#like remember in marvel when Wanda killing a whole building was 'something important in her arc' intead of a tragedy?
windy-babe · 1 year
I think that the reason why I don't like action movies it's because of the thousands of deaths of innocent people, but most important, the fact that they never adknoledge it at all.
Like at the end of Kingsman everyone is happy because the main man stopped the villain that made the whole poblation kill each other with phones or whatever and then the main guy fucked the princess and shit but a lot of people died??? The most important thing in the finale it's that the mother didn't killed the baby but only because she was locked away in another room and even with that she managed to almost do it, so, we can assume and actually know that a lot of parents killed their childs, teachers killed their students, doctors killed their young patients, and obviously, a lot of innocent adults, teenagers and old people died in less than some minutes just like that, but hey! The main guy fucked a princess hahaha what a winner!
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mcuwritin · 3 years
Mission gone wrong II
Part 1
Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
genre: angst
warnings: blood, death, injury (let me know if I should add more)
word count: 1600+
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You were never allowed on a missions that involved Avengers. Every agent Hydra had faced them at least once, but not you. You were held as far away from them as possible. And that, for some reason, frustrated you to no end. You were not used to feeling anything besides anger and pain, but whenever you saw someone head out on a mission against the Avengers you felt a weird pull in your chest. Almost like... longing? But you've never met them so it didn't make any sense. You can't miss someone you don't know.
But then they changed their mind.
You were training the newest set of recruits, when Vlad, a particularly cruel supervisor, told you to start packing. You were heading to the States.
You started your mission right after the darkness settled.
Defense system of the building that houses The Avengers is laughable. It took you exactly three minutes to bypass it. Maybe that's because they think no one would dare to trespass or maybe you're just that good.
They're pathetic, said the voice in your head. Sometimes you felt like it didn't belong to you. You wondered if the fury inside you didn't belong to you either. What if it was simply planted inside your head?
Passing by the elevators you turned to head up the stairs. Your footsteps silent, your body hidden in the shadows. After reaching the 6th floor you waited until the camera turned to face the other way to move further. Pathetic.
Compound was empty, safe for the man who built it and some agents, who could never pose a threat. Not to you.
You've been injected with what Hydra spent decades trying to perfect. You became their perfect weapon, silent and deadly. You've never failed a mission, always coming back successful. But it was never enough for Hydra, so each time you came back, they tried to make you even better.
Sometimes you thought about not coming back, but the pain caused by such thoughts was so intense and unbearable, you couldn't even move an inch, let alone run away.
Just as you reached the door to Stark's laboratory you hesitated. Hand that held the knife in your hand shook slightly. You wondered what the anxious feeling in your chest meant. But you can't afford distractions, not now.
You went in.
There, hunched over some blueprints, stood the Iron Man. He was in here for the past three days and you wondered what was so important to keep him here day and night.
He didn't look like his usual self. His goatee grown out and his closes were crumpled. There was an untouched mug with an AC/DC logo. You felt a pang in your chest when you noticed the writing just under the letters.
Sorry for the one I broke!
You knew of every Avenger and Shield agent living in the compound, but you've never heard of Y/n. Is she the newest addition to the team? If so, you need to report about her to Vlad. Maybe he'll be happy enough to let you go without a beating.
"Hey, kid." Stark said turning around.
You remained silent, stepping closer and closer to your target.
"Not going to say anything?"
"No." You replied.
He smiled and crossed his arms, leaning against the table. He didn't attempt to reach for his suit and he didn't try to notify someone of your presence.
"I knew you'd come once the compound was clear of the rest of the team. Hydra's been watching me for the past six months, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Hoped they would send you. I'm glad I was right."
"So you have a death wish. How cute." Your voice devoid of any emotion. You are running out of time.
You raised the hand with a knife in it, ready to slice his throat clean when Stark spoke up again.
"What about Wanda?"
You stopped. You heart skipped a beat and then another one and then it started to hammer against your chest with a newfound strength. You hands strated shaking again.
"Are you going to kill her too?"
"Who's Wanda?" You said, trying to remember why her name has such a strong effect on you.
"You always introduce her as the love of your life." He replied inching closer to you. Only now you noticed a syringe with a bluish liquid in it squeezed in his left hand.
You immediately grabbed his wrist so tight that his bones broke. He dropped the syringe on the ground and pushed away, outstretching his right hand to catch the flying glove of his suit.
You tried to catch it, but the defence mechanism in it sent a blast at you. You almost managed to get out of the way, but your back got badly burned, revealing your vibranium bones.
"What did they do to you?" Stark asked, terrified. He got both of his now gloved hands trained on you, wincing whenever he tried to move the left one.
"They made me better." Was all you said, before launching yourself at him.
He tried to dodge your blows, but he is nowhere as fast as you are.
You tore off the right glove, feeling a pang of guilt when you noticed his pained expression.
Before he could even think about using his injured hand you plunged the knife right into his heart, your hand jerking slightly just before it pierced his skin. You didn't bother checking for his pulse, needing to get out of this place as soon as possible.
Mission accomplished.
Why do you feel like a part of you just died?
03. 03. 2023.
The cold wind ruffled your hear, distracting you for a second. You've been in the position whole day, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. The roof you occupied is empty, closed for construction.
You were more than a thousand feet away from your target. There's a gathering in what used to be the Stark tower, the Avengers and some government officials are meeting to discuss something rather important.
You adjusted your grip on the rifle, not daring to put it down even for a moment. You can't miss the moment Black Widow comes out for a breath of fresh air. Recently she's been doing it a lot. Pathetic.
You've spent the past month studying her, looking for the best way to take her out. Since Stark's death the Avengers were rarely seen alone and Natasha Romanoff was always in the company of Steve Rogers. You knew you'd have no problem killing her if she was alone, but with Captain America by her side she might defeat you. You were willing to try, but Vlad didn't let you.
"There's also a witch, she will get into your head if you come too close." He said on a briefing.
"I've never heard of her. Who is she?"
"Briefing is over. Valentina is waiting for you in the lab."
You were pulled out of your head when you noticed the movement just in front of the balcony. Black Widow opened the door, ready to step out, but someone put a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
You were getting impatient waiting for the conversation between the two to end so the spy could finally step out of the protection of the bulletproof glass.
The door finally opened letting out the spy and another woman.
A woman that looked too familiar for your liking.
Ever since your last mission you couldn't get her name out of your head.
You became unstable when you got back from the compound and they had to wipe you again.
You woke up with her name on your lips.
Is she the witch Vlad was warning you about?
You saw them hug on the balcony. It looks like Wanda is crying and you don't know why, but you felt the strongest urge to wrap her into your arms and tell her everything is going to be okay. You need to make sure that your girlfriend is fine.
Your... Your girlfriend?
Your hands relaxed their hold in the rifle, ready to turn and run as fast as you can, but before you could move insufferable pain shot through your skull, rooting you in place. Your vision blurred and you legs gave out under your weight.
You felt your hands involuntary reach for the rifle again, adjusting the aim.
No. No. No.
It's Natasha! You can't hurt her. She is the one who welcomed you into the family. She is the one who introduced you to Wanda. She is the one who helped you pick out the ring.
And you... you killed the person who felt like a father to you. You killed Tony with your bare hands.
The pain shooting through you body is not allowing you to breathe anymore and your hands are adjusting the position of the rifle.
You need to stop.
You need to complete the mission.
They're still on the balcony, you have enough time to aim and pull the trigger.
Pull the trigger and the pain will stop.
You tried to stop, you tried to scream and cry, but your body didn't belong to you anymore.
You felt like you were in a passenger seat of car, that was going off the road.
You can't do anything now.
You tried as hard as you could to stop your finger from pulling the trigger, but you still saw the bullet hit your best friends chest.
You couldn't hear Wanda's scream from this distance, but you felt it pierce your heart.
The pain went away.
Your mission is done.
They left you in your cell to rot in your grief.
At this point you didn't feel anything. You didn't feel the pain in your heart and your head. You were numb.
And then you were terrified.
They're going to wipe you again. You'll forget everything again and they'll make you kill another Avenger.
You started scratching the floor with your nails, trying to write the dates before they wiped you again.
They will make you kill Wanda.
Sorry it took me so long.
Feedback is appreciated 💞
tags: @marvels-writings @kermy48
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bulkyphrase · 3 years
Everybody & the Avengers Team
I've got a new fic rec list for you!
The stories in the "X & the Avengers Team" tags focus on one person's relationship to the Avengers team as a whole. Courtesy of AO3's tag browse and Excel, here's a ranked list of the top 20 most popular pairings:
Tony Stark | 2470 total, 240 OTP
Peter Parker | 2255 total, 85 OTP
Steve Rogers | 602 total, 56 OTP
Loki | 387 total, 26 OTP
Natasha Romanov | 308 total, 35 OTP
Clint Barton | 268 total, 46 OTP
Bruce Banner | 244 total, 15 OTP
Thor | 209 total, 7 OTP
Avengers Team | 174 total, 24 OTP
James "Bucky" Barnes | 156 total, 7 OTP
Wanda Maximoff | 143 total, 4 OTP
Phil Coulson | 105 total, 9 OTP
Darcy Lewis | 91 total, 6 OTP
Matt Murdock | 60 total, 8 OTP
Sam Wilson | 53 total, 5 OTP
Nick Fury | 41 total, 5 OTP
Harry Potter | 40 total, 0 OTP
Pepper Potts | 31 total, 1 OTP
Vision | 29 total, 2 OTP
Stiles Stilinski | 25 total, 0 OTP
In chart form, if you like charts:
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The numbers after the names are the number of stories tagged with that ship. OTP means the number of stories where that is the only relationship tagged on the story. Numbers are accurate as of July 2021.
Story Recommendations
For your reading pleasure, included below is at least one fic rec for each pairing except the crossovers from non-Marvel fandoms (apologies to Mr. Potter & Mr. Stilinski). Most are gen fic, and even in the ones with a romantic pairing, romance is not the focus.
Tony Stark
As Subtle As Cognitive Recalibration by petroltogo (Teen, 8949) tumblr: @tonystarktogo
Standing inside his penthouse, listening to Rogers, Barton and Banner explain to Fury how they just happened to stumble over the Tesseract on a routine security check of Stark Tower’s roof and wouldn’t you know, they’ve managed to fight off the looming alien invasion before it could really start and secure the missing overpowered nightlight is one of the most surreal situations Tony has ever had the displeasure of experiencing.
