreams not plaguing you for a change.
You went to work early that day. Usually your shift at the local clinic didn’t start until an hour later, but you were feeling hopeful. Helping people through the day by stitching their wounds or giving a kid a cartoon bandage took your mind off things. It was a smooth day, almost normal. No more texts from the kidnapper today and if Sammy were home, things would be perfect. You were only just leaving when another person walked in your station, a cut bleeding over their lip. You recognized the boy and gave him a reproachful look.
“Peter, again?” You groaned, your hands automatically reaching for the antiseptic wipes. He came in once every few weeks, battered from one thing or another. You were sure some gang was beating him up, but he never confided. He was your age, studying some cool physics stuff while you nursed here. He was a very regular patient.
“Hey Y/n, can you patch me up. Again.” He said, ruffling his hair awkwardly. You tended to him, being careful not to hurt him even though he barely flinched. He had tremendous pain tolerance and you didn’t wanna know how he built it up. He was a great guy, pretty cool and respectful.
“There you go, all done. Maybe listen to me for once and don’t do whatever it is you do.” You advised, and he sent you a bashful grin that you knew meant your words went in one ear and out of the other.
“Thanks. You look good today, happier. Something good happen?” He asked and you smiled a little.
“I think so. I’ll get to know soon enough. You look after yourself, mkay?” You say and pack up your stuff. You saw him lingering, feet shuffling around so you raised an eyebrow.
“Um, I was wondering if you’d wanna go out for a coffee or something?” He asked and now it was your turn to shuffle uneasily.
“Peter, I’m really flattered. But I’m in a relationship already.” You told him and saw him frown.
“You have a boyfriend?” He asked confused and you nodded. Sammy was still your boyfriend, regardless of everything. You weren’t going to go around dating behind his back. He will come home. You were sure he will. Peter’s face fell and before you could say something he nodded and left. You felt horrible, but you hoped he will come around.
You got a call from Sam right before you went to sleep.
“Hey, did the kidnappers contact you?” He asked and you said no. He hummed and spoke to someone in the background. “Can you come over to the tower tomorrow? We’ll have a look at your phone, try and track the number?”
You agreed to meet him there at noon and a smile spread on your face. Things seemed to be progressing. Maybe the kidnapper was too scared of the avengers to make any move. You hoped you’ll get Sammy back soon.
You reached the tower with ten minutes to spare. You had taken trouble dressing up today as you didn’t know if you’ll meet more avengers. It was a blessing to have them and you prayed things will turn out okay. Sam met you in the lobby, waving at you.
“Hey, come on up. We’ve got a tech team waiting” He said, and you followed him to the elevator. It seemed to rise up and up, and you got nervous. You were glad you hadn’t deleted anything from your phone but worried what they will say about it. You had after all sent nude pics to a stranger.
“Hey, don’t worry. It’s a safe space.” Sam promised you and you tried to force a smile.
You exited with him in what looked like a huge office space, with cabins and sleek furniture everywhere. He led you to the cabin at the end and held the door for you to enter. You took a step inside and almost stopped short. When Sam said tech team you didn’t know it would mean Black Widow and Tony Stark.
“Come on in, we don’t bite.” Tony teased you, waving you forward and you stumbled. They both shook your hands and offered you a seat where you sat gobsmacked. You kinda sat like a goldfish until manners and mobility returned and you greeted them with a high pitch hello.
“Hey kid, you don’t need to worry. We got a free day today and Wilson said a young lady needed saving. Romanoff loves the ladies you know.” Tony winked and Nat threw a stapler at him that he caught. You nervously smiled and then they got to business. You explained everything to them, showing them the texts and pictures.
“Hmm, it’s a private number. Let’s see if we can do something about it.” Nat said and connected your phone to her laptop, clattering away on the keys. As she did, her brows drew together and she huffed. “Oh, this one is good. Not good enough for me though.”
She kept at it for a few minutes and when her device beeped her mouth parted a little. She moved her head away and blinked before passing the laptop to Tony who looked baffled. He started his own clattering and you tensed. The laptop beeped again and just then the door opened. You looked up to see…a man wearing the spiderman mask.
“Hey kid, you know you can take that thing off in here.” Sam said.
“I’m good. I need to leave soon anyway.” The voice behind the mask said and it almost sounded familiar. He looked at you and waved and you returned the gesture. Of course, Spiderman’s identity was a secret. You were probably the reason he was wearing the mask in the first place.
“This doesn’t seem right.” Tony mused and he and Nat exchanged a look.
“What is it?” You asked and Sam echoed your question.
“Well, the signals of the phone trace back to this tower.” Tony answered and he seemed as bewildered as you.
“What? Like a shield agent? That would explain how they could spy on her without too much trouble.” Sam mused.
“You mind if I see Mr. Stark?” Spiderman asked and Tony passed the laptop to him, leaning back in his seat.
“I’ll have Friday run a scan all over the tower. We’ll have an identity soon. But damn, this is disturbing.” Tony said and you felt anticipation rise in you. You’ll have the name of the kidnapper soon, and after that Sammy can be home.
“Uh, Mr. Stark, something is going on here. I – I swear I didn’t do anything.” Spiderman called out in a panicked voice and Tony and Nat crowed around him.
“What the fuck? How did this happen?” Nat scowled, her face almost buried in the screen as Tony did whatever he did there. “This…this can’t just happen. Tony!”
They looked up at you genuinely confused as you stared back with wide eyes.
“It seems like someone just deleted all the data from the number, including the trace. That shouldn’t have been possible.” Nat explained and you willed your tears away. All the proof you had gathered was lost, including the only lead you’d had for months.
“Hey kid, don’t cry. We’ve got you, okay. We know its someone from inside the tower. We’ll keep a watch.” Tony assured you, patting your shoulder in a fatherly way. You sniffled and shifted in your seat, all the hopelessness coming back.
“I think someone should keep a watch with her.” Nat suggested. “Whoever they are, we know they are good. Must be some top shield agent. A stakeout at her place, that should clear shit up.”
The others nodded and you cringed. You didn’t want to trouble them or have your privacy invaded this way, but if that was what it took to get Sammy back, you’ll be okay with it. So, you agreed.
“I’ll see if Wanda is free.” Sam suggested when Spiderman stood up and waved goodbye.
“Now wait here Wilson, we got our friendly neighborhood hero right here. Kid, you look after her. Your people skills are depressing and maybe you’ll cheer up a bit.” Tony said and you saw Spiderman wring out his hands.
“Mr. Stark, I’ve got college.”
“She’s got work.” Tony looked at you and you nodded. “See it will be perfect. Go on, pack an overnight.”
You gave out your address and went back home, aggressively cleaning before Spiderman arrived. You felt kinda bad for him since you knew he didn’t wanna be here, but well, job’s a job. He arrived just as you’d finished shoving your stuff under the bed and you opened the door to him still wearing the mask.
“Hey, make yourself at home. I’d give you a tour but its only one room, bathroom and kitchen.” You said awkwardly, his red face looking around.
“It’s chill. I’ll make my bed on the couch. You don’t need to worry. I’ll keep you safe.” He promised. His voice wasn’t very rough, and you thought he must be somewhere around your age.
“You can uh, take your mask off if you wanna. I swear I won’t tell anyone” You promised but he shook his head.
“I’m fine. Please, don’t bother. Go about your day as usual. I’ll make myself scarce.” He set his bag on the coffee table and took out his books. Some complicated physics stuff. Well, Tony Stark wouldn’t just have a stupid rookie in his team.