Peter Parker
the worst field trip ever by shrill_fangirl_screaming (Teen, 3420) tumblr: @i-am-having-an-emotion
"We're on a field trip," Peter said. "To here. And Tony decided to be our tour guide and absolutely embarrass me, so can you please help get him under control?"
Which is how Peter Parker, architect of his own destruction, ended up with not one but two superhero pseudo-dads being annoying on his school field trip.
Steve Rogers
Do You Remember Being Happy? ('Cause I Sure Don't) by GalaxyThreads (Teen, 11022) tumblr: @galaxythreads
That seems about right. He doesn't know how he knows that, though. He does have vague memories of an annoyed fondness at finding peanut butter in some sort of jam. Thor's doing, because he doesn't see the point of using two knives when one works just as fine. He knows that. How does he know that? He knows all those little details, though, almost innately. How can he know these strangers so deeply?
Everyone else below the cut!
Proprietary by TheThirdMarauder (Teen, 7639)
No, Loki simply wants the Avengers conquered. The details of whom, how, and when matter not. Unless, of course, said details interfere with Loki's plans. Then, well, then none can fault him for protecting his own interests.
Loki has always been exceptionally good at lying to himself.
Natasha Romanov
What Girls Are Made Of by enigma731 (Teen, 4613) tumblr: @enigma731
She rolls her eyes but does as he’s indicated, using his shoulders to leverage herself up onto his back, her arms around his neck and her legs hugging his waist.
“You know,” he says blithely, “this isn’t really what I tend to picture when I think of a hot girl riding me.”
Natasha groans, deciding that if his sense of humor gets them arrested, she’ll kill him herself. “Just go.”
Clint Barton
Dear Clint Barton (circa age 7) by pollyrepeat (Teen, 4221)
With a normal person, this might count as blackmail material, but a) this is a case of mutually assured destruction if ever there was one, and b) Fury is immune to embarrassment. Not just in the regular, Tony Stark way, either, oh no. Things that could possibly end up being embarrassing to Fury get somehow warped and changed until they go from mortifying all the way over into useful and/or good for his image. It’s like a superpower.
Carrying Clint’s small child self around on his shoulders more than once has probably already hit the interagency rumour mill as an example of Fury’s innate awesomeness: good with rocket launchers and small children.
Also available as a podfic!
Bruce Banner
They're Not Wrong by Trumpeteer34 (Teen, 10163)
As Tony began to pace around the hole in the road to keep himself from shooting repulsors at the nearby buildings in a fit of rage, Thor began to study the nearby area. There was no sign of either the Hulk or Bruce Banner beyond the crater. The surrounding area, aside from the rubble of the fight, held no clue as to their friend’s location.
“Guys, he’s gone,” Tony growled into the communicator on their private line, drawing Thor out of his darkening thoughts. “Someone tranqed him and took him. He’s gone.”
Honorary mention goes to the Responsible Science series by @letteredlettered - the stories don’t have the "Avengers Team & Bruce Banner" tag, but they could, and they are amazing. The best Bruce Banner writing I've ever come across.
Fortunately, I Am Mighty by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 3062)
Steve was the first one to speak. “Are you okay?”
Thor nodded. Which was a bad idea, as it turned out, because now there were little gray lights flashing in front of his eyes. “I’m fine.” Absolutely everyone narrowed their eyes, and he added, “But, uh. Could we possibly not get back in the car just yet?”
Avengers Team
Civil Wasn't by onward_came_the_meteors (General, 7123)
"We're having an ideological conflict here," Tony stated with disbelief. "Are you telling me you still want to go out to dinner?"
"It's a standing engagement, Tony," Rhodey reminded him.
"Not you too—"
"We already had to reschedule from Friday when Natasha was..." Rhodey frowned. "What were you doing?"
The question was directed toward Natasha, who shrugged and said, "Spy stuff."
James "Bucky" Barnes
You Know How I Feel, aka, The Adventures of Bucky and Muffy the Dinosaur by ifeelbetter (Not Rated, 4511) tumblr: @ifeelbetterer
“As you may have heard, Bucky Barnes, a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, recently rescued a tiny part-robot dinosaur during the Avengers’ battle with Dr. Doom in Antarctica,” the other newscaster explained. “Pictures of Barnes and the dinosaur were posted on twitter by fellow Avenger, Clint Barton, a.k.a. Hawkeye, and immediately made Barnes’s new pet America’s sweetheart.”
“Her name’s Muffy,” said Steve."
Wanda Maximoff
and the woman was young again by Mira_Jade (General, 3669)
Tony Stark called them the Cap's Kooky Quintet, and sometimes the term amused her – causing her to lift a sardonic brow where someday a smile would truly smile. She enjoyed the presence of comrades – true comrades – and she enjoyed the way their minds wove and bound together about each other to fluctuate against her senses as one. There was something soothing about being in their midst, and even when their loud and brash ways – their painful Americaness - rubbed her raw and drained on her, it was ever the knitting of their minds that soothed those moments over, and made them inconsequential.
Phil Coulson
Coulson's First Day of School by storiesfortravellers (Teen, 3055)
Coulson looked up at him. “I like drawing pictures with Mr. Rogers. I like having tea parties with Ms. Potts. I like it when Dr. Banner reads me books, and I like it when Natasha teaches me things. And I like when you play with me. You do really good voices when we play action figures. And you’re the only one who lets me do stuff like jump off the high diving board at the pool or eat three cupcakes or play tackle with kids at the park.”
Clint didn’t realize that. He was pretty sure that meant that he was doing something wrong.
Darcy Lewis
Beginner Yoga for Dummies (Darcys) and Sad Hobos by chailover (Teen, 3434)
Darcy had a theory: crazy attracted crazy, working kind of like gravity. It was pretty much her explanation for her life after Thor. And if she had thought the type of crazy Thor attracted was bad, be it Loki or the Warrior Three and Sif, or the dark elves and the Convergence, it was still nothing against what the Avengers manage en masse.
Matt Murdock
Double Blind by smilebackwards (Teen, 2381) tumblr: @smilebackwards
Stark snaps his fingers. “You can’t see half of my inventions. This explains so much about you and why you’ve never been properly impressed by me.”
“Does it?” Matt says, ambiguously.
Sam Wilson
Bystander by scribblemetimbers (Teen, 52029)
“I just want you to know,” Sam says loudly, cautiously raising his hands, “That I’m very poor and very sleep-deprived and literally the only thing you can kill me for right now are my notes.” He pauses. Wait. On second thought: “Please don’t steal my notes.”
“I’m not—I’m not a mugger,” Not Mugger rasps out, and for all that he looks about to keel over and die, the man actually manages to sound offended.
Nick Fury
Bedtime Story by dixiehellcat (Teen, 2532) tumblr: @deehellcat
Fury snorted. “I have to check in with the duty officer. I’ll be back in, let’s say twenty minutes. I expect all of you to have whatever your pre-bedtime routines are completed, and be in here pajama’ed and ready to be read to.”
He tapped the book under his arm, then left with the usual dramatic swish of his long coat. Bruce scratched his head. “Did…he just say be ready to be read to?”
Pepper Potts
Pepper and the Avengers (Which She Knows Nothing About) by rebelmeg (General, 6696) tumblr: @rebelmeg
The Avengers, that mismatched group of hurt and heroism, was one of the most important things in Tony Stark’s life. So, naturally, Pepper had made them an important part of her life too.
039. Intoxicated by aimmyarrowshigh (Teen, 100) tumblr: @aimmyarrowshigh
It might be nice to fit in, just this once. To lose a bit of composure.
Vision floated over to the refrigerator and, with some timidity, pulled off a magnet. He stuck it to his forehead.
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Pirate au Redone (part 2)
N/A: So it continues. I´ll try to make this in 5 pieces IF is possible. I want to explore the Maximoff´s family dynamic ( Wanda and her kids) and Jean and Scott´s relationship with their kids such as Cable and Rachel. And well, I think I can do a better job than Marvel.  BTW, I never even travel to New York so my image here of New York is more focused on how media show this place...
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @everykurt @muninandhugin
The streets of New York with a cacophony of sounds provide by peoples and the cellphones and other machines-the News on display in every big screen on New York City is only one thing and no one is sure if they´re tired of such news or if this is important anymore- and the main anchor leading this news is stating the message with all professional that makes her the number 1 in the field. "Prof X announces the existence of Krakoa and the trade remedies in exchange of amnesty for the mutants and their past crimes. Senator Kelly is absent of this trade, but, senator Osbourne speaks in favor of the mutants and the president of US fully welcomes the mutants"  and the people are shaking their heads about this or something else.
Wanda Maximoff is one of the 1% looking at the news with little interest-in fact, she sits on the street on a red building and notices the stares of awe and waves at the other residents who wave a bit awkwardly- and looks at her watch. "Is almost 15hs..watch. "Is almost 15hs....any minute now" her tone is tone as she fidgeted with her crimson cape.
"Mo..." her eyes look up to see Tommy Sheppard in his casual outfit and Wanda offers a small smile- she notices and felt a pang of sadness as he wanted to call her mom but avoid doing it- and Tommy continues speaking with his casual tone (yet, she can see he´s confused and how his feet are ready to run just like Pietro would) "Wanda...are you ok?"
Her eyes show a certain crestfallen as she speaks with a melancholic tone. "Do the world needs to end for me to visit you?" she tries to joke but her watery eyes are ruining any attempt of joke and Tommy´s feet come an inch closer to her. Only an inch.
"I´m sorry...Wanda" he repeats and Wanda refuses to think about the past-she prefers to think about the present and the reason for her to be here as she often says "the past is in the past"- and now the boy, no, the young man looks unsure of what to do or say. "I´d not know where Billy is...I think he´s on an adventure with his boyfriend...you can try next week, I mean, Dr. Strange told he will be back in a week" Tommy explains and now Wanda frowns.
"I know...and I´m not here to speak about your brother. I´m here to speak about you." her tone is firm as she taps a seat on the stair next to her. "sit with me, Tommy...I want to talk with you" and the young man is still unsure.
"I don´t know...where Billy is" is his answer.
"I know where your brother is and I want to speak with you" and her eyes widen as her mouth gasps for a moment and closes quietly. "Was a bad mother to make my son to truly think there´s a favorite? Was a bad mother to make him think I wouldn´t care for his life?" and Wanda looks up and slowly meet Tommy´s gaze. "In House of M all I wanted was a family and yet I can´t keep tabs of you and Billy...maybe the universe is telling me something about wanting a family...and my own mental health" she begins.
"I wanted a family and let myself be dominated by many people who took advantage of me and my powers and almost cost me everything..." she sighs as now Tommy is sitting next to her. "I can´t change the past nor I should but I want to be present in your life. You and your brother..."
Tommy looks to his front watching people looking at the famous Scarlet Witch, some ignoring and some are just minding their business- in the sense of superheroes in C list are walking and doing patrol without bait an eye to Speed and Scarlet Witch- and speaks again in a neutral tone. "What if this whole reincarnation thing is bull crap? You said Magneto is not your father ...and no offense, but, reincarnation, Mephisto and all that story seems far too complex for me"
Wanda nods and can´t deny how the story looks for an outsider, let alone for the ones involved. "You´re right...it does sound complex...let me explain the best I can...Magneto is my biological father, yes, but I hate him enough to lie to his face to cause him pain..." she let a mirthless chuckle escape her lips. "by this logical this make me his daughter even more...all I want was to cause him pain and, well, in the end, I was silly to think this would cause any trouble" Wanda concludes.
Tommy says nothing about Magneto and Wanda is more than happy for that.
"But as for you be the reincarnation of my son...Tommy, does blood truly matters? Maybe you´re not my reincarnated son, maybe Billy isn´t...maybe my sons were just a trick from Mephisto...but, I still would like to be your mother, I would still be part of your life if you let me" Wanda confessed looking at him with watery eyes and she grins softly as she notices the young man is wearing his goggles for some unknown reason.
"Yeah...if you want" he tries to sound cool, but, Wanda can see his real emotions and hug him-for once, he doesn´t pretend to hate the hug-and Wanda asks what he was doing after the Young Avengers was shut down.
"I´m sort of detective...sort of, the terms are sort vague" he explains. "Uhm...do you remember Hope Summers?" he begins wanting to confide this information with someone and Scarlet Witch may be the best person or maybe confess this to your mother is the best idea here.
"Yes, I recall her...is she alright?"
"No, she is dead...like, super dead"
"A mutant hate crime?"
"No...I think is something more insidious...she dies when Krakoa was, uhm, crafted? I don't know the right word to use in this freak show, but, I think there´s a correlation here" and he looks at his mother afraid. "do they ask..." Wanda shakes her head. "And rest assured me and your uncle won´t go either...also, I´m no longer an Avenger either"
"Oh, I heard that...Tony Stark mess up...what you´ll do now?"
"Open my school of magic, of course, and you´re always welcome to visit me or even help me"
"I...I would like that"
Jean Grey can remember her teenagerhood with total clarity -maybe, is a blessing of her powers or one of its curses, after all, Jean doesn´t like to remember certain parts of her past- and as she enters in the new accommodations of Krakoa one can´t help by comparing to the first time she enters in the Institute. How time flies.
Scott is there, as she knew he would, tapping his feet on the ground- how Krakoa has such facilities to house everyone? Many questions are now emerging from her mind. She recalls with all the morbid details of her death and her resurrection and how her mind was ...taken by numbness and euphoria at the same time- and is looking at anything but Jean Grey.
"How the soup?" Jean asked breaking the ice as Scott lift his bowl to show he was eating cereals. "Ok, let´s talk, Scott...what´s in your mind? And yes, this comes from a telepath..." Jean sits in front of Scott - she remembers his visor in her "nightmare" Nate puts everyone through and is amazing how the shape of this visor didn´t change in the slightest- and waits patiently his turn.
"I hate here!" Scott confesses quietly to Jean. "I hate how Professor X is making what me and...Emma" if he thought Jean would make a fuss or big deal over his time with Emma, well, Scott is wrong " tried to make with Utopia, yes, I know is a pretentious name, but I hate how he´s making something I tried to make and is being praised as the savior while I was the mutant Hitler as some call me" and he concluded with his teeth grith so hard that it clenches his jaw.
"Go on" Jean speaks in a neutral tone. "You have lots of things you want to talk and I´m here...I´m here now, Scott and I want to listen" and Scott continues.
"I hate how the Avengers took down Utopia without a single question...it was meant to be a sanctuary for mutants after M day and then...Prof X says he´ll revive all the mutants in the history and again, people speak as if he´s the only hero ever..." he sighs tiredly now.
"I hate how we´re always dying or being hated" and Scott continues. "And I hate the choices I make ...in regards everything" and now he lowers his head. "I have doubts, guilty and I want to cleanse them, not start anew" and now Jean speaks.
"You´re thinking, and no I´m not reading your mind, you´re thinking about Madeline Pryor, right? Me too...I´d think about her and what she could have been and what should have been" and she narrows her eyes now. "and you want me to talk about our kids too...and we should!" she rubs her temples for a moment. "For starts, I´m ashamed of Nate...what he makes me do in his dreamWorld, what we made Bishop endure...how we´re all out of our mind...I pity Kurt...and I sympathize with Meggan as any sane woman would" Jean explains seriously.
"About Cable...we killed him and I only feel...relief" Jean confesses holding her face for a moment nervously. "Do I want kids? And this is something is bugging in my mind forever...no, Scott...I don´t want kids" she reveals crossing her arms.
Scott nods and speaks calmly now. "I know...I truly know. I love you, Jean, and yes, I want a family, but, kids are not a requirement for us..." and Jean´s eyes relax at that but stop as Scott mentions what she saw it coming. "You took Cable under your wing even though he was from Madelyne...why you never tried with Rachel?"
Jean looks away from his eyes and thought in leave the conversation, but, Jean is not a teen anymore. "Let me put this way, Scott, if in another dimension forsaken by the Gods, I and Logan had a baby and this baby travels here and wants me and Logan to created another version of him or her...would you think I would do it just for lols?" Jean asks a bit peeved and Scott is not impressed.
"OK, you don´t need to be her mother...but, it feels like you had a favorite, and Rachel was never in your mind..." Scott trails off and Jean looks slightly ashamed.
"Maybe I was trying to live a fantasy on Nate. He is our son and that would nullify Madelyne´s existence...and that´s petty and cruel of me..." Jean confesses. "I can support Rachel as a teammate and as a gay mutant, yes Scott...I have eyes, ears, and a brain and when she was with Kurt was pretty clear it was a beard!" and she concludes. "I can support her in this...but I don´t want to be her mother"
Scott touches her hand. "I can be her father, but, is my decision, and if you don´t want...no one should force you. Family is still a fragmented thing for me, but, is still precious" Jean squeeze his hand tightly now.
"I know...I know. Oh, Scott...we have lots to talk about"
"Time to talk about me and Emma?"
"Oh yes!" __________________________________________________________________________________________
Logan is over the moon as in Krakoa it opens many possibilities and the Canadian is so over joy he´s ignoring the silent elf on the quiet council-Logan pick beers for himself and is practically dancing-and now notices the elf after a comical swirl makes the elf enter in his view. "Kurt...Kurt, I have a shot...I have a shot with Jeanie"
Kurt is too busy thinking about everything. Introspection is something he hates, but, is his only companion lately. "Well, I´m curious now" Kurt lied. "Why you think you have a chance with Jeannie?"
"Kurt is the law...make more babies" Logan has a big smile and Kurt´s fist clench as he makes an excuse and leaves. Logan is alone and Kurt is suddenly realizing that if Iceman is no longer making dumb jokes, then, Kurt is the one doing the jokes, and sadly, no one is getting is a joke.
Kitty Pryde is watching the shore beach and count until 3 as she slowly looks to her right. "Hello, Yana!" Kitty beams at the sight of her friend and Magik offers her ghost smile and informs her about Krakoa and the smile on Kitty dies.
"Tell me what´s the difference between Utopia and Krakoa?" Kitty asked and Magik explains in short words.
"Utopia wasn´t a creepy cult" Yana responds bemused and adds. "Uhm. Piotr is saying mean things about you..."
"Yana...I left him at the altar...I would be surprised if he was singing praises about me" Kitty answers deadpan. Yana sighs in relief as Kitty is not hurt, angry or sad with the news.
"Do you want to see Krakoa?" Yana asked and Kitty is bitting her inner lip.
"Not really..." and if Kitty was elaborate on her answer it was cut short by Emma Frost -looking fabulous as always- and offering her usual demand. "Hello, Kitty...can we talk?"
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #196
Sun Aug 25 2019 [01:53 PM] Wack'd: Normally I don't post covers but there's a lot going on here
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[01:53 PM] Bocaj: A lot to unpack [01:54 PM] Wack'd: So for the record [01:55 PM] Wack'd: What actually happened was that Skrulls abducted Franklin Storm out of prison, replaced him with a Skrull. Skrull Storm then broke out of prison and claimed he'd given himself superpowers and was now a supervillain [01:55 PM] Wack'd: "The Invincible Man" [01:56 PM] Wack'd: When the Four figured out the truth, the Skrulls send Franklin Storm back with a gun strapped to his chest, but rather than murder his kids he dropped to the floor so the gunshot would rebound on him [01:56 PM] Wack'd: So, uh, no. By no metric did Sue and Johnny "murder" him [01:57 PM] Wack'd: This was all back in the 60s which I read a fucktillion years ago in 2016 so I hope that recap helped [01:57 PM] Bocaj: That sure is nonsense [01:58 PM] Wack'd: In fairness. Not bad revenge for being tricked by a comic book and having your soldiers turned into cows [01:58 PM] Bocaj: Fair [01:59 PM] Wack'd: So anyway Reed is in a hypnosis chamber to have his will broken so he'll kill his friends [01:59 PM] Wack'd: When his new bosses said that there was free mental health treatment I don't think this is what Reed had in mind [02:01 PM] Bocaj: Truly businesses supporting mental health hasn't gotten any better since the 70s... [02:01 PM] Wack'd: This mystery man who may or may not be Franklin Storm somehow has cannibalized Psycho-Man's suit for more effective hypnosis. You might remember him from the Four 1967 annual [02:01 PM] Wack'd: Also other stuff [02:03 PM] Wack'd: Also his assistant is Hauptmann, from the 85-87 arc where Doom tries to trap the Four in Latveria forever [02:03 PM] Wack'd: I really should be keeping a running list of who's been doing the most cannibalizing from the 60s [02:03 PM] Wack'd: Because jesus fuck have we been on a continuity kick lately [02:04 PM] Wack'd: BACK TO HOLLYWOOD [02:05 PM] Wack'd: Sue tries desperately to pretend she's had a single meaningful conversation with Johnny since 1964
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[02:06 PM] Bocaj:
"Hey.... you" "Its me, Johnny! The loveable rascal! Your brother!" "Right right right of course!" -to Reed- "I have no idea who that is"
[02:06 PM] Wack'd: I'd like to nominate Keith Pollard for worst-ever drawing of any child, ever
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[02:06 PM] Bocaj: Kill it with fire [02:07 PM] Wack'd: Maybe Pollard is just...bad at art?