You and Spiderman (Seriously, you can just call me Erek Trapper) had a simple dinner. You knew he’d given you a fake name, probably just an anagram but you didn’t push him. You valued your privacy too. He wasn’t too much trouble, always polite and never in your way. Only once you found him in your doorway watching you sleep, but he very embarrassedly told you that he needed an extra pillow to sleep. You gave him one after which he didn’t appear again.
He stayed for a week before shit happened. You were alone at home when your phone buzzed. “Erek” was still not back from his classes and you were making dinner. You picked up your phone and almost dropped it in fright. A private number.
Such a silly dumb girl you are.
Another buzz
You’re not good at taking orders, are you? We’re gonna work on that
And here I thought you cared about this pathetic boy
I should have really sent you his whole leg instead of the toe
Look in your kitchen drawer
You turned around, sweat running down your neck and tremors hit you as you pulled out your drawer. You screamed, bloody fingernails inside a cup greeting you. You stumbled back and your windows started rattling all at once. You sat huddled in the kitchen, screaming with your head between your legs as knocks echoed around your apartment, multiple doors and windows banging. You sniffed and suddenly looked across the hall where a fire burned in your room.
“No!” You couldn’t get up, frozen in shock. The doors kept banging, smoke filling the house and your lungs, blurring your vision. Your throat was hoarse and dry and you coughed, trying and failing to stand up with support of the counter. You knocked against the drawer, the cup of nails tumbling down over you making you flail and howl.
You crawled away on shaky feet, feeling more exhausted than ever. Your lungs burned and you coughed, losing feeling of your body. The door was banging louder than ever and you shut your ears, tears making their way down your face.
It opened with a bang, a man nearly flying inside and to your side. Cool hands gripped your face and tapped your cheeks, urging you to keep your eyes open. You were in his arms, being lifted outside from your home.
“Mr. Stark, no, I got there in time. Yes sir. Taking her with me. Bring her to the tower? Yes sir. She’s okay – I don’t know. Maybe. Yes. Gonna be swinging with her.” He spoke to someone.
Air rushed against you and you barely opened your eyes before shutting them again. You were flying from building to building, only one arm around you keeping you safe. You hugged him tight, pressing your face into his neck.
“We’re almost there, Y/n. Damn it! I knew I should have controlled the drugs.”
You didn’t understand what he said and as the swinging motion grew frantic, your eyes shut.
Beeping of a machine greeted you and your eyes opened to the view of a hospital room. A tube was in your arm, a tv playing softly in the background. Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth and as your memories flooded you, you stood up. The beeping increased and a door opened to let in a man in middle age, with soft salt and pepper curls.
“Hey hey, its alright. You’re safe. You need to lay down.” He said. He looked so familiar and your eyes widened as you recognized him as Dr. Bruce Banner.
“I – what happened?” You asked. Before he could answer, Spiderman walked in and took the seat by your bed.
“I’ll let you guys talk. I’m going to be with Tony, Pete. Call me if you need something. And for god’s sake, take this goddamn mask off.” Bruce chided and left.
You looked at Spiderman who slowly took off his mask and your mouth dropped open. These brown eyes and hair.
“Peter?” You gasped and he nodded, abashed.
“I’m sorry I had to hide like this. I was going to let you know.” He explained. His eyes widened like he really really wanted you to understand.
“You’re Spiderman? So that’s where you got all those cuts from” You said, and he nodded. You raked a hand through your hair and winced when they tangled in some knots. “Thank you, Peter, for saving me. The fire, I – I don’t know what happened.”
Peter took your hands in his and placed a kiss on your knuckles. You frowned, trying to take your hand away but he resisted.
“Of course, I saved you. Sammy would have killed you otherwise.” He remarked and you started.
“Sammy? He’s here?” You almost jumped out the bed and Peter pushed down on your shoulder.
“Y/n, you don’t understand. Sammy was the kidnapper. He…he faked it.”
Peter was speaking but not making any sense. Why the hell would Sammy do that? You saw his bloodied pictures, you saw his torn off toe and fingernails.
“You’re mistaken.” You whisper but Peter shook his head.
“No, of course you’ll believe that. Sammy worked as a temp here last year. He got into Shield’s database and has been using that information to torture you. He faked it darling.” Peter said and pressed another kiss on your hand.
“That’s a lie. He never worked here! He was working for a family downtown!” You shouted and Peter nodded at you.
“Yes, but Friday’s data can be manipulated, and people paid off. They will never testify to knowing him.”
It took you a ridiculously long time to come to terms with what Peter said. His fingers were caressing up and down your arm, lips pressing soft kisses on your palm and wrist. You tried to wiggle it free, but he squeezed hard and you cried out.
“Don’t struggle, I don’t wanna hurt you anymore. I almost added too much hallucinogen to the smoke. You really scared me baby. Don’t do that again.” He scolded you and your eyes brimmed with tears. He wiped them away, cupping your cheek and you turned your face away.
Peter nodded, his other hand playing with your hair.
“You were always so sweet Y/n. So nice to me, never asking too many questions. Being kind to me when I was beaten up. I have wanted you for months but then you kept talking to your friends about Sammy and it made me so sad. So, I took him away, kidnapped him. I tried to give you a closure, stage it properly. I would have killed him and sent you a picture, consoled you after his death. I asked you out, remember, and you still turned me down. But then you came here, to Mr. Stark. That day I barely managed to corrupt the filed on his laptop, they were so close to finding me. And well, I didn’t even have to manipulate him into sending me at your place. That worked out so smooth. Now, all the evidence is in play. Sammy will be indicted for conspiracy and attempt to murder. And you and me, we can be together.”
You opened your mouth to shout and his hand was promptly there, blocking all sound.
“Shh, don’t baby. I know you’re scared. I know. But Sammy is still with me. I can do anything. Right now, I’ve only cut off a toe and his nails. He’s still breathing. I think he’ll have a way better life in prison than in a grave, yeah?”
Peter leaned down and kissed your tears away, and when he removed his hands only sobs escaped your mouth. He cupped your face, looking so kind you doubted if whatever he said actually happened.
“No one will come between us. You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours.”
He pressed his lips to yours and you closed your eyes in surrender.
Taglist: @shooting-star-love @what-is-your-wish @littlegasps
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jaesqueso · 3 years
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pairing: toxic boyfriend!hendery x fem!reader
summary: You finally decide it’s time to say goodbye and on the way you reminisce about how it all started. And how it ended.
word count: 2,074
warnings: angst, strong language, cheating, domestic violence, death
a/n: I originally thought of this for a music video but since I’m just a simple girl living a simple life I turned it into an actual story. do remember this a fanfiction, I’m not saying Hendery is this type of person! do give me some feedback please! ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
You wake up as the sun shines in your face through the window. You get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower. You don’t even bother checking the time, there’s really only one thing you need to do today. You get dressed in the darkest clothes you own that contrast with the bright day outside. You look in the mirror and take a deep breath. Today is the day you let go.
You grab your purse and as you open the door you notice the umbrella standing against the wall. You look at the window and there isn’t a single cloud in the sky. But you still take it with you. You walk down the street, sunglasses hiding your tired eyes. Your steps are not too fast, you know that you have to finally do this but you want to take your time. You know you’re not going to back down, as you’ve been doing for the last two weeks. Today it ends.
As you pass the park you remember when you first meet him.
Three years and two months ago
“Hey! Watch were you’re going-” You started scolding however bumped into you but stopped when you saw his startled expression.
“I’m so sorry!” He apologised as he removed his headphones. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You look down and check your camera to see if you at least got the shot you’ve been trying to get for the last twenty minutes.
“Wow, those look amazing!” He glanced at the little screen in your hands checking your work.
“Oh, thanks.” You awkwardly smiled at the nosy stranger.
“Are you a photographer?” He curiously asked.