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[02:08 PM] Wack'd: The coloring isn't helping though [02:08 PM] Umbramatic: oh god [02:08 PM] maxwellelvis: I was about to say [02:08 PM] maxwellelvis: Good lord! First-phase Liefeld's Syndrome! [02:10 PM] Wack'd: Something I haven't mentioned is that Agatha is now Franklin Richards' live-in nanny which, I think, would probably have been a smarter writing choice from the beginning [02:10 PM] Bocaj: Oh so she returned to the job? [02:10 PM] Wack'd: It was always kinda weird that Reed and Sue had to shlep out to Agatha's house to see their kid [02:10 PM] Bocaj: This must have been around the time she told Wanda 'I've taught you all I can, laters' [02:10 PM] Wack'd: Yeah since New Salem and also her house got got she's been following around Sue and Franklin, including to Hollywood [02:12 PM] Wack'd: So Sue, Ben, and Johnny go sightseeing, and talk about reforming the team. Only problem is convincing Reed [02:12 PM] Wack'd: They arrive on the Walk of Fame, and--
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[02:12 PM] Wack'd: I am officially declaring Pollard the worst [02:13 PM] maxwellelvis: AHH! ART ATTACK! [02:13 PM] Umbramatic: my eyes [02:13 PM] maxwellelvis: THE ART IS COMING RIGHT AT US! [02:14 PM] Wack'd: Ben tries to get an autograph but is shoed away by cops [02:14 PM] Wack'd: Who think he's a guy in a costume because Let's Make Another Deal™ is shooting across the street [02:15 PM] Wack'd: Okay, I laughed
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[02:16 PM] Bocaj: Hah [02:16 PM] Wack'd: *Alex Ross goes on to use this panel as the basis for his drawings of Sue and Johnny* [02:16 PM] Bocaj: To choose which celebrities they look like? [02:16 PM] Wack'd: Yes [02:16 PM] Wack'd: Dats da joke [02:17 PM] Bocaj: Is it a joke? I thought you were seriously imparting trivia [02:18 PM] Wack'd: It was a joke, I can't actually name the celebrities off the top of my head that Alex Ross picks, sorry [02:18 PM] Wack'd: So the scenes from the cover happen but they're hallucinated in the middle of this lovely restaurant [02:19 PM] Wack'd: Also, this
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[02:20 PM] Wack'd: So apparently this was all a battle in the center of the mind not in physical space. Sue, Johnny, and Ben lose, allowing Invincible Man to extract them from the restaurant [02:21 PM] Wack'd: Just another day in Hollyweird, lol
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[02:22 PM] Wack'd: So back at Reed's new job, it turns out Invisible Man was--REED! [02:22 PM] Wack'd: He was hypnotized [02:23 PM] Bocaj: 😐 [02:23 PM] Bocaj: Another Evil Reed? [02:23 PM] Wack'd: But then he snaps out of it and gets angry so they're all thrown in a dungeon [02:23 PM] Bocaj: Another Evil But Its Not His Fault Honest Reed?? [02:23 PM] Wack'd: YEP [02:23 PM] Bocaj: Weird trend lately [02:23 PM] Wack'd: I know, right? [02:25 PM] Wack'd: I maintain that Wein was throwing a hissy fit over the idea of Reed having character flaws. But Wein is gone, and it's a weird grudge for two consecutive writers to hold, especially when the divorce arc has been over for like 45 issues [02:26 PM] Bocaj: Maybe the current writer is just copying Wein [02:26 PM] Wack'd: Maybe [02:27 PM] ThreeOfFour: someone tell The Maker he isn't special [02:27 PM] Wack'd: So anyway Reed agrees to go back to work because otherwise his friends die I guess [02:28 PM] Bocaj: Hey, the Maker. You're not special [02:29 PM] Wack'd: ...this guy hasn't appeared before this issue so I'm not sure why I'm supposed to care here
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[02:30 PM] Wack'd: I actually went back and checked just now to see if this guy was in other issues at Reed's new job and no, he's not, Wolfman introduced to this supposedly important character just to make a joke about the fact that he's not important [02:31 PM] Wack'd: The beginning of the issue kind of implies that he's the mysterious man in chair? But there's a panel later on that implies it's Doom, so [02:32 PM] Wack'd: So this is what Reed's been working on
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[02:32 PM] Bocaj: The set of a high budget fantasy movie? [02:32 PM] Wack'd: These mirrors are so powerful that they will drive you insane if you look at them with your eyes open, and even with your eyes closed it's not great [02:32 PM] Bocaj: why [02:33 PM] Wack'd: I guess this is what they thought solar power would be like in 1978 [02:34 PM] Wack'd: The Red-Haired Man is also planning on getting Reed his stretching back for some reason [02:35 PM] Wack'd: Back in the dungeon, Sue uses her force fields to break the team's shackle and the--okay
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[02:35 PM] Wack'd: I know Janet has that whole speech about how when you focus on power sets and not what each personality brings to the team, you don't build something that lasts as long as the Avengers do [02:36 PM] Wack'd: That said I'm kinda feeling like Sue can do everything Reed could with far less threat of bodily harm [02:36 PM] Bocaj: But can she be a giant asshole who tells the others what to do all the time? [02:36 PM] Wack'd: Fair [02:37 PM] Wack'd: Also why are so many artists convinced Sue's powers come from her forehead [02:37 PM] Bocaj: That’s where psychic powers come from [02:39 PM] Wack'd: I should probably take a moment to point out the interior blue highlights on Sue's powers, an embellishment that will gradually lead to more dynamic illustrations and the eventual obsolescence of the classic dotted-line look
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[02:40 PM] Umbramatic: Sue's slow evolution into one of the most powerful people in Marvel pleases me [02:41 PM] Wack'd: Anyway no sooner do they escape then they are immediately re-captured by Doom, who let them escape because they are powerless and he is great and yada yada yada [02:42 PM] Umbramatic: DOOOOOOM [02:43 PM] Bocaj: "There would be no plot if DOOM did not allow you fools to escape"
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wintersxsoul · 6 years
We Are Stardust (5)
Summary: Your favorite place on New York is a small coffee shop, what happens when one day you bump into a mysterious goth god and he keeps coming just to see you?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 1872
Warnings: slight sexual content
A/N: Lots of fluff and angst. Oops.
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Normally, you went to the coffee shop to work, but today you needed the tranquility of your room. All the girls were working, so you had the apartment for yourself, and that meant a bubble bath with classical music and facial masks. The lavender scent filled the bathroom, calming your nerves for today’s date. 
You texted Bucky as soon as you had your breakfast to tell him how excited you were, but he didn’t answer, probably because he was at work. 
You were writing, humming a song you’ve heard on the radio, when Bucky’s notification tone popped. Yes, he had a special tone. You took your phone as fast as you could and unlocked the screen.
Goth God: Don’t have lunch, we’ll have an early dinner. Can’t wait to see you in only...omg, one hour!!
To say you were nervous was an understatement, the fact that he kept everything a mystery was killing you. You hopped off your bed and rushed to the closet, pulling the doors so hard you thought you were gonna rip them off. You chose your checked trousers, with a mustard turtleneck sweater and your black high top converse. You did a half-up bun and applied some mascara. Before you could even realize, you were waiting for Bucky to pick you up.After driving for 15 minutes, Bucky stopped in front of a huge building in the upper east side, in Manhattan. You looked at him, astonished, and someone approached the car. Bucky rolled down the window and spoke to the boy.
“Hello sir, which apartment is yours?” The boy seemed nervous, you thought that it could be his first day working. Whatever his job was. Bucky searched for a paper in his wallet and showed it to the boy, who nodded and stepped aside.
“This is our stop, doll.” He looked at you and smiled, easing your nerves a bit. He hopped off the car and gave the keys to the boy, and before you could open your door, he opened it for you. Wow, what a gentleman. You stepped out of the car and took his hand in yours, letting him lead the way. Once you were in the luxurious lobby, he went straight to the elevator.
“Bucky do you live here?” The place was marvelous, floors and columns made of white and grey marble, as the reception desk. It was decorated with plants of all kinds, the green contrasting with the white. 
“No, my best friend Steve and his boyfriend Sam live here. They own the penthouse.” He cleared his throat, and took a strand of hair out of your face. You looked at him with your Bambi eyes and he swore he saw galaxies in them.
“Are we going on a double date?” You asked him, confused. He smiled and shook his head, entering the elevator. Ugh, no kissing scene in the elevator, please. Such a cliché.
“No, they are travelling Europe, right now they are in Romania.” He pushed the penthouse button, it was going to be a long way up. “Steve lend me the keys and I asked him if I could bring you here today.” He gave your hand a little squeeze, he could feel your nerves as his own. He bore his eyes into yours.
“You look stunning, Y/n.” You broke eye contact and blushed, but before you could say anything, your phone rang. 
“Fuck, who the fuck is calling?” You rummaged through your bag looking for your phone. This is a joke. 
“Mamá, ¿qué quieres?” (mom, what do you want?). Why the fuck was she calling, if you told her to fucking stop calling. Your mother sighed and told you she just wanted to know how you were.
“Estoy bien.” (I’m fine). You clicked your tongue and let out a loud huff. “Mamá, estoy en una cita y me parece incorrecto estar hablando por teléfono.” (Mom, I’m on a date and I think it’s rude to be on the phone.)
“Vale, hija. Disfruta.” (Okay, daughter. Enjoy.). She hung up before you could say anything else. Bucky was looking at you with a worried expression. He already knew it was your mother.
“You okay?” He asked you, letting go of your hand to give you some personal space.
“Yes, don’t worry. She’s just...so confusing.” You rested your head in his arm, since he was too tall for you to reach his shoulder. The elevator reached the top floor and as the doors opened, you were taken aback by the size of the penthouse.
“Come on doll, there’s a place I gotta show you.” He took your hand and lead you to the terrace, possibly with the best views of all New York. It was a breathtaking sight and you found yourself smiling like an idiot. You let go of Bucky’s hand and reached the glass balustrade, looking at the city you grew so fond of.  
She was the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen. She was swaying her hips to the soft music that the bar was playing. You loved how her long, copper hair moved to another rhythm only she seemed to know. Nat and Wanda dragged you and Marie to the bar with the excuse that summer started. You still remember how her lips felt against yours, how intoxicating the feeling was. That night, and many other nights, she told you she was single. All lies. You could’ve been happy together, but her lies and broken promises buried your love for her.
She told you her relationship was doomed after their second anniversary, she lied to you saying that her partner manipulated her to keep her tied close, but it was all the way round. You read the texts she sent to her “Baby Boo” by accident one day. She was making the other person responsible for her own acts and she even said: “You’re just too damn hard to love”. After that, you knew she was cheating and lying to both of you, so you left her, even though she told you she gained the courage to leave her old relationship behind.
What she left behind were two broken hearts.
Bucky cleared his throat, startling you. You looked behind you to see that he had prepared a table with candles and flowers, food and some white wine. You knew you had a sad expression, but he didn’t push you to say anything, he just thought you were upset because of your mother. You approached his side and hugged him, breathing in his musky scent. He gave your head a small kiss and hugged you back.
After eating the dinner Bucky prepared, you were paying full attention to his rant about Pluto not being a planet, the importance planets and satellites had in humans and about stars. You realized you loved spending time just listening to his sweet voice and contemplating how his eyes lit up when he glanced at the sky while explaining something. You looked at the skyline, the buildings’ windows reflecting the golden light from the sunset, the clouds were turning pink and orange. Bucky was silent, admiring how the golden light hit you, making your skin glow. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. You glanced at Bucky and caught him staring at you, you shot him a shy smile and leaned into his shoulder.
“I haven’t felt this peaceful in a very long time. Thank you so much for this, Bucky.” He was staring at the buildings, and he clenched his jaw at your words. You frowned, worried that maybe you had said something wrong or maybe he didn’t feel the same way. Right before you could say or do something, he held your hand and looked at you, his face mere inches away from yours. 
“Y/n…” He whispered your name, and to you, it sounded like a prayer. You nodded slowly, leaning in, brushing your lips against his. Bucky closed his eyes and sighed, his breath tickling your lips, the scent of wine and him filling all your senses. He pulled away abruptly, his eyes scanning yours. You cupped his face with your hand, caressing his cheek with your thumb. He placed his hand on top of yours and leaned into the touch. 
“Are you real?” He asked you, his voice was almost a whisper, looking at you like you were a miracle. You smiled softly and nodded, whispering him that you were real.
He leaned in once more, your eyes shutting closed at his proximity. His lips were soft against yours, a shiver running down your spine as soon as he placed his hand at the back of your head, pulling you even closer to him. Bucky's heart was pounding, matching your own. You ran your hand through his locks, tugging slightly. He moaned into your mouth, your tongues dancing around each other, both of you determined to deepening the kiss. In a shift movement you were sitting on his lap, his hands resting on your hips to steady you. You moved your leg so now you were straddling him, feeling his arousal on your inner thigh, making you even wetter. You rocked your hips, trying to get some friction, but Bucky pulled away, both of your chests rising and falling heavily.
“We should go.” Bucky said, his voice hoarse. You nodded rapidly, helping him clean the dinner plates and leaving the penthouse. 
Twenty minutes later, you were storming into Bucky’s apartment, your lips crashing together once more, both of you feeling like that’s where you belonged. Bucky pinned you against a wall, lifting your legs and you tangled them on his waist. He pulled away from your lips, leaving wet kisses down your jawline and neck, sucking and biting at the sweet spot on your neck, probably leaving marks. You moaned and tugged at his hair once more, this time harder, making Bucky growl. He moved you to another wall, pushing you so hard against it that a frame fell.
You started laughing and he followed, he lowered you to the ground and you sat on the floor, taking the frame that fell and looking at the group photo.
You felt your blood icing in your veins, your whole body shaking uncontrollably, a lump forming in your throat. This couldn’t be happening.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” You heard Bucky’s voice, but it was far away from were you where. You shook your head, trying to deny what was going to happen. You cleared your throat and tried to control your voice.
“Bu-Bucky, please tell me Dot is just a friend.” He looked at you confused and shook his head, your whole world trembling at your feet. You ruined Bucky’s relationship, you helped Dot break his heart.
You started sobbing uncontrollably, feeling a strong pain in your chest. You felt how your heart was breaking all over again, for Bucky.
He sat down next to you, pulling you close to his chest, stroking your hair until you calmed.
After ten minutes, the tears were gone, and all that was left was a numbing pain. Bucky waited patiently for you to speak, worried was not the right word to express how he was feeling at that moment.
“Bucky, Dot and I...We…” You gulped. “I’m the reason your relationship ended.”
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thebibliomancer · 6 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #191: Back to the Stone Age!
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January, 1980
It took one-hundred and ninety issues plus annuals and crossovers but we’ve arrived. And now ten more years of comics (including West Coast Avengers, oy) and I’ll hit the terrifying 90s.
And what better way to ring in the 80s than have the Avengers fight a dude made of stone. No, not the Thing. No, not the Statue Black Knight. No, not Korg. No, not Geodude. No, not Tanuki suit Mario.
Grey Gargoyle.
C’mon. He’s right on the cover. There’s text that says his name right above him.
Last time: The Avengers had a senatorial hearing to decide whether the government would withdraw their special priority status again. Because Gyrich was pissed that Scarlet Witch wanted to take more vacation instead of coming back to the team.
But they had to reschedule because a giant stone monster was rampaging and Beast offered to let Gyrich handle it but he didn’t want to for some reason.
Through some truly impressive teamwork and combos, the Avengers beat the rock monster into gravel, guest star Deadpool warning only too late that there was something lurking under said gravel.
So Iron Man and Daredevil got turned to stone and the Grey Gargoyle promised he would destroy the Avengers.
And then he just pops Falcon right in the face.
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Yer a dick, Grey Gargolyle.
Vision jumps to Falcon’s defense and THRAMs Grey Gargoyle stating that since Thor has soloed Grey Gargoyle before, it shouldn’t be a thing for the assembled Avengers to beat him.
This is a valid theory and if the Avengers showed the teamwork they showed last time it would probably be correct.
Hell. Vision could solo this guy. He’s beaten a rock man before by letting him punch himself to death on Vision’s diamond hard abs.
He doesn’t get the chance for some weird reason (and Grey Gargoyle has some methods at his disposal that Statue Knight didn’t so...).
Grey Gargoyle punches him across the synthezoid face sending him flying into a building. Literally into a building. He apparently went intangible just before impact and just before passing out so he’s just sticking out of a wall, untouchable and unconscious.
Apparently when Ultron was having Vision built, he had him built with a glass jaw.
Scarlet Witch runs to check on Vision because these two crazy kids are constantly worrying about each other in battle and Grey Gargoyle takes the opportunity to punch her in the back of the head, knocking her out.
There’s a distinct lack of teamwork going on here...
Beast and Cap were too far off to watch Wanda’s back. But after she’s already been clobbered, Beast jumps on Grey Gargoyle’s and starts punching him in the head. And also criticizing how he treats women.
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Beast: “First the Absorbing Man trashes Ms. Marvel, and now you deck the Scarlet Witch! Don’t you bad guys have any sense of chivalry at all?”
Grey Gargoyle: “Not really.”
Beast: “So I see!”
Kind of a weird thing to take issue with. I don’t like that Gargoyle punched Wanda in the back of the head but the other thing Beast cites, Ms. Marvel getting beaten up in the fight against Absorbing Man... Ms. Marvel can take a punch a hell of a lot better than you can, Beast. And she’s in the biz of punching people to get them to stop doing the crimes. Getting punched back is going to happen.
During this exchange Grey Gargoyle flings Beast at Cap. And while the heroes lay in yon heap, Grey Gargoyle reveals his ability to turn anything to stone for an hour by touching it with his right palm.
He uses this on an awning. So it collapses under its own weight and buries Cap, Beast, and Wasp in shards of rock.
Speaking of Ms. Marvel, she’s the last standing Avenger. I don’t know what she was going this whole time (teamwork real bad for some reason) but she comes up behind Grey Gargoyle, grabs him and throws him against a building.
This seemingly knocks him out but when she goes to investigate, he kicks her in the head, knocking her out.
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I coulda sworn she’s taken a lot more damage before so her durability here isn’t really ringing true.
That’s one of the annoying things about team comics like the Avengers. When the plot requires someone to solo them, they go down super easily even when it doesn’t make any damn sense.
Anyway, even though the Avengers are all at his mercy and he said he would kill them, Grey Gargoyle suddenly changes his mind now that it would be super easy to kill them.
Grey Gargoyle: “I could kill you now, all of you, but why bother? There will be plenty of time for that later... when I’ve less pressing matters to attend to... or perhaps, when I become bored.”
I guess villains tenderly gripping the villain ball must go hand in hand with the heroes getting easily soloed. There wouldn’t be an Avengers if the villains actually killed them after they were easily defeated.
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Jarvis is cooking a hearty goulash for the Avengers when they get back from their hearing because dammit he’s a good butler and all that legal drama might make them hungry!
But then he hears a tapping and a pak-ing on the window door. Only Redwing and nothing more.
Falcon’s pet falcon is desperate to get out so Jarvis opens the window. AND NYOOM that to-be-a-vampire-in-the-future bird can book.
Meanwhile, back at the scene of the Avengers’ latest embarrassing stomp.
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Ms. Marvel is the first to shake off the one blow that seemed to be enough to completely knock her out for some reason.
Wanda is up not long after.
And... wow, geez. Wasp blasts her way from under the pile of rubble and drags Beast out from under it. While tiny sized.
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Um, good hustle, the Wasp?
Cap is also okay, having gotten his shield between him and the rocks fall nobody died. Weirdly it seems there was a layer of rock between him and Beast when they were sprawled on top of each other before Grey Gargoyle brought the awning down.
Wanda is concerned about Vision though. He’s still unconscious and if he is badly hurt, they can’t even help him because he’s intangible!
And then Vision sits up, perfectly fine.
Vision: “My systems shut-down was merely temporary -- and undeserving of your rather dramatic reaction. You have acted strangely ever since your return from Attilan, my wife. Something troubles you. We must talk.”
I hope we’re not back to the point where Vision would deride Wanda for being concerned about him BECAUSE EMOTIONLESS ROBOT.
But they really should have that important relationship talk.
Which maybe they do off-screen while Beast and Cap go to check on Iron Man and Daredevil.
Yup. They’re stone.
But its like they can still hear Iron Man’s voice on the wind.
Oh wait, they can.
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In a kind of cool moment that probably makes total sense if you don’t think about it too much, the man inside the armor is perfectly fine (give or take an aggravating itch on his nose). The Grey Gargoyle’s touch turned the armor to stone but left the gooey center alone.