“Not yet, I’m still finishing my degree. These are actually for a school project.” You explained as he was showing interest in your favourite subject in the world. You could talk about photography for hours.
“Nice! I bet you’ll the best in class with those pictures.” He genuinely smiled and you suddenly felt shy. “Are they going to be displayed anywhere?”
“Well, by the end of the semester there will be an exhibition on campus. You should drop by.” You gulped as maybe you’re being too straight forward with this person you’ve never met before.
“I would love to.” He smiled and extended his hand. “I’m Hendery.”
“Y/N.” You shook his hand returning the smile.
And he did came to the exhibition like he said he would. Until then you had exchanged texts, calls and even went on a few dates. At the time you were amazed by him, everything you learned about him just made you fall more and more.
Three years ago
“You made it!” You smiled and walked to Hendery giving him a warm hug.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He hugged you tightly before letting go. “This is for you.”
“For me?” You gasped as he extended a single red rose your way.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d like to receive a bouquet so I thought just one would spare me some embarrassment.” He scratched the back of his neck looking down with a shy smile.
“That is so thoughtful, thank you Hendery.” You took the rose as you felt your cheeks burning up.
You showed him around the gallery until you were in front of that photograph you were trying to take the day you met. He pampered you with compliments on your work the whole time and you felt like your heart could burst at any minute. Unfortunately a couple of hours later he had to leave so you accompanied him outside.
“Thank you so much for coming, it means a lot to me.” You bit your lip. “And for the rose of course.”
“My pleasure.” He flashed you a nervous smile.
“What?” You asked curiously.
“I have something I want to ask you but I’m afraid your answer will break my heart.” He mutters as he looks down at his shoes.
“Hendery,” you took his hand and squeezed lightly, “I would never break your heart.”
“Will you be my girlfriend then?” You gasped at his words. “I’m sorry, it’s ok if don’t like me back-”
“Yes!” You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer to give him the first of many kisses you would share along the years.
You smile at the memory of what was one of the best days in your life. You always choose to remember the happy moments you spent with him. The dates, the smiles, the laughs, the I love you’s and the promises, even though they were bound to be broken.
In your relationship you loved and you hurt each other, but you would always find a away to make up and get back into each others arms. He proved to be more than you could handle but you couldn’t let him go because you weren’t perfect and also made a lot of mistakes. But you always forgave each other and promised to be better. Unfortunately some things never change.
You kept walking to your destination but stop as you pass by your favourite bakery. As much as you’d like, the memories you try so hard to forget always find their way back.
Two weeks ago
“I’ll take the pink one please.” You ordered a small cake in his favourite colour for your third anniversary together.
As the lady behind the counter carefully puts it in a box wrapping it with a silk ribbon you sigh. Yet again he forgot an important date in your relationship. You had been taken things easy on him as you’d been fighting a lot lately because he’s always working and never has time for you, so you just decided to surprise him with a nice gesture and maybe you could forget everything and have a nice evening with him.
You walked back to your shared apartment, cake in your hands and a smile on your face. It was a beautiful day as the last rays of sunshine lit up the streets. He wasn’t picking up your calls or replying to your texts but you wouldn’t let that affect you today, he was probably glued to the couch playing video games with his friends, lost in the virtual world.
You opened the door and was surprised when you didn’t see him in the living room so you tried the bedroom. As you walked through the corridor you heard muffled sounds but ignore them as you admire the pictures on the wall that decorate the hallway along with that one you took on your first encounter.
“Hendery-” You gasp as you open the bedroom door, dropping the cake on the floor.
You look up at the sky as clouds gather above you in all different shades of grey. You open up the umbrella you brought and open it over your head as the first drops of rain fall from the sky.
And in the blink of an eye a beautiful sunny day turned into a gloomy rainy disaster. Just like in that day.
“Y/N!“ He pushed the girl on top of him on the bed as he looked at you. “It’s not what it looks like, I can explain-”
“Fuck you, Hendery!” You walked out and headed towards the living room.
“Babe wait!” You heard him shout as he tumbled on his feet to put some sweatpants and a t-shirt on and go after you.
“Don’t fucking call me babe now!” You gathered your things and walked to the door.
“Please, let me explain!” He stepped in front of the door to block your exit.
“What is there to explain? I’m pretty sure I know what I saw!” You screamed. “In our fucking bed, Hendery! At least have the decency to take your whores somewhere else!”
“Like you do?” He defied you.
“Oh so I’m the bad guy now?” You walked back into the living room not wanting to look him the face.
“You are!” You shot him a death glare as he continued excusing himself. “You’re acting like you are so perfect but you fuck up too! You hooked up with my best friend of all people!”
“It was a fucking game Hendery! Don’t act like your seven minutes in heaven with that random girl where all that innocent!” You yelled.
“That was a year ago!” He walked in your direction.
“Oh you want something more recent? How about that fucking slut in our bedroom right now?” You pointed to the hallway.
“She means nothing, she’s just a co-worker-” He shrugged his shoulders which made even more mad.
“A co-worker?” You interrupted him, tired of his excuses. “So she’s the reason why you always stay late at work now? Shit, I should’ve know.”
“And who are you to talk about co-workers when you keep texting that fucking guy?” He raised his voice again.
“He’s my assistant! We need to talk about work!” You widened your eyes in disbelief.
“Your assistant, right. I bet he assists you in everything you need-” He stoped as you slapped his face. He took his hand to his cheek and looked you dead in the eye. He grabbed you by the neck and pushed you into a wall. “How do you fucking dare hit me?”
“You can hurt me whenever you want but I can’t give you a slap when you’re talking shit?” You muttered struggling as he restrained your breathing. A few seconds later he let you go off his grip and you dropped your hands to your knees taking in as much air as you could. “Why do we do this to each other?” You asked as you get back up.
“I don’t know.” He sat in the couch with his hands on his head.
“Why did you have to do this in our anniversary of all days?” You shook your head, as if him cheating on you another day would make a difference.
“Our anniversary?” He looked at you in surprise.
“Just another one you forgot. And to think I was willing to forgive you-“ You stopped as you saw the girl from before peeking through your bedroom door. “But I’m done Hendery, I don’t need this, I don’t need you.”
“You don’t need me?” He got up again, eyes filled with anger and fists clenched. “You have someone else to go to now? A fucking bitch like you will never find someone better than me.”
You were about to slap him again but he quickly held your wrist while his other fist landed in your cheek.
“Shit, I didn’t mean to do that-” He let go off your wrist and took a step back widening his eyes.
“Fuck you, Hendery! I never want to see you again! I wish you were dead!” And with that you stormed out of the apartment.
“Y/N, wait!” You heard him yelling as he came after you.
When you got outside it was raining hard which made your vision even blurrier as tears were already forming in your eyes. You ran, not really knowing where you were going but you knew he was right behind you as you heard your name being called over and over again.
You crossed a street not even checking for any cars but as you reached the other side you stopped your steps as you heard a car braking and hitting something.
No, it couldn’t be…
You stop walking and take a deep breath. This is it the place you’ve been avoiding but it’s time. It’s time to let go, it’s time to set yourself free. It was not your fault.
You enter the cemetery and search for his grave.
“Hi, Hendery.” You whisper as if you don’t want anyone to hear it, only him, wherever he is. Your eyes start watering as a single tear rolls down your cheek. “I’m sorry.”
You squat down and lay a red rose next to his gave stone.
“We were never good together, and we knew it. I’m sorry that we let things get this far. I’m sorry that I didn’t let go sooner and maybe you’d still be here.” You take a deep breath. “But it’s time to finally let you go. I forgive you for hurting me. And I forgive me for loving you.”
You lower your umbrella as the rain stops and the sun shines again through the clouds.
“Goodbye, Hendery.”