And as the Avengers leader, Stone Man is ordering them to not worry about him and Daredevil. Track down the Grey Gargoyle before he does anymore harm. And prey that no pigeons find Daredevil and Iron Man before the stoning effect wears off.
Which solves the dilemma of what to do with their stoned buddies really. Good call, Stone Man.
Also the reason why you shouldn’t think too hard about Grey Gargoyle’s stone effect is because then you might start wondering. If the Iron Man armor was turned to stone but Tony left squishy, does that mean that Daredevil’s insides are as blood and organs as before and only his skin has been made stone?
Also, at this point, Beast notices that Falcon is missing.
Beast notices this. Cap was apparently oblivious.
Way to be conscious of your best friend and partner, STEVE. He’s only here as a favor to you!
But where is the Falcon? I guess as the first one rock punched, he was also the fastest to recover and has been secretly trailing the Grey Gargoyle as he has rooftop hopped across Manhattan.
Grey Gargoyle finally reaches his destination. The apartment he rented under his human identity when he started operating in New York months ago and--
So remember how this whole thing started when Grey Gargoyle in his rock monster spacesuit fell from space?
It turns out that when you disappear (into space), your landlord tends to rent your apartment to other people.
And in this specific case, Grey Gargoyle’s secret lair is now the home of Margot Neil.
“She considers it her sanctuary against the concrete and combat of inner city living.” Emphasis mine.
So obviously a giant stone man is going to OH YEAH through her window.
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What did she expect, setting up dramatic irony like that?
Margot runs for the door, yelling that when muggers dress up as pet rocks and crash through twelfth story windows, moving to Montana starts looking good.
But Grey Gargoyle jumps over her (geez, he can book for a guy literally made of stone) and turns her door into stone, rending it unusable as an aperture.
And now that he has a captive audience, Grey Gargoyle does whatever any self-respecting villain does upon gaining a captive audience.
Exposits about his backstory.
But not so brilliant that he didn’t accidentally spill chemicals on himself like a stupid asshole.
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And since he was a comic book brilliant scientist, obviously he has superpowers now. Anything he touches with his chemically contaminated right hand would turn to stone for an hour.
And since his body absorbed these chemicals, he could also touch himself to suddenly become as hard as rock.
Easy joke. Sorry.
But that’s why he’s a rock man. He turned himself into rock but because of his exposure to chemicals, he could still move even as a rock man.
And then like most scientists who practiced insufficient lab safety and got powers as a result, decided to become a supervillain.
So he decided to fight Thor to steal his hammer under the assumption that Mjolnir would make him immortal. This is an assumption that everyone keeps making for some reason.
But then Grey Gargoyle realized that the magic was inside him all along. For all practical purposes he IS immortal! He can survive prolonged periods underwater and even in space.
That’s where he was assumed dead, by the way.
A rocket carrying him to Earth in Thor #259 exploded. Luckily for him, he managed to cover himself in cosmic particles and wreckage that he turned to stone and which for some reason didn’t turn back after an hour.
And thats where the rock monster spacesuit came from. The Avengers were kind enough to punch him loose from that.
Its been fun chatting but now he’s going to use the chemicals he hid in a secret compartment behind a mirror to become even stronger.
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Why have his chemicals been replaced with bourbon and dom perignon??
Well. The secret compartment wasn’t so secret. Margot found it when she moved in and figured she’d throw out the smelly chemicals so she could have the classiest liquor cabinet.
I like you, Margot.
Grey Gargoyle is distinctly less fond though.
Grey Gargoyle: “Why, you dimwitted witch! I’ll crush your silly head into jelly!”
Thankfully this is when Falcon chooses to show up and tell Grey Gargoyle to take it ease.
Grey Gargoyle wastes no time being surprised and throws a suddenly stone bowl of candy at Falcon and then tries to him with with an entire stone couch.
Falcon grabs the couch mourning Margot and leaps out of the way of the SKABLAM but then with a SKAWK Redwing flies into the apartment.
I love you, comic book sound effects.
Do you know whats wrong with comics these days? Constant rebooting series to #1s in a ill-conceived attempt to create jumping on points? Derailing characters for shock value? Too many big events? The fact that Phyla-Vell is still dead and she and Moondragon aren’t having a sapphic road trip through space? All of these things maybe. But definitely the lack of sound effects.
Falcon tells Redwing to go get the other Avengers (because Timmy fell down a well?) but Grey Gargoyle grabs the bird and turns him into stone. Rendering this entire mercifully short subplot moot.
I should be glad that the book remembered Redwing at all.
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Falcon stashes Margot under a table for safety (which she mocks) while he goes to fight the dude that soloed the Avengers.
But using his agility and not standing around like an idiot, he manages to get about a page of keep away, thus giving him the best record against this guy so far.
Eventually the Gargoyle does manage a glancing punch to Falcon’s chin which floors the guy and leaves him unable to acrobatics. But thankfully someone (Cap) throws a mighty shield and Grey Gargoyle’s midsection must yield.
The Avengers have arrived! They heard reports of a “war” going on in an East Side brownstone and figured it was either the Grey Gargoyle or at least something else requiring punching.
Geez, news gets out fast.
Anyway, this time the Avengers remembered to have their teamwork turned on. Because we’ve hit that point in the page count where the Avengers win instead of getting taken down like fool chumps.
Wasp blasts Grey Gargoyle with a full force bio-power sting, which actually hurts his forehead region. Then Ms Marvel grabs Grey Gargoyle and swings him all around while also pointing out that he only won last time because they fought him one on one like idiots. And then she throws Gargoyle at Vision who punches him BRAMM. And as the punch slams him into a wall, Scarlet Witch uses her probability altering powers to turn Grey Gargoyle back to flesh.
And. I guess he just wasn’t wearing a shirt or pants this whole time. His costume is a cape, a domino mask, gloves, boots, and underwear.
I guess when your skin turns to stone you don’t need real clothes but if not for an art trope, he would have been flashing stone nipples to everyone this whole time.
Oh. And now that Gargoyle’s face is not stone, Beast lays him out flat with a punch.
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Then we zoom out to see the shambles the fight has turned the apartment into. And Margot crawls out from under the surprisingly intact table (wow, Falcon was right that it would protect her!) and meekly asks
Margot: “I, uh, don’t suppose some of you would care to stay and explain all of this to my landlord, would you? Please?”
I like to think that some of them did. Or at least that a sighing Tony Stark wrote a check for damages. And by like to think, I mean that the caption box on the following page does confirm that the Avengers were cool people and did have a word with her landlord.
You’re not bad some of the times, the Avengers.
The last page of the book finally gets us back to the subplot about the senate hearing.
And even though the hearing heard the rest of the testimonial Gyrich had prepared, it seems like the senators have already made up their minds.
A senator: “Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Gyrich. Your concern that the Avengers might pose a threat to our nation’s security is greatly appreciated.”
“However, the recent incident with the Grey Gargoyle seems to reaffirm that this group’s prime concern is the safety of not only American citizens, but of law-abiding people everywhere, and that they require a certain amount of freedom to carry out that purpose seems indisputable.”
“Therefore, it is the decision of this committee that the Avengers priority privileges and security clearance remain intact -- and that the restrictions on their autonomy be lessened considerably, as detailed in the committee’s report.”
Cue Beast dancing in triumph in the background and saying “Awriiight!”
Henry Peter Gyrich, lessened liaison to the Avengers, takes this with all the grace he can muster.
Henry Peter Gyrich: “Well, Iron Man, you’ve won. I suppose this means you’ll go back to having more members than the Mormon tabernacle choir?”
Iron Man: “No, Mr. Gyrich. We probably would have cut our membership to about what it is anyway, if left to ourselves.”
Henry Peter Gyrich: “I see. Very well then, I’ll drop by next week to supervise implementation of the committee’s new guidelines. Good-day, gentleman.”
So with a lot of mustered grace. Really, the only way you can tell how disgruntled he is is that he takes off his sunglasses for the first time to wipe them and squint at Iron Man.
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I wonder if they’re prescription.
Also, it sure is lucky that a supervillain attack happened just when the Avengers were not really but kind of on trial regarding how necessary they were. In a more cynical title, it would have been staged. Or just somewhat down the line from now in Marvel. Like how Reed Richards once staged a supervillain attack when he was testifying in Congress. Or something coming up moderately soon in Avengers.
Cap congratulates Iron man and says that things can get back to normal now. But Iron Man looks at Vision and Scarlet Witch having a relationship talk by the windows and says he has a feeling that for some of them, getting back to normal isn’t going to be that easy.
And thus ends the era of the Gyrich Restricted Avengers.
It was mostly wasted potential. It shook up the team roster a little bit but Falcon was the only real new thing aside from Wasp being on the team without Yellowjacket. And the new roster didn’t really get shown much due to subbing people in and out.
The stuff before the new roster, where the Avengers tried to operate without the usual privileges they enjoyed like launching jets and access to government databases made more of an impact.
More could have been done with Gyrich’s roster as he intended. And more could have been done with the idea of a more restricted Avengers team. They really only pay lip service to the idea with Cap having to go over Gyrich’s head to get presidential approval to save Scarlet Witch and the Avengers fretting briefly if Gyrich would approve them stopping to help the Russians with some elements of doom.
I guess it was an inherited plotline so David Michelinie and assorted other filler writers didn’t really have a clear idea where to go with it. Per Shooter, he intended Gyrich to be an asshole that has a point so I wonder what he would have done with the post-Korvac stuff.
At least we’re not losing Falcon immediately. No, we have him until 194.
Its a shame because this issue was really the first time he shined on the team. And it wasn’t great but it was okay. By recovering first and following Grey Gargoyle, he led the Avengers to where he was which saved the life of Margot Neil. And he put up the first good fight against Grey Gargoyle the entire issue.
I think it could have been better with a minor change. Instead of Redwing flying to the battle and getting turned to stone, have Redwing fly to where the Avengers were and lead them to Falcon.
Could have gotten some brief comedy out of that with Redwing flying off and then flying back and trying to communicate with people he doesn’t have a psychic bond with and then Beast finally says ‘I think we’ve all seen enough Lassie to know he wants us to follow him.’
It would have made Falcon look more proactive and also demonstrate why having a psychic link to a bird can be handy.
Alternatively, buy him a walkie talkie so when he flies off alone he can just call you up. Did walkie talkies exist yet? The idea at least of portable communications must have existed. Like Dick Tracy’s radio watch.
Falcon did a good job. Good job, Falcon. I wish you got myriad moments to shine at the beginning of your time on the roster like Beast did. That’s how you build up a new Avenger.