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 15]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, softdom!seungcheol, blowjob, cum swallowing, restraints/blindfold, daddy!kink, dirty talk, v little hair pulling, orgasm control, squirting, sex toys 😗💕 hope y’all are having a good weekend! As you can see, with this chapter comes the decided amount of chapters 😭 which means! cherry bomb ends on jan. 1st! 😭😭😭 I’m sad about it but!! excited to start the new year with some new projects too!! and I promise it won't be the last of this au either (I'll upload and talk abt a new schedule when it gets closer to time)💕💕 Thank you, as always, for your support with Cherry Bomb and I’m glad some of us have had pavlovian responses when we hear the term now LOOOL😩💕 Enjoy ch15 and have a great weekend! see u tomorrow for the last intro post! 💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - x - x - x - x - x 
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Seungcheol takes it as a blessing that he doesn’t work on the weekends.
You do your camshow on Friday and upload prerecorded content on Saturday which leaves two whole days of relaxation that the two of you enjoy.
But Monday comes quicker than you anticipate and Seungcheol drops you off to work before he heads back to the roller rink; ignoring the multitudes of texts it seems Jeongguk is sending.
I’ll be at work in 30 minutes, he thinks.
“I’ll be back to pick you up after work, baby!”
You nod back, blowing Seungcheol a kiss through the window before you turn to leave.
Seungcheol’s phone rings 3 more times, brows furrowed.
‘It can wait.’
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“Hyung, we’re in trouble… Maybe?”
Jeongguk’s big puppy eyes stare back at the older male and he can already feel the blood draining from his face at the potential reasons that the younger male would even say that. “Um… is---is this pertaining to why you tried calling like 14 times?” Jeongguk nods, tugging on Seungcheol’s shirt and pulling him in closer.
“Before you say anything… Namjoon-hyung didn’t find out, did he?”
“Find out about what?”
“That I… cam… I don’t want to get fired because I--”
Jeongguk rolls his eyes, “Listen, I’m gonna be real, I don’t think he cares. The problem is… remember that dude that came in? A couple weeks ago. Lookin’ for a job.”
Seungcheol nods slowly; trying to remember the male’s name. “Seok--something, right?” Jeongguk nods.
“Apparently, he came back, and at the right time too. Namjoon hired his ass on the spot and he starts tomorrow. I heard from Seokjin.” Confusion crosses Seungcheol’s features as he stares and waits for Jeongguk to continue. “... And? How is that trouble for us?”
Jeongguk lets out an over dramatic sigh, hands on Seungcheol’s shoulders. “Nevermind, I forgot you’re making bank on those videos. I was gonna say, we might get a pay cut! Or maybe Joon-hyung’s trying to replace us but I guess that’s not a ‘you’ problem.”
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, shaking his head before patting Jeongguk’s hands.
“You’ll be okay. I don’t think anyone is coming for your concession stand job.”
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The next day when Seungcheol makes it to work, he can’t help but have a weird feeling in his gut.
Much like the time when he first met Jun, there’s an indescribable feeling bubbling up in his body that he can’t seem to shake off once he arrives at the roller rink and the sight of Jeongguk with the new employee doesn’t help to settle the feeling at all.
Just before he can make his escape, the younger male waves him over; a cheery smile plastered on his face when Seungcheol starts walking over.
“Hyung! It’s the new employee!”
So much for panicking about being replaced, Jeongguk.
Seungcheol smiles at the other male, introducing himself swiftly before extending a hand to shake. “Ah! I remember you! I’m Seokmin! I’m the same age as Jeongguk!” Seungcheol’s lips part as he nods in understanding; that had been why Jeongguk seemed so okay with it all of a sudden.
Seokmin’s eyes form crescents when he smiles and Seungcheol takes a second to do a once over of the other male; noting the pins tacked to his denim jacket. His eyes hone in on a specific one, narrowing once he realized what it was.
It’d been a while ago now, but when you’d hit 5k subscribers to your camming channel, you had made only three of the same pin, which you had raffled and only gave to three winners.
By nature, Seungcheol was one of them, and the other two were ‘xcaliburDK’ and ‘gentleman_josh95’. Seungcheol could deduce from usernames alone that this wasn’t ‘Josh’ so it only left one option left; albeit Seokmin didn’t add up to the username either.
“Hyung? Hyung, are you okay? You’re spacing out.” Jeongguk waves a hand in the elder’s face as Seungcheol shakes himself from his thoughts.
He’d just have to figure it out later.
Although, he can already feel the groan spilling from his lips.
Why was everyone popping up now?
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When he picks you up from work, later that afternoon, he can already tell something is off about you too.
You slink into the passenger’s seat of his car, quiet and a little jittery. “You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He comments, watching as you fumble with the seatbelt.
“Yeah it’s just… Can we talk about it when we get home? I think I’m still recovering from the weird experience I had earlier.”
Nodding, Seungcheol reaches over, placing his palm in yours in a means of comforting you; even just a little.
“Guess we both have had weird days, huh?”
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You can’t thank Seungcheol enough for how patient he is.
He doesn’t say a word in the car and lets you have your quiet, cool down time before you get home.
But when the lock slides into place and you finally plop down onto the bed, you know it’s finally time to have the talk that you knew was brewing.
“I met another one of my regulars at the diner today.” You mumble; beating Seungcheol to the punch of him asking.
“Weird, I think I ran into one of your regulars at the roller rink today too. He works there now, by the way.”
The two of you share an awkward laugh as Seungcheol lays down next to you; neither of you bothering to change out of your outside clothes as you bask in the oddly similar occurrences. “Wouldn’t happen to be ‘universe_WZ’ would it? He came by the diner earlier, ‘just passing through town’ he said. It was so weird though, y’know? Him and Jun kinda got along ‘cause apparently they’re born in the same year.” You smile at the memory, despite how odd it was at first. “He was quiet and Jun is very much not. I think he bailed earlier than he wanted ‘cause his ear was getting talked off. But he asked me for an autograph on the way out and some old lady stared at me. It was just… a little weird.”
Seungcheol laughs; somewhat glad that your experience hadn’t been as bad as he was expecting.
“How ‘bout you, ‘Cheol? What was that about him working with you?”
The male groans, sliding a hand down his features. “It was… somethin’ else.” You turn on your side to face him, raising a brow.
“Couldn’t be that bad, could it?”
Seungcheol laughs, but only in the way he knows that the next words out of his mouth will sound ridiculous, even to you.
“I’m not going to say who it is because I don’t want you to be extra weirded out. He’s an okay guy, very diligent about his work. But let’s just say I caught a glimpse of his wallpaper, which was you by the way. And when I asked him, ‘hey, is that your girlfriend?’, the fucker lied and said yes!”
It takes a second before you’re letting out a boisterous laugh; tears springing to your eyes at the hilarious encounter Seungcheol had experienced.
“You’re not mad!?” He comments, eyes wide as saucers as he watches you curl up in laughter. “I thought you’d be mad!” You wipe a tear from your eye, catching your breath before you turn back to Seungcheol who watches you in confusion.
“No way, that’s fuckin’ hilarious! And let’s be real, probably not the first time someone’s lied about me being their girlfriend, right? But I--he doesn’t know, does he? That you’re… y’know, ‘dom.cheol’?” Seungcheol blushes, cheeks blooming a pale pink when he thinks about it.
Would his voice be enough to give it away?
“I don’t… know? He didn’t say anything but neither did I, honestly. It was just… weird. And now I work with him so that’ll be fun. Can’t wait for him to tell me how cute his girlfriend is.” He grumbles.
“Awww, is widdol Swungcheol jealous?” You blink cutely back at him; a teasing smirk on your lips when you see him narrowing his eyes back at you.
“Watch it, brat. You know I can punish you at any time, right?”
“Try me, then~”
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Seungcheol mentally logs into his brain and waits until your Wednesday show before he makes a move.
He brings his favorite silk ties from his closet and places them on the bed while you get changed; a sly smirk on his face.
“‘Okay, ‘Cheol I’m--whoa.” You bite your lip when you step out and see the array of ties and the vibrator already sitting on the bed. “Um… I take it that these are part of the show tonight?” You end with a shy giggle; body already warm at the way Seungcheol looks at you.
“Mmhmm. For the ‘lil jealous comment you made. What was it that you said? ‘Try me, then’?” He grins in a way that you know you’re screwed and you saunter up to him in hopes of maybe pacifying him a little.
“Too late to say that I take it back?”
“Waaaay too late, baby. Now, let’s get started.”
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chwenon has donated $50
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
artist8hao has donated $75
artist8hao: she’s so pretty with her hands tied behind her back like that
angelhan: shibari next time???
universe_WZ: she’d be so pretty all tied up
universe_WZ: rly nice seeing u btw ;)
therealchan99: where tf are all of u seeing her!?!?? I need to go out more im lackin bro
alphagyu97: its the way u walk into every set up for me
Seungcheol chuckles under his breath, reading the comments with his hand tangled in your hair and your arms tied behind your back as you work your mouth up and down on his cock.
Before the show had even started, he had quickly rearranged the setup so that the camera was angled down towards the space in front of the bed instead of where it usually faced which was on top of the bed. You were a little confused at first when he had nodded and told you to start your camshow from the rug placed underneath you but it soon made sense when he had tied your arms behind your back and made you suck him off with your knees digging into the rug and a silk tie tied into a bow around your eyes to prevent you from seeing.
“Shibari, huh? Ooh, wouldn’t it be a treat for your viewers if you did a show where you were all tied up? I’d have to start it for you, or maybe they’d like to watch the process and see how quickly I can get you to fall apart.” Seungcheol pauses; hips canting up slightly into your mouth as you swallow and gag around him. “We can make it an extra long camshow… Maybe a pay-per-view situation. They can watch you squirm and cum all night long while I keep a vibrator pressed against your clit until your cute body is trembling.”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head even if Seungcheol can’t see it and you moan around his cock when you feel him throbbing in your mouth.
The sound of donations and comments is all you can go off of with your back towards the camera and your vision taken away; noting that the viewers must’ve liked the idea.
j__min has donated $150
j__min: popping in to say if u need help buying ropes, i know a guy ;)
alphagyu97: wait is this rly happening
alphagyu97: i’ll clear my schedule gentleman_josh95: yea same
xcaliburDK: i just started a new job i cant have any sick days plz… at least reupload it for me 😭😭
Seungcheol smirks when he reads that particular comment; fingertips massaging your skull when he hears you whining. “I know, baby. You wanna be fucked, huh? It isn’t nice being teased, right? So now you know how I feel~” In a blink of an eye, ‘xcaliburDK’s comment is buried and Seungcheol is thankful that you didn’t see it. He’d just have to keep it a secret for now while he played along and listened to what else Seokmin had to say about his so-called ‘girlfriend’.
You rub your thighs together; already feeling the slickness on them from how wet you already were and how long you’d been teasing and sucking his cock.
“Fuck, I could cum down your pretty ‘lil throat and then make you work for my cock. Drag your punishment out even longer than your viewers would see.” You moan around his cock in response and Seungcheol can only take it as a whiny ‘no’ before he’s pulling you off of him by the hair; soft sputters and coughs spilling from your wet lips as you catch your breath.
“But I think you’ve earned your orgasm, hmm? What do you say, princess?”
Your throat feels hoarse and your body feel obscenely hot at the way Seungcheol doesn’t seem to want to take off your restraints just yet. “Y-yes, daddy I--I want to c-cum… pl--please.”
tangerine_kwan: ahhh shes so cute
tangerine_kwan: petition for baby pink ties next time i think they suit her
sleepy_wonu: if that shibari show is happening, yes
“We’ll talk about it later, although I don’t think she’ll be opposed to it~” You furrow your brows; wondering what Seungcheok was referring to. 
You’d ask later.
Seungcheol tugs you slightly by your hair, urging you up as you slowly stand on shaky legs. You let him take the reins as he unties your arms and repositions you until you’re bent over the edge of the bed; left leg folded atop the bedsheets while your right leg keeps you upright. He keeps your blindfold on but lets you keep your arms loose; which you find out fairly quickly, is for good reason.
The buzzing of the vibrator makes you bite your bottom lip and soon enough, Seungcheol places the toy in your clammy hand.
“You’re gonna slide your hand under your body and keep that vibrator pressed against your clit while I fuck you. And you’re not allowed to cum unless I say so. Am I understood, baby?” You feel Seungcheol teasing you as he slides his cock through your soaking folds before circling the tip around your entrance.
“I expect a response when I ask you a question, sweetheart.”
“Y--yes, daddy, I--ah!”
Seungcheol grins as he slides his cock into your tight cunt; watching as you slowly sandwich your arm between your body and the bed sheets to place the vibrator against your clit. You cry out, a mess of sharp whines and jumbled words spilling off your lips with the combination of Seungcheol’s thrusts and the vibrations on your clit.
“Ngh, d--daddy! Fuck me m-more!”
Your other hand digs into the sheets, fingers tight around the fabric as Seungcheol fucks you from behind. He knows your body like the back of his hand and he quickly already has you on the verge of an orgasm despite only having started fucking you, moments prior.
“Don’t cum, princess~” Teasingly, he alternates from quick snaps of his hips that have his cock slamming into your g-spot to slow thrusts that have you remembering every groove and vein of his cock when he pulls out. And when he fucks you like this, it’s easy to forget the camera was even on and that people were watching; if not for the constant pinging of comments and donations that mix in with your moans, Seungcheol’s harsh breaths and the sound of the vibrator against your clit.
hoshi_tiger_xx: hmm but shes obv being punished and we all kno good girls dont get creampies
therealchan99: ur right,,, where should he cum then?
kitty_junjun: my votes on her tits
kitty_junjun has donated $75
sleepy_wonu: maybe all over her back and then post the pics in the private room
xcaliburDK: or raffle them!! I want them
chwenon: ooo cum in her mouth but dont let her swallow
chwenon: then u can raffle those pics or sth
Neither you nor Seungcheol are even paying attention to the comments that fly past on the screen and the only thing Seungcheol even turns slightly for, is to check to make sure he’s still properly out of frame.
He can already feel you tightening up around him and with the vibrator on your clit, he knows for a fact you won’t last much longer before you’re cumming.
“Hmm, princess, I can feel you getting so tight around me. Bet you wanna cum already, huh?”
“D-daddy, I dunno, ah, how--how much longer I can h-hold off…” You mumble; already feeling the tension in your body ready to snap at any second.
“Be a good girl. I said you earned your orgasm but you need to be patient.” You nod to the best of your ability; head feeling heavy and fuzzy as you try to stave off your orgasm for a little longer. “Y--yes, daddy…” He slows down his thrusts in order to help you a little and the soft praises that fall from his lips have the warmth blooming in your chest.
But it doesn’t last long because despite Seungcheol’s valiant efforts, you’re already too close to cumming to stop yourself when you feel the pressure building up too fast.
“Oh, d-daddy, I---I can’t, I---I can’t, I have, ah, to---to c-cum! Fuh--fuck, ‘m s--sorry!”
Seungcheol can’t even manage a word in before he feels his cock being forced out of your pussy and the wetness that squirts all over his cock and lower half. Loud cries and whines are all you can manage in the thrums of pleasure and the grip you have on the vibrator only tightens as you grind against the toy to ride out your high.