... I just realized that Daredevil never shows up again. Matt Murdock shows up in the background of the last page but Daredevil’s contribution to a comic that had him on the cover was to catch Cap out of a fling and to ineffectually warn Iron Man of something.
Not a great crossover! Its neat in the interconnected universe way but that could have been accomplished just by having Murdock show up. Sorry, Daredevil fans!
See. Not everything happens in New York.
If you want to see a new Pet Avengers with Redwing, Lockjaw, Tippy-Toe, and of course Pizza Dog, follow @essential-avengers. I have no power to actually make it happen though. Don’t get your hopes up. Also follow if you just like me doing these posts. They take so much of my time...
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bewareofchris · 7 years
listen nobody cares about my opinion about Tony, the airport fight and Spiderman Homecoming but I’ve just accidentally read a whole post that says the only folks who disagree with how Marvel handled the plot/how Tony was wrong are butthurt Steve fans looking for an excuse to hate Tony.
that is probably part of the demographic but I consider myself to be primarily annoyed by the shoddy writing in the MCU universe so uh:
+ we unfortunately have to accept that Marvel demanded they shoehorn in Spiderman despite the fact that he:
a. had nothing to do with the conflict.  he was in fact so far removed from the conflict that he had literally NO CONTEXT for what he was being recruited to do/why he was fighting Cap and the gang.
b. was in New York while everyone else was in Germany
c.  hadn’t really made a name for himself as an independent superhero
d. literally lived in the same city as several other older, equally cool superheros that apparently didn’t meet Tony’s specific needs at the time.  (Which is fair if we’re sticking by the ‘Spiderman can web them up!’ argument.)
+ fine I’ll accept this was a necessary tie-in to Homecoming because for whatever reason, Marvel didn’t think it could make a stand-alone Spiderman movie that would do well on its own without Tony Stark.  Ok.  Fine.  I’ll accept.
+ problem #1 is the movie where Tony is secretly recruiting the minor to fight in his fight involves the signing of a document that Peter is probably too young to fight but also involves the idea that all the Avengers/Superheroes are required to sign it or stay home.  Marvel/the movie wants you to believe that Tony believes in the Accords and that Steve has violated them and deserves to be brought to justice (one of those is true, the other isn’t) except I sincerely doubt that Tony went to Ross and was like: oh hey there’s this nameless 15 year old kid from Queens that wants to come help and like I feel like we should give him a free pass from signing legal documents because I just don’t want to explain to his legal guardian how he’s going to be involved in an altercation that involves Captain America, The Winter Soldier (a very lethal super soldier/assassin), Scarlett Witch (a weapon of mass destruction), Hawkeye (idk he shoots arrows or something) and Falcon (who is just so deeply loyal to Cap).  And maybe someone else the plot shoehorns in.  Look, Tony was all like: I need Spiderman because Marvel said I did.
+ I’m not saying they couldn’t have made this work.  I’m saying that, for Marvel, bright lights and choreographed fights are more important that making sure the plot works.
+ problem #2 is the fact that Tony cannot sincerely think he can talk sense into Cap.  Sure, ok.  He can hope that sense can be talked but he has fought alongside of and with (in arguments) Cap enough times to know that Cap isn’t going to be graceful about how he was wrong or care about pesky things like the laws of man.  Tony was actually present all through Age of Ultron where Steve’s entire WE FIGHT TOGETHER, oh my god girl, Tony Stark single handedly built a murder-bot and I cannot believe that he didn’t tell me about it oh my god girl, and my personal favorite: “Oh guys look, remember the chick that fucked up all our brains and sent Hulk into a catastrophic rage attack that destroyed a significant portion of a city carelessly endangering the lives of untold numbers of civilians and yeah ok I guess also voodoo’ed Tony’s head and then he built Ultron but that was his own fault.  Well I brought Wanda and her basically useless brother Pietro to help us!  Great idea right guys?  Right?  Excellent.  Good job Steve Rogers, always making the best calls.”  
I love Tony.  You asking me to believe he has any faith in Captain fucking America to do what it is everyone’s best interest when Tony, personally, has been on the outside of “everyone’s best interest” basically their entire relationship makes 0 sense to me.  Yes, Tony maybe went hoping it wouldn’t be a fight but he’s not stupid and he knows Cap.  He knew it would be a fight.
+ problem #3: is this idea of ‘webbing him up’ like cool.  So Tony Stark the man who can build literally anything, the greatest genius of our time, the dude that designs and builds countless iron man suits up to and including one that is elaborate and strong enough to defeat the Hulk couldn’t figure out a way to make a trap that could contain Steve Rogers?  He HAD to spend his time going to recruit a 15 year old boy because Peter’s web fluid is the only possible thing that would stop him?  
+ #3a TONY STARK THE DUDE THAT DESIGNS ALL THE AVENGERS SUITS AND UPGRADES THEIR WEAPONS AND THEREFORE KNOWS ALL THEIR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES couldn’t come up with something better than recruiting a fifteen year old boy to travel across an ocean (after lying to his legal guardian) to fight people who were 100% more combat trained than him.  I’m just saying this exact explanation is why Marvel’s writing pisses me off.
# problem #4: this one isn’t specific to Peter/Airport/Stark but does Marvel actually know there are other characters in their universe that aren’t Tony Stark?  Like maybe, just once, when they need someone to make a controversial decision or be antagonistic toward their Supremely Righteous Dreamsicle, they could call on, idk, I don’t know, maybe LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE.  Please, please, explain to me why Tony and Steve never had a relationship that allowed them to talk rationally?  Please explain to me why Black Widow sided with Tony (other than it evened up the numbers).  Please explain to me why any of Civil War had to happen when all that it needed to stop the utter stupidity of the plot was one dude at a check in desk being like: “Um excuse me Mr. Zemo sir, I don’t think you’re the highly vetted and long standing psychological expert that we asked to show up?  You seem to be the leader of a Sokovian Death Squad that’s sort of been on our radar as a Bad Dude for a while and well I just can’t let you past the desk my dude.”
+ problem #5: no.  instead of letting Tony use his brain, letting Tony be effective at his job, letting Tony’s side of this conflict stand a fighting chance of not only genuinely winning but also just making sense they heap Choices Steven Wouldn’t Like on his shoulders: (signing the Accords, keeping Wanda confined, recruiting a 15 year old, trying to kill Bucky...) and they give him a cast of characters that are ‘on his side’ without ever actually, really agreeing with him.  (looking at you Black Widow, looking at you Black Panther.)  Oh and I genuinely loved the gauntlet scene and Tony going out to fight Bucky with nothing but a nice 3 piece suit by why?  why wouldn’t he have an iron man suit considering the circumstances?  or just in general?  WHY.
(+ because the plot said so, that’s why.)
+ in summation, my entire beef with Tony Stark bringing Peter to this fight was that it only makes sense from the point of view of the writers and the company that made the movies.  if you have to cite “well the folks that wrote the book and the publishers that were going to print it said we had to introduce a character so he could have his own novel” you will literally never convince me it’s a good choice.  It’s bad writing.  It’s a pretty fight and I like (this) Spiderman.  But it was a monumentally stupid thing to have done.  Not only did it take extra time to go and fetch Peter (personally) but it endangered a kid that had nothing to do with the conflict.  Removed of ‘but Marvel told them to’ and ‘superhero movies are always like that’ it’s just a stupid fucking choice.  But more importantly, it completely undercuts the things that make Tony great.  Which isn’t a surprise when Marvel’s been steady breaking down Tony’s character to a snarky asshole who can’t accomplish anything but creating problems since Iron Man 2.  
I get it Marvel.  I love Robert Downey Jr’s face too.  Its just I’d also like to see it when he isn’t suffering from a crippling depression brought on by the fact that he’s lost literally everything with any meaning in his entire life.  You know, you remember, Iron Man 1 when Tony was allowed to be a hero?  When he was respected by the plot and the people in it?  
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kelleyschorn · 6 years
Kelley Reviews: Avengers Infinity War
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Hello and welcome to my first official review! I will be doing both book and movie reviews on this blog as well as maybe an occasional website or album review. The style in which I will be reviewing is basically what I think worked, what didn’t work, and how I think they could have done better and/or theories about the sequel if said work is part of a series. With that being said, there will be SPOILERS in this review!!! If you haven’t seen the movie, see it, then come back. So without further ado, here is what I thought of Avengers: Infinity War.
Getting right into it, this movie was highly anticipated by the world and by me. My friends and I drove an hour away to see it on opening night because it was sold out in College Station and had been sold out for weeks (before it was even released!). So I will say that I am a bit biased because I love Marvel movies and have seen and loved every single one of them (with obvious exceptions like the 2008 Incredible Hulk, but, seeing as they don’t even use the same actor we can all take a blind eye to that mess). All this being said, let’s get in to the fun part of this review—what I liked about it.
Character. Character, character, character. This has always been one of Marvel’s strengths and they did not disappoint. Building on every little detail from they’re previous works; they had an amazing cast of heroes lined up for this movie. I’ve got to admit that going in, my expectations were that this movie would be a complete mess due to how many characters they would have to juggle, but I was pleasantly surprised by how masterfully they handled their humungous cast. I liked that they did groupings, similar to how Stranger Things S2 strengthened its characters with groupings, and similar to what Marvel did in Civil War. They paired up characters we haven’t seen together before to give us a new view of them then we’ve seen previously. For instance, we finally get to see Dr. Strange interact with some of the main crew aside from his cameo in Ragnarok. Pairing his narcissistic personality with the equally hotheaded Tony Stark and then throwing Peter Parker into the mix to give Tony something to care about was a great move. Also I feel like Tony Stark as a character is the strongest person. So much has happened to him from the first iron man, so much pain and loss that I feel a bit stressed out every time something new is added onto that. Admittedly, the Thor and Rocket pairing could have been a bit better but it was still entertaining nonetheless.
I’ll also take a brief moment to recognize and appreciate Thanos. Marvel has been criticized in the past for having weak villains but the writers put extra care into giving us Thanos’ back story and motivation as to why he is the way he is. Again the genius of Marvel, because we already know all of the heroes and they need no big long-winded introduction, we get to spend that time on Thanos, which I think was the right move. Speaking of the right move, fun fact: the reason Thanos wanted to destroy half the universe in the comics was so that he could impress and get with a sexy skeletal persona of death. The storyline they made up for him in the movie was much less random and more believable so good job on that Marvel!