Seungcheol takes the time to wrap a hand around his cock as he strokes himself; body turned halfway towards the laptop to see what everyone was saying.
hoshi_tiger_xx: uh ohhh pretty baby came without permission
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
hoshi_tiger_xx: donation for squirting tho
alphagyu97: ugh look at her cute lil hole begging to be filled up
angelhan: bet she’s feeling empty rn huh
Your soft mewls have Seungcheol turning back to face you; eyes trained on your twitching body when the pleasure starts to ebb away and the overstimulation from the vibrator starts to bite. “Daddy… the---the, mmh, toy…”
“You can turn it off, sweetheart.” His tone is clipped and you already know you’re in for it once you manage to find the switch on the silicone toy. You turn it off and slide your hand from underneath you; palms flat against the sheets as you sniffle.
“I--I’m really s-sorry, I--I couldn’t--”
“I want you on your knees again, princess.”
Nodding shakily, you ease your bent leg down as you maneuver yourself onto your knees; hands already searching for Seungcheol before you hear his small ‘ah, ah, ah’s.  “Hands behind your back and tongue out, baby.” You follow his orders as you clasp your hands behind your back and diligently open your mouth and stick your tongue out as far as you can.
He brings his cock towards your face, tapping his cock head against your tongue before he starts to jerk himself off over your mouth and face. “I gotta hand it to you, princess. At least you apologized.” Seungcheol laughs under his breath, “But next time though? I won’t even let you have my cock.”
You whimper in return, brows furrowed under the silk tie.
“Fuck, ‘m gonna cum all over this pretty face.” His grip on his cock tightens and he thrusts into his palm quicker as he chases his high. “Don’t worry. I’ll take pretty pictures of your cum stained face.”
Seungcheol groans as he feels the coil in his body snapping and not a second later do you feel warm rivulets of cum hitting your cheeks and your tongue. Some of it manages to catch on the silk tie as you moan. The donations and comments pour in like water as Seungcheol continues to cover your face in cum and for the umpteeth time, you’re reassured that this was a path that worked out for you.
It was so silly that you’d thought of quitting camming earlier. 
Although, you never brought it up to Seungcheol.
In actuality, there were quite a few things that you’d never brought up to Seungcheol.
“Fuck…” He mutters from above you and it’s enough to bring you out of your thoughts as you hold still. Seungcheol takes the hint, using a sticky cum covered hand to reach for his phone to snap pictures of you; he’d just clean it up later.
“Say cheese~” He laughs, taking a couple photos before tossing his phone onto the bed as you draw your tongue back into your mouth and swallow down the warm salty substance that managed to hit your tongue.
Seungcheol helps you up from the floor, pouting when he sees how red your knees have gotten. “Hmm, think I need to take care of my princess after this.” He helps take your blindfold off and you’re quick to blink the fogginess away as  you try to focus on Seungcheol’s face before peering over to the laptop’s screen.
Your cheeks burn hot at the cum that still stains your cheeks when you see  yourself but the comments that flood in calling you pretty make you giggle.
“Ooookay. I think daddy is gonna get all cleaned up and I’ll wrap up here?” You check in with Seungcheol, who shoots you a nod and a small thumbs up before slinking completely out of the camera’s view.
“Okay guys, now what were you all talking about while I was on my knees?”
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You get out of the shower feeling refreshed; tossing on a loose shirt before skipping out of the bathroom.
Seungcheol is cozied up on the sofa, waiting on the food that the two of you had ordered right after you ended your show. “‘Cheollie~” He turns to you as you plop down next to him and he’s quick to wrap an arm around your shoulders as he tugs you into his side.
“Feeling better?”
“Mmhmm~ A ‘lil sleepy but I can go for that food and then sleep.”
The two of you share a laugh, eyes focused on the movie that plays on the TV. “Say…” You start, “Someone asked a good question in the comments after you stepped out.” You gulp; palms a little clammy.
You just had to know.
“Yeah? Was it about the shibari camshow again?”
“No, actually…” You take a deep breath, telling yourself it’d be okay regardless of what he said.
“Seungcheol, am I your girlfriend?”
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357 notes · View notes
Home For Christmas- Mat Barzal
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AN: This is no shame, I started this before Christmas with the intention of finishing it as well... bitch I didn’t, so here we are.
Word count: 4k
TW: bad parenting, mentions of cheating, kind of angst? idk 
Sitting alone by the kitchen table, you watch the snow fall heavy over the town. You’re supposed to be working on your masters thesis, but your mind is a thousand miles away, 2 185,4 miles to be exact. 
And even that far away, Mat is still everywhere to be seen in a town he’s never been in. He’s in the cafe with the really bad coffee and the really good cakes, he’s in the window reflection in the old thrift shop you used to go to when you were younger. And you can imagine him so easily outside on the front porch, playing in the snow. 
In all honesty that would be ideal, having him here. But he’s not, he didn’t have the opportunity to come. You understand that. You understand that he’s got his own traditions, family and friends to see. 
But when you left JFK to come to the cabin in Alta, you wished that he was by your side, you by his. Instead of the snoring man that sat on your right hand side the entire flight. At least you got the window seat. 
Your parents went out to have dinner or visit some friends, you don’t care enough to remember. 
All you could think of was how Mat had been babbling about how excited he was for Christmas, and going home. And how you deep inside dreaded coming here. It’s not that your parents don’t love you, they just love the idea of the past you. Mat cares for you a lot, you know that, you’ve settled for that. But you haven’t had the heart to tell him how your parents only care for perfect facades and flaunting their riches. That's also why you haven’t told them about Mat. 
The snow is still falling over the perfectly decorated front lawn. 
You’re still thinking of Mat and how he would look with rosy cheeks from the cold, when your parents move in through the front door whilst talking in low murmurs. 
“Y/N, darling? You’re still awake?” 
Your mother asks, not yelling though, never yelling. She waits until she can see you from the hallway. 
“Yes, still kind of working.”
You answer politely. 
“Oh, you’re still writing your thesis?” 
Quickly as she comes around the table, you switch from the spotify tab, to the uni home page.The lie comes smoothly and she doesn’t notice, she never does. 
“My little hard worker, you’re gonna be such a good psychiatrist one day.” 
And your heart sinks all the way down to your stomach. You’ve never told them that you switched majors three years ago. Or that you’re not writing a dissection of the human mind, but rather a song. As well as a thesis. 
“Hey, I’m gonna go to my room.” 
Your mom nods at you with what almost resembled a fond smile. Passing your father in the hallway you see him slip something into the pocket of his already hung coat. 
“Night sweetheart.” 
“Night dad” 
You smile half heartedly while balancing your books and laptop in your hands. 
No matter how nicely the property is decorated, no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be what your parents expect you to be. They are much like their cabin in your opinion, pretty and inviting on the outside, shallow on the inside. 
You don’t know how to handle this. Because while you grew up a lot around here, New York feels like your home now. With pictures on the walls and tiny memories littered around the place. The bedroom you’ve always had in the cabin hasn’t changed much since you last were here. Pictures of people you no longer talk to still hang on the vanity you never used. 
Crawling underneath the thick duvet, you pull your phone off the charger on your nightstand. There are a few messages on snap chat and instagram you’ve missed. Mostly friends from college, all in their respective homes with their old friends and family. 
You close both of the apps, and sigh when you see the wallpaper of your phone. It’s a picture of you and Mat. You’re dressed in a hoodie with his jersey over it and his arms slung around your middle from behind, the both of you smiling at Beau behind the camera. You remember that day. 
It was in the early days of your relationship and only the second or third game you had been too of his. The Islanders had played the Rangers and won, Mat scored twice and it was overall a good game. The WAG’s had all started to head for the locker room hallway, while you set your path for the exit, planning on meeting Mat back at his apartment. Lauren was the first to see you trying to sneak out. And had instantly called you out on it. She’s a miracle worker with people, and within seconds she had figured out how scared you were that Mat wouldn’t want you there. After all this was a team win, and you didn’t quite feel like you were a part of the team. Not yet at least. 
And despite your fears, Lauren convinced you that he would love to see you first thing as he exited. And he had been. His already beaming face had swept you up in his strong arms and spun you around. Mat truly was and still is at times more excitable than a puppy.
You wake up abruptly from someone yelling. That someone you quickly recognize as your father's voice. And your heart drops, even though the words are muffled, you can imagine the scene. Your mother, sitting at the kitchen table, in the same spot as you sat last night, telling him to calm down and stop yelling. Your father pacing in front of her, screaming about something you can’t quite figure out what is yet. He is obviously ignoring her.
Picking your phone up from the mattress as you sit up, there doesn’t seem to be anything new. You enter the messages app and shoot Mat a message, telling him to call you in thirty minutes. 
With a sigh, you pull the warm, comfortable duvet off yourself and drag your body out of the bed. Everything in the room seems a little colder, and you know it’s probably because of the badly isolated windows. That’s probably why the cool floorboards tickle your feet when you step on them. Luckily there is a pair of thick socks on the floor next to the bed, so you pull them on and walk to the door. 
Carefully you let the door creep open silently. 
“- and why couldn’t you just leave it be?” 
You hear your father yelling. 
“Because you’re my husband and I love you, you’re not supposed to have a second phone, much less a second girlfriend.” 
Immediately your stomach sinks. Your dad has a mistress? Then it was probably the second phone he slipped into the coat pocket last night. God, christmas spirit, eh? You shut the fight out of your mind instantly, not wanting this to be your christmas. In this moment you hate all the bad hallmark movies you’ve watched with Mat. Not for having watched them, but for letting them give you hope of a normal christmas.
On autopilot, you start packing the bag you never finished unpacking. It takes fifteen minutes for you to finish. Your phone starts ringing as soon as you zip the back shut. With a deep sigh you answer the phone. 
“Hi Mat.” 
“Hey, babe. You okay?” 
You can hear laughter in the background and the smile in his voice. You hate yourself for the next words. 
“No, not really.” 
The admittance lies heavy in your chest, but some of the weight seems to lift off when you speak the feelings into existence. 
“I’m sorry, is there anything I can do?” 
It's like the world disappears for a minute, and just hearing his voice calms you down. 
“No, I don’t think so, I just don’t think I can handle this right now. ‘M just gonna head home to my apartment. I can’t take my parents right now.”
It’s a relief to get the words out of your mouth and into existence. You can imagine him right now, with the cute frown on his face and the cogs and wheels in his brain turning.
“Hold on, you’re not gonna spend christmas morning alone are you?” 
“Why not? It’s not really different from what I’m used to, and it’s already the 23rd today anyway.” 
“That gives you just enough time to fly here!” 
 Your heart soars at the thought of waking up with Mat in his childhood home, but reason strikes you seconds later. 
“Mathew, I’m not gonna intrude on your family like that.” 
The sigh he releases on the other end of the phone, is followed by a small chuckle. 
“You’re not intruding. I promise. Plus they all love you.” 
You order an uber straight after calling Mathew. When you open the door to your bedroom, the yelling still hasn’t stopped. The log walls have always been pretty soundproof, but you swear, right now there is an echo in the house. Silently you close the door behind you. Your dad is still ranting on about how none of this is his fault, and how some things women simply don’t understand. 
You sigh and take off your shoes to make your steps even quieter than usual.It’s not that your father isn’t kind, it’s just that he seems to have been too kind to another woman. And it puts a great deal of fear into your heart. It makes you scared that Mat might do the same. 
You shake the thought (almost) out of your head, Mat is not your father, and you are not your mother. Still, you can’t help but feel like your mother deserves better. Leaning against the door frame, you pull up your phone and start scouring the web. 
The uber app alerts you of your rides arrival, and you go into your travel backpack and pull out a piece of paper and a pen. Quickly you write down the number and name of both a divorce lawyer and a couples therapist. Your coat is already on and your bag doesn't have wheels, so it’s a silent endeavour to the other bedroom in use on this floor. Your parent’s room. 
It looks like it always has. Everything is neatly put behind closed doors and the bed is perfectly made. No knick knacks on the bedside table, not even a book or an alarm clock. You sigh, put the note on your mothers side of the bed and leave.
You’re glad the kitchen doesn ‘t have a clear view of the hallway, your parents are too immersed in their fight, to notice the fact that their child is slipping through their fingers. They don’t notice you walking away from them.
The airport is not so surprisingly filled only with stragglers and people who are most likely working this christmas. The pine trees are decorated and everywhere, but you don’t feel as sick to your stomach as you usually do. Quickly you find your gate. It’s got a great view and you watch the snow fall under the lights of the airport and sip the holiday drink you uncharacteristically got from the coffee shop beside the gate. You have already checked in the luggage, so yet again you pull out a pen, but also a worn and torn leather bound notebook that’s been with you since the start of your degree. 
The songs usually come from poems but somehow this one is different. You start the melody quickly, writing down notes and sometimes little words that you feel make sense with the melody. Your hands start to itch for the ivory and ebony keys of a piano, but just as the feeling arrives the flight attendant calls up your flight and you have to pack up. 
 The plane is only half full, so you get a row to yourself. Resting your feet across the two free seats is a little uncomfortable, you’ll admit as much, but the feeling of having the piano at least on your computer is settling some of the itch. 
Mat comes alone to pick you up from the airport. He’s standing in the parking lot leaning against his car. The second he hears you approaching he looks up from his phone, pockets it and meets you halfway. Immediately he hugs you tight.
“Hi babe, I missed you.” 
He says with a low voice into the scarf wrapped around your neck. You just hug him tighter. The tension that took a hold of your body during the layover, is releasing from your body. Mat’s entire being is like a weighted blanket covering you. 
When he lets you go, you miss his warmth, but it’s short lived. He picks up the bag you dropped to the snow covered ground and puts in the trunk before opening the passenger door for you. Upon entering the car, you are engulfed in everything Mat and warmth. 
“You gonna tell me what’s going on with your family?”
You sigh at the question, knowing it was going to come sooner or later. To be honest you’re glad he asked now, and not back home, back with his family. It’s just, how do you explain the entire messy situation to Mat, without getting pity points? You don’t want to feel like some charity case or, even worse, like some spoilt child who can’t handle the situation.
Instead of dwelling over it for too long, you decide to jump into it as he starts the car and enters the freeway. 
“My dad is cheating on my mom, and she found out last night. I think they were up the entire night just arguing. I just left a note on mom’s bed with the number of both a divorce lawyer as well as a couples therapist.”
You rant off, state it matter of factly. Trying to shut off your emotions. 
“Are you okay Y/N?” 
Mat asks. Simple as that. He asks you if you’re okay, and you can’t quite handle it. The tears are pressing on behind your eyes. And you look out the window, trying to hold them back. But when he puts a hand on your thigh, you let the first tear fall. 
And it really is as simple as that. You’re not okay. And you hate it. Just in that second your phone starts ringing in your back pocket.
You say as Mat looks at you. He just gives you a soft smile. You check the caller id, and see it’s your mom. Quickly you clear your throat and wipe your tears away. 
“Hello mom.” 
You answer, trying to sound neutral. 
“Y/N, where are you? Did you go to one of your friends here? I can’t find any of your things.” 