I also loved the way that they set everything up as being two years after Civil War and all that has happened to the team since then. The tension with Tony not wanting to call Steve and then seeing how the rest of the Avengers have all still been working together across the world despite everything that happened. I want to set aside a brief moment to appreciate the relationship we see between Wanda and Vision. I shipped them so hard in Civil War and I freaked out when I saw their scene together at the start of the movie. Good job Marvel, I appreciated that.
Another thing that really worked for me were their transitions and the plot. I know that plot is a pretty vague and all-encompassing term to use but I’ll explain. A quick word on the transitions, they were simple, words on the screen about which location we were entering. Short and sweet and it got the point across without interrupting the story—I’d say that’s a success. Now we’ll talk about the plot. When I say that the plot worked what I mean is that Marvel’s writers successfully balanced a huge cast of well-established characters, the introduction of a villain we’ve only seen glimpses of, and multiple new locations all without confusing the viewer and, in my opinion, every element was pulled off well. I’ll make this comparison. The Last Jedi, which came out last December, also had a large cast of characters and a lot was attempted with the plot: (Soft Spoilers ahead, skip this bit if you haven’t seen TLJ!) the Finn and Rose side adventure and love connection, the Kylo and Rey force connection, the Rey and Luke relationship, the growth arc for Poe, the final battle at the end. A lot happened and it felt rushed confusing and jumbled in a lot of the movie. In contrast, with just as many plot elements and more characters, Marvel managed to create a seamless story with great transitions.
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Thor’s eye. If you saw Ragnarok (which I hope you did if you saw Infinity War), you obviously saw Thor’s eye get dramatically slashed out by Cate Blanchett aka Hela in the epic brother sister showdown at the end of the movie. At the start of Infinity War, we see Thor rocking his Odin-like eyepatch only to be quickly replaced with a new glass eye given to him by rocket. Why. Why would Marvel even go through the trouble of taking out his eye in the first place? I thought the new haircut and eye patch were a good look for him personally and the glass eye felt like a huge and useless copout. Speaking of Ragnarok, where was Tessa Thompson the Valkyrie? And Corg for that matter? They fly off with the rest of Asgard at the end and aren’t seen or heard from in Infinity war. Are we to assume that they died with the rest of the Asgardians in Thanos’ attack? After some digging, I found that Joe Russo, one of Infinity War’s co-directors, said that Valkyrie escaped with the other Asgardians on escape pods during the attack. It is likely that in the next Avengers movie, we will find out more about this.
Bruce Banner. Something weird was obviously up with the Hulk in this movie and to me that spells foreshadowing for the next movie. That I didn’t so much have a problem with, the thing that bothered me about Banner in this movie were some of his lines. Specifically the scene with him and Shuri. I get that she is supposed to look like this super genius with her advanced Wakandan knowledge but even in Black Panther it was hard to buy. Putting her up against Banner, who has been proven to be hella smart in previous movies and trying to make him seem dumb just fell flat came off as cringe-worthy and unbelievable.
Finally, the deaths. Suffice it to say—I’m not worried. It’s public knowledge that both Spiderman, the Black Panther, and the Guardians of the Galaxy have more movies lined up for the future. It is also known that Chris Evan’s has said that he is officially stepping down as Captain America after the next Avengers. So as far as who died, it might have been more effective to kill off some of the heroes who have been around a while. Make us sweat a little. For those reasons, the deaths were less effective for me emotionally because I didn’t believe them. Although I will say that when Peter Parker died, that shit was sad!
We already know that we are in for a Captain Marvel Introduction based on the end scene and I also predict that the Hulk is going to have an important role in the next movie given that he refused to come out of Banner in this one and we still don’t know why. Shuri, who we don’t really see what happened to her after she’s thrown from her lab, might become an interim Black Panther in her brother’s stead—this apparently happens pretty often in the comics. Black Widow also survived and I’m hoping that the writers will touch on her and Banner’s previous romance in the next movie. Honestly I think it will come down to Dr. Strange. Yes he disintegrated but remember he did say that there was only one way that everything would turn out alright—this has got to be the way. Maybe at the end of the next movie we will come back to when Strange was sitting on the rock with the time stone and this whole thing was his vision of how Thanos won but was ultimately defeated and then he opens his eyes and is like “alright, let’s do this.” Sort of like a Twilight Breaking Dawn part two kind of ending.
 Overall, I loved this movie. Marvel’s writers never cease to surprise and amaze me. It was epic throughout the entire movie and I cannot wait to see the next one. Thanks for checking out my blog. I’d love to hear your take on the movie and what you think will happen in the next Avengers! Leave a comment, email me, or hit me up on twitter to join the conversation and let me know what you thought of Avengers Infinity War!
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
The Omen au
N/A: Some world-building, I guess. Brotherhood is not like the animated version of EVO as they have a better relationship with the humans than the X-men, while they aren´t heroes, per se, they don´t have the mentality "let´s kill all the humans" and Mystique as the leader of this group can manipulate their image to fit their agenda so yeah no Sentinel here, also, this whole idea is a big finger to marvel that make Michael Darkholme be another Kurt in incest (so, big finger to Marvel as I rewrite the whole thing)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
"And that´s wrapped the interview with Magneto, the mutant is still living in his asteroid and refuses to come down to Earth to face justice as he believes Charles Xavier´s death was a sacrifice in partiality of mutantkind" the news anchor reporter the fact but if she would add anything to this important new it will remain to be seen as Terry Pryde turns off the TV.
"Mom?" Kitty asked phasing through the wall. The two women are in a hotel as Cameron Pryde and his relatives are having a hard time dealing with this revelation. "Am I a mistake?"
Terry is taken back by this and didn´t think twice before hugging her daughter and saying. "No, of course not, if your father does not understand how amazing you´re than is his loss" and she looks at Kitty´s face, already entering in teenagehood and have to deal with such problem. "Kitty being a mutant is not a problem, being ignorant it is. Never forget that, promise?"
Kitty dry her tears and nods. "I promise"
________________________________________________________________________ Raven Darkholme is a woman that interpret many roles and this one is a piece of cake for Mystique. Terry Pryde is visible worried and again, is not an uncommon scene for Raven, but, is rare to see parents showing so much concern for mutant kids.
"She can phase through anything and I don´t think I can protect her, a mother who can´t protect her kids is...the worst feeling" Terry confessed and now looks aghast as she realizes something. "you have kids on your own too..."
And this caught Raven out of the guard. How did she notice it? Raven is really a private person to the point the simpleton would call her paranoid.
"Yes, I´m a mother, how did you notice?"
"Your eyes may by golden but still held the same feeling any mother has for their children"
And Raven can say she does not hate Terry Pryde. ________________________________________________________________________
Unlike the X-men, they don´t accept kids right away, except for emergencies cases, so they have a legal procediment, and is salt that Raven loved to spread on Charles, metaphorically speaking, since the Brotherhood does everything in a legal way the media often show them in a positive or neutral light.
Wanda Maximoff is an Avenger now, but, she did start off as a member of the Brotherhood and has no problem in helping when Mystique asks for(that and Mystique did give a big spoiler for Scarlet Witch)
"You can do magic" Wanda realizes as Kitty manages to touch on the magical book, only those who have magic core can do it. And this seems to lighten the mood as now Kitty is asking too many questions. "Hey, calm down, one question at a time"
"Sorry, how can I do magic?" Kitty asked and she recalls all the Harry Potter´s fanfiction she ever read and the alternative that she get a blood fusion of a wizard is highly unlike.
"Magic is a gift that does have a pattern" Wanda explains recalling Agatha´s word, in reality, Wanda herself never really try to understand magic. It exists and that´s enough.
"Ok, do you read Harry Potter´s fanfiction?"
"Uhm, yes, but I must say...Harry Potter is not my favourite character in the series"
"Will you teach me magic?"
"Of course, if my agenda lets me, but, hey, there´s other magic users there too. Rogue, Raven´s daughter is one of them, but, between us" and Wanda looks a bit smug "I teach her most of her spells, they even ask me to do a seal in the attic to put their old belongings" ___________________________________________________________________________
In the end, Kitty is ready and the trials and tribulations are in the past as Kitty feels confident in her future. Terry is talking with Raven Darkholme as the women are setting the agreement.
Kitty is next to her mother, but, is looking at the house where she will be staying for the semester. Is pretty British and envokes a Howgrats like impression, but, as she looks to the last window she sees the white curtains and ...
Is there someone there?
She narrows her eyes trying to see better. The figure is opening the curtains just a crack and all Kitty can see is darkness. Her mother´s hand is now placed on her shoulder as she´s looking at Kitty.
"You´ll be in safe hands, Kitten, remember what we talk about"
"The greatest sin a person can commit is being ignorant. I promise I won´t be"
And Terry hugs her daughter and want Kitty to call her every day or else she´ll come to visit her every day to embarrasses. "MOM! I promise to call, I´ll be fine, trust me"
Rogue is an adult now, well, 19 years old does seem like an adult to 15 years old and the gothic woman is leading Kitty to her new room and giving the details of the school.
"Oh that sounds really cool, but, what about the attic?" Kitty asked as Rogue halts her movements for a moment.
"What do you mean?" Rogue asked back not seeing the point of her question.
"Oh, I think I saw someone in the attic"
"THERE NO ONE IN THE ATTIC" Rogue lost her cool and mentally slaps herself as now Kitty is taken a few steps back, not a good start. "I mean, what´s there is personal, you know? Things me and my moms don´t want no one to see"
"Oh, I understand" Kitty does not get and Rogue feels this may be a problem later. She hopes for once she´s wrong.
Irene is carrying a trail of food and no one asked why she´s going to the attic, well, no one is minding as the boys are busy being loud and hormonal and the ladies are doing something fun.
She uses a key to open the attic´s door and even a blind woman can navigate through this space.  She puts the trail on the desk and calls for the only person in the attic.
"Michael, come out, is me, your favourite mother" Irene jokes and out of the shadows, Michael Darkholme steps in. Irene light the room up and gesture to Michael to eat something. "Is your favourite"
"Trying to bride me with food? You really know me" Michael said taking a bite on his sandwiches and them asking 
Irene. " When will I get out of here?" his tone is sullen and Irene can´t fault him for that.
"Oh, Michael is not a question of when but who, remember that, plus, you know your other mother, she loves you too much"
"Yeah, of course I know she loves, why put me in the attic if she didn´t love me?" and Michael gazes upon Irene´s sunglass "And I can ask about this ''who'' and get an answer?"
"Oh that is something I can´t tell, but, rest assured Michael, there´s a who"
Micheal is silent as his mind is plotting. If there´s a  who then Michael needs to be ready. If he´s a Disney´s princess and this who is the prince...which Disney princess should he be? 
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