She sounds confused to be honest. 
“Yeah no, I left, I’m on my way to my boyfriend’s house.” 
You hear her suck in a breath. Probably trying to calm down. You do the same, hoping for a calm conversation. 
“You didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend? Where are you?” 
You sigh, know it’s gonna be a long conversation. 
“No, I know, I didn’t tell you on purpose. He lives in New York usually, but he’s from Canada.” 
Ideally, you know, this would be a conversation to have with Mat, about why you haven’t told them about him, before you had it with your mother. 
“You’re in Canada?” 
“Well, what does he do then?” 
You start to avoid the question, but she interrupts you. 
“No, I want to know what he does that makes you think it’s okay for you to run away from your family right before christmas.”
In that second, just a split second, you get a little fight in you. 
“First of all, it wasn’t his call, he invited me, when I called him. Originally I was just gonna go back to New York. Alone. Second of all, I am not interested in spending christmas around you and dad when you can’t figure out your lives. Third of all, he makes me feel safe and appreciated and I can’t imagine being anywhere else right now.” 
You can feel the tears streaming down your face, but you don’t care. 
“Fine, if you are going to be like that then.” 
“I am gonna be like this mom.” 
She says, and then she hangs up the phone. And to be honest you’re kind of glad she did. 
“That sounded rough.” 
You nod and close your eyes. You don’t want things to be this way. You truly don’t, but it the way it is. 
“You didn’t tell them about me?” 
Mat asks. Possibly sounding hurt. 
“No, I was scared that they were gonna be who I know them to be, especially upon finding out that you play hockey for a living.”
He sinks a bit back in the driver’s seat.
“You think they wouldn’t like me?” 
He definitely sounds hurt. 
“I think they would like your image, your paycheck and what you could do for them publicly.”  
You answer earnestly. Before continuing. 
“They want a solid paycheck and all the nice things in life. The things that prove that they’ve got a lot of money, and that about sums it up.” 
“Oh, well that’s not good.” 
Letting out a sad chuckle, you nod your head. You can tell you’re closing up on his house because he seems to be driving slower now.
“I hope you know I’m not into you for the paychecks.” 
“No I know-”  
He turns and smiles at you. 
“You’re in this, for the amazing sex, eh?”
“Oh, for sure.”  
You smile and take his hand.
Waking up is always kind of heavier in the winter, but with Mat’s arms wrapped around you in the morning, it’s just something else. You fell asleep in one of his hoodies and flannel pj pants. You’ll admit it, it is a bit too warm, but hell it’s so worth it. 
You can feel him behind you, bare chest rising slow and steady. Soft snores escape him every now and then, but his arm around your waist stays there. Mindlessly, you start tracing shapes and letters on the back of his hand. You feel his hand start twitching, and all of a sudden he squeezes you tight and pulls you on top of himself. 
“I love you too.” 
He smiles up at you with his bleary eyes. Your cheeks heat up. You didn’t think he’d actually notice the letters you had been spelling out on his hand. So you hide your face on his shoulder and stay there. Just placing small, light kisses there. 
“Can you say it? Like out loud?” 
He asks you, quietly. 
“That I love you?” 
Immediately you feel him smile into your hair. 
“I love you Mat Barzal.” 
And you swear, you can feel his heart skip a beat in his chest.  
“Merry Christmas, by the way.” 
You say, feeling content. This is by far the best Christmas morning you’ve had, and you haven’t even gotten out of bed. 
“Oh shit, it’s Christmas morning!”
And before you know it, the light is on, and he’s out of bed and pulling on a shirt and a pair of sweats. He turns and looks at you expectantly. 
“Well, aren’t you coming?” 
He asks, moving in your direction. Mat all but drags you out of the bed and barely let’s you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth, before meeting his family downstairs. And it’s a glorious sight that meets your eyes. The christmas tree is decorated with little lights and different colour baubles?, as well as glitter. It looks homemade, and not like the perfectly decorated trees that have made their mark on your childhood. 
The sight of it causes you to stop dead in your tracks. God, how you love the normalcy of this. The morning is filled with laughter, jokes and copious amounts of hot chocolate. It’s not until the end of the gift unwrapping, that Mat slips away from you, claiming that he has to go to the toilet. 
He returns a few minutes later, carrying a big box wrapped in paper. It doesn’t take you long to notice that all eyes are on you. 
“Maty, I told you no gifts.”
You sigh, but you can’t help the smile that creeps onto your lips as you see how giddy he is. 
“I know I know, and originally I was going to stick to it, but I saw this in the store and I know you said you’d manage without it, but I just couldn’t help myself.” 
And as you listen to him rant his heart out to you, realization dawns on you. 
“You didn’t seriously..” 
Your sentence trails off as you watch him carefully place the box down on the dinner table. 
“Please, just open it?” 
And he knows you could never resist his pleading, just as well as you do. Nodding, you head to the table and start unwrapping the way too expensive gift. Soon the logo of the electric keyboard begins to unravel to you, and tears are seriously prickling behind your eyes.You pull the sleeves of the hoodie over your hands and wipe the tears away.
“Mathew, this is seriously the best christmas gift I have ever gotten.”
You mumble. He comes over and wraps you up in his arms again, and you can feel him smiling, how his entire being is happy, and maybe a little proud of himself. His mom and dad gush over how cute the two of you are, whilst Liana rolls her eyes with a fond smile. 
“Well, why don’t you play us something sweetie?” 
Mats mother asks you carefully once you unwrap yourself from Mat. 
“Yeah, I can do that.” 
And just like that the living room is cleared enough for you to set up the keyboard along with a chair from the kitchen. You even go back upstairs and find the chords you have written down for the song you wrote in the airport.
Testingly, you play a few chords. That is the moment you notice how quiet they’ve all gotten, so you decide to speak up, just to shake the nerves a little. 
“Okay, so this is kind of a rushed song, I wrote it on my way here, but I do hope you like it.” 
And then you start playing the first notes. You do love how the keys seem to find their way to you right away, like you’ve been playing this keyboard for a long time already. And then the words spill from your mouth. And you just sing. 
Careful what you say
This time of year
Tends to weaken me
And have a little decency
And let me cry in peace
But there's a place where I
Erase the challenges I've been through
Where he knows every corner
Every street-name
All by heart
And so it is a part of my
Courageous plan to leave
With a broken heart
Tucked away under my sleeve
I wanna find home for Christmas
Let me find home this year
I wanna find home for Christmas
Let me find home this year
I'll pack my bags
And leave before the sun rises tomorrow
'Cause we act more like strangers for each day
That I am here
But I have someone close to me
Who never will desert me
Who remind me frequently
What I I can truly be 
And so it is a part of my
Courageous plan to leave
With a broken heart
Tucked away under my sleeve
I wanna find home this Christmas
Let me find home this year
I wanna find home this Christmas
Let me find home this year
I don't know what my future holds
But I know who will love me
I can’t tell you where I'm from
But this one loved me to life
And so it is a part of my
Courageous plan to leave
With a broken heart
Tucked away under my sleeve
I wanna find home this Christmas
Let me find home this year
I wanna find home this Christmas
Let me find home this year
Playing the finishing keys, you look up from the keys, and see both Liana and Nadia smiling through a few tears. Mike is holding his wife close as he smiles at you. But Mat, he looks at you like you hung the stars in the night sky. 
Quickly you get up from the chair and wrap your arms around his neck. Closing your eyes, just letting yourself be completely enveloped in him. 
For a second though, he pulls slightly away, just enough so he can look you in the eyes. 
“I love you so much, and you’ll always have a home with me.”
Your heart swells ten times bigger than what your chest is made to encompass. 
“I know. I love you too.”
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